COMPANY about us team partners careers contact us À l'heure du développement de nouvelles technologies et de nouveaux services dans le marché mondial de l'innovation, l’intelligence économique et la Business Intelligence n'ont jamais été aussi nécessaires. Dans un monde globalisé où la guerre économico-technologique bat son plein, la différenciation est un atout majeur. C'est pourquoi, chez CBDM.T®, société de Market et Business Intelligence, notre mission est de cribler, de sonder et d'analyser, avec une approche à la fois objective et exhaustive, tous les acteurs et les technologies du marché afin d'établir une stratégie puissante et orientée 'marché'. CBDMT® est une société de Market et Business Intelligence. CBDMT® assiste les sociétés industrielles ou innovantes afin d'identifier des clients ou des technologies (business development) et de définir une stratégie (business strategy). CBDMT® intervient auprès de ses clients comme partenaire avec la perspective de maximiser l'efficacité et minimiser les risques dans le développement et l'accélération de la croissance (WOI - Window Opportunity Identification). Les bénéfices du support de CBDMT®: z Approche opérationnelle par le prisme Finance-Marketing-Science - Réseau international - Expertises (scientifique, management, industrielle) - Vision stratégique z Lien entre l'innovation et le marché z Economie du temps et des ressources La démarche des Partners de CBDMT®: z Evaluer (fédérer des expertises) z Valider z Analyser les marchés potentiels et construire une démarche stratégique z Implémenter 2009 copyright by CBDMT designed by designum.pl | home | company | services | publication | news | reports | contact | Page 1 sur 1 CBDM.T ® - Market and Business Intelligence 06/01/2011 http://www.cbdmt.com/index.php?id=2

CBDMT - Market Business Intelligence - Votre partenaire en Intelligence Economique en France

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À l'heure du développement de nouvelles technologies et de nouveaux services dans le marché mondial de l'innovation, l’intelligence économique et la Business Intelligence n'ont jamais été aussi nécessaires. Dans un monde globalisé où la guerre économico-technologique bat son plein, la différenciation est un atout majeur. C'est pourquoi, chez CBDM.T®, société de Market et Business Intelligence, notre mission est de cribler, de sonder et d'analyser, avec une approche à la fois objective et exhaustive, tous les acteurs et les technologies du marché afin d'établir une stratégie puissante et orientée 'marché'.

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COMPANY about us team partners careers contact us

À l'heure du développement de nouvelles technologies et de nouveaux services dans le marché mondial de l'innovation, l’intelligence économique et la Business Intelligence n'ont jamais été aussi nécessaires. Dans un monde globalisé où la guerre économico-technologique bat son plein, la différenciation est un atout majeur. C'est pourquoi, chez CBDM.T®, société de Market et Business Intelligence, notre mission est de cribler, de sonder et d'analyser, avec une approche à la fois objective et exhaustive, tous les acteurs et les technologies du marché afin d'établir une stratégie puissante et orientée 'marché'.

CBDMT® est une société de Market et Business Intelligence. CBDMT® assiste les sociétés industrielles ou innovantes afin d'identifier des clients ou des technologies (business development) et de définir une stratégie (business strategy). CBDMT® intervient auprès de ses clients comme partenaire avec la perspective de maximiser l'efficacité et minimiser les risques dans le développement et l'accélération de la croissance (WOI - Window Opportunity Identification).

Les bénéfices du support de CBDMT®:

Approche opérationnelle par le prisme Finance-Marketing-Science - Réseau international - Expertises (scientifique, management, industrielle) - Vision stratégique Lien entre l'innovation et le marché Economie du temps et des ressources

La démarche des Partners de CBDMT®:

Evaluer (fédérer des expertises) Valider Analyser les marchés potentiels et construire une démarche stratégique Implémenter

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COMPANY about us team partners careers contact us

À l'heure du développement de nouvelles technologies et de nouveaux services dans le marché mondial de l'innovation, l’intelligence économique et la Business Intelligence n'ont jamais été aussi nécessaires. Dans un monde globalisé où la guerre économico-technologique bat son plein, la différenciation est un atout majeur. C'est pourquoi, chez CBDM.T®, société de Market et Business Intelligence, notre mission est de cribler, de sonder et d'analyser, avec une approche à la fois objective et exhaustive, tous les acteurs et les technologies du marché afin d'établir une stratégie puissante et orientée 'marché'.

CBDMT® est une société de Market et Business Intelligence. CBDMT® assiste les sociétés industrielles ou innovantes afin d'identifier des clients ou des technologies (business development) et de définir une stratégie (business strategy). CBDMT® intervient auprès de ses clients comme partenaire avec la perspective de maximiser l'efficacité et minimiser les risques dans le développement et l'accélération de la croissance (WOI - Window Opportunity Identification).

Les bénéfices du support de CBDMT®:

Approche opérationnelle par le prisme Finance-Marketing-Science - Réseau international - Expertises (scientifique, management, industrielle) - Vision stratégique Lien entre l'innovation et le marché Economie du temps et des ressources

La démarche des Partners de CBDMT®:

Evaluer (fédérer des expertises) Valider Analyser les marchés potentiels et construire une démarche stratégique Implémenter

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CBDMT® - MARKET ET BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE CBDMT : le lien entre l’innovation et les marchés en fournissant des solutions opérationnelles afin de caractériser :

L’Incertitude Marché Taille du marché potentiel?

L’Incertitude Technologique L’innovation rendra-t-elle réellement obsolète la technologie en place?

La Volatilité Concurrentielle Quel produit ou innovation en concurrence? Quelle future technologie concurrente? Quelle stratégie concurrentielle à mettre en place?

CBDMT® assiste les sociétés ou organismes en :

Business Development Analyse Marché Etude Marché

Prospection active Intelligence Marketing - Buzz

Stratégie Intérim Management

Les marchés :

Les biotechnologies

L'industrie pharmaceutique La chimie industrielle

L'énergie La cosmétique

Les sciences du vivant

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ABOUT US about us team partners careers contact us

Société de conseil et d'intelligence économique dans le domaine des sciences de la vie, CBDMT® accompagne et conseille les entreprises dans le développement et l'accélération de la croissance à travers le prisme "Science-Marketing-Finance" avec une démarche proactive:

- Business & Marketing Intelligence dans les domaines des Sciences du vivant et des biotechnologies:

Cartographie Technologique & Business Analyse marché (acteurs, drivers, clients et concurrents) Etudes marché et prospection active Veille économique Due diligence technologique et business Stratégie "Business"

- Programme de développement stratégique (définition, validation et implémentation):

Start-up, Business Model Définition et "matrice" marché Management de l'innovation BDM, Business Development Management Market Opportunity Mapping (see MOM TM) Coaching Interim Management

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TEAM about us team partners careers contact us

CBDMT® intervient avec une approche "management de projet". CBDMT® fédère les partenaires ou les experts dans les domaines de la propriété intellectuelle, de la R&D, du développement et de l'industrialisation, de la chimie fine, des biotechnologies (industrielles "white", agroressources "vertes", pharmaceutiques "red", marines "blue"), de l'industrie pharmaceutique, de la cosmétique, de l'industrie alimentaire humaine et animale...

Au sein de CBDMT®, l'équipe travaille en réseau avec des académiques, consultants indépendants, business executives, et des experts, afin de correspondre parfaitement aux projets.

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PARTNERS about us team partners careers contact us

LifeScience Consulting :

LifeScience-Consulting, Inc. is a company focused on the integration of financial and scientific data to provide sophisticated computer models and cutting edge industry knowledge. The Company markets the Lifescience-Portal™, a fully integrated information infrastructure platform improving the complex valuation of pharma/biotech companies and projects. Additionally, the Lifescience-Reports™ are shaped to match specifically customers' demands for market analysis, due diligence and projects' valuations.

See also www.lifescience-consulting.com See also www.biotech-finances.com/?page=video&video_id=11

BioAdvice :

BioAdvice est une société de conseils opérationnels dans les domaines du développement de bioprocédés et de produits biotechnologiques. La connaissance des marchés, couplée à une forte expérience R&D et industrielle, permet à Bioadvice d'intervenir au niveau stratégique et opérationnel dans tous les domaines liés aux biotechnologies. BioAdvice exerce deux métiers complémentaires qui structurent son offre de services, et lui confèrent un positionnement original : Le conseil et la recherche et développement sous contrat. Bioadvice travaille avec les grands groupes industriels et les PME/PMI (Sanofi Aventis, Millegen, Biométhodes, Protenia SA...)

Lien www.bioadviceonline.com


Le comité adebiotech est une association Loi 1901 qui a pour objectif de favoriser le développement maîtrisé des biotechnologies avec un souci permanent d’anticiper les attentes des utilisateurs et de fédérer les forces pour faire émerger des réponses pragmatiques aux besoins non satisfaits de la société en matière de sciences pour la vie. Le Comité Adebiotech regroupe plusieurs Sociétés Savantes, Associations, Organisations, Entreprises et des membres individuels des secteurs publics et privés: SFM, SFBBM, SCIBB, CBSO...

