Les femmes en afrique


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Par: Tisa et Desiree

Le Vie d’une Femme

10-15km 15 L 50% maries a l’age de 18 1/3 Travaille plus d’heures des hommes


20-30% 10-20% 5-10% 1-5% 0-1% data unavailable

Des Crimes de la Guerre

Viol collectif 2-50ans Mutilant les génitaux Coupe les sein

In 1996, René Degni-Ségui, Special Rapporteur of the U.N. Commission on Human Rights, reported that women "may even be regarded as the main victims of the massacres, with good reason, since they were raped and massacred and subjected to other brutalities."


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Africa Recovery. (1998). Women in Africa’s Development. Retrouver le 17 mai 2010 a http://www.un.org/ecosocdev/geninfo/afrec/bpaper/maineng.htm

Avert. (2010). History of HIV/AIDS in Africa. Retrouver le 18 mai 2010 a http://www.avert.org/history-aids-africa.htm

Blogger. (2009). All African Women’s Rights. Retrouver le 20 mai 2010 a http://www.allwomensrights.org/2009/08/africa-women-water-and-sanitation-going.html

Middle-East-Info.org. (N.A.) Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). Retrouver le 20 mai 2010 a http://www.middle-east-info.org/gateway/genocide/index.htm#fgm

Race, Racism, and the Law. (2009). Sexual Violence and Genocide against Tutsi Women. Retrouver le 17 mai 2010 a http://academic.udayton.edu/race/06hrights/georegions/africa/Rwanda01.htm

Wikipedia. (2010). Herero and Namaqua. Retrouver le 20 mai 2010 a http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herero_and_Namaqua_Genocide

Worldpress.org. (2010). Congo: A Hell on Earth for Women. Retrouver le 19 mai 2010 a http://www.worldpress.org/africa/1561.cfm
