Dictionnaire Lorom koromfe – anglais / français / allemand Lorom Koromfe – English / French / German dictionary Lorom-Koromfe – Englisch, Französisch und Deutsches Wörterbuch par John R. Rennison (Prof. de linguistique, Université de Vienne, Autriche) avec le soutien de la famille Konfé de Pobé-Mengao Version imprimée le 16 septembre 2018

Lorom koromfe – anglais / français / allemand Lorom ... · Lorom Koromfe – English / French / German dictionary Lorom-Koromfe – Englisch, Französisch und Deutsches Wörterbuch

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Page 1: Lorom koromfe – anglais / français / allemand Lorom ... · Lorom Koromfe – English / French / German dictionary Lorom-Koromfe – Englisch, Französisch und Deutsches Wörterbuch

Dictionnaire Lorom koromfe – anglais /

français / allemand

Lorom Koromfe – English / French / German dictionary

Lorom-Koromfe – Englisch, Französisch und Deutsches



John R. Rennison (Prof. de linguistique, Université de Vienne, Autriche)

avec le soutien de la famille Konfé de Pobé-Mengao

Version imprimée le 16 septembre 2018

Page 2: Lorom koromfe – anglais / français / allemand Lorom ... · Lorom Koromfe – English / French / German dictionary Lorom-Koromfe – Englisch, Französisch und Deutsches Wörterbuch

L’alphabet utilisé dans cette publication est en accord avec l’alphabet agréé par la Commission Nationale des Langues Burkinabè, augmenté par quelques lettres manquantes. L’alphabet utilisé dans cette publication est en accord (sans augmentation) avec

– l’alphabet international phonétique (IPA), – l’alphabet de la grammaire koromfe

(Rennison, John (1997) Koromfe. Londres : Routledge) – l’alphabet antérieur de ce dictionnaire

sauf que [j] est remplacé par [y] et les formes des lettres [ɪ, ʊ] sont [ɩ, ʋ]. La lettre Ṿ signifie « chaque voyelle ».

Ce dictionnaire a été agréé par le regretté Chef du Lorom

a yɔ Sigri (Pobé-Mengao)

© Tous droits réservés

Contact : [email protected]

Page 3: Lorom koromfe – anglais / français / allemand Lorom ... · Lorom Koromfe – English / French / German dictionary Lorom-Koromfe – Englisch, Französisch und Deutsches Wörterbuch


This document is the latest version of my “Koromfe – English, French, German dictionary” as of the date of 10th September 2018. It will also hopefully be one of the last versions to rely so heavily on English instead of French. The dictionary is under constant enhancement and this file represents simply a convenient snapshot. Many easily derivable entries are still missing (e.g. morphophonological underlying forms, or agent, instrument and local nouns from verbs). The notes and parts of speech are still only in English – which caters to the majority of readers (i.e. linguists), but unfortunately not to the speakers of Koromfe.

I thank my informants and collaborators Ousséini Badini, Malick Kemde, Mamoudou Konfé, Micailou “Jacques” Konfé, Souleymane Sawadogo, and many speakers of Koromfe who have helped me over the years, especially my ever-patient wife Amsetou Konfé and her family.

The dictionary is an exported version of a Shoebox/Toolboxa database which is currently being expanded to incorporate texts (from audio recordings). Previously there were separate dictionaries for words and roots. Now they are merged. As in the earlier “roots” version, the basic dictionary is a morpheme dictionary (now with some derivational and inflectional morphemes alongside the lexical roots). The entry for a given (usually unpronounceable) morpheme contains sub-entries for each occurring (i.e. pronounceable) word that is derived from that particular root. This dictionary also includes main entries which are cross-references from pronounceable words to roots, generated automatically using a CC script. As before, words which take the article [a] are preceded by “a”. Capital letters have not yet been implemented for lack of time.

The alphabet used here contains more symbols than the official alphabet for Koromfe or for Burkina Faso. This is because there is no adequate way to write a “tense” ([+ATR]) low vowel. I use “ʌ”. The use of schwa for this vowel a The new Shoebox/Toolbox website is on http://www.angelfire.com/planet/linguisticsisfun/. Contact

email: [email protected]

Page 4: Lorom koromfe – anglais / français / allemand Lorom ... · Lorom Koromfe – English / French / German dictionary Lorom-Koromfe – Englisch, Französisch und Deutsches Wörterbuch

in the alphabet of Bélédé Koromfe is inaccurate and misleading (since there are true schwas in the language, as in the 1sg and 3sg subject pronouns, [mə] and [də] and as variable hiatus-breakers of consonant sequences). Also, the consonant [y] (which is the nasal variant of /y/ and occurs only before a nasal vowel, as in Mòoré) is not written as “ny”, and the nasal vowel which (always!) follows this sound is transcribed as nasal, not oral (as in the Bélédé orthography). I hope that the relevant language commissions will eventually see that these transcriptions are phonologically more accurate and pedagogically more suitable.

The few photos in the dictionary were taken by myself or members of my family.

Vienna, September 2018 John Rennison

Page 5: Lorom koromfe – anglais / français / allemand Lorom ... · Lorom Koromfe – English / French / German dictionary Lorom-Koromfe – Englisch, Französisch und Deutsches Wörterbuch

a almɛt-

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 5

A - a a (=/a/) article. a, an; fr: un, une; dt: ein, eine.

a / (a) (=/a/) article. [Note: This vowel a has no position of its own within syllable structure. Therefore when it is merged with a preceding high vowel to create a mid vowel, the resulting vowel is never longer than the original high vowel. The vowel a is also deleted after a mid or low vowel; in such cases the lost a is shown in parentheses, i.e. as “(a)”. The article precedes the noun or noun-phrase which it qualifies. It is obligatory for all common nouns (including nominal derivations from verbs) and some proper nouns, but not for place names. Adverbs and finite verbs are never preceded by the article. The article a is omitted if the noun or noun-phrase is qualified by a personal pronominal adjective (my, your, etc.), whether in the weak or strong form. It is also omitted if the noun or noun-phrase is qualified a numeral or by certain (final) deictic or demonstrative adjectives, such as nandɩ. Such cases are noted individually in the entry of each such adjective. The article a has no special meaning, but since there is no indefinite article in Koromfe, it conveniently translates as ‘a/an’.]

aa negative particle. not; fr: ne...pas; dt: nicht. [Note: This rare negative particle occurs between the subject NP and the verb (in the same position as the usual negative particle, ba). It is only attested when the subject is a proclitic pronoun or the quantifier kãã of words like ‘everyone’, ‘everything’, ‘everywhere’. This particle in turn might originally have come from the commonly used áʔa ‘no’. The particle ba is far more common and can always be used in place of aa.]

aa negative particle. kãŋ kãã aa harɛ dɩ conditional clause If nothing

has touched him...; fr: Si rien ne l’a touché...; dt: Wenn ihn nichts berührt hat...

-aa (=/aa/) tense/aspect; future. Future tense suffix (which is added to the imperfective stem of the verb); future; fr: Suffixe du temps futur (qui s’ajoute à la racine imperfective du verbe), futur; dt: Futursuffix (das sich am Imperfektivstamm des Verbs angehängt), Futur.

-aa / -ʌʌ (=/aa/) future tense. future; fr: futur; dt: Futur.

-aɩ deriv. Adj to N. (=/Ṿɩ/) → -Ṿɩ. -al ?causative. (=/-Ṿl/) → -Ṿl. ala interrogative pronoun. who, whom, whose; fr:

qui, à qui; dt: wer, wen, wem, wessen. [Note: The first a of this word could be analysed as the article. But I consider ala to be a single

word because the first a is more prominent than the second.]

ala (=/ala/) interrogative pronoun human sg. ala dãŋ la koŋ interrogative sentence Whose

house is that?; fr: C’est la maison de qui?; dt: Wessen Haus ist das?

alama (=/ala-ma/) interrogative pronoun human pl. who (pl․); fr: qui (pl․); dt: wer (pl․). alama la bɛ interrogative sentence Who (pl.)

has arrived?; fr: Qui (pl.) est venu?; dt: Wer (pl.) ist angekommen?

alama la na nã interrogative sentence Who (pl.) did you (pl.) see?; fr: Qui (pl.) avez-vous vu?; dt: Wen (pl.) habt ihr gesehen?

ala relative pronoun. who, whoever, he/she who; fr: qui, celui / celle qui; dt: wer, wer auch immer.

ala relative pronoun sg. bɛnəmaŋ relative pronoun pl. who (pl․); fr: qui

(pl․); dt: die (Pl․). bɛnəmam bɛ relative clause those who have

come; fr: ceux qui sont venus; dt: diejenigen, die gekommen sind

bɛnəman da relative clause those who have won; fr: ceux qui ont gagné; dt: diejenigen, die gewonnen haben

bɛnəmaŋ kʋ relative clause those who have killed; fr: ceux qui ont tué; dt: diejenigen, die getötet haben [Note: The final velar nasal assimilates to the place of articulation of the following consonant.]

albasl- noun. onion; garlic; fr: oignon; ail; dt: Zwiebel; Knoblauch. [Note: The singular refers to a single onion/garlic (plant). Generically (e.g. as an ingredient in cooking) the plural is used.]

a albaslrɛ sg. a aləbasəla pl.

albaslrɛ sg. → albasl-. alkʌmisʌ noun. Thursday; fr: jeudi; dt: Donnerstag.

a alkʌmisʌ sg. a alkʌmisʌu pl. a alkʌmisʌfi pl. a alkʌmisʌmʌ pl.

alkʌmisʌfi pl. → alkʌmisʌ. alkʌmisʌu pl. → alkʌmisʌ. all- (=/all/) noun. enemy; fr: ennemi; dt: Feind.

a allɔ (=/all-ɔ/) sg. a yallɔ (=/all-ɔ/) sg. a alləba (=/all-ba/) pl. a yalləba (=/all-ba/) pl.

alləba pl. (=/all-ba/) → all-. allɔ sg. (=/all-ɔ/) → all-. almɛt- noun. match; fr: allumette; dt: Streichholz,


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6 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

a aləmɛtəfɛ singulative. a aləmɛtɩ pl./collective. a aləmɛtʋ pl./collective. a aləmɛtəfɩ pl.

aləmɛtəfɛ singulative. → almɛt-. aləmɛtɩ pl./collective. → almɛt-. aləmɛtʋ pl./collective. → almɛt-. -am V→N. action noun / gerund / infinitive;

infinitive, action noun; fr: nom d’action / gérondif / infinitif, infinitif, nom d’action; dt: Infinitiv, nomen actionis.

-am inf./action noun. -ʌm inf./action noun.

-am transitive. → -Ṿm. amĩĩnʌ exclamation; exclamation. amen; fr: amen;

dt: amen. amĩĩnʌ sentential exclamation.

ar- (=/ad/) noun. blacksmith, jeweller; fr: forgeron, bijoutier; dt: Schmied, Juwelier.

a arɩɔ / a yarɩɔ (=/ad-ɩɔ/) [Note: Unusual extra ɩ in the singular, as also in a balɩɔ ‘stranger’ and a bɛrɩɔ ‘Nyonyosi’.] sg.

a arəba / a yarəba (=/ad-ba/) pl. a arəfɛ / a yarəfɛ (=/ad-fɛ/) singulative.

blacksmith’s trade; blacksmith’s tools and equipment; fr: métier de forgeron; outils et appareils du forgeron; dt: Schmiedeberuf; Werkzeug und Ausrüstung des Schmieds. a arə kɛɔ / a yarə kɛɔ N+N compound noun sg.

blacksmith’s wife (= potter); fr: femme du forgeron (= potière); dt: Frau des Schmieds (= Töpferin)

a arə kɛna / a yarə kɛna arba sg.; noun. Wednesday; fr: mercredi; dt:

Mittwoch. a arəba sg. a arəbaʋ pl. a arəbafɩ pl. a arəbama pl.

arəba pl. (=/ad-ba/) → ar-.

arəba sg. → arba. arəbafɩ pl. → arba. arəbaʋ pl. → arba. arɩɔ sg. (=/ad-ɩɔ/) → ar-. arkɩl- noun. strip of woven cotton (about 4-5 in.

wide); fr: bande de coton tissé (env. 8-12 cm. de largeur); dt: gewebter Baumwollstreifen (ca. 8-12 cm. breit). [Note: These long strips of cloth are the basis of all traditional garments etc. made of cotton. They are cut to length and sewn together.]

a arkɩllɛ sg. a arkɩla pl. a arkɩlaʋ pl.

arkɩla pl. → arkɩl-. arkɩllɛ sg. → arkɩl-. arzɛg- noun. riches, treasure; fr: richesse, trésor;

dt: Reichtum, Schatz. a arzɛkɛ sg./mass. a arzɛka sg./mass. a arzɛgsʋʋ pl.

arzɛka sg./mass. → arzɛg-. arzɛkɛ sg./mass. → arzɛg-. arzumʌ noun. Friday; fr: vendredi; dt: Freitag.

a arzumʌ sg. a arzumʌfi pl. a arzumʌmʌ pl.

arzumʌfi pl. → arzumʌ. ase interrogative pronoun non-human sg. → se. -at reversive. → -Ṿt. ayawoodi exclamation. okay, good heavens; fr:

d’accord, ça alors; dt: okay, ach. ayawoodi sentential exclamation.

ayɛy exclamation. no; fr: non; dt: nein. [Note: Synonymous with ayo.]

ayɛy sentential exclamation. ayo exclamation. no; fr: non; dt: nein. [Note:

Synonymous with ayɛy.] ayo sentential exclamation.

Ʌ - ʌ -ʌl ?causative. (=/-Ṿl/) → -Ṿl. -ʌm transitive. → -Ṿm.

-ʌt reversive. → -Ṿt.

B - b b- (=/b/) noun. child, person younger than ego;

(in compounds) fruit, small part of sth.; fr: enfant, personne moins âgé que ego ; (dans les mots composés) fruit, petite partie de q.ch.; dt:

Kind, Mensch, der jünger ist als ego; (in Komposita) Frucht, kleiner Teil von etwas.

a bi (=/b-ɩ/) sg. a bu (=/b-ʋ/) pl.

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ba babt-

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 7

a togre bi NP+N compound noun sg. baobab fruit; fr: fruit du baobab; dt: Baobabfrucht

a togre bu NP+N compound noun pl. a bi pɛɛləga NP+N compound noun sg. baby; fr:

bébé; dt: Baby a bu peeləsu NP+N compound noun pl. a nũŋgu bi NP+N compound noun sg. small

millstone (hand-held); fr: petite meule (tenue dans la main); dt: kleiner Mühlstein (in der Hand gehalten)

a nũŋgu bu NP+N compound noun pl. a bĩĩŋʌ diminutive sg. baby; fr: bébé; dt: Baby.

[Note: This word has no plural - instead a bu or a beliʌ is used]

a bilei denominal abstract quality noun sg. childhood; fr: enfance; dt: Kindheit.

ba neg.particle. not; fr: ne...pas; dt: nicht. [Note: Can be used to negate a verb, or participial adjective. It precedes the constituent which it negates.]

ba (=/ba/) neg.particle. a yɔ ba bɛnɛ sentence The chief hasn’t arrived.;

fr: Le chef n’est pas arrivé.; dt: Der Chef ist noch nicht angekommen.

a pɛrəgʋ ba bĩnəmʌ NP+neg+participle compound noun sg. a shirt that is not black; fr: une chemise qui n’est pas noire; dt: ein Hemd, das nicht schwarz ist

a pɛnɛ ba bi nĩʌ NP+neg+adjectival noun pl. shirts that are not black; fr: chemises qui ne sont pas noires; dt: Hemden, die nicht schwarz sind

ba pronoun / possessive adjective. they; their; them; fr: ils, elles; leur(s); les, leur; dt: sie (3. pl.); ihr(,-er,-e,-es) (3. pl.); ihnen.

ba proclitic personal pronoun subject 3rd person pl. human. — postclitic personal pronoun object 3rd person pl. human. — possessive adjective 3rd person pl. human. ba bo ke ba bɛllaa sentence They said that they

will come.; fr: Ils ont dit qu’ils viendront.; dt: Sie haben gesagt, dass sie kommen werden.

maa hamanda la ba wɔgɔ sentence I don’t believe their words.; fr: Je ne crois pas leurs paroles.; dt: Ich glaube nicht an ihren Worten.

maa hamanda ba sentence I don’t believe them.; fr: Je ne leur crois pas.; dt: Ich glaube ihnen nicht. [Note: This form is either prefixed to a verb (or noun) phrase, or suffixed to a verb; it cannot stand alone (e.g. as the elliptical answer to a question). As the prefix of a verb, it is the subject pronoun, on a noun phrase it is the “possessor”, and as a suffix on a verb it is the (direct or indirect) object. The 3rd person plural pronoun can be used when referring to a single person as a sign of respect (e.g. when speaking about the

chief). The vowel of this pronoun is lexical and is therefore (in contrast with some other pronouns) never omitted.]

bakɔ (=/ba-kɔ/) strong personal pronoun (subject or object). — strong possessive adjective 3rd person pl. human. they; their(s); fr: ils, elles; leur(s), le/la leur(e)(s); dt: sie (3. pl.); ihr(,-er,-e,-es) (3. pl.). bakɔ bo ke ba bɛllaa sentence They said that

they will come.; fr: Ils ont dit qu’ils viendront.; dt: Sie haben gesagt, dass sie kommen werden.

maa hamanda la bakɔ wɔgɔ sentence I don’t believe their words.; fr: Je ne crois pas leurs paroles.; dt: Ich glaube nicht an ihren Worten. [Note: This form of the pronoun indicates some kind of “emphasis”, but this can be so minimal that in practice the disjunctive form can always be used in place of a clitic pronoun. It never undergoes any phonological reduction or expansion. It can stand in the normal (preverbal) subject or (postverbal) object positions, and can also be used as the elliptical answer to a question. As with all disjunctive pronouns in Koromfe, it is formed with the proclitic prefix version of the pronoun and the invariant stem-like element kɔ.]

baa (=/ba-aa/) negative pronoun. they...not; fr: ils/elles ne...pas; dt: sie (3. pl.)...nicht.

baa negative proclitic subject personal pronoun 3rd plural. they...not; fr: ils/elles ne...pas; dt: sie (3. pl.)...nicht. baa bɛnɛ sentence They didn’t come.; fr: Ils ne

sont pas venus.; dt: Sie sind nicht gekommen. [Note: This pronoun is equivalent to the proclitic subject pronoun ba combined with the old negation particle aa. As with the negative particle ba, negative pronouns cause shortening of the final /aa/ vowel of the future tense/aspect.]

babt- verb. crouch, hide, duck; fr: s’accroupir, se cacher; dt: sich zusammenkauern, sich verstecken, sich ducken.

bafaa future. babtraa future. babtɛ past. babt(ʋ) perfective. baf(ʋ) imperfective. babtr(ʋ) imperfective. a babtam action noun sg./mass. a bafɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who is

crouching / hiding; fr: q.un qui s’accroupit / se cache; dt: jmd. der sich zusammenkauert / versteckt.

a babtrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. a bafəba deverbal agent noun pl. a babtrəba deverbal agent noun pl.

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babtam bar-

8 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

a bafəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. object for hiding oneself; fr: objet pour se cacher; dt: Gegenstand, um sich zu verstecken.

a babtrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. a bafəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a babtrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a bafəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a babtrəga deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. a bafəfa deverbal local noun. a babtrəfa deverbal local noun. place to hide; fr:

endroit pour se cacher; dt: Versteckplatz. a bafmãʋ (=/bab-f-mãʋ/) deverbal nomen acti

pl. places to hide; fr: endroits pour se cacher; dt: Versteckplätze.

babtam action noun sg./mass. → babt-. babtɛ past. → babt-. babtraa future. → babt-. babtrəba deverbal agent noun pl. → babt-. babtrəfa deverbal local noun. → babt-. babtrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ babt-. babtrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → babt-. babtrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → babt-. babtrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → babt-. babtr(ʋ) imperfective. → babt-. babt(ʋ) perfective. → babt-. bafaa future. → babt-. bafəba deverbal agent noun pl. → babt-. bafəfa deverbal local noun. → babt-. bafəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg. →

babt-. bafəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → babt-. bafəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → babt-. bafɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → babt-. baf(ʋ) imperfective. → babt-. ba-gɩllɛ reflexive pronoun 3rd person human pl. →

gɩllɛ. baɩlɔ noun. Jew’s harp; fr: arc musical; dt:

Maultrommel. a baɩlɔ sg. a baɩlɔfɩ pl. a baɩlɔma pl.

baɩlɔfɩ pl. → baɩlɔ. bak- verb. make, do; fr: faire; dt: machen, tun.

bakraa (=/bak-d-aa/) future. bakɛ (=/bak-ɛ/) past. bak(ɩ) (=/bak/) perfective. bakr(ɩ) (=/bak-d/) imperfective. a bakam (=/bak-am/) deverbal action noun

sg./mass. a bakrɔ (=/bak-d-ɔ/) deverbal agent noun sg.

s.o. who makes / does; fr: q.un qui fait; dt: jmd. der macht / tut.

a bakrəba (=/bak-d-ba/) deverbal agent noun pl.

a bakrəgʋ (=/bak-d-gʋ/) deverbal instrument noun sg. object for doing/making (sth.); fr: objet pour faire (q.chose); dt: Gegenstand um (etwas) zu machen.

a bakrəhɛ (=/bak-d-hɩ/) deverbal instrument noun pl.

a bakrəga (=/bak-d-ga/) deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

a bakrəsɩ (=/bak-d-sɩ/) deverbal instrument noun diminutive pl.

a bakrəfa (=/bak-d-fa/) deverbal local noun. place for making (sth.); fr: endroit pour faire (q.chose); dt: Platz um (etwas) zu machen.

a bakmãʋ (=/bak-mãʋ/) deverbal nomen acti pl. what remains after one has made something; fr: ce qui reste lorsqu’on a fait q.chose; dt: das, was bleibt, wenn man etwas gemacht hat.

bakam deverbal action noun sg./mass. (=/bak-am/) → bak-.

bakɛ past. (=/bak-ɛ/) → bak-. bak(ɩ) perfective. (=/bak/) → bak-. bakraa future. (=/bak-d-aa/) → bak-. bakrəba deverbal agent noun pl. (=/bak-d-ba/) →

bak-. bakrəfa deverbal local noun. (=/bak-d-fa/) → bak-. bakrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

(=/bak-d-ga/) → bak-. bakrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. (=/bak-d-

gʋ/) → bak-. bakrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. (=/bak-d-

hɩ/) → bak-. bakr(ɩ) imperfective. (=/bak-d/) → bak-. bakrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. (=/bak-d-ɔ/) → bak-. bakrəsɩ deverbal instrument noun diminutive pl.

(=/bak-d-sɩ/) → bak-. bal- noun. ball, balloon; fr: balle, ballon; dt: Ball,

Luftballon. a ballɩ sg. a bala pl. a balləfɩ pl. a balləma pl.

bal- noun. stranger; fr: étranger; dt: Fremder. a balɩɔ sg. a baləba pl.

bala conjunction. because; fr: parce que; dt: weil. [Note: = Mòoré. Cf. Koromfe ke.]

bala conjunction. bala pl. → bal-. balafɔ noun. balafon (xylophone-like musical

instrument); fr: balafon (instrument musical ressemblant à une xylophone); dt: Balafon (Xylophon-ähnliches Musikinstrument).

a balafɔ sg. a balafɔfɩ pl. a balafɔma pl.

balafɔfɩ pl. → balafɔ. balɩɔ sg. → bal-. balləfɩ pl. → bal-. ballɩ sg. → bal-. bar- noun. husband; fr: mari; dt: Ehemann.

a bara (=/bar-a/) sg. a barama (=/bar-ama/) pl. a barə kɛɛnɛɩ jealousy; fr: jalousie; dt:

Eifersucht. [Note: The lengthening of ɛ is unexpected.]

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bara bãgɛ

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 9

bara sg. (=/bar-a/) → bar-. barama pl. (=/bar-ama/) → bar-. bark- verb. bless; fr: bénir; dt: segnen.

barəkraa future. barəkɛ past. barək(ɩ) perfective. barəkr(ɩ) imperfective. a barəkam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

a dɔfrɛ barəkɛ hɔ sentence God has blessed us.; fr: Dieu nous a béni.; dt: Gott hat uns gesegnet.

a barəkrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who blesses; fr: q.un qui bénit; dt: jmd. der segnet.

a barəkrəba deverbal agent noun pl. a barəkrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. object

for blessing; fr: objet pour bénir; dt: Gegenstand um zu segnen.

a barəkrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a barəkrəga deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. a barəkrəfa deverbal local noun. place for

blessing; fr: endroit pour bénir; dt: Platz zum Segnen.

a barəkəmaʋ deverbal nomen acti pl. things which are blessed; fr: choses qui sont bénies; dt: Dinge, die gesegnet sind.

barka exclamation. thank you; fr: merci; dt: Danke. [Note: Clearly related to a barkam ‘bless’; analysable as the plural of a -dɛ nomen acti.]

barka sentential exclamation. barəkam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → bark-. barəkɛ past. → bark-. barək(ɩ) perfective. → bark-. barkɩ bi noun. Burkinabe; fr: burkinabé; dt:

Burkinabe. a barəkɩ bi sg. a barəkɩ bu pl.

barəkɩ bi sg. → barkɩ bi. barəkraa future. → bark-. barəkrəba deverbal agent noun pl. → bark-. barəkrəfa deverbal local noun. → bark-. barəkrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. → bark-. barəkrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → bark-. barəkrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → bark-. barəkr(ɩ) imperfective. → bark-. barəkrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → bark-. bat- noun. meeting (generic, incl. celebration); fr:

réunion (générique, y inclus une fête); dt: Versammlung (generisch, einschl. Fest).

a batʋ sg. a batəfɩ pl. a batʋʋ pl.

batag- noun. bachelor; fr: célibataire; dt: Junggeselle.

a batagrɛ sg. a batagəba pl. [Note: The element tag may be

distantly related to a tɔɔm ‘marry a woman’. It seems to have no connection with the word a tagrɛ ‘pond, lake’.]

batagrɛ sg. → batag-.

batəfɩ pl. → bat-. batʋ sg. → bat-. bazɛn- noun. lazy; fr: paresseux; dt: faul.

a bazɛnəŋa diminutive sg. a bazɛnəba pl. a bazɛnəya pl. [Note: Possibly related to a zɛŋdɛ

‘upper arm’] bazɛnəba pl. → bazɛn-. bazɛnəŋa diminutive sg. → bazɛn-. bããd- noun. ill, sick (person); fr: malade; dt: krank,

Kranke(r). [Note: = Mòoré] a bããda sg. a bããdama pl. a bããdɛɩ sg. illness, sickness; fr: maladie; dt:

Krankheit. a bããdɛɩfɩ pl.

bããda sg. → bããd-. bããdama pl. → bããd-. bããdɛɩ sg. → bããd-. bãg perfective. (=/bãg/) → bãg-. bãg- verb. thin out (shoots of a crop), weed; fr:

sarcler; dt: jäten. [Note: = Mòoré] bãgəraa (=/bãg-d-aa/) future. bãgɛ (=/bãg-ɛ/) past. bãg / bãgɩ (=/bãg/) perfective. bãgər / bagərɩ (=/bãg-d/) imperfective. a bãgam (=/bãg-am/) deverbal action noun

sg./mass. a bãka (=/bãg-ga/) deverbal action noun sg.

diminutive. second stage of cultivation (in August): thinning and weeding; fr: deuxième étape de la culture (en août): sarclage; dt: zweite Etappe des Feldbaus (im August): jäten. [Note: This is also the name of a traditional lunar month - see a pɩlaŋ]

a bãgəsʋʋ (=/bãg-sʋʋ/) deverbal action noun pl.

a bãgərɔ (=/bãg-d-ɔ/) deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who thins out / weeds; fr: q.un qui sarcle; dt: jmd. der jätet.

a bãgərəba (=/bãg-d-ba/) deverbal agent noun pl.

a bãgərəgʋ (=/bãg-d-gʋ/) deverbal instrument noun sg. object for thinning out / weeding; fr: objet pour sarcler; dt: Gegenstand zum Jäten.

a bãgərəhɛ (=/bãg-d-hɩ/) deverbal instrument noun pl.

a bãgərəga (=/bãg-d-ga/) deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

a bãgərəfa (=/bãg-d-fa/) deverbal local noun. place for thinning out / weeding; fr: endroit pour sarcler; dt: Platz zum Jäten.

a bãgəmaʋ (=/bãg-mãʋ/) deverbal nomen acti pl. plants already weeded; fr: plantes déjà sarclées; dt: bereits gejätete Pflanzen. bãkʋ imperative sentence Weed it!; fr: Sarcle-

le!; dt: Jäte es! [Note: g-g → k. Never *bãg gʋ or *bãgɩ gʋ.]

bãgam deverbal action noun sg./mass. (=/bãg-am/) → bãg-.

bãgɛ past. (=/bãg-ɛ/) → bãg-.

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bãgɩ perfective. (=/bãg/) → bãg-. bãgər imperfective. (=/bãg-d/) → bãg-. bãgəraa future. (=/bãg-d-aa/) → bãg-. bãgərəba deverbal agent noun pl. (=/bãg-d-ba/) →

bãg-. bãgərəfa deverbal local noun. (=/bãg-d-fa/) →

bãg-. bãgərəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

(=/bãg-d-ga/) → bãg-. bãgərəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. (=/bag-d-

gʋ/) → bãg-. bãgərəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. (=/bãg-d-

hɩ/) → bãg-. bãgərɩ imperfective. (=/bãg-d/) → bãg-. bãgərɔ deverbal agent noun sg. (=/bãg-d-ɔ/) →

bãg-. bãgəsʋʋ deverbal action noun pl. (=/bãg-sʋʋ/) →

bãg-. bãɩ perfective. → bãɩ-. bãɩ- defective verb. not know; fr: ne pas savoir, ne

pas connaître; dt: nicht wissen, nicht kennen. bãɩ perfective. [Note: This form may have

originated from a perfective form of the verb a jɛɛlɛɩ preceded by the negative particle ba, i.e. bajɛ.]

a bãɩlɛɩ deverbal action noun sg./mass. not knowing, ignorance; fr: ignorance; dt: Nichtwissen, Unwissenheit. ase la - mə baɩ interrogative sentence & answer

What’s up? - I don’t know.; fr: Qu’est-ce qu’il y a? - Je ne sais pas.; dt: Was ist los? - Ich weiß (es) nicht.

ala la dəkɔ - mə baɩ interrogative sentence & answer Who’s that? - I don’t know (him).; fr: Qui est celui-là? - Je ne (le) connais pas.; dt: Wer ist das? - Ich kenne (ihn) nicht.

bãka deverbal action noun sg. diminutive. (=/bãg-ga/) → bãg-.

bãn- noun. mother’s brother; any male member of the mother’s family; fr: frère de la mère ; chaque membre mâle de la famille de la mère; dt: Bruder der Mutter; jedes männliche Mitglied der Familie der Mutter.

a bãna sg. a bãnama pl.

bãna sg. → bãn-. bãŋ perfective. → bãŋ-. bãŋ- verb. hammer in (e.g. nail, stake); fr: clouer (p.

ex. une pointe, un piquet); dt: hineinhämmern (z.B. Nagel, Pflock).

bãŋnaa future. bãŋɛ past. bãŋ perfective. bãŋn(ɛ) imperfective. a bãŋam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a bãŋnɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who

hammers; fr: q.un qui cloue; dt: jmd. der hämmert.

a bãŋnəba deverbal agent noun pl. a bãŋnəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. object

for hammering (e.g. hammer); fr: objet pour

clouer (p. ex. un marteau); dt: Gegenstand zum Hämmern (z.B. ein Hammer).

a bãŋnəhɩ / a bãŋnəhɛ (=/bãŋ-d-hɩ/) deverbal instrument noun pl.

a bãŋnəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

a bãŋnəfa deverbal local noun. place for hammering; fr: endroit pour clouer; dt: Platz zum Hämmern.

a bãŋmãʋ deverbal nomen acti pl. things that have been hammered in; fr: choses qui sont clouées; dt: Dinge, die hineingehämmert worden sind.

bãŋ- noun. bare; fr: nu; dt: nackt. a bãŋdɛ sg. a baŋa pl.

a fɩrɛ baŋdɛ NP+N compound noun sg. full sunlight; midday (about 12:00-15:00); fr: plein soleil; midi (env. 12:00-15:00); dt: volles Sonnenlicht; Mittag (ca. 12:00-15:00)

a pɩlaŋ baŋdɛ NP+N compound noun sg. full moon; fr: lune pleine; dt: Vollmond

a ỹʋ bãŋdɛ NP+N compound noun sg. hairless head; fr: tête sans cheveux; dt: haarloser Kopf

a ỹʋfɩ baŋa NP+N compound noun pl. bãŋam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → bãŋ-. bãŋdɛ sg. → bãŋ-. bãŋɛ past. → bãŋ-. bãŋgʋ noun. circumcised (= initiated) male (who

must then leave his mother’s house); fr: homme circoncis (= initié) (qui doit quitter la maison de sa mère); dt: Beschnittener (= Initiierter) (der darauf das Haus seiner Mutter verlassen muss). [Note: = Mòoré]

a bãŋgʋ sg. a bãŋgʋfɩ pl. a bãŋgʋma pl.

a bãŋgʋ bi NP+N compound noun sg. circumcised male; fr: homme circoncis; dt: Beschnittener

a bãŋgʋ bu NP+N compound noun pl. bãŋgʋfɩ pl. → bãŋgʋ. bãŋkɛsa sg. → mãŋkɛsa. bãŋkɛsafɩ pl. → mãŋkɛsa. bãŋnaa future. → bãŋ-. bãŋnəba deverbal agent noun pl. → bãŋ-. bãŋn(ɛ) imperfective. → bãŋ-. bãŋnəfa deverbal local noun. (=/bãŋ-d-hɩ/) →

bãŋ-. bãŋnəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

(=/bãŋ-d-hɩ/) → bãŋ-. bãŋnəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → bãŋ-. bãŋnəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. (=/bãŋ-d-

hɩ/) → bãŋ-. bãŋnəhɩ deverbal instrument noun pl. (=/bãŋ-d-

hɩ/) → bãŋ-. bãŋnɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → bãŋ-. bãŋs- (=/bãŋs/) noun. spear; fr: lance; dt: Speer.

a bãŋsʋ (=/bãŋs-ʋ/) sg. a bãŋsɩɩ (=/bãŋs-ɩɩ/) pl.

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bãŋsʋ sg. (=/bãŋs-ʋ/) → bãŋs-. bʌhʌpʌ noun. glutton; fr: gourmand; dt: Vielfraß.

[Note: Possibly from a ba hitə saa ‘non-stop’.] a bʌhʌpʌ sg. a bʌhʌpʌmʌ pl.

bʌluu- noun. kind of flute (made by children from millet stalks); fr: espèce de flûte (de tiges de mil fabriquée par les enfants); dt: Art Flöte (von Kindern aus Hirsestängeln gemacht). [Note: Probably not of Koromfe origin.]

a bʌluuri sg. a bʌluuyʌ pl. a bʌluuyo pl.

bʌluuri sg. → bʌluu-. bʌluuyʌ pl. → bʌluu-. bʌndə-bi (=/bana bi/) noun. mother’s brother

who is still a child; child of the mother’s family; fr: frère de la mère qui est un enfant; enfant de la famille de la mère; dt: Bruder der Mutter, der noch ein Kind ist; Kind der Familie der Mutter. [Note: Origin as a bana bi not certain.]

a bʌndə-bi N+N compound noun sg. a bʌndə-bu N+N compound noun pl.

bʌʌni noun. health; fr: santé; dt: Gesundheit. [Note: Often used in greetings. See a kɩbarʋ. An older Koromfe term for ‘health’ is a kʋlɔ jagaɩ ‘freshness/coolness of the body’.]

a bʌʌni sg. bʌndʌku noun. manioc; fr: manioc; dt: Maniok.

[Note: = Mòoré] a bʌndʌkufe singulative. a bʌndʌkufre singulative. a bʌndʌku pl./collective. a bʌndʌkufi pl.

bʌndʌkufe singulative. → bʌndʌku. bʌndʌkufre singulative. → bʌndʌku. bɛ perfective. (=/bɛl/) → bɛ(l)-. bɛb- verb. travel; get dressed, put on; fr: voyager ;

s’habiller, mettre; dt: reisen; sich anziehen, anziehen.

bɛbraa future. bɛbfaa future. bɛbɛ past. bɛb(ʋ) perfective. bɛbr(ʋ) imperfective. bɛbf(ʋ) imperfective. a bɛbam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a bɛbrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. traveller;

dresser; fr: voyageur; habilleur; dt: Reisender; Anzieher.

a bɛbrəba deverbal agent noun pl. a bɛbrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg.

garment (of any kind); fr: vêtement, habit (de toute sorte); dt: Kleidungsstück (jeder Art).

a bɛbrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a bɛbrəga deverbal instrument noun sg. a bɛbrəfa deverbal local noun. place to which one

travels; place for dressing; fr: endroit où on voyage; endroit pour s’habiller; dt: Ort, wo man hinreist; Platz zum anziehen.

a bɛbmaʋ deverbal nomen acti pl. places to which one has travelled; dressed; fr: endroits où on a voyagé; habillé; dt: Orte, wohin man gereist ist; angezogen.

bɛbam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → bɛb-. bɛbɛ past. → bɛb-. bɛbfaa future. → bɛb-. bɛbf(ʋ) imperfective. → bɛb-. bɛbraa future. → bɛb-. bɛbrəba deverbal agent noun pl. → bɛb-. bɛbrəfa deverbal local noun. → bɛb-. bɛbrəga deverbal instrument noun sg. → bɛb-. bɛbrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → bɛb-. bɛbrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → bɛb-. bɛbrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → bɛb-. bɛbr(ʋ) imperfective. → bɛb-. bɛb(ʋ) perfective. → bɛb-. bɛl- noun. back; fr: dos, arrière; dt: Rücken,

Rückseite. [Note: This word actually refers to the whole rear surface of the body, from the shoulders to the feet, though it is commonly used to refer to the back only. The less commonly used word a kundoŋ refers to the back only (from the shoulders to the waist).]

a bɛllɛ sg. a bɛla pl. bɛllɛ (nɛ) postposition. behind; fr: derrière; dt:

hinter. a dãŋ koŋ bɛllɛ prepositional phrase behind the

house; fr: derrière la maison; dt: hinter dem Haus

a dãŋ koŋ bɛllɛ nɛ prepositional phrase behind the house; fr: derrière la maison; dt: hinter dem Haus [Note: Can be used with or without nɛ.]

bɛllɛ nɛ adverb. at the back; fr: en arrière; dt: hinten. də tuko bɛllɛ nɛ sentence He sat at the back.;

fr: Il était assis en arrière.; dt: Er saß hinten.

bɛllɛ nɛ saa adverb+N compound noun sg. last; fr: dernier; dt: letzt(-er,-e,-es) [Note: No article a because the first element of this compound is an adverb.]

bɛllɛ nɛ samma adverb+N compound noun pl. [Note: Can be used with or without nɛ.]

bɛ(l)- (=/bɛl/) verb. come, (auxiliary) happen; fr: venir, (auxiliaire) arriver; dt: kommen, (Auxiliar) geschehen, dazukommen. [Note: Irregular]

bɛllaa (=/bɛl-d-aa/) future. bɛnɛ (=/bɛl-ɛ/) past. bɛ (=/bɛl/) perfective. bɛll(ɩ) (=/bɛl-d/) imperfective. a bɛnam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a bɛʋ deverbal action noun sg./mass. also:

arrival; fr: aussi: arrivée; dt: auch: Ankunft. a bɛllɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who is

coming; fr: q.un qui vient; dt: jmd. der kommt. a bɛlləba deverbal agent noun pl.

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bɛla bɛŋ

12 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

a bɛlləgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. thing / animal that is coming; fr: objet / animal qui est en train de venir; dt: Ding / Tier, das kommt.

a bɛlləhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a bɛlləga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a bɛlləfa deverbal local noun. place for arriving;

fr: endroit pour arriver; dt: Platz zum Ankommen. a biisi bɛlləfa NP+N compound noun sg. bus

stop, bus station; fr: arrêt d’autobus, station d’autobus; dt: Bushaltestelle, Busbahnhof

bɛla pl. → bɛl-. bɛll- verb. pan (generic), separate grain from chaff

(by panning with a straw fan or calabash), clean (after pounding); fr: vanner (générique), nettoyer (après avoir pilé); dt: trennen, waschen (generisch), Getreide von Spreu trennen (mit einem Strohfächer oder einer Kalebasse), reinigen (nach dem Stampfen). [Note: This is the penultimate process in preparing grain for cooking. First comes a sɔgtam, followed by a sellʌm, then a bɛllam. Afterwards the grains are panned in water to remove stones (a jislʌm). Cf. also a forʌm ‘separate grain from chaff by pounding’.]

bɛllraa future. bɛllɛ past. bɛll(ɩ) perfective. bɛllr(ɩ) imperfective. a bɛllam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a bɛllrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who pans;

fr: q.un qui vanne; dt: jmd. der trennt / wäscht. a bɛllrəba deverbal agent noun pl. a bɛllrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. tool for

panning; grain that is being panned; fr: outil pour vanner; grains qui sont en train d’être vannés; dt: Werkzeug zum trennen / waschen; Körner, die gerade getrennt/gewaschen werden.

a bɛllrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a bɛllrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a bɛllrəfa deverbal local noun. place for panning;

fr: endroit pour vanner; dt: Platz zum trennen / waschen.

a bɛlləmaʋ deverbal nomen acti pl. panned grain; fr: grains vannés; dt: getrenntes / gewaschenes Getreide.

bɛllaa future. (=/bɛl-d-aa/) → bɛ(l)-. bɛllam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → bɛll-. bɛlləba deverbal agent noun pl. (=/bɛl-d/) → bɛ(l)-. bɛllɛ sg. → bɛl-. bɛllɛ past. → bɛll-. bɛllɛ (nɛ) postposition. → bɛl-. bɛlləga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

(=/bɛl-d/) → bɛ(l)-. bɛlləgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. (=/bɛl-d/) →


bɛlləhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. (=/bɛl-d/) → bɛ(l)-.

bɛll(ɩ) imperfective. (=/bɛl-d/) → bɛ(l)-. bɛll(ɩ) perfective. → bɛll-. bɛllɔ deverbal agent noun sg. (=/bɛl-d/) → bɛ(l)-. bɛllraa future. → bɛll-. bɛllrəba deverbal agent noun pl. → bɛll-. bɛllrəfa deverbal local noun. → bɛll-. bɛllrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ bɛll-. bɛllrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → bɛll-. bɛllrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → bɛll-. bɛllr(ɩ) imperfective. → bɛll-. bɛllrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → bɛll-. bɛnɛ past. (=/bɛl-ɛ/) → bɛ(l)-. bɛnn- noun. backside, arse; fr: derrière, cul; dt:

Hintern, Arsch. a bɛnnəŋa diminutive sg. a bɛnnənɛ diminutive pl.

a bɛnnəŋa yɩbrɛ NP+N compound noun sg. anus, arsehole; fr: anus; dt: After, Arschloch

a bɛnnənɛ yɩba NP+N compound noun pl. bɛnnəŋa diminutive sg. → bɛnn-. bɛŋ demonstrative.

bɛŋ demonstrative adjective / pronoun human pl. these, those, the; these / those people; fr: ces, les; ceux-ci/là, celles-ci/là; dt: diese, jene, die. a bɛnna bɛŋ NP+demonstr. noun phrase pl. the

/ these / those man; fr: les / ces hommes; dt: die / diese / jene Männer

bɛnna nãã bɛŋ NP+demonstr. noun phrase pl. the / these / those four men; fr: les / ces quatre hommes; dt: die / diese / jene vier Männer [Note: *a bɛnna naã bɛŋ is impossible because a numeral precludes the article a.]

bɛŋ ba zɔmma mɛ sentence Those guys don’t like me.; fr: Ceux-la ne m’aiment pas.; dt: Die dort mögen mich nicht. [Note: Demonstrative adjectives are also used as definite articles. Their similarity to the corresponding noun-class suffixes is unmistakable. They always follow the NP and do not affect the presence or absence of the article a before the NP. When used pronouns they stand alone in the position of an NP. Cf. the full set of demonstratives: hoŋ, koŋ, bɛŋ, hɛŋ, kɛŋ.]

bɛŋgɛ strong demonstrative adjective / pronoun. a bɛnna bɛŋgɛ NP+demonstr. noun phrase

human pl. the / these / those man; fr: les / ces hommes; dt: die / diese / jene Männer

bɛnna nãã beŋgɛ NP+demonstr. noun phrase human pl. the / this / that one woman; fr: les / ces quatre hommes; dt: die / diese / jene vier Männer [Note: *a bɛnna naã beŋ is impossible because a numeral precludes the article a.]

bɛŋgɛ ba zɔmma mɛ sentence Those guys don’t like me.; fr: Ceux-la ne m’aiment pas.; dt:

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bɛr- bɛrɛms-

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 13

Die dort mögen mich nicht. [Note: The strong demonstratives are said to be more emphatic than the corresponding normal demonstrative, but in practice can be found everywhere where the latter occur. All strong demonstratives are formed by adding -gṾ to the normal demonstrative, where Ṿ is a (non-nasal) copy of the (one and only, mid) vowel of the normal demonstrative.]

bɛr- noun. small piece (of sth.); fr: petite pièce, petit morceau (de q.ch.); dt: kleiner Teil, kleines Stück (von etwas). [Note: (= Mòoré)]

a bɛrəga sg. a bersi pl.

bɛr- noun. male (animal); (in compounds, also) penis-shaped; fr: (animal) mâle; (dans les mots composés, aussi) à forme de pénis; dt: männliches (Tier); (in Zusammensetzungen, auch) penisförmig.

a bɛtɛ sg. a bɛra pl.

a sũndu bɛtɛ NP+N compound noun sg. male horse, stallion; fr: cheval mâle, étalon; dt: männliches Pferd, Hengst

a sũndii bɛra NP+N compound noun pl. a wɔnə bɛtɛ N+N compound noun sg. a wɔnə bɛra N+N compound noun pl. male

chicken, cock; fr: poulet mâle, coq; dt: männliches Huhn, Hahn [Note: For ‘penis-shaped’, see the compounds a hʋrə-bɛtɛ, a wɔnə-bɛtɛ, a da-bɛtɛ.]

a bɛrəga diminutive sg. young male (animal); fr: (animal) jeune mâle; dt: junges männliches (Tier).

a bɛrɩɩ diminutive pl. a pesə bɛrəga N+N compound noun diminutive

sg. young male sheep, young ram; fr: petit mouton mâle; dt: kleines männliches Schaf, kleiner Schafbock

a pesə bɛrɩɩ N+N compound noun diminutive pl. [Note: The regular diminutive plural would be a bɛrənɛ, but no such form exists.]

bɛra pl. → bɛr-. bɛrd- (=/bɛd-Ṿl-/) verb. lie down / lay next to

(obj.) turned at an angle, prop against one another; fr: se coucher / poser à coté de (obj.) tourné, caler; dt: (sich) hinlegen neben (Obj.) gedreht, gegeneinander stützen.

bɛrɛdaa (=/bɛd-Ṿl-d-aa/) future. bɛrədɛ (=/bɛd-Ṿl-ɛ/) past. bɛrɛ (=/bɛd-Ṿl/) perfective. bɛrɛd / bɛrɛdɩ (=/bɛd-Ṿl-d/) imperfective. a bɛrədam (=/bɛd-Ṿl-am/) deverbal action noun

sg./mass. mə bɛrədɛ (a) fʋba sentence I lay down next to

the people.; fr: Je me suis couché près des gens.; dt: Ich habe mich neben den Leuten hingelegt.

mə bɛrədɛ (a) daɩã dombʌ sentence I propped one stick against the other.; fr: J’ai calé un bois contre l’autre.; dt: Ich habe die Stöcke

gegeneinander gestützt. [Note: This example assumes that a group of people are lying on the ground next to one another. I lay down either alongside their heads or alongside their feet.]

a bɛrɛdɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who lies down turned by 90º; fr: q.un qui se couche à côté tourné à 90º; dt: jmd. der sich daneben hinlegt um 90º gedreht.

a bɛrɛdəba deverbal agent noun pl. a bɛrɛdəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. prop; fr:

objet pour caler; dt: Gegenstand zum aufstützen.

a bɛrɛdəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a bɛrɛdəga deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. a bɛrɛdəfa deverbal local noun. place for

propping things; fr: endroit pour caler; dt: Platz zum stützen.

a bɛrɛmaʋ deverbal nomen acti pl. that which is propped; enclosure in the bush (made of sticks propped against one another); fr: ce qui est calé; clôture en brousse (fabrique de bois qui sont calés l’un contre l’autre); dt: das, was gestützt ist; Umzäunung im Busch (aus Stöcken, die aufeinander gestützt sind).

bɛrədam deverbal action noun sg./mass. (=/bɛd-Ṿl-am/) → bɛrd-.

bɛrədɛ past. (=/bɛd-Ṿl-ɛ/) → bɛrd-. bɛrɛ perfective. (=/bɛd-Ṿl/) → bɛrd-. bɛrɛd imperfective. (=/bɛd-Ṿl-d/) → bɛrd-. bɛrɛdaa future. (=/bɛd-Ṿl-d-aa/) → bɛrd-. bɛrɛdəba deverbal agent noun pl. (=/bɛd-Ṿl-am/)

→ bɛrd-. bɛrɛdəfa deverbal local noun. (=/bɛd-Ṿl-am/) →

bɛrd-. bɛrɛdəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

(=/bɛd-Ṿl-am/) → bɛrd-. bɛrɛdəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. (=/bɛd-Ṿl-

am/) → bɛrd-. bɛrɛdəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. (=/bɛd-Ṿl-

am/) → bɛrd-. bɛrɛdɩ imperfective. (=/bɛd-Ṿl-d/) → bɛrd-. bɛrɛdɔ deverbal agent noun sg. (=/bɛd-Ṿl-am/) →

bɛrd-. bɛrɛms- verb. overtake, cross; fr: dépasser,

traverser; dt: überholen, überqueren, kreuzen. bɛrɛmsraa future. bɛrɛmsɛ past. bɛrɛms(ʋ) perfective. bɛrɛmsər(ʋ) imperfective. a bɛrɛmsam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a bɛrɛmsərɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who

overtakes / crosses, passer-by; fr: q.un qui dépasse / traverse, passant; dt: jmd. der überholt / überquert / kreuzt, Passant.

a bɛrɛmsərba deverbal agent noun pl. a bɛrɛmsərəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg.

place where many people pass by (e.g. busy street); bridge; fr: endroit où beaucoup de gens passent (p. ex. une rue fréquentée); pont; dt:

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Ort, wo viele Menschen vorbeigehen (z.B. belebte Straße); Brücke.

a bɛrɛmsərəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a bɛrɛmsərəga deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. a bɛrɛmsərəfa deverbal local noun. place where

many people pass by (e.g. busy street). crossing place; fr: endroit où beaucoup de gens passent (p. ex. une rue fréquentée), endroit à traverser; dt: Ort, wo viele Menschen vorbeigehen (z.B. belebte Straße), Überquerungsstelle.

bɛrɛmsam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → bɛrɛms-.

bɛrɛmsɛ past. → bɛrɛms-. bɛrɛmsraa future. → bɛrɛms-. bɛrɛmsərba deverbal agent noun pl. → bɛrɛms-. bɛrɛmsərəga deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. → bɛrɛms-. bɛrɛmsərəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. →

bɛrɛms-. bɛrɛmsərəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. →

bɛrɛms-. bɛrɛmsərɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → bɛrɛms-. bɛrɛmsər(ʋ) imperfective. → bɛrɛms-. bɛrɛms(ʋ) perfective. → bɛrɛms-. bɛrɛndəba ordinal numeral human pl. → bɛrʋ. bɛrɛndɔ ordinal numeral human sg. → bɛrʋ. bɛrəga sg. → bɛr-. bɛrəga diminutive sg. → bɛr-. bɛr(ɩ)- noun. specific clan, Nyonyosi; fr: clan

spécifique, Nyonyosi; dt: spezifische Großfamilie (Clan), Nyonyosi. [Note: The ɩ of the singular form is unusual. See also the Mòoré word a ỹɔỹɔɔga]

a bɛrɩɔ sg. a bɛrəba pl.

bɛrɩɔ sg. → bɛr(ɩ)-. bɛrʋ numeral. (a) hundred (100); 500 francs CFA;

fr: centaine, cent (100); 500 francs CFA; dt: Hundert, hundert (100); 500 Francs CFA. [Note: No article a is used before this word, except (optionally) when it is used non-attributively (disjunctively). Mengao speakers say that this is an Aribinda form. The normal Mengao form is kɔbəga (=Mòoré) or (older) zãŋfɔ. The plural form is used when this word qualifies another numeral (e.g. bɛrʋma hi ĩ ‘two hundred; 1000 francs CFA’).]

bɛrʋ cardinal numeral sg. bɛrʋma cardinal numeral pl.

fʋba bɛrʋ NP+N compound noun sg. a hundred people; fr: cent gens, cent personnes; dt: hundert Menschen

dãɩ bɛrʋ NP+N compound noun sg. a hundred houses; fr: cent maisons; dt: hundert Häuser

a bɛrɛndɔ ordinal numeral human sg. hundredth; fr: centième; dt: hundertst(-er,-e,-es).

a bɛrɛndəba ordinal numeral human pl.

a bɛrɛndəgʋ ordinal numeral non-human sg. & pl. [Note: Non-human ordinal numerals have no plural form; instead the singular is used.]

bɛrʋma cardinal numeral pl. → bɛrʋ. bɛtɛ sg. → bɛr-. bɛn- noun. faeces, shit; fr: merde, crotte; dt:

Fäkalien, Scheiße, Kot. [Note: This word has no singular form. Cf. also a bɛnnəŋa ‘backside’.]

a bɛna pl. a bɛn gɛllɛ N+N compound noun sg. piece of

shit; fr: morceau de merde; dt: Stück Scheiße

a bɛn gɛla N+N compound noun pl. bɛn gɛllɛ N+N compound noun sg. → gɛl-. bɛnam deverbal action noun sg./mass. (=/bɛl-d/)

→ bɛ(l)-. bɛnna pl. → bɔrɔ. bɛnna tɔɔndəba noun phrase pl. → tɔɔ. bɛnta noun. traditional shorts (single piece of

material); fr: culotte traditionnelle (une seule pièce d’étoffe); dt: traditionelle kurze Hose (ein einziges Stück Stoff).

a bɛnta sg. a bɛntafɩ pl.

bɛʋ deverbal action noun sg./mass. (=/bɛl-d/) → bɛ(l)-.

bel- noun. child, person younger than ego; fr: enfant, personne moins âgé que ego; dt: Kind, Mensch jünger als ego.

a beləŋʌ diminutive sg. a beliʌ pl.

mə sa beləŋʌ NP+N compound noun sg. my sibling; fr: mon frère / ma sœur; dt: mein Geschwister

mə sa beliʌ NP+N compound noun pl. [Note: This plural suffix is otherwise found mainly on nominal adjectives with the sg. suffix -V ŋ (where V is a copy of the preceding vowel). Such adjectives also often have a diminutive with - əŋa (cf. e.g. a feleŋ). However, there is no form like * a beleŋ.]

beld- (=/bel-Ṿl-/) verb. sell, barter; fr: vendre, échanger, faire le marché; dt: verkaufen, tauschen. [Note: The meaning of this verb does not include the actual exchange of money, for which a dolʌm must be used.]

beledʌʌ (=/bel-Ṿl-d-aa/) future. beləde (=/bel-Ṿl-ɛ/) past. bele (=/bel-Ṿl/) perfective. beled / beledi (=/bel-Ṿl-d/) imperfective. a belədʌm (=/bel-Ṿl-am/) deverbal action noun

sg./mass. a beledo (=/bel-Ṿl-d-ɔ/) deverbal agent noun

sg. seller, salesperson; buyer, customer; fr: vendeur; acheteur, client; dt: VerkäuferIn; KäuferIn, KundIn.

a beledəbʌ (=/bel-Ṿl-d-ba/) deverbal agent noun pl.

a beledəgu (=/bel-Ṿl-d-gʋ/) deverbal instrument noun sg. article that is for sale; fr: article à vendre; dt: Verkaufsartikel.

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a beledəhe (=/bel-Ṿl-d-hĩ/) deverbal instrument noun pl.

a beledəgʌ (=/bel-Ṿl-d-ga/) deverbal instrument noun sg.

a beledəfʌ (=/bel-Ṿl-d-fa/) deverbal local noun. place for selling; market; fr: endroit pour vendre; marché; dt: Platz zum verkaufen; Markt. mə bele la d a pɛrəgʋ sentence I bought a shirt

from him.; fr: J’ai acheté une chemise à lui.; dt: Ich habe von ihm ein Hemd gekauft.

belədʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. (=/bel-Ṿl-am/) → beld-.

beləde past. (=/bel-Ṿl-ɛ/) → beld-. bele perfective. (=/bel-Ṿl/) → beld-. beled imperfective. (=/bel-Ṿl-d/) → beld-. beledʌʌ future. (=/bel-Ṿl-d-aa/) → beld-. beledəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. (=/bel-Ṿl-d-ba/)

→ beld-. beledəgʌ deverbal instrument noun sg. (=/bel-Ṿl-

d-ga/) → beld-. beledəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. (=/bel-Ṿl-

d-gʋ/) → beld-. beledəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. (=/bel-Ṿl-

d-hĩ/) → beld-. beledi imperfective. (=/bel-Ṿl-d/) → beld-. beledo deverbal agent noun sg. (=/bel-Ṿl-d-ɔ/) →

beld-. beləŋʌ diminutive sg. → bel-. bɩ adverb. then, just; fr: donc, tout simplement;

dt: dann, doch. bɩ hortative adverb.

mə zɔmmʋ mə wu n dããnɛ --- bɩ ŋ wun 2 sentences A: I want to go home. - B: Then go home.; fr: A: Je veux rentrer à la maison. - B: Rentre donc.; dt: A: Ich will nach Hause gehen. - B: Dann geh.

bɩ conjunction. or; fr: ou, ou bien; dt: oder. [Note: Also used as a yes/no interrogative particle (anticipating the answer yes) at the end of a sentence, like “oder” in some varieties of German.]

bɩ co-ordinating conjunction. də bɛllaa yoote bɩ də bɛllaa sa sentence He will

come today or he will come tomorrow.; fr: Il viendra aujourd’hui ou il viendra demain.; dt: Er wird heute kommen oder er wird morgen kommen.

də bɛllaa yoote bɩ sa sentence He will come today or tomorrow.; fr: Il viendra aujourd’hui ou demain.; dt: Er wird heute oder morgen kommen.

n sam a sala hɛŋ bɩ interrogative sentence You have washed the dishes, haven’t you?; fr: Tu as fait la vaisselle, n’est-ce pas?; dt: Du hast abgewaschen, oder?

bɩgt perfective. (=/bɩgt/) → bɩgt-. bɩgt- verb. stumble; fr: trébucher; dt: stolpern.

[Phon: g is a stop, not a fricative] bɩgtraa (=/bɩgt-d-aa/) future. bɩgtɛ (=/bɩgt-ɛ/) past.

bɩgt / bɩgtɩ (=/bɩgt/) perfective. bɩgtr / bɩgtrɩ (=/bɩgt-d/) imperfective. a bɩgtam (=/bɩgt-am/) deverbal action noun

sg./mass. a bɩgtrɔ (=/bɩgt-d-ɔ/) deverbal agent noun sg.

s.o. who stumbles; fr: q.un qui trébuche; dt: jmd. der stolpert.

a bɩgtrəba (=/bɩgt-d-ba/) deverbal agent noun pl.

a bɩgtrəgʋ (=/bɩgt-d-gʋ/) deverbal instrument noun sg. object that one stumbles over; fr: objet sur lequel on trébuche; dt: Gegenstand über den man stolpert.

a bɩgtrəhɛ / a bɩgtrəhɩ (=/bɩgt-d-hɩ/) deverbal instrument noun pl.

a bɩgtrəga (=/a bɩgtr-ga/) deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

a bɩgtrəfa (=/a bɩgtr-fa/) deverbal local noun. place where one stumbles; fr: endroit où on trébuche; dt: Ort, wo man stolpert.

bɩgtam deverbal action noun sg./mass. (=/bɩgt-am/) → bɩgt-.

bɩgtɛ past. (=/bɩgt-ɛ/) → bɩgt-. bɩgtɩ perfective. (=/bɩgt/) → bɩgt-. bɩgtr imperfective. (=/bɩgt-d/) → bɩgt-. bɩgtraa future. (=/bɩgt-d-aa/) → bɩgt-. bɩgtrəba deverbal agent noun pl. (=/bɩgt-d-ba/)

→ bɩgt-. bɩgtrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

(=/a bɩgtr-ga/) → bɩgt-. bɩgtrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. (=/bɩgt-d-

gʋ/) → bɩgt-. bɩgtrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. (=/bɩgt-d-

hɩ/) → bɩgt-. bɩgtrəhɩ deverbal instrument noun pl. (=/bɩgt-d-

hɩ/) → bɩgt-. bɩgtrɩ imperfective. (=/bɩgt-d/) → bɩgt-. bɩgtrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. (=/bɩgt-d-ɔ/) →

bɩgt-. bɩlgm- noun. big; fr: gros; dt: groß. [Note: (=

Mòoré)] a bɩləgəmdɩ sg. a bɩləgəma pl.

bɩləgəmdɩ sg. → bɩlgm-. bɩr perfective. (=/bɩd/) → bɩr-. bɩr- (=/bid-/) noun. kind of frog; fr: espèce de

grenouille; dt: Art Frosch. [Note: Koromfe has a 5-way distinction of frogs and toads according to their size. The smallest is a sãndəga, followed by a pãtɛ, a gɔŋdɛ, a bɩtɛ, a purgoŋ.]

a bɩtɛ sg. a bɩra pl.

bɩr- (=/bɩd-/) verb. grow, ripen, be cooked through; be a clairvoyant; fr: grandir, mûrir, devenir cuit ; être voyant; dt: wachsen, reifen, garen; Hellseher sein. [Note: The meaning ‘be a clairvoyant’ derives from ‘growing beyond oneself’. With that reading, the imperfective stems with -f are preferred.]

bɩtaa (=/bɩd-d-aa/) future.

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bɩram bilkoob-

16 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

bɩrəfaa (=/bɩd-f-aa/) future. bɩrɛ (=/bɩd-ɛ/) past. bɩr(ɩ) / bɩr (=/bɩd/) perfective. bɩt(ɩ) / bɩtɩ (=/bɩd-d/) imperfective. bɩrəf(ʋ) / bɩrəf (=/bɩd-f/) imperfective. a bɩram deverbal action noun sg./mass. a bɩrfɔ deverbal agent noun sg. clairvoyant; fr:

voyant; dt: Hellseher. a bɩrfəba pl. a bɩrfɩɩ (=/bɩr-f-ɩɩ/) abstract quality noun sg.

clairvoyance; fr: clairvoyance; dt: Hellsehertum.

a bɩtɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who is growing; fr: q.un qui grandit; dt: jmd. der wächst.

a bɩtəba deverbal agent noun pl. a bɩtəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. ripe fruit;

piece of food that is sufficiently cooked; fr: fruit mûr; morceau de nourriture qui est bien cuit; dt: reife Frucht; Speise, die gar ist. [Note: The form a bɩrfəgʋ, although interpretable as ‘object used by a clairvoyant’ is not actually used.]

a bɩtəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a bɩtəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a bɩtəfa deverbal local noun. place for cooking;

fr: endroit pour cuir; dt: Platz zum Kochen. a dɩʋ bɩtəfa NP+N compound noun sg. place for

cooking food; fr: endroit pour cuir la nourriture; dt: Platz zum Nahrung Kochen [Note: The form a bɩrfəfa is not normally used.]

a bɩrəmaʋ deverbal nomen acti pl. ripe (things); fr: mûr (choses); dt: reif(e Dinge).

bɩram deverbal action noun sg./mass. (=/bɩd-f/) → bɩr-.

bɩrɛ past. (=/bɩd-ɛ/) → bɩr-. bɩrəf imperfective. (=/bɩd-f/) → bɩr-. bɩrəfaa future. (=/bɩd-f-aa/) → bɩr-. bɩrfəba pl. (=/bɩd-f/) → bɩr-. bɩrfɩɩ abstract quality noun sg. (=/bɩr-f-ɩɩ/) → bɩr-. bɩrfɔ deverbal agent noun sg. (=/bɩd-f/) → bɩr-. bɩrəf(ʋ) imperfective. (=/bɩd-f/) → bɩr-. bɩrg- verb. cause to grow, cause to ripen, cause to

be cooked through; fr: faire grandir, faire mûrir, faire devenir cuit; dt: wachsen lassen, reifen lassen, garen (lassen).

bɩrəgraa future. bɩrəgɛ past. bɩrəg(ɩ) perfective. bɩrəgr(ɩ) imperfective. a bɩrəgam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a bɩrəgrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. a bɩrəgrəba deverbal agent noun pl. a bɩrəgrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. ripe

fruit; piece of food that is sufficiently cooked; fr: objet ou substance pour faire mûrir; dt: Gegenstand oder mittel, um (etwas) reifen zu lassen.

a bɩrəgrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl.

a bɩrəgrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

a bɩrəgrəfa deverbal local noun. a bɩrəgmaʋ deverbal nomen acti pl. ripe

(things); fr: mûr (choses); dt: reif(e Dinge). bɩrəgam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → bɩrg-. bɩrəgɛ past. → bɩrg-. bɩrəg(ɩ) perfective. → bɩrg-. bɩrəgraa future. → bɩrg-. bɩrəgrəba deverbal agent noun pl. → bɩrg-. bɩrəgrəfa deverbal local noun. → bɩrg-. bɩrəgrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ bɩrg-. bɩrəgrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → bɩrg-. bɩrəgrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → bɩrg-. bɩrəgr(ɩ) imperfective. → bɩrg-. bɩrəgrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → bɩrg-. bɩr(ɩ) perfective. (=/bɩd/) → bɩr-. bɩtaa future. (=/bɩd-d-aa/) → bɩr-. bɩtəba deverbal agent noun pl. (=/bɩr-f-ɩɩ/) → bɩr-. bɩtɛ sg. → bɩr-. bɩtəfa deverbal local noun. (=/bɩr-f-ɩɩ/) → bɩr-. bɩtəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

(=/bɩr-f-ɩɩ/) → bɩr-. bɩtəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. (=/bɩr-f-ɩɩ/)

→ bɩr-. bɩtəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. (=/bɩr-f-ɩɩ/)

→ bɩr-. bɩtɩ imperfective. (=/bɩd-d/) → bɩr-. bɩt(ɩ) imperfective. (=/bɩd-d/) → bɩr-. bɩtɔ deverbal agent noun sg. (=/bɩr-f-ɩɩ/) → bɩr-. bɩn- noun. heart; fr: cœur; dt: Herz.

a bɩndɛ (=/bɩn-dɛ/) sg. a bɩna (=/bɩn-a/) pl.

a bɩ-yɛɩgʋ N+N compound noun sg. discontent, sadness; fr: mécontentement, tristesse; dt: Unzufriedenheit, Traurigkeit [Note: < bɩn- ‘heart’ + yɛɩgʋ ‘waste’]

bɩndɛ sg. (=/bɩn-dɛ/) → bɩn-. bi sg. (=/b-ɩ/) → b-. bike- noun. unmarried young woman (about age 14

up to marriage); fr: jeune femme non-mariée (env. 14 ans jusqu’au mariage); dt: junge unverheiratete Frau (ca. 14 Jahre bis zur Heirat). [Note: Probably originates in a compound of bi ‘child’ and kɛɔ ‘female human’]

a bikeŋʌ diminutive sg. a bikeni pl. a bikei abstract quality noun sg. state/period

when s.o. is a bikeŋʌ (about age 14 up to marriage); fr: état/période quand q.un est a bikeŋʌ (environ 14 ans jusqu’au mariage); dt: Zustand/Zeit, wo jmd. a bikeŋʌ ist (ca. 14 Jahre bis zur Heirat).

bikeni pl. → bike-. bikeŋʌ diminutive sg. → bike-. bilkoob- noun. bracelet (of any material); fr:

bracelet (en chaque matériel); dt: Armband (aus jedem beliebigen Material). [Note: = Mòoré]

a bilkoobri sg.

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a bilkoobʌ pl. a bilkoobo pl. a bilkoobʌu pl.

bilkoobʌ pl. → bilkoob-. bilkoobo pl. → bilkoob-. bilkoobri sg. → bilkoob-. bir- noun. soul (belonging to an individual);

compost; fr: âme (d’un individu); composte; dt: Seele (eines Einzelnen); Kompost. [Note: See also a hʋtɛ ‘(shared) soul’ and a leŋgem.]

a birəgu sg. a birii pl.

bir- noun. kind of bird (very small, red); fr: espèce d’oiseau (rouge, très petit); dt: Art Vogel (sehr klein, rot).

a birəfe singulative. a birəfeŋʌ [Note: double suffixation] singulative

diminutive sg. a birəgu sg. a birii pl.

bireŋg- verb. become black/dark, make black, blacken; fr: devenir noir, faire noir, noircir; dt: schwarz/dunkel werden, schwarz machen, schwärzen. [Note: Not synonymous with a birəgʌm. This verb is primarily used for darkness falling in the evening.]

bireŋgrʌʌ future. bireŋge past. bireŋg(i) perfective. bireŋgr(i) imperfective. a bireŋgʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

[Note: No agent, instrument or local nouns are derived from this verb.]

a bireŋgre deverbal state noun sg. twilight (evening only); fr: crépuscule (le soir seulement); dt: Abenddämmerung.

bireŋgʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → bireŋg-.

bireŋge past. → bireŋg-. bireŋg(i) perfective. → bireŋg-. bireŋgrʌʌ future. → bireŋg-. bireŋgr(i) imperfective. → bireŋg-. birəfe singulative. → bir-. birəfeŋʌ singulative diminutive sg. → bir-. birg- verb. make black/dark, blacken, dye; fr: faire

noir, teinter; dt: schwarz/dunkel machen, schwärzen, färben. [Note: This verb is also used for dying with the indigo plant a garfɛ (probably); the resulting colour is between blue and black.]

birəgrʌʌ future. birəge past. birəg(i) perfective. birəgr(i) imperfective. a birəgʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a birəgro deverbal agent noun sg. clothes dyer;

fr: teinturier de vêtements; dt: Kleidungsfärber.

a birəgrəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. a birəgrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. object

which is dyed; dye (a gara); fr: objet qui est

teinté; teinture (a gara); dt: Gegenstand, der gefärbt wird; Färbungsmittel (a gara).

a birəgrəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. a birəgrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. a birəgrəfʌ deverbal local noun. place for dying;

fr: endroit pour teinter; dt: Platz zum färben. a birəg(i) sg. fertilizer; fr: fumier; dt:

Düngemittel. [Note: This is a nominal usage of the perfective form.]

birəgʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → birg-. birəge past. → birg-. birəg(i) perfective. → birg-. birəgrʌʌ future. → birg-. birəgrəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. → birg-. birəgrəfʌ deverbal local noun. → birg-. birəgrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ birg-. birəgrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. → birg-. birəgrəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. → birg-. birəgr(i) imperfective. → birg-. birəgro deverbal agent noun sg. → birg-. birəgu sg. → bir-. birəgu sg. → bir-. bĩĩm noun. soup, stew; fr: soupe; dt: Suppe, Eintopf.

[Note: = Mòoré. Cf. Koromfe a nɛmmɔ hem.] a bĩĩm sg./mass.

a bĩĩm hem NP+N compound noun sg./mass soup; fr: soupe; dt: Suppe [Note: “Soup” consists predominantly of some kind of meat, but often contains more liquid than a stew. This can be just the liquid part of a bĩĩm]

bĩĩŋʌ diminutive sg. (=/b-ʋ/) → b-. bĩm perfective. → bĩm-. bĩm- (=/bĩm/) verb. swell; fr: s’enfler; dt:

anschwellen. bĩmmʌʌ future. bĩmmoo future. bĩme past. bĩm perfective. bĩmm(õ) imperfective. a bĩmʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a bĩmmo deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who

swells; fr: q.un qui s’enfle; dt: jmd. der anschwillt.

a bĩmməbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. a bĩmməgu deverbal instrument noun sg. thing

which swells; fr: chose qui s’enfle; dt: Ding, das anschwillt.

a bĩmməhe deverbal instrument noun pl. a bĩmməgʌ deverbal instrument noun dimin. a bĩmməfʌ deverbal local noun. swollen place

(e.g. part of the body); fr: endroit enflé (p. ex. partie du corps); dt: angeschwollene Stelle (z.B. Körperteil).

a bĩmmʌũ deverbal nomen acti pl. swollen things (e.g. bodies of dead animals); fr: choses enflées (p. ex. cadavres d’animaux morts); dt: angeschwollene Dinge (z.B. Leichen toter Tiere).

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bĩmʌm bɔlɔŋgrəba

18 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

bĩmʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → bĩm-. bĩme past. → bĩm-. bĩmmʌʌ future. → bĩm-. bĩmməbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. → bĩm-. bĩmməfʌ deverbal local noun. → bĩm-. bĩmməgʌ deverbal instrument noun dimin. → bĩm-. bĩmməgu deverbal instrument noun sg. → bĩm-. bĩmməhe deverbal instrument noun pl. → bĩm-. bĩmmo deverbal agent noun sg. → bĩm-. bĩmmoo future. → bĩm-. bĩmm(õ) imperfective. → bĩm-. bĩn- adj.verb. to be black/dark (also for

black/African v white/European); fr: être noir (aussi pour noir/africain v blanc/européen); dt: schwarz/dunkel sein (auch für schwarz/afrikanisch vs. weiß/europäisch).

bĩnəmʌʌ future. bĩnəfʌʌ future. bĩne past. bĩni perfective. bĩnem imperfective. bĩnəf(u) imperfective. a bĩnəmiĩ deverbal action noun sg./mass. to be

black/dark (also for black/African vs. white/European); blackness, darkness; fr: être noir (aussi pour noir/africain v blanc/européen) ; le noir; dt: schwarz/dunkel sein (auch für schwarz/afrikanisch vs. weiß/europäisch); Schwärze, Dunkel, Finsternis.

a bĩnĩŋ adjectival noun sg. black, dark coloured; fr: noir, d’une couleur sombre; dt: schwarz, dunkel. [Note: This word is also used with other colour terms to indicate a darker shade of that colour. Cf. also a pɔnɔŋ ‘white’, which indicates a darker shade.]

a bĩnĩʌ adjectival noun pl. bĩne past. → bĩn-. bĩnem imperfective. → bĩn-. bĩnəfʌʌ future. → bĩn-. bĩnəf(u) imperfective. → bĩn-. bĩni perfective. → bĩn-. binĩŋ adjectival noun sg. → bĩn-. bĩnəmʌʌ future. → bĩn-. bĩnəmiĩ deverbal action noun sg./mass. → bĩn-. bɔɩ adverb. slowly, gently; fr: lentement,

doucement; dt: langsam, sachte. bɔɩ adverb. bɔɩ bɔɩ reduplicated adverb.

bɔl- noun. kind of squash vegetable shaped and used like a bottle; fr: gourde; dt: Art Kürbis in Form einer Flasche. [Note: This word must be a loan; if it were real Koromfe, it would have to be a bɔllɛ in the singular.]

a bɔllɩ sg. a bɔlaʋ pl.

bɔl- noun. clay; fr: argile; dt: Lehm. a bɔlga (=/bɔl-ga/) sg.

bɔlg- verb. plaster / cement (with the hand or a tool); fr: crépir / cimenter (avec la main ou un outil); dt: verputzen / zementieren (mit der

Hand oder einem Werkzeug). [Note: Synonymous with a bɔlɔŋgam]

bɔləgraa future. bɔləgɛ past. bɔləg(ʋ) perfective. bɔləgr(ʋ) imperfective. a bɔləgam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a bɔləgrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who

plasters; fr: q.un qui crépit; dt: jmd. der verputzt.

a bɔləgrəba deverbal agent noun pl. a bɔləgrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. tool

for plastering; fr: outil pour crépir; dt: Werkzeug zum verputzen.

a bɔləgrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a bɔləgrəga deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. a bɔləgrəfa deverbal local noun. surface that is

plastered; fr: surface qu’on crépit; dt: Fläche, die verputzt wird.

bɔləgam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → bɔlg-. bɔləgɛ past. → bɔlg-. bɔləgraa future. → bɔlg-. bɔləgrəba deverbal agent noun pl. → bɔlg-. bɔləgrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ bɔlg-. bɔləgrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → bɔlg-. bɔləgrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → bɔlg-. bɔləgrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → bɔlg-. bɔləgr(ʋ) imperfective. → bɔlg-. bɔləg(ʋ) perfective. → bɔlg-. bɔllɩ sg. → bɔl-. bɔlɔŋg- verb. plaster / cement (with the hand or a

tool); fr: crépir / cimenter (avec la main ou un outil); dt: verputzen / zementieren (mit der Hand oder einem Werkzeug). [Note: Synonymous with a bɔləgam]

bɔlɔŋgraa future. bɔlɔŋgɛ past. bɔlɔŋg(ʋ) perfective. bɔlɔŋgr(ʋ) imperfective. a bɔlɔŋgam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a bɔlɔŋgrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who

plasters; fr: q.un qui crépit; dt: jmd. der verputzt.

a bɔlɔŋgrəba deverbal agent noun pl. a bɔlɔŋgrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. tool

for plastering; fr: outil pour crépir; dt: Werkzeug zum verputzen.

a bɔlɔŋgrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a bɔlɔŋgrəga deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. a bɔlɔŋgrəfa deverbal local noun. surface that

is plastered; fr: surface qu’on crépit; dt: Fläche, die verputzt wird.

bɔlɔŋgam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → bɔlɔŋg-.

bɔlɔŋgɛ past. → bɔlɔŋg-. bɔlɔŋgraa future. → bɔlɔŋg-. bɔlɔŋgrəba deverbal agent noun pl. → bɔlɔŋg-.

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bɔlɔŋgrəga bɔʋ

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 19

bɔlɔŋgrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg. → bɔlɔŋg-.

bɔlɔŋgrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → bɔlɔŋg-.

bɔlɔŋgrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → bɔlɔŋg-.

bɔlɔŋgrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → bɔlɔŋg-. bɔlɔŋgr(ʋ) imperfective. → bɔlɔŋg-. bɔlɔŋg(ʋ) perfective. → bɔlɔŋg-. bɔm- noun.

a bɔŋfɛ sg. stake; fr: piquet; dt: Pfahl. a bɔmɛ pl.

bɔndɔ- noun. a bɔndɔŋ sg. mortar; fr: mortier (pour piler); dt:

Mörser. a bɔndɔɩ pl.

bɔndɔŋ sg. → bɔndɔ-. bɔŋfɛ sg. → bɔm-. bɔɔdɛ noun. coloured robe (as worn by Ful); fr:

habit teint (comme porté par les peuls); dt: gefärbtes Gewand (wie von den Ful getragen). [Note: = Fulfulde]

a bɔɔdɛ sg. a bɔɔdɛfɩ pl. a bɔɔdɛma pl.

bɔɔdɛfɩ pl. → bɔɔdɛ. bɔɔg- verb. diminish; fr: diminuer; dt: verringern,

kleiner werden. [Note: Similar to Mòoré.] bɔɔgraa future. bɔɔgɛ past. bɔɔg(ʋ) perfective. bɔɔgr(ʋ) imperfective.

mə bɔɛ bɔɔgɛ sentence I have recovered from the German measles.; fr: Ma rougeole s’est diminuée.; dt: Ich habe mich von den Röteln erholt.

a bɔɔgam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a bɔɔgrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who

diminishes; fr: q.un qui diminue; dt: jmd. der verringert.

a bɔɔgrəba deverbal agent noun pl. a bɔɔgrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. thing

that is diminished; fr: chose qu’on diminue; dt: etwas, was verringert wird.

a bɔɔgrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a bɔɔgrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a bɔɔgrəfa deverbal local noun. place where sth.

is diminished; fr: endroit où on diminue q.chose; dt: Platz, wo etwas verringert wird. a sarʋ kebre koŋ bɔɔgɛ sentence The sandstorm

has died down.; fr: La tempête de sable s’est diminuée; dt: Der Sandsturm hat nachgelassen.

bɔɔgam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → bɔɔg-. bɔɔgɛ past. → bɔɔg-. bɔɔgraa future. → bɔɔg-. bɔɔgrəba deverbal agent noun pl. → bɔɔg-. bɔɔgrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ bɔɔg-. bɔɔgrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → bɔɔg-.

bɔɔgrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → bɔɔg-. bɔɔgrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → bɔɔg-. bɔɔgr(ʋ) imperfective. → bɔɔg-. bɔɔg(ʋ) perfective. → bɔɔg-. bɔɔlɛ noun. kind of nut; fr: espèce de noix; dt: Art

Nuss. [Note: = Mòoré] a bɔɔlɛ sg. bɔɔla pl.

bɔr- noun. a bɔrəga sg. slave; fr: esclave; dt: Sklave. a bɔrɩɩ pl.

bɔr- noun. way, road, journey; fr: chemin, route, voyage; dt: Weg, Straße, Reise.

a bɔrʋ sg. a bɔrəfɩ pl. a bɔrəga pl. also: path; fr: aussi: sentier; dt:

auch: Pfad. bɔrəfɩ pl. → bɔr-. bɔrəga sg. → bɔr-. bɔrm- adj.verb. to be soft; fr: être doux (à toucher);

dt: weich sein. bɔrəmaa future. bɔrɔm imperfective. bɔrəma participial adjective. soft; fr: doux (à

toucher); dt: weich. [Note: This is the shortened future form used participially.]

a bɔrəmɛɩ deverbal action noun sg./mass. softness; fr: douceur (à toucher); dt: Weichheit.

bɔrəma participial adjective. → bɔrm-. bɔrəmaa future. → bɔrm-. bɔrɔ noun. male human (incl. children), man (vir);

(male) friend (of a male); fr: humain masculin (enfants y inclus), homme (vir) ; ami (mâle); dt: männlicher Mensch (einschl. Kinder), Mann; (männlicher) Freund.

a bɔrɔ sg. a bɛnna pl. a bɛnnɛɩ denominal abstract quality noun sg.

friendship, masculinity, courage; fr: amitié, masculinité, courage; dt: Freundschaft, Männlichkeit, Mut.

bɔrɔ tɔɔndɔ noun phrase sg. → tɔɔ. bɔrɔm imperfective. → bɔrm-. bɔrʋ sg. → bɔr-. bɔtɔ noun. bag (of any material), sack; fr: sac (en

matériel quelconque); dt: Tasche (aus jedem beliebigen Material), Sack.

a bɔtɔ sg. a bɔtɔʋ sg. a bɔtɔfɩ pl.

bɔtɔʋ sg. → bɔtɔ. bɔʋ defective verb. recover; be better than; fr:

guérir; valoir plus que; dt: sich erholen; mehr wert sein als.

bɔʋ perfective. mə hem bɔʋ sentence I have recovered from

malaria.; fr: Ma paludisme est finie.; dt: Ich habe mich von der Malaria erholt.

a kɩzamdɛ hɔmnɛ sa bɔʋ a seno sentence an ugly intelligent person is worth more than a

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bɔʋfaa bɔn-

20 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

good-looking person; fr: une personne laide intelligente vaut plus qu’une personne belle.; dt: Ein hässlicher intelligenter Mensch ist mehr wert als ein schöner.

a bɔʋlɛɩ deverbal action noun sg./mass. recovery; fr: guérison; dt: Genesung.

bɔʋfaa future. → bɔʋs-. bɔʋf(ʋ) imperfective. → bɔʋs-. bɔʋs- verb. be better, recover; fr: aller mieux,

guérir; dt: sich erholen. bɔʋsraa future. bɔʋfaa future. bɔʋsɛ past. bɔʋs(ʋ) perfective. bɔʋsr(ʋ) imperfective. bɔʋf(ʋ) imperfective. a bɔʋsam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a bɔʋsrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who is

recovering; fr: q.un qui es en train de guérir; dt: jmd. der dabei ist, sich zu erholen.

a bɔʋsrəba deverbal agent noun pl. a bɔʋsrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. means

for recovering (e.g. medicine); thing (e.g. animal) that is recovering; fr: moyen de guérir (p. ex. médicine); chose (p. ex. animal) qui est en train de guérir; dt: Mittel zur Erholung (z.B. Medizin); Ding (z.B. Tier), das dabei ist, sich zu erholen.

a bɔʋsrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a bɔʋsrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a bɔʋsrəfa deverbal local noun. place for

recovering (e.g. bed, hospital); fr: endroit pour guérir (p. ex. lit, hôpital); dt: Ort zum Erholen (z.B. Bett, Krankenhaus).

bɔʋsam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → bɔʋs-. bɔʋsɛ past. → bɔʋs-. bɔʋsraa future. → bɔʋs-. bɔʋsrəba deverbal agent noun pl. → bɔʋs-. bɔʋsrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ bɔʋs-. bɔʋsrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → bɔʋs-. bɔʋsrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → bɔʋs-. bɔʋsrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → bɔʋs-. bɔʋsr(ʋ) imperfective. → bɔʋs-. bɔʋs(ʋ) perfective. → bɔʋs-. bɔ- noun. hole, crevasse; fr: trou, abîme; dt: Loch,

Abgrund. [Note: This word typically refers to a hole that is deeper than but not as wide as a tɔŋdɛ.]

a bɔɔ sg. a bɔfɩ pl.

a di bɔɔ N+N compound noun sg. hole for seed(s); fr: creux; dt: Saatloch [Note: di ‘sow’, bɔɔ ‘hole’]

a di bɔfɩ N+N compound noun pl. bɔ- noun. furnace; fr: haut-fourneau; dt: Hochofen.

a bɔŋga [Note: =Mòoré] sg. a bõõsi pl.

bɔɛ noun. black grains used in making soumbala (for sauce); midge, mosquito; German measles;

fr: oseille de Guinée ; moustique ; rougeole; dt: schwarze Körner, mit denen soumbala (für die Sauce) gemacht wird; Mücke, Moskito; Röteln.

a bɔɛ pl./collective. a bɔɛfɛ singulative.

a bɔɛ la wɔfə dɩ sentence She has German measles.; fr: Elle a la rougeole.; dt: Sie hat Röteln.

bɔn perfective. → bɔn-. bɔn- adj.verb. be miserly; fr: être avare; dt: geizig

sein. [Note: probably originating in a bɔnam ‘harvest’, but now morphologically quite distinct]

bɔnəfaa future. bɔnəf(ʋ) imperfective. a bɔnɔ [Note: irregular formation] deverbal

abstract quality noun sg./mass. miserliness; fr: avarice; dt: Geiz, Geizigkeit. a bɔnɔ sa NP+N compound noun sg. miser,

miserly; fr: avare; dt: Geizhals, geizig a bɔnɔ sammã NP+N compound noun pl.

a bɔnəfɩɩ deverbal abstract quality noun sg./mass. miserliness; fr: avarice; dt: Geiz, Geizigkeit.

a bɔnəfɔ deverbal agent noun sg. miser, miserly; fr: avare; dt: Geizhals, geizig.

a bɔnəfəba deverbal agent noun pl. bɔn- noun. goat; fr: chèvre; dt: Ziege.

a bɔnɔŋ sg. a bɔnɛ pl.

bɔn- noun. grain storehouse; fr: grenier; dt: Getreidespeicher. [Note: Also, less frequently, a bʋndɛ.]

a bɔndɛ sg. a bɔna pl.

bɔn- verb. harvest; fr: récolter; dt: ernten. bɔtaa future. bɔnnaa future. bɔnɛ past. bɔn perfective. bɔt(ʋ) imperfective. bɔnn(ɔ) imperfective. a bɔnam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

harvest, harvest season; fr: récolte, saison de récolte; dt: Ernte, Erntezeit.

a bɔnnɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who harvests; fr: q.un qui récolte; dt: jmd. der erntet.

a bɔtɔ [Note: There is no difference between the deverbal nouns with bɔnn- and those with bɔt-. Both types are in common usage.] deverbal agent noun sg.

a bɔnnəba deverbal agent noun pl. a bɔtəba deverbal agent noun pl. a bɔnnəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. tool for

harvesting; fr: outil pour récolter; dt: Werkzeug zum ernten.

a bɔtəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. a bɔnnəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a bɔtəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl.