Lien: http://www.adebiotech.org/

LifeScience OnlineTM: Google de la Pharma1

Site d'information sur les sociétés des secteurs pharmaceutiques et biotechnologiques (plus de 5,000 profils d'entreprises et plus de 14,000 profils de composés). Une structure B2B permettant aux fournisseurs de services (recherche ou production pour des tiers, CRO, CMO, CRAM) et à l'industrie pharmaceutique d'entrer en contact. L'outil indispensable de veille économique biotech et pharma. (1) PME Magazine, Octobre 2007.

Lien: www.lifescience-online.com


comClOVIS & CBDM.T, une combinaison complémentaire pour 'booster' votre entreprise. comCLOVIS apporte ses compétences et son réseau de professionnels en fonction des projets: directeurs artistiques, concepteurs rédacteurs scientifiques et généralistes multilingues, graphistes, photographes, imprimeurs, attachés de presse. See also http://www.comclovis.com/

Interested in a Partnership? Please contact us at [email protected]

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CAREERS about us team partners careers contact us

Le développement de CBDMT® fait appel aux talents et expertises dans les domaines de l'innovation et du market & business intelligence.

Les candidatures spontanées de personnes motivées sont les bienvenues.

Merci d'envoyer votre CV accompagné d'une lettre de motivation à:


Ressources Humaines 88-90 rue de la Mare FR-75020 PARIS France [email protected]

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CBDM.T® Websites:

http://www.dry-eye-disease.com/ http://www.disease-alzheimer.com/

CBDM.T® Customer Portal: http://fileshare.cbdmt.com/


75 rue de la Mare Fr-75020 PARIS FRANCE Tel : +33 1 4474 7957 Fax : +33 1 7711 8459 [email protected]


POBox 6235 NETANYA - 42490 ISRAEL Tel : +972 52 3316190 [email protected]


8 Rue Robert Céard Ch-1204 GENEVA SWITZERLAND

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SERVICES market & business intelligence market opportunity mapping

CBDMT®, une contribution opérationnelle en intelligence économique et en intelligence marketing :

° Mieux connaître et appréhender les marchés : Taille, acteurs, drivers, tendances, concurrents, besoins...

° Mieux connaître les technologies : Brevets, acteurs, menaces, opportunités...

° Identifier et évaluer les risques 'marché' : Nouveaux acteurs, nouvelles technologies, alternatives

° Lire et sonder le marché pour catalyser la pénétration 'marché'…

° Identifier les leviers de création de valeur,

° Optimiser le temps et les ressources.

CBDMT®, dernier focus:

° La biocatalyse, les bioprocédés, le biomanufacturing, la bioconversion...

° les marchés pharmaceutiques: cancer, vaccins, HIV-AIDS, anti-infectieux, SNC, dermatologie, Alzheimer ...

° CRO, CMO, les biogénériques, la productivité en R&D...

° Les neutraceutiques, les suppléments alimentaires...

° Les biofuels, la bioremédiation, les énergies vertes, la séquestration du CO2...

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market & business intelligence market opportunity mapping


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market & business intelligence market opportunity mapping

MOMTM - Market Opportunity Mapping "To be prepared for negotiation is one of the most effective means of closing deals"

Matrix your market potential via CBDMT® MOMTM Model* to increase business leverages:

Players, drivers: License vs full commercialization? Technology application: Incremental vs Breakthrough? Innovation supply chain Make, buy, or codevelop? Pricing, volume

Define your strategy:

Corporate strategy: Does the technology fit with the firm's mission? Resources: Does the firm have sufficient resources to exploit the technology? Options: Know-how, Proof of concept, components... Sell, license and/or commercialize...

*"Before opening doors, matrix your business"

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CBDMT Flyer Sound out the Market... Get into the Market... download comCLOVIS & CBDM.T - Audit - Survey - Strategy - Creation download La récente évolution des accords de licence dans la Biotechnologie (French) download Recent evolution of the licensing agreements in the Biotechnology and key success factors download Enzyme Market Survey - Executive Summary download Dry Eye Disease (DED) Report - Table of Content download Article Le Revenu - Alzheimer : Un énorme marché potentiel! (French) download Article Le JDD- Alzheimer : Le médicament manquant! (French) download Private Equity \"The Business of Building Business\" - Executive Summary (French) download Enzyme Market Survey - Executive Summary (French) download White Biotechnology: The Invisible Revolution download Enzyme Market Review download Focus on White Biotechnology download Focus on Red Biotechnology download Focus on Pharmaceuticals download Focus on Biofuels download Focus on Outsourcing In The Pharmaceutical Industry download CBDMT gives you access to: download Focus on Green Biotechnology download Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) Report - Table of Content download Wegener Granulomatosis (WG) Report - Table of Content download Alzheimer\'s Disease (AD) Report - Table of Content download P38 Kinase Inhibitors Report - Table of Content download Salon des Energies Renouvelables Paris 18 juin 2010- Biofuel de 3ème Génération : Microalgues (French) download CBDM.T - Analyse du marché du traitement de la sécheresse oculaire (French) download AZD 9668 AstraZeneca Report - Table of Content download Cytotoxic Report - Table of Content download Clinical Phase III Product Report - Table of Content download Articles Les Echos - 11 Oct 2010 - \"Antibiotiques : Chronique d\'un Désastre Annoncé\" - Laurence Bollack

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01.06.10 CBDMT, The Market and Business Intelligence Company Reviews The Alzheimer\'s Disease Market

According to CBDMT, the market and business intelligence company, the Alzheimer's disease (AD) market was valued at $5.5 billion in 2009. The ADmarket is led by North America with a market share of 52% accounting for sales of $2.8 billion. The Alzheimer disease market could account formore than $10.1 billion by 2020. Paris, France (PRWEB) June 1, 2010 -- Alzheimer's disease (AD) is by far the most common cause of dementia associated with aging. It accounts formore than 60% of all dementia. Today, more than 20.8 million people are affected by the disease around the world. As the 'baby boomer' generationages in developed countries, the percentage of the population aged 65 and over will increase to 716.4 million by 2020. The Alzheimer's diseasepatient population is forecast to be up to 31.3 million. Today, there are two main classes of marketed Alzheimer's disease drugs: acetylcholinesterase inhibitors and N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptorantagonists. Both have an action on cognitive impairments, but they do not directly cure AD. Four different compounds are on the market, three ofthose are acetylcholinesterase inhibitors: donepezil (Aricept), galantamine (Razadine, Reminyl) and rivastigmine (Exelon, Prometax). The only onewhich belongs to NMDA receptor antagonist therapeutic class is memantine (Akatinol, Axura, Ebixa, Namenda).

In 2009, 247 drugs were under development from discovery (92 products), preclinical (46 products), clinical phase 1 (52 products), clinical phase 2(50 products) to clinical phase 3 (with 7 products). Seven products were on the market. The top 5 pharmaceutical companies in this market areEisai, Forest Pharmaceutical, Novartis, Pfizer, and Johnson & Johnson.

Alzheimer treatment is and will be a key pharmaceutical business. According to CBDMT, the market and business intelligence company, theAlzheimer's disease market was valued at $5.5 billion in 2009. The only generics on the market are Reminyl or Razadyne. The Galantamine drugpatent expired in 2008. The AD market is led by North America with a market share of 52% accounting for sales of $2.8 billion. The Alzheimerdisease market could account for more than $10.1 billion by 2020.

The Japanese company Eisai Co. Ltd. made in 2009 nearly half of the Alzheimer's disease market sales with $2.584 billion thanks to its blockbusterAricept, the first prescribed drug for dementia treatment. Aricept represents 29% of Eisai Co. Ltd. total sales. "Currently there's no cure forAlzheimer's. Alzheimer's disease is still waiting for its key product. Furthermore all current marketed products will be generics in five years. Successwill be guaranteed for the winner of the treatment development race" comments Philippe Tramoy, Managing Partner.

Key players: Eisai, Pfizer, Novartis, Forest Pharmaceutical, Lundbeck, Johnson & Johnson, Elan Corp., Baxter, Eli Lilly and Co, Merz Pharmaceutical,Bellus Health. Detailed products: Aricept, Namenda, Bapineuzumab, Exelon, Razadyne, Ebixa, Akatinol, Axura, Prometax, Dimebon, EGb-761, Immune GlobulinIntravenous, Leuprolide acetate implant, LY-450139, Neramexane.

If you need market and business intelligence services in the Alzheimer's Disease market, please contact us at [email protected] or you can alsobuy our latest Alzheimer's Disease (AD) Report on www.cbdmt.com.

CBDMT - Market and Business Intelligence- is a market and business intelligence company with offices in France, Switzerland and Israel. As anadvisory services company, CBDMT boosts companies to develop revenue and growth by providing business and marketing services in the lifescience and biotech markets (market surveys, market scouting, business development and strategic supports).

