Arcgis Bacacccchjj

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  • 8/9/2019 Arcgis Bacacccchjj


    IMPORTANT—READ CAREFULLY Unless superseded by a signed license agree en! be!"een y#u and Esri$ Esri is "illing !# license Pr#duc!s !#y#u #nly i% y#u accep! all !er s and c#ndi!i#ns c#n!ained in !&is License Agree en!' Please read !&e !er sand c#ndi!i#ns care%ully' Y#u ay n#! use !&e Pr#duc!s un!il y#u &a(e agreed !# !&e !er s and c#ndi!i#ns #%!&e License Agree en!' I% y#u d# n#! agree !# !&e !er s and c#ndi!i#ns as s!a!ed$ clic) *I d# n#! accep! !&elicense agree en!* bel#"+ y#u ay !&en re,ues! a re%und #% applicable %ees paid'

    LICEN-E A.REEMENT(E204 06/13/2014)

    This License Agreement is between you ( *Licensee* ) and En(ir#n en!al -ys!e s Researc& Ins!i!u!e$Inc' (*Esri* ) a !a"i#ornia cor$oration with a $"ace o# business at 3%0 &ew 'or treet *ed"ands !a"i#ornia+23,3-%100 . A


    ARTICLE /—DEFINITION- De%ini!i#ns' The terms used are de#ined as #o""ows

    a Authori ation !ode(s) means any ey authori ation number enab"ement code "ogin credentia"acti ation code to en account user name and $assword or other mechanism re uired #or use o# a 5roduct

    b eta means any a"$ha beta or $rere"ease 5roductc !ommercia" A$$"ication er ice 5ro ider .se or !ommercia" A 5 .se means generating re enue by

    $ro iding access to o#tware or 7n"ine er ices through a 8a"ue-Added A$$"ication #or e9am$"e bycharging a subscri$tion #ee ser ice #ee or any other #orm o# transaction #ee or by generating more thanincidenta" ad ertising re enue

    d !ontent has the meaning $ro ided in Addendum 3e :ata means any Esri or third-$arty digita" dataset(s) inc"uding but not "imited to geogra$hic ector data

    raster data re$orts or associated tabu"ar attributes whether bund"ed with o#tware and 7n"ine er ices orde"i ered inde$endent"y

    # :e$"oyment License means a "icense that a""ows Licensee to sub"icense se"ect o#tware and associated

    Authori ation !odes to third $artiesg :ocumentation means a"" user re#erence documentation that is de"i ered with the o#twareh 7n"ine er ices means any ;nternet-based geos$atia" system inc"uding a$$"ications and associated A5;s

    but e9c"uding :ata or !ontent hosted by Esri or its "icensors #or storing managing $ub"ishing and usingma$s data and other in#ormation

    i 7rdering :ocument(s) means a sa"es uotation $urchase order or other document identi#ying the5roducts that Licensee orders

    < 5er$etua" License means a "icense to use a ersion o# a 5roduct #or which a$$"icab"e "icense #ees ha e been $aid inde#inite"y un"ess terminated by Esri or Licensee as authori ed under this Agreement

    5roduct(s) means o#tware :ata 7n"ine er ices and :ocumentation "icensed under the terms o# thisLicense Agreement

    " am$"e(s) means sam$"e code sam$"e a$$"ications add-ons or sam$"e e9tensions o# 5roductsm er ice !redit(s) means a unit o# e9change that is a""ocated with an 7n"ine er ices subscri$tion in an

    amount s$eci#ied in the 7rdering :ocument Each er ice !redit entit"es Licensee to consume a setamount o# 7n"ine er ices the amount arying de$ending on the 7n"ine er ices being consumed As7n"ine er ices are consumed er ice !redits are automatica""y debited #rom Licensee=s account u$ to thema9imum number o# er ice !redits a ai"ab"e Additiona" er ice !redits can be $urchased as describedin Addendum 3 (a"so a ai"ab"e at htt$ //www esri com/"ega")

    n o#tware means a"" or any $ortion o# Esri=s $ro$rietary so#tware techno"ogy e9c"uding :ata accessed ordown"oaded #rom an Esri-authori ed website or de"i ered on any media in any #ormat inc"uding bac u$su$dates ser ice $ac s $atches hot #i9es or $ermitted merged co$ies

    o Term License means a "icense or access $ro ided #or use o# a 5roduct #or a "imited time $eriod ( Term )or on a subscri$tion or transaction basis

  • 8/9/2019 Arcgis Bacacccchjj


    $ 8a"ue-Added A$$"ication means an a$$"ication de e"o$ed by Licensee #or use incon3 ;nsta"" and use a newer ersion o# o#tware concurrent"y with the ersion to be re$"aced during a

    reasonab"e transition $eriod not to e9ceed si9 (6) months $ro ided that the de$"oyment o# either ersiondoes not e9ceed Licensee=s "icensed uantity> therea#ter Licensee sha"" not use more o#tware in theaggregate than Licensee=s tota" "icensed uantity>

    4 Bo e the o#tware in the "icensed con#iguration to a re$"acement com$uter> and

    ? :istribute to third $arties o#tware and any associated Authori ation !odes re uired #or use o# a:e$"oyment License

    b Commercial Application Service Provider Use. Licensee may use the 5roduct #or !ommercia" A 5 .se $ro ided that Licensee (i) ac uires a !ommercia" A 5 .se "icense or (ii) is a go ernmenta" or not-#or-$ro#itorgani ation that o$erates a website or o##ers an ;nternet ser ice on a cost reco ery basis and not #or $ro#it

    c Licensee may customi e o#tware using any (i) macro or scri$ting "anguage (ii) $ub"ished a$$"ication $rogramming inter#ace (A5;) or (iii) source or ob

  • 8/9/2019 Arcgis Bacacccchjj


    d Licensee may use co$y or $re$are deri ati e wor s o# :ocumentation su$$"ied in digita" #ormat and therea#ter re$roduce dis$"ay and distribute the customi ed documentation on"y #or Licensee=s own interna" use 5ortionso# :ocumentation su$$"ied in digita" #ormat merged with other so#tware and $rinted or digita" documentationare subg tore cache use u$"oad distribute or sub"icense !ontent or otherwise use 5roducts in io"ation o# Esri=s

    or a third $arty=s rights inc"uding inte""ectua" $ro$erty rights $ri acy rights nondiscrimination "aws or anyother a$$"icab"e "aw or go ernment regu"ation>

    h *emo e or obscure any Esri (or its "icensors=) $atent co$yright trademar $ro$rietary rights noticesand/or "egends contained in or a##i9ed to any 5roduct 5roduct out$ut metadata #i"e or on"ine and/or hard-co$y attribution $age o# any :ata or :ocumentation de"i ered hereunder>

    i .nbund"e or inde$endent"y use indi idua" or com$onent $arts o# o#tware 7n"ine er ices or :ata> < ;ncor$orate any $ortion o# the 5roduct into a $roduct or ser ice that com$etes with any 5roduct>

    5ub"ish or in any other way communicate the resu"ts o# benchmar tests run on eta without the $riorwritten $ermission o# Esri and its "icensors> or

    " .se incor$orate modi#y distribute $ro ide access to or combine any com$uter code $ro ided with any5roduct in a manner that wou"d sub

