COM(79)487 final - eumonitor.nl · regard tothe Opinion ofEuropeanthe Parliament , HAVING regard tothe Opinion Economicofthe and CommitteeSocial , WHEREAS theaim oftheCommunity environment

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Page 1: COM(79)487 final - eumonitor.nl · regard tothe Opinion ofEuropeanthe Parliament , HAVING regard tothe Opinion Economicofthe and CommitteeSocial , WHEREAS theaim oftheCommunity environment



COM (79) 487

Vol. 1979/0169

Page 2: COM(79)487 final - eumonitor.nl · regard tothe Opinion ofEuropeanthe Parliament , HAVING regard tothe Opinion Economicofthe and CommitteeSocial , WHEREAS theaim oftheCommunity environment


Conformément au règlement (CEE, Euratom) n° 354/83 du Conseil du 1er février 1983concernant l'ouverture au public des archives historiques de la Communauté économiqueeuropéenne et de la Communauté européenne de l'énergie atomique (JO L 43 du 15.2.1983,p. 1), tel que modifié par le règlement (CE, Euratom) n° 1700/2003 du 22 septembre 2003(JO L 243 du 27.9.2003, p. 1), ce dossier est ouvert au public. Le cas échéant, les documentsclassifiés présents dans ce dossier ont été déclassifiés conformément à l'article 5 duditrèglement.

In accordance with Council Regulation (EEC, Euratom) No 354/83 of 1 February 1983concerning the opening to the public of the historical archives of the European EconomicCommunity and the European Atomic Energy Community (OJ L 43, 15.2.1983, p. 1), asamended by Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1700/2003 of 22 September 2003 (OJ L 243,27.9.2003, p. 1), this file is open to the public. Where necessary, classified documents in thisfile have been declassified in conformity with Article 5 of the aforementioned regulation.

In Übereinstimmung mit der Verordnung (EWG, Euratom) Nr. 354/83 des Rates vom 1.Februar 1983 über die Freigabe der historischen Archive der EuropäischenWirtschaftsgemeinschaft und der Europäischen Atomgemeinschaft (ABI. L 43 vom 15.2.1983,S. 1), geändert durch die Verordnung (EG, Euratom) Nr. 1700/2003 vom 22. September 2003(ABI. L 243 vom 27.9.2003, S. 1), ist diese Datei der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich. Soweiterforderlich, wurden die Verschlusssachen in dieser Datei in Übereinstimmung mit Artikel 5der genannten Verordnung freigegeben.

Page 3: COM(79)487 final - eumonitor.nl · regard tothe Opinion ofEuropeanthe Parliament , HAVING regard tothe Opinion Economicofthe and CommitteeSocial , WHEREAS theaim oftheCommunity environment


Brussels . 6th September 1979

' ' .A

A. ■ -




( submitted to the Council by the Commission)

COM (79) 487 final

Page 4: COM(79)487 final - eumonitor.nl · regard tothe Opinion ofEuropeanthe Parliament , HAVING regard tothe Opinion Economicofthe and CommitteeSocial , WHEREAS theaim oftheCommunity environment



on the conclusion of the Convention on

long-range transbotindary air pollution


HAVING regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community ,and in particular Article 235 thereof ,

HAVING regard to the proposal from the Commission ,

HAVING regard to the Opinion of the European Parliament ,

HAVING regard to the Opinion of the Economic and Social Committee ,

WHEREAS the aim of the Community environment policy as stated in theCouncil declaration of 22 November 1973 on the programme of action of the

European Communities on the Environment - CI ), supplemented by the resolutionof the Council of the European Communities and of the representativesof the Governments of the Member States meeting within the Council of17 May 1977 on the continuation and implementation of a European Com­

munity policy and action programme on the environment ( 2 ), is to improvethe setting and quality of life , and the surroundings andliving conditions of the peoples of the Community , by , inter alia , preventing ,reducing and as far as possible , eliminating pollution and nuisances as wellas seeking common solutions to environment problems with states outsidethe Community , particularly in international organisations ;

WHEREAS one of the principles of this Community environment policy is that ,in accordance with the declaration of the United Nations Conference on theHuman Environment adopted in Stockholm in 1972, care should be taken toensure that activities carried out in one State do not cause any degradationof the environment 1n another ~

< 1 ) OJ N° C 112 , 20.12.1973, p . 1(2 ) ÖJ N° C 139, 13.6.1977, p . 1 ' ,

Page 5: COM(79)487 final - eumonitor.nl · regard tothe Opinion ofEuropeanthe Parliament , HAVING regard tothe Opinion Economicofthe and CommitteeSocial , WHEREAS theaim oftheCommunity environment


WHEREAS the Community has therefore participated in the negotiationswithin the framework of the Economic Commission for Europe of a Con­vention and ResoLution on long-range transboundary air pollution .

on long-irange transboundary air pollution and approved the Resolution

on longj-range transboundary air pollution in which the signatories tothe Convention decided to initiate the provisional implementation of

the Convention / within the framework of the ECE on an interim basis ,and to undertake to carry out the obligations of the Convention tothe maxjimum extent possible pending its entry into force .


WHEREAS it is necessary for the Community to conclude this Conventionin order to achieve one of the Community 's objectives in the field ofthe protection of the environment and of the quality of life; andwhereas the Treaty has not provided the necessary powers for the con­clusion of this Convention;


The Convention on long-range transboundary air pollution is herebyapproved on behalf of the European Economic. Community .The texts of the Convention and of the Resolution on long-range trans-

boundary air pollution are annexed to this Decision .


on long-/ranCommunity has on signed the Convention

Article 1

Article 2

The President of the Council shall deposit the act as provided in Article15 of the Convention ( 1 )«

For the Council

The President

< 1 ) The date of entry into force of the Convention will be publishedIn . the Official Journal of the European Communities .

Page 6: COM(79)487 final - eumonitor.nl · regard tothe Opinion ofEuropeanthe Parliament , HAVING regard tothe Opinion Economicofthe and CommitteeSocial , WHEREAS theaim oftheCommunity environment

• . • . . • • " ,I ' . I • • . '

■ • ' , - î . . * * ' \

. .. rrjtfT ccnvh'ti™; r:: lckg-^tc air pcluttckI * •

• -

* « - . ». • •

Th» Pgrtlc * to t?.c "rP9eit Convert Ion , . '

TVtcrr In^d to promote relations fino co-operation In the field of * rcnviror.-ietkt&l • protect ion , '' . * '

/./arc of the significance of the activities* of the Unitetf Ilatlonr;^ –i - «

Jrone.-.ilo Ccnninnion frr Luroiifc in str . n£tr.enin :» ouch r*.lr.t Ions -and co-opcrttion ,• »

particularly in the field of air poll ution - lnclud in3 lor.; -r trars-ort ofelr rollut.'ir.ta ,

/*H. c^-nl z inc the ccntrihution of the Economic Connlsaion for Aurora

to tho multilateral Inol -rent at ion of tho pertinent ; rovi9iora of theFinal Act of the Conference on Security r.nr* Co-opcr stio.i in Turope ,

