Basic Structure - Harold Venger

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  • 7/25/2019 Basic Structure - Harold Venger



    Page 1

    Introducing the Basic Structure

    Each column in the Basic Structure is based upon a modified Fibonacci

    Series. This is illustrated in the first column in the structure. In each new column it is

    necessary to begin the column with a double number, eample! 1"1#$, 1"$#%. Each

    column is limited to twel&e numbers. If the series is to continue after the twelfth number,a new series is necessary beginning with the twelfth number of the pre&ious series.

    The twelfth number in the first column is 1''. This allows that a shift is necessary, and the

    continued series begins with 1''"1''#$((, 1''"$((# '%$. This allows that the twelfth

    number in any series is always 1'' time the first number in the series.

    The number of columns that may be stac)ed is dependent upon the si*e of

    the numbers being modified or placed within the Basic Structure. In the column beginning

    with the number nine +-, 1$ is the twelfth number. 1$ e/uals 1''. To continue the

    series the twelfth number, or the end number of the net series is 1$ 1'' or 1(,$'.

    The net series begins with 1(,$' " 1(,$'.

    1$ 1($' The number 1(,$' represents the

    1$ 1($' speed of light in miles per second. In the

    1( $0$ %%$'( scientific community the speed of light is

    $ %((( 00($ usually gi&en as 1(,222 miles per second.

    '0 '(2 %%1$2 The number 1(,222 does not fit on the

    $ 12%( 1'$$ basic structure. To modify a number it must

    11 1('( $'$11$ be di&ided by 1'' until a number is found

    1( $$1 %112' that fits close to a number on the basic

    %2 ''2' %'0$1 structure, i.e. 1(,22231'' # 1$1.31'' #

    '0 1$(2 12$'%$2 (.. 4e then modify (. to 1''

    (21 110%'' 120% 1'' # 1(,$' a perfect fit on the basic

    1$ 1($' $(%(0 structure.

    In the basic structure, columns to 22, all of the numbers are of the

    numerology of . 5i&en the speed of light as 1(,$' miles per second. 4hen we add

    1 " ( " " "$ " ' # $, $ " # . This rule applies to e&ery number in the basic

    structure. 6t this time it does not seem necessary to etent the columns beyond

    22. 7owe&er we can if necessary continue the basic structure indefinitely, add

    *eros to the numbers in any column, and use decimal points. The basic structure may

    be etended &ertically or hori*ontally indefinitely.

    The reality of a super symmetry is opposite of the physical uni&erse, of

    symmetry. In the realm of super symmetry particles spin in the opposite direction.

    7owe&er it is not necessary to create a basic structure with negati&e signs. In a similar

    manner the temperature of outer space at absolute *ero is a negati&e '0 degrees f.

    This negati&e number fits on the basic structure without the use of a negati&e sign.

    6nother facet of the basic structure will emerge when we deal with the 8

    particle. 6n appendage will emerge from any number in any column. It is possible that

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Structure - Harold Venger



    Page $

    a number will appear in more than one place in the basic structure. 9r the the number

    may appear in the appendage of another column. In the column beginning with , 1'' #

    1$ 1'' # 1(,$', the speed of light. In the %$' column the twelfth number is '0.

    The third number in the '0 column is %%1$, this number when doubled, or used

    to begin a new column produces 1(,$', the speed of light. 4e should also note if we

    add three *eros to %%1$ or %,%1$,222 # the distance between the earth and our sun.6t the end of the second part of the '0 column we find the same number minus one *ero,

    In the 0 column it was necessary to add four *eros to create the

    0222 column. The ultimate result was to create appendages or four columns that

    ended in deep space particles. The same result can be achie&ed by multiplying

    ,02,222 1'' # $,222,222 1'' # ',(2,222,222 1'' # ,('2,222,222

    1'' # 122,,2,222,222, the e: of deep space particles. 4e should also note

    That $, the &alue of the )aon mass appeared twice, at the end of the first column

    and in the third column. In the second column, sith number, we find the pion mass

    represented by the number $2.

    To re&erse the process, if we di&ide, 122,,2,222,222 3 1'';' #

    ,02,222. This is the method used to find the initial column in the basic structure.

    This process is in reality a method of trial and error depending upon the numbers

    in&ol&ed. The process also in&ol&es an e&aluation of reasonableness, a /uality that

    must satisfy each indi&idual.

    In the '0 column a negati&e sign produces the &alue of absolute *ero,

    of a

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Structure - Harold Venger



    Page %

    Basic Structure

    1 1( 27 % '0 54

    1 1( $ % '0 0'

    2 1( % 54 $ 2 1083 27 0' (1 12( 135 162

    5 45 2 1%0 1(2 225 270

    8 72 144 $1 $(( 360 432

    13 117 $%' %01 '( 0(0 2$

    21 1( %( 0 0 '0 1134

    34 %2 1$ 1( 1$$' 10%2 1836

    55 '0 2 1485 1(2 $'0 2970

    89 (21 12$ $'2% %$2' '220 4806

    144 1296 2592 3888 01(' '(2 7776

    % $ (1 2 108 11

    % $ (1 2 12( 11

    1$ 144 1$ 1(2 1( $1 $%'

    1( $1 $'% 270 $ %$' %01

    %10 360 '20 '02 '0 540 0(0

    02' 0 '( $2 $ 864 %

    (1 % 120% 112 1$( 1'2' 10$1

    1%$% 101$ 121 1(2 $2 2268 $'0

    $1'$ $''( $0' %22 %% %$ %(

    %'0 %2 ''00 '02 0''0 0'2 '%0

    02 '2( $2 (212 ((11 1$ 12'1%

    2$ 12%( 11' 1$2 1'$0 1000$ 1('(

    12e$ >ight Spectrum 12(, Possible gluon mass.

    12e'0 Super symmetry?Spec. >@= of symmetry.

    12e$ SS symmetry spectrum 0'2, possible /uar) mass

    12e11 SSS symmetry spectrum $$( >ength of the Processional

    1$ $2 # $0$2, precession at Teotihuacan.

    of the E/uino. $2, pion mass

    1$ 1'' # 1($'

    speed of light. 1(% proton mass

    1'(0, part of the ascending passage $2 Super proton mass.

    of the 5reat Pyramid. '(2 SS proton mass

    1'(0 $ # $2, the mass of a SSS proton mass

    super proton. 1'' # 111''

    a )ey number.

  • 7/25/2019 Basic Structure - Harold Venger



    Page '

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  • 7/25/2019 Basic Structure - Harold Venger



    Page 0

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  • 7/25/2019 Basic Structure - Harold Venger




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  • 7/25/2019 Basic Structure - Harold Venger




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  • 7/25/2019 Basic Structure - Harold Venger



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  • 7/25/2019 Basic Structure - Harold Venger




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  • 7/25/2019 Basic Structure - Harold Venger



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