  • 8/9/2019 Arcgis Bacacccchjj


    that termination is immediate #or a materia" breach that is im$ossib"e to cure .$on termination o# the LicenseAgreement a"" "icenses granted hereunder terminate as we"" .$on termination o# a "icense or the LicenseAgreement Licensee wi"" (i) sto$ accessing and using a##ected 5roduct(s)> (ii) c"ear any c"ient-side data cachederi ed #rom 7n"ine er ices> and (iii) uninsta"" remo e and destroy a"" co$ies o# a##ected 5roduct(s) in Licensee=s

    $ossession or contro" inc"uding any modi#ied or merged $ortions thereo# in any #orm and e9ecute and de"i ere idence o# such actions to Esri or its authori ed distributor ARTICLE 8—LIMITED 3ARRANTIE- AND DI-CLAIMER- 8'/ Li i!ed 3arran!ies' E9ce$t as otherwise $ro ided in this Artic"e 6 Esri warrants #or a $eriod o#ninety (+0) days #rom the date Esri issues the Authori ation !ode enab"ing use o# o#tware and 7n"ine er ices that(i) the unmodi#ied o#tware and 7n"ine er ices wi"" substantia""y con#orm to the $ub"ished :ocumentation undernorma" use and ser ice and (ii) media on which o#tware is $ro ided wi"" be #ree #rom de#ects in materia"s andwor manshi$ 8'0 -pecial Disclai er' !7&TE&T :ATA AB5LE H7T ;IE 5AT!HE .5:ATE 7&L;&E

    E*8;!E 5*78;:E: 7& A &7- EE A ; A&: E8AL.AT;7& A&: ETA 7 TJA*E A*E:EL;8E*E: A ; J;TH7.T JA**A&T' 7 A&' K;&: 8'4 In!erne! Disclai er' THE 5A*T;E EI5*E L' A!K&7JLE:FE A&: AF*EE THAT THE ;&TE*&ET

    ; A &ETJ7*K 7 5*;8ATE A&: 5. L;! &ETJ7*K A&: THAT (i) THE ;&TE*&ET ; &7T A E!.*E;& *A T*.!T.*E (ii) THE 5A*T;E HA8E &7 !7&T*7L 78E* THE ;&TE*&ET A&: (iii) &7&E 7THE 5A*T;E HALL E L;A LE 7* :ABAFE .&:E* A&' THE7*' 7 LAJ *ELATE: T7 THE5E* 7*BA&!E 7* :; !7&T;&.A&!E 7 75E*AT;7& 7 A&' 57*T;7& 7 THE ;&TE*&ET 7*57 ; LE *EF.LAT;7& 7 THE ;&TE*&ET THAT B;FHT *E T*;!T 7* 5*7H; ;T THE 75E*AT;7&7 7&L;&E E*8;!E 8'6 .eneral Disclai er' EI!E5T 7* THE A 78E EI5*E L;B;TE: JA**A&T;E E *; :; !LA;BALL 7THE* JA**A&T;E 7* !7&:;T;7& 7 A&' K;&: JHETHE* EI5*E 7* ;B5L;E:;&!L.:;&F .T &7T L;B;TE: T7 JA**A&T;E 7* !7&:;T;7& 7 BE*!HA&TA ;L;T' A&:

    ;T&E 7* A 5A*T;!.LA* 5.*57 E ' TEB ;&TEF*AT;7& A&: &7&;& *;&FEBE&T 7;&TELLE!T.AL 5*75E*T' *;FHT E *; :7E &7T JA**A&T THAT 5*7:.!T J;LL BEETL;!E& EE= &EE: > THAT L;!E& EE= 75E*AT;7& 7 THE ABE J;LL E .&;&TE**.5TE:

    E**7* *EE A.LT-T7LE*A&T 7* A;L- A E> 7* THAT ALL &7&!7& 7*B;T;E !A& 7* J;LLE !7**E!TE: 5*7:.!T A*E &7T :E ;F&E: BA&. A!T.*E: 7* ;&TE&:E: 7* . E ;&E&8;*7&BE&T 7* A55L;!AT;7& THAT BA' LEA: T7 :EATH 5E* 7&AL ;&G.*' 7* 5H' ;!AL5*75E*T'/E&8;*7&BE&TAL :ABAFE L;!E& EE H7.L: &7T 7LL7J A&' *7.TE

    .FFE T;7& THAT A55EA* T7 E HA A*:7. .& A E 7* ;LLEFAL A&' .!H . E HALLE AT L;!E& EE= 7J& *; K A&: !7 T

    8'7 E9clusi(e Re edy' Licensee=s e9c"usi e remedy and Esri=s entire "iabi"ity #or breach o# the "imited warrantiesset #orth in this Artic"e 6 sha"" be "imited at Esri=s so"e discretion to (i) re$"acement o# any de#ecti e media>(ii) re$air correction or a wor around #or o#tware or 7n"ine er ices sub or (iii) return o# the "icense #ees $aid byLicensee #or o#tware or 7n"ine er ices that do not meet Esri=s "imited warranty $ro ided that Licensee uninsta""sremo es and destroys a"" co$ies o# o#tware or :ocumentation> ceases using 7n"ine er ices> and e9ecutes andde"i ers e idence o# such actions to Esri or its authori ed distributor ARTICLE :—LIMITATION OF LIA5ILITY :'/ Disclai er #% Cer!ain Types #% Liabili!y' E *; ;T A.TH7*; E: :; T*; .T7* A&: ;T L;!E& 7*

    HALL &7T E L;A LE T7 L;!E& EE 7* !7 T 7 5*7!.*EBE&T 7 . T;T.TE F77: 7*E*8;!E > L7 T 5*7 ;T L7 T ALE 7* . ;&E EI5E&:;T.*E > ;&8E TBE&T > . ;&E

    !7BB;TBE&T > L7 7 A&' F77:J;LL> 7* A&' ;&:;*E!T 5E!;AL ;&!;:E&TAL 7*!7& EM.E&T;AL :ABAFE A*; ;&F 7.T 7 7* *ELATE: T7 TH; L;!E& E AF*EEBE&T 7* . E7 5*7:.!T H7JE8E* !A. E: 7& A&' THE7*' 7 L;A ;L;T' JHETHE* 7* &7T E *; ;T

  • 8/9/2019 Arcgis Bacacccchjj


    A.TH7*; E: :; T*; .T7* 7* ;T L;!E& 7* HA8E EE& A:8; E: 7 THE 57 ; ;L;T' 7.!H :ABAFE THE E L;B;TAT;7& HALL A55L' &7TJ;TH TA&:;&F A&' A;L.*E 7

    E E&T;AL 5.*57 E 7 A&' L;B;TE: *EBE:' :'0 .eneral Li i!a!i#n #% Liabili!y' EI!E5T A 5*78;:E: ;& A*T;!LE %@;& *;&FEBE&T ;&:EB&;T'THE T7TAL !.B.LAT;8E L;A ;L;T' 7 E *; A&: ;T A.TH7*; E: :; T*; .T7* HE*E.&:E*