Cc n i of tho refcretc.s in t' c chapter on environment of theFinal Act of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe callingfor co-opcraticn to control f.ir pollution end its cffocts , includinglonr-r*rr.J transport of " lr pollutants , and to the drvelopmtnt- thro-jphlnt-;rnitionr.l co-operation of .?n extensive- proi-rrmnc for tha r.eni torlngand evnlurtion of lonj-r J'nfi.c trancport of Mr pollutonts , storting vithnulphur 'lorldc and witl . possible extension to otl'cr %~ollut«:nt s , *

' Cms lo . r lrir the pertinent provlaior.o of tsK» !\.cl.*\rr.tion of theUnited Kntlons Conference on tho Fu.i.-*n KriVironrev-nt , r.nd in pArticulnr

, · · -.

principle 21 , which c : - prc3i.c5 the common conviction th-it States hove ,.,in accordance with the Charter of the United fictions and the principlestf lntcrnrtioml law , tlio sovwtcif.n ri?ht to exploit their own resourcespjr s'j-Tt to their own environmental pol ic ic * and the , resr>ons ibll lty to«nturj th.»t Activities within t!.<-ir Jur indlctlon or control rto not c-uacd-vn^p *"* to the environment of other 5tntr.« or sf «*. rec8 bvy>nd th< limit *of national Jurisdiction , ,

Pccorni 2 ln ». the ..x 1st ..nee of possible ftdvureev effects , in th«i ehort . ^i-nd lon/j torm , of «. ir pollution including trnn9boundr.ry Mr pollution ,

Crne-rtu.'! th^t r ris'i ir, the lovel of vmissions of Mr pollutant * .•vithln t lie rcgi-m ns forvcst mny liicror.se tuch adverse ci facts vm ' • . ■»Pvcc'.'nl the n^cd to sCudy the implications' cf th«. lcn^-rangotransport of air pollutants and tho need td seek solutions frr theproblems identified ,

lpVoes / 79 / £,(a )Ci.79-^29GO . .

.,;t Vt » •

•• •• \ . . *

l , , • , ' • ' > r' • I • s%>%' *. r

Page 7: COM(79)487 final - eumonitor.nl · regard tothe Opinion ofEuropeanthe Parliament , HAVING regard tothe Opinion Economicofthe and CommitteeSocial , WHEREAS theaim oftheCommunity environment

/. ff lrnir?. their willingness ti ralr.forco *icti+z. Internationalc.-"porrt ion tc develop #*.nr.ropr late national- policies an«' by mrts cf "cxc!i".n,^c c f inforn.-.ticn , consultation , research ' *».nd •mcr.itcrln?, tn' co»CrAi-.otj;n-.tlrr.cl r.ctifn for cctnbttlng cir *? olluti*tn Inclu-ilng lonj -r - nge trrnsbr.urxary•Jlr dilution .

li-jve -!> recd es frtllowst

Dcf initions ' ' • ! . * '

Article 1 • • ■ i

« •

Ft tho purposes of the present Convention ! .* • . .4 • '( a ) ' " air pollution" means tho Introduction by ir.on , 'directly or indirectly,' .of suof f.nccs t ?« ncr«;y Into tho r ir * resulting In c'ulittrious effects *-fsuch «* nature "s to cndr.nv.er hwnan health , n-.rm living, r^sourceo endc^.-oystctne r nd b^t«ri«l property r.nd impair or Interfere t/ lth amenities and•• tJ.tr lor. Itlr.».to uses of thfe cr.vlrr.nn-jnt , r. rd " nlr pollutants " shnll beconstrued '"ccordir.j/ ly ;( b ) " l -.T-rrn^c tr-i.ibrun'l'ry .'lr pollution" means clr pollution whoso

physfcr.l origin Js situated wholly or in nart rithln t»i« are ". under the •national Jurisdiction cf cnc State and v'slch has Adverse effects in the ire ".urw!cr the Jurisdiction of /mother State at such ti distance that It Is not .

• » »• *

generally possible to distinguish thv contribution of individual emission#iurcis cr jroups of sourcco . . , * ,

Fund".-ncntol principles • .

Art iclo 2 *' " > . . . .

Th- C~ntr*ctinr. Perties , f.king \<uc "ccount cf the facts and problemsinvNlvcd , Are "ictcrnined to protect man- and Me cr.vircnnent *» r.Mnr.t airpollution rnd sh-.ll endeavour to Unit and , as for as possible , graduallyreduce *\nd prevent air pollution including long-ranga transboundnry firpollution » • - - ; •/'rt Iclo 3 • • • " '

The Contracting P-vrtios , within the fran.evorkof , the present Convention#sh^ll by neons of exchanges of Information , consultation , research end .*monitor ing , develop without undue delay rrliclcs end atratcpl^s which shsll

• %

serve rs a means of ccrobitlnf the dicchargc uf nlr pcllutar.ts , taking Intonccour.t efforts already made at national and International levels *

Page 8: COM(79)487 final - eumonitor.nl · regard tothe Opinion ofEuropeanthe Parliament , HAVING regard tothe Opinion Economicofthe and CommitteeSocial , WHEREAS theaim oftheCommunity environment

Art icîo à '- • « • •• •

The Contracting Partioa eh*.ll exchf-n^e Inforr.r.tion on rnd ravtcw their• m -

policies , scientific activities end technical ir.cn cures .limed at combating ,"as (c r -is possible , the t'lacharr.c of tlr pollutants vhlch mry have .-.dvcrseeffects , thereby contributing to tha reductlvn z>f air pollution lrclunlr.^lrna-r*r.f,e trr.n&boun'J-.ry Mr pollution *

Art Ici .. 5

C-.nsultetl^ns ahnll be held , upon request , rt r.n *arly atafcc between ,cn the ?»nc hand , 'Contracting P".rtleo which arc rctunlly v.lfceted by or exposedto a uignif ic.int risk of lenft-rrrjju transb;>undary air roilutlon and , «^n 1 1 »*_ -rthcr hr.nd . Contracting Partita within which and subject to vheso Jurisdictionc significant contribution to Ir.ng-rargo trr.noboundory air . prllutirn originatecr could ^riglnatu , In connexion with cctivitU3 carried on cr contemplatedtherein . «

I ■

Air puallty managementArt Icle 6 * . •

Tiklng lnt«"» eccount nrtlclcs 2 to 5 , the ongoing research , exchange ofInformation and monitoring and the results th«.r».of , the cost '-nd effectiveness^f loc.l nnd ^ tlcr rctn.-dlce and , In «rJcr t * c*nb-.t air pollution , in p-.rtlcul


that or lo ln*.t in « frrm new or rebuilt in*trll?.tirns , each C"ntractlr.£ f'.rtyundertakes to Vc-Vvlop thu best pclicles .-».nd strategics including air qu-jlltyrvn /'.f.cr^nt systems r.nd , *a p-.rt of them , central measures cmp.*\tiblc withbalanced oevclr pmcnt , in pdrticulnr by uGlng the bc9t available technologywhich Is economically feaalblc and low- rt,' non-w.-.stc ttchnclosy .

Rcscrch rr^ •V'/oif^.nî.

