Insertion of X-ray structures of proteins in membranes


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Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling 22 (2003) 11–21

Insertion of X-ray structures of proteins in membranes

Frederic Basyna, Benoit Spiesa, Olivier Bouffiouxa, Annick Thomasb, Robert Brasseura,∗a Centre de Biophysique Moléculaire Numérique, Faculté Agronomique, 2 Passage des déportés, FSAGX, 5030 Gembloux, Belgium

b INSERM Unité 410, Hˆopital X. Bichat, 75018 Paris, France

Received 17 October 2002; received in revised form 21 February 2003; accepted 21 February 2003


Few structures of membrane proteins are known and their relationships with the membrane are unclear. In a previous report, 20 X-raystructures of transmembrane proteins were analyzed in silico for their orientation in a 36 Å-thick membrane [J. Mol. Graph. Model. 20(2001) 235]. In this paper, we use the same approach to analyze how the insertion of the X-ray structures varies with the bilayer thickness.The protein structures are kept constant and, at each membrane thickness, the protein is allowed to tilt and rotate in order to accommodateat their best. The conditions are said to be optimal when the energy of insertion is minimal. The results show that most helix bundles requirethicker membranes than porin barrels. Moreover, in a few instances, the ideal membrane thickness is unrealistic with respect to naturalmembranes supporting that the X-ray structure requires adaptation to stabilize in membrane. For instance, the squalene cyclase could adaptby bending the side chains of its ring of lysine and arginine in order to increase the hydrophobic surface in contact with membranes. Weanalyzed the distribution of amino acids in the water, interface and acyl chain layers of the membrane and compared with the literature.© 2003 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords:Membrane protein; X-ray structures; Insertion; Membrane thickness

1. Introduction

Integral membrane proteins are at the interface betweenthe cytoplasm and the external or the intra-organelle me-dia of cells. They mainly account for two structural classes:bundles of�-helices and�-barrels. Up to now, eukaryoticplasma and reticulum proteins are�-helical while�-barrelsare found in the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteriaand in the mitochondria and chloroplast membranes. The in-teractions between the transmembrane segments of proteinsand the acyl chains of lipids are important to minimize thecontact area between hydrophobic regions of proteins andwater [1,2]. They can be crucial for the function and thestructure of membrane proteins[3].

Protein stability and activity could be regulated by thetilting and the association of membrane spans in order toavoid a hydrophobicity mismatch. For example, the activityof the Ca++ ATPase from the sarcoplasmic reticulum ofskeletal muscle was found to vary with the orientation ofthe transmembrane segments[4]. The transition between asingle- and a double-strand structures of the gramicidin A

Abbreviations:MHP, molecular hydrophobicity potential; IMP, integralmembrane protein; IMPALA, IMP and lipid association

∗ Corresponding author. Tel.:+32-81-622521; fax:+32-81-622522.E-mail (R. Brasseur).

(gA) was shown to depend upon variations of membranethickness[5].

Hydrophobic mismatches could be important in mem-brane processes where lipids and proteins interact. Forinstance, in the folding of some integral membrane pro-teins, a hydrophobicity mismatch was suggested to promotepreferential protein–protein interactions[6,7]. Mismatchcan also facilitate membrane destabilization and thus fusionprocesses[8].

It was also suggested that the intracellular targeting ofmembrane proteins partly results from a hydrophobicity mis-match. Newly synthesized membrane proteins are insertedinto the endoplasmic reticulum. They are then targeted toanother membrane: one of the polarity factors could be thelength of the lipid acyl chain[9]. This is suggested for thecytochrome b5 since increasing the transmembrane span byfive amino acids leads to the relocalization of the proteinat the plasma membrane[10]. This was also proposed forUBC6 which is currently found in reticulum endoplasmicand is targeted to the golgi when the tail anchor is increasedfrom 17 to 21 amino acids and to the plasma membranewhen the tail is increased up to 26 amino acids[11].