    *7B ALL !A. E 7 A!T;7& 7 A&' K;&: ;&!L.:;&F .T &7T L;B;TE: T7 !7&T*A!T T7*T(;&!L.:;&F &EFL;FE&!E) T*;!T L;A ;L;T' *EA!H 7 JA**A&T' B; *E5*E E&TAT;7& 7*7THE*J; E HALL &7T EI!EE: THE AB7.&T 5A;: ' L;!E& EE 7* THE 5*7:.!T THATF;8E *; E T7 THE !A. E 7 A!T;7& :'4 Applicabili!y #% Disclai ers and Li i!a!i#ns' The "imitations o# "iabi"ity and disc"aimers set #orth in thisLicense Agreement wi"" a$$"y regard"ess o# whether Licensee has acce$ted 5roducts or any other $roduct or ser icede"i ered by Esri or its authori ed distributor The $arties agree that Esri or its authori ed distributor has set its #eesand entered into this License Agreement in re"iance on the disc"aimers and "imitations set #orth herein that the samere#"ect an a""ocation o# ris between the $arties and that the same #orm an essentia" basis o# the bargain between the

    $arties THE E L;B;TAT;7& HALL A55L' &7TJ;TH TA&:;&F A&' A;L.*E 7 E E&T;AL5.*57 E 7 A&' L;B;TE: *EBE:' THE 7*EF7;&F JA**A&T;E L;B;TAT;7& A&: EI!L. ;7& BA' &7T E 8AL;: ;& 7BE

    G.*; :;!T;7& A&: A55L' 7&L' T7 THE EITE&T 5E*B;TTE: ' A55L;!A LE LAJ ;&L;!E& EE= G.*; :;!T;7& L;!E& EE BA' HA8E A::;T;7&AL *;FHT .&:E* LAJ THAT BA' &7T E JA;8E: 7* :; !LA;BE: E *; :7E &7T EEK T7 L;B;T L;!E& EE= JA**A&T' 7**EBE:;E T7 A&' EITE&T &7T 5E*B;TTE: ' LAJ ARTICLE ;—INFRIN.EMENT INDEMNITY ;'/ Esri sha"" de#end indemni#y as described be"ow and ho"d Licensee harm"ess #rom and against any "oss "iabi"itycost or e9$ense inc"uding reasonab"e attorneys= #ees arising out o# any c"aims actions or demands by a third $artya""eging that Licensee=s "icensed use o# o#tware or 7n"ine er ices in#ringe a . $atent co$yright or trademar

    $ro ided

    a Licensee $rom$t"y noti#ies Esri in writing o# the c"aim> b Licensee $ro ides documents describing the a""egations o# in#ringement>c Esri has so"e contro" o# the de#ense o# any action and negotiation re"ated to the de#ense or sett"ement o# any

    c"aim> andd Licensee reasonab"y coo$erates in the de#ense o# the c"aim at Esri=s re uest and e9$ense

    ;'0 ;# o#tware or 7n"ine er ices are #ound to in#ringe a . $atent co$yright or trademar Esri at its owne9$ense may either (i) obtain rights #or Licensee to continue using the o#tware or 7n"ine er ices or (ii) modi#ythe a""eged"y in#ringing e"ements o# o#tware or 7n"ine er ices whi"e maintaining substantia""y simi"ar#unctiona"ity ;# neither a"ternati e is commercia""y reasonab"e the "icense sha"" terminate and Licensee sha"" ceaseaccessing in#ringing 7n"ine er ices and sha"" uninsta"" and return to Esri or its authori ed distributor any in#ringingitem(s) Esri=s entire "iabi"ity sha"" then be to indemni#y Licensee $ursuant to ection % 1 and (i) re#und the 5er$etua"License #ees $aid by Licensee to Esri or its authori ed distributor #or the in#ringing items $rorated on a #i e (?)-year straight-"ine de$reciation basis beginning #rom the initia" date o# de"i ery and (ii) #or Term Licenses andmaintenance re#und the unused $ortion o# the #ees $aid ;'4 Esri sha"" ha e no ob"igation to de#end Licensee or to $ay any resu"tant costs damages or attorneys= #ees #or anyc"aims or demands a""eging direct or contributory in#ringement to the e9tent arising out o# (i) the combination orintegration o# o#tware or 7n"ine er ices with a $roduct $rocess or system not su$$"ied by Esri or s$eci#ied byEsri in its :ocumentation> (ii) materia" a"teration o# o#tware or 7n"ine er ices by anyone other than Esri or itssubcontractors> or (iii) use o# o#tware or 7n"ine er ices a#ter modi#ications ha e been $ro ided by Esri #ora oiding in#ringement or use a#ter a return is ordered by Esri under ection % 2

  • 8/9/2019 Arcgis Bacacccchjj


  • 8/9/2019 Arcgis Bacacccchjj


    such o#tware is insta""ed ;# any court arbitrator or board ho"ds that Licensee has greater rights to any $ortion o#5roducts under a$$"icab"e $ub"ic $rocurement "aw such rights sha"" e9tend on"y to the $ortions a##ected

  • 8/9/2019 Arcgis Bacacccchjj



    o#tware may be o##ered under the #o""owing "icense ty$es as set #orth in the a$$"icab"e sa"es uotation $urchaseorder or other document identi#ying the 5roducts that Licensee orders

    1 !oncurrent .se License means a "icense to insta"" and use the 5roduct on com$uter(s) on a networ butthe number o# simu"taneous users may not e9ceed the number o# "icenses ac uired A !oncurrent .seLicense inc"udes the right to run $assi e #ai"o er instances o# !oncurrent .se License managementso#tware in a se$arate o$erating system en ironment #or tem$orary #ai"o er su$$ort

    2 :e$"oyment er er License means a #u"" use "icense that authori es Licensee to insta"" and use theo#tware #or a"" uses $ermitted in the License Agreement and as described in the :ocumentation

    3 :e e"o$ment er er License means a "icense that authori es Licensee to insta"" and use the o#tware to bui"d and test 8a"ue-Added A$$"ications as described in the :ocumentation

    4 Esri !"ient o#tware means ArcF; *untime a$$s ArcF; #or :es to$ and ArcF; A5; #or "e9 a$$s? Esri !ontent 5ac age means a digita" #i"e containing ArcF; 7n"ine basema$ content (e g raster ma$

    ti"es images ector data) e9tracted #rom the ArcF; 7n"ine asema$ er ices6 ing"e .se License means a "icense that a""ows Licensee to $ermit a sing"e authori ed end user to insta""

    and use the 5roduct on a sing"e com$uter #or use by that end user on the com$uter on which the 5roduct isinsta""ed Licensee may $ermit the sing"e authori ed end user to insta"" a second co$y #or end user=se9c"usi e use on a second com$uter as "ong as on"y one (1) co$y o# 5roduct is in use at any time &o otherend user may use 5roduct under the same "icense at the same time #or any other $ur$ose

    , taging er er License means a "icense that authori es Licensee to insta"" and use the o#tware #or the#o""owing $ur$oses bui"ding and testing 8a"ue-Added A$$"ications and ma$ caches> conducting useracce$tance testing $er#ormance testing and "oad testing o# other third-$arty so#tware> staging newcommercia" data u$dates> and training acti ities as described in the :ocumentation 8a"ue-AddedA$$"ications and ma$ caches can be used with :e e"o$ment and :e$"oyment er ers

    % Term License means a "icense or access $ro ided #or use o# a 5roduct #or a "imited time $eriod ( Term )or on a subscri$tion or transaction basis

    + 5er$etua" License means a "icense to use a ersion o# the 5roduct #or which a$$"icab"e "icense #ees ha e been $aid inde#inite"y un"ess terminated by Esri or Licensee as authori ed under this Agreement