• » • *Art le le 7 * - ' ;■ ΜΡ–■– «

• i I

Ti* Contracting Parties ," a » appropriate to their * needs,' ahnll lnltlntuand cr-r>pvratc in ttt»i cnduct of runc^rch inf» nnif-r iovolrpment ofi( a ) *.xlstlns and prvp^sed technol *gKs fc.r reducing emissions of sulphurcrmprund'i «nd other majcr air p^llufinta , I nc Inline technical nnd cconrriic *feasibility , nn .J» - nvlrcnnantrl consequences ; ■( b ). Instrument ';ticn and other techniques f°r monitoring and measuringémission rates An'1 'snblent concentrât ions of « ir pollutcnts ;

Page 9: COM(79)487 final - eumonitor.nl · regard tothe Opinion ofEuropeanthe Parliament , HAVING regard tothe Opinion Economicofthe and CommitteeSocial , WHEREAS theaim oftheCommunity environment

i^r-vc: rr^elo fcr a better un'crst.tncUnr, of the trrnemlssion'of W.«-r.!h?4<■■ . . s-.w'nry Mr pollutants ; ': » <V cffocti. cf sulphur compounds ind other ir.^J jr ;air . follutftnt® cn hunv*! tth rn.1 the tnvlr * w.:cnt # inclu'/ ir." tp.ricul tur .-. v f.-rcotry , rr - tori -.ls, - rju-.tic) tW n-.tuml cc-.nyst :ns r' visibility , vitlt r view establishing

. I At I Ic b..c lc f.-r 'oG. /effoct rv- l -itior.sl.ipn i^si-nc.'. tc rrotcct the crvirentsent| V > th . ecn'Mc , ,oci-.l r.af i nvir.-n. ,, rt::i ust-.e^nt rf / ltcvn t Ivo ■

( r *. tt • inin- onvlrcnmcnt-1 objective, inclu.'in;, the r&rfucticr. rf lor.r-rr.rSctr nnl>vjn'i*ry Mr ^1 tut ion ; '


( f ) ..-^icrtion -»n.' tm.inin.i pryy.rrru^o r,;lrtc<f t ? the environmental Aspects ■% ( '^Uuti-n by culphur compounds in* other mnj.'-r nlr pollutants .

* ^xch*>n;;c of informationi'.rt Icle 3 . . ' ■

L •

Th« G*>ntrnctln- Prrtics , vltMn tho fr'jnowcrk of the' Cxscutiva t.'Syr. UrK-i e~ in .-rtlclo 10 mi Ml*tur.ll ,-, ,1,-11 , In tholr icrarn IntcrJt.,« xch-.r»£,c rvMl^blc. information «mi s . /

( i ) 'l-.to • n emissions n t ; cr loc'* of tine to be czrocj upon , of rt,rcc<!Air r-'llufntH , • t'ltir.j, vlth sulphur c!i*xif'c , c.min:.- frrn rrl J -ur.its ri

size ; or ;n tho fluxes of a-rc^*. r.ir pollutcnts«, of-rtinc wit!; uulphcrtV:;i-_c , rcrrss nnticnil borders , rt ^ ist^ncco An>! r.t peril's of tir.ic to be -^rcc* upon ; ' ~

( b ) rv-.jor chores in nntirn-a j^llcico -n'*. in [- tnerM inrtustri-.l» cvci-»*.iont , An** their pr.tcnt ir.l inn-net , vhich would be lil::ly to cfuecp*;;nif ic^nt ch-nr,cs in lcnp- r -.nKw trmsboun't-.r y tir 7-ciluti^n ; •>

( c ) c-rtr.*l tcchr» lop.lcs for r^-'uein^ Mr pollution rflcv-nt tol'r..;-r'nr ^ " tr "- Bbrun^Ty ..- ir Hut ion ; . . ' I

C ' ) th« prcjtct<y c.-st f tî.e «.uissUn central ci sult:hur c.ivrun'e \"1i' «* ' tl.tr w.J-r Mr « ellut.-.nts on * n*tî « n?l »c>U :

9 im » » » * «(<•) Mcttif.'roloiiic^l rw* phy«lc^-ch*.mic< i V/it ". rclftti^g t? the j-roccHScs

« 'urln«» t r />n «.»». laoi«»n ; *•r • '

(O j*hyr. ic :-ch»j.*iic::l m-f bicl orient 'VtA relntinc tt the *»ff;cts rfl't .» -r - n».c tr -.nsbiun^.- ry »* ir •frlluticn - r-tvl tho extent •*£ the «!«ti-r.RO Wvl.ich these - ota in'icrts ccn be fttributc! tc lr-n$-rp.n.".i trenkb^un .V.ryrir r^llutim ; • '■

. « « ι

■(") r\nt 9 subrtçionûl nnc' tcplon^l ;,clicics tvA str<itc.<;lce for• _ . •

thj crntrol cf sulphur ccwpounrfs nnt' other wr.jrr Air rcllutonts . * . \ '*

LL '* ' • . .''ftscnt Crnventirn ;1cc« net ccut^in ft rule on ©tnti.- liability ,r& t «"

Page 10: COM(79)487 final - eumonitor.nl · regard tothe Opinion ofEuropeanthe Parliament , HAVING regard tothe Opinion Economicofthe and CommitteeSocial , WHEREAS theaim oftheCommunity environment

Irrr^l ervntat ton mrl further tlwplorcnt of tVe Co-orcrntiv# •PrQT.rrn 'or '„tic tvri . i tor 1 :i ■• rvi. '.>m l t. ion t ?" I or ? -

r-nrc rr.-itiv.r.i s ^ i«->p »*■ t /. ir J'ol l i:t <mt \ vn i urr-c

Article» 9

The Contracting' Parties strens the nncd for thrs Inplcnentotion of thecxintln? "Co-operative ;: ro^rr<r.ro for the monitoring arc evaluation of thelong-ran",; transmission of Mr pollutants In Eurofc " ( hereinafter rc-fcrrcd tocs D-.EP ) mr' t with rer.ard to the further ^vclopncnt of this programme , ngrca 'to cache's lzo : , . ,

( r ) the deeiraMllty of Contracting Prxtles Joining In en* fullyInolcm' ntlng DJEP which , «o a first otcp , la bused on tho tronltor In? cfsulphur dioxide rnd related substances ; . # -

( b ) the need to use comparable or standardized Tccedures- frr r.onlterlr.g» ... *

whenever- possible ; ' . .( c ) Tlw dcslrcbllity of basing the monitoring precrsr.w. on tho fr.-r.cwrrV

of both national and lnternat lon^l protrrmmes . Tho estvbllshiner.t of ncnltorinpstations end the collection of data shnll be carried rut under the national

jurisdiction of the country In which the - monitoring st'.ticrs arc lcc.itcd ;I - *

( d ) The desirability of establishing a framework for a co-operr.t iveenvironmental mcnifring priQrmmc , b*.sc«i on and tcki:.£ Into account present .and future P'tlon«:l , subrcp,loral , rcj5lon"l and rthcr International nr^gr^nrr.cs ;

( e ) the need .to cxchar.go data cn cmJeslcwi at poricds of time to beap.rced up^n , cf .-.greed r.lr pel lut;.nts , st'rtln?, vlth sulphur ^ l~xl''.a , ccningfron p.rid-unlts -?f * rrccd size ; or rn the fluxes rf agreed air rollut-ints ,


stirtln^ with culil ur di^xilt' , .* cro'.» n t inn.'tl borders , rt «' isl -'-.nc nd atPkri^^w rf tlm;j t * be c^rt-cd up<»n » The ncthod , lr.cludlnp, - the ihcdel , usedto /•- r.trnlr.e tho flur^c;, well f.s tho rvjthcd , Including tU'i r.edol , us .«> todetermine- thi transmission of air p^llutento b-*soi' on tho emissions per £rld unitfchall be wade avrlltble ard periodic ; lly reviewed , In order to lnprove- themctl.'ds and ti c n~»»cl ?>; .