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bɔnam bolləgu

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 21

a bɔnnəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

a bɔtəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

a bɔnnəfa deverbal local noun. place where one harvests; fr: endroit où on récolte; dt: Stelle, wo man erntet.

a bɔtəfa deverbal local noun. bɔnam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → bɔn-. bɔnd- noun.

a bɔndrɛ sg. a bɔnda pl. bump (on the skin), pimple; fr: bouton

(sur la peau); dt: Erhebung der Haut, Pickel. bɔndɛ sg. → bɔn-. bɔndrɛ sg. → bɔnd-. bɔndʋ quantifier. zero; simple; empty; fr: zéro ;

simple ; vide; dt: Null; einfach; leer. bɔndʋ quantifier.

ase ŋ kɔndɛ - bɔndʋ question sentence & answer A: What did you find? - B: Nothing; fr: A: Qu’est-ce que tu as trouvé? - B: Rien; dt: A: Was hast du gefunden? - B: Nichts [Note: The reply could also be kãŋ kãmã or kãŋ kãã.]

a ỹɔ bɔndʋ NP+Quantifier compound noun sg. ordinary earth, banco (e.g. for facing walls); fr: terre simple, banco (p. ex. pour crépir les murs); dt: einfache Erde, Banco (z.B. um Mauern zu verputzen)

a bɔllɩ bɔndʋ NP+Quantifier compound noun sg. empty squash-bottle; fr: gourde vide; dt: leere Kürbisflasche

a bɔlaʋ bɔndʋ NP+Quantifier compound noun pl. [Note: This word either stands alone or follows a noun that it qualifies.]

bɔnɛ past. → bɔn-. bɔnɛ tɔɔ noun phrase. → tɔɔ. bɔnəfaa future. → bɔn-. bɔnəfɩɩ deverbal abstract quality noun sg./mass. →

bɔn-. bɔnəfɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → bɔn-. bɔnəf(ʋ) imperfective. → bɔn-. bɔnnaa future. → bɔn-. bɔnnəba deverbal agent noun pl. → bɔn-. bɔnnəfa deverbal local noun. → bɔn-. bɔnnəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ bɔn-. bɔnnəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → bɔn-. bɔnnəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → bɔn-. bɔnnɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → bɔn-. bɔnn(ɔ) imperfective. → bɔn-. bɔnɔ deverbal abstract quality noun sg./mass. →

bɔn-. bɔnɔŋ sg. → bɔn-. bɔŋga sg. → bɔ-. bɔɔ sg. → bɔ-. bɔtaa future. → bɔn-. bɔtəba deverbal agent noun pl. → bɔn-. bɔtəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg. →

bɔn-. bɔtəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → bɔn-.

bɔtəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → bɔn-. bɔtɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → bɔn-. bɔt(ʋ) imperfective. → bɔn-. bo perfective. (=/bol/) → bol-. bol- noun.

a boləgʌ [Note: Not the same stem as a bollre (bol- vs. boll-).] diminutive sg. hole in a wall, window (larger than a bollre); fr: trou de mur, fenêtre (plus grand que a bollre); dt: Loch in einer Wand, Fenster (größer als a bollre).

a boləni diminutive pl. a boləsuu pl.

a dãŋ boləgʌ NP+N compound noun diminutive sg. window; fr: fenêtre; dt: Fenster

a dãŋ boləsuu NP+N compound noun pl. bol- (=/bol/) verb. say, announce, order/command;

fr: dire, annoncer, ordonner; dt: sagen, ansagen, befehlen.

bollʌʌ future. bole past. bo (=/bol/) perfective. [Note: The form *bol is

not used.] bollu imperfective. a bolʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a bollo deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who gives

away secrets, liar; fr: q.un qui dévoile des secrets, menteur; dt: jmd. der Geheimnisse verrät, Lügner.

a bolləbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. a bolləgu deverbal instrument noun sg.

something that is said; fr: chose que q.un dit; dt: etwas, was jemand sagt.

a bolləhe deverbal instrument noun pl. a bolləgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a bolləfʌ deverbal local noun. place for saying

things; fr: endroit pour dire q.chose; dt: Platz, wo man etwas sagt. [Note: This word is used for example for the place in the chief’s hangar where the chief speaks.]

bolʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. (=/bol/) → bol-.

bole past. → bol-. boləgʌ diminutive sg. → bol-. boll- noun. small hole in a wall, small window; fr:

petit trou dans un mur, petite fenêtre; dt: kleines Loch in einer Mauer, kleines Fenster. [Note: synonymous with a hullre]

a bollre sg. a bollʌu pl. a bolləgʌ sg. also: small rear door; fr: aussi:

petite porte en arrière; dt: auch: kleine Hintertür.

bollʌʌ future. → bol-. bollʌu pl. → boll-. bolləbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. (=/bol/) → bol-. bolləgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

(=/bol/) → bol-. bolləgu deverbal instrument noun sg. (=/bol/) →


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bolləhe bʋgərəga

22 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

bolləhe deverbal instrument noun pl. (=/bol/) → bol-.

bollo deverbal agent noun sg. (=/bol/) → bol-. bollre sg. → boll-. bollu imperfective. (=/bol/) → bol-. boləni diminutive pl. → bol-. bondu noun. porridge (of any kind); fr: bouillie (de

toute sorte); dt: Brei (jeder Art). a bondu sg. a bonʌu pl.

boŋ imperfective. → boŋ-. boŋ- verb. love, like; fr: aimer; dt: lieben, gern

haben. boŋʌʌ future. boŋ imperfective. a boŋoi deverbal action noun sg./mass. love,

desire; fr: amour, désir; dt: Liebe, Lust. mə boŋʌʌ mə yaʋ zɩbɔʋ sentence I would like to

go to Djibo.; fr: J’aimerais aller à Djibo.; dt: Ich möchte gern nach Djibo fahren.

a boŋo deverbal agent noun sg. lover, boyfriend, girlfriend; fr: amant, petit(e)-ami(e), aimé(e); dt: Liebhaber(in), Freund(in).

a boŋbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. boŋʌʌ future. → boŋ-. boŋo deverbal agent noun sg. → boŋ-. boŋoi deverbal action noun sg./mass. → boŋ-. boŋs- verb. love, like; fr: aimer; dt: lieben, mögen.

boŋsrʌʌ future. boŋse past. boŋs(u) perfective. boŋsr(u) imperfective. a boŋsʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

mə boŋsrʌʌ mə yaʋ zɩbɔʋ sentence I would like to go to Djibo.; fr: J’aimerais aller à Djibo.; dt: Ich möchte gern nach Djibo fahren.

a boŋsəro deverbal agent noun sg. lover, boyfriend, girlfriend; fr: amant, petit(e)-ami(e), aimé(e); dt: Liebhaber(in), Freund(in).

a boŋsərəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. a boŋsərəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. love

potion, charm, etc.; fr: q.chose qui fait aimer; dt: Liebestrank, Liebesglücksbringer, etc.

a boŋsərəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. a boŋsərəgʌ deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. a boŋsərəfʌ deverbal local noun. place where

lovers meet; fr: endroit où se rencontrent les amants; dt: Ort, wo sich Liebende treffen.

boŋsʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → boŋs-. boŋse past. → boŋs-. boŋsrʌʌ future. → boŋs-. boŋsərəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. → boŋs-. boŋsərəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. → boŋs-. boŋsərəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. → boŋs-. boŋsərəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. → boŋs-. boŋsəro deverbal agent noun sg. → boŋs-. boŋsr(u) imperfective. → boŋs-. boŋs(u) perfective. → boŋs-.

bool- noun. kind of medicine (to make s.o. travelling far away come home); fr: espèce de médicament (pour faire rentrer à la maison q.un qui est de voyage); dt: Art Medizin (um einen Verreisten heimkehren zu lassen). [Note: =Mòoré]

a booli sg. a bɔɔla pl.

booli sg. → bool-. borou noun.

a borou sg./mass. mud; fr: boue; dt: Schlamm. a boroufi pl. muddy places; fr: endroits boueux;

dt: schlammige Stellen. bʋfa ɛ noun. leaves of a specific bush; fr: feuilles

d’oseille; dt: Blätter eines spezifischen Strauchs. [Note: Probably bʋ < bɔɛ.]

a bʋfaɛ pl./collective. a bʋfaɛfɛ singulative. single leaf of a specific

bush; fr: feuille seule d’oseille; dt: einzelnes Blatt eines spezifischen Strauchs.

bʋg- noun. shoulder, armpit; fr: épaule, aisselle; dt: Schulter, Achsel.

a bʋkʋ sg. a bʋgəma pl.

bʋg- verb. soothsay, see (as a clairvoyant); fr: voir (de la manière d’un clairvoyant); dt: wahrsagen, sehen (wie ein Wahrsager). [Note: This verb denotes the activity of women, whilst a niilei is gender neutral.]

bʋgraa future. bʋgɛ past. bʋg(ʋ) perfective. bʋgər(ʋ) imperfective. a bʋgam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a bʋgərɔ deverbal agent noun sg. (woman)

clairvoyant; fr: clairvoyante; dt: Wahrsagerin. a bʋgərəba deverbal agent noun pl. a bʋgərəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg.

instrument for seeing / soothsaying; fr: instrument pour voir; dt: Instrument zum sehen / wahrsagen.

a bʋgərəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a bʋgərəga deverbal instrument noun dimin. a bʋgərəfa deverbal local noun. place where a

clairvoyant sees; place where a clairvoyant meeting takes place; fr: endroit où une clairvoyant voit ; endroit où une rencontre de clairvoyance a lieu; dt: Platz, wo eine Wahrsagerin sieht; Platz, wo ein Wahrsagungstreffen stattfindet.

bʋgam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → bʋg-. bʋgɛ past. → bʋg-. bʋgl- noun. kind of small white worm, maggot; fr:

grelot; dt: Art kleiner weißer Wurm, Made. [Note: = Mòoré]

a bʋgələfɛ singulative. a bʋgəlɩɩ pl./collective.

bʋgələfɛ singulative. → bʋgl-. bʋgraa future. → bʋg-. bʋgərəba deverbal agent noun pl. → bʋg-. bʋgərəga deverbal instrument noun dimin. → bʋg-.

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bʋgərəgʋ bũnondu

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 23

bʋgərəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → bʋg-. bʋgərəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → bʋg-. bʋgərɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → bʋg-. bʋgər(ʋ) imperfective. → bʋg-. bʋg(ʋ) perfective. → bʋg-. bʋkʋ sg. → bʋg-. bʋrəkɩmba pl. → bʋrkɩn-. bʋrkɩn- noun. person with dignity, freed slave; fr:

personne de dignité, esclave libéré; dt: würdevoller Mensch, befreiter Sklave. [Note: = Mòoré]

a bʋrəkɩndɩ sg. a bʋrəkɩna pl. a bʋrəkɩmba pl. a bʋrəkɩndəm sg. dignity; fr: dignité; dt:

Würde. bʋrəkɩna pl. → bʋrkɩn-. bʋrəkɩndɩ sg. → bʋrkɩn-. bʋʋrɩ noun. [Note: = Mòoré. Probably from French

“bruit”.] a bʋʋrɩ sg. noise; fr: bruit; dt: Lärm. a bʋʋya pl.

bu pl. (=/b-ʋ/) → b-. budo noun. forward roll (in gymnastics); fr: roulade

(de gymnastique); dt: Purzelbaum (beim Turnen). [Phon: The intervocalic [d] indicates that this is not a Koromfe word.]

a budo sg. bug- (=/bug/) noun. (large) rat; fr: (gros) rat; dt:

(große) Ratte. bugre (=/bug-dɛ/) n.sg. bugʌ (=/bug-a/) n.pl. (large) rat; fr: rat (gros);

dt: (große) Ratte. bugre n.sg. (=/bug-dɛ/) → bug-. bul- noun. pond; fr: mare; dt: Teich. [Note: This

word is found as the last part of many place names, e.g. Baraboulé, Gargaboulé.]

a bulle sg. a bulʌ pl.

bulle sg. → bul-. bullo- noun. kind of snake; fr: espèce de serpent; dt:

Art Schlange. a bulloŋ sg. a bulloi pl.

bulloŋ sg. → bullo-. bus- noun. small storage hut for women (e.g. for

peanuts); fr: petit grenier des femmes (p. ex. pour les arachides); dt: kleiner Speicher für Frauen (z.B. für Erdnüsse).

a busgʌ sg. a busni pl.

busgʌ sg. → bus-. butel noun. bottle; fr: bouteille; dt: Flasche.

a butel sg. a butelfi pl.

buuri noun. bread, loaf of bread; fr: pain; dt: Brot, Brotlaib. [Note: = Mòoré]

a buuri sg. a buurəfi pl.

bũn- noun. thief; fr: voleur; dt: Dieb.

a bũno [Note: Related to the verb a bunoi ‘steal’, but not a regular agent noun derivation (which would give *a bunondo, pl. *a bunondəbʌ) nor a normal usage of the perfective stem as a participle (which would require a head noun and would preclude the plural form /bũnombʌ/).] sg.

a bũnombʌ pl. bũnl- (=/bũn-Ṿl-/) verb. steal; fr: voler; dt:

stehlen. [Phon: Possibly /bũd-Ṿl/ since the nasal stem vowel would obligatorily nasalise /d/ to [n].]

bũnondʌʌ (=/bũn-Ṿl-d-aa/) future. bũnne (=/bũn-Ṿl-ɛ/) past. bũno (=/bũn-Ṿl/) perfective. bũnond / bũnondu (=/bũn-Ṿl-d/) imperfective. a bũnnʌm (=/bũn-Ṿl-am/) deverbal action noun

sg./mass. [Note: Rare; normally a bunoi is used]

a bũnoi (=/bũn-Ṿɩ/) deverbal action noun sg./mass. also: theft; fr: aussi: vol; dt: auch: Diebstahl.

a bũnondo (=/bũn-Ṿl-d-ɔ/) deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who steals, thief; fr: q.un qui vole, voleur; dt: jmd. der stiehlt, Dieb.

a bũnondəbʌ (=/bũn-Ṿl-d-ba/) deverbal agent noun pl.

a bũnondəgu (=/bũn-Ṿl-d-gʋ/) deverbal instrument noun sg. tool for stealing (e.g. crowbar); thing that is stolen; fr: outil pour voler (p. ex. pince monseigneur); objet volé; dt: Werkzeug zum stehlen (z.B. Brecheisen); das, was gestohlen wird.

a bũnondəhe (=/bũn-Ṿl-d-hĩ/) deverbal instrument noun pl.

a bũnondəgʌ (=/bũn-Ṿl-d-ga/) deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

a bũnondəfʌ (=/bũn-Ṿl-d-fa/) deverbal local noun. place where sth. is stolen; fr: endroit où q.chose est volé; dt: Ort, wo etwas gestohlen wird.

bũnnʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. (=/bũn-Ṿl-am/) → bũnl-.

bũnne past. (=/bũn-Ṿl-ɛ/) → bũnl-. bũno sg. → bũn-. bũno perfective. (=/bũn-Ṿl/) → bũnl-. bũnoi deverbal action noun sg./mass. (=/bũn-Ṿɩ/)

→ bũnl-. bũnond imperfective. (=/bũn-Ṿl-d/) → bũnl-. bũnondʌʌ future. (=/bũn-Ṿl-d-aa/) → bũnl-. bũnondəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. (=/bũn-Ṿl-d-

ba/) → bũnl-. bũnondəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. (=/bũn-Ṿl-d-ga/) → bũnl-. bũnondəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. (=/bũn-

Ṿl-d-gʋ/) → bũnl-. bũnondəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. (=/bũn-

Ṿl-d-hĩ/) → bũnl-. bũnondo deverbal agent noun sg. (=/bũn-Ṿl-d-ɔ/)

→ bũnl-. bũnondu imperfective. (=/bũn-Ṿl-d/) → bũnl-.

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d da-

24 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

D - d d pron.3sg.hum. (=/d/) → d-. d pron.3sg.hum. (=/d/) → d-. d- (=/d/) pronoun. he, she; his her; fr: il, elle;

son/sa/ses; dt: er, sie (3.sg.); sein, ihr (3.sg.). d / də (=/d/) pron.3sg.hum. [Note: This form is

prefixed to either a verb or a noun phrase; it cannot stand alone (e.g. as the elliptical answer to a question). On a verb, it is the subject pronoun, on a noun phrase it is the “possessor”. The vowel (ə) is epenthetic and therefore, at least in theory, optional. But conspiratorially all verbs and most nouns in Koromfe begin with a consonant (which triggers epenthesis). The handful of words apparently beginning with a have a distinct glottal stop (i.e. consonant) when preceded by d(ə), e.g. də ʔallɔ.]

d / dɩ (=/d/) pron.3sg.hum. him, her; fr: le, la; dt: ihn, ihm, sie, ihr (3.sg.). hãŋsə dɩ imperative sentence Help him!; fr:

Aide-le!; dt: Hilf ihm! [Note: Here the pronoun is in phrase-final position, and so the final vowel ɩ appears.]

hãŋsə də sa ŋkoŋ imperative sentence Help him right now!; fr: Aide-le immédiatement!; dt: Hilf ihm sofort!

pa d a hem imperative sentence Give her some water!; fr: Donne-lui de l’eau!; dt: Gib ihr Wasser! [Note: This pronoun follows the verb, and is its (direct or indirect) object. The final ɩ is “epenthetic”, i.e. it occurs only phrase-finally. Here the pronoun is in non-phrase-final position, and schwa appears because the consonant g follows. Here the pronoun is in non-phrase-final position and a vowel follows, so no vowel is realized at the end of the pronoun itself.]

dəkɔ pron.3sg.hum. he, she, him, her; his, her, hers; fr: il, elle, le, la, son/sa/ses, le/la/les sien(ne)(s); dt: er, sie (3.sg.), ihn, ihm, ihr (3.sg.); sein(,-er,-e,-es), ihr(,-er,-e,-es) (3.sg.). hãŋsə dəkɔ imperative sentence Help him!; fr:

Aide-le!; dt: Hilf ihm! hãŋsə dəkɔ saŋkoŋ imperative sentence Help

him right now!; fr: Aide-le immédiatement!; dt: Hilf ihm sofort!

pa dəkɔ (a) hem imperative sentence Give her some water!; fr: Donne-lui de l’eau!; dt: Gib ihr Wasser!

a dãŋ koŋ dəkɔ la sentence That house is his.; fr: Cette maison-là est la sienne.; dt: Das Haus dort ist seines.

ala la (a) dãŋ koŋ - dəkɔ question sentence & answer A: Whose house is that? - B: His; fr: A: Cette maison est à qui? - B: A lui.; dt: A: Wessen Haus ist das? - B: Seines. [Note: This form of the pronoun indicates some

kind of “emphasis”, but this can be so minimal that in practice the disjunctive form can always be used in place of a clitic pronoun. It never undergoes any phonological reduction or expansion. It can stand in the normal (preverbal) subject or (postverbal) object positions, and can also be used as the elliptical answer to a question. As with all disjunctive pronouns, it is formed with the proclitic prefix version of the pronoun and the invariant stem-like element kɔ. Here the pronoun is in phrase-final position, and so the final vowel ɛ appears. Here the pronoun is in non-phrase-final position, and schwa appears because the consonant g follows. In this sentence the article a is elided after the vowel ɔ. This is a regular property of the article, and has nothing to do with the pronoun.]

daa (=/d+aa/) negative proclitic (subject) personal pronoun 3rd person sg. human. (s)he...not; fr: il/elle ne...pas; dt: er/sie...nicht. daa kɔndɛ ka ŋkãã sentence He hasn’t found

anything.; fr: Il n’a rien trouvé..; dt: Er hat nichts gefunden. [Note: This pronoun is equivalent to the proclitic subject pronoun d(ə) combined with the negative particle ba. The origin of this old negation particle aa. As with the negative particle ba, negative pronouns cause shortening of the final vowel of the future tense/aspect.]

də pron.3sg.hum. (=/d/) → d-. -d (=/d/) aspect. imperfective; fr: inaccompli; dt:

Imperfektiv. da past. → da-. da perfective. → da-. da- verb. gain, win, regain, receive, (past) have,

(auxiliary) succeed in, (reflexive) save oneself; fr: gagner, regagner, recevoir, (passé) avoir, (auxiliaire) réussir à, (réflexif) se sauver; dt: gewinnen, wiedergewinnen erhalten, (reflexiv) sich retten (Vergangenheit) haben, (Auxiliar) es schaffen.

daraa future. da past. da perfective. [Note: Also used as a preverbal

particle meaning ‘already’ without repetition of the subject pronoun]

darɩ imperfective. də da də leb a daŋ sentence He succeeded in

building a house.; fr: Il a réussi à bâtir une maison.; dt: Es ist ihm gelungen, ein Haus zu bauen.

ba da ba gɩllɛ sentence They saved themselves.; fr: Ils se sont sauvés.; dt: Sie haben sich gerettet.

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da kurʌ dagəsərəhɛ

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 25

a daam deverbal action noun sg./mass. also: profit, gain; fr: aussi: profit, gain; dt: auch: Profit, Gewinn.

a darɔ deverbal agent noun sg. winner, victor; fr: gagnant, vainqueur; dt: Gewinner, Sieger.

a darəba deverbal agent noun pl. a darəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. sth. that

is gained; means of gaining sth.; fr: ce qu’on gagne; moyen de gagner q.chose; dt: etwas, was gewonnen wird; Methode, um etwas zu gewinnen.

a darəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a darəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a darəfa deverbal local noun. place where one

wins; fr: endroit où on gagne; dt: Platz, wo man gewinnt.

da kurʌ N+N compound noun pl. → kut-. da kutʌu N+N compound noun pl. → kut-. da kutgʌ N+N compound noun diminutive sg. →

kut-. da kutre N+N compound noun sg. → kut-. daa- noun. market, marketplace; fr: marché; dt:

Markt, Marktplatz. [Note: = Mòoré. There is no non-Mòoré word which directly expresses the notion ‘market’, but in Koromfe one can say a beledəfʌ or a beledəfʌ tike ‘place for selling’.]

a daaga sg. a daasʋʋ pl.

daaga sg. → daa-. daam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → da-. dabɛɛ- noun. camp, village, quarter; fr: camp,

village, quartier; dt: Lager, Dorf, Bezirk. [Note: = Fulfulde]

a dabɛɛrɛ sg. a dabɛɛya pl.

dabɛɛrɛ sg. → dabɛɛ-. daga perfective. (=/dag-Ṿl/) → dagl-. dagal imperfective. (=/dag-Ṿl-d/) → dagl-. dagalaa future. (=/dag-Ṿl-d-aa/) → dagl-. dagaləba deverbal agent noun pl. (=/dag-Ṿl-d-ba/)

→ dagl-. dagaləga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

(=/dag-Ṿl-d-ga/) → dagl-. dagaləgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. (=/dag-Ṿl-

d-gʋ/) → dagl-. dagaləhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. (=/dag-Ṿl-

d-hɩ/) → dagl-. dagalɩ imperfective. (=/dag-Ṿl-d/) → dagl-. dagalɔ deverbal agent noun sg. (=/dag-Ṿl-d-ɔ/) →

dagl-. dagəf imperfective. (=/dag-Ṿl-f/) → dagl-. dagəfaa future. (=/dag-Ṿl-f-aa/) → dagl-. dagəfʋ imperfective. (=/dag-Ṿl-f/) → dagl-. dagl- (=/dag-Ṿl-/) verb. wait (for); protect; fr:

attendre (tr. et intransitif); protéger; dt: warten (auf); schützen.

dagalaa (=/dag-Ṿl-d-aa/) future. dagəfaa (=/dag-Ṿl-f-aa/) future. dagəlɛ (=/dag-Ṿl-ɛ/) past. daga (=/dag-Ṿl/) perfective.

dagal / dagalɩ (=/dag-Ṿl-d/) imperfective. dagəf / dagəfʋ (=/dag-Ṿl-f/) imperfective. a dagəlam (=/dag-Ṿl-am/) deverbal action noun

sg./mass. a dagalɔ (=/dag-Ṿl-d-ɔ/) deverbal agent noun

sg. s.o. who waits (for sth. / s.o.); fr: q.un qui attend (q.chose / q.un); dt: jmd. der (auf jmdn. / etwas) wartet.

a dagaləba (=/dag-Ṿl-d-ba/) deverbal agent noun pl.

a dagaləgʋ (=/dag-Ṿl-d-gʋ/) deverbal instrument noun sg. object for waiting; bus shelter, waiting room; fr: objet pour attendre; abri, salle d’attente; dt: Gegenstand zum warten; Wartehäuschen, Wartesaal.

a dagaləhɛ (=/dag-Ṿl-d-hɩ/) deverbal instrument noun pl.

a dagaləga (=/dag-Ṿl-d-ga/) deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

a dagaləfa (=/dag-Ṿl-d-fa/) deverbal local noun. place for waiting; bus shelter, waiting room; fr: endroit pour attendre; abri, salle d’attente; dt: Platz zum warten; Wartehäuschen, Wartesaal.

dagəlam deverbal action noun sg./mass. (=/dag-Ṿl-am/) → dagl-.

dagəlɛ past. (=/dag-Ṿl-ɛ/) → dagl-. dags- verb. add, increase, grow, join; fr: ajouter,

augmenter, croître, joindre; dt: hinzufügen, vermehren, wachsen, dazugesellen. [Note: This is the causative of a daam ‘win’.]

dagəsəraa future. dagəsɛ past. dagəs(ɩ) perfective. dagəsər(ɩ) imperfective. a dagəsam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a dagəsərɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who

adds; someone who joins (a group of people); fr: q.un qui ajoute; q.un qui s’ajoute (à un groupe de gens); dt: jmd. der hinzufügt; jmd. der sich (einer Menschengruppe) anschließt.

a dagəsərəba deverbal agent noun pl. a dagəsərəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg.

object for adding; fr: objet pour ajouter; dt: Gegenstand zum Hinzufügen.

a dagəsərəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a dagəsərəga deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. a dagəsərəfa deverbal local noun. place for

adding; fr: endroit pour ajouter; dt: Platz zum hinzufügen.

dagəsam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → dags-. dagəsɛ past. → dags-. dagəs(ɩ) perfective. → dags-. dagəsəraa future. → dags-. dagəsərəba deverbal agent noun pl. → dags-. dagəsərəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. → dags-. dagəsərəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. →

dags-. dagəsərəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. →


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dagəsər(ɩ) dãɩnɛ

26 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

dagəsər(ɩ) imperfective. → dags-. dagəsərɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → dags-. dar- noun. chest; fr: poitrine; dt: Brust(korb).

a datɛ sg. a dara pl.

daraa future. → da-. darəba deverbal agent noun pl. → da-. darg- verb. push; fr: pousser, bousculer; dt: stoßen.

darəgraa future. darəgɛ past. darəg(ɩ) perfective. darəgr(ɩ) imperfective. a darəgam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a darəgrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who

pushes; fr: q.un qui pousse; dt: jmd. der stößt. a darəgrəba deverbal agent noun pl. a darəgrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. object

for pushing; fr: objet pour pousser; dt: Gegenstand zum Stoßen.

a darəgrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a darəgrəga deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. a darəgrəfa deverbal local noun. place for

pushing; fr: endroit pour pousser; dt: Platz zum Stoßen.

darəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg. → da-.

darəgam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → darg-. darəgɛ past. → darg-. darəg(ɩ) perfective. → darg-. darəgraa future. → darg-. darəgrəba deverbal agent noun pl. → darg-. darəgrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. → darg-. darəgrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → darg-. darəgrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → darg-. darəgr(ɩ) imperfective. → darg-. darəgrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → darg-. darəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → da-. darəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → da-. darɩ imperfective. → da-. darɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → da-. darpo noun. flag; fr: drapeau; dt: Fahne.

a darəpo sg. a darəpofi pl.

darəpo sg. → darpo. datɛ sg. → dar-. dã- noun. house, hut, room, home, married life;

small field (e.g. for chickpeas, peanuts, etc.); fr: maison, case, cabane, chambre, foyer, vie conjugale ; petit champ (p. ex. pour les pois de terre, les arachides, etc.); dt: Haus, Hütte, Zimmer, Haushalt, Eheleben; kleines Feld (z.B. für Kichererbsen, Erdnüsse, etc.).

a dãŋ sg. a dãɩ pl. a dãŋa diminutive sg. small house etc.; fr: petite

maison etc.; dt: kleines Haus etc. a dãna-kɔnnɛ N+N compound noun sg.

household mouse; fr: souris domestique; dt: Hausmaus [Note: Either dãna < a dãŋ

‘house’ or dãŋa ‘small house’. In either case, the formation with n rather than ŋ is unusual and the second [a] unexpected.]

a dãna-kɔnaʋ N+N compound noun pl. a dãna-kɔna N+N compound noun pl. a ỹɔɔ dãŋ NP+N compound noun sg.

(rectangular) mud house; fr: case (rectangulaire) en banco; dt: (rechteckiges) Lehmhaus [Note: The property ‘rectangular’ is the normal case. If a mud house is round, the roundness is usually mentioned explicitly (see the example below with gĩndre).]

a ỹɔɔ dãɩ NP+N compound noun pl. a ỹɔɔ dãŋ gĩndre NP+N compound noun sg.

round mud house; fr: case ronde en banco; dt: rundes Lehmhaus

a ỹɔɔ dãɩ gĩndo NP+N compound noun pl. a nɛbə-dãŋ N+N compound noun sg. small field

of chickpeas; fr: petit champs de pois de terre; dt: kleines Kichererbsenfeld

a nɛbə-dãɩ N+N compound noun pl. a pɛn-dãŋ N+N compound noun sg. mosquito

net; fr: moustiquaire; dt: Moskitonetz a pɛn-dãɩ

dããnɛ adverb. at home, home; fr: à la maison; dt: zu Hause, nach Hause. [Note: Clearly, but not regularly related to a dãŋ ‘house’.]

dããnɛ local adverb. dããnɛ dɔʋ adverb+N compound noun sg.

domestic animal; fr: animal domestique; dt: Haustier

dããnɛ dɔɔfɩ adverb+N compound noun pl. [Note: As the first member of a compound, this adverb cannot take the article a.]

dãɩ pl. → dã-. dãɩ- (=/da; dã-ɩ/) noun. wood, piece of wood, stick;

fr: bois, morceau de bois, bâton; dt: Holz, Holzstück, Stock. [Note: As the first part of N+N compounds, this word stem is reduced to da, as in the examples below. See also other compounds of this word listed under da-.]

a dãɩnɛ sg. a dãỹã pl. a dãɩŋa diminutive sg. small piece of wood, small

stick; fr: petit morceau de bois, petit bâton; dt: kleines Holzstück, kleiner Stock. a da-bɛtɛ N+N compound noun sg. kind of

lizard; fr: margouillat; dt: Art Eidechse a da-bɛra N+N compound noun pl. a da-yɩbrɛ N+N compound noun sg. forked

branch (used for the vertical supporting posts of hangars or as traditional doorposts); fr: bois fourchu (pour les hangars ou les portes traditionnelles); dt: verzweigter Ast (der einen Hangar oder eine traditionelle Tür stützt) [Note: This type of forked branch is much heavier than a gete.]

a da-yɩba N+N compound noun pl. dãɩnɛ sg. → dãɩ-.

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dãmmɛ dɛb-

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 27

dãmmɛ noun. sauce (which accompanies millet porridge etc.); fr: sauce (qui accompagne le tô etc.); dt: Sauce (zum Hirsebrei etc).

a dãmmɛ sg./mass. a dãmməfɩ pl.

a dãmmə bi N+N compound noun sg. ingredient of sauce; fr: ingrédient de la sauce; dt: Zutat der Sauce

a dãmmə bu N+N compound noun pl. [Note: Typically, a dãmmə bi refers typically, though not exclusively to tomatoes.]

dãn perfective. → dãn-. dãn- verb. lick; fr: lécher, laper; dt: lecken,

schlecken. dãnnaa future. dãtaa future. dãnɛ past. dãn perfective. dãnn(ɛ) imperfective. dãt(ɩ) imperfective. a dãnam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a dãnnɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who licks;

fr: q.un qui lèche; dt: jmd. der leckt. a dãtɔ deverbal agent noun sg. a dãnnəba deverbal agent noun pl. a dãtəba deverbal agent noun pl. a dãnnəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. object

for licking (e.g. tongue; ice-cream); fr: objet pour lécher (p. ex. la langue; la glace); dt: Gegenstand zum lecken (z.B. Zunge; Eis).

a dãtəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. a dãnnəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a dãtəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a dãnnəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a dãtəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a dãnnəfa deverbal local noun. place for licking;

fr: endroit pour lécher; dt: Platz zum lecken. a dãtəfa deverbal local noun. a dãnəmaʋ deverbal nomen acti pl. things that

one licks; fr: choses qu’on lèche; dt: Dinge, die man leckt.

dãnam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → dãn-. dãnɛ past. → dãn-. dãnnaa future. → dãn-. dãnnəba deverbal agent noun pl. → dãn-. dãnn(ɛ) imperfective. → dãn-. dãnnəfa deverbal local noun. → dãn-. dãnnəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ dãn-. dãnnəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → dãn-. dãnnəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → dãn-. dãnnɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → dãn-. dãŋ sg. → dã-. dãŋg- (=/dãŋg/) verb. stir (porridge); fr: remuer (le

tô); dt: (Brei) umrühren. dãŋgraa (=/dãŋg-d-aa/) future. dãŋgɛ (=/dãŋg-ɛ/)

dãŋgraa future. (=/dãŋg-d-aa/) → dãŋg-.

dãŋkala noun. white potato; fr: patate blanche; dt: weiße Kartoffel.

a dãŋkaləfɛ singulative. a dãŋkala collective. a dãŋkalafɩ pl.

dãŋkaləfɛ singulative. → dãŋkala. dãŋn- noun. kind of bush (with edible leaves); fr:

espèce d’arbuste (à feuilles mangeables); dt: Art Strauch (mit essbaren Blättern).

a dãŋnəfɛ singulative. a dãŋənaʋ pl./mass.

dãŋnəfɛ singulative. → dãŋn-. dãtaa future. → dãn-. dãtəba deverbal agent noun pl. → dãn-. dãtəfa deverbal local noun. → dãn-. dãtəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg. →

dãn-. dãtəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → dãn-. dãtəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → dãn-. dãt(ɩ) imperfective. → dãn-. dãtɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → dãn-. dãỹã pl. → dãɩ-. dɛ past. (=/dɩ-ɛ/) → dɩ-. dɛ- irregular verb. sleep, go to sleep; fr: dormir,

s’endormir ; sommeil; dt: schlafen, einschlafen; Schlaf.

dɛyaa future. [Note: The expected regular form * dɛraa does not exist.]

dɛrɛ past. [Note: The expected regular form * dɛ does not exist for this verb; there is a form dɛ which is the past tense of the verb dɩ- ‘eat’.] — perfective.

dɛr(ɩ) imperfective. a dɛm deverbal action noun sg./mass. also:

sleep; fr: aussi: sommeil; dt: auch: Schlaf. [Note: This form is unexpectedly short; other verbs with a CV stem have a long vowel in this form, e.g. a daam.]

a dɛmfɩ deverbal action noun pl. dɛya participial adjective.

a fo dɛya NP+participle compound noun sg. sleeping person; fr: personne dormante; dt: schlafender Mensch [Note: The form dɛja is the shortened form of the future used as a participial adjective. The perfective form is not used as the participial adjective of this verb.]

a nɔŋa koŋ dɛya sentence The butter is stiff. (lit: sleeping); fr: Le beurre est solide. (lit.: dort); dt: Die Butter ist steif. (wörtl.: schläft)

-dɛ (=/dɛ/) noun class singular. singular; fr: singulier; dt: Singular. [Note: This noun class corresponds to Bantu class 5.]

-dɛ ncl.sg. -de ncl.sg.

dɛb- verb. follow; fr: suivre; dt: folgen. [Note: Cannot be used with jɩka-nɛ to mean ‘take the lead’ as a jomʌm can.]

dɛfaa future. dɛbraa future.

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dɛbɛ past. dɛb(ʋ) perfective. dɛf(ʋ) imperfective. dɛbr(ʋ) imperfective. a dɛbam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a dɛfɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who follows;

fr: q.un qui suit; dt: jmd. der folgt. a dɛbrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. a dɛfəba deverbal agent noun pl. a dɛbrəba deverbal agent noun pl. a dɛfəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. sth. (e.g.

an animal) that follows; fr: q.chose (p. ex. un animal) qui suit; dt: etwas (z.B. ein Tier), was folgt.

a dɛbrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. a dɛfəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a dɛbrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a dɛfəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a dɛbrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a dɛfəfa deverbal local noun. place for

following; fr: endroit pour suivre; dt: Platz zum folgen.

a dɛbrəfa deverbal local noun. a dɛbmaʋ deverbal nomen acti pl. things that

one has followed (e.g. animals); fr: choses qu’on a suivie (p. ex. des animaux); dt: Dinge, denen man gefolgt ist (z.B. Tiere).

dɛbam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → dɛb-. dɛbɛ noun. mat made from leaves of the Borassus;

fr: natte de feuilles du rônier; dt: Matte aus Borassusblättern. [Note: Similar to Mòoré]

a dɛbɛ sg. a dɛbɛfɩ pl.

dɛbɛ past. → dɛb-. dɛbraa future. → dɛb-. dɛbrəba deverbal agent noun pl. → dɛb-. dɛbrəfa deverbal local noun. → dɛb-. dɛbrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ dɛb-. dɛbrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → dɛb-. dɛbrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → dɛb-. dɛbrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → dɛb-. dɛbr(ʋ) imperfective. → dɛb-. dɛb(ʋ) perfective. → dɛb-. dɛɛm deverbal action noun sg./mass. (=/dɩ-am/) →

dɩ-. dɛfaa future. → dɛb-. dɛfəba deverbal agent noun pl. → dɛb-. dɛfəfa deverbal local noun. → dɛb-. dɛfəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg. →

dɛb-. dɛfəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → dɛb-. dɛfəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → dɛb-. dɛfɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → dɛb-. dɛf(ʋ) imperfective. → dɛb-. dɛg- noun. load, luggage; accusation, libel; fr:

charge, bagages ; accusation, calomnie; dt: Last, Gepäck; Beschuldigung, Verleumdung. [Note: This noun is probably the base from

which the verb a dɛgəlam is derived (though such derivations are rare), and it is used as the action noun of that verb.]

a dɛgrɛ sg. a dɛgɩa pl.

dɛgɛ perfective. (=/dɛg-Ṿl/) → dɛgl-. dɛgɛl imperfective. (=/dɛg-Ṿl-d/) → dɛgl-. dɛgɛlaa future. (=/dɛg-Ṿl-d-aa/) → dɛgl-. dɛgɛləba deverbal agent noun pl. (=/dɛg-Ṿl-d-ba/)

→ dɛgl-. dɛgɛləga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

(=/dɛg-Ṿl-d-ga/) → dɛgl-. dɛgɛləgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. (=/dɛg-Ṿl-d-

gʋ/) → dɛgl-. dɛgɛləhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. (=/dɛg-Ṿl-d-

hɩ/) → dɛgl-. dɛgɛlɩ imperfective. (=/dɛg-Ṿl-d/) → dɛgl-. dɛgɛlɔ deverbal agent noun sg. (=/dɛg-Ṿl-d-ɔ/) →

dɛgl-. dɛgəf imperfective. (=/dɛg-Ṿl-f/) → dɛgl-. dɛgəfaa future. (=/dɛg-Ṿl-f-aa/) → dɛgl-. dɛgfəba deverbal agent noun pl. (=/dɛg-Ṿl-f-ba/)

→ dɛgl-. dɛgfəfa deverbal local noun. (=/dɛg-Ṿl-f-fa/) →

dɛgl-. dɛgfəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

(=/dɛg-Ṿl-f-ga/) → dɛgl-. dɛgfəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. (=/dɛg-Ṿl-f-

gʋ/) → dɛgl-. dɛgfəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. (=/dɛg-Ṿl-f-

hɩ/) → dɛgl-. dɛgfɔ deverbal agent noun sg. (=/dɛg-Ṿl-f-ɔ/) →

dɛgl-. dɛgəfʋ imperfective. (=/dɛg-Ṿl-f/) → dɛgl-. dɛgl- (=/dɛg-Ṿl-/) verb. carry; accuse, libel; fr:

porter, charger ; accuser, calomnier; dt: tragen; beschuldigen, verleumden. [Note: Probably derived from a dɛgrɛ ‘load’.]

dɛgəfaa (=/dɛg-Ṿl-f-aa/) future. dɛgɛlaa (=/dɛg-Ṿl-d-aa/) future. dɛgəlɛ (=/dɛg-Ṿl-ɛ/) past. dɛgɛ (=/dɛg-Ṿl/) perfective. dɛgɛl / dɛgɛlɩ (=/dɛg-Ṿl-d/) imperfective. dɛgəf / dɛgəfʋ (=/dɛg-Ṿl-f/) imperfective. a dɛgəlam (=/dɛg-Ṿl-am/) deverbal action noun

sg./mass. a dɛgrɛ (=/dɛg-dɛ/) deverbal action noun

sg./mass. [Note: This word is used as the action noun / infinitive of this verb, even though it lacks the -Vl suffix which the verb carries.]

a dɛgfɔ (=/dɛg-Ṿl-f-ɔ/) deverbal agent noun sg. carrier; accuser; fr: porteur ; accusateur; dt: Träger; Beschuldigender.

a dɛgɛlɔ (=/dɛg-Ṿl-d-ɔ/) [Note: Less frequently used than a dɛgfɔ.] deverbal agent noun sg.

a dɛgfəba (=/dɛg-Ṿl-f-ba/) deverbal agent noun pl.

a dɛgɛləba (=/dɛg-Ṿl-d-ba/) deverbal agent noun pl. [Note: Less frequently used than a dɛgfəba.]

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dɛgəlam dɛɛ

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 29

a dɛgəmaʋ (=/dɛg-mãʋ/) pl./mass. load; fr: charge; dt: Last. [Note: This form has no -Vl suffixoid.]

a dɛgfəgʋ (=/dɛg-Ṿl-f-gʋ/) deverbal instrument noun sg. tool for transporting (e.g. trolley, lorry); fr: outil pour transporter (p. ex. caddie, camion); dt: Werkzeug zum transportieren (z.B. wagen, Lastwagen).

a dɛgɛləgʋ (=/dɛg-Ṿl-d-gʋ/) deverbal instrument noun sg. [Note: Less frequently used than a dɛgfəgʋ.]

a dɛgfəhɛ (=/dɛg-Ṿl-f-hɩ/) deverbal instrument noun pl.

a dɛgɛləhɛ (=/dɛg-Ṿl-d-hɩ/) deverbal instrument noun pl. [Note: Less frequently used than a dɛgfəhɛ.]

a dɛgfəga (=/dɛg-Ṿl-f-ga/) deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

a dɛgɛləga (=/dɛg-Ṿl-d-ga/) deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

a dɛgfəfa (=/dɛg-Ṿl-f-fa/) deverbal local noun. place for accusing s.o.; fr: endroit pour accuser q.un; dt: Platz um jmdn. zu beschuldigen. [Note: a dɛgfəfa is preferentially used with the reading ‘accuse’ and a dɛgɛləfa with the reading ‘carry’.]

a dɛgɛləfa (=/dɛg-Ṿl-d-fa/) deverbal local noun. place for carrying sth.; fr: endroit pour porter q.chose; dt: Platz um etwas zu tragen.

dɛgəlam deverbal action noun sg./mass. (=/dɛg-Ṿl-am/) → dɛgl-.

dɛgəlɛ past. (=/dɛg-Ṿl-ɛ/) → dɛgl-. dɛgəma ʋ pl./mass. (=/dɛg-mãʋ/) → dɛgl-. dɛgrɛ sg. → dɛg-. dɛgrɛ deverbal action noun sg./mass. (=/dɛg-dɛ/)

→ dɛgl-. dɛɩ perfective. → dɛɩ-. dɛɩ- defective verb. master, dominate, conquer;

(auxiliary) be able to, succeed in; fr: maîtriser, dominer, vaincre ; (auxiliaire) pouvoir, réussir; dt: meistern, beherrschen, besiegen; (Auxiliar) können, gelingen.

dɛɩlaa future. dɛyaa future. dɛɩ perfective. a dɛɩlɛɩ deverbal action noun sg./mass. also:

ability, capability, power; fr: aussi: pouvoir, capacité; dt: auch: Können, Fähigkeit, Macht.

a dɛɩlɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who masters / dominates / conquers; fr: q.un qui maîtrise / domine / vainquit; dt: jmd. der meistert / beherrscht / besiegt.

a dɛɩləba deverbal agent noun pl. a dɛɩləma [Note: This form is morphologically

unusual, but more commonly used than a dɛɩləba.] deverbal agent noun pl.

dɛɩlaa future. → dɛɩ-. dɛɩləba deverbal agent noun pl. → dɛɩ-. dɛɩlɛɩ deverbal action noun sg./mass. → dɛɩ-. dɛɩlɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → dɛɩ-.

dɛɩs- verb. master, dominate, conquer; (auxiliary) be able to, succeed in; fr: maîtriser, dominer, vaincre ; (auxiliaire) pouvoir, réussir; dt: meistern, beherrschen, besiegen; (Auxiliar) können, gelingen.

dɛɩsraa future. dɛɩsɛ past. dɛɩs(ɩ) perfective. dɛɩsr(ɩ) imperfective. a dɛɩsam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a dɛɩsrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who

masters etc.; fr: q.un qui maîtrise etc.; dt: jmd. der meistert usw.

a dɛɩsrəba deverbal agent noun pl. a dɛɩsrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. object

for mastering etc.; fr: objet pour maîtriser etc.; dt: Gegenstand zum Meistern usw.

a dɛɩsrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a dɛɩsrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a dɛɩsrəfa deverbal local noun. place for

mastering etc.; fr: endroit pour maîtriser etc.; dt: Platz zum Meistern etc.

dɛɩsam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → dɛɩs-. dɛɩsɛ past. → dɛɩs-. dɛɩs(ɩ) perfective. → dɛɩs-. dɛɩsraa future. → dɛɩs-. dɛɩsrəba deverbal agent noun pl. → dɛɩs-. dɛɩsrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ dɛɩs-. dɛɩsrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → dɛɩs-. dɛɩsrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → dɛɩs-. dɛɩsr(ɩ) imperfective. → dɛɩs-. dɛɩsrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → dɛɩs-. dɛm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → dɛ-. dɛmfɩ deverbal action noun pl. → dɛ-. dɛr- noun. mountain; fr:

montagne; dt: Berg. a dɛrəga sg. a dɛrɩɩ pl.

a dɛr sɔka N+N compound noun diminutive sg. boundary mound; fr: colline de frontière; dt: Grenzhügel [Note: These mounds were built by the Koromba along the boundary of their settlement area. They contain artefacts but no human remains.]

a dɛr sɔgənɩ N+N compound noun diminutive pl.

dɛr sɔka N+N compound noun diminutive sg. → sog-.

dɛrɛ perfective. → dɛ-. dɛrəga sg. → dɛr-. dɛr(ɩ) imperfective. → dɛ-. dɛyaa future. → dɛ-. dɛyaa future. → dɛɩ-. dɛɛ adverb. yesterday; fr: hier; dt: gestern. [Note:

As in English etc., this word can also be used to designate the past in general.]

dɛɛ temporal adverb. dɛɛ wɔləmam adverb+N compound noun

sg./mass the words of the past; fr: les

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dɛɛs- dembo

30 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

paroles du passé; dt: die Worte der Vergangenheit [Note: As with all Adv+N compounds, the article a cannot be used.]

dɛɛs- verb. trace, draw a line (e.g. in sand), write; fr: tracer, tirer une trace (p. ex. dans le sable), écrire; dt: Spur ziehen (z.B. im Sand), schreiben.

dɛɛsraa future. dɛɛsɛ past. dɛɛs(ɩ) perfective. dɛɛsr(ɩ) imperfective. a dɛɛsam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a dɛɛsrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who

writes; writer, author; fr: q.un qui écrit; écrivain, auteur; dt: jmd. der schreibt; Schreiber, Schriftsteller, Autor.

a dɛɛsrəba deverbal agent noun pl. a dɛɛsrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. object

for writing; paper, exercise book etc.; pen, pencil etc.; typewriter; keyboard; fr: objet pour écrire; papier, cahier etc.; stylo, crayon etc.; machine à écrire; clavier; dt: Gegenstand zum Schreiben; Papier, Heft etc.; Feder, Kugelschreiber, Bleistift; Schreibmaschine; Tastatur.

a dɛɛsrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a dɛɛsrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a dɛɛsrəfa deverbal local noun. place for writing;

fr: endroit pour écrire; dt: Platz zum Schreiben. dɛɛsam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → dɛɛs-. dɛɛsɛ past. → dɛɛs-. dɛɛs(ɩ) perfective. → dɛɛs-. dɛɛsraa future. → dɛɛs-. dɛɛsrəba deverbal agent noun pl. → dɛɛs-. dɛɛsrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ dɛɛs-. dɛɛsrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → dɛɛs-. dɛɛsrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → dɛɛs-. dɛɛsr(ɩ) imperfective. → dɛɛs-. dɛɛsrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → dɛɛs-. dɛn perfective. (=/dɛd-ɛ/) → dɛn-. dɛn- (=/dɛd-/) verb. pull; fr: tirer; dt: ziehen.

dɛtaa (=/dɛd-d-aa/) future. [Note: The forms with t are the more frequently used, especially by younger speakers. But the forms with nn must be an innovation (based on the reanalysis of [dɛn] as / dɛn/, not / dɛd-/).]

dɛnnaa (=/dɛd-d-aa/) future. dɛnɛ (=/dɛd-ɛ/) past. dɛn perfective. dɛt / dɛtɩ (=/dɛd-d/) imperfective. dɛnn / dɛnnɩ (=/dɛd-d/) imperfective. a dɛnam (=/dɛd-am/) deverbal action noun

sg./mass. a dɛtɔ (=/dɛd-d-ɔ/) deverbal agent noun sg. s.o.

who pulls; fr: q.un qui tire; dt: jmd. der zieht. a dɛnnɔ (=/dɛd-d-ɔ/) deverbal agent noun sg. a dɛnnɔ (=/dɛd-d-ɔ/) deverbal agent noun sg.

[Note: This form is unusual; it may be a participial form from the shortened future.]

a dɛtəba (=/dɛd-d-ba/) deverbal agent noun pl. a dɛnnəba (=/dɛd-d-ba/) deverbal agent noun

pl. a dɛtəgʋ (=/dɛd-d-gʋ/) deverbal instrument

noun sg. object for pulling; fr: objet pour tirer; dt: Gegenstand zum ziehen.

a dɛnnəgʋ (=/dɛd-d-ɔ/) deverbal instrument noun sg.

a dɛtəhɛ (=/dɛd-d-ɔ/) deverbal instrument noun pl.

a dɛnnəhɛ (=/dɛd-d-hɩ/) deverbal instrument noun pl.

a dɛtəga (=/dɛd-d-ga/) deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

a dɛnnəga (=/dɛd-d-ga/) deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

a dɛtəfa (=/dɛd-d-fa/) deverbal local noun. place for pulling; fr: endroit pour tirer; dt: Platz zum Ziehen.

a dɛnnəfa (=/dɛd-d-fa/) deverbal local noun. dɛnam deverbal action noun sg./mass. (=/dɛd-am/)

→ dɛn-. dɛnɛ past. (=/dɛd-ɛ/) → dɛn-. dɛnn imperfective. (=/dɛd-d/) → dɛn-. dɛnnaa future. (=/dɛd-d-aa/) → dɛn-. dɛnnəba deverbal agent noun pl. (=/dɛd-d-ba/) →

dɛn-. dɛnnəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

(=/dɛd-d-ga/) → dɛn-. dɛnnəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. (=/dɛd-d-ɔ/)

→ dɛn-. dɛnnəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. (=/dɛd-d-

hɩ/) → dɛn-. dɛnnɩ imperfective. (=/dɛd-d/) → dɛn-. dɛnnɔ deverbal agent noun sg. (=/dɛd-d-ɔ/) → dɛn-. dɛnnɔ deverbal agent noun sg. (=/dɛd-d-ɔ/) → dɛn-. dɛt imperfective. (=/dɛd-d/) → dɛn-. dɛtaa future. (=/dɛd-d-aa/) → dɛn-. dɛtəba deverbal agent noun pl. (=/dɛd-d-ba/) →

dɛn-. dɛtəfa deverbal local noun. (=/dɛd-d-fa/) → dɛn-. dɛtəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

(=/dɛd-d-ga/) → dɛn-. dɛtəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. (=/dɛd-d-gʋ/)

→ dɛn-. dɛtəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. (=/dɛd-d-ɔ/)

→ dɛn-. dɛtɩ imperfective. (=/dɛd-d/) → dɛn-. dɛtɔ deverbal agent noun sg. (=/dɛd-d-ɔ/) → dɛn-. deb- noun. tamtam (small round drum, made from a

calabash), tamtam player; fr: tamtam (petit tambour rond, construit d’une calebasse), joueur de tamtam; dt: Tamtam (kleine runde Trommel, aus einer Kalebasse gemacht), Tamtamspieler.

a debre (=/deb-de/) sg. a debiʌ (=/deb-ɩa/) pl.

debre sg. (=/deb-de/) → deb-. dembo noun. kind of black clay (used to make large

pots); waterhole containing this kind of clay; fr: espèce d’argile noir (dont on fait des canaris);

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dems- dɩlɛ

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 31

marigot qui contient ce genre d’argile; dt: Art schwarze Tonerde (mit der große Töpfe gemacht werden); Wasserloch, das diese Art Tonerde enthält.

a dembo sg. a dembofi pl.

dems- noun. lower leg (from knee to ankle), shin; fr: mollet; dt: Unterschenkel.

a demsəre (=/dems-dɛ/) sg. a demsʌ (=/dems-a/) pl.

a demsəre nɛmmɔ NP+N compound noun sg./mass calf; fr: mollet; dt: Wade

demsəre sg. (=/dems-dɛ/) → dems-. deŋgel- noun. clearing, open area of ground; fr:

clairière, place nue, terrain nu; dt: Lichtung, offener Platz.

a deŋgele (=/deŋgel-dɛ/) sg. a deŋgelʌ (=/deŋgel-a/) pl.

deŋgele sg. (=/deŋgel-dɛ/) → deŋgel-. də-gɩllɛ reflexive pronoun 3rd person human sg. →

gɩllɛ. dɩ pron.3sg.hum. (=/d/) → d-. dɩ perfective. (=/dɩ/) → dɩ-. dɩ- (=/dɩ/) verb. eat, enjoy, devour; fr: manger,

jouir de, dévorer; dt: essen, genießen, verschlingen.

dɩraa (=/dɩ-d-aa/) future. dɛ (=/dɩ-ɛ/) past. dɩ (=/dɩ/) perfective. [Note: There is no

alternative form d -- probably because the vowel ɩ is a part of the word stem.]

dɩr / dɩrɩ (=/dɩ-d/) imperfective. a gabrɛ koŋ dɩraa halə wasɩ sentence That

knife cuts very well.; fr: Ce couteau coupe très bien.; dt: Diese Messer schneidet sehr gut [Note: A knife is considered to “devour” the thing that it cuts.]

dɛɛm (=/dɩ-am/) [Note: Rare; a dɩʋ is preferred.] deverbal action noun sg./mass.

a dɩʋ (=/dɩ-ʋ/) deverbal action noun sg. also: food, meal; fr: aussi: nourriture, repas; dt: auch: Nahrung, Mahlzeit.

a dɩʋfɩ (=/dɩ-ʋ-fɩ/) deverbal action noun pl. a dɩrɔ (=/dɩ-d-ɔ/) deverbal agent noun sg.

eater; fr: mangeur; dt: Esser. a dɩrəba (=/dɩ-d-ba/) deverbal agent noun pl. a dɩrəgʋ (=/dɩ-d-gʋ/) deverbal instrument noun

sg. object for eating (e.g. crockery, cutlery); something edible; fr: objet pour manger (p. ex. vaisselle, couvert); chose mangeable; dt: Gegenstand zum essen (z.B. Geschirr, Besteck); etwas Essbares.

a dɩrəhɛ (=/dɩ-d-hɩ/) deverbal instrument noun pl.

a dɩrəga (=/dɩ-d-ga/) deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

a dɩrəfa (=/dɩ-d-fa/) deverbal local noun sg. place for eating (e.g. dining room, restaurant); fr: endroit pour manger (p. ex. salle à manger, restaurant); dt: Platz zum Essen (z.B. Esszimmer, Restaurant).

dɩg- noun. right hand, right side, to the right; fr: main droite, coté droite, à droite; dt: rechte Hand, rechte Seite, rechts.

a dɩgrɛ sg. a dɩgɩa pl.

yaʋ a dɩgrɛ imperative sentence Go right!; fr: Tourne à droite!; dt: Geh nach rechts!

yaʋ ʋ dɩgrɛ imperative sentence Go right! (Lit.: Go to our right.); fr: Tourne à droite! (Lit.: Va à notre droite.); dt: Geh nach rechts! (Lit.: Geh zu unserem Rechts.)

dɩgrɛ sg. → dɩg-. dɩɩg- verb. approach, come closer, bring closer; fr:

s’approcher, approcher; dt: sich nähern, näher kommen, näher bringen. [Note: = Mòoré]

dɩɩgraa future. dɩɩgɛ past. dɩɩg(ɩ) perfective. dɩɩgr(ɩ) imperfective. a dɩɩgam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

dɩɩgə na mɛ imperative sentence Come (pl.) closer to me.; fr: Approchez-vous de moi.; dt: Kommt mir näher.

dɩɩgə na yere imperative sentence Come (pl.) closer!; fr: Approchez-vous!; dt: Kommt näher!

dɩɩgɛ past. → dɩɩg-. dɩɩg(ɩ) perfective. → dɩɩg-. dɩɩgraa future. → dɩɩg-. dɩɩgr(ɩ) imperfective. → dɩɩg-. dɩld- verb. feed; fr: nourrir; dt: ernähren. [Note: a

dɩldam and a dɩləgam are synonymous] dɩlɛdaa future. dɩldɛ past. dɩlɛ perfective. dɩlɛd(ɩ) imperfective. a dɩldam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a dɩlɛdɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who feeds;

breadwinner; fr: q.un qui nourrit; gagneur du pain; dt: jmd. der ernährt; Brotverdiener.

a dɩlɛdəba deverbal agent noun pl. a dɩlɛdəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. object

for feeding; food specially arranged at the time of the first harvest; fr: objet pour nourrir; nourriture arrangée de manière spéciale au temps de la première récolte; dt: Gegenstand zum Ernähren; Nahrung, die auf besondere Art angeordnet wird zur Zeit der ersten Ernte.

a dɩlɛdəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a dɩlɛdəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a dɩlɛdəfa deverbal local noun. place for feeding;

small house where one eats at the time of the first harvest; fr: endroit pour nourrir; maisonnette où on mange au temps de la première récolte; dt: Platz zum Ernähren; kleines Haus, wo zur Zeit der ersten Ernte gegessen wird.

dɩldam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → dɩld-. dɩldɛ past. → dɩld-. dɩlɛ perfective. → dɩld-.

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dɩlɛdaa dɩŋgɛtrəgʋ

32 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

dɩlɛdaa future. → dɩld-. dɩlɛdəba deverbal agent noun pl. → dɩld-. dɩlɛdəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ dɩld-. dɩlɛdəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → dɩld-. dɩlɛdəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → dɩld-. dɩlɛd(ɩ) imperfective. → dɩld-. dɩlɛdɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → dɩld-. dɩlg- verb. feed; fr: nourrir; dt: ernähren. [Note: a

dɩldam and a dɩləgam are synonymous] dɩləgraa future. dɩləgɛ past. dɩləg(ɩ) perfective. dɩləgr(ɩ) imperfective. a dɩləgam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a dɩləgrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who feeds;

breadwinner; fr: q.un qui nourrit; gagneur du pain; dt: jmd. der ernährt; Brotverdiener.

a dɩləgrəba deverbal agent noun pl. a dɩləgrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. object

for feeding; food specially arranged at the time of the first harvest; fr: objet pour nourrir; nourriture arrangée de manière spéciale au temps de la première récolte; dt: Gegenstand zum Ernähren; Nahrung, die auf besondere Art angeordnet wird zur Zeit der ersten Ernte.

a dɩləgrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a dɩləgrəga deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. a dɩləgrəfa deverbal local noun. place for

feeding; small house where one eats at the time of the first harvest; fr: endroit pour nourrir; maisonnette où on mange au temps de la première récolte; dt: Platz zum Ernähren; kleines Haus, wo zur Zeit der ersten Ernte gegessen wird.

dɩləgam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → dɩlg-. dɩləgɛ past. → dɩlg-. dɩləg(ɩ) perfective. → dɩlg-. dɩləgraa future. → dɩlg-. dɩləgrəba deverbal agent noun pl. → dɩlg-. dɩləgrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ dɩlg-. dɩləgrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → dɩlg-. dɩləgrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → dɩlg-. dɩləgr(ɩ) imperfective. → dɩlg-. dɩləgrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → dɩlg-. dɩlla- noun. tongue (not language!); fr: langue (de

la bouche seulement); dt: Zunge (nicht Sprache!).

a dɩllaŋa sg. a dɩllaʋ pl.

dɩllaŋa sg. → dɩlla-. dɩnɔŋa noun. shea butter; fr: beurre de karité; dt:

Sheabutter. a dɩ-nɔŋnɛ N+N compound noun sg. [Note: dɩ <

a dɩʋ ‘food’. This compound could also be analysed as V+N, with dɩ as the stem of the verb ‘eat’. Cf. a nɔŋa ‘fat, grease’. The singular or plural can be used with no apparent distinction of amount.]

a dɩ-nɔŋa N+N compound noun pl. dɩr imperfective. (=/dɩ-d/) → dɩ-. dɩraa future. (=/dɩ-d-aa/) → dɩ-. dɩrəba deverbal agent noun pl. (=/dɩ-d-ba/) → dɩ-. dɩrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

(=/dɩ-d-ga/) → dɩ-. dɩrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. (=/dɩ-d-gʋ/)

→ dɩ-. dɩrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. (=/dɩ-d-hɩ/)

→ dɩ-. dɩrɩ imperfective. (=/dɩ-d/) → dɩ-. dɩrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. (=/dɩ-d-ɔ/) → dɩ-. dɩsɔga noun. sumbala (made from néré (Parkia

Biglobosa) and sorrel); fr: soumbala (fabriqué du néré et de l’oseille); dt: Sumbala (aus Néré (Parkia Biglobosa) und Sauerampfer). a dɩ-sɔga N+N compound noun sg. [Note: dɩ

‘eat’, sɔga ‘sorrel’.] dɩʋ deverbal action noun sg. (=/dɩ-ʋ/) → dɩ-. dɩʋfɩ deverbal action noun pl. (=/dɩ-ʋ-fɩ/) → dɩ-. dɩŋdɛ sg. (=/dɩŋn-dɛ/) → dɩŋn-. dɩŋgɛ perfective. → dɩŋgl-. dɩŋgɛlaa future. → dɩŋgl-. dɩŋgɛləba deverbal agent noun pl. → dɩŋgl-. dɩŋgɛləga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ dɩŋgl-. dɩŋgɛləgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → dɩŋgl-. dɩŋgɛləhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → dɩŋgl-. dɩŋgɛl(ɩ) imperfective. → dɩŋgl-. dɩŋgɛlɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → dɩŋgl-. dɩŋgɛt- verb. flee; fr: fuir; dt: fliehen. [Note: This

verb is the reversive of a dɩŋgəlam ‘have an erection’.]

dɩŋgɛtraa future. dɩŋgɛtɛ past. dɩŋgɛt(ɩ) perfective. dɩŋgɛtr(ɩ) imperfective. a dɩŋgɛtam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a dɩŋgɛtrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who

flees; fr: q.un qui fuit; dt: jmd. der flieht. a dɩŋgɛtrəba deverbal agent noun pl. a dɩŋgɛtrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. thing

that makes one flee; fr: chose qui fait qu’on fuit; dt: etwas, was einen fliehen lässt.

a dɩŋgɛtrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a dɩŋgɛtrəga deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. a dɩŋgɛtrəfa deverbal local noun. place from

which one flees; fr: endroit d’où on fuit; dt: Ort, von wo man flieht. [Note: This word cannot mean ‘place to which one flees’.]

dɩŋgɛtam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → dɩŋgɛt-.

dɩŋgɛtɛ past. → dɩŋgɛt-. dɩŋgɛt(ɩ) perfective. → dɩŋgɛt-. dɩŋgɛtraa future. → dɩŋgɛt-. dɩŋgɛtrəba deverbal agent noun pl. → dɩŋgɛt-. dɩŋgɛtrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. → dɩŋgɛt-. dɩŋgɛtrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. →


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dɩŋgɛtrəhɛ dirg-

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 33

dɩŋgɛtrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → dɩŋgɛt-.

dɩŋgɛtr(ɩ) imperfective. → dɩŋgɛt-. dɩŋgɛtrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → dɩŋgɛt-. dɩŋgl- verb. have an erection; fr: avoir une

érection; dt: eine Erektion haben. dɩŋgɛlaa future. dɩŋgəlɛ past. dɩŋgɛ perfective. dɩŋgɛl(ɩ) imperfective. a dɩŋgəlam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a dɩŋgɛlɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who has

an erection; fr: q.un qui a une érection; dt: jmd. der eine Erektion hat.

a dɩŋgɛləba deverbal agent noun pl. a dɩŋgɛləgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. penis;

fr: pénis; dt: Penis. a dɩŋgɛləhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a dɩŋgɛləga deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. a dɩŋgɛləfa deverbal local noun. place where

one has an erection; fr: endroit pour avoir une érection; dt: Ort, wo man eine Erektion hat.

dɩŋgəlam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → dɩŋgl-. dɩŋgəlɛ past. → dɩŋgl-. dɩŋgʋ noun. blacksmith’s workshop, smithy; fr:

atelier du forgeron; dt: Schmiede. a dɩŋgʋ sg. a dɩŋɩɩ pl.

dɩŋn- (=/dɩŋn/) noun. ear; fr: oreille; dt: Ohr. a dɩŋdɛ (=/dɩŋn-dɛ/) sg. [Note: The /n/ which

appears in the plural is absent from this singular form. The sequence /ŋnd/ does not occur in my Koromfe corpus.]

a dɩŋna (=/dɩŋn-a/) pl. dig- verb. sow, plant; fr: semer, planter; dt: säen,

pflanzen. digrʌʌ future. dige past. dig(i) perfective. digr(i) imperfective. a digʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a diu deverbal action noun sg. [Note: This noun

may be derived from an original unsuffixed verb stem /di/ (not /dig/).]

a diufi deverbal action noun pl. a digro deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who sows;

fr: q.un qui sème; dt: jmd. der sät. a digrəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. a digrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. object for

sowing; seed (for sowing); fr: objet pour semer; semence; dt: Gegenstand zum Säen; Saatgut.

a digrəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. a digrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a digrəfʌ deverbal local noun. place for sowing,

field; fr: endroit pour semer, champ; dt: Platz zum Säen, Feld.

digʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → dig-. dige past. → dig-. dig(i) perfective. → dig-.

digrʌʌ future. → dig-. digrəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. → dig-. digrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ dig-. digrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. → dig-. digrəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. → dig-. digr(i) imperfective. → dig-. digro deverbal agent noun sg. → dig-. digs perfective. (=/digs/) → digs-. digs- verb. land; fr: atterrir; dt: landen. [Note: This

verb designates landing after a free fall (e.g. after jumping in the air). For aircraft etc. the verb a yirʌm is used.]

digsrʌʌ (=/digs-d-aa/) future. digse (=/digs-e/) past. digs / digsi (=/digs/) perfective. digsri / digsr (=/digs-d/) imperfective. a digsʌm (=/digs-am/) deverbal action noun

sg./mass. a digsro deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who lands;

fr: q.un qui atterrit; dt: jmd. der landet. a digsrəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. a digsrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. object

for landing; fr: objet pour atterrir; dt: Gegenstand zum Landen.

a digsrəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. a digsrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a digsrəfʌ deverbal local noun. place for landing;

fr: endroit pour atterrir; dt: Platz zum Landen. a sã digs sa compound noun (a specific) sacred

house of traditional religion, “Sandigsa”; fr: maison (spécifique) sacrée de la religion traditionnelle, “Sandigsa”; dt: (spezifisches) heiliges Haus der traditionellen Religion, “Sandigsa” [Note: Literal gloss: “jump (and) land now”.]

digsʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. (=/digs-am/) → digs-.

digse past. (=/digs-e/) → digs-. digsi perfective. (=/digs/) → digs-. digsr imperfective. (=/digs-d/) → digs-. digsrʌʌ future. (=/digs-d-aa/) → digs-. digsrəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. (=/digs-am/) →

digs-. digsrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

(=/digs-am/) → digs-. digsrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. (=/digs-am/)

→ digs-. digsrəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. (=/digs-am/)

→ digs-. digsri imperfective. (=/digs-d/) → digs-. digsro deverbal agent noun sg. (=/digs-am/) →

digs-. dirg- verb. rub; fr: frotter; dt: reiben. [Note: /g/ is

[g], not [ɣ] and /ə/ is very [i]-like.] dirəgrʌʌ future. dirəge past. dirəg(i) perfective. dirəgr(i) imperfective. a dirəgʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

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dirəgʌm dɔf-

34 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

a dirəgro deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who rubs; fr: q.un qui frotte; dt: jmd. der reibt.

a dirəgrəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. a dirəgrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. object

for rubbing; fr: objet pour frotter; dt: Gegenstand zum Reiben.

a dirəgrəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. a dirəgrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. a dirəgrəfʌ deverbal local noun. place for

rubbing, toilet; fr: endroit pour frotter, toilette; dt: Platz zum reiben, Toilette.

dirəgʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → dirg-. dirəge past. → dirg-. dirəg(i) perfective. → dirg-. dirəgrʌʌ future. → dirg-. dirəgrəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. → dirg-. dirəgrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ dirg-. dirəgrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. → dirg-. dirəgrəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. → dirg-. dirəgr(i) imperfective. → dirg-. dirəgro deverbal agent noun sg. → dirg-. diu deverbal action noun sg. → dig-. diufi deverbal action noun pl. → dig-. dĩm perfective. → dĩm-. dĩm- verb. thunder; fr: tonner; dt: donnern.

dĩmmʌʌ future. dĩme past. dĩm perfective. dĩmm(õ) imperfective. a dĩmʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. Also:

thunder, thunderclap; fr: Aussi: tonnerre, coup de tonnerre; dt: Auch: Donner, Donnerschlag.

a dĩmməgu deverbal instrument noun sg. thunder; fr: tonnerre; dt: Donner.

a dĩmməhe deverbal instrument noun pl. a dĩmməgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a dĩmməfʌ deverbal local noun. place where it

thunders; east; fr: endroit où il tonne; l’est; dt: Ort, wo es donnert; Osten.

dĩmʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → dĩm-. dĩmbʌ pl. → dĩmb(ɛ). dĩmb(ɛ) noun. [Note: Perhaps dĩm < a dĩmʌm

‘thunder’, and perhaps bɛrɛ < a bɛtɛ. The irregular plural formation indicates that any original compound is no longer transparent to speakers.]

a dĩmbɛrɛ sg. huge (e.g. person, animal, house), giant; fr: géant (p. ex. personne, animal, maison); dt: riesengroß (z.B. Mensch, Tier, Haus), Riese.

a dĩmbʌ pl. a dĩmbʌu pl.

dĩmbɛrɛ sg. → dĩmb(ɛ). dĩme past. → dĩm-. dĩmmʌʌ future. → dĩm-. dĩmməgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ dĩm-. dĩmməgu deverbal instrument noun sg. → dĩm-.

dĩmməhe deverbal instrument noun pl. → dĩm-. dĩmm(õ) imperfective. → dĩm-. dĩŋg- noun. kind of tree; fr: espèce d’arbre; dt: Art

Baum. a dĩŋgre sg. a dĩŋgʌ pl. a dĩŋgo pl.

dĩŋgʌ pl. → diŋg-. dĩŋgre sg. → dĩŋg-. dəkɔ pron.3sg.hum. (=/d/) → d-. dɔ (=/dɔ/) negative copula. not be; fr: ne pas

être; dt: nicht sein. dɔ (=/dɔ/) negative equative copula.

a yɔ dɔ mɛ sentence I am not the chief.; fr: Je ne suis pas le chef.; dt: Ich bin nicht der Chef.

ala la wɔk mə sallɛ koŋ - məkɔ dɔ question sentence & answer A: Who broke my plate? - B: Not me.; fr: A: Qui a cassé mon assiette? - B: Pas moi.; dt: A: Wer hat meinen Teller kaputt gemacht? - B: Ich nicht. [Note: This is the negative counterpart of the equative copula la.]

dɔ- (=/dɔ/) noun. (domestic) animal; fr: animal, bête (domestique); dt: (Haus)Tier. [Note: This word cannot be used for wild animals, for which a kãŋ ‘thing’ is used.]

a dɔɔ sg. a dɔʋ sg. a dɔɔfɩ pl.

dɔba adverb. at / to the top, in(to) the sky, up(wards); fr: en haut, au ciel; dt: (nach) oben, am / in den Himmel, hinauf.

dɔba local adverb. dɔba dɔba reduplicated local adverb.

dɔba la sɛnɛ hɛɛaa la dombʌ sentence Heaven and earth are far apart.; fr: Le ciel et la terre sont loin.; dt: Der Himmel und die Erde sind weit voneinander entfernt.

a lembəgʌ koŋ yʋ dɔba (dɔba) sentence The bird flew up (and up) into the sky.; fr: L’oiseau a volé en haut (en haut) dans le ciel.; dt: Der Vogel ist (weit) hinaufgeflogen in den Himmel.

dɔba noun. dɔba adverb as noun. sky, heaven; fr: ciel; dt:

Himmel. [Note: This noun does not take the article a.]

dɔba postposition. on (top of), over (the top of); fr: sur, à travers; dt: auf, über.

dɔba temporal adverb. dɔba nɛ temporal adverb.

mə tɩ mə yʋ tas(ʋ) feleŋ mə yʋ dɔba (nɛ) sentence I put my new cap on my head.; fr: J’ai mis mon nouveau képi sur ma tête.; dt: Ich habe meine neue Kappe auf den Kopf gesetzt.

dɔd- noun. cloud; fr: nuage; dt: Wolke. a dɔtɛ sg. a dɔra pl.

dɔf- noun.

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dɔfɩa dɔm

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 35

a dɔfrɛ sg. God; fr: dieu; dt: Gott. [Note: The religions practised by the Koromba are traditional (“animism”), Islam and Christianity. All three are monotheistic.]

a dɔfɩa pl. [Note: This word has the (relatively rare) - ɩa plural form only. * a dɔfa is impossible.]

a dɔfrɛ kesəgʌ [Note: a kesəgʌ does not exist as an independent word, but must mean ‘big’; cf. a domkesəgʌ and a kesem.] N+N compound noun diminutive sg. God almighty (can also be used to swear); fr: le tout puissant seigneur (peut s’utiliser pour jurer); dt: der allmächtige Gott (auch zum Fluchen verwendbar).

a dɔfɩa kesəni N+N compound noun diminutive pl.

dɔfɩa pl. → dɔf-. dɔfrɛ sg. → dɔf-. dɔfrɛ kesəgʌ N+N compound noun diminutive sg. →

dɔf-. dɔgs- verb. jump over, jump and straddle; fr:

sursauter, sauter et enjamber; dt: überspringen, springen so dass (Obj.) zwischen den Beinen ist.

dɔgsəraa future. dɔgsɛ past. dɔgs(ʋ) perfective. dɔgsər(ʋ) imperfective. a dɔgsam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a dɔgsərɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who

jumps over / straddles; fr: q.un qui sursaute / enjambe; dt: jmd. der überspringt.

a dɔgsərəba deverbal agent noun pl. a dɔgsərəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. object

for jumping; skipping rope; fr: objet pour sauter; sautoir, fil à sauter; dt: Gegenstand zum springen; Sprungschnur.

a dɔgsərəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a dɔgsərəga deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. a dɔgsərəfa deverbal local noun. place for

jumping; fr: endroit pour sauter; dt: Platz zum springen.

dɔgsam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → dɔgs-. dɔgsɛ past. → dɔgs-. dɔgsəraa future. → dɔgs-. dɔgsərəba deverbal agent noun pl. → dɔgs-. dɔgsərəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. → dɔgs-. dɔgsərəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → dɔgs-. dɔgsərəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → dɔgs-. dɔgsərɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → dɔgs-. dɔgsər(ʋ) imperfective. → dɔgs-. dɔgs(ʋ) perfective. → dɔgs-. dɔɩ imperfective. → dɔɩ-. dɔɩ- adj.verb. be long; fr: être long; dt: lang sein.

dɔɩfaa future. dɔyaa future. dɔɩ imperfective. [Note: Alternatively the form

dɔɩ could be analysed as a perfective.] dɔɩf(ʋ) imperfective.

a dɔɩ deverbal action noun sg. length, height (e.g. of a person); fr: longueur, hauteur (p. ex. d’une personne); dt: Länge, Höhe, Größe (z.B. eines Menschen).

dɔɩfaa future. → dɔɩ-. dɔɩf(ʋ) imperfective. → dɔɩ-. dɔɩs- verb. become long, lengthen; fr: devenir long,

allonger; dt: lang werden, verlängern. dɔɩsəraa future. dɔɩsɛ past. dɔɩs(ɩ) perfective. dɔɩsər(ɩ) imperfective. a dɔɩsam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a dɔɩsərɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who

becomes longer; someone who lengthens; fr: q.un qui devient plus long; q.un qui allonge; dt: jmd. der länger wird; jmd. der verlängert.

a dɔɩsərəba deverbal agent noun pl. a dɔɩsərəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. thing

which becomes longer (e.g. animal, tree); fr: chose qui devient plus long (p. ex. un animal, un arbre); dt: Ding, das länger wird (z.B. Tier, Baum). [Note: The instrument noun does not seem to have a transitive reading.]

a dɔɩsərəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a dɔɩsərəga deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. a dɔɩsərəfa deverbal local noun. place for

becoming longer / lengthening; fr: endroit pour devenir plus long / allonger; dt: Platz zum länger Werden / Verlängern.

dɔɩsam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → dɔɩs-. dɔɩsɛ past. → dɔɩs-. dɔɩs(ɩ) perfective. → dɔɩs-. dɔɩsəraa future. → dɔɩs-. dɔɩsərəba deverbal agent noun pl. → dɔɩs-. dɔɩsərəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ dɔɩs-. dɔɩsərəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → dɔɩs-. dɔɩsərəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → dɔɩs-. dɔɩsər(ɩ) imperfective. → dɔɩs-. dɔɩsərɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → dɔɩs-. dɔl- noun. pile (e.g. of sand), small hill, rise; fr: tas

(p. ex. de sable), petite colline, élévation; dt: Haufen (z.B. Sand), kleiner Hügel, Anhöhe.

a dɔllɛ sg. a dɔla pl.

dɔllɛ sg. → dɔl-. dɔm adverb. for the moment, as yet; fr: pour le

moment, jusqu’ici; dt: im Moment, bis jetzt. [Note: This adverb is quite distinct from the numeral dɔm ‘one’.]

dɔm temporal adverb. gʋ yisi dɔm sentence That’s enough for now.;

fr: Ça suffit pour le moment.; dt: Das genügt für jetzt.

baa bɛnɛ dɔm sentence They haven’t come yet.; fr: Ils ne sont pas encore venus.; dt: Sie sind noch nicht gekommen.

dɔm perfective. → dɔm-. dɔm attributive cardinal numeral. → dɔm.

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dɔm- dɔɔ

36 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

dɔm- noun. sound, noise; fr: son, bruit; dt: Geräusch, Lärm. [Note: The singular suffix - ɛ (or - ɩ with post-nasal lowering) is irregular. This word is clearly (but not morphologically regularly) related to a dɔmnam ‘hear’. Both may also be related to a dɔmam ‘tap’.]

a dɔmɛ sg. a dɔmfɩ pl.

dɔm- verb. tap (to make a noise); fr: taper (pour faire un bruit); dt: klopfen (um ein Geräusch zu erzeugen).

dɔmmaa future. dɔmɛ past. dɔm perfective. dɔmm / dɔmmʋ imperfective. a dɔmam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a dɔmmɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who hits

(incl. drummer); fr: celui qui bat/tape (y inclus joueur de tambour); dt: jmd. der schlägt (einschl. Trommelspieler).

a dɔmməba deverbal agent noun pl. a dɔmməgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg.

instrument for hitting (incl. drumstick); fr: instrument à battre (y inclus baguette de tambour); dt: Instrument zum Schlagen (einschl. Schlagstock für Trommeln).

a dɔmməhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a dɔmməga deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. a dɔmməfa deverbal local noun. place for

hitting; fr: endroit pour battre; dt: Platz zum Schlagen.

dɔmam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → dɔm-. dɔmɛ sg. → dɔm-. dɔmɛ past. → dɔm-. dɔml- verb. hear, listen to; understand; fr:

entendre, écouter ; comprendre; dt: hören, zuhören; verstehen.

dɔmɔndaa future. dɔmnɛ past. dɔmɔ perfective. dɔmɔnd(ʋ) imperfective. a dɔmnam deverbal action noun sg./mass. n dɔmnɛ Do you understand? (Lit.: Have you

understood?); fr: Tu comprends? (Lit.: Tu as compris?); dt: Hast du verstanden?

a dɔmɔndɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who ...; fr: q.un qui ...; dt: jmd. der am ...

a dɔmɔndəba deverbal agent noun pl. a dɔmɔndəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. thing

which ...; fr: chose ...; dt: Ding, welches ... a dɔmɔndəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a dɔmɔndəga deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. a dɔmɔndəfa deverbal local noun. place where

... takes place; fr: endroit où on ...; dt: Platz, wo man ...

dɔmm imperfective. → dɔm-. dɔmmaa future. → dɔm-. dɔmməba deverbal agent noun pl. → dɔm-.

dɔmməga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg. → dɔm-.

dɔmməgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → dɔm-. dɔmməhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → dɔm-. dɔmmɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → dɔm-. dɔmmʋ imperfective. → dɔm-. dɔmnam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → dɔml-. dɔmnɛ past. → dɔml-. dɔmɔ perfective. → dɔml-. dɔmɔndaa future. → dɔml-. dɔmɔndəba deverbal agent noun pl. → dɔml-. dɔmɔndəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. → dɔml-. dɔmɔndəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → dɔml-. dɔmɔndəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → dɔml-. dɔmɔndɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → dɔml-. dɔmɔnd(ʋ) imperfective. → dɔml-. dɔn- noun. goodness; fr: bonté; dt: Güte.

a dɔnɔm abstract noun sg./mass. dɔŋs- verb. be good / tasty / sweet (to eat); fr: être

bon / doux (à goûter); dt: gut / wohlschmeckend / süß sein (zum Essen). [Note: This verb is clearly an - s derivation from the same source as the verb a dɔndəmɛɩ, but the apparent change of n to ŋ is anomalous and not phonologically motivated.]

dɔŋsəraa future. dɔŋsɛ past. dɔŋs(ʋ) perfective. dɔŋsər(ʋ) imperfective. a dɔŋsam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

mə bɩndɛ dɔŋsrʋ sentence I am happy.; fr: Je suis content.; dt: Ich bin zufrieden.

a dɔŋsərɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who makes others happy; fr: q.un qui fait plaisir aux gens; dt: jmd. der andere glücklich macht.

a dɔŋsərəba deverbal agent noun pl. a dɔŋsərəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. thing

(ingredient) which makes food taste good; fr: chose (ingrédient) qui donne un bon goût à la nourriture; dt: etwas (Zutat), was dem Essen einen guten Geschmack gibt.

a dɔŋsərəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a dɔŋsərəga deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. a dɔŋsərəfa deverbal local noun. place for

preparing food; fr: endroit pour préparer la nourriture; dt: Platz zum Essen Herrichten.

dɔŋsam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → dɔŋs-. dɔŋsɛ past. → dɔŋs-. dɔŋsəraa future. → dɔŋs-. dɔŋsərəba deverbal agent noun pl. → dɔŋs-. dɔŋsərəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. → dɔŋs-. dɔŋsərəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → dɔŋs-. dɔŋsərəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → dɔŋs-. dɔŋsərɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → dɔŋs-. dɔŋsər(ʋ) imperfective. → dɔŋs-. dɔŋs(ʋ) perfective. → dɔŋs-. dɔɔ sg. → dɔ-.

