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Page 1: DELIVRANCE DIRIGEE SYSTEMATIQUE Delphine HEQUET DES gynécologie-obstétrique



Delphine HEQUET

DES gynécologie-obstétrique

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DELIVRANCE DIRIGEE = tout ce qui s’oppose à une délivrance naturelle ou physiologique, à savoir, l’expectative.

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500 000 déces par an dans le mondedont 99% dans les PVD

Premières études dès 1932 : Moir rapporte son étude concernant l’utilisation de l’ergotamine

Dans les années 50 aux Etats-Unis, utilisation quasi-systématique de l’ergotamine

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34 ANS


Taille des études : de 26 à 1459 patientes

Médicaments utilisés : ergotamine, oxytocine, association ergotamine-ocytocine, prostaglandines

Mode d’administration : intra-vasculaire, intramusculaire, intra-myométrial

Moment d’administration : tête, épaule antérieure, après naissance


Survenue d’hémorragie de la délivrance

Oxytocic Control Odds ratio 95% CI

Howard (1964) 24/963 25/470 0.43 0.23-0.78

McGinty (1951) 1/150 5/50 0.04 0.01-0.27

Daley (1951) 45/490 80/510 0.55 0.38-0.80

Rooney (1985) 34/346 42/278 0.61 0.38-0.99

Friedman (1957) 24/717 2/177 2.19 0.82-5.83


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Recours aux ocytociques en post-partum

Oxytocic Control Odds ratio 95% CI Howard (1964) 46/984 58/475 0.32 0.21-0.49 Newton (1961) 1/50 11/50 0.15 0.05-0.51Friedman (1957) 100/717 36/177 0.61 0.39-0.96 0.40

Hypertension en post-partum (PAS 17O ou PAS 140 et PAD 90)

Oxytocic Control Odds ratio 95% CI

Howard (1964) 153/983 50/475 1.57 1.15-2.15Mc Ginty ( &ç(-) 43/150 6/50 2.45 1.17-5.15Hacker (1979) 9/20 0/6 6.77 1.03-44.38Friedman (1975) 14/717 1/177 2.32 0.64-8.33 1.76


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DRIFE, 1997 : Rétention placentaire 3  fois plus fréquentes en cas de délivrance dirigée


MAC DONALD, 2000 Pas de différence significative de survenue d’hémorragie de la délivrance entre le

BEGLEY, 1990 groupe délivrance dirigée et le groupe délivrance physiologique.

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PRENDIVILLE, 1988 : essai randomisé management actif versus management passif de la délivrance

1695 patientes

OXYTOCIN 5 UI + ERGOMETRINE 0.5 mg, IV, épaule antérieure, traction sur le

cordon clampé à moins de 30 sec de la naissance

RESULTATS : 5.9% HD versus 17.9% , odd ratio 3.3

PIERRE, 1991

THILAGANATHAN, 1993 Management actif diminue la durée de la troisième phase du travail


ROGER, 1998 Management actif diminue le risque d’hémorragie de la délivrance

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THOMAS, 1990 : Etude randomisée, 1908 femmes, administration prophylactique d’oxytocines à

l’épaule antérieure. Pas de bénéfice supplémentaire du drainage.


OXFORD MIDWIVES RESEARCH GROUP, 1991 : Etude randomisée, 554 femmes, section rapide ou

différée. Pas de différence.


KHAN, 1997 : Etude randomisée, 1648 femmes.

Groupe « actif » : oxytocique 10 UI IM et traction du cordon

Groupe « passif » : efforts expulsifs maternels

Diminution des hémorragies de la délivrance et des rétentions placentaires dans le

groupe actif.

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ELBOURNE, 1988 : Méta-analyse, 17 essais randomisés

Efficacité supérieure aux dérivés de l’ergot de

seigle seuls, non concluant versus oxytocine seul

Combine la rapidité d’action de l’ocytocine et la durée prolongée de l’action de l’ergotamine.

Nombreux EI : HTA, angor, arrêt cardiaque

Quasi-totalité des études « management actif-management passif de la délivrance », implique syntométrine.

Largement utilisée aux Etats-Unis, non disponible en France.