• ( f ) their willingness to continue tho exchan$a And porlcdlc updatingcf n.-tlon'.l J-.ta on t^t^l cnlsslons cf agreed nlr p? llut.-.r.ts , starting with

• I

eulphur dlnxidj ;

( p ) tho r.ocd to pr?vld<s meteorological and thyslco-chctslcr.l datarelating to processes during trnnsnlosion ; '

Page 11: COM(79)487 final - eumonitor.nl · regard tothe Opinion ofEuropeanthe Parliament , HAVING regard tothe Opinion Economicofthe and CommitteeSocial , WHEREAS theaim oftheCommunity environment

( 1>) the need tc nscnitrr chtnicnl ccr?pc~tnts in ^ th^r' nidi .*, cuch ca •• . - . • •

w.-»tcr , s.oll . ne vcretstion , ro ' /«.Il cs e simll /:r mcnlt'.rln* profcrrn.-»e tirecord effects cn henlth r.nd environment *t

( l ) the desirability af extending th.» r.atlT.rl ~KE? retverks to nafcathen c-pcrfctlcn^l fcr c^ntrrl «nd serve lll^ncc purposes .

•» » /

. ' Slxocut I Vfc P."r*y t.'.ri 1 c 1 c 10 * ' . ■ • • '* . ' '

I –––M» • »

1 . T' .-.* representatives /*f the Contracting Pttic a shell , vithin th« 'fr*<nc«"Tk of t?»c Scnirr .'.dvis^rs t- LCC C Vvsrnncnta «*r. Knvir"r.r.cr.t*.l

I'r'blcr**, constitute' th-.* Executive fc ;dy of the prcnynt Convent lc.n , rn»*. ,- ' ■ ■ . • ' $ .* > a » ■ . . > . . . ' • "ch-.ll meet nt lonst ." nnunliy in thrt cnpicity .

2 . TKc Executive !Jcdy sh-.ll :review the imjic.v.-nt^tion nt the present Conventions •

( b ) establish , rs T'prrpr i."te , wcrHn.*; croups tc ccr«li***r ratters'.• . related to the implcner.t.-tl^n rw- development of the present .

• • »

, Convention < nd t« this cn'! tr. prcpnrw . cppr.rpriite studies T.r'•: ther -V curKnt^tion <* nd f» oubmlt recrnMcn'.'.'jti t.c tr be crt:«l:'crt <r

. - - by tho Ex-cutivc iirdy \ ■(c)' fulfil ouch tMcr functions r.s t\i\y b<» ftpproprl/'.tc un'l«.r tho

* * *

prvlslrns of the prsscnt C-nvcntion ,3 » - The Ex cutivo L' .Jy shrl I utili ^ r> the Steering ft-.'.y fcr the .KMEP tcr>l.*sy cn lntcprAl ; ir.rt In the operctl»->n of th«. j.r».«»ent Convention , lr. p^rticuWwith rer^rd to dnt .«. cllectl^n -r.d scientific co-'pcrrtlcn.A. The Executive B.-wly , In d.lsch.irr lnp. Its functions , vhen It \ ccns'TTr^rri-.tc , * l9n r.cka usa .*»f informrtlT frrw rth«.r *i lev.-nt lnierr.-.ti*r. 1^rgnnlt.-tl'T.s .

* * •

- SocrctT lit. t V •" . «

Article 11 . . ' . •, • ' 1 •

l*.w Executive Secr^tnry of the Ccr r .n.lt , Crnmlssl«.n fcr cuttcc.^rry rut , tor the Executive 8 s, 'y , the fc-llcwlnjj secretariat functlrr.c : .

" ( r ) 'ccnvtn'. - *.n * pr^prro th.j m««.tin^.s cf thr..l>ecutivc^lr'!y j •( b ) ' ta tr^nanit t" th «,- 'C» ntfetin^ P^rticn rcpr.rt » ."w! zt'. *?r fr.f'.rnrti'f

rccclved in Accorarci. *» ith tJio t.rovlsicns »^f ti.c 'r^s^nt Crnventl.'f< c ) t'? •'isch'tr'o the iunctl'ns cr ^ ijnad by th« Cxweutiv*. »rc!y »- ,

Page 12: COM(79)487 final - eumonitor.nl · regard tothe Opinion ofEuropeanthe Parliament , HAVING regard tothe Opinion Economicofthe and CommitteeSocial , WHEREAS theaim oftheCommunity environment

. /.n?r.ir»cntn t' » the Onventl.-n • .> i 5

Art lei 12 ' • .

1 . Any Contracting Pfrty r.ay prooose ancndirents to the present Convention. '?. The text o£ proposed or-ifJi'lwcnts shall be svlr.:itte ?. in writing to theExecutive Secretory of th «: Economic Cor.ualcslon for ?\;rorr. , wrc sVall co-nun tcfitethen to »« 11 Contrtctlnr Forties . The F.^cutlva P?'' " ". S.ul 1 . .* Iscusb rr ? r.cu«.tl

incnd-i . r.to *it It * r«?x » ..nnutl iicctlr,,' • revise J thrt such prcpcsf.lr h.v.s Li nf

circulated by t! c Exccutlvj Secretory of titev Economic Cor.rtlsoion ior Europeto thw Contracting Parties at lcrot ninety dnyo !•» » r!vsnco .3 . An mcrVn . nt to the t-rc3sr.t Convrntior. i.'aII b > ,>>.pti d by concensusof the rcprcscr.tntlves cf the Contracting Pnrtlts , end shrll ^nt*r Into force 'for the Contracting p.-rtics vhich hovo ^.ccaptcd it on ti'.Q ninetieth dayafter the data on which tvo-tMrus of the Contracting Prrtles hrvc depositedtheir 5.na truncnto of acceptance with the derosit«ry . Thort »?f tcr , • the rncn^ncntsl.rll enter into force for rny other Contracting Party #on th* ninetiethd.-.y after the d.-.te on which tl:r.t Contrrctlng Pnrty deposits its instrumentof acceptance of the 'vnendmcpt . / . v N

Settlement of disputes •

Article 13 ; . / ' ' ' • . .If a dispute Arises between two or more Contracting Pfrtivs to the

present Convention is-to the interpretation or Application of the Convention ,they shnll sc^k n solution by negotiation or by *ny oli.er method of disputesettlement rccspt'.ble to t v.a rnrti 'S t .1* tl'.a Jlsputc .