    The #o""owing tab"e is a "ist o# Esri 5roducts that ha e s$eci#ic terms o# use in addition to the genera" terms o# use asset #orth in the Fenera" License Terms and !onditions o# the License Agreement Additiona" terms o# use are "istedimmediate"y be"ow this tab"e and are re#erenced by number(s) shown in $arentheses immediate"y #o""owing each5roduct name in the #o""owing tab"e (in some cases the additiona" terms o# use re#erenced may be #ound in ase$arate Addendum as noted)

  • 8/9/2019 Arcgis Bacacccchjj


    Des)!#p Pr#duc!sO ArcF; #or :es to$ (Ad anced tandard or asic)

    (26>Addendum 2 &ote 1 > Addendum 2 &ote 6 )O ArcF; E9$"orer :es to$ (20> Addendum 2 &ote 1 )O ArcF; #or Auto!A: (20)O Arc5ad (12> 13> Addendum 2 &ote 1 >Addendum 2

    &ote 2 )O Arc*eader (20> Addendum 2 &ote 1 )O Esri usiness Ana"yst ( Addendum 2

    &ote 1 > Addendum 2 &ote 4 )O ArcF; #or Jindows Bobi"e (1?> ?4 >Addendum 2

    &ote 1 )O ArcF; #or i7 > ArcF; #or Jindows 5hone> ArcF;

    #or Android ( Addendum 2 &ote 1 ) -er(er Pr#duc!sO ArcF; #or er er

    N Jor grou$ (2%> 2+> 30> 32> 3%> 3+>Addendum 2 &ote 1 >Addendum 2 &ote 6 )

    N Enter$rise (31> 3%> 3+> Addendum 2 &ote 1 >Addendum 2 &ote 6 )

    N with 8irtua" !"oud ;n#rastructure (10> Addendum 3 @!ommon Terms)

    O ArcF; #or er er E9tension N ArcF; #or ;& 5;*E ( Addendum 2 &ote 1 )

    O Esri usiness Ana"yst #or er er N Jor grou$ (2%> 2+> 30> 31> 3+>Addendum 2

    &ote 1 >Addendum 2 &ote 4 ) N Enter$rise (31> 3+> Addendum 2

    &ote 1 >Addendum 2 &ote 4 )O 5orta" #or ArcF; (31> Addendum 2 &ote 1 )O Esri Trac ing er er (31)

    De(el#per T##lsO ArcF; *untime :K #or Android i7 Ga a Bac

    7 I Bicroso#t &ET ramewor (JindowsDdes to$ Jindows 5hone Jindows tore) Mt orJ5 (16> 1+> Addendum 2 &ote 1 )

    O ArcF; *untime tandard Le e" #or Android i7

    Ga a Bac 7 I Bicroso#t &ET ramewor(Jindows Ddes to$ Jindows 5hone Jindowstore) Mt or J5 (1?> 1%> Addendum 2 &ote 1 )

    O ArcF; Engine :e e"o$er Kit and E9tensions (16 1+>22 26)

    O ArcF; Engine #or Jindows/Linu9 and E9tensions(1?> 22> 26> Addendum 2 &ote 1 > Addendum 2

    &ote 6 )O ArcF; Jeb Ba$$ing (inc"uding ArcF; A5; #or

    Ga a cri$t/HTBL? ArcF; A5; #or "e9 ArcF;A5; #or Bicroso#t i" er"ight) (1?> 16> 64>66> Addendum 2 &ote 1 )

    O Esri usiness Ana"yst er er :e e"o$er(Addendum 2 &ote 1 > Addendum 2 &ote 4 )

    O Esri :e e"o$er &etwor (E:&) o#tware and :ata(24> 26>Addendum 2 &ote 6 )

    O Esri i"e Feodatabase A5; (4,) 5undled Pr#duc!sO ArcF; #or Trans$ortation Ana"ytics (1 >Addendum 2

    &ote 1 > Addendum 2 &ote 2 > Addendum 2 &ote 11 )

    &otes O ;# you do not "icense any o# the 5roducts in the tab"e abo e these additiona" terms o# use do not a$$"y to youO Additiona" terms o# use #or 5roducts 7&L' A55L' to the 5roducts that re#erence them by number in the tab"e

    abo eO .n"ess otherwise noted in the a$$"icab"e 7rdering :ocument e9tensions to o#tware #o""ow the same sco$e o#

    use as that granted #or the corres$onding o#tware Additiona" Terms o# .se #or 5roducts "isted abo e

    1 Licensee may use the o#tware :ata and 7n"ine er ices inc"uded in ArcF; #or Trans$ortation Ana"yticsso"e"y #or direct su$$ort o# #"eet o$erations &o other use o# ArcF; #or Trans$ortation Ana"ytics or theindi idua" com$onents that are $art o# ArcF; #or Trans$ortation Ana"ytics is $ermitted This restriction

    does not a$$"y to the ArcF; 7n"ine #or 7rgani ations account inc"uded with ArcF; #or Trans$ortationAna"ytics The ArcF; 7n"ine #or 7rgani ations account can be used #or any $ur$ose sub

  • 8/9/2019 Arcgis Bacacccchjj


    ;n#rastructure ser ices that may reasonab"y be attributed to Licensee=s content or any end-user materia"sthat Licensee contro"s

    11 *eser ed12 o#tware is "icensed #or na igationa" use on"y when used in con

    c A"" co$yright and trademar attributions/notices are re$roduced> andd There is no charge or #ee attributab"e to the use o# the o#tware

    21 *eser ed22 a An end user must "icense either ArcF; Engine #or Jindows/Linu9 o#tware or other ArcF; #or

    :es to$ o#tware ( asic tandard or Ad anced) to obtain the right to run an ArcF; Enginea$$"ication on one (1) com$uter> and

    b The ArcF; Engine #or Jindows/Linu9 e9tensions sha"" not be used in combination with ArcF; #or:es to$ o#tware to run ArcF; Engine 8a"ue-Added A$$"ications A sing"e user can ha e mu"ti$"eArcF; Engine 8a"ue-Added A$$"ications insta""ed on one (1) com$uter #or use on"y by that end user

    23 *eser ed

    24 E:& o#tware may be used on"y #or the $ur$oses o# de e"o$ment testing and demonstration o# a $rototy$e 8a"ue-Added A$$"ication and creating ma$ caches 8a"ue-Added A$$"ications and ma$ cachescan be used with taging and :e$"oyment er ers E:& ser er o#tware and :ata may be insta""ed onmu"ti$"e com$uters #or use by any Licensee E:& de e"o$er> a"" other E:& o#tware is "icensed as a ing" License

    2? *eser ed26 An Arc :E 5ersona" Edition geodatabase is restricted to ten (10) gigabytes o# Licensee=s data2, *eser ed2% .se is "imited to ten (10) concurrent end users o# a$$"ications other than ArcF; #or er er a$$"ications

    This restriction inc"udes use o# ArcF; #or :es to$ o#tware ArcF; Engine o#tware and third-$artya$$"ications that connect direct"y to any ArcF; #or er er geodatabase There are no "imitations on thenumber o# connections #rom web a$$"ications

    2+ o#tware can on"y be used with a su$$orted ersion o# ML er er E9$ress u$$orted ersions are "isted

    with the system re uirements #or the $roduct on the Esri website30 .se is restricted to a ma9imum o# ten (10) gigabytes o# Licensee=s data31 Licensee may ha e redundant Esri er er o#tware insta""ation(s) #or #ai"o er o$erations but the redundant

    o#tware can on"y be o$erationa" during the $eriod the $rimary site is nono$erationa" The redundanto#tware insta""ation(s) sha"" remain dormant e9ce$t #or system maintenance and u$dating o# databases

    whi"e the $rimary site or any other redundant site is o$erationa"32 *edundant o#tware insta""ation #or #ai"o er o$erations is not $ermitted