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MC DONALD, 1993 : Etude randomisée en double aveugle, oxytocine versus oxytocine+ergométrine 3497 patientes 1730 oxytocine(5 UI) + ergométrine(0,5 mg) dont 664 à bas risque d’hémorragie ( grossesse unique, parité inf 5, pas d’ATCD d’HD, travail spontané inf à 12 h, accouchement voie basse normal) 1753 oxytocine(10 UI) dont 658 à bas risque d’hémorragie

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Au total :

ocytocine est aussi efficace que l’association ocytocine-ergométrine et entraine moins d’EI.

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ATHAVALE, 1991 KHAN, 1994 Même efficacité, EI moindresSORIANO, 1996

YUEN, 1995ELBOURNE, 1998 Même efficacité, EI moindres mais plus de rétention placentaires

MC DONALD, 2006 : méta-analyse incluant 6 essais, 9332 femmes HD 500-1000 ml : supériorité de syntométrine HD >1000 ml : même efficacité EI ( vomissements, HTA) : supérieurs avec syntométrine

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SORIANO, 1996 : administration d’oxytocine à l’expulsion de la tête versus à l’expulsion du placenta meilleure prévention lors d’une administration précoce.

ZAMORA, 1999 : tendance à une diminution d’HD (pas de résultats significatif) lors d’une administration précoce (avant délivrance placentaire) des oxytociques.

COCHRANE, 2006 : Étude en cours



REDDY, 1989 Réduction des pertes sanguines et de la troisième phase du travailDAHIYA, 1995

CHESNUT, 1987YOUNG, 1988 Pas d’effet statistiquement prouvé


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EL-REFAEY, 1997 : Etude prospective descriptive. 600 µg misoprostol per os; efficacité

dans le traitement des HD. Intérêt dans les PVD.

Nombreuses études randomisées

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Etudes randomisées MisoprostolEtudes randomisées Misoprostol HD (>1 000) Recours Ocytociques Effets Indésirables

HOFMEYR, 1998 6%-9% RR=0,65 NS 2,8 %-8,4% RR=0,33 Tremblements 19%-5%RR=3,69 250 Misoprotol 400 µg PoVs. 250 Placebo

DANIEL, 1999 7%-15% NS 16%-38% RR=0,47 31 Misoprostol 600 µg PoVs. 34 Placebo

WHO, 2001 4%-3% RR=1,39 15%-11% RR=1,40 Tremblements RR=3,48 9264 Misoprostol 600 µg Po Hyperthermie RR=7,17Vs. 9266 Oxytocine 10 UI IV

NG, 2001 5%-4% RR=1,26 NS 22,6%-14% RR=1,62 1026 Misoprostol 600 µg Po Vs. 1032 Syntométrine IM 1mL

VILLAR, 2002 (Revue) RR=1,36 RR=1,80 Tremblements RR=3,27 10 539 Misoprostol 600 µg Po Hyperthermie RR=6,96Vs. 10 558 Oxytocine IV

O BORO, 2003 1%-0% RR=3,02 NS Tremblements 57%-14% RR=4,06 966 Patientes Misoprostol 600 µg PoVs. Oxytocine IV 10 UI

HOFMEYR, 2004 5,1%-9,2% RR=0,56 NS 57%-56% RR=1,01 NS Mortalité maternelle 2,6%-0% 117 Misoprostol 1 000 µg Po,IR,S Fièvre 9,6%-1,7% RR=5,69Vs. 121 Placebo

LAEGER, 2006 11%-17% RR=0,66 Misoprostol 600 µg SL Vs. Oxytociques

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Au total :

Efficacité Moindre

Effets secondaires plus nombreux

Pas d’indication dans les centres équipés

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O’BRIEN, 1998 : 14 présentant une hémorragie de la délivrance, traitées avec succès par 1000 µg de

cytotec intra-rectal seul

DIAB, 1999 : Etude comparant 200 µg misoprostol IR (25 patientes)

400µg misoprostol IR (45 patientes)

syntométrine IM (75 patientes)

Diminution significative des pertes sanguines avec le misoprostol IR quelque soit la dose

BAMIGBOYE, 1996 : 271 patientes 400 µg cytotec IR – 275 patientes placebo

1997 : 241 patientes 400 µg cytotec IR – 250 patientes syntométrine

pas de réduction significative d’hémorragie de la délivrance avec le cytotec

pas d’EI supplémentaire avec cette voie d’administration à ces doses

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POESCHMANN, 1991 : Efficacité équivalente à l’ocytocine mais EI nombreux