For more information: CBDMT - Market and Business Intelligence 88-90 rue de la Mare Fr-75020 Paris - France Tel: +33 1 4474 7957 Email: contact(at)cbdmt(dot)com Web site: CBDM.T®

More information on http://www.disease-alzheimer.com/

Next focus: marine biotechnology - microalgae market (http://www.microalgae-market.com)

Read the full story at http://www.prweb.com/releases/cbdmt/alzheimer/prweb3924344.htm

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28.04.10 CBDM.T®, The Market and Business Intelligence Company Reviews The Dry Eye Disease Treatment Market

According to CBDM.T®, the market and business intelligence company, the Dry Eye market is huge and growing valued at 1.7 billion USD in 2009with an annual growth of about 10 to 11%. The Dry Eye market could account for more than 2.4 billion USD by 2014.

Paris, France (PRWEB) April 28, 2010 -- Dry eye disease (DED) is one of the most frequently encountered ocular morbidities. 25 % percent ofpatients who visit ophthalmic clinics report symptoms of dry eye, making it a growing public health problem and one of the most common conditionsseen by eye care practitioners. Dry eye affects an estimated 20 to 30 million people in the United States and is one of the most common reasonsthat people visit their eye doctor. Dry eye’s prevalence estimation is very variable but we could estimate that more than 70 million people are or willbe affected by dry ocular symptoms. According to CBDM.T, Dry Eye represents one of the fastest growing pharmaceutical product categories in theophthalmology market at over 10% growth per annum to 2014. The market potential for dry eye drugs is projected to reach 1 billion USD by 2015.

The first line of treatment is usually eye drops that act as artificial tears and give some temporary relief. Restasis (cyclosporine A ophthalmicemulsion) 0.05% is the first approved prescription product in the United States for the treatment of dry eye disease. Restasis (Allergan) sales were270 million USD in 2006s to 444 million USD by 2008.

In 2008, more than 15 products were under development from discovery, preclinical, clinical phase 1, clinical phase 2 (5 products) to clinical phase 3with 8 products. The leading companies in this market are Novartis, Alcon (acquired by Novartis), Bausch & Lomb, Vistakon (J&J), Allergan, Pfizerand AMO (Abbott Medical Optics Inc).

According to CBDM.T®, the market and business intelligence company, the Dry Eye Disease (DED) market is huge and growing valued at 1.7 billionUSD in 2009 with an annual growth of about 10 to 11%. The Dry Eye Disease (DED) market could account for more than 2.4 billion USD by 2014. Ifwe look at treatments and products, there is no cure for dry eyes syndrome. There are different products to moderate the dryness of the eye. Formild and moderate cases, supplemental lubrication is the main part of the treatment. Inflammation occurring in response to tears film hypertonicitycan be suppressed by mild topical steroids or with topical immunosuppressants such as cyclosporine.

The main pharmaceutical companies have recently attempted to acquire market share. In 2010, Novartis bought Alcon’s remaining 52% for $28.1 billion (now making 77%). “The first line of treatment is usually eye drops. We estimate the market for artificial tears at more than one billion USDthis year. Eye drops act as artificial tears and give temporary relief, but there is no cure for dry eye syndrome” comments Philippe Tramoy,managing partner.

Key players: Alcon, Allergan, Bausch&Lomb, Novartis, Ocusoft, Eagle Vision, Oasis Medical, Santen, Novagali Pharma, Opko Health, SirionTherapeutics, Alacrity Biosciences, Eyegate Pharma, Resolvyx Pharmaceuticals, Sunesis Pharmaceuticals, Biocis Pharma, Argentis Pharmaceuticals.

Detailed products: Prolacria, Rebamipide, Ecabet Sodium, Vekacia, Vismed, Civamide, ST-603, ALTY-0501, AL-2178 FID109980, EGP-437, RX-10045, SAR-1118

If you need market and business intelligence services in the Dry Eye Disease market, please contact us at [email protected] or you can also buyour latest Dry Eye Disease (DED) Report on DED.

CBDM.T® - Market and Business Intelligence- is a market and business intelligence company with offices in France, Switzerland and in Israel. As anadvisory services company, CBDM.T® boosts companies to develop revenue and growth by providing business and marketing services in the lifescience and biotech markets (market surveys, market scouting, business development and strategic supports).

For more information:

CBDM.T® Market and Business Intelligence 88-90 rue de la Mare Fr-75020 Paris - France Tel : +33 1 4474 7957 Email: contact(at)cbdmt(dot)com Web site: CBDM.T®

More information on www.dry-eye-disease.com

Next focus: Alzheimer Market

Read the full story at http://www.prweb.com/releases/cbdmt/dryeyedisease/prweb3924374.htm

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29.01.10 CBDM.T et COMCLOVIS annoncent la création d’une « joint-venture »

Paris, le 29 janvier 2010 - COMCLOVIS, Agence Transversale en Stratégie, Création et Production, et CBDM.T, société de Market & BusinessIntelligence annoncent aujourd'hui la création d'un partenariat dans le domaine des sciences du vivant pour le compte des entreprises des industriespharmaceutiques, chimiques, cosmétiques et alimentaires. L'intelligence économique est aujourd'hui un actif majeur de toute entreprise et une arme indispensable pour acquérir une avance significative dansson secteur. L'objectif commun de CBDMT et COMCLOVIS est de créer les conditions optimales du succès en proposant à ces entreprises uneapproche à la fois pragmatique et créative combinant une investigation pertinente, une réflexion exigeante et une communication inventive. En effet, les sociétés innovantes n'attendent pas que des recommandations orientées business stratégie. Elles exigent également unaccompagnement à la fois sur le plan de la stratégie marketing, de la communication et de l'implémentation. « La cross-fertilisation entre le market & business intelligence et la stratégie de communication est parfaitement en ligne avec les attentes de nosclients, commente Philippe Tramoy, Managing Partner de CBDM.T. Nos clients sont les chercheurs, les responsables marketing et plus globalementles dirigeants des industries pharmaceutiques, chimiques, cosmétiques et alimentaires pour qui se positionner par rapport aux acteurs de leursmarchés est évidemment un important effet de levier. » « Nous proposons ainsi dans ces différents secteurs une offre qui n'a pratiquement pas d'équivalent aujourd'hui, commente Stéphanie Vincent,dirigeante de l'Agence COMCLOVIS. Combiner une pratique transversale de la communication à une veille sectorielle pragmatique, c'est du savoir-faire à faire savoir ! »

A propos de CBDM.T - Market & Business Intelligence - CBDM.T est une société de market et business intelligence basée à Paris, Genève et Tel-Aviv. CBDM.T booste la croissance et les revenus des sociétés par ses services d'intelligence économique et marketing dans les secteurs dessciences de la vie et des biotechnologies (market research, market scouting, business development et support stratégique). A propos de COMCLOVIS - Agence Transversale en Stratégie Création et Production - COMCLOVIS est une agence transversale en stratégie, création et production basée à Paris. COMCLOVIS met en place des actions de communicationpertinentes et profitables, fondées sur une réflexion stratégique et une création inventive pour les acteurs des sciences de la vie, des biotechnologieset des hautes technologies.

Contacts : CBDM.T - www.cbdmt.com 75 rue de la Mare Fr-75020 PARIS Tel : +33 1 4474 7957 Fax : +33 1 7711 8459 Email : [email protected] COMCLOVIS www.comclovis.com 3, square de la Bresse Fr-75016 PARIS Tel : +33 1 7070 2726

Email : [email protected]

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14.10.09 How the annual ILSI Biomed conference is turning Israel into the Life Science Industry\'s Promised land…

In June 2009, the eighth annual ILSI* (Israel Life Science Industry) Biomed conference was held in Tel Aviv. ILSI-Biomed is a young yet "fast growing" and keyed-up conference, and this year was the most successful and probably the most fruitful yet.

2000 visitors attended the first Biotech conference in Israel in 2002. Over the years the conference experienced a significant growth reaching more then 4000 participants in 2005, and in 2007-2008 the ILSI took control of the conference and transformed it from a conference on Biotech only, into the Biomed conference which then included the field of medical devices. Since then the conference has gained international acclaim, and this year it attracted more than 6500 participants, from close to 40 countries, mainly leaders in industry, scientists, researchers, venture capitalists, and angel investors. This is an increase of over 200% since 2002.

For comparison, the Bio International convention, which is probably the World's biggest annual event in the field of Biotechnology, took place in Atlanta (USA) a month before ILSI Biomed, and attracted 14000 participants from 58 countries and 48 states. This puts the attendance at the ILSI-Biomed in Tel-Aviv in a very positive light: A more than respectable achievement for a country only 60 years old, with a population of 7.5 million, in an area roughly the size of New Jersey and situated in an area of considerable conflict and tension!

What is Israel's secret?

An Ecosystem of Support

Built on a foundation of academic excellence, a highly skilled workforce, an entrepreneurial spirit and cutting-edge technological innovation, Israel has rapidly evolved into a recognized world leader for breakthroughs in medical devices, biotechnology and pharmaceuticals.

Through government agencies like the Ministry of Industry, the Trade and Labor's Office of the Chief Scientist and Investment Center, a network of technology incubators for very-early-stage technologies and an active and alert private venture capital system, Israel provides extensive support for new ideas and technologies, as well as the refinement and further development of more traditional industries. Israel invests strongly in its educational system, the source of many of the new technologies for which it is famous, and in R&D, where the investment of 4.8% of the GDP is the highest in the world. The investor-friendly environment is enhanced by government polices including tax breaks and investment benefits.