    33N3, *eser ed3% The ArcF; 3: Ana"yst #or er er e9tension inc"uded with ArcF; #or er er tandard (Jor grou$ or

    Enter$rise) may be used on"y #or generating g"obe data cache(s) or $ub"ishing a g"obe document as an

  • 8/9/2019 Arcgis Bacacccchjj


    ArcF; F"obe er ice &o other use o# the ArcF; 3: Ana"yst #or er er e9tension o#tware is $ermittedwith ArcF; #or er er tandard

    3+ Any editing #unctiona"ity inc"uded with ArcF; #or er er is not $ermitted #or use with ArcF; #or er erasic (Jor grou$ or Enter$rise)

    40N46 *eser ed4, Licensee may de e"o$ and distribute 8a"ue-Added A$$"ications that use Esri i"e Feodatabase A5; to

    Licensee=s end users 4%N?3 *eser ed

    ?4 ArcF; #or Jindows Bobi"e :e$"oyments are "icensed #or use with ArcF; #or er er Enter$rise(Ad anced or tandard) ArcF; #or er er Jor grou$ (Ad anced) ArcF; #or :es to$ (Ad anced

    tandard asic) and ArcF; Engine 8a"ue-Added A$$"ications ??N63 *eser ed

    64 8a"ue-Added A$$"ication(s) #or web de$"oyment must be used in con

  • 8/9/2019 Arcgis Bacacccchjj


    O treetBa$ 5remium #or ArcF; #or Trans$ortationAna"ytics (2> Addendum 1 &ote 1)

    O HE*E Tra##ic :ata (11> Addendum 1 &ote 1)O :ata A$$"iance #or ArcF; (3)

    O Esri Ba$ tudio :ata (+)


    O ;# you do not "icense any o# the 5roducts in the tab"e abo e these additiona" terms o# use do not a$$"y to youO Additiona" terms o# use #or 5roducts 7&L' A55L' to the 5roducts that re#erence them by number in the tab"e

    abo e Additiona" Terms o# .se #or 5roducts "isted abo e 1 ArcS Online Data' o#tware and 7n"ine er ices that re#erence this note enab"e access to ArcF; 7n"ine

    :ata ArcF; 7n"ine :ata is $ro ided #or use so"e"y in con

  • 8/9/2019 Arcgis Bacacccchjj



  • 8/9/2019 Arcgis Bacacccchjj


    usiness *etai" Bar et5"ace Ta$estry egmentation Bar et 5otentia" !rime ;nde9 Ba

  • 8/9/2019 Arcgis Bacacccchjj


    e HE*E tra##ic data may not be used with or incor$orated into any tra##ic system that $ro ides oicetra##ic re$orts to inbound ca""ers

    # HE*E tra##ic data may not be used to de e"o$ or commercia""y ma e a ai"ab"e a te9t-to- oice e-mai"a"ert or message or oice mai" a$$"ication using any $ortion o# HE*E tra##ic data


    ONLINE -ER2ICE- ADDENDUM?E4==B4 This 7n"ine er ices Addendum ( Addendum 3 ) sets #orth the terms o# Licensee=s use o# 7n"ine er ices andinc"udes the Licensee=s e9isting master "icense agreement i# any or the License Agreement #oundat htt$ //www esri com/"ega"/so#tware-"icense (as a$$"icab"e the License Agreement ) which is incor$orated byre#erence This Addendum 3 ta es $recedence o er con#"icting Fenera" License Terms and !onditions o# the LicenseAgreement Esri reser es the right to u$date the terms #rom time to time ection 1 o# this Addendum 3 containsterms a$$"icab"e to a"" 7n"ine er ices> ection 2 contains common terms a$$"icab"e to s$eci#ic 7n"ine er ices


    ARTICLE /—DEFINITION- ;n addition to the de#initions $ro ided in the License Agreement the #o""owing de#initions a$$"y to thisAddendum 3

    a Anonymous .sers re#ers to anyone who has $ub"ic access to any $art o# the Licensee=s !ontent or 8a"ue-Added A$$"ications which Licensee has $ub"ished through the use o# the haring Too"s inc"uded withLicensee=s "icensed use o# the o#tware or 7n"ine er ices as #urther described in ection 2 o# thisAddendum

    b A5; means a$$"ication $rogramming inter#acec A$$ Login !redentia" means a system-generated a$$"ication "ogin and associated $assword $ro ided by

    registering a 8a"ue-Added A$$"ication with ArcF; 7n"ine which can be embedded in a 8a"ue-AddedA$$"ication to enab"e the 8a"ue-Added A$$"ication to access and use 7n"ine er ices

    d ArcF; Jebsite means htt$ //www arcgis com and any re"ated or successor websitese !ontent means data images $hotogra$hs animations ideo audio te9t ma$s databases data mode"s

    s$readsheets user inter#aces so#tware a$$"ications and :e e"o$er Too"s# :e e"o$er Too"s means so#tware de e"o$ment its ( :Ks) A5;s so#tware "ibraries code sam$"es and

    other resourcesg Licensee=s !ontent means any !ontent that Licensee a Licensee=s &amed .ser or any other user submits

    to Esri in connection with Licensee=s use o# the 7n"ine er ices any resu"ts deri ed #rom the use o#Licensee=s !ontent with 7n"ine er ices and any 8a"ue-Added A$$"ications Licensee bui"ds with:e e"o$er Too"s and de$"oys with 7n"ine er ices Licensee=s !ontent e9c"udes any #eedbac suggestionsor re uests #or 5roduct im$ro ements that Licensee $ro ides to Esri

    h &amed .ser(s) means indi idua"s to whom Licensee s$eci#ica""y enab"es $ri ate access to 7n"ineer ices and 8a"ue-Added A$$"ications through Licensee=s 7n"ine er ices account &amed .sers can be

    anyone whom Licensee authori es to access 7n"ine er ices but on"y #or the e9c"usi e bene#it o# Licensee#or e9am$"e Licensee=s em$"oyees agents consu"tants or contractors or Education 5"an accounts

    &amed .sers may inc"ude registered students &o other third $arties may be &amed .sers &amed .sers

    ha e $ri ate access to #eatures o# 7n"ine er ices that are not $ub"ic"y accessib"e to Anonymous .sers &amed .sers ha e uni ue indi idua" "ogin credentia"s

    i 7n"ine !ontent means !ontent hosted or $ro ided by Esri as $art o# 7n"ine er ices inc"uding any Ba$er ices Tas er ices ;mage er ices and :e e"o$er Too"s and e9c"uding !ontent $ro ided by third

    $arties that Licensee accesses through 7n"ine er ices < er ice !om$onents means each o# the #o""owing 7n"ine er ices 7n"ine !ontent ArcF; Jebsite

    :e e"o$er Too"s :ocumentation or re"ated materia"s haring Too"s means $ub"ishing ca$abi"ities inc"uded with 7n"ine er ices and ArcF; Jebsite that

    a""ow Licensee to ma e Licensee=s !ontent and 8a"ue-Added A$$"ications a ai"ab"e to third $arties and/orAnonymous .sers