? (" nrture » ... ■ 1 ·

Article 14 ' •

1 . Th«; present Convention olir.ll b * open .'or olj.nnturc r.t t!-e Urltvd Nationsfffic ." *t Ccnev - from 13 to 10 l-i /cr.ber 1979 on thr c ce-.cion of the Kijh-levcl


• noting \: lthfn the fr.Tmcwork of t'«e I'conomlc Comi99lon for Europe- on the

Protection of t!i .» i:nvironn« nt , ' by tK; n.rib.r ft * ten of the £ccn&r.ic »:<vn(n?:tonfor Eur ->e »/« ll >a Str.tcs having consult it 1 v. nt . tus with the Ero'-.^nicCmnlsslon for Europe , pursuant to p irrgrnpli 3 c£ icononlc rnd Social Councilresolution 3G ( IV) of 28 li-rclr 1547 , ?.nd by rcgirrrl .. ccncrnic intc^r *.t icnorcanlzr.tions , constituted by «ovcrcl«jn Stnteo ncsfcero ' £ th . Eccr.jr^ic Crrv.isslonfcr Europe , which hrve ecr.-etcncc in respect : f the r.c^ctinti^n , c^rclusimond rpol lcr.tif'ft c£ intf.rn.- ti'-'nci r /rrcumcntt in matter * covered by tlsc present #

t •Convention . <

Page 13: COM(79)487 final - eumonitor.nl · regard tothe Opinion ofEuropeanthe Parliament , HAVING regard tothe Opinion Economicofthe and CommitteeSocial , WHEREAS theaim oftheCommunity environment

?. In matters vlthln their eompetvno , euc «". rvf.lTirl economic . integration• •

crc.rts-.tlcr.7 ahrll , on their own bfMlf , cxc'rctsc the rir'-ts *»nd fulfil therosponslbil itio« which the present C^nv«:nt if r. rttributes t .* their ner.b»r "Stntcs . In such cn:s t the menber States of these crp T.lz.-tir.ns sh/ ll notbo entitled to.excrciso such rl^htc f niivic'u.* lly , ■ »

» 1 : le "t ! "n cc < or ne o , - 7 rr ' v *. 1 -te^sshr,.'rtJrl 15 ' ' ;1 . I' he present Convention ehr.ll bo rubj:ct tc rrtlf lc^tltn , .- ece^t.-ncc or"r>prov/»l . '

?. The present Convention »h-ll be "»pcr. for iccesfcl^n >.s fr^n17 H - v< - hor 1979 by tire Sctcs «n'! or# \nlz-.tlrr.u rcforrwd t*? in nrtlc-lo 16 ,; ,.r'|.r |, rr. 1 .

: . · ·3 . Tho- ir.struj.unts of ratification , rcceptftncc , r.*- rr.vel or Accessiony»h*.ll be i-.f » sit»-.d vlth tho Rvcrvt -'jrv-Cc.-nerr.l of th& United Nrtlv»ns , fhowill ,"«crf-;rm the functions cf the i iposlt\ry. ' '

* Entry int'* i*rce • • ».• * • . i • •. • .

l'.Tticlc 10

1 . The present Convention sl-.rll enter ir.to frreo or. tho ninetieth dty r.ftcrthe d.jtc >:f deposit of the . tv< r.ty-fcurth instrument? of rr.tlf lef tir.n ,<xcvpt-.net , rpf- rr-vr.l or rcc--.s S IT. '

?. Fcr erch Ccntrictinr, Prrty • hich r-tlfies , Accents r .ir.rrvvs thojTvsrnt Crnv ntl*m or accedes thereto after tho deposit of tho tventy-feurth .Ir.-itruAcr.t >C rrtlf iotlrn , ftcc*.;-tf ncc , * j;*r'V-«l or 'cc^fisi n , tr-i C* r.v fc rti.:nwho 11 cnt*.r intr f^rca on the t. lnitKth dry .iftcr the dntw : f Cv–csit b~•rnch C«*ntrr.ctinr Pirty of its instrument «*f r\tlf icr.tlon , rcceptnncc , ••'^prviv.il•>r t ccssi".a«

/.rttrl .. 17 ' - ■ . " ' •––– . . '

At ony time nftwT five ye.'re fr***« thy rf-te jiivMeh ttrc pr*.»-r.tC tiv^ntl'-n h"3 c«"«c Jntr frreo vlth r.e*.«-;ct to i» "Cntrrctlng P-rty ,O r.tr*ctlr.« P irty r.o.y vlthi'r.n free the Ccnv'.nt ltr. by giving vrltt«.nrrt 1 f let icn the desalt pry. Any such *» ltV!rw.i shnll tr.kc f.ffc-ct nntJis; nlr.etls.th d-.y Aft<«r the ?>f It* rcceij.t by tl.c »iep ultiry#

Page 14: COM(79)487 final - eumonitor.nl · regard tothe Opinion ofEuropeanthe Parliament , HAVING regard tothe Opinion Economicofthe and CommitteeSocial , WHEREAS theaim oftheCommunity environment

/ 1 /

. > ' •/ ♦ '

. -9. .

•, %

»Authentic trxts

• Article 13 ■ • .

. The original of the.nrenent Convention , of vhiih the English , -French end Rvs *. Inn texts are equally authentic , be deposited with'the Sccretory-Cener - 1 of tl.e United r»tlo»$ »-

' L*l "1TVFSS 'iflLKEOF t '* unt'er a l(jne<I , being duly authorized thereto ,have aipr.cd the present Convention . ■ . "

DOME at *•••••••••••■.•••, this •••••••••.••■••••••••<!«/ <)(;••••••••.om» thousand vtlnc hundred and •■••••«••••••••••••••••• •

. , - <• • In the name of • '••••••••••••••*

M » . «k ' ' ' . ' ' ' * • * * ' • -

. # .

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• · Γ - 1

I 'V: . '-I-

v.r . , v . *·' " ... * * ■ · . «.» ·.'♦· « . · . . , »

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. • • •» . , ( ' ■ . • .

Page 15: COM(79)487 final - eumonitor.nl · regard tothe Opinion ofEuropeanthe Parliament , HAVING regard tothe Opinion Economicofthe and CommitteeSocial , WHEREAS theaim oftheCommunity environment

rRAft srsoLt'TiT? rw LO».r-r..vcr T* axs* VM'*siv#.3 Y • * i 9 ?0T.»iT:r»*

T .V PHn.-tsrlcs t.' t *)C Convent ixr. n *- \ cnr. - r : ny c Trar.rb ^UT. 1 rv V!r Pcllvtimof . .. r*ovi»r.!#»*r 19 79 ,

1 . P c l-'c tN-t tN.y tihr.ll , vitMn th . fr..n»,wo*!( of the Fconc.r.lc Ocrr'it.iwnfor Europe on J the Senior Advisers to VCE Gevcrnncnts on Environmental Problem

In 1^1 .it ", as noon us ^oosiblc. and on «»n lnt », rir* has la , * hr. provisional

implementation of tho Convention on Lonc -ran - 'i Tror. jhounrJ.-.r y Air ?cllution ;tJ cy und . rtuke to carry out the obligations erlsin;; from th*. Ccrv. /.tion to ti :maximum cxt<.nt possible pending ito c'.try into force ;

Arr < c thnt the noccsi"*ry «iutb«.»r it y r.l:ould be given to thvi EconomicCommission for Europe anl to its Executive* S'.crctrry to provide for asufficient nccrctar i«t and , in the fr / mtwor!'. of the cxiutlnj, budgetary