Figures reported by the Chief Scientist's office show that in the six months from November 2007 to April 2008, the Chief Scientist's office earmarked US$81.79 million in budgets for the life science industry. When broken down into industry segments, bio-pharma received US$20.62 million, biotechnology US$41.22 million, and medical devices US$19.95 million. In all, the Chief Scientist processed applications from 49 companies for support in 100 specific projects. Of the US$81.79 million given to the life science industry, research and development budgets accounted for US$32.81 million. The figures also show that support of the life science industry continues to grow in its share of the Chief Scientist's "budget pie", currently accounting for almost one third. In 2000, the Chief Scientist's office allocated 14% of its budget to this area. By 2003, the rate was 22%, in 2006 28% of the total budget, and by 2007, it was 30%.

The Chief Scientist, Dr. Eli Opper, commented on these reports that "Israel has prime academic centers of excellence, entrepreneurial spirit and technological capabilities. These factors join to position Israel as a significant global biotech force. The uniqueness of Israel's biotech industry lies in the combination between life science and other areas, such as nano-technology, smart materials and advanced electronics." The Chief Scientist added that his office is committed to continue supporting the life science sector, which is placed high on the Office's priorities. To realize its potential, he believes the industry has to be given large scale and long term investments. Dr. Opper pointed out that the funds provided are used to leverage even larger investments which would have been impossible without the State's support. The direct leverage ratio is 1:3 and can be as high as 10 or more as the projects develop.

In recent years, Israel has also become a magnet for foreign investors. A survey conducted by the Israel Venture Capital Research Center (IVC) before the ILSI 2009 Biomed Conference, showed that Israel-based Life Sciences companies received the largest share of seed- and early-stage investments in the Israel hi-tech industry in the first quarter of 2009 with 43% and 34% of all hi-tech investments respectively. Twenty-five seed and early stage Life sciences companies raised US$50 million in the first quarter of 2009, equaling the capital raised in the entire hi-tech industry. Medical device companies raised US$28 million, 56% of the total capital raised in the life science sector, and 11% of the capital raised in all hi-tech sectors. The IVC survey, conducted across the entire Israeli hi-tech industry, also revealed that the life sciences industry in Israel raised the third highest amount of funds (totaling 19% of all hi-tech capital raised) over the first quarter of 2009. "These results, appearing only weeks before the ILSI-Biomed Conference, highlighted how important the Biomedical and Life-sciences industries have become, even during the economic slowdown." Said Ms Ruti Alon, ILSI* chairperson, Biomed Conference chairperson and associate partner in Pitango Venture Capital Fund. "The clear interest and financial support reaching the life science industry makes the ILSI Biomed Conference even more important, giving international CEOs, experts, academics, scientists, researchers, venture capitalists and angel investors the opportunity to gather together to provide and gain insight on the future of the Biopharma and Medical device industries."

While 2009 statistics show an evident decline in the total capital raising compared to 2008, this does not worry the market's professionals. "The Biotech / Biopharma sector in Israel is not different from other sectors: it suffers from the international crisis and recruitment processes are at a standstill. However, the situation here is probably less bad than somewhere else: many Israelis that used to hold high-level positions in Europe or in the US are now coming back to Israel to take opportunities here. Moreover, despite the decrease in capital raising since 2008, the fact that we are continuing to see strong investments in Israeli seed-early-stage life sciences companies shows a lot of promise for the future of this sector. The evolution of the sector should come from outside because here the infrastructures are not prepared enough for near-term results" Ms. Alon says. "The last ILSI Biomed Conference provided many of the country's seed– and early- stage life sciences companies with an opportunity to showcase their technology and to attract investments."

ILSI Biomed on the International map

Thanks to the efforts of Ms. Alon and Mr. Makov (former TEVA general Manager and Co-organizer of the ILSI Biomed with Ms. Alon), the 2009 ILSI Biomed panel was attractive enough to bring thousands of visitors from all over the world and included subjects such as medical technological breakthroughs in a time of economic turmoil, investment strategy in a time of crisis, facing the change of regulation and legislation in the US markets (hosting Dr. Jesse Goodman, Chief Scientist and Deputy Commissioner, U.S. Food and Drug Administration whose keynote lecture focused on strategies to facilitate innovation in medicine and public health), impact of new FDA regulations on development of new medical devices (with the presence of three FDA staff members who talked about the evaluation of medical devices at CDRH) and cardiovascular therapies in 2020.

ILSI-BIOMED showcased Israel's extraordinary life science technologies (especially with the third international Embryonic Stem cell meeting, research domain where Israel appears to be an international leader), and provided the opportunity to explore and create significant collaborations between life science companies from Israel and leading U.S., European and Asian companies.

At the first show in 2002 there were only 40 visitors from abroad. This June 2009, more than 800 visitors from 40 different countries attended, in

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addition to the 62 Medical Device and Biotechnology local companies. A closer look reveals that from 2005 (400 visitors from abroad), the conference experienced significant annual growth. ILSI was launched in January 2005; however the organization took the lead role in the scientific and steering committees in 2007 a role which increased in 2008 and 2009. During this time there has been a significant increase in the number of attendees, and, although non-quantitative, a senior level was noted as well.

As in the past, most of the visitors from abroad (40%) came from the USA with the presence of leading companies such as BMS, J&J and Merck & Co. Taking a growing interest in the Israeli Market, European presence in the show was considerable. France was represented with the second largest delegation, and together with Denmark and Italy presented their own events during the show, emphasizing the growing cooperation between Israel and Europe in the Biotechnological field.

There is already some cooperation between French and Israeli companies in this field. Sophia Antipolis and RadBiomed, the two leading innovation-clusters in France and Israel are proclaiming their intent to enter into a collaborative agreement towards joint establishment and nurturing of successful early-stage life science and other knowledge-intensive ventures. This joint effort will bring together the Israeli entrepreneurial spirit and forward looking innovation and the vast richness of infrastructure, resources and skills in France. There are also contacts and negotiations for a joint venture between the French cluster Alsace Biovalley and Hadassa, the Jerusalem hospital, or negotiations for the inclusion of Israel in the Bio-CT project headed by the French cluster Genopole, and the Pole Cancer Bio santé has made serious contacts for partnership with some Israeli companies.

Mr. Philippe Tramoy, Managing Partner of CBDM.T, the Market and Business Intelligence company specialized in the life science market, quickly understood the importance of the life science Market in Israel and opened an Israeli office at the end of 2008 as the company's investment in this market. "When I came to my first Israeli Biotech show in 2004, there were only 4 French companies attending it, and not many more from other European countries. Most were from The USA. This year, we were part of 34 other French companies – among them some of our clients – together with tens of other European companies which attended the Biomed show." says Mr. Tramoy.

"Israel's life sciences industry is recognized as a fast-growing, vibrant force with a strong global reputation. Today almost every multinational pharma or medical device company is represented in Israel. In 1998 there were less than 100 Israeli life science companies (among them 25 Pharma biotech companies). Today there are over 1000 active life sciences companies (among them more than 200 Pharma biotech), with over 80 new companies starting up each year. The result of this rapid growth is that half of all Life Sciences companies operating today are less than 5 years old and 70% have fewer than 20 employees. Nevertheless, in contrast to the accepted characteristics of the sector, an astounding figure of 40% of Life Sciences companies already generate revenue, demonstrating that Israel has crossed the threshold of excellent early-stages R&D activity and has moved into running attractive and commercially viable businesses. At CBDM.T we specialize in providing business development and market intelligence services to small and mid-size companies and this is one of the reasons we believed in the opportunity to open an office In Israel to meet the needs of most companies."

Whether as a direct result of the Biomed or simply a coincidence, the French Pharmaceutical leader Sanofi-Aventis (Sanofi-Pasteur) recently signed a 1.8 million euro contract with the Israeli government for Flu vaccines. Another suitable example of the European interest in the Israeli Biotech Market is the intention of the Swiss Pharma giant, Roche, to invest in some Israeli companies through its very new partnership with Pontifax, one of the local Venture Capital Companies.

France is not the only European player active in the Israeli Biotech market. Headed by its dynamic ambassador in Israel, Ms Liselotte Kjærsgaard Plesner, Denmark gave a great show and a noticeable presence in the conference. "7 companies participated this year in Biomed from Denmark, together with the flagships of Danish industry, Novo Nordisk, Lundbeck, and Novozymes: a significant increase from last year" Said Ms. Ilana Krasnik Rawlings, the Danish embassy's economic attaché."This year we held a booth and an event at Biomed, while last year we were only visiting, and had our event outside the venue. The results are apparent. The first example is a cooperation agreement between Novozymes and Matimop. We observe much more cluster cooperation focusing on Biotech, since I started at the embassy. We have a Memorandum of Understanding with Israel, regarding pre-project funding for Eurostars projects between Israel and Denmark within industrial R&D. The Danish biotech cluster is one of the largest in Europe and we see great possibilities for cooperation between the Israeli and Danish cluster." concludes Ms. Krasnik Rawlings.