Bacteria are special materials since they can modulatetheir membrane thickness according to the composition ofthe growth media. However, eukaryotic cell plasma mem-branes appear to be thicker than bacterial membranes[12].

1093-3263/03/$ – see front matter © 2003 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/S1093-3263(03)00122-0

12 F. Basyn et al. / Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling 22 (2003) 11–21

Two proteins with different lengths of hydrophobic frag-ments can be in the same membrane and vice versa, twoproteins with the same hydrophobic length can be in dif-ferent bilayers[1]. Fluctuation of the insertion of peptidesegments was reported to depend upon the amino acid hy-drophobicity and number. Leucine spans could be shorterthan alanine ones. This supports that the global hydropho-bicity can be more important than the span length per se[13]. Local changes are also obtained through the orien-tation of side chains. Two types of amino acids may beof special importance in that aspect: aromatic and chargedresidues.

A model of membrane called IMPALA has been devel-oped in our laboratory and was previously used to studythe insertion of peptides in membranes[14,15]. Since theIMPALA results nicely fitted experimental data[16,17], theprocedure was also used to test the insertion of membraneproteins[18]. In IMPALA, the membrane is described asa three layers system corresponding to the polar heads oflipids, the acyl chains and the polar heads of lipids on theother side. The membrane properties are constant in, thex–yplane, parallel to the membrane surface and, vary with thez-axis that describes the membrane thickness;z = 0 at themembrane center. Two energy terms describe the interactionof the protein with the membrane, a hydrophobicity and aperturbation term. In this paper, we study how the membranethickness affects the insertion of 20 proteins and analyze theamino acid distribution in the bilayer.

2. Computational methods


IMPALA describes the membrane as apolar layers, thewater content of which varies from 1.0 (the water phase) to0.0 (the acyl chain of lipids). The interaction of the proteinand the membrane is described by adding two energy re-straint terms to the usual energy description of the protein.Those empirical terms vary withz, the position along themembrane thickness and are set to describe: (1) the bilayerhydrophobicity, that pushes hydrophilic atoms out and hy-drophobic ones in; and (2) the lipid perturbation as a func-tion of the protein accessible surface[18]. In this analysis,the protein structure is the X-ray structure and remains thesame along the test. Therefore, the only changes of energyare due to the restraint terms.

Hydrophobicity term:

Eint = −N∑



whereN is the total number of atoms,S(i) the accessiblesurface of atomi to solvent,Etr(i) its transfer energy by unitof accessible surface area andC(zi) the value ofC(z) at thepositionzi of the atomi.

Fig. 1. Description of the IMPALA lipid–water interface simulation. Thewater content of the membrane is described by a functionC(z) whichvaries along thez-axis normal to the membrane surface (planex–y). Theorigin of z is at the center of the bilayer.C(z) is a symmetrical empiricalfunction that is 1 from−∝ to −18 Å (the water phase), varies from 1to 0, −18 to −13.5 Å and 13.5 to 18 Å (lipid polar heads) and is null inthe hydrocarbon core (from−13.5 to+13.5 Å).

Perturbation lipidic term:

Elip = alip



S(i)(1 − C(zi))

where alip is an empirical factor fixed to 0.018 andC(z)

represent the empirical function describing the membraneproperties, it is constant in the plane of the membrane (x-and y-axes) and varies along the bilayer thickness (z-axis)(Fig. 1) and more specifically at the lipid–water interfacecorresponding to the transition between the acyl chains oflipids (no water: hydrophobic core) and the outside medium(water: hydrophilic phase):

C(z) = 1 − 1

1 + eα(z−z0)

Thez-axis has its origin at the center of the bilayer (Fig. 1).C(z) varies from 0.0 (hydrophobic core) to 1.0 (hydrophilicphase);±∞ < z < ±18 Å are water phases,±18 < z <

±13.5 Å are the polar heads of lipids, and±13.5 < z < 0 Åare the acyl chains of lipids;α is a constant equal to 1.99 andz0 correspond to the middle of heads polar ((13.5+18)/2 =15.75 Å).