CHUA, 1995 : CARBOPROST versus syntométrine : même efficacité mais EI fréquents (diarrhée) et prix

20 fois supérieur

LAMONT, 2001 : HEMABATE versus syntométrine : même conclusion

Au total : pas d’avantage des prostaglandines dans la prévention des hémorragies de la délivrance


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DE GROOT, 1996 : Etude randomisée comparant ergométrine – oxytocine

Diminution des pertes sanguines : 5% pour ergométrine versus 9% pour oxytocine


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2003 : Indonésie2004 : Uruguay2005 : Gambie, Angola2006 : Egypte, Tibet, Vietnam

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1: Tsu VD, Mai TT, Nguyen YH, Luu HT.Related Articles, Links Reducing postpartum hemorrhage in Vietnam: assessing the effectiveness of active management of third-stage labor.Obstet Gynaecol Res. 2006 Oct;32(5):489-96. 2: Mercer SW, Sevar K, Sadutshan TD.Related Articles, Links Using clinical audit to improve the quality of obstetric care at the Tibetan Delek Hospital in North India: a longitudinal study.Reprod Health. 2006 Jun 7;3:4. 3: Lagro MG, Stekelenburg J.Related Articles, Links [The Millennium project of the United Nations, focusing on adequate postpartum care to reduce maternal and neonatal mortality world-wide]Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2006 May 20;150(20):1143-7. Review. Dutch. 4: Maughan KL, Heim SW, Galazka SS.Related Articles, Links Preventing postpartum hemorrhage: managing the third stage of labor.Am Fam Physician. 2006 Mar 15;73(6):1025-8. Review. 5: Walraven G, Blum J, Dampha Y, Sowe M, Morison L, Winikoff B, Sloan N.Related Articles, Links Misoprostol in the management of the third stage of labour in the home delivery setting in rural Gambia: a randomised controlled trial.BJOG. 2005 Sep;112(9):1277-83. 6: Fenton JJ, Baumeister LM, Fogarty J.Related Articles, Links Active management of the third stage of labor among American Indian women.am Med. 2005 Jun;37(6):410-4. 7: Magann EF, Lanneau GS.Related Articles, Links Third stage of labor.Obstet Gynecol Clin North Am. 2005 Jun;32(2):323-32, x-xi. Review. 8: Clarke J, Butt M.Related Articles, Links Maternal collapse.Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol. 2005 Apr;17(2):157-60. Review. 9: Hofmeyr GJ.Related Articles, Links Evidence-based intrapartum care.Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol. 2005 Feb;19(1):103-15. Epub 2004 Dec 13. Review. 10: Strand RT, Da Silva F, Jangsten E, Bergstrom S.Related Articles, Links Postpartum hemorrhage: a prospective, comparative study in Angola using a new disposable device for oxytocin administration.Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2005 Mar;84(3):260-5. 11: Lazarus JV, Lalonde A.Related Articles, Links Reducing postpartum hemorrhage in Africa.Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2005 Jan;88(1):89-90. 12: Colomar M, Belizan M, Cafferata ML, Labandera A, Tomasso G, Althabe F, Belizan JM; Grupo de Estudio de Practicas Perinatales.Related Articles, Links [Practices of maternal and perinatal care performed in public hospitals of Uruguay]Ginecol Obstet Mex. 2004 Sep;72:455-65. Spanish.