Besides Europe, there is a growing interest from Asian countries including Japan, China and especially Korea, since 2008. For the 8th Biomed this year, 13 Korean companies were a part of a big delegation. Among them were big players such as: Kolon, SK Chemicals and GCC. Korea seeks to learn from the Israeli example. With a population of 48 million and only 600 Biotechnology companies (Israel: 7.5 millions / more than 1000 Biotechnology companies) Korea has set as a national aim the development of this sector. There is a growing demand from the Korean population for advanced technological and medical services. Korea couldn't find a better source of inspiration and example than Israel in this field.

In the near future, many International companies may follow the trail of big Pharmas and companies such as CBDM.T that have already invested in the Israeli Biotechnology market. "There is a growing demand for partners in business development in Israel and in Europe. The Israeli government has instituted various programs such as the agent detection program which is being implemented by the Israel Export Institute. From the European side there are programs such as Eurostars, which is the first funding and support program dedicated to funding SME's and start-ups collaborative research in the field of biotechnology. There are also joint programs such as FIRAD, which is a French-Israeli initiative for technological cooperation. CBDM.T can play an important role in creating the necessary links between the Israeli and European companies" says Mr. Olivier Soussan, managing the CBDM.T office in Israel. "Since the last Biomed several promising biotechnology companies from domains such as Pharma, Drug discovery and Medical devices have signed agreements with CBDMT, in order to develop their business in France and Europe. France is currently the biggest European market for most products, and CBDM.T, with its offices in Paris and Geneva, its 25 worldwide experts and thousands of market contacts offers the advantage of in-depth knowledge of the European market. At the same time, the company's office in Israel provides a vast source of information for European companies that seek to invest in Israel."

Is Israel then a 'Promised Land' for the world Life Science Industry? In the words of Mr. Paul Smith, Senior VP of Philips Medical, after a visit in Israel in July 2004: "In two days here, I saw more opportunities than I saw in a year in the rest of the world".

To contact Olivier Soussan directly


IVC Research Center; IMD Competitiveness Report; Israel Export & International Cooperation Institute; Industry Cooperation Authority (ICA); The Israeli Investment Center (IIC); The Office of the Chief Scientist (OCS); Israel Science and Technology Homepage; Manufacturer's Association of Israel; The Israel Association of Software Houses.

* ILSI is a non-profit organization, representing the mutual goals of approximately 800 Israeli life science companies. Its mission is to research, develop and advocate policies and actions that promote medical device, biotechnology, pharmaceutical and Ag-Biotech in the State of Israel and increase awareness of its strength and innovation worldwide.

For detailed information, feel free to read full article at: http://www.lifescience-online.com/

If you need market and business intelligence service in the Israeli market, please contact us at [email protected].

CBDM.T® - Market and Business Intelligence- is a market and business intelligence company with offices in France and in Israel. As an advisoryservices company, CBDM.T® boosts companies to develop revenue and growth by providing business and marketing services in the life science andbiotech markets (market surveys, market scouting, business development and strategic supports).

For more information: CBDM.T® Market and Business Intelligence 88-90 rue de la Mare Fr-75020 Paris - France Tel : +33 1 4474 7957 Email: [email protected] Web site: CBDM.T®

CBDM.T® - Israel POBox 6235 Netanya - 42490 - Israel Tel: +972 52 3316190

Next focus: Marine Biotechnology – Microalgae Market

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10.04.09 CBDM.T®, The Market and Business Intelligence Company Reviews The Vaccine Market According to CBDM.T®, the market and business intelligence company, the vaccine market is a huge and growing market valued at €16 billion in 2008 with an annual growth of about 15 to 18%. The vaccine market could account for more than €25 billion by 2012.

Paris, France (PRWEB) April 10, 2009 -- Vaccines are substances used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against oneor several diseases. The vaccination was first used by Edward Jenner in 1796 against smallpox and furthered by Louis Pasteur in the 1870’s. Vaccines are developed from whole dead or attenuated organisms, pathogen protein toxin (toxoids), pathogen surface molecules, inactivated orattenuated virus and more recently from DNA plasmid carrying an antigen-coding gene. According to CBDM.T, vaccines represent one of the fastest growing pharmaceutical product categories at over 17% per annum to 2012. This is driven largely by strong growth of HPV vaccines (HumanPapilloma Virus,Cervarix and Gardasil), paediatric vaccines (Rotarix) launched into developing markets and meningitis vaccines (Prevnar, Menactra),the successful life cycle management of combination vaccines such as Pentacel and Infanrix, and expansion of the flu market. Childhood vaccinesare the main segment, accounting for around 56% of the global vaccine market.

In 2008, 220 vaccines were under development from discovery (84 products), preclinical (39 products), clinical phase 1 (36 products), clinicalphase 2 (50 products) to clinical phase 3 (with 14 products). 17 products were on the market. The leading top 5 pharmaceutical companies in thismarket are Sanofi-Aventis, GSK, Wyeth, Merck and Novartis (Chiron).Vaccines are big business.

According to CBDM.T®, the vaccine market is a huge and growing market valued at €16 billion in 2008 with an annual growth of about 15 to 18%.USA sales account for 45% of total vaccine sales. The vaccine market could account for more than €25 billion by 2012. If we look at the top 5pharmaceutical companies, vaccine sales represent between 8 to 9% of their total sales. The top 20 vaccines brands account for 80% of totalvaccine sales. Large companies have recently attempted to acquire market share. In 2005, Novartis bought Chiron’s remaining 58% for $5.1 billion(now making 100%). “Vaccines continue to emerge as significant value drivers for major pharma. A promising alternative to conventional vaccines,DNA vaccines, is under late clinical phase development” comments Philippe Tramoy, managing partner.

Key players: Sanofi-Aventis, Sanofi-Pasteur, GSK, Wyeth, Merck, Norvartis, Chiron, Avax Technologies, CSL Biotherapies, Omrixbiopharmaceuticals, Epimmune, Oxxon Therapeutics, Vical, Fit Biotech, Genencor, Innogenetics...

If you need market and business intelligence service in the vaccine market, please contact us at [email protected].

CBDM.T® - Market and Business Intelligence- is a market and business intelligence company with offices in France and in Israel. As an advisoryservices company, CBDM.T® boosts companies to develop revenue and growth by providing business and marketing services in the life science andbiotech markets (market surveys, market scouting, business development and strategic supports).

For more information: CBDM.T® Market and Business Intelligence 88-90 rue de la Mare Fr-75020 Paris - France Tel : +33 1 4474 7957 Email: [email protected] Web site: CBDM.T®

CBDM.T® - Israel POBox 6235 Netanya - 42490 - Israel Tel: +972 52 3316190

To contact Philippe Tramoy directly

Next focus: Marine Biotechnology – Microalgae Market

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27.11.08 CBDM.T®, the Market and Business Intelligence Company Reviews the Biofuel Market

According to CBDM.T®, the market and business intelligence company, the biofuel market is estimated at €33 billion with a double digit annual growth. The market consists of approximately 85% bioethanol and 15% biodiesel. Bioethanol is produced and consumed mainly in Brazil and North America. On the other hand, Europe is the world leader in biodiesel production and this fuel represents about ¾ of the European biofuels market.

Paris, France (PRWEB) November 27, 2008 -- Biofuels are fuels produced from renewable resources (organic material), especially plant biomass, vegetable oils, and treated municipal and industrial waste. Today the most important and commonly used biofuels are biodiesel derived from vegetable oil and ethanol derived from sugar and starch crops. These fuels are used to complement the world's supply of petroleum and other fossil fuels. Of all the alternative fuels, or biofuels, that are available or developed, the most significant market is for bioethanol. Global fuel ethanol production grew 25% in 2007 to more than 50 billion litres. The USA (production mostly from corn) and Brazil (production mostly from sugarcane) account for 91% of global bioethanol production, up from 89% in 2006. More recently, Asia (especially China, India and Thailand) has also embarked on large scale fuel-ethanol production and represents one of the largest production potential in the coming years. In 2007, the production of bioethanol in China amounted to 1.8 billion litres, thereby placing the country at rank 3 worldwide, ahead of the EU.

First generation bioethanol was made from food crops, but it is not believed that diverting food crops to create fuels will be sustainable over the long-term. And again, biotechnology, the 21th century technologic breakthrough, is one of the most effective and innovative technologies to develop second generation biofuels. Research is under way to commercialise 'second-generation' production techniques that can make biofuels from woody material, grasses, agricultural and some additional types of non food plant waste.

Biomass is a complex material composed of cellulose (30-50%), hemicellulose (20-40%), and lignin (15-30%). The exact composition varies from plant to plant. Since it is found in nearly all plant life, cellulose is the most abundant molecule on earth. Like the starch found in corn kernels, cellulose is a polymer of the sugar glucose. It forms part of the cell wall and is designed to contribute to the structural integrity of the plant. Hemicellulose is a more random and amorphous structure of connected sugars.