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dɔɔ- dɔm

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 37

dɔɔ- noun. long, high, tall; fr: long, haut, grand (p. ex. pour les humains); dt: lang, hoch, groß (z.B. für Menschen). [Note: The long vowel may be of onomatopoeic origin, or may result from the assimilation of ɔɩ to ɔɔ found occasionally in other words such as gɔɔnɛ < gɔɩnɛ.]

a dɔɔrɛ adjectival noun sg. a dɔɔya adjectival noun pl.

dɔɔ- noun. sacrifice, alms; fr: sacrifice, aumône; dt: Opfer, Almosen. [Note: = Mòoré]

a dɔɔa sg. a dɔɔga sg. a dɔɔfɩ pl.

dɔɔa sg. → dɔɔ-. dɔɔba noun. peasant (recent non-integrated, and

usually poor immigrant), beggar; fr: paysan (immigrant récent non-intégré et assez pauvre), mendiant; dt: Bauer (neuerer, nicht integrierter, meist armer Zuwanderer), Bettler.

a dɔɔba sg. a dɔɔbama pl.

dɔɔga sg. → dɔɔ-. dɔɔm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → dʋ-. dɔɔmdɛ adverb. early, in good time; fr: tôt, à

temps; dt: früh, frühzeitig, rechtzeitig. [Note: This adverb does not in itself mean ‘early in the morning’.]

dɔɔmdɛ temporal adverb. early, in good time; fr: tôt, à temps; dt: früh, frühzeitig, rechtzeitig.

a sɔnɔ dɔɔmdɛ compound temporal adverb. early in the morning; fr: le matin de bonne heure; dt: in der Früh. n yɛŋsɩ dɔɔmdɛ sentence You got up early.; fr:

Tu t’est levé de bonne heure.; dt: Du bist früh aufgestanden.

dɔɔrɛ adjectival noun sg. → dɔɔ-. dɔtɛ sg. → dɔd-. dɔʋ sg. → dɔ-. dɔyaa future. → dɔɩ-. dɔ perfective. → dɔ-. dɔ- verb. dream; fr: rêver; dt: träumen.

dɔnaa future. dɔɛ past. dɔ perfective. dɔn(ɔ) imperfective. a dɔɔm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a dɔɔŋa deverbal action noun diminutive sg.

dream; fr: rêve; dt: Traum. [Note: This is the rare (unique?) case of a diminutive arguably formed from a deverbal action noun. The latter form is the only form of this verb which has a long ɔɔ.]

a dɔnɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who dreams, dreamer; fr: q.un qui rêve, rêveur; dt: jmd. der träumt, Träumer.

a dɔnəba deverbal agent noun pl. a dɔnəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. dream;

fr: rêve; dt: Traum. a dɔnəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a dɔnəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive


a dɔnəfa deverbal local noun. place for dreaming; fr: endroit pour rêver; dt: Platz zum Träumen.

dɔɛ past. → dɔ-. dɔɩ perfective. → dɔɩ-. dɔɩ- noun. tied up bundle of millet (still with stalks);

fr: fagot de mil attaché (toujours avec les tiges); dt: zusammengebundenes Bündel Hirse (noch mit Stängeln). [Note: < a dɔjam ‘tie (up)’]

a dɔɩnɛ sg. a dɔỹã pl.

a nɛn dɔɩnɛ NP+N compound noun sg. fasting, fast; fr: carême; dt: Fasten [Note: In this compound, a dɔɩnɛ has its original meaning ‘tie up’. This compound is also used to refer to the month of Ramadan.]

a nɛn dɔyaʋ NP+N compound noun pl. dɔɩ- verb. join (e.g. 2 pieces of string), tie (up);

make and tie a bundle of millet; fr: attacher (p. ex. 2 ficelles); faire un fagot de mil; dt: verbinden (z.B. 2 Schnüre); ein Hirsebündel machen. [Note: The reversive of this verb is a dɔnɔtam.]

dɔɩnaa future. dɔỹɛ past. dɔɩ perfective. dɔɩn(ɛ) imperfective. a dɔỹãm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a dɔɩnɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who ties

(up); fr: q.un qui attache; dt: jmd. der verbindet.

a dɔɩnəba deverbal agent noun pl. a dɔɩnəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. object

for tying (up), rope; fr: objet pour attacher, corde; dt: Gegenstand zum verbinden, Schnur.

a dɔɩnəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a dɔɩnəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a dɔɩnəfa deverbal local noun. place for tying

(up); fr: endroit pour attacher; dt: Platz zum verbinden.

dɔɩnaa future. → dɔɩ-. dɔɩnəba deverbal agent noun pl. → dɔɩ-. dɔɩnɛ sg. → dɔɩ-. dɔɩn(ɛ) imperfective. → dɔɩ-. dɔɩnəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ dɔɩ-. dɔɩnəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → dɔɩ-. dɔɩnəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → dɔɩ-. dɔɩnɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → dɔɩ-. dɔm numeral. one; alone, only; fr: un(e); seul; dt:

ein(-er,-e,-es); allein, einzig(-er,-e,-es). [Note: Synonymous with dʋfɛ. No ordinal numeral is formed from this word; see a pote ‘first’. Being a numeral, this word prohibits the article a with a compound NP of which it is the second part. The disjunctive numeral ‘one’ is ndom or gadɔm (see below).]

dɔm attributive cardinal numeral.

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dɔm dɔnɔt-

38 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

kɛɔ dɔm NP+N compound noun sg. one woman; fr: une (seule) femme; dt: eine (einzige) Frau [Note: *a kɛɔ dɔm is impossible]

gadɔm disjunctive cardinal numeral. [Note: < ga+dɔm, where ga is the diminutive singular personal pronoun and dɔm the attributive cardinal numeral. (Cf. the prefix ɩ- on the disjunctive cardinal numerals from 2 to 9.) The diminutive is probably used because the Koromba typically count by folding down each finger, starting with the little finger of the left hand. However, ndom is preferred over gadɔm when counting without the aid of fingers.]

dɔm perfective. → dɔm-. dɔm- verb. bite, sting (of insects); fr: mordre,

piquer (pour les insectes); dt: beißen, stechen (für Insekten).

dɔmmaa future. dɔmɛ past. dɔm perfective. dɔmm / dɔmmʋ imperfective. a dɔmam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a dɔmmɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who bites;

fr: q.un qui mord; dt: jmd. der beißt. a dɔmməba deverbal agent noun pl. a dɔmməgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. object

for biting (e.g. false tooth); thing that bites (e.g. insect); fr: objet pour mordre (p. ex. dent artificiel); Chose qui mord (p. ex. insecte); dt: Gegenstand zum Beißen (z.B. künstlicher Zahn); Ding, das beißt (z.B. Insekt).

a dɔmməhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a dɔmməga deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. a dɔmməfa deverbal local noun. place for biting;

bite (e.g. of an insect); fr: endroit pour mordre; morsure (p. ex. d’insecte); dt: Platz zum beißen; Biss (z.B. eines Insekts).

dɔmam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → dɔm-. dɔmɛ past. → dɔm-. dɔmm imperfective. → dɔm-. dɔmmaa future. → dɔm-. dɔmməba deverbal agent noun pl. → dɔm-. dɔmməga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ dɔm-. dɔmməgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → dɔm-. dɔmməhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → dɔm-. dɔmmɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → dɔm-. dɔmmʋ imperfective. → dɔm-. dɔnaa future. → dɔ-. dɔnəba deverbal agent noun pl. → dɔ-. dɔnd- adj.verb. be good / tasty / sweet (to eat); fr:

être bon / doux (à goûter); dt: gut / wohlschmeckend / süß sein (zum Essen). [Note: This verb probably originated as the imperfective stem of dɔn, of which only the abstract noun dɔnɔm remains in present-day Koromfe.]

dɔndaa future. dɔnd(ʋ) imperfective.

dɔnda participial adjective. good; fr: bon; dt: gut. [Note: This is the e shortened future form dɔnda is used participially]

a dɔndəmɛɩ deverbal action noun sg./mass. also: good taste (of some kind of food); fr: aussi: bon goût (d’un plat); dt: guter Geschmack (des Essens). mə bɩndɛ dɔndʋ sentence I am happy. (Lit.: My

heart is sweet.); fr: Je suis content. (Lit.: Mon cœur est doux.); dt: Ich bin zufrieden. (Lit.: Mein Herz ist süß.)

a pɩlaŋ dɔnda NP+participle compound noun sg. (name of a lunar month beginning in December), the good month (i.e. when the first crops ripen), time of the traditional festivity of the Korombʌ; fr: (nom d’un mois lunaire qui commence en décembre), le bon mois (c.à.d. lorsque les premières récoltes mûrissent), temps de la fête traditionnelle des korombʌ; dt: (Name eines Lunarmonats, der im Dezember beginnt), der gute Monat (d.h. als die ersten Feldfrüchte reifen), Zeit des traditionellen Festes der Korombʌ

a (sɔmdɛ) hem dɔnda NP+participle compound noun sg. fizzy drink (coke, etc.) (Lit.: (white man’s) sweet water); fr: boisson gazé, “sucrerie” (Lit.: eau douce (du blanc)); dt: Getränk mit Kohlensäure (Cola, etc.) (Wörtl.: süßes Wasser (des Weißen)) [Note: Here dɔnda is a participial adjective. The element sɔmdɛ is only used for disambiguation, but otherwise omitted.] [Note: This is the normal way to express being happy.]

dɔnd- noun. long shirt (to below the knee) (worn by men); fr: chemise longue, grand boubou (porté par les hommes); dt: langes Hemd (bis unterhalb der Knie) (von Männern getragen).

a dɔndəgʋ sg. dɔndəsʋʋ pl.

dɔnda participial adjective. → dɔnd-. dɔndaa future. → dɔnd-. dɔndəgʋ sg. → dɔnd-. dɔnd(ʋ) imperfective. → dɔnd-. dɔnəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg. →

dɔ-. dɔnəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → dɔ-. dɔnəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → dɔ-. dɔnɔt- verb. detach, untie; fr: détacher, défaire;

dt: losbinden, aufmachen. [Note: This verb is the reversive of a dɔjãm.]

dɔnɔtraa future. dɔnɔtɛ past. dɔnɔt(ʋ) perfective. dɔnɔtr(ʋ) imperfective. a dɔnɔtam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a dɔnɔtrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who

unties; fr: q.un qui détache; dt: jmd. der losbindet.

a dɔnɔtrəba deverbal agent noun pl.

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dɔnɔtam dogt-

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 39

a dɔnɔtrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. something that has been untied; fr: q.chose qui est détaché; dt: etwas, was losgebunden ist.

a dɔnɔtrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a dɔnɔtrəga deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. a dɔnɔtrəfa deverbal local noun. place for

untying; fr: endroit pour détacher; dt: Platz zum losbinden. a nɛn dɔnɔtrɛ NP+N compound noun sg. feast

at the end of Ramadan; fr: fête du jour de Ramadan; dt: Fest am Ende des Ramadans [Note: The word a dɔnɔtrɛ does not exist in isolation. Note that its suffix -dɛ is the same as that of dɔɩnɛ (although the latter is obligatorily nasalized) and a regular (though fairly rare) formation.]

dɔnɔtam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → dɔnɔt-. dɔnɔtɛ past. → dɔnɔt-. dɔnɔtraa future. → dɔnɔt-. dɔnɔtrəba deverbal agent noun pl. → dɔnɔt-. dɔnɔtrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. → dɔnɔt-. dɔnɔtrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → dɔnɔt-. dɔnɔtrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → dɔnɔt-. dɔnɔtrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → dɔnɔt-. dɔnɔtr(ʋ) imperfective. → dɔnɔt-. dɔnɔt(ʋ) perfective. → dɔnɔt-. dɔnɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → dɔ-. dɔn(ɔ) imperfective. → dɔ-. dɔɔm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → dɔ-. dɔɔŋa deverbal action noun diminutive sg. → dɔ-. dɔỹãm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → dɔɩ-. dɔỹɛ past. → dɔɩ-. dobl- verb. trip (up), cause to fall, bring to ground,

wrestle; fr: terrasser, faire tomber, lutter, faire le catch; dt: jm. das Bein stellen, zu Boden bringen, ringen.

dobolʌʌ future. dobəle past. dobo perfective. dobol(u) imperfective. a dobəlʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a dobolo deverbal agent noun sg. victor; fr:

vainqueur; dt: Sieger. a doboləbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. a doboləgu deverbal instrument noun sg. thing

which brings / is brought to ground (e.g. a trap, a lasso laid on the ground to catch an animal; an animal that is brought to ground in this way); fr: objet pour terrasser / chose terrassée (p. ex. une piège, un lasso posé à terre pour attraper un animal; un animal qui es terrassé de cette manière); dt: Gegenstand der zum Sturz bring / etwas, was zu Sturz gebracht wurde (z.B. eine Falle, ein Lasso, das auf den Boden gelegt wird, um ein Tier zu fangen; ein Tier, das auf diese Art zu Boden gebracht wird).

a doboləhe deverbal instrument noun pl.

a doboləgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

a doboləfʌ deverbal local noun. place where one brings to ground; fr: endroit où on terrasse; dt: Platz, wo man zu Boden bringt.

dobəlʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → dobl-. dobəle past. → dobl-. dobo perfective. → dobl-. dobolʌʌ future. → dobl-. doboləbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. → dobl-. doboləgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ dobl-. doboləgu deverbal instrument noun sg. → dobl-. doboləhe deverbal instrument noun pl. → dobl-. dobolo deverbal agent noun sg. → dobl-. dobol(u) imperfective. → dobl-. dogm- verb. cut (anything), slaughter (an animal

by cutting its throat); fr: couper (toute chose), abattre (un animal en l’égorgeant); dt: (irgendetwas) schneiden, (ein Tier durch Hals Abschneiden) schlachten. [Note: a dogəmam and a dogtam are synonymous. There is no simple verb a dogʌm, even though both verbs are clearly derived from a stem dog-.]

dogomʌʌ future. dogəme past. dogom perfective. dogom(õ) imperfective. a dogəmʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a dogomo deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who cuts

/ slaughters, slaughterer; fr: q.un qui coupe / abat, abatteur; dt: jmd. der schneidet / schlachtet, Schlachter.

a dogoməbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. a dogoməgu deverbal instrument noun sg. object

for cutting, knife; fr: objet pour couper, couteau; dt: Gegenstand zum schneiden, Messer.

a dogoməhe deverbal instrument noun pl. a dogoməgʌ deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. a dogoməfʌ deverbal local noun. place for

cutting / slaughtering; slaughterhouse, butchery; fr: endroit pour couper / abattre; abattoir, boucherie; dt: Platz zum schneiden / schlachten; Schlachthaus, Fleischhauerei.

dogəmʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → dogm-.

dogəme past. → dogm-. dogom perfective. → dogm-. dogomʌʌ future. → dogm-. dogoməbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. → dogm-. dogoməgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. → dogm-. dogoməgu deverbal instrument noun sg. → dogm-. dogoməhe deverbal instrument noun pl. → dogm-. dogomo deverbal agent noun sg. → dogm-. dogom(õ) imperfective. → dogm-. dogt- verb. cut (anything), slaughter (an animal by

cutting its throat); fr: couper (toute chose), abattre (un animal en l’égorgeant); dt:

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dogtʌm dolləhe

40 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

(irgendetwas) schneiden, (ein Tier durch Hals Abschneiden) schlachten. [Note: <g> is [g], not [ɣ]. a dogomam and a dogtam are synonymous. There is no simple verb a dogʌm, even though both verbs are clearly derived from a stem dog-.]

dogtrʌʌ future. dogte past. dogt(u) perfective. dogtr(u) imperfective. a dogtʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a dogtro deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who cuts /

slaughters, slaughterer; fr: q.un qui coupe / abat, abatteur; dt: jmd. der schneidet / schlachtet, Schlachter.

a dogtrəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. a dogtrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. object

for cutting, knife; fr: objet pour couper, couteau; dt: Gegenstand zum schneiden, Messer.

a dogtrəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. a dogtrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a dogtrəfʌ deverbal local noun. place for cutting

/ slaughtering; slaughterhouse, butchery; fr: endroit pour couper / abattre; abattoir, boucherie; dt: Platz zum schneiden / schlachten; Schlachthaus, Fleischhauerei.

dogtʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → dogt-. dogte past. → dogt-. dogtrʌʌ future. → dogt-. dogtrəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. → dogt-. dogtrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ dogt-. dogtrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. → dogt-. dogtrəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. → dogt-. dogtro deverbal agent noun sg. → dogt-. dogtr(u) imperfective. → dogt-. dogt(u) perfective. → dogt-. dol perfective. → dol-. dol- noun. vertical beam / rafter (of roof); fr:

poutre vertical (d’un toit); dt: senkrechter Balken (eines Daches). [Note: Cf. also a pɔgʋ ‘horizontal pole’]

a dolo sg. a doləfi pl.

dol- verb. buy, sell, pay for; fr: acheter, vendre, payer; dt: kaufen, verkaufen, bezahlen. [Note: Takes la + NP for the non-subject NP of the transaction. Cf. also a beldʌm. The transaction described by this verb involves the exchange of money; for an exchange of goods alone, a kɩram is used.]

dollʌʌ future. dole past. dol perfective. doll(u) imperfective. a dolʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

mə dol la d a pɛrəgʋ sentence I bought a shirt from him. / I sold a shirt to him.; fr: J’ai acheté une chemise à lui. / Je lui ai vendu

une chemise.; dt: Ich habe von ihm ein Hemd gekauft. / Ich habe ihm ein Hemd verkauft.

a dollo deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who buys / sells, buyer, seller; fr: q.un qui achète / vend, acheteur, vendeur; dt: jmd. der kauft / verkauft, Käufer, Verkäufer.

a dolləbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. a dolləgu deverbal instrument noun sg. object for

selling (e.g. a stand); thing for sale, goods, wares; fr: objet pour vendre (p. ex. une table); chose à vendre, marchandise; dt: Gegenstand zum Verkaufen (z.B. Verkaufsstand); etwas, was verkauft wird, Ware.

a dolləhe deverbal instrument noun pl. a dolləfʌ deverbal local noun. place for buying /

selling; market; fr: endroit pour acheter / vendre; marché; dt: Platz zum kaufen / verkaufen; Markt.

a dolləŋʌ deverbal nomen acti diminutive sg. a dollo deverbal nomen acti sg. a dolləfi deverbal nomen acti pl. goods, wares;

fr: choses à vendre, marchandises; dt: Waren. [Note: This is an unusual formation which I have not found on any other verb.]

dolʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → dol-. dole past. → dol-. doll- verb. put (somewhere above ground level); fr:

poser (q.part plus haut qu’à terre); dt: stellen / legen (auf einen Platz höher als am Boden). [Note: Cf. a konʌm ‘put’ i.e. put anywhere and a dolotʌm, the reversive of this verb.]

dollrʌʌ future. dolle past. doll(u) perfective. dollr(u) imperfective. a dollʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a dollro deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who puts;

fr: q.un qui pose; dt: jmd. der stellt / legt. a dollrəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. a dollrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. object

for putting things on; fr: objet pour poser q.chose; dt: Gegenstand, worauf man etwas stellen / legen kann.

a dollrəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. a dollrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a dollrəfʌ deverbal local noun. place for putting

things; fr: endroit où on pose q.chose; dt: Platz, wo man etwas hinstellen / hinlegen kann.

a dolləmʌũ deverbal nomen acti pl. things that one puts (s.where); fr: choses qu’on pose (q.part); dt: Dinge, die man (irgendwo) hinstellt / hinlegt.

dollʌʌ future. → dol-. dollʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → doll-. dolləbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. → dol-. dolle past. → doll-. dolləfʌ deverbal local noun. → dol-. dolləgu deverbal instrument noun sg. → dol-. dolləhe deverbal instrument noun pl. → dol-.

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dolləŋʌ don-

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 41

dolləŋʌ deverbal nomen acti diminutive sg. → dol-. dollo deverbal agent noun sg. → dol-. dollo deverbal nomen acti sg. → dol-. dollrʌʌ future. → doll-. dollrəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. → doll-. dollrəfʌ deverbal local noun. → doll-. dollrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ doll-. dollrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. → doll-. dollrəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. → doll-. dollro deverbal agent noun sg. → doll-. dollr(u) imperfective. → doll-. doll(u) imperfective. → dol-. doll(u) perfective. → doll-. dolo sg. → dol-. dolot- verb. take (down); fr: prendre (en bas ce qui

est en haut); dt: (herunter)nehmen. [Note: This is the semantically the reversive of a dollʌm ‘put’, though formally that of a dolʌm ‘buy, sell’. The simplification of the double /l/ is unexpected, but there exists no (other) reversive verb with the shape CVllVt-, or with a geminate in the position of the /ll/..]

dolotrʌʌ future. dolote past. dolot(u) perfective. dolotr(u) imperfective. a dolotʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a dolotro deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who takes

down; fr: q.un qui prend en bas; dt: jmd. der herunternimmt.

a dolotrəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. a dolotrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. object

to help take sth. down; fork-lift truck; fr: objet pour prendre q.chose; chariot élévateur; dt: Gegenstand zum herunternehmen; Gabelstapler.

a dolotrəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. a dolotrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. a dolotrəfʌ deverbal local noun. place where

one takes sth. down; fr: endroit où on prend q.chose; dt: Ort, wo man etwas herunternimmt.

a dolotəmʌũ deverbal nomen acti pl. things that are taken down; fr: choses qu’on prend; dt: Dinge, die heruntergenommen werden.

dolotʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → dolot-. dolote past. → dolot-. dolotrʌʌ future. → dolot-. dolotrəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. → dolot-. dolotrəfʌ deverbal local noun. → dolot-. dolotrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ dolot-. dolotrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. → dolot-. dolotrəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. → dolot-. dolotro deverbal agent noun sg. → dolot-. dolotr(u) imperfective. → dolot-. dolot(u) perfective. → dolot-. dom numeral. one (1); five francs CFA; fr: un (1);

cinq francs CFA; dt: eins (1); fünf Francs CFA. [Note: This root only occurs in ndom.]

ndom disjunctive cardinal numeral. pa mɛ ndom sentence Give me 5 (francs CFA).;

fr: Donne-moi 5 (francs CFA); dt: Gib mir 5 (Francs CFA) [Note: This word is synonymous with gadɔm. It cannot be used attributively. This word is preferred over gadɔm in counting. The initial syllabic n could be the 2nd person singular personal pronoun. Cf. also the attributive numerals dɔm and dʋfɛ. In Koromfe, as in many other West African languages in areas where the CFA currency is used, money is counted in multiples of the smallest coin which was originally issued - the 5 franc coin. When speaking about money, the name of the currency is not used, but simply the numerical amount (see the example immediately below).]

dom- noun. snake; fr: serpent; dt: Schlange. a doŋfe singulative. a domi pl. a domkesəgʌ N+N compound noun diminutive

sg. python, boa; fr: python, boa; dt: Python, Boa. [Note: a kesəgʌ does not exist as an independent word, but must mean ‘big’; cf. a kesem and a dɔfrɛ kesəgʌ)]

a domkesəni N+N compound noun diminutive pl. dombʌ pronoun. one another; fr: l’un l’autre; dt:

einander, sich gegenseitig. [Note: This is the plural form of a dono. It can be used as the object of a verb and as a possessive adjective or pronoun.]

dombʌ reciprocal pronoun. dombʌ pl. → don-. domi pl. → dom-. domkesəgʌ N+N compound noun diminutive sg. →

dom-. don- noun. pal, neighbour, person of the same age;

other (of the same kind); fr: camarade, voisin, personne du même âge ; autre (de la même sorte); dt: Kumpel, Nachbar, Gleichaltriger; anderer (der gleichen Art). [Note: The plural of this word, dombʌ, is used as the reciprocal pronoun.]

a dono sg. a dombʌ pl. a dombre denominal abstract quality noun sg.

comradeship (of friends, people of the same age); fr: camaraderie des voisins, des personnes du même âge; dt: Kameraderie (von Freunden, Gleichaltrigen). a yommədono V+N compound noun sg.

comrade, pal, mate; fr: camarade, ami; dt: Kamerad [Note: Cf. a yomʌm ‘follow’.]

a yommədombʌ V+N compound noun pl. a yommədombre V+N compound noun sg.

comradeship (of friends, people of the same age); fr: camaraderie des voisins, des personnes du même âge; dt: Kameraderie (von Freunden, Gleichaltrigen) [Note: This word is derived with the suffix - rɛ from the

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dono dʋɛ

42 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

V+N compound noun a yommədono.] [Note: The presence of /mb/ in this word suggests that it is derived from the plural form of a dono.]

dono sg. → don-. doŋfe singulative. → dom-. doo noun. néré, kind of tree (Parkia biglobosa)

whose dried seeds are used for sumbala; fr: néré, espèce de arbre (Parkia biglobosa) dont les graines séchées sont utilisées pour le soumbala); dt: Néré, Art Baum (Parkia biglobosa), dessen getrockneten Samen für soumbala verwendet werden).

a doo sg. a doofi pl.

a doo varam NP+N compound noun sg./mass néré flour; fr: farine de néré; dt: Nérémehl [Note: This phrase is also used as a nominal adjective for the colour yellow.]

doom deverbal action noun sg./mass. → du-. dʋ perfective. → dʋ-. dʋ- verb. throw; fr: jeter; dt: werfen.

dʋraa future. dʋɛ past. dʋ perfective. dʋr(ʋ) imperfective. a dɔɔm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a dʋrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who throws,

thrower; fr: q.un qui jète, jeteur; dt: jmd. der wirft, Werfer.

a dʋrəba deverbal agent noun pl. a dʋrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. object for

throwing; fr: objet pour jeter; dt: Gegenstand zum Werfen.

a dʋrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a geŋde dʋrəgʋ NP+N compound noun sg.

slingshot, catapult; fr: lance-pierres; dt: Schleuder, Katapult [Note: This word is rare. Normally the corrupted Mòoré a kʋtənlɛɛdga is used.]

a geŋʌ dʋrəhɛ NP+N compound noun sg. a dʋrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a dʋrəfa deverbal local noun. place for throwing;

place for shooting at birds (with a catapult); fr: endroit pour jeter; endroit où on tire sur les oiseaux (avec un lance-pierres); dt: Platz zum werfen; Platz, wo man (mit einem Katapult) auf Vögel schießt.

dʋb- verb. grab (several times or several objects); fr: arracher (plusieurs fois ou plusieurs objets); dt: ergreifen (mehrmals oder mehrere Gegenstände).

dʋbraa future. dʋbɛ past. dʋb(ʋ) perfective. dʋbr(ʋ) imperfective. a dʋbam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a dʋbrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who grabs;

fr: q.un qui arrache; dt: jmd. der ergreift. a dʋbrəba deverbal agent noun pl.

a dʋbrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. object for grabbing; fr: objet pour arracher; dt: Gegenstand zum ergreifen.

a dʋbrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a dʋbrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a dʋbrəfa deverbal local noun. place for

grabbing; fr: endroit pour arracher; dt: Platz zum ergreifen.

a dʋbmaʋ deverbal nomen acti pl. things that are grabbed; fr: ce qui est arraché; dt: Dinge, die ergriffen sind.

dʋbam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → dʋb-. dʋbɛ past. → dʋb-. dʋbraa future. → dʋb-. dʋbrəba deverbal agent noun pl. → dʋb-. dʋbrəfa deverbal local noun. → dʋb-. dʋbrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ dʋb-. dʋbrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → dʋb-. dʋbrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → dʋb-. dʋbrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → dʋb-. dʋbr(ʋ) imperfective. → dʋb-. dʋbt- verb. grab (once, one object); fr: arracher

(une fois, un objet); dt: ergreifen (einmal, einen Gegenstand).

dʋbtraa future. dʋbtɛ past. dʋbt(ʋ) perfective. dʋbtr(ʋ) imperfective. a dʋbtam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a dʋbtrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who grabs;

fr: q.un qui arrache; dt: jmd. der ergreift. a dʋbtrəba deverbal agent noun pl. a dʋbtrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. object

for grabbing; fr: objet pour arracher; dt: Gegenstand zum ergreifen.

a dʋbtrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a dʋbtrəga deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. a dʋbtrəfa deverbal local noun. place for

grabbing; fr: endroit pour arracher; dt: Platz zum ergreifen. [Note: There is no form a dʋbtəmaʋ; instead a dʋbmaʋ from a dʋbam is used.]

dʋbtam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → dʋbt-. dʋbtɛ past. → dʋbt-. dʋbtraa future. → dʋbt-. dʋbtrəba deverbal agent noun pl. → dʋbt-. dʋbtrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ dʋbt-. dʋbtrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → dʋbt-. dʋbtrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → dʋbt-. dʋbtrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → dʋbt-. dʋbtr(ʋ) imperfective. → dʋbt-. dʋbt(ʋ) perfective. → dʋbt-. dʋb(ʋ) perfective. → dʋb-. dʋd- noun.

a dʋtɛ sg. vagina; fr: vagin; dt: Scheide. a dʋra pl.

dʋɛ past. → dʋ-.

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dʋfɛ du-

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 43

dʋfɛ numeral. one; alone, only; fr: un(e); seul; dt: ein(-er,-e,-es); allein, einzig(-er,-e,-es). [Note: Synonymous with dɔm. No ordinal numeral is formed from this word; see a pote ‘first’. Being a numeral, this word prohibits the article a with a compound NP of which it is the second part. The disjunctive numeral ‘one’ is ndom or gadɔm (see below).]

dʋfɛ attributive cardinal numeral. bɔrɔ dʋfɛ NP+N compound noun sg. one man;

fr: un (seule) homme; dt: ein (einziger) Mann [Note: *a bɔrɔ dʋfɛ is impossible]

dʋg- verb. leave, abandon; stop (doing sth.); fr: laisser, abandonner ; s’arrêter (de faire q.chose); dt: lassen, verlassen; aufhören (etwas zu tun).

dʋgəraa future. dʋgɛ past. dʋg(ʋ) perfective. dʋgər(ʋ) imperfective. a dʋgam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

dʋkʋ imperative sentence Stop doing that!; fr: Laisse ça!; dt: Lass das! [Note: < dʋg + gʋ. The geminate /gg/ is regularly realized as [k].]

a dʋgərɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who leaves; s.o. who leaves his/her spouse; fr: q.un qui laisse; q.un qui abandonne son mari /sa femme; dt: jmd. der lässt; jmd. der ihren Mann / seine Frau verlässt.

a dʋgərəba deverbal agent noun pl. a dʋgərəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. object

to be abandoned, rubbish; fr: objet à abandonner, déchets; dt: Gegenstand zum verlassen, Abfall.

a dʋgrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a dʋgrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a dʋgrəfa deverbal local noun. place for

abandoning; waste bin, rubbish tip; fr: endroit pour abandonner; poubelle, dépôt des ordures; dt: Platz zum verlassen; Mistkübel, Müllhalde.

a dʋgmaʋ deverbal nomen acti pl. things that are abandoned; rubbish; fr: ce qui est abandonné; déchets, ordures; dt: Dinge, die verlassen werden; Müll.

dʋgam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → dʋg-. dʋgɛ past. → dʋg-. dʋgəraa future. → dʋg-. dʋgərəba deverbal agent noun pl. → dʋg-. dʋgrəfa deverbal local noun. → dʋg-. dʋgrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ dʋg-. dʋgərəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → dʋg-. dʋgrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → dʋg-. dʋgərɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → dʋg-. dʋgər(ʋ) imperfective. → dʋg-. dʋg(ʋ) perfective. → dʋg-. dʋl- noun. crow; fr: corbeau; dt: Krähe. [Note: =

Mòoré] a dʋləgʋ sg.

a dʋləsʋʋ pl. dʋləgʋ sg. → dʋl-. dʋraa future. → dʋ-. dʋrəba deverbal agent noun pl. → dʋ-. dʋrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg. →

dʋ-. dʋrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → dʋ-. dʋrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → dʋ-. dʋrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → dʋ-. dʋrʋ quantifier.

dʋrʋ indeclinable quantifier. all, every, each, whole; only; fr: tout, entier ; seulement; dt: all(-er,-e,-es), jed(-er,-e,-es), ganz; nur. a kunne dʋrʋ compound noun sg. the whole

village; fr: tout le village; dt: das ganze Dorf a kunʌu dʋrʋ compound noun pl. all the

villages; fr: tous les villages; dt: alle Dörfer bɛnna tãã dʋrʋ la bɛ sentence Only three men

came.; fr: Trois hommes sont venus seulement.; dt: Nur drei Männer sind gekommen.

dʋdʋrʋ [Note: This is the emphatic form of dʋrʋ. Reduplication of the first syllable is rare.] indeclinable quantifier. all, every, each, whole; only; fr: tout, entier ; seulement; dt: all(-er,-e,-es), jed(-er,-e,-es), ganz; nur.

dʋr(ʋ) imperfective. → dʋ-. dʋtɛ sg. → dʋd-. dʋɩ adverb. this year; fr: cette année; dt: dieses

Jahr, heuer. dʋɩ temporal adverb.

dʋm- noun. lion; fr: lion; dt: Löwe. a dʋmdɛ sg. a dʋma pl.

dʋmdɛ sg. → dʋm-. du perfective. → du-. du- verb. wet and mix (banco, e.g. when building);

fr: mouiller et mélanger (banco, p. ex. en construisant); dt: (Banco) nass machen und durchmischen (z.B. beim Bauen). [Note: The process designated by this verb is similar to mixing cement, but with plain earth.]

durʌʌ future. due past. du perfective. dur(u) imperfective. a doom deverbal action noun sg./mass. a duro deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who wets and

mixes; fr: q.un qui mouille et mélange; dt: jmd. der nass macht und mischt.

a durəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. a durəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. object for

mixing; fr: objet pour mélanger; dt: Gegenstand zum Mischen.

a durəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. a durəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a durəfʌ deverbal local noun. place for wetting

and mixing; fr: endroit pour mouiller et mélanger; dt: Platz zum nass machen und mischen.

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dubl- durʌʌ

44 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

dubl- adj.verb. to be heavy; fr: être lourd; dt: schwer sein.

dubolʌʌ future. dubəle past. dubo perfective. dubol(u) imperfective. dubəlʌ participial adjective. heavy; fr: lourd; dt:

schwer. a fo dubəlʌ NP+Participle compound noun sg. a

heavy person; fr: une personne lourde; dt: ein schwerer Mensch

a fʋba dubəlʌ NP+Participle compound noun pl. [Note: This is the shortened future form.]

a duboi abstract noun sg./mass. weight, respect, obedience; fr: poids, respect, obéissance; dt: Gewicht, Respekt, Gehorsam.

dubəlʌ participial adjective. → dubl-. dubəle past. → dubl-. dubo perfective. → dubl-. dubolʌʌ future. → dubl-. dubol(u) imperfective. → dubl-. dubs- verb. respect, obey, be considerate, honour,

admire, congratulate; fr: respecter, obéir, considérer, honorer, admirer, féliciter; dt: respektieren, gehorchen, rücksichtsvoll sein, ehren, verehren, gratulieren. [Note: This verb is derived from the adjectival verb dubl- ‘be heavy’ in the extended sense of ‘be worthy of respect’.]

dubəsərʌʌ future. dubəse past. dubəs(u) perfective. dubəsər(u) imperfective. a dubəsʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. also:

respect, obedience, consideration, honour, admiration, congratulation; fr: aussi: respect, obéissance, considération, honneur, admiration, félicitation; dt: auch: Respekt, Gehorsam, Rücksicht, Ehre, Verehrung, Gratulation.

a dubəsəro deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who respects; polite / respectful / considerate person; fr: q.un qui respecte; personne polie / respectueuse / attentionnée; dt: jmd. der respektiert; höflicher / respektvoller / aufmerksamer Mensch.

a dubəsərəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. a dubəsərəgu deverbal instrument noun sg.

object for respecting (especially a gift given to show respect); fr: objet pour respecter (surtout un cadeau donné pour être respectueux); dt: Gegenstand zum Respektieren (insbes. ein Geschenk, das Respekt bezeugt).

a dubəsərəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. a dubəsərəgʌ deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. a dubəsərəfʌ deverbal local noun. place for

respecting; fr: endroit pour respecter; dt: Platz zum Respektieren.

dubəsʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → dubs-. dubəse past. → dubs-.

dubəsərʌʌ future. → dubs-. dubəsərəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. → dubs-. dubəsərəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. → dubs-. dubəsərəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. →

dubs-. dubəsərəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. →

dubs-. dubəsəro deverbal agent noun sg. → dubs-. dubəsər(u) imperfective. → dubs-. dubəs(u) perfective. → dubs-. due past. → du-. dug- (=/dug/) noun. type, prototype; fr: type,

prototype; dt: Typ, Prototyp. [Note: This word is normally used only in the plural.]

a dugre (=/dug-dɛ/) sg. a dugəfe (=/dug-fɛ/) sg. a dugo / a dugʌ (=/dug-a/) pl. pl. also: race,

strain, people; fr: pl. aussi: espèce, race, ethnie, peuple; dt: pl. auch: Art, Rasse, Ethnie, Volk.

dugəfe sg. (=/dug-fɛ/) → dug-. dugre sg. (=/dug-dɛ/) → dug-. dugs- verb. soap (up), rub (to make lather); fr:

savonner, frotter (pour faire la mousse); dt: einseifen, reiben (um Seifenblasen / Schaum zu erzeugen).

dugəsərʌʌ future. dugəse past. dugəs(u) perfective. dugəsər(u) imperfective. a dugəsʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a dugəsəro deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who

soaps (up); fr: q.un qui savonne; dt: jmd. der einseift.

a dugsərəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. a dugsərəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. object

for soaping (up) (e.g. shaving brush); fr: objet pour savonner (p. ex. une brosse); dt: Gegenstand zum einseifen (z.B. Rasierpinsel).

a dugsərəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. a dugsərəgʌ deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. a dugsərəfʌ deverbal local noun. place for

soaping (up); fr: endroit pour savonner; dt: Platz zum einseifen.

dugəsʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → dugs-. dugəse past. → dugs-. dugəsərʌʌ future. → dugs-. dugsərəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. → dugs-. dugsərəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. → dugs-. dugsərəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. → dugs-. dugsərəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. → dugs-. dugəsəro deverbal agent noun sg. → dugs-. dugəsər(u) imperfective. → dugs-. dugəs(u) perfective. → dugs-. duniʌ noun. world; fr: monde; dt: Welt.

a duniʌ sg. a duniʌfi pl.

durʌʌ future. → du-.

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durəbʌ dũŋgrʌʌ

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 45

durəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. → du-. durəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg. →

du-. durəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. → du-. durəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. → du-. duro deverbal agent noun sg. → du-. dur(u) imperfective. → du-. duud- noun. indigenous violin; fr: violon indigène;

dt: einheimische Violine. [Note: = Mòoré] a duudəgʌ sg. a duudəsuu pl.

duudəgʌ sg. → duud-. dũĩ- noun. shea nut; fr: noix de karité; dt: Shea-

Nuss. a dũĩne sg. a dũỹʌ pl. a dũỹõ pl. [Note: See also a hãmbəga and a

hãmbrɛ ‘shea-nut’.] dũĩne sg. → dũĩ-. dũmb- noun. short / small (piece of); fr: court /

petit morceau; dt: kurz / klein(es Stück von). a dũmbəgʌ diminutive sg. a dũmbəni diminutive pl.

a da dũmbəgʌ N+N compound noun diminutive sg. piece of wood (from any source); fr: morceau de bois (de chaque origine); dt: Stück Holz (von jeder beliebigen Quelle) [Note: da < a dãɩnɛ. This non-suffixed form is interpreted as ‘wood’ generically; a dãɩnɛ is interpreted as a “single piece of wood”.]

a da dũmbəni N+N compound noun diminutive pl.

a dãɩnɛ dumbəgʌ NP+N compound noun diminutive sg.

a dãɩnɛ dumbəni NP+N compound noun diminutive pl. pieces of wood (from one bigger piece); fr: morceaux de bois (venant d’un seule morceau plus grand); dt: Holzstücke (aus einem einzigen größeren Stück)

a dãỹã dũmbəni NP+N compound noun diminutive pl. pieces of wood (from more than one bigger piece); fr: morceaux de bois (venant de plus d’un morceau plus grand); dt: Holzstücke (aus mehr als einem größeren Stück)

dũmbəgʌ diminutive sg. → dũmb-. dũmm- noun. knee; fr: genou; dt: Knie.

a dũmməne sg. a dũmmʌ pl.

dũmməne sg. → dũmm-. dũŋg- verb. carry (a baby or child) on one’s back; fr:

porter (un bébé ou un enfant) au dos; dt: (Baby oder Kind) am Rücken tragen. [Note: This verb is synonymous with a dũŋgəlʌm. Babies / children are normally carried by women or girls, not by men or boys.]

dũŋgrʌʌ future. dũŋge past. dũŋg(u) perfective. dũŋgr(u) imperfective.

a dũŋgʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a dũŋgro deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who is

carrying a child on her back; fr: q.une qui porte un enfant au dos; dt: jmd., der ein Kind am Rücken trägt.

a dũŋgrəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. a dũŋgrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. object

(e.g. cloth) for carrying a child on one’s back; fr: objet (p. ex. étoffe) pour porter un enfant au dos; dt: Gegenstand (z.B. Tuch), mit dem man ein Kind am Rücken zu tragen.

a dũŋgrəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. a dũŋgrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. a dũŋgrəfʌ deverbal local noun. place for

carrying a child on one’s back; fr: endroit pour porter un enfant au dos; dt: Platz wo man ein Kind am Rücken trägt.

dũŋgʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → dũŋg-. dũŋge past. → dũŋg-. dũŋgl- verb. carry (a baby or child) on one’s back;

fr: porter (un bébé ou un enfant) au dos; dt: (Baby oder Kind) am Rücken tragen. [Note: This verb is synonymous with a dũŋgʌm. Babies / children are normally carried by women or girls, not by men or boys.]

dũŋgolʌʌ future. dũŋgəle past. dũŋgo perfective. dũŋgol(u) imperfective. a dũŋgəlʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a dũŋgolo deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who is

carrying a child on her back; fr: q.un qui porte un enfant au dos; dt: jmd. der ein Kind am Rücken trägt.

a dũŋgoləbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. a dũŋgoləgu deverbal instrument noun sg. object

(e.g. cloth) for carrying a child on one’s back; fr: objet (p. ex. étoffe) pour porter un enfant au dos; dt: Gegenstand (z.B. Tuch), mit dem man ein Kind am Rücken zu tragen.

a dũŋgoləhe deverbal instrument noun pl. a dũŋgoləgʌ deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. a dũŋgoləfʌ deverbal local noun. place for

carrying a child on one’s back; fr: endroit pour porter un enfant au dos; dt: Platz wo man ein Kind am Rücken trägt.

dũŋgəlʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → dũŋgl-.

dũŋgəle past. → dũŋgl-. dũŋgo perfective. → dũŋgl-. dũŋgolʌʌ future. → dũŋgl-. dũŋgoləbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. → dũŋgl-. dũŋgoləgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. → dũŋgl-. dũŋgoləgu deverbal instrument noun sg. → dũŋgl-. dũŋgoləhe deverbal instrument noun pl. → dũŋgl-. dũŋgolo deverbal agent noun sg. → dũŋgl-. dũŋgol(u) imperfective. → dũŋgl-. dũŋgrʌʌ future. → dũŋg-.

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dũŋgrəbʌ falaʋ

46 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

dũŋgrəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. → dũŋg-. dũŋgrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ dũŋg-. dũŋgrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. → dũŋg-. dũŋgrəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. → dũŋg-.

dũŋgro deverbal agent noun sg. → dũŋg-. dũŋgr(u) imperfective. → dũŋg-. dũŋg(u) perfective. → dũŋg-. dũỹʌ pl. → dũĩ-.

Ɛ - ɛ -ɛ (=/ɛ/) verb.suffix. past; fr: passé; dt:

Vergangenheit. ɛ / e (=/ɛ/) [Note: This suffix attaches to the

bare stem (=perfective) of verbs and produces the “past” form. This form is also used in real conditional clauses (and there is no word corresponding to “if”). For unreal conditions,

see the suffix -ŋa, which attaches to the imperfective stem.]

-ɛɩ deriv. Adj to N. (=/Ṿɩ/) → -Ṿɩ. -ɛl ?causative. (=/-Ṿl/) → -Ṿl. -ɛm transitive. → -Ṿm. -ɛt reversive. → -Ṿt.

E - e -ei deriv. Adj to N. (=/Ṿɩ/) → -Ṿɩ. -el ?causative. (=/-Ṿl/) → -Ṿl.

-em transitive. → -Ṿm. -et reversive. → -Ṿt.

F - f -f (=/f/) verbal imperfective inflectional suffix.

verbal imperfective inflectional suffix; fr: suffixe flexionnel verbal inaccompli; dt: verbales Flexionssuffix Imperfektiv. [Note: This suffix is sometimes accompanied by truncation of the verb stem.]

fa numeral. nine (9); forty-five francs CFA; fr: neuf (9); quarante-cinq francs CFA; dt: neun (9); fünfundvierzig Francs CFA. [Note: The disjunctive numeral ɩfa is used when counting. When fa is used attributively the prefix ɩ must be dropped and there can be no article a before the qualified noun or noun phrase.]

fa attributive cardinal numeral. ɩfa disjunctive cardinal numeral.

fʋba fa NP+numeral compound noun pl. nine people; fr: neuf gens; dt: neun Menschen [Note: Not *a fʋba fa or *a fʋba ɩfa or *fʋba ɩfa]

kɛna fa la bɛ sentence Nine women have come.; fr: Neuf femmes sont arrivées.; dt: Neun Frauen sind gekommen.

a kɛna bɛŋ ba fa la sentence Those women are nine (in number).; fr: Ces femmes sont

neuf.; dt: Diese Frauen sind neun (an der Zahl). [Note: The disjunctive numeral ɩfa is used when counting. When fa is used attributively the prefix ɩ must be dropped and there can be no article a before the qualified noun or noun phrase.]

a faandɔ ordinal numeral human sg. ninth; fr: neuvième; dt: neunt(-er,-e,-es).

a faandəba ordinal numeral human pl. a faandəgʋ ordinal numeral non-human sg. & pl.

[Note: Non-human ordinal numerals have no plural form; instead the singular is used.]

faaɩ pronoun. everything; fr: tout; dt: alles. [Note: Only used with the verb ŋgo ‘lack’.]

faaɩ quantitative pronoun. faandəba ordinal numeral human pl. → fa. faandɔ ordinal numeral human sg. → fa. falaʋ noun. representative of the chief (a jɔ) and

keso at the new year celebration (a pɩlaŋ dɔnda); fr: représentant du chef (a jɔ) et keso à la fête de la nouvelle année (a pɩlaŋ dɔnda); dt: Vertreter des Chefs (a jɔ) und des keso am Neujahrsfest (a pɩlaŋ dɔnda). [Note: This word

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does not take the article a when referring to the present bearer of this office.]

(a) falaʋ common & proper noun sg. a falaʋma sg.

far- (=/fad/) verb. advance; be the first to; fr: avancer; être le premier qui...; dt: vorgehen; erster sein, der... bebauen, (am Acker) arbeiten.

fataa future. farɛ past. far(ɩ) perfective. fat(ɩ) imperfective. a faram deverbal action noun sg./mass. a fatɔ deverbal agent noun sg. a fatəba deverbal agent noun pl. a fatəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. a fatəhɩ deverbal instrument noun pl. a fatəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a fatəfa deverbal local noun.

faram deverbal action noun sg./mass. → far-. farɛ past. → far-. far(ɩ) perfective. → far-. fataa future. → far-. fatəba deverbal agent noun pl. → far-. fatəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg. →

far-. fatəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → far-. fatəhɩ deverbal instrument noun pl. → far-. fat(ɩ) imperfective. → far-. fatɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → far-. fã past. → fã-. fã perfective. → fã-. fã- verb. scratch (to hurt s.o.); fr: gratter (pour

faire mal à q.un); dt: kratzen (um jm. Weh zu tun).

fãnaa future. fã past. fã perfective. fãnɛ imperfective. a fããm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

a luko fãnaa sentence Cats scratch.; fr: Le chat griffe.; dt: Katzen kratzen.

a fãnɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who scratches; fr: q.un qui gratte; dt: jmd. der kratzt.

a fãnəba deverbal agent noun pl. a fãnəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. object for

scratching; fr: objet pour gratter; dt: Gegenstand zum Kratzen.

a fãnəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a fãnəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a fãnəfa deverbal local noun. place for

scratching; fr: endroit pour gratter; dt: Platz zum Kratzen.

fããm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → fã-. fãɩ noun. porridge; fr: tô; dt: Brei.

a fãɩ sg. a fãɩfɩ pl.

fãɩ gɛla N+N compound noun pl. → gɛl-.

fãɩ gɛllɛ N+N compound noun sg. → gɛl-. fãnaa future. → fã-. fãnəba deverbal agent noun pl. → fã-. fãnɛ imperfective. → fã-. fãnəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg. →

fã-. fãnəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → fã-. fãnəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → fã-. fãnɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → fã-. fʌu adverb. certainly, surely; fr: certainement,

sûrement; dt: gewiss, sicher. [Note: This adverb always occurs at the end of the sentence.]

fʌu sentential adverb. ba bɛllaa fʌu sentence He’s sure to come.; fr: Il

viendra certainement.; dt: Er wird sicher kommen.

-fɛ (=/fɛ/) noun class singulative. singulative; fr: singulatif; dt: Singulativ.

-fɛ singulative. -fe singulative.

fɛb- noun. tree, plant; fr: arbre, plante; dt: Baum, Pflanze.

a fɛkʋ sg. a fɛbɩ pl. a fɛkəŋa diminutive sg.

fɛbɩ pl. → fɛb-. fɛkʋ sg. → fɛb-. fɛl- adj.verb. be narrow/thin; fr: être

étroit/mince/maigre; dt: eng/dünn/schlank sein.

fɛləmaa future. fɛləfaa future. [Note: There is no imperfective

*fɛləf(ʋ)] fɛlɛm imperfective. a fɛləŋa adjectival noun diminutive sg. a fɛləmɛ adjectival noun pl. narrow, thin; fr:

étroit, mince, maigre; dt: eng, dünn, schlank. a bɔrə fɛləŋa N+N compound noun diminutive

sg. a narrow path; fr: un sentier étroit; dt: ein enger Weg

a bɔrə fɛləmɛ N+N compound noun pl. a fɛləmɛɩ deverbal action noun sg./mass.

narrowness, thinness; fr: étroitesse, minceur, maigreur; dt: Enge, Dünnheit, Schlankheit.

fɛlɛm imperfective. → fɛl-. fɛləfaa future. → fɛl-. fɛləmaa future. → fɛl-. fɛləmɛ adjectival noun pl. → fɛl-. fɛləŋa adjectival noun diminutive sg. → fɛl-. fɛr- (=/fɛd/) verb. farm, cultivate, work (in the

fields); fr: cultiver, travailler (au champ); dt: bebauen, (am Acker) arbeiten.

fɛtaa future. fɛrɛ past. fɛr(ɩ) perfective. fɛt(ɩ) imperfective. a fɛram deverbal action noun sg./mass.

a fɛtə y ãʋ V+N compound noun sg. land in the course of being cultivated; fr: terre qu’on

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48 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

est en train de cultiver; dt: Land, das gerade bebaut wird

a fɛtə y ãʋŋa V+N compound noun diminutive sg.

a fɛtɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who cultivates; fr: q.un qui cultive; dt: jmd. der am Acker arbeitet.

a fɛtəba deverbal agent noun pl. a fɛtəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. tool for

cultivating; plant that is cultivated; fr: outil pour cultiver; plante qui es cultivée; dt: Werkzeug für den Ackerbau; Pflanze, die angebaut wird.

a fɛtəhɩ deverbal instrument noun pl. a fɛtəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a fɛtəfa deverbal local noun. place for

cultivating; fr: endroit pour cultiver; dt: Platz, wo angebaut wird.

a fɛrəmaʋ deverbal nomen acti pl. thing that is cultivated; crop (of any kind); fr: ce qui est cultivé; chose cultivable; dt: das, was angebaut wird; anbaufähige Pflanzenart.

fɛram deverbal action noun sg./mass. → fɛr-. fɛrɛ past. → fɛr-. fɛr(ɩ) perfective. → fɛr-. fɛtaa future. → fɛr-. fɛtəba deverbal agent noun pl. → fɛr-. fɛtəfa deverbal local noun. → fɛr-. fɛtəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg. →

fɛr-. fɛtəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → fɛr-. fɛtəhɩ deverbal instrument noun pl. → fɛr-. fɛt(ɩ) imperfective. → fɛr-. fɛtɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → fɛr-. fɛf- defective verb. continue, carry on; fr:

continuer; dt: fortsetzen, weitermachen. fɛfaa future. fɛf(ʋ) imperfective. a fɛfəlɛɩ deverbal action noun sg./mass. also:

continuation, continuity; fr: continuation, continuité; dt: Fortsetzung, Kontinuität.

a fɛfɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who continues, s.o. who is still around; fr: q.un qui continue, q.un qui est toujours là; dt: jmd. der weitermacht, jmd. der noch immer da ist.

a fɛfəba deverbal agent noun pl. a fɛfəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. sth. that is

still around; fr: q.chose qui est toujours là; dt: etwas, was noch immer da ist.

a fɛfəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a fɛfəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg. a fɛfəfa deverbal local noun. place where s.o. is

still around; fr: endroit où q.un est toujours là; dt: Ort, wo jmd. noch immer da ist.

fɛfaa future. → fɛf-. fɛfəba deverbal agent noun pl. → fɛf-. fɛfəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg. →

fɛf-. fɛfəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → fɛf-. fɛfəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → fɛf-.

fɛfəlɛɩ deverbal action noun sg./mass. → fɛf-. fɛfɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → fɛf-. fɛf(ʋ) imperfective. → fɛf-. fɛn- (=/fɛn/) noun. day (of the week); fr: jour (de la

semaine); dt: Tag (der Woche). fɛndɛ (=/fɛn-dɛ/) sg. fɛna (=/fɛn-a/) pl. fɛndɛfɩ (=/fɛn-dɛ-fɩ/) pl.

ase fɛndɛ la yoote sentence What day of the week is it today?; fr: C’est quel jour de la semaine aujourd’hui?; dt: Welcher Wochentag ist heute?

fɛna pl. (=/fɛn-a/) → fɛn-. fɛndɛ adverb. one day; fr: un jour; dt: eines Tages.

fɛndɛ (=/fɛndɛ/) fɛndɛ sg. (=/fɛn-dɛ/) → fɛn-. fɛŋ perfective. → fɛŋ-. fɛŋ- verb. leave over, save (for s.o.); fr: laisser (de

reste), réserver (pour q.un); dt: (einen Rest) übrig lassen, (für jmdn.) aufheben. [Note: This verb us usually used for food which is kept for someone else to eat later.]

fɛŋnaa future. fɛŋɛ past. fɛŋ perfective. fɛŋn(ɛ) imperfective. a fɛŋam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a fɛŋnɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who leaves

over / saves; fr: q.un qui laisse (de reste) / réserve; dt: jmd. der (einen Rest) überlässt / aufhebt.

a fɛŋnəba deverbal agent noun pl. a fɛŋnəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. rest

(kept for someone else); fr: reste (réservé pour q.un d’autre); dt: Rest (der für wen anderen aufgehoben wird).

a fɛŋnəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a fɛŋnəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a fɛŋnəfa deverbal local noun. place where left-

over food is kept; fr: endroit pour garder les restes de nourriture; dt: Platz, wo übergebliebenes Essen aufgehoben wird.

fɛŋam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → fɛŋ-. fɛŋɛ past. → fɛŋ-. fɛŋnaa future. → fɛŋ-. fɛŋnəba deverbal agent noun pl. → fɛŋ-. fɛŋn(ɛ) imperfective. → fɛŋ-. fɛŋnəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ fɛŋ-. fɛŋnəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → fɛŋ-. fɛŋnəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → fɛŋ-. fɛŋnɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → fɛŋ-. fee participial adjective. → fee-. fee- (=/fee/) verb. live, exist; fr: vivre, exister; dt:

leben, existieren. [Note: The imperfective stem has a shortened first vowel.]

fefʌʌ future. fef(u) imperfective. fee participial adjective.

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feelei fɩɩndɔ

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 49

a feelei deverbal action noun sg./mass. life, existence; fr: vie, existence; dt: Leben, Existenz.

a fefo deverbal agent noun sg. living human being; fr: humain vivant; dt: lebender Mensch.

a fefəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. a fefəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. living

thing; fr: chose vivante; dt: lebendes Ding. a fefəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. a fefəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a fefəfʌ deverbal local noun. place where s.o. /

sth. lives; fr: endroit où q.un / q.chose vit; dt: Platz wo jmd. / etwas lebt.

feelei deverbal action noun sg./mass. → fee-. fefʌʌ future. → fee-. fefəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. → fee-. fefəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg. →

fee-. fefəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. → fee-. fefəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. → fee-. fefo deverbal agent noun sg. → fee-. fef(u) imperfective. → fee-. feget- verb. revive, resuscitate; fr: ranimer,

ressusciter; dt: wieder beleben. [Note: There is no word *fegʌm of which this could be the reversive, although clearly this verb is related to fee ‘live’.] [Phon: [g], not [ɣ].]

fegetrʌʌ future. fegete past. feget(i) perfective. fegetr(i) imperfective. a fegetʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a fegetro deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who

revives; fr: q.un qui ranime; dt: jmd. der wieder belebt.

a fegetrəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. a fegetrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. thing

for reanimating (e.g. a sɛɔ); fr: chose pour ranimer (p. ex. a sɛɔ); dt: etwas zum wiederbeleben (z.B. a sɛɔ).

a fegetrəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. a fegetrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. a fegetrəfʌ deverbal local noun. place where

s.o. is reanimated; fr: endroit où on ranime q.un; dt: Platz zum.

fegetʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → feget-. fegete past. → feget-. feget(i) perfective. → feget-. fegetrʌʌ future. → feget-. fegetrəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. → feget-. fegetrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ feget-. fegetrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. → feget-. fegetrəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. → feget-. fegetr(i) imperfective. → feget-. fegetro deverbal agent noun sg. → feget-. fel- adj.noun. new; fr: nouveau, neuf; dt: neu.

a feleŋ adjectival noun sg. a feləŋʌ adjectival noun diminutive sg.

a feləmi adjectival noun pl. felem imperfective. → felm-. feleŋ adjectival noun sg. → fel-. felm- adj.verb. be new; fr: être nouveau / neuf; dt:

neu sein. feləmʌʌ future. felem imperfective. a feləmeĩ abstract quality noun sg. newness; fr:

nouveauté; dt: Neuheit. feləmʌʌ future. → felm-. feləŋʌ adjectival noun diminutive sg. → fel-. ferd- verb. whistle, play a wind instrument (e.g. a

flute); fr: siffler, jouer d’un instrument qui siffle (p. ex. la flûte); dt: pfeifen, ein Blasinstrument spielen (z.B. eine Flöte).

feredʌʌ future. ferəde past. fere perfective. fered(i) imperfective. a ferədʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a feredo deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who

whistles / plays; fr: q.un qui siffle / joue; dt: jmd. der pfeift / spielt.

a feredəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. a feredəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. wind

instrument, flute; fr: instrument qui siffle, flûte; dt: Blasinstrument, Flöte.

a feredəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. a feredəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a feredəfʌ deverbal local noun. place for blowing

/ playing; fr: endroit pour siffler / jouer; dt: Platz zum pfeifen / spielen.

a ferede sg. whistle (e.g. a football referee’s); fr: sifflet (p. ex. de l’arbitre en football); dt: Pfeife (z.B. eines Schiedsrichters beim Fußball). [Note: This form is probably a - dɛ derivation; there is no regular source for the variant with an n.]

a ferende sg. a feredefi pl. a ferendefi pl.

ferədʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → ferd-. ferəde past. → ferd-. fere perfective. → ferd-. feredʌʌ future. → ferd-. feredəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. → ferd-. ferede sg. → ferd-. feredefi pl. → ferd-. feredəfʌ deverbal local noun. → ferd-. feredəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ ferd-. feredəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. → ferd-. feredəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. → ferd-. fered(i) imperfective. → ferd-. feredo deverbal agent noun sg. → ferd-. ferende sg. → ferd-. fɩɩndəba ordinal numeral human pl. → fi. fɩɩndɔ ordinal numeral human sg. → fi.

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fɩl fib-

50 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

fɩl verb. ? start; fr: ? commencer; dt: ? beginnen. [Note: Used with the reversive suffix at in fɩlɛt- ‘finish”.]

fɩlɛt- verb. finish, end, leave; fr: finir, cesser, partir; dt: aus sein, zu Ende gehen, weggehen. [Note: This verb can only be used with the name of a season as its subject. Although it looks morphologically like a reversive, there is no corresponding verb a fɩlam. There are no agent, instrumental or local nouns derived from this verb.]

fɩlɛtraa future. will finish; fɩlɛtɛ (=/fɩl-at-ɛ/) past. finished; fɩlɛtɩ perfective. fɩlɛtrɩ imperfective. a fɩlɛtam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

fɩlɛtɛ past finished. (=/fɩl-at-ɛ/) → fɩlɛt-. fɩlɛtɩ perfective. (=/fɩl-at-ɛ/) → fɩlɛt-. fɩlɛtraa future will finish. → fɩlɛt-. fɩlɛtrɩ imperfective. (=/fɩl-at-ɛ/) → fɩlɛt-. fɩlla- noun. Fula, Fulani; fr: Peul; dt: Ful.

a fɩllaŋa diminutive sg. Fulani (person); fr: (personne) peul; dt: Ful (Mensch).

fɩllanɛ diminutive pl. a fɩllaŋa la bɛ sentence A Fulani has come.; fr:

Un Peul est venu.; dt: Ein Ful ist gekommen. a fɩllan(ɛ) naɩ NP+N compound noun sg. Fulani

cattle; fr: bovins peuls, bovins des Peuls; dt: Ful-Rinder, Rinder der Ful [Note: This type of compound (or the N+N type below) is the only way of expressing ethnic affiliation of non-humans.]

a fɩlla naɩ N+N compound noun sg. Fulani cattle; fr: bovins peuls, bovins des Peuls; dt: Ful Rinder, Rinder der Ful [Note: This type of compound (or the NP+N type above) is the only way of expressing ethnic affiliation of non-humans.] [Note: There is no non-diminutive form of this word.]

a fɩllafɛ singulative. Fulfulde (language); fr: (la langue) Peul; dt: (die Sprache) Fulfulde.

fɩllanɛ diminutive pl. → fɩlla-. fɩllaŋa diminutive sg. → fɩlla-. fɩllɔ noun. traditional celebration of the new year

(in mid December); fr: fête coutumière de la nouvelle année (mi-décembre); dt: traditionelle Feier des neuen Jahres (Mitte Dezember). [Note: Also called a karə pɩlaŋ, actually the name of the traditional month in which a fɩllɔ falls (<a kara ‘dry season’ + a pɩlaŋ ‘moon, month’)]

a fɩllɔ sg. a fɩllɔfɩ pl.

fɩrɛ noun. sun, daytime (vs. night), daylight; fr: soleil, journée (v nuit); dt: Sonne, Tag (vs. Nacht), Tageslicht.

a fɩrɛ sg. a fɩrɛ ha mnɛ NP+N compound noun sg.

sunshine, sunlight; fr: brillance de soleil, lumière de soleil; dt: Sonnenschein, Sonnenlicht

a fɩrɛ sɔɩraa dɔba sentence The sun traverses the sky.; fr: Le soleil traverse le ciel.; dt: Die Sonne überquert den Himmel.

a fɩrɛ selle NP+N compound noun sg. sunlight; fr: (lumière du) soleil; dt: Sonnenlicht

fɩtla noun. lamp (of any kind), candle; fr: lampe (de toute sorte), bougie; dt: Lampe (jeder Art), Kerze.

a fɩtəla sg. a fɩtəlaɩ sg. a fɩtəlafɩ pl. a fɩtəlaɩfɩ pl.

fɩtəla sg. → fɩtla. fɩtəlafɩ pl. → fɩtla. fɩtəlaɩ sg. → fɩtla. fɩtrmagsɩ noun.

a fɩtərəmagəsɩ [Note: Used by older speakers - meaning unclear.] sg. type of lamp; fr: espèce de lampe; dt: Art Lampe.

fi numeral. ten (10); fifty francs CFA; fr: dix (10); cinquante francs CFA; dt: zehn (10); fünfzig Francs CFA.

fi attributive cardinal numeral. — disjunctive cardinal numeral. bɛnna fi la bɛ sentence Ten men have come.; fr:

Dix hommes sont arrivées.; dt: Zehn Männer sind gekommen.

a bɛnna bɛŋ ba fi la sentence Those women are nine (in number).; fr: Ces femmes sont neuf.; dt: Diese Frauen sind neun (an der Zahl). [Note: This word never takes the article a. It also cannot take the prefix ɩ- of the non-attributive (disjunctive) numerals from 2 to 9.]

a fɩɩndɔ ordinal numeral human sg. ninth; fr: neuvième; dt: neunt(-er,-e,-es).

a fɩɩndəba ordinal numeral human pl. a fɩɩndəgʋ ordinal numeral non-human sg. & pl.

[Note: Non-human ordinal numerals have no plural form; instead the singular is used.]

fib- verb. throb; fan, ventilate, air; fr: palpiter ; vanner, ventiler, aérer; dt: pulsieren; fächern, lüften.

fibrʌʌ future. fibroo future. fibe past. fib(u) perfective. fibr(u) imperfective. a fibʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a fibro deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who fans; fr:

q.un qui vanne; dt: jmd. der fächert. a fibrəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. a fibrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. throbbing

noise (e.g. of a passing lorry); fan, ventilator; fr: bruit palpitant (p. ex. d’un véhicule lourd passant) ; van, ventilateur; dt: pulsierendes Geräusch (z.B. eines vorbeifahrenden Lastwagens); Fächer, Ventilator.

a fibrəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. a fibrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun dimin.

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fibʌm fird-

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 51

a fibrəfʌ deverbal local noun. place where a throbbing sound can be heard; well ventilated place; fr: endroit où on entend un bruit palpitant ; endroit bien ventilé; dt: Platz, wo ein pulsierendes Geräusch zu hören ist; gut gelüfteter Platz.

a fibmʌũ deverbal nomen acti pl. good air (after ventilation); fr: air bon (après avoir ventilé); dt: gut Luft (nach dem Lüften). a yɩkʋ koŋ fibru sentence There is a lot of

activity (and noise) in this termite hill.; fr: Il y a beaucoup d’activité (et bruit) dans cette termitière.; dt: Es gibt viel Bewegung (und Geräusch) in diesem Termitenhaufen.

fibʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → fib-. fibe past. → fib-. fibrʌʌ future. → fib-. fibrəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. → fib-. fibrəfʌ deverbal local noun. → fib-. fibrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun dimin. → fib-. fibrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. → fib-. fibrəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. → fib-. fibro deverbal agent noun sg. → fib-. fibroo future. → fib-. fibr(u) imperfective. → fib-. fib(u) perfective. → fib-. field !!! sg. → kɔb-. fig- verb. bury; fr: enterrer; dt: begraben,

eingraben. [Note: [g], not [ɣ]. Cf. the reversive of this verb, a figetʌm ‘dig up’.]

figrʌʌ future. fige past. fig(i) perfective. [Note: fig(i) + gʋ → fiku] figr(i) imperfective. a figʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a figro deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who buries;

fr: q.un qui enterre; dt: jmd. der eingräbt. a figrəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. a figrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg.

instrument for burying; fr: instrument pour enterrer; dt: Instrument zum eingraben.

a figrəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. a figrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a figrəfʌ deverbal local noun. place where sth. is

buried; fr: endroit où on enterre q.chose; dt: Platz, wo etwas eingegraben wird.

figʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → fig-. fige past. → fig-. figet- verb. dig up, unearth; fr: déterrer; dt:

ausgraben. [Note: [g], not [ɣ]] figetrʌʌ future. figete past. figet(i) perfective. figetr(i) imperfective. a figetʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a figetro deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who digs

up; fr: q.un qui déterre; dt: jmd. der ausgräbt. a figetrəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. a figetrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg.

instrument for digging up (typically a zugʌ); fr:

instrument pour déterrer (typiquement a zugʌ); dt: Instrument zum ausgraben (normalerweise a zugʌ).

a figetrəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. a figetrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. a figetrəfʌ deverbal local noun. place where sth.

is dug up; fr: endroit où on déterre q.chose; dt: Platz, wo etwas ausgegraben wird.

figetʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → figet-. figete past. → figet-. figet(i) perfective. → figet-. figetrʌʌ future. → figet-. figetrəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. → figet-. figetrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ figet-. figetrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. → figet-. figetrəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. → figet-. figetr(i) imperfective. → figet-. figetro deverbal agent noun sg. → figet-. fig(i) perfective. → fig-. figrʌʌ future. → fig-. figrəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. → fig-. figrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg. →

fig-. figrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. → fig-. figrəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. → fig-. figr(i) imperfective. → fig-. figro deverbal agent noun sg. → fig-. fill- noun. stick (forked at the bottom for mixing

sauce); fr: bâton (fourchu en bas pour remuer la sauce); dt: Stock (unten verzweigt, mit dem man die Sauce quirlt).

a filləŋʌ diminutive sg. a filləni diminutive pl.

filləŋʌ diminutive sg. → fill-. fird- verb. blow (e.g. the wind), spread over, break

out in (e.g. a rash, measles; flowers); fr: souffler (p. ex. le vent), se déclarer (p. ex. rougeole; fleurs); dt: blasen (z.B. der Wind), sich ausbreiten über, ausbrechen (z.B. Ausschlag, Röteln; Blüten).

firedʌʌ future. firəde past. fire perfective. fired(i) imperfective. a firədʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

a sarʋ koŋ firedʌʌ sentence The wind is blowing (hard).; fr: Le vent souffle (fort).; dt: Der Wind bläst (stark).

a bɔɛ la fire mə kʋlɔ sentence Measles have broken out (on my body).; fr: La rougeole s’est déclaré (à mon corps).; dt: Die Röteln sind (auf meinem Körper) ausgebrochen.

a firedo deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who has broken out in sth.; fr: personne chez laquelle q.chose s’est déclaré; dt: jmd., bei dem etwas ausgebrochen ist.

a firedəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. a firedəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. sth.

(e.g. tree) which has broken out (in blossom);

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firədʌm fɔnnɔ

52 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

fr: q.chose (p. ex. un arbre) qui s’est déclaré (en fleurs); dt: etwas (z.B. ein Baum), was (in Blüten) ausgebrochen ist.

a firedəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. a firedəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a firedəfʌ deverbal local noun. place where

(flowers etc.) have broken out; fr: endroit où (les fleurs etc.) se sont déclarées; dt: Ort, wo (Blumen etc.) ausgebrochen sind.

a firede deverbal nomen acti sg. dust; fr: poussière; dt: Staub.

firədʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → fird-. firəde past. → fird-. fire perfective. → fird-. firedʌʌ future. → fird-. firedəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. → fird-. firedəfʌ deverbal local noun. → fird-. firedəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ fird-. firedəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. → fird-. firedəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. → fird-. fired(i) imperfective. → fird-. firedo deverbal agent noun sg. → fird-. fite noun. flower, blossom, bud; fr: fleur, bourgeon;

dt: Blume, Blüte, Knospe. [Note: This word probably originated as a - dɛ derivation from a root fid- which also underlies the verb fidl-.]

a fite sg. a fitre sg. a firʌ pl.

fite sg. → fite. fitre sg. → fite. fɔr- noun. belly, stomach, abdomen; character; fr:

ventre, estomac, abdomen ; caractère; dt: Bauch, Magen, Abdomen; Charakter.

a fɔrʋ sg. a fɔrəfɩ pl. a fɔrə saa N+N compound noun sg. pregnant

woman (lit. owner of belly); fr: femme enceinte (lit.: possesseur de ventre); dt: schwangere Frau (wörtl.: Bauchbesitzerin).

a fɔrə samma N+N compound noun pl. fɔrə saa N+N compound noun sg. → fɔr-. fɔrəfɩ pl. → fɔr-. fɔrʋ sg. → fɔr-. fɔ- noun. leaf; (bank-)note; fr: feuille; billet

(d’argent); dt: Blatt; (Geld-)schein. a fɔfrɛ singulative. a fɔɔ pl./collective. a fɔfɩ pl.

fɔfrɛ dɔm NP+N compound noun sg. CFA 500 note; fr: billet de CFA 500; dt: CFA 500-schein [Note: Money is counted in units of the smallest denomination. Thus for coins 1=5 CFA and for notes 1=500 CFA]

fɔfrɛ singulative. → fɔ-. fɔn- defective verb. be afraid (of), fear; fr: avoir

peur (de), craindre; dt: Angst haben (vor), befürchten. [Note: This verb has an

unexpected n where the verbs arguably derived from it have ŋ.]

fɔnnaa future. fɔnəfaa future. fɔnnɔ imperfective. fɔnəf(ʋ) imperfective. fɔnna participial adjective. fearful, timid, shy;

[Note: This is the shortened future form, used because this verb has no perfective form.]

a fɔnnɛɩ deverbal action noun sg./mass. fear, timidity, shyness; fr: peur, timidité; dt: Angst, Ängstlichkeit, Scheu, Schüchternheit.

a fɔnəfɩɩ deverbal action noun sg./mass. fear, timidity, shyness; fr: peur, timidité; dt: Angst, Ängstlichkeit, Scheu, Schüchternheit.

a sũndu koŋ fɔnnaa That horse is shy.; fr: Ce cheval est timide.; dt: Dieses Pferd ist scheu. mə fɔnnaa dɩ sentence I am afraid of him.; fr:

J’ai peur de lui.; dt: Ich fürchte mich vor ihm.

a sũndu fɔnna NP+Participle compound noun sg. a shy horse; fr: un cheval timide; dt: ein scheues Pferd

a sũndii fɔnna NP+Participle compound noun pl.

a bɔrɔ fɔnna NP+Participle compound noun sg. a shy man; fr: un homme timide; dt: ein ängstlicher Mann

a bɛnna fɔnna NP+Participle compound noun sg.

a fɔnnɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who is afraid; timid, fearful; fr: q.un qui a peur; timide, peureux; dt: jmd. der Angst hat; schüchtern, ängstlich.

a fɔnnəba deverbal agent noun pl. a fɔnnəŋa deverbal agent noun diminutive pl.

[Note: This form is used primarily for a child who is afraid.]

a fɔnnəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. sth. frightening; fr: q.chose qui fait peur; dt: etwas, was Angst macht.

a fɔnnəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a fɔnnəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a fɔnnəfa deverbal local noun. frightening place;

fr: endroit qui fait peur; dt: Platz, der Angst macht.

fɔnəfaa future. → fɔn-. fɔnəfɩɩ deverbal action noun sg./mass. → fɔn-. fɔnəf(ʋ) imperfective. → fɔn-. fɔnna participial adjective. → fɔn-. fɔnnaa future. → fɔn-. fɔnnəba deverbal agent noun pl. → fɔn-. fɔnnɛɩ deverbal action noun sg./mass. → fɔn-. fɔnnəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ fɔn-. fɔnnəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → fɔn-. fɔnnəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → fɔn-. fɔnnəŋa deverbal agent noun diminutive pl. → fɔn-. fɔnnɔ imperfective. → fɔn-. fɔnnɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → fɔn-.

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fɔŋn- foll-

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 53

fɔŋn- verb. stop working, rest; fr: arrêter le travail, se reposer; dt: aufhören zu arbeiten, sich ausrasten. [Note: Synonymous with a fɔŋɔtam.]

fɔŋɔndaa future. fɔŋnɛ past. fɔŋɔ perfective. fɔŋɔnd(ʋ) imperfective. a fɔŋnam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a fɔŋɔndɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who is

resting; fr: q.un qui se repose; dt: jmd. der sich ausrastet.

a fɔŋɔndəba deverbal agent noun pl. a fɔŋɔndəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. object

for resting (e.g. chair, bed); fr: objet pour se reposer (p. ex. chaise, lit); dt: Gegenstand zum Ausrasten (z.B. Sessel, Bett).

a fɔŋɔndəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a fɔŋɔndəga deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. a fɔŋɔndəfa deverbal local noun. place for

resting; fr: endroit pour se reposer; dt: Platz zum Ausrasten.

fɔŋnam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → fɔŋn-. fɔŋnɛ past. → fɔŋn-. fɔŋɔt- verb. stop working, rest; fr: arrêter le travail,

se reposer; dt: aufhören zu arbeiten, sich ausrasten. [Note: Synonymous with a fɔŋnam. The reversive morphology may indicate that this verb derives from the fɔŋ base of the verb a fɔŋsam ‘frighten’, or be related to the defective verb a fɔnnɛɩ.]

fɔŋɔtraa future. fɔŋɔtɛ past. fɔŋɔt(ʋ) perfective. fɔŋɔtr(ʋ) imperfective. a fɔŋɔtam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a fɔŋɔtrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who is

resting; fr: q.un qui se repose; dt: jmd. der sich ausrastet.

a fɔŋɔtrəba deverbal agent noun pl. a fɔŋɔtrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. object

for resting; fr: objet pour se reposer; dt: Gegenstand zum Ausrasten.

a fɔŋɔtrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a fɔŋɔtrəga deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. a fɔŋɔtrəfa deverbal local noun. place for

resting; fr: endroit pour se reposer; dt: Platz zum Ausrasten.

fɔŋɔtam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → fɔŋɔt-. fɔŋɔtɛ past. → fɔŋɔt-. fɔŋɔtraa future. → fɔŋɔt-. fɔŋɔtrəba deverbal agent noun pl. → fɔŋɔt-. fɔŋɔtrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ fɔŋɔt-. fɔŋɔtrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → fɔŋɔt-. fɔŋɔtrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → fɔŋɔt-. fɔŋɔtrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → fɔŋɔt-. fɔŋɔtr(ʋ) imperfective. → fɔŋɔt-. fɔŋɔt(ʋ) perfective. → fɔŋɔt-. fɔŋɔ perfective. → fɔŋn-.

fɔŋɔndaa future. → fɔŋn-. fɔŋɔndəba deverbal agent noun pl. → fɔŋn-. fɔŋɔndəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. → fɔŋn-. fɔŋɔndəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → fɔŋn-. fɔŋɔndəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → fɔŋn-. fɔŋɔndɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → fɔŋn-. fɔŋɔnd(ʋ) imperfective. → fɔŋn-. fɔŋs- verb. frighten; fr: faire peur (à); dt:

schrecken, Angst machen. fɔŋsəraa future. fɔŋsɛ past. fɔŋs(ʋ) perfective. fɔŋsər(ʋ) imperfective. a fɔŋsam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a fɔŋsərɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who

frightens (other people); fr: q.un qui fait peur (aux autres); dt: jmd. der (anderen) Angst macht.

a fɔŋsərəba deverbal agent noun pl. a fɔŋsərəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. thing

(e.g. animal) that frightens (people); fr: chose (p. ex. animal) qui fait peur (aux gens); dt: Ding (z.B. Tier), das (Menschen) Angst macht.

a fɔŋsərəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a fɔŋsərəga deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. a fɔŋsərəfa deverbal local noun. place that

frightens (people); fr: endroit qui fait peur (aux gens); dt: Ort, der (Menschen) Angst macht.

fɔŋsam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → fɔŋs-. fɔŋsɛ past. → fɔŋs-. fɔŋsəraa future. → fɔŋs-. fɔŋsərəba deverbal agent noun pl. → fɔŋs-. fɔŋsərəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ fɔŋs-. fɔŋsərəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → fɔŋs-. fɔŋsərəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → fɔŋs-. fɔŋsərɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → fɔŋs-. fɔŋsər(ʋ) imperfective. → fɔŋs-. fɔŋs(ʋ) perfective. → fɔŋs-. fɔɔ pl./collective. → fɔ-. fo noun. person, human (being), someone, (pl.)

people; fr: personne, humain, quelqu’un, (pl.) gens; dt: Mensch, Person, jemand, (pl.) Leute.

a fo sg. a fʋba [Note: Irregular change of vowel quality

(incl. ATR class) in the plural] pl. fo past. → fu-. fog- noun. sweat, perspiration; fr: sueur,

transpiration; dt: Schweiß. a fogre sg. a fogiʌ pl.

a fogre la wɔfə mɛ sentence I’m feeling hot (and sweaty).; fr: J’ai chaud (et je transpire).; dt: Mir ist heiß (und schwitzig). [Note: The plural means ‘a lot of sweat’.]

fogre sg. → fog-. foll- noun. friend; fr: ami; dt: Freund. [Note: There

is no verb like * a folʌm from which this could be an agent noun.]

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folləbʌ fʋsrɛ

54 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

a follo sg. a folləbʌ pl. a follre abstract quality noun sg. friendship; fr:

amitié; dt: Freundschaft. folləbʌ pl. → foll-. follo sg. → foll-. foom deverbal action noun sg./mass. → fu-. for- verb. pound millet (to remove the chaff); fr:

piler le mil (pour enlever le son); dt: Hirse stampfen (um die Spreu zu entfernen).

fotʌʌ future. fore past. for(u) perfective. fot(u) imperfective. a foru deverbal action noun sg./mass. a forʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a foto deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who pounds;

fr: q.un qui pile; dt: jmd. der stampft. a fotəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. a fotəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. millet

that is being pounded; fr: mil qu’on pile; dt: Hirse, die gestampft wird.

a fotəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. a fotəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a fotəfʌ deverbal local noun. place for pounding;

fr: endroit pour piler; dt: Platz zum Stampfen. forʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → for-. fore past. → for-. foru deverbal action noun sg./mass. → for-. for(u) perfective. → for-. fotʌʌ future. → for-. fotəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. → for-. fotəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg. →

for-. fotəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. → for-. fotəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. → for-. foto deverbal agent noun sg. → for-. fot(u) imperfective. → for-. fʋr- noun. medicine man’s sacred storehouse; fr:

maison sacré du chef de terre; dt: heiliges Lagerhaus des Medizinmanns. [Note: This is a single small house in the medicine man’s compound where sacred objects are stored. When a new chief is elected, he must spend one week in this house before he is allowed to go home. Cf. a vɩrɛ ‘chief’s sacred storehouse’.]

a fʋrəgʋ sg. a fʋrɩɩ pl.

fʋr- noun. antelope, gazelle (with horns); fr: antilope, gazelle (à cornes); dt: Antilope, Gazelle (mit Hörnern).

a fʋrʋ sg. a fʋrɩɩ pl.

fʋrəgʋ sg. → fʋr-. fʋrmaãnd- noun. kind of bush; fr: espèce de

arbuste; dt: Art Strauch. [Note: This word could originate in a compound of a fʋrʋ ‘antelope’ and a mãnam ‘be used to’. Antelopes eat the leaves of this bush. However, this

provides no explanation for the long vowel and the d.]

a fʋrəmaãndəga sg. a fʋrəmaãndɩɩ pl. [Note: Mòoré: wiləmwiigʌ, pl.

wiləmwiisi.] fʋrəma ãndəga sg. → fʋrmaãnd-. fʋrʋ sg. → fʋr-. fʋs- verb. breathe, blow, inflate, blow up, rekindle

(by blowing); sweat, perspire; fr: respirer, souffler, enfler d’air, rallumer (en soufflant); transpirer; dt: atmen, blasen, aufblasen, anfachen (durch Blasen); schwitzen.

fʋsraa future. fʋsɛ past. fʋs(ʋ) perfective. fʋsr(ʋ) imperfective. a fʋsam deverbal action noun sg./mass. also:

exhaust (of an internal combustion engine); fr: aussi: échappement (d’un engin à combustion interne); dt: auch: Auspuff (eines Verbrennungsmotors).

a fʋsrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who moves / inflates / rekindles / sweats; fr: q.un qui bouge / enfle / rallume / transpire; dt: jmd. der bewegt / aufbläst / anfacht / schwitzt.

a fʋsrəba deverbal agent noun pl. a fʋsrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. artificial

respirator; air pump (e.g. of a bicycle); lung; instrument for rekindling (typically: traditional blacksmith’s bellows); fr: respirateur ; pompe d’air (p. ex. pompe de vélo) ; poumon ; instrument pour rallumer (typiquement: souffle traditionnel du forgeron; dt: Beatmungsgerät; Luftpumpe (z.B. eines Fahrrads); Lunge; Instrument zum anfachen (normalerweise: traditioneller Blasbalg des Schmiedes).

a fʋsrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a fʋsrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a fʋsrəfa deverbal local noun. place where one

inflates (e.g. tyres at a filling station); place where fire is rekindled; sweaty weather; fr: endroit où on enfle (p. ex. les pneus à la station d’essence) ; endroit où on rallume le feu; climat à transpirer; dt: Platz wo man aufbläst (z.B. die Reifen an einer Tankstelle); Platz, wo man das Feuer wieder anfacht; schwitziges Wetter. [Note: The meaning ‘sweaty weather’ shows that deverbal local nouns, just like the word a tike ‘place, weather’, also refer to climatic conditions.]

a fʋsrɛ deverbal nomen acti sg. (single) breath, (pl.) breath, breathing; fr: (seule) respiration, (pl.) respiration; dt: Atemzug, (pl.) Atem, Atmung.

a fʋsa deverbal nomen acti pl. fʋsam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → fʋs-. fʋsɛ past. → fʋs-. fʋsraa future. → fʋs-. fʋsrəba deverbal agent noun pl. → fʋs-. fʋsrɛ deverbal nomen acti sg. → fʋs-.

