) * A •^ It '••' •• San Franclaco ilD-15-45 75169 "I7 , Req $45 Mr David to mtg Legla qr Interim Comt ll-S-45-Clty Atty San Franclaco 10-15-48 3519 Bd Pub Util & Tran req §200 aem rep Oct 27-25 & Dec 5 to 10-Mayor San Franclaco Conferenoe 19715 Req approp ^5,000 entor- 4-18-45 tain (iolorr.tcs ••.•orld eor.^->!avor Sun Francisco Conf-Req approp §2500 entertain delegates 400 frm San Francisco-Mayor 6-29-45 San Froncisco Harbor 26830 operati Lone riPj..A.h hpT.hnf.c San Joaquin Valley 8' Keq 21 yr franchisi , xoo-Hlc:ifield Oil r.n '. San Luis Obispo 7-5-47 29095 City Attorney req Leonard Husar use pool oar-San Luis Obispo San Pasqual Area 7-6-45 ' 77524 - RL Morria appeal leaso eite nt Salonlca St for armory to be erected on City Pnrk Property San Fasquol Ve.ley 7-15 24195 Grace Schults pet nan.ed 20' atrip' in-Creacent Lane San Pedro 18959 - ;n,s frar.ciiise for "oiiert i-3-/,5' ..anui.ir .VP ; -. C; ILmbla Bus '' uini'-uoiic^;. Piister paKer .vc Stn Pedro 19549 Jay Vie'./ Heights-prot 3-;>7_45 residential zoning & req iiearing- Unipn ice Go.rapany ..an Pedro 4-2-45 Req connect bld^s Fed Pub HSG -V ' Froj iio Cal-4050-N to C i t y scwo'^ .gvsf. Bill-BPW - San Peuro 19668 Circus re'-i nermlt /-12-45 exhibit' /.prii 26th . ^ '' Riicsell bros Pan-Ptcific San Podro 10-3-45 21064 Re^ol req Adj-Genl of Stato re- scind oruey ic permit Go,.G State Guard remain, atJove-Geo h Moore ,lan iPodro 11-50-45 ; Jstab tax.icub & auto-for-hii zones .iarbor Auto-for-liire & Taxi- cab .-.ssn r o q - n Tub X i l & 'trans .^an i-edro 3-21-45 22754 vries Ave sewage pu-mping plant- req state aid 3 projects San I edro 5-20.-45 . 23526 43a './ oti.-.'ian I-oiro Cab req esteb t..y-.\ -A"A At- A.. y,_jlj y-tlX San Pedro 7-25-46 24340 Bd.P/W appl State aid plans, etc.'Por branch library San Pedro 10-17-46 25387 l5HSil"^§i§l?¥;^g-£?BfX!t?^i^^s^ • , J'.n Jedro 2-21-47 26979 .•;re:-3eq cpmt. City L'.-SP H.R Co-Fi ' 'i">".„Co.cgYerin'' ftrouerties 3an„Pedra Gan Pedro 4/4/47 27648 Re explanation child 26418 burned and Recvg Hospital service - Chf Surgeon Recvg Hos,) Son Pedro 10-20-47 "^05R2 1 DiBflbled Araer Veta ask Ccl send •' rep Spec ratg DAV clubhouse 10-24 ^ rorura re conditions in Zen Pedro Son Pedro II-2I-U.7 70972 Reo opprop gll(,750 for ambulance service ft2,000 pei' rao-Mayor ;.;.-. i'pdro ir-30-47 :i;'9I Gr.r.dP'ji,-t,:i',n rnn r •; C;i.ri!lo / ^•z ch .'or .ub r>'c jiur.iosGS R'/c ('c P;.rk Con'in San Pedro ' ^ 2-17-48 71970 ' Mo C i t y Eng sub proposed extent , lat St frora Hnrbor View to 'western Ave-G H i'oore san Pedro 2-17-48 ,.,n96l iet req portion ntiiiiiiuuii .-.vt, .^at Patton & Averill Aves be ob.-n-'^'one'' San Pedro 2-25-48 72077 Reo approp §2R ourch quitcI.Tlra Peck's'SuDdivislon extend alley Bd p/W Snn Pedro 4-I6-4S "i f.OR Geo G Averill pet City rn.iex pAon Dod.qon Ave b e t l.^^t Sr i.6th S Son Ipdro City of G-7-1G •.7.7rO Ji CofC row instoll parkin^ rjtjr- AA vflrinn.q atreeta ^^,Utres%\Hl%'rl-l%nUximi //.ilmineton.state Assembly iSah Pedro City Hall 25361 Rms 300&301 use Traffic Units Harbor Div-Mayor San Pedro City Hall 26563^ ^, Ifieilil eEi?-?s''^!55'^to°§35^9^""'"" iiealth Comsn San Pedro Civic Council 5-15 2351', report as submitted to Cullf Lee. Fact Findinc Comt on Hiways-Streots & Bridges'£ proposed T"rii.inoI Island Tunnel System "San Pedro Civic Council., 216I4~ ge,action const„tunnels connect . rSJ-SSLiSj.fegi Beach-San., ^eSro lxTni''''-'-'-f}xlm silmington &Mainiand 3/12./A7 San Pedro aistrict 1-2-43 51337 yird-approp .?135 ,000-'?55,000- SJ4,000 for bldgs &c - Mayor San Pourj Division l-;'559 o*' u I. ^.ilici-' D'lpl-req 3-1-45 i.t.iv Jeftpiu in case ..5l5-iJ'C '>Jivii /.ith '0 ,j of /.merica - P o l i c o Comsn Siin Pedro H.prbor "'-11-48 72747 Resol retain status llth Dlst Coast Guard Unit Hdqtrs-H Hprby San Pedro Mtnoe Yd 1-2-45 •'1407 Mayor annual message re $299,000 apnrop con.qt bldga etc- oan redro-'iaxi 2-1-46 22178 ."'.iildred u'^eofe apply franchise operpte tisxi a .i--v/ilm-Ter)n island San Pedro Waterfront 3-12-47 274 20 Resol Council req .I^fpYor&Harbor. oonst new facilities' Sund & Gravel 9-30-45 25156 City study supplies & mining resources now prohibited-LA C of C ' Gsnd & gravel 10/3/46 25I66 Resol Citv study supjilies near L /. & mining resources whsre nov/ prohibiited-L A C'laraber of Co;.i..ierce Sand - iiv'i.->ri-in 2J9oC Per: ap'-^'rop ';'. 5^-1 for ,'-,5~',5 .iiiiposai jana -^xcav.-tJ.i f'p' ri... :;-,.; . > vUr.t - irJ ? ...:s Jondfc '.^OCk 5-39-40 'saniSc Rock 8-1-46 24427 Size speoificatn 138 Portland Cement Concrote-req amend P/W bd ;;r.nii -.- r,ic< ..ccoui.t I •,.''• T", 1 j f '-.• , •.,Z0.) in ;"•: '• • - t -L.' .ilpAc FunJ - .it:, or ) r, 'i . i r '.'"• ' ^ ) ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ '. . i > •i » -K .,:i,„,'. 1..-..,.,/^

Ifieilil eEi?-?s''^!55'^to°§35^9^'ens.lacity.org/clk/rmdroot/clkrmdroot326080308_12102012.pdf · 2012. 12. 10. · San Franclaco • ilD-15-45 75169 "I7 , Req $45 Mr David to mtg

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Page 1: Ifieilil eEi?-?s''^!55'^to°§35^9^'ens.lacity.org/clk/rmdroot/clkrmdroot326080308_12102012.pdf · 2012. 12. 10. · San Franclaco • ilD-15-45 75169 "I7 , Req $45 Mr David to mtg

• )

* A •^

It '••' ••

San Franclaco • ilD-15-45 75169 "I7 , Req $45 Mr David to mtg Legla qr

Interim Comt ll-S-45-Clty Atty

San Franclaco 10-15-48 3519 Bd Pub Util & Tran req §200 aem rep Oct 27-25 & Dec 5 to 10-Mayor

San Franclaco Conferenoe 19715 Req approp ^5,000 entor- 4-18-45 tain (iolorr.tcs ••.•orld eor. ->!avor

Sun Francisco Conf-Req approp §2500 entertain delegates 400 frm San Francisco-Mayor 6-29-45

San Froncisco Harbor 26830

opera t i L o n e riPj..A.h hpT.hnf.c San Joaqu in Val ley 8' Keq 21 yr f ranch i s i

, x o o - H l c : i f i e l d Oil r.n '. San Luis Obispo 7-5-47 29095

C i ty Attorney req Leonard Husar use pool oar -San Luis Obispo

San Pasqual Area 7-6-45 ' 77524 - RL Morria appeal l e a s o e i t e n t

Sa lon lca St fo r armory t o be e r e c t e d on Ci ty Pnrk P r o p e r t y San Fasquol Ve. ley 7-15 24195 Grace S c h u l t s p e t nan.ed 20 ' a t r i p ' i n - C r e a c e n t Lane

San Pedro 18959 -;n,s frar .ci i ise fo r "oi ier t i -3- / ,5 ' . .anui.ir .VP ; -. C; ILmbla Bus ' ' uini'-uoiic^;. P i i s t e r paKer .vc

Stn Pedro 19549 Jay Vie'./ H e i g h t s - p r o t 3-;>7_45 r e s i d e n t i a l zoning & req i i ea r ing -

Unipn i c e Go.rapany

..an Pedro 4-2-45 Req connect b ld^s Fed Pub HSG -V ' F r o j iio Cal-4050-N t o C i ty scwo'^ .gvsf. Bill-BPW

- San Peuro 19668 • C i r cus re'-i nermlt / - 1 2 - 4 5 exhibi t ' / . p r i i 26th . ^ ' '

Ri icsel l b ros P a n - P t c i f i c San Podro 10-3-45 21064

Re^ol req Adj-Genl of S t a t o r e ­sc ind oruey ic pe rmi t Go,.G S t a t e Guard remain, atJove-Geo h Moore

,lan iPodro 11-50-45 ; J s t a b tax.icub & a u t o - f o r - h i i zones . iarbor A u t o - f o r - l i i r e & Taxi -cab .-.ssn r o q - n Tub X i l & ' t rans

.^an i-edro 3-21-45 22754 vries Ave sewage pu-mping plant-req state aid 3 projects

San I edro 5-20.-45 . 23526 43a './ oti.-.'ian I-oiro Cab req esteb t..y-.\ -A"A At- A.. y,_jlj y - t l X

San Pedro 7-25-46 24340 Bd.P/W appl State aid plans, etc.'Por branch library

San Pedro 10-17-46 25387

l5HSil"^§i§l?¥;^g-£?BfX!t?^i^^s^ • ,

J'.n J ed ro 2-21-47 26979 .•;re:-3eq cpmt. C i ty L'.-SP H.R Co-Fi ' 'i">".„Co.cgYerin'' ftrouerties 3an„Pedra

Gan Pedro 4 /4 /47 27648 Re e x p l a n a t i o n c h i l d 26418 burned and Recvg H o s p i t a l s e r v i c e - Chf Surgeon Recvg Hos,)

Son Pedro 10-20-47 "^05R2 1 DiBflbled Araer Veta ask Ccl send •' rep Spec ratg DAV clubhouse 10-24 ^ rorura r e c o n d i t i o n s in Zen Pedro Son Pedro II-2I-U.7 70972

Reo opprop gll( ,750 fo r ambulance s e r v i c e ft2,000 pei' rao-Mayor

;.;.-. i 'pdro i r - 3 0 - 4 7 : i ; ' 9 I Gr.r.dP'ji,-t,:i',n rnn r •; C ; i . r i ! l o / •z ch .'or .ub r>'c jiur.iosGS

R'/c ('c P;.rk Con'in

San Pedro ' ^ 2-17-48 71970 ' Mo Ci ty Eng sub proposed ex ten t , l a t St frora Hnrbor View to 'western Ave-G H i'oore

san Pedro 2-17-48 , . , n 9 6 l iet req p o r t i o n

ntiiiiiiuuii .-.vt, .^at P a t t o n & A v e r i l l Aves be ob.-n-'^'one''

San Pedro 2-25-48 72077 Reo approp §2R ourch quitcI.Tlra P e c k ' s ' S u D d i v i s l o n extend a l l e y Bd p/W Snn Pedro 4- I6-4S "i f.OR

Geo G A v e r i l l pe t Ci ty rn.iex pAon Dod.qon Ave be t l. t Sr i.6th S

Son I p d r o C i t y of G-7-1G •.7.7rO J i CofC row i n s t o l l pa rk in^ r j t j r -AA vflrinn.q a t r e e t a

^^,Utres%\Hl%'rl-l%nUximi / / . i lmine ton . s t a t e Assembly

iSah Pedro C i ty Ha l l 25361 Rms 300&301 use T r a f f i c Uni t s Harbor Div-Mayor

San Pedro Ci ty H a l l 26563^ ^ ,

Ifieilil eEi?-?s''^!55'^to°§35^9^""'"" iiealth Comsn San Pedro Civic Council 5-15 2351', report as submitted to Cullf Lee. Fact Findinc Comt on Hiways-Streots & Bridges'£ proposed T"rii.inoI Island Tunnel System

"San Pedro Civic Council., 216I4~ ge,action const„tunnels connect

• . rSJ-SSLiSj.fegi Beach-San., eSro lxTni''''-'-'-f}xlm s i lming ton &Mainiand 3/12./A7 San Pedro a i s t r i c t 1-2-43 51337

y i r d - a p p r o p .?135 ,000- '?55,000-S J 4 , 0 0 0 for bldgs &c - Mayor

San Pour j D iv i s ion l-;'559 o*' u I. ^.ilici-' D'lpl-req 3-1-45 i.t.iv Jeftpiu in case ..5l5-iJ'C '>Jivii / . i th '0 ,j of /.merica - Po l i co Comsn

Siin Pedro H.prbor "'-11-48 72747 Resol r e t a i n s t a t u s l l t h Dlst Coast Guard Unit Hdqtrs-H Hprby

San Pedro Mtnoe Yd 1-2-45 •'1407 Mayor annual message r e $299,000 apnrop con.qt b ldga e t c -

oan r e d r o - ' i a x i 2-1-46 22178 ."'.iildred u ' ^ e o f e apply f r a n c h i s e ope rp te tisxi a .i--v/ilm-Ter)n i s l a n d

San Pedro Water f ron t 3-12-47 274 20 Resol Counci l req .I^fpYor&Harbor.

oonst new f a c i l i t i e s '

Sund & Gravel 9-30-45 25156 Ci ty s tudy s u p p l i e s & mining r e s o u r c e s now prohib i ted-LA C of C '

Gsnd & g rave l 10 /3 /46 25I66 Resol Ci tv study supj i l ies near L /. & mining r e s o u r c e s whsre nov/ prohibi i ted-L A C'laraber of Co;.i..ierce

Sand - iiv'i.->ri-in 2J9oC Per: ap'-^'rop ';'. 5 -1 for , '-,5~',5 . i i i iposai jana -^xcav.-tJ.i f'p' ri... :;-,.; . > vUr.t - irJ ? ...:s

Jondfc '. OCk 5-39-40

'saniSc Rock 8-1-46 24427 Size s p e o i f i c a t n 138 Por t l and Cement Concrote- req amend P/W bd

;;r.nii -.- r,ic< ..ccoui.t I •,.''• T" , 1 j f '-.• , • . , Z 0 . ) i n ;"•: '• • - t - L . ' .ilpAc FunJ - .it:, or

) r , 'i

. i r '.'"• ' ^ ) ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ '. . i > •i » - K

.,:i,„,'. 1. .- . . , . , /^

Page 2: Ifieilil eEi?-?s''^!55'^to°§35^9^'ens.lacity.org/clk/rmdroot/clkrmdroot326080308_12102012.pdf · 2012. 12. 10. · San Franclaco • ilD-15-45 75169 "I7 , Req $45 Mr David to mtg

,\ -y i.-.nitRrian Exams 12-I7-47 •'12R8 " Re Stt-te Bd tirng oonsider revise ••.iniraura standards-Pub Heolth Dept

.;,.A-i*-,ari'.im 4-17-45 19700 i i.arti.a Feci: ot u l pot prot

.-70 li Liifayetto Fk Pl-BaumGartner

-ap.Uarv 3ng Asst 3-11-47 27375 •\eq c re i te oosltion Bldg&Sofety Dept .i'lectrical.VFlumbing Div-Mayor

3;-jnit.-.'y En ; Asst 7-2o-47 29''98 ••• -"'il.Qcrite ro c iv i i Eng Asst-

iSSafety Dept

. ;! i trry En/; Asst 7-71-I17 29UR4 -.•l' to 19\c-46 budget ord S9IOO .11 " V A t;;, V

i,it;<ry i'\esearch Ctiemist„ 28068 .. class jcapp abol i t ion Chemical P-C Class,li&a,Ilocp,te.R D Bar^-San Pt: 3ur-ud i>/^-Giyii Service eo.rasn

Srnitrry Research Chemist 70698 ChfnKed class t i t l e to Sanitary Chemlst-CS Comsn 10-71-47

.Sanitary Se'i'er^ Iril^T*' ^ ^26531 ir.sP3Ct'on State Hollyv/ood Freeway • F^B'l5HP;/B?rs S^*y i-or-cost 5500

Sanitary Sewer Comt 25735 Cliarles B Bennett-City Plan - ' ^ - f arry Hayes-W&P Dapt

lth Dept ujuis 0 Turner-Bureau Sng Ptudy requirements City For sewers

Sanitary Standards 10-7-46 25230 Submit reasons for need revision OA.^ 77^000 ««P,_T, U TAAJJ

Sanitary Supplies 5-1-4-5 23280 i'.iayor appr t r s f r PW funds to Fire

Dept--;;i6C0.for-*1500 Clean-5400 tops

Sanitary Supplies 10-28-45 25498 ixpense 45 app .;Jl,800 3d Pub Works Mayor

-.: ' : ta: 'y ..up-iLies 3/3/47 27143 .lie tr,.nsf3r v3.i'JG in 'cu Public ,v.<s I'und - mayor

sani ta t ion Diet //2 7-17-4, - ^ -Resol 70 aubmltted euth grant 1 esmt for sewer Co Sanit Diet 4'2 Seal 3eac'n-Clearv/rter Plst -''.'/?

1 liii


Piot- Jl'

Sanitation Fund 4-19-45

tPW req t rans $2700 frm 5 Lot Clean to EXP #10

^ t n c p . Sc S'ln'i t-U/1 vn'r Sanitation Fund ,4-19-45

iBP'./ rcq trans #5 Lot Clean tu pairs /;; 3upnliA.-°

"ani tat ion Fund G-13-45 -'.pp trans .';3500 frm '-:qu'

Sanitation Fund G-13-45 ,4200 fr.'.. :4Uip:

to ::cp iflZ F,qu ipr.it Rov a i r

t i tat ion Fund 8-7-45

Acct f/2/i Sr. c50U or _ y;25 for st- ^ ' - ' '

Sanitation i-una .^IL-.;, Exp Aect #10-"Gasoiine 10-10-45 Butane ii: Fuel 0 i l"- req exempt -*.15,000 col lect rubbisli-BPW Req transfer ^4,500 to Gasoline Butane & Fuel 011-5-1-46

"Sanitation Fund 21437 Trans $5,000 d i s t r i bu t e II-I9-45 rubbish collect ion notices -

filayor Sanitation Fund '21155

Req exempt i'.1600 to 10-17-45 iicct #11 (Lubricants) - BPW

Req exempt 5-1600 Acct ?iill -1-22-46 - BPW

Sanitotion Fund 3-25-46 22787 iviayor appr ^?15,000 frm Sal Aot #5 to Act #35 equip ren ta l & serv PV/

" Sanitation Fund 8-30-46 2/838 ~ •"-o exempt $1000 in Sxp jJ-15

"•.•/are'^St§eI Iron Proauc.ts -Ba P .'/ks

Sanitation Fund I2-2-45„2596I App roq Bur Mtnce&San a50,000 SS'T AcA.t :'il Rf»fu.qe C o l l e x e m p t -MOj jgi cjcatn met _ ,

Sa'nit'ation Fund 12-9-45 25068 ' Bur lil-'nce&San-Bf ~ " rao alloootn bal - . . . , ...,v,u „-..., ...-.,„- X

Janitnt ion Dist II-R-I18 1 Re So 3py Ci t ies dlscaargin_ se-.-f-ge thru White Point Plant-Atty

'i^i.itcticn Listr icts-Co 21617 .'-i I Councii send 1- c , . ier:.ber to intg 12-i;i-45 re ' ' " ^ ^ lor:nation .-. . i tnitatn Dis t r ic t s

S..r.i-uat: on food estab 19551

5e^^?f?ier?f;-Mn!o^g8ig 6^7^^^5 bti of h e a l t h Comsnrs

.-..ar i t a t i o n Fund (.QL-»T . r a n s . . . , 3 , 6 u u frm Lot I ' ^ t /<;' O i e a n m g / . c o t //5 t o ..v.,,! i m o n ? ^ ' h e p a l r s & . S u p p l i e s / . cS^^B 'MSyor ,

i ' i',;-v-i -ir, ""und 19313 , . - = ' . a . f - r • • I ' . j j fr-n Lot -^-23-45 '

• ' ' r . ir .r- '.-. P l a n t i-iquipinent to ." ;n . n i - a t i .ynprio.n p i a n t - i i l a y p r

^'T.: ' . .•- "'!'/ • '-"•-,; 19320 • i . / r . ; ' ; ' l - ' c a - f a r e "rra /.cc t " ^ 5 ( i n t -.1--.: T in . : ; - •,'.; vor

.."• i.tc. t ip 'n Funa , 1 9 6 7 9 •p.; •T<,A. §36,000 t'l 4-13-45 .--.. -,':zt t:l (.F'ifuse Collectn; to ':-JV •;- 'j-^ficlt - bu P ..orics

.'iaQlL.ot;-,ri fund 19683 •••••'''•' '•'•^y t-'-' Fefu.';e A-15-4; •^r , , ; . : , ' / ; . :=: '•"r/l'-n'.nLy charges

I u - l ib le rubWsh-,-jti.;p

Sanitation Fund 2-3-47 25815,

Sanitation Fund, 2^20-47., ^^ „25908 APp bai exp i-,cct -/If Tools&Shop , Supplies be axeinpt 1/12 pppvision ohai-ter-Bd P/W-iuayor

Sanitation Fund 2-19-47 •iee..j33,125.59 auprop

27004 new, .aoct. pf. K . u m c i n a .

Sanitation Fund. 2^19 -47 „27105 'c v2e5.41

;nce Fund-Bd P/W

Sani-tiution Fund 2^20-47 27111 ?d P/'./' Anp transf -•.12,700 fror- ''""-^ Acctl,#8 •rrucKS&T'ru^k Bodies t-/^I2 Tires-i.iayor sani ta t ion Funa T /TL.L/IZ? .c7XXl

Keq trans i.--5,500 from ..cet f3 to i.cct ,4 i3 fbr Equip'nent i-epairs am,, buppiies - j.ayor

Sanitation Fund^4-S-47 „ ^26908 Aoo trans? $1,.350 from Eqot Acot #8"to #14 -Bd P/W-Mayor

i^cchmh^f ^°' ' ' ' ' °(S?pp/w)

t . A ^ y

:.-..y.i.U-'',--t k..-irfz.h

Page 3: Ifieilil eEi?-?s''^!55'^to°§35^9^'ens.lacity.org/clk/rmdroot/clkrmdroot326080308_12102012.pdf · 2012. 12. 10. · San Franclaco • ilD-15-45 75169 "I7 , Req $45 Mr David to mtg



i a n i t a t i o n Fund.5-5-47 IIHiXHl3!MB9^ilIrlI

-Bd P/',','-Ma,yor

Sanitation'Fund 5-5-47

5/15/47 23559 approve demana 519.43 for

United Tent & Awning Co-"on'tro'-ler -

Sanitation Fund 5-21-47 28460 -Rec approp ?38,200 Sqpt Acct #8 trucks&truok bodles-Mavcr

8l?i|S'a8?i im^ ttr,-nih . Z B 7 0 Z

:<ec < r / l . D v/eea Tax

on Fund 7-8-47 ^ 29122 60 aoprpp new^ac.ct

J a n i t Fund' , ^ 1 0 - 7 1 - 4 7 706S4 - Reo a d d t l $7.70 approp & c r e d i t

Wee'd Tax refunds for r e fund ing Assmts e r r o r i94^-Mayor

S a n i t a t i o n Fund 11-4-47 70724 Demand li,46 f o r Moore Bus iness Forms lQ-lr--47 Amt §18 . Rl not . - p p r o v e d - c o n t r o l l e r . '

S a n i t a t i o n Fund I I - 6 - 4 7 30786 Bd Pub V/rks rec b a l in Exp Aoct #10 (Gaso l ine Butane & fue l O i l ) ,' be exerapt-i.iayor

s r n i t a t i o n Fund 12-19-li7 ."1282 Bcl p/w rec *2R0 t r e n s cxp ijco-, /PS t.. c-xp Acct '/24 t o p a i n t eouiP iiypcr-on "ii-.-'nt-iiryor

i . a n i t i - t i o n Ppnd 12-71-17 n - 2 ( ' Bd P/'W rcu bPl c;: i e.cc. l-UCiu-...i-iSpa i r s & 'Supp l i e s ) oe exemp., ;hi rter-"j.-",.vor

. ^ . . . . - - u. J -. n— I.e. .? l l . r -c . Bd p/w req bal Exp, Aoct , (telephone messages) exempt c;iarter -"ayor

TenVo°o\lTLcl-r,i'i.,er^^ta^ reclamation Plant Terminal Island-Mayor . „„, Sanitation Fund 2-2R-4i'. , :;20S4 Bd p/w req §6800 Exp Acct j..c $^0,000 EXP Acct 78 trans to-Hayor •

Srnitftion Fund 4-27-48 "1291 7 Bd p/w req $18,680 Exo Acot to various accts-Mpynr j Sanitation Fund ' 8-27-48 , -4565 Bd P/W req $1^00 eSerapt charter -purch manhole seta-Mayor

sanitation Fund 9-l' -48 ,,3479= Bd p/W req $500 Exp Acct #9 exempt charter-Mayer

Sanitation F'und 10-6-45 •=;5058 Bd P/W req $2765 be trana purch aewer cleaning machine - Mayor

Sanit & '"ealth" in8'p'8-li-1(5 ^4714 Sub aalary adjustment for Pers-Health Dept-All City Emp Assoc

oanitary Innpaotor 3-20-45 10294 .^ .3a.i axo..pt 1 Coda Gloi-i-. f: frnoze ordor-3d i.Itl, Coi-;:!....

Sanitary Inspector 1-16 21980 , Civ Ser req 13 post Health Dept 1 Sr San Ins 10 Rod Contr 2.RegInsp

I Sanitatn inspector 20075 ] Code 456i in Hith Dent- 6-5-4f allocate vacant position -

Civil Service Comsnrs

Sanitation Insp 8-10-45 20544 * , Req perm fill vac upon retiromt ".•.'m L Boyd-Bd Health Gomsn

Sanitation Insoector 20975 1 Code 4561 - req auth 9-24-45 Hlth Dept fill positn (I'ecger retirement) - BudRet i 'iffcy Buret

Sanitation Inspectors 21275 Req add 2 to personnel 10-26-45 ordinance - Health Comsnrs

Sanitation Inspector 4-8 22959 Bd Health req 3 mos lv abs Chas I "sidwords

Ju:.it_f.... Z.-y^zctcw -i-Cn 2S2C7 aiHoc Cw..;.- -..-.ry-..arii. a:, tc-

- I ' ^ y t .i.-i,in>- of "fidlf ).;pt

Sanitation Inspect 5-13-46 23431 liaj'pr rec $2845. for roden control Hpr inr riept-exp & 'idi-il rierso TiPl

Sanitation Iriapoctor 5-23 255f'3 CS alloc to Health Dept I-& I Jr ' Snnit Insp c 1 .Sr Sonit Inan

anitation Insoectors 26C57 r'AA+° i §'?- 2 sanitation i.iosquito ' Co.ptrol Div-Kealth Dept-i.iayor

:anitati,^n„InspectQr . , 28283

i :h i^h i,i}l}mm coL "'' ^ i an l t I n s p e c t o r 8-22-I17 29817 Mayor rao f i l l vacy r e t l r r a t St/^n 9 I'/ilder Code U^'Ib Sani t & iio'.'.smg . i ea l th Dept

s a n i t a t i o n Insp 2-25-48 ^^2076 Healt i i Deot req f i l l oos deeef.se. J P T h r a i l k l l l - M a y o r

Sani t I n a p e o t o r 7-12-liS 727C;R Hes l th Corasn req c.iy pos Pee t Contro l Divsn-Mayor

S f n i t o t i o n Insp 4-9- ' i8 "2729 H e a l t h Dept req f i l l yfcyncy HousinK & Sl n i t Divsn-i-!: yor

Hl th Dept Req overt i rae not exoeed 4 hra pe r wk-bal f l a o a l yr-Bur S r n l t s t l o n - V.ayoT

, Sanl t I n s p e c t o r s I2 -6 -4S "'R7S1 Bd Hl th Coraanra req r e i n s t a t e 10 frora 1948-49 budget - Mayor

Sant? -ina Freev/ay 1-13-47 26515 Subr.it d r a f t nrop s e r v i c e a m t S t a t e Ilwy Div a l t e r a t n f i Fire&polic( s iGnal systems imp at-ii.ayor

J a n t a Ana Freeway 7-19-45 74012 Pol Comsn- reo araend MC r e e t r i o t t o uae of motor o p e r a t e d v e h i c l e s

Santr Ana Nr val Air S ta 29l'71 Roool Council p ro t ' e s t removal of Peo Cotst P l r c r t f t S. n t r Ana "-• c los lnA of - Lee "./arburton "-"^O-''?

Santa Ana Puric.'/ay 4-2-45 19590 Req autli p e r s for enc work a t i8500 - 3F'./

Sunta Alia Parl:-i-/ay 3-I- . :6 2,34S3 Eng agri/.t St " i j i a /ay ;,^1000 inspec. , sev/or aondit.i,An Santa Ana Parkway 8-50-46 24315

Proposed agrrant with S t a t e Dept P "WKS re sewer i n s p e c t i o n s e r v i c e - Bd P '//ks

Santa Ana Pkway 12-22-48 55954 Acq r/w bet .Alaraeda St & Grana Ave ^215,728.50

3a:.ta Barbara I - I 7 - 4 6 2.3007 Furch .-.^t roii pc r i i i ae ion ; . t tend '

conf vouco .Gatita Barbs-rti 2-''l-.'2'^'

Santa Barbara 10-9-47 50450 ' Mo Allen a t tend mtg J o i n t I n t e r n Comt St L e g i s l a t u r e on C o n s t i t u t n Revis ion iO-29 - Haroy

Page 4: Ifieilil eEi?-?s''^!55'^to°§35^9^'ens.lacity.org/clk/rmdroot/clkrmdroot326080308_12102012.pdf · 2012. 12. 10. · San Franclaco • ilD-15-45 75169 "I7 , Req $45 Mr David to mtg

Santa Barbara Mo Moore a t t e n d mug u a m Mission T r a i l s IO-2I1-27 use c i t v c a r *, • dr . iver-I larhv .

: Santa Barba ra 7-11-45 72742 ' Mo Wal te r P e t e r s o n & L e s t e r Lev '

a t t e n d , m t g League C a l i f C i t i e s "^-19-118- use c i t v c a r - J Holland

i Santa Baroara 11-12-48, , 35169 ;Mtg of Legis mte r i i i i Comt Nov A 13-Don Al ien &.Vpii Neal au th ^ a t t e n a - use o i t y c a r

S a n t a B a r b a r a 11-10-45 ' 7R To a t t e n d I-iun Pu"o U t i l Assoc-Nov 16 to I 9 - S 7 ^ & Ci ty c a r -G V Bennet t

Santa Barbara 11-29-43 75708 Mo Cclman Hahn a t t e n d Pac Coast • Conf on Co;r.munity R e l a t i o n s 12 use e a r - .E E le'os . . _

S ta Barbara 12-15-48 704"" C o n s t i t u t i o n a l Rev i s ion l l - 1 7 - l i 8 Commend 'wra Neal - Pnn A ' I P A '

' \ ^ H &?Slign TrP^^-i^-^^AA ??7?Z h G K Ml


Santa Cruz " 10-16-47 •: 70545 Req A G Johnson Beac'n Deal, a t t e n d S h o r e l i n e Plan Assn 12th Conv an" uae Ci ty car-Mavor

Santa Cruz S-25-,45 ^ ^^.'iSU Puo U t i l & Tran req Theodore ChuU a t tend^Bac Coast Gas Assoc-Sept 14 -1^- lb -Kxp "•7R-Kayor Santa Cruz I l - 5 - l ! 8 7R449

i-io Cclman Moore a t t e n d Calif Kis T r a i l s Assoc Nov 2U. t o Deo 7-?I00 & " l t y c s r - LS '-.'arb'arton

JantE Fe S - l ' - 4 7 296^? =ub Ut i & T r rns req .•IPPPOP S29 . in s t r 11 s i t^nf ls Century & .AT & ?.•." ' : r rc i ;s rn£;"lei;oo^" Z. "e'^m-^^o i--.' Santa Fe Sp r ings 5-3-45 19824

Offer pu t we l l t ank §110,000 & $50,000 Inglewd s t r u c t u r e - A 0 Jonei

Santa i.tonica C i ty 3-20-45 19478 Offer acc $771.28 l t g l i e n s Tr I0 I54 Ass.mts Bur r e c acc-BPW

bontBi.ionica C i ty of 7-12-45 20577 Claim ; i 2 . 2 5 dau t o f i r e hydran t by /:arba(;e t r u c k 811 Franlcl in St

Santa ?-ionica C i t y of 5-16 23521 .^,183.75 d e l i q l i g h t a s s p t s - 3 s ide ' Santa i.ionica E. of Brockton Ave. J

'san Monica 10-14-46 25332 1 ao n t a m i n a t n & p o l l u t n ^ i n v e s t i g a t e

anta Monioa-El P o r t o Manhattan Beaches At tv Gen-Manhattao-.G of G Santa Monica S-'^-W ^ ^0050

S t a t e Dept Pub Hea l th e a t a b q u a r ­a n t i n e 14 th St N of Hermoaa Beach t o Sp.nta Honlca P i e r ef f .9-2-l|-7 , .ante i-ionica l(--7-l|8 "^2688 Req $74, ^ 48 C i t y ' s sha re r e c o n s t ' QOi.iMD-p Aiimn1.no- n lPn t Rd P/V/'-K.-^yor ^-

Sant'a'l''lo'nica ' 12-17-48 7'=S6l Resol r e q ord convey to S t e t e Sherman Co l a n d s §4.97, R9I for pla:vKro.und .-. Hec. .Sc..PZ,t._C.nmpn.