There are several technical and economic challenges associated with the large-scale production of ethanol from cellulosic biomass, which includes: collection and transport of the biomass raw material, preprocessing or "pretreatment", enzymatic conversion of pretreated plant material to sugars, and the fermentation of a mixed sugar stream. Many advances have been made in each of these areas over the past several years, greatly improvingthe likelihood that cellulosic ethanol will become a commercial reality in the very near future.

In 2007, sales of enzymes to the bioethanol industry comprised 13% of Novozymes'total enzymes sales. Enzymes for bioethanol is the fastest-growing segment in the enzyme market (an average increase in sales of 20-25% annually is expected over the next 3-4 years).

Biodiesel is emerging as a global industry. The EU currently represents 90% of global biodiesel production and consumption. However, the USA is now accelerating its biodiesel production capabilities. Biodiesel is a natural fit in Europe, Asia and Brazil where diesel-fuelled vehicles are more common than in the US. More than half of the biodiesel (nearly 3.3 billion litres) in the EU is produced in Germany. Germany is followed by France, Italy, and Austria with respectively 982, 410 and 301 million litres.

Biodiesel is currently produced from plant and animal oils. This could change in the near future with very promising ongoing development to produce biodiesel from microalgae. By containing 60 to 80% oil by weight of dry biomass and doubling their biomass within 24 hours, microalgae could revolutionise biofuel production.

According to CBDM.T®, the market and business intelligence company, the biofuel market is estimated at €33 billion with a double digit annual growth. The market consists of approximately 85% bioethanol and 15% biodiesel. Bioethanol is produced and consumed mainly in Brazil and North America. On the other hand, Europe is the world leader in biodiesel production and this fuel represents about three fourths of the European biofuels market. Only 1% of the world's energy supply is derived from ethanol or biodiesel. Market drivers for biofuels are oil supply and demand (prices, volatility), environmental concerns (emission of greenhouse gases and sustainability), national interests (security of supply, strategic independence, rural development opportunity) and biotechnological progress (better process, enzymes and microorganisms). But there are also inhibitors of the biofuels market such as infrastructures, process optimization and scalability, education, investment and implementation, and subsidies and tax incentives.

"Even if biotechnology brings effective solutions mainly for second generation biofuels, derived from non-food biomass, the expansion of biofuels production and consumption will definitely depend on governmental policies and fiscal incentives," comments Philippe Tramoy, managing partner.

Some key players: Archer Daniels Midland, Cargill, Verasun, Aventine, Abengoa Bioenergy, Bluefire, Iogen, Losonoco, Mascoma, Xethanol, Dong, DuPont/Poet, Tate & Lyle, Verenium, Novozymes, DSM, Codexis, Maxygen, Genencor, Dyadic, BP, Total, Chevron, Shell…

If you need market and business intelligence service in the biofuel market, please contact us at [email protected].

CBDM.T® - Market and Business Intelligence - is a Market and Business Intelligence Company with offices in France, Switzerland and in Israel. As an advisory services company, CBDM.T® boosts companies to develop revenue and growth by providing business and marketing services in the life science and biotech markets (market survey, market scouting, business development and strategic supports).

For more information: CBDM.T® Market and Business Intelligence 88-90 rue de la Mare Fr-75020 Paris - France Tel : +33 1 4474 7957 Email: contact (at) cbdmt.com Web site: CBDM.T®

CBDM.T® - Israel POBox 6235 Netanya - 42490 - Israel Tel: +972 52 3316190

To contact Philippe Tramoy directly

Our last focus: Focus on White Biotechnology

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15.09.08 CBDM.T®, The Market and Business Intelligence Company Reviews The Biomanufacturing Market

According to CBDMT®, the market and business intelligence company, contract biomanufacturing is a significant market estimated at €2.3billion this year with an annual growth of about 10 to 15%. Pharmaceutical biomanufacturing could account for more than 20% of theglobal contract manufacturing market in 2012.

Paris (PRWEB) September 15, 2008 -- Biologics are products derived from living organisms or their products. The manufacturing of suchbiologics involves the culture or manufacturing of living organisms and is named biomanufacturing. According to CBDM.T, biologic drugs(including vaccines), corresponding to less than 12% of global sales in 2001, are expected to contribute 30% of the global drug sales in2012. Growing pharmaceutical market categories such as vaccines, HIV, neurodegeneration, anti-inflammation, cancer and diabetes reflectcontinued penetration of biologics. By being derived from living organisms, biologics are complex molecules that are difficult tomanufacture. Compared to small molecules, this is a tremendous "advantage" making the development of generic version extremelydifficult. Manufacturing of biologics or biomanufacturing is a multi-step process with a current 60:40 split between mammalian cell cultureand microbial fermentation. Today about 60% of all recombinant protein pharmaceuticals are produced in mammalian cells (Avastin,Advate, Erbitux, Rebif, Herceptin, Advate, Fabrazyme…) and 40% are produced in microbial cells (E.coli: Infergen, Ontak, Enbrel and yeast:Novolog, Twinrix Pediarix…). Microbial fermentation is used when smaller and less complex molecules with no post-translationalmodifications are required (peptides, small proteins, enzymes and antibody fragment). Mammalian cell culture is definitely dominating themanufacturing of complex proteins (glycosylated) and monoclonal antibodies. Transgenics, plant systems or microalgae are still atdevelopment stage and could be in the long term not really alternatives but more complimentary production systems (safety, productivity,cost and efficiency).

The first biologic product was recombinant human insulin, which was approved by the FDA back in 1982. Today, human insulin from NovoNordisk is still the 9th in the top 10 biotech drugs sold in the US. The top 5 leading biotech drugs sold in the USA are Enbrel (Amgen,Wyeth), Aranesp (Amgen), Rituxan (Biogen Idec, Genentech, Roche), Remicade (Johnson & Johnson, Schering-Plough) and Procrit (Johnson and Johnson).

According to CBDMT®, contract biomanufacturing is a significant market estimated at €2.3 billion this year with an annual growth of about10 to 15%. Pharmaceutical biomanufacturing could account for more than 20% of the global contract manufacturing market in 2012. If weanalyze the segregation of production capacity between CMOs (Contract Manufacturing Organisations) and product developmentcompanies, the "build versus buy" decision is still significantly to the advantage of in-house manufacturing. For both mammalian cell culture and microbial fermentation capacities, product development companies currently control 70 to 80% of the industry capacity. But we knowthat the outsourcing of biomanufacturing will increase in the next five years. "For large companies with significant manufacturing capacitysuch as Amgen or Genentech, access to biomanufacturing capacity is less critical than for small and medium size companies which rely onCMOs to reduce the financial risk" comments Philippe Tramoy, managing partner.

Key players: Amgen, Wyeth, GSK, Genentech, Novo Nordisk, Intermune, Ligand, Baxter, Genzyme, Biogen, DSM, Diosynth, LonzaBiologics, Merck Serono, Boehringer Ingelheim, Celltrion, Cora Biomanufacturing, Xcellerex, Avecia, Mera Pharmaceuticals, GTCBiotherapeutics, Pharming, Eden Biodesign, Genopole Biomanufacturing Center, Algenics…

If you need market and business intelligence service in the biomanufacturing market, please contact us at [email protected].

CBDM.T® - Market and Business Intelligence - is a market and business intelligence company with offices in France, Switzerland and in Israel.As an advisory services company, CBDM.T® boosts companies to develop revenue and growth by providing business and marketingservices in the life science and biotech markets (market survey, market scouting, business development and strategic supports).

For more information: CBDM.T® Market and Business Intelligence 88-90 rue de la Mare Fr-75020 Paris - France Tel: +33 1 4474 7957 Email: [email protected] Web site: CBDM.T®

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08.07.08 CBDM.T®, The Market and Business Intelligence Company Reviews The Enzyme Market

According to CBDM.T®, The market and business intelligence company, the enzyme market is significant and estimated at €3.4 billion with an annualgrowth of about 6.5 to 10%. Enzymes are sold in many different industry segments. These segments are Detergents, Food, Feed, Technical,Pharmaceutical, Microorganisms and Biofuels.

Paris (PRWEB) July 8, 2008 -- According to CBDM.T®, The market and business intelligence company, the enzyme market is significant andestimated at € 3.4 billion with an annual growth of about 6.5 to 10%. Products such as Maltogenase (amylase) and Lipolase (lipase) werefirst biotech enzymes marketed in the 80's. While enzymes are present everywhere and come in thousands of different forms, there are stillonly about 25 of them which have actually been industrialised and commercialised. They include Amylase, Proteiase, Lipase, Cellulase,Glycomylase, Glucose Isomerase, Chymosin, Lactase, Pullulanase and Xylanase.

Some countries have a better developed enzyme industry than others, so descriptions of these countries and the nature of the environmentthey provide for upcoming businesses is given in this market review. In some countries, the industry was developed with support from thestate from as early as the 1980's. These are countries such as Denmark, USA and Brazil. The real breakthrough in the industry happenedduring the 1970s. A new technology was developed, recombinant biotechnology, and this permitted biochemists to create and modifymolecules at an unprecedented level.