  • 8/9/2019 Arcgis Bacacccchjj


    " 8a"ue-Added A$$"ication means an a$$"ication de e"o$ed by Licensee #or use in con(i ) mirror re#ormat or dis$"ay 7n"ine er ices in an attem$t to mirror and/or ma e commercia" use o# 7n"ine

    er ices e9ce$t to the degree that 7n"ine er ices direct"y enab"e such #unctiona"ity> ( ) share the c"ient-side data

    cache deri ed #rom 7n"ine !ontent with other "icensed end users or third $arties> ( i) distribute the c"ient-side datacache deri ed #rom 7n"ine er ices to third $arties> ( ii) manua""y or systematica""y co""ect or scra$e (screen or webscra$ing) !ontent #rom 7n"ine er ices> ( iii) use ArcF; 7n"ine Ba$ er ices Feocoding er ices or *outing

    er ices in communication with any in- ehic"e na igation system insta""ed in a ehic"e (this does not inc"ude $ortab"e na igation de ices) or that $ro ides rea"-time dynamic routing to any de ice (#or instance these ser icesmay not be used to a"ert a user about u$coming maneu ers such as warning o# an u$coming turn or to ca"cu"ate ana"ternate route i# a turn is missed)> or (i9) incor$orate any $ortion o# 7n"ine er ices into a commercia" $roduct orser ice un"ess the commercia" $roduct adds materia" #unctiona"ity to 7n"ine er ices Licensee sha"" not use 7n"ine

    er ices to (a) in#ringe or misa$$ro$riate any third-$arty $ro$rietary rights or $ri acy rights> (b) $rocess storetransmit or enab"e access to any in#ormation data or techno"ogy contro""ed #or e9$ort under the ;nternationa"

  • 8/9/2019 Arcgis Bacacccchjj


    Tra##ic in Arms (;TA*) regu"ations> (c) io"ate any e9$ort "aw> or (d) store or $rocess !ontent on"ine that isunc"assi#ied contro""ed technica" in#ormation (.!T;) under : A* 204 ,3 or is $rotected hea"th in#ormation (5H;)under the Hea"th ;nsurance 5ortabi"ity and Accountabi"ity Act (H;5AA) Licensee sha"" not attem$t to (a) $robescan or test the u"nerabi"ity o# the 7n"ine er ices or to breach any security or authentication measures used by the7n"ine er ices> or (b) benchmar the a ai"abi"ity $er#ormance or #unctiona"ity o# 7n"ine er ices #or com$etiti e

    $ur$oses Licensee is res$onsib"e #or any #ines $ena"ties or c"aims against Esri inc"uding reasonab"e attorneys=#ees arising out o# Licensee=s noncom$"iance with any o# the #oregoing $rohibitions

    0'7 E(alua!i#ns' Esri may $ro ide "icenses to use certain er ices #or Licensee=s interna" e a"uation $ur$oses uch"icenses continue unti" the stated e a"uation $eriod e9$ires or unti" Licensee $urchases a subscri$tion whiche eroccurs #irst ; L;!E& EE :7E &7T !7&8E*T L;!E& EE= E8AL.AT;7& L;!E& E T7 A

    . !*;5T;7& 5*;7* T7 EI5;*AT;7& 7 THE E8AL.AT;7& TE*B A&' !7&TE&T A&:!. T7B; AT;7& THAT L;!E& EE .5L7A:E: 7* BA:E :.*;&F THE E8AL.AT;7& TE*B J;LL

    E 5E*BA&E&TL' L7 T ; L;!E& EE :7E &7T J; H T7 5.*!HA E A . !*;5T;7& L;!E& EEB. T EI57*T .!H !7&TE&T E 7*E THE E&: 7 L;!E& EE= E8AL.AT;7& 5E*;7: 0'8 M#di%ica!i#ns #% Online -er(ices' Esri reser es the right to a"ter or modi#y 7n"ine er ice(s) and re"ated A5;sat any time ;# reasonab"e under the circumstances Esri wi"" $ro ide thirty (30) days= $rior notice o# any materia"a"terations

    0': Disc#n!inua!i#n #r Depreca!i#n #% Online -er(ices' Esri reser es the right to discontinue or de$recate an7n"ine er ice(s) and re"ated A5;(s) at any time ;# reasonab"e under the circumstances Esri wi"" $ro ideninety (+0) days= $rior notice o# any 7n"ine er ice discontinuation or de$recation Esri wi"" attem$t to su$$ort anyde$recated A5;s #or u$ to si9 (6) months un"ess there are "ega" #inancia" or techno"ogica" reasons not to su$$ortthem 0'; ;# any modi#ication discontinuation or de$recation o# 7n"ine er ice(s) causes a materia" ad erse im$act toLicensee=s o$erations Esri may at its so"e discretion attem$t to re$air correct or $ro ide a wor around #or 7n"ine

    er ices ;# a iab"e so"ution is not commercia""y reasonab"e Licensee may cance" its subscri$tion to 7n"ineer ices and Esri wi"" issue a $rorated re#und

    0'< A!!ribu!i#ns' Licensee is not $ermitted to remo e any Esri or Esri=s "icensors= "ogos or other attributionassociated with any use o# ArcF; 7n"ine er ices

    ARTICLE 4—TERM AND TERMINATION The #o""owing su$$"ements Artic"e ?@Term and Termination o# the License Agreement 4'/ Ter #% -ubscrip!i#ns' The term o# any subscri$tion wi"" be $ro ided in the 7rdering :ocument under which itis $urchased or in the 7n"ine er ices descri$tion re#erenced therein 4'0 -ubscrip!i#n Ra!e C&anges' Bonth"y subscri$tion rates may be increased u$on thirty (30) days= notice Esrimay increase rates #or subscri$tions with a term greater than one (1) month by noti#ying Licensee at "eastsi9ty (60) days $rior to e9$iration o# the then-current subscri$tion term 4'4 -er(ice In!errup!i#n' Licensee=s access (inc"uding access on beha"# o# Licensee=s customers) to and use o#7n"ine er ice(s) may be tem$orari"y una ai"ab"e without $rior notice #or any unantici$ated or unschedu"eddowntime or una ai"abi"ity o# a"" or any $ortion o# 7n"ine er ices inc"uding system #ai"ure or other e ents beyondthe reasonab"e contro" o# Esri 4'6 -er(ice -uspensi#n' Esri sha"" be entit"ed without any "iabi"ity to Licensee to sus$end access to any $ortion ora"" o# 7n"ine er ices at any time on a ser ice-wide basis (a) i# Licensee breaches the License Agreement> (b) i#Licensee e9ceeds usage "imits and #ai"s to $urchase additiona" "icense ca$acity su##icient to su$$ort Licensee=scontinued use o# 7n"ine er ices as described in Artic"e ? o# this Addendum> (c) i# there is reason to be"ie e thatLicensee=s use o# 7n"ine er ice(s) wi"" ad erse"y a##ect the integrity #unctiona"ity or usabi"ity o# the 7n"ine

    er ice(s)> (d) i# Esri and its "icensors may incur "iabi"ity by not sus$ending Licensee=s account> (e) #or schedu"ed