3an ta Monica Al r Line 8-7I-);5 7466'. PE Eleo Rwy Co req araend Ord 36893 r e suspend p a s s e n g e r s e r v i c e ^

Santa Monica Bay 5-7-46 22692 St Dpt H e a l t h g r a n t p e r m i t s ludge i p l a n t H?/perion-dump i n t o - 5 0 0 0 ' o f / s h r

an.ta.Monica Bay 7-71-l!.7 211 suomit copy r e s o l modifVing

i - l 4 i s „a rea under q u a r a n t i n e - ' ^ t a t e Bd Hea l th

San ta Monica Canyon 2-17-45 71949 'A I $450 eldewalk addtn t o v/ooden ^

b r i d g e E' Channel Rd & Entrada Dr-Mavor , ., . . . . .

'San ta Monloa Canyon 3-24-48 7250S| • C la r ence Thomason aub augges t ion t -

r e g u l a t e heavy t r a f f i c

' 3 an t a Monica Canyon"S-I9-47 2'^685 ') HeiLen R Buzz! req in fo r e S t ' ' widenlnga Ord conderanation nrp c e e ^ i n g s n e - r Lot 1'^'' '"- "'•'•"•>

Santa i,ionica i/lts-ann t e r r i t o r y n ly Observat ion 3-3-45 Drive if, e ly uontau Dr ive -At ty

ooin ion Santa Monica Mte 1-21-45 7167S L F Sraith r e q Ccl c o n s u l t w i th S Turner r e p l a c i n g water t anks

Santa Monica Pkwy Re rapi'^. r a i l t r ; 31t & req ftl70,000 city funds as ree by Metro.Traffic.ComtpCity Eng _

Santa Monica Parkway 6-7-45 33407 Oladya Lindsay req info re route • propoeed-re to prop 414 N Martel

Santa Susanna Greek 7-25-46 2429 7 Plummer st.oons'truot bridge Eno;r. ^6,200

Santa inez Cnyn 5-26^45 33345 Rpute-Mo City Eng study proposed change,route Reaeda Blvd W^Hul­holland Dr & consider- Austin

'Sawdust 9-6-45 20832 Comp against Angeleus Sawdust Co nn Gra, de Vista-r. r.o,„1A- - A-I- „I

Saw mill 3-26-46 24768 on South Industrial Avenue-protest permit - G E /.'hitehouse

M e Home 10-17-46 25360 Pet annex Wilshire-3epulveda-San Vicgnte Blvds & other Sts adj-Police

Sa'.'/telie-i,estwood Drainage 22335 System-Unit No l-req 4-4-46 State i.id 124,300 - Ed P '.:-.'ks

?i' grlr-£lllg^M^^£,?a^^ ' " * ' *» >

Sawtel le- / /es twood Flood 212S6 Con t ro l p r o j e c t from 10-26-45 ' LaEallona channel t o V i c t o r i a Ave-

Culver City C of Conuiierce

Schedule 77 R-II1-I18 •'•'I6R Resol Ccl oppose wage inci'ease fpr groups in Schgd^"'7..or ovex'

Jchedule 40 7-28-'li5""T4139 LV McCardle-req 11^ increase in salary - and over -

Sohools 4-24-4 7 28070

Schools (opening) 9-10-45 74773 I ' Reaol consider not opening 9-l' -4£ because of Polio Epldemlo-K Hahn

Sohool Cafeterias 12-19-47 "^1297 Amer Youth for Democr'-cy protect HiEh price milk & lunches

Sohool Crossings l-6-!|5 71400 Police Co.i.snrs req o.iiend Police " " - eiTiP l O gurrds-i-iayor

School Croaalnga 12-7-45 " 765 Resol araend Cal State Veh Code pay guarda from Traf Safety Fund- , Debs E E . . .

Sohool John B R-26-45 73220 Monlux Elem- No Hollywd Safety Col'/ pet make full street front of

.at " 2-6-45, 71549 ' forest Lavm Co appeal Plan Case ' 1700-456 acres

Scott Tract R-R-45 •'70R9 Resol trans to City of Burbank 7 easmts otn of-Wtr & Pwr Comsn

• Z Z :

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• y«>.Jtw..TjUr ff ^ A

t t T ruc t -P M ., 19770 '•»>/' i-'Bt County cance l t a x e s • •• •-^.j7.90 1 9 0 J > - 0 5 - 0 6 - 0 7 - 2 S - . . . .

. Gay r e s o l u t i o n Sea Water 2 -3 -48 '71797

. Resol Join Co 3d Supers pe t ' i State- L e g i s l a t u r e g i v e p r i z e s conver t co f r e sh .wa . t e r -FJ Daven-mrC

3ea water ^ 2-5-1(5 71824 E H Taylor sug t a p f r e s h water qpr lngs o f f - s h o r e conve r t t o f r e a h ' w a t e r .

s o u l Jeach Stfcjra P l a n t 27249 •385 Ci ty Cha r t e r be app-Aus t in J W

ie:M-ch . _ 1-7-1(8 714-31 •.'o Cit Atuy p r o v i d e Col opin ion ; iifiv/ r u l i n g of^Sup c t r e P o l i c e bloc".:a'^es- E a "iavenport

ip.-rch 1-7-45 7I1|.70 Rrisol Ccl pe t G.,.v of C a l i f t ake s t e p s s top s e a r c h i n g car.'? wi thout w; r r ; n t s - r . Debs

I Search ing p a r t i e s 4-17-46 23076 C i v i l Air P a t r o l - r p t o r g a n i z a t i o n & e:cecution o f - a i d P o l i c e Dent i

S e a r c h l i g h t 8 4-'^=H6 22860 Bd p/w Ord t o amend p e r m i t s i r e cos t & income

3easlde"Parkway 10-28-47 706"57 ,-!ayor reo §78 approp Land & Iraprov. Acct fo r 8 ' p a r c e l s l a n d connec t ion open &.',-'lrlen Bd.P/w . ,. .

Seas ide Parkway 11-7-47 '^0741 Dept P/W sub 11 c o p i e s agrrat puroh t;ix t i t l e l a n d s t o ' H a r b o r Parkway- N

Tl/:-; Sc Ld e a t s 9-8-47 70085

H Marcus r e q Ord p r o h i b i t any , eraployee on Pub Trana l i n e from occupying s e a t on crov/ded v e h i c l e

' S e a t t l e 7-3-47 29123 ';.ash-rec app approp §300 t r a v e l l - 1 my.^'?U'l'^k 3f2??foti.n^aues -^^ ^ Ma'--or - ' ' - -- -.1 '..^.? ??L~. Secess ion 2-11-45 71886

- Emmett A Ryan r e withdraw from •, J u r i s d i c t i o n of LA & i n c o r p o r a t e wi th Gardena C a l i f

Second hand goods 20731 i_.raenu Ord 77 ,000 Sec 8-^:9-45 . 21.134 p r o v i d e fee -f,;40 per yr p lus gross , r e c e i p t tax-McClanahan

."••j.-rst -.--.'rvice Fun.! 20976 f'lr Citv A t t o r n e y - req 9-25-45 a ld i -;;500 anprop - /-.ttoi^ney

s ec r e t a ry to iiur.ilne Corasn-Code 3J req autii e-nploy f i l l vt ;iLSbel;h P . . a c ide l l - Kni

^ - ^ - 1 - 5 - 4 5 : c a n c y

. . ! ' • ; j ] ^ . ; u Ol . .JSl ' . ' - . . , -15-45 r-J.; ei.'ipl'jj I - r i ' t CoLiihisbion .^

S e c r e t a r i e s 2 -5-45 22211 ' Assoc of Col.Tmisaion Sec p r o t e s t

-• -' ^ ' ^ a t i p p c rd in :

S e c r e t a r y 2-28-45 22455 of Humane Comsn-Civ Serv a b o l i s h T^nsitinn co'le 9719 N

I S e c r e t a r y 7-5-46 24108 Bd Pub U t i l & T r a n s - r e q Ord t h a t - 1 he Pil.nced Sth s t e p Sohed #31

S e c r e t a r y 9-15-46 24990 ' add & e l i m i n a t e Seo & Aoct Bd ^

H e a l t h Comsn-B&E Bur ,

S e c r e t a r y ^ IO-I7-47' "70542 CS Comsnrs a b o l i s h c l a s s of ' , S e c r e t a r y Bldg & Safe ty Comsn-Mayo

S e c r e t c r y 7-16-1(5 72771(. - Req emp on r e t i r e r aen t H S Payne

7-l-4{3-Pub U t i l & Tran-Bd

S e c r e t a r i e s 5-6-45 " 7'^070 Apo 16 Ccl Sec & 6 work v a c a t i o n pe ' r iods-Mayor

iSeoret 'a fy Chief of 5-24-lJ$ 33*301 : Po l ioe -Bd Pol Coman pet be exempt'

C i v i l s e r v Se Sa l a ry soh equal P r l n Glk a teno . .

iSecre tary-Chf P o l i c e 6-25-l |5 33746 I Bd P o i i o e Comsnra req poa be r e a l l o c a t e d to Pr ln Clk P o l i c e - Mayor

:3ecre tary-c i ty""At ty""6- ' l l -45 '33535 Mo r e q adjustraent a a l a r y - Ed J Davenoort

; lU^mtUPn^^l'iass & r i m i . • - i ko iBmi le|f?}S§"c§fi 8'=iP=^ Clk Secretary City Clk 5-21-47 28501 Mo chg aal sohed 28 to 29-Allen Charles

Seoretary City Clk 5-23-47 28516

1§ l^ohr-iiVrWrnr^f'''^ ''^'^ '

I Secretaries -Council 7-1-46 24063 ' Atty Ord author porsonnel City Council-G/Man & Chauffeur

Secretary of Navy 8-24-45 20748 & V/ar resol req release regular pers Police Dept in armed forces-

Secretary of V/ar 8-24-45 20748 Sc Navy resol req release regular pers_Poiioe Dept in armed fprces-

iection 35 7-18-45 20434 Req acq Airport Coinsn ext Airpt .Gl.l.b'i o i l fr. inlnAT.nl T'l AV,-| A-n'DV.r'

, ' .ecur i t - i n s 1 - 2 4 - 4 6 22087 r req a u t h o r i t y purch „ 5,000 1-31-46

S e i z u r e s 1-7-45 71431 • Mo C i t y At ty p r o v i d e Col op in ion -

new r u l i n g of Sup Ct r e P o l i c e b lockades -E J Davenport

S e l f - s e r v i c e Sta 7-13-l |5 '33960 Resol p r ep Ord req f u e l i n g of veh i n c i t y be p e r m i t t e d r e g u l a r erap o n l y - BJ DPvenport

I Senate Bill 3-20-45 League Calif Cities req support' 755-757-Limited Access 19490

Highways Oppose

864-Post War Plan 19493

153 & 532-Mllk & I.leat 19497 Inspection

372-PolutiQn iri.nkins 19408 V/ater

254-Eininent Domain-Injtiry 19499 to Business-SC&F Affs Comt

A.... .- r,jj3_ 3-27-45 ue Caiif Cities rec :

1052-Validity tax deeds ' 19537 Oppose

74 -Annexatn Incorp terr mosquito abaterant d^fiot^/n

I 410 -Food sanitation - - 19551 Bd Hith Comsnrs

^ 7 1 . - P H v m n f .Q»l,OA-ip,Q t.n c o u r t r e p o r t e r s - - 19552

Baumgartner r e s o l

, Sena te B i l l 3-29-45 ' League Ca l i f C i t i e s suppor t SB 183 & 5S6-Creat lon of

h o s p i t a l d i s t r i c t - 19538 SB 933-DeIayed b i r t h

"i^fiiLlFIPe Corat - ^ 539 Senate •riilL,/?;. , . 19838

Ra Federa l a a s i s t a n c e 5 in consti^uctn of A i r p o r t s

Bd Pubi ic V.'orks

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19596 'V Senior Aocouni Req oreate posit: JP. -f*<-11 «rt«,l]Tv.r, ,-.-

.if Cities sp.c.te Bill 60S 20036 re use State .funds for 6-6-45 seconaary i- ' . ' a e d e i ' roads - resoi

-p .30113 .... - ,..-,..10,000 in a.st.or icg '-".und to Stato ites Funi"

,.-.11- .ii'i'/iivs-.' ./ pauin(';artnur . Senate Bill 838 6-26-45 20212

Rec ren Governor not approve- ' -" ipositn real prop-V/&P Comt

J 1592 12-27-45 '21797 Resol Congress enact estab natl ' hse rolicy-Sd J Davenport

Senate Bill #1470 3-13-47 2735 3 ;<ec ^ity Legislative Counsel inst ' , •°'iefi?th p.A.?,=A '"Restaurant Regulatns ' Senate Bill 147Q .3-113-47 27484 Req Restaurant panitation be : a:.i:er!ded by incorooratina Senate bills S04',807&805-HealtK Cpmsn ;en§te Bill 504 3-19-47 27484 H'ooa Processing establishments . req^mooograte, in aenate BiH 1470 ^ Aegtaurant -Sanit-Health Coiasn

Senate 1259 . 3-18-47 27485 ^Tc -ity's legislative Counsel : ..loo-rporate fundamsntal nrovisions % in final draft-Health Comsn ' Sen?te 3111 ,#344 3-20-47 27497 [evision Agricultural code req ; '2??tf y prop. 19 amndmnts

_jba;itted mfede-Kealth Comsn '

Senats Bill #5 3-27-47 27599 Resol adopted approving to provide fipsncin.-j const Stats Highway- "

Leap:ue Cal if. Cities Co LA Div '. Senate 3111 588 3-27-47 27555 iroposed repeal Sect S F & G of i ill r.rew Law Resol Council oppose \

rdsol- John li P.oden

late 3111 #905 4-7-47 27802 f^Ol Counc 1 endorse power ' i..ies regulate contraCtors-AlIen C '

"enste Bill 1414 4-23-47 2806r .4esol.Council .endorse creation^ ,

,3RpreIine-ParR&.Recreatn ' nta iwonica Bay

'Senate Comt St & local Tax," • .Req Council give Co.-- • ' City'a fin proble for analysis I Senate Interim Comt 7-16-46 24214

Davenoprt attent' ' " July 13 re sales tax sharing ' x

•"arburton Senate Interim Comt 10-9-47 30450' of state Legis - Allen '-•'•-i-attenc rntg ota Parbara Constitution revision-H.. .

Sr Accountant 20749 Code ,1523-realIocation S-27-45i oositn in Hlth, Dept foi:iiieriy ^ help by C f iCiiey - C o ComBn

Senior Accountant 20861 Code 1523 - req auth 9-12-45 . employ 1 as of 10-1-45 -

.^uj.,^1, Aud.to^ap"'"" it Aua to Aoct

Civil Service Comsn Sr. Accountant 6-24-46 23978 CS allocate to City Clerk Dept (& various others)

Senior Accountant 9-17-45 25034 Airport Dept reclassify to Prin Acct-Mayor -enior.A.cCiOuntant ,'J-?6-47 '27ll8 r' ., liirkitt Acc Pti Div-City .„ Treasury suomit req reclassify i.'/iyor

Senior Accountant 3-1] -47 27374 nPA?^lir°- e.'5t^blish 1 position Dept Airpor ts-Mayor

F i r e Depi l a t e ord-Mayor *. . --Vr.

3r Accountanta l6^l6-47 "'0498^ City Clerk req auth employ 3- 1


Sr'Accountant" 12-21-45' • 75927 1 Req aurvey for realloe Treas office - Mayor

Sr Addgraph Oper 10-2-47 70769 & 2 Sr Clks & overtime auth for ' controllcr-Mpyor

ess Mach Oper 6-11-45 20112 Req emp 1 Code 14-14 2 wks vacatn

3r Address Mach Oper 21714 Adopt nev/ class & re- 12-14-45

£ic'°S!^"c?lfS?k^^"S5gsS°^"*^^^ ..-._' 4-24 25183

illoc:.te to City Clerk office i T'ic niv

.enior Addressing Mach Oper .7-2 7.-4' 29726

~ • • • - - -,fii s-cand Ord insert Principal Deputy Controller & Senior iVddressing Mach Operator License - City Attorney Sr Addressing Mach Operator 70605 CS consolidated class with Sr

. Addressing Mach Operator License

Sr. Admin .analyst 4-18-46 23100 , 3&E req emolov Allen B Stephenson as-'^al ^ehed ^ 35

Sr.. Administrative Anaiyst 23961 M.aybr-Rp.t,-B&E.for-as omitted, frm list previously subrnltted 6-21-46

Senior "Adm Analyst '7-11-47 29172 ' Req. QUth filil nosition upon . : retirement 7716/47 T Murcnision -Ma .vor

""Sr. A'dmin 'Analyst' ' '5-19-48 77225 ~ Bd P/w req create poaition In " , Exec office-Mayor

Sr Aniinol Inspector l-l's 22030 iiipnane Dent req create position '

'Senior Animal Inspector 2-18 22325 ; S Comsn allocate to-position vacated in Humane Dept

I Sr Animal Insp 11-15-48 355"35"'; Bd Animal Reg-req auth fill pos vacated death RG Coon

Senior Appraisers 3-21-45 19502 7152(o) req elim 2 new Pers Ord R/W & Land Bur-D F McCloskey

I Senior Architect 21333 ! New Class in Bur Engrng-i_7-46 •

iviayor disapprove employ

I' Senior Architect 3-28-45 22839 G S-new class & alloc 1 new post ' Sewer Design Bur En« Dept P VI

Senioy ;'\rehi,tect l-23-4'7 N.M Cirino,Bur.gng-Bd P/


26561 w req

Sr Asstnt i.tty Legislation 26241 Atty auth pay overtirae 1-6-47 during sessions Legislature

Senior Boiler Insp 9-19-45 20933 Code 4252 Allocate new ppsitn Boiler Insp Div Bd Mech Eng-CS Coms:

!sr Boiler Inspector 10-3-45 21062 Change class title to Sr Insp of Boilers & Pressure Vessels-CS com'



"" --- •»- •;.;,-.^tLi'.-r-- -;.:.-,:!

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• KM r i j'*^--n.-»-/,ii^.^,:-i^y».jj.j^,*._-.-^.,-_

Sr m a p B.oilor3 10-3-45 210G2 '"2 * & Pre s su re V e s s e l s change c l a s s

t i t l e frm s r l i o i l e r Insp-C S Comsn Sr Inspec t Bo i l e r & P r e s s u r e 22815

• Vesiiels-C S r e a l l o e P Nprdland to- ' frm Bo i l e r Insii Moolnrng 3-27-.46

Senior Bookkeeping Opera tor 25727 fubmit req r e c l a s s i f y James Wolfe ' BookK-oeping Div-Mayor

q?n<or Bookkeeping Mach Oper ., I "' 5 - 7 - 4 7 29564 , qu") rea employ 1 Sen 3ookke,eplng . ,9i.'p'u\ng OPSr ^ X t y -TrA- s-#.p ,)ii 0

5r BkPg Mach Oper i2-2a-4S 36003 Controller req fill D P S - Retire [ Mrs F C Forbes 12-31-48 - Mayor -

Sr_Bldc insp 5-18-4 'Code^ 4213 a l l o c a t e d r e g - c l a s s i f y ^

pe;- Dep,.Bldg Jngp by BF,/ Bur Const^ & plar> i.itnoe-C .•-, Cotisn

3r BIdg Iiisp 7 -13-45 20399 . A l l o c a t e 2 p o s i t n s Code 4313-Bldg ^ S a f e t y Dept -Ciy Serv Comsnrs

Senior Bldg I n s p 10-5-45 21082 Req extended t ime 6 Insp b a l f i s c a l yr & approp $2500-B&S Comsn '

' s e n i o r Bldg I n s p 11-13-45 21425 App a l l o c a t i o n 1 new p o s i t i o n Bldg & S a f e t y Dept-C S Comsn

Senior Bldg In sp 11-30-45 2157.8 A l l o c a t e new p o s i t i o n BIdg S-c;..f Aty " e p t _ c i v i i •Jorvice Comsn

3r iUdg I n s p e c t o r 2i'-"•'^ Req .Say o v e r t i m e $98.67 1,-- ,^ -„ , to s u r v i v i n g spouse of iioward H Bean - Dept of Blcig & Safe ty

Sci.ior f>ailf,inL" I:ic sot;-".' 2ii656 G Z ^ l l o o L t e 2 r.e'.'; p o s t s in Bldg •'

Sr . Bldg I n s p e c t o r 6-19-46 23895 Mayor Rec 2 p o s t Bldg & S a f e t y as-1946-47 hprl.get

Sr Bldg Inap l '0--'-47 ' " '0400 -Bldg & Sa fe ty r e q r e v i s e p o s i t i o i i Michael A Burke t o h i g h e r r a t i n g ^

Sr BIdg In sp 1-2-45 71777 Bd F/W o v e r t i m e Bur Constl2-


Sr Bld«: I n s p 2 - 9 - 4 5 . „"'187I Sr Bldg I n s p 2 - 9 - 4 5 ^ „^1S71 3d p/w emerg o v e r t i m e for 2 Bur Const & Bldg Mtnce- l -22- l (5-i-iayor s r Bldg I n s p 2-17-45 31920

Bd P/W emerg o v e r t i m e Bur Const j£in 27&2S 194s-Mayor

Sr BIdg I n s p e c t o r 7-1-48 72149 Emerg over ' t lme Bur Const 2- I8- l t8-Mayor

Sr Bldg I n s p 7-1-45 72147 Emerg o v e r t i m e Bur Const Feb 11(&1R 191t8-Mayor

Sr'Bl'dg I n s p 7-'S-'4S ' •';22IR Bd p/W eraerg ove r t ime Cont Bur Feb 20-21-27-1948-Mayor

Sr Bldg I n s p ' 7-10-1|5 72299 Emerg o v e r t i m e Bur Const 2-16-45 ' — •^UMny.

I-Jenior Bldg Opera t ing Eng „ 2 4 5 r ' A l l C i t y Employees ' Assoc "--'•'J-— . j-eq p ' l j SP l e r i e s

i 3r Bldg S t r u c t Eng 3-28 22838 'C S r o a l l o c a l l t o Sr S t r u c t Sng

Oept Bl'^S'^- -'3-p-f9ty Sr "bldg iJtruc Engineer 22338

Coue 7960-conver t to 3-28-46 c l a s s of Sr St ruc Sng Q/- "" «-r e a l l o c a t e p o s i t n s B«S-

- --\.

Sr Bldg Zone Analyat-2-2-45 XX77l'i''i, Bldg & Safety Coraon req reclaaa , Planning & Zoning Inveetlgator-t^Bvor

..ienior Civil i^nginear 4-16 23053 CS roulloc Frank Crane frm Givil

liinc to--Sowcr Desicn-Bur "ng ' Sr Civil.!.'iisineer 4-24-4G 23174 03 aruclloc ''osepl-. Buras frm Dpty Inap to i.i to-Bur Insnect

Sr ClYll Engineer 3-26-46 24749 Req fill positn in Venice IDist Office to fill E W Merwin positn (deceased) - BPW

sr Civil Eng 12-16-47 711S£ Bd p/w req auth realloo to Civil Eng Bur of Insp-Mayor

gr Civil Eng 12-18-47 ' 12=l6 3d p/W overtime for 2 Bur Eng 12-1^-47-Mayor

sr Civil Eng 12-15-47 '12R2 Bd p/w, req overtime au,c U M I2-lR-47-Mayor

27756 V/m H Read req auth send San Diego

&clig exp afsinst Litigation fund

Senior Clerk 19250 Req exempt frm ''freeze" 2-15-45 order - Bd of Humme Comsnrs

Senior Clerk Ralph 0 Romero in Lot Cleaning - req exemat f order - Hd PuhMp -Zn-Vc

Senior Clerk Code 1143 - eraploy 1

19313 2-23-45

•c. " 'ZTee-r:.e

19:47 3-29-45

in Civil S / i c e - i.'icCloskey mo sn io r Cier'K Code 1 1 4 5 - a l l o c a t i o n 2 p o s i t n s tax deaded

19765 land ^i§5-4'5

C S Comsn Sr Clork 20057

in Bur of Eng-reallocate 6-4-45 positn to Sr Clk,Steno Code 1523 VBerquist positn) - C S Comsnrs

' Senior Clerk 20774 Code il43-allocate 3-29-45 during absence Raymond Creelman in Bur of- Assessmnts- C S Comsn

Senior Clerks 20898 Code 1145 - allocate 9-14-45 2 positns in Plan Dept - , „

Civil Service Comsn Senior Clerk 9-21-45 20955

Req add 1 Code 1143 Sched 21 to Puroh Div Dept Supplies-Purch Agt

Senior Clerk 20992 Code ii43-ai')proYe 9-:-.6-45 allocation 1' po.sitn - R&S Comsn

Civil Service Corasn

- 1

Senior Clerk 21260 Code 1143-aIlocate new 10-25-45 positn in St I/itnce Div in BPW-

Civil Service Corasnrs

'senior Clerk 10-31-45 21306 Allocate new positn Code 1143 Offioe Controller-Civil Serv Comsn

\ Sr Clerk "" 21365 • Code 1143-alIocation 1 Il-6-4>

positn in Pujch gggt^-

iSr. Clerk 2.1407 in Bur of Assessments- 11-9-45 req.add 1 Schedule 21Y-Atlarlan position - Bd P Wks

'senior Clerk 12-11-45 21671, Code 1143 (21) req auth continue employmt bal year-Controller

r- • " t ' 'u,'

Page 8: Ifieilil eEi?-?s''^!55'^to°§35^9^'ens.lacity.org/clk/rmdroot/clkrmdroot326080308_12102012.pdf · 2012. 12. 10. · San Franclaco • ilD-15-45 75169 "I7 , Req $45 Mr David to mtg

• - i ; ' ' ^ ^ , ^ ^ ' - : * * ' :

"4 .i;^__;^_,-£L«y-*-

2:L828 V ' /

icupiea by Frank H Jon. or Clerk ide li43-reallocatn i • • itn -icii'l C Newklrk in

Jr Clerk ,, 21336-. itl Bur Assess:nents-aad 'ii" rate Josepii Creech - L- . .•.--

Sr CLei-k 21733 Coae 1143-traiis to 1-10-46 Salvare Div of Purch Agt from Civilian Defense

Se:-.ior Clerk 2-18-46 22331 Treasurer rec amend personnel ord i to en'.ploy bal fiscal vear .•p.l.a-rir 2.1.-Y oenior Clerk 2.=:19-46 22354 Civ Serv allocate new position ' uity j-la'' nipc vept

.Senior Clerk 5-8-46 22561 C Z ulloc 5 po.';t Bur Sne-2 Zn^ . ,-.iacs-2 Party Sury Chef & above

senior Cieri:s C 3 allocite tc 2 new position.'

:i-15-45 22535 'roaaurers office

Senior Clerk 6-3-45 25671 Civil Sji-vice allocate 4 new P.P=:t.,.2 nP-ip Git*" - ^X ' .^^Xnc ' riA- -

'Senior Clerk 7-50-46 24336 Req 1 addl in Civii Service Dept

Senior Clerk. 1143 Bur Engl employ-Mayor

8-22-46 24714 ing req auth

Senior Clerk 10-17-46 25378 chg to Sr Matls Clk Supplies Dept ' Store Div-Mayor

Sr Clerks 11-14-46 25731 Req auth employ 2 bal fiscal yr ' City Treasurer-iWayor

=;e5ior Clerk „l-17-47„ 26582 ;i.:y Treasury Dent-St.Bond Divisiol •ee auth. emplov fi/il fiRcpT yr

EaVor Senior Clerk 2 P.eq auth pay overtii... ... -- . & approp 3P00 City Treasurer-lur B&S Senior Cerk 2-28-47 ,^.27198 3ontroller| i;ea fip ir,.=:i ti .on retirement liranfc -t: .

Senior Clerk 3-14-47 27440 Req auth fill position bal fiscal yr until return reg employee-Civil Service i oiiisnrMayor .oanior Clerk 3-17-47 27500 . ailroom. Treasury Dept \Ko araend otan-lerdizatn&Pers ofds ehg scnedule to 25-Allen Charles

Senior Clerk 5-,29-47 , .2859: . eq auth employ 7/1/4'7, bal fiacp.T yr ret,,ree. imployee f, DolBer§

Service Comsn-Mifli

Senior Clerk 5-26-47 28977 req Meyor app employ Civ Serv Depti a/o illness Annie Shirk ^

3r Clerks 10-2-47 30769 Reo 2 & 1 Sr addreaaograph ' . oper & C'ertlme auth for co-.trol"'

Sr Clerk ' ' 'io-7-47 "'70797 Bd p/w req auth employ new i position Bur Conat"& Bldg Mtnce- ^

- Mavor 5r Clerk 10-22-47 ' 0578 CS req auth employ in place of , Sr Clerk Typist-Mayor ^

11-14.-47 70880 Dsition in Bur

Sr Clerk 11-25-47 30975 'S/y Bd p/W req auth employ Sr Clerk replace Jaraes E Tooraey in Bur

, As.'BCGBraente-Ha.Y.or. |sr Clerks 1-2-48 31562,

Treas req estab special class in' street Bond Divisioii - Mayor

• Senior cik ' ''2-27-45 " 72l"l7 ' Purch Agent req poa at City Store; cligd to Storekeeper-Mayor

I Sr Clerk ' "7-17-45 72779 Bd p/W req^emp offices Venice i & West LA Bur Eng-Mayor

I Sr Clerk 7-l9-l(.S 72428 Bd P/w req auth realloe pos Bur Asaratfl-Mayor

|,ir Clerk' ' '4-27-45 72946 ' Bd P/W req emp Asamt Bur retire Irvin S Porter 5-l8-48-M<pyor

i Sr Cle'"rk ' 4-' 0-48 77007 Animal Reg Bd req emp bal yr talie chg permit systera-i- ayor

I3r Clerk 11-26-48 75691 Bd P/W req realloe pos-St Mtnce -Bur-Mayor

I Sr 'cik'Lio''& " '"'T2-9"'-48 ""^5828 Sales Tax Dlvsn - City Clk req fill poa retire Oscar A Aube -Mayor"

fer Clerk Steno 1-9-45 18974^ Reqiadd.l 2652iM & 1 Clk Typist ' .. 2352jM a'ppfop ^I500-B&S Comsn

Senior Clerk Steno 19114 • Req auth emp'-" •• '"--'- ' -'• " 2652t fill vacancy Minnie M Nelson retirement - Bd PU&Trans _

I Sr Clerk-Steno •1'9265 Reo employ repiace 2-16-45 Myrtle !>/!• DeViiliers on leave -

Bd Poiice Comsnrs

•Sr Clerk Steno 2-20-45 19292 Resol BPV'/ fill vac & Arch Drc "' --"- • D F McCloskey R/W & Ltun

lr Clerk Cton-Req emTiln-7

•45 19310 i'lll vacancv


Sr Clerk Stono 2-21-45 19311 . Req auth appt Mary J Higdon 2652;> .",5l25-30-40-3d__I U&T '

Sr Clerk Steno 3-6-45 19091 Resol fill 2 vac by apptg 2 Clk ' Steno in R/"-'/ & Land & 1 Sr Clk Steno frm C S list & exempt frm freeze order & BPV/ fill vac 2 Clk

-..' Steno__by_ e.merg a.pptm.t.rP..F_Mc.Cloakf

'Sr Cleric Steno 9-21-45 20956 & 1 inter Clk Typist 1358 req auth -emp-Bd Pn.li.Ao Coman.'. .q..

-Sr" Clerk Steno 20984 in B&E - add 1 regular 9-25.45 -pers Sc elim 1 V/ar Duration

Senior Clerk Steno 2i028 . Code 1525-req auth fill 9-2.3" '"''•' positn Motor Vehiele Div (Ma.., Kregness positn) - PU&Trans

Jr Clerk Steno 21235 Code 1323-prot of 10-27 /'i-Isabel.Ie.Baron allowed-Flre^^^ ' Dept - Civil Serviee Comsnrs .•.•.

-Senior Clerk Steno 11-14-45 2143E Allocated proper positn Police Oept Detective Bur-C S Comsn

Senior Clk Steno 11-26-45 21523 Allocate 1 Code 1323 Mayor's ' Dept-Civil •Service Comsnrs

Jenior Clerk Steno 11-30-45 21576 Allocate frm Inter Clk Steno 1 positn held by Florence A V/alker-pivil Service Comsn



/ •



V -

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. - •« - iJ»- •- »_j: * ^ -. V^ »

a. ^ S S S S t r

3r Clerk ateno 1-17-46 22005 CSAJ uivil Sor realloe frm Sr ulk Stei.

to Jr Clk T Tpe in Bur 3nKineer

Senior Clerk Steno 2-25 22428 C S realloo frm to Steno Reporter

Lola .=! Hgh"-Bd 'ire consnrs

'Senior Clerk Steno 3-7-46 22559 C S Gomsn realloe :.i Hollov/ed frm Int cippk TirpiPt to

.Jenior Cleric Steno 4-8-46 22963 ^ A Allen Mo-author emply in Bur p/j/ fr. l^nd-replaoo empl pp sick lv Senior Clerk Steno 4-12-46 23014 OS rialloc Dost Ruth Volk frm-to Int Clk StP.no-Bur Inspect V.l

r Jl.ri: _t-..c •:-:.'.-4C ,.::id3

Sr Clerk Steno 5-7-45 23374 CS realloo Ellen Thunnel to-frm IntPP Clk .Steno-Health Dept

Sr Clerk Steno 6-19-46 23893 Mayor Reo Health Dpt empl-& 1 Industrial Hygiene Teoh in Indust "yci="s Div Of Fe- " th "ept Sr. Clark Steho 5-27-46 24025 CS allocate 1 post to B&S to class of-

Sr. Clerk Steno 6-26-45 24043 CS rialloo Alice Koumjian to-frm Int Clk Steno-Bur Mech En«

Sr Clk Steno 11-1-45 255" Inforination Counter City Hall req auth empIoy-i'..ayor

sr Cl'.- Steno IP-9-':.7 „ ,'''^}9° CS r.PP conpol Ster.o Seo Cde 1-2; & code 172-'

Sr Clerk Steno '7I 8-lig • "' " Req reclosa Incer Cik Stenc .. era.p pen-ling eff dote of Ord (Info Se.pv E.x,ecutive Pe-it-l- a-or

Sr Clk Steno ^-17-48 2 'S9 Heq reclass pos Treasurer Off-Ma,vor

Jr Clerk Steno 7-14-45 73972 City Pub Defender req fill poe vagan| by death Franc ea P Decamp

Sr Clk Stenos 7-27-48 34095 Bd P/W req realloo pos Helen Monday & Mae C Koon-Bur R/W & Land Mayor

Sr Clk Steno 5-2-li5 34178 • Hlth Dept req reclaas frm Inter Clk Steno - Mayor

Jr Clk Steno ' S-lC-45 74301 Hlth Dept req reclass 1 inter Clk-Steno to- Mayor

Jr Clerk Steno 10-25-48 7R701 Bldg & Safety Coasn req erap Office of Comsn Secretory-Mayor

'Sr ClerK-Typist 19247 /.au 1 Coae •..554 - 2-15-""

t " i:i.-r.^.-1'ynijt Iv.i,53 0.1...' , .55; .'(n; in r . . r ...f J - i ^ . •-/ c c t n g - r-I ; ; uul •'•' C t r l r r c j . r-.iturn frn ..liiitar. lotve - LP*.

