I N T’E~ N A T I o L C A M P A I G / ROM the time OJ‘ikJ-foundation in 1946, Unesco has reserved an important place in its F ctivifies jòr a Miisezim Division, which ivas)db in harmony with one of the Organ- i<atio/i ’s aim. Althoigh ~ost ,wiiseiixs hod worked tinder great d#ci&ies ditritg the war and had eveti, in some cases, siiffered serious damage, the preceding fi if^ years or so hod witnessed arz evolution, and the birth of new ideas aboi. museztl/is. When calm was restored, it at once became apparent that itz many coiitltries there ivos a considerable late fat interest itì the sz&ect, that needed only to be encoziraged and developed. MUSEUM waJ- foi~nded in 1948. In 1949, Volunie II, No. 4, deiloted to the s@ect Musemzs in the Service t f All, carried LZFZ article entitled: “Crusade .for ..Miiseum”, which mzde bold to declare that: Curators who shorf-J.ighkedbshiif themselves zip in their ofices with their collections tmst be replaced by ?tien of ackioz. ci’diiseum directors tza~ look forward to the jkture with coi$dence, but the^ must also realixe where their d d e x iind res-onsibì/iries lie. They ?mist work with faith and mthiisiastn, joiwhg in the crztsade for mzisezwis that we are appealing to Unesco to launch with all the power and resowces at its cotm”d.” IViihozit further delay, a jrm skand was taketz ifì several countries. Unesco or<<anixed an intertzational senzinar on the role of znusewm in edication, which was held at Brookbn, Neni York, it1 19~2. At the third General Conference ef the Internakìonal Cotmil of hhseittm (Iconï), held at Genoa and Mila?z it) 19~3, tmseiim experts )om all over the world iloted zinanimo14s~ in failour of ìnsh’ti4tiq a campaign for ~~iuseiat/~s. Y~goslavia orgonixed nlithozik delq a Museums Week which proved highb .fucces@l. Finally, at Adontevide0 iiz Novettiber 19~4, the Unesco General Cof$erence adopted a reso- lf/tioii in favour of the International Campaign for Museums und voted the modesf sum ~iecessoy for pro?)iofitg it, This gave the s&mrlfor getzeral action. A jnal progrmizze was drawti I@ at a Unesco-ICOAf f?ieekiÍzg of experts ìh 19~j, and the Director-Geizeral sent a cil-ciilar letter to the Goverwnetits of hleeltiber States, doted 8 Jub I~JJ, siqe2esking thak thg shodd organixe, in co-operation with ICOlt1, uarious activities to take place throqhoit the world clzrìng the second week of October 19~6. These prelitninayi siggestions were warm31 receizied by mat91 t1atìonal aiithorities. The National Cor/l.mis.rians for Unesco in all Member States were notzped of the steps taken. Orgmixed contmts are being established on ail increasing scale, not only with khe znztseums themselves, bzdt also with artists’ associations and educational circles, labour ofxanì.yatioas and the general public. All ì?$or/ization ad piblicio media are to be enlisted: press, broad- casjiig, television, cinema. T e hope that our appeal-for support -for this International Campaign €or Museums wìll evoke respome alike from goverwient azithorities and miinicipnl bodies, acadeer//iciam atid schoolteachers, industrial technicians and workers in toiun and county ! Throighotit the worí’d, without regard to ~zatio~ial-fror2h’ers, niusewis wid occgpy the place of hofzour for u ivhole week. IFhaf a sati{factìofa for all whose da+ work has beet2 devoted to the cause of míweium, fol all who are zealous4 defenditg that cause ! ANDRÉ LEVEILLÉ I. POSTER announcing the Itzterriationul Campaign for hlii~t”, printed in eight languages, colour, 60 x 80 cm. [French version.] r. AFFICHE en couleurs, imprimk en huit langues, annonçant la Catapugtze itztertiatiotz.de des nitis&s, 60 x 80 cm. /Version française.] Presidef2t of the Board .f Edikors M U S E U M VOL. IX/NO I 1956


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I N T ’ E ~ N A T I o NÄ L C A M P A I G /

ROM the time OJ‘ikJ-foundation in 1946, Unesco has reserved an important place in its F ctivifies jòr a Miisezim Division, which ivas)db in harmony with one o f the Organ- i<atio/i ’s aim. Althoigh ~ o s t ,wiiseiixs hod worked tinder great d#ci&ies ditritg the war and had eveti, in some cases, siiffered serious damage, the preceding fi if^ years or so hod witnessed arz evolution, and the birth o f new ideas aboi. museztl/is.