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13: Cherine M, Khalil K, Hassanein N, Sholkamy H, Breebaart M, Elnoury A.Related Articles, Links Management of the third stage of labor in an Egyptian teaching hospital.Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2004 Oct;87(1):54-8. 14: Vimala N, Mittal S, Kumar S, Dadhwal V, Mehta S.Related Articles, Links Sublingual misoprostol versus methylergometrine for active management of the third stage of labor.Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2004 Oct;87(1):1-5. 15: Hofmeyr GJ, Ferreira S, Nikodem VC, Mangesi L, Singata M, Jafta Z, Maholwana B, Mlokoti Z, Walraven G, Gulmezoglu AM.Related Articles, Links Misoprostol for treating postpartum haemorrhage: a randomized controlled trial [ISRCTN72263357].BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2004 Aug 6;4(1):16. 16: Chong YS, Su LL, Arulkumaran S.Related Articles, Links Current strategies for the prevention of postpartum haemorrhage in the third stage of labour.Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol. 2004 Apr;16(2):143-50. Review. 17: Gulmezoglu AM, Forna F, Villar J, Hofmeyr GJ.Related Articles, Links Prostaglandins for prevention of postpartum haemorrhage.Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2004;(1):CD000494. Review. 18: McDonald S, Abbott JM, Higgins SP.Related Articles, Links Prophylactic ergometrine-oxytocin versus oxytocin for the third stage of labour.Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2004;(1):CD000201. Review. 19: Vivio D, Williams D.Related Articles, Links Active management of the third stage of labor: why is it controversial?J Midwifery Womens Health. 2004 Jan-Feb;49(1):2-3. No abstract available. 20: Strand RT, da Silva F, Bergstrom S.Related Articles, Links Use of cholera beds in the delivery room: a simple and appropriate method for direct measurement of postpartum bleeding.Trop Doct. 2003 Oct;33(4):215-6. 21: Tsu VD, Sutanto A, Vaidya K, Coffey P, Widjaya A.Related Articles, Links Oxytocin in prefilled Uniject injection devices for managing third-stage labor in Indonesia.Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2003 Oct;83(1):103-11. 22: Nothnagle M, Taylor JS.Related Articles, Links Should active management of the third stage of labor be routine?Am Fam Physician. 2003 May 15;67(10):2119-20. Review. No abstract available. 23: Festin MR, Lumbiganon P, Tolosa JE, Finney KA, Ba-Thike K, Chipato T, Gaitan H, Xu L, Limpongsanurak S, Mittal S, Peedicayil A, Pramono N, Purwar M, Shenoy S, Daly S.Related Articles, Links International survey on variations in practice of the management of the third stage of labour.Bull World Health Organ. 2003;81(4):286-91. Epub 2003 May 16. 24: Oboro VO, Tabowei TO.Related Articles, Links A randomised controlled trial of misoprostol versus oxytocin in the active management of the third stage of labour.J Obstet Gynaecol. 2003 Jan;23(1):13-6. 25: Krapp M, Katalinic A, Smrcek J, Geipel A, Berg C, Germer U, Gembruch U.Related Articles, Links Study of the third stage of labor by color Doppler sonography.Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2003 Feb;267(4):202-4. Epub 2002 Aug 21. 26: Villar J, Gulmezoglu AM, Hofmeyr GJ, Forna F.Related Articles, Links Systematic review of randomized controlled trials of misoprostol to prevent postpartum hemorrhage.Obstet Gynecol. 2002 Dec;100(6):1301-12. Review.

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27: Baskett TF.Related Articles, Links Acute uterine inversion: a review of 40 cases.J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2002 Dec;24(12):953-6. Review. 28: Gulmezoglu AM, Forna F, Villar J, Hofmeyr GJ.Related Articles, Links Prostaglandins for prevention of postpartum haemorrhage.Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2002;(3):CD000494. Review. Update in: Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2004;(1):CD000494. 29: Magill-Cuerden J.Related Articles, Links Clinicalfile. Active management of third stage labor. Uterine inversion.Pract Midwife. 2001 Jan;4(1):29. No abstract available. 30: Geelhoed D, Visser L, Agordzo P, Asare K, van Leeuwen JS, van Roosmalen J.Related Articles, Links Active versus expectant management of the third stage of labor in rural Ghana.Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2002 Feb;81(2):172-3. No abstract available. 31: Lokugamage AU, Paine M, Bassaw-Balroop K, Sullivan KR, Refaey HE, Rodeck CH.Related Articles, Links Active management of the third stage at caesarean section: a randomised controlled trial of misoprostol versus syntocinon.Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol. 2001 Nov;41(4):411-4. 32: Brucker MC.Related Articles, Links Management of the third stage of labor: an evidence-based approach.J Midwifery Womens Health. 2001 Nov-Dec;46(6):381-92. Review. 33: Elbourne DR, Prendiville WJ, Carroli G, Wood J, McDonald S.Related Articles, Links Prophylactic use of oxytocin in the third stage of labour.Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2001;(4):CD001808. Review. 34: Gulmezoglu AM, Forna F, Villar J, Hofmeyr GJ.Related Articles, Links Prostaglandins for prevention of postpartum haemorrhage.Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2001;(4):CD000494. Review. Update in: Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2002;(3):CD000494. 35: Lamont RF, Morgan DJ, Logue M, Gordon H.Related Articles, Links A prospective randomised trial to compare the efficacy and safety of hemabate and syntometrine for the prevention of primary postpartum haemorrhage.Prostaglandins Other Lipid Mediat. 2001 Oct;66(3):203-10. 36: Gulmezoglu AM, Villar J, Ngoc NT, Piaggio G, Carroli G, Adetoro L, Abdel-Aleem H, Cheng L, Hofmeyr G, Lumbiganon P, Unger C, Prendiville W, Pinol A, Elbourne D, El-Refaey H, Schulz K; WHO Collaborative Group To Evaluate Misoprostol in the Management of the Third Stage of Labour.Related Articles, Links WHO multicentre randomised trial of misoprostol in the management of the third stage of labour.Lancet. 2001 Sep 1;358(9283):689-95. 37: Ng PS, Chan AS, Sin WK, Tang LC, Cheung KB, Yuen PM.Related Articles, Links A multicentre randomized controlled trial of oral misoprostol and i.m. syntometrine in the management of the third stage of labour.Hum Reprod. 2001 Jan;16(1):31-35.