Sr Clerk Tvpist 20074 Code I56S - reallocation 6-5-45 of positn in Treasurer Dept (DuBourg retirem.ent)-C S Comsn

Senior Clk Typist 7-13-45 20400 Reallocate Sr Clk to above Bur H/'./ Sc Land occupied Ruth Aiken-C S

' Senior Clk-Typist 21092 Allocate new positn 10-8-45' Code 1368 in City Clk-Map & pot-

_ Civil Service Comsn

Senior Clk Typist 10-31-45 21307 ' ' Reallocate from Sr Clks 3 positns/"-Bur A. G c A

Bur of Engrng"'--c"s^Com^n"""' Jenior Clk Typist- 11-13-45 21426

.'Senior Clk Tyr "' "• •" """ -- ----21459

oenior Clk Typis t 11-25-45 2152J A l l o c a t e 1 Code 1358 Mayor 's

Sr Clerk Typ i s t Code i 5 6 3 - A l l o c a t e in

KA±\:I-I: lypist 2I634

Code i 5 6 3 - A l l o c a t e in 12-7-45 Acctng Bur (Gerald Lac^v .•lo.'i'ftnl

C i v i l . Se rv ice Cni;.n

Senior Clerk Typis t 2-5-45 22207 A i/ J Bauer r e a l l o e to -Civ Serv deny nrntp.qt to Pr.ino Clerk

Sr Clerk Typ is t 22051 Code 1563-auth granted 2-8-46 .e.f.ploy absence iiel.j:i..Buffijtt in ud P O t l l X I'rans - Pers Comt

Senior Clari : ' r i -plst 2-18 22349 V S a l l o c p o s i t i o n rub U t i l ic ' i r a i i spo r t a t i on (Buf fe t t )

SoniOL' C."'i: fy i . t J - :.-4-J ,3.''7.X C _ •illoc no „ 1,0. t Ll • .. .j^.Jo-l "fpll'V : C'll '.VI

Senior Clerk Typist 3-26-46 22'/bb 0 3 r e a l l o e E t h e l Ballough frm Int Glk 'fyo to-BIdg & Safe ty

^aycr •^•ir i U.Vf o..,i lo;- " e l c i . .--, A-,.,.A.-. ,1, ,-p-, , , , . -),,. . . - . ^ 1 . . . ^ n , ,A ' - r . t - l -

3r Cleric Typ i s t 5-10-40 23510 C-. r . a l l o c i iathle-m .- O'-.c frm I n t

, , ^ - - ^ i t y - i a n Deot .^or-ip^- Clerk T\p.ist-G-5 25570 CJ a..loc 1 , i ; t t o I r t Clk ^'•ii V-r e a i i o e 1 r o s l frii: I.':t t ' lk TJ - 'to-,,,(,,,,,„4- TIATT i:,,i-f,o n r . ~ t

Sr Clerk Typist 5-27-46 24015 CS realloo to-\/ L Soliroeder frm Acct Clk to-Bur .qt, Trf y.np..pn

Sr. Clerk Typist . 7-2-46 24069 • CS roalloc Franoes ivlcCardel frm Int Clk I'y? to-in /*lap ^ Lot Div.

~Sr. Clerk Typist 7-2-45 '24071 ' CS roalloc LeRoy Brittingliem to-frm Princ Clk Pers in Fire Dent

Senior Clk Typist 25988 Submit rea Sanitation Div-health Dept for I-I.iayor

Senior Clerk Typist 7-50-46 24586 Req I addl in Civil Service Dept

Senior Clerk Typist 9-15-46 25015 Reclassification from Int Clk " "Aist. J„GinEerick-Mayor

ce & San Bur Sr Clk 'Typist ^ 10-17-46" 25412 Bur Acctg Bd PAv B Paulding re­survey position-Mayor

Senior Clerk Typist 26581


Page 10: Ifieilil eEi?-?s''^!55'^to°§35^9^'ens.lacity.org/clk/rmdroot/clkrmdroot326080308_12102012.pdf · 2012. 12. 10. · San Franclaco • ilD-15-45 75169 "I7 , Req $45 Mr David to mtg

Senior^CleTk T y p i s t 2-3-47 26812 '' Heq au th f i l l p o s i t i o n u n t i l , , m r e t u r n employee s i c k Iv-Reoord Uni t C i v i l S e r v i c e Dept-Mayor

Senior Clk t y p i s t 4-24-47 28071'

iSreil ?y^ilt^f8l!U°e8llniiafe ' , Sen io r Clk T y p i s t ' 7-21-47 29276 Req 7 mo s i c k l eave Lee A Pfrange Sr Clk t y p i s t C i v i l Se rv ice Comsn ,

Sen Clk Typ i s t ? -£-47 ' 29^8 iiayor reiii" ou th employ Sen Cik T-ypist repl a'^p Pfroncrl P. durinff f 1 T n e p p - p p P i i

S e n ' c i k Typ i s t 8-27-47 ^-29971 l-^ayor r e q f i l l p o s i t i o n t u n i c e Winters Buir S t r e e t L i g h t i n g durinp; Lv/Aos . . s r Clk I V p l s t . , 9 - ^ ^ 4 7 ^ 30067 Mayor r eq f o r a d d i t i o n a l p o s l t l c i Counci l Index Divsn

Sr Clk T y p i s t 10-16-47 "^0456 AC AAPi'lnnated 1 p o s i t i o n in Bur ,

to I n t e r Clk T y p i s t _

- -• • •"-- ' u 4-6-1(5 ' -2658 nBu auuii 1 j-xx POS r e t i r e m e n t Heien Buffet 7 - I -4S-Pub U t i l & Trap

" k Typis t 4-21-48 72860 .A.., .'ub U t i l & Tran req ep.iolpy May & June 1948- Mayor

t c^-l-'-kS -•'l-^6 l/W & Land 3ur req erap I Mayor

. Sr Const I n sp Eng 10-2-47 30765 Overtirae f o r 1 In Bur Insp 9-20-47-Mayor

Sr Const Insp Eng 10-16-47 '^0495 ' Overtime on 9-27-47 Bur of I n s p -

' Mayor

.-ir Copst Insp'Eng'10-22-47 •J0R7R Req auth employ Bur Insp vacated -retirement Willis B Cowan II-I-47-

Me.vor Sr Const Eng ll-R-47 70789 Overtirae for 7 in Bur Inspection 10-2R-47-Hayor

Overtime for - . A.,..,.A^^.A


Sr Const Insp Eng 11-21-47 " 0977 Overtime for 7 In Bur Inspection 1 1 ^ 0 1 - l . - 7 _ , . ,

•ng 12-12-47 .'^1149 ..IJOO s a l a r y /".cet f o r 6 f o r 6 raos-

i-iayor Sr Const Insp Eng I2-17-)i7 71189

I L-2-43 71764 in Bur of Insp

Sr Const Inspector5/15/47 28588 Diver-amend pers ord. Bur Insp re overtirae and 4t"n step salary-

.Bennett mo - --9-47 „ , ,^0229

..,..0. Insp 9-6-47 ilymplc Blva & 1 Sr Const Inap

Mayor Sr Const Insp IO-I-U7 70766 & others Bur of Inspection 9-12-47-Mayor

Sr Const Insp 1-27-48 71722 Bd P/w emer overtime Bur Insp I-lO-48-Mayor

Sr Const Insp 2-2-45 71787 Bd p/w emerg overtime Bur Insp l-17-191l5-Mayor

Sr Construction Insp 24520 Code 7295 C S app adop?I§n^^

3r Conat "Inepector*6-"lb-4S ' "77461 Bd p/w emer overtime 11 Conet

^1-2-43 I" 71 iiAii fill POS Bur of

msp vacant doe tli Byrcn Kuobell-iiryor

Sr Const Insp Eng 2-2-43 71781 Eraerg overtirae Bur Insp l-I8-liS-Mayor•

Sr Const Insp Eng 2-24-43 72072 3d p/V/ emerg overtime 2-12-48-Mayor

Sr Const Insp Eng 7-8-1L8 " 2216 Bd P/W emerg overtime Bur Insp Feb 21-27-i94S-Ma.yor

Sr Const Insp Eng 7-9-l(,3 72268 merg overtime for 8 Bur Insp .i-26-1(8-Ma yor

Sr Const Insp Eng 7-I9-4S 7 1(72 Bd p/w req emp 5 Bur Insp & grent railerj-je gll90-i-:e.yor

Sr Const Insp Eng 4-2-48 72RSli ~ur Const 7-2-1(5-

. • ^

Sr Const Inap 10-25-48 75702 Bd p/w over t ime fo r s e v e r a l Bur Inpri Oct l i ^ - lp lo ' i ' ' - ' ' ' °ypr

Sr Const Insp Divers 25775 Char les Smale&J K.Holmes r eq„au th emplqy exempt C i v i l be rv ice -Bur In sp 3d P / t / - C i v i l Se rv i ce Comsn

I Sen ior Cons t , In sp Diver 28540 C.na^rles I s B e l l r§q„aut t i exempt , C i v i l Se rv ice -Bur I n s p e c t i o n - n / p / 4 ' ; C i v i l Se rv i ce Cnm.pn ' o/c;/*/

:.ir Co 'ns t ' lngp Diver 10-1-47 "30375 C i v i l Ser apprpved employ Ot to ; P Bloch ' "

3r^c'on8't"r~in'e'p Diver 6-i '7-45 33610 Bd p/w eraer o v e r t i m e - Bur of Inap

ir Cor Req Bur(

3r Co CS re to-'Ru

6-4-5-1945- Mayor

1st Inspector Engrs autii employ 6 in lau of Insoection -

Bd of Public Wc istruct Inspect Sng alloc post J D Hodne r Tn.CAeCt-ii^^ A . . P C L . A ^

ioUQ 9-12-4

5rks . 2 3185


•r 4-8-48 ;2697 rti . . ie f o r o


t I n s ) cnQ )i-14-4S ^2739 eraerg over t ime Bur Inso

l-'^-li- 191iR-Kavor

.1- T A . „ rng 1^-22-1(5 '2881-vpT-r, i.me for 7

=" Const Insp Eng 4-70-4& 72996 d P/V/ eraerg overti.rae f o r 4

In sp Bur Apr I6 -17 191iS-Moyor

Sr 'Const Insp , 5-3-45 77010 Overtirae f o r 6 Bur Insp Apr 27&24 1945_Mayor

S r ' C o n l t 'fnsp Eng 5-7-45 77025 Req f i l l poB Inap Bur r e t i r e m e n t A D B a s s e t t 6-1-45-Mayor

iS ' r 'Const ' ins 'p Eng 5-12-45 3^140 Emerg over t ime fo r 3 Bur Insp Apr 30 & May 1 1945-Mnyor


Page 11: Ifieilil eEi?-?s''^!55'^to°§35^9^'ens.lacity.org/clk/rmdroot/clkrmdroot326080308_12102012.pdf · 2012. 12. 10. · San Franclaco • ilD-15-45 75169 "I7 , Req $45 Mr David to mtg

>» 'i'y

S r Construction 6-7-45 33394 ' _ Inapectora Eng-Bd P/W emer M "

overtime for 5- 5-2l-22-27-45-Mayor

Sr Conet Inspector 6-10-45 33457 """ " ' "* 9 5..conBt

iSr Const Insp Eng 6-14-45 3355? Bd P/W emer pvertlme 4 const inepec & 2 - 6-2-48- Inspeotlon Bur-Mayor

sr const Inspec Eng 6-17-45 .33fcl4 12- & 19 const inspec-Bd P/W emer overtirae- 6-7-4-5-1945- Mayor

3r Const Insp Eng 6-23-48 33697 Bd P/W emer overtime Const Insp 6-10iH-12-46-Bur Insp- Mayor

3r Const Insp Eng 7-7-45 3''636 , Bd P/W emer overtime & Const Insp-Bur of InBpectlon-6-19-26-45-Mayor

Sr Consflnsp Eng^'7-13-45 33947 3d p/W overtirae 6 and 5 Const Insp 7-1-2-3-45 - Mayor

Sr Const Insp Eng 7-14-45 33961 ' Bd p/W emer overtime EM Sarff-Insp Bur- 7-7-45 Mayor

Jr Cor^st Insp Eng .7-12-45 34015 bur m a p -m-M,.; M.nyor

Id P/V/-emer overtirae & Conat Irti Eng-Inop Bur- 7-24-1)5 - Mayor

Sr Const Inep Eng 8-l6-l(S 74759 Bd P/W over t ime f o r 2 Inep Bur 7-29 t o 5-1 1945-Mayor

Sr Const Insp Eng 8-2^-45 7I1545 Bd p/w over t ime Insp Bur Aug R & • 5 1948-Mayor

Sr Conat Insp Eng 5-27-48 746lR Bd P/W overt i rae f o r 2 - I n s p Bur-Aue 17 to IR-Mayor

Sr Cor^ Insp Eng 9-17-1(5 74772 Bd p/W over t ime-Bur I n s p -Aug 26-28-Mayor

J e n i o r S l e c t r i c a l I n s p e c t o r 21578 • A l l o c a t e 1 new p o s i t n 11-30-45 "

.- & "af s t y "or t -3r E l e o t r i o Insoec t 3-27-40 22813 C S a l l o c 4 new'pos t3-2 Eleo i n s p 2 Sr Pluiiib J-nsnect Bldg & Safe ty

Sr Elec In sp 9-2'=;-47 ^02':;"' Bd Bldg & s a f e t y req auth emplo. r p t l p p Pnul H Rodet-Mayor

Sr Elec Insp 7-1-47 29028 iiiayor app employ BIdg & Saf ty Dep vaconcy poiii DAJ,--I. •' " ^ v -

Senior E leva to r Insp 10-5-45 21062 Change c l a s s t i t l e t o Sr Insp of Eleva tora-Bd i.iech Sng-C 3 Comsn

Sr Insp of i i l eva to r s 10-3-45 21062 Change c l a s s t i t l e frm Sr Elov Insp-Bd i.iech Eng-Civ 11 ^erv Cora,

Sen ior E l e v a t o r Inapec 4-2 2:2870 CS appr req Meoh Sng frm-Sr Insp of Elev t o ."=ir Elev I n s j ^ c t

Sen io r I n s p e c t o r E l e v a t o r s 22870 CS appr r e I.ieoh Eng f rm-to Senior E leva to r I n s p e c t 4-2-46 -,r ZZ V. t z z Zy. : - ' , - . ' i;..:97 -„ j ' . . t ; i ," : • •> ' • - ' : - . . ' . ' " - x . V t - . . r . - ' -y -" .n . i^ ••;n---r,—' . . . . ^ " 1 ; ;

Senior Engineer 6-25-45 23985 Bennett ResoI-CS segregate-class St. salary schedules

. r in ' •.ido 7-19-45 .30450 .J.i:.Hoc.te Civ iu ; i-Jraftc.T.n.n to ;..bovp ..,t j.,ti' i,;.r .•:i.-Oiv -vorv Coi,;;.

Jenior Jnr .,idQ 9-in-45 20919 ,.llocote Codo 7231 Jurvoy 'Jiv Bur inc-B-l Civil Jorvico Consn

Senior Jncinecring Aido 21055 Allocate 2 positions 10-2-45 Police Dept & 8 others-C S Com"-

Sr Eng Aide ?-10-47 „_27320^

• • ^ ;


WSmm^M'assiWmsm lonst Insp in Bur I n s p e c t i o n 9- l l - l |8-Mayor

Sr Const Insp Eng '9 -27-48 74949 Bd P/W eraer overt i rae i 2 Const Inop-Bur I n s p e c t i o n 9-19-45-Mayor

Sr Const I n s t Eng lO- lR-45 75177 • Bd P/W over t ime f o r 1 & o t h e r s

Bur Inap Oct 2-7 194S-!'!ayor

Sr Con.qt Insp Eng 10-20-U5 7R21(.4 Bd P/W over t ime Oct 8-9 1945 Bur Insp-Mayor

Sr Conr.t Insp Eng Il-1 '-1( ,8 7c;i;67 Bd ?/W over t ime-Bur Insp I l - l 6 - 4 8 - M a y o r

Sr Const Insp Eng 12-7-4S 7580? App req Bd P/W R add tn l pos -Moyor

Sr Deputy 4-1-1(5 72624 Heq o ' ldtnl p e r s o n n e l - A t t y

Jenior Deputy City Atty 24544 Code 0502 req auth employ B-12_46 City Attry

ar Deputy Public Defender 22371 ' Civ Ger roalloc to-frm ueputy

.•ublic Defender

Sr. Deputy Public Defender 22371 C3 alloc class to-& 2 posta to Deputy Publio Defender 6-27-46

- --.g Aici= 5 /5 /47 265-0 i-p. 1' 7 . ;5I - -u th "iiiUoy L in 'iur 01 -nerng - -'.'.i yor

Sr Engrng Aide 5/19/47 "'23592' Code 7 , c j l - abo l i sh c l a s s & rc a l l o c a t e Ass tn t J r a f t sman-ingtrumentmen- - C S Comsn

3r E:: - Aide -•"-U7 2 '402 R e ; l I o r ; t e t o Asst Dr; f ,s..;e;-i Street . . i ' l ' t f r i c Ens ? ; - i o c Pe . t O iv i i ..erv,.-ce Qopsn

3r Engineer Aide 1-29-1(5 •'17'i4 R e a l l o e poa-adopt new c l a s s Sr M a t e r i a l s t e ' s t lnE Aide & s.l loc 2 ne-tJ pos-CS Comsn

Sr Engineer Aide 1-29-48 71^^^ i e a l l o c to Asst_Draftsman in

1947-45 Bud - ' . . . . .--^

.A\AllA.\AA. i- X J l l j W A .UX X i . U .., .

Allocate 1 position 10-2-45 Poliee Dept & 9 others-C S Comsn

:l,3i:ior ''k.ra;"3 ••t-' •:i;di,i.t " . T P P J r :alloc iiays Z-.r. ' ' :v ' .

A,Al- lAf . - i - -f.yn*r, - .> C . A „ . . „ X x „ . . , i - . - x

=.f Ger;'^;e Attend nt I P - I o - W - _ „ . d P/',J req .--.uth r o a l l o c dutir.n

3t I-itnce -Mayor

Sr Gardener 8- I7-4S •'h^^6^ Amend S tan- l a rd iza t lon Crd Inclupa - A t t y

Senior Heat ing&Refr l sera tn Insp ' RoQ posiLtlon Dept Biag& 27439


Page 12: Ifieilil eEi?-?s''^!55'^to°§35^9^'ens.lacity.org/clk/rmdroot/clkrmdroot326080308_12102012.pdf · 2012. 12. 10. · San Franclaco • ilD-15-45 75169 "I7 , Req $45 Mr David to mtg

Inspectors 12-10-45 25988 roq Sanitation Div-Health

Sr Legal Steno 6-26-46 23992 Atty req amend Sal Ord to raise sched & Legal Steno Sec & Leg Adm St

Senior Legal Steno 8-12-46 24544 Code 0542 req auth employ Citv Attornoy

Sr Legrl Steno 4-1-45 72621(.

Req .-.-ritnl personnel-Atty

Sr Legal Steno 7-12-45 33905 Atty req addtnl pers Auto Liao Se Workmn'B Comp Divsn & 1 Inter City Atty Sr. License Inspector 5-24 23978 CS allocate to City Clerk Dept 5 positions(& various others)

Sr Lic'jpse 'c oalos Tax 26263 Inspector-l209-change o{l:-20-46 class tltia - C o Comsn

r Matls Testing Aide 7-21-47

' Adopt new olass & alloeotecl two new -lositions - 03 Corasn

Sr i-iaterials Testing 1-29-45 717R4-Aide-Af\opi; new class & alloc 2 new pos-realloc pos Sr Eng Alde-CS Comsn Sr iirt Test Aide 4-7-48 ^26S2 Rc: H o c POS Bur StandPrds-B-l p/W

Sr Med Investigetor 2-2-45 71781| Bd Kith Corasnrs l-eq auth emp with others Feb 1 co June 7b 191(5

oost iT'LOOO-Mavor S-lCiaX .lOP: 20897

9-14-45' Allocate ne.. positn in 9-14-45 Adminlstratn Div of Hlth Dept-

Civii Seryice Comsnrs Sr .V.eiicai Social Worker 21267 Req mil.:age auth for 1 io->5-'5

Hd Hlth r.omsnrs " '*

Senior Medical Social V/orker 24602 app chg title to Sr Medica?"1^-46 Investigator 2384 C S Com-an

Sr i-iotor Veh Insp 8-2i-4'7 29799 Pub Util & Trans rec a-iend Ord Include ppsltion for 191L7-1I.O! P.n-io-f.

jenior Nurse 1-22- 47 26622 -Req employ i-Iursing Div Health Dept' leath Gladys Gosgrove-Mavor

r^Personnel Technician 21607 •-a..e 17j7-^approve 3 new 12-5-A'i DPSitns Civil Service Dept -' ^-^

Civil oervice Comsn moi Technician 5-29 23556

v'.--:-Y e.apl l-:.iayor ."ec Gen i.ig a m i oora for city also I

^rco—Tl '"•30'.-. ac os.-istants

r Personnel Tech 7-30-46 24586 Code 1757 - req I addl in Civil Jervice Dept

--ceq.a-id & deiiste position Vet .-.ivisor-Civil Service Comsn

:-.-:.ior Mumbinc Inspeetor 21578 ..llocate 1 new positn 11-30-45 Pl^A p. ^A,r . r , t -Z^n^t-ZlV -.nyyj COfflSn

Jenior Plurabing Inspect i;2ai» C S al loc to bMg c safety nev/ OP.I'.;E & 2 3r Elec Inspect 3-27-46

-o r lo r p-iblic Health Eng 24383 - . . - T X . . A . ... . - . _ . aalti-i Dcpt requ

rp.pt a ppr:ition 7-29-4$

' ' y \9 t ii'-ier''"tine Officer 28458 e^lth pept-rea f i l l n.Aplt.ion-

3r Quarantine Officer 12-9-47 711C3'^ CS Coraan conelo to Sr Medical *< InvRPtigotnr Sr Radio Technician 10-21-45 7R271 Bd P/w req create new pos Conot Mtnoe Bui^Mayor

3r Real 'Estate , 5-27-45 3' 721] Apprelser-Bd P/W req f i l l poB of Bfif R7W Land aba P F Howell on sick Iv-Msyor

Sr. Right Av/ky Age'nt 6-14 23841 Mayor rec PV/ f i l l post of-vacatea retirement Henry Knauer 7-1-46

Sr Sanitat ion Insp i.ieat 19082 Code 5152-K 02O'O-15-25 1-24-45' req add 1 & inor raileage auth-HIth

Sr Sanitation Inspector 20502 in Hlth Dept-Code 4565- 7-27-45' real locat ion positn (Ziegler posit .

Civil Service Comsn Sr Sanitat ion Inspector 21275

Req aud I & 2 Sanitatn 10-26-45' Insnectors - Heaith Comsn

Sr Sanitat ion Inspect 5-13 23431 Iviayor rec i;2845. rodent contr in Harbor Dept-exp & nddl personnel Sr. Sani ta t ion Inspect 5-25 23593 CS a l loc to Health ^ept 1-& 1 Jr Sanit Insp & 1 Sanit Insp

Sr San Insp 8-9-46 24523 . req auth employ f i l l vac death

T C Walsh-Health Comsn-Mayor

Senior Sanit Insp 4-3-47 27745 1 R "illiams^reiifeurvey^ppsltlon

rea l locatn-Sani t Bur-"&3lth Dept -i/jayor

Sr Sanitation Inap '6-29-45 33758 Hlth Dept req overtirae not exceed 4 hrs per v ^ - bal fiacal yr-Bur Sanitation— Mayor 3r. Sooiai Service Invest. £4014 CS alloo new post in Sooiai Serv. Dept of- 5-27-46

3r 3ociar"§erv '""6^5-48" 33452 Inveatigators-Mo ra i se Sched 29-3?-52cIal Serv, Inves t iga tors Sohed 26-29 - LS Warburton.^.,., - -

or^'Bocial fferv &-5-45 33452 . Invesltgator-Mo araend Sal Stand .

ord-Sch 29 t 0 72-50C Serv Invest i Sch 26 to 29-L'' Wpl-burton

Senior Steno 2-9-45 19206 T T3„„ T,AAy 1 9fiRP'-/ni ,•;- ndd 1 J r 'J

Senior St ree t Use Inspect 22363 Civ Ser a l loc 2 to Bur Inspect

Senior St Use Inspector 25124 Employ Bureau Mtnce & San-P/V/ Bd Ma yor

Sr St ructura l Engineer 22853 Code q.',25-change t i t l e 3-23-46

rue Sng to above & rea l loca te positns b&S - C S Corasr.

Sr. S t ruc tura l Engineer 23662 CS al locate 2 nev/ posts of- in D e P t BXtIo Sr S p f P t v F;_?1_AR

_ iquip Oper 23569 Controller req advance to 5th stej of Salury Schedule

. .



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Sr Tab Equipratn Oper 7-30-46 2/^3'ib''^\ Code 1446 - req I addl in —'

-•• Civil Service Dept

'Sr Tabulating Eqpt Operator ' 26il,79 ' Req employ Accounting Bur-Bd P/W i

-Mayor .. .

ISr Tab Equio Oper 1-26-48 71705 ' Bd p/W req Bur Acct-Mayor i

Sepulveda Parkv/ay 4-2-45 19590 Roq auth pars for ong v/ork at §140,000 - BPW Sepulvedo Parkway 5-6-46 .23721 Arbor Vista-1200'S Century-bet Anza-Inglewood-Redondo HaiP'./-now

Sepulveda Suiidivan 10-28-47 70679 ' Bd p/w rec accept offer Dr A L Desser Ltg Cert of Sale Lot 10

.- '••'•••'•'*i:-''j4-,,**«:i

Sr Tabula t ing Mach O^aer 20169 Clk 1446 - req employ 6-20-45 , I adui fo r p a y r o l l work -

C o n t r o l i e r

' S e n i o r Tab Mach Oper 21711 Req add 1-2 I n t e r Tab 12-14-45i Mach Oper - l I n t e r Clk Tj 'p i s t -Cont

Senior Teleptione E l e c t r i c i a n 29027 iodenC-K C0W19 apn r e a l l o c a t n t o CQmm.unifiotn.Iinp foreman-iya^^'^ "°-^ - C i v i l s e r v i c e Corasn ' /

r g o a n t s New Cod New Code 2;^2I - req ;cl^7l45 i n c r e a s e 15 p o s i t i o n s - P o l i c e Corat

(Sergean t s 19792 of policewomen - req 4 -25 -4 ' c r e a t e 7 p o s i t n s fo r comini'

^ P o l i c e liimploveps Union Se rgean t s 12-10-45 26119 J e a a d d 5 Policewomen& 3 f.totoroycle' P o i i o e Comsn-i'layor

Jenior Telephone .Mo chg schedule G V Bennet t

a e r a t o r 28556 1 -t-A O C L .


Senior T e l l e r I'i9'i3 Code «.252-3/4(0)-req I l - i - 4 5 ' f i l l absence .. J Urban-Treasure r

Senior T e l l e r 2-11-46 22261 Civ Serv deny a l l o c A E Re.ynolds frm Acct t o T e l l e r Rid.? a- c.-,-o,.x.. S'jiiior T a i l o r 4-2'^ '"^ OTIAI; CJ r e a l l o e fr:, Tel

Rurr-riHrmnn-fcT.liii»i •:-

I3r T e l l e r •6-i7-'48 ' 33627 . C i t y Treas-Req a d j u s t s a l a r y - l s t e f

i n c r - T e l l e r - P r l n T e l l e r - D e p T r e a s -Chr 'Sep Trees

;3r ' T e l l e r s ' 12-22-^48 "^^944 ' Rfeq I n c r e a s e s a l a r y Code I I 9 2 - :

T r e a s 3 r T i t l e Examiner 5-24-48 33302

Bd P/W req f i l l poe of -Bur R/»- ' J g o ^ t ^ r e t I r e m e n t J B B a i l e y R-22-

! Sr Tr.'if S igna l 8-13-45 . 711765 Foreman-Amend S t a n d a r d i z a t i o n ' O r d i n c l u d e - A t t y

I Sr Traf Zone 8-17-45 74765 P a i n t e r Foreman-Amend S tandard iSa , t i o n Ord i n c l u d e - A t t y

I Sr Zone Analys t ' 8-1-^-48 -'k'^^^' Bldg Sc Safe ty Comsn req d e l e t e , ™ti Sac-p .-v.ith-niiow f o r Plan &

I Sen io r i t y . , 1-14-47 , . 25538 Resoi employees aosen t m i l i t a r y

p e r v i o e & l a t e r ^ a p p t ' d ^ C i v i l . S e r v i c e " ien

i J e p a r s t e d Oimershlp 7-20-45 74027 Freedom A s s o o - C r o % i ' H i l l ^ W r # i -Resol u r g i n g amend MC p r o h i b i t -. d i v i s i o n r e a l nronerty=-

I S e p a r a t i o n P l a n t 12-25-45 2628'

Septic tai... •: 'i. •.."h-i t.p T'.

only tr 13675

Septic tanks 7-12-46 24145 Req emend Plumbing Code -

B&S Dept

.yen st across Pacoima 'IlLrAn-. qq .,,..1.250 .cotis true t .- Bd .P Wks

! Sepulved'a Flood Control Basin'24682 Easement deed from U S Govt for 1 storm drain in Traet 14304 -

Bd P Work


ISergeant-at-arma 7-1C ' Resol Chas M Williams SL- --be given "py r.-'ise - Ken. ".••'h.-Sergeant of Police 217-'"

Change class title in 12-17 Police Dept from Police Sg:

Civii Service Comsnrs Serve-You'rself" Sta 7-17-45 " 37960 Resol prep Ord req fueling of veh . In city be permitted regtzlar emp only - E J '^avenport

'"Service Agreement" 21264 bet State & City for 10-25-45 -..A,.-..-! r-o 1-A o-i rigv/alks f r o n t o f

_ .nta.l prop - Eng jService Charge • 10-26-48 7R716 John H Swan protests V/tr & Pwr eleo equip chg

'Service rating 12-13-46 26147 protest as unjust-0 K Jones

. Service Ratings 3-7-47 27305 Mo prepare ord amend Salary

1.Service Stallone 7-13-45 33960 i Resol prep Ord req fueling of veh-in city beoermitted regular emp only- E J 'T&venport

I Service Yard 10-26-45 35315 ! Robt T Graham req pay inorease

for Rec & Pks contractors Griffith Park

Service man 5-15-45 19915 Mech div Fire Dept req invest sal adjustmt-ICennoth Hedrick

! Servicemen 5-29-45 19847,, Uso as official fUe for future "'','•.:' ref v/ar memorials-Fin Comt

; Servicemen 7-13-45 20413 Rec approp $75,000 oonst bldg Pershing Sq face 5th St canteen-


i 89100 6 mos sai. retum serv

8-22-45 A CIA AA 1 A P 6 mos serv >. serv-G Vern

20717 ll Stand jaj,n mont. a Bennett

srvicemeij 8-24-45 20734 In hospital? req booth Spring Si

uJl^lfsuilcES ^"X^l^ i f iPr^ Servicemen 21732

Req amend C i v i l Se rv ice 12-13-.! r u l i n g r e p r e s e n t a t i o n d l s c i i a r " ' papers when f i l i n g for exarii-Ta

Servicemen - d i scharged 1395 ' / . t ty prep orci i s s u e l-3-/ i5 ' l i c e n s e v/itiiout payment i n i t i a l ' • ' nanT^a j - g g _ t J e i ' i n e t t fflO

n - discharged 19419 Resol .valve priority 3-12-45 '"'"s to enable enter into _-.,,ai business - Earl C Gay

Set Back line 3-12-46 22526 Louis Duni req repeal ord 46092 i-iAA v,f.rxa Hr. Leno^piP Its 127 S: 128


Page 14: Ifieilil eEi?-?s''^!55'^to°§35^9^'ens.lacity.org/clk/rmdroot/clkrmdroot326080308_12102012.pdf · 2012. 12. 10. · San Franclaco • ilD-15-45 75169 "I7 , Req $45 Mr David to mtg

Set baok line 4-4-46 22917 '*'.j Playa Del Rey-req ord estab 2500' r ' s/bnck- line proll oil drill

Setback line 7-1-.46 24709 Soutiiside C of G protest ] p.-irticularly Imp iii'.'-'ay & E-xpo I vd

Setback line ' "8-5-46 24470 Atty prep ord repeal; 6.' under j^

.Al. ,u ciiauson - h.-.-Kii 7'' S t r e e t c a r Oppose plan remove & r e p l a c e wi th smal le r c

Bdway-Manciiester Bu ven'til •,,';. 1- Loan campaign of i.iav 14 - re approp iU50u fbr adve r t

Dowiito'..n Busine h '.•/ar Loan Drive 4-5-< ' . / a l t e r C Pe t e r son C i t y Chairman comt open 5-K il •»Var-Loan Drive P e r m i s s i o n to V;-n Nuys

21625 12-7-45

a r - ^ ' ' s i n e s s Ciu

19791 9 . 4 - 2 5 - 4 ; i s i n g -s.s i.'ens AS i:5 19627 Clk a p p t d

l:-45-I.iayor 19357

, ' -a rs_7- / ' ;

Se-fiage 20O64 for ne',"/ subdivisions not 6-4-45 ,

:ted with trunk li '""'' Tujunga C_ 01 ..yuiiu.