Changes of the sum of the restraints values are due to thetilt and rotation of the protein, to the displacement of theprotein along thez-axis during a Monte Carlo procedure and,in this study, to the variation of the membrane thickness.Each Monte Carlo simulation was run as follows: tempera-ture 25◦C, 105 steps, random rotation±5◦, random transla-tion ±4 Å. At the beginning of each run, the mass center ofthe molecule was set at the bilayer center. The most stableposition(s) and orientation(s) were defined as correspondingto the lowest values of the restraints.

In the previous experiments, the membrane thickness was36 Å distributed in the different layers as follows (water= ∞|lipid polar heads= 4.5 Å|two layers of acyl chains= 27 Å|lipid polar heads= 4.5 Å|water= ∞). In this study,the membrane thickness was varied from 20 to 60 Å by1 Å step. The changes were all attributed to the acyl chains

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(11–51 Å), the thickness of the lipid polar heads remainingconstant.

At the optimal condition of protein insertion, each residuewas mapped according to the position of itsC� in the mem-brane. The location was “phi” when theC� was in water,“pho” when in the acyl chain layer, interface when it was atthe lipid polar head level.

2.2. Pex-files

Two kinds of files were generated in this study. TheImpala.pex2d-files are similar to the GF-Pex files pre-viously described[19]: all amino acids of a protein aredescribed, one line for each. The columns give different pa-rameters of this amino acid in the protein three-dimensional(3D) structure such as the NH· · · OC H-bond length, itsgeometry and the partner residue, the secondary struc-ture, the solvent-accessible surface, etc. In addition, theImpala.pex2d-files gives the position of each amino acidwith respect to the membrane layers. Those Pex are availableon the web site of the CBMN (

The second kind of file resumes the calculation madeduring the IMPALA simulation. Each line is a calculationstep. Columns list the different parameters used and calcu-lated during the simulation such asx, y andz values of theprotein mass center, energy terms, tilt angles.

2.3. Molecular hydrophobicity potential (MHP) graph

MHP is a 3D plot of the hydrophobicity potential of amolecule in order to visualize its amphipathy. The isopoten-tial surfaces of protein hydrophobicity were calculated bya cross-sectional computational method. A 1 Å mesh-gridplane was set to sweep across the molecule by steps of 1 Å.At each step, the sum of the hydrophobicity and hydrophilic-ity values at all the grid nodes were calculated. The hy-drophobic and hydrophilic MHP surfaces were then drawnby joining the isopotential values. The brown zones corre-spond to hydrophobic regions and green zones to hydrophilicregions.

3. Results and discussion

We used the same panel of 20 membrane proteins as in theprevious paper[18]. The membrane thickness was modifiedfrom 20 to 60 Å by 1 Å steps and the protein was allowed totilt and rotate in order to find the optimal conditions of in-sertion. We postulated that the insertion is optimal when therestraints dictated by the interactions between the membraneand the protein are the lowest. For each membrane thicknesswe plotted the minimal energy restraint; it corresponded to aparticular tilt and depth of insertion (Fig. 2). The plots showthat two proteins: here, one� structure (KcSA, code PDB:1BL8; [20]) and one� structure (code PDB: 1QJ9;[21]),have different profiles. The� protein is optimally inserted

in a thicker membrane than the� protein (41 Å for the�protein as compared to 28 Å for the porin).

We further illustrated the results by adding the graphs ofthe inserted molecules at three different membrane thick-ness (Fig. 2). For the potassium channel protein KcSA(Fig. 2(A)) in a 41 Å membrane, there is a good matchbetween the length of the acyl chains of lipids and thebrown color corresponding to the hydrophobic surface ofthe protein. Hydrophilic regions, in green, are at the lipidinterface and outside the bilayer, in water. The left insertshows how the protein stands in a shorter membrane: largehydrophobic area are outside the membrane and the proteintilt is not sufficient to decrease the hydrophobic surface incontact with water. The energy restraint value increases be-cause of the contribution of the hydrophobic atoms in water.The right plot shows the protein in a thicker membrane:the protein stands perpendicular to the membrane surface,however, some hydrophilic patches are in contact with thehydrophobic core of membrane. This mainly results in anincrease of the hydrophobicity term of the restraint becauseof the hydrophilic atoms in membrane.