* . •

structure*, for the appropriate financial ncar.s ; .3 . Forth r d.-.clrig to develop without relay' further co-oV<.r*t ion in - roblornnrcas within . the scope of the Convention . In pftrticulrr the*y vill sock tobring closer together th « ir policies and atrr:teglts for ccr.brting nirpollution including long-n- nge trc.ns'uoundiry fir ; olluticn ;4. Dvclr.rc thrt such strategies ;irtd policies shr.ll be ."iirn^d r. t Uniting»^nd os f-r 2 ?» possible gradually reducing end preventing r.ir pollution ,. including long - r -.r.<*e tr .in abound .:ry v ir pollution . T'.«.-s * sh~ll be. implementedprogressive ]) r.nd the designated competent bovy ah.nl I " review regularly theprogress Achieved nt nitionnl l' -ve- l. To this cnu tho sign?.trrico willr.ttrch highest priority to tho ce-.pletiott of r. decuncnt Getting < ut thestrategics and policies of erch cf the tignntori*.* for , the abatencnt cfnir pollution cr.uscd by sulphur compounds , • '» .

lg/oc ./ 79/e(b) v­• : «

Page 16: COM(79)487 final - eumonitor.nl · regard tothe Opinion ofEuropeanthe Parliament , HAVING regard tothe Opinion Economicofthe and CommitteeSocial , WHEREAS theaim oftheCommunity environment

R?.AFT RRCT,APATTCV cv LOV - /r ?> roy-'.v.rTr TECTQLCGY ATDKF - I'TI l.l'/.i T I ON" /J"!, » rC'?Cli.\G CI" W.STL .r.

T>c Strtcrs r rt lr ln -» in the n. - li - luvcl lc".tin on tVc Prnt&ctlon oftfce Er.v i rrr^k r. t ,

D. t « rutm d to promote rclnt Ions md co-operrticn In the * li«ld ofenvironmental rrotect ion ,

Crn c..: lo'j'. <-,f the s lp.nif lc.nco of the "Ctlvltleo of the United WitionsEconomic C ^.T I OS l-.n for Europe In 8trcnrth*.nln[» ouch rcl.~.tl.>ns rnd co–^porr.tion ,

r -,c * 1 1 In " th.i contribution of ECH to the multllr.ter.-.l implcr.cr.tntion ofthe pertinent r-rcvisl' ns rf t1*u Tln^l Act rf the Conference on Security .».ndCo-cr .* rft Ion in £ur<">pe ,

* •

Ci T 1 ; v,t rf the Importance tr.-«t , In ftccord.-.ncc %'lth the Ck-.ptcr crEnvironment rf the Find Act , ccon«"*;iic <J jvelcpmcnt ' nd tcchnplcplcnl prr^ressrvst be cmp-.tible with tlv: protection of the environment nnd thnt tothe cnvirrnfTicnt is best {- voided by preventive mec.oures ,

Pc /rtnp in ml nif the need for development c.f lew- rnd non-vestctcchn^lr.^y rr.«t rc-util Izotlon /" nd recycling of vnstco ,

R - cl 1 inR thv. pertinent provisions cf the Dcclnr^tlon of theUnited Krtlc-ns Conference r»n tho Hwn«a Lnvircnmcnt , particularly vlth regardto the need to achieve •» mor * rntionr.l mrn^scment rf re-sources ftnd thus to'

improve the environment ,C nvlnccd thrit rnw notorial * nnd energy should bo used In a rntionr.l

- •

nanner . . VT*klnt». into ^ccru'nt the res.ults of thu ECE Scn.inc:r en I'.in-wnstj Techn^lr^y

end Prrdpct l« n (P.-rls , 1976 ) which , IntT Ml - , defined ncn-w.-.stc fzchr.clcsyrjt " the prrcticnl npollc-.tlon •. f kn^wl^dp.*. , nethods .?.n«J r.e^.ns , so r. s • vlthintho nevds of man -• tc. pr'.vlda the m*st rntlonftl use »*.f ncturni resrurevs ^nd

r ,

energy , and to prctcct tho invlr^imoiit ",

lg /oce / 79/8(c )

Page 17: COM(79)487 final - eumonitor.nl · regard tothe Opinion ofEuropeanthe Parliament , HAVING regard tothe Opinion Economicofthe and CommitteeSocial , WHEREAS theaim oftheCommunity environment

/ •• • • ' .* • ./ ' .J -2-f • ' . ' . * • • • ' :• • •• .

/ -, ■. •

·* · Φ» · , · · .••••;• •• . • « «

Ν " * ·.■·■·fMrVful th*c lew- r.n^ nnn-wastc ttc!»nol < «tv *ik' ro-utlllzntim rtsl •

1 • *

rtcycllnr. of v.stes v-uld help t .« r -* v«-nt wi-.vlr /'nmcntnl O.n'p.c , rs such»

ucfcmlojjy c^uld rcduco or eli.T.ln'.tc vnatc fr<»(?ucts tfhlch rthvrwlso pollutetho environnant . •

C '->vlrc > d tn«c low- -- n«j iv^n-vistc .tcchr.ol^py ahc' re-utlllz'tlcr. \m"r.'cyclir^ -f ' iHtvC which rrcvl in fcr •» ncrc r.- tl.- n/sl \si .*£ cr.^r -v r*.wn-t..r:".la w;ii]r ^renerv... ^rtcl^us nrn-r'.nc' -.tl». r.'»->urccsi t.J rrcvcnt ~v\.r-

ut!llz />ti'n : f rcncvr.bl ^ rcorurf»# ,/■ ff trrHnp. tlie Ir.o rtrttcn'cf c-iisldcrin" the entire llfc-cycle "f r. .


f.fduct , fr-m cxtr-ction cf r »,vtcrlnls -t ". ccr.Bumptlcn '•nd final dispoo -».!i • „

•T r«' cyc 1 in/;, •FvC Tlzin ? the need thrt dccislonj ~n w.vins t: v^rf# lew- nnd r.on-w.stc

tcchnrl'-yy should trke Intc account the Implications of environment ?! ,cc*n~r.iic An -' s."»cl".l fnctrra nasrci.'.tcd with such imvis , •

t In j thf.t L'CE activities -r« p.Tt 'of n Ir^r.t'cr prrr, r*un:nc i~r •J'svilcpr.cPt.-■'f envirr nj-icnt^lly sound nn«» #.rproi/rlntc . twcl.nc lr»|>l wo , under the \u3plccs cfUILP In c-cncr l^n with - thcr internet Irm-il .nlz'.tlr-ns , rnd wuli be i f

ir.t.rcst rnd v.iluc t .* « 'thcr Vvfilnua -f thteVrl' ,1 . r.icl-r - th . fr Intent tr 7r^t».ct wen and his .r.vlr.-nnint .-.nd tr use

rosrurccc .r^ti n:lly by pr-nvtin,* 1 *rw - » nd non-westo technology ?nJr*-util Izrtl-^n 'in :* recycling ; I V*gt».3 { . '

2 . i*t » tc th.it the cvt r rl-'inj, fbJ..ctlvco »;f lew- » n«2 Miwsti- tschn^l .",";»xv! rc-util li-t I' n * ni r^cyclin% '■•f vrstus »»rc cr.virtnncntAl pr^tcctl'n .- n :!r«tt*">n',.l uoc ' f rcs^urc-s ;


3 . C» :»?■ 1'a r thr.t w^ya ond mo-na for the' ^ppllcit ! •« ,"£ »uch* •

tcchn-1' gles c.-ul'! inclu 'c , lnt cr • 1 1 » ;( n ) the pr:r> ti.n .f Iaw- and n«»n-w^ctc tcchiylnuy '•nd rc-utll lz.*tl<*n r.n-J

recycling: r f'wsstts thrru k* h : .■ ( l ) Tvi^uctlrn *f the r*t l;»n of wnatc® rnd th*. culsslcn rf p< llut".nt »

. in tho vrrl - us - r'N'uctl *n nn;'. c-^nutmptlnn cycles by :\ n ) usine iwnrovc'* w eeoac» v# or cutting up ncv # ~r

' * 0

' tr'nef rnlis !-. wxlstin:. unit» *f , r^c.uvtlon j . .