Sewage 11-26-47 70996 Resol req city permit Baldv/in i Hills di scharee'in Citv aev/aee

a LOunLV .-iu-iRrvi cnA,c:-. sev/age 11-5-48 7R44S He So Bay C i t i e s d i s c h a r g i n g ' t i i r u i V/hlte p o i n t P l an t Co S a n i t D i s t -

Sewage d i s p o s a l 20063 p o i i c y for ne'.v s u b d i v i s n s - 6 - 4 - 4 5 , req r e s t o r e former p o l i c y -

Bd Pub l i c 'Works -Dewage d i s p o s a l 2-18-46 22350 .-••p-rhll A-t-, ,An lT1A- .-i An -i.or. P A A C l A T)n>. Wks & A t t y appr Coujicil 2 -19-46

sev/a£;o d i s p o s a l 3-18-4G 22692 S t a t e Uept yixh i ' aa l t i ; r e s o l u t i o n ' QA\. iAAA fr. AAAmi-f-,a

Sewage d i s p o s a l 5-27-45 22311 ' I/Iayor aop r §1133.26 eos t o i t y

3ev/age d i s p o s a l 4-8-46 22954 W i l l a S u t t o n p r o t e s t - v i c i n i t y • 11580 -"^'-'nset "Ivd Sev/age d i s p o s a l 4-11-46 23000 A t t y - o r d r e n e g o t i a t i o n s & execu t • i o n s cPPt rao t s -Hyr ie r ion P l a n t

'Sewage D i s p o s a l 11-29-46 25S85 'SSRSA^^tY-t'^RS^re c o o p e r a t i v e ar ran- , - I d PA/ ^ ^ Fernando C i t y -

I Sewage Disposa l ' ^ - i ^ y i n ""3017'^ I Theodor Anderson r e q l a w f u l ' s t epe

t a k e n a g a i n s t q u a l i t y S'-'.erm.'jn ','.'ay r holljp-xi

, . a i '7-22 _ Rec s tudy with Govt agencief p l a n f o r f u t u r e - C i t y Eng

CA,.,r.,re Disposal 4-7-48 72687 _ r W Jes sup r e Montrose i

b u s i n e s s d i s t

Sewage Disposal 4-12-48 "72720 r • Sub d r a f t of Ord r e s c i n d c o n t r a c t

w i t h Culver C i ty r e - A t t y

posa l 4-21 p ra6;..,riena sub < c o p i e s „ r . l t v LA Sr. County S a n l t D i s t I 6

Sewage Di sposa l P l a n t 9-20-45 20949 AAAr-nr, §5000 fep. OlflrPnce J De- '

26036 J A "//ins

. e o p l e s


Sewage Plant 9-20-45 20935 Req sal adjustmts emp Bur Mtnce . tc Sanit BPW-Civil Service Comsn

I Sewage plant 1-16-45 .2ig'83 _ Peoples Lobby protest req of' ' ' S t a t e funds i-T-vpRrinn ppvmrra. trppH-mA

.21983 "eq of rp. f,r.pc*t

Sewage .p lan t 2-26-46 22442 Bd Pub V/ks d e s c r i b e 64 a c r e s Bandini fc A t l p n t j o -^or t r e a t p l a n t

jSewage-Plant 3-29-46 22849 BPV/-Eng r p t communitifes o u t s i d e LA' c o n t r i b u t e c o s t of Hyperion

I -Sewageplant 4-17-46 23082 udge Chas B IviaoCoy sugg r e cons t

H^/per ionor o t h e r s i t e I sev/age P l a n t 4-18-46 23098 • Long Beach ','.'tr Dept p r o t e s t a b -

A River a c c t e f f l u e n t underground

I sewage p l a n t 4-18-46 22692 S t . Dept H e a l t h g r a n t perm.it c o n s t r slu-^.^o r l 3 " t Hyp-r ion

ISewage p l a n t 5-3-46 ' 23582 iP'W-re s lope r i g h t s impr o f - a t TT-in-^QA-i A A

•aware p l a n t 6-13-46 23832

.pffDuent f-rm-ipto" I- A Rivpr

Sewage P l a n t . 6-11-46 23788 Mayor .Rec $2 ,115 ,000 f ins ' oon t ' r ac t s c o n s t r u c t of '-

Sewage P l a n t Opera tor 19794" in Sewer Mtnce Div-req 4-26-4'. autii f i l l vacancy Frank C hortori--x

Bd Pub l i c Works i . iewage Plant Oper Group 19906

& Supervisory Sewer Mtnee 5-14-45 rea adiustmt in salarv-Amerl o.pn j< ea pta.te . uo..&,.iviun..mm. ....

Sewage Pumping Plant 4-7-45 72658 -Req §74,"^48 City's share reconst; et Santa Monica Bd P/V/-Mayor

Sewage feclamatioh. ' 35916 1 Rept of Vest Basin 12-22-48 , Water Assn reclaim sewage water ' -.

Ijewage system 7-9-45 24145 - -' LA CofC rec amend ord amend Plumb i ^ Code re t^rivpte sewage disposal systen

I 3ew"age System'Vl-^-li^ 34'^^! City Eng rept expand §20,000,000; -Bd P/W _ ^

'Sewage - treatment 19149' Resol necessity for - 2-1-4;--$10,000,000 bond issue on ballot"^"^

Atty BPW req issue & sell |3,000,000 bonds at once - 4-30-46

Sewage treat plant 5-15-45 19925 Prot install on beaoh at Kyper-lon-Sam '\'l Small

Sev/age trea'tme.pVplan't " 20003 Proposed site-F.asterly 5-.':3_45 Site-niy Imperial Highway & wly Coast Bivd - Plan Corasn

3y Calif

I Sev/age Treatmt Plant 6-12-45 20117 Suggest use fertilizer as source' of revenue-Hollenbeok Borough Bd

Sewage treat plant 5-22-45 20180 Resol invest using cheaper plant' disposal sewage-People's Lobby

I Sewage Treat Plant'8-23-48 '^4559

Mayor recom re construction

Sewage Water 12-17-48 •^R9l6 ' Harold Conkllng rept reclaiming ,

discharge into ocean - West Basin V/tr Assoc


- . , j .

••^rzfTT: . . . Z — T ' - . T W ^ : ^ I'fliTtJi-' d ''.I


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Sewer 19055 "- ^ 1 -Re revenues from sales 1-19-45

income & corp franchise taxes-.John t. BaumEtirtaer

Sewer 1-22-45 19060 , Const majority prot against req secure favorable cons Legis bill-Sewer 2-26-46 22435 Leonard Poulton pet for sewers

1 to ^.trnes^ Sewers 3-1-46 22483 Eng agrint^Div Kigiiways §1000 insp

' " ' ' :?•

'Sewer 5-8-46 20528 •ilPllanJ resol-apj.t bd 3 enc revue •-

' ou.*-^-:<ll SA...C-. n^A. j.^ ^_(jg

Sewers 4-30-46 23270 Plan Comsn urge oonstr main line sewers San Fernan'do Valley

Sewers 5-13-46 23450 Valley Dist-Van Nuys Democratic Club req advice cost & install-ln '

Sowers 12-13-46 26159 tap&saddle connections reo Seot ; 54.20 MC amended provide made at applicants oxpsnce-Mayor ^

'Sewers 1-31-47 26737

foKpml 8feJ?2Sw^g!5iir^ithin ; factory-Carlow Co 1

"MaxlgiWl avfippwe continiinii.o f.l.nw

Sewers 5-29-47 PR'^Q'7



|gSir"E" permiti"?^? Sect^g^^tor m-ckllx'^^e^r^^^UEroh^' " ' ^ '' Sewers " " "' 8-27-47 2V970 ' • Debs mo P/W & Gov Effcy Comt in- i

vest cost of instaLiing sewers & ..—.. .,iJl.AJ.i I . . . . ( . ..-\.i .^..^A..A . ,- — 1.

Sev.'erB 7-4-48 28077 Pet granted sewers Briar Knoll Di Mulholland Dr & combine with W .i/ilaon. Dr &.Woodstock sew.ar Dlst

Sewers 5-20-U5 33225 16 ooplee^letter Metoalf^& Eddy conaultant Eng re sewer rental/ program

Sewera '^1-21-45 332^9 rr req reason spend $3'il7

bldg outfall sewer not put to use

Sewere " " '"6^18-43 • ••5^617 Bd P/W-Agrmt bet City tt W Hollywd &_Sherman Sewer Mtnce Dlst-prov 325 cover coat mtnce ma.ln- _ Sewer's ' i2-2-"45 75750

Home Bldrs Institute re funds reimbursed sub-divider for install.

Se.ver assessment >[6?^ Keq adjustraent Lot 76- A7 T j t c Tract 5593-Miss H C Leonard" ^^

Sewer Bond Elec 2-18-45 "'1979 • Rent 194R Fund month Jan 1945 March April

- -=5p'-ver.Hond.Fund. ^^^^^^ ^§§§20 : 1947

Jan Feb March (April see '/28275)

".gwer Bond.^ fund -,„,= 28 ouhmitj statement 1945 a-.tpenditur-is -lurinf 1947 •pr:i :."ay June July ..U(-:ufat September Oct .,-)v ;..i'-;;•

Sewer Bond Fund 6-11-47 28760 '*.;

•'rli!=^rgJlJfti"ge^^§g||§£B^85i,OOOi|' - John Hn,llpnfl|

Sev, 3r - bond issue 19149 ' , Resol of njcessity for 2-I-45 '

sei/er plant - i.tta.'-n.jy

Sewer Bonds 8-29-46 Re delivery $10,000,000 bonds tn Mow Ynrk Ci tv Approp City Clerk $500 24812

" Treasurer a 500 24313 " Attorney £500 24314

Sewer Bond Issue 9-1-45 74692 Mo consider nec steps secure passage proposed ftlO,000,000-Debs R

Sewer cleaning Mach 10-6-45 3505S

fund puroh

Sewer connections 4-4-45

I f aH ipaSB i iwa i l 19500


Sev/er connections 5-15-45 19912 Reo amend cont bet Co Sanit Dist & City Baldwin Hil ls adjacent Anfieles Vista Blvd-BPn

Sewer Connectn Reg 7-18-45 19430 Req amend Seen 64.17 charcos r e ­surf exoavations-BP',/

Sewer-lious? connections , ^ 20552 Req amena i/.C Sec 64.l7(j) 8 1 ' = re constr % oPW jur isaic ln procedure to be folio.'/ed - pP./

Se ./cr coii.iootiouc 4-C-i-4G Cl'.v -j-^-or-aL-r rac aL.c. i i.C v^ i. - ;

s-or.,. ic. ui/ur r. irm 90 .i.i 1 •; u " •'••

Sewor con:actio^i 4-25-'0 3"C. ." X:.-. -..yr Red Cros." , con;Gct bldj sewor with s troot qov/pr '/at.irM'. ....

Sewer connections 7-23-Kb 24307 Eng k Atty subrait estimate re fee per foot & cost for sev/er *ae l ' '"les. - " ar"; U.T ton

"Sewer Connections 5-27-48 74R 6 4 • Recom amend Sec 64.15 MC Increase • fees-Mayor

Sewer''Dr8po~Bai '9-22-^47 24145 Req amend Bldg Code re private sewer disposal Sec 91.0207

Sewer District Aot of 1939 19144 Attorney report relative 2-1-45 to above & proposed bond

Sewer facilities 7-23-46 24307 Eng & Atty submit estimate re cost & fee per foot for sewer connections - Warburton

Sewer fees 8-24-45 74^64 Recora amend S'ec 64.15 MC increase' on house connection sewers-Ma.vor

Sewer - hypei'ion ,:1775 $13,000,000 share of 2-13-46 «.90,0U0,0L'U FieiU ],iill - , , , " ' ' Daven lorl resolution

Sev/er Inspector 3-1-46 22483 •Wnr, .= AA,.,-h n-iy i.i{_hv/ays ;,I000 insp - -- . . - 'ant-p, .«,pa •' ir,'.'y-.'3oto

"sewers Interoeptor "R-26-45 33328 Bd P/W reaol |4,400,000 sold com­plete-imp City sewerage

Sev/er l a t e r a l 20786 Pet i n s t a l l vicini ty Hili8-50-45 Dr & Eagle Vista Blvt' ^" '.'.'-aiP

Sewer Laterals 11-4-48 7i ii24 Req legle amend Busineas &


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ept Water & Power-Resol au t o o n s t r tc mtn-Wly bf Lower Frankl : Rese rvo i r Sev/er laachine 3-1-46 22481 ."iiyor appr ^2425 & :i?175 t o Sewer Vain t for c lppp ing ."ipchine

3j\;or : . a i p t Foreman 4-23 23165 C.J a l l o c t o - r o - t Samuel Sorokor

Sewer Mtnce Foreman 11-10-45 7R491 Bd p/W r e q emp C h l o r i n a t i o n P l a n t ; Hyperion 11-1-45 t o R-lR-49-Mayor

Sewer Mtnce Genl Foreman 2474I Req combine c l a s s of 3-26-46 ; Sewer Utnce Foreman with above-

Bd P Wks Se.'/er i.itnce Sub-foreman 19515

Req exempt John A 2-2S-A5 :.!cCollura frm " f r e e z e " o rde r -

Bri P tJn-rUci

Sewer Mtnce V/kg Foreman 19823 -Rec emp r e p l a c e Adam A 5-3-45 Burgess Sewer Mtnce Div-BPW

Sewer i-itnce •Working Fore.iian 21721 Code 411i-a;5prove 12-17-45 a l l o c a t i o n 1 in Sewer Mtnce Div-

C i v i l Se rv i ce Comsnrs Sewer Mtnoe Workg Foremen 24630 Sched^22 req a d i n s a l a r y sched s tep ;

2 & 3 to 4 Al l C i ty Employees^ Assbc

Sewer t a x 7-18-45 20439 •• P r o t l evy ing t a x on v/ater con-sumed-A S Bennet t

Sewer Tax 8-19-45 74455 Mil ton E V/hlte p r o t e s t system

Sewer Treatment P l a n t 7-10-45 20357 Resol prep schedule r a t e s sev/er serv charge f i n b a l money r e q u i r e d P l a n t HyperiOD-Hnrold. Harbv

• • • - "- -- 20232 -„un-

erson & Centinela.-BPW

Sex Criminals 12-1R-48" 7RS77 Resol S Baynoff articles Daily News used obtain Legis measures for hcPn- lllng - E J "avenport haft excavation 8-8-47 29= 79 Sub reo §1,000 be approp for T exploratory s'naft. wf rehouse St •-itnce fllvsn "ub ..-.s ^ ' ? -yor Sheet Metal Worker Foremen 25346

mo§^sm§"t8^l§!s^!5iMi2c?§ii Service Comsn iheet Music Q_a_4g 2485 Jureau i«ius10 exempt l7l2 expen ture to app $68 -mayor

Mayor rec app Exp 7 for def-'

I 'oreman-Bd P/V/ req au th erap :

Bur Sani t r e t i r e m e n t N B Kelson- ~ ' iayor

Sev/er Mtnce Wrkg 9-20-45 34562 Foreman- Bd P/w req emp-Bur S a n i t - R e t i r e H J Gi l l -Mayor

Sewer Mtnce Wrkg" 10-20^45 7524R Foreman7 Bd P/w overt i rae Bur San l t 10-8-45-Mayor '

Sewer Mtnce Yard 5/9/47 28289 at 2335 Dorris Place-req 1.8700 , aoq Parcels 1 & 2 - Mayor

Sewer - outfall 20A.91 City Quitclaira easement 7-26-45 over Iiot 120 of So Ji)lst Agricul-tural park - PG P "»"iKS

3ewer Permit 12-9-45 7R820 Rept $20 refund Wm Rodewald for fees - 3d P/W

Sewer Pipe 9-2-45 746 Fulton Moorpark Corp req tie A... _, Moorpark St nr Fulton Ave

Sewer plant 2-26-46 22442 Pub 'i/ks descrb 54 abres Bandini Rl fr. Atlnntic Blvrl fnr treat plpnt

Se-wage pumping 2-13-46 22292 Bd Pub V/ks 048OO. for plant at ' . Tujunga & q•aa Vista

Sev/er Rentals 3-20-45 19491

Cities req support-SC&F Affs Comt Sanitary Same 6-27-45 24029 PV/-appli' for state aid for- on Remona Blvd bet F.ohandia & Macy St.

Se/.er service charge 19599 Req revie// action re 5-12-4' Beverly Glen Canyon -

U.rh .Jim Smith •='ev/er service charge 7-10-45 20357 Reaol prep schedule rates fin bal WH^tl i l^^^^^^A^^^ '^ l *^sat plant -P'roerion. 'iarnld i-inrhv

!e//er service charge 20459 Protest prop tax- 7-26-45 •

t, P, Rpr inet t A-, P Affai.A.t; T?nrum -Sewer Service Chg 10-17-45 3R1R3 Apt Assoc LA Co Inc protests Ord ' on rental •nousing properties

irman Oaks 21574 , i Pet walk from end Sespe 11-7-45'^

Ave t>o Sutton St -Robert B Morris

Sherraan Oaks District 19235 ! ' Tract 9426 for park 2-14-45'

purposes - McCloskey resolution

Sherman Oaks District 19340 loorpark Ave i-S7-45 '-

_... -.-j.-n & Coibath /-ves-Waiter D Gale

} Sherman Oaks Dist 4-17-47'27928 '

Sirrf iiSii l ^^"''"^ °"y ^^''"^y S'nermarr0ak"8"~iEa8'"t"' '•? 2"-45 * '''2146 Bd p/w reo §4'i,000 additions storm drain Sly Ventura & Bev.erl.v Glen Blvds-.Mayor . .

Ship Repairs 9-16-45 74147 Re liability Todd Ship Yds Corp -to LA City Sales Tax -City Atty

. Shipbuilders ' "12-9-45 ' ' '75531 | Reeol LA port given share govt const work - GH Moore

ShiPbuildi'ng&Repair.Plant '253"54 Permit grantea^US Navy use land

• Order 2l04-Harbor' Coinsn

Shippers'&Transp Comt 26314 Mtg Rosslyn Hotel 1-15-47 Invite. CoQnoiI-Gteater Harbor Assoc Calif.

Shoes 5-14-45 19901 Comp against Hatfield Shoe Rebldg Co give shoes to ood V/lll-M Smith

Shoe Reoair 2-R-45 31S4R Calif kaster Shoe Repairers Assn re solicitors req Lib fees

Shoe Repair Shops 1-31-47 26598 Protest increase licenses-S Calif Shoe Rebuilders Assoo

A -'.

I Shoreline 5-13-45 23448 St Div Beaches & Parks req oity attend meet 5-18 Rm 115 St Bidgre- ®


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• • t



Shoreline 8-E-46 24449 ''jf Beach Erosion BinHR 2033-resol Oouncil com Pres U s urge sign-Henry' Short Lino Boach 5-13-46 22674 Pub wori;E R/'/ r';c apply cenccl tax. Lot A-aub Div * 2 " "

Shore.Line 'Beach 12-25-45 36018 Venice Canal - Req quitclaim deeds Lot 28 Blk 37 re Master Plan of Sbprellne .De.velnA-Bd P/W

• Shoreline Development 20663 i ' . laster P l a n - r e s o l a p p r o v e 8 - I 4 - 4 5 A c q u i s i t i o n P r i o r i t y P r o g r a m of C o u n t y - R a s m u s s e n

S h o r e L i n e D e v e l o p S - 2 R - 4 7 2992R R e c r e s & P a r k s r e s o l e n d o r s e g r e a t e r d e v e l o p p e p t p r o g r a . ' p - ^ . . . ., , %t of C a l i f a u t n LA p.-^r^J-cip--- ion

• S h o r e L i n e D e v e l o p 9 - 2 4 - 4 7 • ^ 0 2 R 2 l a y o r r e q a p p r o p §4S9 Bur R/Vi/ & ..d o u r c h t a x t i t l e l a n d a f f e e t e ' ^

hv v a s t e r P l a n S h o r e l i n e i J - 7 - 4 7 j 0 4 2 9

Deve lop . i i n t -Ka roy r e s o l Enj s u b r e p o t b:i M a s t e r P l a n M a c i t , a n - H y i a n a r e p o r t on a n o r . i i L n s aeve iop . ' . i en t - a p p r o p .,j4500 f o r r e . j o r t s 5 - 5 0 - 4 9

J h o r e l i n e Deve lop^ , . ^7 -26-48 30252 Bd P/V/ r e q a c q 209 p a r c e l s M a s t e r , P l a n - Mayor

S h o r e l i n e Deve lopmt 1 2 - 1 7 - 4 5 26971^ Bd p/W r e q q u i t c l a i m d e e d s ' • P a r c e l s 1 8 2 - 7 f o r i - i as te r P l a n

S h o r e l i n e Developrat 1 2 - 2 8 - 4 5 76o ig Req q u i t c l a i r a d e e d s L o t 28 B l k 77 S h o r e L i n e Beach V e n i c e C a n a l r e t i a s t e r P l a n - Bd P/W

S h o v e l L t t a c h m i n t s 19027 f o r t r a c t o r - t r a n s :!'25o0 1 - 1 6 - 4 5 p u r c h a s e 2 i n S t i.'.tnce iiiiv -

uayor Shower Doors 12-22-48 "'R9" C Assoc Shower Door lnd req hrg on-proposed Ord on thickness of glass

Shows 7-11-1(8 '2275 Mrs Emma Johnson protests indecent perforinahces

vhrino .'.uiit-C-r un; r-'T-:;'', .; "'174

Sii i - ine A u u i t o i ' i a . n - L J . - 1 3 - 4 7 50915 i i e s o l PiJ.xTraiis i n y e s t i c ' a t e t r a n s p - . i r t a t ...ou f ^ r p u b l i c y v e n t s - -

...l-i en S h r i n e A u d l t o r i u r a 7 - I 7 - 4 8 7241"^

• A i e o h o l i c s -Anonymous G o i j v e n t i o n Comt i n v i t e C c l a t t e n d mtg "^-21-US

S h r i n e A u d i t o r l i u n S - i l l - 4 8 74380 G r e a t e r LA P l a n s I n c - r e q c o n t r l b i t e a d v e r t i s e m e n t t o SF O p e r a Co-Cc t 1 9 - ' ^ 1 - 1 9 ; ; 5

S i c k l e a v p s 1 0 - 1 7 - 4 5 21180 Hoc d i s c o n t i n u e r e f e r t o Bur T -.-.-.-. •D.i-,. T5..,.lf.A-h .!•- ' ^ / • ' i A j . 0 i^Cy

A..1 _..... i , „ 2 1 2 2 7

"" ' " • 1 0 - 2 3 ^ 5 , .. . . " H u n t e r

•^We^^/alks 21264 , . . , . _ . - . T.A. ^ 1 0 - 2 5 - 4 P

; Agrmnt" bet o........ .... W..W., , ^ . .„,.airs - Eng

Sidewalks 2-18-46 22333 Ed i.: Campbell pet curbs Aviation T|TmpT.lpl-.<5..A/',r jT.A_T_]_A-^V,

' . i d o w . I k . 3 - 7 - 4 6 2; • l a y g r o u n d 1- l^iec r e q romove 5 '

s t r i C o l o & Cahuenpa

of C i t y of Los A, Mr- .. .

S i d e w a l k s i n f r o n t S t a t e - o . / n e d r e n t a l p r o p - " S e r v i c e S t a t e & C i t y i 'or r e p a

S i d e w a l k 4 - 2 - 4 6 2 2 8 8 4 '"•''' Mayro a p p r r e q § 3 0 0 f rm Eng & PW w i d e n - W a l g r o v e & rd/v . 'ay V e n i c e Bivd S i d e v / a l k s 5 - 1 6 - 4 6 23517 ' GG Baumen r e q o r d f o r t r a s h c a n s : o n - p e r m i t a d v e r t i s i n p - t h e r e o n

;-5irlRv.-,-.lk • 6-7-45 23747 :.ctoi Ipt-re-f.rr. 528 Vist^.

Glorioia t j "lenalbjpi Jr


liHtfnifMaiHj^ 5 ^24956 ureet petition

Side-/.'alks 10-;^5-46 23707 on San Pedro a t bet J/lanchester ana 120th St-ord auth .j4677,50 lor constructn *: acq of land

Sidewalks , 11-29-46 25914 Submit rept #145 hrg set 10:00, am 12-16-46 cqst certain repairs be assessed Sgainst real prbperty .

Sidewalk.^ i p -pn - ^R or,,ioi R e p t . , V l 4 i .... r e p a i l - s u s s l Bd - - -

12-28-4f= 2-'548;

Sept 147 Imp Act"l911 cost certain repairs assessed real property-

.idewalK 3-7,1-47 27689 I Transmit rept 148 certain repolrs -

hrF set 10:00 an: 472l/47-Bd P'/'.'/

Sidev/alk 4-7-47 27300 Reg cpnst.^ad,iacent existin/; curb

Club View Dr-.'''artin R G

Side^walk 6/25/47 28905 repairs - Report 149 hearing 7-14-47 - Bd P Wks

' Sidewalk ' 11-6-47 30787 • Mo ^Itv Atty present Ord .-raend

Sec 42.00 Par" E re selling mdse frora si-ie-v.-.-^ik-Cronl:

Side-.vTlks 1 - 2 - 4 5 . 71161 P e t Cc l i n s t r u c t Cit-.- A t t y araen. Seo ' ^6 .11 LAI-iC ildd "Pnrkw.".y" re_ u s e _fc.r. a t o r i n ^ : ra-^'se-rollce Comst

sidewalk' " R-25-48 37711 ReBol c o n s t L o t 1 - N o v a r r o T r a c t be r e f e r F i n a n c e Comt $750 a p p r o p -

S l d e w a l k 6 - 1 0 - 4 5 77497 R e s o l s t u d y & r e p t c o n s t N s i d e H u n t i n g t o n Dr b e t C O I H B & Locke Aves - E E l e b B

I S l d e w a l k 6 - 1 R - 4 5 77RK? R e s o l RE D l r ^ B t u d y Se f e p t widen ^ e l r o ^ l ^ v e ^ b e t 36wer s t & H l g K l a n a

S i d e w a l k s 6 - 7 0 - 4 5 3 3 7 7 4 Bd p /w s e r v e n o t i c e s r e q c o n s t v a r i o u s l o c a t l o n s - h r g 7 - 1 9 - 4 5

S i d e w a l k r e p a i r s I r 2 5 - 4 5 19093 "" '' Iio 131 a s s m t s S i ^ a i n s t p r o p f o r sido^walk r e p a i r s - B F W

l j p p o r t fXzr^ - 'nrg s e t 3 - 1 9 - 4 5 - t'u P V.ks

1 9 5 4 ; :- .-7-. ' ,5

4 - 5 - 4 5

Id l U b •..k

ra l.-c r e p a i r a a p u l i i i c ..<s nepi , 1.^4- p - i u - / , ? i i e a r i n g 6- / , - / ,5

__ - . - . 45 20458 s s m t s a g a i n s t p r o p -

i l i o •.iori-rs wa lk r e p a i r s 21003

: e p o r t r/156 - h e a r i n g 9 - 2 7 - 4 5 : j e t 1 0 - 1 7 - 4 5 - Ba P u b i i c v'/orKS

S i d e w a l k r e p a i r s 21251 R e p o r t No 1 5 7 - h e a r i n g 1 0 - 2 3 - 4 5 s e t 1 1 - 1 4 - 4 5 - Bd P Works

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-lilvl-W-.,,;, ^

Sidewalk r e p a i r s 21388'•*'-'/

Sidewailt r e p a i r s 2^''^'"' Report No 139-hrg n s e t 12-12-45 - Bd P 'vVorks "" ' ' ' ' "

Sidewalk r e p a i r s ' 21985 Report No I40 - Bd P Wks

1-16-45 21985

3d Pub './ks h

Sidewalk repairs 7-5-45 24099 P'.'/ r p t •••'143-essess e o s t of r e p a i r s i n f r n t of v/hioh r e p a i r s a r e .-nade


-. . 1', -.-ri|y.;f-

Sidewalk Repairs 10-26-45 35714 'rV.i Rept 161 of assmte Hrg ll-lR-45- ^ Bd P/W ^

I "sidewalk Repair -11-12-48 35557! Bd P/V/ sub rept 162 for assmts

Sidewalk Repairs 12-28-48 76017,1 Sub rept I63 assmts - hrg 1-19-45 - Bd P/W

Sierra Vi'sta Sohool 3-17-47 27501 ' ;Req.,imp rJewtonie Dr W Stillwell Ave oortditlons detrimental stiidents-LA Bd Education

Sightseeing bus stand 20903 at 510 So Grand /-.ve- 9-14-45 req reinstate for Tanner Motor Tours - Bd Public Util & Trans

Sightseeing, viehicles 20903 Re license fee to be 6-26-46 cliarged - Ind & Trans Comt

Signs' ' 1-9-46 21910 • Req all sign trucks & equip have

Ident decrease fraud & theft

Signs 6/27/46 24032 Display on private residence property - V/arburton resolution

I 10-7-46

Report ^.146 re assessments-

i oldewalk repairs 3/31/47 27689 Heport j'148 for repairs-

Bd P ./ks

(Sidev/alk Repairs 7"-5-47 29090 Bd Public Works submit report No 150 cost sidewalk repairs

I Sidewalk repair 7-l('-47 292R8 , -, E Stafford.protest ag;..inst no-_ ^ice to repair side-rfalK 7902 W R9th-

I Sidewalk Repairs 10-20-47 ' "^0555 Bd Pub '//rks report IRI re repairs' set for hearing 11-7-47 for any protests , .

Sidewalk Repairs I-lR-48 2 7IR65 Transmits rept X'^2 re property assmts & hrg set 2-4-48-3d P/W

Sidewalk Repairs 1-22-45 -:j647 Rept l'=7 re cost & hrg set for 2-15-1^8-Bd P/W

Sidev/alk Rep."irs 2-24-48 72050 Sub report 1R4 re cost & hrg set 7-i7-l(8-Bd P/W

;-l7-4S ^2797 • Sub r e p t It^R re St Irap -'"ssmts

heP.riPK U.-R-45-Bd P/W

Sidewalk Repa i r s 4 -6-48 "'2661 ResPl Bd p/w c o n s i d e r annual cos t i f C i ty assumed costs-W a rbu r ton L

Sidewal.'. Reos i r c l | -20-48 -2S44 Sub r e p t ro rss-nt-Hrg R-10-ll-S-P/W Bd

iidewolk' ' 'Repoirs ' 4 -22- l i8 7290S Ruth J Derrah p e t irap E of Tolenci \-l-fy .bet I'.ont Eagle Pl & El FPSO Dr l i t ~PlKLe_£l '-/iy Ave_i;5L , . . .

Side'walk Repairs' ' 5-26-4^ 33297 Bd Public Works-rent IR7 cost . repairs aseeesed against prop-hrg

:Sidewalk"R"epairB "7-^12-45 "33875 • Bd p/w rept 1R5 assmts against prop where have been effected N

Sidew'alk Repairs ' 5-2-^-45' 34521 Bd p/W sub 1R9 St repairs assmt hrg 9-l'^-45 "

•SldevTalii:" Repairs 9-10-45 •^k7kS Sub report I60 re asamt roll- i Bd P/W "

V/inter Sports req permission use ^^s^Sc^-fa^ver rental & Insp fee-iA

Signs 11-7-45 25641., PoSt prohibit lefthan? turns into or out parkg lots during heavy, CAAfToatn-Police Comsn-Resol Allen

Pigns i'-io ered lower pi

12-3-46 25009 :; notice prohibit ' "='hicles Venice

l g n s e c t i o n I j . s s i o n : h e a t r e -

S i s n s 4 e s o l T; oorcmerci p o r t i o n .

S i g n s -a o p 5 r ae p a r k i n t -

H a r b o r

jeadE p s t a Lumli

a--f i a,l y en tli

' veac C.omF

Tl l a r


h e l r a ' 1 n

1-47 " P a l 9 . c e "

neZ'h - 1 4 - 4 7 ^ ;,nf; p o s t ^ L c l e s 2 i C-"nyon, 1 p l v d s - L

2 5 7 7 1


2 5 9 8 2 . ^ p r o h i b i t

' .'v'%m' p J a v i a s - 2 3 - - 4 7 . 2 8 5 1 0

e r e e t i o n r e s h a r b o r l a n d -

Signs • 10-10-47 ^0476 J Win Aus t in r e c Ord p l a c i n g iii?r,r. <3pi p" plcrnp i n C i t y LA

Signs Req At ty araer

peed l i r a i t £ t-ly c i t y _ l i m i Signs

11-24-47 70969 Id Seo 5 0 . i 7 r e "'Rmi

Val ley Bl\

47 "^044 . & R

In front- of prop_9h00 S V/estern Sign 7-7-45 77532 Hollywood Bowl AsBoc-req amend MC & g ive r i g h t d i s p l a y and c lock a t e n t r s n c e to Bowl

31gn ' ' 7 -29-45 74150 FW Woolworth Co-req pe rmis s ion r e t a i n s t o r e 4107 Crenshaw Blvd

Signs 5-18-48 74468 Mo c l e a r o b s t r u c t i o n s & 200' view' of t r n f f i o warningfi-Don Al len

Signs ' 1 2 - 2 5 - 4 5 ' 76026 ' Resol reraove 2R-mile s igns v/herc s i g n a l s s e t f o r 70 m i l e s - K Hahn

Signs"' """ ' 12-29-45 76072 I C a l i f Metal Enameling Co announces imp p o r c e l a i n enamel f o r hill/ay sifxns

Sign d i s p l a y 9-27-47 '^027R Robt S tacy-Judd r e h e a r i n g Oct 2,-1947 " A r c n i t e c t " d i s p l a y a t r e s i d e

S ignsord inanoe 5-28-45 20019 , Req adopt new ord p r o v i d e uniform­i t y t h r u o u t Ci ty '& Co-B&S Comsnrs


Page 19: Ifieilil eEi?-?s''^!55'^to°§35^9^'ens.lacity.org/clk/rmdroot/clkrmdroot326080308_12102012.pdf · 2012. 12. 10. · San Franclaco • ilD-15-45 75169 "I7 , Req $45 Mr David to mtg

Sign Painter 10-2-45 21055' -Allocate 1 position Police Dept & 9 others-Civil Service Comsn

Sien Fainter 5-28-46 23641 CS allooate-post of-in Health Dpt i (vpnated by dpeth)

Sign Structures 10-17-46 25358 'resol remove 1901 Sunset Blvd ' Sunlana Echo Park Men's Assoc.

1 31,-1, trucks l6-5'0-47 21910 i, leuci i-!C re icsntif icatlon of i vehi';les install eloc tr ical signs-.

-\'eon Sii^ i-lft: Coord Comt

Signal 5-10-4G 23427 ri B Iviueller describes & offers to ' city ppw t"ps traffic li^ht-

nals 1-7747 •auth pay.portion


•^iren 2-25-46 22418 "'•''' U S Naval Ordnance Tost, Station ,inyokorn-roq purch 1 «ir rnld plren

;9ailaSIiSnH i c i i no p r i v a t e arauxanceBaotner v e n i c l e s usifig-LA-o^y/anport Ej

i S i r e n s 9-25-ll7 ^0281 M R Green p r o t e s t n o i s e of s i r e n s on pmbulancfts-pol ice cppa e t c

' S i r e n s - a i r r a i d 21285 Req $6,215 remove from I 0 - 2 6 - / 5 ' City-ov/ned b u i l d i n g s - Bd P-"v/ks

' Ai r Raid gjxeiia 2-14-46 22296 Mrs Frank Burke sugges s i r e n s be

• SS • S i t e 4-23-46 23119

t e Aid a c q u i r e i:.ufi,iuB wu s i t e #4 -7 -60 -85

8-17-47 s r e q a-p- ^921

I S i g n a l s 9-15-»^7 "•^0172 P o l i c e Comsnrs r e c Ord r e r i g h t i t u r n s a g a i n s t T r a f f i c S i g n a l s

S igna l s , ' 10-7"i-!;7 " 7069^" imsn reo a t Footh: Jt & §25000 from ! Wl^en '^ 'oothl l l „ . . . , - -

s i c n s l s 11-4-47 ^0726 , (eo D welch rea a t Vernon & Aiamed . p r o t e s t f r e i g i i t c.-rs a t 24th & 'lameda dur ing r u s h hou r s

' = i r n p l s 12-29-47 ~l~"'l ne r e p l a c i n g wigwag ."i Sepulveda . & So pr-c Coast L ine T r a c k s - C i t y Eng-,

31-ncl 8 ' l - l ^ - - ! ' 8 "=1^27 i l l Courtney r e q t r a f f i c SL^nas ,

nesedf Blvo & Shernan "Way

Signa l A l t e r a t n s Sfiq appj;9p -313. S igna l Div-Dept

"eways Fund 2546 Firfe&PoIice ,

' s i g n a l A l t e r a t n s Freeways Fund A-I A ' l^?§IS^If?e?l?Si^§8lf§S6§S-''''' • .