  • 8/9/2019 Arcgis Bacacccchjj


    downtime to conduct maintenance or ma e modi#ications to 7n"ine er ice(s)> (#) in the e ent o# a threat or attacon 7n"ine er ice(s) (inc"uding a denia"-o#-ser ice attac ) or other e ent that may create a ris to the a$$"icab"e $arto# 7n"ine er ices> or (g) in the e ent that Esri determines that 7n"ine er ices (or $ortions thereo#) are $rohibited

    by "aw or otherwise that it is necessary or $rudent to do so #or "ega" or regu"atory reasons ;# #easib"e under thesecircumstances Licensee wi"" be noti#ied o# any er ice us$ension be#orehand and a""owed reasonab"e o$$ortunityto ta e remedia" action 4'7 Esri is not res$onsib"e #or any damage "iabi"ities "osses (inc"uding any "oss o# data or $ro#its) or any otherconse uences that Licensee or any Licensee customer may incur as a resu"t o# any er ice ;nterru$tion or er ice

    us$ension ARTICLE 6—LICEN-EE - CONTENT$ FEED5AC 6'/ Licensee s C#n!en!' Licensee retains a"" right tit"e and interest in Licensee=s !ontent Licensee hereby grantsEsri and Esri=s "icensors a none9c"usi e nontrans#erab"e wor"dwide right to host run and re$roduce Licensee=s!ontent so"e"y #or the $ur$ose o# enab"ing Licensee=s use o# 7n"ine er ices Jithout Licensee=s $ermission Esriwi"" not access use or disc"ose Licensee=s !ontent e9ce$t as reasonab"y necessary to su$$ort Licensee=s use o#7n"ine er ices res$ond to Licensee=s re uests #or customer su$$ort or troub"eshoot Licensee=s account or #or anyother $ur$ose authori ed by Licensee in writing ;# Licensee accesses 7n"ine er ices with an a$$"ication $ro ided

    by a third $arty Esri may disc"ose Licensee=s !ontent to such third $arty as necessary to enab"e intero$eration

    between the a$$"ication 7n"ine er ices and Licensee=s !ontent Esri may disc"ose Licensee=s !ontent i# re uiredto do so by "aw or $ursuant to the order o# a court or other go ernment body in which case Esri wi"" reasonab"yattem$t to "imit the sco$e o# disc"osure ;t is Licensee=s so"e res$onsibi"ity to ensure that Licensee=s !ontent issuitab"e #or use with 7n"ine er ices and #or maintaining regu"ar o##"ine bac u$s using the 7n"ine er ices e9$ortand down"oad ca$abi"ities 6'0 Re #(al #% Licensee s C#n!en!' Licensee wi"" $ro ide in#ormation and/or other materia"s re"ated to Licensee=s!ontent as reasonab"y re uested by Esri to eri#y Licensee=s com$"iance with this License Agreement Esri mayremo e or de"ete any $ortions o# Licensee=s !ontent i# there is reason to be"ie e that u$"oading it to or using it with7n"ine er ices io"ates this License Agreement ;# reasonab"e under these circumstances Esri wi"" noti#y Licensee

    be#ore Licensee=s !ontent is remo ed Esri wi"" res$ond to any :igita" Bi""ennium !o$yright Act ta e-down noticesin accordance with Esri=s !o$yright 5o"icy a ai"ab"e at htt$ //www esri com/"ega"/dmcaQ$o"icy 6'4 -&aring Licensee s C#n!en!' ;# Licensee e"ects to share Licensee=s !ontent using haring Too"s then Licensee

    ac now"edges that it has enab"ed third $arties to use store cache co$y re$roduce (re)distribute and (re)transmitLicensee=s !ontent through 7n"ine er ices E *; ; &7T *E 57& ; LE 7* A&' L7 :ELET;7&B7:; ;!AT;7& 7* :; !L7 .*E 7 L;!E& EE= !7&TE&T *E .LT;&F *7B . E 7* B; . E 7

    HA*;&F T77L 7* A&' 7THE* E*8;!E !7B57&E&T L;!E& EE= . E 7 HA*;&F T77L ;AT L;!E& EE= 7LE *; K 6'6 Re!rie(ing Licensee s C#n!en! up#n Ter ina!i#n' .$on termination o# the License Agreement or any tria"e a"uation or subscri$tion Esri wi"" ma e Licensee=s !ontent a ai"ab"e to Licensee #or down"oad #or a $eriod o#thirty (30) days un"ess Licensee re uests a shorter window o# a ai"abi"ity or Esri is "ega""y $rohibited #rom doing soTherea#ter Licensee=s right to access or use Licensee=s !ontent with 7n"ine er ices wi"" end and Esri wi"" ha e no#urther ob"igations to store or return Licensee=s !ontent ARTICLE 7—LIMIT- ON U-E OF ONLINE -ER2ICE-+ -ER2ICE CREDIT-

    Esri may estab"ish "imits on the 7n"ine er ices a ai"ab"e to Licensee These "imits may be contro""ed througher ice !redits er ice !redits are used to measure the consum$tion o# ArcF; 7n"ine ser ices made a ai"ab"e

    through Licensee=s account The ma9imum er ice !redits $ro ided with Licensee=s ArcF; 7n"ine account wi"" beaddressed in the a$$"icab"e 7rdering :ocument Esri wi"" noti#y Licensee=s account administrator when Licensee=s

    er ice !redit consum$tion reaches a$$ro9imate"y se enty-#i e $ercent (,?S) o# the er ice !redits a""ocated toLicensee through Licensee=s subscri$tion Esri wi"" noti#y Licensee=s account administrator i# Licensee=s er ice!redit consum$tion reaches or e9ceeds one hundred $ercent (100S) ;# Licensee=s account e9ceeds one hundred

    $ercent (100S) o# the a ai"ab"e er ice !redits Licensee may continue to access its account> howe er Licensee=saccess to ser ices that consume er ice !redits wi"" be sus$ended Licensee=s access to the ser ices that consume

  • 8/9/2019 Arcgis Bacacccchjj


    er ice !redits wi"" be restored immediate"y u$on the com$"etion o# Licensee=s $urchase o# additiona" er ice!redits ARTICLE 8—ONLINE CONTENT+ T1IRDBPARTY CONTENT AND 3E5-ITE- 8'/ Online C#n!en!' ArcF; 7n"ine :ata is inc"uded as a com$onent o# 7n"ine er ices and is "icensed under theterms o# the License Agreement 8'0 T&irdBPar!y C#n!en! and 3ebsi!es' 7n"ine er ices and ArcF; Jebsite may re#erence or "in to third-$artywebsites or enab"e Licensee to access iew use and down"oad third-$arty !ontent This Agreement does notaddress Licensee=s use o# third-$arty !ontent and Licensee may be re uired to agree to di##erent or additiona" termsin order to use third-$arty !ontent Esri does not contro" these websites and is not res$onsib"e #or their o$erationcontent or a ai"abi"ity> Licensee=s use o# any third-$arty websites and third-$arty !ontent is as is without warrantyand at Licensee=s so"e ris The $resence o# any "in s or re#erences in 7n"ine er ices to third-$arty websites andresources does not im$"y an endorsement a##i"iation or s$onsorshi$ o# any ind


    The #o""owing tab"e is a "ist o# Esri 5roducts that ha e s$eci#ic terms o# use in addition to the genera" terms o# use asset #orth in the Fenera" License Terms and !onditions o# the License Agreement Additiona" terms o# use are "isted

    immediate"y be"ow this tab"e and are re#erenced by number(s) shown in $arentheses immediate"y #o""owing each5roduct name in the #o""owing tab"e (in some cases the additiona" terms o# use re#erenced may be #ound in ase$arate Addendum as noted)

    O ArcF; 7n"ine (1> 2> Addendum 2 &ote 1 > Addendum 2 &ote 6 )