, ( b ) i^celcnlnu products p-.rtlculcrly f IT\CW * Q rfurr.blllty% ■ . • • »

fncllltntc .tcp-lr on'1 rt-utlllznticn , wh» r.Wor 'pprTrl-.tt {" • •' ' . V.' . ' - • ' • - V - , .. • •

Page 18: COM(79)487 final - eumonitor.nl · regard tothe Opinion ofEuropeanthe Parliament , HAVING regard tothe Opinion Economicofthe and CommitteeSocial , WHEREAS theaim oftheCommunity environment

( ll ) recovery , r*-uac cr.d valor i2rt ten of wz-fites , ir.tiT All ?, by :( c ) recover Ins vnluablo sui-it.-.ncia and r.ntcrlals frcn industrial

effluents ond corrhujtion \;r ses Î( b ) ra.iklr.j; bottcr *.» se of tl.o energy contcnt o£ wAste* end


ro3 Iduclo ;

( ili ) ro-util izrtion cf lorgt.r qu^ntiiica of vtp tcs #»s "cccend^ry"r /nr mater loltt in other production prcccnacj ;

( iv ) rational ubo of r nw nrtcr l?ls ir. the production TPCCS s .* nd 'throughout t ? o whole 1 1 f.>-cyc !<• of freductc ; .* nd substitutionof rv'.rlily r.vnll / .bl < r •«. M'.lir tr.I « for t'toic bvccnln «« <VnK*tc«1 ;

0 ·

(v ) rotlon n l use o ? vrnvyy rt sources in cnc-rey producing nntienergy utillzln& proccaotc cnd 9 vhsnovtr prr.ct ic^.blo , re-yieof weste »'.ncr«»y } ••

cvr.lurtion of the Industrial " pplicr.tion of low- enO non-w.stc ". technology to optimize the- use of ry.v r.«itcrir.l « «». r.d energy , includingpossibilities for recovery , recycling *.nd economic cf*lcior<,cy f whiletaking into "ccount cnvironrH.nt. -»i anJ «oci.:l cor.s«<*ucnr.cs ;


nntionnl end interniitioncl r.ctior. to support thn r.p^l lc /ition of low-r.nd non-wests technology by In t er .'.11 .". rencarch *nd development ,education , socio-economic inc . tit lv.;-s , cxch".njjo of inform-it ion , .«nd 'transfer of technology } . '4 . • ^( conrcnt! the' following nr. Lionel action : •promotion of research nnd development activities with rt£&?d £o .

• irttr a Uni # , v~ »

u\ Vvlopmcnt of m«.tl r><fn for th.s ^•mvosntnt of economic , locinl ..'jk! * nviron!r.unt'.1 imprets of lo*»- f.m! ron-v.stc tcthrclcpy mdrc-util lzAtioti And r^cycl Inr. ot* .-j.- plic^blc in countriesvith different economic ind>oci".l systems ;<!v vcl^.pr..cnt of lew- er.J r.on-wn*to tec^nn ! cnc* rc»ufci i lint icnoiid recycling cf vr.nt«.s in , lnt«,r r.\ 1 , t.:«f following syctirs :pulp r.nd pnp«.r , Iren rrd ctt.ii , ch«.niic«*.l s , ninir.&j ncn-firrous ,

. nut ils , nt'.tnl pl/rtin^ «nd surface tr«..", tc.«.nt *»£ nctftU , f'.rtil izcrsr.nd food processing ( this Hot of industrial sectors is neitherexhaustive nor rwtrict ivu );

Page 19: COM(79)487 final - eumonitor.nl · regard tothe Opinion ofEuropeanthe Parliament , HAVING regard tothe Opinion Economicofthe and CommitteeSocial , WHEREAS theaim oftheCommunity environment

T.«a study cf thoso industrial SEC tors th.-.t »TC fiercrAtitv*potentially toxic w^stcc :

9 • m

methods which would be meat relov.int with regard to cr.crty sev'r.\ ...

Incentives for low- or.d non-weste technology r.nd rc-utillzitlon " nd *recycling of was to* through , ir.tor * H.i :

- stu\'y ~ f vr.yn rn »! nv.na to n"\e public .eplnlcn BT : r.vcr . of the'_c-nc.pt c.f'lrw- nnt*. rK.n-wr.stc . t.-chr.rluity by <, i4«5cr.ir..-.tin«i

, inf^rn.ntlrn , .* n'i by prorating ^ ttitue'ca In f.-.vrur of rrtiorr.l use01 n.vturrl rt*Mtrcc.i ;

- • listing cf . Incentives for , and constraints to , tha dcvcl.-fnctit cf■ 1

1-v- i«: ! non-v:.«»te technolrpy nnd rc-util irnt icn nnd focyClinj;■ of wnstes ; - •

• . . collection «»nd rnolyaie of infcrr.r.t ion on prnctical experiences

th ? urv of Incentives f end In '"verciminp, rbst^clcs ;•. * invest ! f.fiticn nf the irl , crit' • icor.'vwic impr.ct t:f vrieus

• incentives " nd constraints with th% .*» ld '*f ecrncr.iic rr.dels ;- initlitl^n nf 0 tuf' i «:s on , «nd cxpt r imonte with , c!lffer_nt typos

t.f incentives b /rscd r.n Itr.islntion , rir.ulftl: ns -nd * t"»nf\~.rd * ,• /-nd «_c<-nrirlc mt ;r.ur»'S t

Inter-industry teehn-*lo?y treni fer and Industrial Interaction :-promotion of trnnofer of technology between different' lndustrlr.l

.. SeCt'TS : - , " ■ •* ♦ « •

- _ industriM intcr.-.ct inn in or''.er t" r<T>timlz.e prr.ducti •>:« ->r>cc3?e »

rjii t't nsr.int recycling >.m! rc-util izntl'-n c.i ••.atcu ;prmoti-m c»f the utilization of wastes .*e Siccndtry r.'.t%.r i**lsin industrial processes ;<

• » » '

inclusion »/f the concept »■> f lrv - ftnd non-wrst j tcchn .- Vr **/ *.nc rc-utili7-ti~n -.nH recycling of w-ntes i:i » Juctlrn*.! prr.f»r-*.r.vn«. a r. t * 11levels , including in p-'rticulrr thooo concerned vith t^Achlnj ; '