Santa Ana Freeway-Mayor

r za -32000. t o 1 ; e l a ry a c c t F i r e & I o l i c e Sig . .a l Dv ^

iSignai H i l l , ' l73-4'7 ^^ ' . 25410 ^ gepulveda Blvd Abandon 3" p ipe l iner iJ Tidewater Assoc Oi l Co ' n

S igna l L i g h t s 7-1-46 19756 So Pao req i n c r e a s e amt t o $4871 i n s t l - e t D s t i n Wilm

- - • h t Heads 1-4-45 21878 •IPolice Co.T.snrs r eq pur '

.TE rl-^-^^s ."• I t ^n- AT. •ft75,000.

' s i g n a l syst3.11 5-4-46 22470 ' liayor e r : r ,,2000 a l t e r & add Pol 1

ic f i r a s-vTs-ra f r /v /qv-Pl ' ip -»-, .^o-po-ty >

S i l v e r Lake R e s e r v o i r 28955 Re u n s a t i s f a c t o r y 6/25/471 q u a l i t y Ci ty v/ater - Heal th Comsn ^

JGilver s e r v i c e 11-15-45 21458 HOC Ci ty p r e s e n t s h i p ' s s e r v i c e ' ^

isr Los -".nGsle3-Ma3''or

' S ingors 2 -20-45 19274 Req approp :)5,p00 o r g a n i z e group's^ every oonmunit'y in C i t y - A r t Corasn

:3lni;lng"Fiiiid " " " " 7 ' - U - 4 8 "33992^ Water & Power Comsn-Resol 31 au th , s a l e s e c u r i t i e s $78,000 US Bonds-' N

^ §226,500 US 2if. Bonds S i r e n s 12-13-45 21707 I

& red l i g h t s r e q approp $5500 ' purch P o l i c e Comsn-Mayor

S i t e s 19-5S-7'S 12-8-47 28829 Bd P/'"' r e c B/w a c q u i r e Lot ^ Tr

l]-E^^arnl^e''W^t1rn''dr'''•'^ " Sites 19-SS-75 12-8-47 28829 Eng He acq sites 19-'=;8-75

'Sites 4-28-48 32985 Approp $500,000 for acq sites by R/W & Land Bureau - Mayor

s i * e 8 ^ , ^, .5::26rii8 ' 3 3 3 3 0 Req bond sale $1,500,000 aoq-ImprovementB-purchase equip -Fire Comsn

'Sites 7-23-45 74095 Atty ask if Ccl can acquire land •"•• bond funds without Ord oover-

iSlte 2 ' 9-2-45 74711 Bd .P/W rec approp §27,ROO purch prop Tr 2576 Mun Facilities Bidgs Watts-Mayor

'Site-Sev/age treatment •plant 20003 Recommend Easterly Site- 'S-,.3-,/1.5 nly Imperial Hiway & '.'/ly Coast -

-Planning Comsn , 3iXTYear Posf//ar Program 21499 : Victory Blvd from 11-20-45

Clybourn to Sepulveda included-req imp - Engineer

Skates^ ^ 10-10-46 25$Q5 ' & scooters design hrs use siae-walks Highland Park-Mrs H C Schober

Skilled 8-25-45 74R70 416th AFBU LB Airport req info .re wages in LA area

Skilled & semi-3

11-20-46 arts craf-f trades

Resol Council set 12-4-45 hearing-Bennett G V

ISkipioeders I98O4 iSquipmnt #18 in St Mtnce 4-27-45 Fund - approve trans $I50u to new acct "Trailers" - Mayor

I Skiploaders-Acct #18 21023 Trans 5f.3500 to Equipmnt 9-23-45 //7 (Trucks) for purch 3 heavy duty dump trucks - .Mayor

: Skiploaders 5-22-46 23585 .Mayor appr :],I9,742.51 Bur Maint &:• Sanit for nurcli of-& rolle.rs

Skjp/ritlng •? './ Gress:

1-21-46 22008 protest ogainst

ky-wrltlng 9-11-47 '^0125 check licensing powers of City Council re advertising-Davenport

Sky-writing 9-11-47 " 01 check licensing powers of City

Skywriting 10-27-47 ^0621 Mrs G Caraman protests & low flying Plnnes etc

Page 20: Ifieilil eEi?-?s''^!55'^to°§35^9^'ens.lacity.org/clk/rmdroot/clkrmdroot326080308_12102012.pdf · 2012. 12. 10. · San Franclaco • ilD-15-45 75169 "I7 , Req $45 Mr David to mtg

1-16-45 7IR74 •'•'•' iifton re ord prohibit tj"

e.\niu3jM^ns without license or permits^*' Skywriting 1-25-45 7I74J(. D L Bollnger re eilra & place ; raufflers on airplanes N,

: Slope Rights '5-3-45 . 23682 '•./-re oondeimiation of-impr; sov/ar.e treatment plant Hypi

"".udge Disposal 7-29-45 72R64 iub rept by Metcalf & addy on 1 iyperibn Sewage 'Treatment Plant- \

. EnK Citv Sludge Plant at Hyperion 19554 Appl for oermit frm 3- '7-4f State Dept of Public Hlth - ^' ,

3d Public Works

Sludge Plant at Hyperion 20528 Eng.file anpl for Sub- 7-27 "" I'lti'ine Out! ail & Atty prep or u'l.000.000 aporoD - Davies resol

Sludge Plant 5-7-46 22692 St Hlth Dpt permit constr-at Hyper effluent into .'S-M Bay 5000' off sh.or '

Slum Clearance 9-22-45 ' ^ Mo Mayor advise Col re form ouiin. , for progra.'fl- E E Debs

Slum Rehabilitation 9-14-48 ^4776 Korae Builders Institute Inc req ; CO-op-add units-Fritz Burns Chrraan

S.-nall Loan 12-8-43 35806 industry-ResoI req Legislature : investigate &.inquire into , ~ forces uHoerraining law-uavenport

Smallpox vaccination: , 22886 Program 1945-46 - req personnel 1 and funds - Bd Hlth Comsnrs

Smallpox 7-20-47„ ^ 29440 vaccmatn Santa Fe Rwy, Co of„„, , passengers resol Council commend 1 ^

log 10-2-45 21044 Comp about & rec inst motors & ' , propellors create circulatn-Dixon

"Smog" 21228 Suggest reduce by use 10-23-451 electric trolley system m v Piece 0" p rese-Z equl-pment-"itchii imog" 16 Foothill Cities req hearing on smc

21495 11-20-45


Plan for control submitted ] .'.'iay.Dr Da'r/s-on of Pasadana-

itennett mo consider cog 5-24-45 23606 ;ien Dameier sug,_est rogul-;.te

Smog 10-22-46 25423 Req Council aoq surplas gas masksi aid for-S Gacsaly


/ >

Smog ll-2S-l(.7 71002 '^JZ m W § Stephenson offers to correct —

incinerator trouble & dloouss araog' conditions _ _ , Smog 5-30-45 34655 ' Mo req Air Pollution Control Diet' what progress made re allevlate-,G H Moore . . . . .

• Smog , 11-18-48 3S599 Mo invite Dr McCabe relate method .elim in LA- E J Davennort ^

Smog '" "11-19-45 75619 Mo withhold permits for industrl, bldg until prevent chemicals ' -,, inores,slnR condltlon-K Kahn

ISmog " ' 11-24-48 75661 ! Mo invite V/m Jeffers attend'Col

mtg 11-26-45 re abatement- ' . Ed J Davenport

I Smog 11-24-45 7566R • ! Mrs Brill leaving LA because of

& req aotlon abolish ' -s

I Smog . 11-30-45 ^• Jas T Mcoauslow req build . subwa.ys to elim

Smog '12-1-45 "35744' Grace Locke req Immediate action

Cpmt 2-21-47 2 7022

•i iuBiBain^ii i i i i^Kii iaficixsiRia yard-V I Allen

Smoke 9-4-45 20810 Comp against frm Hollyhomes Laundry Vi. V/ash Blvd & Ridgley-Clark'

I Smoke 10-2-45 21044 Comp about smog & rec inst motors . & propellors create circulatn-Dlxori

P"'?^^,?. Al=.. A....... A r . t .T -21103 req Atty opinion Injunctioi " npAppprli.ncr.c; - R o r i n o f t mo

Smoke fumes 12-24-45 21772 . I oomp & suggest overhead trans ' J system-'Sugene ftitz.ner

Smoke nuisance 8-6-45 20604 Trans rept Ref Disposal Comt eliiii . frm rubbish dumps L' ]vIetro_Area-_BFV-

rSmoke ordinance 2'lio3 I Allocation new positns 10-9-/'; : for personnel - C S Corasnrs^ "^ -,

''Also see filo il5399) Smokestacks " 5-21-48 ' ' 3256 C E Burr req reason for being'so high Edison Co elect plant-Redondo . B.each . ,- , . .-

!Smoking 11-1-45 21320. On street cars req continue ord ' , which does not permit-Jennie Fishej Smoking ' 5-11-45' 22610 MAO r. p irprris req ordinance to

y I .

1.... ..

;:-,S,<^-ti,' r ^ .

•;.. ' Z ^ f S i ^ ^ I

i Smog 11-22-46 25834 Employees terminal .taneg^Post 1 Office protest-Labor Mg Comt 'ftA v

Sm.og 12-2-45 25991 Mo req Comt State Co&Fed Affairs i Com,t.prep bill based survey sponsord"' ^ U-i TilSes . . . . .

Smog 12-4-46 26032 • Mo 'inyestiKate burninf',.,.oiI sludge 1.. relativenulsance&suomlt rept Coancils -L G Dayies

Jmog. 12-6-46 25072 conuition causea dump burning 1 rubbisE resol Council offer S s s t ^ City depts-Bd Supervisors-C Allen Smog •.,"" 5-2IT47 ,28436

L"A-Peuii"E"Dubbe" "'

[ Smoking 3-29-46 21320 • E Lavina Fritz oommend action

to prohibit smoking st cars

! Smoking 4-22-46 21320 ' iw Freedom i/ieekor--letter apprec ban .='i"okipg st cars - buses

Smoking 8-15-46 24632 streetcars & buses protest Hugo 1 C Bartel

Smoking 12-13-46 26157 Sug pass.ord prohibit theatres & ir

laajsaiaaaEgH smoking 4-21-47 27979 Pet for prd prohibit in restaurant.

i Smog 9-12-47 " 0145 Joeeph H Wood suggests artificial' rsin InGtallatlons to eliminate

Smoking 12-9-47 71112 Frank A Patton against remove •ban on street cars

myy.yyy^ r . y . ..cirr-.

Page 21: Ifieilil eEi?-?s''^!55'^to°§35^9^'ens.lacity.org/clk/rmdroot/clkrmdroot326080308_12102012.pdf · 2012. 12. 10. · San Franclaco • ilD-15-45 75169 "I7 , Req $45 Mr David to mtg

^ ^ A

Inf lamablea ng on premleei

Smoking Ord 8-6-46 24476 protest violation on streetcars Louise Van Camn

South Gate C i t y of 4-26-46 23214 Agrmt #332 -de l i quen t t ax lend r e J/iaster Plan Hlgtiways-ReRlon Plan

; • ; * •



!C app 'ater souroes Mavor

Zi'.oy rlo\'/a 7-19-45 20447 ... t ruc l : s off ' i r li srn.';A-,;t.-itA. Jop t I u b l i c './ori:^

Social s e c u r i t y 21269 plan for City employe js - i0 -25-4p p e t Counci l | ) rov ide-St Co & Mun

V/krs o f e-.' in-T.'i r,,. Social Serv 'S-g-ii InveetIgntoro-Mo raise Sched 2( 29-3r Social Serv Investigator Sched 29-72- L fi Warburton Social .".•orker-.'i" .".ie'i-ip-i ?nKQ7 Code .i3o4-a Lloca t positn in Hlth liJept - " ,

Civil :3ervice _Comsn Soft Ball Champions 9-10-47 "'0107 San Pedro Jr Cof C req for ft500 to send to Cleveland for Natl Flnaj.,

Soft Ball Teara 9-27-45 7)1927 Young Folks League wishes rent stadium ^

Soil . ^ 3-10-47 , 27320

Sect e s t n l i l i s b 3ur , ,S tnndards .„

i§?!'^isi?gi^mi-is m ^ " ^ ' '••'"' Conservat , ' -^ O»^„, -„A oor-m

leot AfTieu, .c.OQtra'ot s tudy 1 ,1 pan i^ernanno ; , . . . - „ . . . ,„ .„ . Soi l '

l n s ord ciiange • relieve plumpm,

Soil Tests 10-31-46 25541

g8RiSila'n?i^§!i' ir8§^l ''•' s ' I . 2 T 3 0 - 4 7 ^ .27019

. i i i r r p r t .-icq app it luO-Sectioil 4^ .06

&42.0S -Pub Util&Transp Bd a o l i c i i a t l o n e 6-22-45 3 "

Pol Comen-req amend MC-req o i i i c e r o b t a i n s o l i c i t o r s pe rmi t & pro

p u b l i s h e r s use SilBleadlng name . . S o l i c i t i n g 11-21-45 7R670

Uni ted Misalon Workers req p r i v i l e g e in Hollywood Dist

S o l i c i t i n g - Alms 20081 Req araend i;iC See 4-'. 12 6-6-45

Ueot oj a o c i a l Se rv i ce

S o l i c i t o r s 2-R-45 71845 C t l i f MEster Shoe R e p a i r e r s Assn -r e req Lic f ees

S o l i c i t o r s Permit 6-22-45 33664 P o l i c e Comsn-Req amend MC-req o f f i c e r s o b t a i n & p ro p u b l i s h e r s use m i s l e a d i n g name f o r B O l l c l t a t l o n

;u J l ; ic -ii-. 'r -

. s o n g 5-, . i- . ,5-' I.ors 1.- ;;iFn

Soto St Extended Day Care Center Protest closing 8^12-46 2455' Mrs D J Slattery et nl

3ound'Expert ' IO-9-117 70467 H'wood Bowl Assn pet Ccl engage of Ilatl repute study H'wood Freeway plans will contribute "10,000

SPund Technician 9-12-

gl°Coml2'' °^«^= "° i°'»e -46 24953 ger used

I •..-untrd I^iijli.oss L i s t 22rS5 • l l - f : - rci i . - req i i t a t e 4-A-46 .1. ; . ;0 , joo - bu P •.Vks

• i---' i - " i : : j l t u r a l P; rk 20491 il'-y H'ji, tn li i.I. Ov-cerapnt 7-^6-45 '-.r ., ;.'/"r .i:ir:)f)ces over Lot 120-

S^P.ac Open & Novice 7-5-1(5 77387 ChamplonahlpB-Calif Swira Club )!}yiifirCg^ a t t e n d Annusl

Jo Pac R/w' 7-21-45 740R4 Bd P/W-Rec aoq sewer & fu tu re St • easrats r e a l i g n '//oodraan Ave be t Branford "S t & 7R0t S lv -South Pasadena 3-23-45 19515-

and L A r e s o l req r e c i p r o c a l l i b r a r y s e r v i c e s - L A Pub Librarj-Agreement for i n t e r c h a n g e s e r v i c e s for year 1946 8- 2-46

South PascJena City of 23595 •ec q u i t c l u i i ; .lead la..'', i-' Ral^ih

do^jr'z Oai. P i l l l a r k i l a c o ^-23

Sou theas t Heal th Center „ 25979 •^ea new p o s i t i o n C l i n i c Order ly

-Mayor '

Sou theas t Hea l th Center . 2 5 9 8 3 Medical Sec t i on req I n t Clk Typist-Lteyor

Sou theas t Heal th Center 25985 .Req I n t Clk Steno-Iiiayor

Sou theas t Heal th Center 25986 Req a(ld J r Pub l i c Heal th Lab Tech in Lab Div-iviayor

Sou theas t P o l y c l i n i c 2-21 22398 Bd Hea l th r a q u o s t s guard

.^outiioast i Cl. .•iiiix.: .>-.A ...,:i.iZ '••a'jov ^ i i v ,.-ovCO. r',-^ 1.1 - . . a l t l i -p.nuipm.nt .",, nf'^ic.^ -laiiAnitn ,. '"'.'•

^A i i - i - i iAAA A,. 1-;-r '-• •5A_,ic^ y ^.n-

Hesol r o j Xz u.rs.-.iptod fr; , ...id-i.iCi.t cu:

So L'Lli!^ Co.nt f j ^ Olympic iz 'yy Games - He usp Coliseum :,-,,6-/,5 li.ay ,-6 or Juri..- i. ic ; pjii'op v-"5o;j TracK c; hi'i-la i.iept-iiu Sui/i/rvl; .ir

So Cal i f Comt Olympic Games 20733 Apprec ia t e funds frm 8-24-45 Play, & Recn Comsn.underwrite exp t r a c k mee-t a t Coliseum 5-2b-45

So Cal i f Comt S t a t e F a i r 19937 Empmt P r a c t i c e s Corasn^

So Cal i f Olympic 8-6-45 742R5 Athletes-Mo Rec & Fks Comt confer ' wi th Bc'...Syp Plan homecoming welcorae

So .Ca l i f Spor t smen ' s •,/eek„ ,27871 .-iesol dec l i riiiii 4 /11 to 20/47

ppor t smen ' s ,/eeK ,2/0/ cliri i ifc 4 /11 to 20/47 bur ton

Soutir.vest Busses .;0965 Ooerat ion under Figueroa 9-25-45 &• Sit uson tit f r a n c p i s e s -

Vic to ry T r a n s i t Co Southwest Heigh ts 4-29-45 23255 RV/-R/W r e c s a l e l o t 25 corner Crenshaw & 59th F l $1200.

Sov ie t o f f i c i a l s 3-5-46 24469 Fe ahu'..ing munic ipal v.c t e r p l a n t .•cc-i-e Tlie i.iothor , ipbi l i=e

SPACE - CITY iiALL F i i e Jua -r CITY iiALi. SPACE


Page 22: Ifieilil eEi?-?s''^!55'^to°§35^9^'ens.lacity.org/clk/rmdroot/clkrmdroot326080308_12102012.pdf · 2012. 12. 10. · San Franclaco • ilD-15-45 75169 "I7 , Req $45 Mr David to mtg

? w " » " l p » " w f ' ^

Speakers 5-21-48 33231 'ijf Oruii.ancci-rei-i auo Watts to ^ l i s t fcoverniag - Watts C of C

Special Comt 10-20-45 7R26l ReCi City Col represented on, Health Services Comt for 1948-11-9- . '//elfare Ccl of i-ietro LA

Spec Coat Slum Reinab 9-14-)45 '^4776

M^Hiii!yfewij.ijii ' - - - " - •• 12-24-48 "-'-"•'"' '

..JC jonn piand retaine( _ _ Case people va Zook - Atty"

ipocial futy ^,115ineer ' 21712 in r'lro Dept-change 12-17-45 t i t l e from Sr r'ireboat Ooerator -

- ' . .,-.L.. r , :•.• p . l • - i i : p . , t i z '

SPCC Pol ler Officers l-6-' 'r, ~I Tr: -' ..-..- .i.-.v.X^ for E.x-i-irr.i"'-' r'.' r":- rc . ;,-,Ln''' LAiiC re :

f e. .-. pec ia l PuclJc liitii Fund 305 if

L'rui.-.ance e.stab ..^alr- rauL..; .; ue ,, v;-lii .,ir' in tiiUi L~;!t-/.tty

;3pec Pub Hlth Fund 10-17-48 7RI42 Bd Hlth C.-irasnrs req exempt §4725 frora Charter-Mayor

Spec Pub Hlth Fund 10-1^^-45 7^182 Bd Hesltii Comanrs req ^ T.' OO drug acct exerapt oharter purch penicl-^ in-*:ayor

ii • -"'.ul " . -;;ijn ..IS'"^?

Special Session 2-18 22330 •'legislative Bill Service-i.iunici-

Spec State Asst Fund 10-8-45 7R107 Bd Health Comsnrs req trans SRli,R25 from 1947-48 to this yr-^!a.yor

Spec Travel Allowance. 10-7-47 704-77 "p,pmittee-Mo Chrmn r m Comt serve on "'-man Comt act on delegates frora various depts attending ratgs-Austln

•-. . ;if l-r.'iDns 13? 23554 :--y., -. :.ei.a Sic . y t ) -re •i-i-A5 ';-;r.it .;riv;,;.ys - lu P ..'K.S

Specifications 138 21567 Sec 44 & 47-req a.iiend II-6-/J.5 provide testing se'//er & storra irain pipes - Bd p Wks

Specifications 138 8-1-46 24427 !e size sand & rock Portland

Soeclficr-tions I"'8 7-70-li5 '•-.i'-i) Reo amend Sec 89(d) & Sec 90 (new aeries) covering imp o- Sts -3d ?/W

'..-.ecific-tions 178 4-12-48 '2747 .-.cr.oc Ger. Cont of / .per sub •fpt --:: ."ecop.G rc chgB

r-?-47 .nor." '-iny cc

28170 re

Z 'y . -^y . o r . '•ov'irnir." I'l jkip. m i '^A,Z-i.p.l ' ;vpr-^_nricfTn Givil

'.., .c .cc " " 1-1' -k-i -l"!: . .. > i'lc T.'-A'.t 'tz a.ic.cc'..'.:a of .. ' .'.' -i; l-'c. zZ D ,-" cit. JVt

-peecr.PL 5-10-43 55096 i.n par.'.s ir.c - permits to nia.^e-

Police ooii.sn

Speed 9-24-4^ 70276' Police Coman req r e a d reduce

[d bet Harbor Blvd. & Battery i

Speed Laws 2-27-47 27145 ''>'£c' -'/^ffsels .".arbor-submit o-d Si5'7 app ^

Olty ...tty ord,amend 'Tariff ;iZ by " ^ ^ig^SfeSFgoF^CgmSHl^ '^25 set bcIlc ^ -Jpeed l imi t 11-30-45 21573

Control Seaside j-.ve req of Cora-r;o^.ors S F "oim-Folico Coir.sn

Speed Limit 8-1-46 ' 24429 Olympic Blvd survey reductn-req auth negotiate State $400-Gity Engr ,

Speed Limit " 11-4-47 "=0727 Req City Atty emend LAl iC provide for 7R mile liralt on Coll'seum St

Rodeo Rd_to Chesapeake Ave-Follce Coi Speed Liralt 11-4-47 70728 Req City Atty amend LAMC provide 7R mile l imit on Sunset Blvd frora nnit.-j Ave to r.ockinp;ham Rd-Poil ice Cc

Speed Limit II-17-47 " 0387 Kept of Traffic Eng to praenfi Rre 80.17 L.AI-iC provide 7R mile Venice "oet XABrea & Crensh/-v/-ro3 "ee 3orrisn

3-oeed,.,Limit^ „ l-9-Ji5 7il;S7 Sen Fern; ndo Sun req i^educc on San Fdo Dlvd KW Bounr.cTy to Sepulve-'a flvd ~0 to 2c- .pi i t ' ' l'r

Speed Liralt 2--2-48 ^ 1776 Pet araend LAl-iC prpvide ~R mile La Cienega Blvd be Airdrome St & Venice Blvd-police Comsn Speed Liralt 2-2-48 "=1789 App 7R mile San Fdo Rd^bet Burbank & San Fdo-Copy tp State , Hlwa - Dept-Police Cora.qnr.q

Speed Limit '^r2-U3, 72194 Reduce 1 rora '^^ to 7R miles Mamleville C.'Jnyon Rd Sunset to Chalon ""•• Sc post sl,-:ns-Po^;ice •Co.msn

Speed ro.iuction unit 19''18 . at hynerion Plant-ti-cPS --I-.-/5 ••1500 in . ianitation Fund "to ' ' ' 1

Req 25-raile l imi ts 11-21-45 Bir.nincham Hosoital - Ba Police ssp i ta l - Ba Police

Comsrirs S p i r i t u a l i s t s 2-2-48 71782 Vera P Lawson p ro tes t s Ord li."'"=0 re Spir i tual l f i t Minister Mediums

Sports Announcer 9-15-47 30211 Mrs P H leRoy req Fred Han"ey be re ins ta t ed

Sports.T.en's V.'eek 4-10-.47 27,871 bb .Ca l i f . - r e so l declaring 4 / I I to 20/47-Lee '.'."arburton

Spray paint 4-15-45 19694 Req amend iviC applicatn of flammable liquids-Bd Fire Comsm

SPK"...G STiK,',2T &T1PS Fi e ;ir.i;?r CiTii' YUZIA'U ST"£.PS

Springs 2-5-48 '1824 E R 'Taylor sug tap fresh water springs off-shore'convert sea water to fresii water

Sprinkler System 10-17-46 25375

lft re liability waiver-jAirport

.ystem ' 6-^9r45 „, 3-^389 jrzen-App req Amer Floriste

A. T.1. increase mkt without installlng-

SprinlQer System , l-lt^-48, j X ^ k b 3d p/w req f'2,002.R0 coraplete

plc-pt parkways Ventura Blvd & & pl;-n1 To^'en /

-;rkv;,pys Venturi -nvop-'iayor

Spur traok 1-9-45 18982 ; Appl for permit const on Gaffey St to serve Time Oil Co-PS Ry Co

.Spur track 1-9-45 18983. Req grant emerg permit Gaffey St serve Time Oil Co-P S Ry Co

Spur trt cks 190.6 - /piL r.=newal ('"irraits 1-16-45

expiring I'MS ir Aiinied; St-.;,i,:.;t 5t(i St if, HoliUoux St - oo P.e 00

•-ifiS^^taiSJJiAIaiati^itfja^Siij^J^^Sj^^ utei^ltf=ASii?S^'t^.••ie'Vf'.'!--"^i!'3:^',°J;i ^ilTii-.fct^a'>?{?i5'^>?^=-^^.*-«.';^vf-:.:,

Page 23: Ifieilil eEi?-?s''^!55'^to°§35^9^'ens.lacity.org/clk/rmdroot/clkrmdroot326080308_12102012.pdf · 2012. 12. 10. · San Franclaco • ilD-15-45 75169 "I7 , Req $45 Mr David to mtg



Spur tracks 5-15-45 19927 ' Ronow appl 21 yrs AT&SF Ry Co ' oper in City-Dopt P V/ks

Spur track 20097 upon & across Rondout 6-7-45

- St - appi So Pacific RR Co

Spur track 20098 Req emergency permit 6-7-45 Rondout St to serve Kelite Proaucts - So Pacific RR Co

Spur track 20298 npui for renewal across -y ~. i a Palraetto St & across Colyt

iiT cr. :>.nta Fe Rri Co Spur truck 9-19-45 20938 Appl across OliTuplc Blvd & V/ilson St LA&SL HR Co-Dept Pub i/ks

Spur track 9-21-45 20961 Appl const over 15th St So Pac RR Co-Dept Pub V/ks

Spur track 10-4-45 21075 Appl P E Ry Co const Fairfax Ave formerly Jefferson Blvd-Dept P \/ks

opui- tracks 4-13-46 23090 i;.-pur .ic.;t-aprl frii lac Jlec iW npAr-..ilirin(7t.nA i-ppA ^'25, r a n nA

Spur Track 5-13-46 23449 AT&SF .RR req construct-in I m P n r j n l .S t .

ir Tr -ck ,.L,.lit ..c .Vo t-i-c .noi

Spur-Track 7-26-46 24310 Alameda St renew-S.Pacific Co.

Spur tracks Spur tra Vei


Water & ] apr Resol 66 . . Spur tracks 9-18-46 .,25059 Inglewood-Redondo Blvd-oonst&maln-' tain & operate req AT&SF Rwy Co

Spur track 12-11-46 26138 permit req renew .llley './ly Mateo & Hondont Sts-S Pacific Co

Spur Track 4-1-47 27727 Sub appl permit SPto St i iiedford St-Cclif Farm Supply Co

Spur track 5/9/47 ' 28509 Reo eraergency perrait sly rdway Exoosition Blvg.to .serve Thrifty Drug Co - Pacific cilec Ry

Spur track 5/9/47 28512 permit sly road-.-.-ay Exposition Blvd - Pacific hllec Rv Go

Spur track " 5/15/47 23557 over Noa.-ces Street-appI for permit - L /. & Sait.l.ake F.R Co

union Pacific RR Co ur track .. _5-23-47 _ 28518


purtrack , p-< )D1 renewal permi:


Spur Track 9-19-47 30276 Spencer Feld p r o t e s t Spur Track fli-iermnn Onko Ave

Spur Tracks ' 9-24-47 " "'0275 LA &Salt Lake RR app & renewal Ind iana St UP RR §40 9-22-47

Spur Track lO-lR-47 30R09 AT & SF Ry Co pet 21-yr g ran t in accord with Ord 61206 as araend for t r ack Qcroao Youni? Grant J K & L

Spur Track 10-71-47 70770 ' LA Sc S a l t Lake HR Co app for perm

over French Ave Enc 2 voucherp foi-t^O & '-.1 on-unlen Pacif.I.A. PP po

Spur Trocks 11-18-47 " Resol Pub U t i l Sc Trans i n v e s t i t j f t r e added f a c i l i t i e s In t r a n s p o r t to larKe p u b l i c eventa-AliRn"

Spur Track 5-25-48 33312 So P a c i f i c CO appl f o r pe rmi t const acroea Va l l ey Blvd

Spur Track 6-29-'»8 33773 So P a c i f i c Co-Appl permi t b u i l d & ma in ta in upon and acroBB Damon St

3pur Track 7-26-48 7 4131 ' So P a c i f i c Co-req permi t const &

o p e r a t e aoroes Saoraraento S t r e e t 'Spur Tracks 7-28-45 7l|14R

3d p/w-So Pac Co renev/al I I Pe rmi t s r

Spur Tracks 7-2^-45 74146 spur i'racKB i-ici^-i\(i *4i4.o Bd P/'rf-adv PE Rwy renew 7 permi ta Exposi t lon-Carrael lna-Kormandle & " a p l e Ave

Spur Tracks 8-12-45 7I1410 LA & Sa l t Lake RR.,Co & UP RR Co-pe t renew permit 6 th St-Stephenson . Ave - sun r i s e St

Spur Track 8-17-48 7l(.476 AT & SF Ry Co pet 21-yr perrait oonst Pa lmet to St Ely Hewitt St

"Spur Tracks 9-10-45 74764 4 app LA & Sa l t Lake & UP RR Coi renew permi t fo r I I Santa pe Ave from 7tii ,to Bu t te Sts-Bd P/W Spur Track 9-20-45 7l|8Sk

PE RR Co app 2 Santa i-ionica Blvd be t Las Palmas & Sewnrd AVPR

'spur Track 10-14-48 7Rl66 Aoct Bur r e p t $50 PE Ry Co fo r Senta Monica Blv-l a t Mansfield Ave-B<| ?/W . . . ,

Sour t r a c k s 10-19-45 . ,"^5237 - - - - -1 t . - G o A l - n l ? A San'^Pedro-Commerc l a l -Sac ramen t o-I m p e r l a l - 2 n d - 7 r d - 6 t h - l l t h - l i ^ t h Sta Spur Tracks 11-21-48 7cc64

A P P I At & SF Ry CP oper I7 spur -r.racUB renew nemil t -Al i s n -ComFiierclal-Ducomraun-J ack son-Turner Sac raraen t o - i l l l l - S o to -7 rd -Mer r i ck Sts-Holmes & 3anta Fe Aves-Acct Bu

Spur Track Permit 12-20-48 7R919' Rec acc filOOO Inderanity Ins Co bond of 11-12-1(3 PE Ry Co nr Jaraes 5t -Pub U t i l & Tran 3d

Spur Track 12-8-48 7R79 Acct Bur aub 4 anpl renew at Penrose Ave & E ^ th St bet Se.Pt.on & He-rfltt Gts - 3''! P/W

Stadiums 11-4-47 • 07it-£ Church Fed of LA req a c t i o n rfe l i q i i o r consumed a t f o o t b a l l gf-r"-' a l l even t s s t p u b l i c st.-'-''i'jni

S ta f f A r t i s t 7226 3 /4 /47 29551 /.dopt new c l a s s in City, C le rk Off ice - C i v i l Se rv ice Comsn

Jt 'aff A r t i s t - . , 6 - 1 ^ - 4 5 , 77554 . C i v i l Eng Group- Mo c o n s i d e r 2

s t e p r a i s e wi th o t h e r C i ty Clk g roups - L S Warburton

I Stairway ' 21498 in 200 block in So Ave 11-20-45 53-req Bd P V.'ks submit e s t i m a t e to r e p l a c e - John C Holland

Stair . ' /ay 4-5-46 22928 D C Lathrop p ropose -be t "nge lus i; '"iooide"tol 01 " e s e r v o l r ° t . S ta i rway 6-24-45 23972 Wil l Wing-re-frm Ccunci l St down t o Glendale Blvd. S ta i rway 2-24-47 27058 Pot cpnaat l a ruon , ot,.,to i n t o r s i .uoretiu Avo-JosopR "...msror^er

•St..,. i-.Ti.-'t^^'iVifcS ii'bssot.i'iCi^vi^j-rSiw'fiiiiC.-A'sJi.^i;- '-if MW*»ii*;i:.t<a^'i::,vUi_4^''r^t.t^^^

Page 24: Ifieilil eEi?-?s''^!55'^to°§35^9^'ens.lacity.org/clk/rmdroot/clkrmdroot326080308_12102012.pdf · 2012. 12. 10. · San Franclaco • ilD-15-45 75169 "I7 , Req $45 Mr David to mtg


Stairway 12-2-l(.7 71 Req addtl sum §2160 oonst at Ave RS bet 4R0 & 760 ft Nly of BfiPiver St-Rd Pub v'/rko .. ... Stairway 9-l' -45 74828 Resol oonst alongside Hyoerlon Bridge bet Riverside & Waverly Drs-Est oost ^787^-SE Debs

Staills-Auto 7-21-45 74055

Req revoke §15.00 clig per mo . in City HallGarase Stamp 11-17-47 70SR9' Resbl urge Postmaster Ge.i of US Issue postage stamp honorinj Century of r ropress-' avies

Strap l(--lR-48 -2302 S;n Gabriel C of C req oet P ii General issue sta.-np honor 21 i-iissions of Calif

3tand-By Mileage 8-20-45 23094 Req amend ord guarantee $12 per mo' Use Auto-City Flmployees Assoc Stand Pipes 5-20-46 23549 31dG 1 Safety rjq amend i.iC re­ie Fire Sprinklers

• ••,;. " J 1 ;-i t i -in Z '-a i p; r.C-,- I 14IO .. , - i - ' : \ ' : \ ' - --<-• -';'? " ' -'^V - ' - ' - ' • . 5 p - ^ - - • c • r . v - r t i n g :.'K'niniy v.. '..il, t.l ,'•"• li-^'t! r ; ti,'i.-Ci);i t ro I Li:r

.1^1 • ..i I' . i 1 a t i un ovd i ^ ' ' '"

?r tlioII .iiiii:r.u; •• i/ . ; .! i o n G' -.^•"1 .; i !.c LiiJc

u t a n d a r J i z a t l o n Ord .up a u t h e.nploy a s of i - 1 - 4 5 a l l p e r s a u t h by r e s o l -;.: c o n t ex tend- ju t

o t a n J a r i i z a t i o n .Irciii a i . c V •„ c :i '1 IJ !••; Fi V .' l;. 'pt f l f i T, „••-.., K id v - o 5 • IZ

-:..5 -"i-.o F i r e Co..;si;r^

-.sa t i o n j - p o P ,/KD

l-U 56 - r ^ : - l C - 4 5 : Uf . ier P r o t . j e i r u e

pers ords i

• • . i i . v e . J - .