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fʋsrɛ ga

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 55

fʋsrɛ deverbal action noun sg. → fus-. fʋsrəfa deverbal local noun. → fʋs-. fʋsrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ fʋs-. fʋsrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → fʋs-. fʋsrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → fʋs-. fʋsrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → fʋs-. fʋsr(ʋ) imperfective. → fʋs-. fʋs(ʋ) perfective. → fʋs-. fu perfective. → fu-. fu- verb. pull, drag along the ground; fr: tirer,

traîner à terre; dt: am Boden ziehen. furʌʌ future. fo past. fu perfective. fur(u) imperfective. a foom deverbal action noun sg./mass. a furo deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who drags; fr:

q.un qui traîne; dt: jmd. der zieht. a furəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. a furəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. thing

that is dragged; fr: chose traînée; dt: Ding, das gezogen wird.

a furəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. a furəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a furəfʌ deverbal local noun. place where sth. is

dragged; fr: endroit où on traîne q.chose; dt: Stelle, wo etwas gezogen wird.

a furo (=/fu-d-ɔ/) deverbal nomen acti sg. trail (e.g. of a snake, of writing in sand); fr: trace (p. ex. d’un serpent, de l’écriture en sable); dt: Spur (z.B. einer Schlange, des Schreibens im Sand). [Note: This derivation, if such it is, producing nouns of the -ʋ/-fɩ and -ʋ/-ɩɩ class from the imperfective stem, is rare.]

a furəfi deverbal nomen acti pl. a furii deverbal nomen acti pl.

furʌʌ future. → fu-. furəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. → fu-. furəfʌ deverbal local noun. → fu-. furəfi deverbal nomen acti pl. (=/fu-d-ɔ/) → fu-. furəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg. →

fu-. furəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. → fu-. furəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. → fu-. furo deverbal agent noun sg. → fu-. furo deverbal nomen acti sg. (=/fu-d-ɔ/) → fu-. fur(u) imperfective. → fu-. fus- verb. move, leave one’s position, retreat (a

short distance); cause to move (etc.); fr: bouger, quitter sa place, reculer (quelques

pas); faire bouger (etc.); dt: sich bewegen, seinen Platz verlassen, sich (einige Schritte) zurückziehen. [Note: Used only for short distances. Leaving town would demand a gondʌm.]

fusrʌʌ future. fuse past. fus(u) perfective. fusr(u) imperfective. a fusʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

a mobilli la bɛnɛ la mə fuse (a) bɔrə dɔba sentence A car came along and I left the (surface of the) road.; fr: Une voiture est venue et j’ai quitté (la surface de la) rue.; dt: Ein Auto ist gekommen und ich habe die (Oberfläche der) Straße verlassen.

a fusro deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who moves; fr: q.un qui bouge; q.un qui fait bouger; dt: jmd. der (sich) bewegt.

a fusrəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. a fusrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. sth.

that is moved (e.g. a stone removed from the road); tool for moving things; fr: objet qui bouge (p. ex. une pierre qu’on déplace de la rue); outil pour faire bouger; dt: Gegenstand, der bewegt wird (z.B. ein Stein, den man von der Straße entfernt); Werkzeug zum Bewegen.

a fusrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun pl. a fusrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a fusrəfʌ deverbal local noun. place where sth.

moves; fr: endroit où q.chose bouge; dt: Platz, wo sich etwas bewegt.

a fusəmʌũ deverbal nomen acti pl. things that are moved; fr: ce qui bouge; dt: Dinge, die bewegt werden.

a fʋsrɛ deverbal action noun sg. air, breathing; fr: air, respiration; dt: Luft, Atmung.

a fʋsa deverbal action noun pl. fusʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → fus-. fuse past. → fus-. fusəmʌũ deverbal nomen acti pl. → fus-. fusrʌʌ future. → fus-. fusrəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. → fus-. fusrəfʌ deverbal local noun. → fus-. fusrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun pl. → fus-. fusrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ fus-. fusrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. → fus-. fusro deverbal agent noun sg. → fus-. fusr(u) imperfective. → fus-. fus(u) perfective. → fus-.

G - g ga pronoun / possessive adjective.

ga proclitic personal pronoun subject. — postclitic personal pronoun object (direct or indirect).

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— proclitic possessive adjective 3rd person sg. diminutive. he, she, it; his, her, its; him, her; fr: ça, il, elle; son/sa/ses; le, la (diminutif); dt: es, er, sie; sein, ihr (3.sg.); ihn, ihm (diminutiv). a beləŋʌ kɛŋ tamsə ga wakɩrɩ sentence That

child has lost his/her/its coin.; fr: Cet enfant a perdu sa pièce de monnaie.; dt: Dieses Kind hat sein Geldstück verloren.

ga kommu sentence He/she/it is crying.; fr: Il pleure.; dt: Es weint [Note: This form is either prefixed to a verb or a noun phrase, or suffixed to a verb; it cannot stand alone (e.g. as the elliptical answer to a question). As the prefix of a verb, it is the subject pronoun, on a noun phrase it is the “possessor”, and as a suffix on a verb it is the (direct or indirect) object. The vowel of this pronoun is lexical and is therefore (in contrast with some other pronouns) never omitted. Diminutives can be human or non-human, but must be of smaller-than-normal size (usually some non-fully-grown instance of something).]

gakɔ strong personal pronoun (subject or object) 3rd person sg. diminutive. — strong possessive adjective 3rd person sg. diminutive. he, she, it, him, her; his, her, hers; fr: il, elle, ça, le, la, son/sa/ses, le/la/les sien(ne)(s); dt: er, sie (3.sg.), es, ihn, ihm, ihr (3.sg.); sein(,-er,-e,-es), ihr(,-er,-e,-es) (3.sg.). a beləŋʌ kɛŋ tamsə gakɔ wakɩrɩ sentence That

child has lost his/her/its coin.; fr: Cet enfant a perdu sa pièce de monnaie.; dt: Dieses Kind hat sein Geldstück verloren.

gakɔ kommu sentence He/she/it is crying.; fr: Il pleure.; dt: Es weint. [Note: This form of the pronoun indicates some kind of “emphasis”, but this can be so minimal that in practice the disjunctive form can always be used in place of a clitic pronoun. It never undergoes any phonological reduction or expansion. It can stand in the normal (preverbal) subject or (postverbal) object positions, and can also be used as the elliptical answer to a question. As with all disjunctive pronouns, it is formed with the proclitic prefix version of the pronoun and the invariant stem-like element kɔ. The expected negative pronoun form corresponding to ga ought to be gaa. But this form is used as the negative version of gʋ, and not as the negative of ga.]

-ga (=/ga/) noun class diminutive singular. diminutive singular; fr: diminutif singulier; dt: Diminutiv Singular.

-ga ncl.dimin.sg. -gʌ ncl.dimin.sg.

gaa- noun. saddle; fr: selle; dt: Sattel. [Note: = Mòoré]

a gaarɩ sg. a gaaya pl.

gaabʋ noun. power, force; fr: force; dt: Kraft. a gaabʋ sg.

a gaabə saa NP+N compound noun sg. s.o. with drive, s.o. who gets things done; fr: q.un avec persévérance, q.un qui achève des résultats; dt: jmd. mit Power, jmd., der Ergebnisse erzielt

a gaabə samma NP+N compound noun pl. gaarɩ sg. → gaa-. gab- noun. knife (of any kind), sword, dagger; fr:

couteau (de toute sorte), épée, poignard; dt: Messer (jeder Art), Schwert, Dolch.

a gabrɛ sg. a gaba pl. a gabka diminutive sg. small knife; fr: petit

couteau; dt: kleines Messer. a gabənɛ diminutive pl.

gaba pl. → gab-. gabka diminutive sg. → gab-. gabrɛ sg. → gab-. gabt- noun. aubergine, egg plant; fr: aubergine; dt:

Melanzani. a gabtrɛ sg. a gabtəfɛ singulative. a gabta pl.

gabtəfɛ singulative. → gabt-. gabtrɛ sg. → gabt-. gafa noun. book; fr: livre; dt: Buch. [Note: Probably

from Arabic.] a gafa sg. a gafafɩ pl.

gafag noun. decoration for the flanks of a horse; fr: décoration des cotés d’un cheval; dt: Schmuck für die Flanken eines Pferdes. [Note: = Mòoré]

a gafaka sg. a gafagsʋʋ pl.

gafaka sg. → gafag. gaga past. → gagn-. gagandaa future. → gagn-. gagandəba deverbal agent noun pl. → gagn-. gagandəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. → gagn-. gagandəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → gagn-. gagandəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → gagn-. gagand(ɩ) imperfective. → gagn-. gagandɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → gagn-. ga-gɩllɛ reflexive pronoun 3rd person diminutive

sg. → gɩllɛ. gagn- (=/gag-Ṿl -/) verb. cry (noisily) and talk

(aggressively); fr: pleurer (en faisant du bruit) et parler (agressivement); dt: (laut) weinen und (aggressiv) sprechen. [Note: This verb has the nasal variant of the -Vl suffixoid, even though there is no source of nasality in its stem gag-.]

gagandaa future. gagənɛ past. gaga past. gagən(ɩ) perfective. gagand(ɩ) imperfective. a gagənam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

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gagənam gar-

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 57

a gagandɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who ...; fr: q.un qui ...; dt: jmd. der ...

a gagandəba deverbal agent noun pl. a gagandəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. thing

(e.g. bird) which ...; fr: chose (p. ex. oiseau) qui ...; dt: etwas (z.B. Vogel), was ...

a gagandəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a gagandəga deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. a gagandəfa deverbal local noun. place where

one ...; fr: endroit où on ...; dt: Platz, wo man ...

gagənam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → gagn-. gagənɛ past. → gagn-. gagən(ɩ) perfective. → gagn-. gal perfective. → gal-. gal- verb. swim, play in water; have a lot of sth.; fr:

nager, s’amuser dans l’eau; avoir beaucoup de q.chose; dt: schwimmen, sich im Wasser unterhalten; viel von etwas haben.

gallaa future. galɛ past. gal perfective. gall(ɩ) imperfective. a galam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

də gal a manɛ pɔtʋ sentence He is swimming in money.; fr: Il nage dans l’argent.; dt: Er schwimmt in Geld.

a gallɔ deverbal agent noun sg. swimmer; someone who has a lot; fr: nageur; q.un qui a beaucoup; dt: jmd. der.

a galləba deverbal agent noun pl. a galləgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. object for

swimming (e.g. lifejacket, lifebelt, ring, wings, flippers); fr: objet pour nager (p. ex. gilet de sauvetage, bouée de sauvetage, bouée de natation, brassard, flippers); dt: Gegenstand zum schwimmen (z.B. Rettungsweste, Rettungsring, Schwimmring, Schwimmflügel, Flipper).

a galləhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a galləga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a galləfa deverbal local noun. place for

swimming; fr: endroit pour nager; dt: Platz zum Schwimmen.

galam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → gal-. galɛ past. → gal-. gallaa future. → gal-. galləba deverbal agent noun pl. → gal-. galləga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg. →

gal-. galləgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → gal-. galləhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → gal-. gall(ɩ) imperfective. → gal-. gallɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → gal-. gams- verb. take a stride, step; fr: faire un pas; dt:

einen Schritt machen, schreiten. gamsəraa future. gamsɛ past. gams(ʋ) perfective.

gamsər(ʋ) imperfective. a gamsam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a gamsərɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who

takes a stride; fr: q.un qui fait un pas; dt: jmd. der einen Schritt macht.

a gamsərəba deverbal agent noun pl. a gamsərəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg.

obstacle (that needs to be stepped over); fr: obstacle (où on doit faire un pas pour le traverser); dt: Hindernis (über welches man einen Schritt machen muss).

a gamsərəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a gamsərəga deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. a gamsərəfa deverbal local noun. place where

one takes a stride; fr: endroit où on fait un pas; dt: Stelle, wo man einen Schritt macht.

a gamsəmaʋ deverbal nomen acti pl. places that one has already stepped across; fr: lieux qu’on a déjà traversé en faisant des pas; dt: Stellen, über die man schon geschritten ist.

a gamsərɛ deverbal nomen acti sg. step, pace; fr: pas; dt: Schritt.

a gamsa deverbal nomen acti pl. a gamsaʋ deverbal nomen acti pl.

gamsa deverbal nomen acti pl. → gams-. gamsam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → gams-. gamsɛ past. → gams-. gamsəma ʋ deverbal nomen acti pl. → gams-. gamsəraa future. → gams-. gamsərəba deverbal agent noun pl. → gams-. gamsərɛ deverbal nomen acti sg. → gams-. gamsərəfa deverbal local noun. → gams-. gamsərəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. → gams-. gamsərəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → gams-. gamsərəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → gams-. gamsərɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → gams-. gamsər(ʋ) imperfective. → gams-. gams(ʋ) perfective. → gams-. gar- noun. indigo; fr: indigo; dt: Indigo. [Note:

Similar to Mòoré garəgandɛ. This plant used to dye traditional clothes. Resulting colour: blue to black (depending on additives)]

a garəfɛ singulative. a gara pl.

gar- noun. inner courtyard (of a compound); fr: cour (intérieure) d’une concession; dt: Innenhof (eines Hofes).

a gatɛ sg. a gara pl.

gar- verb. cook in a particular way (stirring) (e.g. couscous, fonio); fr: cuire d’une façon particulière (en remuant) (p. ex. couscous, fonio); dt: auf eine besondere Art kochen (umrührend) (z.B. Couscous, Foniohirse).

gataa future. garɛ past. gar(ɩ) perfective. gat(ɩ) imperfective. a garam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

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garam gãnat-

58 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

a gatɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who ...; fr: q.un qui ...; dt: jmd. der ...

a gatəba deverbal agent noun pl. a gatəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. object

(e.g. stick) for stirring; fr: objet (p. ex. bois) pour remuer; dt: Gegenstand (z.B. Stock) zum Umrühren.

a gatəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a gatəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a gatəfa deverbal local noun. place for ...; fr:

endroit pour ...; dt: Platz zum ... garam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → gar-. garɛ past. → gar-. garəfɛ singulative. → gar-. gar(ɩ) perfective. → gar-. gars- noun. couscous; fr: couscous; dt: Couscous.

garsgʋ sg. gas- noun. baobab leaf; fr: feuille de baobab; dt:

Affenbrotbaumblatt, Baobabblatt. a gasəga diminutive sg. a gasənɛ diminutive pl.

a gasəga dammɛ NP+N compound noun sg. sauce of baobab leaves; fr: sauce de feuilles de baobab; dt: Affenbrotbaumblattsauce [Note: Because of its gooey consistency, this sauce is also called a mɛrəgʋ dammɛ ‘cold sauce, snot sauce’.] [Note: The singular can be used generically, as in the compound a gasəga dammɛ ‘baobab-leaf sauce’.]

gasəga diminutive sg. → gas-. gataa future. → gar-. gatəba deverbal agent noun pl. → gar-. gatɛ sg. → gar-. gatəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg. →

gar-. gatəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → gar-. gatəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → gar-. gat(ɩ) imperfective. → gar-. gatəŋgar- noun. kind of spider; fr: espèce

d’araignée; dt: Art Spinne. [Note: = Mòoré] a gatəŋgarəga diminutive sg. a gatəŋgarəsʋʋ pl.

gatəŋgarəga diminutive sg. → gatəŋgar-. gatɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → gar-. gãmb- noun. special kind of bag (e.g. into which

the wife’s belongings are put at a wedding); fr: sac spécial (p. ex. dans lequel on met les affaires de la femme à l’occasion d’un mariage); dt: besondere Art von Tasche (in welche die Sachen der Frau bei der Hochzeit hineingegeben werden). [Note: = Mòoré]

a gãmbrɩ sg. a gãmba pl.

gãmbrɩ sg. → gãmb-. gãn perfective. → gãn-. gãn- verb. bandage, wrap, pack; fr: bander,

emballer; dt: verbinden, einwickeln, verpacken. gãnnaa future. gãtaa future.

gãnɛ past. gãn perfective. gãnn(ɛ) imperfective. gãt(ɩ) imperfective. a gãnam deverbal action noun sg./mass. also:

bandage (N); fr: aussi: bandage; dt: auch: Verband.

a gãnʋ deverbal action noun sg. mə yʋ ganɛ sentence I have a big problem.

(Lit.: My head is bandaged.); fr: J’ai un grand problème. (Lit.: Ma tête est bandée.); dt: Ich habe ein großes Problem. (Wörtl.: Mein Kopf ist eingewickelt.)

a ỹʋ gãn NP+N compound noun sg. (person with a) big problem; fr: (personne qui a un) grand problème; dt: (jmd., der ein) großes Problem (hat) [Note: Here the active verb form is interpreted passively.]

a gãnnɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who bandages; fr: q.un qui bande; dt: jmd. der verbindet.

a gãnnəba deverbal agent noun pl. a gãnnəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. object

for bandaging (e.g. strip of cloth); fr: objet pour bander (p. ex. bande d’étoffe); dt: Gegenstand zum verbinden (z.B. Stoffstreifen).

a gãnnəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a gãnnəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a gãnnəfa deverbal local noun. place for

bandaging; wrapping counter (in a store); fr: endroit pour bander; comptoir à emballer (dans un magasin); dt: Platz zum verbinden; Verpackungstisch (in einem Kaufhaus).

a gãnəmaʋ deverbal nomen acti pl. bandages; fr: bandes; dt: Verbände.

gãnam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → gãn-. gãnam perfective. → gãnm-. gãnamaa future. → gãnm-. gãnamba deverbal agent noun pl. → gãnm-. gãnaməga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. → gãnm-. gãnaməgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → gãnm-. gãnaməhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → gãnm-. gãnamɔ imperfective. → gãnm-. gãnamɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → gãnm-. gãnat- verb. undo something which is

wrapped/bandaged, take down/off; fr: défaire q.chose qui est bandé, décroître, dérouler; dt: etwas Gewickeltes abwickeln, abmontieren. [Note: This is the reversive of a gãnam.]

gãnatraa future. gãnatɛ past. gãnat(ɩ) perfective. gãnatr(ɩ) a gãnatam deverbal action noun sg. a gãnatrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who

undoes; fr: q.un qui défait; dt: jmd. der abwickelt.

a gãnatrəba deverbal agent noun pl.

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gãnatam gãŋgl-

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 59

a gãnatrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. object for undoing; fr: objet pour défaire; dt: Gegenstand zum abwickeln. [Note: This word is well formed, but no plausible scenario has yet been found where it would be used.]

a gãnatrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a gãnatrəga deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. a gãnatrəfa deverbal local noun. place for

undoing; fr: endroit pour défaire; dt: Platz zum Abwickeln.

gãnatam deverbal action noun sg. → gãnat-. gãnatɛ past. → gãnat-. gãnat(ɩ) perfective. → gãnat-. gãnatraa future. → gãnat-. gãnatrəba deverbal agent noun pl. → gãnat-. gãnatrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. → gãnat-. gãnatrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. →

gãnat-. gãnatrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → gãnat-. gãnatr(ɩ) perfective. → gãnat-. gãnatrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → gãnat-. gãnɛ past. → gãn-. gãnm- verb. make a turban; fr: enturbanner,

bander (un turban); dt: ein Turban binden. gãnamaa future. gãnəmɛ past. gãnam perfective. gãnamɔ imperfective. a gãnəmam deverbal action noun sg. a gãnamɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who

makes a turban; fr: q.un qui enturbanne; dt: jmd. der ein Turban bindet.

a gãnamba deverbal agent noun pl. a gãnaməgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. object

(cloth) for making a turban; fr: objet (étoffe) pour enturbanner; dt: Gegenstand (Stoff), mit dem man ein Turban macht.

a gãnaməhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a gãnaməga deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. a gãnaməfa deverbal local noun. place where

one makes a turban; fr: endroit où on enturbanne; dt: Platz zum Turban Machen.

gãnəmam deverbal action noun sg. → gãnm-. gãnəmɛ past. → gãnm-. gãnnaa future. → gãn-. gãnnəba deverbal agent noun pl. → gãn-. gãnn(ɛ) imperfective. → gãn-. gãnnəfa deverbal local noun. → gãn-. gãnnəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ gãn-. gãnnəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → gãn-. gãnnəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → gãn-. gãnnɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → gãn-. gãnʋ deverbal action noun sg. → gãn-. gãŋ perfective. → gaŋ-. gãŋ- verb. refuse (to do sth.); fr: refuser (de faire

q.chose); dt: sich weigern (etwas zu tun). [Note: Synonymous with a gãŋgəlam.]

gãŋənaa future. gãŋɛ past. gãŋ perfective. gãŋənɛ imperfective. a gãŋam deverbal action noun sg.

a sũndu kɔɛ koŋ gãŋ sentence The horse refused.; fr: Le cheval a refusé.; dt: Das Pferd hat sich geweigert.

a fo gãŋ NP+Participle compound noun sg. person who refuses (to do what he is asked); fr: personne qui refuse (de faire ce qu’on lui demande); dt: jmd. der sich weigert (das zu tun, worum man ihn bittet)

a fʋba gaŋma NP+Participle compound noun pl. [Note: The form gãŋma is a unique and its origin unknown.]

a gãŋənɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who refuses; fr: q.un qui refuse; dt: jmd. der sich weigert.

a gãŋənəba deverbal agent noun pl. a gãŋənəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. thing

(e.g. animal) that refuses; fr: chose (p. ex. animal) qui refuse; dt: Ding (z.B. Tier), das sich weigert.

a gãŋənəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a gãŋənəga deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. a gãŋənəfa deverbal local noun. place where

s.o. / sth. refuses; fr: endroit où q.un/q.chose refuse; dt: Platz, wo jmd./etwas sich weigert.

gãŋam deverbal action noun sg. → gãŋ-. gãŋɛ past. → gãŋ-. gãŋga perfective. → gãŋgl-. gãŋgalaa future. → gãŋgl-. gãŋgaləba deverbal agent noun pl. → gãŋgl-. gãŋgaləga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. → gãŋgl-. gãŋgaləgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → gãŋgl-. gãŋgaləhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → gãŋgl-. gãŋgal(ɩ) imperfective. → gãŋgl-. gãŋgalɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → gãŋgl-. gãŋgl- verb. refuse (to do sth.); fr: refuser (de faire

q.chose); dt: sich weigern (etwas zu tun). [Note: Synonymous with a gãŋam. The presence of the second g in this verb and its absence in a gãŋam is anomalous.]

gãŋgalaa future. gãŋgəlɛ past. gãŋga perfective. gãŋgal(ɩ) imperfective. a gãŋgəlam deverbal action noun sg. a gãŋgalɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who

refuses; fr: q.un qui refuse; dt: jmd. der sich weigert.

a gãŋgaləba deverbal agent noun pl. a gãŋgaləgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. thing

(e.g. animal) that refuses; fr: chose (p. ex. animal) qui refuse; dt: Ding (z.B. Tier), das sich weigert.

a gãŋgaləhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl.

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gãŋgəlam gɛb-

60 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

a gãŋgaləga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

a gãŋgaləfa deverbal local noun. place where s.o. / sth. refuses; fr: endroit où q.un/q.chose refuse; dt: Platz, wo jmd./etwas sich weigert.

gãŋgəlam deverbal action noun sg. → gãŋgl-. gãŋgəlɛ past. → gãŋgl-. gãŋənaa future. → gãŋ-. gãŋənəba deverbal agent noun pl. → gãŋ-. gãŋənɛ imperfective. → gãŋ-. gãŋənəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ gãŋ-. gãŋənəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → gãŋ-. gãŋənəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → gãŋ-. gãŋənɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → gãŋ-. gãtaa future. → gãn-. gãt(ɩ) imperfective. → gãn-. gʌb- verb. knock/hit with the head, butt (e.g. bulls,

goats), head (in football); fr: cogner avec la tête, téter (p. ex. bœuf, chèvre), téter (en football); dt: mit dem Kopf schlagen, mit dem Kopf stoßen (z.B. Stier, Ziege), köpfeln (beim Fußball).

gʌbrʌʌ future. gʌbe past. gʌb(u) perfective. gʌbr(u) imperfective. a gʌbʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a gʌbro deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who ...; fr:

q.un qui ...; dt: jmd. der ... a gʌbrəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. a gʌbrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. thing

(e.g. animal) that ...; fr: chose (p. ex. animal) qui ...; dt: Ding (z.B. Tier), das ...

a nagfɛ gʌbrəgu a bull that likes to butt (people); fr: un bœuf qui aime cogner (les gens); dt: ein Stier, der (die Leute) gern mit dem Kopf stößt.

a naɩ gʌbrəhe a gʌbrəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. a gʌbrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a gʌbrəfʌ deverbal local noun. place for ...; fr:

endroit pour ...; dt: Platz zum ... gʌbʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → gʌb-. gʌbe past. → gʌb-. gʌbrʌʌ future. → gʌb-. gʌbrəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. → gʌb-. gʌbrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ gʌb-. gʌbrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. → gʌb-. gʌbrəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. → gʌb-. gʌbro deverbal agent noun sg. → gʌb-. gʌbr(u) imperfective. → gʌb-. gʌb(u) perfective. → gʌb-. gʌr- verb. burp, belch; ruminate; fr: roter; ruminer;

dt: rülpsen; wiederkäuen. gʌtʌʌ future. gʌre past. gʌr(i) perfective. gʌt(i) imperfective.

a gʌrʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a gʌto deverbal agent noun sg. burper, belcher;

fr: roteur; dt: Rülpser. a gʌtəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. a gʌtəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. thing

(animal) that ruminates; fr: chose (animal) qui rumine; dt: Ding (Tier) das wiederkäut.

a gʌtəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. a gʌtəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a gʌtəfʌ deverbal local noun. place for ...; fr:

endroit pour ...; dt: Platz zum ... gʌrʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → gʌr-. gʌre past. → gʌr-. gʌr(i) perfective. → gʌr-. gʌtʌʌ future. → gʌr-. gʌtəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. → gʌr-. gʌtəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg. →

gʌr-. gʌtəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. → gʌr-. gʌtəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. → gʌr-. gʌt(i) imperfective. → gʌr-. gʌto deverbal agent noun sg. → gʌr-. gʌmbu noun. gate of a compound or area of

compounds (inhabited by one family); fr: porte d’une concession ou d’un quartier (d’une famille); dt: Tor zu einem Hof oder Ortsteil (einer einzigen Familie).

a gʌmbu sg. a gʌmbufi pl.

a gʌmbu nɛnɛ NP+N compound noun sg. entrance to a courtyard/area; fr: entrée d’une concession / d’un quartier; dt: Eingang zu einem Hof/Ortsteil

a gʌmbu nɛỹã NP+N compound noun pl. [Note: For the plural a gʌmbu nɛjã ‘entrances to compounds’ is preferred. There is no plural form like * a gʌmbii.]

gʌnd- noun. large pot (for water); fr: jarre (pour l’eau); dt: großer Topf (für Wasser).

a gʌndu sg. a gʌndii pl.

gʌndu sg. → gʌnd-. gɛb- verb. pound incompletely to make a gɛbrɛ; fr:

écraser grossièrement pour faire a gɛbrɛ; dt: unvollständig zerstampfen um a gɛbrɛ zu machen. [Note: This verb contrasts with a nɔmam ‘pound completely’.]

gɛbraa future. gɛbɛ past. gɛb(ʋ) perfective. gɛbr(ʋ) imperfective. a gɛbam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a gɛbrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who ...; fr:

q.un qui ...; dt: jmd. der ... a gɛbrəba deverbal agent noun pl. a gɛbrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. object

for ..., millstone (large or small); fr: objet pour ..., meule (grand ou petit); dt: Gegenstand zum ..., Mühlstein (groß oder klein).

a gɛbrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl.

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gɛbam gelləhe

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 61

a gɛbrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

a gɛbrəfa deverbal local noun. place for ..., millstone (large or small); fr: endroit pour ..., meule (grand ou petit); dt: Platz zum ..., Mühlstein (groß oder klein).

a gɛbrɛ deverbal nomen acti sg. kind of millet flour (not completely pounded on millstone); fr: espèce de farine de mil (incomplètement écrasé à la meule); dt: Art Hirsemehl (am Mühlstein unvollständig gestampft).

gɛbɩa deverbal nomen acti pl. supplies (e.g. for a journey); fr: provisions (p. ex. pour un voyage); dt: Proviant (z.B. für eine Reise). a gɛbrɛ hem NP+N compound noun sg./mass

kind of traditional millet water made from a gɛkʋ; fr: espèce d’eau de mil traditionnel préparée avec a gɛkʋ; dt: Art traditionelles Hirsewasser (zubereitet aus a gɛkʋ) [Note: synonymous with a gɛkʋ hem] [Note: Plural forms of deverbal - dɛ nomina acti are rare.]

a gɛkʋ (=/gɛb-gʋ/) deverbal nomen acti sg. a gɛkʋ hem NP+N compound noun sg./mass

kind of traditional millet water made from a gɛkʋ; fr: espèce d’eau de mil traditionnel préparée avec a gɛkʋ; dt: Art traditionelles Hirsewasser zubereitet aus a gɛkʋ [Note: Synonymous with a gɛbrɛ hem.] [Note: This word has no plural form and is a rare formation (with /-gʋ/ suffixed to the perfective rather than the imperfective stem.] [Phon: [k] results from /b+g/.]

gɛbam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → gɛb-. gɛbɛ past. → gɛb-. gɛbɩa deverbal nomen acti pl. → gɛb-. gɛbraa future. → gɛb-. gɛbrəba deverbal agent noun pl. → gɛb-. gɛbrɛ deverbal nomen acti sg. → gɛb-. gɛbrəfa deverbal local noun. → gɛb-. gɛbrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ gɛb-. gɛbrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → gɛb-. gɛbrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → gɛb-. gɛbrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → gɛb-. gɛbr(ʋ) imperfective. → gɛb-. gɛb(ʋ) perfective. → gɛb-. gɛl- noun. piece (of sth. malleable); fr: morceau (de

q.chose de déformable); dt: Stück (von etwas Verformbarem), Klumpen.

a gɛllɛ sg. a gɛla pl. a fãɩ gɛllɛ N+N compound noun sg. piece of

porridge; fr: morceau de tô; dt: Stück Brei. a fãɩ gɛla N+N compound noun pl. a bɛn gɛllɛ N+N compound noun sg. piece of shit;

fr: morceau de merde; dt: Stück Scheiße. a bɛn gɛla N+N compound noun pl.

gɛla pl. → gɛl-. gɛlgoobe noun. region (proper name), north; fr:

région (nom propre), nord; dt: Gegend (Eigenname), Norden.

gɛləgoobe proper noun sg. mə yaka gɛləgoobe hiĩ sentence I’m going to

the north.; fr: Je vais vers le nord.; dt: Ich gehe nach Norden. [Note: This word does not take the article a. The direction “north” is calculated from Pobé-Mengao, the capital of Lorom.]

gɛllɛ sg. → gɛl-. gɛnd- noun. spindle (for spinning cotton); fr:

quenouille (pour faire le fil de coton); dt: Spindel (um Baumwolle zu spinnen).

a gɛndrɛ sg. a gɛndaʋ pl.

gɛndrɛ sg. → gɛnd-. gɛnɛ noun. kind of traditional dance (with calabash

drums and one male singer); fr: espèce de danse traditionnelle (avec les tambours de calebasse et un chanteur mâle); dt: Art traditioneller Tanz (mit Trommeln aus Kalebassen und einem männlichen Sänger).

a gɛnɛ sg. a gɛnɛma pl. a gɛnɛfɩ pl. [Note: This dance is obligatorily

performed at the new year celebration and at the funeral of one of the village dignitaries: a jɔ, keso, falaʋ, a sɛndɛ sa.]

gɛnɛma pl. → gɛnɛ. gel perfective. (=/gel/) → gel-. gel- verb. know, recognize; fr: savoir, connaître,

reconnaître; dt: wissen, kennen, erkennen. gellʌʌ (=/gel-d-aa/) future. gele (=/gel-ɛ/) past. gel (=/gel/) perfective. gelli (=/gel-d/) imperfective. a gelʌm (=/gel-am/) deverbal action noun

sg./mass. a gello deverbal agent noun sg. knowledgeable,

wise; fr: savant, sage; dt: wissend, weise. a gelləbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. a gelləgu deverbal instrument noun sg.

something one would like to know; fr: q.chose qu’on voudrait savoir; dt: etwas, was man gern wissen möchte.

a gelləhe deverbal instrument noun pl. a gelləgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a gelləfʌ deverbal local noun. place / time at

which one knew sth.; fr: endroit / temps où on a connu q.chose; dt: Ort / Zeit, wo man etwas gekannt hat.

gelʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. (=/gel-am/) → gel-.

gele past. (=/gel-ɛ/) → gel-. gellʌʌ future. (=/gel-d-aa/) → gel-. gelləbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. (=/gel-am/) → gel-. gelləgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

(=/gel-am/) → gel-. gelləgu deverbal instrument noun sg. (=/gel-am/)

→ gel-. gelləhe deverbal instrument noun pl. (=/gel-am/) →


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gelli gɩllɛ

62 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

gelli imperfective. (=/gel-d/) → gel-. gello deverbal agent noun sg. (=/gel-am/) → gel-. geŋ- noun. stone, pebble; bullet; fr: pierre, caillou;

balle; dt: Stein, Kieselstein; Kugel. [Note: Stones in the area where the Koromba live are generally red sandstone and therefore very soft; but there are also granite outcrops and other sources of harder stones. Traditionally stones (filed to shape) were used as bullets and referred to with this word.]

a geŋde sg. a geŋʌ pl. a geŋ satɛ N+N compound noun sg. red stone

(which is not durable); fr: pierre rouge (qui n’est pas forte); dt: roter Stein (der nicht stark ist). [Note: sãtɛ is Mòoré. The NP+N compound a geŋde sɔmdɛ can be used instead of this compound noun.]

a geŋ sara N+N compound noun pl. a geŋde pɔnɔŋ NP+N compound noun sg. white

stone; flint; fr: caillou blanc; pierre à feu; dt: weißer Stein; Feuerstein

a geŋʌ pɔnɩʌ NP+N compound noun pl. geŋ satɛ N+N compound noun sg. → geŋ-. geŋʌ pl. → geŋ-. geŋde sg. → geŋ-. ger- noun. forked stick (as used e.g. by shepherds);

drumstick (bent, to play tamtam held under one’s armpit); fr: bâton fourchu (comme celui d’un berger) ; baguette (courbée, pour jouer du tamtam qui est tenu sous l’aisselle); dt: verzweigter Stock (wie der eines Hirten); Trommelstock (gebogen, um Tamtam unter der Achsel zu spielen). [Note: The fork of a gete is smaller than that of a da jɩbrɛ, and the whole stick is much thinner and lighter.]

a gete sg. a gerʌ pl.

gese noun. group of threads (in weaving); fr: groupe fils de la trame (tissage); dt: Gruppe von Fäden (beim Weben). [Note: These are the longitudinal threads which are tied together and placed several meters (up to 100) away from the loom, usually weighted down with a large stone. There is no singulative of this word to refer to a single thread. The plural refers to more than one group of threads (with one group per loom).]

a gese sg. a gesefi pl.

gete sg. → ger-. gɩb- noun. hatchet, axe; fr: hache; dt: Axt.

a gɩbrɛ sg. a gɩba pl. a gɩbka diminutive sg. small hatchet, small axe;

fr: hachette; dt: kleine Axt. a gɩbənɛ diminutive pl.

gɩba pl. → gɩb-. gɩbka diminutive sg. → gɩb-. gɩbrɛ sg. → gɩb-.

gɩgaa- noun. vulture; fr: charognard; dt: Geier. [Phon: Both /g/’s are [g], not [ɣ].]

a gɩgaarɛ sg. a gɩgaaya pl.

gɩgaarɛ sg. → gɩgaa-. gɩll- verb. intercept (e.g. s.o. who is about to leave),

hold up, prevent, forbid; fr: intercepter (p. ex. qu’un qui veut partir), retenir, empêcher, interdire; dt: abfangen (z.B. jmdn., der abreisen will), zurückhalten, verhindern, verbieten.

gɩllraa future. gɩllɛ past. gɩll(ɩ) perfective. gɩllr(ɩ) imperfective. a gɩllam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

a bulle koŋ gɩll a hem dʋrʋ sentence That dam has held up all the water.; fr: Ce barrage a arrêté toute l’eau.; dt: Dieser Staudamm hat das ganze Wasser zurückgehalten.

a gɩllrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. thief, bandit (lit.: holder-up); man who “catches” women; fr: voleur, brigand (de route); homme qui “attrape” les femmes; dt: Dieb, (Straßen)Räuber; Mann, der Frauen “fängt”.

a gɩllrəba deverbal agent noun pl. a gɩllrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. object

for ...; dam; fr: objet pour ...; barrage; dt: Gegenstand zum ...; Staudamm.

a gɩllrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a gɩllrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a bããdɛɩ gɩllrəgʋ NP+N compound noun sg. a bããdɛɩ gɩllrəhɛ NP+N compound noun pl.

condom (lit: illness-holder-up); fr: préservatif (lit.: empêcheur de maladie); dt: Kondom (wörtl.: Verhinderer von Krankheit)

a gɩllrəfa deverbal local noun. place for ..., dam; fr: endroit pour ..., barrage; dt: Platz zum ..., Staudamm.

gɩllam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → gɩll-. gɩllɛ reflexive pronoun. -self; fr: se, soi-même; dt:

sich, sich selbst, selbst. [Note: This word has no separate plural form such as * gɩla; gɩllɛ is used in both singular and plural reflexives. An “emphatic” form of each of the following reflexive pronouns can be formed using the strong/disjunctive pronouns (e.g. məkɔ-gɩllɛ).]

mə-gɩllɛ reflexive pronoun 1st person sg. myself; fr: me, moi-même; dt: mich, mich selbst, selbst.

ŋ-gɩllɛ reflexive pronoun 2nd person sg. yourself (sg.); fr: te, toi-même; dt: dich, dich selbst, selbst.

də-gɩllɛ reflexive pronoun 3rd person human sg. himself, herself; fr: se, lui-même, elle-même; dt: sich, sich selbst (sg.), selbst.

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gɩllɛ gilʌm

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 63

gʋ-gɩllɛ reflexive pronoun 3rd person non-human sg. itself; fr: se, lui-même, elle-même; dt: sich, sich selbst (sg.), selbst.

ga-gɩllɛ reflexive pronoun 3rd person diminutive sg. himself, herself, itself; fr: se, lui-même, elle-même; dt: sich, sich selbst (sg.), selbst.

ʋ-gɩllɛ reflexive pronoun 1st person pl. ourselves; fr: nous, nous-mêmes; dt: uns, uns selbst, selbst.

na-gɩllɛ reflexive pronoun 2nd person pl. yourselves; fr: vous, vous-mêmes; dt: euch, euch selbst, selbst.

ba-gɩllɛ reflexive pronoun 3rd person human pl. themselves; fr: se, eux-mêmes, elles-mêmes; dt: sich, sich selbst, selbst (pl.).

ɩ-gɩllɛ reflexive pronoun 3rd person non-human pl. themselves; fr: se, eux-mêmes, elles-mêmes; dt: sich, sich selbst, selbst (pl.). ba da ba-gɩllɛ sentence They saved their skins.

(lit.: gained themselves); fr: Ils se sont sauvés. (lit.: gagnés); dt: Sie haben sich die Haut gerettet. (wörtlich: sie haben sich selbst gewonnen)

gɩllɛ-nɛ adverb. therefore, for that reason; fr: donc, pour cette raison; dt: daher, deshalb, deswegen.

kɔ-gɩllɛ adverb. therefore, for that reason; fr: donc, pour cette raison; dt: daher, deshalb, deswegen.

kɔ-gɩllɛ-nɛ adverb. therefore, for that reason; fr: donc, pour cette raison; dt: daher, deshalb, deswegen.

gɩllɛ past. → gɩll-. gɩllɛ-nɛ adverb. → gɩllɛ. gɩll(ɩ) perfective. → gɩll-. gɩllraa future. → gɩll-. gɩllrəba deverbal agent noun pl. → gɩll-. gɩllrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ gɩll-. gɩllrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → gɩll-. gɩllrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → gɩll-. gɩllr(ɩ) imperfective. → gɩll-. gɩllrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → gɩll-. gɩr- verb. judge; fr: juger; dt: richten.

gɩtaa future. gɩtɛ past. gɩr(ɩ) perfective. gɩt(ɩ) imperfective. a gɩram deverbal action noun sg./mass. also:

trial, judgement; fr: aussi : procès, jugement; dt: auch: Prozess, Urteil. [Note: Only a gɩrʋ is used for an ongoing trial; both a gɩram and a gɩrʋ can be used to refer to a trial after the event.]

a gɩrʋʋ deverbal action noun sg. also: trial, judgement; fr: aussi : procès, jugement; dt: auch: Prozess, Urteil. [Note: The lengthened ʋʋ is unusual / unique.]

a gɩrʋfɩ deverbal action noun pl.

a gɩtɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who judges, judge; fr: q.un qui juge, juge; dt: jmd. der richtet, Richter.

a gɩtəba deverbal agent noun pl. a gɩtəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. case (to

be tried); fr: cas (à juger); dt: Gerichtsfall. a gɩtəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a gɩtəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a gɩtəfa deverbal local noun. place for judging; fr:

endroit pour juger; dt: Platz zum Richten. gɩram deverbal action noun sg./mass. → gɩr-. gɩrbal- noun. spoon; fr: cuillère; dt: Löffel. [Note: =

Fulfulde] a gɩrəballɛ sg. a gɩrəbalaʋ sg.

gɩrəballɛ sg. → gɩrbal-. gɩr(ɩ) perfective. → gɩr-. gɩrʋfɩ deverbal action noun pl. → gɩr-. gɩrʋʋ deverbal action noun sg. → gɩr-. gɩtaa future. → gɩr-. gɩtəba deverbal agent noun pl. → gɩr-. gɩtɛ past. → gɩr-. gɩtəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg. →

gɩr-. gɩtəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → gɩr-. gɩtəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → gɩr-. gɩt(ɩ) imperfective. → gɩr-. gɩtɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → gɩr-. gil- verb. make a detour; fr: dévier (de la route

directe); dt: einen Umweg machen, umgeleitet werden. [Note: This verb is formally the reversive of a gilʌm, but has the no reversal of meaning.]

gillʌʌ future. gile past. gil(i) perfective. gill(i) imperfective. a gilʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a gillo deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who makes a

detour; fr: q.un qui dévie; dt: jmd. der einen Umweg macht.

a gilləbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. a gilləgu deverbal instrument noun sg. place

which cannot be reached because of a detour; thing (e.g. animal, vehicle) which makes a detour; fr: endroit qu’on ne peut pas atteindre à cause d’une déviation; chose (p. ex. animal, véhicule) qui fait une déviation; dt: Ort, den man wegen einer Umleitung nicht erreichen kann; Ding (z.B. Tier, Fahrzeug), das einen Umweg macht.

a gilləhe deverbal instrument noun pl. a giletrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a gilləfʌ deverbal local noun. place which cannot

be reached because of a detour; fr: endroit qu’on ne peut pas atteindre à cause d’une déviation; dt: Ort, den man wegen einer Umleitung nicht erreichen kann.

gilʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → gil-.

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gild- gilmgilm

64 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

gild- verb. stroll around outdoors (in no particular direction); fr: tourner, se promener au dehors (sans direction particulière); dt: herumspazieren im freien, streunen (ohne besondere Richtung). [Note: Synonymous with a giləmʌm.]

giledʌʌ future. gilde past. gile perfective. giled(i) imperfective. a gildʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a giledo deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who ...; fr:

q.un qui ...; dt: jmd. der ... a giledəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. a giledəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. thing

(e.g. animal) which ...; fr: chose (p. ex. animal) qui ...; dt: Ding (z.B. Tier), das ...

a giledəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. a giledəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a giledəfʌ deverbal local noun. place for ...; fr:

endroit pour ...; dt: Platz zum ... gildʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → gild-. gilde past. → gild-. gile past. → gil-. gile perfective. → gild-. giledʌʌ future. → gild-. giledəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. → gild-. giledəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ gild-. giledəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. → gild-. giledəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. → gild-. giled(i) imperfective. → gild-. giledo deverbal agent noun sg. → gild-. gilem perfective. → gilm-. gilemʌʌ future. → gilm-. gileməbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. → gilm-. gileməgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ gilm-. gileməgu deverbal instrument noun sg. → gilm-. gileməhe deverbal instrument noun pl. → gilm-. gilemõ imperfective. → gilm-. gilemõ deverbal agent noun sg. → gilm-. gilet- verb. make a detour; fr: dévier (de la route

directe); dt: einen Umweg machen, umgeleitet werden. [Note: This verb is formally the reversive of a gilʌm, but has the no obvious reversal of meaning.]

giletrʌʌ future. gilete past. gilet(i) perfective. giletr(i) imperfective. a giletʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a giletro deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who makes

a detour; fr: q.un qui dévie; dt: jmd. der einen Umweg macht.

a giletrəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. a giletrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. place

which cannot be reached because of a detour; thing (e.g. animal, vehicle) which makes a detour; fr: endroit qu’on ne peut pas atteindre

à cause d’une déviation; chose (p. ex. animal, véhicule) qui fait une déviation; dt: Ort, den man wegen einer Umleitung nicht erreichen kann; Ding (z.B. Tier, Fahrzeug), das einen Umweg macht.

a giletrəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. a giletrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a giletrəfʌ deverbal local noun. place which

cannot be reached because of a detour; fr: endroit qu’on ne peut pas atteindre à cause d’une déviation; dt: Ort, den man wegen einer Umleitung nicht erreichen kann.

giletʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → gilet-. gilete past. → gilet-. gilet(i) perfective. → gilet-. giletrʌʌ future. → gilet-. giletrəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. → gilet-. giletrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ gil-. giletrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ gilet-. giletrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. → gilet-. giletrəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. → gilet-. giletr(i) imperfective. → gilet-. giletro deverbal agent noun sg. → gilet-. gil(i) perfective. → gil-. gillʌʌ future. → gil-. gilləbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. → gil-. gilləgu deverbal instrument noun sg. → gil-. gilləhe deverbal instrument noun pl. → gil-. gill(i) imperfective. → gil-. gillo deverbal agent noun sg. → gil-. gilm- verb. stroll around outdoors (in no particular

direction); fr: tourner, se promener au dehors (sans direction particulière); dt: herumspazieren im freien, streunen (ohne besondere Richtung). [Note: Synonymous with a gildʌm.]

gilemʌʌ future. giləme past. gilem perfective. gilemõ imperfective. a giləmʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a gilemõ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who ...; fr:

q.un qui ...; dt: jmd. der ... a gileməbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. a gileməgu deverbal instrument noun sg. thing

(e.g. animal) which ...; fr: chose (p. ex. animal) qui ...; dt: Ding (z.B. Tier), das ...

a gileməhe deverbal instrument noun pl. a gileməgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a gileməfʌ deverbal local noun. place for ...; fr:

endroit pour ...; dt: Platz zum ... giləmʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → gilm-. giləme past. → gilm-. gilmgilm noun. blind man’s buff (children’s game

where one child is blindfolded); fr: colin-maillard (jeu des enfants où un enfant porte un bandeau); dt: blinde Kuh (Kinderspiel, wo die

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girg- gĩnnʌʌ

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 65

Augen eines Kindes verbunden werden). [Note: This is probably the reduplicated imperative of a giləmʌm.]

a giləmgiləm sg./mass. girg- verb. be stunned; fr: être étourdi; dt:

verblüfft sein. [Note: [g], not [ɣ]] girəgrʌʌ future. girəge past. girəg(i) perfective. girəgr(i) imperfective. a girəgʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a girəgro deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who is

stunned; fr: q.un qui est étourdi; dt: jmd. der verblüfft ist.

a girəgrəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. a girəgrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. thing

(e.g. animal) that is stunned; fr: chose (p. ex. animal) qui est étourdi; dt: Ding (z.B. Tier), das verblüfft ist.

a girəgrəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. a girəgrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. a girəgrəfʌ deverbal local noun. place where

s.o. is stunned; fr: endroit où q.un est étourdi; dt: Platz, wo jmd. verblüfft ist.

girəgʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → girg-. girəge past. → girg-. girəg(i) perfective. → girg-. girəgrʌʌ future. → girg-. girəgrəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. → girg-. girəgrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ girg-. girəgrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. → girg-. girəgrəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. → girg-. girəgr(i) imperfective. → girg-. girəgro deverbal agent noun sg. → girg-. gĩn verb. get tied up in a(n unwanted) knot (e.g.

with a rope); fr: se mêler (p. ex. dans une ficelle); dt: sich verwickeln (z.B. mit einer Schnur).

gĩtʌʌ future. gĩnnʌʌ future. gĩne past. gĩn perfective. gĩt(i) imperfective. gĩnn(i) imperfective. a gĩnʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a gĩto deverbal agent noun sg. gĩnno deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who ...; fr:

q.un qui ...; dt: jmd. der ... a gĩtəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. a gĩnnəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. a gĩtəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. a gĩnnəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. thing

(e.g. animal) which ...; fr: chose (p. ex. animal) qui ...; dt: Ding (z.B. Tier), das ...

a gĩtəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. a gĩnnəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. a gĩtəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg. a gĩnnəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive


a gĩtəfʌ deverbal local noun. a gĩnnəfʌ deverbal local noun. place where s.o.

...; fr: endroit où q.un ...; dt: Platz, wo jmd. ... gĩnʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → gĩn. gĩnd- noun. circle, curve, circular, round, curved;

fr: cercle, courbe, circulaire, rond, courbé; dt: Kreis, Kurve, kreisförmig, rund, gebogen.

a gĩndre sg. a gĩndʌ pl. a gĩndo pl. a gĩndəgʌ diminutive sg. a gĩndəni diminutive pl.

a dãŋ gĩndre NP+N compound noun sg. a round house; fr: une maison ronde; dt: ein rundes Haus

a dãɩ gĩndʌ NP+N compound noun pl. a dãŋ gĩndəgʌ NP+N compound noun sg. a

round house; fr: une maison ronde; dt: ein rundes Haus [Note: The use of the diminutive form of the adjective implies that this house is smaller than a dãŋ gĩndre.)]

a dãɩ gĩndəni NP+N compound noun pl. gĩndʌ pl. → gĩnd-. gĩndəgʌ diminutive sg. → gĩnd-. gĩndo pl. → gĩnd-. gĩndre sg. → gĩnd-. gĩne past. → gĩn. gĩnet- noun. untie, straighten out (something that

was in a knot); fr: dénouer, démêler (un nœud); dt: (einen Knoten) entwirren, entflechten. [Note: This is the reversive of a gĩnʌm.]

gĩnetrʌʌ future. gĩnete past. gĩnet(i) perfective. gĩnetr(i) imperfective. a gĩnetʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a ginetro deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who ...; fr:

q.un qui ...; dt: jmd. der ... a gĩnetrəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. a gĩnetrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. object

for ... (e.g. a knife); fr: objet pour ... (p. ex. un couteau); dt: Gegenstand zum ... (z.B. ein Messer).

a gĩnetrəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. a gĩnetrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. a gĩnetrəfʌ deverbal local noun. place where

one ...; fr: endroit où on ...; dt: Platz, wo man ...

gĩnetʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → gĩnet-. gĩnete past. → gĩnet-. gĩnet(i) perfective. → gĩnet-. gĩnetrʌʌ future. → gĩnet-. gĩnetrəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. → gĩnet-. gĩnetrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ gĩnet-. gĩnetrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. → gĩnet-. gĩnetrəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. → gĩnet-. gĩnetr(i) imperfective. → gĩnet-. gĩnetro deverbal agent noun sg. → gĩnet-. gĩnnʌʌ future. → gĩn.

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gĩnnəbʌ gɔgtr(ʋ)

66 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

gĩnnəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. → gĩn. gĩnnəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ gĩn. gĩnnəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. → gĩn. gĩnnəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. → gĩn. gĩnn(i) imperfective. → gĩn. gĩnno deverbal agent noun sg. → gĩn. gĩtʌʌ future. → gĩn. gĩtəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. → gĩn. gĩtəfʌ deverbal local noun. → gĩn. gĩtəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg. →

gĩn. gĩtəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. → gĩn. gĩtəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. → gĩn. gĩt(i) imperfective. → gĩn. gĩto deverbal agent noun sg. → gĩn. gɔ perfective. → gɔ-. gɔ- verb. return, go back; fr: repartir; dt:

zurückgehen, zurückkehren. [Note: This verb means returning to a place that is not one’s home.]

gɔraa future. gɔɛ past. gɔ perfective. gɔr(ʋ) imperfective. a gɔɔm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

də gɔ də bɔrɔ wa sentence He returned to his friend’s (place).; fr: Il est reparti chez son ami.; dt: Er ist zu seinem Freund zurückgegangen. [Note: In this example “he” was at his friend’s place, left to go somewhere else, and returned to his friend’s place. The sentence refers to the second of these trips.]

a gɔrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who returns; fr: q.un qui revient; dt: jmd. der zurückgeht.

a gɔrəba deverbal agent noun pl. a gɔrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. thing

(e.g. animal) which returns; fr: chose (p. ex. animal) qui revient; dt: Ding (z.B. Tier), das zurückgeht.

a gɔrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a gɔrəsɩ deverbal instrument noun pl. a gɔrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a gɔrəfa deverbal local noun. place to which one

returns; fr: endroit vers lequel on repart; dt: Platz wohin man zurückkehrt.

gɔb- noun. pick; fr: pioche (longue); dt: Hacke. [Note: This is the long pick-like instrument used to make holes in the ground for sowing seed. Though clearly closely related, it is not regularly derived from the verb a gɔbam. In particular, it cannot be used as a deverbal action noun, even though other verbs do have action nouns in - ʋ; this is confirmed by the absence of ʋ in the plural (which is always present in genuine deverbal action nouns in - ʋ).]

a gɔbʋ sg. a gɔbəfɩ pl.

gɔb- verb. dig (e.g. holes for sowing seed); fr: creuser (p. ex. des poquets pour semer); dt: graben (z.B. Löcher um zu säen).

gɔbraa future. gɔbɛ past. gɔb(ʋ) perfective. gɔbr(ʋ) imperfective. a gɔbam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a gɔbrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who digs; fr:

q.un qui creuse; dt: jmd. der gräbt. a gɔbrəba deverbal agent noun pl. a gɔbrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. object

for digging (usually a gɔbʋ); fr: objet pour creuser (normalement a gɔbʋ); dt: Gegenstand zum graben (normalerweise a gɔbʋ).

a gɔbrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a gɔbrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a gɔbrəfa deverbal local noun. place for digging;

fr: endroit où on creuser; dt: Platz zum Graben. gɔbam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → gɔb-. gɔbɛ past. → gɔb-. gɔbraa future. → gɔb-. gɔbrəba deverbal agent noun pl. → gɔb-. gɔbrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ gɔb-. gɔbrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → gɔb-. gɔbrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → gɔb-. gɔbrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → gɔb-. gɔbr(ʋ) imperfective. → gɔb-. gɔbʋ sg. → gɔb-. gɔb(ʋ) perfective. → gɔb-. gɔɛ past. → gɔ-. gɔgt- verb. peck, bite; fr: picorer, béqueter, donner

un coup de bec, mordre; dt: picken, beißen. gɔgtraa future. gɔgtɛ past. gɔgt(ʋ) perfective. gɔgtr(ʋ) imperfective. gɔgtam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a gɔgtrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who bites;

fr: q.un qui mord; dt: jmd. der beißt. a gɔgtrəba deverbal agent noun pl. a gɔgtrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. thing

(e.g. animal) which pecks; fr: chose (p. ex. animal) qui béquète / picore; dt: Ding (z.B.: Tier), das pickt.

a gɔgtrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a gɔktrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a gɔgtrəfa deverbal local noun. place where

(animals) peck; fr: endroit où (les animaux) picorent; dt: Platz, wo (Tiere) picken.

gɔgtam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → gɔgt-. gɔgtɛ past. → gɔgt-. gɔgtraa future. → gɔgt-. gɔgtrəba deverbal agent noun pl. → gɔgt-. gɔgtrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → gɔgt-. gɔgtrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → gɔgt-. gɔgtrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → gɔgt-. gɔgtr(ʋ) imperfective. → gɔgt-.

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gɔgt(ʋ) gɔrg-

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 67

gɔgt(ʋ) perfective. → gɔgt-. gɔɩnɩ adverb. still, yet; (with negative: no longer);

fr: encore, toujours; (avec négation: ne...plus); dt: noch, noch immer (mit Verneinung: nicht mehr). [Note: This adverb occurs at the end of the sentence.]

gɔɩnɩ / gɔɩnɛ temporal adverb. gɔɔnɩ / gɔɔnɛ temporal adverb.

maa zɔmmə nɩ gɔɩnɩ sentence I don’t like you any more.; fr: Je ne t’aime plus.; dt: Ich mag dich nicht mehr.

gɔktrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg. → gɔgt-.

gɔm perfective. → gɔm-. gɔm- noun. small drum (held under the armpit); fr:

petit tambour (porté sous l’aisselle); dt: kleine Trommel (unter der Achsel gehalten).

a gɔməŋa sg. a gɔmənɛ pl. [Note: Probably derived from a

gɔmam ‘chase’. One method of chasing game involves making noise on instruments of this kind.]

gɔm- verb. pursue, chase, drive, hunt; fr: poursuivre, chasser; dt: folgen, verfolgen, treiben, jagen. [Note: This verb is used for chasing both domestic animals (to drive them somewhere) and hunting wild animals.]

a gɔmam deverbal action noun sg./mass. gɔmmaa future. gɔmɛ past. gɔm perfective. gɔmm / gɔmmʋ imperfective. a gɔmmɔ deverbal agent noun sg. driver; hunter;

fr: chasseur; dt: Treiber; Jäger. [Note: For the profession of hunter, a sɔbɔ is used.]

a gɔmməba deverbal agent noun pl. a gɔmməgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. object

for chasing / hunting (e.g. stick, rifle); fr: objet pour chasser (p. ex. bâton, fusil); dt: Gegenstand zum Treiben / Jagen (z.B. Stock, Gewehr).

a gɔmməhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a gɔmməga deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. a gɔmməfa deverbal local noun. place for chasing

/ hunting; fr: endroit pour chasser; dt: Platz zum Treiben / Jagen.

gɔmam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → gɔm-. gɔmɛ past. → gɔm-. gɔmm imperfective. → gɔm-. gɔmmaa future. → gɔm-. gɔmməba deverbal agent noun pl. → gɔm-. gɔmməga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ gɔm-. gɔmməgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → gɔm-. gɔmməhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → gɔm-. gɔmmɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → gɔm-. gɔmmʋ imperfective. → gɔm-. gɔməŋa sg. → gɔm-. gɔndl- verb. twist, bend; fr: tordre, plier; dt:

drehen, verdrehen, biegen. [Note: This verb is

used for twisting metal or wood, but not for twisting rope.]

gɔndɔlaa future. gɔndəlɛ past. gɔndɔ perfective. gɔndɔl(ʋ) imperfective. a gɔndəlam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a gɔndɔlɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who ...;

person lying in a curled up position; fr: q.un qui ...; personne couchée dans une position pliée; dt: jmd. der ...; jmd. der zusammengebogen liegt.

a gɔndɔləba deverbal agent noun pl. a gɔndɔləgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. thing

that is (or can be) twisted / bent; instrument for twisting / bending (e.g. pliers); fr: chose que est (ou peut être) tordue / pliée; instrument pour tordre / plier (p. ex. pince); dt: etwas, was verdreht / gebogen ist (oder werden kann); Instrument zum drehen / biegen (z.B. Zange).

a gɔndɔləhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a gɔndɔləga deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. a gɔndɔləfa deverbal local noun. place for ...; fr:

endroit pour ...; dt: Platz zum ... gɔndəlam deverbal action noun sg./mass. →

gɔndl-. gɔndəlɛ past. → gɔndl-. gɔndɔ perfective. → gɔndl-. gɔndɔlaa future. → gɔndl-. gɔndɔləba deverbal agent noun pl. → gɔndl-. gɔndɔləga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. → gɔndl-. gɔndɔləgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → gɔndl-. gɔndɔləhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → gɔndl-. gɔndɔlɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → gɔndl-. gɔndɔl(ʋ) imperfective. → gɔndl-. gɔŋ- noun. kind of toad; fr: espèce de crapaud; dt:

Art Kröte. [Note: Koromfe has a 5-way distinction of frogs and toads according to their size. The smallest is a sãndəga, followed by a pãtɛ, a gɔŋdɛ, a bɩtɛ, a purgoŋ.]

a gɔŋdɛ sg. a gɔŋa pl.

gɔŋdɛ sg. → gɔŋ-. gɔɔm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → gɔ-. gɔraa future. → gɔ-. gɔrəba deverbal agent noun pl. → gɔ-. gɔrg- verb. put back, return (sth. to s.o.), give

back; fr: remettre, retourner, rendre (q.chose à q.un); dt: zurücklegen, zurückstellen, (jemandem etwas) zurückgeben. [Note: This verb implies that sth. is ‘put back’ where it belongs.]

gɔrəgraa future. gɔrəgɛ past. gɔrəg(ʋ) perfective. gɔrəgr(ʋ) imperfective. gɔrəgam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

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gɔrəga a gondʌm

68 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

a gɔrəgrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who ...; fr: q.un qui ...; dt: jmd. der ...

a gɔrəgrəba deverbal agent noun pl. a gɔrəgrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. thing

that is put / given back; fr: chose qui est remise / rendue; dt: das, was zurückgestellt / -gegeben wird.

a gɔrəgrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a gɔrəgrəga deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. a gɔrəgrəfa deverbal local noun. place where

sth. is put back; fr: endroit où on remet q.chose; dt: Platz, wo etwas zurückgestellt wird.

gɔrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg. → gɔ-.

gɔrəgam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → gɔrg-. gɔrəgɛ past. → gɔrg-. gɔrəgraa future. → gɔrg-. gɔrəgrəba deverbal agent noun pl. → gɔrg-. gɔrəgrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. → gɔrg-. gɔrəgrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → gɔrg-. gɔrəgrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → gɔrg-. gɔrəgrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → gɔrg-. gɔrəgr(ʋ) imperfective. → gɔrg-. gɔrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → gɔ-. gɔrəg(ʋ) perfective. → gɔrg-. gɔrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → gɔ-. gɔrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → gɔ-. gɔrs- verb. give back (sth. one has borrowed); fr:

rendre (q.chose qu’on a emprunté); dt: (etwas, was man ausgeborgt hat) zurückgeben.

gɔrəsam deverbal action noun sg./mass. gɔrəsraa future. gɔrəsɛ past. gɔrəs(ʋ) perfective. gɔrəsr(ʋ) imperfective. a gɔrəsrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who ...; fr:

q.un qui ...; dt: jmd. der ... a gɔrəsrəba deverbal agent noun pl. a gɔrəsrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. thing

that is given back; fr: chose qu’on rend; dt: das, was man zurückgibt.

a gɔrəsrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a gɔrəsrəga deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. a gɔrəsrəfa deverbal local noun. place where

one gives back; fr: endroit où on rend; dt: Platz, wo man zurückgibt.

gɔrəsam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → gɔrs-. gɔrəsɛ past. → gɔrs-. gɔrəsɩ deverbal instrument noun pl. → gɔ-. gɔrəsraa future. → gɔrs-. gɔrəsrəba deverbal agent noun pl. → gɔrs-. gɔrəsrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ gɔrs-. gɔrəsrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → gɔrs-. gɔrəsrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → gɔrs-. gɔrəsrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → gɔrs-. gɔrəsr(ʋ) imperfective. → gɔrs-.

gɔrəs(ʋ) perfective. → gɔrs-. gɔr(ʋ) imperfective. → gɔ-. gɔnɛ noun. roll (e.g. of weavers to hold the finished

strip of cloth); fr: rouleau (p. ex. du tisserand pour la bande d’étoffe tissé); dt: Rolle (z.B. eines Webers für den fertig gewebten Stoffstreifen).

a gɔnɛ sg. a gɔnɛfɩ pl.

gog- noun. left hand, left (side); fr: main gauche, (coté) gauche; dt: linke Hand, links.

a gokʌ sg. a gogəni pl. a gogəsuu pl.

mə hɔgfaa a dɩrəgʋ la mə gokʌ (wɔndɛ) sentence I am holding the food in my left hand.; fr: Je tiens la nourriture à la main gauche.; dt: Ich halte das Essen in der linken Hand. [Note: The order a gokʌ wɔndɛ or a wɔndɛ gokʌ is free.]

gogəni pl. → gog-. gokʌ sg. → gog-. gom- noun. (large) calabash, box (from a

calabash); ruin of a deserted house; fr: gourde (grosse), boîte (de gourde); ruine d’une maison abandonnée; dt: (große) Kalebasse, Schachtel (aus Kalebasse); Ruine eines verlassenen Hauses. [Note: This word can only be used for a house that has been abandoned suddenly. Ruins caused by rain attrition are a dãŋ too ‘an empty house’.]

a gomde sg. a gomʌu pl.

a dãŋ gomde NP+N compound noun sg. ruin of a deserted house; fr: ruine d’une maison abandonnée; dt: Reste eines verlassenen Hauses

gomb- noun. shuttle (in weaving); fr: navette (du tissage); dt: Schiff (beim Weben).

a gombre sg. a gombo pl. a gombʌ pl.

gombo pl. → gomb-. gombre sg. → gomb-. gomde sg. → gom-. gond perfective. (=/gond/) → gond-. a gondʌm (from: gond-) verb. leave (a place); pass

(subj.=time); fr: partir, quitter (un endroit), passer; passer (sujet=le temps); dt: (einen Ort) verlassen, abreisen, weggehen vorbeigehen; vergehen (Subj.=Zeit).

gondrʌʌ (=/gond-d-aa/) future. gonde (=/gond -ɛ/) past. gond(u) / gond (=/gond/) perfective. gondr(u) (=/gond-d/) imperfective. gondʌm (=/gond-am/) deverbal action noun

sg./mass. a wete koŋ gonde taʋ-taʋ sentence The day has

passed quickly.; fr: Le jour a passé très vite.; dt: Der Tag ist schnell vergangen.

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a gondro deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who ..., passer-by; fr: q.un qui ..., passant; dt: jmd. der ..., Passant.

a gondrəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. a gondrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. thing

that passes / has passed; fr: chose qui passe / a passé; dt: etwas, was vorbeigeht / vorbeigegangen ist.

a gondrəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. a gondrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. a gondrəfʌ deverbal local noun. place that one

passes; fr: endroit qu’on passe; dt: Platz, wo man vorbeigeht.

gondʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. (=/gond-am/) → gond-.

gonde past. (=/gond -ɛ/) → gond-. gondrʌʌ future. (=/gond-d-aa/) → gond-. gondrəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. (=/gond-am/) →

gond-. gondrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

(=/gond-am/) → gond-. gondrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. (=/gond-

am/) → gond-. gondrəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. (=/gond-

am/) → gond-. gondro deverbal agent noun sg. (=/gond-am/) →

gond-. gondr(u) imperfective. (=/gond-d/) → gond-. gond(u) perfective. (=/gond/) → gond-. gor- noun. kind of (large) bird; fr: espèce d’oiseau

(grand); dt: Art Vogel (groß). a gorfe singulative. a gorii pl.

gor- (=/god/) noun. stream, river; fr: ruisseau, rivière; dt: Bach, Fluss. [Note: Sizes of bodies of flowing water are hardly comparable with “rivers”, “streams” etc. because of their highly ephemeral nature. This word is synonymous with a hem hore.]

a gote sg. gorʌ pl. gorʌu pl.

gorʌ pl. → gor-. gorfe singulative. → gor-. got- verb. put in its proper place, put straight (sth.

that is crooked or not standing straight), put sth. back where it belongs; fr: poser à sa place, redresser (q.chose d’incliné), faire reposer q.chose à sa place; dt: etwas auf seinen Platz stellen, aufrichten, (etwas auf seinen Platz) zurückstellen lassen.

a gotʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. gotrʌʌ future. gote past. got(u) perfective. gotr(u) imperfective.

də gote (a) subre koŋ sentence She stood the pot up straight (which had been lopsided).; fr: Elle a redressé le canari (qui était

incliné).; dt: Sie stellte den Topf gerade hin (der schief gestanden war).

a gotro deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who ...; fr: q.un qui ...; dt: jmd. der am ...

a gotrəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. a gotrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. thing

which ...; fr: chose ...; dt: Ding, welches ... a gotrəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. a gotrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a gotrəfʌ deverbal local noun. place where ...

takes place; fr: endroit où on ...; dt: Platz, wo man ...

gotʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → got-. gote sg. → gor-. gote past. → got-. gotrʌʌ future. → got-. gotrəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. → got-. gotrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ got-. gotrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. → got-. gotrəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. → got-. gotro deverbal agent noun sg. → got-. gotr(u) imperfective. → got-. got(u) perfective. → got-. gʋ (=/gʋ/) pronoun. it; its; fr: ça, il, elle;

son/sa/ses; le, la (non-humain); dt: es, er, sie; sein, ihr (3.sg.); ihn, ihm (nicht-menschlich).

gʋ (=/gʋ/) pron 3sg. non-hum. gʋ magətɛ sentence It was just.; fr: C’était

juste.; dt: Es war gerecht [Note: This pronoun is either prefixed to a verb or a noun phrase, or suffixed to a verb; it cannot stand alone (e.g. as the elliptical answer to a question; instead the independent pronoun gʋkɔ must be used). As the prefix of a verb, it is the subject pronoun, on a noun phrase it is the “possessor”, and as a suffix on a verb it is the (direct or indirect) object. The vowel of this pronoun is lexical and is therefore (in contrast with some other pronouns) never omitted.]

gʋ (=/gʋ/) pos.adj.3sg.non-human. a pesu koŋ tamsə gʋ zugo sentence That sheep

has lost its tail.; fr: Ce mouton a perdu son queue.; dt: Dieses Schaf hat seinen Schwanz verloren.

gʋkɔ (=/gʋ-kɔ/) strong pron 3sg. non-hum. — strong poss. adj. 3sg. non-hum. he, she, him, her; his, her, hers; fr: il, elle, le, la, son/sa/ses, le/la/les sien(ne)(s); dt: er, sie (3.sg.), ihn, ihm, ihr (3.sg.); sein(,-er,-e,-es), ihr(,-er,-e,-es) (3.sg.). a pesu koŋ tamsə gʋkɔ zugo sentence That

sheep has lost its tail.; fr: Ce mouton a perdu son queue.; dt: Dieses Schaf hat seinen Schwanz verloren.

gʋkɔ magətɛ sentence That was just.; fr: C’était juste.; dt: Das war gerecht [Note: This form of the pronoun indicates some kind of “emphasis”, but this can be so

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-gʋ gʋmdɛ

70 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

minimal that in practice the disjunctive form can always be used in place of a clitic pronoun. It never undergoes any phonological reduction or expansion. It can stand in the normal (preverbal) subject or (postverbal) object positions, and can also be used as the elliptical answer to a question. As with all disjunctive pronouns, it is formed with the proclitic prefix version of the pronoun and the invariant stem-like element kɔ.]

gaa (=/gʋ-aa/) negative proclitic (subject) personal pronoun 3rd person sg. non-human. it...not; fr: ça ne...pas; dt: es...nicht. gaa magətɛ sentence It was unjust.; fr: Ce

n’était pas juste.; dt: Es war ungerecht. [Note: This pronoun is equivalent to the proclitic subject pronoun gʋ combined with the (rare) negative particle aa.]

-gʋ noun-cl. noun class suffix non-human singular; fr: suffixe de classe nominale non-humain singulier; dt: Nominalklassensuffix nicht-menschlich Singular.

gʋb noun. water hole, pond; fr: trou d’eau, mare (plus grande); dt: Wasserloch, Teich.

a gʋbrɛ sg. a gʋba pl.

gʋb- verb. stab; fr: piquer; dt: stechen. gʋbraa future. gʋbɛ past. gʋbʋ perfective. gʋbrʋ imperfective. a gʋbam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a gʋbrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who ...; fr:

q.un qui ...; dt: jmd. der am ... a gʋbrəba deverbal agent noun pl. a gʋbrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. thing

which ...; fr: chose ...; dt: Ding, welches ... a gʋbrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a gʋbrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a gʋbrəfa deverbal local noun. place where ...

takes place; fr: endroit où on ...; dt: Platz, wo man ...

gʋbal- noun. pile of soil (e.g. around a millet plant); fr: butte de terre (p. ex. autour d’une plante de mil); dt: Erdhaufen (z.B. um eine Hirsepflanze herum). [Phon: The phonological shape of this word is quite unusual; it might be a loan or a compound.]

gʋballɛ sg. gʋbala pl.

gʋballɛ sg. → gʋbal-. gʋbam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → gʋb-. gʋbɛ past. → gʋb-. gʋbraa future. → gʋb-. gʋbrəba deverbal agent noun pl. → gʋb-. gʋbrɛ sg. → gʋb. gʋbrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ gʋb-. gʋbrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → gʋb-.

gʋbrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → gʋb-. gʋbrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → gʋb-. gʋbrʋ imperfective. → gʋb-. gʋbʋ perfective. → gʋb-. gʋ-gɩllɛ reflexive pronoun 3rd person non-human

sg. → gɩllɛ. gʋɩɩla pl. → gʋɩɩn-. gʋkɔ strong poss. adj. 3sg. non-hum. (=/gʋ-kɔ/) →

gʋ. gʋl perfective. → gʋl-. gʋl- noun. bag (of leather); fr: sac (en cuir); dt:

Tasche (aus Leder). a gʋlɔ sg. a gʋləfɩ pl. [Note: Can be used for water or millet

(e.g. for trips into the bush)] gʋl- verb. lean, not stand straight; fr: être incliné,

ne pas être droit; dt: geneigt sein, nicht gerade stehen.

gʋllaa future. gʋlɛ past. gʋl perfective. gʋll(ʋ) imperfective. a gʋlam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

a dãŋ koŋ gʋl sentence That house has a lean.; fr: Cette maison-là est incliné.; dt: Das Haus dort steht schief.

a gʋllɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who ...; fr: q.un qui ...; dt: jmd. der am ...

a gʋlləba deverbal agent noun pl. a gʋlləgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. thing

which ...; fr: chose ...; dt: Ding, welches ... a gʋlləhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a gʋlləga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a gʋlləfa deverbal local noun. place where ...

takes place; fr: endroit où on ...; dt: Platz, wo man ...

gʋlam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → gʋl-. gʋlɛ past. → gʋl-. gʋllaa future. → gʋl-. gʋlləba deverbal agent noun pl. → gʋl-. gʋlləga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg. →

gʋl-. gʋlləgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → gʋl-. gʋlləhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → gʋl-. gʋllɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → gʋl-. gʋll(ʋ) imperfective. → gʋl-. gʋlɔ sg. → gʋl-. gʋm noun. dumpling (e.g. of millet porridge); fr:

boule (p. ex. de tô); dt: Knödel (z.B. aus Hirsebrei). [Note: Probably a nomen acti of the base verb from which a gʋmnam is derived.]

a gʋmdɛ sg. a gʋma pl. a gʋmaʋ pl.

a buuri gʋmdɛ NP+N compound noun sg. round loaf of (local) bread; fr: pain rond (local); dt: runder Laib (örtliches) Brot

gʋma pl. → gʋm. gʋmdɛ sg. → gʋm.

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gʋml- gubt-

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 71

gʋml- verb. form a dumpling (e.g. of porridge); fr: faire une boule (p. ex. de tô); dt: einen Knödel formen (z.B. aus Brei).

gʋmɔndaa future. gʋmnɛ past. gʋmɔ perfective. gʋmɔnd(ʋ) imperfective. a gʋmnam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a gʋmɔndɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who ...;

fr: q.un qui ...; dt: jmd. der am ... a gʋmɔndəba deverbal agent noun pl. a gʋmɔndəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. thing

which ...; fr: chose ...; dt: Ding, welches ... a gʋmɔndəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a gʋmɔndəga deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. a gʋmɔndəfa deverbal local noun. place where

... takes place; fr: endroit où on ...; dt: Platz, wo man ...

gʋmnam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → gʋml-. gʋmnɛ past. → gʋml-. gʋmɔ perfective. → gʋml-. gʋmɔndaa future. → gʋml-. gʋmɔndəba deverbal agent noun pl. → gʋml-. gʋmɔndəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. → gʋml-. gʋmɔndəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. →

gʋml-. gʋmɔndəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → gʋml-. gʋmɔndɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → gʋml-. gʋmɔnd(ʋ) imperfective. → gʋml-. gʋʋ noun. bludgeon; fr: massue, casse-tête; dt:

Schlagstock. [Note: This is a stick with a large, round head, typically used by Fulani and as a weapon.]

a gʋʋgʋ sg. a gʋʋdʋ pl.

gʋʋgʋ sg. → gʋʋ. gʋʋrɩ noun. cola nut; fr: noix de cola; dt: Kolanuss.

a gʋʋrɩ sg. a gʋya pl.

gʋʋrɩ sg. → gʋʋrɩ. gʋya(a)g noun. guava; fr: goyave; dt: Guave.

[Phon: Irregular length alternation of the a.] a gʋyaaka sg. a gʋyagəsɩ pl. a gʋyagəsʋʋ pl.

gʋyaaka sg. → gʋya(a)g. gʋyagəsɩ pl. → gʋya(a)g. gʋɩɩn- noun. water lily (edible); fr: nénuphar

(mangeable); dt: Seerose, Wasserlilie (essbar). [Note: = Mòoré]

a gʋɩɩndɩ sg. a gʋɩɩna pl. a gʋɩɩla pl. a gʋɩɩŋgãndɩ N+N compound noun sg. flower of

the water lily; fr: fleur du nénuphar; dt: Blüte der Seerose.

a gʋɩɩŋgãna N+N compound noun pl. a gʋɩɩna fite N+N compound noun sg.

a gʋɩɩna firʌ / a gʋɩɩna firo N+N compound noun pl.

gʋɩɩna pl. → gʋɩɩn-. gʋɩɩna fite N+N compound noun sg. → gʋɩɩn-. gʋɩɩndɩ sg. → gʋɩɩn-. gʋɩɩŋgãna N+N compound noun pl. → gʋɩɩn-. gʋɩɩŋgãndɩ N+N compound noun sg. → gʋɩɩn-. gʋʋ noun. mushroom; fr: champignon; dt: Pilz.

[Note: = Mòoré] a gʋʋgʋ sg. a gʋʋdʋ pl.

gʋʋgʋ sg. → gʋʋ. gub- noun. pile; fr: tas; dt: Haufen. [Note: Probably

a nomen acti of the base verb from which a gubəlʌm is derived.]

a gubre sg. a gubʌ pl.

a geŋʌ gubre NP+N compound noun sg. a pile of stones; fr: un tas de pierres; dt: ein Haufen Steine

a ỹɔɔ gubre NP+N compound noun sg. a pile of earth; fr: un tas de terre; dt: ein Haufen Erde

gubl- verb. pile up, make (one or more) pile(s) (e.g. of stones, of fruit for sale); fr: entasser (p. ex. des pierres, des fruits à vendre); dt: (einen oder mehrere) Haufen machen (z.B. Steine, zu verkaufender Früchte). [Note: Equivalent to a gubtʌm, but for things, not humans.]

gubolʌʌ future. gubəle past. gubo perfective. gubol(u) imperfective. a gubəlʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a gubolo deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who ...; fr:

q.un qui ...; dt: jmd. der am ... a guboləbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. a guboləgu deverbal instrument noun sg. thing

which ...; fr: chose ...; dt: Ding, welches ... a guboləhe deverbal instrument noun pl. a guboləgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a guboləfʌ deverbal local noun. place where ...

takes place; fr: endroit où on ...; dt: Platz, wo man ...

gubəlʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → gubl-. gubəle past. → gubl-. gubo perfective. → gubl-. gubolʌʌ future. → gubl-. guboləbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. → gubl-. guboləgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ gubl-. guboləgu deverbal instrument noun sg. → gubl-. guboləhe deverbal instrument noun pl. → gubl-. gubolo deverbal agent noun sg. → gubl-. gubol(u) imperfective. → gubl-. gubre sg. → gub-. gubt- verb. assemble, bring together; fr: assembler,

rassembler, réunir; dt: versammeln, zusammenbringen.

gubtrʌʌ future.

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gubtʌm gũmb-

72 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

gubte past. gubt(u) perfective. gubtr(u) imperfective. a gubtʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

də gubtə hɔ dombʌ də da ʋ wɔl sentence He brought us together to make us work.; fr: Il nous a rassemblés pour nous faire travailler.; dt: Er hat uns zusammengebracht, um uns arbeiten zu lassen. [Note: Equivalent to a gubəlʌm, but for humans, not things.]

a gubtro deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who ...; fr: q.un qui ...; dt: jmd. der am ...

a gubtrəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. a gubtrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. thing

which ...; fr: chose ...; dt: Ding, welches ... a gubtrəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. a gubtrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a gubtrəfʌ deverbal local noun. place where ...

takes place; fr: endroit où on ...; dt: Platz, wo man ...

gubtʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → gubt-. gubte past. → gubt-. gubtrʌʌ future. → gubt-. gubtrəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. → gubt-. gubtrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ gubt-. gubtrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. → gubt-. gubtrəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. → gubt-. gubtro deverbal agent noun sg. → gubt-. gubtr(u) imperfective. → gubt-. gubt(u) perfective. → gubt-. gud- (=/gud/) noun. mongoose (Herpestidae); fr:

mangouste (Herpestidae); dt: Manguste (Herpestidae).

a gute (=/gud-dɛ/) sg. a gurʌ / a guro (=/gud-a/) pl.

gul- noun. drum; fr: tambour; dt: Trommel. a gulle sg. drum (small); fr: tambour (petit); dt:

Trommel (klein). a gulʌ pl. [Note: Both sizes of drum are made of

wood, cylindrical in shape, with skins at either end (both of which can be played, though usually they sound different).]

a gulo sg. a gulfi pl. drum (large); fr: tambour (grand); dt:

Trommel (groß). gulʌ pl. → gul-. gulle sg. → gul-. gulo sg. → gul-. gurs verb. remove grains from cotton; fr: égrener le

coton; dt: Körner von Baumwolle entfernen. [Note: This verb is not used for anything but cotton.]

gursərʌʌ future. gurse past. gurs(u) perfective. gursər(u) imperfective. a gursʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

a gursəro deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who ...; fr: q.un qui ...; dt: jmd. der am ...

a gursərəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. a gursərəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. thing

which ...; fr: chose ...; dt: Ding, welches ... a gursərəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. a gursərəgʌ deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. a gursərəfʌ deverbal local noun. place where ...

takes place; fr: endroit où on ...; dt: Platz, wo man ...

gursʌ noun. kind of flat stone (to separate grains of cotton); fr: espèce de pierre plate (pour enlever les graines de coton); dt: Art flacher Stein (mit dem Baumwollkörner abgeschabt werden). [Note: Clearly derived from a gursʌm, but irregularly.]

a gursʌ sg. a gursʌfi pl.

gursʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → gurs. gurse past. → gurs. gursərʌʌ future. → gurs. gursərəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. → gurs. gursərəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. → gurs. gursərəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. → gurs. gursərəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. → gurs. gursəro deverbal agent noun sg. → gurs. gursər(u) imperfective. → gurs. gurs(u) perfective. → gurs. gute sg. (=/gud-dɛ/) → gud-. gũmb- noun. hunchback (body part); fr: bosse; dt:

Buckel. [Note: Used mainly in the plural, even if only a single hunchback is referred to. The singular is used only for a small hunchback. The phonological shape of this word suggests that it might be a nomen acti from a gũmbʌm.]

a gũmbre sg. a gũmbʌ pl.

a gũmbʌ sa NP+N compound noun sg. hunchback (person); fr: bossu; dt: bucklig

a nagfɛ gu mbʌ NP+N compound noun sg. cow with a hunchback; fr: bovin bossu; dt: buckliges Rind

gũmb- verb. miss (getting a share of sth.); do one’s hair in the traditional way, with short hair (women only); fr: manquer (q.chose dans le partage); se coiffer à la manière traditionnelle, à cheveux courts (les femmes seulement); dt: nichts bekommen (beim Aufteilen); sich eine traditionelle Frisur (mit kurzen Haaren) machen lassen (nur Frauen).

gũmbrʌʌ future. gũmbe past. gũmbu perfective. gũmbru imperfective. a gũmbʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

də gu mbu də yʋ sentence She had his hair done in the traditional way.; fr: Elle a fait la coiffure traditionnelle.; dt: Sie hat sich auf traditionelle Art frisiert. [Note: This

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gũmbʌm halams-

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 73

traditional hairdo enjoys low prestige, and so is equivalent to not getting a share of something better. The equivalent hairdo for men is a shaved head: a jʋ pɔnam.]

a gũmbro deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who ...; fr: q.un qui ...; dt: jmd. der am ...

a gũmbrəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. a gũmbrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. thing

which ...; fr: chose ...; dt: Ding, welches ... a gũmbrəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. a gũmbrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. a gũmbrəfʌ deverbal local noun. place where ...

takes place; fr: endroit où on ...; dt: Platz, wo man ...

gũmbʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → gũmb-. gũmbe past. → gũmb-. gũmbrʌʌ future. → gũmb-. gũmbrəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. → gũmb-. gũmbre sg. → gũmb-. gũmbrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ gũmb-. gũmbrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. → gũmb-. gũmbrəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. → gũmb-. gũmbro deverbal agent noun sg. → gũmb-. gũmbru imperfective. → gũmb-. gũmbu perfective. → gũmb-.