For the porin OmpX (Fig. 2(B)), the lowest restraint cor-responds to a bilayer thickness of 28–31 Å. In a thinnermembrane, OmpX tends to tilt in order to increase the hy-drophobic surface in contact with lipids. In a thicker mem-brane (right plot), hydrophilic patches are exposed to themembrane core.

These calculations enable us to estimate the optimal mem-brane thickness for the insertion of a rigid body structure ofprotein. Of course, because of this rigidity, the results do notpresume of any intramolecular movement that the proteinmight undergo in order to adapt to the membrane thickness.Our calculations show that the membrane thickness can varybetween 21 and 56 Å for� proteins and between 23 and37 Å for � proteins with an average at 38 Å for� proteinsand 29 Å for� proteins.

The optimal membrane thickness of each protein wascompared to data from the literature when available(Table 1). Literature data are few but no major disagreementis noted. The thickness of plasma membranes was estimatedto 40–50 Å by NMR experiments[22]. Molecular dynam-ics simulations of a bilayer composed of 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine (POPC) coveredwith water molecules were run at different temperatures toensure that the system was tested in the liquid–crystal phase[23]. The bilayer thickness was 58 Å for extended acylchains and 46 Å in the fluid phase. This fits with the thick-ness in which a few structures optimally insert. However,several structures accommodate better in shorter bilayers.This is true for instance for the squalene hopene cyclasewhich optimally inserts in a 21 Å membrane. This suggeststhat either this proteins structurally adapts to fit in thickermembranes or migrates to very peculiar patches of mem-brane, or that it interacts with proteins rather than lipids.

Porins insert in the outer membranes of bacteria. Rah-man et al.[12] looked for the lipid composition of a crude

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Fig. 2. The graphics plot the sum of the IMPALA energy restraints for different thickness of bilayer for: (A) an� protein, 1BL8: potassium channel protein(KcSA) [20]; and (B) a� protein, 1QJ9: OmpX[21]. Thex-axis plots the total thickness of the bilayer and they-axis plots the restraint value. Each pointcorresponds to the minimal restraint value (the best conformation) at that membrane thickness. The nadir of the plot is the best membrane thickness forthe insertion of the RX structure. Three MHP’s are plotted to illustrate the protein insertion in a, too thin, optimal, and too thick membrane, respectively.

extract of bacteria and found a high level of (14C–12C)-fattyacyl chains together with the occurrence of only few lipidswith longer acyl chains. Therefore, membrane bacteriahave shorter lipids than current eukaryotic plasma mem-branes[24]. Our data agree with this since porins are

ideally inserted in shorter membranes than most eukaryoticproteins.

Considering each protein at its optimal condition of in-sertion, we then analyzed the distribution of amino acids inthe three different membrane layers: water; interface; and

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Table 1Description of the proteins used in this study and comparison between IMPALA results and literature data

Name of the membrane protein PDBcode

Biological source Optimal thickness(IMPALAsimulations)


Corresponding theoreticalthickness

� ProteinPhotosynthetic reaction center 1AIG Rhodobacter sphaeroides 38 40–45 [38]Cytochrome Bc1 1BGY Bos taurus – –Potassium channel protein (KcSA) 1BL8 Streptomyces lividans 41 34/35 [20,42]Bacteriorhdopsin 1BRR Halobacterium salinarium 37 47/50 [43,44]Bacteriorhdopsin 1BRX Halobacterium Salinarium 37 43.5/45 [45,46]Prostaglandine H2 synthase 1CQE Ovis aries 45Fumarate reductase 1FUMEscherichia coli – –Light harvesting complex II 1LGH Rhodospirillum molischianum 56 52.5 [39]MsCl (mechanosensitive ion channel) 1MSLMycobacterium tuberculosis 34 35 [40]Cytochrome coxydase 1OCR Bos taurus – –Squalene hopene cyclase 3SQCAlicyolobacillus aciddocaldarius 21Rhodopsin 1F88 Not available 37