•t;; A i u o p t

- - • ! . : . - - i . / •'.. . n l - l i ; .r j " . . ! t p;.^ • •• •• ""' -•••.'• .i • . : ' , - .- G . r ' : a D ;

S t a n a a r d i z a t i o n Ord 20193 Amend t o p r o v i d e 6 20 4 i y y y i ? . l r l ^ ° ' ^ a u t h o r i z a t i o n s f o r

. i i ' an . ,a rLi i ia t i o n Ord 20551 A-:.'r:d r = f i i . . n o s i t n s on 7 - - i i - / c •^-r-i^h ,^r r 2 t i r i - . p , . n t - a l s o v e t "*" pov/er Ol .l.ayor on r e s o l - ; t t y

S t a n d a r d i z a t i o n Ord 20560 Req amend Sec 4 . 2 t h a t 8 - I - 4 5 • r e q u e s t s f o r new p o s i t i o n s be f i l e d w i t i i C o u n c i i - P e r s Comt • Mayor m e s s a g e - 4 - 5 - 4 6 - r e t u r n o r d w i t h o u t a p p r o v a l & reco.ramend new b u r e a u o f h d m l n i . s t r a t . i vp. . i e r v i r e .

S t a n d a r d i z a t i o n Ord 8 - 2 2 - 4 5 20717 8 9 1 0 0 amend S e e n 1 4 . 2 6 mos s e r v o b t a i n month s a l r e t u r n se ry^member i a rmed f o r c e s - G V e r n o n Benue-r.t r e s o l

. i t ap ' J i r ' i i 7 t t j ,51. o r d i n a n c e 20896 pp --xt^a co..ip9nsc t i on 9_. (3-45 t o CP a ' p-.'/pa —

' F i a e r a t e c j^.un.ici p a l C r a f t s S t a n d a r d i z a t i o n Ord 21475 /..pppd r e s a l a r y , s t e p 1 I - I 9 - 4 D o r demo ted i n d i v i d u a l s &

t r c p : f c r s of empl - P e r s Comt

f i t a n d a r d i z a t i o . . 11 C i t y Zi..:.X

Z'ztA.or. 2 - 2 5 - 4 5 22404 ' 3r..;,l ...Sin uraend Ord 8 9 1 0 0 P P A - l t , - " . . f A A A 1 r.ri

tandardiZfetn Ord 7-17-46 24257 Amenc add new code Gardener & ne// code Porter - Attorney

StandorrUzation Ord 8-13-45 24572 City employees *'?'• codes provide rapt adj aalaries-M^vor

Standardization Ord 7-5-47 27769 '^"f Amend Ord 89,100 new salary ^ schedules 1947 - Atty

Stand Ordinance 7-IS-I17 29287 Amend Ord insert Gen Mgrs of: Animal Reg-3oc Sec-Pub •,'/'':s-& Health Officer-Supt Bldgs-Chief Engineer - City Atty

itandardization Ord 7-27-!i7 29726 Su'Dmit ord amend Sal S'cand Ord insert Frincipsl "eputy Con':roll-msert Princ ..psi e er & Sr Addressing :hine Oper-

atpr License- ; i t y A t t o r n e y

' S t a n d a r d i z n , i o n Ord 7 -27- ! ;7 2 9 ] - r S u b m i t o r d araend S a l S t a n d Ord i n s e r t D e l i n e a t o r - C i t y / i t t y

S t a n d a r d i z a t i o n Ord 7 / 5 0 / 4 7 29468 Req e l i m i n a t e N o t e J r e E q u i p m e n t O p e r a t o r - Bd P Wks

S t a n d a r d ' O r d ' 8-2•^•-47 29919 " C i v i l S e r v i c e amen-d Ord 3 9 , 1 0 0 -"--•- " - o u p con fo rm 1 9 4 7 - 4 8 b u d g e t

S t a n d ' d r d " '6-10-^45 ' 7 ^ 4 9 5 Mo amend-no t i m e and o n e - . h a l f p a i d e m p l o y e e o v e r s c h e d u l e 7 8 -K e n n e t h Hann

S t a n d a r d i z a t i o n Ord 7 - 2 1 - 4 8 7l(.o66 Mo A t t y p r e p P e r s o n n e l Ord & amend-cof i form 1 9 4 8 - 4 9 B u d g e t -'^on .^i.len

3 t a n d S a l Ord 8-7-1(5 74215 A t t y - O r d amend i n c l u d e nev/ c l a s s "Adm A n a l y s t T r a i n e e "

S t a n d S a l Ord 6 - 7 - 4 5 7 4 3 1 4 " A t t y - O r d a m e n d - l n c l u d e new c l a s s " C h i e f Map & L o t D l v s n "

S t a n d a r d i z a t i o n Or.d 5 - 1 7 - 4 8 j;U76r Araend a d d - P r i n Clf. T r a f E n g - T r a f E n e - S r T r a f Zono P a i n t e r &Sr T r a f G l g n / l . F o r e m e n - 3 r _ - I r . r ^ c n e r - ' f p h o l s '

S t a n d " a r d l z a " t l o n Ord 8 - 1 9 - l l 8 '^4R00 O r d e r C o u n t y Cc l amend e l i m Rth s t e p r e c r u i t e l e o t r i c i a n s - S u p Bd

S t a n d a r d i z a t i o n Ord 10-1^-45 7C:OR5 A t t y s u b d r a f t amend Sub ( e ) r e s a l a r y a d j f o l l o w i n g l a y - o f f

S t a n d a r d i z a t i o n Ord 1 2 - 1 7 - 4 8 7R86S Mo amend-Exec D e p u t y Mayor s c h 47 t o s c h 4 9 - D l r B&E s c h U5 t o B c h . 4 9 - D on A l l e n

S t a n d a r d i z a t i o n Ord 1 2 - 2 7 - 4 8 7R971 Mo araend A s s t Z o n i n g Adrain S c h e d 79 t o S c h e d 40 - Don A l l e n

. ' J t a n d a r d i z a t i o n Ord 12-27-1(5 "'R99? Reo amend Ord e s t a b Sup C h o r a l

' C o n d u c t o r s ^ t i r a e - e l i m " ^ t i r a e B u r . H u s i c - H u n A r t .Deot - Mavor

S t a n d i n g Corats 7 - 1 0 - 4 5 20360 1 of C o u n c i l s u b m i t a p p t m t s f o r t e r m 1 9 4 5 - 4 7 - G e o r s e H Moore .

S t a r T r a c t 5 -20- '45 332'='^ Bd p / w r e c o r d a u t h a o q s i t e p r p o s e d P i r e S t a t i o n #5

" S t a r r a a k e r " W e s t 7 - 2 2 - 4 5 34093 ' - L n t e r p r l s e s - R e q c o - o p e r a t i o n f o r

Newsboys S a f e t y Laws*& E n f o r c e r a e n t c a m p a i g n

S t a r t e r - e l e v a t o r 19565 Req h i g h e r s a l a r y - 5 - 2 9 - 4 5 '

A l l C i t y Employees u s s n

State "6-70-45 337// Resol Repeal excise tax-Req rem'i back to City revenue from alchoi flr.1nVe- l r H A l l n n i S d r i n k s - JC H o l l a n d

S t a t e A I U i/ic y o r 'ii; K:e a p p l st. f o r C i v i l i a n U;f=i end Li-5o--'i5 - "U;;


.'ZJ-'"'-., ••'^ W


r . r ^


I f

f o r yea r e s o l


Page 25: Ifieilil eEi?-?s''^!55'^to°§35^9^'ens.lacity.org/clk/rmdroot/clkrmdroot326080308_12102012.pdf · 2012. 12. 10. · San Franclaco • ilD-15-45 75169 "I7 , Req $45 Mr David to mtg

^. J.., - • i y ,' •s ' '^ - -nil ,.?«.r;-" . .-"Qc - - ^-:"::;--^;? - " ' • -mj / -' . , . . ' • ' • . . X . . • .

i -


S t a t e Aiu „ , ^ ° ' ^ ^ " ' ..'.ayor in;.ki> apnl « 3 ^ . , - . for C i v i l i a n Difonje f; p-1-4 ' tnru b-.iiJ-:ili

S t a t e Aid 19772 for c l l , 3 . i 2 . 7 5 for uar 4.-:i4-45 Hsng & Informatn Centers for Ai-raeJ Forces - /^ustin re.qnl ut-i nn

. i U t e A.iu for b l ind 19787 Keq Councii enoprse , . , , 4-25-45 nh 3..6-l'710-I'7I.L - PuDllc Af fa i r s

i orum ' "••ite aid 20089

'or Ciyilian Defense 6-6-45 3760.36 - resol laavor make appl -


.At- ZZ - . id I-2-:-4G 2.3090 ,• J.... c i l r.-i r-fu.;. ,,.6i),55l .14 , . . . .„ | - .A . ,AA_V i T . A - T I A } - 1 / ; A _ U A . . T ^ t h

s t a t e Aid 22559 Req for 15 improveraents 3-6-46 se-//er &c - Bd Publ ic V/orks

S t a t e Aid 4-2-46 22886 PW Eng req for $226,200-11 Re l i e f •^s'.ver i i s t - 3 s to r r . flrains-l pr'.rv/ay S t a t e Aid" 20528

§fi8i^?ii5':o§i,8^5^f^? ne^"-^'^'

p | : | g | j . ^ .oons t l i i i - F i r e i § P i §

^ ^ ^ j o m '3 Dy-.35J§- a'rkw3?0 -2«

P' . ft^^i^pl ll^M^n' ' lctivmP-Siua--e P l f e n t - ^ P/W

State Aid , Fi_ip_47 23322 Submit aopl const Venice Area replacement sewers-Bd P/i/

S t a t e Aid Subm'* "•-'


Sta te Aid , 5-28-47 - 28'i'sq 5?ubmit^a|^l acq s i t i I L e Stf t i o n

"l^l^o'h W

. S t a t e Aid 23820 Subrait a p p l fq r b u i l d i n g F i r e

Engine #83-3d P/W

S t a t e Aid 6-17-46 23869 P.'/ a p p l i c a t i o n s f o r - p l a n s fo r Engine Co 's n o . 4-13-37

S t a t e Aid 6-27-46 24029 P.'/-app 11 c a t i o n f o r - s a n i t a r y sewer . Ramona Blvd b e t Echnndla & Macy ,St.

S t a t e Aid 7-25-46 24340 ' L i b r a r y San Pedro branch Bd.P/V/ a n p l i c a t i o n

' s t a t e Aid 8-19-46 ,, 2^639 c o n s t r u c t i o n Sewer Dis t #5 c i t y En^ submit a p p l i c a t n s - P / y / Bd S t a t e Aid ^ 8 - 1 9 T 4 6 „ . 24640 Appl i ca tn s c o n s t r u c t i o n F i r e S t a t i o n #22-3452 So Main St LA P

S t a t e Bakery Act 3-18-47 27484 • Senate B i l l r i i e req i n c o r p o r a t e

m oenate o i l l 1470 ??estaurant San I t - H e a l t h Comsn

St: t o 31 "ca 6-13-45 20150 City .'. Co rpii ULiaiid i. C rn i iu i re conforn • '•iil-i Coma. .

S t a t e Bu i ld ing 5-13-46 23448 St Div Beachea & Parks raq c i t y

a t t r " ' mppt. 5-lB Rm ll.Pi .phnroline acq

" s t a t e Bureaucracy ' 6-22-45 776R7 Sub r e p t - r e s t a t e laws a f f e o t l n g b u i l d i n g o r d - J w Aus t in

.11] . j r iua ot^t.? ot Fo;: Cov .c ij-.(.,is c r i a t e board study r'^vjuno .'.; i r e t< x-ueoi.i.^0 -irj i .erty



x; i.ion



State Aid 10-3-46 25236 Cont Health for Clerical Personnel' & -Mr T Marah reo app-Mayor

State Aid 10-28-46 25485 oonst sanitary sewers Fulton Ave & Addison St sewer,dists-P/W Bd

State Aid io-30-45 25516 Const San Sev/ers De Soto Ave &

Sherman Sewer Dists-PA' Bd

State Aid 11-21-46 25847 4^?/oo§SSfA?^"-5e.«ers-Chandler Blv

I-State Aid 12-9-46 26074 Reo app const San sewer Forman

Ave&Camarillo St Sewer Dist-Bd P/'.V

State Aid 12-19-46 26239

s t a t e Aid 12-30-45 ^|X!§ggf''§iv§ gafiSi?^gp^I^fS^5f

^^l^i 'chLt SaniUrflibera'f.^,n^. s i a e Dr &Laurel Canyon Dis t a -P /w Bd -,

S t a t e Aid 1-17-47 25573 req adopt app l M 3 2 . 0 0 0 cons t „ . niir.Gyaiive&Fbx i l i l i s Dr Stormdrain -

S t a t e Aid 3-25.-47 27333 1 Rac app prop sitf! Poiiice Adra 1

Center xn ornor f i l e a p o l i c a l n fo r - , zo P / .1

C a l i f o r n i a S t a t e of 21645 Re e s t a b l i s h vending 12-7-4;^ s t ands for b l ind persons in S t a t e County ic iJun bldgs

. 3 t a t e 12-28-45 21810 Req d e c i s i o n beaoh f r o n t a g e & p o l i c y acquire-i'^ing

S t a t e 12-28-45 21811 Comp a g a i n s t a sk ing f o r funds t o a id City-Homer J Smith

: i t u to 3-7-45 2255! Dopt 'W&P Rosol 513 tyrant auoui.,0!it fOT* lixrliv/pv o v e r AT-onP-i.t^r Tnvo Oo

C a l i f . S t a t e 7-26-46 24327 Olympic Blvd.open &widen deed acq

r a c t 5609-Rd..P/W

C a l i f o r n i a S t a t e 8-19-46 24570 ' Mayor req au th s a l e noeas t F i r s t

& H i l l s S t s t o S t a t e 053,333

C a l i f o r n i a S t a t e of . , 26537 ' - Cont rac t Ci ty t o provide s a l a r y ,

TiirMti^SSiE28i?n??^ =' "' ""' Calif State of 25792 Claim $12.50 damage to oar by oity vehicle

California State of 4-1-47 27721

'pa?l<lfi| purooses st-&40? fl^Main St § yra-Bd. P/W . . . ^.^,_, c a l i f S t r t e of 8-IR-47 ^ ,.2973.9

Mayor r ec app c o n t i T c t b e , , Ciuy Her l t i i Dept f o r Str-te reiraburpe

• - n n A - - - , „ , . - , . „

'..:*^V%^^.y.-ii-^yZr.rcs^.-iii-M-,-. ;.i-. -.-'.- -1' -• J ''KU:*!' M ' ^ . ' ^ . ^ ^ ^ S ^ ^ * * ^

Page 26: Ifieilil eEi?-?s''^!55'^to°§35^9^'ens.lacity.org/clk/rmdroot/clkrmdroot326080308_12102012.pdf · 2012. 12. 10. · San Franclaco • ilD-15-45 75169 "I7 , Req $45 Mr David to mtg

Calif State of 9-17-45 "'llSbg 'tfi? Rec defer execute contraot with ^tt City LA re const bus facilities ^^ '.'/estern Ave nt Hollywoori pkwy-Mayor

State Board of Accountancy Heq use Hn 804- City Hall for

iiove.-i'^er 1945 21073

C o n t r o l l e r - S t a t e 10-11-1(5 7CL21"'<» Pet c a n c e l t a x e s Lot 7 Tr 6o54 ^ r e Anna Tlnneraeyer e s t a t e

S t a t e C o n t r o l l e r 10-26-48 75717 Agrmt wi th County acq p tn Tr 1173-adj Co C h a r i t i e s Bldg San Pedro

^ St nr c th-Bd P/W | S t a t e Bd D e n t a l KyaminoAc; - i 501

f u l i f . S t i t o 3d Accts 9-11-46 24936 . . . . . . . . i / ' 46 •z::-.rz Fublic Accountant

•n-.-.z 3-d of Aa&lc^i. 8-28-47 29987 •rcq oera usr^TToS City'Hali 1 Nov 12-17-14-1947

- , -45 7197?

i.3tate Bd "o'f liq'ual-"R-""26-45 ^13421

Mav 19-20-21 CPA Exara

S-.ate Dept of 12-9-47 ,„,, :^1141 e Rra bOh for

e Insp" exam 12-17-47

State Allocation Board 6-17 20528

Hyperion Sludge plant $13,084,059

r....... r,. , „,.v,.; ^ „„.-,,.,,. 1 21109 10-9-45

304 J^.n 14-16-12^-46, , -^

I S t a t e Bd / . r c h i t e c t u r a l 22912 Examiners-req iTse " 4-4-46 Room 804 pr 2200 in Ci ty Hai l June 24-26-27 '46

- ' . a t e Assembly 5-14-47 28335 3',ih:.,il rSEOl i!,73 r,?, cpnsoil i d<jtn C i t i e s San Pearo&./ i lminfton

J t a t e Div Beaches & Parks 23448

& aa buper agr.mt puroh prop Man­c h e s t e r Aye wly Sepulveda Blvd-Co Mecnanical Dept

S t a t e of Ca l i f C o n t r o l l e r 23385 a p p o r t i o n ;..otor Vehic le Lio Tax f ee ( in l i p u t a x ) 5-8-46

itP.r.P r n n j ^ V L s x 12-4-47 71064 — .........t 7 cop ie s agrra.t wi th Bd iUP LA Co purch V/ SldP Rrlwv f.. '51 V Cour'; 3t-chf iiech En oontrolier State 1-23 22143 iA Co & '3d Super agree puroh pro)

i.^^nchester esly oepulveda

Controller State 7-29-48 7 2 R 6 R of Calif-Sub tent draft annual Road rept

Stete Controller' '7-70-1(5 72R76

p j . a I cup i e f c i cj^x-uii, tji.iAii KAU D U U ^ purc'n t ax d e l i n q l a n d s ( t e x deed •''•Ol'P)- LA Co Kecii '^ept ._

C o n t r o l l e r S t a t e of R-4-45" 77079 Ca l i f - Es t imate appor t ionments of. Gas t ax & Motor Veh Lic Feea y r endi.PK b-70-49 . . .. _

C o n t r o l l e r - S t a t e 5-6-4^', 77077 of Ca l l f -Req Ccl a d v e r t i s e exam "Consu l tan t Highway Accts & Rents" 6 - l=-4o . . . . .

G c n t r o l l e r - S t e t s 7-22-1(5 3409I Advlae meeting d i s c u e s S t r e e t Rept changed to c i t y Lynwood S-2-45

- A Oaage & f. . - . be t Perflhlng Dr & E l l Ing ton-Co . Eng

C o n t r o l l e r St / . te 9-8-4^! ^li7R9 of C a l i f - I •' . P.eq nura'oer of formo needed for Anriual S t r e e t Re-iort

i z a t i o n - r e q L e s t e r Lev a t t e n U&tx ASSOC T a x Admin meet ing

S t a t e F a i r iEmpmt 3-19-45 19475 P r a c t i c e Comsn c r e a t e r e s o l app pas:

Stata of California 5-18 23883 Dept Finance-alloc funds to City & 00. puDiic wks construct program

Calif-Governor of 11058 non-agrmt cull spec session Leg-' isloture State Guard problem

te Guard D G

10-3-45 21064 remain at San Pedro

rescina orcer-ijeorKe State Dppt Public iilth

/.ppi fbr oermit fcr High •; -, i ate Activated Sludge Plan'f'"tit"* ilyperion - Bu P 'Wks

State 3d Fub ;:ith 10-18-45 21197 P.esol order quarantine of beaeh 14th,St H Kermoga 'i}euch Pier,to

. Seaside Terr o santa ;-..onica Pier State Dept lublic Jioultii 2"' re SGXiarz diorcsal i'. perr„iba

, 5-1B-46'

5tat,: Haalth Jept 4-15 rant porp.it con

, ..3 pnt, it Pirt.AAin.,

State Dept Health 5-7-45 22692 grant permit oonstr sludge plant Hyperion effluent -S."' Ba'"' 5000'of"''/sh'

State Publio Health Dept 22193 Resol determine rate chlorination ' nec produce disinfectn-Hpperion Plan.

Stato Board of H( ,. Letters to Council on pc:

1 sewage-La B.pllona & Santa Fl onica M.iy 18, 1946 Filo 22692 (permit)

State Health Bd 12-9-45^ 25087 , Mo explain refusal permit const new sewage Disposal plant-Hyperion

State Bd of HeaIth9-4-47 30046 1 status sewage disposal outfall

' in Sta Monica Bayfrom Hyperion

limits area under q' Santa Monica Boy

State Dept Pub Health 9-7-!{.7 70pR0 Establish quarantine from 14th St N of Hermosa Beach to Santa I-!oni-oa. Pler—eXfective .9P2- 7

State Bd of Health 10-24-li7 •'0R82 Copy of Statute & Questionnaire if Health Dept complies with sten- '.crr'.s & eligible for funds .

State Dept Pub Hlth 2-2-45 7178S App contract with City LA Health • D'ept re mosquito control & erap

'it at e" Dep't" Pub Heal t'h'6-2-45 3'' '5S5 Revised tent schedule-fund allotment-asst looal health depts . 7-1-48 to 5--"0-49

State Dept Pub Hlth 7-2-45 33811 Renew contr & City-mosquito cont: funds-auth employ addtnl personn

to contia.' personnel

..l&i..- >y.-.i._ -...JiLi. :>-).- ,-;T«Evai

Page 27: Ifieilil eEi?-?s''^!55'^to°§35^9^'ens.lacity.org/clk/rmdroot/clkrmdroot326080308_12102012.pdf · 2012. 12. 10. · San Franclaco • ilD-15-45 75169 "I7 , Req $45 Mr David to mtg

jpfiaaaS5 '»i!ia3i^iB5feiS»*5BW'=s«f-J5:^~ra

- = s — - ' - > • s t a t e Dept Pub Hl th 11-10-48 7 R 4 9 7 < Rept c h l o r i n a t i o n Hyperion Sev/age P l a n t con t inue u n t i l corapleted

S t a t e Div Hiwys 10-19-45 ,21202

[lk 4 Hutclimson

J t . . t o DivLcion l.it:hv/ay£ 3-1 2.' .4n3 ii.j ' tii'.'-t vlOOO f o r ips . roc tor ac;;ei

c o r d i t i n n . s .S«ptn AAO rv.\,...,.,r-T/„o..-„..

•-t '•iyliwav Cor.sn 9-11-45 .24C58 Saor -.p.ont6 9-12-46 HUGO . / i n t e r ntt2n.i-.,:G0 Tor cj-Penses

S t a t e Highway Comsn 9-13-46 24958 Req submit Cpunci l t r a p s o r i p t ^ , 56s^i§i"J5o??^g^^^^ flonywoo« Pkwy

Highway Div S t a t e Ca l i f 25479 (^cmt p/w bd a l t e r a t n s Ppl ioe&Flre Sl{^nal^Sy3tem cons t s a n t a Ana Pkwy

S t a t e Highway DIY 11-22-46 25787 "'(j-P/'il'f.aKmt re imburse Dept.V/&P.,.

'':56.4Q r e loca tn . . 2 f i r e h y d r a n t s •oyo beeo Flovy-Mayor

S t a t e Div Highway 11-22-46 25789 &Bd P/W agmt reiraburs'e $838.50 V/&P Dent r e l o c a t n 3 h y d r a n t s - S Ana Pkwy-i© vor

&bonta Ana Freeway-Mayor

56515 t e r a t n t


26900 nds r e ;

c o o p e r a t e

S t a t e Div Hwy 2-14-47 .26911

K,/ Co i n t e r s Grand f .ve&Calirornia bt&apprq3.„:il0.30 cos t work Zevt './P

^ t a t ? Highway 4-24-47 oubmit-Srd sup memo ae

P t a t e Highways 6/25/47 ^8959

.S ta te Highway 6/50/47 ,29035 Gas Tax Funds l /4 ' / ; -rec i n c l u d e $897,648.36 1 s t 'naif 1947-48 -

_Sta.te Co & F'ed_An's Corat State Hghwy Comsn '9-1'IT-47' ^0189 Mo Davies & Arnold rep City at mtgs Sacramento 9-17-l6-$75 Exp

ian Davies Lewis Arnold & • Wm Neal be auth attend meetings & use City car-Holland

"tate Hiway Com'sn 12-4-47 ' 1057 "esol adopt State Hiv/ay Rte 270

r t »» *^—..—4-. . .n . . ^ 1 1 n n m i r r i A /^ r» r\ T". Y» n 1

I n d i a n a St-Dept P/W S t a t e Hlway Comsn 12-4-4-7^ ;510R8

Resol r e l i n q p tn Rte l o l & d i s c o n t i n u e f u r t h e r mtnce Lankerahim Blvd-.Gt Bd pub Wr'Ks C a l i f Hlway Comsn 5-3-45 72702

IxnrRm: Figueroa Sts-City.Eng .sub resol

Oalif"Hlway Comsn 5-19-45 77277 meetlng-Mo auth^Ccl Warburton at tend-Ofikland 5-20-45 & 12R exp-Geo Moore _ -Sal Hiway Cbmsn 7-"l2'-45 32506 ' Req CCl rescind action-& rec delaj conat Hollywood Freeway Van Ness to Cahuenga Pase

':allf Hiway Coman "5-6-48 7'42'44 ' Resol re location state Hiway to ' be constructed as a Freeway

3tatc Highway 8-6-1(5" 74244 Calif Hlway Comsn-Reool re loca- ' tlon to be constructed as a .Freeway

3tate Hiway Comsn • , Bd P/W rec widen Sepulveda Blvd t l(.-lane hlway bet Brand & Ventura Blvda 3tate Hlway Comen 6-10-48 34334 Bd p/w rec widen Sepulveda Blvd t o 4 - l ane hlway b e t Ventura & Sunset B l v l s

S t f t e Hv/y Engr 9-4-47 . "^0047 Re C o l l i e r -Burns Hwy Act for, ays tem of. major e t a . e f f e c t i v e 9-27-ti opcr.' '.ive 1-1-48 ' Protest "Post & Paddock" sheet thrown in cars & curb ,

""Legislative Interim Comt 22541 .'.iayor rec y600. print booklet for-1000 cps re finance & constr f/wav

o LGL'isl;itivi> lnt r:'' '"''-* " '• A't -c './ar'purtoii ;,o Att"' j.eui rapro to • tr -r:nr Cor;- -~oet on ^ i -zz= -i-l

"calif Legis Comt 7-15-46 24201 • Grenshov/ Rotary Club coia.iendatj.on officers V.Tieatly & Ingram efficiency

. Le'glslature-State 1-13-48 31529 Interim Comt - Davies resol Neal-Arnold^Davles-Debs-HolIend rep Ccl in State Legis &c Davies rao-Neal-Arnold-Davies-}ebs-Cronk auth rep Cyi -. 7-19-49 (State Co & Fea Alfs Comt) _

LegLqlotive Comt I-29-4S 7I7R7" Natl Bualness & Professional Women of LA-Req use Ccl Ch.imberB

Legls Interim Comt IO-lR-45 ' 7Rl6g Req $45 Mr David to mtg Il-S-48 San Francisco-City Atty

' LeglB Interim Comt i2-lR-45 70450 Rept on Constitutional Revision 11-17-48 mtg Sta Barbara-coraraend ,

_ V/m Heal - "'on A Allen State Legislature 1-22-45 19060 Req secure favorable cons bill m.a . i o r i t v n r o t n c M i n n t ttnivpy n n n a t

- ' ' t a t e L953I Dde permit 3-50-45

ac tn on r ep t of adv i so ry agency '•"''"' '' '••"'-ini? testirapnv-;,ii .stiu

• Sacramento 19865 iMcDonaic a t t e n d & use 5-3-45 Ci ty ca r on t r i p -. , Eau:nEartner motion

L e g i s l a t u r e 21832 S p e c i a l s e s s i o n s t a r t i-,_^i j c. 1-7-46 - Warburton auth go to ^ ^'•"icramsnto - Sd ."

" s U ' a i r e - p i i J . e •r.X6)7 r..An Josepii Donovan -i 7 /c a t t end s t a r t i n g 1-7-46 - •^-' ^^

/ .us t in no t ion L e c i c l - t u r o I-24-4G 22031 '

C i ty . . t t y roq o / t i - o :.!.. Z. .. i a l atl.t,...'. 3^.00 AA.J I s COS not o,;c , h ra

Clerk Ca l i f L e g i s l a t u r e 22251 r e s o l #21 L A- c o n s t r u c t pa rk ing f a c i l i t i e s under Bunker H i l l

C a l i f o r n i a L e g i s l a t u r e 2-25 22421 Re program & da te fo r meoting on I t r e e t .ilehway & road problems

" C a l i f o r n i a L e g i s l a t u r e 5-15 23514 San Fedro Civ ic C o u n c i l - r p t t o -Hiways-Sts -Br idges & Term I s l a n d Tunnel S.YStom C a l i f o r n i a -^ec i s l a tu ro G-7 23756 Davenpprt .I io-Lcwis . .mo ld o t t n

Lewis Arnold a t t e n d Fact Find Comt r e H iways -S t r ee t s fc Br idges June 9 - Davenport mo , „ , „ Arnold a t t end mtg Ju ly 8-9-10-19 Arnold a t t e n d f u t u r e mtgs & use Ci ty ca r 8- I -46


Page 28: Ifieilil eEi?-?s''^!55'^to°§35^9^'ens.lacity.org/clk/rmdroot/clkrmdroot326080308_12102012.pdf · 2012. 12. 10. · San Franclaco • ilD-15-45 75169 "I7 , Req $45 Mr David to mtg

; ^ i ^ ; ^ -«^ i j>^^ ' :> ••'•"'''•"'"•"''Tl7''°^*°"iMfiitiiftip^ ''f'''rri.fff'rrfi'r'^ii>tmit''i«ai>'ie''''i«rWi^^

S t a t e L e g i s l a t u r e 7-19-46 24272 --/,-/ -V.'m H Meal a t t e n d S p e c i a l Sess ion—" a t Sacramento 7-22-46- V/arbur ton^

motion 'Legislature 8-7-46 24511 Calif-Senate Comt St & local tax ' req Council give Comt statement financial problems. &,rec analv.s.in Calif Legislature 56th Session

• Req parking regulatns Reseda 25202' chg parallel to Angle parking

Xegislature'State Calif 25241 57tfi Beeular Session-Resol v/a eal Lewis E Arno, J Davenport

--Allen C •.'". '• i •

State Legislation 1-22-47 26554

Itate Legislature 2-28-47 27202 :.QSP1 Cpuncil req^apgrop Calif^^^ • riwy PatiaL adequate PerS 234 addtl , officers& 3 now substatns County IA

State Legislature 2-28-47 27233 ps^ol Council urge^proyide lepialat. i' £??°S lynds, establish permahent ..orld irade Mart i.-! Area-Davenport Legislature Stfte 8-12-47 29'677

session & 1st extraordinary ' ,. poo cIpn •

State Legislature 1-17-48 Resol '.'.'m "Weal Arnold-Davies-DeDs i • Holland suth rep Col La Interim Corat .upe .city car & exp-,l...G P.iv.iRi State Legislature,, 2-19-45 72009 Mo Cclmen Debs & Holland attend : Sacramento Mar 1-2-7- 1948 & use ^ City c.ar-H Harby. „ . . . . .

State Legislature 2-19-48 72012 Resol Wm Neal & Lewis-Arnold -attend iter I 1948 & Col fund pay expenses-E. E .Debs ... , ... . .

1 Legislature 7-19-48 •'24~7 Mo Hahn & Allen attend Mtg Sacramento Mar 20 to 24 use City car & i-lRO exp-H Harby State Legislature 7-71-48 72608 Ed E Elliott re displaced person; & ordered to vacate by Freeway const program ^

Legislature 4-12-48 2'(u

Legislature 12-7-45 "'RS06 Resol spec sess Jan 1949 re i loan sharks & commend Jud Baker publicl.zing cond - li; " "lebs

Legislature " I2-l'6-45 7R699 Resol V/m Neal & Lewis Arnold rep City at R9th Reg Session -r. exp &. car - E E Debs

State Motor Vehicle 25654 •2901 Council req Bur, B&iJi&City Atty J?ipt^amendment ftade le^gisIation • -. allocate funds from-H K Henry_ Calif 'Hatl "Guard "il-'7-47 ' 0510 Resol UCl solicit aD. city Depts for lend that can be utilized for term lease-Allen

State Bd Nurse Examiners 19714 Req use Koom 2200 City 4-I9.45L Hall i,'.ay 16 1945 frora 3 to 12:30 "


^esol Counci l r eq Bur,B&S&City J?ipt^amendment ftade l e^g i s l a t l c a l l o c a t e funds from-H A Henrv

M-B'iHIfJ calif ; _ Req use rm S04 CS exam 4-29-48

Calif State Pera Bd 5-7-45 " 7027 Req use rm gUITCitv Hall R-11-U5 St CS exams-Co-op pere Services req use i -lll-kf! r!nl i^-AnAv T.I A

Bd Sup L I c a l i f S t a t e Pe r s Bd 9-7-45 77027•

Req use rm 504 Sept 14 1948

Ca l i f S t a t e Pe r s Bd 9-5-45" 33027 Req use .rra 804 Oct 12 f o r exams

Ca l i f S t a t e Pere Bd'9-1'^-45 37027 Req uae rm 804 9-21-45

Cal S t a t e Pern Bd 10-4-48 "^3027 Req uee Rm 504 Ci ty Ha l l Thurs : Oct 14 1945 f o r exam-lO-26-45

C a l i f ' S t a t ' e P e r s Bd-11-3-45 77027 Req use rra 804 11-9-45

Req use Pjn 303 Ju ly 13-Sept 19-.•JOY 21 1945 - -5-24-45

C a l i f . S t a t e Bd PJial-ma.cy 25523 Req use CS Exam,,Rm 804 f o r exam L i c e n t i a t e s m Pharmacy

Ca l l f_S t Bd Pharmacy '707'54 ?a36-4f ° ' r ° - S ° ^ C i t y ^ H a l l ^ ^ -

S t a t e of C a l i f - P r o f & Voo ••22332 r e q use Civ Serv Rm 1 & 3 Monday montl' beg in 3-10-4.5 f o r exams

S t a t e of C a l i f o r n i a 3-7-45 22540 \/'oc & EXPf S tds Murse exam req use rm c i t y h a l l 5-15 7-3.7 10-16 exams

S t Ca l i f P rof f & Voc 4-4-46 22912 r e q Rm 805 or Rm 2200 A r c h i t e c t "beams Jund 24-26-27

I S t a t e P u b l i c U t ' U i t i e s (


Califs Util Comsn 1-21-45 31636 : Mo Atty inform Ccl if decision increase st car fares can be appeale.d-.to_hl.-rher. .oourt.-K H

Statb Pub Util Comsn 5-31-45 34650| Annual rept accidents on bus lines & railroads 1947 in Calif -.