H - h -gṾ (=/gṾ/) strong demonstrative stem. strong

demonstrative stem; fr: racine de démonstratif fort; dt: starker Demonstrativstamm.

haɩ- defective verb. like; (auxiliary) want to; fr: aimer; (auxiliaire) vouloir; dt: mögen; (Auxiliar) wollen.

haɩfaa future. haɩf(ʋ) imperfective.

maa haɩfa də gɔɩnɛ sentence I don’t want to know him any more.; fr: Je ne veux plus le connaître.; dt: Ich will ihn nicht mehr kennen.

də haɩfʋ də dol a homoi sundu sentence He wants to buy a moped.; fr: Il veut acheter une mobylette.; dt: Er will ein Mofa kaufen.

haɩfaa future. → haɩ-. haɩt- verb.

a haɩtam deverbal action noun sg./mass. haɩtraa future. haɩtɛ past. haɩtɩ perfective. haɩtrɩ imperfective. remember, recall; fr: se

souvenir, se rappeler; dt: sich erinnern. haɩtam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → haɩt-. haɩtɛ past. → haɩt-. haɩtɩ perfective. → haɩt-. haɩtraa future. → haɩt-. hal conjunction. until; fr: jusqu’à; dt: bis.

hal conjunction. dagalə mɛ yere halə mə bɛ imperative sentence

Wait for me here until I come back.; fr: Attends-moi ici jusqu’à ce que je reviens.; dt: Warte hier auf mich, bis ich wiederkomme.

hal deverbal nomen acti. a haləmaʋ pl. possessions; fr: possessions; dt:

Besitz. [Note: < a halam ‘possess’] hal preposition.

hal until, up to; since; fr: jusqu’à; depuis; dt: bis; seit.

halə wasɩ adverb. very much; fr: beaucoup; dt: sehr, sehr viel. mə dagəlɛ hal wakatma fi la ɩnɔm sentence I

waited until 15:00.; fr: J’ai attendu jusqu’à 15 heures.; dt: Ich habe bis 15 Uhr gewartet.

mə dagalɩ hal wakatma fi la ɩnɔm sentence I have been waiting since 15:00.; fr: J’attends depuis 15 heures.; dt: Ich warte seit 15 Uhr.

hal perfective. → hal-. hal- noun.

a halʋ sg. a haləfɩ pl. hangar; fr: hangar; dt: Hangar.

hal- verb. a halam deverbal action noun sg./mass. hallaa future. haləfaa future. halɛ past. hal perfective. hallɩ imperfective. haləf(ʋ) imperfective. possess, be master of, keep

(for oneself); fr: posséder, être maître de, garder (pour soi); dt: besitzen, Herr sein über, (für sich) behalten.

halam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → hal-. halams- verb.

a halamsam deverbal action noun sg./mass. halamsəraa future. halamsɛ past. halams(ʋ) perfective. halamsər(ʋ) imperfective. slide, slip; fr: glisser;

dt: gleiten, rutschen, ausrutschen. də zɔgɔ (a) dɛrəga kebre dɔba də halamsʋ də

sol də pɔgɔ sentence He climbed up the (big) mountain, slipped, fell and injured himself..; fr: Il a grimpé sur la (grande) montagne, il a glissé, il a tombé, il s’est blessé.; dt: Er ist

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halamsam hãm-

74 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

auf den (großen) Berg gestiegen, ausgerutscht, gestürzt und hat sich verletzt.

halamsam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → halams-.

halamsɛ past. → halams-. halamsəraa future. → halams-. halams(ʋ) perfective. → halams-. halɛ past. → hal-. haləfaa future. → hal-. hall- verb. be smooth/slippery/gooey (like sauce of

baobab leaves); fr: être glissant/gluant (comme la sauce de feuilles de baobab); dt: sich gut ziehen (wie Sauce aus Baobabblättern).

a halləmɛɩ deverbal action noun sg./mass. hallaa future. hall(ɩ) imperfective. halla participial adjective.

a dammɛ koŋ hallaa halə wasɩ sentence This sauce is very gooey.; fr: Cette sauce est très gluante.; dt: Diese Sauce zieht sich sehr.

a mɛrgʋ dammɛ la gʋ sentence It’s snot sauce.; fr: C’est la sauce de rhume.; dt: Es ist eine Schnupfen-Sauce.

hallaa future. → hal-. hallaa future. → hall-. hallɩ imperfective. → hal-. hall(ɩ) imperfective. → hall-. halləmɛɩ deverbal action noun sg./mass. → hall-. hals- verb.

a halsam deverbal action noun sg./mass. halsraa future. halsɛ past. halsɩ perfective. halsrɩ imperfective. slide, slip; fr: glisser; dt:

gleiten, rutschen, ausrutschen. də zɔgɔ (a) dɛrəga kebre dɔba də halsɩ də sol də

sɩbʋ sentence He climbed up the (big) mountain, slipped, fell and died.; fr: Il a grimpé sur la (grande) montagne, il a glissé, il a tombé, il est mort.; dt: Er ist auf den (großen) Berg gestiegen, ausgerutscht, gestürzt und gestorben. [Note: 124]

halsam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → hals-. halsɛ past. → hals-. halsɩ perfective. → hals-. halsraa future. → hals-. halʋ sg. → hal-. har- verb. touch; fr: toucher; dt: berühren.

hataa future. harɛ past. har(ɩ) perfective. hat(ɩ) imperfective. a haram deverbal action noun sg./mass.

kam bɛ harə mɛ sentence Don’t go so far as to touch me!; fr: N’arrive pas à me toucher!; dt: Rühr mich ja nicht an!

haraŋg- verb. a haraŋgam deverbal action noun sg./mass. haraŋgraa future. haraŋgɛ past.

haraŋg(ɩ) perfective. haraŋgr(ɩ) imperfective. stroke; fr: caresser; dt:

streicheln. [Note: This is the more intensive version of a haram ‘touch’.]

haraŋgam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → haraŋg-.

haraŋgɛ past. → haraŋg-. haraŋg(ɩ) perfective. → haraŋg-. haraŋgraa future. → haraŋg-. harɛ past. → har-. har(ɩ) perfective. → har-. has- noun.

a hasfɛ sg. a hasʋ pl. broom; fr: balai; dt: Besen. [Note:

3080] has- verb.

a hasam deverbal action noun sg./mass. hasraa future. hasɛ past. has(ɩ) perfective. hasr(ɩ) imperfective. sweep; fr: balayer; dt:

kehren/fegen. də hasɛ (a) gatɛ dʋrʋ sentence She has swept

the whole yard.; fr: Elle a balayé toute la cour.; dt: Sie hat den ganzen Hof gekehrt. [Note: The deverbal instrument noun is a hasfɛ, not a hasrəgʋ]

hasam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → has-. hasɛ past. → has-. hasfɛ sg. → has-. has(ɩ) perfective. → has-. hasraa future. → has-. hat- noun.

a hatɩ sg. a hatəfɩ pl. Sunday; fr: dimanche; dt: Sonntag.

[Note: 3090] hataa future. → har-. hatɩ sg. → hat-. hat(ɩ) imperfective. → har-. haya exclamation. okay, right; fr: bon; dt: okay,

gut. [Note: This expression is used, among other things, to signal the well-formed end of the leave-taking at the end of a conversation. It is usually pronounced on a high pitch. After this word has been said, normally one or more people physically leave.]

haya exclamation. hã- noun.

a hãm sg./mass. hunger, famine; fr: faim, famine; dt: Hunger, Hungersnot.

hãm- adj.noun. brilliant, shining; fr: brillant; dt: leuchtend. [Note: This adjective can be used as a sentential exclamation. In this usage it refers to the impression of ‘shining’ in something in the immediate prior context.]

a hãmãŋ adjectival noun sg. a hãmɩã adjectival noun sg.

hãm- noun. fire; fr: feu; dt: Feuer. sg. a hãma pl.

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hãm yelle hãŋsamaa

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 75

a hãm yelle N+N compound noun sg. light; fr: lumière; dt: Licht.

a hãm yelʌ N+N compound noun pl. [Note: cf. a jeu ‘look at’]

hãm yelle N+N compound noun sg. → hãm-. hãma pl. → hãm-. hãmã perfective. → hãmn-. hãmãndaa future. → hãmn-. hãmãŋ adjectival noun sg. → hãm-. hãmb- noun. shea tree (Vitellaria paradoxa); fr:

karité (espèce d’arbre) (Vitellaria paradoxa); dt: Karitébaum, Sheanussbaum (Vitellaria paradoxa).

a hãmbəga diminutive sg. a hãmbɩɩ diminutive pl. a hãmbrɛ sg. shea fruit; fr: fruit de karité; dt:

Frucht des Karitébaums. a hãmba pl. shea fruit; fr: fruit de karité; dt:

Frucht des Karitébaums. a hãmbrɛ yoro-ni bi PP+N compound noun sg.

shea nut (alternative term for a dũĩne); fr: noix de karité (terme alternatif pour a dũĩne); dt: Sheanuss (Alternativausdruck für a dũĩne)

a hãmbrɛ yoro-ni bu PP+N compound noun pl. hãmbəga diminutive sg. → hãmb-. hãmbɩɩ diminutive pl. → hãmb-. hãmbrɛ sg. → hãmb-. hãmn- verb.

a hãmnam deverbal action noun sg./mass. hãmãndaa future. hãmnɛ past. hãmã perfective. hãmãnd(ɩ) imperfective. believe, think; fr: croire,

penser; dt: glauben, denken. mə hamãndaa ke a wolou la sentence I think

that it isn’t true. (lit.: that it is a lie); fr: Je crois que ce n’est pas vrai. (lit.: que c’est une mensonge); dt: Ich glaube, dass es nicht wahr ist. (wörtl.: dass es eine Lüge ist) [Note: 125]

— deverbal instrument noun pl. hãmnam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → hãmn-. hãmnɛ past. → hãmn-. hãn- verb. be good; fr: être bon, être bien; dt: gut

sein. [Note: This verb has no aspect distinctions. In a positive sentence, only hãna can be used, in a negative sentence only hãnɛ. This verb cannot be used for food or drink (for which a dɔndəmɛɩ must be used).]

hãna ? future. hãnɛ ? perfective. a hãnãŋ deverbal action noun sg./mass.

a gɛnɛ koŋ hana halə wasɩ sentence This dance is very good.; fr: Cette fête de danse est très bonne.; dt: Dieses Tanzfest ist sehr gut.

a gɛnɛ koŋ ba ha nɛ sentence This dance isn’t good.; fr: Cette fête de danse n’est pas bonne.; dt: Dieses Tanzfest ist nicht gut.

gʋ ha na sentence It’s good.; fr: C’est bon..; dt: Es ist gut.

gaa hãnɛ sentence It isn’t good.; fr: Ce n’est pas bon..; dt: Es ist nicht gut.

hãna hãna adverb. well, very well; fr: bien, très bien; dt: gut, sehr gut. ba wɔl a tomʌ hɛŋ hãna hãna sentence They did

their work very well.; fr: Ils ont très bien fait leur travail.; dt: Sie haben ihre Arbeit sehr gut gemacht.

hãn- (=/hãn/) adj.noun. good; fr: bon; dt: gut. [Note: Clearly related to the defective verb hãn- ‘be good’, but there is no regular derivation in either direction.]

a hãnəŋa (=/hãn-ga/) diminutive sg. a hãnãŋ (=/hãn-gʋ/) sg. a hãnɩã (=/hãn-ɩa/) pl. good, beautiful, nice; fr:

bien, beau, joli; dt: gut, schön, nett. a hãnãɩ (=/hãn-aɩ/) sg. goodness, beauty,

generosity; fr: bonté, beauté, générosité; dt: Güte, Schönheit, Großzügigkeit.

a hãnãʋ (=/hãn-aʋ/) [Note: Rare derivation.] sg. good turn, favour; fr: bien fait, faveur; dt: gute Tat, Gefallen. də tɩ m a hanãʋ sentence He did me a favour.;

fr: Il m’a rendu un bienfait.; dt: Er hat mir einen Gefallen getan.

hãna ? future. → hãn-. hãnãɩ sg. goodness bonté Güte. (=/hãn-aɩ/) →

hãn-. hãnãŋ deverbal action noun sg./mass. → hãn-. hãnãŋ sg. (=/hãn-gʋ/) → hãn-. hãnda adverb. really, truly; fr: vraiment; dt:

wirklich. [Note: This word seems to be related to the verb hãn- ‘be good’. This adverb occurs between the subject and verb of a sentence.]

hãnda manner adverb. ba hãnda bɛnɛ na mɛ sentence They really

came to see me.; fr: Ils sont vraiment venus me voir.; dt: Sie sind wirklich gekommen, um mich zu sehen.

hãnɛ ? perfective. → hãn-. hãn(ɛ) verb. here is; fr: voici; dt: hier ist.

hãnə mɛ. mə bɛnɛ sentence & sentence Here I am. I’ve arrived.; fr: Me voici. Je suis arrivé.; dt: Da bin ich. Ich bin angekommen.

hãnɩã pl. (=/hãn-ɩa/) → hãn-. hãnəŋa diminutive sg. (=/hãn-ga/) → hãn-. hãŋs- verb.

a hãŋsam deverbal action noun sg./mass. hãŋsraa future. hãŋsɛ past. hãŋs(ɩ) perfective. hãŋsr(ɩ) imperfective. arrange, help; fr:

arranger, aider; dt: in Ordnung bringen, helfen. a dɔfrɛ haŋsɩ sentence May God help (us)!; fr:

Que Dieu (nous) aide!; dt: Gott helfe (uns)! a dɔfre haŋsɛ sentence It was God’s will.; fr:

C’était la volonté de Dieu.; dt: Es war Gottes Wille.

hãŋsam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → hãŋs-. hãŋsam perfective. → hãŋsm-. hãŋsamaa future. → hãŋsm-.

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hãŋsamam hɛɛmɛɩ

76 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

hãŋsamam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → hãŋsm-.

hãŋsamɛ past. → hãŋsm-. hãŋsɛ past. → hãŋs-. hãŋs(ɩ) perfective. → hãŋs-. hãŋsm- verb.

a hãŋsamam deverbal action noun sg./mass. hãŋsamaa future. hãŋsamɛ past. hãŋsam perfective. hãŋsam(ɔ) imperfective. arrange, help; fr:

arranger, aider; dt: in Ordnung bringen, helfen. [Note: Synonymous with a hãŋsam, except that this verb involves more activity (e.g. making more arrangements).]

hãŋsraa future. → hãŋs-. hãr noun.

a hãrəgʋ sg. a hãrɩɩ pl. kind of tree; fr: espèce d’arbre; dt:

Art Baum. hãrəgʋ sg. → hãr. hãʋŋa diminutive sg. → kãŋ. hãʋma pl. → kãŋ. hʌd(i) verb. here is; fr: voici; dt: hier ist.

hʌdə mɛ. mə bɛnɛ sentence & sentence Here I am. I’ve arrived.; fr: Me voici. Je suis arrivé.; dt: Da bin ich. Ich bin angekommen.

hʌwei noun. a hʌwei sg. a hʌweimʌ pl. female marriage witness; fr:

témoin (féminine) de mariage; dt: Ehezeugin. [Note: This woman traditionally accompanies a newly married woman throughout her entire married life. Her main function seems to be to persuade the newly-wed not to leave her husband.]

hʌn(i) verb. here is; fr: voici; dt: hier ist. hʌnə mɛ. mə bɛnɛ sentence & sentence Here I

am. I’ve arrived.; fr: Me voici. Je suis arrivé.; dt: Da bin ich. Ich bin angekommen.

hɛb noun. a hɛbrɔ sg. a hɛbrəba pl. person who introduces; fr: celui

qui introduit; dt: jemand der einführt. a bãŋgʋ hɛbrɔ NP+N compound noun sg. a bãŋgʋ hɛbrəba NP+N compound noun sg.

circumciser (i.e. someone who introduces people to the initiation); fr: circonciseur (c.à.d. qu’un qui introduit les gens à l’initiation); dt: Beschneider (d.h. jemand, der die Leute in die Initiation einführt)

hɛb- verb. introduce, make/cause to enter, pocket, put into (e.g. into a plastic bag); perform an enema; fr: introduire, faire entrer, empocher, mettre dedans (p. ex. dans un sac en plastique); faire un lavement; dt: einführen, hineinbringen/-geben (z.B. in einen Plastiksack), einstecken; klistieren.

a hɛbam deverbal action noun sg./mass. hɛbraa future. hɛbɛ past.

hɛb(ʋ) perfective. hɛbr(ʋ) imperfective.

hɛbam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → hɛb-. hɛbɛ past. → hɛb-. hɛbraa future. → hɛb-. hɛbrɔ sg. → hɛb. hɛb(ʋ) perfective. → hɛb-. hɛr- noun. side; fr: côté; dt: Seite.

a hɛrəga sg. a hɛrənɛ pl. a hɛrəgafɩ pl. hɛrəga postposition. beside, next to, near; fr: à

côté de, près de; dt: neben, nahe. hɛrəga nɛ N+P compound postposition. beside,

next to, near; fr: à côté de, près de; dt: neben, nahe. bɛ hori mə hɛrəga (nɛ) imperative sentence

Come and lie down next to me.; fr: Viens te couche à côté de moi.; dt: Komm und lege dich zu mir.

hɛrəga sg. → hɛr-. hɛrəga postposition. → hɛr-. hɛrəgafɩ pl. → hɛr-. hɛrənɛ pl. → hɛr-. hɛ postclitic personal pronoun object 3rd person

pl. non-human. → ɩ. hɛbt verb. divide, separate; fr: diviser, séparer; dt:

teilen, trennen. a hɛbtam deverbal action noun sg./mass. hɛbtraa future. hɛbtɛ past. hɛbt(ʋ) perfective. hɛbtr(ʋ) imperfective.

hɛbt noun. a hɛbtʋ sg. a hɛbtəfɩ pl. tongs (used by a blacksmith); fr:

pince (du forgeron); dt: Zange (eines Schmieds). [Note: These tongs are used to break pieces of metal apart (cf. a hɛbtam ‘divide, separate’).]

hɛbtam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → hɛbt. hɛbtɛ past. → hɛbt. hɛbtraa future. → hɛbt. hɛbtʋ sg. → hɛbt. hɛbt(ʋ) perfective. → hɛbt. hɛɛ imperfective. → hɛɛ-. hɛɛ- adj.verb.

a hɛɛmɛɩ deverbal action noun sg./mass. hɛɛfaa future. hɛɛaa future. hɛɛf(ʋ) imperfective. hɛɛ imperfective. hɛfa participial adjective. be far away; fr: être

loin d’ici; dt: weit weg sein von hier. a kunne hɛfa NP+participle compound noun a

distant village; fr: un village qui est loin d’ici; dt: ein fernes Dorf

hɛɛaa future. → hɛɛ-. hɛɛfaa future. → hɛɛ-. hɛɛf(ʋ) imperfective. → hɛɛ-. hɛɛmɛɩ deverbal action noun sg./mass. → hɛɛ-.

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hɛm hɛn-

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 77

hɛm perfective. → hɛm-. hɛm- verb. meet, reach, hit (e.g. a target); must,

have to; fr: rejoindre, rencontrer, croiser, atteindre, frapper (p. ex. avec une flèche); devoir; dt: treffen (Menschen, Ziel), kreuzen, erreichen; müssen.

hɛmmaa future. hɛmɛ past. hɛm perfective. hɛmm(ɔ) imperfective. a hɛmam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

yoote ʋ hɛm dombʌ mə sa wa sentence Today we met (one another) at my father’s (house).; fr: Aujourd’hui on s’est croisé chez mon père.; dt: Heute sind wir uns bei meinem Vater begegnet. [Note: Synonymous with a hɛmsam.]

hɛmɛ past. → hɛm-. hɛmɛ perfective. → hɛmn-. hɛmɛndaa future. → hɛmn-. hɛmɛndəba deverbal agent noun pl. → hɛmn-. hɛmɛndɛ sg. → hɛmn-. hɛmɛndəfa deverbal local noun. → hɛmn-. hɛmɛndəga deverbal instrument noun dimin. →

hɛmn-. hɛmɛndəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → hɛmn-. hɛmɛndəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → hɛmn-. hɛmɛndɩ imperfective. → hɛmn-. hɛmɛndɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → hɛmn-. hɛmm noun.

a hɛmməŋa sg. hɛmmənɛ pl. date tree; fr: dattier; dt:

Dattelbaum. hɛmmaa future. → hɛm-. hɛmməŋa sg. → hɛmm. hɛmm(ɔ) imperfective. → hɛm-. hɛmn- noun.

a hɛmɛndɛ sg. a hɛmɛỹã [Note: This word seems to be derived

from the verb a hɛmnam ‘prepare’, although my informants are not aware of any reason, except that a crocodile shares the soul of a human and therefore ‘prepares’ his life.] pl. crocodile, caiman; fr: crocodile, caïman; dt: Krokodil, Kaiman. [Note: Crocodiles are sacred to the Koromba. They are considered to share their soul (a hʋtɛ) with a human being who is presently alive. If the crocodile is killed, the human will die too. Therefore crocodiles are never killed. The crocodiles in Koromba villages are extremely docile and present no threat to children or animals.]

hɛmn- verb. prepare; fr: préparer; dt: vorbereiten. [Note: This is the general word for ‘prepare’. It takes objects such as a wedding, a journey, and food. It is also used for preparing a girl for marriage.]

hɛmɛndaa future. hɛmnɛ past. hɛmɛ perfective. hɛmɛndɩ imperfective.

a hɛmnam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a hɛmɛndɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who

prepares; fr: q.un qui prépare; dt: jmd. der vorbereitet.

a hɛmɛndəba deverbal agent noun pl. a hɛmɛndəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg.

object which is prepared; fr: q.chose qu’on prépare; dt: etwas, was vorbereitet wird.

a hɛmɛndəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a hɛmɛndəga deverbal instrument noun dimin. a hɛmɛndəfa deverbal local noun. place where

preparations take place; fr: endroit où on prépare; dt: Platz, wo man vorbereitet.

a hɛmɛmãʋ things that have been prepared; wedding presents for a girl; fr: choses qui ont été préparées ; dons de mariage pour une jeune fille; dt: Dinge, die vorbereitet worden sind; Hochzeitsgeschenke für ein Mädchen. deverbal nomen acti pl. a vɛŋa ba hɛmnɛ la gʋ bɛ sentence There was a

sudden cloudburst. (Lit.: The rain did not prepare but came.); fr: La pluie a éclaté tout d’un coup. (Lit.: La pluie ne s’est pas préparée mais elle est venue.); dt: Es gab einen plötzlichen Wolkenbruch. (Wörtl.: Der Regen hat sich nicht vorbereitet, sondern kam.)

hɛmnam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → hɛmn-. hɛmnɛ past. → hɛmn-. hɛms- verb. meet, reach, hit (e.g. a target); fr:

rejoindre, rencontrer, croiser, atteindre, frapper (p. ex. avec une flèche); dt: treffen (Menschen, Ziel), kreuzen, erreichen.

hɛmsraa future. hɛmsɛ past. hɛms(ʋ) perfective. hɛmsr(ʋ) imperfective. a hɛmsam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

yoote ʋ hɛmsə dombʌ mə sa wa sentence Today we met (one another) at my father’s (house).; fr: Aujourd’hui on s’est croisé chez mon père.; dt: Heute sind wir uns bei meinem Vater begegnet. [Note: Synonymous with a hɛmam.]

hɛmsɛ past. → hɛms-. hɛmsraa future. → hɛms-. hɛmsr(ʋ) imperfective. → hɛms-. hɛms(ʋ) perfective. → hɛms-. hɛn perfective. → hɛn-. hɛn- verb. sew; dig; give (with outstretched hand),

hand (over); fr: coudre; creuser; donner (tendant la main), tendre; dt: nähen; graben; geben (mit ausgestreckter Hand), übergeben.

hɛtaa future. hɛnnaa future. hɛnɛ past. hɛn perfective. hɛt(ɩ) imperfective. hɛnn(ɩ) imperfective. a hɛnam deverbal action noun sg./mass. [Note:

This word is probably the source of a hɛnam

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‘beer’, perhaps because some up-and-down motion as in sewing and digging is involved in the production of traditional millet beer.]

a hɛtɔ deverbal agent noun sg. a hɛtəba deverbal agent noun pl. also: tailor; fr:

aussi: tailleur; dt: auch: Schneider. a hɛtə samdɛ V+N compound noun sg. needle;

fr: aiguille; dt: Nadel a hɛtə sama V+N compound noun pl.

hɛnam noun. beer, dolo; fr: bière, dolo; dt: Bier, Dolo. [Note: Probably < a hɛnam ‘sew; dig’.]

a hɛnam sg./mass. a hɛnamfɩ pl.

a sɔmdɛ hɛnam NP+N compound noun sg./mass beer (of the European type); fr: bière (de type européen); dt: Bier (europäischer Art)

a mɔsə hɛnam N+N compound noun sg./mass millet beer, dolo (of the indigenous type); fr: bière de mil, dolo (de type indigène); dt: Hirsebier, Dolo (einheimischer Art) [Note: Lit. dolo of the Mossi. Traditional dolo is also used in sacrificial ceremonies, when it is poured on the ground for the ancestors.]

hɛnam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → hɛn-. hɛnd- verb.

a hɛndam deverbal action noun sg./mass. hɛndraa future. hɛndɛ past. hɛndɩ perfective. hɛndrɩ imperfective. catch up with (something

that is ahead), hit (e.g. a bullet); fr: rattraper (q.chose qui est en avant), frapper (p. ex. un plomb); dt: (etwas, was weiter vorne ist) einholen, erreichen (z.B. Geschoss). a vɛɛndɩ koŋ hɛnd a tubre nagəfɛ sentence The

bullet hit the buffalo.; fr: Le plomb a frappé le buffle.; dt: Die Kugel hat den Büffel getroffen.

hɛndam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → hɛnd-. hɛndɛ past. → hɛnd-. hɛndɩ perfective. → hɛnd-. hɛndraa future. → hɛnd-. hɛnɛ past. → hɛn-. hɛnnaa future. → hɛn-. hɛnn(ɩ) imperfective. → hɛn-. hɛŋ demonstrative adjective; demonstrative

pronoun. hɛŋ demonstrative adjective non-human pl. these,

those, the (ones); fr: ces, les; ceux-ci/là, celles-ci/là; dt: diese, jene, die. a pesii hɛŋ NP+demonstrative compound NP

the / these / those sheep; fr: les / ces mouton; dt: die / diese / jene Schafe

pesii tãã hɛŋ noun phrase the / these / those three sheep; fr: les / ces trois moutons; dt: die / diese / jene drei Schafe [Note: * a pesii tãã hɛŋ is impossible because a numeral precludes the article a.]

hɛŋ ba zɔmma mɛ sentence Those don’t like me. (= sheep); fr: Ceux-la ne m’aiment pas. (= moutons); dt: Die dort mögen mich nicht. (=

Schafe) [Note: Demonstrative adjectives are also used as definite articles. Their similarity to the corresponding noun-class suffixes is unmistakable. They always follow the NP. Cf. the full set of demonstratives: hoŋ, koŋ, bɛŋ, hɛŋ, kɛŋ.]

hɛŋgɛ strong demonstrative adjective. — strong demonstrative pronoun. a pesii hɛŋgɛ NP+demonstrative compound NP

the / these / those sheep; fr: les / ces mouton; dt: die / diese / jene Schafe

pesii tãã hɛŋgɛ NP+demonstrative compound NP the / these / those three sheep; fr: les / ces trois moutons; dt: die / diese / jene drei Schafe [Note: * a pesii tãã hɛŋgɛ is impossible because a numeral precludes the article a.]

hɛŋgɛ ba zɔmma mɛ sentence Those doesn’t like me. (= sheep); fr: Ceux-la ne m’aiment pas. (= moutons); dt: Die dort mögen mich nicht. (= Schafe) [Note: The strong demonstratives are said to be more emphatic than the corresponding normal demonstrative, but in practice can be found everywhere where the latter occur. All strong demonstratives are formed by adding -gṾ to the normal demonstrative, where Ṿ is a (non-nasal) copy of the (one and only, mid) vowel of the normal demonstrative.]

hɛs- verb. a hɛsam deverbal action noun sg./mass. hɛsraa future. hɛsɛ past. hɛsɩ perfective. hɛsrɩ imperfective. take away, put at a distance;

fr: éloigner; dt: entfernen. hɛsə na dɩ la məkɔ sentence Take him out of my

sight!; fr: Eloignez-le de moi!; dt: Entfernt ihn von mir!

də hɛsrɩ la məkɔ sentence He is going away from me.; fr: Il est en train de s’éloigner de moi.; dt: Er entfernt sich gerade von mir.

hɛsam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → hɛs-. hɛsɛ past. → hɛs-. hɛsɩ perfective. → hɛs-. hɛsraa future. → hɛs-. hɛtaa future. → hɛn-. hɛt(ɩ) imperfective. → hɛn-. hɛtɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → hɛn-. he- (=/he/) noun. water, liquid; fr: eau, liquide; dt:

Wasser, Flüssigkeit. [Note: The primary meaning of this word is water. But it can be used as the second element of a compound noun to indicate that the first element is a liquid. This liquid need can but need not have been produced from water, as in the example ‘honey’ below.]

a hem (=/he-m/) sg./mass. a hemfi (=/he-m-fɩ/) pl.

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heg- herəde

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a heməŋʌ diminutive sg. drop, drip (of water / liquid); fr: goutte (d’eau / liquide); dt: Tropfen (Wasser / Flüssigkeit). a hem hore NP+N compound noun sg./mass

stream, river; fr: ruisseau, rivière; dt: Bach, Fluss [Note: Synonymous with a gote. This compound seems to have been reanalysed from NP + participle ‘running water’ to NP+N.]

a hem hoyʌu NP+N compound noun sg./mass a (sɔmdɛ) hem dɔnda NP+participle compound

noun fizzy / carbonated drink (coke, etc.) (Lit.: white man’s sweet water); fr: boisson gazé, “sucrerie” (Lit.: eau douce du blanc); dt: Getränk mit Kohlensäure (Cola, etc.) (Wörtl.: süßes Wasser des Weißen) [Note: The element sɔmdɛ is only used for disambiguation, but otherwise omitted.]

a gɛkʋ hem NP+N compound noun sg./mass traditional water (of millet); fr: eau traditionnelle (du petit mil).; dt: traditionelles Wasser (aus Hirse) [Note: This type of millet water is spilled on the ground as a sacrifice for the ancestors at the annual a pɩlaŋ dɔnda New Year ceremony.]

a homoi hem NP+N compound noun sg./mass petrol, paraffin, diesel oil; fr: essence, pétrole, diesel; dt: Benzin, Petroleum, Diesel

a nɛmmɔ hem NP+N compound noun sg./mass soup, stew; fr: Soupe; dt: Suppe, Eintopf [Note: “Soup” consists predominantly of some kind of meat, but often contains more liquid than a stew.]

a nɛmmɔ hemfi NP+N compound noun pl. a tɔɩ hem NP+N compound noun sg./mass

honey; fr: miel; dt: Honig [Note: This compound is used to disambiguate ‘honey’ from ‘bees’; if ambiguity is contextually unlikely, a tɔɩ is used alone.]

a tɔɩ hemfi NP+N compound noun pl. a hɩ labrɛ N+N compound noun sg. water-bag

(leather); fr: outre pour l’eau (en cuir); dt: Wasserflasche (aus Leder) [Note: hɩ < a hem ‘water’]

a hɩ laba N+N compound noun pl. a hem la wɔfə dɩ sentence (S)he has malaria.;

fr: Il/Elle a le paludisme.; dt: Er/Sie hat Malaria.

a hem kʋrgɩ NP+N compound noun sg. ice (lit: dried water); fr: glace (lit.: eau séché); dt: Eis (wörtlich: getrocknetes Wasser)

a hem sɩrɩ NP sg./mass [Note: Double suffixation: -m -ŋʌ]

heg- noun. high; fr: haut; dt: hoch. [Note: This word cannot be used for the intrinsic height of human beings or animals, though it can be used e.g. for buildings, trees. But it can be used for the height of a human being or animal relative to some point of reference (e.g. someone standing on a wall, on a hillside, etc.).]

a hegre adjectival noun sg. a hegʌ adjectival noun pl.

a dɛrəga hegre NP+N compound noun sg. a high mountain; fr: une montagne haute; dt: ein hoher Berg

a hegei abstract quality noun sg. height; fr: hauteur; dt: Höhe.

hegʌ adjectival noun pl. → heg-. hegre adjectival noun sg. → heg-. hell- verb. separate chaff from grain (by pouring

from a height of about 1 metre); fr: séparer de son du mil (en versant d’une hauteur d’un mètre environ); dt: Spreu von Körnern trennen (indem man sie aus einer Höhe von ca. 1 Meter fallen lässt). [Note: This is the traditional method for separating chaff from grain using two calabashes. It depends on the presence of a light wind (which carries away the chaff, but still allows one to catch the grain in the bottom calabash).]

hellrʌʌ future. helle past. hell(i) perfective. hellr(i) imperfective. a hellʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

helle past. → hell-. hell(i) perfective. → hell-. hellrʌʌ future. → hell-. hellr(i) imperfective. → hell-. hem sg./mass. (=/he-m/) → he-. hemfi pl. (=/he-m-fɩ/) → he-. hen perfective. → hen-. hen- verb. expose to the sun: spread out, dry,

stretch out; fr: exposer au soleil: étaler, sécher, étendre; dt: der Sonne aussetzen: ausbreiten, trocknen, ausdehnen. [Note: Synonymous with a tɛbam]

hennʌʌ future. hene past. hen perfective. henn(i) imperfective. a henʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

hene past. → hen-. hennʌʌ future. → hen-. henn(i) imperfective. → hen-. herd- verb.

herədʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. heredʌʌ future. herəde past. here perfective. hered(i) imperfective. liquefy, dilute; fr:

liquéfier; dt: flüssig machen, verdünnen. mə hered a dammɛ sentence I am diluting the

sauce.; fr: Je suis en train de liquéfier la sauce.; dt: Ich verdünne die Sauce.

a damme koŋ here sentence The sauce has become (more) liquid.; fr: La sauce est devenue (plus) liquide.; dt: Die Sauce ist flüssig(er) geworden.

herədʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → herd-. herəde past. → herd-.

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here hil-

80 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

here perfective. → herd-. heredʌʌ future. → herd-. herem perfective. → herm-. herm- verb.

herəmʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. herəmʌʌ future. herəme past. herem perfective. herəm(o) imperfective. be liquid; fr: être liquide;

dt: flüssig sein. herəmʌʌ future. → herm-. herəmʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → herm-. herəme past. → herm-. hers- verb.

hersʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. hersərʌʌ future. herse past. hers(i) perfective. hersər(i) imperfective. become liquid; fr: devenir

liquide; dt: flüssig werden. a bondu koŋ hersi sentence The gruel has

become liquid.; fr: La bouillie est devenue liquide.; dt: Die Grütze ist flüssig geworden.

hersʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → hers-. herse past. → hers-. hers(i) perfective. → hers-. hersərʌʌ future. → hers-. hɩfaa future. → hɩt-. hɩfʋ imperfective. → hɩt-. hɩlaʋ noun.

hɩlaʋ sg. hɩlaʋfɩ pl. sand; fr: sable; dt: Sand. [Note: The

singular looks like a plural of the - dɛ/-a noun class, but there is no corresponding singular/singulative like * hɩllɛ. This noun is also not a genuine member of the ʋ/fɩ noun class since the ʋ is preserved in the plural.]

hɩt- verb. stop, stand, stand up, wait; fr: (s’)arrêter, être debout, se mettre debout, attendre; dt: anhalten, stehen, stehen bleiben, aufstehen, warten.

hɩtraa future. hɩfaa future. hɩtɛ past. hɩt(ɩ) perfective. hɩtr(ɩ) imperfective. hɩfʋ imperfective. a hɩtam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

hɩtɛ past. → hɩt-. hɩt(ɩ) perfective. → hɩt-. hɩtraa future. → hɩt-. hɩtr(ɩ) imperfective. → hɩt-. hɩ personal pronoun. they, them, their, theirs; fr:

ils, elles, eux, leur(e)(s); dt: sie, ihr. hɩ / hɛ postclitic personal pronoun object 3pl.

non-human. hɩ postclitic personal pronoun object 3rd person

pl. non-human. → ɩ. hib- verb.

a hibʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. hibrʌʌ future.

hibe past. hib(u) perfective. hibr(u) imperfective. fill up, be full (intransitive);

fr: se remplir, être plein (intransitif); dt: sich anfüllen, voll sein (intransitiv).

hibʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → hib-. hibe past. → hib-. hibrʌʌ future. → hib-. hibs- verb.

a hibsʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. hibsrʌʌ future. hibse past. hibs(u) perfective. hibsr(u) imperfective. fill (up) (transitive); fr:

(r)emplir (transitif); dt: anfüllen, auffüllen (transitiv). [Note: Synonymous with a hibtʌm but used less commonly.]

hibsʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → hibs-. hibse past. → hibs-. hibsrʌʌ future. → hibs-. hibs(u) perfective. → hibs-. hibt- verb.

a hibtʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. hibtrʌʌ future. hibte past. hibt(u) perfective. hibtr(u) imperfective. fill (up) (transitive); fr:

(r)emplir (transitif); dt: anfüllen, auffüllen (transitiv). də hibte (a) yoroŋ koŋ a hem sentence He filled

the pot with water.; fr: Il a rempli de canari d’eau.; dt: Er hat den Topf mit Wasser gefüllt.

hibtʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → hibt-. hibte past. → hibt-. hibtrʌʌ future. → hibt-. hibt(u) perfective. → hibt-. hib(u) perfective. → hib-. hig- noun.

hikʌ sg. higəni pl. partridge; fr: perdrix, perdreau; dt:

Rebhuhn. [Note: pl. has [g], not [ɣ]] hikʌ sg. → hig-. hil- noun.

a hilo sg. a hilfi pl. voice, throat; spoken sound, order (to

do something); piece of news; fr: voix, gorge; son (parlé), ordre (de faire q.chose), nouvelle; dt: Stimme, Kehle, Laut; Befehl (etw. zu machen), Nachricht. mə hilo la wollu sentence My throat

hurts/aches.; fr: J’ai mal à la gorge.; dt: Ich habe Halsweh.

baa dubse ba ỹɔɔndɔ hilo sentence They have not obeyed their elder brother’s orders; fr: Ils n’ont pas respecté les ordres de leur grand frère.; dt: Sie haben die Befehle ihres großen Bruders missachtet.

də bɛ sɛb m a hilo sentence He came to tell me a piece of news.; fr: Il est venu me raconter

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hilo hɔɩ-

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 81

une nouvelle.; dt: Er ist gekommen, um mir eine Nachricht zu erzählen. [Note: 3340]

hilo sg. → hil-. hir- noun.

a hiriŋ sg. abundance; fr: abondance; dt: Fülle. [Note: < a hirʌm]

hir- verb. a hirʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. hitʌʌ future. hire past. hir(i) perfective. hit(i) imperfective. be full (after eating); fr: être

rassasié; dt: satt sein. hirʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → hir-. hire past. → hir-. hirf- imperfective. be in form; fr: être en forme; dt:

in Form sein. hirfʌʌ future. hirfu (=/hidfu/)

hirfʌʌ future. → hirf-. hir(i) perfective. → hir-. hitʌʌ future. → hir-. hĩ noun.

a hĩ sg. a hĩfi pl. direction; fr: direction; dt: Richtung.

nde hĩ zɩbɔʋ wɛ sentence Which direction is Djibo?; fr: Dans quelle direction se trouve Djibo?; dt: In welcher Richtung liegt Djibo?

nɛŋ hi elliptical sentence That way.; fr: Comme ça.; dt: Diese Richtung.

a ỹĩmde hĩ NP+N compound noun sg. eastwards (lit.: towards sunrise); fr: vers l’est (lit.: vers le levant du soleil); dt: ostwärts (wörtl.: Richtung Sonnenaufgang)

ho də hi sentence Run towards him! (lit.: his direction); fr: Cours vers lui! (lit.: sa direction); dt: Lauf’ ihm entgegen! (wörtl.: seine Richtung)

hĩĩ numeral. [Note: The disjunctive numeral ɩhiĩ is used when counting. When hĩĩ is used attributively the prefix ɩ must be dropped and there can be no article a before the qualified noun or noun phrase.]

hĩĩ attributive cardinal numeral. two (2); ten francs CFA; fr: deux (2); dix francs CFA; dt: zwei (2); zehn Francs CFA.

ɩhiĩ disjunctive cardinal numeral. a hĩĩndo ordinal numeral human sg. second; fr:

deuxième; dt: zweit(-er,-e,-es). a hĩĩndəbʌ ordinal numeral human pl. a hĩĩndəgu ordinal numeral non-human sg. & pl.

[Note: Non-human ordinal numerals have no plural form; instead the singular is used.]

hĩĩndəbʌ ordinal numeral human pl. → hĩĩ. hĩĩndo ordinal numeral human sg. → hĩĩ. hĩn- noun.

a hĩnʌ sg. a hĩne sg. a hĩnefi pl. a hĩnʌfi pl. kind of bush with edible fruit; fr:

espèce d’arbuste à fruits mangeables; dt: Art

Strauch mit essbaren Früchten. [Note: The fruit is brown, smooth, round and about 1cm diameter. It contains a large nut. The flesh tastes almost like strawberries. Mòoré name of the fruit: mugənʌ]

hĩnʌ sg. → hĩn-. hĩne sg. → hĩn-. hĩnefi pl. → hĩn-. hĩnne adverb.

hĩnne temporal adverb. the day after tomorrow; fr: après-demain; dt: übermorgen. ba digrʌʌ (a) yãna hɛŋ hĩnne sentence They will

sow the millet the day after tomorrow.; fr: Ils sèmeront le mil après-demain.; dt: Sie werden übermorgen die Hirse säen.

hɔb- verb. put at (or near) the bottom of a pile; fr: mettre au-dessous d’un tas; dt: unten (oder fast unten) in einen Stoß hineingeben.

hɔbraa future. hɔbɛ past. hɔb(ʋ) perfective. hɔbr(ʋ) imperfective. hɔbam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

hɔbɛ past. → hɔb-. hɔbraa future. → hɔb-. hɔbr(ʋ) imperfective. → hɔb-. hɔb(ʋ) perfective. → hɔb-. hɔl- noun.

a hɔllɛ sg. a hɔla pl. part, share; fr: part; dt: Teil, Anteil.

mə pa mə hɔllɛ sentence I have done my part.; fr: J’ai fait ma part.; dt: Ich habe meinen Teil geleistet.

ba da ba hɔla sentence They have received their share.; fr: Ils ont reçu leurs parts.; dt: Sie haben ihre Anteile erhalten.

hɔllɛ hɔllɛ adverb. in equal parts, one-to-one; fr: à parts égaux, un à un; dt: in gleichen Teilen, eins zu eins. ba totʌʌ hɔ hɔllɛ hɔllɛ sentence They are going

to share out the food among us in equal parts.; fr: Ils vont nous distribuer la nourriture à parts égaux.; dt: Sie werden das Essen in gleichen Teilen unter uns aufteilen.

hɔla pl. → hɔl-. hɔllɛ sg. → hɔl-. hɔ postclitic pronoun (direct or indirect object)

1st person pl. → ʋ. hɔɛ past. → hɔɩ-. hɔgəfaa future. (=/hɔg-f-aa/) → hɔŋn-. hɔgəf(ʋ) imperfective. (=/hɔg-f-aa/) → hɔŋn-. hɔɩ perfective. → hɔɩ-. hɔɩ- noun.

a hɔɩnɛ sg. a hɔɩã pl. penis; fr: pénis; dt: Penis.

hɔɩ- verb. barbecue, grill, roast; fr: griller, rôtir; dt: grillen, rösten. [Note: This verb signifies cooking meat on a fire or (more usually) charcoal directly, i.e. without using a grill or

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hɔɩnaa hɔŋg-

82 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

any kind of surrounding container. Cf. a kɛləgam and a paŋam.]

hɔɩnaa future. hɔɛ past. hɔɩ perfective. hɔɩn(ɛ) imperfective. a hɔỹãm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

hɔɩnaa future. → hɔɩ-. hɔɩnɛ sg. → hɔɩ-. hɔɩn(ɛ) imperfective. → hɔɩ-. hɔk- verb.

a hɔkam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a hɔkrɛ deverbal action noun sg. hɔkraa future. hɔkɛ past. hɔk(ʋ) perfective. hɔkr(ʋ) imperfective. scratch (an itch); fr:

gratter; dt: kratzen (etwas, was juckt). hɔkam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → hɔk-. hɔkɛ past. → hɔk-. hɔkraa future. → hɔk-. hɔkrɛ noun.

hɔkrɛ sg. kind of illness; fr: gale (espèce de maladie); dt: Art Krankheit. [Note: < a hɔkam ‘scratch’. No plural except with - fɩ.]

hɔkrɛ deverbal action noun sg. → hɔk-. hɔkʋ noun.

a hɔkʋ sg. fog; fr: brouillard; dt: Nebel. [Note: Fog consists of particles of sandy dust rather than water.]

hɔk(ʋ) perfective. → hɔk-. hɔmb- noun. fig tree, (pl.) figs; fr: figuier, (pl.)

fruits du figuier; dt: Feigenbaum, (pl.) Feigen. [Note: This type of fig is now virtually unknown; the word exists only in traditional stories. The normal word for ‘fig’ is “a were”.]

a hɔmbrɛ sg. a hɔmba pl.

a hɔmbrɛ bi NP+N compound noun sg. a hɔmbrɛ bu NP+N compound noun pl. fig; fr:

fruit du figuier; dt: Feige hɔmbrɛ sg. → hɔmb-. hɔmnɛ noun.

a hɔmnɛ sg. intelligence; idea; fr: intelligence; idée; dt: Intelligenz; Idee. a hɔmnɛ sa NP+N compound noun sg. a hɔmnɛ samma NP+N compound noun pl.

intelligent, clever; fr: intelligent, malin; dt: intelligent, schlau

hɔn perfective. → hɔn-. hɔn- noun.

hɔndɛ sg. hɔna pl. daba, hoe (traditional agricultural tool

for piling up earth around plants); plough; fr: daba (outil agricole traditionnel pour entasser la terre autour d’une plante); charrue; dt: Daba, Rechen (traditionelles landwirtschaftliches Werkzeug, mit dem Erde um die Pflanzen aufgehäuft wird); Pflug.

a nagfɛ hɔndɛ NP+N compound noun sg. ox-drawn plough; fr: charrue à bœuf; dt: von Ochsen gezogener Pflug

a hɔ zoro N+N compound noun sg. handle of a daba (traditional hoe); fr: manche de daba; dt: Griff eines Daba (traditionellen Rechens)

a hɔ zorəfi — N+N compound noun pl.

hɔn- verb. hɔndaa future. hɔnɛ past. hɔn perfective. hɔnd(ʋ) imperfective. amuse oneself, dance, play;

fr: s’amuser, danser, jouer; dt: sich unterhalten, tanzen, spielen.

a hɔnɛ deverbal action noun sg./mass. game, dance; fr: jeu, danse; dt: Spiel, Tanz.

hɔnəga diminutive sg. short dance; fr: danse courte; dt: kurzer Tanz. [Note: For the pl., only the mass noun a hɔnɛ can be used.]

a hɔndɔ deverbal agent noun sg. dancer; fr: danseur, danseuse; dt: Tänzer, Tänzerin.

a hɔndəba deverbal agent noun pl. hɔnd- noun.

a hɔndəga diminutive sg. a hɔndənɛ diminutive pl. a hɔndrɛ sg. a hɔnda pl. navel; fr: nombril; dt: Nabel. [Note:

3400] hɔndaa future. → hɔn-. hɔndɛ sg. → hɔn-. hɔndəga diminutive sg. → hɔnd-. hɔndənɛ diminutive pl. → hɔnd-. hɔndɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → hɔn-. hɔndrɛ sg. → hɔnd-. hɔnd(ʋ) imperfective. → hɔn-. hɔnɛ past. → hɔn-. hɔnɛ deverbal action noun sg./mass. → hɔn-. hɔnəga diminutive sg. → hɔn-. hɔŋg- verb.

a hɔŋgam deverbal action noun sg./mass. hɔŋgraa future. hɔŋgɛ past. hɔŋg(ʋ) perfective. hɔŋgr(ʋ) imperfective. show, point to, teach; fr:

montrer, indiquer, apprendre (à q.un); dt: zeigen, deuten, beibringen.

a hɔŋgrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who shows / points / teaches, Teacher; fr: q.un qui montre / indique / apprend (à q.un, Instituteur; dt: jmd. der zeigt / deutet / beibringt, LehrerIn.

a hɔŋgrəba deverbal agent noun pl. a hɔŋgrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. object

for showing, instrument (e.g. of a car), clock; fr: objet pour montrer, instrument (p. ex. d’une voiture), montre; dt: Gegenstand zum zeigen, Anzeige (z.B. eines Autos), Uhr.

a hɔŋgrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a hɔŋgrəga deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. also: watch; fr: aussi: montre-bracelet; dt: auch: Armbanduhr.

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hɔŋgam ho

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 83

a hɔŋgrəfa deverbal local noun. place for showing / pointing / teaching, school, university; fr: endroit pour montrer / indiquer / enseigner, école, lycée, université; dt: Platz zum zeigen / deuten / unterrichten, Schule, Gymnasium, Universität.

a hɔŋgəmaʋ deverbal nomen acti pl. things that have been shown (e.g. collections in a museum); fr: choses qui ont été montrées (p. ex. les collections d’un musée); dt: Dinge, die gezeigt worden sind (z.B. die Sammlungen eines Museums).

hɔŋgam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → hɔŋg-. hɔŋgɛ past. → hɔŋg-. hɔŋgɔtam deverbal action noun sg./mass. →

hɔŋgṾt-. hɔŋgɔtɛ past. → hɔŋgṾt-. hɔŋgɔtraa future. → hɔŋgṾt-. hɔŋgɔtrəba deverbal agent noun pl. → hɔŋgṾt-. hɔŋgɔtrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. → hɔŋgṾt-. hɔŋgɔtrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. →

hɔŋgṾt-. hɔŋgɔtrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. →

hɔŋgṾt-. hɔŋgɔtrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → hɔŋgṾt-. hɔŋgɔtr(ʋ) imperfective. → hɔŋgṾt-. hɔŋgɔt(ʋ) perfective. → hɔŋgṾt-. hɔŋgraa future. → hɔŋg-. hɔŋgrəba deverbal agent noun pl. → hɔŋg-. hɔŋgrəfa deverbal local noun. → hɔŋg-. hɔŋgrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ hɔŋg-. hɔŋgrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → hɔŋg-. hɔŋgrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → hɔŋg-. hɔŋgrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → hɔŋg-. hɔŋgr(ʋ) imperfective. → hɔŋg-. hɔŋg(ʋ) perfective. → hɔŋg-. hɔŋgṾt- verb. uncover, discover; fr: découvrir; dt:

abdecken, entdecken. [Note: This is the reversive of a hɔŋgam ‘to show’. Its slightly unexpected meaning derives from “not to need to be shown / taught”.]

hɔŋgɔtraa future. hɔŋgɔtɛ past. hɔŋgɔt(ʋ) perfective. hɔŋgɔtr(ʋ) imperfective. a hɔŋgɔtam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a hɔŋgɔtrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who

discovers, discoverer; fr: q.un qui découvert, découvreur; dt: jmd. der entdeckt, Entdecker.

a hɔŋgɔtrəba deverbal agent noun pl. a hɔŋgɔtrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg.

object discovered; exploratory instrument (e.g. metal detector); fr: objet découvert; instrument exploratoire (p. ex. détecteur de métal); dt: entdeckter Gegenstand; Entdeckungsinstrument (z.B. Metalldetektor).

a hɔŋgɔtrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a hɔŋgɔtrəga deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg.

a hɔŋgɔtrəfa deverbal local noun. place discovered; fr: endroit qu’on découvre; dt: Platz, der entdeckt wird.

hɔŋn- (=/hɔg-Ṿl/) verb. hold, bring (with one), have, possess, keep, support; (auxiliary) repeatedly; fr: tenir, apporter (avec soi), avoir, posséder, garder, soutenir; (auxiliaire) plusieurs fois; dt: halten, mitbringen, haben, besitzen, behalten, erhalten; (Auxiliar) mehrmals.

hɔgəfaa (=/hɔg-f-aa/) future. hɔŋnɛ (=/hɔg-Ṿl-ɛ/) past. hɔŋɔ (=/hɔg-Ṿl/) perfective. hɔgəf(ʋ) (=/hɔg-f-aa/) imperfective. a hɔŋənam (=/hɔg-Ṿl-am/) deverbal action noun

sg./mass. hɔŋnɛ past. (=/hɔg-Ṿl-ɛ/) → hɔŋn-. hɔŋɔ perfective. (=/hɔg-Ṿl/) → hɔŋn-. hɔɔ noun.

a hɔɔ sg./mass. shell of a grain of millet; fr: enveloppe de mil; dt: Schale eines Hirsekorns. ba sɔgtraa a y ãnzamba ba sell a hɔɔ sɩrɩ

sentence They take the grains of millet from their cobs and remove their husks (by stamping).; fr: Elles enlèvent les graines de petit mil de leurs épis et elles enlèvent (en pilant) les enveloppes.; dt: Sie nehmen die Hirsekörner von den Kolben und entfernen (durch stampfen) ihre Schalen.

hɔs- noun. a hɔsəga sg. a hɔsənɛ pl. well; fr: puits; dt: Brunnen. [Note: <

a hɔsam] hɔs- noun.

a hɔsʋ sg. piece of soft iron used to clean calabashes; fr: fer mou pour nettoyer les calebasses; dt: weiches Eisen, mit dem Kalebassen gereinigt werden. [Note: Used e.g. to clean the calabash cups from which millet beer is drunk. < a hɔsam ‘clean out’, probably the indeclinable participial form (= perfective) originally used with a preceding noun like a kɔsʋ.]

hɔs- verb. a hɔsam deverbal action noun sg./mass. hɔsraa future. hɔsɛ past. hɔs(ʋ) perfective. hɔsr(ʋ) imperfective. put millet porridge from

the pot onto a plate; clean out (a well); fr: servir du tô (de la marmite sur une assiette); nettoyer (un puits); dt: Hirsebrei aus dem Topf auf einen Teller geben; (einen Brunnen) ausräumen.

hɔsam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → hɔs-. hɔsɛ past. → hɔs-. hɔsəga sg. → hɔs-. hɔsraa future. → hɔs-. hɔs(ʋ) perfective. → hɔs-. ho perfective. → ho-.

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ho- hoigʌm

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ho- verb. run, flee; fr: courir, s’enfuir; dt: laufen, flüchten.

horʌʌ future. hoe past. ho perfective. [Note: unexpected - e] hor(u) imperfective. a horei deverbal action noun sg./mass. a horo deverbal agent noun sg. a horəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl.

hob- verb. a hobʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. hobrʌʌ future. hobe past. hob(u) perfective. hobr(u) imperfective. pick (e.g. fruit), massage

(e.g. a limb); fr: cueillir (p. ex. des fruits), masser (p. ex. un membre); dt: pflücken (z.B. Früchte), massieren (z.B. Gliedmaßen).

hobʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → hob-. hobe past. → hob-. hobrʌʌ future. → hob-. hobt- verb. grab (forcefully), defend; fr: retirer (par

force), défendre; dt: an sich reißen (kräftig), verteidigen.

hobtrʌʌ future. hobte past. hobtu perfective. hobtru imperfective. a hobtʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a hobtre deverbal action noun sg. a hobtʌ deverbal action noun pl. a hobtro deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who grabs;

robber, thief; fr: celui qui retire; brigand, voleur; dt: der, der an sich reißt; Räuber, Dieb.

a hobtrəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. a hobtrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. object

that could be stolen / snatched; tool for stealing; fr: objet qui pourrait être volé / retiré par force; outil pour voler; dt: Gegenstand, der gestohlen / an sich gerissen werden könnte; Werkzeug zum Stehlen.

a hobtrəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. a hobtrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a hobtrəfʌ deverbal local noun. place where

people are attacked by thieves; fr: endroit où les gens sont attaqués par le voleurs; dt: Platz, wo man von Dieben angegriffen wird. a hem hobtre NP+N compound noun sg. flood;

fr: inondation; dt: Überschwemmung hobtʌ deverbal action noun pl. → hobt-. hobtʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → hobt-. hobte past. → hobt-. hobtrʌʌ future. → hobt-. hobtrəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. → hobt-. hobtre deverbal action noun sg. → hobt-. hobtrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ hobt-. hobtrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. → hobt-. hobtrəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. → hobt-. hobtro deverbal agent noun sg. → hobt-.

hobtru imperfective. → hobt-. hobtu perfective. → hobt-. hob(u) perfective. → hob-. hoe past. → ho-. hog- noun.

a hokʌ sg. a hogəni wild millet; fr: mil sauvage (non-semé);

dt: (wild aufgegangene) Hirse. a sarʋ hokʌ NP+N compound noun sg.

whirlwind; fr: tourbillon; dt: Wirbelwind a sarʋ hogəni NP+N compound noun pl. [Note:

Pl. has [ɣ], not [g].] hogo noun.

a hogo sg. underside; fr: dessous, surface inférieure; dt: Unterseite.

hogo (ni) postposition. under, beneath, below; fr: sous, au-dessous de; dt: unter, unterhalb. [Note: Can be used with or without ni.]

a fɛkʋ koŋ hogo (ni) prepositional phrase. under the tree; fr: sous l’arbre; dt: unter dem Baum. də tufʌʌ a yɔ halʋ hogo (ni) sentence He is

sitting under the chief’s hangar.; fr: Il es assis sous le hangar du chef.; dt: Er sitzt unter dem Hangar des Chefs.

hogo (ni) postposition. → hogo. hoi- verb.

a hoigu deverbal action noun sg./mass. hoifʌʌ future. hoyʌʌ future. hore past. hori perfective. hoifu imperfective. lie down, go to bed; fr: se

coucher, aller au lit; dt: sich niederlegen, ins Bett gehen. a bʌʌnə hori sentence Good night! (lit.: lie in

health); fr: Bonne nuit! (lit.: couche-toi en santé); dt: Gute Nacht! (lit.: lieg’ gesund)

n hore bʌʌni sentence Did you sleep well?; fr: As-tu bien dormi?; dt: Hast du gut geschlafen? [Note: Greeting the last time you see someone in the evening. Reply: the same thing. Greeting the first time you see someone in the morning. Reply: a bʌʌnə hore or (more casually) a bʌʌni]

a hoifʌ deverbal local noun sg. a hoifʌfi deverbal local noun pl. place to lie

down, sleeping place; fr: lieu où on se couche, lieu où on dort; dt: Liegeplatz, Schlafplatz.

hoifʌ deverbal local noun sg. → hoi-. hoifʌʌ future. → hoi-. hoifu imperfective. → hoi-. hoig- verb.

a hoigʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. hoigrʌʌ future. hoige past. hoig(i) perfective. hoigr(i) imperfective. lay (s.o.) down; have sex;

fr: coucher (quelqu’un); copuler; dt: niederlegen; Sex haben.

hoigʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → hoig-.

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hoige past. → hoig-. hoig(i) perfective. → hoig-. hoigrʌʌ future. → hoig-. hoigu deverbal action noun sg./mass. → hoi-. hokʌ sg. → hog-. hol noun. river; fr: rivière, fleuve; dt: Fluss, Strom.

[Note: Is this the same as a hʋlɔ?] a holəfe sg. a holəfi pl. [Note: Wider than a gote.]

holəfe sg. → hol. hom perfective. → hom-. hom- noun. dry season (from December to May); fr:

saison sèche (du décembre jusqu’au mai); dt: Trockenzeit (von Dezember bis Mai).

a homde sg. a homdefi pl. [Note: < a homoi ‘heat’. See also

other seasons: a kara, a wɩrɛ.] hom- verb.

a homʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. hommʌʌ future. home past. hom perfective. homm(õ) imperfective. kiss; caress, have sex; fr:

baiser; caresser, copuler, coïter; dt: küssen; streicheln, Geschlechtsverkehr haben.

hom- verb. heat, speed; be warm/hot, be fast; fr: chaleur, vitesse; être chaud, être vite; dt: Hitze, Schnelligkeit; warm/heiß sein, schnell sein.

homnʌʌ future. homo imperfective. a homoi deverbal action noun sg./mass. homnʌ participial adjective. also: fast, quick; fr:

aussi: vite; dt: auch: schnell. bɛ yere homnʌ homnʌ imperative sentence

Come here quick!; fr: Viens ici vite-vite!; dt: Komm her schnell-schnell!

yoote homnʌʌ halə wasɩ sentence It is hot today.; fr: Il fait chaud aujourd’hui.; dt: Es ist heute heiß. [Note: The adverb joote is the subject of this sentence; therefore no subject pronoun such as gʋ ‘it’ is used.]

homʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → hom-. homde sg. → hom-. home past. → hom-. hommʌʌ future. → hom-. homnʌ noun.

a homnʌ sg. a homnʌfi pl. funeral; fr: funérailles; dt:

Begräbnis. homnʌʌ future. → hom-. homo imperfective. → hom-. homoi deverbal action noun sg./mass. → hom-. homs- verb.

a homsʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. homsərʌʌ future. homse past. homs(u) perfective. homsər(u) imperfective. heat; hurry, be fast; fr:

chauffer; se dépêcher, être vite; dt: heizen, erhitzen, aufwärmen; sich beeilen, schnell sein.

a homsəro deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who heats, aggressive person; s.o. who is fast; fr: q.un qui chauffe, personne agressive ; q.un qui est vite; dt: jmd. der heizt, aggressiver Mensch; jmd. der schnell ist.

a homsərəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. a homsərəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. thing

for heating (e.g. oven, hearth, pot, electrical power); sth. that is fast; fr: chose pour chauffer (p. ex. four, foyer, marmite, courrant électrique); q.chose qui est vite; dt: etwas zum heizen (z.B. Backrohr, Herd, Topf, elektrischer Strom); etwas Schnelles.

a homsərəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. a homsərəgʌ deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. a homsərəfʌ deverbal local noun. place for

heating (e.g. oven, hearth, pot); fr: endroit pour chauffer (p. ex. four, foyer, marmite); dt: Platz zum erhitzen (z.B. Backrohr, Herd, Topf).

a homsəmʌũ deverbal nomen acti pl. heated things (e.g. hot food); fr: choses chauffées (p. ex. nourriture chaude); dt: erhitzte Dinge (z.B. heißes Essen). — deverbal nomen acti pl. yoote homsu sentence It is hot today.; fr: Il

fait chaud aujourd’hui.; dt: Es ist heute heiß.

homsʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → homs-. homse past. → homs-. homsərʌʌ future. → homs-. homsərəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. → homs-. homsərəfʌ deverbal local noun. → homs-. homsərəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. → homs-. homsərəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. → homs-. homsərəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. → homs-. homsəro deverbal agent noun sg. → homs-. homsər(u) imperfective. → homs-. homs(u) perfective. → homs-. hon- noun. bean; fr: haricot; dt: Bohne.

a honde sg. a honʌ pl.

honde sg. → hon-. hoŋ (=/hoŋ/) demonstrative. this, that, the; this /

that person; fr: ce, cet, cette, le, la; celui-ci/là, celle-ci/là; dt: dies(-er,-e,-es), jen(-er,-e,-es), der, die, das.

hoŋ (=/hoŋ/) demonstrative adjective human sg. — demonstrative pronoun human sg. a kɛɔ hoŋ NP+demonstr. noun phrase sg. the /

this / that woman; fr: la / cette femme; dt: die / diese / jene Frau

kɛɔ dɔm hoŋ NP+demonstr. noun phrase sg. the / this / that one woman; fr: la / cette seule femme; dt: die / diese / jene Frau allein [Note: *a kɛɔ dɔm hoŋ is impossible because the numeral dɔm ‘one’ precludes the article a.]

hoŋ ba zɔmma mɛ sentence That guy doesn’t like me.; fr: Celui-la ne m’aime pas.; dt: Der

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hor- hʋbɔtam

86 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

dort mag mich nicht. [Note: Demonstrative adjectives are also used as definite articles. Their similarity to the corresponding noun-class suffixes is unmistakable. They always follow the NP and do not affect the presence or absence of the article a before the NP. When used pronouns they stand alone in the position of an NP. Cf. the full set of demonstratives: hoŋ, koŋ, bɛŋ, hɛŋ, kɛŋ.]

hoŋgo (=/hoŋ-gṾ/) strong demonstrative adjective / pronoun human sg. a kɛɔ hoŋgo NP+demonstr. noun phrase sg. the

/ this / that woman; fr: la / cette femme; dt: die / diese / jene Frau

kɛɔ dɔm hoŋgo NP+demonstr. noun phrase sg. the / this / that one woman; fr: la / cette seule femme; dt: die / diese / jene Frau allein [Note: * a kɛɔ dɔm hoŋgo is impossible because a numeral precludes the article a.]

hoŋgo ba zɔmma mɛ sentence That guy doesn’t like me.; fr: Celui-la ne m’aime pas.; dt: Der dort mag mich nicht. [Note: The strong demonstratives are said to be more emphatic than the corresponding normal demonstrative, but in practice can be found everywhere where the latter occur. All strong demonstratives are formed by adding -gṾ to the normal demonstrative, where Ṿ is a (non-nasal) copy of the (one and only, mid) vowel of the normal demonstrative.]

hor- verb. a horʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a horəgu deverbal action noun sg./mass. [Note:

[g] not [ɣ]] hotʌʌ future. horəbe past. hor(u) perfective. [Note: rare; instead horo from

a horədʌm is preferred] hot(u) imperfective. cook (porridge and similar);

fr: préparer (le tô etc.); dt: (Brei etc.) kochen. də hot a faɩ sentence She is cooking porridge.;

fr: Elle est en train de préparer du tô.; dt: Sie kocht gerade Brei.

də hot a safandɩ sentence She is making (traditional) soap.; fr: Elle est en train de faire du savon (traditionnel).; dt: Sie macht gerade (traditionelle) Seife. [Note: This type of cooking involves heating in a big pot and stirring. Synonymous with a horədʌm]

horʌʌ future. → ho-. horʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → hor-. horəbe past. → hor-. hord- verb.

a horədʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. horodʌʌ future. horəde past. horo perfective. [Note: rare; instead horo from a

horədʌm is preferred]

horod(u) imperfective. cook (porridge and similar); fr: préparer (le tô etc.); dt: (Brei etc.) kochen. də horod a faɩ sentence She is cooking

porridge.; fr: Elle est en train de préparer du tô.; dt: Sie kocht gerade Brei.

də horod a safandɩ sentence She is making (traditional) soap.; fr: Elle est en train de faire du savon (traditionnel).; dt: Sie macht gerade (traditionelle) Seife. [Note: This type of cooking involves heating in a big pot and stirring. Synonymous with a horʌm / a horəgu]

horədʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → hord-. horəde past. → hord-. hore past. → hoi-. horei deverbal action noun sg./mass. → ho-. horəgu deverbal action noun sg./mass. → hor-. hori perfective. → hoi-. horo deverbal agent noun sg. → ho-. horo perfective. → hord-. horodʌʌ future. → hord-. hor(u) imperfective. → ho-. hor(u) perfective. → hor-. hotʌʌ future. → hor-. hoyʌʌ future. → hoi-. hʋbɩ pl. → hʋg-/hʋb-. hʋbl- verb.

a hʋbəlam deverbal action noun sg./mass. hʋbɔlaa future. hʋbəlɛ past. hʋbɔ perfective. hʋbɔl(ʋ) imperfective. hide; fr: cacher; dt:

verstecken. də hʋbɔ də gɩllɛ sentence He has hidden.; fr: Il

s’est caché.; dt: Er hat sich versteckt. a hʋbɔləfa deverbal local noun sg. hiding place;

fr: cachette; dt: Versteck. a hʋbɔləfafɩ deverbal local noun pl. a hʋbɔləgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. hiding-

place; fr: cachette; dt: Versteck. a hʋbɔləhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl.

hʋbəlam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → hʋbl-. hʋbəlɛ past. → hʋbl-. hʋbɔ perfective. → hʋbl-. hʋbɔlaa future. → hʋbl-. hʋbɔləfa deverbal local noun sg. → hʋbl-. hʋbɔləfafɩ deverbal local noun pl. → hʋbl-. hʋbɔləgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → hʋbl-. hʋbɔl(ʋ) imperfective. → hʋbl-. hʋbɔt- verb.

a hʋbɔtam deverbal action noun sg./mass. hʋbɔtraa future. hʋbɔtɛ past. hʋbɔt(ʋ) perfective. hʋbɔtr(ʋ) imperfective. discover (something

hidden), take out (of a hiding-place; fr: découvrir (q.chose qui était caché), faire sortir d’une cachette; dt: (etwas Verstecktes) entdecken, aus einem Versteck herausholen.

hʋbɔtam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → hʋbɔt-.

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hʋbɔtɛ hʋlg-

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hʋbɔtɛ past. → hʋbɔt-. hʋbɔtraa future. → hʋbɔt-. hʋbɔt(ʋ) perfective. → hʋbɔt-. hʋbt- verb. throw (once only); fr: jeter, lancer (une

seule fois); dt: werfen (nur einmal). [Note: cf. a hʋkam ‘throw (several times)’]

hʋbtraa future. hʋbtɛ past. hʋbt(ʋ) perfective. hʋbtr(ʋ) imperfective. a hʋbtam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a hʋbtrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who

throws, thrower; fr: q.un qui jète, jeteur; dt: jmd. der wirft, Werfer.

a hʋbtrəba deverbal agent noun pl. a hʋbtrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. object

for throwing (e.g. bow, slingshot); object that is thrown (e.g. arrow, stone); fr: objet pour jeter (p. ex. arc, lance-pierres); objet qu’on jète (p. ex. flèche, pierre); dt: Gegenstand zum werfen (z.B. Bogen, Schleuder); Gegenstand, der geworfen wird (z.B. Pfeil, Stein).

a hʋbtrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a hʋbtrəga deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. a hʋbtrəfa deverbal local noun. place for

throwing; place for shooting at birds (with a catapult); fr: endroit pour jeter; endroit où on tire sur les oiseaux (avec un lance-pierres); dt: Platz zum werfen; Platz, wo man (mit einem Katapult) auf Vögel schießt.

hʋbtam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → hʋbt-. hʋbtɛ past. → hʋbt-. hʋbtraa future. → hʋbt-. hʋbtrəba deverbal agent noun pl. → hʋbt-. hʋbtrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ hʋbt-. hʋbtrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → hʋbt-. hʋbtrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → hʋbt-. hʋbtrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → hʋbt-. hʋbtr(ʋ) imperfective. → hʋbt-. hʋbt(ʋ) perfective. → hʋbt-. hʋg-/hʋb- noun.

a hʋkʋ sg. a hʋbɩ pl. a hʋkəŋa diminutive sg. a hʋgnɩ diminutive pl. kind of lizard; fr: espèce de

lézard, gueule tapée; dt: Art Eidechse. hʋɩs- verb.

a hʋɩsam deverbal action noun sg./mass. hʋɩsraa future. hʋɩsɛ past. hʋɩs(ɩ) perfective. hʋɩsr(ɩ) imperfective. degrade, humiliate,

dishonour, mock, criticise, be impertinent; decrease (illness); fr: dégrader, humilier, déshonorer, se moquer, critiquer, être impertinent; se diminuer (maladie); dt: erniedrigen, entehren, verhöhnen, kritisieren, frech sein; abflauen (Krankheit).

də hʋɩsɩ də sa sentence He has humiliated his father.; fr: Il a humilié son père.; dt: Er hat seinen Vater erniedrigt.

a hʋɩsrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. a hʋɩsrəba deverbal agent noun pl. impertinent,

disrespectful; fr: impertinent, non-respectueux; dt: unverschämt, respektlos. [Note: Disrespect is a far greater offence than, say, in Europe.]

hʋɩsam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → hʋɩs-. hʋɩsɛ past. → hʋɩs-. hʋɩs(ɩ) perfective. → hʋɩs-. hʋɩsraa future. → hʋɩs-. hʋɩsr(ɩ) imperfective. → hʋɩs-. hʋɩsrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → hʋɩs-. hʋk- verb.

a hʋkam deverbal action noun sg./mass. hʋkraa future. hʋkɛ past. hʋk(ʋ) perfective. hʋkr(ʋ) imperfective. throw (several times); fr:

jeter, lancer (plusieurs fois); dt: werfen (mehrmals). [Note: cf. a hʋbtam ‘throw (once only)’]

hʋkam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → hʋk-. hʋkɛ past. → hʋk-. hʋkəŋa diminutive sg. → hʋg-/hʋb-. hʋkraa future. → hʋk-. hʋkʋ sg. → hʋg-/hʋb-. hʋk(ʋ) perfective. → hʋk-. hʋl perfective. → hʋl-. hʋl- verb.

a hʋlam deverbal action noun sg./mass. hʋllaa future. hʋlɛ past. hʋl perfective. hʋll(ʋ) imperfective. birth; bear (a child), give

birth, be born; fr: naissance; enfanter, accoucher, naître; dt: Geburt; gebären, zur Welt bringen, geboren werden. də hʋl a korom kunne sentence He was born in

a Koromba village.; fr: Il est né dans un village des Koromba.; dt: Er ist in einem Koromba-Dorf geboren.

hʋl- noun. pool, pond, lake, sea, ocean; fr: bas-fond, lac, mer, océan; dt: Teich, See, Meer, Ozean.

a hʋlɔ sg. a hʋləfɩ pl.

hʋlam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → hʋl-. hʋlɛ past. → hʋl-. hʋlg- verb.

a hʋləgam deverbal action noun sg./mass. hʋləgraa future. hʋləgɛ past. hʋləg(ʋ) perfective. hʋləgr(ʋ) imperfective. help bear a child; fr: aider

à enfanter; dt: gebären helfen. hʋləgrɔ deverbal agent noun sg.

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hʋləgam hub-

88 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

hʋləgrəba deverbal agent noun pl. midwife; fr: sage-femme, accoucheuse auxiliaire; dt: Hebamme. a kɛɔ hʋləgrɔ NP+N compound noun sg.

midwife; fr: sage-femme, accoucheuse auxiliaire; dt: Hebamme [Note: normally used together with a kɛɔ]

hʋləgam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → hʋlg-. hʋləgɛ past. → hʋlg-. hʋləgraa future. → hʋlg-. hʋləgrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → hʋlg-. hʋləgr(ʋ) imperfective. → hʋlg-. hʋləg(ʋ) perfective. → hʋlg-. hʋllaa future. → hʋl-. hʋləŋkɔndʋ noun. tradition, folklore, the

traditional way of life; fr: tradition, coutume, la vie traditionnelle; dt: Tradition, Brauchtum, die traditionelle Lebensweise.

a hʋləŋkɔndʋ V+V compound noun sg. a hʋləŋkɔndʋ ba dʋgra sentence (saying)

Tradition will not be abandoned.; fr: La tradition ne sera pas abandonnée.; dt: Die Tradition wird nicht aufgegeben werden. [Note: Cf. a hʋlam ‘be born’ and a kɔndam ‘find’. This word literally means ‘that which one finds when one is born’. The velar nasal [ŋ] may be the 2nd person sg. pronoun, in which case this formation is unique. Here dʋgra(a) is interpreted as a passive.]

hʋlɔ sg. → hʋl-. hʋr- noun. soul, spirit; fr: âme, esprit; dt: Seele,

Geist. a hʋtɛ sg. a hʋra pl. [Note: Human beings who are presently

alive are each considered to share their soul (a hʋtɛ) with a crocodile (cf. a hɛmɛndɛ ‘crocodile’). See also a birgu ‘soul of an individual’ and a leŋgem ‘soul of a dead person’.]

hʋr- verb. be angry; fr: être fâché; dt: böse sein. a hʋram deverbal action noun sg./mass. hʋtaa future. hʋrɛ past. hʋr(ʋ) perfective. hʋt(ʋ) imperfective.

də bɩndɛ hʋtaa la mɛ sentence He is angry with me.; fr: Il est fâché contre moi.; dt: Er ist böse auf mich.

də bɩndɛ hʋtaa la məkɔ sentence He is angry with me.; fr: Il est fâché contre moi.; dt: Er ist böse auf mich.

də bɩndɛ hʋtaa la mə hi sentence He is angry with me. (lit.: with my direction); fr: Il est fâché contre moi. (lit.: contre ma direction); dt: Er ist böse auf mich. (wörtl.: auf meine Richtung)

hʋrə bɛtɛ V+N compound noun sg. → hʋrəbɛtɛ. hʋram deverbal action noun sg./mass. → hʋr-. hʋrəbɛtɛ noun. stick (to stir porridge); fr: bâton

(pour remuer le tô); dt: Stock (zum Brei Rühren). [Note: < a horʌm and a bɛtɛ]

a hʋrə bɛtɛ V+N compound noun sg. a hʋrə bɛra V+N compound noun pl.

hʋrɛ past. → hʋr-. hʋrg- verb.

a hʋrəgam deverbal action noun sg./mass. hʋrəgraa future. hʋrəgɛ past. hʋrəg(ʋ) perfective. hʋrəgr(ʋ) imperfective. make nervous, annoy;

fr: rendre nerveux, énerver; dt: nervös machen, ärgern. də hʋrəgʋ də yĩmde sentence He has annoyed

his younger sister; fr: Il a énervé sa petite sœur.; dt: Er hat seine jüngere Schwester geärgert

hʋrəgam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → hʋrg-. hʋrəgɛ past. → hʋrg-. hʋrəgraa future. → hʋrg-. hʋrəg(ʋ) perfective. → hʋrg-. hʋrʋ numeral.

hʋrʋ attributive cardinal numeral. six (6); thirty francs CFA; fr: six (6); trente francs CFA; dt: sechs (6); dreißig Francs CFA.

ɩhʋrʋ disjunctive cardinal numeral. [Note: The disjunctive numeral ɩhʋrʋ is used when counting. When hʋrʋ is used attributively the prefix ɩ must be dropped and there can be no article a before the qualified noun or noun phrase.]

a hʋrʋʋndɔ ordinal numeral human sg. second; fr: deuxième; dt: zweit(-er,-e,-es).

a hʋrʋʋndəbʌ ordinal numeral human pl. a hʋrʋʋndəgu ordinal numeral non-human sg. &

pl. [Note: Non-human ordinal numerals have no plural form; instead the singular is used.]

hʋrʋ numeral. six; fr: six; dt: sechs. hʋrʋ pl. [Note: 3780]

hʋr(ʋ) perfective. → hʋr-. hʋrʋʋndəbʌ ordinal numeral human pl. → hʋrʋ. hʋrʋʋndɔ ordinal numeral human sg. → hʋrʋ. hʋtaa future. → hʋr-. hʋtɛ sg. → hʋr-. hʋʋ noun. kind of tree; fr: espèce d’arbre; dt: Art

Baum. [Note: Has no fruit or other usable parts, but its wood is used for hoe handles (a hɔzoro).]

a hʋʋ sg. a hʋʋfɩ pl.

hʋɩ- noun. a hʋɩnɛ sg. a hʋỹã pl. worm (generic term, including

caterpillars and earthworms); fr: ver (terme générique, y inclus les chenilles et les vers de terre); dt: Wurm (generisch, einschl. Raupen und Regenwürmer). [Note: This word implies no restriction in size.]

hʋɩnɛ sg. → hʋɩ-. hub- noun. grave, graveyard; debt; fr: tombe,

tombeau, cimetière; dette; dt: Grab, Friedhof; Schuld(en).

a hubre sg.

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hub- hull-

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 89

a honʌ pl. mə wɔfaa də hubʌ sentence I owe him a debt.

(lit.: I have his debts.); fr: Je lui dois une dette. (lit.: J’ai ses dettes.); dt: Ich habe bei ihm Schulden. (wörtl.: Ich habe seine Schulden.) [Note: As with ‘work’, the plural is preferred for this word. Grammatically, the owner of the debt is the creditor, not the debtor.]

hub- verb. drink (at one go); fr: boire (d’un seul coup); dt: (auf einmal) austrinken.

a hubʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. hubrʌʌ future. hube past. hub(u) perfective. hubr(u) imperfective.

hubʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → hub-. hube past. → hub-. hubl- verb. wash (the whole body), shower; fr: laver

(le corps entier), doucher; dt: (den ganzen Körper) waschen, duschen. [Note: This involves removing one’s clothes and washing the whole body, in contrast with a sɔrəmam.]

hubolʌʌ future. hubəle past. hubo perfective. hubol(u) imperfective. a hubəlʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

hubo (a) bi hoŋ sentence Wash this child!; fr: Lave cet enfant!; dt: Wasch’ dieses Kind!

də hubol də gɩllɛ sentence He is getting washed.; fr: Il est en train de se laver.; dt: Er wäscht sich gerade.

hubəle past. → hubl-. hubo perfective. → hubl-. hubolʌʌ future. → hubl-. hubol(u) imperfective. → hubl-. hubrʌʌ future. → hub-. hubre sg. → hub-. hubt- verb. get up early; fr: se lever de bonne

heure; dt: früh aufstehen. hubtrʌʌ future. hubte past. hubt(u) perfective. hubtr(u) imperfective. a hubtʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a hubtre deverbal action noun sg. communal

work (in the fields); fr: travail commun (au champ); dt: Gemeinschaftsarbeit (am Acker). [Note: The owner of the field(s) invites everyone to help with one major process of agriculture (e.g. sowing, harvesting). Payment is in the form of free food and drink for the duration of the work.]

a hubtʌ deverbal action noun pl. a hubtro deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who gets

up early, earlybird; fr: q.un qui se lève de bonne heure; dt: jmd. der früh aufsteht, Frühaufsteher.

a hubtrəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl.

a hubtrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. day when one ought to get up early; alarm clock; fr: jour où on devrait se lever tôt; réveille-matin; dt: Tag, an dem man früh aufstehen sollte; Wecker.

a hubtrəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. a hubtrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a hubtrəfʌ deverbal local noun. place where one

gets up early; fr: endroit où on se lève tôt; dt: Platz, wo man früh aufsteht. yoote ʋ hubtu ʋ wɔl a tomʌ sentence Today we

got up early to work.; fr: Aujourd’hui nous nous sommes levés de bonne heure pour travailler.; dt: Heute sind für früh aufgestanden, um zu arbeiten.

hubtʌ deverbal action noun pl. → hubt-. hubtʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → hubt-. hubte past. → hubt-. hubtrʌʌ future. → hubt-. hubtrəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. → hubt-. hubtre deverbal action noun sg. → hubt-. hubtrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ hubt-. hubtrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. → hubt-. hubtrəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. → hubt-. hubtro deverbal agent noun sg. → hubt-. hubtr(u) imperfective. → hubt-. hubt(u) perfective. → hubt-. hub(u) perfective. → hub-. huk- verb. swim, bath(e); fr: nager, baigner; dt:

schwimmen, baden. [Note: requires a hem as its object]

hukrʌʌ future. huke past. huk(u) perfective. hukr(u) imperfective. a hukʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

yoote zɔɩ mə hukrʌʌ (a) hem sentence This afternoon I’m going swimming.; fr: Cet après-midi je vais aller nager.; dt: Heute Nachmittag gehe ich schwimmen.

huke past. → huk-. hukrʌʌ future. → huk-. hukr(u) imperfective. → huk-. huk(u) perfective. → huk-. hul perfective. → hul-. hul- verb. drip, bleed; fr: suinter, saigner; dt:

tröpfeln, bluten. a hulʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. hullʌʌ future. hule past. hul perfective. hull(u) imperfective.

hulʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → hul-. hule past. → hul-. hull- noun. small hole in a wall, small window; fr:

petit trou dans un mur, petite fenêtre; dt: kleines Loch in einer Mauer, kleines Fenster. [Note: synonymous with a bollre]

a hullre sg.

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hullʌʌ ɩ

90 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

a hullʌ pl. hullʌʌ future. → hul-. hullre sg. → hull-. hulm- noun. kind of squash (from which a calabash

or a tamtam, a debre, can be made); fr: espèce de courge (dont on peut faire une calebasse ou un tamtam, a debre); dt: Art Kürbis (aus dem eine Kalebasse oder ein Tamtam, a debre, gemacht werden können).

a huləmde sg. a huləmʌ pl.

huləmde sg. → hulm-. hur- noun. testicle; fr: testicule; dt: Hode.

a hurəfe sg. hurii pl.

hurəfe sg. → hur-. hũnde adverb. even; fr: même; dt: sogar.

hũnde manner adverb. a hãm ŋgo mɩ. maa zɔmma mə dɛ sɔŋkaamdɛ

hũnde. sentence & sentence I’m not hungry. I don’t even want to eat a peanut.; fr: Je n’ai pas faim. Je ne veux même pas manger une arachide.; dt: Ich habe keinen Hunger. Ich will nicht einmal eine Erdnuss essen.

hũũ sg. → hũũ-. hũũ- noun. calabash tree; fr: calebassier; dt:

Kalebassenbaum. a hũũ sg. a hũũfi pl.

ɩ - Ɩ ɩ pronoun / possessive adjective. they; their; fr:

ils, elles; leur(s); dt: sie (3. pl.); ihr(,-er,-e,-es) (3. pl.).

ɩ proclitic personal pronoun subject 3rd person pl. non-human. — possessive adjective 3rd person pl. non-human. a pesii ba dɛɩ ɩ yʋ mbaa (a) lembii sentence

Sheep cannot fly like birds.; fr: Les moutons ne peuvent pas voler comme les oiseux.; dt: Schafe können nicht fliegen wie Vögel. [Note: This form is prefixed to either a verb or a noun phrase; it cannot stand alone (e.g. as the elliptical answer to a question). On a verb, it is the subject pronoun, on a noun phrase it is the “possessor”.]

hɩ / hɛ postclitic personal pronoun object 3rd person pl. non-human. them; fr: les, leur; dt: uns. zãŋ a pɛnɛ hɛŋ maa zɔmma hɛ gɔɩnɛ sentence

Have these shirts, I don’t want them any more.; fr: Prends ces chemises, je ne les veux plus!; dt: Nimm diese Hemden, ich will sie nicht mehr! [Note: This pronoun follows the verb, and is its (direct or indirect) object. Its form is phonologically invariant and clearly related to the proclitic form, especially since a final nasal ɩ is regularly lowered to ɛ in Koromfe. The relationship between ɩ and hɛ is phonologically exactly parallel to that between the 1st person plural clitic pronouns ʋ and hɔ.]

ɩkɔ strong personal pronoun 3rd person pl. non-human. — strong possessive adjective 3rd person pl. non-human. they, them, their(s); fr: ils, elles, les, leur; dt: sie (3. pl.), ihnen, ihr(,-er,-e,-es) (3. pl.).

ɩkɔ ba yʋraa mbaa (a) lembii sentence They do not fly like birds. (They = sheep); fr: Ils ne volent pas comme les oiseux. (Ils = les moutons); dt: Sie fliegen nicht wie Vögel. (Sie = Schafe)

zãŋ a pɛnɛ hɛŋ maa zɔmma ɩkɔ gɔɩnɛ sentence Have these shirts, I don’t want them any more.; fr: Prends ces chemises, je ne les veux plus!; dt: Nimm diese Hemden, ich will sie nicht mehr! [Note: This form of the pronoun indicates some kind of “emphasis”, but this can be so minimal that in practice the disjunctive form can always be used in place of a clitic pronoun. It never undergoes any phonological reduction or expansion. It can stand in the normal (preverbal) subject or (postverbal) object positions, and can also be used as the elliptical answer to a question. As with all disjunctive pronouns, it is formed with the proclitic prefix version of the pronoun and the invariant stem-like element kɔ. The future is used in this sentence to denote a general property of sheep.]

yaa negative proclitic (subject) personal pronoun 3rd person pl. non-human. they...not; fr: ils/elles ne...pas; dt: sie (3. pl.)...nicht. yaa yʋraa mbaa (a) lembii sentence They do

not fly like birds. (They = sheep); fr: Ils ne volent pas comme les oiseux. (Ils = les moutons); dt: Sie fliegen nicht wie Vögel. (Sie = Schafe) [Note: This pronoun is equivalent to the proclitic subject pronoun ɩ combined with the negative particle ba. The origin of this negative pronoun (and of all others) seems to be an old negation particle aa, which occurs once in an oral text recorded in 1967 by Wilhelm Staude and published in Rennison (1985b). This particle

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-ɩ kana

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 91

in turn might possibly have come from the commonly used áʔa ‘no’. As with the negative particle ba, negative pronouns cause shortening of the final vowel of the future. The future is used in this sentence to denote a general property of sheep.]

-ɩ (=/ɩ/) noun-cl. noun class suffix singular; fr: suffixe de classe nominale singulière; dt: Nominalklassensuffix Singular. [Note: This noun class suffix is rare.]

ɩ / ɩ (=/ɩ/) bi n.sg child; fr: enfant; dt: Kind

ɩfa disjunctive cardinal numeral. → fa. ɩ-gɩllɛ reflexive pronoun 3rd person non-human pl.