� ProteinOmpA (outer membrane protein A) 1BXWEscherichia coli 37FepA (ferric enterobactin receptor) 1FEP Escherichia coli 29OmpX 1QJ9 Escherichia coli 28Ompf 2OMF Escherichia coli 38Sucrose specific porin 1AOS Salmonella typhimurium 28 30–33 [47]FhuA (ferric hydroxamate uptake receptor) 2FCPEscherichia coli 31 34 [48]Ompla (outer membrane phospholipase) 1QD6Escherichia coli 27 [49]OMPK36 (osmoporin) 1OSM Klebsiella pneumonia 25Porin 1PRN Rhodopseudomonas blastica 27Porin (crystal form B) 2POR Rhodobacter capsulatus 23Malto porin 1AF6 Escherichia coli 29

membrane core. We compared the amino acid compositionusing one major criteria: the amino acid accessibility. Aminoacids are accessible to the solvent (lipid or water) when theiraccessible surface is more than 30% of their actual surface(100% is the residue surface in a Gly–X–Gly trimer as de-scribed by Creighton[25]).

In a representative panel of soluble proteins (bank of131 PDB structures of proteins[19]), the solvent-accessibleamino acids account for 40% of charged residues (D, E, K,R), 26% of polar ones (H, Q, N, S, T), 15% of hydropho-bic residues (A, I, L, V), 7% of aromatic ones (F, W, Y),4% of glycine and 5% of proline (Fig. 3(A)). In the mem-brane proteins, only 14% of the solvent-accessible residuesare charged. This is three times less than in the soluble pro-teins. As expected, hydrophobic solvent-accessible residuesare more frequent in membrane than in soluble proteins.This is especially true in the inner membrane layer wherehydrophobic residues are three times more frequent than inPDB structures (Fig. 3(A)). Solvent-accessible aromatic andglycine residues are more frequent at all levels of membraneproteins (Fig. 3(A)). Conversely, there is little difference forproline.

The distribution of buried amino acids (solvent-accessiblesurface<30%) was also analyzed. The solvent-accessibleand the buried residues of soluble proteins have different pat-terns: there is a large decrease of charged residues and a largeincrease of hydrophobic ones with burying. This is not true

for membrane proteins where solvent-accessible and buriedresidues are similar. In conclusion, buried residues are simi-lar for both types of proteins, and only the solvent-accessibleresidues in soluble and membrane proteins differ (Fig. 3(B)).

The distribution of amino acids along the membranez-axishas also been analyzed (Fig. 4). For this, the optimal con-dition of the protein insertion was only taken into account,and the� and the� proteins were separated.

Charged residues: For the� proteins, positively chargedresidues (lysine and arginine) are frequent at the interface onthe cytoplasmic side. Aspartic acid, but not glutamic acid,is frequent on the opposite extracellular side (Fig. 4). Thisis in agreement with the positive-inside rule of von Heijne[26] who postulated that cytoplasmic segments contain morepositive charges than extracytoplasmic (periplasmic) ones.The rule does not seem to be true for� proteins: arginine,lysine and aspartic acid are more frequent outside the mem-brane, but the positively charged residues are more frequenton the extracellular side, and the aspartic residue more fre-quent on the cytoplasmic side. Glutamic acid is homoge-nously distributed between the two layers. Hence, in our setof � structures the von Heijne’s rule is not true.