Enzymes are sold in many different industry segments. These segments are Detergents, Food, Feed, Technical, Pharmaceutical,Microorganisms and Biofuel. For example in the feed industry, enzymes help pigs or chickens digest their food better, which in the endhelps producing better meat, while using smaller amounts of fodder. These segments are thoroughly described in this enzyme marketreview, looking at market sizes, growth and, while looking at global and key market drivers for each segment are also identified andanalyzed.

Biofuel is dealt with in particular depth, since it is a potentially large segment for the future. The global Biofuel market (biodiesel derivedfrom vegetable oil and ethanol derived from sugar or starch) was estimated to be worth €25 billion in 2007.

Biocatalysis is also more frequently applied by chemical companies, since it is the pertinent technology for the manufacturing of chiral drugsand sometimes for oil-based chemistry substitution. Enzymes are a key element in performing biocatalysis (biocatalysts are in factenzymes). This means that biocatalysis will probably be a significant segment in the future enzyme market. This promising market segmentis difficult to estimate. But we know that this market segment will affect the market of catalysts estimated by CBDM.T® at more than $7billion."This explains why some enzyme producers such as Novozymes are investing more and more in the development of this field" saysPhilippe Tramoy, managing partner.

Key players are: Novozymes, Danisco, Genencor, Verenium, Syngenta, Monsanto, Dyadic, Codexis, Cargill, Diversa, ADM, Dow, IEP, DSM,Genzyme, BASF, Altus, Biocon, Henkel, Roche, Sanofi, Solvay, Direvo, Maxygen...

If you need market and business intelligence service in the biomanufacturing market, please contact us at [email protected].

CBDM.T® - Market and Business Intelligence - is a market and business intelligence company with offices in France, Switzerland and in Israel.As an advisory services company, CBDM.T® boosts companies to develop revenue and growth by providing business and marketingservices in the life science and biotech markets (market survey, market scouting, business development and strategic supports).

For more information:

CBDM.T® Market and Business Intelligence 88-90 rue de la Mare Fr-75020 Paris - France Tel : +33 1 4474 7957 Email : contact @ cbdmt.com Web site : CBDM.T®

CBDM.T® - Israel POBox 6235 Netanya - 42490 - Israel Tel: +972 52 3316190

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26.05.08 CBDM.T®, the market and business intelligence company is pleased to announce the opening of a new office in Israel

To continue its growth in the life science industry, CBDM.T® is expanding its team with a new Israeli partner, Olivier Soussan. "The addition of Olivier to our team meets our customer's expectations to develop business in the very dynamic Life Science market in Israel" says Philippe Tramoy, managing partner.

Paris (PRWEB) May 26, 2008 -- CBDM.T®, the market and business intelligence company is pleased to announce the opening of a new office in Israel. To continue its growth in the life science industry, CBDM.T® is expanding its team with a new Israeli partner, Olivier Soussan. "The addition of Olivier to our team meets our customer's expectations to develop business in the very dynamic Life Science market in Israel" says Philippe Tramoy, managing partner. "Our customers are midsize VC companies, technical transfer groups, biotechnology, chemical and biopharmaceutical companies for whom CBDM.T® sounds out the market to position itself better in that market. The Life Science industry is under a growing pressure from emerging players.

At the hour of the development of new technologies and new services in the worldwide innovation market, market and business intelligence has never been so necessary. In a globalized world where the economic-technological war beats its drum, differentiation is a major asset. This is why, at CBDM.T®, our job is to chart and analyze, in an objective and exhaustive way, all players and technologies of the market in order to establish a powerful market-oriented strategy.

Olivier Soussan will enable CBDM.T® to respond better to the needs of its customers and continue to grow its market and business intelligence services. With more than a thousand companies in the Life Science area, Israel is definitely a growing market in medical device, biotechnology and pharmaceutical segments. In 2007, total Life Science sector exportation reached 5.2 billion USD with an annual growth of about 10%.

Olivier Soussan holds degrees in Biology from the University of Tel-Aviv (Israel) and the University of Nice (France) and has had extensive experience over the last 10 years in sales and business management in the life science industry in Israel. Olivier is also a consummate linguist in French, English and Hebrew.

CBDM.T® is a market and business intelligence company with offices in France and in Israel. As an advisory services company, CBDM.T® boosts companies to develop revenue and growth by providing business and marketing services in the life science and biotech markets (market survey, market scouting, business development and strategic supports).

For more information: CBDM.T® Market and Business Intelligence 88-90 rue de la Mare Fr-75020 Paris - France Tel : +33 1 4474 7957 Email : [email protected] Web site : www.cbdmt.com

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24.02.08 CBDMT Announces The Invisible Revolution: White Biotechnology

From the first recombinant protein in the 70s, modern biotechnology and more particularly the industrial or white biotechnology is a real alternative technology for the development and the production of goods from renewable resources (in 2015 up to €300 billion in chemical product sales will be bioproduced). It will allow increasing energy and processing efficiency (cost-effectiveness, flexibility, cleanness, sustainability). So please think not only about pharmaceutical products when we are talking about the 'so trendy' biotechnology market. The invisible white biotechnology revolution is going on.

Paris (PRWEB) February 24, 2008 -- The life science market is generally segmented in four segments: Biotechnology, Pharmaceuticals, Diagnostics and Medical Devices. A common problem is the confusion between the biotechnology and pharmaceutical segments. Let us try to clarify a little bit the 'so trendy' biotechnology market. In fact, there are two kinds of biotechnology: the traditional and the modern biotechnologies. The traditional one is the fermentation mainly used in food and feed applications (Roquette, Danisco, Cargill, ADM…). The modern biotechnology comes from the discovery of recombinant DNA molecules (Stan Cohen and Herb Boyer in 1973), hybridoma technology (Cesar Milstein and Georges Kohler in 1974) and more particularly the development of molecular biology since then.Let us go from the first biotech company to the invisible revolution - the white or industrial biotechnology.

The first real modern biotechnology company: Genentech Inc.

Genentech Inc. was founded by Herbert Boyer and Robert Swanson in 1976. One year after that, Allan Maxam and Walter Gilbert co-founded Biogen Inc. The same year (1974) Genentech reported the expression of somatostatin, the first human protein produced by a bacterium. In 1980, the first IPO, Genentech went public October 14 at $35/share, raising $35 million. Within one day, the stock leaped to $89/share! The same year Amgen Inc. was founded. One year later, in 1981 Cal Tech invented an automated gene-sequencing machine that can read 7,000 DNA building blocks a day.

In 1982, Eli Lilly got the FDA approval to sell the first genetically engineered drug, human insulin cloned by Genentech in 1978. Ten years later, Lilly's Humulin had sales of $702 million. Then, there was the approval of the first biotech industry product, the recombinant human growth hormone (1985), followed by alpha interferon for cancer treatment and the first genetically engineered vaccine for hepatitis B treatment (1986). In 1994, Calgene received approval to sell its FLAVR SAVER genetically engineered tomato (first GMO food).

Today, the global biotechnology market is still young but currently with a value of more than $150 billion and an expected growth of about 10 to 15% per annum. In 2007, Genentech announced financial results for the full year with $11.7 billion total revenue. Genentech is the second most important biotech company behind the leader Amgen with more than $14.7 billion revenue in 2007.

The biotechnology market is more and more commonly segmented by using colors to segment biotechnology application: -red- for healthcare biotech, -green- for agricultural biotech, -white- for industrial biotech, -blue- for marine biotech, -gold- for bioinformatic- and nanobiotech etc... The original market and certainly the most well-known is the' red biotech' segment which includes medicines and diagnostics (Top 10 red biotech companies: Amgen, Genentech, Serono, Biogen, Genzyme, Chiron, Gilead Sciences, CSL, MedImmune, Cephalon). So typically, the red biotech is focused on providing patients with innovative treatments or diagnostics. This segment includes companies working on cells and tissues, stem cells, gene therapy, orphan drugs, proteomics, pharmacogenetics, genetic testing etc...

Red biotechnology: What else? …White biotech for sure.

When we use the very fashionable "Bioproduction" word, we generally have in mind pharmaceutical recombinant proteins or biopharmaceutical products. This biopharmaceutical market is composed of four segments: therapeutic proteins extracted from biologics, recombinant therapeutic proteins, cell therapy and gene therapy. This is a huge market estimated to be worth $40 billion in 2004 and expected to be more than $100 billion by 2010. As the red biotech or the pharmaceutical biotechnology 'phagocytes' the biotechnology industry, there is important information to keep in mind: the white biotechnology or the industrial biotechnology or gene-based bioindustry also serves other market segments such as detergent, food, feed, cosmetics, R&D etc. The complete article is available on LifeScience Online

Philippe Tramoy is Managing Partner at CBDM.T® (CBDMT - Market & Business Intelligence) and can be contacted at [email protected]

CBDM.T® is a market and business intelligence company with offices in France and in Israel. As an advisory services company, CBDM.T® assists companies to develop revenue and growth by providing business and marketing services in life science and biotech markets (market survey, market scouting, business development and strategic supports). See also: CBDMT - Market & Business Inteligence

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Sort by: title

Title Segment Summary Type Price Published

Alzheimer Disease

Pharmaceutical Alzheimer's disease (AD) is by far the most common cause of dementia associated with aging; it accounts for more than 60% of all dementia. Alzheimer's disease is characterized by an insidious onset and slow deterioration in cognition, functional ability (e.g., activities of daily living), behavior, and mood. In USA, AD is the 7th leading cause of mortality. In 2010, more of 21 million people will be affected by this disease in the world. As the world population ages, this number will increase. See also www.disease-alzheimer.com

Market Report

3500 Euros June 2010

AZD‐9668 Pharmaceutical The term chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) covers a complex group of disorders characterized by a progressive development of airflow limitation. Key risk factors of the disease are cigarette smoke and air pollution. In addition, a genetic component is involved in the development of COPD. It is set to become the third leading cause of death in the developed world by 2020. AZD‐9668 is a protease (lactase) inhibitor.