→ gɩllɛ. ɩhiĩ disjunctive cardinal numeral. → hĩĩ. ɩhʋrʋ disjunctive cardinal numeral. → hʋrʋ. ɩkɔ strong possessive adjective 3rd person pl. non-

human. → ɩ. ɩnaa disjunctive cardinal numeral. → naa. ɩnɔm disjunctive cardinal numeral. → nɔm. ɩpɛɛ disjunctive cardinal numeral. → pɛɛ. ɩta ã disjunctive cardinal numeral. → tãã. ɩtɔɔ disjunctive cardinal numeral. → tɔɔ.

K - k ka (=/ka/) conjunction. that...not; fr:

que...ne...pas; dt: dass...nicht. ka (=/ka/) negative conjunction.

ka ŋ fɔnsʋ negative imperative sentence Don’t be afraid (sg.)!; fr: N’aie pas peur!; dt: Fürchte dich nicht!

ka na fɔnsʋ negative imperative sentence Don’t be afraid (pl.)!; fr: N’ayez pas peur!; dt: Fürchtet euch nicht! [Note: Possibly < ke + aa with phonological attrition. This conjunction is used exclusively in the regular formation of the negative imperative. See the examples below. It cannot be used to negate other subordinate clauses introduced by ke.]

kabs- noun. sickle; fr: faucille; dt: Sichel. a kabsʋ sg. a kabsɩɩ pl.

kabsʋ sg. → kabs-. kafɛ noun. coffee, tea, traditional tea (from guava

leaves); fr: café, thé, thé traditionnel (des feuilles de goyave); dt: Kaffee, Tee, traditioneller Tee (aus Guaveblättern).

a kafɛ sg. a kafɛfɩ pl.

kags- noun. bracelet of stone; fr: bracelet en pierre; dt: Armband aus Stein.

a kagsəfɛ sg. a kagsɩɩ pl.

kagsəfɛ sg. → kags-. kak- noun. grandfather (paternal or maternal),

grandmother (paternal or maternal); ancestor (non-paternal); fr: grand-père (paternel ou maternel), grand-mère (paternelle ou maternelle), ancêtre (non-paternel); dt: Großvater (väter- oder mütterlicherseits), Großmutter (väter- oder mütterlicherseits), Ahne (nicht väterlicherseits). [Note: In the sense of ‘ancestor’, this word denotes all blood relatives of generation -1 or more that are not on the direct male line.]

a kaka (=/kak-a/) sg.

a kakama (=/kak-ama/) pl. kaka sg. (=/kak-a/) → kak-. kakɩ noun. khaki (colour); fr: kaki (couleur); dt:

khaki (Farbe). [Note: < French] a kakɩ sg. a kakɩ pl.

kal- verb. count, calculate; fr: compter, calculer; dt: zählen, rechnen.

kallaa future. kalɛ past. kal(ɩ) perfective. kall(ɩ) imperfective. a kalam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

kalɛ past. → kal-. kal(ɩ) perfective. → kal-. kallaa future. → kal-. kall(ɩ) imperfective. → kal-. kaləwaasa noun. stick (to hit s.o. with); fr: bois

(pour frapper q.un); dt: Stock (mit dem man jmdn. schlagen kann).

a kaləwaasa sg. a kaləwaasaʋ pl. a kaləwaasafɩ pl.

kaləwaasaʋ pl. → kaləwaasa. kam perfective. → kam-. kam- verb. press, grip, squeeze, pinch; milk; fr:

presser, pincer, coincer, serrer; traire; dt: drücken, zusammenpressen, quetschen, zwicken; melken.

kammaa future. kamfaa future. kamɛ past. kam perfective. kamm(ɔ) imperfective. kamf(ʋ) imperfective. a kamam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

kamɛ past. → kam-. kamfaa future. → kam-. kamf(ʋ) imperfective. → kam-. kammaa future. → kam-. kamm(ɔ) imperfective. → kam-. kana postposition. like; fr: comme; dt: wie.

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kand- kãɩ

92 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

də horʌʌ a yergʌ kana sentence He runs like a rabbit.; fr: Il court comme un lapin.; dt: Er läuft wie ein Hase.

kand- (=/kand/) verb. hailstone; (pl. alsoː hail); fr: morceau de grêle; (pl. aussi:) grêle; dt: Hagelkern; (pl auch:) Hagel.

a kandrɛ sg. a kanda pl.

kandrɛ sg. → kand-. kar- noun. mould for making bricks; fr: moule pour

fabriquer les briques; dt: Model, um Ziegel zu machen.

a karəgʋ sg. a karəgʋfɩ pl. a karədʋ pl. [Note: Mòoré of Ouahigouya only]

kara noun. winter, dry season (from October to December); fr: hiver, saison sèche (de l’octobre jusqu’au décembre); dt: Winter, trockene Jahreszeit (von Oktober bis Dezember).

a kara (=/kara/) sg. dry season; fr: saison sèche; dt: Trockenzeit.

a karafɩ (=/kara-fɩ/) pl. dry seasons; fr: saisons sèches; dt: Trockenzeiten.

a karə pɩlaŋ N+N compound noun sg. traditional lunar month in which the dry season starts; fr: mois lunaire traditionnel dans laquelle la saison sèche commence; dt: traditioneller Lunarmonat, in dem die Trockenzeit beginnt. [Note: see also other seasons and months under: a homde, a wɩrɛ, a pɩlaŋ]

karafɩ pl. dry seasons saisons sèches Trockenzeiten. (=/kara-fɩ/) → kara.

karam perfective. → karm-. karamaa future. → karm-. karamɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → karm-. karam(ɔ) imperfective. → karm-. karaŋɔ noun. studies; fr: études; dt: Studium.

[Note: This is a very unusual word shape.] a karaŋɔ sg. a karaŋɔfɩ pl.

karãsããmba noun. teacher, professor; fr: instituteur, professeur; dt: Lehrer, Professor. [Note: cf. a karəmam ‘read’]

a karãsããmba sg. a karəsaãmba sg. a karəsaãmbama pl.

karəgʋ sg. → kar-. karəgʋfɩ pl. → kar-. karəka noun. fence; fr: clôture; dt: Zaun.

a karəka sg. a karəkama pl. a karəkafɩ pl. [Note: This word denotes any

fence (e.g. around a small field), including the railing on a cart. It is typically made of millet stalks -- a kof karəka.]

karəkama pl. → karəka. karm- verb. read; teach; fr: lire ; enseigner; dt:

lesen; lehren. [Note: Cf. a karaŋɔ ‘studies’] karamaa future. karəmɛ past. karam perfective.

karam(ɔ) imperfective. a karəmam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a karamɔ deverbal agent noun sg. pupil, student;

fr: élève, étudiant; dt: Schüler, Student. a karamba deverbal agent noun pl.

karəmam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → karm-. karəmɛ past. → karm-. karəŋ- noun. mask, masked person; fr: masque,

personnage masqué; dt: Maske, maskierter Mensch.

a karəŋa sg. a karəŋsʋʋ pl. [Note: = Mòoré. But the Mòoré

word a waŋɔ is used more commonly.] karəŋa sg. → karəŋ-. karəsa ãmba sg. → karãsããmba. kas- noun. prison; fr: prison; dt: Gefängnis.

a kasʋ sg. a kasəfɩ pl. a kasə bi N+N compound noun sg. prisoner; fr:

prisonnier; dt: Gefangener. a kasə bu N+N compound noun pl. a kasə daŋ N+N compound noun sg. prison

(building); fr: (bâtiment du) prison; dt: Gefängnis(gebäude).

a kasə daɩ N+N compound noun pl. kasə bi N+N compound noun sg. → kas-. kasə bu N+N compound noun pl. → kas-. kasə dãŋ N+N compound noun sg. → kas-. kaseet- (=/ka-seet-/) noun. judgement; fr:

jugement; dt: Urteil. a ka-seeto NP+N compound noun sg.

judgement; fr: jugement; dt: Urteil [Note: Probably a compound of kãŋ ‘thing’ and a plural action noun of the dɛ/a class from the verb a seetʌm ‘judge’. Synonymous with a gɩrʋ.]

a kaseetə saa NP+N compound noun sg. observer of potential offences; troublemaker; fr: observateur d’offenses potentielles; chercheur de querelles; dt: Beobachter potentieller Gesetzesübertretungen; Streitsüchtiger

a kaseetə samma NP+N compound noun pl. a kaseetə saa a yɩbrɛ dɔm la sentence A

troublemaker has only one eye.; fr: Un chercheur de querelles n’a qu’un seul oeil.; dt: Ein Streitsüchtiger hat nur ein Auge.

kasəfɩ pl. → kas-. kasʋ sg. → kas-. kãã quantifier. every, each; fr: chaque; dt: jed(-er,-

e,-es). [Note: synonymous with kãmã] kãã quantifier sg.

kãɩ exclamation. hard!; fr: solide!; dt: fest! gʋ kʋrɔ hɛ dombʌ gʋ ka ŋsɩ - kãɩ sentence He

tied them together (so that) it [the knot] was hard. Hard!; fr: Il les a attachés (pour faire un nœud qui) était solide. Solide!; dt: Er hat sie zusammengebunden, (so dass) er [der Knoten] fest war. Fest! [Note: Typically used when a knot is tied. Usually

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kãɩm- kãŋ

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 93

pronounced on a high pitch and utterance finally.]

kãɩm- noun. old; important; fr: vieux, âgé; important; dt: alt; wichtig. [Note: In the sense ‘old’, this word can only be used for humans.]

a kãɩmɔ sg. a kɛmmɔ sg. a kãɩmbaʋ pl.

a bʌʌn(i) la (a) kãɩmɔ sentence Health is the most important thing.; fr: La santé est le plus important.; dt: Die Gesundheit ist das Wichtigste.

a kãɩmɛɩ denominal abstract quality noun sg./mass.

a kɛmmɛɩ denominal abstract quality noun sg./mass. age, old age; fr: âge, vieillesse; dt: Alter. [Note: 4990]

ka ɩmbaʋ pl. → kãɩm-. kãɩmɛɩ denominal abstract quality noun sg./mass.

→ kãɩm-. kãɩmɔ sg. → kãɩm-. kãmã quantifier. every, each; fr: chaque; dt: jed(-

er,-e,-es). kãmã quantifier sg. [Note: synonymous with

kãã] kãmããna noun. maize; fr: maïs; dt: Mais. [Note: =

Mòoré, =Fulfulde] a kãmããndɛ sg. a kãmããna pl./collective. a kãmããnaʋ pl./collective. a kãmããnfɩ pl.

a kãmããna fãɩ NP+N compound noun sg. maize porridge, mealie meal; fr: tô de maïs; dt: Maisbrei

kãmããnaʋ pl./collective. → kãmããna. kãmããndɛ sg. → kãmããna. kãn perfective. → kãn-. kãn- verb. make a detour, leave the main path; fr:

dévier, déchirer; dt: einen Umweg machen, den Hauptweg verlassen.

kãtaa future. kãnnaa future. kãnɛ past. kãn perfective. kãt(ɩ) imperfective. kãnn(ɩ) imperfective. a kãnam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

kãndɩa noun. paraffin lamp; fr: lampe à pétrole; dt: Petroleumlampe.

a kãndɩa sg. a kãndɩafɩ pl. a kãndɩama pl.

kãndɩafɩ pl. → kãndɩa. kãnɛ past. → kãn-. kãng- verb. insult, make trouble, provoke; fr:

insulter, calomnier, inciter, provoquer; dt: beleidigen, Schwierigkeiten machen, anstiften, provozieren.

kãnəgraa future. kãnəgɛ past. kãnəg(ɩ) perfective.

kãnəgr(ɩ) imperfective. a kãnəgam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

də kanəgɛ (a) beliʌ ba wol la dombʌ sentence He provoked the children into fighting one another.; fr: Il a incité les enfants à faire palabre.; dt: Er hat die Kinder dazu angestiftet, miteinander zu kämpfen.

kãnəgɛ past. → kãng-. kãnəg(ɩ) perfective. → kãng-. kãnəgraa future. → kãng-. kãnəgr(ɩ) imperfective. → kãng-. kãnn- adj.verb. be bitter; fr: être amer; dt: bitter,

herb sein. kãnnaa future. kãnn(ɛ) imperfective. a kãnnɛɩ deverbal action noun sg. bitterness; fr:

amertume; dt: Bitterkeit. kãnna participial adjective. bitter; fr: amer; dt:

bitter, herb. a fɛkʋ koŋ bu kannaa sentence The fruits of

that tree are bitter.; fr: Les fruits de cet arbre sont amers.; dt: Die Früchte dieses Baumes sind bitter.

a fɔrʋ ka nna saa NP+N compound noun sg. a grouchy/nasty person (lit.: owner of a bitter stomach); fr: une personne mauvaise (lit.: possesseur d’un ventre amer); dt: ein schlecht gelaunter Mensch, ein böser Mensch (wörtl.: Besitzer eines bitteren Magens) [Note: This is the shortened future form. The stomach is considered to be the seat of the character, and the heart of (less permanent) emotion.]

kãnnaa future. → kãn-. kãnnaa future. → kãnn-. kãnn(ɛ) imperfective. → kãnn-. kãnnɛɩ deverbal action noun sg. → kãnn-. kãnn(ɩ) imperfective. → kãn-. kãnəŋka ãga noun. wasp; fr: guêpe; dt: Wespe.

[Note: =Mòoré] a kãnəŋkaãga sg. a kãnəŋkaãsʋʋ pl.

kãŋ noun. thing, object, (wild) animal; fr: chose, objet, animal (sauvage); dt: Ding, Gegenstand, (wildes) Tier.

a kãŋ sg. a hãʋma pl. a hãʋŋa diminutive sg.

tubre kãŋ adverb+N compound noun sg. wild animal (lit.: animal of the bush); fr: animal sauvage (lit.: animal de brousse); dt: wildes Tier (wörtl.: Buschtier) [Note: The article a is omitted here because the first element of the compound is an adverb.]

tubre hãʋma adverb+N compound noun pl. a tuu kãŋ NP+N compound noun sg. wild animal

(lit.: thing of the bush); fr: animal sauvage (lit.: chose de brousse); dt: Wildtier (wörtl.: Buschtier)

a tuu hãʋma NP+N compound noun pl.

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kãŋ- kãs-

94 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

kãŋ pronoun. something; fr: quelque chose; dt: etwas. [Note: without the article a]

kãŋ kãmã pronoun. everything (in negative sentences: nothing); fr: tout, toute chose (dans une phrase négative: rien); dt: alles (in Verneinungen: nichts). maa nã kãŋ kãmã sentence I saw nothing.; fr:

Je n’ai rien vu.; dt: Ich habe nichts gesehen. [Note: When kãŋ kãmã or kãŋkãã are the (elliptical) answer to a question, they are ambiguous between ‘everything’ and ‘nothing’. For the reading ‘everything’ paraphrases such as gʋ dʋrʋ are available.]

kãŋ kãã everything (in negative sentences: nothing); fr: tout, toute chose (dans une phrase négative: rien); dt: alles (in Verneinungen: nichts). maa nã kãŋ ka ã sentence I saw nothing.; fr: Je

n’ai rien vu.; dt: Ich habe nichts gesehen. kãŋ- verb. be hard / solid / strong; be difficult;; fr:

être dur / solide / fort; être difficile; dt: hart / fest / stark sein; schwierig sein. [Note: also used to mean ‘be in full health’, especially when negated]

kãŋənaa future. kãŋa perfective. [Note: This form is used like

dɔnda, hãna etc. for the general present. Its morphological shape is irregular, though it patterns with hãna and a hãnaɩ, and like the former cannot be negated.]

kãŋənɛ imperfective. kãŋəna participial adjective. a kãŋaɩ deverbal action noun sg./mass. strength,

full health, solidity; difficulty; fr: force, santé, solidité; difficulté; dt: Stärke, volle Gesundheit, Festigkeit; Schwierigkeit. mə yɩmde hoŋ ba kaŋəna sentence My younger

brother isn’t feeling well.; fr: Mon petit frère ne se sent pas.; dt: Mein jüngerer Bruder fühlt sich nicht wohl.

gʋ ka ŋa sentence It’s difficult.; fr: C’est difficile.; dt: Es ist schwer.

a kãŋaɩ saa NP+N compound noun sg. healthy, strong person; fr: personne saine et solide; dt: gesunder, starker Mensch

a kãŋaɩ samma NP+N compound noun pl. mə ka ŋa sentence I am in good health.; fr: Je

suis en bonne santé.; dt: Ich bin gesund. a tomde kãŋəna ba boŋ gʋ kɛndɩ sentence A

difficult job never wants to end.; fr: Un travail difficile ne veut pas finir.; dt: Ein schwierige Arbeit will nie enden. [Note: The negation of this sentence is gaa kãŋsɛ ‘It isn’t difficult’, from a kãŋsam. * gaa kaŋa is impossible.]

kãŋ kãmã pronoun. → kãŋ. kãŋa perfective. → kãŋ-. kãŋəna participial adjective. → kãŋ-. kãŋənaa future. → kãŋ-. kãŋənɛ imperfective. → kãŋ-.

kãŋs- verb. harden, make solid, make strong, strengthen, make difficult; (reflexive) make an effort, (auxiliary) try; fr: durcir, rendre solide, rendre fort, fortifier, rendre difficile ; (réflexif) se débrouiller, faire effort, (auxiliaire) essayer; dt: erhärten, hart machen, fest machen, stark machen, stärken, schwierig machen; (reflexiv) sich anstrengen, (Auxiliar) versuchen, trachten. [Note: In the sense ‘try’ the reflexive pronoun must be used - see the example below.]

kãŋsraa future. kãŋsɛ past. kãŋs(ɩ) perfective. kãŋsr(ɩ) imperfective. a kãŋsam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

də kaŋsɩ dəgɩllɛ də zɔgɔ (a) dɛrga sentence He tried to climb the mountain.; fr: Il a essayé de grimper sur la montagne; dt: Er hat versucht, den Berg zu besteigen.

a kãŋsrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who makes things worse; persistent person; fr: q.un qui aggrave la situation; personne persistante; dt: jmd. der die Lage noch schlimmer macht; beharrlicher Mensch.

a kãŋsrəba deverbal agent noun pl. a kãŋsrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg.

serious situation; fr: situation grave; dt: ernsthafte Lage.

a kãŋsrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a kãŋsrəga deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. a kãŋsrəsɩ deverbal instrument noun diminutive

pl. a kãŋsrəfa deverbal local noun. place that is

hard; fr: endroit qui est dur; dt: Platz, der hart ist.

kãŋsam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → kãŋs-. kãŋsɛ past. → kãŋs-. kãŋs(ɩ) perfective. → kãŋs-. kãŋsraa future. → kãŋs-. kãŋsrəba deverbal agent noun pl. → kãŋs-. kãŋsrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ kãŋs-. kãŋsrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → kãŋs-. kãŋsrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → kãŋs-. kãŋsr(ɩ) imperfective. → kãŋs-. kãŋsrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → kãŋs-. kãŋsrəsɩ deverbal instrument noun diminutive pl. →

kãŋs-. kãr- noun. (impenetrable) thorny forest/wood; fr:

forêt/bois épineuse (impénétrable); dt: (undurchdringlicher) Dornenwald.

a kãtɛ sg. a kãra pl.

kãs- verb. rip apart; fr: déchirer; dt: zerreißen. kãsraa future. kãsɛ past. kãs(ɩ) perfective. kãsr(ɩ) imperfective. a kãsam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

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kãsam kʌmbe(r)-

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 95

kãsam perfective. → kãsm-. kãsamaa future. → kãsm-. kãsamɔ imperfective. → kãsm-. kãsɛ past. → kãs-. kãs(ɩ) perfective. → kãs-. kãsm- verb. rip apart; fr: déchirer; dt: zerreißen.

kãsamaa future. kãsəmɛ past. kãsam perfective. kãsamɔ imperfective. a kãsəmam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

kãsəmɛ past. → kãsm-. kãsraa future. → kãs-. kãsr(ɩ) imperfective. → kãs-. kãtaa future. → kãn-. kãtɛ sg. → kãr-. kãt(ɩ) imperfective. → kãn-. kʌbʌ perfective. → kʌbl-. kʌbʌlʌʌ future. → kʌbl-. kʌbʌləbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. → kʌbl-. kʌbʌləfʌ deverbal local noun. → kʌbl-. kʌbʌləgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ kʌbl-. kʌbʌləgu deverbal instrument noun sg. → kʌbl-. kʌbʌləhe deverbal instrument noun pl. → kʌbl-. kʌbʌlo deverbal agent noun sg. → kʌbl-. kʌbʌləsi deverbal instrument noun diminutive pl. →

kʌbl-. kʌbʌl(u) imperfective. → kʌbl-. kʌbl- verb. dump a container (e.g. a sack, a basket)

upside down on the ground and remove the container, leaving the contents on the ground; empty; fr: laisser un récipient (p. ex. un sac, un panier) tomber à terre la tête en bas et éloigner le récipient en laissant le contenu par terre; vider; dt: einen Behälter (z.B. einen Sack, einen Korb) auf den Boden stürzen und den Behälter entfernen, wobei der Inhalt am Boden liegen bleibt; leeren.

kʌbʌlʌʌ future. kʌble past. kʌbʌ perfective. kʌbʌl(u) imperfective. a kʌblʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a kʌbʌlo deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who

empties; fr: q.un qui vide; dt: jmd. der leert. a kʌbʌləbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. a kʌbʌləgu deverbal instrument noun sg.

container that is emptied; fr: récipient qui est vidé; dt: Behälter, der geleert wird.

a kʌbʌləhe deverbal instrument noun pl. a kʌbʌləgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a kʌbʌləsi deverbal instrument noun diminutive

pl. a kʌbʌləfʌ deverbal local noun. place where

containers are emptied; fr: endroit où les récipients sont vidés; dt: Platz, wo Behälter geleert werden.

a kʌbmʌũ deverbal nomen acti pl. piles of contents of containers (e.g. at a market); fr:

tas de contenus de récipients (p. ex. au marché); dt: Haufen von Inhalten von Behältern (z.B. am Markt).

kʌblʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → kʌbl-. kʌble past. → kʌbl-. kʌfi- noun. fan (for fire); fr: éventail; dt: Fächer (für

Feuer). [Note: This fan is woven from leaves (usually by Ful, Dogon, Mossi etc., but not traditionally by the Koromba)]

a kʌfikʌ sg. a kʌfigdu pl.

kʌfikʌ sg. → kʌfi-. kʌmsel- noun. (woman’s) dress; fr: robe (de

femme); dt: (Frauen-)Kleid. [Note: = Fr. “camisole”]

kʌmseli sg. kʌmseləmʌ pl. kʌmseləfi pl. [Note: -mʌ is the older plural form,

-fi the current one of younger speakers] kʌmseli sg. → kʌmsel-. kʌmseləmʌ pl. → kʌmsel-. kʌus- verb. shout, cry; fr: crier; dt: schreien. [Note:

used for any kind of shouting, with no implication of calling; also used for the crying of babies]

kʌusrʌʌ future. kʌuse past. kʌus(u) perfective. kʌusr(u) imperfective. a kʌusʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a kʌusro deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who

shouts; fr: q.un qui crie; dt: jmd. der schreit. a kʌusrəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. a kʌusrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. object

for crying, horn, siren; fr: objet pour crier, klaxon, sirène; dt: Gegenstand zum schreien, Hupe, Sirene.

a kʌusrəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. a kʌusrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a kʌusrəfʌ deverbal local noun. place for crying;

fr: endroit où on crie; dt: Platz zum Schreien. a kʌusemʌũ deverbal nomen acti pl. cries; fr:

cris; dt: Schreie. a sarʋ koŋ kʌusərʌʌ sentence The wind is

howling / crying.; fr: Le vent hurle / crie.; dt: Der Wind brüllt / schreit.

kʌusʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → kʌus-. kʌuse past. → kʌus-. kʌusrʌʌ future. → kʌus-. kʌusrəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. → kʌus-. kʌusrəfʌ deverbal local noun. → kʌus-. kʌusrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ kʌus-. kʌusrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. → kʌus-. kʌusrəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. → kʌus-. kʌusro deverbal agent noun sg. → kʌus-. kʌusr(u) imperfective. → kʌus-. kʌus(u) perfective. → kʌus-. kʌmbe(r)- noun. kind of illness, joint pain; fr:

espèce de maladie, douleur articulaire; dt: Art

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kʌmbeyʌ kɛlgɛɩ

96 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

Krankheit, Gelenkschmerz. [Note: The symptoms of this illness are general weakness and joint pains.]

a kʌmbeyʌ sg. a kʌmbersii pl.

kʌmbeyʌ sg. → kʌmbe(r)-. kʌr- noun. kind of thorny bush; fr: espèce d’arbuste

épineuse; dt: Art Dornenstrauch. a kʌrfe sg. a kʌrii pl.

kʌrfe sg. → kʌr-. kɛb- noun. (large) field (used by a whole family); fr:

champ (grand utilisé par une famille entière); dt: Acker, (großes) Feld (das von einer ganzen Familie benutzt wird). [Note: cf. a dãŋ ‘(smaller) field’ and a kurəgʌ ‘(small private) field’. The last is used by one wife only.]

a kɛkʋ sg. a kɛbɩ pl. a kɛkəga diminutive sg. small field; fr: petit

champ; dt: kleines Feld. kɛb- verb. tremble, shiver; fr: trembler, grelotter;

dt: zittern. kɛbraa future. kɛbɛ past. kɛb(ʋ) perfective. kɛbr(ʋ) imperfective. a kɛbam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

kɛbɛ past. → kɛb-. kɛbɩ pl. → kɛb-. kɛbraa future. → kɛb-. kɛbr(ʋ) imperfective. → kɛb-. kɛbt- verb. hit gently on the backside (e.g. a small

child); fr: frapper légèrement sur les fesses (p. ex. un petit enfant); dt: am Hintern leicht schlagen (z.B. ein kleines Kind).

kɛbtraa future. kɛbtɛ past. kɛbt(ʋ) perfective. kɛbtr(ʋ) imperfective. a kɛbtam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a kɛbtrɔ s.o. who hits gently; fr: q.un qui frappe

légèrement; dt: jmd. der leicht schlägt. a kɛbtrəba deverbal agent noun pl. a kɛbtrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. (any)

object used for hitting; fr: (chaque) objet utilisé pour frapper légèrement; dt: (jeder) Gegenstand, der zum leicht Schlagen verwendet wird.

a kɛbtrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a kɛbtrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a kɛbtrəsɩ deverbal instrument noun diminutive

pl. a kɛbtrəfa deverbal local noun. place where s.o.

is hit; backside; fr: endroit où q.un est frappé; fesses; dt: Platz, wo jemand geschlagen wird; Hintern. də kɛbtɛ də bi sentence He hit his child gently.;

fr: Il a frappé son enfant légèrement.; dt: Er hat sein Kind leicht geschlagen.

kɛbtam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → kɛbt-. kɛbtɛ past. → kɛbt-. kɛbtraa future. → kɛbt-. kɛbtrəba deverbal agent noun pl. → kɛbt-. kɛbtrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ kɛbt-. kɛbtrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → kɛbt-. kɛbtrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → kɛbt-. kɛbtrɔ deverbal action noun sg./mass. → kɛbt-. kɛbtrəsɩ deverbal instrument noun diminutive pl. →

kɛbt-. kɛbtr(ʋ) imperfective. → kɛbt-. kɛbt(ʋ) perfective. → kɛbt-. kɛb(ʋ) perfective. → kɛb-. kɛkʋ sg. → kɛb-. kɛl- noun. embers, charcoal; fr: braise, charbon; dt:

Glut, Holzkohle. [Note: Can be used both for burning and cold embers]

a kɛllɛ sg. a kɛla pl.

kɛl- verb. close, shut in; fr: fermer, enfermer; dt: schließen, einsperren.

kɛllaa future. kɛlɛ past. kɛl(ɩ) perfective. kɛll(ɩ) imperfective. a kɛlam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

kɛlɛ past. → kɛl-. kɛlɛt- verb. open, release, free; fr: ouvrir, lâcher,

libérer; dt: öffnen, herauslassen, befreien. [Note: This verb is the reversive of a kɛlam ‘close’]

kɛlɛtraa future. kɛlɛtɛ past. kɛlɛt(ɩ) perfective. kɛlɛtr(ɩ) imperfective. a kɛlɛtam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

kɛlɛtɛ past. → kɛlɛt-. kɛlɛt(ɩ) perfective. → kɛlɛt-. kɛlɛtraa future. → kɛlɛt-. kɛlɛtr(ɩ) imperfective. → kɛlɛt-. kɛlg- verb. roast, fry; fr: frire; dt: rösten, braten.

[Note: This verb implies that the food is cooked in some kind of container (pan, pot, etc.) without the addition of fat or liquid. Food cooked in this way includes meat, flying termites, grasshoppers, worms, sesame, peanuts, chickpeas, fonio, unshelled rice. For roasting or barbecuing on an open fire a paŋam is used.]

kɛlgraa future. kɛlgɛ past. kɛlg(ɩ) perfective. kɛlgr(ɩ) imperfective. a kɛlgam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

kɛlgɛ past. → kɛlg-. kɛlgɛɩ noun. kind of bush (with edible leaves); fr:

espèce d’arbuste (à feuilles comestibles); dt: Art Strauch (mit essbaren Blättern).

a kɛləgɛɩfɛ sg. a kɛləgɛɩ pl.

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kɛləgɛɩfɛ sg. → kɛlgɛɩ. kɛlg(ɩ) perfective. → kɛlg-. kɛlgraa future. → kɛlg-. kɛlgr(ɩ) imperfective. → kɛlg-. kɛl(ɩ) perfective. → kɛl-. kɛllaa future. → kɛl-. kɛllɛ sg. → kɛl-. kɛll(ɩ) imperfective. → kɛl-. kɛnd perfective. (=/kɛnd/) → kɛnd-. kɛnd- (=/kɛnd/) verb. finish, end (intransitive); fr:

finir, terminer (intransitif); dt: enden, sich beenden (intransitiv). [Note: This verb cannot be used transitively; cf. its transitive counterpart a kɛndəgam.]

kɛndraa (=/kɛnd-d-aa/) future. kɛndɛ (=/kɛnd-ɛ/) past. kɛnd / kɛndɩ (=/kɛnd/) perfective. kɛndr / kɛndrɩ (=/kɛnd-d/) imperfective. a kɛndam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

kɛndɛ past. (=/kɛnd-ɛ/) → kɛnd-. kɛndg- verb. finish, end (transitive); fr: finir,

terminer (transitif); dt: beenden (transitiv). [Note: This verb cannot be used intransitively; cf. its intransitive counterpart a kɛndam.]

kɛndəgraa future. kɛndəgɛ past. kɛndəg(ɩ) perfective. kɛndəgr(ɩ) imperfective. a kɛndəgam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

kɛndəgɛ past. → kɛndg-. kɛndəg(ɩ) perfective. → kɛndg-. kɛndəgraa future. → kɛndg-. kɛndəgr(ɩ) imperfective. → kɛndg-. kɛndɩ perfective. (=/kɛnd/) → kɛnd-. kɛndr imperfective. (=/kɛnd-d/) → kɛnd-. kɛndraa future. (=/kɛnd-d-aa/) → kɛnd-. kɛndrɩ imperfective. (=/kɛnd-d/) → kɛnd-. kɛr- verb. put under one’s arm; tilt; fr: mettre sous

l’aisselle; incliner; dt: unter den Arm nehmen; neigen. [Note: Things are considered to be tilted by virtue of being held under one’s arm.]

kɛtaa future. kɛrɛ past. kɛr(ɩ) perfective. kɛt(ɩ) imperfective. a kɛram deverbal action noun sg./mass.

də kɛrə də bi sentence She put her baby at her side.; fr: Elle a mis son enfant à sa côté.; dt: Sie hat Ihr Baby zu sich gelegt.

kɛrd- verb. carry (under one’s arm/shoulder); tilt; fr: porter (sous l’aisselle); incliner; dt: tragen (unter dem Arm); neigen. [Note: Things are considered to be tilted by virtue of being held under one’s arm.]

kɛrɛdaa future. kɛrədɛ past. kɛrɛ perfective. kɛrɛd(ɩ) imperfective. a kɛrədam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

də kɛrɛdɩ də bi sentence She is carrying her baby under her arm.; fr: Elle porte son

enfant sous l’aisselle.; dt: Sie trägt ihr Kind unter dem Arm.

kɛrədɛ past. → kɛrd-. kɛrɛ past. → kɛr-. kɛrɛ perfective. → kɛrd-. kɛrɛdaa future. → kɛrd-. kɛrɛd(ɩ) imperfective. → kɛrd-. kɛrɛt- verb. straighten (sth. tilted); fr: redresser

(q.chose d’incliné); dt: gerade machen (etwas Geneigtes). [Note: reversive of a kɛram This is the reversive of a kɛram.]

kɛrɛtraa future. kɛrɛtɛ past. kɛrɛt(ɩ) perfective. kɛrɛtr(ɩ) imperfective. a kɛrɛtam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

kɛrɛtɛ past. → kɛrɛt-. kɛrɛt(ɩ) perfective. → kɛrɛt-. kɛrɛtraa future. → kɛrɛt-. kɛrɛtr(ɩ) imperfective. → kɛrɛt-. kɛr(ɩ) perfective. → kɛr-. kɛsɛŋg- verb. mix; fr: mélanger; dt: mischen.

kɛsɛŋgraa future. kɛsɛŋgɛ past. kɛsɛŋg(ɩ) perfective. kɛsɛŋgr(ɩ) imperfective. a kɛsɛŋgam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

kɛsɛŋgɛ past. → kɛsɛŋg-. kɛsɛŋg(ɩ) perfective. → kɛsɛŋg-. kɛsɛŋgraa future. → kɛsɛŋg-. kɛsɛŋgr(ɩ) imperfective. → kɛsɛŋg-. kɛt- verb. open (e.g. mouth, eyes, door); fr: ouvrir

(p. ex. la bouche, les yeux, la porte); dt: öffnen (z.B. Mund, Augen, Tür).

kɛtraa future. kɛtɛ past. kɛt(ɩ) perfective. kɛtr(ɩ) imperfective. a kɛtam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

kɛtaa future. → kɛr-. kɛtɛ past. → kɛt-. kɛt(ɩ) imperfective. → kɛr-. kɛt(ɩ) perfective. → kɛt-. kɛtraa future. → kɛt-. kɛtr(ɩ) imperfective. → kɛt-. kɛ perfective. → kɛ-. kɛ- verb. surpass, be more than; fr: surpasser,

dépasser, être plus que; dt: übertreffen, mehr sein als. [Note: This verb is often used in the comparative/superlative construction.]

kɛ perfective. a kɛɛlɛɩ deverbal action noun sg./mass.

superiority; fr: supériorité; dt: Überlegenheit. kɛ- (=/kɛ/) noun. woman, wife; fr: femme, épouse;

dt: Frau, Ehefrau. [Note: Irregular plural formation, otherwise found only in a bɔrɔ ‘man’, pl. a bɛnna.]

a kɛɔ (=/kɛ-ɔ/) sg. a kɛna (=/kɛ-na/) pl. a kɛɔlɛɩ (=/kɛ-ɔ-lɛɩ/) abstract quality noun sg.

femininity; fr: féminité; dt: Weiblichkeit. [Note:

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kɛɛ kɛŋ

98 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

Irregular formation keeping the -ɔ class suffix of the singular]

kɛɛ past. → kɛɛ-. kɛɛ perfective. → kɛɛ-. kɛɛ- noun. blue, green; fr: bleu, vert; dt: blau, grün.

[Note: sg. = Mòoré] a kɛɛga sg. a kɛɛsʋʋ pl.

kɛɛ- verb. fall out with s.o. and not speak to them again; fr: se fâcher et ne plus parler avec q.un; dt: sich mit jm. zerstreiten und nicht mehr mit ihm sprechen.

kɛɛnaa future. kɛɛ past. kɛɛ perfective. kɛɛnɛ imperfective. a kɛɛm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a kɛɛŋa deverbal agent noun diminutive sg. s.o.

who is angry; fr: q’un qui s’est fâché; dt: jmd. der böse ist. [Note: irregular formation]

a kɛɛnɛ deverbal agent noun diminutive pl. kɛɛga sg. → kɛɛ-. kɛɛm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → kɛɛ-. kɛɛnaa future. → kɛɛ-. kɛɛnɛ imperfective. → kɛɛ-. kɛɛŋa deverbal agent noun diminutive sg. → kɛɛ-. kɛɛs- verb. surpass; fr: surpasser; dt: übertreffen.

a kɛɛsam deverbal action noun sg./mass. kɛɛsraa future. kɛɛsɛ past. kɛɛs(ɩ) perfective. kɛɛsr(ɩ) imperfective. [Note: 224]

kɛɛsam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → kɛɛs-. kɛɛsɛ past. → kɛɛs-. kɛɛs(ɩ) perfective. → kɛɛs-. kɛɛsraa future. → kɛɛs-. kɛm perfective. → kɛm-. kɛm- verb. twist (e.g. to make a hairdo, a rope),

grasp (with a twisting motion of the hand); fr: tourner (p. ex. pour faire une coiffure, une corde), serrer (avec une geste tournante); dt: drehen (z.B.: um eine Frisur, ein Seil zu machen).

kɛmmaa future. kɛmɛ past. kɛm perfective. kɛmm(ɔ) imperfective. a kɛmam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

kɛm- noun. a kɛmmɔ sg. a kɛmmɛɩ denominal abstract quality noun

sg./mass. See: kãɩm-. kɛmɛ past. → kɛm-. kɛmɛt- verb. turn round, turn (sth.) (transitive);

turn one’s head; fr: se retourner, tourner (q.chose), faire un demi-tour; tourner la tête; dt: (sich) umdrehen, eine Kehrtwendung machen; den Kopf drehen. [Note: This verb is the reversive of a kɛmam. It is transitive. If used intransitively / reflexively, the reflexive

pronoun must be used (see the example below).]

kɛmɛtraa future. kɛmɛtɛ past. kɛmɛt(ɩ) perfective. kɛmɛtr(ɩ) imperfective. a kɛmɛtam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

kɛmɛt ŋgɩllɛ imperative sentence Turn round!; fr: Retourne-toi!; dt: Dreh’ dich um!

kɔ mə yɩrɛ dɩ də kɛmɛtɩ sentence When I called him he turned his head (towards me).; fr: Lorsque je l’ai appelé il a tourné la tête (vers moi).; dt: Als ich ihn rief, drehte er den Kopf (zu mir).

kɔ mə yɩrɛ dɩ də kɛmɛt də gɩllɛ sentence When I called him he turned round.; fr: Lorsque je l’ai appelé il s’est retourné.; dt: Als ich ihn rief, drehte er sich um.

kɛmɛtɛ past. → kɛmɛt-. kɛmɛt(ɩ) perfective. → kɛmɛt-. kɛmɛtraa future. → kɛmɛt-. kɛmɛtr(ɩ) imperfective. → kɛmɛt-. kɛmmaa future. → kɛm-. kɛmmɔ sg. → kãɩm-. kɛmmɔ sg. → kɛm-. kɛmm(ɔ) imperfective. → kɛm-. kɛna pl. (=/kɛ-na/) → kɛ-. kɛŋ demonstrative. this, that, the; this / that one;

fr: ce, cet, cette, le, la; celui-ci/là, celle-ci/là; dt: dies(-er,-e,-es), jen(-er,-e,-es), der, die, das.

kɛŋ demonstrative adjective diminutive sg. — demonstrative pronoun diminutive sg. a pesgʌ kɛŋ NP+demonstr. noun phrase

diminutive sg. the / this / that lamb; fr: l’ / cet agneau; dt: das / dieses / jenes Lamm

a beləŋʌ kɛŋ NP+demonstr. noun phrase diminutive sg. the / this / that child; fr: l’ / cet enfant; dt: das / dieses / jenes Kind

pesəgʌ dɔm kɛŋ NP+demonstr. noun phrase diminutive sg. the / this / that sheep alone; fr: le / ce seule moutons; dt: das / dieses / jenes Lamm allein [Note: * a pesəgʌ dɔm kɛŋ is impossible because a numeral precludes the article a.]

kɛŋ ba zɔmma mɛ sentence That one doesn’t like me.; fr: Celui-la ne m’aime pas.; dt: Das dort mag mich nicht. [Note: Demonstrative adjectives are also used as definite articles. Their similarity to the corresponding noun-class suffixes is unmistakable. They always follow the NP and do not affect the presence or absence of the article a before the NP. When used pronouns they stand alone in the position of an NP. Cf. the full set of demonstratives: hoŋ, koŋ, bɛŋ, hɛŋ, kɛŋ.]

kɛŋgɛ strong demonstrative adjective / pronoun diminutive sg.

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kɛŋka keŋg-

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 99

a pesgʌ kɛŋgɛ NP+demonstr. noun phrase diminutive sg. the / this / that lamb; fr: l’ / cet agneau; dt: das / dieses / jenes Lamm

a beləŋʌ kɛŋgɛ NP+demonstr. noun phrase diminutive sg. the / this / that child; fr: l’ / cet enfant; dt: das / dieses / jenes Kind

pesəgʌ dɔm kɛŋgɛ NP+demonstr. noun phrase diminutive sg. the / this / that sheep alone; fr: le / ce seule moutons; dt: das / dieses / jenes Lamm allein [Note: * a pesəgʌ dɔm kɛŋgɛ is impossible because a numeral precludes the article a.]

kɛŋgɛ ba zɔmma mɛ sentence That one doesn’t like me.; fr: Celui-la ne m’aime pas.; dt: Das dort mag mich nicht. [Note: The strong demonstratives are said to be more emphatic than the corresponding normal demonstrative, but in practice can be found everywhere where the latter occur. All strong demonstratives are formed by adding -gṾ to the normal demonstrative, where Ṿ is a (non-nasal) copy of the (one and only, mid) vowel of the normal demonstrative.]

kɛŋka sg. → kɛŋkɛ. kɛŋkɛ noun. tweezers (used e.g. to remove thorns);

fr: pincette (utilisée p. ex. pour enlever des épines); dt: Pinzette (z.B. um Dornen zu entfernen).

a kɛŋkɛ sg. a kɛŋka sg. a kɛŋkɛfɩ pl. a kɛŋkɛnɩ pl.

kɛŋkɛfɩ pl. → kɛŋkɛ. kɛɔ sg. (=/kɛ-ɔ/) → kɛ-. kɛr- noun. metal object (used and old); fr: objet

métallique utilisé et ancien; dt: Metallgegenstand (gebraucht und alt).

a kɛrga sg. a kɛrsʋʋ pl.

kɛrga sg. → kɛr-. ke (=/ke/) conj. that; because, for; fr: que; parce

que, car; dt: dass; weil, denn. ke (=/ke/) [Note: This conjunction is used to

introduce noun clauses, indirect speech and causal clauses.] conj. that; because, for; fr: que; parce que, car; dt: dass; weil, denn. mə gel ke ŋ wose complex sentence I know that

you are there.; fr: Je sais que tu es là.; dt: Ich weiß, dass du da bist.

ba bole ke ba zɔmmʋ ba bɛ yoote complex sentence They said that they wanted to come today.; fr: Ils ont dit qu’ils veulent venir aujourd’hui; dt: Sie haben gesagt, dass sie heute kommen wollen.

ba bɛllaa ke ba zɔmm a manɛ complex sentence They will come because they want some money.; fr: Ils viendront parce qu’ils veulent de l’argent.; dt: Sie werden kommen, weil sie Geld wollen.

keb- (=/keb/) noun. big, large, huge; fr: grand, gros, géant; dt: groß, riesengroß.

a kebre (=/keb-dɛ/) sg. a kebiʌ (=/keb-ɩa/) pl. a kebio (=/keb-ɩa/) pl. a kebei (=/keb-ei/) abstract quality noun sg.

size; fr: grosseur; dt: Größe. kebelʌʌ future. (=/keb-Ṿl-aa/) → kebl. kebeloo future. (=/keb-Ṿl-aa/) → kebl. kebiʌ pl. (=/keb-ɩa/) → keb-. kebio pl. (=/keb-ɩa/) → keb-. kebl (=/keb-Ṿl/) verb. be big, large, huge; fr: être

grand, gros, géant; dt: groß, riesengroß sein. kebelʌʌ / kebeloo (=/keb-Ṿl-aa/) future. kebe (=/keb-Ṿl/) perfective.

də kebe sentence He is big.; fr: Il est grand.; dt: Er ist groß [Note: This word has no infinitive; instead a kebei is used.]

kebre sg. (=/keb-dɛ/) → keb-. kebs perfective. (=/kebs/) → kebs-. kebs- (=/kebs/) verb. grow large/tall/big; fr:

grandir, grossir, pousser; dt: groß werden, wachsen.

kebsrʌʌ (=/kebs-d-aa/) future. kebse (=/kebs-ɛ/) past. kebs / kebsu (=/kebs/) perfective. kebsr / kebsru (=/kebs-d/) imperfective. a kebsʌm (=/kebs-am/) deverbal action noun

sg./mass. kebse past. (=/kebs-ɛ/) → kebs-. kebsr imperfective. (=/kebs-d/) → kebs-. kebsrʌʌ future. (=/kebs-d-aa/) → kebs-. kebsru imperfective. (=/kebs-d/) → kebs-. kebsu perfective. (=/kebs/) → kebs-. kek- verb. take a piece of sth. (e.g. millet porridge,

cigarette from a packet); fr: enlever et prendre (p. ex. du tô, une cigarette d’un paquet); dt: ein Stück von etwas nehmen (z.B. Hirsebrei, eine Zigarette aus einer Packung).

kekrʌʌ future. keke past. kek(i) perfective. kekr(i) imperfective. a kekʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

keke past. → kek-. kek(i) perfective. → kek-. kekrʌʌ future. → kek-. kekr(i) imperfective. → kek-. ken perfective. → ken-. ken- verb. strangle; fr: étrangler; dt: erwürgen.

kennʌʌ future. kene past. ken perfective. kenn(i) imperfective. a kenʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

kene past. → ken-. kennʌʌ future. → ken-. kenn(i) imperfective. → ken-. keŋg- noun. edge, side; fr: bord, bordure, côté; dt:

Rand, Umrandung, Seite. a keŋgre sg. a keŋgʌ pl. a keŋgo pl.

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keŋgʌ kɩpar-

100 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

keŋgʌ pl. → keŋg-. keŋgre sg. → keŋg-. ker- noun. parrot; fr: perroquet; dt: Papagei.

a kerfe sg. a kerii pl.

keret- (=/ker-Ṿt/) verb. appear, become visible, uncover oneself; fr: apparaître, se rendre visible, se découvrir; dt: erscheinen, sichtbar werden, sich zeigen. [Note: Possibly from kɛlam ‘hide’.]

keretrʌʌ (=/ker-Ṿt-d-aa/) future. kerete past. keret(i) perfective. keretr(i) imperfective. a keretʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

kerete past. (=/ker-Ṿt-d-aa/) → keret-. keret(i) perfective. (=/ker-Ṿt-d-aa/) → keret-. keretrʌʌ future. (=/ker-Ṿt-d-aa/) → keret-. keretr(i) imperfective. (=/ker-Ṿt-d-aa/) → keret-. kerfe sg. → ker-. kerg- verb. disappear, hide; close partially (e.g. a

door); fr: disparaître, se cacher; fermer à moitié (p. ex. une porte); dt: verschwinden, sich verstecken; halb schließen (z.B. eine Tür).

kergrʌʌ future. kerge past. kerg(i) perfective. kergr(i) imperfective. a kergʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

kerge past. → kerg-. kerg(i) perfective. → kerg-. kergrʌʌ future. → kerg-. kergr(i) imperfective. → kerg-. keriʌ noun. kind of tree with edible fruit; fr: espèce

d’arbre à fruits comestibles; dt: Art Baum mit essbaren Früchten.

a keriʌ sg. a keriʌfi pl.

kes- exclamation. much, many; fr: beaucoup, “trop”; dt: viel.

kesem exclamation. [Note: typically used alone or preceded by hal ‘up to’. Optionally spoken at high pitch.]

kes- noun. abundance; fr: abondance; dt: Überfluss. a kesre sg.

a wɔgɔ kesre sa NP+N compound noun sg. big-mouth, s.o. who talks a lot; fr: bavard, qu’un qui parle beaucoup; dt: Schwätzer, jmd. der viel redet

a wɔgɔ kesre samma NP+N compound noun sg. [Note: only used in the compound noun a wɔgɔ kesre sa. Cf. kesem ‘much, many’]

keso noun. spokesman and representative of the chief (a jɔ) (who must be a grandson of the chief or of one of the chief’s brothers); fr: locuteur et représentant du chef (a jɔ) (qui doit être un petit fils du chef ou d’un des frères du chef); dt: Sprecher und Vertreter des Chefs (a jɔ) (der ein Enkel des Chefs oder ein Enkel eines der Brüder des Chefs sein muss). [Note: This

word does not take the article a when referring to the present bearer of this office.]

(a) keso sg. a kesomʌ pl.

kɩb- noun. tick; creeper; fr: tique; liane; dt: Zeck; Liane.

a kɩbfɛ sg. a kɩbɩ pl. [Note: The two meanings of this word

are closely related: something which climbs its host and feeds from it.]

kɩbarʋ noun. (piece of) news; fr: nouvelle(s); dt: Nachricht(en).

a kɩbarʋ sg. a kɩbaya pl.

a sɔnɔ kɩbarʋ sentence Good morning! (lit.: (What is the) news of the morning?); fr: Bonjour! (lit.: Quelles sont les nouvelles du matin?); dt: Guten Morgen! (wörtl.: Was sind die Nachrichten des Morgens?) [Note: The singular can be used in the collective sense of ‘news’. This word is commonly used in greetings of the type “(What is the) news of X”, where X can be a time of day, a place, a person group of people, etc. The reply to such a greeting is normally a bʌʌni ‘health’, occasionally kãŋ kãã ŋgo ‘nothing lacks’.]

kɩbfɛ sg. → kɩb-. kɩbt perfective. → kɩbt-. kɩbt- verb. pinch (e.g. to remove grains of millet);

fr: pincer (p. ex. pour enlever graines de petit mil); dt: zwicken (z.B. um Hirsekörner herauszuholen).

kɩbtraa future. kɩbtɛ past. kɩbt / kɩbtʋ perfective. kɩbtr(ʋ) imperfective. a kɩbtam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a kɩbtʋ / a kɩbtʋʋ deverbal instrument noun

sg. pincers, tongs; fr: pince; dt: Zange. [Note: This is an unusual derivation.]

a kɩbtəfɩ deverbal instrument noun pl. kɩbtam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → kɩbt-. kɩbtɛ past. → kɩbt-. kɩbtraa future. → kɩbt-. kɩbtr(ʋ) imperfective. → kɩbt-. kɩbtʋ perfective. → kɩbt-. kɩbtʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → kɩbt-. kɩbtʋʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → kɩbt-. kɩfra noun. uncircumcised, non-initiated, non-

Moslem; fr: incirconcis, non-initié, non-musulman; dt: unbeschnitten, nicht-initiiert, Nicht-Moslem.

a kɩfra sg. a kɩframa pl.

kɩl- noun. kind of flying insect; fr: espèce d’insecte volant; dt: Art fliegendes Insekt.

a kɩllɛ sg. a kɩla pl.

kɩllɛ sg. → kɩl-. kɩpar- noun. hot pepper, chilli; fr: piment; dt:

Pfefferoni, Chili.

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kɩparfɛ kiisomʌ

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 101

a kɩparfɛ sg. a kɩparɩ pl.

kɩparfɛ sg. → kɩpar-. kɩpɛr- noun. blanket; fr: couverture; dt: Decke.

[Note: This is clearly a compound of kɩ and a pɛrgʋ, but the meaning of the first element is unclear. It could derive from a kɛɔ ‘woman’ or a kʋlɔ ‘body’.]

a kɩpɛrgʋ N+N compound noun sg. a kɩpɛnɛ N+N compound noun pl.

kɩpɛrgʋ N+N compound noun sg. → kɩpɛr-. kɩr- noun. vagina; fr: vulve; dt: Scheide.

a kɩrfɛ sg. a kɩrɩɩ pl.

kɩr- verb. exchange; forbid; fr: échanger; interdire; dt: tauschen, wechseln; verbieten. [Note: The rationale behind the meaning ‘forbid’ is: Something that is forbidden must be exchanged for something that is not forbidden. This verb is also used for the commercial exchange of goods (excluding money).]

kɩtaa future. kɩrɛ past. kɩr(ɩ) perfective. kɩt(ɩ) imperfective. a kɩram deverbal action noun sg./mass. a kɩrʋ / a kɩrʋʋ deverbal noun sg. sth.

forbidden; fr: chose interdite; dt: verbotene Sache. [Note: Unusual formation]

a kɩrʋʋfɩ deverbal noun pl. kɩram deverbal action noun sg./mass. → kɩr-. kɩrɛ past. → kɩr-. kɩrɛt- verb. become, change into, be transformed

into; fr: devenir, changer, se transformer en; dt: werden, sich ändern, sich verwandeln in. [Note: This reversive derivation from a kɩram ‘exchange’ seems superficially not to have a reversed meaning. Perhaps the reversal is between “exchange for something else”, involving two arguments, and “change spontaneously” involving only one argument.]

kɩrɛtraa future. kɩrɛtɛ past. kɩrɛt(ɩ) perfective. kɩrɛtr(ɩ) imperfective. a kɩrɛtam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

kɩrɛtɛ past. → kɩrɛt-. kɩrɛt(ɩ) perfective. → kɩrɛt-. kɩrɛtraa future. → kɩrɛt-. kɩrɛtr(ɩ) imperfective. → kɩrɛt-. kɩrfɛ sg. → kɩr-. kɩrɩ noun. mascara; fr: mascara; dt:

Wimperntusche. a kɩrɩ sg.

kɩr(ɩ) perfective. → kɩr-. kɩrkɔg- noun. old woman no longer able to do any

household work (derogatory); fr: vieille qui ne peut plus travailler dans la cour (mot ridiculisant); dt: alte Frau, die im Haushalt nicht mehr arbeiten kann (abschätzig).

a kɩrkɔka N+N compound noun sg.

a kɩrkɔgnɛ N+N compound noun pl. [Note: Neither part of this compound occurs as an independent word. Both may be adaptations of a kɛɔ ‘woman’.]

kɩrkɔka N+N compound noun sg. → kɩrkɔg-. kɩrkɔɔ- noun. old woman still able to do some

household work (derogatory); fr: vieille qui peut toujours travailler dans la cour (mot ridiculisant); dt: alte Frau, die im Haushalt noch arbeiten kann (abschätzig).

a kɩrkɔɔnɛ N+N compound noun sg. a kɩrkɔɔya N+N compound noun sg. [Note: The

first part of this compound may derive from a kɛɔ ‘woman’. The second part is the word a kɔɔnɛ ‘old’.]

kɩrkɔɔnɛ N+N compound noun sg. → kɩrkɔɔ-. kɩrʋ deverbal noun sg. → kɩr-. kɩrʋʋ deverbal noun sg. → kɩr-. kɩtaa future. → kɩr-. kɩt(ɩ) imperfective. → kɩr-. kɩzabrɛ noun. abandoned field; fr: champ

abandonné; dt: verlassenes Feld. [Note: kɩ < a kɛkʋ ‘field’. Possibly zab < a zabəlam ‘chase and jeer at’]

kɩzabrɛ N+N compound noun sg. kɩzaba N+N compound noun pl.

kɩzabrɛ N+N compound noun sg. → kɩzabrɛ. kɩzam- noun. ugly; fr: laid, vilain; dt: hässlich.

a kɩzamdɛ N+N compound noun sg. a kɩzama N+N compound noun pl. a kɩzamaʋ N+N compound noun pl. [Note:

Possibly kɩ < a kʋlɔ ‘body’ (cf. a kɩpɛrgʋ for the same element kɩ). Cf. a zamde ‘bad’.]

a kɩzamɛɩ abstract quality noun sg. ugliness; fr: laideur; dt: Hässlichkeit.

kɩzama N+N compound noun pl. → kɩzam-. kɩzamaʋ N+N compound noun pl. → kɩzam-. kɩzamdɛ N+N compound noun sg. → kɩzam-. ki noun. calabash; fr: calebasse; dt: Kalebasse.

a ki sg. a kiu pl. a kife singulative. single small calabash; fr:

petite calebasse seule; dt: einzelne kleine Kalebasse.

a kifeŋʌ diminutive sg. small calabash; fr: petite calebasse; dt: kleine Kalebasse. [Note: This is one of the rare cases of word with two class suffixes.]

a kifeni diminutive pl. kibsi noun. Ramadan; fr: Ramadan; dt: Ramadan.

a kibəsi sg. kife singulative. → ki. kifeŋʌ diminutive sg. → ki. kii noun. madness; fr: folie; dt: Verrücktheit.

a kii sg. a kiiso sg. mad person; fr: fou; dt: verrückt.

[Note: possibly < a kii sa ‘owner of madness’] a kiisomʌ pl. a kiisofi pl.

kiiso sg. → kii. kiisomʌ pl. → kii.

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kill- kɔgsɔ-

102 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

kill- noun. cry of the women; fr: cri des femmes; dt: Schrei der Frauen.

a killəŋʌ sg. a killəni pl. [Note: This cry is produced by waving

the tongue tip laterally (loosely but rapidly) while producing a fairly high-pitched [ʋ] vowel. At the same time the index finger of the right hand is held pointing upwards about 1 cm in front of the lips. This [ʋ] is followed by an [ɩ] without tongue-tip movement. This [ʋ]-[ɩ] sequence is repeated 2 or 3 times, and is followed by gʋ hana ‘it is good’.]

killəŋʌ sg. → kill-. kiŋkir- noun. spirit of the bush, twin; fr: génie de la

brousse, esprit de la brousse, jumeau / jumelle; dt: Buschgeist, Zwilling. [Note: (=Mòoré). For the true Koromfe word, see a kereŋkʌŋʌ. A spirit of the bush is a leprechaun-like figure who appears in folk tales and can be dangerous to humans (though rarely actually harms them and often helps). It is commonly held that every spirit of the bush is a twin, and conversely that every twin is a spirit of the bush. This word looks phonologically like a compound, but its parts have no independent meaning.]

a kiŋkirgʌ sg. a kiŋkirsi dt: Buschgeist; Zwilling.

kiŋkirgʌ sg. → kiŋkir-. kipel- noun. bat, vampire; fr: chauve-souris,

vampire; dt: Fledermaus, Vampir. [Note: Possibly ki < ‘calabash’, pelgʌ < Mòoré pɛɛləga ‘small, new-born’.]

a kipelgʌ sg. a kipelni pl.

kipelgʌ sg. → kipel-. kireŋkʌŋ- noun. spirit of the bush; twin; fr: génie

de la brousse, esprit de la brousse; jumeau / jumelle; dt: Buschgeist; Zwilling. [Note: For details, see the entry a kiŋkirgʌ.]

a kireŋkʌŋʌ sg. [Note: This word is much too long to be monomorphemic, but it has no recognisable parts, except perhaps that kʌŋ may come from a kaŋ ‘wild animal’. The second velar nasal in this word is a phonological (though not phonetic) geminate, i.e. kireŋkʌŋ-ŋʌ.]

a kireŋkʌŋəni pl. kireŋkʌŋʌ sg. → kireŋkʌŋ-. kiu pl. → ki. kɔ (=/kɔ/) adverb? as for X, as far as X is

concerned; fr: en ce qui concerne X; dt: was X betrifft. [Note: The NP “X” precedes the adverb kɔ]

kɔ (=/kɔ/) adverb. məkɔ kɔ ba bɛlla sentence As far as I’m

concerned, I won’t come.; fr: Moi en tout cas, je ne viendrai pas.; dt: Ich jedenfalls werde nicht kommen.

kɔ (=/kɔ/) adverb. then, next, afterwards; fr: puis, ensuite, après; dt: dann, nachher.

kɔ (=/kɔ/) adverb. kɔ past. (=/kʋ-ɛ/) → kʋ-. -kɔ (=/kɔ/) strong pronoun. strong pronoun; fr:

pronom fort; dt: starkes Pronomen. [Note: This morpheme occurs only in conjunction with a personal pronoun prefix.]

kɔ (=/kɔ/) strong pronoun. kɔbəga numeral. (a) hundred (100); 500 francs

CFA; (a) hundred (100); 500 francs CFA; fr: centaine, cent (100); 500 francs CFA, centaine, cent (100); 500 francs CFA; dt: Hundert, hundert (100); 500 Francs CFA, Hundert, hundert (100); 500 Francs CFA.

kɔbəga attributive cardinal numeral sg. — disjunctive cardinal numeral sg.

kɔsəma attributive cardinal numeral pl. — disjunctive cardinal numeral pl. fʋba kɔbəga NP+N compound noun sg. a

hundred people; fr: cent gens, cent personnes; dt: hundert Menschen

dãɩ kɔbəga NP+N compound noun sg. a hundred houses; fr: cent maisons; dt: hundert Häuser [Note: There is no ordinal numeral derived from this cardinal numeral. Instead, the corresponding ordinal numeral from bɛrʋ or zãŋfɔ is used.] [Note: No article a is used before this word, except (optionally) when it is used non-attributively (disjunctively).]

kɔd- noun. back of the neck; fr: nuque; dt: Nacken. a kɔtɛ sg. a kɔra pl.

kɔfɛ noun. antelope; fr: antilope; dt: Antilope. [Note: The plural form is uncertain; there are no antelopes near where the Koromba live.]

a kɔfɛ sg. a kɔɩ pl.

kɔ-gɩllɛ adverb. → gɩllɛ. kɔgs- verb. pour; fr: vider; dt: gießen, einschenken.

kɔgsraa future. kɔgsɛ past. kɔgs(ʋ) perfective. kɔgsr(ʋ) imperfective. a kɔgsam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

kɔgs a hem mə subre ni imperative sentence Pour some water into my pot!; fr: Vide de l’eau dans mon canari!; dt: Gieß Wasser in meinen Topf!

kɔgsɛ past. → kɔgs-. kɔgsɔ- noun. lighter (including the traditional one

using flint and metal); fr: briquet (y inclus le briquet traditionnel avec une pierre à feu et un fer); dt: Feuerzeug (einschl. des traditionellen Feuerzeugs mit Feuerstein und Metall).

a kɔgəsɔŋ sg. a kɔgəsɔɩ pl.

a sɔmdɛ kɔgəsɔŋ NP+N compound noun sg. (modern) lighter; fr: briquet (moderne); dt: (modernes) Feuerzeug [Note: This compound is used only for disambiguation.]

a sɔmdɛ kɔgəsɔɩ NP+N compound noun pl.

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kɔgəsɔŋ kɔt-

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 103

kɔgəsɔŋ sg. → kɔgsɔ-. kɔgsraa future. → kɔgs-. kɔgsr(ʋ) imperfective. → kɔgs-. kɔgs(ʋ) perfective. → kɔgs-. kɔk- verb. peel, extract, shell (e.g. peanuts); fr:

arracher, décortiquer (p. ex. des arachides); dt: herausholen, schälen (z.B. Erdnüsse). [Note: Synonymous with a kɔtam.]

kɔkraa future. kɔkɛ past. kɔk(ʋ) perfective. kɔkr(ʋ) imperfective. a kɔkam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

kɔkɛ past. → kɔk-. kɔkɔɔdʋ noun. saliva, spit; fr: salive, crachat; dt:

Speichel, Spucke. [Note: A very un-Koromfe-like word, but not Mòoré or Fulfulde.]

a kɔkɔɔdʋ sg. kɔkɔrɔ noun. shuttle (of a weaver’s loom); fr:

navette (du tisserand); dt: Schiff (eines Webstuhls).

a kɔkɔrɔ sg. a kɔkɔrɔ bi NP+N compound noun sg. a kɔkɔrɔ bu NP+N compound noun pl. bobbin

(inside a weaver’s shuttle); fr: bobine (dans la navette d’un tisserand); dt: Spule (im Schiff eines Webers) [Note: Cf. also a jagsam ‘spool’.]

kɔkraa future. → kɔk-. kɔkr(ʋ) imperfective. → kɔk-. kɔk(ʋ) perfective. → kɔk-. kɔl interrogative numeral. how much, how many;

fr: combien (de); dt: wieviel, wieviele. kɔl attributive interrogative numeral.

bɛnna kɔl la wose interrogative sentence How many men are here?; fr: Combien d’hommes sont présents?; dt: Wieviele Männer sind da?

varam kɔl la də dagsɛ interrogative sentence How much flour did she put (in it)?; fr: Combien de farine a-t-elle ajouté?; dt: Wieviel Mehl hat sie hineingegeben? [Note: For the disjunctive form, see ɩkɔl below. As with cardinal numerals, this pronoun does not take the article a.]

ɩkɔl (=/ɩ-kɔl/) disjunctive interrogative numeral. ɩkɔl ɩkɔl interrogative sentence how much for

how many; fr: combien pour combien; dt: wieviel für wieviele [Note: Possibly elliptical for ɩkɔl la ɩkɔl. This reduplicated version of ɩkɔl asks for the price and the number of articles that the price includes. Often goods have standard-sized units (e.g. a pile of peanuts, oranges, etc.) in which they are laid out at stalls.]

ɩkɔl la interrogative sentence How much does it cost?; fr: Ça coûte combien?; dt: Wieviel kostet das?

ɩkɔl ɩkɔl la interrogative sentence How much do how many cost?; fr: Ça coûte combien pour combien?; dt: Wieviel kosten wieviele?

[Note: The word ɩkɔl is actually ɩ kɔl ‘how many of them’. The initial I is the 3rd person plural non-human pronoun, as also used in the cardinal numerals from 2 to 9. This variant of the word cannot be used to qualify an NP; instead the attributive form kɔl must be used.]

kɔna pl. → kɔndɩ. kɔndɩ noun. guitar; fr: guitare; dt: Gitarre. [Note: =

Mòoré] a kɔndɩ sg. a kɔna pl. a kɔnaʋ pl.

kɔŋ- noun. kind of tree; fr: espèce d’arbre; dt: Art Baum. [Note: = Mòoré]

a kɔŋa sg. a kɔŋsʋʋ pl.

kɔŋa sg. → kɔŋ-. kɔɔb- noun. kind of bird (very small); fr: espèce

d’oiseau très petit; dt: Art Vogel (sehr klein). a kɔɔbrɩ sg. a kɔɔbaʋ pl.

kɔɔbrɩ sg. → kɔɔb-. kɔɔm deverbal action noun sg./mass. (=/kʋ-am/) →

kʋ-. kɔɔsa noun. butcher; fr: boucher; dt: Fleischhauer.

[Note: = Mòoré. See Koromfe a nɛmmɔ kʋrɔ.] a kɔɔsa sg. a kɔɔsafɩ pl. a kɔɔsama pl.

kɔɔsafɩ pl. → kɔɔsa. kɔrkɔya noun. fibre used to fix rooves; fr: fibre

pour fixer le toit; dt: Fasern, mit denen Dächer zusammengehalten werden. [Note: = Mòoré]

a kɔrkɔya sg. a kɔrkɔyaʋ pl. a kɔrkɔyafɩ pl.

kɔrkɔyaʋ pl. → kɔrkɔya. kɔrɔt- verb. separate, divide; fr: séparer, diviser; dt:

trennen. kɔrɔtraa future. kɔrɔtɛ past. kɔrɔt(ʋ) perfective. kɔrɔtr(ʋ) imperfective. a kɔrɔtam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

ʋ kʋrɔtə dombo sentence We split up (and went separate ways).; fr: Nous nous sommes séparés (et avons pris des chemins différents).; dt: Wir trennten uns (und gingen verschiedene Wege).

kɔrɔtɛ past. → kɔrɔt-. kɔrɔtraa future. → kɔrɔt-. kɔrɔtr(ʋ) imperfective. → kɔrɔt-. kɔrɔt(ʋ) perfective. → kɔrɔt-. kɔt- verb. peel, extract, shell (e.g. peanuts); fr:

arracher, décortiquer (p. ex. des arachides); dt: herausholen, schälen (z.B. Erdnüsse). [Note: Synonymous with a kɔkam.]

kɔtraa future. kɔtɛ past. kɔt(ʋ) perfective.

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kɔtɛ kɔŋ-

104 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

kɔtr(ʋ) imperfective. a kɔtam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

kɔtɛ sg. → kɔd-. kɔtɛ past. → kɔt-. kɔtraa future. → kɔt-. kɔtr(ʋ) imperfective. → kɔt-. kɔtʋ noun. substance made of bones used for

spinning thread; fr: produit d’os pour filer; dt: Produkt aus Knochen, das beim Spinnen von Schnur verwendet wird.

a kɔtʋ sg. a kɔtəfɩ sg.

kɔt(ʋ) perfective. → kɔt-. kɔʋ noun. traditional razor; fr: rasoir traditionnel;

dt: traditionelles Rasiermesser. a kɔʋ sg. a kɔɔfɩ pl.

kɔ (=/kɔ/) conjunction. when, since (causal); fr: quand, lorsque, puisque; dt: wenn (zeitlich), da.

kɔ (=/kɔ/) conj. kɔm (=/kɔ/) conj. [Note: before labial

consonants] kɔn (=/kɔ/) conj. [Note: before alveolar

consonants] kɔŋ (=/kɔ/) conj. [Note: before velar consonants] kɔnɔ (=/kɔ/) conj. [Note: before syllabic nasals,

vowels or h] kɔ (=/kɔ/) relative pronoun. who, whom, that,

which; fr: qui, que, lequel, laquelle, ce qui / ce que; dt: der/die/das, welch(-er,-e,-es), was.

kɔ (=/kɔ/) non-spec. rel.pron. kɔm (=/kɔ/) non-spec. rel.pron. [Note: before

labial consonants] kɔn (=/kɔ/) non-specific rel.pron. [Note: before

alveolar consonants] kɔŋ (=/kɔ/) non-specific rel.pron. [Note: before

velar consonants] kɔnɔ (=/kɔ/) non-specific rel.pron. [Note: before

syllabic nasals, vowels or h] kɔ perfective. → kɔ-. kɔ- verb. escape; recover; fr: s’échapper; guérir;

dt: entkommen; sich erholen. kɔnaa future. kɔɛ past. kɔ perfective. kɔn(ɔ) imperfective. a kɔɔm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

də kɔ (a) hem sentence He has recovered from malaria.; fr: Il s’est guéri du paludisme.; dt: Er hat sich von der Malaria erholt.

kɔb- noun. kɔbrɛ sg. kɔba pl. See: a kʋbrɛ ‘bone’. [Note: = Mòoré]

kɔbrɛ sg. → kɔb-. kɔbrɛ sg. → kʋb-. kɔɛ past. → kɔ-. kɔɛ- noun. hair, feather; fr: cheveu, poil, plume; dt:

Haar, Feder. a kɔɛfɛ sg. a kɔɛ pl.

kɔɛfɛ sg. → kɔɛ-. kɔɩ- noun. squirrel; fr: écureuil; dt: Eichhörnchen.

a kɔɩnɛ sg. a kɔỹã pl.

kɔɩnɛ sg. → kɔɩ-. kɔm conj. (=/kɔ/) → kɔ. kɔm non-spec. rel.pron. (=/kɔ/) → kɔ. kɔm perfective. → kɔm-. kɔm- verb. vaccinate; fr: vacciner; dt: impfen.

kɔmmaa future. kɔmɛ past. kɔm perfective. kɔmm(ɔ) imperfective. a kɔmam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

kɔmɛ past. → kɔm-. kɔmmaa future. → kɔm-. kɔmm(ɔ) imperfective. → kɔm-. kɔn conj. (=/kɔ/) → kɔ. kɔn non-specific rel.pron. (=/kɔ/) → kɔ. kɔn perfective. → kɔn-. kɔn- verb. pick up, pile up; fr: ramasser, mettre en

tas; dt: aufheben, aufhäufen. kɔtaa future. kɔnɛ past. kɔn perfective. kɔn(ɔ) perfective. kɔt(ʋ) imperfective. a kɔnam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

kɔnaa future. → kɔ-. kɔnd- verb. find; fr: trouver; dt: finden.

kɔndraa future. kɔndɛ past. kɔnd(ʋ) perfective. kɔndr(ʋ) imperfective. a kɔndam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a kɔndɔʋ deverbal nomen acti pl. tradition,

custom; fr: tradition, coutume; dt: Tradition, Brauch, Brauchtum.

kɔndam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → kɔnd-. kɔndɛ past. → kɔnd-. kɔndraa future. → kɔnd-. kɔndr(ʋ) imperfective. → kɔnd-. kɔnd(ʋ) perfective. → kɔnd-. kɔnɛ past. → kɔn-. kɔnma noun. kind of long shirt (down to the thighs,

without sleeves, for women); fr: espèce de chemise longue (arrivant aux cuisses, sans manches, pour les femmes); dt: Art langes Hemd (bis zu den Oberschenkeln, ohne Ärmel, für Frauen).

a kɔnəma sg. a kɔnəmafɩ pl.

kɔnəma sg. → kɔnma. kɔn(ɔ) imperfective. → kɔ-. kɔn(ɔ) perfective. → kɔn-. kɔŋ conj. (=/kɔ/) → kɔ. kɔŋ non-specific rel.pron. (=/kɔ/) → kɔ. kɔŋ perfective. → kɔŋ-. kɔŋ- verb. age; fr: vieillir; dt: altern.

kɔŋənaa future. kɔŋɛ past.

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kɔŋɛ kobt-

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 105

kɔŋ perfective. kɔŋən(ɔ) imperfective. a kɔŋam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

kɔŋɛ past. → kɔŋ-. kɔŋənaa future. → kɔŋ-. kɔŋən(ɔ) imperfective. → kɔŋ-. kɔɔ noun. smell, odour; fr: odeur; dt: Geruch.

a kɔɔ sg. a kɔɔfɩ pl.

a kɔɔ sa NP+N compound noun sg. onion, garlic (lit.: owner of smell); fr: oignon, ail (lit.: possesseur d’odeur); dt: Zwiebel, Knoblauch (wörtl.: Geruchsbesitzer)

a kɔɔ sammã NP+N compound noun pl. kɔɔ- noun. kind of tree, African Palmyra palm,

Borassus; fr: espèce d’arbre, rônier; dt: Art Baum, Borassuspalme.

a kɔɔŋa sg. [Note: = Mòoré] a kɔɔỹã pl.

kɔɔ- noun. old; fr: vieux; dt: alt. [Note: Can be used for human, non-human and inanimate referents alike.]

a kɔɔnɛ sg. a kɔɔỹã pl.

kɔɔd- noun. yellow; fr: jaune; dt: gelb. [Note: = Mòoré]

kɔɔdrɩ sg. kɔɔda pl.

kɔɔdrɩ sg. → kɔɔd-. kɔɔnɛ sg. → kɔɔ-. kɔɔŋa sg. → kɔɔ-. kɔs- noun. iron, piece of iron; metal (of any kind);

fr: fer; métal (de toute sorte); dt: Eisen, Stück eisen; Metall (jeder Art). [Note: This word’s primary meaning seems to be ‘metal’ rather than ‘iron’, and ‘iron’ is just the default case.]

a kɔsʋ sg. a kɔsfɩ pl. a kʋrəgʋ kɔsʋ V+N compound noun sg. silver; fr:

argent; dt: Silber. a kʋrəgʋ kɔsəfɩ V+N compound noun pl. a kɔsə sɔmdɛ N+N compound noun sg. copper;

fr: cuivre; dt: Kupfer. a kɔsə sɔmɩã N+N compound noun pl.

kɔs- verb. scrape (to clean); build; fr: gratter (pour nettoyer) ; construire; dt: kratzen (zum Reinigen); bauen.

kɔsraa future. kɔsɛ past. kɔs(ʋ) perfective. kɔsr(ʋ) imperfective. a kɔsam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a kɔsrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. founder,

creator; fr: fondateur, créateur; dt: Gründer, Schöpfer.

a kɔsrəba deverbal agent noun pl. [Note: 254] kɔsə sɔmdɛ N+N compound noun sg. → kɔs-. kɔsam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → kɔs-. kɔsɛ past. → kɔs-. kɔsfɩ pl. → kɔs-. kɔsraa future. → kɔs-.

kɔsrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → kɔs-. kɔsr(ʋ) imperfective. → kɔs-. kɔsʋ sg. → kɔs-. kɔs(ʋ) perfective. → kɔs-. kɔtaa future. → kɔn-. kɔt(ʋ) imperfective. → kɔn-. ko past. → ko-. ko perfective. → ko-. ko- noun. millet stalk; fr: tige de mil; dt:

Hirsestängel. kogo sg. kofi pl. a kofre singulative/diminutive. single small

millet stalk; fr: seul petit tige de mil; dt: einzelner kleiner Hirsestängel.

ko- verb. gather leaves of beans or sorrel; fr: cueillir les feuilles de haricot ou d’oseille; dt: Bohnen- oder Sauerampferblätter sammeln. [Note: This activity involves pinching the leaves to remove them without further damaging the branch. Synonymous with a kokʌm.]

korʌʌ future. ko past. ko perfective. kor(u) imperfective. a koom deverbal action noun sg./mass.

kobt- verb. shave (forehead or neck); direct; protect; fr: raser (front ou nuque) ; diriger ; protéger; dt: rasieren (Stirn oder Nacken); lenken; schützen. [Note: This verb is used for shaving around the edges of a piece of hair that remains in place (e.g. on top of the head). For shaving the entire head, a pɔnam is used.]

kobtrʌʌ future. kobte past. kobt(u) perfective. kobtr(u) imperfective. a kobtʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a kobtro deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who

shaves; s.o. who protects, protector; fr: q.un qui rase; q.un qui protège, protecteur; dt: jmd. der rasiert; jmd. der schützt, Schützer.

a kobtrəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. a kobtrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. object

for shaving, razor; object for protecting (e.g. garment or hat for protection against the sun); fr: objet pour raser, rasoir; objet pour se protéger (p. ex. un habit ou un chapeau pour se protéger contre le soleil); dt: Gegenstand zum rasieren, Rasierer; Gegenstand um sich zu schützen (z.B. ein Gewand oder ein Hut gegen die Sonne).

a kobtrəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. a kobtrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a kobtrəsi deverbal instrument noun diminutive

pl. a kobtrəfʌ deverbal local noun. place for

shaving; place for protection; fr: endroit pour se raser; endroit pour se protéger; dt: Platz

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kobtʌm kombot-

106 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

zum Rasieren; Platz, wo man sich schützen kann.

a kobtəmʌũ deverbal nomen acti pl. hair that was shaved off; fr: cheveux qui étaient rasés; dt: abrasierte Haare. mə kobtrʌʌ a naɩ sentence I am guiding the

herd.; fr: Je guide le troupeau.; dt: Ich führe die Herde.

kobtʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → kobt-. kobte past. → kobt-. kobtrʌʌ future. → kobt-. kobtrəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. → kobt-. kobtrəfʌ deverbal local noun. → kobt-. kobtrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ kobt-. kobtrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. → kobt-. kobtrəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. → kobt-. kobtro deverbal agent noun sg. → kobt-. kobtrəsi deverbal instrument noun diminutive pl. →

kobt-. kobtr(u) imperfective. → kobt-. kobt(u) perfective. → kobt-. kod- noun. temples, area around the eye; fr:

tempes, zone autour d’un oeil; dt: Schläfen, Gebiet rund um ein Auge. [Note: Normally only used in the compound a jɩbrɛ kote.]

a kote sg. a korʌ pl.

a yɩbrɛ kote NP+N compound noun sg. temples, area around the eye; fr: tempes, zone autour d’un oeil; dt: Schläfen, Gebiet rund um ein Auge

a yɩba korʌ NP+N compound noun pl. kofi pl. → ko-. kogo sg. → ko-. koi noun. shame; fr: honte; dt: Scham.

a koi sg. koi- noun. bracelet; fr: bracelet; dt: Armband.

a koire sg. a koyʌ pl. a koyo pl.

a wɔn bi koire NP+N compound noun sg. ring (for the finger); fr: bague (pour le doigt); dt: Ring (für den Finger)

a wɔn bu koyo NP+N compound noun pl. a kʋrəgʋ koire Participle+N compound noun sg.

large silver bracelet; fr: grand bracelet en argent; dt: großes Silberarmband [Note: The participle (=perfective) form of a kʋrgam is here used nominally in the sense ‘hard stuff’, i.e. silver.]

a kʋrəgʋ koyʌ Participle+N compound noun pl. koire sg. → koi-. kok- verb. gather leaves of beans or sorrel; fr:

cueillir les feuilles de haricot ou d’oseille; dt: Bohnen- oder Sauerampferblätter sammeln. [Note: This activity involves pinching the leaves to remove them without further damaging the branch. Synonymous with a kokʌm.]

kokrʌʌ future.

koke past. kok(u) perfective. kokr(u) imperfective. a kokʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

koke past. → kok-. kokrʌʌ future. → kok-. kokr(u) imperfective. → kok-. kok(u) perfective. → kok-. kom perfective. → kom-. kom- noun. kind of tree (with edible fruit); (pl.)

fruits of this tree; fr: espèce d’arbre (à fruits comestibles); (pl.) fruits de cet arbre; dt: Art Baum (mit essbaren Früchten); (pl.) Früchte dieses Baumes.

a komgu sg. a komi pl. a komgʌ diminutive sg. small tree of this kind;

fr: petit arbre de cet espèce; dt: kleiner Baum dieser Art. [Note: [g], not [ɣ]]

kom- verb. cry; blow one’s horn; fr: pleurer; klaxonner; dt: weinen; hupen.

kommʌʌ future. kome past. kom perfective. komm(õ) imperfective. a komʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a komsi deverbal action noun pl. crying; fr:

pleurs; dt: Weinen. komʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → kom-. komb- noun. crowd (of people); dry piece of

porridge; fr: foule (de gens); morceau sec de tô; dt: (Menschen)menge; ausgetrocknetes Stück Hirsebrei. [Note: (Crowd:) Meaning similar to that of a mɛndɛ. (Porridge:) This is the porridge that originally stuck to the bottom of the pot. It is loosened with water, and can subsequently be pounded to make couscous.]

a kombre sg. a kombo pl.

a fãɩ kombre NP+N compound noun sg. dry piece of porridge; fr: morceau sec de tô; dt: ausgetrocknetes Stück Hirsebrei

a fãɩ kombo NP+N compound noun pl. kombot- verb. help; fr: aide, secours; dt: Hilfe.

[Note: These derived nouns seem to come from the above verb stem, which is probably the reversive of a komʌm ‘to cry’. This word is hardly used except in the expression a komboto horo (see below).]

a kombotre sg. help; fr: aide; dt: Hilfe. [Note: Rare]

a kombotʌ pl. a komboto pl. [Note: This is the most common

form.] a kombotro helper; fr: assistant, aide,

sauveteur; dt: Helfer. deverbal agent noun sg. a kombotrəbʌ deverbal agent noun sg.

a komboto horo NP+N compound noun sg. helper; fr: assistant, aide, sauveteur; dt: Helfer

a komboto horəbʌ NP+N compound noun sg.