In the literature, the backbones of lysine and argininewere reported to be inserted deep into the bilayer, the sidechains bending towards the aqueous phase and the chargesprotruding near the lipid phosphate group[27,28]. This is notchecked in the present analysis, since theC� of lysine and

16 F. Basyn et al. / Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling 22 (2003) 11–21

Fig. 3. (A) Plots of the frequency of accessible residues (>30% accessible surface) in a set of 131 structures of the PDB[19] as compared to a set ofmembrane proteins (� and�). Membrane protein residues are clustered according to the membrane zones in which they are: pho-interface-phi. Frequencyof each amino acid is set as:

(∑R > 30% S.A.Pho/

∑total residue> 30% S.A.Pho

) × 100. Histograms are sorted by families of amino acids whichcorrespond to the charged residues (D, E, K, R), polar residues (H, Q, N, S, T), hydrophobic (A, I, L, V), aromatic (F, W, Y), glycine and proline.In black are the PDB. (B) Plots of the same frequencies but for buried residues (<30% accessible surface). Columns with different hatching are thedifferent zones (pho-interface-phi) of the bilayer as specified on the plot.

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Fig. 4. The graphs show the distribution of all amino acids as the location of theirC� along thez-axis of the bilayer for� and � membrane proteins;istands for the center of the bilayer,i + 1 andi − 1 for the beginning of polar heads andi + 2 andi − 2 for the interface polar heads–water, i.e. the endof the bilayer. Negative side represents the cytoplasmic side and positive side the extracellular one. For each graph, every point is the average frequencyof a residue at one particular thickness of the bilayer for: (A)� proteins; and (B)� proteins. The lines follow the average calculated between two nextpoints of the distribution of amino acids across the membrane.

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Fig. 4. (Continued).

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arginine are mainly located outside the hydrophobic layer in� proteins and since individual examination of proteins didnot reveal any special bending of side chains. However, ourstudy has been made on rigid-body X-ray structures. Onecould wonder how these structures adapt when they mustinsert in a thicker membrane. For instance, it is unlikely thatthe squalene hopene cyclase can find a membrane of 21 Åthickness. However, this protein has seven lysine and 19arginine actually located in the interface. Examination of thecrystalline structure shows that the side chains are mostlyperpendicular to the protein surface. Then, those residuesare good candidates for stretching their side chain in orderto accommodate a thicker membrane, especially if negativecharges in the lipid polar head attract their amine moieties.

Polar residues: In the � proteins, histidine is more fre-quently found at the interface on the cytoplasmic side, andthreonine and serine are dispersed along the membrane. As-paragine and glutamine are almost absent inside the mem-brane but are mainly found outside of the bilayer on thecytoplasmic side. For the� proteins, all the polar residuedistribution patterns are similar, but asparagine occurs moreoften.

Hydrophobic residues: In the literature, Ulmschneider andSansom[29] reported that the hydrophobic residues: ala-nine, leucine, isoleucine, phenylalanine and valine are themost frequent amino acids of transmembrane segments, ac-counting for about 34% of the residues in�-helical and 28%in �-barrel proteins. In� and � proteins, all hydrophobicresidues are more frequent in the membrane than outside.Valine and leucine show two peaks on both sides of themembrane center. Isoleucine show a small peak at the cen-ter of the bilayer for� proteins and at the interface on thecytoplasmic side for� proteins.

Aromatic residues: In � proteins, phenylalanine is ho-mogeneously distributed in the membrane layers. For�proteins, the frequency is higher at the interface of the cyto-plasmic side. This is mostly in agreement with the literaturewhere phenylalanine is described to be abundant in trans-membrane segments[29] with a preferred location at thebilayer interface[27,30]. Tryptophan is more frequent atboth the membrane interfaces. This is in agreement with theliterature where tryptophan was suggested to have affinityfor a well-defined site near the lipid carbonyl region[28],and to be able to inhibit protein aggregation[1]. Tyrosineis not frequent in� proteins (3% as compared to 6% in� protein) and has two peaks of frequency especially in�proteins, one at the interface on the intracellular side andanother in the hydrophobic core. Tyrosine was describedto anchor proteins into membranes by interacting with thelipid head groups[29].