. vxpl.-nAtion «f the r . le % • f l.*w- .-! n»; nr*n-wr.stc - twchnclrgy in• r< source ccn3cry.*.tii»n nnd environmental i-rctectlrnj

- enplt.sla , in te-chnic.il ind industrial cJucctl^n , > n t r.^gr'wu.a» . · .

f^r low- ,** rtd ncn-w - ate ^r^ductien prccv-eoes r.ni prr<iuete designed. to rcc'ucc w/j9 to «nd render recycling cffo.ctivcj

Page 20: COM(79)487 final - eumonitor.nl · regard tothe Opinion ofEuropeanthe Parliament , HAVING regard tothe Opinion Economicofthe and CommitteeSocial , WHEREAS theaim oftheCommunity environment

5 . P.ocon-cnd the" following international cc-o^eretlve activitieswithin the fravevork of FCE : . •

(0 support for rcsor.rch t.nr* dcvclnTient .".ctlvltles rtlatci' to : 1Intcrn -.tlcn - l co-operctlve pilot projects an*' ether Joint researchprojects ; •'

' I

- further development of r.n-gclnp .\ctlvltleo rtlitei' to the ^cvclo^nentcf nuthortalcglco for con *, prison and cvi - lu^ti -'n of vcrlc uo technol??.i v

- elabcratlcn of a unified classification o £ urn tes ( c.r,» *>cpcr ,pl'-.r.tics , tcvtiKs );

% • *

(b ) exchange: of scientific timl technical Information' end co-op«ratlrn atthe international level through : ■ . , '- " • further e'ov«slo*mcnt »-.£ the current corspll'.tlcn « cer.jjcndluc. '

* '

cn lew- and non-wr.stu technology with c vl;.w to sotting u- rninternational dr.ta brink fcr Information on . lew- ~nd nor-w^ste

1 •

technology .»nd r ;.–utll Izatlon and recycl ln$ . '-f w«stce while •fully rcs-.octlng the nead tc protect fcr^pr letr.ry lnfrrmtion ;

• arr^ngtnent rf Intcrnotl.-nr.l scnlnars en vnrleus aspects rf lcv-one* non-waste tcchn<>l~o,y nnr. re-utllls'.tlcn and rccycllrs of wr.stcs ,Ir.clu " log icnwlc fnd ccolc^icnl aspects ;

' • . enccurager.ont to trensfer <*>f technology by tr.e-r.ns cf conventional '«

• »-ccn~nlc ncrturis , thr-^u , h existing cn;\r'i',.l channels , taking'Y . Into ••sccr.unt the Interests cf ECU countrleo that ore c'cvcl'-f in£

fr'-r.i rn econ'nic p.*-int of vlow , r.r.klng use c f the Infernal I :n' contained In the »V.t'- lirnk , olilclt ml,'; Sit fe* r.p ; r • pr intv {

• excJ - .-.nfc >f lnforn.-tlrn .on nrtl^nal experience concerninglnc«.nil von fr r the promot l' ii -_»f low- on ' n * n-wastt - technologymd re-ut 11 Izatlon .-.n't recycling of wastes ;

(c ) organization of act ivitles " concerning Intern. ;t lonal waste exchanges s .•» ' c< 1 lect l'-n "nd analysis of Inf ,'rmrt I'-n rn the ycc.nomlc , tcchnlcr.l ,

envlr'inar.-.ntal «nd sreial Inp.-ct cf e-xistinp, waste- cxch-nges ;• <" Invi eti'.»,.".tlon of : t »- « n Ijbil it i es t'* expand the nc-twork cf rubre;; ional .

w/*sto exchanges an ! cc -operation between national ».n 'd su^rc^lon^!cxch»ng < s ; the'«e activities should bo complementary to .initiatives Already taken , Inter all *. , by industry or ass-x latlons

* * ' f » ; . ' i

i . of Industry or commerce ; ■ . •

Page 21: COM(79)487 final - eumonitor.nl · regard tothe Opinion ofEuropeanthe Parliament , HAVING regard tothe Opinion Economicofthe and CommitteeSocial , WHEREAS theaim oftheCommunity environment

U. ) rramlzr.ti^n of international fost -T -.du -.tc courses r>n I'**?- *™-* ncn-vr.stetcchnolcfjy ^nf* rc-ut 11 izr.ticn /.n **. rccycllr.f.. <*f wr.atcs , vhlch 9hrui'I""ui

• r.s frr -.rsoiblc , eel f-eur :- rrtin^ t £ln*.ncc*' by *:xictin<.' ircch*:nis.T3 ;6 . - revn ' , with in the fr-iic»»" rV r i J.CZ , tc» ret v>;' *. br. */ .-n l--v-

nn *. rrn -i.' - .otc tichnM'^.y on ! rc-util iz'itirn ' r,.cycl in*, k f votes to b'o\ ntruf.tc* with tliw i'cv» lo * m r t f < rj-.Tniz - t I'.nl , scientific m ' technic .*.!

• pi . ntl - ri rcl'ti " tr lfv- . n'! n^n-vrste twehn'* 1 «^»> .'.n*' r*.-utili ?. #, tl.*r. r.n •*rvcyclisiK ' ■ t TMs b'-.'y ov ul.' !»v *» rrU in.; V'.rty • f r.*ti;t . J v x; - rt#on \ r the fluth'rity • f the Senior vlswrc to ECt C .vcrnnwnt ^ -.u Ervirrnrrvr.t.-.lrr-b]»x « .T'V eh"ul •* un'"'.rtikc , lnt^r • lfr. , tl:. ft-.llr.vinc, tcsUp , ,tr\ir.^ i-.tc.rccrur.t Activities ."»f other rrinci*..-.l Subsi!iiry BVioa rf 'iCE "n? of etheri.itirn' ticn^l rr.vni ? itlrns to /:v<••i .,. unnecessary 'uplicfctlon of vork :

( r ) to cxch.-.n^c information on tho itcr.s n«.ntionc1 un*!cr & an? 5 eb^vc ;ι

( b ) to ccnsiA.r • the- •• fiubl ic.-.tlsn of r. uc i«.r.t if lc r.n? technical r«vic\r forths. • rcn'tion .~n'? • , ;. v„-lr ;*»., !nt of low- r.n.'. nni-w^stv technology •rv-ut 11 izr.c I' n -r.r* recycling of v.^itcs ; ! -^n.'. • '

( c ) tr "irV.K. rec-r.nvr'!r.tlonr. t -> th ; & • nlcr A'vlaro to ECc rrvvrnncrts rr.

Knv^if-nr.i.jntrl Prcl>l.»*.o rn -\ctlviti<3 rol."t!n«« t'5 X»>w» rr.,1 r.Mi-v'T tc 'tcci.rioioRy nnd re-util izrt^on .ir ** recycling of vristes , "ilwAys rccc,-nlz lr.>the ncc ? to tr.kw full Account c t th* i .«; I lcrt ions of cnvlrrr.r.cnf.l ,

■ " • • , . ;

ico»;a'i '.n' eocir.l f?ç tors#

CcncvA^ «•«•••(••••••••••• In