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kombotʌ kord-

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 107

kombotʌ pl. → kombot-. komboto pl. → kombot-. kombotre sg. → kombot-. kombotro deverbal agent noun sg. → kombot-. kombre sg. → komb-. kome past. → kom-. komgu sg. → kom-. komi pl. → kom-. kommʌʌ future. → kom-. komm(õ) imperfective. → kom-. koms- verb. make (s.o.) cry; fr: faire pleurer; dt:

weinen lassen. komsrʌʌ future. komse past. koms(u) perfective. komsr(u) imperfective. a komsʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

komse past. → koms-. komsrʌʌ future. → koms-. komsr(u) imperfective. → koms-. koms(u) perfective. → koms-. kon perfective. → kon-. kon- noun. door; fr: porte; dt: Tür.

a konne sg. a konʌu pl. a konʌ pl.

kon- verb. put, place; fr: poser, placer; dt: stellen, legen, setzen.

konnʌʌ future. kone past. kon perfective. konn(ũ) imperfective. a konʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

konʌu pl. → kon-. kone past. → kon-. konnʌʌ future. → kon-. konne sg. → kon-. konn(ũ) imperfective. → kon-. koŋ (=/koŋ/) demonstrative; demonstrative

pronoun. this, that, the; this / that one; fr: ce, cet, cette, le, la; celui-ci/là, celle-ci/là; dt: dies(-er,-e,-es), jen(-er,-e,-es), der, die, das.

koŋ (=/koŋ/) demonstrative adjective non-human sg. a dãŋ koŋ NP+demonstr. noun phrase sg. the /

this / that house; fr: la / cette maison; dt: das / dieses / jenes Haus

dãŋ dɔm koŋ NP+demonstr. noun phrase sg. the / this / that one house; fr: la / cette seule maison; dt: das / dieses / jenes Haus allein [Note: * a dãŋ dɔm koŋ is impossible because a numeral precludes the article a.]

koŋ ba zɔmma mɛ sentence That one doesn’t like me. (= that sheep); fr: Celui-là ne m’aime pas. (= ce mouton); dt: Das dort mag mich nicht. (= jenes Schaf) [Note: Demonstrative adjectives are also used as definite articles. Their similarity to the corresponding noun-class suffixes is unmistakable. They always follow the rest of the NP and do not affect the presence or

absence of the article a before the NP. When used pronouns they stand alone in the position of an NP. Cf. the full set of demonstratives: hoŋ, koŋ, bɛŋ, hɛŋ, kɛŋ.]

koŋgo (=/koŋ-gṾ/) strong demonstrative adjective / pronoun non-human sg. a dãŋ koŋgo NP+demonstr. noun phrase sg. the

/ this / that house; fr: la / cette maison; dt: das / dieses / jenes Haus

dãŋ dɔm koŋgo NP+demonstr. noun phrase sg. the / this / that one house; fr: la / cette seule maison; dt: das / dieses / jenes Haus allein [Note: * a dãŋ dɔm koŋgo is impossible because a numeral precludes the article a.]

koŋgo ba zɔmma mɛ sentence That one doesn’t like me. (= that sheep); fr: Celui-la ne m’aime pas. (= ce mouton); dt: Das dort mag mich nicht. (= jenes Schaf) [Note: The strong demonstratives are said to be more emphatic than the corresponding normal demonstrative, but in practice can be found everywhere where the latter occur. All strong demonstratives are formed by adding -gṾ to the normal demonstrative, where Ṿ is a (non-nasal) copy of the (one and only, mid) vowel of the normal demonstrative.]

koŋfe noun. Konfe (family name); fr: Konfe (nom de famille); dt: Konfe (Familienname). [Note: This the name of the family from which the chief of Lorom is chosen. It is might be related to the names Kofi and Koné found extensively in West Africa.]

a koŋfe sg. a koŋfemʌ pl.

koŋg- noun. kind of bush; fr: espèce d’arbuste; dt: Art Strauch.

a koŋgre sg. a koŋgʌ pl. a koŋgo pl.

koŋgʌ pl. → koŋg-. koŋgre sg. → koŋg-. koon- noun. chameleon; fr: caméléon; dt:

Chamäleon. a koonde sg. a koonʌ pl.

koonde sg. → koon-. korʌʌ future. → ko-. kord- verb. surround, form a circle around; fr:

entourer, encercler, faire un cercle autour de; dt: umzingeln / umgeben, einen Kreis bilden um.

korodʌʌ future. korde past. koro perfective. korod(u) imperfective. a kordʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

a karãm bu koro ba karãsaamba sentence The pupils formed a circle around their teacher.; fr: Les élèves ont fait un cercle autour de

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korde kʋrd-

108 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

leur enseignant.; dt: Die Schüler haben um ihren Lehrer einen Kreis gebildet.

a alləba korde ʋ kunne ʋ sɩbraa sentence If the enemies surround our village we will die.; fr: Si les ennemies encerclent notre village nous mourrons.; dt: Wenn die Feinde unser Dorf umzingeln, werden wir sterben.

korde past. → kord-. koro perfective. → kord-. korodʌʌ future. → kord-. korod(u) imperfective. → kord-. korom- noun. Koromba; fr: Koromba; dt: Koromba.

a koromdo sg. [Note: Unexpected and unaccountable [d].]

a korombʌ pl. a korombo pl. a koromfe singulative. Koromfe (the language of

the Koromba); fr: koromfe (la langue des Koromba); dt: Koromfe (die Sprache der Koromba).

a korom-kunne N+N compound noun sg. the country of the Koromba; fr: le pays des Koromba; dt: das Land der Koromba.

korombʌ pl. → korom-. korombo pl. → korom-. koromdo sg. → korom-. koromfe singulative. → korom-. kor(u) imperfective. → ko-. kote sg. → kod-. koto- noun. trough; chest; fr: abreuvoir; malle,

caisse; dt: Trog; Kiste. a kotoŋ sg. a kotoi pl.

a hem kotoŋ NP+N compound noun sg. boat, ship; fr: bateau, navire; dt: Boot, Schiff

a hem kotoi NP+N compound noun pl. [Note: The basic meaning of this word is: large, hollow wooden object.]

kotoŋ sg. → koto-. koyʌ pl. → koi-. kʋ perfective. (=/kʋ/) → kʋ-. kʋ- (=/kʋ/) verb. kill, extinguish (e.g. fire, light);

fr: tuer, éteindre (p. ex. feu, lumière); dt: töten, löschen (z.B. Feuer, Licht).

kʋraa (=/kʋ-d-aa/) future. kɔ (=/kʋ-ɛ/) past. kʋ (=/kʋ/) perfective. kʋr / kʋrʋ (=/kʋ-d/) imperfective. a kɔɔm (=/kʋ-am/) deverbal action noun

sg./mass. a kʋrəgʋ (=/kʋ-d-gʋ/) deverbal instrument

noun sg. deadly; fr: ce qui tue; dt: tödlich. a kʋrəhɩ / a kʋrəhɛ (=/kʋ-d-hɩ/) deverbal

instrument noun pl. a kʋrɔ (=/kʋ-d-ɔ/) deverbal agent noun sg. killer,

murderer; fr: tueur, assassin; dt: Killer, Mörder.

a kʋrəba (=/kʋ-d-ba/) deverbal agent noun pl. [Note: 249]

kʋb- noun. bone; fr: os; dt: Knochen. a kʋbrɛ sg.

a kʋba pl. [Note: Also, commonly, the very similar Mòoré word is used.]

a kɔbrɛ sg. [Note: (= Mòoré)] a kɔba pl. [Note: (= Mòoré)]

kʋb- noun. neck; fr: cou; dt: hals. a kʋbɔ sg. a kʋbəfɩ pl.

kʋba pl. → kʋb-. kʋbɔ sg. → kʋb-. kʋbrɛ sg. → kʋb-. kʋl- noun. body; fr: corps; dt: Körper.

a kʋlɔ sg. a kʋləfɩ pl. a kʋlə-yagaɩ N+N compound noun sg./mass.

health (lit.: freshness of the body); fr: santé (lit.: fraîcheur du corps); dt: Gesundheit (wörtl.: Frische des Körpers).

a kʋlə-hem N+N compound noun sg./mass. liquid of the body; fr: liquide du corps; dt: Flüssigkeit des Körpers.

a kʋlə-homoi N+N compound noun sg. body heat; sickness; fr: chaleur du corps; maladie; dt: Körperwärme; Krankheit.

kʋləfɩ pl. → kʋl-. kʋlə-hem N+N compound noun sg./mass. → kʋl-. kʋlkɛbɛ noun. tool for cutting millet cobs; fr: outil

pour couper les épis de mil; dt: Werkzeug um Hirsekolben abzuschneiden.

a kʋlkɛbɛ sg. a kʋlkɛbɛʋ pl. a kʋlkɛbɛfɩ pl. [Note: This word may derive from

a kʋl(ɔ) kɛbɛ ‘the body trembled’, referring to the trembling of the millet stalk once the cob has been cut off. If so, it is a very rare type of derivation.]

kʋlkɛbɛʋ pl. → kʋlkɛbɛ. kʋlɔ sg. → kʋl-. kʋlə-yagaɩ N+N compound noun sg./mass. → kʋl-. kʋlə-yagaɩ N+N compound noun sg./mass. →

yag(l)-. kʋmɩʌ pl. → kʋməŋa. kʋməŋa noun. short; fr: court; dt: kurz.

a kʋməŋa sg. a kʋmɩʌ pl. a kʋmənɩ pl.

kʋr imperfective. (=/kʋ-d/) → kʋ-. kʋr- noun. handle (e.g. of an axe); fr: manche (p. ex.

de hache); dt: Griff (z.B. einer Axt). a kʋrgʋ sg. a kʋrɩɩ pl.

kʋr- verb. put a handle on an implement (e.g. an axe); fr: emmancher (p. ex. une hache); dt: einen Griff montieren (z.B. bei einer Axt).

kʋtaa future. kʋrɛ past. kʋr(ʋ) perfective. kʋt(ʋ) imperfective. a kʋram deverbal action noun sg./mass.

kʋraa future. (=/kʋ-d-aa/) → kʋ-. kʋrd- verb. tie, make a knot; put a handle on an

implement (e.g. axe); fr: nouer, faire un nœud;

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kʋrədam kuloms-

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 109

emmancher (p. ex. une hache); dt: binden, (ver)knüpfen, einen Knopf machen; einen Griff montieren (z.B. bei einer Axt).

kʋrɔdaa future. kʋrədɛ past. kʋrɔ perfective. kʋrɔd(ʋ) imperfective. a kʋrədam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a kʋrɔ participial adjective. knot; fr: nœud; dt:

Knoten / Knopf. [Note: In its second meaning this verb is synonymous with a kʋram]

kʋrədam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → kʋrd-. kʋrədɛ past. → kʋrd-. kʋrɛ past. → kʋr-. kʋrɛŋgɛʋ noun. dry period (during the rainy

season), lack of rain; fr: période sèche (pendant la saison des pluies), manque de pluie; dt: Trockenperiode (während der Regenzeit), Regenmangel.

a kʋrɛŋgɛʋ sg. a kʋrɛŋgɛʋfɩ [Note: Clearly related to a kʋrgam

‘to dry’, but not by any productive morphological process. The same final sequence occurs in a mɛnɛŋgɛʋ ‘dew’.]

kʋrg- verb. dry (out); fr: (dé)sécher; dt: (aus)trocknen.

kʋrəgraa future. kʋrəgɛ past. kʋrəg(ʋ) perfective. kʋrəgɩ perfective. [Note: This form contradicts

vowel harmony.] kʋrəgr(ʋ) imperfective. a kʋrəgam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

a pɛrgʋ koŋ kʋrəgʋ sentence The shirt is dry. (lit.: The shirt has dried.); fr: La chemise est sèche. (lit.: La chemise est séchée.); dt: Das Hemd ist trocken. (wörtl.: Das Hemd hat getrocknet.)

a pɛrgʋ koŋ kʋrəgɩ sentence The shirt is dry. (lit.: The shirt has dried.); fr: La chemise est sèche. (lit.: La chemise est séchée.); dt: Das Hemd ist trocken. (wörtl.: Das Hemd hat getrocknet.)

a pɛrgʋ koŋ a kʋrəgʋ la sentence The shirt is dry. (lit.: The shirt is a dry (thing).); fr: La chemise est sèche. (lit.: La chemise est (une chose) sèche.); dt: Das Hemd ist trocken. (wörtl.: Das Hemd ist ein trockenes (Ding).)

a pɛrgʋ koŋ a kʋrəgɩ la sentence The shirt is dry. (lit.: The shirt is a dry (thing).); fr: La chemise est sèche. (lit.: La chemise est (une chose) sèche.); dt: Das Hemd ist trocken. (wörtl.: Das Hemd ist ein trockenes (Ding).)

kʋrəgɛ past. → kʋrg-. kʋrgɩ noun. dry, hard; silver, piece of silver; fr: sec,

dur; argent (=le métal), morceau d’argent; dt: trocken, hart; Silber, Stück Silber.

a kʋrəgɩ sg. a kʋrəgəfɩ pl.

kʋrəgɩ perfective. → kʋrg-. kʋrəgɩ sg. → kʋrgɩ.

kʋrəgraa future. → kʋrg-. kʋrəgr(ʋ) imperfective. → kʋrg-. kʋrgʋ sg. → kʋr-. kʋrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. (=/kʋ-d-gʋ/)

→ kʋ-. kʋrəg(ʋ) perfective. → kʋrg-. kʋrəgʋ kɔsəfɩ V+N compound noun pl. → kɔs-. kʋrəgʋ kɔsʋ V+N compound noun sg. → kɔs-. kʋrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. (=/kʋ-d-hɩ/)

→ kʋ-. kʋrəhɩ deverbal instrument noun pl. (=/kʋ-d-hɩ/)

→ kʋ-. kʋrkɛbɛ noun. knife (used for harvesting); fr:

couteau (utilisé pour la récolte); dt: Messer (zum Ernten).

kʋrkɛbɛ sg. kʋrkɛbɛfɩ pl.

kʋrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. (=/kʋ-d-ɔ/) → kʋ-. kʋrɔ perfective. → kʋrd-. kʋrɔdaa future. → kʋrd-. kʋrɔd(ʋ) imperfective. → kʋrd-. kʋrʋ imperfective. (=/kʋ-d/) → kʋ-. kʋr(ʋ) perfective. → kʋr-. kʋsa noun. boyfriend, lover, fiancé; fr: petit-ami,

amant, fiancé; dt: Freund, Liebhaber, Verlobter. [Note: Can only be used for men, not for women. The female equivalent is a bikeŋa ‘girl’]

a kʋsa sg. a kʋsama pl. a kʋsafɩ pl.

mə kʋsa la dɩ sentence He is my boyfriend. (not: *She is my girlfriend); fr: Il est mon petit-ami. (non: *Elle est ma petite-amie); dt: Er ist mein Freund (nicht: *Sie ist meine Freundin)

a kʋsaɩ denominal abstract quality noun sg. love affair; fr: affaire d’amour; dt: Liebschaft.

kʋsafɩ pl. → kʋsa. kʋsama pl. → kʋsa. kʋt- noun. knot; fr: nœud; dt: Knoten, Knopf. [Note:

Clearly related to, but not regularly derived from, a kʋram ‘tie a knot’.]

a kʋtrɛ sg. a kʋra pl.

kʋtaa future. → kʋr-. kʋtənlɛɛd- noun. type of slingshot; fr: lance-pierre

traditionnel; dt: traditionelle Schleuder. [Note: This word is a corruption (b > d) of Mòoré kʋtənlɛɛbga.]

kʋtənlɛɛdga sg. kʋtənlɛɛdsɩ pl.

kʋtənlɛɛdga sg. → kʋtənlɛɛd-. kʋtrɛ sg. → kʋt-. kʋt(ʋ) imperfective. → kʋr-. ku- noun. tortoise; fr: tortue; dt: Schildkröte.

[Note: = Mòoré] a kuri sg. a kuyʌu pl.

kuloms- verb. pass under; fr: passer en dessous (de); dt: unter (...) durchgehen. [Note: This

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kulomse kũũsri

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typically involves passing between the legs of a person or animal.]

kulomsrʌʌ future. kulomse past. kuloms(u) perfective. kulomsr(u) imperfective. a kulomsʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

kulomse past. → kuloms-. kulomsrʌʌ future. → kuloms-. kulomsr(u) imperfective. → kuloms-. kuloms(u) perfective. → kuloms-. kun- noun. place, village, town, area, land; fr: lieu,

village, ville, région, pays; dt: Ort, Dorf, Stadt, Gebiet, Land.

a kunne sg. a kunʌu pl.

kundo- noun. back; hunchback; fr: dos; bosse; dt: Rücken; Buckel. [Note: See also a bɛllɛ, which refers to the whole rear surface of the body, from the shoulders to the feet, though it is also commonly used to refer to the back only. The word a kundoŋ refers to the back only (from the shoulders to the waist).]

a kundoŋ sg. a kundoi pl.

kundoŋ sg. → kundo-. kunne sg. → kun-. kur- noun; noun. (small private) field; fr: champ

(petit privé); dt: (kleines privates) Feld. [Note: This word may originate as the diminutive of a nomen acti from the verb a kurʌm ‘begin’, although its meaning is now idiosyncratic. This kind of field is used by one wife of a family only. A field used by the whole family is a kɛkʋ.]

a kurgʌ diminutive sg. a kursuu pl.

kur- verb. begin, start; found; fr: commencer ; fonder; dt: beginnen, anfangen; gründen.

kutʌʌ future. kure past. kur(u) perfective. kut(u) imperfective. a kurʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a kuto deverbal agent noun sg. person who

begins; founder; first; fr: celui qui commence; fondateur; premier; dt: derjenige, der beginnt; Gründer; erst(-er,-e,-es).

a kutəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. [Note: 267] kurʌ pl. → kut-. kurʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → kur-. kure past. → kur-. kurgʌ diminutive sg. → kur-. kuri sg. → ku-. kurku- noun. pig; fr: porc, cochon; dt: Schwein.

[Note: = Mòoré] a kurkuri sg. a kurkuyo pl.

kurkuri sg. → kurku-. kuro pl. → kut-. kurom- noun. flying squirrel; fr: écureuil volant; dt:

fliegendes Eichhörnchen.

a kuromgʌ sg. a kuromi pl.

kuromgʌ sg. → kurom-. kurs- noun. pair of trousers, pair of shorts; fr:

pantalon, culotte; dt: Hose (kurz oder lang). a kursu sg. a kursii pl.

kursu sg. → kurs-. kur(u) perfective. → kur-. kut- noun. root, stump, trunk (of a tree); fr: racine,

souche, tronc (d’arbre); dt: Wurzel, Strunk, Stamm (eines Baumes). [Note: This word probably originates are a nomen acti of a kurʌm, but the regular singular formation would be * a kute, which does not exist, even though its corresponding plural a kurʌ does exist - though now only as the anomalous plural from of a kutre. The form a kutre is probably a back formation from the diminutive a kutgʌ, which in turn is the diminutive deverbal instrument noun from a kurʌm. See also a kurgʌ, which is a regular diminutive nomen acti of a kurʌm, though now with an idiosyncratic meaning.]

a kutre sg. [Note: The non-diminutive form is not used in the sense of ‘stool’.]

a kurʌ pl. a kuro pl. a da kutre [Note: da < a dãɩnɛ ‘wood’] N+N

compound noun sg. stump of a tree; fr: souche de bois; dt: Baumstrunk.

a da kutgʌ [Note: This form is used more commonly than a dakutre.] N+N compound noun diminutive sg.

a da kutʌu N+N compound noun pl. a da kurʌ N+N compound noun pl. [Note: This

plural form is anomalous; the corresponding singular would be * a dakute (without an /r/). But no such form exists.]

a kutəgʌ diminutive sg. stool (made from a piece of the trunk of a tree); fr: tabouret (fabriqué d’une pièce d’un tronc d’arbre); dt: Schemel (hergestellt aus einem Stück Baumstamm).

a kutəni diminutive pl. a kutəsi diminutive pl.

kutʌʌ future. → kur-. kutəgʌ diminutive sg. → kut-. kutəni diminutive pl. → kut-. kuto deverbal agent noun sg. → kur-. kutre sg. → kut-. kut(u) imperfective. → kur-. kũũs- noun. kind of trap (for catching cats, mice,

rats, birds); fr: espèce de piège (pour attraper les chats, les souris, les rats, les oiseaux); dt: Art Falle (um Katzen, Mäuse, Ratten, Vögel zu fangen). [Note: =Mòoré]

a kũũsri sg. a kũũsʌ pl.

kũũsri sg. → kũũs-.

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-l lab-

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L - l -l ?causative. (=/-Ṿl/) → -Ṿl. -əl ?causative. (=/-Ṿl/) → -Ṿl. la (=/la/) conjunction. and, but; fr: et, mais; dt:

und, aber. la (=/la/) conj. and/but; fr: et/mais; dt:

und/oder. mə yɔɔndɔ la mə yĩmde yaʋ tubre sentence My

elder brother and my younger brother have gone into the bush.; fr: Mon frère aîné et mon frère cadet sont allés en brousse.; dt: Mein älterer Bruder und mein jüngerer Bruder sind in den Busch gegangen. [Note: This conjunction can coordinate either NPs or sentences, but not verbs or other word classes. In lists with more than 3 NPs, la must occur between the last two NPs, but may (and frequently does) occur between each of them.]

la (=/la/) copula. be; fr: être; dt: sein. [Note: Cf. also the negative equative copula dɔ.]

la (=/la/) copula. mə yɔɔndɔ la (a) sɛndɛ saa sentence My elder

brother is the medicine man.; fr: Mon frère aîné est le chef de terre.; dt: Mein älterer Bruder ist der Medizinmann.

ŋkɔ la (a) sɛndɛ saa sentence You are the medicine man.; fr: Tu es le chef de terre.; dt: Du bist der Medizinmann.

a sɛndɛ saa la mɛ sentence I am the medicine man. (Lit.: The medicine man is me.); fr: Je suis le chef de terre. (Lit.: Le chef de terre, c’est moi.); dt: Ich bin der Medizinmann. (Wörtl.: Der Medizinmann bin ich.)

a ỹãʋ la sentence It’s true!; fr: C’est vrai!; dt: Es ist wahr!

ala la bɛ --- məkɔ la question sentence & answer Who’s that? (Lit.: Who has come?) --- It’s me!; fr: C’est qui? (Lit.: Qui est venu?) --- C’est moi!; dt: Wer ist da? (Wörtl.: Wer ist gekommen?) --- Ich bin’s! [Note: This kind of inversion of full noun and pronoun is quite usual (though not as common as the order pronoun - full noun). The la in the question is not an example of the copula, but of the focus particle.]

la (=/la/) focus. it’s ... that; fr: c’est ... qui; dt: es ist ..., der/die/das.

la (=/la/) focus. mə yɔɔndɔ la kɩrɛt a sɛndɛ saa sentence My

elder brother has become the medicine man. or It’s my elder brother who has become the medicine man.; fr: Mon frère aîné est devenu le chef de terre. ou C’est mon frère aîné qui est devenu le chef de terre.; dt: Mein älterer Bruder ist der Medizinmann geworden. oder Es ist mein älterer Bruder, der der Medizinmann geworden ist. [Note:

This particle is used to focus any NP in a sentence in situ. It can also focus a topicalised NP (which has been moved to the sentence-initial position). This particle cannot be used adjacent to the copular verb la, as in *mə jɔɔndɔ la la a sɛndɛ sa. Without la, this sentence has a neutral reading. With la, the NP ‘My elder brother’ is focussed (e.g. contrastively with other candidates for the office of medicine man).]

la (=/la/) preposition. with; fr: avec; dt: mit. la (=/la/) prep.

mə yɔɔndɔ yaʋ tubre la mə yĩmde sentence My elder brother has gone into the bush with and my younger brother.; fr: Mon frère aîné est allé en brousse avec mon frère cadet.; dt: Mein älterer Bruder ist mit meinem jüngeren Bruder in den Busch gegangen.

də dogom a nɛmmɔ koŋ la mə gabrɛ sentence He cut the meat with my knife.; fr: Il a coupé la viande avec mon couteau.; dt: Er hat das Fleisch mit meinem Messer geschnitten. [Note: This is the only preposition in Koromfe; all other adpositions are postpositions. Its usage is comitative or instrumental.]

laas- verb. keep, save; fr: préserver, sauver; dt: erhalten, retten. [Note: Synonymous with, and probably a phonological variant of a laɩsam. ...”from X” = ... “la X” (see example below)]

laasəraa future. laasɛ past. laas(ɩ) perfective. laasər(ɩ) imperfective. a laasam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

a dɔfrɛ laasə mɛ la də wɔgɔ zaabɩ sentence God save me from his evil words!; fr: Que Dieu me préserve de ses paroles mauvaises!; dt: Gott schütze mich vor seinen bösen Worten!

laasɛ past. → laas-. laas(ɩ) perfective. → laas-. laasəraa future. → laas-. laasər(ɩ) imperfective. → laas-. lab- noun. leather bag; fr: sac portatif en peau; dt:

Tragtasche aus Leder. a labrɛ sg. a laba pl.

lab- verb. collect, assemble, group, join (a group); fr: collecter, rassembler, grouper, s’ajouter (à un groupe); dt: sammeln, versammeln, gruppieren, sich (einer Gruppe) anschließen.

labraa future. labɛ past. lab(ʋ) perfective. labr(ʋ) imperfective. a labam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

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labam lag-

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a bɛnna bɛŋ labʋ (dombʌ) sentence The men assembled.; fr: Les hommes se sont rassemblés.; dt: Die Männer haben sich versammelt.

mə labraa mə gɩllɛ la (a) bɛnna bɛŋ sentence I am going to join the men.; fr: Je vais m’ajouter aux hommes.; dt: Ich werde mich den Männern anschließen.

mə labraa la (a) bɛnna bɛŋ sentence I am going to join the men.; fr: Je vais m’ajouter aux hommes.; dt: Ich werde mich den Männern anschließen.

mə labraa a bɛnna bɛŋ sentence I am going to join the men.; fr: Je vais m’ajouter aux hommes.; dt: Ich werde mich den Männern anschließen. [Note: dombʌ is optional Here la is necessary because the optional reflexive object is present. Here la can optionally be omitted.]

a labrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who assembles, leader; fr: q.un qui rassemble, leader; dt: jmd. der versammelt, Führer(persönlichkeit).

a labrəba deverbal agent noun pl. a labrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. thing for

assembling, assembly hall / square; fr: chose pour rassembler, salle / place de réunion; dt: Ding zum versammeln, Versammlungshalle, -platz.

a labrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a labrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a labrəfa deverbal local noun. place for

assembling; fr: endroit pour rassembler; dt: Platz zum versammeln.

a labmãʋ deverbal nomen acti pl. collection, collectivity; fr: collection, collectivité; dt: Sammlung, Gesamtheit.

a vɛŋa dɔra hɛŋ labrʋ ɩ pisi labam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → lab-. labɛ past. → lab-. labmãʋ deverbal nomen acti pl. → lab-. labraa future. → lab-. labrəba deverbal agent noun pl. → lab-. labrɛ sg. → lab-. labrəfa deverbal local noun. → lab-. labrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ lab-. labrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → lab-. labrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → lab-. labrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → lab-. labr(ʋ) imperfective. → lab-. lab(ʋ) perfective. → lab-. lada noun. duck; fr: canard; dt: Ente. [Note: =

Mòoré. Here (as everywhere) intervocalic [d] could be a dissimilated realisation of /l/.]

a lada sg. a ladafɩ pl.

lag- noun. merchandise; fr: marchandise; dt: Ware. [Note: This word refers to anything of any kind that can be sold.]

a lagɔ sg. a lagəfɩ pl.

lag- verb. wake up, awaken; fr: (se) réveiller; dt: aufwachen, aufwecken. [Note: This verb is used both transitively and intransitively without the reflexive pronoun. The future and imperfective forms lagəfaa and lagəf(ʋ) do not occur with this verb, but only with a lagam meaning ‘be afraid’.]

lagraa future. lagɛ past. lag(ɩ) perfective. lagr(ɩ) imperfective. a lagam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a lagrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who gets

up; fr: q.un qui se lève; dt: jmd. der aufsteht. a lagrəba deverbal agent noun pl. a lagrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. thing

that wakes one up (e.g. alarm clock, noise); fr: chose qui réveille (p. ex. réveille-matin, bruit); dt: etwas, was einen aufweckt (z.B. Wecker, Geräusch).

a lagrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a lagrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a lagrəfa deverbal local noun. place where one

gets up; fr: endroit où on se lève; dt: Platz, wo man aufsteht. lagɩ imperative sentence Wake up!; fr:

Réveille-toi!; dt: Wach’ auf! mə da lagɩ sentence I’m already awake. (Lit.: I

have succeeded in awakening.); fr: Je me suis déjà réveillé. (Lit.: J’ai réussi à me réveiller.); dt: Ich bin schon wach. (Wörtl.: Ich habe es geschafft, aufzuwachen.)

lag- verb. be afraid (of), fear; fr: avoir peur (de), s’effrayer; dt: Angst haben (vor), sich fürchten. [Note: The future and imperfective forms lagraa and lagr(ɩ) do not occur with this verb, but only with the verb a lagam meaning ‘awaken’.]

lagəfaa future. lagɛ past. lag(ɩ) perfective. lagəf(ʋ) imperfective. a lagam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a lagəfɩɩ deverbal action noun sg. fear; fr: peur;

dt: Angst. a lagəfɔ deverbal agent noun sg. frightened,

timid, shy; frightening; fr: peureux, timide; effrayant; dt: ängstlich, scheu, schüchtern; furchterregend.

a lagəfəba deverbal agent noun pl. a lagəfəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg.

frightened thing; frightening thing; fr: chose qui a peur;chose qui fait peur; dt: Ding, das Angst hat; Ding, das Angst hervorruft.

a lagəfəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a sundu lagəfəgʋ NP+N compound noun sg. a

timid horse; a frightening horse; fr: un cheval timide; un cheval qui fait peur; dt:

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lagam laŋsm-

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 113

ein scheues Pferd; ein furchterregendes Pferd

a lagəmaʋ deverbal nomen acti pl. frightening things; fr: choses qui font peur; dt: Dinge, die Angst machen.

lagam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → lag-. lagam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → lag-. lagam perfective. → lagm-. lagamaa future. → lagm-. lagam(ɔ) imperfective. → lagm-. lagat- verb. open (e.g. a book, a door); fr: ouvrir

(p. ex. un livre, une porte); dt: öffnen (z.B. ein Buch, eine Tür). [Note: Although this verb is morphologically a reversive, there is no corresponding verb a lagam with a converse meaning.]

lagatraa future. lagatɛ past. lagat(ɩ) perfective. lagatr(ɩ) imperfective. a lagatam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

lagatɛ past. → lagat-. lagat(ɩ) perfective. → lagat-. lagatraa future. → lagat-. lagatr(ɩ) imperfective. → lagat-. lagɛ past. → lag-. lagɛ past. → lag-. lagəfaa future. → lag-. lagəfəba deverbal agent noun pl. → lag-. lagəfəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → lag-. lagəfəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → lag-. lagəfɩɩ deverbal action noun sg. → lag-. lagəfɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → lag-. lagəf(ʋ) imperfective. → lag-. lag(ɩ) perfective. → lag-. lag(ɩ) perfective. → lag-. lagm- verb. frighten; fr: faire peur (à), effrayer; dt:

(jm.) Angst machen, schrecken. lagamaa future. lagəmɛ past. lagam perfective. lagam(ɔ) imperfective. a lagəmam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

lagəmɛ past. → lagm-. lagɔ sg. → lag-. lagraa future. → lag-. lagrəba deverbal agent noun pl. → lag-. lagrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ lag-. lagrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → lag-. lagrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → lag-. lagr(ɩ) imperfective. → lag-. lagrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → lag-. laɩs- verb. keep, save; fr: préserver, sauver; dt:

erhalten, retten. [Note: Synonymous with a laasam. ..from X = ... la X (see example below)]

laɩsəraa future. laɩsɛ past. laɩs(ɩ) perfective. laɩsər(ɩ) imperfective. a laɩsam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

a dɔfrɛ laɩsə mɛ la də wɔgɔ zaabɩ sentence God save me from his evil words!; fr: Que Dieu me préserve de ses paroles mauvaises!; dt: Gott schütze mich vor seinen bösen Worten!

laɩsɛ past. → laɩs-. laɩs(ɩ) perfective. → laɩs-. laɩsəraa future. → laɩs-. laɩsər(ɩ) imperfective. → laɩs-. laɩta noun. (electric) torch; fr: torche (électrique);

dt: Taschenlampe. [Note: possibly < Engl. lighter]

a laɩta sg. a laɩtaʋ pl. a laɩtama pl. a laɩtafɩ pl.

laɩtama pl. → laɩta. laɩtaʋ pl. → laɩta. lakɩa pl. → lakɩ(rɩ). lakɩrɩ sg. → lakɩ(rɩ). lakɩ(rɩ) noun. couscous; fr: couscous; dt: Couscous.

[Note: = Mòoré. The traditional couscous of the Koromba is made from peanuts.]

a lakɩrɩ sg. a lakɩa pl. a lakɩrfɩ pl.

lambə sɛmdɛ N+N compound noun sg. → sɛm-. lamptrɩkɩ noun. paraffin lamp; fr: lampe à pétrole;

dt: Kerosinlampe. [Note: < Fr. lampe électrique. Can no longer be used for any kind of electric light, torch, etc.]

a lamptrɩkɩ sg. a lamptrɩkəfɩ pl.

laŋ perfective. → laŋg-. laŋg- verb. spread out; fr: étaler; dt: ausbreiten.

[Note: This verb is used e.g. for spreading out leaves or fruit (to dry) or for hair.]

laŋgraa future. laŋgɛ past. laŋ perfective. laŋgr(ɩ) imperfective. a laŋgam deverbal action noun sg./mass. [Note:

273] laŋgɛ past. → laŋg-. laŋgraa future. → laŋg-. laŋgr(ɩ) imperfective. → laŋg-. laŋs- verb. pour (in small amounts); fr: verser (à

petits coups); dt: gießen (in kleinen Güssen). [Note: This verb is exclusively used for pouring drinks on the ground for the ancestors.]

laŋsraa future. laŋsɛ past. laŋs(ɩ) perfective. laŋsr(ɩ) imperfective. a laŋsam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

laŋsam perfective. → laŋsm-. laŋsamaa future. → laŋsm-. laŋsam(ɔ) imperfective. → laŋsm-. laŋsɛ past. → laŋs-. laŋs(ɩ) perfective. → laŋs-. laŋsm- verb. pour (in small amounts); fr: verser (à

petits coups); dt: gießen (in kleinen Güssen).

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laŋsəmɛ lɛbl-

114 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

[Note: This verb is exclusively used for pouring drinks on the ground for the ancestors.]

laŋsamaa future. laŋsəmɛ past. laŋsam perfective. laŋsam(ɔ) imperfective. a laŋsəmam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

laŋsəmɛ past. → laŋsm-. laŋsraa future. → laŋs-. laŋsr(ɩ) imperfective. → laŋs-. lar perfective. (=/lad/) → lar-. lar- (=/lad/) verb. seek, look for, search for; fr:

chercher, rechercher; dt: suchen. [Note: Also used with the connotation of ‘want’, ‘need’ or even ‘ask for (indirectly)’. See the example below.]

lataa (=/lad-d-aa/) future. larɛ (=/lad-ɛ/) past. lar / larɩ (=/lad/) perfective. lat / latɩ (=/lad-d/) imperfective. a laram (=/lad-am/) deverbal action noun

sg./mass. ʋ lataa (a) bʌʌni sentence We look for health.;

fr: Nous cherchons la santé.; dt: Wir suchen Gesundheit. [Note: This sentence is taken from a ceremony where sacrifices were made to the ancestors in order to ask them for a good harvest in the coming year. At other points in the ceremony the verb a zorəmʌm ‘ask for’ is used instead of a laram.]

a larəmaʋ (=/lad-mãʋ/) deverbal nomen acti pl. things which can be looked for; fr: choses cherchables; dt: suchbare Dinge. [Note: This word refers not only to anything that a human being might spend his time trying to acquire (e.g. food of all kinds, money, household equipment, etc.) but also abstract benefits (health, respect, political or traditional office, etc.).]

laram deverbal action noun sg./mass. (=/lad-am/) → lar-.

larɛ past. (=/lad-ɛ/) → lar-. larɩ perfective. (=/lad/) → lar-. lat imperfective. (=/lad-d/) → lar-. lataa future. (=/lad-d-aa/) → lar-. latɩ imperfective. (=/lad-d/) → lar-. latkɔlɩ noun. perfume (for women or men),

deodorant; fr: parfum (pour les femmes ou pour les hommes), déodorant; dt: Parfum (für Frauen oder Männer), Deodorant. [Note: = Mòoré]

a latkɔlɩ sg. a latkɔya pl. a latkɔlfɩ pl.

latkɔya pl. → latkɔlɩ. lãm porgʌ N+N compound noun sg. → lãmpor-. lãmb- noun. cotton, (cotton) thread; fr: coton, fil

(en coton); dt: Baumwolle, (Baumwoll-)Faden. a lãmbrɛ sg.

a lãmbʋ n.mass. [Note: lãmbʋ is the most commonly used form for ‘cotton’]

a lãmbaʋ pl. lãmbrɛ sg. → lãmb-. lãmbʋ n.mass. → lãmb-. lãmpor- noun. kind of tree; fr: espèce d’arbre,

kapokier; dt: Art Baum. a lãm porgʌ [Note: lam < a lãmbʋ ‘cotton’] N+N

compound noun sg. a lãm porii N+N compound noun pl.

a lãmporgʌ bi NP+N compound noun sg. fruit of a lãmporgʌ; fr: fruit du kapokier, kapok; dt: Frucht des a lamporgʌ

a lãmporgʌ bu NP+N compound noun pl. lʌmpor- noun. kind of tree (whose fruit can be used

in making sauce); fruit of this tree; fr: espèce d’arbre (dont les fruits sont utilisées pour la sauce); fruit de cet arbre; dt: Art Baum (dessen Früchte für die Sauce verwendet werden); Frucht dieses Baumes. [Note: The first part of this compound comes from a lambʋ ‘cotton’, but the loss of b and addition of ATR are irregular.]

a lʌmporgʌ N+N compound noun diminutive sg. a lʌmporii N+N compound noun pl. a lʌmporəfe N+N compound noun singulative.

small single tree of this kind; fr: petit arbre seul de cet espèce; dt: einzelner kleiner Baum dieser Art. a lʌmporgʌ yã NP+N compound noun sg. kind of

tree (whose fruit can be used in making sauce); fr: espèce d’arbre (dont les fruits sont utilisées pour la sauce); dt: Art Baum (dessen Früchte für die Sauce verwendet werden) [Note: This compound noun can be used to refer unambiguously to the tree rather than its fruits.]

a lʌmporgʌ yãmmã NP+N compound noun sg. lʌmporgʌ N+N compound noun diminutive sg. →

lʌmpor-. lʌmporii N+N compound noun pl. → lʌmpor-. lɛ (=/lɛ/) manner adverb. thus, so; fr: ainsi,

comme ça; dt: so, auf diese Weise. lɛ (=/lɛ/) adverb. lɛlɛ (=/lɛ lɛ/) adverb.

lɛbɛ perfective. → lɛbl-. lɛbɛlaa future. → lɛbl-. lɛbɛlɩ imperfective. → lɛbl-. lɛbl- verb. keep oneself hidden, walk (secretly

following), lie prostrate, withdraw into a corner; fr: se cacher, marcher (clandestinement poursuivant), se mettre à l’affût, se retirer dans un coin; dt: sich versteckt halten, gehen (heimlich verfolgend), sich bäuchlings auf den Boden legen, sich in eine Ecke zurückziehen. [Note: This verb implies potential movement, while a lɛbtam is static.]

lɛbɛlaa future. lɛfaa future. lɛbəlɛ past.

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lɛbəlɛ lembəri

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 115

lɛbɛ perfective. lɛbɛlɩ imperfective. lɛf(ʋ) imperfective. a lɛbəlam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

lɛbəlɛ past. → lɛbl-. lɛbt- verb. keep oneself hidden, watch secretly,

withdraw into a corner; fr: se cacher, observer clandestinement, se retirer dans un coin; dt: sich versteckt halten, heimlich beobachten, sich in eine Ecke zurückziehen. [Note: This verb implies a static situation. For (potential) movement a lɛbəlam is used.]

lɛbtraa future. lɛbtɛ past. lɛbt(ʋ) perfective. lɛbtr(ʋ) imperfective. a lɛbtam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

lɛbtɛ past. → lɛbt-. lɛbtraa future. → lɛbt-. lɛbtr(ʋ) imperfective. → lɛbt-. lɛbt(ʋ) perfective. → lɛbt-. lɛɛna noun. cherry tree; cherry; fr: cerisier; cerise;

dt: Kirschenbaum; Kirsche. [Note: = Mòoré. Cf. also a wããnda.]

a leendi sg. a lɛɛna pl. a lɛɛnaʋ pl. a lɛɛnafɩ pl.

lɛɛnaʋ pl. → lɛɛna. lɛɛrɩ noun. watch, clock; time of day; fr: montre;

heure; dt: Uhr; Uhrzeit. [Note: < Fr. l’heure See also a wãŋkatɩ]

a lɛɛrɩ sg. a lɛɛrəma pl. a lɛɛrəfɩ pl.

lɛɛrəma kɔl la wose interrogative sentence What time is it?; fr: Quelle heure est-il?; dt: Wieviel Uhr ist es?

mə wɔfaa lɛɛrəma fi la gadɔm sentence It’s eleven o’clock (by my watch). (Lit.: I have eleven o’clock.); fr: Il est onze heure (à ma montre). (Lit.: J’ai onze heures.); dt: Es ist elf Uhr (nach meiner Uhr). (Wörtl.: Ich habe elf Uhr.) [Note: This sentence is synonymous with wãŋkatma kɔl la wose ‘what time is it?’.]

lɛɛrəma pl. → lɛɛrɩ. lɛfaa future. → lɛbl-. lɛf(ʋ) imperfective. → lɛbl-. lɛʋga noun. hook (for fishing); fr: hameçon (pour la

pêche); dt: Haken (zum Fischen). [Note: = Mòoré. This word cannot be used to refer to any other kind of hook. The traditional Koromfe expression for a fishing hook is a jɛnɛ jɛɛnəgʋ ‘a fish-catcher’.]

a lɛʋga sg. a lɛʋsʋʋ pl.

le past. → li-. leb- verb. build, construct; fr: bâtir, construire; dt:

bauen. lebrʌʌ future.

lebe past. leb(u) perfective. lebr(u) imperfective. a lebʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

lebe past. → leb-. lebrʌʌ future. → leb-. lebr(u) imperfective. → leb-. leb(u) perfective. → leb-. leendi sg. → lɛɛna. lel- noun. song; fr: chanson; dt: Lied. [Note: Clearly

related to a lelʌm, but not derived by any regular process -- though see also a nãnəfɛ from a nãnam. This is a particular kind of song sung at the death of a chief, a medicine man, or one of the chief’s wives.]

a leləfe sg. a leli sg.

lel- verb. sing, sound; fr: chanter, sonner; dt: singen, klingen. [Note: This verb basically means “make music”; for a human being, this is by singing and for a musical instrument by sounding.]

lellʌʌ future. lele past. lel(i) perfective. lell(i) imperfective. a lelʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

lele past. → lel-. leləfe sg. → lel-. lel(i) perfective. → lel-. lellʌʌ future. → lel-. lell(i) imperfective. → lel-. lem perfective. → lem-. lem- verb. taste; fr: goûter, déguster; dt:

schmecken, kosten. lemmʌʌ future. leme past. lem perfective. lemm(ũ) imperfective. a lemʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

lemb- noun. bird; fr: oiseau; dt: Vogel. a lembəgʌ sg. a lembii pl.

a lemb-bĩnĩŋʌ N+N compound noun sg. kind of (mainly black) bird; fr: espèce d’oiseau (principalement noir); dt: Art (hauptsächlich schwarzer) Vogel [Note: The final /b/ of the stem lemb is not noticeably pronounced in this word.]

a lem bĩnĩʌ N+N compound noun pl. a lemb-kulle N+N compound noun sg. turtle

dove; fr: tourterelle; dt: Turteltaube lembəgʌ sg. → lemb-. lembii pl. → lemb-. lembr- noun. orange, lemon; fr: orange, citron; dt:

Orange, Zitrone. a lembrəfe singulative. a lembəri collective pl. a lembrəfi singulative pl.

lembrəfe singulative. → lembr-. lembəri collective pl. → lembr-.

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leme lɔŋg-

116 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

leme past. → lem-. lemmʌʌ future. → lem-. lemm(ũ) imperfective. → lem-. lems- verb. put in one’s mouth; fr: emboucher; dt:

in den Mund stecken. lemsrʌʌ future. lemse past. lems(u) perfective. lemsər(u) imperfective. a lemsʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

lemse past. → lems-. lemsrʌʌ future. → lems-. lemsər(u) imperfective. → lems-. lems(u) perfective. → lems-. leŋge- noun. shadow, shade; soul (of a dead

person); picture, image, photograph; TV set; fr: ombre; âme (d’un mort); image, photographie; téléviseur; dt: Schatten; Seele (eines Toten); Bild, Nachbild, Foto; Fernseher.

a leŋgem sg. a leŋgemfi pl.

a pɩlaŋ leŋgem NP+N compound noun sg. spots on the moon; fr: taches de la lune; dt: Flecken am Mond

a ỹɔnɛ leŋgem NP+N compound noun sg. group of stars, constellation; fr: groupe d’étoiles, constellation; dt: Sternengruppe, -bild

leŋgem sg. → leŋge-. leŋləfu noun. small bell; fr: clochette; dt: kleine

Glocke. [Note: = Mòoré. Small bells are used inter alia for the leading animal of a herd and by merchants to signal their presence. This word is also used to designate a bicycle bell.]

a leŋləfu sg. a leŋləfufi pl.

li perfective. → li-. li- verb. forget; fr: oublier; dt: vergessen.

lirʌʌ future. le past. li perfective. lir(i) imperfective. a leem deverbal action noun sg./mass.

lig- verb. cover; fr: couvrir; dt: zudecken. ligrʌʌ future. lige past. lig(i) perfective. ligr(i) imperfective. a ligʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

lige past. → lig-. liget- verb. uncover; fr: découvrir; dt: abdecken.

[Note: This verb is the reversive of a ligʌm ‘cover’.]

ligetrʌʌ future. ligete past. liget(i) perfective. ligetr(i) imperfective. a ligetʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

ligete past. → liget-. liget(i) perfective. → liget-. ligetrʌʌ future. → liget-. ligetr(i) imperfective. → liget-.

lig(i) perfective. → lig-. ligrʌʌ future. → lig-. ligr(i) imperfective. → lig-. lim perfective. → lim-. lim- verb. submerge, immerse oneself, jump/dive

(into water); fr: submerger, plonger (dans l’eau); dt: untertauchen, hineintauchen, (ins Wasser) springen. [Note: This verb applies to humans only, not to objects. No distinction can be made between jumping (feet first) and diving (head first) into water. Synonymous with a minʌm.]

limmʌʌ future. lime past. lim perfective. limm(ũ) imperfective. a limʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

lime past. → lim-. limmʌʌ future. → lim-. limm(ũ) imperfective. → lim-. lirʌʌ future. → li-. lir(i) imperfective. → li-. lɔ- noun. kind of climbing

plant, Saba senegalensis; fr: espèce de liane, liane goïne, Saba senegalensis; dt: Art Liane, Saba senegalensis.

a lɔʋ sg. a lɔɔ sg. a lɔʋfɩ pl. a lɔɔfɩ pl. a lɔɔŋa diminutive sg. small / young creeper of

this kind; (edible) fruit of this creeper; fr: petit / jeune liane de cet espèce; fruit (mangeable) de cette liane; dt: kleine / junge Liane dieser Art; (essbare) Frucht dieser Liane. a lɔʋ bi NP+N compound noun sg. fruit of this

creeper; fr: fruit de cette liane; dt: Frucht dieser Liane [Note: This fruit looks similar to a mango.]

a lɔʋ bu NP+N compound noun pl. lɔgt- verb. cross someone’s path, meet, encounter;

break (a branch) off; fr: rencontrer, se croiser, casser (une branche); dt: sich kreuzen, begegnen; (einen Zweig) brechen. [Note: In the sense of ‘meet’ this verb always implies that the participants were originally going in different directions.]

lɔgtraa future. lɔgtɛ past. lɔgt(ʋ) perfective. lɔgtr(ʋ) imperfective. a lɔgtam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

lɔgtɛ past. → lɔgt-. lɔgtraa future. → lɔgt-. lɔgtr(ʋ) imperfective. → lɔgt-. lɔgt(ʋ) perfective. → lɔgt-. lɔlɔŋa sg. → lolo-. lɔŋg- noun. shoe, sandal, boot; fr: chaussure,

sandale, botte; dt: Schuh, Sandale, Stiefel.

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lɔŋgrɛ lugri

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[Note: This word denotes any kind of footwear.]

a lɔŋgrɛ sg. a lɔŋga pl.

lɔŋgrɛ sg. → lɔŋg-. lɔɔ sg. → lɔ-. lɔɔfɩ pl. → lɔ-. lɔɔga sg. → loo-. lɔʋ sg. → lɔ-. lɔʋfɩ pl. → lɔ-. logom- noun. camel; fr:

chameau; dt: Kamel. a logomde sg. a logomʌ pl.

logomde sg. → logom-. loku noun. bow; scoop /

bucket (of a well); fr: arc; seau à puiser, “puisette” (d’un puits); dt: Bogen; Schöpfeimer (eines Brunnens). [Note: = Mòoré in the sense ‘bow’, but the contemporary Mòoré word for ‘scoop’ is in the -ga / -sɪ class, not the -gʊ / -dʊ class.]

a loku sg. a logdu pl.

lolo- noun. ford, dam, bridge; fr: gué, digue, pont; dt: Furt, Damm, Brücke. [Note: = Mòoré. Possibly < Fr. l’eau. There is no other Koromfe word for a bridge; there were no fords or bridges before the advent of colonialism.]

a lɔlɔŋa sg. a loloẽsi pl. a lɔlɔŋafɩ pl.

loloẽsi pl. → lolo-. loo- noun. pocket (in a garment); fr: poche (d’un

vêtement); dt: Tasche (in einem Kleidungsstück). [Note: = Mòoré. See also a zɩfʋ.]

a lɔɔga sg. a loosɩ pl.

loondi noun. brain, marrow; fr: cerveau, moelle; dt: Hirn, Mark. [Note: This word refers to brain only in the sense of a kind of food, not to the human brain or the seat of the mind. Despite its phonological shape, this word is reported not to be of Mòoré origin.]

a loondi sg. a loondəfi pl.

lotiisi noun. paper handkerchief; fr: mouchoir en papier; dt: Papiertaschentuch. [Note: This word comes from Burkina-French pronunciation of the brand name Lotus.]

a lotiisi sg. a lotiisəfi pl.

lʋmdɛ noun. crop, stick; fr: fouet, cravache; dt: Peitsche, stock. [Note: This stick is used for hitting animals or school children.]

a lʋmdɛ sg. a lʋma pl.

lu- noun. (sg.) gluttony; (pl.) intestines; fr: (sg.) gourmandise; (pl.) intestins, boyaux; dt: (sg.) Gefräßigkeit; (pl.) Gedärme.

a luu sg. a lufi pl.

a luu saa NP+N compound noun sg. glutton; fr: gourmand; dt: Fresssack

a luu sammã NP+N compound noun pl. lug- noun. piece of wood which closes a traditional

door; fr: bois fermant une porte traditionnelle; dt: Holz, das eine traditionelle Tür schließt. [Note: A traditional door consists of two Y-shaped posts (a da jɩba) hammered into the ground on either side, and this piece of wood placed between the two posts. = Mòoré.]

a lugri sg. a lugʌ pl.

lug- noun. side (of the body); fr: côté (du corps); dt: Seite (des Körpers). [Note: This word refers to the side of humans or animals. For humans this area extends from the armpit to the waist.]

a lugre sg. a lugʌ pl.

mə lugre koŋ la wollu sentence My side hurts.; fr: Mon côté me fait mal.; dt: Mir tut meine Seite weh.

lug- noun. roof; fr: toit; dt: Dach. a lugu sg. a lugəfi pl.

lug- (=/lug/) noun. cat; eclipse (of sun or moon); fr: chat; éclipse (du soleil ou de la lune); dt: Katze; Sonnen- oder Mondfinsternis. [Note: An eclipse is considered to be the arched back of a cat which interposes itself between the earth and the sun or between the sun and the moon.]

a lukʌ / a luko (=/lug-ga/) sg. a lugni (=/lug-nɩ/) pl.

a luko la ỹɛỹɛ (a) pɩlaŋ sentence A cat has caught the moon. (= There is an eclipse of the moon.); fr: Un chat a attrapé la lune. (= Il y a une éclipse de la lune.); dt: Eine Katze hat den Mond gefangen. (= Es gibt eine Mondfinsternis.)

a luko la wɔf a pɩlaŋ sentence A cat has the moon. (= There is an eclipse of the moon.); fr: Un chat a la lune. (= Il y a une éclipse de la lune.); dt: Eine Katze hat den Mond. (= Es gibt eine Mondfinsternis.)

lugədu noun. branches (of an enclosing fence); fr: branchettes (d’une haie); dt: Zweige (eines Zauns). [Note: = Mòoré. This word has no singular; to refer to a single branch in Koromfe a dãɩnɛ ‘stick’ must be used. Enclosing fences are used for small fields, for animals, and for the protection of compounds or small settlements against wild animals.]

a lugədu pl. lugre sg. → lug-. lugri sg. → lug-.

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lugs- mə

118 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

lugs- verb. twitch; fr: avoir un tic; dt: zucken. lugsərʌʌ future. lugse past. lugs(u) perfective. lugsər(u) imperfective. a lugsʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

mə gokʌ yɩbrɛ la lugsru sentence My left eye has a twitch.; fr: Mon oeil gauche palpite.; dt: Mein linkes Auge zuckt.

lugse past. → lugs-. lugsərʌʌ future. → lugs-. lugsər(u) imperfective. → lugs-. lugs(u) perfective. → lugs-. lugu sg. → lug-.

lukʌ sg. (=/lug-ga/) → lug-. luko sg. (=/lug-ga/) → lug-. lur- (=/lud/) noun. wall; fr: mur; dt: Mauer, Wand.

[Note: This word refers to any kind of wall. In the plural, a lurni refers principally to smaller, lower or unfinished walls, and a lursi to larger or higher walls.]

a lurgʌ / a lurgo (=/lud-ga/) sg. a lurni (=/lud-nɩ/) pl. a lursi (=/lud-sɩ/) pl.

lurgʌ sg. (=/lud-ga/) → lur-. lurgo sg. (=/lud-ga/) → lur-. lurni pl. (=/lud-nɩ/) → lur-. luu sg. → lu-.

M - m mə (from: m) (=/m/) pronoun. I, my; fr: je, mon /

ma / mes; dt: ich, mein(,-er,-e,-es). [Phon: This /m/ is never syllabic.]

mə (=/m/) proclitic personal pronoun subject 1st person sg. — proclitic possessive adjective 1st person sg. [Note: This form is prefixed to either a verb or a noun phrase; it cannot stand alone (e.g. as the elliptical answer to a question). On a verb, it is the subject pronoun, on a noun phrase it is the “possessor”. The vowel (ə) is epenthetic and therefore, at least in theory, optional. But conspiratorially all verbs and most nouns in Koromfe begin with a consonant (which triggers epenthesis). The handful of words apparently beginning with a have a distinct glottal stop (i.e. consonant) when preceded by m(ə), e.g. mə ʔallɔ.]

m / mɩ / mɛ (=/m/) postclitic personal pronoun object 1st person sg. me; fr: me, -moi; dt: mich, mir. ye mɛ imperative sentence Look at me!; fr:

Regarde-moi!; dt: Schau’ mich an! [Note: Here the pronoun is in phrase-final position, and so the final vowel ɛ appears.]

ye mə gɔɩnɛ imperative sentence Look at me again!; fr: Regarde-moi encore une fois!; dt: Schau’ mich noch einmal an! [Note: Here the pronoun is in non-phrase-final position, and schwa appears because the consonant g follows.]

pa m a hem imperative sentence Give me some water!; fr: Donne-moi de l’eau!; dt: Gib mir Wasser! [Note: This pronoun follows the verb, and is its (direct or indirect) object. The final vowel is “epenthetic”, i.e. it occurs only phrase-finally. Here the pronoun is in non-phrase-final position and a vowel follows, so no vowel is realized at the end of the pronoun itself.]

məkɔ (=/mə-kɔ/) [Note: This form of the pronoun indicates some kind of “emphasis”, but this can be so minimal that in practice the disjunctive form can always be used in place of a clitic pronoun. It never undergoes any phonological reduction or expansion. It can stand in the normal (preverbal) subject or (postverbal) object positions, and can also be used as the elliptical answer to a question. As with all disjunctive pronouns, it is formed with the proclitic prefix version of the pronoun and the invariant stem-like element kɔ.] strong personal pronoun 1st person sg. — strong possessive adjective 1st person sg. I, me, my, mine; fr: je, me, -moi, mon / ma / mes, le/la/les mien(ne)(s); dt: ich, mich, mir, mein(,-er,-e,-es). ye məkɔ imperative sentence Look at me!; fr:

Regarde-moi!; dt: Schau’ mich an! ye məkɔ gɔɩnɛ imperative sentence Look at me

again!; fr: Regarde-moi encore une fois!; dt: Schau’ mich noch einmal an!

pa məkɔ (a) hem imperative sentence Give me some water!; fr: Donne-moi de l’eau!; dt: Gib mir Wasser! [Note: In this sentence the article a is elided after the vowel ɔ. This is a regular property of the article, and has nothing to do with the pronoun.]

a dãŋ koŋ məkɔ la sentence That house is mine.; fr: Cette maison-là est la mienne.; dt: Das Haus dort ist meines.

ala la (a) dãŋ koŋ - məkɔ question sentence & answer A: Whose house is that? - B: Mine; fr: A: Cette maison est à qui? - B: A moi.; dt: A: Wessen Haus ist das? - B: Meines.

maa negative proclitic (subject) personal pronoun 1st person sg. I...not; fr: je ne...pas; dt: ich...nicht. maa tɛŋgra nɛ sentence I won’t go with you.;

fr: Je ne vais pas t’accompagner.; dt: Ich

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m matee

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 119

gehe nicht mit. [Note: This pronoun is equivalent to the proclitic subject pronoun mə combined with the negative particle ba. The origin of this negative pronoun (and of all others) seems to be an old negation particle aa, which occurs once in an oral text recorded in 1967 by Wilhelm Staude and published in Rennison (1985b). This particle in turn might possibly have come from the commonly used a´ʔa` ‘no’. As with the negative particle ba, negative pronouns cause shortening of the final vowel of the future. The final vowel of tɛŋgraa has been shortened here because the sentence is negative.]

m postclitic personal pronoun object 1st person sg. (=/m/) → m.

m proclitic personal adjective 2nd person sg. (=/ŋ/) → ŋ. [Phon: This form is used before labial obstruents only.]

mə proclitic possessive adjective 1st person sg. (=/m/) → m.

-m (=/m/) noun-cl. ncl. shapeless, “liquid”; fr: cl.nom. sans forme, “liquide”; dt: Nkl. formlos, “Flüssigkeiten”.

-m (=/-m/) ncl. shapeless. -m transitive. → -Ṿm. -əm transitive. → -Ṿm. mag (=/mag/) noun. rectangular house; fr: case

rectangulaire; dt: rechteckiges Haus. [Note: = Mòoré. In Koromfe a jɔɔ dãŋ ‘a mud house’ implies a rectangular house.]

a makʋ (=/mag-gʋ/) sg. a magdʋ (=/mag-dʋ/) pl.

maga perfective. (=/mag-Ṿl/) → magl-. magal imperfective. (=/mag-Ṿl/) → magl-. magalaa future. (=/mag-Ṿl-d-aa/) → magl-. magalɩ imperfective. (=/mag-Ṿl/) → magl-. magl- (=/mag-Ṿl/) verb. measure; fr: mesurer; dt:

messen. [Note: synonymous with a mɛsəlam] magalaa (=/mag-Ṿl-d-aa/) future. magəlɛ (=/mag-Ṿl-ɛ/) past. maga (=/mag-Ṿl/) perfective. magal / magalɩ (=/mag-Ṿl/) imperfective. a magəlam (=/mag-Ṿl-am/) deverbal action

noun sg./mass. maga participial adjective. measured, correct,

appropriate, equal; fr: mesuré, correct, juste, égal; dt: gemessen, richtig, angemessen, gleich.

magəlam deverbal action noun sg./mass. (=/mag-Ṿl-am/) → magl-.

magəlɛ past. (=/mag-Ṿl-ɛ/) → magl-. magsa (=/magsa/) noun. pair of (traditional)

scissors; fr: paire de ciseaux (traditionnels); dt: (traditionelle) Schere.

a magsa sg. a magsafɩ pl.

magt perfective. (=/mag-t/) → magt-. magt- (=/mag-t/) verb. be correct, be appropriate,

be agreed; fr: être correct, être juste,

convenir; dt: richtig sein, angemessen sein, recht sein.

magtraa (=/mag-t-d-aa/) future. magtɛ (=/mag-t-ɛ/) past. magt / magtɩ (=/mag-t/) perfective. magtr / magtrɩ (=/mag-t-d/) imperfective. a magtam (=/mag-t-am/) deverbal action noun

sg./mass. magtɩ participial adjective. measured, correct,

appropriate, equal; fr: mesuré, correct, juste, égal; dt: gemessen, richtig, angemessen, gleich.

magtam deverbal action noun sg./mass. (=/mag-t-am/) → magt-.

magtɛ past. (=/mag-t-ɛ/) → magt-. magtɩ perfective. (=/mag-t/) → magt-. magtr imperfective. (=/mag-t-d/) → magt-. magtraa future. (=/mag-t-d-aa/) → magt-. magtrɩ imperfective. (=/mag-t-d/) → magt-. makʋ sg. (=/mag-gʋ/) → mag. maŋ perfective. (=/maŋ/) → maŋ-. maŋ- (=/maŋ/) verb. be alike, similar, equal; fr:

être pareil, semblable, égal; dt: ähnlich, gleich sein.

maŋaa (=/maŋ-d-aa/) future. maŋɛ (=/maŋ-ɛ/) past. maŋ (=/maŋ/) perfective. maŋən (=/maŋ-d/) imperfective. a maŋaɩ (=/maŋ-Ṿɩ/) deverbal action noun

sg./mass. alikeness, similarity, equality; fr: similarité, égalité; dt: Ähnlichkeit, Gleichheit.

maŋaa future. (=/maŋ-d-aa/) → maŋ-. maŋɛ past. (=/maŋ-ɛ/) → maŋ-. maŋən imperfective. (=/maŋ-d/) → maŋ-. mar- (=/mar/) noun. cave, cavern, burrow; fr:

caverne, grotte; dt: Höhle, Bau. [Note: This word normally applies to caves, holes, burrows etc. inhabited by larger animals.]

a margʋ sg. a marɩɩ pl.

margʋ sg. → mar-. margʋʋm- noun. beard, facial hair; fr: barbe, poils

du visage; dt: Bart, Gesichtshaare. [Note: = Mòoré. This word includes all types of facial hair: moustache, beard, sideburns.]

a marəgʋʋmdɩ sg. a marəgʋʋma pl.

marəgʋʋmdɩ sg. → margʋʋm-. masa noun. chief; fr: chef; dt: Chef. [Note:

Eventually < Engl. master. This word is reported to be used in Eastern Koromfe where Western Koromfe uses a jɔ ‘chief’.]

a masa sg. a masama pl.

matee exclamation. [Note: This is the obligatory answer to a greeting of the type ŋ jabrɛ ‘(How was) your journey’. To say matee, the speaker must be male; female speakers use waŋ. With both words, the last vowel is pronounced on a high pitch.]

matee sentential exclamation.

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mãn mɛnt-

120 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

mãn perfective. (=/mãn/) → mãn-. mãn- (=/mãn/) noun. cowry shell; 5 franc coin,

coin, banknote, (pl.) money; fr: cauris; pièce de 5 francs, pièce, billet d’argent, (pl.) argent; dt: Kaurimuschel ; 5 Francs Münze, Münze, Geldschein, (Pl.) Geld. [Note: This word was originally used to designate cowry shells, which were used as money. When the first coins were introduced, it was used to designate the smallest of them (= 5 francs). Among the Koromba (as is widespread in Burkina Faso) money is counted in multiples of this smallest coin. Thus a price of kɔbəga ‘a hundred’ is five hundred francs CFA. Cf. also a wakɩrɩ ‘coin, money’]

a mãnəfɛ singulative. a mãnɩ / a manɛ pl./collective.

mãn- (=/mãn/) verb. get used to, accustom oneself; fr: s’habituer; dt: sich gewöhnen.

mãnnaa (=/mãn-d-aa/) future. mãnɛ (=/mãn-ɛ/) past. mãn (=/mãn/) perfective. mãnnɛ (=/mãn-d/) imperfective. a mãnam (=/mãn-am/) deverbal action noun

sg./mass. ka m bɛ manə mɛ negative imperative sentence

Don’t get used to me. (I.e. Don’t be familiar; don’t forget your manners.); fr: Il ne faut pas t’habituer à moi. (C.-à.-d. Ne sois pas impertinent; n’oublie pas le respect.); dt: Gewöhne Dich nicht an mich. (D.h. Sei nicht frech; vergiss die Höflichkeit nicht.)

a mãnãʋ / a mãnɔɔ (=/mãn-Ṿʋ/) deverbal nomen acti sg. habit; fr: habitude; dt: Gewohnheit. də manaʋ ba magtɛ la mɛ sentence I don’t

agree with his habits.; fr: Ses habitudes ne me conviennent pas.; dt: Seine Gewohnheiten sind mir nicht recht. [Note: Unusual formation. Possible sources: man + mãʋ or man + ʋ]

mãna noun. so-and-so; fr: un tel, une telle; dt: sowieso. [Note: This word is used to avoid stating the name of a specific person in conversation. For non-human referents (e.g. a village) naŋsa is used.]

mãna sg. mãnama pl.

a fo mãna NP+N compound noun sg. Mr. so-and-so; fr: Monsieur un tel; dt: Herr sowieso

mãnam deverbal action noun sg./mass. (=/mãn-am/) → mãn-.

mãnɛ past. (=/mãn-ɛ/) → mãn-. mãnəfɛ singulative. → mãn-. mãnnaa future. (=/mãn-d-aa/) → mãn-. mãnnɛ imperfective. (=/mãn-d/) → mãn-. mãŋkɛsa noun. match; fr: allumette; dt:

Streichholz. [Note: Probably originally < Engl. matches. This is the only word I have yet discovered with free variation of word-initial b-m.]

a mãŋkɛsa sg. a bãŋkɛsa sg. a mãŋkɛsafɩ pl. a bãŋkɛsafɩ pl. a mãŋkɛsama pl. a bãŋkɛsama pl.

mãŋkɛsafɩ pl. → mãŋkɛsa. mãŋkɛsama pl. → mãŋkɛsa. mbaa particle. like; fr: comme; dt: wie.

mbaa equative particle. də yakʋ mbaa (a) kaɩmɔ sentence He walks like

an old man.; fr: Il marche comme un vieux.; dt: Er geht wie ein alter Mann.

mbʌ (=/mbʌ/) noun. master, br’er; fr: maître, compère; dt: Meister, Vetter. [Note: < Mòoré əm ba ‘my father’. In Koromfe this word is used only in fables when animals address one another.]

mbʌ (=/mbʌ/) sg. & pl. mbʌ yergʌ NP+N compound noun sg. Master

Rabbit; fr: Maître Lapin; dt: Meister Hase mbʌ yerii NP+N compound noun pl. [Note: The

diminutive plural form jerəni cannot be used when compounded with mba.]

mɛsɛ perfective. (=/mɛs-Ṿl/) → mɛsl-. mɛsɛl imperfective. (=/mɛs-Ṿl-d/) → mɛsl-. mɛsɛlaa future. (=/mɛs-Ṿl-d-aa/) → mɛsl-. mɛsɛlɩ imperfective. (=/mɛs-Ṿl-d/) → mɛsl-. mɛsl- (=/mɛs-Ṿl/) verb. measure; fr: mesurer; dt:

messen. [Note: synonymous with a magəlam] mɛsɛlaa (=/mɛs-Ṿl-d-aa/) future. mɛsəlɛ (=/mɛs-Ṿl-ɛ/) past. mɛsɛ (=/mɛs-Ṿl/) perfective. mɛsɛl / mɛsɛlɩ (=/mɛs-Ṿl-d/) imperfective. a mɛsəlam (=/mɛs-Ṿl-am/) deverbal action noun

sg./mass. mɛsəlɛ past. (=/mɛs-Ṿl-ɛ/) → mɛsl-. mɛn- noun. group; combat group, battalion,

assembly of warriors; fr: groupe ; groupe de combat, bataillon, rassemblement de guerriers; dt: Gruppe; Kampfgruppe, Bataillon, Kämpferversammlung.

a mɛndɛ (=/mɛn-dɛ/) sg. a mɛna (=/mɛn-a/) pl.

mɛndɛ sg. (=/mɛn-dɛ/) → mɛn-. mɛnɛŋgɛʋ noun. dew; fr: rosée; dt: Tau. [Note: The

same final sequence occurs in a kʋrɛŋgɛʋ ‘dry period (during the rainy season)’.]

a mɛnɛŋgɛʋ sg. a mɛnɛŋgɛʋfɩ sg.

mɛnt perfective. (=/mɛnt/) → mɛnt-. mɛnt- verb. put together, unite, assemble; mix (e.g.

ingredients); fr: rassembler, unir ; mélanger (des ingrédients); dt: zusammenbringen, versammeln, vereinen; zusammenmischen (z.B. Zutaten). [Note: Related to a mɛndɛ ‘group’ and probably also to a mɛŋam ‘remain’.]

mɛntraa (=/mɛnt-d-aa/) future. mɛntɛ (=/mɛnt-ɛ/) past. mɛnt / mɛntɩ (=/mɛnt/) perfective. mɛntr / mɛntrɩ (=/mɛnt-d/) imperfective.

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mɛntam mɔtɔg-

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a mɛntam (=/mɛnt-am/) deverbal action noun sg./mass.

a mɛntʋ (=/mɛnt-ʋ/) deverbal action noun sg. assembly, meeting, conference; fr: assemblée, rassemblement, réunion; dt: Versammlung, Treffen, Besprechung. [Note: Rare -ʋ / fɩ deverbal derivation]

a mɛntəfɩ (=/mɛnt-fɩ/) deverbal action noun pl. a yɔ mɛnt a kunne kãɩmɛɩ sentence The chief

assembled the old men (lit.: the old age) of the village.; fr: Le chef a rassemblé les vieux (lit.: la vieillesse) du village.; dt: Der Chef versammelte die Alten (wörtlich: das Alter) des Dorfes.

mɛntam deverbal action noun sg./mass. (=/mɛnt-am/) → mɛnt-.

mɛntɛ past. (=/mɛnt-ɛ/) → mɛnt-. mɛntɩ perfective. (=/mɛnt/) → mɛnt-. mɛntr imperfective. (=/mɛnt-d/) → mɛnt-. mɛntraa future. (=/mɛnt-d-aa/) → mɛnt-. mɛntrɩ imperfective. (=/mɛnt-d/) → mɛnt-. mɛntʋ deverbal action noun sg. (=/mɛnt-ʋ/) →

mɛnt-. mɛŋ perfective. → mɛŋ-. mɛŋ- verb. stay, remain; suck; fr: rester ; sucer; dt:

bleiben; saugen. mɛŋənaa future. mɛŋɛ past. mɛŋ perfective. mɛŋənɛ imperfective. a mɛŋam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

mɛŋɛ past. → mɛŋ-. mɛŋənaa future. → mɛŋ-. mɛŋənɛ imperfective. → mɛŋ-. mɛr- noun. cold; fr: rhume; dt: Erkältung.

mɛrgʋ sg. mɛrɩɩ pl.

a mɛrgʋ hem NP+N compound noun sg./mass snot; fr: morve; dt: Rotz

mɛrgʋ sg. → mɛr-. mə-gɩllɛ reflexive pronoun 1st person sg. → gɩllɛ. mɩ / mɛ postclitic personal pronoun object 1st

person sg. (=/m/) → m. mɩlyɔ numeral. million; fr: million; dt: Million. [Note:

= French. Unlike many numerals, this word can also optionally be used with the article a.]

(a) mɩlyɔ cardinal numeral sg. (a) mɩlyɔma cardinal numeral pl.

miisəgu noun. thin round cake made from small millet; fr: galette ronde de petit mil; dt: kleiner dünner runder Fladen aus kleiner Hirse.

a miisəgu sg. a miisədu pl.

min perfective. → min-. min- verb. submerge, immerse oneself, jump/dive

(into water); fr: submerger, immerger, plonger (dans l’eau); dt: untertauchen, hineintauchen, (ins Wasser) springen. [Note: This verb applies to humans only, not to objects. No distinction can be made between jumping (feet first) and

diving (head first) into water. Synonymous with a limʌm.]

minnʌʌ future. mine past. min perfective. minn(i) imperfective. a minʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a minno deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who jumps

(into water), diver; fr: q.un qui saute (dans l’eau), plongeur; dt: jmd. der (ins Wasser) springt, Taucher.

a minnəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. a minnəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. thing

that submerges, animal (e.g. bird) that dives; fr: objet qui s’immerge, animal (p. ex. oiseau) qui plonge; dt: Gegenstand das untergeht, Tier (z.B. Vogel) das taucht.

a minnəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. a minnəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a minnəfʌ deverbal local noun. place for diving;

fr: endroit pour plonger; dt: Platz zum Tauchen.

minʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → min-. mine past. → min-. minnʌʌ future. → min-. minnəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. → min-. minnəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ min-. minnəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. → min-. minnəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. → min-. minn(i) imperfective. → min-. minno deverbal agent noun sg. → min-. mirg- verb. spin (cotton); fr: filer (le coton); dt:

(Baumwolle) spinnen. [Note: Cotton spinning is typically done by young girls or old women, even those who are too old to stand up.]

mirgrʌʌ future. mirge past. mirg(i) perfective. mirgr(i) imperfective. a mirgʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

mirge past. → mirg-. mirg(i) perfective. → mirg-. mirgrʌʌ future. → mirg-. mirgr(i) imperfective. → mirg-. məkɔ strong possessive adjective 1st person sg.

(=/mə-kɔ/) → m. mɔgʋ noun. area of the Mossi; fr: région des Mossi;

dt: Gebiet der Mossi. a mɔgʋ sg. [Note: The two variants a mɔgʋ and a

mɔɔgʋ are in free variation.] a mɔɔgʋ sg.

mɔsəŋa noun. Mossi (person); fr: (personne) Mossi; dt: (Mensch) Mossi.

a mɔsəŋa sg. a mɔsənɛ pl.

mɔtɔg- noun. lorry; fr: camion; dt: Lastwagen. [Note: Probably < Engl. motor car. Hardly used nowadays -- is being replaced by a mobilli

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mɔtɔgnɩ na

122 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

‘vehicle’, which covers a wider range of motorized vehicles.]

a mɔtɔka sg. a mɔtɔgnɩ pl. a mɔtɔgəsʋʋ pl.

mɔtɔgnɩ pl. → mɔtɔg-. mɔtɔka sg. → mɔtɔg-. mɔ adverb. also; fr: aussi; dt: auch. [Note: This

adverb occurs immediately after the subject NP and before a verb or negative particle (if present).]

mɔ co-ordinating adverb. mɔ- noun. Moslem; fr: musulmane; dt: Moslem.

a mɔrɩ sg. a mɔɩbaʋ pl.

mɔgs- verb. suck; kiss; fr: sucer; caresser; dt: saugen; küssen.

mɔgsraa future. mɔgsɛ past. mɔgs(ʋ) perfective. mɔgsr(ʋ) imperfective. a mɔgsam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

mɔgsɛ past. → mɔgs-. mɔgsraa future. → mɔgs-. mɔgsr(ʋ) imperfective. → mɔgs-. mɔgs(ʋ) perfective. → mɔgs-. mɔm perfective. → mɔm-. mɔm- noun. eel; fr: anguille; dt: Aal.

a mɔmgʋ sg. a mɔmɛ pl.

mɔm- verb. laugh; fr: rire; dt: lachen. mɔmmaa future. mɔmɛ past. mɔm perfective. mɔmm(ɔ) imperfective. a mɔmam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a mɔmsɩ deverbal action noun pl. laughing,

laughter; fr: rire, rigolade; dt: Lachen, Gelächter.

mɔmam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → mɔm-. mɔmɛ past. → mɔm-.

mɔmgʋ sg. → mɔm-. mɔmmaa future. → mɔm-. mɔmm(ɔ) imperfective. → mɔm-. mɔnɔm noun. red ink; belly, sexual organ; fr: encre

rouge; bas-ventre, sexe; dt: rote Tinte; Unterleib, Geschlechtsteil.

a mɔnɔm sg. a mɔnɔmfɩ pl.

mɔnt- noun. watch, clock; fr: montre; dt: Uhr. [Note: = Mòoré]

a mɔntrɩ sg. a mɔntaʋ pl.

mɔntrɩ sg. → mɔnt-. mɔrɩ sg. → mɔ-. mobil- noun. vehicle, car, lorry, truck; fr: véhicule,

voiture, camion; dt: Fahrzeug, Auto, Lastwagen, Pritschenwagen.

a mobilli sg. a mobilʌ pl.

mobilli sg. → mobil-. mʋkʋ noun. deaf, deaf-mute; fr: sourd, sourd-muet;

dt: taub, taubstumm. [Note: = Mòoré] a mʋkʋ sg. a mʋgədʋ pl.

mugdgu noun. ball made of a kind of traditional flour; fr: balle d’un espèce de farine traditionnelle; dt: Kugel aus einer Art traditionelles Mehl. [Note: = Mòoré. A mixture of partly pounded small millet and pounded peanuts, which is pounded again when mixed. It is shaped into balls, which are put into the mouth and sucked rather than eaten.]

a mugədəgu sg. [Note: Two [g]’s, not [ɣ].] a mugədəgufi sg.

mugədəgu sg. → mugdgu. mũĩ- noun. grain of rice, (pl.) rice; fr: graine de riz,

(pl.) riz; dt: Reiskorn, (Pl.) Reis. a mũĩfe sg. a mũĩ pl.

mũĩfe sg. → mũĩ-.

N - n n proclitic personal adjective 2nd person sg.

(=/ŋ/) → ŋ. [Phon: This form is used before alveolar consonants only.]

n proclitic personal adjective 2nd person sg. (=/ŋ/) → ŋ. [Phon: This form is used in all other phonological contexts, i.e. before velar consonants, before h, j, w and before vowels.]

n dɔmnɛ deverbal action noun sg./mass. → dɔml-. na multiplicative adverb stem. time(s); fr: fois; dt:

-mal. na dɔm multiplicative adverb once; fr: une fois;

dt: einmal [Note: *na gadom and *na ndom are impossible for ‘once’.]

na ɩhɩɩ multiplicative adverb twice; fr: deux fois; dt: zweimal

na hɩɩ iterative numeral twice; fr: deux fois; dt: zweimal [Note: This stem can be used with any cardinal numeral. The numerals from 2 to 9 which have the prefix ɩ can keep or drop the prefix (free variation).]

na pronoun / possessive adjective. you (pl.); your (pl.); fr: vous; votre/vos; dt: ihr (2. pl.), euch; euer(,-er,-e,-es).

na proclitic personal pronoun subject 2nd person pl.

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-na naan-

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 123

— postclitic personal pronoun object 2nd person pl. — possessive adjective 2nd person pl. [Note: This form is either prefixed to a verb or a noun phrase, or suffixed to a verb; it cannot stand alone (e.g. as the elliptical answer to a question). As the prefix of a verb, it is the subject pronoun, on a noun phrase it is the “possessor”, and as a suffix on a verb it is the (direct or indirect) object. It also occurs after the (usually sentence-initial) verb in a plural imperative. As in French, the 2nd person plural pronoun can be used when addressing a single person as a sign of respect. The vowel of this pronoun is lexical and is therefore (in contrast with some other pronouns) never omitted.]

naa negative proclitic (subject) personal pronoun 2nd person pl. you (pl.), your(s) (pl.); fr: vous; votre/vos; dt: ihr (2. pl.), euch; euer(,-er,-e,-es). bɛ na la na tɩra imperative sentence Bring (pl.)

your papers! (Lit. Come (pl.) here with your papers!); fr: Amenez vos papiers! (Lit. Venez avec vos papiers!); dt: Bringt eure Papiere (Lit. Kommt mit euren Papieren!)

mə pandaa na (a) mãnɛ sentence I will give you (pl.) some money.; fr: Je vous donnerai de l’argent.; dt: Ich werde euch Geld geben.

nakɔ disjunctive personal pronoun (subject, direct or indirect object) & possessive adjective 2nd person pl.

bɛ na la nakɔ tɩra imperative sentence Bring (pl.) your papers! (Lit. Come (pl.) herewith your papers!); fr: Amenez vos papiers! (Lit. Venez avec vos papiers!); dt: Bringt eure Papiere (Lit. Kommt mit euren Papieren!)

mə pandaa nakɔ (a) manɛ sentence I will give you (pl.) some money.; fr: Je vous donnerai de l’argent.; dt: Ich werde euch Geld geben. [Note: This form of the pronoun indicates some kind of “emphasis”, but this can be so minimal that in practice the disjunctive form can always be used in place of a clitic pronoun. It never undergoes any phonological reduction or expansion. It can stand in the normal (preverbal) subject or (postverbal) object positions, and can also be used as the elliptical answer to a question. As with all disjunctive pronouns, it is formed with the proclitic prefix version of the pronoun and the invariant stem-like element kɔ.]

naa negative proclitic personal subject pronoun 2nd person pl. you (pl,)...not; fr: vous ne...pas; dt: ihr...nicht. naa dɛɩ na yɛɩ məkɔ sentence You (pl.) can’t

catch me.; fr: Vous ne pouvez pas m’attraper; dt: Ihr könnt mich nicht fangen. [Note: This pronoun is equivalent to the proclitic subject pronoun na combined with the negative particle ba. The origin of this

negative pronoun (and of all others) seems to be an old negation particle aa, which occurs once in an oral text recorded in 1967 by Wilhelm Staude and published in Rennison (1985b). This particle in turn might possibly have come from the commonly used a´ʔa` ‘no’. As with the negative particle ba, negative pronouns cause shortening of the final vowel of the future.]

-na (=/na/) pl.suffix. plural; fr: pluriel; dt: Plural. [Note: Extremely rare plural suffix found on the words ‘man’ and ‘woman’.]

na saa nãʋ - n yɛŋsɩ bʌʌni - a bʌʌni dialogue. (=/nã-d/) → nã-.

naa numeral. [Note: The disjunctive numeral ɩnaa is used when counting. When naa is used attributively the prefix ɩ must be dropped and there can be no article a before the qualified noun or noun phrase.]

naa attributive cardinal numeral. four (4); twenty francs CFA; fr: quatre (4); vingt francs CFA; dt: vier (4); zwanzig Francs CFA.

ɩnaa disjunctive cardinal numeral. fʋba naa NP+cardinal numeral compound noun

pl. four people; fr: quatre gens; dt: vier Menschen [Note: Not *a fʋba naa.]

a naandɔ ordinal numeral human sg. [Note: There exists a homophonous word a naandɔ ‘creator’, the agent noun formed from the verb a naanam ‘create’.]

a naandəba ordinal numeral human pl. a naandəgʋ ordinal numeral non-human sg.

— ordinal numeral non-human pl. a fo naandɔ NP+ordinal numeral compound

noun sg. the fourth person; fr: la quatrième personne; dt: der vierte Mensch

a fʋba naandəba NP+ordinal numeral compound noun pl. the fourth (group of) people; fr: le quatrième (groupe de) gens; dt: die Vierten

a geŋʌ naandəgʋ NP+ordinal numeral compound noun pl. the fourth (pile of) stones; fr: le quatrième (tas de) pierres; dt: der vierte (Haufen) Steine [Note: In contrast with the cardinal numerals, attributive ordinal numerals take the article a.]

naa negative proclitic (subject) personal pronoun 2nd person pl. → na.

naan- verb. create; fr: créer; dt: schöpfen, schaffen. [Note: = Mòoré. This word applies to creating things such as metal objects (by a blacksmith), pots (by a potter), but does not extend to cloth produced by a weaver (who has far lower prestige in Koromba society).]

naandaa future. naanɛ past. naanɩ perfective. naandɩ imperfective. a naanam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

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a naandɔ deverbal agent noun sg. creator; fr: créateur; dt: Schöpfer.

a naandəba naanam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → naan-. naandaa future. → naan-. naandəba ordinal numeral human pl. → naa. naandɩ imperfective. → naan-. naandɔ ordinal numeral human sg. → naa. naandɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → naan-. naanɛ noun. chief of the initiation candidates; fr:

chef des candidats d’initiation; dt: Chef der Initiationskandidaten. [Note: = Mòoré. This person is the leader of the group of boys undergoing initiation and circumcision in a particular year.]

a naanɛ sg. a naanəma pl.

naanɛ past. → naan-. naanɩ perfective. → naan-. nabt- noun. sesame; fr: sésame; dt: Sesam.

a nabtəfɛ singulative. a nabtɩ pl./collective. a nabtəfɩ pl.

nabtəfɛ singulative. → nabt-. nabtɩ pl./collective. → nabt-. nad- noun. kind of ailment; fr: espèce de maladie;

dt: Art Krankheit. [Note: =Mòoré. This ailment manifests itself with sore patches in the scalp which turn white and may result in hair loss. It is referred to with either the singular or the plural form.]

a nadga sg. a nadsʋʋ pl.

nadga sg. → nad-. na(g)- noun. cattle, bull, cow; fr: bovin, bœuf,

vache; dt: Rind, Stier, Kuh. [Note: < Fulfulde. Traditionally only the Ful had cattle and the Koromba had none. Today there are also Koromba cattle owners. This is the generic word for cattle.]

a nagfɛ sg. a naɩ pl.

nagfɛ sg. → na(g)-. nagfɛ gʌbrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. →

gʌb-. na-gɩllɛ reflexive pronoun 2nd person pl. → gɩllɛ. nags- verb. decorate; fr: décorer; dt: zieren.

nagsraa future. nagsɛ past. nags(ɩ) perfective. nagsr(ɩ) imperfective. a nagsam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

nagsɛ past. → nags-. nags(ɩ) perfective. → nags-. nagsraa future. → nags-. nagsr(ɩ) imperfective. → nags-. naɩ gʌbrəhe deverbal instrument noun sg. → gʌb-. namba human pl. → naŋ. nandɩ human sg. → naŋ. naŋ demonstrative personal pronoun. that/those

over there; fr: celui/celle/ceux/celles-là; dt:

der/die/das dort. [Note: These words consist of the stem naŋ plus the post-clitic forms of the 3rd person pronouns. The velar nasal is deleted before h (as with ndeeŋ ‘which’).]

nandɩ human sg. naŋgʋ non-human sg. namba human pl. nahɛ non-human pl.

naŋgʋ non-human sg. → naŋ. naŋka ã interrogative adverb. → naŋka(n)ã. naŋka (n)ã interrogative adverb. How?; fr:

Comment?; dt: Wie? naŋkaã interrogative adverb. naŋkanã interrogative adverb.

nas- verb. spread out, lay out; hand over; fr: étaler, étendre ; tendre; dt: ausbreiten, auslegen; übergeben. [Note: In the sense of ‘lay out’, typically used of stallholders or merchants laying out their wares.]

nasraa future. nasɛ past. nas(ɩ) perfective. nasr(ɩ) imperfective. a nasam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

nasɛ past. → nas-. nasɩ sg. → nasʋ. nas(ɩ) perfective. → nas-. nasraa future. → nas-. nasr(ɩ) imperfective. → nas-. nasʋ noun. flat roof; fr: toit plat; dt: flaches Dach.

[Note: Probably a deverbal action noun < a nasam ‘spread out’. Flat rooves are often used as terraces, for which this word is also used.]

a nasʋ sg. a nasɩ sg. a nasəfɩ pl.

nã perfective. (=/nã/) → nã-. nã- (=/nã/) verb. see, perceive, find; fr: voir,

apercevoir, trouver; dt: sehen, wahrnehmen, finden. [Note: This verb has no other inflectional forms.]

nãnaa (=/nã-d-aa/) future. nãã (=/na-ɛ/) past. nã (=/nã/) perfective. nãnɩ (=/nã-d/) imperfective. nãnɛ (=/nã-d/) imperfective. a nããm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a nãʋ deverbal action noun sg./mass. [Note:

This form occurs only in the fixed phrase given below.]

na saa nãʋ - n yɛŋsɩ bʌʌni - a bʌʌni dialogue. A: Seeing your owner - B: Have you got up (in) health - A: Health.; fr: A: Voir votre propriétaire - B: Tu t’es levé (en) santé? - A: Santé.; dt: A: Das Sehen Ihres Besitzers. - B: Bist du (in) Gesundheit aufgestanden? - A: Gesundheit. [Note: This is a greeting sequence used by older Koromba when seeing someone for the first time in the morning.]

