Regular –ER Verbs parler 'to speak' je parle nous parlons tu parles vous parlez il/elle/on parle ils/elles parlent past participle: parlé Tex, il parle français? Mais c'est un tatou. Tex speaks French? But he's an armadillo. Tex: Bien sûr je parle français et Tammy, elle aussi, elle parle français. Tex: Of course, I speak French and Tammy, too, she speaks French. Eh bien dis donc, même les tatous parlent français au Texas? Well, I'll be, even the armadillos speak French in Texas Common Er Verbs which follow the example of Parler:- accepter, to accept accompagner, to accompany fermer, to close gagner, to earn, win

French- Regular ER Verbs Tutorial

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French- regular -ER verbs and their conjugate

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Page 1: French- Regular ER Verbs Tutorial

Regular –ER Verbs

parler 'to speak'

je parle nous parlons

tu parles vous parlez

il/elle/on parle ils/elles parlent

past participle: parlé

Tex, il parle français? Mais c'est un tatou. Tex speaks French? But he's an armadillo.

Tex: Bien sûr je parle français et Tammy, elle aussi, elle parle français.

Tex: Of course, I speak French and Tammy, too, she speaks French.

Eh bien dis donc, même les tatous parlent français au Texas?

Well, I'll be, even the armadillos speak French in Texas

Common Er Verbs which follow the example of Parler:-

accepter, to accept

accompagner, to accompany

adorer, to adore

fermer, to close

gagner, to earn, win

garder, to keep

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aider, to help

habiter, to live

hésiter, to hesitate

inviter, to invite

aimer, to like

jouer, to play

laisser, to let, leave behind

laver, to wash

aimer mieux, to prefer

apporter, to bring

apprécier. to appreciate (value, rate highly)

arriver, to arrive

bavarder, to chat

cesser, to stop

marcher, to walk

monter, to go up(stairs)

montrer, to show

organizer, to organize

oublier, to forget

chanter, to sing

parler, to speak

passer, to pass, to spend (time)

penser, to think

porter, to carry

pratiquer, to practice

préparer, to prepare

présenter, to introduce

prêter, to lend

chercher,to look for

continuer, to continue

regarder, to watch

danser, to dance rencontrer, to meet (by chance)

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décider, to decide

déjeuner, to have lunch

demander,to ask for

dépenser, to spend (money)

dessiner, to draw

rester, to stay,remain

detester,to hate, to detest

dîner, to have dinner

téléphoner,to telephone

Donner, to give travailler, to work

écouter, to listen to

emporter, to carry/take away

emprunter, to borrow

enseigner, to teach

entrer, to enter, come/go in

trouver, to find

étudier, to study

Give the correct form of the verb indicated in parentheses.

1. Tex et Tammy, ils ______ à Austin. (habiter)

2. Tammy ______ le français. (étudier)

3. Je ______ un peu. (chanter)

4. J'______ la musique française. (adorer)

5. Nous ______ au foot. (jouer)

6. Vous ______ la musique trinidadienne? (aimer)

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7. Quelle sorte de musique est-ce que tu ______? (aimer)

8. Tammy ______ les sports. (détester)

9. Joe-Bob ______ de la guitare. (jouer)

10. Est-ce que tu ______ du piano? (jouer)

11. Joe-Bob ______ son ami Corey. (chercher)

12. Tammy et Bette ______ la télévision. (regarder)