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38: Baskett TF.Related Articles, Links A flux of the reds: evolution of active management of the third stage of labour.J R Soc Med. 2000 Sep;93(9):489-93. No abstract available. 39: Prendiville WJ, Elbourne D, McDonald S.Related Articles, Links Active versus expectant management in the third stage of labour.Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2000;(3):CD000007. Review.

40: McDonald S, Prendiville WJ, Elbourne D.Related Articles, Links Prophylactic syntometrine versus oxytocin for delivery of the placenta.Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2000;(2):CD000201. Review. Update in: Cochrane Database Syst rev.2004;(1):CD000201. 41: Prendiville WJ, Elbourne D, McDonald S.Related Articles, Links Active versus expectant management in the third stage of labour.Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2000;(2):CD000007. Review. Update in: Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2000;(3):CD000007. 42: Dimitrov A, Nikolov A, Krusteva K, Lazarova L, Gurchev E, Karag'ozov I.Related Articles, Links [The active management of the placental period with Remestyp]Akush Ginekol (Sofiia). 1999;38(4):15-7. Bulgarian. 43: Diab KM, Ramy AR, Yehia MA.Related Articles, Links The use of rectal misoprostol as active pharmacological management of the third stage of labor.J Obstet Gynaecol Res. 1999 Oct;25(5):327-32. 44: Anderson T.Related Articles, Links Active versus expectant management of the third stage of labour.Pract Midwife. 1999 Feb;2(2):10-1. Review. No abstract available. 45: Perez-Escamilla R, Dewey KG.Related Articles, Links Active versus expectant management of third stage of labour.Lancet. 1998 May 30;351(9116):1659-60; author reply 1660. No abstract available. 46: Prendiville W.Related Articles, Links Active versus expectant management of third stage of labour.Lancet. 1998 May 30;351(9116):1659; author reply 1660. No abstract available. 47: Odent M.Related Articles, Links Active versus expectant management of third stage of labour.Lancet. 1998 May 30;351(9116):1659; author reply 1660. No abstract available. 48: Rogers J, Wood J, McCandlish R, Ayers S, Truesdale A, Elbourne D.Related Articles, Links Active versus expectant management of third stage of labour: the Hinchingbrooke randomised controlled trial.Lancet. 1998 Mar 7;351(9104):693-9. 49: Walder J.Related Articles, Links Misoprostol: preventing postpartum haemorrhage.Mod Midwife. 1997 Sep;7(9):23-7. 50: de Groot AN.Related Articles, Links The role of oral (methyl)ergometrine in the prevention of postpartum haemorrhage.Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 1996 Oct;69(1):31-6. Review.

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51: Prendiville WJ.Related Articles, Links The prevention of post partum haemorrhage: optimising routine management of the third stage of labour.Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 1996 Oct;69(1):19-24. Review. 52: Dimitrov A, Nalbanski B, Borisov S, Nikolov A, Dzherov L, Gamishev G.Related Articles, Links [The side effects of the prevention of blood loss in the placental period]Akush Ginekol (Sofiia). 1996;35(3):11-3. Bulgarian.

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