    O Esri usiness Ana"yst 7n"ine (3> Addendum 2 &ote 1 )O Esri usiness Ana"yst 7n"ine Bobi"e (3> Addendum 2

    &ote 1 )O Esri !ommunity Ana"yst (3> Addendum 2 &ote 1 )

    O Esri *edistricting 7n"ine ( Addendum 2 &ote 1 )O Esri Ba$ tudio (4> Addendum 2 &ote 1 >Addendum 2

    &ote + )

    &otes O ;# you do not "icense any o# the 5roducts in the tab"e abo e these additiona" terms o# use do not a$$"y to youO Additiona" terms o# use #or 5roducts 7&L' A55L' to the 5roducts that re#erence them by number in the tab"e

    abo e Additiona" Terms o# .se #or 5roducts "isted abo e 1 ;n addition to the common terms o# use o# 7n"ine er ices

    a Licensee may use Licensee=s Esri 7n"ine er ices account to bui"d a 8a"ue-Added A$$"ication(s) #orLicensee=s interna" use

    b Licensee may a"so $ro ide access to Licensee=s 8a"ue-Added A$$"ication(s) to third $arties sub

  • 8/9/2019 Arcgis Bacacccchjj


    to su$$ort third-$arty 7n"ine er ices usage and any additiona" subscri$tion #ees #or 7n"ine er icesas re uired

    Licensee is so"e"y res$onsib"e #or $ro iding technica" su$$ort #or Licensee=s 8a"ue-AddedA$$"ication(s)

    i Licensee wi"" restrict third-$arty use o# 7n"ine er ices as re uired by the terms o# this Agreementii Licensee may not remo e or obscure any trademar s or "ogos that wou"d norma""y be dis$"ayed

    through the use o# the 7n"ine er ices without written $ermission Licensee must inc"ude attributionac now"edging that its a$$"ication is using 7n"ine er ices $ro ided by Esri i# attribution is notautomatica""y dis$"ayed through the use o# 7n"ine er ices Fuide"ines are $ro ided in the:ocumentation

    iii Licensee may not embed a &amed .ser credentia" into a 8a"ue-Added A$$"ication or ArcF; 7n"ine#or 7rgani ations Education and &ongo ernmenta" 7rgani ation/&on$ro#it 7rgani ation(&F7/&57) 5"an accounts an A$$ Login !redentia" may on"y be embedded into 8a"ue-AddedA$$"ications that are used to $ro ide $ub"ic anonymous access to ArcF; 7n"ine Licensee may notembed or use ArcF; 7n"ine A$$ Login !redentia"s in 8a"ue-Added A$$"ications #or interna" use8a"ue-Added A$$"ications used interna""y re uire &amed .ser "ogin credentia"s

    c or ArcF; 7n"ine ELA ArcF; 7n"ine #or 7rgani ations and $aid :e e"o$er 5"an accounts

    i Licensee is a"so $ermitted to

    (1) !harge an additiona" #ee to third $arties to access Licensee=s 8a"ue-Added A$$"ication(s) sub and(2) Trans#er Licensee=s 8a"ue-Added A$$"ication(s) to a third $arty=s ArcF; 7n"ine account sub

  • 8/9/2019 Arcgis Bacacccchjj


    # or ArcF; 7n"ine :e e"o$ment and Testing 5"an accounts

    i ub

  • 8/9/2019 Arcgis Bacacccchjj


    re#erence This Addendum 4 ta es $recedence o er con#"icting terms o# the License Agreement Esri reser es theright to u$date the terms #rom time to time

    O Educationa" 5rograms (1)O Frant 5rograms (2)

    O Home .se 5rogram (3)O 7ther Esri Limited .se 5rograms (4)

    &otes 1 ducational Programs' Licensee agrees to use 5roducts so"e"y #or educationa" $ur$oses during the educationa"

    use Term Licensee sha"" not use 5roducts #or any Administrati e .se un"ess Licensee has ac uired anAdministrati e .se Term License *Ad inis!ra!i(e Use* means administrati e acti ities that are not direct"yre"ated to instruction or education such as asset ma$$ing #aci"ities management demogra$hic ana"ysis routingcam$us sa#ety and accessibi"ity ana"ysis Licensee sha"" not use 5roducts #or re enue-generating or #or-$ro#it

    $ur$oses2 &rant Programs' Licensee may use 5roducts on"y #or &oncommercia" $ur$oses E9ce$t #or cost reco ery o#

    using and o$erating the 5roducts Licensee sha"" not use 5roducts #or re enue-generating or #or-$ro#it $ur$oses3 ArcS for 0ome Use Program'

    a A"" ArcF; #or Home .se 5rogram 5roducts are $ro ided as Term Licenses and are identi#ied on Esri=sHome .se 5rogram website #ound at htt$ //www esri com/so#tware/arcgis/arcgis-#or-home or Licensee=sauthori ed distributor=s website

    b Esri grants to Licensee a $ersona" none9c"usi e nontrans#erab"e ing"e .se License without theauthori ation to insta"" or use a second co$y so"e"y to use the 5roducts $ro ided under the ArcF; #orHome .se 5rogram as set #orth in the a$$"icab"e 7rdering :ocuments (i) #or which the a$$"icab"e "icense#ees ha e been $aid (ii) #or Licensee=s own &oncommercia" interna" use (iii) in accordance with thisLicense Agreement and the con#iguration ordered by Licensee or as authori ed by Esri or its authori eddistributor and (i ) #or a $eriod o# twe" e (12) months un"ess terminated ear"ier in accordance with theLicense Agreement *N#nc# ercial* means use in a $ersona" or indi idua" ca$acity that (i) is notcom$ensated in any #ashion> (ii) is not intended to $roduce any wor s #or commercia" use or com$ensation>(iii) is not intended to $ro ide a commercia" ser ice> and (i ) is neither conducted nor #unded by any $ersonor entity engaged in the commercia" use a$$"ication or e9$"oitation o# wor s simi"ar to the "icensed5roducts

    c Ins!alla!i#n -upp#r!' ;nsta""ation u$$ort #or a $eriod o# ninety (+0) days is inc"uded with ArcF; #orHome .se As discussed #urther on the Esri or authori ed distributor=s website Esri $ro ides technica"su$$ort in res$onse to s$eci#ic in uiries ;nsta""ation u$$ort wi"" a$$"y on"y to unmodi#ied o#tware

    o#tware is $ro ided on"y #or standard hardware $"at#orms and o$erating systems su$$orted by Esri asdescribed in the o#tware :ocumentation Esri is not res$onsib"e #or ma ing or arranging #or u$dates tointer#aces #or nonstandard de ices or custom a$$"ications

    Esri ;nsta""ation u$$ort wi"" be $ro ided in com$"iance with the Esri ArcF; #or Home .se ;nsta""ation

    u$$ort document on the Esri website at htt$ //www esri com/P/media/ i"es/5d#s/"ega"/$d#s/home-use-insta""ation-su$$ort $d# Esri su$$orts users so"e"y with the insta""ation o# Esri o#tware Esri=s u$$ortwebsite is a thtt$ //su$$ort esri com/en/su$$ort u$$ort $ro ided by an authori ed distributor wi"" be inaccordance with the distributor=s technica" su$$ort $rogram terms and conditions

    4 Other sri Limited Use Programs' ;# Licensee ac uires 5roducts under any "imited use $rogram not "isted

    abo e Licensee=s use o# the 5roducts may be sub