State UtlI~Cbms'n' 11-15-4 8 35542 ' Grace Atkinson claims not 1 working for publio good

State Dapt Fub '.','ks 7-19-45 20447 ^ Offer dispose of nev/ trucks &

snow plows State Dept Public Works 21611 Req include 9 projects lnl2-5-45 1945-46 Agrmnt-1/4^ Gas Tax Funds-

, g;546,Z91 - SC&Fed kfs Comt State bept P Wks 3-5'6-46 248I5 ' Proposed agrmnt with City re sewer inspection service for Santa. Ana. Pa.rkw.ay. - Bd P W'K:S

; State Dept P/W 1-51-47 26760 i Contract City relocatn highways near,LA Alrpott LinooIn&Sepulvfeda

State Pai 1-17-47 2656J «M?di6a^^P°*

Cellf State"Person'n'el 7'- 71-45 7260^

Req uae Rm 804 City, Hall for Stat^^ Civil Service Exam 4-8-48

State Dept Pub Wrks 9-22-47 28318 I Does not rec fixed Hwy ltg until expenditure .ijustlf led

State Dept Pub V/rks 12-4-47 ''IOR? I Resol Calif Hwy Comsn adopt state Hwy route 230 & S V Cortelyou assume control Indiana St ^ _ State Dept Pub'Wrkl2-4-"47 ^fORS ' Reaol Hwy Comsn relinq portn Rt • 161 & SV Cortelyou notified stop further mtnce (Lankershlm Blvd) .

I f ^


Page 29: Ifieilil eEi?-?s''^!55'^to°§35^9^'ens.lacity.org/clk/rmdroot/clkrmdroot326080308_12102012.pdf · 2012. 12. 10. · San Franclaco • ilD-15-45 75169 "I7 , Req $45 Mr David to mtg

- . • • • • ^ '

s t a t e Dept of . • , 5-18-48 .'33192 ''^ii^ Pub Works-Transmit c o n t r a c t s ' b e t « -C^ty r e S t a t e Hlway work ,personne l

i3tate"De"pt'P/Wke "5-28=48- • • ' 3 ' ' SC&FA Comt-rec negb t i a t e - f t22 , . ,

nav r e s u r f a c e F o o t h i l l Blvd be

' s t a te"Dept P u b i l c 6-7-48 '334-05 Works-Order adopt s p e c i f l o a t l o n e i

iiatui?irgf"m7^'^^-°^"^*^' ^^° ' jstate Railroad Comsn 21309 " Notice of hrg 11-8-45 10-31-45 ' v|

at City Hall El Segundo appl P E Ry Co for route modificatn lA-Redon do Beach via Playa del Rey Motor Coaoh Line^ ^

fstat'e Reconst & reemploy ,30132 i ' (Somsn sent copy "Calif Airports"' Master plan ofqa^gggyts for Calif >

'st Dept Soc Welfare 5-1-46 22740 , deny city appli be inspect agent child care & care of aged. .fState of Calif ' 21622

Structural Pest Control 12-6-45: Bd-req use Room 804 2-4 '*" <-—^ examination

"state Galif.Struct.Pest Control _ -.Ree use rm 804 9-11-45 24930 i Ci'ty Hall ll/5,/45 for exam

- r Cal State"'7e'h"Code 12-3-48 357^9 Resol amend perrait pay school i crossipg^guards from Traf Safety N

Cal lA^ehlc le^C^^d^e7-12-45 "'3'^917

v e h i c l e u s i n g s t e not r e s t r i c t e d t o ^ . d e l i v e r y - conform t o

•State Co & Fed Affs Comt League Cal i f C i t i e s r eq 3-20-45 s auppor t AB 1531-Urban Re- 19489

development SB 755-7 AB 1350-51 19490

Limited Access Highv/ays

I AB 302-Sewer R e n t a l s 19491 . AB 578-F i r e V/orks 19492 ' -N,

Oppose G3 S04-?os t '.'.•ar F lan 19493 AB 1152-Vehic les 19494 AB 1504-Local F inances 19495 AB 1347-Claim S t a t u t e s .19496_ SB 153 & 332-I'4ilk & Meat 19497

I n s p e c t i o n ' .SB 372-Po lu t ion Dr ink ing 10498

Water SB 254-iEminent Domain- 19499

I n j u r y to Bus iness . ti..'te Co & Fed n f f s Comt ' 20001 -lng prep statement, prop 5-^^-45 expehui t u r e s of 1/4', S t a t e Hlway Funds blenniura 6-30-47

t a t e Co if. Feu Affs Comt 20002 Stateraent i.iajor S t r e e t 5-'"'"' ' "-pro , ;ec t s in i945.-4b ivieno /. for ' 1/4/' _ Sta t e .Hig.lw/ay Fijnds_.

. to Co I: Fedcr-ol Affs AA=.„= F in I- ".."KS & Counci l L E 8. xirnold a t t e n d a l l intGS-'""'"'^'

t a t e Co & Fed i , ffs Comt ,^0719 C'nairman Ed Davenport o/-

Div of Leagu_e CaIlf.o.r.nia_Cl.ti,es:"_" Co & Fed Affs Comt include 9, projects l f -5- ,451^

' ^pa % ?|^eMpt°ffl\eali?-i|^i & Lev/is Arnold a t t e n d S t a t e Leg i s oacramento 1-7-45 & u s e , C i t y ca r

S t a t e Co & Fed iiffs Comt 316/530 /appointed 1-7-46 dur ing absence r,. Council:iian Davenport

Page 30: Ifieilil eEi?-?s''^!55'^to°§35^9^'ens.lacity.org/clk/rmdroot/clkrmdroot326080308_12102012.pdf · 2012. 12. 10. · San Franclaco • ilD-15-45 75169 "I7 , Req $45 Mr David to mtg

.' r- ;-<^--~i-.i,- ': 'r ".; PT^ ki.':.!- -. >*,'.!";•' -^.-^s^-n-.^i-";

r.*.*' ;.,•-••" ;-.--"- • " • '

• . " • !~.Z'-i^''^^ • •- .tZT. J : - ^ • ' ' \ ' ' * • ' • ' . ' • ' ^ - ^ ^ ' • - ' \ - ' - •"'%. • y'.'-zr:

s t Co & Fed Aff r s Comt 23963 •'J - S t a t e Hiway Gas Tax $924,190.00

P lus c a r r y o v e r - t o t a l $988,285.00 I St Co & Fef Aff rs Comt 23964

Major St Gas Tax $ 1 , 4 9 8 , 7 2 0 . p l u s i ca r ryove r - to t f l X 5?1,828,160.21

I S t Co F e d e r a l Affrs Comt 23987 ' ' & W&P Comt-City Clk wire Cal Rep ,

oppose HR 5434 r e wa te r supp ly

( St Co F e d e r a l Aff rs Comt^ 239D4. Bd Supor a l l o t C i ty $240 ,000 . impr,, S.Barbara-Normandie t o Va^pNegs

!§-tate Co&Fed A f f a i r s Comt 25991 -J.A nvAA .....Ar, b i l l Bases su rvey -i Times -Davenport .s .T

i.CoitFed..Affairs Conit 27449 ' l ean I

l e g i s l a t i v e body s;upnort'"act out law Cntr.iniim c t P o A t i ' i r^-noironn AAt V. .T

S t a t e Co&Federal Af fa i r s Comt 27580 'Hec approp $155,375 f inance -const ;

riollyv/ooci Vreev/av from Barham Blvd to Vinelana Ave ' •

'•:. •Jf^-,.y.~'^-..i.>'Z''':-'••'•-'-•'-•'y?Zr:'y.'-^s---£^ •• .Z..--.^JZ'.^Z-.^A^^

1 •^•t^^!fi^^'^-""^-fi | iyMl^^ :7 26857 -tl/ , r o ra.'so-


i t a t e Co&Federal Af fa i r s Comt 27580 'Hec approp $155,375 f inance -eonst ;

riolly\-/ooci Vreev/av from Barham Blvd to Vinelana Ave ' • i State.Co&Fed . a f fa i r s Comt 27869

,?ec Ol ty At ty p r e sen t ord approp ,

I s t a t e Co & Fed 6 /30 /47 29034 Aff^ Coramlttee-Rec i n c l u d e in , 1/4(5 Major St Gas Tax Funds N 1^1,015,352.39

IS ta te Co & Fed 6/30/47 29035 Affs Comt-Include 5897,643.56 in i 1/4'/ S t a t e Hiway Gas Tax Funds ^ 1947-48 l ^ i s c a i y e a r

! , 'B!;e County & Fed I l - i 2 - l i 7 70SR7 [

i h ^ p'^lim EUEi\h' r2^^rv. req -/16.s (ras t ax fund cont inued S t a t e Co & Fed 1-15-43 51529

Affs Corat - members (Dav ies -Debs-Holland) w i t h Neal & Arnold rep Ccl i n S t a t e Legis I n t e r i m Coi: Davies mo- Davies-Debs-Cronl; w i th Neal & Arnold rep Ccl 7-19-49

' SC & Fed Aff.-?irs 4-2-1(5 7264'' Conit- Re LAFD garage & Perk ing ' -space Temple St b e t Broadw.'jy & ^ K i l l , S t s f o r Coun3y_use

a t a t e Co & Fed Aff 5-28-45 37372 S8S^^S^° n e g o t i a t e S t a t e pub Wke F ? ' ? , ? ? , P^y r e s u r f a c e Footh i l i l Blvd oet H i l l h a v e n & FenwinV s t n

S t a t e o f / C a l i f iFi-anehisc Tax 25104 LiLitrcc s.uaco accoi,ioa ta;cpayers m • Van i-'uvs 4-19-4.(5 >

I S t a t e funds 6-18-46 23883 Dpt F i n a n c e - 3 t C a l i f - a l l o c funds 1 c i t y & 00 f o r Pub 'iVks c o n s t r prog ^

hiH-l '1 ' nm i obiiV p r o t c i t y reu

S t a t e Funds . 2-7-47 26900 • i inoloyees misuse r e Fi i'ba^'fin86"f'P2'^rr3ftSISr-l:

S t a t e Heal th&Safety Code 26842 Sug amendmts r e l a t i v e i n s p e c t i o n e t c h o s p i t a l s - H e a l t h Comsn

S t a t e I leaIth&Safety Code 272-34 .^eq L e r i s l a t i v e Counsel oppose . -'.','01*:. m c amndmnt 5ec tn„ l8 lp9 .^pa r t2 Div 10- /iutocsc'irailer Court F e e s -i:.'!'aTe l.ioh'./ty Funds ' ' 20001

•'ill., pr ip slat^iiuents prop'5-v--i-/'; UA;.-!-i-i:ur.;£ of l/4,^ Fund for""^ ' lior.i.iura 6-3^0-47 - tiCtcF' a f f s Comt

Zn ' i : ! ..it,:-'..ay Fund's-l/45{ " '' •- "'"•'-.•~tt i ..^;..ent ..iajor S t r e e t - 5 ..^ ... . i r i j e c t . s in I '/43-46 .iiei.noranuum of

.., r.urt - .3C,:F;a ..ffo Cam(, S t a t e Highway Funds - l /4 ' / 20268

Pron prograra t r e e tr im.i i ing7-3-45, for S t a t e iiighv/ays 1945-47 -


l i n o &oth^r t axes -uavenpo]

I 3 t a t e liighwavs 20294

l/4v< S t a t e iil-.'/ay Gas Tax-f.^ingina-:..

' S t a t e Highways 9-20-45 20951 Comt meet ings of Legis mo L E Arnold au th a t t e n d - E J Davenport

S t a t e Highway 2-20-47 27023


State Highway Gas Tax' 5-21 23963 St Co &*~Fed'~C'MiEr$924,190. plus carry over total $988,285.00

State Old /-.ge .-ssistance 19787 Req Councii endorse 4-25-45 Afl 326-1710-1711 - PuMic Affairs

Forum Stats Printer 12-17-47 "^1204 ' Sub bill §66.67 for payment by Citv Col from Leeri-' latlve Funrl-Librarv Coman Statician 4-1-46 22856 Pblice Comsn eeq 3 mos lv abs Rhoda Cros.'?-

' Stations 12-12-47 "1172 ' Rec City Atty prepare st.'-.tute

im,.-iediai;e possession cindemned property for Fire & Police-P/''' Station V/agono 7-lR-li8 '-2iu4. Bd P/W req $8700 cr City Hall Garaee Fund purch )i-Mayor

Stationery '9-20-45 20948 Req exempt $85 Print & Bind Aoct

Stit'io-no^T" 3-7-46 22536 i/Iayor oppr ..flBOO. offico suppl ios & Stationary Dept Pub'v/orks

'Stationery 'll-7-45 ' "'RlilO • Bd P/W req $2000 Printing & binding acct-Bur Acct-Mayor

"-1-.J+. «t-i A.al _ReQ.= »A,->h Scscit Pnr..'^.J

Budget Sc. "'ifficinency Oorie 1781

Statistician 21500 office in Police Admin-Il-21-45' approve reallocation 24 po.sltns-

Civil, Siyvice (io:iian . .Statute 10-24-47 30RS2 Copy of & questionnaire from Statt Bd'of Healiih if dept complies & is eligi'ole for fund.s

Statute 12-12-47 7II72 -Heo City Atty prepare for iraraediatt pos.oession conderaned property fo.r fire & Police Station.^ p-p-Qa P/W Steara Boilers 4-15-46 23030 Bd i/ech Eng req revise MC54.23

iSnaiiieers - Bo I'lecnaiiicai bnci s

' Steam Boiler Engs 9-2'2-48 74906 Neighborhood Dry Cleaners Assoc against consoi Meoh Engs & B&S & sufc Or.d rev.lsed-.reBoller En s

;5team Engineers 4-26-)l5 72926 Calif Institute of Power Engs sub araend Eng Lie Law provide 4 grade.s

•Jteamfitting 11-13-45 21424, & prooess piping req Ord restrict

eonlng GStablishinents oVSi :d p '.,'ks

Steamer "Miuinault" 9-5-45 20827. Vs USA Govt agreed compromiso $400 rec pay-Atty

. lr_i P iC' . L. Uh-ii'^-i'Muzz i'.--4 i-ZzLZ

Page 31: Ifieilil eEi?-?s''^!55'^to°§35^9^'ens.lacity.org/clk/rmdroot/clkrmdroot326080308_12102012.pdf · 2012. 12. 10. · San Franclaco • ilD-15-45 75169 "I7 , Req $45 Mr David to mtg

Steamships 7-1-46, 24050 V-'i LA Stqamship req sa les tax info-as affeot-& delivery of Roods

• r .

i - •

4-22-4S •^291' ;n tran from Reaerve Fund ,

ur Const Mtnce Fund-Miiyo.

, 1-8-45 18958 .' Rec approp $287.10 for bank pro- ' , teen work Aliso St Viaduct-BPW

itoorii;.- Co;-J':itteo 3-6 2;.;535 ".."orburtop ..o-.itty "..• ii I.Teal repre ..;•(-, p. - . A i r . ' i - r , i i i n t - T n t A T ' i i r i . n A A t , l i - i v.i.,-.-ir ^

Steno ' 10-17-47 •'0R4' . Bd p/W req addtl pos i t i on in Special projects & Coordinating nivJ .qnri'-Ic'5"or

Stenographer „ ^8-27-45 74546 Req new pos & $1700 sa la ry bal ; year Bur' of Insp-Mayor Stenographer-Legal 4-5-45 22903 C 3 a l loc to Sr Legal Steno new 1 pos i t i on in City Atty Dept . Stenograpiiic .(eporter 2-19 22354 .., S .qllocate new pos i t i on in ' lanning uept- i Int oik Sten-1 ." r C

Stenographer Reporter 2-26 22428 • C S real loo to-frm Sr Clk Steno 1

Lola S Halin Bd Fire Comsnrs ' Stenographic'Reporter 6-28 24037

CS a l loc I post to c l a s s of- in 1 C i v i l Service Dept

S'tenoKra-ohic Reporter 2-28-47 2719"" 2ea f i i l l .position -.•/hile, ., ., , , , J e s s i e ,, Dwyer on s ick lv-3d P/'.'/ ^ Ma yor

.stenographic Reporter 28901 Req employ 1 f i l l posi tn 6/23,/47 , Jess ie '.; Dwyer in Bd p \/ks-Mayor ^

Steno Reporter I2-I7-I1.7 71225 • CS Comon ciag t i t l e to Hesring i




I / . -


' , ^ ' ^

Steno-Secy 5-17-45 19442 Code 1325 Bur liusic add nev; posi­tion under Art Comsn-C S Comsn

3t--noKroPliic Secretary 20317 Code 1?.25 - allocati.en 7-5-45, 1 position in Police Doot -

Bd Civil Service Comsnrs Steno Secretaj-y ' " 21608 ' Code 1325-app allocate 12-5-4p

fill positn in Social Service Dept - Civil Service Co;-jsnrs

Stenographic Secretary 21234 Add 7 positions in " 3-22-46 ' Poiice Dept in Clerical series

C G; Cpmsn Itenographie.Secretary 26270

'apnic eecre'tary 26905 iata new pos'+""'''-°i "'"•=

no-BUr ;

teno-Sectetary 3-25-47 27630 I

i Secretary IJ > consoi Co(

Steno Code 1727 & Sr Clk

3tep Elan 2-25-46 22404 All City Fjnp Assn Rec amend Ord 89100 rficnm Spnoritv step pl»n

Steps 1-31-47 25753 irec Tepair running from Vestal St to Donaldson-Lillian I/iacVitty


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sterilizer 4-30-46 23254 '• Reo Hosp req $1377. new sterilize for Geo St Reo Hosp

Stic kers , , 2-3-47 26849 on Commercial vehicles permitted park load or unload-Resol City Atty prep ord-AlIon C A Stickers 9-?-48 34712


..34712. Req r e p e a l subsee (d) See Pl.lbMC r e no l e e fo r v e h i c l e s - C i t y Clk

Stone Canyon 8-9-48 34276 R e s e r v o i r Area-'W&P Comsn--Resol 313 t ake l e g a l s t epa purch 26 t a x -deeded lotfi In eeded Tots In ;one Canyon ' 12-2-48 357R6 Reservoir- Resol 404 re tax " deed to drainage area-W & E Dept

Stone conyon Reservoir 7-27- 7. . Sub resol 98.?rovlde City LA -recre tp.x title land, ft260 W/P Corasi.

Stone Mason 1-16-45 31R6S Abollah olase for Ccl controllea • depths

.Stop Lights 12-12-47 71145 Len WelQsman req at Coloatn & -Moorparlt Sts Van Nuys

Storm Channel 9-25-46 25117 -non-used Req qultolaim deed-delinq taxes to be paid- David & Dora Sharp

Storra channel R-I7-l;s 77lRy Rept SC & FA & Fln Corat on Wilson' Rnpt Oanyon tn Pacoimn wpph

Stop Signs 6-28-4 6 24038 Park Comsn req amend MC for addl Blvd 8lo;ns in ' -'•iffith Park

• eS?5!lgl^]!)i^^eli§l^^tt^lk2i^Lt & create Int Clk typist-Mayor

Store Division 10-17-46 25378 Supfllies Dept ohg Sr Clkto Sr ISfatls Clk &'//arehouseman to Matla Clk-Store Dlvsn 2-2R-45 ^2071 Req 7 mo sick lv Estelle Downey Bkpg Mach Oper eff 2-6-45-CS Coman ,


S t o r e k s o p e r CS e l l O C - t P Tr n p r n n u T

Storekeeper Adopt nr

4-23-40 ' ipoly ic

z.QjA_ . p p y j i o . Storekeeper

•47 29467 ice Farmer c. iPollce

.-U^-ViX : .e.r'-C.Qm_si3 S torekeeper " 1-27-45 71671 Rec Hosp req au th employ & Per s Ord amend t o include-Mayor

.Storekeeper "2"-'2"7-48 ^ 7"2li7 Purch Agent req pos Sr Clk a t C i t y S to re chgd-Mayor

S tormdra lns 4-4-45 19597 Req i n v e s t pape r s being thrown by nev/sboys-H 0 Jackson

Storm d ra in 2-14-46 22315 Koy u Bose req aband easement a s d m l n no t on h i s l o t n i l -IT 9300

Storm d r a i n 2-26-45 22433 Bd Fub 'i/ks-easement deeds fo r impr llpva P l be t Ruby P l & Meridian

Stonn Drain 6-14-46 23842 6 th S t -Arden & Rossmore-PW req §13 ,000 . recons t r -Mayor recomm

storm d r a i n 6-21-46 23953 V/ i l sh l re Country Club p r o t c i t y rpfpse t,tinr OT^en-ovo^ gpl-" course


; I

s torm Dra in . '/ . . Jayor Rec $6500. ex t end -S . W i l s h i r e b e t Dimsmuir & Ridgeley Dr-Eng r e q

dec aaopt ora app^gran t rarK i

Eermlss lon t o BQ P/W qonstruc^ ot 2 -Truc t 2074-Bd P/W •'":'"'"1

ts&Forney S t s

Itormdraih .,, . .3-4-47. . /anrrpsTQAim , ^ l v r . _ i n t R


Stormdralns ^ 3-Il-47„^ „2,7403 req for const, be ref Bd P7''-{<ec , Codnoil req City make comprehensive rept covering general&looal storm-Wfit.pr n r n n l pmoi^Wo ifA-r. « « . , . A J tormdrain , ,4 -29-47^^^28140

Wmmml^m ' stormdrain 5-12-47 28317

Stormdrain 5-23-47 28508. App const City LA BBth St&Ver Ave usinp county fund:

il?I?a?l,!;8arcei oXiSS^Srth t?f?F Sherman V/§y - Comwel Co

'^^^"'n'ehives re I debris &

WPter N aide of Venice tr.' cks

"""-"""in" '"'"9'-15-'^7 ^0149 Bd P/W r e c exchaige, of s to rmdra l i easement ,over l o t s 43-44 Tr 6601 f o r Sly 6 ' of l o t 44

Storm.Drains '9-26-47 ''P' 23

Stormdrain 10-6-47 70428 Resol Ccl allocate $70,000 & CE prep plans Const at Griffith Ave fn N Main St to Alhambra Ave drain Stormdrain 12-4-47 - ^HOS Resol city approp from Permanent Imp Fund MO'.OOO const at Hillrose , St-'./a.rburiioalL., ... , -„ --Stormdrain 1-29-45 ~ ''17'iO Joshua H Marks req Ccl provide facilitleB Lot A Zoo Tract E of Mission Hd M of Seli; Pl. Storra drain 7-2-45 ^2146 Bd P/W req $45,000 additions E Sherman Oaks Sly Venturo & Beverly oien Bl,vA8.-j-Iayor

Stormdrain . 5-26-48 ,. :

!074-Leland Bt Nly from MacArthur Avenue

'atormdrriin ''7-5-45 "' 7563 Bd p/W rec approp 175,000 const-bet Monon 3t-Franklin Ave-Prospect & Myra Ayes Stormdralns' " 7-23-45 34053 Bd P/W req $67,400 approp-conat 45th St bet Hooper & Central Ave-Mayor ' - torm drain-eacemant' 6-7-45 23749

lr... T-l-.^o,^A A . A-i t - r V A1 P.r. . c - A - L o t .r l

Trnct 4954

Storm Drain P r o j e c t s 4-2-46 22886 'PW Eng req s t a t e a i d $226,200 f o r -Rorieo Rd-39th-Misslon i?d-.Re»'tellP Q^Q-

Storm wa te r s 2-5-46 22190 Mayro r e c amend of ord inance r e drp innpe CBT-ryipg stor!" '.".iters

Storm water 4-17-45 25075 USA vs C i ty LA-Atty-storm wator dPfripgci "to Banning Hopips p r o j o c t


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- •I • • f t -

storm Waters 5-3-46 23334 >s> li-ayor appr $20 ,000 . edge pavement Cano«a be t Har t & Ventura f o r -

OiiA MJI i n t . & S p n l t B t l o n

Streets 20173 Res aoprop *201,:cl0.96 6-21-45 . i:uo streets in City -

Bd oJ' Suoeryisors Streets 7-15-45 20428 & Places prot naming for distin-Cuished leaders Armed Forces-'./hite

Streets 9-4-45 20813 Of ijity rept need addl funds resurfaoe roadways-BPW

Streets - improve 21272 Pes fi.l,OIO,155.99 10-26-45: approp - Bd of Supervisors

Streets 12-26-45 21779 ,Comp against debris & trash dov/ntov/n-itouise Martin i

Streets 2-19-46 22359 '"• '- "..3-:s reo oonstr central gutters

• d^^aiPP^'P f n - n n t a Sr a l 1 a i r a

Street Use inspector 2-19 22363 Clv Ser alloc 4 positions in Bur ' ' Inspeotlon

Streets 2-25-46 22421 California Legislature-date & proeram ot Hipbvjp r n-. -.

Streets 3-27-45 22805 Pol Comsn re amend Seo 80.55MC Park narrow or unusual constr sts

Streets 5-8-46 23390 ' J E Dennis suggest alternate-one way relieve traffio congestion

Streets 7-24-46 24315 Opportunity Club (protest manner of dress

Streets 10-3-46 25238 Close or abandon for private • interests-statement veto ords-Mayor '

Streets „ 11-19-46 25720 Req amend Mc prohibit certain i days & hrs Mo used cleaning for parking-Police Comsn '•-eets -.^ 12-27-46

.-.Ai.e r-.t.v 1.5 - r a p n i ts -.^ 12-27-46 ^^ 263II us City lA resol auth approp 5,947 toward imp&mtnce-Bd


1-20-47 25586

resol-AIlen C A 27433 y LA 1 c=ui LO.-mp, excavatn City LA . i

reo seot 62.20 LA MC be amended x. provide increased fees-Bd P/W-Mayor Streets , , ^ 4-22-47 27995 '95 app bal 555,974_,mtnce&I

W .mm%o%^^°^^^^^ ^ ^ """ ""* ' Streets 7-51-47 29/'" suomit agmt for expenditure 1/,, cent Gas tax -City Engineer \

3t':'eets; __ . .. 8-26-47 20935

•t" strips as public 3 c t n .v-iX'-j : : r8 i i

(^•noT^^f, i3r i

streets 9-29-47 '" 30330

for 2 wke beginning IO-I5-47

•"reete 11-6-47 30791 ..(-q Att,' aub omend LAKC with

St Ltg Eng submits Ord 6f Intent ^ for lighting 21 various streets ~ Protest hearing 12-29-47-Dept P/W Streets 12-1-47 -,31035 County Bd Supervisors resol

streets 12-7-47 71057 Ord of Intent for ltg 29sts & • dlsts-Beverly Blvd Ltg Dist etc-Hearltig lJ..^-47-St Lt F.n. Street 12-29-47 1~' 2 ' Req auth dedicate as publio st & Name Fourth Ave bet Hyde pari. Blvd . & Southwest Di^Eng Stroets 1-8-45 71467 Elsie C Amidon offers sug for

streets , 1-12-48 - 71^17 Philip Pearl re holes in prver.en. 1 eft by contractors & municipal depts

Streets East LA 1-16-45 71569

F,o!3t el"P LA

^fd^DS re $445,3ii'«lloc^'''^ • Gas Tax Fund by County Bd Supers For Mtnce-Mayor . Streets 1-30-45 Sub drafts of Ord of Intent It 29 various sts & dists-St Ltg Bur

s'treets ' " 2-18-48 71989 Mo consider amend oharter re trees plants along Pub sts & trant from Reo & Pks .to.P/W--Warburto,n

Streets 2-24-48 ^^2045 Wycliff Hill rec Ccl pass Ord fine Pub Util Corps leaving in hazardous oondition Streets " ' 2-26-45 '72097 I • Auth approp $447,998.'-1 imp City Sts-Sup Bd LA Co

Streets '_, ' AA/^T"^?"^ AA^2R99 Rec amend-Sec 89(d) & See 90 Bpeclfications 178 (new series) covering, imp of,,sts-P/W 3d.. ., ,

. Streets 4-7-15 ''2689 App req Bd P/W Atty sub Ord amend LAMC re refilling e.xcavation. -Mayor . .

Streets 5-ll-li5 3"?131 , Mo p/w Comt check City paving & other depts excavating-D Allen

Streets R-11-48 77172 Davies mo accent §44"'.81(8.71 County Motor Veh.Fund Budget imp Bt.r-P.ptB 1 Q k R - l QliO. . . ? , - - . . •

S t r e e t s 7-12-48 33917 Pol Comsn-rec araena MC r e cbipl. . dely^conf orm

'S t re^e ' t ' s ' "" 7-21-48 34045 Eng r e c adopt r e s o l accep t 1 ' s t r l ^ as Pub-Leraay St in T r a c t s 1R02$ & :

S t r e e t l " ' " 9-1-45 - 74691 Olyrapic Games Co Cal Comt req $R00 d e c o r a t i o n s f o r homecoraing o e l e b r a t i o n 9 - 2 7 - 1 J 5 . . .

S t r e e t s ^ „,_ 9-3-45 . ^ 7471J. Community Chest req s t a r t s t r fee t ' d e c o r a t i o n s Oct 24 fo r Drive

Gr,';cnc./ c l auae r e t r / -way B t r ee t8 t 8 -Po i i c

Streets' 16-18-48 ^ 3R'211 ' Resol approp $1,079,112.28 imp various sts in LA-Sup Bd LA Co

Streets ' 11-1-45 "35406 Sub drafts of Ord of Int for Itg 25 dists-St Ltg Eng

iStreets ' ' ll-8-45 "^5473 Resol Fire & Health Depts-Bd P/W remove refuae-LS Warburton

Streets 11-17-48 35582 ' Resol Bd P/W advise Col cost of reoonst-abandoned by street car lines

\ iiiHIiMaMH

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.—;hln 100 ' o^. i n t ° r = P c t i o h R

[ S t r e e t s 12-1 -45 "^5745

imps- H Henry

" Streets' "12-1-^-45 7RS57" Mrs C C Rodarty sug owners park cars in garage at night or pay ^10 per mo

Street oars Co-mplaint

6-12-45 20120 ;:ainst service-Paul

Street oars - "W" 21249 «2 Req relief on"^rowded 10-24-45^

SGrvicina HiRhland, Park, dist-......s Veronica M Cruickshank

Street car zone 20552 Pet re-establish on 7-51-45 Whittisr Bivd at.Concord bt-

Francis h Young et al Street cleaning . I-l.,;-43 25720

Req proiiioit parking certain ste specified nours - Police Comsn

Street Crossing 11-4-45 25556 Olmda St across SP Tracks San Fernando Rd Req-Roscoe C of G

Street cars 6-22-45 20176 Resol estab i.ionorail system-prot grant 21 yr fran-People'.s Lobby

Street oars 11-1-45 21320 . Req continue ord which does not permit smoking-Jennie Fisher

Street car 2I625 Oppose plan remove 12-7-/.-, Pf.sffn'; "Vl ?"^ * .replace with""' smaller one-ba-//ay-i-,lanciiester Club

.Streetcars 1-7-45 f;l£35 .. S pull;..--, i-roto-'t. c; okinr o.i stroot Caro Z. "Ducaoo

Street cars 5-5-46 23359 Jacob Solomon request municipal ownefi svstem

Street cars 5-6-46 23360 J -F Smith prot autos not stor. behii; st cars when pass load & unload

Streetcars 3-24-47 27563 protest set up as dwelling quart­

er s-","hea tiand Ave-Hansen F'siphts Imp Assoc ''

Streetcars 10-9-47 "^0468 Chas A sti-: in petition regarding L4. fABARlt TjlnpQ pprvioe TiARB bx .

Stroetc.prs 12-9-47 7111? ,Fr; nk A P/xtton /gainut remove D.-Pi smoking

Streetca'rs 'l-2i-48' '71676 Mo City Atty inform Ccl if Calif Utli Co.rasn decision re increases con be appealed iii.-'ner court-Halm K

Streetcars I-26-4S 71693 Marie A Towns nrotests fare Inc^pp ppp

Streetcars 7-29-48 "'2c;6C Resol Ord estab white line prohib strndees o"Dstruct driver's view-L E -i:.i")erl.Pke Street Cors 11-11-48 7^447 Mo Atty furnish Cclraen rept re Increase in fere- Ed J Davenport

Street Cars 11-17-48 35582 Resol Bd P/W advise Ccl oost of reconst sts abandoned by-K Hahn

dtreet Car company 5-5-45 23343 Margaret i.i Gotsha protest disoourt emnlovees

St Equipmt Oper 5-28-45 20254 Req emp 1 addl vao anticipated retiremt Louis Boyll-BPV/

Street ''iquipmt Oper 10-5-45 21079 Allocate new positn St i.itnce Div Dspt P Wks-Civil Service Comsn '

Street Equipment Operator 20365 Code 3525-reaIlocation 10-10-45 from Roller Operator in St Mtnoe Div-Civil Service Corasn Amend Sal Stand Ord provide higher salary schedule for paveraent heater operators &c - I-I7-46

Street Equipment Operator 22392 Amend Ord 90946 make 5-15-46 corrections - B&E rept

J t r j t .,ialp...-..t op-jr :i-/i -.'Z.'.AC'H C J .io-locatj I - ( i . c l u . . o i 1.; 2'9 l.y.; ,,o_to)-(Ui.t Si, . .a l i . t J i v .

*"" " ...uI:..,'',oi;t iji;;r;. t-ir '.'.•b.Zc ,,_ c . ,_ ;^ . •ZX.-ZZ t i l l . f r : . . - - to

Streets & Highwavs 7 - 2 3 . U b 24306 Code- amend for City receive ^10 par bond for each st irap -

Ma o r Sts & Hiway Code 2-24-48 7204? Re amend so majority protest pct waived for owners 6o:J of area-Bd PV.