Product Report

1500 Euros April 2010

Cepheid Swot Analysis

Diagnostics Cepheid (NASDAQ: CPHD) is a leading nucleic acid (NA) testing company based in Sunnyvale, CA. Founded in 1996, the company develops, manufactures, and markets fully-integrated systems and tests for genetic analysis in the clinical, industrial and biothreat markets.

Company Profile

350 Euros February 2010

Drug Delivery Market

Pharmaceutical The global drug delivery market has grown from an estimated $26bn in 2000 to approximately $60bn in 2006. The market has witnessed rapid expansion due to patent expiration of blockbuster drugs, stringent FDA regulations, an increased focus on the expansion of products' life-cycle, cost-effective production of neoteric delivery vehicles, and the emergence of a range of delivery solutions and hybrid platforms.

Market Report

3000 Euros January 2009

Dry Eye Disease Pharmaceutical Dry eye disease (DED) is one of the most frequently encountered ocular morbidities. 25 % percent of patients who visit ophthalmic clinics report symptoms of dry eye, making it a growing public health problem and one of the most common conditions seen by eye care practitioners. Historically, the term "Keratoconjunctivitis sicca" can be attributed to the Swedish ophthalmologist Henrik SC jögren. He was the first to refer to the triad of Keratoconjunctivitis sicca, dry mouth, and joint pain, which occurs mainly in women (90% of the cases) (www.sjogrens.org), and in 1950 Andrew De Roetth introduced the term "dry eye". For many decades, DED was thought to be limited to dryness of the eyes due to reduction of the aqueous phase of the tear film. In 1995, DED was defined as a complex multifaceted group of medical and ocular diseases that is due to decreased tear production and/or increased tear evaporation. In 2007, the International Dry Eye Workshop (DEWS) revised the original definition and classification scheme of DED and developed a new definition, as well as a three‐part classification of DED based on etiology, mechanism, and severity of the disease. See also: http://www.dry-eye-disease.com/

Disease Report

4500 Euros December 2009

Durable Medical Equipment: U.S. Market Size, Growth and Trends

Healthcare Durable medical equipment (DME) is defined as instruments and products used for medical purposes and that can withstand repeated usage. DME is used primarily to help improve the quality of life of patients with injuries or illnesses.

Different stakeholders segment DME in different ways, making the market more or less inclusive. For the purpose of this report, we divided the DME market in six therapeutic segments: Home respiratory therapy, Home infusions, Diabetes supplies, Patient positioning, Patient mobility, Other equipment. Using this segmentation, we estimate that the U.S. DME market reached ~$27B in 2009. We expect this market to grow 6% per annum to $34B by 2013, with various segments growing in the mid- to high- single-digits. We review the factors that will be driving and moderating this growth, such as patient satisfaction,outcome and cost. DME products are distributed primarily by national and local

Market Report

1300 Euros September 2009

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providers; other channels, such as 3rd party distributors or mail-in orders exist for some channels.

Fluidigm Due Diligence: Company Profile, SWOT Analysis and Market Opportunity

Life Science Fluidigm is a life science company that develops and distributes instruments and chips for genomic analysis and X-ray crystallography applications. The company owns a disruptive and scalable integrated fluidic circuits (IFC) technology. This technology enables the execution of thousands of experiments in parallel in nanoliter volumes, and facilitates implementation of experiments with a complex design. Since its inception in 1999, Fluidigm has incurred >$150M in operating losses. While profitability in the next 1-2 years is unlikely, Fluidigm has strong revenue potential given its deep intellectual property portfolio and growth of its targetmarkets.

Company Profile

800 Euros September 2009

Molecular Diagnostics: Market Segmentation and Opportunities

Diagnostics Molecular diagnostics (MDx) is the fastest growing segment of the in vitro diagnostics industry (IVD). With a market size of ~$4B in 2009, and a double digit growth rate, this attractive segment continues to be a major contributor in the evolution of the healthcare landscape. MDx involves platforms and assays that leverage multiple technologies to identify genetic variations in individual patients. These technologies offer significant advantages such as time-to-result and cost-effectiveness over culture-based or immune-based techniques. This report reviews the market size, growth, segments and trends of the MDx industry from 2006 to 2012. The market is segmented to provide insights on specific growth opportunities by therapeutic areas, analytes tested (i.e., plex level), test rationale, test location and geography. Major competitors are reviewed along with their key platforms. Competitors shaping the industry include BioPharma (e.g., Abbott, Roche), IVD/MDx pure-play companies (e.g., BioMerieux, Cepheid, Gen-probe) or research tool companies (e.g., Illumina, Life Technologies).

Market Report

1500 Euros November 2009

P38 Kinase Inhibitors

Pharmaceutical P38 Kinase is a convergence point for multiple signaling pathways involved in inflammation. Because of P38 Kinase's central role, inhibitors of the enzyme have long been sought as potential drugs for a variety of inflammatory diseases.

Mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK) are intracellular signaling molecules involved in cytokine synthesis. Several classes of mammalian MAPK have been identified, including extracellular signal-regulated kinase, c-jun N-terminal kinase, and p38 MAP kinase. p38 is a key MAPK involved in tumor necrosis factor and other cytokine production, as well as enzyme induction (cyclooxygenase-2, inducible nitric oxide synthase, and matrix metalloproteinases) and adhesion molecule expression. The role of MAPK in inflammation makes them attractive targets for new therapies.

Product Report

850 Euros February 2010

Qiagen: Company Profile and SWOT Analysis

Diagnostics Qiagen develops and markets biological sample preparation and analysis products for academic, biopharmaceutical and molecular diagnostics companies. These products are considered standards by these customers. Qiagen has experienced impressive double-digit revenue growth over the last few years, in part driven by increased exposure to MDx. Over the last few years, Qiagen has started a transition from life science research tools to molecular diagnostic(MDx),triggered by the strategic acquisition of Digene. This transaction reflects the increasing interest research tools companies have for the attractive MDx market, a ~$4B market that is experiencing double digit growth.

Company Profile

700 Euros December 2009

Roflumilast (Daxas)

Pharmaceutical Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) remains a significant area of unmet medical need. It is a progressive and irreversible lung disease that restricts breathing. Daxas (Roflumilast) is a phosphodiesterase-4 (PDE4) inhibitor that is being developed to treat the underlying inflammation in COPD and related inflammatory diseases. It could be both the first PDE4 inhibitor and the first orally administered anti-inflammatory treatment for COPD patients. As a once-daily, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory treatment, Daxas� offers the opportunity for a new approach to the treatment of COPD.

Product Report

1500 Euros November 2009

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)

Pharmaceutical Lupus is one of many disorders of the immune system known as autoimmune diseases. In autoimmune diseases, the immune system turns against parts of the body it is designed to protect. This leads to inflammation and damage to various body tissues. Lupus can affect many parts of the body, including the joints, skin, kidneys, heart, lungs, blood vessels, and brain. Although people with the disease may have many different symptoms, some of the most common ones include extreme fatigue, painful or swollen joints (arthritis), unexplained fever, skin rashes, and kidney problems.

Market Report

3500 Euros November 2009

Wegener's Granulomatosis (WG)

Pharmaceutical Wegener's granulomatosis is a necrotizing granulomatous vasculitis with the prevalence of 3 in 100 000. The disease was first described in 1931 by a medical student in Germany named Heinz Klinger. Afterwards, in 1936 Dr. Wegener a young German pathologist gave a detailed explanation regarding three patients suffering from this disease.Although it is an uncommon disease, if not diagnosed and treated in-time my cause renal failure and severe pulmonary complications including diffuse pulmonary hemorrhage. Therefore, timely diagnosis and treatment is important in preventing related morbidity and mortality. Pulmonary involvement is the most common form of the disease manifested in 95% of cases but onset of the disease with rare symptoms such as proptosis (in 2% of the cases) and hyperthyroidism (in 1% of the cases) has been

Disease Report

1500 Euros November 2009

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reported as well.

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CBDM.T® Websites:

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CBDM.T® Customer Portal: http://fileshare.cbdmt.com/


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8 Rue Robert Céard Ch-1204 GENEVA SWITZERLAND

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