When calm was restored, it at once became apparent that itz many coiitltries there ivos a considerable late f a t interest itì the sz&ect, that needed only to be encoziraged and developed.

MUSEUM waJ- foi~nded in 1948. In 1949, Volunie II, No. 4, deiloted t o the s@ect Musemzs in the Service t f All, carried LZFZ article entitled: “Crusade .for ..Miiseum”, which mzde bold t o declare that:

Curators who shorf-J.ighkedb shiif themselves z i p in their ofices with their collections tmst be replaced by ?tien o f ackioz.

ci’diiseum directors t z a ~ look forward t o the jkture with coi$dence, but the^ must also

realixe where their ddex iind res-onsibì/iries lie. They ?mist work with faith and mthiisiastn, joiwhg in the crztsade for mzisezwis that we are appealing to Unesco t o launch with all the power and resowces a t its cotm”d.”

IViihozit further delay, a j r m skand was taketz ifì several countries. Unesco or<<anixed an intertzational senzinar o n the role of znusewm in edication, which was held at Brookbn, Neni York, it1 19~2. At the third General Conference e f the Internakìonal Cotmil o f hhseittm (Iconï), held a t Genoa and Mila?z it) 19~3, tmseiim experts )om all over the world iloted zinanimo14s~ in failour o f ìnsh’ti4tiq a campaign for ~~iuseiat/~s. Y~goslavia orgonixed nlithozik delq a Museums Week which proved highb .fucces@l. Finally, a t Adontevide0 iiz Novettiber 19~4, the Unesco General Cof$erence adopted a reso-

lf/tioii in favour of the International Campaign for Museums und voted the modesf s u m

~iecessoy for pro?)iofitg it, This gave the s&mrlfor getzeral action. A j n a l progrmizze was drawti I@ at a Unesco-ICOAf f?ieekiÍzg o f experts ìh 19~j, and the Director-Geizeral sent a cil-ciilar letter t o the Goverwnetits o f hleeltiber States, doted 8 Jub I ~ J J , siqe2esking thak thg shodd organixe, in co-operation with ICOlt1, uarious activities t o take place throqhoit the world clzrìng the second week o f October 19~6.

These prelitninayi siggestions were warm31 receizied by mat91 t1atìonal aiithorities. The National Cor/l.mis.rians for Unesco in all Member States were notzped o f the steps taken. Orgmixed contmts are being established on ail increasing scale, n o t only with khe znztseums themselves, bzdt also with artists’ associations and educational circles, labour ofxanì.yatioas and the general public. All ì?$or/ization a d piblicio media are t o be enlisted: press, broad- casjiig, television, cinema.

T e hope that our appeal-for support -for this International Campaign €or Museums wìll evoke respome alike from goverwient azithorities and miinicipnl bodies, acadeer//iciam atid schoolteachers, industrial technicians and workers in toiun and county !

Throighotit the worí’d, without regard to ~zatio~ial-fror2h’ers, niusewis wid occgpy the place of hofzour for u ivhole week. IFhaf a sati{factìofa for all whose da+ work has beet2 devoted to the cause o f míweium, fol all who are zealous4 defenditg that cause !


I. POSTER announcing the Itzterriationul Campaign for hlii~t”, printed in eight languages, colour, 60 x 80 cm. [French version.]

r. AFFICHE en couleurs, imprimk en huit langues, annonçant la Catapugtze itztertiatiotz.de des nitis&s, 60 x 80 cm. /Version française.]