Jt & Hiw.py Code 4-27-48 7296"^ _ . ,y ..'.tty seek fmend-recot^ni;.

irotest v/ithdrpv/ala re imps-L V/a rburton Street Iraprovement 1-2-48 "11412

Mayor annual message re Pages 2-7-!(-

Street Improvement Bonds 20651 for imp of Broadway - 8-13-45 obligation of City

Troraoater & ComQ^A-V. Street Improvement 7-23-46 24306

streets & hiways ! fo.r City receive $10 per

„.jo - ayor St i.mprovainent 7/^^5/47 29403

rburton Resol Ed P Vks stidy ing fees all bids 1911 Act vhere , Contract cost is within total i or-'

t Improvement Bond 10-17-45 25384 Jefferson St li&bility pay

Streetcar Smoking 8-6-45 24476 Protest violation ordinance Louise Van Camp

Stre t C r stop 3-5-45 22519 Clif top ,'.da:..s reclet L^ Transit T,iri. e p t o A Q,' ' tn-.t

Street oar strike 5-8-46 23385 G L.' eilly recomm revoke franchise of LA I'-epsit Line: liMAIHtlcgai Street car system 5-10-45 23414 Clarenoe B Edv/ards praises-in Los -ApAel^s

I loreciosure notice' in Community papers- J C Holland

Street Improvement Ord 22359 Re constructn central eonerete gutters

Street Imp Ord 85500 6-19-47 28833'

^ i m r l t l ^^'8?9 §5SBSAi Sg§'i

i Stre'eTImp Ord 7/2/47 27854 Araend 35,500 re concrete curbs &c - P .'.ks Comt

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-.-(..;-,, c ,n-i

Street Intersections 5/20/47 28465^''0 Lighting - req transfer $9,500 ^ to acct in Motor Vehicle Street ~ Imp. Fund -.Mayor

Istreet lights-overhead 21002 Req approp addi $5,000 9-27-45 • for installation - 3d P 'Wks

(street Lighting 3-5-45 19385 ' Resol discontinue.special ltg

assmt dist-plan light sts City expense-J V/ln Austin

Street Lighting 6-20-45 20184 . Bd Pub •//ks-Austin mo-City Clk segregate frm Budget 1945-46

Street lights 20865 Req leave on until 9-11-45 daylight - illrs i/iae Fiesel

Streot lighting 2-11-45 22257 Pet Russell Johnson Dunleer Dr bst '"'pHpinc ".ve & ' -.-rposition Blvd

Street Lighting 2-1S-46 • 22340 • General Fore.Tan-Herbert G Konig Bd •^ub • s rpp r'ile^j^e for O P T

Street Liglits 2-28-46 22472 Native Dauij;htera Golden ' . l a s t - r e c

Street Light Assmts 5-2-45 34192 'et;,c "••r.Assmts req draw demands,..

Street Ltg Assmt Fund 29"J92

,275.80 refund dup payme.. .l-'l P/W 7/-i:Cj/ii./ Street ltg mtnce 8-27-46 24784 1

for 3Q streets & districts- ' protest 10-14-46

Street Light Construction 21723 | B&E req o/time for-Helper & 1 addl '/elder in Bur St LiRhtinK

Street Ltg Constructor 20297 Co'-e 35u9 - req employ 7-3-45 Edward K ./aish on return from military leave-St Ltg Bureau

t Ltg Constructor 7-19-45 20451 Allocate nev/ positn Code 3809 St Ltg Bur Br./-Civil Serv Comsnr:

St.Lighting Const. 7-19-46 24223 'Bur Lighting-Req fill position Joi'.n Calhoun retire -^iavo^

Street Lighting Constructors 2'60 ' req emplpY^t J^ighting Bureau

I Btreet Lighting 3-1-45 AllenResol-Pub './ks advis use for l i nh t reduce no/

of f iers c i ty data on-

s t r e e t l i g h t s 4-29-46 23246 Du Minke Ed suggest remove black out paint fnn s t Ig ts Broadway

St ree t Lighting 6-14-45 23844 Airlane bet 78th & 79th-Pet i n s t l J L I.,andis

Street Lii^htinp: 12-31—"" pet './e = t Blvd fro-ii Goli: t>anta Barbara Ave-Ralph D

Street lib-'."-tinG 7-"''>47 2'3i.7'o i-io to study & to consider riifiA-ontinuinH: assmt a i s t

i Street Ltg 9-17-47 '^0271 Drafts of Ord of Intent for l t g 2)1 etp-Mppring p ro te s t s IO-71-47

Street Lights 10-24-)L7 7 0 6 0 8 Marlovz-Burno inquire as to Mun Art Comsn's power to d i c t a t e tvpe to "oe used, in sii'o.divlslj.on <5i-AAAt T.liT'ntlnfc- n - 1 7 - l ( . 7 70860

.Street Light Constr iielper 20836 'CS abolish Jr Eng Aide & rea l loca t t to- in Bur St Lgt-PW

itreet Ltg Const Helper 21051 Code 3808 a l loca te new 10-3-45 positn Bur pt Ltg-Civ Sery Comsn

Street Ltg Const Helper 21723 Rec payment overtime in 5-22-46 Bur St Ltg-Code 3303 - B&E

re a l loca te to^Mtfioe&Const Helper ' St Lgtg Bur

Street Ltg Const Helpers 26084 -"' igeo/,^-Ploy St Lighting Bureau (2)

St Ltg Const Helper 2-2-45 71772 Bd P/W req auth erap 4 arld.tnl Bur St Ltg-Mayor

St Ltg Eng Assoc 12-7-1(5 71 766 Bd P/W req real loo pos St Ltg Bur held by A T Nadeau - Idayor

St ree t Ltg Eng-Prino 5-4-45 19840 Req recons positn & place in Salary Sohed,//40-BPW

St Ltg Engineer Associate 25277 ieq employ Bur St Ltg-Bd P/V/ ^


'-.earing 12-r'';-l:7--'ept ?/'•• St reet l ight ing I-2I48 •31537

yor .raessage l i s t Si950,000 ior r e h a b i l i t a t i o n - i-iayor

Stree't "Lighting 7-2''l-45'~74065 - Street Light Eng t rans draf ts of

Ord of I n t en t - l i gh t 27 s t s & d i s t r i c t s . . ,

Street" Lighting 5-19-45 74495 Ord of Intent for 72 d i s t s - •!

• St Ltg Eng ^ Street L igh t ing ' '9-29-45 „ 'H9S8

St Light Eng sub draft or Ord of .

I Stj-e'et'ltV assrants 8-26"-4"6 24758 " ' Bur Assessments issue demands j

refund dupl icate payments - BPW -s

ii^afaglHijI $278.80' 1947 col Assessments Bur

lection prlod

.St Light Genl 8-10-45 74284 '"'oreraan-Bd P/W req 2 ne;/ pos-Sup i-irAAhAor-! T Ifikt t . r!hf Tnnn-lieu of

3treet Ltg Systems 1-2-45 71407 Mayor annual measage re $950,000 approp-

Street lines 15255 on Wilsliire bet Ogden Dr & Fair-fax-req investigation-/, /i Ross

3t i-^intenance 5-20-46 23553 .liayor rec v5560 to acquire lot for St i'..aint "lard at 1266 Cochran

Street Maintenance 5-29-45 23553 Eugene Shakespeare orot-scrane a Ijley 181? " 55 !; req^ ci ty : '

Street Mtnce Foreman 19970 Code 4151-consolidate St IO-3-46' Mtnce Foreman & St Mtnce Sr Foreman - C S Comsn


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. ^

S t r e e t i.Iaintenance Forenan 22562 '^^^ C S r e a l l o o a t e - r e t i r e m e n t Curl i ^ npi.-nTinnnd-'R'ir r.'pint fr .'^pnit-pv'/ 5-P;

' S t r e e t I faintenance Foreman 22559 ' G S a l l o c a t e l - ( i n c l u d o d in 29

iijA.., AQot g jpAp't i7t. Maint n l v

S t r e e t - M a i n t Foreman 3-28 22836 C S a l l o o E A Jacobsen frm Carpen V/orking Foreman to St -Maint Foreman

St Mtnce Foreman 12-18-47 •^12R1 Bd p/w req f i l l p o s i Bur Mtnce & - i S a n i t vac/"nt deatii R W Gahagen- ' I Kayor

St Mtnce Foreman 2-10-48 71866 Bd p/w r e q au th f i l l pos St Mtnce Bur r e t i r e m e n t F P W'nlte-Mayor

St Mtnce Fore.raan 4-21-48 "2862 Bd p/W req emp Bur St i-itnce

- r e t i r e r a e n t i-iichael Crowley ==-1-^5 • -Mr. vor

St Mtnce Foreman 12-7-45 "'5783 Bd P/W overt i rae Bur St Mtnce 11-27-48 - Mayor

St Mtnce Foreman 12-7-48 7R7S6 Bd P/w over t ime Bur St Mtnce 11-2R-4S - Mayor

St ivitnce Sr Foreraan 8-26-46 24741 Combine c l a s s of St Mtnce Forema. with above - Bd P V.lts

St iiJtnce Sr Supt 8-26-46 24741 Req co.-nbine c l a s s of St Mtnoe Supt wi th above - Bd P Wks

S t r e e t Maint Super 5-1-46 23293 CS raq 3 mos Iv abe Roland R flllpn-Bur .Vjsint & S a n i t

St Utnce Sup t . 8-5-46 24463 Mtnce & San Bur app f i l l i n g posi tn vaca ted r e t i r e H R Allen-Mnvor S t r e e t i.itnce Supt l o / 5 / 4 6 19970

Coce c.iyi - c o n s o l i d a t e S t i;'.tnce Suot & St ivitnce Sr Supt in one c l a s s - C i v i l S e r v i c e Comsn

S t r e e t Mtnoe V/orkers 7-9-47 29145 m ?/8!Ie?f^5fid§?=|cgg!"k*25 mo Mechanics I 2 t n St Yd

^ t ree t^Mtnce yard 3-13-47 iec C i ty Durch v j75,443„c iropertS- ^V^ St oet LA Ri 3ovP.e ,iVe-.S-«H v.'ir

47 27376 certain


St ..ltnce Yard 7-18-46 24215 Acq site ,51,500 Cahuenga Romaine & Lillian '//ay - EPV/

acq parcel

-45 .,24895 _, acc tax deed

,._..t 7th Ltre-t site-F/'./ iDd

St Mtnc? Yd 12-5-45 25945 South side 7th St rec acq for site ree condeiijiatn proceedg-Bd P/'W

St ...tnce Yard ;;-4-47 27235 ..om-. ne Jt ifrontu t.' Lo,t ,1 '• " "

•%\}MmT^cWy'&%^'(z6t e - X Irr.n Funi-l.c

Rec aD-)roD <2:lt^o.Oo6 to Motor \;oVTl^1(a Q> Tmn 'Tiin.'^ a o n n r n n f

S't"M"tn"ce "Yard " ' "2"-"l6-48 ""~^I94"^ Req $10,000 be approp oonst f o u n d a t i o n s & r e t a i n i n g v/all C e n t r o l .vard-.Ha.yor.._..,... ...„,. ,

St Mtnce Yard 7 -8 -45 24563 - A t t y Rept-Recom escrow acq Par 6

Sc 7 Sc c o s t s p l u s $15,125 approp. cover cos t a & q u l s p i o n

,3t Mtnce Yard 9-29-45 31 "

in Central Dlst- Mayor


See Under GAS TAX

5;; 5-45 / unds -

treets of Major Importance 20293 Prop program for tree 7-3-45 trimming for 19Z.5-46 - X/di Major Stree't Gas Tax fun

Streets of Major ImD streets of Major Iran 20295 ProQ prograiR traf fie l - ' i jt. cohtrol aevices 1945-46 - ' -' -5 ?;30,000 frra ^ Gas Tax funds-i-ini

itreet of Major Importance 24803 Davies resol make Webb 8-28-46' Ave bet Laurel Canyon Blvd & . [.Jjn'<pr.q)-ii m Hlvd .'^t IM/. "lnr Tmnnr t f ipce

Street name change 3-22-45 19513 Stephenson Ave to 7th Pl -Clarence St to terminus L Fitzjarrell-Shg "

' ' 6-7-48 tli;mii'^2?9^RK^ t l o n s f o r hlway name s i g n s -Chapter 790-Sta t ;u tes of 1947

Street -New ' R-6-4S 7^067 Mrs E M Conner pe t C i ty open B e l l a i r e Ave to Coldi-iater" Canyon Biv from Sat l o o - .St toIQCO' Nlv Street -New 'R-6-45 "57072

Dorothy Lamoton pe t ext N & S fo l low I'/ly Boundary Lot A Tr 1881 Tu lunr/i

S t r e e t n o i s e s 6-18-46 23880 & a i r p l a n e no i ses -Chas E B l i s s TiT>ntept-in c i t v

S t r e e t number l ^ ^ C

Annivorsary p r e s e n t method-Iautman

m\Q' 20908

ic taxicab & bus zones .'.iayor roq eonf 9-18-45 trens survey

Streetcar Passes 10-5-45 35051 - Mrs Dorothy LaPelle prot Inadequate LATL trans and req ret-in

^Sfeet Peddlers R-27-45' 77727 Chas E Blisa req noise risking ^ devices be prohibited

et Rail-.'/ays 10-19-45 21195 Proposod settlerat ;I08,000 by Xh Translit Lines abandoned trackr

Street Railway 9-8-47 760SR I H Marcus req Ord prohibit any employee occupy seat on vehicle when crowded

Street Report -9-8-1(5 ' 47R' : State Controller req number of forms needed <

Street Report Meet 7-22-148 74091 State Controller-advise meeting to dlscuas-changed to Lywnood S-2-4b

Street Signs 12-11-46 26123 puggest be closer ground-larger

Streets Signs 12-13-46 26165 better-letter endorsing-H 0 Wright

Street Speakers 'ord 5-20-48 33281 Watts C of C req Watts be added

Conimunitv ao-ltfitiAn StreBt Irjffic linfinser 19263 Fee emi'lov I Sr Clk-Steno2-16-45' re(31ace ..iyrtle M DeViiliers

Street Traffic Engineer 7-2 24070 ' CS realloo 6 posts Day Laborer to • Mtce Laborer in-Polioe Dept

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-1 '.- . !' -\'

Street Traffic Eng 6/20/47 28916 •''%7 Local 246-CIO - Urge pass 1 emergency wage program at $25 mo ••.ncrease

!'3t Traffic Eng il-i4-47 "'O875 ^ Rec rept B & E re funds required , finance salary increases $18,400- N. Mayor . . , - .

.St Traffic Genl Foreman 70897 CS Comsn estab class & allocete 1 position title Mtnce Const Sunt- • Iviayo.r

' St Use Inspector 9-27-46 25124 req auth employ 4-Bur Mtnce & San P/W Bd-Mayor

- Street^Use Inspector 27814 Reg auth employ Eur Insp vac

retirement R P Vincent -Bd - /'.'.'-Mayor

I Street Use Inspectors 2890,8 Req eraploy 5 in Bur of b/<c3/U7 Inspection for'excavation decompgsed gjajlte - Mayor.

I Street Us'e 'inspt"'9-5-47 .^0062 Mayor req fill position.Bur Inspec. Retirement of John M Quint

'jtreet Use Insp 9-70-47 70744 CS req 7 mo sick lv Merton A Carroll effect q-l«-)L7-nur Insp

Street Widenings 8-iI9-;;47 29685 Helen R Buzz! req Info re condem­nation proceedings near Lot 101 Tr 1719 Sante l.ionica Canyon

Strike 5-8-46 23386 Chas L Reilly recom council revoke franohiss L ^ Transit Lines acct-Strike 5-10-45 23411 Peoples Lobby sugg rem "No Parkinj.

signs on sts during strike

Strike 5-15-46 23500 J R Roden resol Atty opinion to C p A C e l }. i l . T p R A g i - ^ T?-AO A Q I I I faA P I Q

s t r ike 5-28-46 23540 J V Mottola req inf ori.c t ion re

Str ikes - Resol^ap .arres t fi


11-15-46 esol^approp .,1,000 rev/ard lead nest fi5rs5n$ 'Responsible violancc yy/ooQ Mo hic ture Studio-Davenpoi

Strikoro ..!.. X -/2t


Structural Engineer- 4-16 23052 // / CS •allocate new post in Bur R/W ^ Land oode 7956

Jlruot'iral Engineer 4-25-46 23162 CS alloc to Bur Eng post vacated 'pt'i r-"ippt ''"'m 0 ^ppoboom •'ab '"'-*

Structural Engineer 8-11-47 29626 Req eliminate 6 structural & 6 sddtl Assist Struct Engineers Dept Bldg_& Safety. . * Structural Eng 8-16-48 74790 ' BIdg & Safety Corasn req erap

-Mayor Structural Eng 8-24-45 ' 74RR7 Bd P/W req emp Bur Eng r e t i r e Robt H Bacon-Mayor

•27-48 • _ . Realloo a l l pos to Civil Eng except in B&S Dept - CS Corasn

Struoturol iiing Asst 10-2-45 21056 Allocate pQsitn liotiremt R L . Lassey 3;;laF,e i4 :j'truc Design Div Bur Sng-Civil bervice _C.o.ms_n

Structural Engrng Asstnt 21271 Code 7953-allocate 5 newlO-26-45 posi t ions in Bldg & Safety Dept-

Civi l Service Comsn Structural "Eng Asstnt 220U5

Code 7955-aIlocation 2 1-17-46 in Bldg i Safety - C S Comsn

-t l-octural Znz . .ao ' t 3-^ 22558 ' C 3 ^.llocdto 4 - ( i ; . c l . : e : ip 38

nayj nnsf . r , ) 'lert Pl'-;/ -.- r^i f PtV '

Structural Eng Asst 5-1-46 23305 OS alloc 4 to Bldg & Safety (also R Struct Fng Assoc)

Structural Eng Asst '6-8-45 33390 Civil Serv Comsn-Consol with clvJl Eng Asst under title Civil Eng Asst-. Mayor Structural Eng Assoe 21510

Code 7955-allocate new 11-25-positn,in Const & Bldg Mtnce

Civil bervice Comsn Structural Eng Assoc 22005

Code 7955-aiIocation 6 1-17-46 in Bldg & Safety - C S Comsn

Structural . nf .,£soc g-3 z:. C o allocuto 5-(i:.clu.icd ir ..,.„. . ^ r ^ T , t r . \ TIA-,.-.- u y A A. 0. C ^ A , .

..triko .. -ocal --

.otructural -in,: 2-8-45 19196 Rsq piatli 1 4354 L 1 Ca.chior 2252i.i ic approc v2400-i3;;S Cousn

Jtruc ..in,-re.i odd I Code 7958 Sohed 35 v375-iG4 bul fiscal y^'--^' -.-' 0-15-45

BIdg Struc Eng 3-23-45 19527 7958 req add 1 & elim 1 Sr Bid, Insp new Code 42I3-Bd B&S Comsnrs

tructural Eng 9-20-45 20949 Clarenoe J Derrick enter into

'^i?iUaip?ig8t?w ^"" !""r"° structural jing 10-15-45 21138

Req continue emplmt 5 frm 1-1-46 to 6-30-46-Bldg & Safety Comsn

Structural "Eng 10-17-45 21174 CiY.Sng-Model i. aker-Ciy Eng As-,, sociate.reallocate^positns c n g Bur BP'./-Civii Service Comsn

- Structural Sngineer 22358 Code 7956-consoliLatn 3-'2S-l.b . of Bldg Struc Eng 7958 with i re£l"'.ocate positns "ecG-C 0 Comsn

I Structural Engineer 3-28 22838 0 3 realloo Bldg Struct iSng to-Dent BldK & Safety

- Structural Eng Assoc 5-1-45 23305 -CS alloo 8 to Bldg & Safety (also 4 'R,tr'iot. Eng Aspt)

Strubtu^irel Eng Assoc7955 24714 req auth employ Bur ti-2^-4b Engineering-1'.Cayor

Structural Sng Associate 25323

req auth continue efnployment-J.'iayor

Assoc & 6 struct En^ Assoc re<'3lioc Civi- Znz AsGiGts-ii.":^or Struct Eng Assoc 12-27-45 7R966' Kealloc all pos to Civil Eng Assoc except in B&S Dent - CS Como:

Jtruc tural ;..aint Section 4-25 ,33204 "o roalloc 17 potts i.iaint i 3ar.it " to ptiAVA. ppot-i on .

Ctructural Pest Control 20011 Ed-req use Rm SO4 of • ^ . ' ^ / . . i ^ City Hail on ..lon 3-6-45

Structural Pest Control 21622 Bd of State of Calif-req i;:-6-45' use Rooi.T 304 for examination J .2-4z_4.6

Structural Pest 10-1-47 ^ ' ^ 9 ' ^ ^ - Control Board- Req use Rm 504 City Hall Nov 4-47 for examinations Use Rm 504 on 5-9-45- 3IO63

Page 38: Ifieilil eEi?-?s''^!55'^to°§35^9^'ens.lacity.org/clk/rmdroot/clkrmdroot326080308_12102012.pdf · 2012. 12. 10. · San Franclaco • ilD-15-45 75169 "I7 , Req $45 Mr David to mtg

or exam

I w/lruotui'Dl io t ; t Contr Oper 2162c ' - - r o f iC Voo r e r i u.=-(. -Pr.i ROA -SiiAiict

;E fo r G-7-46 .

S t r u c t u r e s 2-27-45 32115 Resol Ord cove r ing moving of be amended-H A Henry

S t u d e n t s 3-5-45 22510 Car l i.ienko p r o t fo r I.iartha Davey ro ra r ' r in ' - oa r s - ' / - a " ??C1 lcne{';ooa Studo.-.t toi iro l - i r , -4C 21C49

Z\ ' i - luc t i - :. reo P .r. ioo'ion t o •. A.'i-i-'iuAt t - . r . r s

' Zi'uni flying ;05:

' " .' J'R .,1=1:: "

Subdividers II-li- 7RU24 General BIdg Go req legis amend -business & professional code reimburse for lateral sev/ers

oub-divider 12-2-45 715750 Home Bldrs Inatltute re funds reimbursed for install sewers

Jubdivisions 20063 Re poiicy concerning 6-4-45 disposal of sewage - Bd P Wks

Subdivisions^ , ,.. . . 20064 not connected witn trunk ,6. line sewers-re regulatn 01 . Dept - Sunland-Tujunga C of C Subdivision 10-27-47 •'O609 Leo & Cecelia Maas req for Ord vacating portion of Genesta St

Subdivisions 8-17-48,, ''442 Reeol comraend LA Dally I ews for article on residential developmeni, -TAZ ' ebs

Subdivision maps , 9-4r45 ^?4858^^ fees to be coll onaoking-City /itty prepare ord prescribing-Mayor

.;ul'.arin-2 Out'fall 20523 for Hy:i?rion /.clivatea 7-.;-7-45 SluJtje Picnt-.^ng n . U op.'i i.Pb^-

Lloyc! o I'avi'js resol

ubmarine outfall sewer 20735 Req public hrgs approp 8-24-45 $2,000,000-People's Lobby of Calif -JubiLoriiia Oatf.ll 3-.•./or.,. 20528 no ilollon.! rovt 1;: .b.ix-a F., rut on 3: zc CcTJiiitte of 3riG ro a..ard controct to co;.o i r'oct-Suboeonas 7-5-47 29112 City Attomey submit ord .^.IpAt.prl'l P.AAP n r <5iihAoenp.P

S u b s t a t i o n 2-28-47 2720: " .rhv/ay P a t r o l County iZ-ireq. 'o

26334i 1 rept'

Sump- Hole 9-7-45 74716 '*7o ' Resol 11087 req elim in Laguna Wnnh Storm Drain Ch/snnpl Alhambrn

Sunland Amusement Park 27934 |

§1? .^gtli?i'§i»rn^i2r§!'' ' Sunland Tujunga ,7/18/46 24259

I St Mtce yd-acq lot 28,Tract 999 $2,500, npci

Sunland-Tujunga 2/20/47 26334! Cm Surgeon .Kecvg Hosp: ' " re einerFpnpv hnQnitui'

Cr •; ec. are uomt Sunland-Tujunga 3/26/47 23687' district- req rezoning (Plan fiie 967) -Plan Comsn

Sunland-Jujurigs 8-17-k7 29097 Lee worburti.5 resol Bur Bdgt & Effcy Chf Surgn Rec Hoso investi-jcete .'jubul ance Service Sunland-Tujunga 10-71-1(.7 ' 706S7 P/W rec Footnill Blvd Sly from Macrae St for Com Center for Dists & req Ccl connemn-Mayor Sunland-T-jjunga 9-21-liS 74907 Cor.-.munlty Chest req use Vets Service Center Bldg lQli.« i y-Xva

Sunland-Tujunga Interceptor 2253', Sewer - application for 3-b-lt State Aid - 'Bd Public Works

Sunny'si- e Fark A'i.dtn I-2I-4S 716"'ij Geo Storcevich offers deed to city for street purposes 7P' • et- oack lot llli

Sunset Bus Il-R-47 " 077 Mrs M H Cobb pet Sunset Bus CO'.'Pr foAniAA r .AutP

, Pie r lt--20-)i5 -!28RR Rec $98,000 Hen.-rve Fund Rec ic Pka remove-Mayor

•;,.Ao.A-i-_ Li„„a 12-5-47 25004, r Area imp req eraploy r • i.nvestieatn&f ield

uii-y Atty

Super Choral Conductor 6-19 23891 Mayor Beo Art Comsn empl 1- as in '47 budget-(& various others) ,

Sup-M'lr.tJt c e n t s i9:;7o f 5 n i i r , a . . s s t n t - roc ••--, 1-/5 l.rt.' b" or.! i ' . r s Co,.it "cu jus t u'r.J.-r , !.•;./ ..iai.o j ru- . . i isc i«'o:'i.-... n ,/, L3 '

Su . je r in tendent 7 - l l - i i 8 •'2722 Resol e.rap f u l l tirae Receiving HoEpitPl-G V Bennett

Supt Bldg o f f i c e 11-13-46 25569 Bldg&Safety Comsn req p o s i t i o n t

^ r y _ G Noguer r e c l a s s i f i e d t o Sr

Supt Elec Dlvsn 10-7-45 7RO72 Bd p/W over t ime Const Mtnoe Bur Sept 24-25 1945-Mayor

Subterranean Garafce ,"

p r e s e n t working model

ubwav ' 12-5-45 25017 1st & req

pub h rg o a l l e d - P e o p i e s Lobby C a l i f

Subways 2-11-48 71901 C L Michod r e au to subv/ays

Subways 11-70-48 •7R727 J a o T McCauslow r e q b u i l d e l im smog

Summons 2-17-45 ' '1971 Chas D Wherry ro uae P o l i c e Car by p l a i n c l o t h e s men s e r v i n g i n C i v i l Su i t . . . . ' . . . .-

"•WP/VI rec $2.50i^?§;^lewagr'^^^ Resoue Mission 226 S Main St-Msyor

^u: t ..f . . . . ' . t l ..0 1-r:-1-C ; . . -YJ.-. . - r"v' ..-•.; J ..Oxt . ' P - - . i r . . 0 - ' t Go , 7C70-l-lS-'i7 req addtl' employe pt Operations firy u Bakes protest elimi:

\ rtivport req investigatn by

Sunt of Salvage 2T='-" iec ciiange salary i;-scheduio from Seneduio 23 "to 30-

Purchasing ..gent . .- ..... „ , g g 36^®^°^ Charles Allen "^ ^^^^^^^^ -

Superior Court 5-17-46 23871 1 City Clk notify Bd Super Co. vao 10th fl oity hall 7-1-46 occupled-

f^^l^i°^ °°'^^* 6-25-48 33735 rrp%« *rc^P^°® occupied by kim Mayo ^ ' *" ^'^ P®" ^

Page 39: Ifieilil eEi?-?s''^!55'^to°§35^9^'ens.lacity.org/clk/rmdroot/clkrmdroot326080308_12102012.pdf · 2012. 12. 10. · San Franclaco • ilD-15-45 75169 "I7 , Req $45 Mr David to mtg

S u p e r i o r Court The 7 -21-45 34056 ' ^ ' Dept bf P r e s i d i n g Judge-Req r e v o k r ^ $15.00 chg p e r mo f o r au to s t a l l s C i t y H a l l Garaee

I Munic ipa l -Sup Bd LA Co-Re a l l g rade p t n s Broadway-Hll l -Temple ad.l s i t e s f o r . . . . Supervisor A i r o r a f t . S e r v i c e , 26059

.4.1511 . , liisltSwmaSMBaiHRHeHtiK' Dept-lvlayor

i r p o r t



Supervisor Choral Cond 19442 Rec full time positiohj,.|50g ^^^ • per mo-Mayor

Supervisor Choral Conductors 19442 Allocate new position 6-27-45 Code 2437 Music Bur-Civil Serv Co.m£

Supervisor Choral Cond 25331 Eur Ivlusio W B Olds req employ exempt CS-Civil Service Comsn

Supervisor Choral 2-24-45 72076 Conduotors-Req fill P O B vacant death Dr W B Olds-l-layor

-iupervisor Choral 12-27-45 3R996 Conductors,- Reo amend Sal"Stano Ord eatab \ tlme-elim i time-Bur iiusic- Mun Art lep? - i-iayor

Sup Conot & Mtnce Bur 7-5-45 33567 . Bd P/W req overtime & ot.hers-Const & Bldg Mtnce-1945-49 -Mayor

' Suoervisor ;',lec Div 6/20/47 25470 Ad'J new class Coae 3.367 & ac^ ' lA fAAL;!- ;.- rii..a 1...i-AAe Bur-pe.-.

001 Div 29794 ' nl Tnca tLe

; iX.Fon ^ »4"i/.. ) Palmi jur con cScCA- AT.. ,-,„,i^,. .v. 1 , . . . , „ . . , . . .Civil- SorviAfi r " cn . [ / T - . A / Z I . Supervisor Elec Divsn "^1074 -' Bd p/w req salary ohg from Sched'

^7 to 76 Bur Const & Bldg Htnoe-Wayor . , 12-4-47

Super Elec Divsn 7^4-48 7219! Bd p/w eraerg overtirae Bur Const -Feb 21-22-27-24-I945-Mayor

Supervisor Elec Dlvsn 7-S-l;5 72242 Emerg overtime Conat Bur Feb 2R-26-1945-Ma.vor

3up t^lec'Divsn' ' 4-"^0-43 77004 3d P/'i/ emer pvertlme Bur Const April 17A-18 191iS-M.-iyor

Sup filec Diven "6-70-^45 "3378O Bd P/W emer overtime - Conet Mtnce Bur,6-24-48 - Mayor

i3up Elec' Dl'veri' &'""7- '7-45"^"33537

8SlllPStn%|/^-l^«?82^r'^2^o^^ ' . Supvsr Elec Divsn, 10-"l-45 ""'7"RO27

Bd P/W eraer over t ime & 2 Elegtj^iclan_6-Ccnat I-itnce Eur- N

's'up Overhead Light ,J- =<-i rv_ii»!-'-7iioo.ii

l i e u of St L igh t Genl Fore.iian .held% by Claud Gunn - " a y o r

S u p e r v i s o r Youth Choruses 27446 Roger ./agner req exmot C i v i l Serv ice -Mus ic Bur • ^

S u p e r v i s o r y Sewer Mtnoe 19906 & Sewage P l a n t Oper Group 5-14-45 r e q ad jus tmt in sa la ry- f imer ican ,Ffifi, S t f i t p . Gn &—l.Tuu.-^Em'n

I Supply Clerk 2-2-45 "^1757 Bd p/w req auth emp new pos in : yerd Bur St Ltg-Mayor

; Supreme Court 6-28-46 24049 Davenport Reaol-prot-settle Tide- L lands question instead Congress

Supreme Court 3/4/47 27133 '»7i of otate-claim violates 1 taxation iaws - J W Gawn

Supervisors Bd of 18q';6, I Rp URP C n l i npi im r. >,v >^ m June 2 lor Track & Fiela Meet & req $2500-So Calif Comt 01,','raoic G

Supervisors Bd of 19124 I Resol establish Civic l-3i-45-Center Authority with 3 Gounty representatives & 3 City

Supervisors Bd of 19262 .Resolution re prooosed 2-16-4"^ ponfpApnce of finited Nations in

•11 25 1945 Supervisors Bd of 20095

Re aid for lifeguard 6-7-45-serviee 1945-46 $15,000

Supervisors Bd of 20175' Resol approp S201,,cl0.96 6-21-45 imp streets in City of Los An/

Supervisors 3d 7-13-45 20404 Req ask paymt 4)30,887.84 Hansen Flood^Cont Dam across Big Tujunga

Supervisors 3d 7-16-45 20415 Resol approp $10,000 , infested with weeds City LA

S-unervisors 2d 7-18-45 20442 th approp '.,518.58 imp

Contury 31vd' frm Vsnaont tp Denke:^

Supervisors 3d 10-19-45 21202 & otute Div Hiv/ys drafts proposec. P P r n - . t a n n 1 t yr, .. ..r. . .

Z.Sc lp nv.. A uutchiri

in City

S u p e r v i s o r s Bd 11-2-45

10-26-45' in streets

& State Cont agrmt puroh prop ^ * H ^ ^ ? C M " D ^ & gepuivgSa Blvd-

Supervisors Bd 12-10-45 21559 Resol.„auth Co aid to,City...acq prop Ferguson Alley-L A St-Sonset Blva-AlaSeda 3t

' Bd Supervisors 1-29-45 22143 & LA Co & St Controller agree pur

prop iJianohester esly .Sepulveda al

Bd Supervisors 2-11-46 22268 ' Eng recomm no contribution to LA for Romona Blvd sewer

L A Co Bd Supervisors 2-25 22440 resolution portion Vermont . \ve in .. Tj\ Appt c^ count'" iA>iv.'e'"' s'"'stem

Hd Supervisors 3-1-46 22484 Pub '.-.'ks agrat-;;,,205,7r~ "" " nnres ai.rp.-irt i«nri-,' ,Ari ,,PAn-i.;,-. .,. .„,[

L A Co Bd Supervisors 4-4- 22927 -Acci oity stop dump trash prop bet LARlver-Riverside Dr , o^ ^arhp™ •°1YC

Bd Supervisors 4-5-46 22951 Mayor appr-resol amend Bldg oode stop black mrkt in hi'l;; mpterlels

Bd Supervisors 4-8-46 22956 Resol araend bldg Code no permits re Civilian Prod Auth compliance

Bd Supervisors 4-18-46 ' 25089 P',-/-agirit bet City &-re purch 99

P P P C P I P tex .deedpfi Xpnr^ f o r rp..sple

'Bd Supervisors 4-23-46 : P..-H/V/ appr option bet City &-purcb 74 nRT-oei= t?x •^Beded land

Bd Supervisors 4-29-46 23247 resol Western Ave-182nd & 30' N of beoome part LA C Q system Highways

LA Co Bd Supervisors 4-29-46 23247 reBol Western cent line of 182nd & 30' N. part Co Syatem of Highways