Communiqué de presse Paris, le 30 mai 2012


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  • 7/31/2019 Communiqu de presse Paris, le 30 mai 2012


    English below

    Communiqu de presse

    Paris, le 30 mai 2012

    Nouvelle campagne anti-contrefaon du Comit ColbertLe secteur du luxe raffirme son engagement contre la contrefaon

    Fausse Cartier, vrai casier Avec ce tlphone vous pourrez toujours appeler votre

    avocat Pas de faux pour une vraie lady Etes-vous prts en dcoudre ? Miser sur

    le mauvais cheval peut vous coter cher La contrefaon vous mettra dans de beaux

    draps ! Il ne vous portera pas chance la douane .

    7 nouveaux slogans ont t dvoils ce matin par les prsidents des maisons du ComitColbert qui a choisi lhumour pour interpeler les voyageurs via les 10 000 affiches qui seront

    apposes dans les aroports franais - grce la douane et aux partenariats dvelopps avec

    ADP, Air France et J.C.Decaux.

    Les maisons Longchamp et Van Cleef & Arpels rejoignent Cartier, Chanel, Christian Dior,

    Lacoste et Louis Vuitton engages depuis plusieurs annes dans cette initiative place sous

    lgide du Comit national anti-contrefaon (CNAC).

    Initiative efficace car le consommateur franais est le mieux inform de lexistence de lois

    europennes communes sur la protection de la proprit intellectuelle (84 % des Franais

    interrogs, premier pays de lUE selon lEurobaromtre 2009).

    Devant lampleur du trafic, la lutte contre la contrefaon reste une des priorits du ComitColbert.

    En France, le nombre darticles contrefaisants saisis par les services douaniers est pass de

    200 000 en 1994 8,9 millions en 2011 et on estime le cot de la contrefaon 30 000

    40 000 emplois par an et 6 milliards deuros de pertes pour lconomie franaise.

    Laccroissement des saisies de produits vendus sur Internet est lui, exponentiel : il a t

    multipli par prs de 20 en 5 ans.

    La protection de la proprit intellectuelle permet le dveloppement dindustries franaises

    comptitives et la prservation de nos emplois. Le combat de longue date men par le Comit

    illustre lengagement du secteur du luxe dans la lutte contre la contrefaon afin de protger

    les savoir-faire et la cration dclare Elisabeth Ponsolle des Portes, dlgue gnrale du

    Comit Colbert.

    La campagne est relaye en Europe : les douanes de 6 pays europens lont adopte pour

    sensibiliser leur public. Elle est ainsi visible en langue nationale en Croatie, Hongrie, Italie,

    Roumanie, Rpublique tchque et Slovaquie.

    Visuels sur demande

    + 33 (0)1 44 61 76 76

    Heymann - Renoult Associes

    Lucie Cazassus

  • 7/31/2019 Communiqu de presse Paris, le 30 mai 2012


    Press release

    May 30, 2012

    The Comit Colbert launches new anti-counterfeiting campaignThe luxury sector continues to advocate against counterfeiting

    Buy a fake Cartier, get a genuine criminal record With this phone, you better be ready to

    call your lawyer! Real ladies dont like fake Are you ready to unravel this one? A

    bet on the wrong horse can be very expensive Counterfeits are no bed of roses Lucky

    charm? Unlucky at customs.

    Seven new tag lines were launched this morning by the chairmen of companies belonging tothe Comit Colbert, which likes to use humour to get travellers' attention. Ten thousand

    posters will be displayed in French airports, courtesy of French Customs as well as to

    partnerships developed by the Comit Colbert with the French airport authority, Air France

    and the urban furniture specialist J.C. Decaux.

    Longchamp and Van Cleef & Arpels have joined ranks with Cartier, Chanel, Christian Dior,

    Lacoste and Louis Vuitton, involved for years in this initiative conducted under the auspices

    of the French national anti-counterfeiting committee (CNAC).

    And the initiative has proven effective: Consumers in France are more aware than those in

    other EU countries that common European laws exist to protect intellectual property rights

    (84% of respondents in France, which ranked first among EU countries, according to a

    Eurobarometer survey in 2009).

    Given the magnitude of trafficking, the Comit Colbert continues to give top priority to the

    fight against counterfeiting.

    In France, the number of knock-offs seized by Customs went from 200,000 in 1994 to 8.9

    million in 2011. It is estimated that counterfeiting costs the French economy between 30,000

    and 40,000 jobs a year and 6 billion euros in losses. The number of counterfeit products sold

    online and seized by Customs has grown exponentially, increasing by a factor of nearly 20 in

    five years.

    "The protection of intellectual property rights makes it possible to grow competitive French

    businesses and safeguard French jobs. The combat of the Comit Colbert, which is of long

    date, illustrates the luxury sector's commitment to the fight against counterfeiting to protectour know-how and creation," declares Elisabeth Ponsolle des Portes, President and CEO of

    the Comit Colbert.

    The campaign has been taken up elsewhere in Europe: the Customs administrations in six

    other EU countries have adopted it to raise awareness among their citizens. There are now

    local language versions in Croatia, Hungary, Italy, Romania, the Czech Republic and


    Visuals available on request

    + 33 (0)1 44 61 76 76

    Heymann - Renoult Associes