Overall, aromatic residues were described to form a “aro-matic belts” at 15 Å from the bilayer center for�-helicalproteins and at 10 Å for�-barrels[29]. Tryptophan is can-didate for the belt in� and � structures, tyrosine for thebelt in � structures. Phenylalanine is also candidate but itsdistribution is also more dispersed across the bilayer. The

difference between the 15 and 10 Å of the belt distance tothe membrane center seems related to the optimal mem-brane thickness that is about 10 Å (5 Å per layer) more for� than � proteins. Those belts could be useful to identifynew membrane-spanning segments from sequence databases[31].

In membrane proteins, glycine is less frequent in� thanin � structures. Glycine was reported to be frequent in trans-membrane segments[32], a result that we confirm for�proteins. Glycine was reported to occur at the helix–helixinterfaces in membrane proteins[33] and was suggested tofacilitate a close packing of transmembrane helices[34,35],a possibility that is not tested in the present analysis.

Proline is more frequent outside the membrane on the ex-tracellular side for� proteins and on the cytoplasmic sidefor � proteins. In the literature, proline was described to bemore frequent in loop regions, thus outside the membranelayer [36] but it was also reported to occur at the center ofthe membrane where it would play a structural role by mod-ifying the conformation of transmembrane helices. Thosemolecular hinges might have a function in transduction ofbiological signal across membranes[37]. Molecular hingesdo not seem to be a current role because proline of� pro-teins is infrequent at the membrane center.

4. Conclusions

We have looked for the optimal membrane thickness toinsert 20 X-ray structures of proteins. The results demon-strate a good adequacy with previous analyses when theyexist and suggest that some X-ray structure must adapt inorder to insert in a biological membrane. Indeed, there is agood agreement between the 38 Å membrane in which theX-ray structure of the photosynthetic reaction center opti-mally inserts and the 40–45 Å thickness value obtained by amembrane–protein interaction model, where the hydropho-bic energy is minimized with the energy function of Eisen-berg and McLachlan[38]. There is also a good agreementbetween the 56 Å membrane in which the light harvestingcomplex II is optimally inserted and the 52.5 Å measure ob-tained by crystal packing in unit cell[39]. For the MsCl pro-tein, 34 Å must be compared to the 35 Å thickness observedby cross-linking experiments and electron microscopy[40].Interestingly, we find that the� proteins require thinnermembranes than helix bundles, a finding that agrees withRahman et al.[12] and Tamm et al.[41] who reported thatbacterial membranes are made of short acyl chains.

The statistical analysis of amino acid distribution showsthat many hydrophobic residues and, a few hydrophilicones, are accessible. Aromatic residues, at least tyrosine andtryptophan, make the “aromatic belt” described in the liter-ature, whereas phenylalanine is globally distributed withinthe whole bilayer. Glycine is more frequent in membranous� structures than in soluble proteins. The distribution ofcharged residues of� protein except glutamic acid correlate

20 F. Basyn et al. / Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling 22 (2003) 11–21

with the positive-inside rule of von Heijne[26] who pos-tulated that cytoplasmic segments contain more positivecharge.

Our data support that most X-ray structures insert in mem-branes in agreement with experimental data, but a few casescould be interesting to analyze. For instance, the squalenehopene cyclase should require side chain movement in orderto insert in a current membrane.


Robert Brasseur is Research Director of the NationalFunds For Scientific Research of Belgium (FNRS). Thiswork was supported by the “Inter-University Poles ofAttraction Programme—Belgian state, Primer Minister’soffice—Federal Office for Scientific, Technical and CulturalAffairs” PAI contract no. 4/03 and the work of F. Basynwas supported by a grant FNRS—Televie. O. Bouffiouxwas supported by the “Ministère de la region wallonne”with the PROTMEM convention (no. 14540).


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