En route vers un futur hybride avec SAP

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  • 8/17/2019 En route vers un futur hybride avec SAP


    White PaPer

    On the way tO a hybridfuture with SaP

  • 8/17/2019 En route vers un futur hybride avec SAP


    White PaPer On the way tO a hybrid future with SaP 



    DiGitaLiZation BreaKS the rULeS

    DiGreSSion: the CLoUD SetS neW StanDarDS

    tranSForMation iS the DiSCiPLine oF the hoUr

    hYBriD / MULti-CLoUD BeCoMeS CorPorate reaLitY

    LeaDerS oF toMorroW antiCiPate inSteaD oF PLanninG

    DiSrUPtiVe DeVeLoPMentS ShaKe UP inDUStrieS

    SaP ProViDeS the CoUrSe For the MoDern it WorLD

    t-SYSteMS aS SaP Partner

    PreDiCtiVe MaintenanCe ChanGeS the ManUFaCtUrinG inDUStrY












  • 8/17/2019 En route vers un futur hybride avec SAP


    White PaPer On the way tO a hybrid future with SaP White PaPer On the way tO a hybrid future with SaP 

    4 5

    DiGitaLiZation BreaKS the


    DiGreSSion: the CLoUD SetS

    neW StanDarDS

    Digitalization promotes and requires new business models even from

    established companies. By 2018 one third of the top 20 market leaders

    in almost every industry will be challenged by the new „3rd platform

    competitors [1]“, at least that is what IDC analysts predict. This means that

    established market situations will be put to the test, questioned and revo-

    lutionized. Only those who go along the digital path can permanently

    secure their business growth and survive in the market. Digitalization is

    the new benchmark for deciding the success or failure of companies.

    Digitalization could be just a slogan. How does it become a reality?

    Today real examples and technological opportunities give an impres-

    sion of what may be the standards of the future: Google and Apple with

    their virtual stores have introduced de-materialized business models;

    Uber, DriveNow and AirBnB implement digitalized processes using a

    community approach; networking and distributed intelligence result in

    Smart Factories; robots and drones automate production and delivery

    processes; Big Data analytics provide better customer knowledge andapproach to clients; real-time thinking and actions increase a

    company‘s responsiveness; flexible, inter-company co-operations

    speed up innovations [2]. All these examples have one thing in com-

    mon: digitalization accelerates and makes companies more flexible.

    The time to market is accelerated.

    SUrViVaL taCtiC or UniqUe SeLLinG Point?

    Markets are also put to the test when new competitors with new digital

    business models (innovations) enter the market. Established players are

    challenged by new competitors who are more efficient, cheaper, faster,

    have better market insights and a better understanding of customer

    needs. Business models need to be implemented with a minimal invest-

    ment risk so that i nnovation budgets quicker allow the realization of vari-

    ous ideas. At the same time, business ideas have to be swiftly reset in

    case the related targets are not met. In addition, a variety of technologies

    offer the potential for disruptive changes beyond industry boundaries. In

    an era of rapid change business agility is paramount for a company.

    Also for marketing purposes, it becomes more and more important to

    generate USPs and differentiators in this digital environment; the Cus-

    tomer Experience, engaging and retaining clients through better custo-

    mer knowledge and a user friendly approach is one of the major suc-

    cess factors. This means that companies are more driven by data

    analysis („data driven business“) in all aspects of their business.

    In the course of this, the pace of change increases continuously.

    Already today the first generation of digitalization is outmoded: the pre-

    sence of a company on the internet, the use of web services or IT-sup-

    ported processes are no longer distinguishing features but necessi -


    These challenges further lead to procedural and IT challenges that ulti-

    mately can only be met with changes within a company at a technical

    and cultural level. In order to successfully implement digitalization, com-

    panies not only need the necessary technology but also suitable people,partners and ideas.

    Companies wishing to benefit from the digitalization era must develop

    these four skills:

      The ability to integrate end to end, manage and employ hybrid IT

    landscapes and processes (Hybridize)

      The ability to continuously transform (Transform) - this applies to the

    technology as well as the business models and corporate culture

      The ability to anticipate developments (Predict)

      The ability to create new disruptive business models (Disrupt)

    This has particular implications for SAP as a software for business

    management. SAP must make an essential contribution to enable a com-

    pany to develop these four capabilities. Below, a practical approach to

    these challenges has been outlined.

    These questions are important because during digitalization it occurs,

    only in rare cases, that old IT solutions need to be replaced. Normally it‘s

    a question of establishing which system is most appropriate for each

    task. Traditional, monolithic systems may continue to fulfill their tasks,

    e.g. perform a scheduled billing cycle. Cloud-based services come into

    play when accelerating the performance is part of the assignment. The

    sourcing mix then leads to what Gar tner[3] calls the „bimodal IT“.

    “tWo-SPeeD” it

    Traditional IT is one component of „bimodality“. It supports processes

    whose dynamics are largely predictable. The resource adjustments can

    be made within a few days. The respective applications can be operated

    in dynamic infrastructures which are more flexible.

    Some specific questions about existing technology arise from these challenges: Howlong will the existing landscapes remain functional? How can new platforms be

    integrated and IT resources be transformed? What are the new requirements for IT

    platforms? How can ERP solutions be adapted so that they properly solve old tasks and

    new ones equally?

    Figure 1.

    FoUr SKiLLS For the DiGitaLiZation era

    These needs can be appropriately served by private clouds. This

    approach represents an organic evolution of IT.

    Agile IT however supports new business models and innovations in the

    highly dynamic, cloud-native environment. New ideas are tested, initiated

    or adjusted within hours or even minutes.

    The motto for this approach is time to market. Public cloud models are

    often used in such cases. These two approaches create a „two-speedIT“. The new agile IT for high speed is combined with the traditional esta-

    blished operational IT base for core applications. The applications conti-

    nue to exist either unchanged or moderately boosted at the infrastruc-

    ture level. The bimodal IT sets a framework for the topics Transform and


    [3] Gartner Says Worldwide Cloud Infrastructure-as-a-Service Spending to Grow 32.8Percent in 2015, Gartner, 2015

    [1] IDC Predictions 2015: Accelerating innovation and growth on the 3rd platformDigitization drives continuous business growth, IDC, 2015

    [2] The time of the lone wolf is over, Mario Brück at www.wiwo.de