Presidef2t o f the Board .f Edikors

M U S E U M VOL. I X / N O I 1 9 5 6





As sa fondation e?i 1946, l’Unesco avait réservé une place importante à une Divisioiz D des nzusées, qui rQondait bien d Pun de ses objectifs. Si la plupart des niusées avaient connu de graiides daflcultés pendaxt la guerre, e t même subi des dommages considérables, il n’en demeurait pas nioins que, depuis près d’un denii-siècle, une évolution s ’anzorpit e t que des conceptions nouvelles se faisaient jour.

Des te9nps plus calmes étant revenus, il apparut imnédiaternent qu’il suflsait de peu de chose, dam de nombreux pqs , pour ranimer des enthousias/nes capables d’avoir des écbos dans tous les nziliez4x.

MUSEUM avait éte‘ créé en 1948. Le nunzéro 4 du volume II (1949), consacré 2 l’action des muées au service de tous, s’ouvrait sur un article intitulé : rr L a croisade des musées ”, dont nous tenons à rappeler ce passage :

r r Les coiiservateurs égois fement enfermés dans leur cabinet avec leurs collections doivent faire place à des hommes d’action.

rr Que les directeurs de ~nusée aient cotyfance dans l’avenir, mais aussi conscience de leurs responsabilités e t de leurs devoirs, qdils travaillent avec foi e t enthousiasnze e t participent d la croisade des musées que nous demandons à l’ Unesco de lancer avec toute la puissance e t toutes les ressources dont elle dispose. ”

Les positions ne tardèrent pas à êire prises dans plusieurs pqs. L’ Unesco organisait soia

stage d’études international sur le rôle des nzusées dans l’éducation, qui eut lieu 2 Brookbn, New York, en 19~2. Au Conseil international des niusées (Icoiv) qui réunissait sa troisième cotférence générale ri Gênes e t à Milan (19~3) , des niuséograpbes venzts de partout uotaient à l’unanimité la mise e7z route d’une cal.’.ipagne des nzusées. L a Yozgoslavie, sans plus aitendre, organisait ez 1 9 ~ 4 une Semaine des musées, qui obtirzt un succès considérable.

Mais c’est d Montevideo, en notienibre 1914, que la Conférence générale de I’ Unesco devait adopter Za résolution en faveur de la Campagne internationale des musées e t voter les quelques crédits indispensables. L‘action générale allait donc être déclenchée. Le programme d$ni t f f . t établi au cours d’une réunion d’experts Unesco-Iconf en 1911 e t le Directeur général voulut bien adresser aux gouvernements des &ats membres de .?Unesco, en date du 8 juillet 1911, la lettre dam laquelle il leur proposait d’organiser dans le naonde, avec le concours de I’ICOLZ~, des mmì- festations qui se dérouleraient au cows de la deuxième senzaine d’ ociobre de la présente année.

Ces premières suggestions rencontrèrent un accueil très favorable auprès de nombreuses autorités nationales. Beaucoup ont deà conzmitiiqzié à l’ Unesco d’intéressants projets. Dans tous les États membres , les conimissions nationales pour 7 Unesco ont été if formées de I’aciion entreprise. Les liaisons organisées vont se précisant de plus en plus, non seulement avec les jlnusées eux-nzêmes, mais avec les associatiotas des artistes e t les milieux de l’enseignemerit, les organisations du travail e t le grand public. Tous les myens d’itfornzation e t de propagande seront utilisés : presse, radiodiffzision, télévision, cinéma.

Puisse l’appel que nous la;yons en faveur de cette Campagne internationale des musées être entendzt des autorités gouvernemen tales coninze des administrations n”pales, de I’aca- dénzicien comne du ?naître d’éCole, du tecbnicien de la grande industrie conznze dzi travailleur, citadit1 ou rural!

Dans le monde entier, sans distinction de frontière e t durant toute une semaine, les nzusées serotit à l’bowieur. Quelle sati?faction pour tous ceux qui, jour après jour, se sont voués à

la cause du ~nusée, pour tous ceux qui la d<findent avec la p h s ardente conviction! AND& LEVEILLÉ

Président du comité de rédaction