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nãã nɛbraa

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 125

a nãnɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who sees, clairvoyant; fr: q.un qui voit, clairvoyant; dt: jmd. der sieht, Hellseher.

a nãnəba deverbal agent noun pl. a nãnəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. object for

looking at / into, mirror, spectacles; fr: objet pour regarder, miroir, lunettes; dt: Gegenstand zum ansehen / hineinsehen, Spiegel, Brille.

a nãnəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a nãnəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a nãnəfa deverbal local noun. place for looking;

fr: endroit pour regarder; dt: Platz zum sehen. a nãnəmaʋ deverbal nomen acti pl. things that

one has seen, things that one appreciates; fr: choses qu’on a vu, choses qu’on apprécie; dt: Dinge, die man gesehen hat, Dinge, die man schätzt.

nãã past. (=/nã-ɛ/) → nã-. nããm deverbal action noun sg./mass. (=/nã-d/) →

nã-. nãmba adverb. not yet; fr: pas encore; dt: noch

nicht. [Note: The ba at the end of this word could be the negative particle ba.]

nãmba negative temporal adverb. də namba bɛnɛ sentence He hasn’t arrived yet.;

fr: Il n’est pas encore arrivé.; dt: Er ist noch nicht gekommen.

nãn- noun. song; fr: chanson; dt: Lied. [Note: Clearly related to a nãnam, but not derived by any regular process -- though see also a leləfɛ from a lelʌm.]

a nãnəfɛ sg. a nãnɛ pl. a nãnɔ pl.

nãn- verb. praise, thank, congratulate, treat politely, sing s.o.’s praise; fr: louer, remercier, féliciter, traiter avec politesse, louer en chantant; dt: loben, danken, gratulieren, höflich behandeln, lobsingen.

nãnnãã future. nãnɛ past. nãnɛ perfective. nãnnɛ imperfective. a nãnam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a nãnnɔ deverbal agent noun sg. singer; fr:

chanteur; dt: Sänger. [Note: This word only applies to singing someone’s praise.]

nãnaa future. (=/nã-d-aa/) → nã-. nãnam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → nãn-. nãnəba deverbal agent noun pl. (=/nã-d/) → nã-. nãnɛ imperfective. (=/nã-d/) → nã-. nãnɛ pl. → nãn-. nãnɛ past. → nãn-. nãnɛ perfective. → nãn-. nãnəfa deverbal local noun. (=/nã-d/) → nã-. nãnəfɛ sg. → nãn-. nãnəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

(=/nã-d/) → nã-. nãnəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. (=/nã-d/) →


nãnəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. (=/nã-d/) → nã-.

nãnɩ imperfective. (=/nã-d/) → nã-. nãnnãã future. → nãn-. nãnnɛ adverb.

nãnnɛ temporal adverb. four days from today; fr: dans quatre jours; dt: in vier Tagen. ba digrʌʌ (a) yãna hɛŋ nãnnɛ sentence They

will sow the millet four days from now.; fr: Ils sèmeront le mil dans quatre jours.; dt: Sie werden in vier Tagen die Hirse säen.

nãnnɛ imperfective. → nãn-. nãnɔ deverbal agent noun sg. (=/nã-d/) → nã-. nãʋ deverbal action noun sg./mass. (=/nã-d/) →

nã-. nde (=/nde/) interrogative adverb. where; fr: où;

dt: wo. nde (=/nde/) interrogative adverb.

ndeehɛ non-human pl. → ndeeŋ-. ndeemba human pl. → ndeeŋ-. ndeendɩ human sg. → ndeeŋ-. ndeeŋ- interrogative adjective. which; fr:

quel(le)(s); dt: welch(-er,-e,-es). [Note: These words consist of the stem ndeeŋ plus the post-clitic forms of the 3rd person pronouns. The pronouns are not harmonised for ATR (here or anywhere else in the language). The velar nasal is deleted before h (as with naŋ ‘that/those over there’).]

ndeendɩ human sg. ndeemba human pl. ndeeŋgʋ non-human sg. ndeehɛ non-human pl. ndeeŋga diminutive sg.

ndeeŋgʋ non-human sg. → ndeeŋ-. nɛ → -nɩ. nɛ postclitic personal pronoun 2nd person sg.

object. (=/ŋ/) → ŋ. nɛb perfective. (=/nɛb/) → nɛb-. nɛb- noun. green pea plant, chickpea plant; fr:

plante de petit pois, plante de pois de terre; dt: grüne Erbsen-Pflanze, Kichererbsenpflanze.

a nɛbrɛ sg. a nɛba pl. a nɛbka diminutive sg. green pea, chickpea; fr:

petit pois, pois de terre; dt: grüne Erbse, Kichererbse.

a nɛba pl. [Note: Phonologically the plural of the plant and the plural of peas are identical. Older forms are lɛbrɛ, lɛba, lɛbə bi.]

nɛb- (=/nɛb/) verb. lick; fr: lécher; dt: lecken. nɛbraa (=/nɛb-d-aa/) future. nɛbɛ (=/nɛb-ɛ/) past. nɛb / nɛbʋ (=/nɛb/) perfective. nɛbr / nɛbrʋ (=/nɛb-d/) imperfective. nɛbam (=/nɛb-am/) action noun sg./mass.

nɛba pl. → nɛb-. nɛbɛ past. (=/nɛb-ɛ/) → nɛb-. nɛbka diminutive sg. → nɛb-. nɛbr imperfective. (=/nɛb-d/) → nɛb-. nɛbraa future. (=/nɛb-d-aa/) → nɛb-.

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nɛbrɛ nɛm-

126 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

nɛbrɛ sg. → nɛb-. nɛbrʋ imperfective. (=/nɛb-d/) → nɛb-. nɛbʋ perfective. (=/nɛb/) → nɛb-. nɛŋ (=/nɛŋ/) adverb. thus, so, like that; fr: ainsi,

de cette manière; dt: so, auf diese Weise. nɛŋ (=/nɛŋ/) adverb of manner. nɛŋgɛ (=/nɛŋ-gṾ/) adverb of manner. [Note:

The stronger form has the same structure as the strong demonstrative adjectives hoŋgo etc., i.e. a suffixed /g/ followed by a copy of the stem vowel.]

nɛŋ perfective. → nɛŋ-. nɛŋ- verb. water (animals); fr: abreuver (les

animaux); dt: (Tiere) tränken. nɛŋənaa future. nɛŋɛ past. nɛŋ perfective. nɛŋənɛ imperfective. a nɛŋam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

nɛŋɛ past. → nɛŋ-. nɛŋɛt- verb. oblige, force; fr: obliger, forcer; dt:

verpflichten, zwingen. [Note: Probably the reversive of a nɛŋam ‘water’.]

nɛŋɛtraa future. nɛŋɛtɛ past. nɛŋɛt(ɩ) perfective. nɛŋɛtr(ɩ) imperfective. a nɛŋɛtam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

nɛŋɛtɛ past. → nɛŋɛt-. nɛŋɛt(ɩ) perfective. → nɛŋɛt-. nɛŋɛtraa future. → nɛŋɛt-. nɛŋɛtr(ɩ) imperfective. → nɛŋɛt-. nɛŋənaa future. → nɛŋ-. nɛŋənɛ imperfective. → nɛŋ-. nɛ past. → nɛ-. nɛ perfective. → nɛ-. nɛ- noun. mouth, beak, muzzle, snout, door,

entrance, blade, edge; fr: bouche, bec, museau, gueule, porte, entrée, lame, tranchant; dt: Mund, Schnabel, Schnauze, Maul, Tür, Eingang, Klinge, Schneide.

nɛnɛ sg. nɛỹã pl.

a nɛn-dɔnda saa NP+N compound noun sg. sweet talker, flatterer (lit.: owner of a good-tasting mouth); fr: baratineur, Flatteur (lit.: possesseur d’une bouche à bon goût); dt: Süßmaul, Schmeichler (wörtl.: Besitzer eines wohlschmeckenden Mundes)

a nɛn-dɔnda sammã NP+N compound noun pl. a nɛŋ-hamnɛ saa NP+N compound noun sg.

gossip (lit.: owner of a mouth of fire), fickle person; promiscuous girl; fr: bavard (lit.: possesseur d’une bouche de feu), personne variable; fille aux mœurs légères; dt: geschwätziger Mensch (wörtl.: Besitzer eines Feuermauls), unbeständiger Mensch; leichtes Mädchen

a nɛŋ-hamnɛ samma NP+N compound noun pl. a nɛn-tɔm N+N compound noun sg./mass spit

(lit.: dust of the mouth); fr: crachat (lit.:

poussière de la bouche); dt: Spucke (wörtl.: Pulver des Mundes) [Note: During the dry season the air is full of fine sandy dust, and people often have to spit to get it out of the mouth and nose.]

a dɔ nɛnɛ NP+N compound noun sg. ostrich; fr: autruche; dt: Vogel Strauß

nɛ- verb. defecate, shit, urinate, piss; rain; fr: déféquer, chier, uriner, pisser ; pleuvoir; dt: Stuhl haben, scheißen, urinieren, pissen; regnen. [Note: In the sense of ‘rain’, the subject must be a vɛŋa ‘rain cloud’. Cf. also a nɩ hem’urine’. In the sense of ‘defecate, urinate’, this is the generic word. There is no word meaning ‘urinate’ only, but cf. a wɛjãm, which means ‘defecate’ but not ‘urinate’.]

nɛnaa future. nɛ past. nɛ perfective. nɛnɛ imperfective. a nɛɛm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a nɛʋ deverbal action noun sg./mass.

yoote a vɛŋa koŋ nɛnaa sentence It’s going to rain today.; fr: Il va pleuvoir aujourd’hui.; dt: Es wird heute regnen. [Note: This form is more widely used than a nɛɛm.]

nɛɛ noun. “in-law-ness”; father-in-law’s family; fr: “beau-parenté”; famille du beau-père; dt: “Schwiegerschaft”; Familie des Schwiegervaters.

a nɛɛ sg. [Note: This noun refers both to the relationship of ego to his father-in-law and his family (which is often problematic) and to the father-in-law’s family itself.]

a nɛɛba pl. parents-in-law, parents-in-law’s family; fr: beaux-parents, famille des beaux-parents; dt: Schwiegereltern, Familie der Schwiegereltern. a nɛɛ bɔrɔ NP+N compound noun sg. father-in-

law; fr: beau-père; dt: Schwiegervater [Note: The plural also designates the brothers and other male relatives of the father-in-law.]

a nɛɛ bɛnna NP+N compound noun pl. a nɛɛ kɛɔ NP+N compound noun sg. mother-in-

law; fr: beau-mère; dt: Schwiegermutter a nɛɛ kɛna NP+N compound noun pl. [Note: The

plural also designates the father-in-law’s sisters and other female relatives of the father-in-law.] [Note: This word has no singular.]

nɛɛm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → nɛ-. nɛm- noun. meat, flesh; fr: viande; dt: Fleisch.

[Note: The final mɔ of this word and of a sɔmmɔ ‘salt’ may be the remnants of a class suffix,

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nɛma niiləbʌ

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 127

possibly a variant of - m, since both are mass nouns..]

a nɛmmʋ sg./mass. a nɛma pl. a nɛmmɔfɩ pl. butcher; fr: boucher; dt:

Fleischhauer. a nɛmmɔ hem NP+N compound noun sg./mass

soup, stew; fr: soupe; dt: Suppe, Eintopf [Note: “Soup” consists predominantly of some kind of meat, but often contains more liquid than a stew.]

a nɛmmɔ kʋrɔ NP+N compound noun sg. butcher; fr: boucher; dt: Fleischhauer

a nɛmmɔ kʋrəba NP+N compound noun pl. [Note: The plural designates single pieces of meat.]

nɛma pl. → nɛm-. nɛmmʋ sg./mass. → nɛm-. nɛnaa future. → nɛ-. nɛndɔnɔtrɛ noun. Ramadan prayer; fr: prière de

Ramadan; dt: Ramadan-Gebet. a nɛndɔnɔtrɛ NP+N compound noun sg. [Note:

a nɛn dɔnɔtrɛ ‘the mouth detaching/untying’]

a nɛn dɔnɔta NP+N compound noun pl. nɛnɛ sg. → nɛ-. nɛnɛ imperfective. → nɛ-. nɛnɛm perfective. → nɛnm-. nɛnɛmaa future. → nɛnm-. nɛnɛm(ɔ) imperfective. → nɛnm-. nɛnm- verb. shout, call; fr: crier, appeler; dt:

schreien, rufen. nɛnɛmaa future. nɛnəmɛ past. nɛnɛm perfective. nɛnɛm(ɔ) imperfective. a nɛnəmam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

nɛnəmɛ past. → nɛnm-. nɛŋɛms- verb. sprain; fr: se fouler, “entorser”; dt:

verstauchen. nɛŋɛmsraa future. nɛŋɛmsɛ past. nɛŋɛms(ʋ) perfective. nɛŋɛmsr(ʋ) imperfective. a nɛŋɛmsam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

a sundu koŋ wolle nɛŋɛmsʋ sentence That horse has sprained its leg.; fr: Ce cheval-là a foulé sa jambe.; dt: Das Pferd dort hat sein Bein verstaucht.

nɛŋɛmsɛ past. → nɛŋɛms-. nɛŋɛmsraa future. → nɛŋɛms-. nɛŋɛmsr(ʋ) imperfective. → nɛŋɛms-. nɛŋɛms(ʋ) perfective. → nɛŋɛms-. nɩ → -nɩ. nɩ postclitic personal pronoun 2nd person sg.

object. (=/ŋ/) → ŋ. -nɩ (=/n/) postposition. at, in, to; fr: à, dans; dt:

an, in, zu. nɩ ni nɛ

ne (=/n/) [Note: The vowels are only pronounced phrase-finally. The mid variants occur in more casual / faster speech styles. ATR agrees with the last vowel of the preceding word.] postposition.

nɩhem noun. urine; fr: urine; dt: Urin. [Note: The first element of this compound, nɩ, must come from the verb a nɛʋ ‘urinate’. The second is hem ‘water’.]

a nɩ hem V+N compound noun sg./mass. nɩŋgɛt- noun. mirror; fr: miroir; dt: Spiegel. [Note:

= Mòoré] a nɩŋgɛtəga sg. nɩŋgɛtəsɩ pl.

nɩŋgɛtəga sg. → nɩŋgɛt-. ni → -nɩ. ni perfective. → ni(i)-. nibəgʌ noun. grandchild (paternal or maternal); fr:

petit fils, petite fille (du côté paternel ou maternel); dt: Enkel (väter- oder mütterlicherseits).

a nibəgʌ sg. a nibəni pl.

ni(i)- verb. see; fr: voir; dt: sehen. [Note: This verb is not used in the extended sense of ‘perceive’, but refers to eyesight and clairvoyance only. This verb does not seem to have a past form; instead naa from a naam is used.]

niilʌʌ future. ni perfective. niili imperfective. a niilei deverbal action noun sg./mass. a niilo deverbal agent noun sg. clairvoyant,

soothsayer, astrologer, meteorologist; fr: voyant, devin, astrologue, météorologiste; dt: HellseherIn, WahrsagerIn, AstrologIn, MeteorologIn. [Note: Among the Koromba a clairvoyant can be a man or a woman.]

a niiləbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. a niiləgu deverbal instrument noun sg. object for

seeing (e.g. eye, spectacles); visible object; fr: objet pour voir (p. ex. oeil, lunettes); objet visible; dt: Gegenstand zum sehen (z.B. Auge, Brille); sichtbarer Gegenstand.

a niiləhe deverbal instrument noun pl. a niiləgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a niiləfʌ deverbal local noun. place for seeing

(e.g. in a cinema or stadium); place where a clairvoyant goes to see the future; fr: endroit pour voir (p. ex. dans un cinéma ou un stade); endroit où un clairvoyant va pour voir l’avenir; dt: Platz zum sehen (z.B. in einem Kino oder Stadion); Platz wo ein(e) HellseherIn hingeht, um die Zukunft zu sehen.

a niimʌũ deverbal nomen acti pl. everything / everyone that is visible; fr: toute chose / personne qui est visible; dt: alle sichtbaren Dinge / Personen.

niilʌʌ future. → ni(i)-. niiləbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. → ni(i)-.

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niilei nɔm-

128 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

niilei deverbal action noun sg./mass. → ni(i)-. niiləfʌ deverbal local noun. → ni(i)-. niiləgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg. →

ni(i)-. niiləgu deverbal instrument noun sg. → ni(i)-. niiləhe deverbal instrument noun pl. → ni(i)-. niili imperfective. → ni(i)-. niilo deverbal agent noun sg. → ni(i)-. nir- noun. melon (of any kind); calabash in which a

weaver keeps his tools; fr: melon (de chaque sorte); calebasse dans laquelle un tisserand garde ses outils; dt: Melone (jeder Art); Kalebasse, in der ein Weber seine Ausrüstung aufbewahrt.

a nirfe sg. a nirii pl.

nirfe sg. → nir-. nɔb- noun. hazel-tree; fr: noisetier; dt:

Haselstrauch. a nɔkʋ sg. a nɔbɩ pl.

nɔb- verb. grow; fr: grossir; dt: wachsen. nɔbraa future. nɔbɛ past. nɔb(ʋ) perfective. nɔbr(ʋ) imperfective. a nɔbam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

a bɔrɔ nɔbʋ NP+N compound noun sg. a big man; fr: un homme grand; dt: ein großer Mann

a bɛnna nɔbʋ NP+N compound noun pl. nɔbɛ past. → nɔb-. nɔbraa future. → nɔb-. nɔbr(ʋ) imperfective. → nɔb-. nɔb(ʋ) perfective. → nɔb-. nɔd- noun. field behind a house; fr: champ derrière

une maison; dt: Feld hinter einem Haus. [Note: This type of field is very close to the house, used by the whole family but especially by the older people who cannot easily walk to the main fields (a kɛbɩ).]

a nɔtɛ sg. a nɔraʋ pl.

nɔgs- verb. pinch (between the nails of the thumb and index finger); take a pinch of sth.; fr: pincer (entre les ongles du doigt et de l’index) ; prendre (une pincée de q.chose); dt: zwicken; (eine Prise von etwas) nehmen.

nɔgsraa future. nɔgsɛ past. nɔgs(ʋ) perfective. nɔgsr(ʋ) imperfective. a nɔgsam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

nɔgsɛ past. → nɔgs-. nɔgsraa future. → nɔgs-. nɔgsr(ʋ) imperfective. → nɔgs-. nɔgs(ʋ) perfective. → nɔgs-. nɔgt- verb. straighten (sth. twisted/crumpled);

force, compel; fr: redresser (q.chose de tordu) ; forcer; dt: (etwas verdrehtes) gerade machen; zwingen.

nɔgtraa future. nɔgtɛ past. nɔgt(ʋ) perfective. nɔgtr(ʋ) imperfective. a nɔgtam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

nɔgtɛ past. → nɔgt-. nɔgtraa future. → nɔgt-. nɔgtr(ʋ) imperfective. → nɔgt-. nɔgt(ʋ) perfective. → nɔgt-. nɔkʋ sg. → nɔb-. nɔm numeral. five (4); twenty-five francs CFA; fr:

cinq (4); vingt-cinq francs CFA; dt: fünf (4); fünfundzwanzig Francs CFA. [Note: The disjunctive numeral ɩnɔm is used when counting. When nɔm is used attributively the prefix ɩ must be dropped and there can be no article a before the qualified noun or noun phrase.]

nɔm attributive cardinal numeral. ɩnɔm disjunctive cardinal numeral.

fʋba nɔm NP+cardinal numeral compound noun pl. five people; fr: cinq gens; dt: fünf Menschen [Note: Not * a fʋba nɔm.]

a nɔməndɔ ordinal numeral human sg. fifth; fr: cinquième; dt: fünft(-er,-e,-es).

a nɔməndəba ordinal numeral human pl. a nɔməndəgʋ ordinal numeral non-human sg.

— ordinal numeral non-human pl. a fo nɔməndɔ NP+ordinal numeral compound

noun sg. the fifth person; fr: la cinquième personne; dt: der fünfte Mensch

a fʋba nɔməndəba NP+ordinal numeral compound noun pl. the fifth (group of) people; fr: le cinquième (groupe de) gens; dt: die Fünften

a geŋʌ nɔməndəgʋ NP+ordinal numeral compound noun pl. the fifth (pile of) stones; fr: le cinquième (tas de) pierres; dt: der fünfte (Haufen) Steine [Note: In contrast with the cardinal numerals, attributive ordinal numerals take the article a.]

nɔmm- noun. scorpion; fr: scorpion; dt: Skorpion. a nɔmməŋa sg. a nɔmmənɛ pl.

nɔmməŋa sg. → nɔmm-. nɔməndəba ordinal numeral human pl. → nɔm. nɔməndɔ ordinal numeral human sg. → nɔm. nɔtɛ sg. → nɔd-. nɔgfaa future. → nɔŋn-. nɔgf(ʋ) imperfective. → nɔŋn-. nɔm perfective. → nɔm-. nɔm- verb. pound (at the mill, e.g. millet),

pulverize; fr: écraser (à la meule, p. ex. le mil), broyer; dt: zerstampfen (an der Mühle, z.B. Hirse), verpulvern. [Note: Cf. a nʋŋgʋ ‘millstone’. This verb involves the complete pounding of grain to make flour. Cf. a gɛbam ‘pound incompletely’. This verb cannot be used for other activities such as squashing an insect.]

nɔmmaa future.

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nɔmɛ nũŋgu

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 129

nɔmɛ past. nɔm perfective. nɔmm(ɔ) imperfective. a nɔmam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

nɔmɛ past. → nɔm-. nɔmmaa future. → nɔm-. nɔmmɔ adverb.

nɔmmɔ temporal adverb. five days from today; fr: dans cinq jours; dt: in fünf Tagen. ba digrʌʌ (a) yãna hɛŋ nɔmmɔ sentence They

will sow the millet five days from now.; fr: Ils sèmeront le mil dans cinq jours.; dt: Sie werden in fünf Tagen die Hirse säen.

nɔmm(ɔ) imperfective. → nɔm-. nɔn perfective. → nɔn-. nɔn- verb. rip apart; remove the skin, skin; fr:

déchirer ; enlever la peau, dépecer, dépouiller; dt: zerreißen; die Haut entfernen, häuten. [Note: Synonymous with a nɔsam.]

nɔtaa future. nɔnɛ past. nɔn perfective. nɔt(ʋ) imperfective. a nɔnam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

nɔnɛ past. → nɔn-. nɔnɔŋɔ noun. ostrich; fr:

autruche; dt: Vogel Strauß. a nɔ nɔŋɔ N+participle

compound noun sg. a nɔ nɔŋsʋʋ N+participle

compound noun pl. See: a dɔ nɛnɛ under nɛnɛ. [Note: If nɔŋɔ is a participial form of the verb a nɔŋənam ‘mount (e.g. a horse)’, then the initial nɔ would be the noun stem of ‘ostrich’. This in turn means that a dɔ nɛnɛ might be a popular etymology originating from a hypothetical singular noun a nɔ-nɛ with harmonisation of the stem vowel to the suffix vowel.]

nɔŋ- noun. grease, oil, butter; fr: graisse, huile, beurre; dt: Fett, Öl, Butter. [Note: Either the singular or the plural of this word can be used, without any apparent difference in meaning.]

a nɔŋənɛ sg. a nɔŋa pl.

nɔŋn- verb. mount (e.g. a horse); fr: monter (p. ex. sur un cheval); dt: aufsteigen (z.B. auf ein Pferd).

nɔgfaa future. nɔŋɔnaa future. nɔŋənɛ past.

nɔŋɔ perfective. nɔgf(ʋ) imperfective. nɔŋɔn(ɛ) imperfective. a nɔŋənam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

nɔŋənɛ sg. → nɔŋ-. nɔŋənɛ past. → nɔŋn-. nɔŋɔ perfective. → nɔŋn-. nɔŋɔnaa future. → nɔŋn-. nɔŋɔn(ɛ) imperfective. → nɔŋn-. nɔs- verb. rip apart; remove the skin, skin; fr:

déchirer ; enlever la peau, dépecer, dépouiller; dt: zerreißen; die Haut entfernen, häuten. [Note: Synonymous with a nɔnam.]

nɔsraa future. nɔsɛ past. nɔs(ʋ) perfective. nɔsr(ʋ) imperfective. a nɔsam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

nɔsɛ past. → nɔs-. nɔsraa future. → nɔs-. nɔsr(ʋ) imperfective. → nɔs-. nɔs(ʋ) perfective. → nɔs-. nɔtaa future. → nɔn-. nɔt(ʋ) imperfective. → nɔn-. nũm- noun. mill (including the “mother” millstone

and all the “children” millstones); fr: meule (y inclus la meule “mère” et toutes les meules “enfants”); dt: Mühle (einschl. des “Mutter”-Mühlsteins und der “Kinder”-Mühlsteine.

a nũŋgu sg. nũmi pl.

a nũŋgu ỹãʋ NP+N compound noun sg.. mother millstone; fr: meule mère; dt: Mutter-Mühlstein

a nũmi ỹããnɛ NP+N compound noun pl a nũŋgu bi NP+N compound noun sg.. a nũŋgu bu NP+N compound noun pl child

millstone; fr: meule enfant; dt: Kind-Mühlstein

a nũŋgu geŋde a nũŋgu geŋʌ hard white stone used to shape

children millstones by tapping; fr: pierre blanche très dure utilisée pour former les meules enfants en tapant; dt: harter weißer Stein mit dem man die Kinder-Mühlsteine formt, indem man darauf klopft [Note: A millstone comprises a “mother”, which is a large stone (> 2 metres diameter) with smooth hollows to hold grain, and several “children”, which are smooth stones of hand size used to crush grain in the hollows of the “mother”. Cf. the verb a nɔmam ‘pound’.]

nũŋgu sg. → nũm-.

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ŋ ŋa

130 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

Ŋ - ŋ ŋ (=/ŋ/) pronoun. you (sg.); your (sg.); fr: tu;

ton/ta/tes; dt: du; dein(,-er,-e,-es). [Phon: Phonetically, all proclitic variants of this pronoun are “syllabic” (i.e. nuclear) nasals, and all assimilate to the place of articulation of the following obstruent.]

m (=/ŋ/) proclitic personal pronoun 2nd person sg. subject. — proclitic personal adjective 2nd person sg. [Phon: This form is used before labial obstruents only.]

n (=/ŋ/) proclitic personal pronoun 2nd person sg. subject. — proclitic personal adjective 2nd person sg. [Phon: This form is used before alveolar consonants only.]

ŋ proclitic personal pronoun 2nd person sg. subject. — proclitic personal adjective 2nd person sg. [Note: The above forms are prefixed to either a verb or a noun phrase; they cannot stand alone (e.g. as the elliptical answer to a question). On a verb, they are the subject pronoun, on a noun phrase the “possessor”. Phonologically, they are all homorganic “syllabic” nasals in post-consonantal and post-pausal contexts; but after a vowel the nasal is not syllabic. There is no negative pronoun like *ŋaa for the 2nd person singular. No Koromfe words begin the sequence /ŋ/+vowel (pace the marginal word ŋa), so this putative negative pronoun is banned for phonological reasons] [Phon: This form is used in all other phonological contexts, i.e. before velar consonants, before h, j, w and before vowels.]

n nɩ / nɛ (=/ŋ/) postclitic personal pronoun 2nd

person sg. object. mə zɔmmə nɛ sentence I love you. (Lit.: I want

you); fr: Je t’aime. (Lit.: je te veux); dt: Ich liebe dich. (Wörtl.: ich will dich) [Note: Here the pronoun is in phrase-final position, and so the final vowel ɛ appears.]

maa zɔmma nə gɔɩnɛ sentence I don’t love you any more. (Lit.: I won’t want you any more); fr: Je ne t’aime plus. (Lit.: je ne te voudrai plus.; dt: Ich liebe dich nicht mehr. (Wörtl.: ich werde dich nicht mehr wollen.) [Note: Here the pronoun is in non-phrase-final position, and schwa appears because the consonant g follows.]

mə pandaa n a hem sentence I will give you some water.; fr: Je te donnerai de l’eau.; dt: Ich werde dir Wasser geben. [Note: Here the pronoun is in non-phrase-final position and a vowel follows, so no vowel is realized at the end of the pronoun itself.] [Note: The

postclitic pronoun follows the verb, and is its (direct or indirect) object. The final ɩ or ɛ occurs only phrase-finally.]

ŋkɔ (=/ŋ-kɔ/) strong personal pronoun 2nd person sg. — strong possessive adjective 2nd person sg. you (sg.), your(s) (sg.); fr: tu, te, -toi, ton/ta/tes, le/la/les tien(ne)(s); dt: du, dich, dir, dein(,-er,-e,-es). mə zɔmmə ŋkɔ sentence I love you. (Lit.: I want

you); fr: Je t’aime. (Lit.: je te veux); dt: Ich liebe dich. (Wörtl.: ich will dich)

maa zɔmma ŋkɔ gɔɩnɛ sentence I don’t love you any more. (Lit.: I won’t want you any more); fr: Je ne t’aime plus. (Lit.: je ne te voudrai plus.; dt: Ich liebe dich nicht mehr. (Wörtl.: ich werde dich nicht mehr wollen.)

mə pandaa ŋkɔ (a) hem sentence I will give you some water.; fr: Je te donnerai de l’eau.; dt: Ich werde dir Wasser geben.

ala la (a) sundu koŋ --- ŋkɔ interrogative sentence Whose is that bike? --- Yours?; fr: A qui est ce vélo? --- A toi?; dt: Wessen Rad ist das? --- Deines? [Note: The velar nasal of ŋkɔ is “syllabic” (i.e. nuclear). This form of the pronoun indicates some kind of “emphasis”, but this can be so minimal that in practice the disjunctive form can always be used in place of a clitic pronoun. It never undergoes any phonological reduction or expansion. It can stand in the normal (preverbal) subject or (postverbal) object positions, and can also be used as the elliptical answer to a question. As with all disjunctive pronouns, it is formed with the proclitic prefix version of the pronoun and the invariant stem-like element -kɔ. Here the pronoun is in phrase-final position, and so the final vowel ɛ appears. Here the pronoun is in non-phrase-final position and a vowel follows, so no vowel is realized at the end of the pronoun itself. In this sentence the article a is elided after the vowel ɔ. This is a regular property of the article, and has nothing to do with the pronoun.]

ŋ proclitic personal adjective 2nd person sg. (=/ŋ/) → ŋ. [Phon: This form is used in all other phonological contexts, i.e. before velar consonants, before h, j, w and before vowels.]

ŋa noun. the smallest person (of a group); fr: le plus petit (d’un groupe); dt: der/die Kleinste (aus einer Gruppe).

ŋa marginal noun / pronoun. ŋa ba bɛlla sentence Tiny won’t catch up with

us. (Lit.: The smallest won’t come.); fr: Le petit ne nous atteindra pas. (Lit.: Le plus

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-ŋa pal-

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 131

petit ne viendra pas.); dt: Der Winzling wird uns nicht aufholen. (Lit.: Der Kleinste wird nicht kommen.) [Note: This word is used alone, like a pronoun, and never takes the article a. It seems to be derived from the diminutive suffix - ŋa as in a bɔrɔŋa ‘small boy’, a kɛɔɔŋa ‘small girl’.]

-ŋa verb.suffix. unreal conditional; fr: conditionnel irréel; dt: irrealer Konditional. [Note: This suffix attaches to the imperfective stem of verbs and produces the “unreal conditional” form. In such clauses there is no word corresponding to “if”. For real conditions, see the suffix -ɛ, which attaches to the bare (=perfective) stem..]

ŋgei exclamation. yes; fr: oui; dt: ja. ŋgei sentential exclamation.

ŋ-gɩllɛ reflexive pronoun 2nd person sg. → gɩllɛ. ŋgo perfective. → ŋgo-. ŋgo- verb. not exist, be missing, lack; fr: ne pas

exister, être absent, manquer; dt: nicht existieren, nicht vorhanden sein, fehlen.

ŋgose perfective. ŋgo perfective.

mə ŋgo faaɩ sentence I have nothing.; fr: Je n’ai rien.; dt: Ich habe nichts.

faaɩ ŋgo mɛ sentence I have nothing.; fr: Je n’ai rien.; dt: Ich habe nichts.

mə ŋgo kaŋ kãmã sentence I have nothing.; fr: Je n’ai rien.; dt: Ich habe nichts. [Note: ŋgo, but not ŋgose also means ‘not have’ The word faaɩ is not used with any other verb.]

a ŋgore deverbal action noun sg./mass. lack, poverty; fr: manque, pauvreté; dt: Mangel, Armut. a ŋgore sa la mɛ sentence Now I have nothing.

(Lit.: Now poverty has me.); fr: Maintenant je n’ai rien. (Lit.: Maintenant la pauvreté m’a.); dt: Jetzt habe ich nichts. (Wörtl.: Jetzt hat mich die Armut.)

ŋgose perfective. → ŋgo-.

Ɔ - ɔ -ɔ (=/ɔ/) noun-cl. human singular; fr: humain

singulier; dt: menschlich Singular. -ɔɩ deriv. Adj to N. (=/Ṿɩ/) → -Ṿɩ.

-ɔl ?causative. (=/-Ṿl/) → -Ṿl. -ɔm transitive. → -Ṿm. -ɔt reversive. → -Ṿt.

P - p pa perfective. (=/pan/) → pa(n). paal- noun. pounder (foot-shaped wooden tool); fr:

damier (outil en bois en forme de pied); dt: Stampfer (fußförmiges Holzwerkzeug). [Note: This kind of tool is made by the blacksmith.]

a paaləga sg. a paaləsɩ pl. a paaləsʋʋ pl.

paaləga sg. → paal-. paaləsɩ pl. → paal-. paga perfective. → pagl-. pagalaa future. → pagl-. pagal(ɩ) imperfective. → pagl-. pagat- verb. open, let out; fr: ouvrir, laisser sortir;

dt: öffnen, herauslassen. [Note: This verb is the reversive of a pagəlam ‘close, shut in’.]

pagatraa future. pagatɛ past. pagat(ɩ) perfective. pagatr(ɩ) imperfective. a pagatam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

pagatɛ past. → pagat-. pagat(ɩ) perfective. → pagat-. pagatraa future. → pagat-. pagatr(ɩ) imperfective. → pagat-. pagl- verb. close, shut in (e.g. animals); fr: fermer,

enfermer (p. ex. des animaux); dt: schließen, einschließen (z.B. Tiere).

pagalaa future. pagəlɛ past. paga perfective. pagal(ɩ) imperfective. a pagəlam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

pagəlɛ past. → pagl-. pal- noun. stretcher (for a dead person); fr:

brancard (pour un mort); dt: Tragbahre (für einen Toten). [Note: Stretchers are not used for the living, and modern ambulance / hospital equipment is unknown to the Koromba.]

a pallɛ sg. a pala pl.

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pala pat-

132 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

a pan dãɩnɛ N+N compound noun sg. pole of a stretcher; fr: bois de brancard; dt: Stange einer Tragbahre. [Note: The change of /l/ to /n/ in a nasal environment is common in Koromfe, but here the nasal trigger is not local.]

a pan dãỹã N+N compound noun pl. pala pl. → pal-. palg- verb. shoulder, carry on one’s shoulder; put

one’s hand or foot on sth.; fr: épauler, porter sur l’épaule; mettre la main ou le pied sur q.chose; dt: schultern, auf der Schulter tragen; die Hand oder den Fuß auf etwas legen / stellen.

paləgraa future. paləgɛ past. paləg(ɩ) perfective. paləgr(ɩ) imperfective. a paləgam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

də ya paləg a daɩnɛ tubre də bɛ dããnɛ sentence He went into the bush to bring back a piece of wood on his shoulder and returned home.; fr: Il est allé en brousse apporter un bois sur l’épaule et est revenu à la maison.; dt: Er ist in den Busch gegangen, um ein Stück holz auf der Schulter heimzutragen.

mə paləg mə wolle a lurgo dɔba sentence I put my foot on the wall.; fr: J’ai mis mon pied sur le mur.; dt: Ich habe meinen Fuß auf die Mauer gestellt.

paləgɛ past. → palg-. paləg(ɩ) perfective. → palg-. paləgraa future. → palg-. paləgr(ɩ) imperfective. → palg-. pallɛ sg. → pal-. pa(n) (=/pan/) verb. give; fr: donner; dt: geben.

[Note: Irregular] pandaa (=/pan-d-aa/) future. panɛ (=/pan-ɛ/) past. pa (=/pan/) perfective. [Note: The expected

form pan does not exist.] pand / pandɩ (=/pan-d/) imperfective. a panam (=/pan-am/) deverbal action noun

sg./mass. a pãʋ deverbal action noun sg. also: gift,

pleasant surprise; fr: aussi: don, cadeau, surprise agréable; dt: auch: Geschenk, angenehme Überraschung. [Note: Irregular formation. This noun is used more frequently than a panam.]

a pandɔ (=/pan-d-ɔ/) deverbal agent noun sg. also: generous person; fr: aussi: personne généreuse; dt: auch: großzügiger Mensch.

a pandəba (=/pan-d-ba/) deverbal agent noun pl.

pan dãɩnɛ N+N compound noun sg. → pal-. panam deverbal action noun sg./mass. (=/pan-

am/) → pa(n). pand imperfective. (=/pan-d/) → pa(n). pandaa future. (=/pan-d-aa/) → pa(n). pandɩ imperfective. (=/pan-d/) → pa(n).

pandɔ deverbal agent noun sg. (=/pan-d-ɔ/) → pa(n).

panɛ past. (=/pan-ɛ/) → pa(n). paŋ perfective. → paŋ-. paŋ- verb. barbecue, grill, roast; fr: griller, rôtir; dt:

grillen, rösten. [Note: This verb signifies cooking meat over a fire or (more usually) charcoal using a grill, but without any kind of surrounding container. Cf. a kɛləgam and a hɔɩãm]

paŋənaa future. paŋɛ past. paŋ perfective. paŋənɛ imperfective. a paŋam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

paŋɛ past. → paŋ-. paŋənaa future. → paŋ-. paŋənɛ imperfective. → paŋ-. par- noun. place; distance between things; small

group of people; fr: place; distance entre deux entités; petit groupe de gens; dt: Platz; Entfernung zwischen zwei Dingen; kleine Menschengruppe.

a para sg. a parəma pl.

ʋ para NP+N compound noun sg. here, in our little group; fr: ici, dans notre petit groupe; dt: hier, in unserer kleinen Gruppe

ʋ para ʋ yɔn a yigei sentence In our little group we smoke.; fr: Dans notre petit groupe on fume.; dt: In unserer kleinen Gruppe raucht man.

para sg. → par-. pas- verb. split, cut in two; fr: fendre, couper en

deux; dt: spalten, auseinanderschneiden. pasraa future. pasɛ past. pas(ɩ) perfective. pasr(ɩ) imperfective. a pasam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

pasɛ past. → pas-. pasg- verb. cross; fr: traverser; dt: überqueren.

pasgraa future. pasgɛ past. pasg(ɩ) perfective. pasgr(ɩ) imperfective. a pasgam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

pasgɛ past. → pasg-. pasg(ɩ) perfective. → pasg-. pasgraa future. → pasg-. pasgr(ɩ) imperfective. → pasg-. pas(ɩ) perfective. → pas-. pasraa future. → pas-. pasr(ɩ) imperfective. → pas-. pat- verb. joke; fr: plaisanter; dt: spaßen. [Note:

The subject of this verb can only be a maternal uncle.]

patraa future. patɛ past. pat(ɩ) perfective. patr(ɩ) imperfective.

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patam pʌrsrəgu

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 133

a patam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a patrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who jokes;

maternal uncle; fr: q.un qui plaisante ; oncle maternel; dt: jmd. der spaßt; Onkel mütterlicherseits.

a patrəba deverbal agent noun pl. a patrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. object

for joking; fr: objet pour plaisanter; dt: Gegenstand zum Spaßen.

a patrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a patrəga deverbal instrument noun dimin. a patrəfa deverbal local noun. place where joking

takes place; fr: endroit où on plaisante; dt: Platz, wo man spaßt.

patam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → pat-. patɛ past. → pat-. pat(ɩ) perfective. → pat-. patraa future. → pat-. patrəba deverbal agent noun pl. → pat-. patrəga deverbal instrument noun dimin. → pat-. patrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → pat-. patrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → pat-. patr(ɩ) imperfective. → pat-. patrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → pat-. pãd- noun. kind of toad; fr: espèce de crapaud; dt:

Art Kröte. [Note: Koromfe has a 5-way distinction of frogs and toads according to their size. The smallest is a sãndəga, followed by a pãtɛ, a gɔŋdɛ, a bɩtɛ, a purgoŋ.]

a pãtɛ sg. a pãnɛ pl. [Note: The plural form is irregular. One

would expect a pãra or a pãna; no such forms exist.]

pãŋga noun. power; fr: force, pouvoir; dt: Kraft, Macht.

a pãŋga sg. a pãŋsʋʋ pl.

pãrat- verb. take the most direct route; fr: prendre la route la plus directe; dt: den kürzesten Weg nehmen. [Note: This verb can take a direct object indicating the location of the most direct route.]

pãratraa future. pãratɛ past. pãrat(ɩ) perfective. pãratr(ɩ) imperfective. a pãratam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

də parat a tuu də farə mɛ daãnɛ sentence He took the direct route through the bush and got home before me.; fr: Il a pris la route directe à travers la brousse et est arrivé à la maison avant moi.; dt: Er hat die direkte Route durch den Busch genommen und war vor mir zu Hause.

a pãratrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who takes the most direct route; fr: q.un qui prend la route la plus directe; dt: jmd. der den kürzesten Weg nimmt.

a pãratrəba deverbal agent noun pl. a pãratrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. object

for taking the most direct route, shortcut; fr:

objet pour prendre la route la plus directe, raccourci; dt: Gegenstand zum kürzesten Weg nehmen, Abkürzung.

a pãratrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a pãratrəga deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. a pãratrəfa deverbal local noun. place for taking

the most direct route, shortcut; fr: endroit pour prendre la route la plus directe, raccourci; dt: Platz zum kürzesten Weg nehmen, Abkürzung.

pãratam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → pãrat-. pãratɛ past. → pãrat-. pãrat(ɩ) perfective. → pãrat-. pãratraa future. → pãrat-. pãratrəba deverbal agent noun pl. → pãrat-. pãratrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. → pãrat-. pãratrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → pãrat-. pãratrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → pãrat-. pãratr(ɩ) imperfective. → pãrat-. pãratrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → pãrat-. pãtɛ sg. → pãd-. pãʋ deverbal action noun sg. (=/pan-am/) → pa(n). pʌrʌm perfective. → pʌrm-. pʌrm- verb. be wide; fr: être large; dt: breit sein.

pʌrəmʌʌ future. pʌrəme past. pʌrʌm perfective. pʌrəmo imperfective. a pʌrəmeĩ deverbal action noun sg./mass.

pʌrəmʌʌ future. → pʌrm-. pʌrəme past. → pʌrm-. pʌrəmo imperfective. → pʌrm-. pʌrs- verb. widen; fr: élargir; dt: verbreitern.

pʌrsrʌʌ future. pʌrse past. pʌrs(i) perfective. pʌrsr(i) imperfective. a pʌrsʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a pʌrsro deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who

widens; fr: q.un qui élargit; dt: jmd. der verbreitert.

a pʌrsrəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. a pʌrsrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. object

for widening; fr: objet pour élargir; dt: Gegenstand zum verbreitern.

a pʌrsruhẽ deverbal instrument noun pl. a pʌrsrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a pʌrsrəfʌ deverbal local noun. place for

widening; fr: endroit pour élargir; dt: Platz zum Verbreitern.

pʌrsʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → pʌrs-. pʌrse past. → pʌrs-. pʌrs(i) perfective. → pʌrs-. pʌrsrʌʌ future. → pʌrs-. pʌrsrəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. → pʌrs-. pʌrsrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ pʌrs-. pʌrsrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. → pʌrs-.

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pʌrsr(i) pes-

134 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

pʌrsr(i) imperfective. → pʌrs-. pʌrsro deverbal agent noun sg. → pʌrs-. pʌrsruhẽ deverbal instrument noun pl. → pʌrs-. pɛɛt- verb. pull (by the hand); marry (a woman); fr:

tirer à la main ; marier (une femme); dt: (an der Hand) ziehen; (eine Frau) heiraten.

pɛɛtraa future. pɛɛtɛ past. pɛɛt(ɩ) perfective. pɛɛtr(ɩ) imperfective. a pɛɛtam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

pɛɛtɛ past. → pɛɛt-. pɛɛt(ɩ) perfective. → pɛɛt-. pɛɛtraa future. → pɛɛt-. pɛɛtr(ɩ) imperfective. → pɛɛt-. pɛgsʋʋ pl. → pɛka. pɛka noun. slap; fr: gifle; dt: Ohrfeige. [Note: =

Mòoré. This word refers only to a slap on the side of the head.]

a pɛka sg. a pɛgsʋʋ pl. a pɛgsɩ pl.

pɛl- noun. rock; fr: rocher; dt: Fels. [Note: Typically this word is used for the granite outcrops in the otherwise flat bush in the Koromba area, including the rocks at Aribinda.]

a pɛllɛ sg. a pɛla pl.

pɛllɛ sg. → pɛl-. pɛmpɛr- noun. kind of tree; fr: espèce de arbre; dt:

Art Baum. [Note: = Mòoré] a pɛmpɛrga sg. a pɛmpɛrsʋʋ pl.

pɛmpɛrga sg. → pɛmpɛr-. pɛr- noun. cloth (of any kind), cloth (worn by

women), shirt (short or long), sail (of a boat); fr: étoffe (de chaque sorte), pagne (de femme), chemise, boubou, voile (d’un bateau); dt: Tuch (jeder Art), Tuch (der Frauen), Hemd (kurz oder lang), Segel (eines Bootes).

a pɛrgʋ sg. a pɛnɛ pl. also: laundry; fr: aussi: linge (à laver);

dt: auch: Wäsche. pɛrgʋ sg. → pɛr-. pɛta noun. sieve; fr: van; dt: Sieb. [Note: This sieve

is made with the leaves of the tree a kɔŋa.] a pɛta sg. a pɛtafɩ pl.

pɛɛ numeral. seven (7); thirty-five francs CFA; fr: sept (7); trente-cinq francs CFA; dt: sieben (7); fünfunddreißig Francs CFA.

pɛɛ attributive cardinal numeral. ɩpɛɛ disjunctive cardinal numeral.

pɛnɛ pɛɛ NP+cardinal numeral compound noun pl. seven shirts; fr: sept chemises; dt: sieben Hemden [Note: Not *a pɛnɛ pɛɛ] [Note: The disjunctive numeral ɩpɛɛ is used when counting. When pɛɛ is used attributively the prefix ɩ must be dropped and there can be no article a before the qualified noun or noun phrase.]

a pɛɛndɔ ordinal numeral human sg. seventh; fr: septième; dt: siebter.

a pɛɛndəbʌ ordinal numeral human pl. a pɛɛndəgu ordinal numeral non-human sg. & pl.

a kɛɔ pɛɛndɔ NP+N compound noun sg. the seventh woman; fr: la septième femme; dt: die siebte Frau

a kɛna pɛɛndəba NP+N compound noun pl. the seventh group of women; fr: le septième groupe de femmes; dt: die siebte Gruppe Frauen

a vaga pɛɛndəgʋ NP+N compound noun sg. the seventh dog; fr: le septième chien; dt: der siebte Hund [Note: This form is clearly a non-human singular; but it is also used for the plural instead of an expected formation with -hɛ.]

pɛɛndəbʌ ordinal numeral human pl. → pɛɛ. pɛɛndɔ ordinal numeral human sg. → pɛɛ. pɛn perfective. → pɛn-. pɛn- common noun. nerve (anat.); fr: nerf (anat.);

dt: Nerv (anat.). pɛndɛ sg. pɛna pl. nerve; fr: nerf; dt: Nerv.

pɛn- noun. kidney; fr: rein; dt: Niere. a pɛndɛ sg. a pɛna pl.

pɛn- verb. plait (hair); fr: tresser (les cheveux); dt: (die Haare) flechten.

pɛtaa future. pɛnnaa future. pɛnɛ past. pɛn perfective. pɛt(ɩ) imperfective. pɛnn(ɩ) imperfective. a pɛnam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

pɛndɛ sg. → pɛn-. pɛndɛ sg. → pɛn-. pɛnɛ past. → pɛn-. pɛnnaa future. → pɛn-. pɛnn(ɩ) imperfective. → pɛn-. pɛtaa future. → pɛn-. pɛt(ɩ) imperfective. → pɛn-. peŋg- noun. grain of fonio, (pl.) fonio (Digitaria

exilis); fr: graine de fonio; (pl.) fonio (Digitaria exilis); dt: Foniokorn; (Pl.) Fonio (Digitaria exilis). [Note: White fonio (Digitaria exilis) is common among the Koromba, but black fonio (Digitaria iburua) is not.]

a peŋgfe singulative. a peŋgi pl./collective.

a peng pɔnɩã N+N compound noun pl./collective white fonio (Digitaria exilis); fr: fonio blanc (Digitaria exilis); dt: weiße Fonio (Digitaria exilis)

peŋgfe singulative. → peŋg-. per- noun. donkey; fr: âne; dt: Esel.

pergʌ diminutive sg. perii pl.

pergʌ diminutive sg. → per-. pes- noun. sheep; fr: mouton; dt: Schaf.

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pes- pɩla-

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a pesu sg. a pesii pl. a pesəgʌ diminutive sg. lamb; fr: agneau; dt:

Lamm. [Note: There is no plural form of the diminutive (e.g. * a pesni); the non-diminutive plural is used.]

pes- verb. weigh; fr: peser; dt: wiegen. [Note: Probably ultimately < Fr. peser]

pesrʌʌ future. pese past. pes(i) perfective. pesr(i) imperfective. a pesʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a pesro deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who weighs

(e.g. a nurse); fr: q.un qui pèse (p. ex. une infirmière); dt: jmd. der wiegt (z.B. eine Krankenschwester).

a pesrəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. a pesrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. object

for weighing, scales; fr: objet qui pèse, balance; dt: Gegenstand, der wiegt, Waage.

a pesrəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. a pesrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a pesrəsi deverbal instrument noun diminutive

pl. a pesrəfʌ deverbal local noun. place where

weighing takes place (e.g. clinic); fr: endroit où on pèse (p. ex. dispensaire); dt: Platz, wo man wiegt (z.B. Ambulanz).

pesʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → pes-. pese past. → pes-. pes(i) perfective. → pes-. pesii pl. → pes-. pesrʌʌ future. → pes-. pesrəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. → pes-. pesrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ pes-. pesrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. → pes-. pesrəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. → pes-. pesr(i) imperfective. → pes-. pesro deverbal agent noun sg. → pes-. pesrəsi deverbal instrument noun diminutive pl. →

pes-. pesu sg. → pes-. pɩl perfective. → pɩl-. pɩl- verb. pound flat (e.g. the floor of a house),

trample; fr: damer (p. ex. le plancher d’une maison), piétiner; dt: festdrücken (z.B. den Boden eines Hauses), trampeln. [Note: Pounding a floor flat involves hitting the ground with a special piece of wood, a pɩlləgʋ.]

pɩllaa future. pɩlɛ past. pɩl perfective. pɩll(ɩ) imperfective. a pɩlam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a pɩllɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who pounds;

fr: q.un qui dame; dt: jmd. der festdrückt. a pɩlləba deverbal agent noun pl.

a pɩlləgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. traditional (wooden) tool for pounding earth; fr: outil traditionnel (en bois) pour damer le sol; dt: traditionelles Werkzeug (aus Holz), um Erde festdrücken.

a pɩlləhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a pɩlləga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a pɩlləfa deverbal local noun. place where earth

is being pounded; fr: endroit où le sol est en train d’être damé; dt: Platz, wo die Erde gerade festgedrückt wird.

a pɩləmaʋ deverbal nomen acti pl. pounded place(s); fr: endroit(s) damé(s); dt: festgedrückte(r) Platz/Plätze. a dãŋ pɩlləfa NP+N compound noun sg. house

whose floor is being pounded; fr: maison dont le plancher est en train d’être damé; dt: Haus, dessen Boden gerade festgedrückt wird

pɩla- noun. moon, month; fr: lune, mois; dt: Mond, Monat.

a pɩlaŋ sg. a pɩlaŋa sg. a pɩlaʋ pl.

a gʌmbu pɩlaŋ NP+N compound noun sg. (name of a lunar month beginning in January), the moon of the compound; fr: (nom d’un mois lunaire qui commence en janvier), la lune de la concession; dt: (Name eines Lunarmonats, der im Januar beginnt), der Mond des Hofes

a pɩlaŋ gʌmbu NP+N compound noun sg. (name of a lunar month beginning in February), the moon in its compound; fr: (nom d’un mois lunaire qui commence en février), la lune dans sa concession; dt: (Name eines Lunarmonats, der im Februar beginnt), der Mond in seinem Hof [Note: In February the moon can seldom be seen clearly because of the dust raised by the Harmattan.]

a wɔmsə pɩlaŋ V+N compound noun sg. (name of a lunar month beginning in March); fr: (nom d’un mois lunaire qui commence en mars); dt: (Name eines Lunarmonats, der im März beginnt) [Note: wɔms is probably related to a wɔmam ‘chew (meat)’]

a bʋgr pɩlaŋ V+N compound noun sg. (name of a lunar month beginning in April), month of women’s clairvoyance; fr: (nom d’un mois lunaire qui commence en avril), mois de la clairvoyance des femmes; dt: (Name eines Lunarmonats, der im April beginnt), Monat des Wahrsagens der Frauen [Note: Cf. a bʋgam ‘soothsay’]

a gurs pɩlaŋ V+N compound noun sg. (name of a lunar month beginning in May), month for removing grains from cotton and spinning (women’s work); fr: (nom d’un mois lunaire qui commence en mai), mois pour enlever les graines du coton et filer (travail des

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pɩlam pɩll(ɩ)

136 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

femmes); dt: (Name eines Lunarmonats, der im Mai beginnt), Monat, in dem die Frauen die Kerne von der Baumwolle entfernen und spinnen.

a digr pɩlaŋ V+N compound noun sg. (name of a lunar month beginning in June), month of sowing; fr: (nom d’un mois lunaire qui commence en juin), mois de semence; dt: (Name eines Lunarmonats, der im Juni beginnt), Monat des Säens [Note: Sowing is possible either before or after the weeding of the old grass.]

a wɔɩ kɔɔnɛ pɩlaŋ NP+N compound noun sg. (name of a lunar month beginning in July), month of weeding (the old grass) and sowing; fr: (nom d’un mois lunaire qui commence en juillet), mois de sarclage (de l’herbe ancienne) et de semence; dt: (Name eines Lunarmonats, der im Juli beginnt), Monat des Jätens (des alten Grases) und des Säens [Note: Sowing is possible either before or after the weeding of the old grass.]

a bãka pɩlaŋ NP+N compound noun sg. (name of a lunar month beginning in August), month of weeding (= 2nd stage of cultivation); fr: (nom d’un mois lunaire qui commence en août), mois de sarclage (= 2me étape de la culture); dt: (Name eines Lunarmonats, der im August beginnt), Monat des Jätens (= 2. Etappe des Feldbaus) [Note: See also under a bãka]

a pɩlaŋ ka nna NP sg. (name of a lunar month beginning in September); fr: (nom d’un mois lunaire qui commence en septembre); dt: (Name eines Lunarmonats, der im September beginnt)

a kʋndəba (pɩlaŋ) NP+N compound noun sg. (name of a lunar month beginning in October); fr: (nom d’un mois lunaire qui commence en octobre); dt: (Name eines Lunarmonats, der im Oktober beginnt)

a pɩlaŋ daŋ too NP sg. (name of a lunar month beginning in November), the empty month (i.e. before the first crops ripen); fr: (nom d’un mois lunaire qui commence en novembre), le mois vide (c.à.d. avant que les premières récoltes mûrissent); dt: (Name eines Lunarmonats, der im November beginnt), der leere Monat (d.h. bevor die ersten Feldfrüchte reifen)

a pɩlaŋ dɔnda NP sg. (name of a lunar month beginning in December), the good month (i.e. when the first crops ripen), time of the traditional festivity of the Korombʌ; fr: (nom d’un mois lunaire qui commence en décembre), le bon mois (c.à.d. lorsque les premières récoltes mûrissent), temps de la fête traditionnelle des korombʌ; dt: (Name eines Lunarmonats, der im Dezember beginnt), der gute Monat (d.h. als die ersten

Feldfrüchte reifen), Zeit des traditionellen Festes der Korombʌ [Note: This month is longer than the rest, which probably compensates for the lack of a 13th lunar month. The beginning of this month is set each year by a sɛndɛ sa.]

a karə pɩlaŋ N+N compound noun sg. (alternative name for a pɩlaŋ dɔnda), month of the dry season; fr: (nom alternatif pour a pɩlaŋ dɔnda), mois de la saison sèche; dt: (alternativer Name für a pɩlaŋ dɔnda), Monat der Trockenzeit

a pɩlaŋ baŋdɛ NP+N compound noun sg. full moon; fr: lune pleine; dt: Vollmond

a pɩlaŋ yiku NP+N compound noun sg. darkness of a moonless night (due either to the moon phase or clouds / dust); fr: noir d’une nuit sans lune (soit à cause de la phase de la lune, soit à cause des nuages ou de la poussière); dt: Finsternis einer mondlosen Nacht (entweder wegen der Mondphase oder wegen Wolken / Staub)

a pɩlaŋ leŋgem NP+N compound noun sg. spots on the moon; fr: taches de la lune; dt: Flecken am Mond

a pɩlaŋ sɛkrɛ NP+N compound noun sg. half moon; fr: demi-lune; dt: Halbmond

a pɩlaŋ selle NP+N compound noun sg. moonlight, moonshine; fr: claire de lune; dt: Mondlicht, Mondschein

a pɩlaŋ koŋ zu sentence The moon has set. (lit.: gone in); fr: La lune a tombé. (lit.: est rentrée); dt: Der Mond ist untergegangen. (wörtl.: hineingegangen)

a pilaŋ yiku ʋ wunsroo (a) bikeni a barəma sentence (saying) At new moon we will brings the girls to their husbands.; fr: Au temps de la nouvelle lune nous amènerons le jeunes filles à leurs maris.; dt: Bei Neumond werden wir die Mädchen zu ihren Ehemännern bringen.

pɩlam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → pɩl-. pɩlaŋ sg. → pɩla-. pɩlaŋa sg. → pɩla-. pɩlɛ past. → pɩl-. pɩlɩ noun. kind of gravel (e.g. for the floor of a

house); fr: espèce de gravillon (p. ex. pour faire le plancher d’une maison); dt: Art Kieselstein (z.B. für den Boden eines Hauses). [Note: Related to a pɩlam ‘pound flat’. Could have originated in an earlier perfective form with a phrase-final ɩ.]

a pɩlɩ sg. pɩllaa future. → pɩl-. pɩlləba deverbal agent noun pl. → pɩl-. pɩlləfa deverbal local noun. → pɩl-. pɩlləga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg. →

pɩl-. pɩlləgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → pɩl-. pɩlləhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → pɩl-. pɩll(ɩ) imperfective. → pɩl-.

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pɩllɔ pis-

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 137

pɩllɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → pɩl-. pɩs- noun. caïlcédrat (kind of tree), Khaya

senegalensis; fr: caïlcédrat (espèce d’arbre), Khaya senegalensis; dt: Caïlcédrat (Art Baum), Khaya senegalensis.

a pɩsɩŋ sg. a pɩsɩa pl. a pɩsɩɩ pl. a pɩsəŋa diminutive pl. small / young caïlcédrat;

fr: petit / jeune caïlcédrat; dt: kleiner / junger Caïlcédrat.

pɩs- verb. rinse the mouth and squirt out water; bury the battle axe; fr: rincer la bouche et rejeter l’eau; enterrer la hache de guerre; dt: den Mund ausspülen und das Wasser herausspritzen lassen; das Kriegsbeil begraben. [Note: The sense ‘bury the battle axe’ comes from rinsing one’s mouth to get rid of the bad things that were said during a quarrel.]

pɩsraa future. pɩsɛ past. pɩs(ɩ) perfective. pɩsr(ɩ) imperfective. a pɩsam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

pɩsɛ past. → pɩs-. pɩs(ɩ) perfective. → pɩs-. pɩsɩa pl. → pɩs-. pɩsɩɩ pl. → pɩs-. pɩsɩŋ sg. → pɩs-. pɩsraa future. → pɩs-. pɩsr(ɩ) imperfective. → pɩs-. pɩtəmpad- noun. kind of bush, the roots of which

can be used as a medicine; fr: espèce d’arbuste dont les racines peuvent être utilisées comme médicament; dt: Art Strauch, deren Wurzeln als Medikament verwendet werden können. [Note: Rare word. The medicine has a general effect and is not directed towards any specific ailment.]

a pɩtəmpatɛ sg. a pɩtəmpadaʋ pl.

pɩtəmpatɛ sg. → pɩtəmpad-. pil perfective. → pil-. pil- verb. roll up (e.g. cloth, mat); fr: rouler (p. ex.

étoffe, natte); dt: aufrollen (z.B. Stoff, Matte). [Note: =Mòoré]

pillʌʌ future. pile past. pil perfective. pill(i) imperfective. a pilʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

pile past. → pil-. pilet- verb. unroll; fr: dérouler; dt: ausrollen,

ausbreiten. [Note: This is the reversive of a pilʌm ‘roll up’.]

piletrʌʌ future. pilete past. pilet(i) perfective. piletr(i) imperfective. a piletʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

pilete past. → pilet-. pilet(i) perfective. → pilet-. piletrʌʌ future. → pilet-. piletr(i) imperfective. → pilet-. pilg- verb. unroll; fr: dérouler; dt: ausrollen,

ausbreiten. [Note: Synonymous with a piletʌm. Typically used for unrolling straw mats to put on a roof.]

pilgrʌʌ future. pilge past. pilg(i) perfective. pilgr(i) imperfective. a pilgʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

pilge past. → pilg-. pilg(i) perfective. → pilg-. pilgrʌʌ future. → pilg-. pilgr(i) imperfective. → pilg-. pill- verb. grip tightly with the legs (e.g. when riding

a horse); fr: serrer les jambes (p. ex. quand on est monté à cheval); dt: mit den Beinen fest zusammendrücken (z.B. beim Pferdereiten).

a pillʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. pillrʌʌ future. pille past. pill(i) perfective. pillr(i) imperfective.

pillʌʌ future. → pil-. pillʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → pill-. pille past. → pill-. pill(i) imperfective. → pil-. pill(i) perfective. → pill-. pillrʌʌ future. → pill-. pis- verb. burst, explode; fr: crever, éclater,

exploser; dt: bersten, explodieren, platzen. pisrʌʌ future. pise past. pis(i) perfective. pisr(i) imperfective. a pisʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a pisro deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who bursts;

s.o. who makes sth. burst (e.g. a piece of news); fr: q.un qui crève; q.un qui fait éclater q.chose (p. ex. une nouvelle); dt: jmd. der platzt; jmd. der etwas platzen lässt (z.B. eine Nachricht).

a pisrəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. a pisrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. thing

that can burst (e.g. balloon, pot, chewing gum); fr: objet qui peut éclater (p. ex. ballon, canari, chewing-gum); dt: etwas, was platzen kann (z.B. Luftballon, Tontopf, Kaugummi).

a pisrəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. a pisrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. small thing that can burst (e.g. balloon, pot, chewing gum); fr: petit objet qui peut éclater (p. ex. ballon, canari, chewing-gum); dt: etwas Kleines, was platzen kann (z.B. Luftballon, Tontopf, Kaugummi).

a pisrəfʌ deverbal local noun. place for bursting; fr: endroit pour éclater; dt: Platz zum platzen.

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pisʌm pɔn-

138 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

a pisəmʌũ deverbal nomen acti pl. what is left after something has burst; fr: ce qui reste lorsque q.chose a éclaté; dt: das, was überbleibt, wen etwas geplatzt ist. a pɩlaŋ pise sentence The moon has risen.; fr:

La lune s’est levé.; dt: Der Mond ist aufgegangen.

pisʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → pis-. pise past. → pis-. pisel- noun. pile of dirt; fr: tas d’ordures; dt:

Schmutzhaufen. a pisele sg. [Note: Not (as previously noted) *a

piselle with a geminate /ll/.] a piselʌu pl.

pisele sg. → pisel-. pis(i) perfective. → pis-. pisrʌʌ future. → pis-. pisrəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. → pis-. pisrəfʌ deverbal local noun. → pis-. pisrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg. →

pis-. pisrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. → pis-. pisrəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. → pis-. pisr(i) imperfective. → pis-. pisro deverbal agent noun sg. → pis-. pɔg- noun. parasitic worm; horizontal pole of a roof

(about 1 metre long); fr: ver parasite; bois horizontal d’un toit (env. 1 mètre de longueur); dt: parasitärer Wurm; waagrechte Dachstange (ca. 1 Meter lang). [Note: Cf. a dolo ‘vertical beam’.]

a pɔgʋ sg. a pɔgəfɩ pl. a pɔgɩ pl.

pɔgəfɩ pl. → pɔg-. pɔgl- verb. injure, wound; have a wound; fr:

blesser; avoir une plaie; dt: verletzen, verwunden; eine Verletzung haben.

pɔgɔlaa future. pɔgəlɛ past. pɔgɔ perfective. pɔgɔl(ʋ) imperfective. a pɔgəlam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

mə pɔgɔ dɩ sentence I wounded him.; fr: Je l’ai blessé.; dt: Ich habe ihn verletzt.

mə pɔgɔ sentence I am wounded.; fr: Je suis blessé.; dt: Ich bin verletzt.

pɔgəlɛ past. → pɔgl-. pɔgɔ perfective. → pɔgl-. pɔgɔlaa future. → pɔgl-. pɔgɔl(ʋ) imperfective. → pɔgl-. pɔgʋ sg. → pɔg-. pɔm- noun. mat; fr: natte; dt: Matte.

a pɔŋgʋ sg. a pɔmɩ pl.

pɔŋgʋ sg. → pɔm-. pɔt- verb. be much, be many, be a lot; fr: être

beaucoup; dt: viel sein, viele sein. pɔtaa future. pɔtɛ past. pɔt(ʋ) imperfective.

a pɔtəmɛɩ deverbal action noun sg./mass. also: abundance; fr: aussi: abondance; dt: auch: Fülle.

pɔtaa future. → pɔt-. pɔtɛ past. → pɔt-. pɔtrəpɔɔga noun. kind of bush; fr: espèce

d’arbuste; dt: Art Strauch. a pɔtrəpɔɔga sg. a pɔtrəpɔɔsʋʋ pl.

pɔt(ʋ) imperfective. → pɔt-. pɔm perfective. → pɔm-. pɔm- verb. hit, knock, bang; fr: frapper, assommer,

battre; dt: schlagen, klopfen, pochen. [Note: Also used for killing animals if they are killed by knocking them on the head.]

pɔmmaa future. pɔmɛ past. pɔm perfective. pɔmm(ɔ) imperfective. a pɔmam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

pɔmdɛ noun. nose; life, (pl.) snot; fr: nez, vie, (pl.) morve; dt: Nase, Leben, (pl.) Rotz.

a pɔmdɛ sg. a pɔma pl.

a pɔma hem NP+N compound noun sg./mass snot; fr: morve; dt: Rotz

a pɔm dɔɔrɛ N+N compound noun sg. a long life; fr: une longue vie; dt: ein langes Leben [Note: This compound noun is used elliptically as a wish (e.g. for birthdays). It cannot be taken to mean ‘a long nose’.]

a pɔmdɛ dɔɔrɛ NP+N compound noun sg. a long nose; fr: un nez long; dt: eine lange Nase [Note: This compound cannot be taken to mean ‘a long life’.]

a pɔma dɔɔya NP+N compound noun pl. pɔmɛ past. → pɔm-. pɔmmaa future. → pɔm-. pɔmm(ɔ) imperfective. → pɔm-. pɔmptɛɛr- noun. potato; fr: pomme de terre; dt:

Kartoffel. [Note: < Fr. pomme de terre] a pɔmpətɛɛrəfɛ sg. a pɔmpətɛɛrɩ pl./collective.

pɔmpətɛɛrəfɛ sg. → pɔmptɛɛr-. pɔn perfective. → pɔn-. pɔn- noun. white, light coloured; fr: blanc, d’une

couleur claire; dt: weiß, hell. [Note: This word is also used with other colour terms to indicate a lighter shade of that colour. Cf. also a bĩnĩŋ ‘black’, which indicates a darker shade.]

a pɔnɔŋ sg. a pɔnɩã pl. a pɔnəŋa common noun diminutive.

a ỹɔnəfɛ pɔnəŋa NP+N compound noun sg. starlight; fr: lumière des étoiles; dt: Sternenlicht

a pɔnəmɛɩ abstract quality noun sg. whiteness; fr: blancheur; dt: Weißheit.

a fɔrə pɔnəmɛɩ N+N compound noun sg. generosity (lit.: whiteness of the belly); fr:

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pɔn- pʋgt(ʋ)

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 139

générosité (lit.: blancheur de l’estomac); dt: Großzügigkeit (wörtl.: Weißheit des Bauches). a fɔrə pɔnəmɛɩ sa NP+N compound noun sg.

generous person (lit.: owner of whiteness of the belly); fr: personne généreuse (lit.: possesseur de blancheur de l’estomac); dt: großzügiger Mensch (wörtl.: Besitzer der Weißheit des Bauches)

a fɔrə pɔnəmɛɩ sammã NP+N compound noun pl.

pɔn- verb. shave; fr: raser; dt: rasieren. [Note: This verb is used for shaving an area completely (e.g. the whole head). For shaving around the edges of a piece of hair, a kobtʌm is used.]

pɔtaa future. pɔnnaa future. pɔnɛ past. pɔn perfective. pɔtʋ imperfective. pɔnn(ɔ) imperfective. a pɔnam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

pɔnɛ past. → pɔn-. pɔnɩã pl. → pɔn-. pɔnəmɛɩ abstract quality noun sg. → pɔn-. pɔnnaa future. → pɔn-. pɔnn(ɔ) imperfective. → pɔn-. pɔnəŋa common noun diminutive. → pɔn-. pɔnɔŋ sg. → pɔn-. pɔntɩ noun. nail; fr: clou; dt: Nagel. [Note: < Fr.

pointe] pɔntɩ sg. pɔntəfɩ pl.

pɔtaa future. → pɔn-. pɔtʋ imperfective. → pɔn-. po- noun. claw, fingernail; bark, shell; fr: griffe,

ongle; écorce, coque; dt: Klaue, Fingernagel; Rinde, Schale. [Note: To avoid possible ambiguity, a wɔnə pogu is used for ‘fingernail’.]

a pogu sg. a poi pl. a wɔnə pogu N+N compound noun sg.

fingernail; fr: ongle; dt: Fingernagel. a wɔnə poi N+N compound noun pl.

a poi saa NP+N compound noun sg. peanut; fr: arachide; dt: Erdnuss [Note: The Mòoré loan a sɔŋkaamdɛ is more common in everyday speech.]

a poi sammã NP+N compound noun pl. pod- numeral. first; fr: premier; dt: erst (-er,-e,-es).

a pote ordinal numeral sg. [Note: This word is the only ordinal numeral in Koromfe which is not derived from a cardinal numeral. It is a noun in its own right and (unlike all other ordinal numerals) does not agree with its head noun with respect to humanness. It always takes the article a. Cf. the cardinal numerals ndom, dʋfɛ and dɔm ‘one’.]

a porʌ ordinal numeral pl. a poro ordinal numeral pl.

pogl- noun. bark, shell; fr: écorce, coque; dt: Rinde, Schale. [Note: In contrast with a pogu, this word does not signify a claw or fingernail.]

a pogəlle sg. a pogəlʌ pl. a pogəlo pl.

pogəlʌ pl. → pogl-. pogəlle sg. → pogl-. pogu sg. → po-. poi pl. → po-. pol- noun. kind of bush; Fulani (secret word); fr:

espèce d’arbuste; Peul (nom caché); dt: Art Strauch; Ful (Geheimwort). [Note: The wood of this bush is used to strengthen the base of a traditional straw basket.]

a poləgʌ diminutive sg. a polii pl.

poləgʌ diminutive sg. → pol-. porʌ ordinal numeral pl. → pod-. pos- verb. pray, greet, praise, thank, congratulate,

treat politely; fr: prier, saluer, louer, remercier, féliciter, traiter avec politesse; dt: beten, grüßen, loben, danken, gratulieren, höflich behandeln.

posrʌʌ future. pose past. pos(u) perfective. posr(u) imperfective. a posʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

pose past. → pos-. posrʌʌ future. → pos-. posr(u) imperfective. → pos-. posru sal- noun. large earthenware bowl used at

Moslem prayer; fr: bol grosse en terre cuite utilisé à la prière musulmane; dt: große Tonschüssel, die beim moslemischen Gebet verwendet wird.

a posru sallɛ sg. a posru sala pl.

posru sallɛ sg. → posru sal-. pos(u) perfective. → pos-. pote ordinal numeral sg. → pod-. pʋ- noun. viper; fr: naja, vipère; dt: Viper.

a pʋfɛ sg. a pʋɩ pl.

pʋfɛ sg. → pʋ-. pʋgt- verb. remove (bark/shell/skin), shell, peel; fr:

enlever l’écorce, écorcher, décortiquer; dt: (Rinde/Schale) entfernen, schälen. [Note: This verb has as typical objects: peanuts, green peas, bananas, oranges.]

pʋgtraa future. pʋgtɛ past. pʋgt(ʋ) perfective. pʋgtr(ʋ) imperfective. a pʋgtam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

pʋgtɛ past. → pʋgt-. pʋgtraa future. → pʋgt-. pʋgtr(ʋ) imperfective. → pʋgt-. pʋgt(ʋ) perfective. → pʋgt-.

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pʋl- pugotro

140 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

pʋl- noun. stick; fr: bâton; dt: Stock. [Note: This stick is used by herdsmen (usually children) both for protection against wild animals and to round up their herd.]

a pʋllɛ sg. a pʋla pl.

pʋllɛ sg. → pʋl-. pʋpaa- noun. kind of grass; fr: espèce d’herbe; dt:

Art Gras. [Note: The singular designates a single blade / stalk of this grass, the plural is generic.]

a pʋpaarɛ sg. a pʋpaaya pl.

pʋpaarɛ sg. → pʋpaa-. pʋs- verb. make white, whiten, bleach; fr: faire

blanc, blanchir; dt: weiß machen, bleichen. [Note: This verb is distantly related to a pɔnɔŋ ‘white’. It can also be used in the sense of painting something white (e.g. cloth, walls).]

pʋsraa future. pʋsɛ past. pʋs(ʋ) perfective. pʋsr(ʋ) imperfective. a pʋsam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

pʋsɛ past. → pʋs-. pʋsraa future. → pʋs-. pʋsr(ʋ) imperfective. → pʋs-. pʋs(ʋ) perfective. → pʋs-. pʋt- noun. (softer) inner part of a millet stalk whose

outer skin has been removed; fr: partie intérieure (molle) d’une tige mil dont la peau extérieure a été enlevée; dt: weicher Innenteil eines Hirsestängels, dessen Außenhaut entfernt worden ist. [Note: These are used by children to make model bicycles.]

a pʋtʋ sg. a pʋtəfɩ pl.

a kãŋka pʋtʋ NP+N compound noun sg. [Note: Alternative term for a pʋtʋ. kãŋka < Mòoré kãŋkarɛ ‘stalk’.]

a kãŋka pʋtəfɩ NP+N compound noun pl. pʋtʋ sg. → pʋt-. pud- (=/pud/) noun. compost; fr: composte; dt:

Kompost. pute (=/pud-dɛ/) sg.

pug- noun. kind of ash (used to conserve shelled green peas and grains of sorrel); fr: espèce de cendre (utilisé pour conserver les petits pois décortiqués et les graines l’oseille); dt: Art Asche (mit der man geschälte grüne Erbsen und Sauerampfer-Körner konservieren kann). a tɔm pugre NP+N compound noun sg. a tɔm pugʌ NP+N compound noun pl. [Note:

Used only in the compound a tɔm pugre] pugl- noun. bonnet; fr: bonnet; dt: Haube.

a puglʌ sg. a puglo sg. a puglio sg. a puglʌu pl. a pugloi pl. a puglofi pl.

a yɔ puglo NP+N compound noun sg. chief’s bonnet; fr: bonnet de chef; dt: Haube eines Chefs [Note: In order to be inaugurated as chief, on needs a bonnet. Traditionally chiefs’ bonnets were provided by villages under the chief’s sway.]

pugl- verb. sacrifice; fr: faire une offrande, sacrifier; dt: opfern. [Note: Sacrifices are normally made at the traditional altar. This verb normally takes a sɛndɛ as its direct object and the thing sacrificed in a prepositional phrase introduced by la]

pugolʌʌ future. pugəle past. pugo perfective. pugol(u) imperfective. a pugəlʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

də pugo (a) sɛndɛ la (a) wɔñɔŋ sentence He sacrificed a chicken.; fr: Il a sacrifié un poulet.; dt: Er hat ein Huhn geopfert.

puglʌ sg. → pugl-. puglʌu pl. → pugl-. pugəle past. → pugl-. puglio sg. → pugl-. puglo sg. → pugl-. pugloi pl. → pugl-. pugo perfective. → pugl-. pugolʌʌ future. → pugl-. pugol(u) imperfective. → pugl-. pugot- verb. appear; fr: apparaître; dt: erscheinen.

pugotrʌʌ future. pugote past. pugot(u) perfective. pugotr(u) imperfective. a pugotʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a pugotro deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who

appears; fr: q.un qui apparaît; dt: jmd. der erscheint.

a pugotrəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. a pugotrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. thing

that appears; fr: chose qui apparaît; dt: Ding, das erscheint.

a pugotrəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. a pugotrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun dimin. a pugotrəfʌ deverbal local noun. place where X

appears; fr: endroit où X apparaît; dt: Platz, wo X erscheint. a vɛŋa kebre pugotru sentence A storm has

broken.; fr: Une tempête a éclatée.; dt: Ein Sturm ist ausgebrochen.

pugotʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → pugot-.

pugote past. → pugot-. pugotrʌʌ future. → pugot-. pugotrəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. → pugot-. pugotrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun dimin. →

pugot-. pugotrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. →

pugot-. pugotrəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. → pugot-. pugotro deverbal agent noun sg. → pugot-.

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pugotr(u) sab-

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 141

pugotr(u) imperfective. → pugot-. pugot(u) perfective. → pugot-. purgo- noun. kind of frog; fr: espèce de grenouille;

dt: Art Frosch. [Note: Koromfe has a 5-way distinction of frogs and toads according to their size. The smallest is a sãndəga, followed by a pãtɛ, a gɔŋdɛ, a bɩtɛ, a purgoŋ.]

a purgoŋ sg. a purgoi pl.

purgoŋ sg. → purgo-.

purot- verb. rip apart, open; fr: déchirer, ouvrir; dt: zerreißen, öffnen. [Note: The object of this verb is usually some kind of animal.]

purotrʌʌ future. purote past. purot(u) perfective. purotr(u) imperfective. a purotʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

purote past. → purot-. purotrʌʌ future. → purot-. purotr(u) imperfective. → purot-. purot(u) perfective. → purot-.

R - r ragyo noun. radio; fr: radio; dt: Radio.

a ragyo sg. a ragyoma pl. a ragyofi pl.

ragyoma pl. → ragyo. rɩyɔ noun. spoke (of a bicycle); fr: rayon (de vélo);

dt: Speiche (eines Fahrrads). [Note: < Fr. rayon. The word a kɔsʋ ‘(piece of) iron’ can also be used to refer to the spoke of a bicycle.]

a rɩyɔ sg. a rɩyɔfɩ pl.

rʋba noun. ink; mascara; fr: encre; mascara; dt: Tinte; Wimperntusche. [Note: Ink is used only by Moslems and not a part of traditional Koromba culture.]

a rʋba sg.

S - s sa adverb. now; fr: maintenant; dt: jetzt.

sa temporal adverb. sãŋkoŋ temporal adverb. right now; fr:

immédiatement; dt: sofort. [Note: = sa + koŋ] sa noun. father, father’s brother, ancestor; fr:

père, frère du père, ancêtre; dt: Vater, Bruder des Vaters, Ahne. [Note: This word can be used by extension to most male relatives on the father’s side of the family that are older than ego, though not to relatives on the mother’s side of the family.]

a sa sg. a sammã pl.

a sa bi NP+N compound noun sg. sibling, close relative; rival (within the clan); fr: frère ou sœur, consanguin; adversaire (dans la grande famille); dt: Geschwister, naher Verwandter; Gegner (innerhalb der Großfamilie)

a sa bu NP+N compound noun pl. a sa bire abstract quality noun sg.

consanguinity; rivalry (within the clan); fr: consanguinité; rivalité (dans la grande famille); dt: Verwandtschaft; Rivalität (innerhalb der Großfamilie) [Note: This

word is a nominalization (with the suffix - re) of the NP+N compound sa+bi ‘father’s child’.]

saa noun. master, owner, proprietor; fr: maître, possesseur, propriétaire; dt: Meister, Besitzer, Eigentümer. [Note: As the last element of compound nouns, the singular of this word can be shortened phonetically to sa.]

a saa sg. a sammã pl.

saandrɛ noun. consanguinity; fr: consanguinité; dt: Verwandtschaft. [Note: < a sa ‘father’, but not by regular derivation. This word refers to consanguinity on the father’s side of the family, not the mothers.]

a saandrɛ sg. a saandrɛ la wɛ ʋ para sentence We are

related. (Lit.: There is consanguinity between us.); fr: Nous sommes apparentés. (Lit.: Il y a la consanguinité entre nous.); dt: Wir sind verwandt. (Wörtl.: Es besteht Verwandtschaft zwischen uns.)

sab- noun. pickaxe; fr: pioche; dt: Hacke. [Note: Minimal pair with a sãbəga ‘kind of illness’.]

a sabəga sg.

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saba sam-

142 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

a sabənɛ pl. saba perfective. → sabl-. sabalaa future. → sabl-. sabal(ʋ) imperfective. → sabl-. sabfaa future. → sabl-. sabf(ʋ) imperfective. → sabl-. sabəga sg. → sab-. sabl- verb. be calm person; fr: être calme; dt: ruhig

sein. [Note: This verb indicates calmness of character rather than physical inactivity.]

sabalaa future. sabfaa future. sabəlɛ past. saba perfective. sabal(ʋ) imperfective. sabf(ʋ) imperfective. sabaɩ deverbal action noun sg./mass.

sabəlɛ past. → sabl-. sabt- verb. be bitter; mock; fr: être amer; se

moquer de; dt: bitter sein; verhöhnen. [Note: The sense ‘mock’ is a direct abstraction from the concrete meaning ‘be bitter’. One is bitter towards person X if one speaks badly of him to others.]

sabtraa future. sabtɛ past. sabt(ʋ) perfective. sabtr(ʋ) imperfective. a sabtam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

sabtɛ past. → sabt-. sabtraa future. → sabt-. sabtr(ʋ) imperfective. → sabt-. sabt(ʋ) perfective. → sabt-. sadəga noun. young female (animal) that has not

yet given birth; fr: femelle jeune (d’un animal) qui n’a pas encore enfanté; dt: junges Weibchen (einer Tierart), das noch nicht geworfen hat. [Note: = Mòoré. Cf. Koromfe a jããŋa.]

a sadəga sg. a sadəsʋʋ pl. a sadəsɩ pl.

sadəsʋʋ pl. → sadəga. safan- noun. piece of soap, (pl.) soap; fr: morceau

de savon, (pl.) savon; dt: Stück Seife, (Pl.) Seife. [Note: = Mòoré. Probably originally < Fr. savon]

a safandɩ sg. a safana pl.

safandɩ sg. → safan-. sag- noun. compound; fr: concession; dt: Hof (als

Ganzes). See: a gatɛ, which designates the inner part of a compound.

a saka sg. a sagənɛ pl.

saga perfective. → sagl-. sagalaa future. → sagl-. sagal(ɩ) imperfective. → sagl-. sagfaa future. → sagt-. sagf(ʋ) imperfective. → sagt-.

sagl- verb. stack neatly (e.g. crockery), pack one’s luggage; fr: entasser (p. ex. la vaisselle), faire ses valises; dt: ordentlich stapeln (z.B. Geschirr), die Koffer packen.

sagalaa future. sagəlɛ past. saga perfective. sagal(ɩ) imperfective. a sagəlam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

sagəlɛ past. → sagl-. sagt- verb. crouch; fr: s’accroupir, être accroupi;

dt: sich niederhocken, hocken. [Note: This verb can be motional or stative.]

sagtraa future. sagfaa future. sagtɛ past. sagt(ɩ) perfective. sagtr(ɩ) imperfective. sagf(ʋ) imperfective. a sagtam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

sagtɛ past. → sagt-. sagt(ɩ) perfective. → sagt-. sagtraa future. → sagt-. sagtr(ɩ) imperfective. → sagt-. saɩ perfective. → say-. saɩraa future. → say-. saɩr(ɩ) imperfective. → say-. saka sg. → sag-. sal- noun. plate, bowl, (pl.) crockery; fr: assiette,

bol, (pl.) vaisselle; dt: Teller, Schüssel, (Pl.) Geschirr. [Note: This word designates any kind of plate or bowl that is used to eat from, but not cooking pots.]

a sallɛ sg. a sala pl.

salb- noun. bridle (of a horse); fr: bride (d’un cheval); dt: Kopfgeschirr (eines Pferdes). [Note: = Mòoré]

a saləbrɩ sg. a saləba pl.

saləbrɩ sg. → salb-. salla- noun. strip of cloth (about 10-15 cm. wide);

head scarf; fr: bande d’étoffe (env. 10-15 cm. de largeur); foulard; dt: Stoffstreifen (ca. 10-15 cm. breit); Kopftuch.

a sallaŋa sg. a sallaʋ pl.

sallaŋa sg. → salla-. sallɛ sg. → sal-. sam perfective. → sam-. sam- noun. pointed object, arrow, needle; fr: objet

pointu, flèche, aiguille; dt: spitzer Gegenstand, Pfeil, Nadel. [Note: This is the generic word for anything that is pointed, arrows and needles being the most common.]

a samdɛ sg. a sama pl.

sam- noun. rib; fr: côte; dt: Rippe. a saŋfɛ singulative. a samɛ pl.

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sam- sataa

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 143

sam- verb. wash (clothes); fr: laver (les vêtements); dt: (Kleider) waschen. [Note: This verb is used for washing clothes, bedding, etc., but not for washing the human body (see a hubəlʌm and a sɔrəmam).]

sammaa future. samɛ past. sam perfective. samm / sammʋ imperfective. a samam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

sam m pɛnɛ sentence Do your washing!; fr: Fais ta lessive!; dt: Wasch’ deine Sachen! [Note: Here a pɛnɛ is used to mean any kind of personal garment, not just shirts.]

a sammɔ deverbal agent noun sg. launderer; fr: laveur de linge; dt: Wäschewäscher. [Note: When done for money, this is mainly a male activity.]

a samməba deverbal agent noun pl. samam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → sam-. samdɛ sg. → sam-. samɛ past. → sam-. samm imperfective. → sam-. sammaa future. → sam-. sammɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → sam-. sammʋ imperfective. → sam-. samsa (=/samsa/) noun. doughnut (made with

bean flour); fr: beignet (fabrique avec la farine de haricot); dt: Krapfen (aus Bohnenmehl).

a samsa (=/samsa/) n.sg. & pl. saŋfɛ singulative. → sam-. sar- noun. air, wind; fr: air, vent; dt: Luft, Wind.

a sarʋ sg. a sarəfɩ pl. a sarəga common noun diminutive. breeze,

gentle wind; sudden wind, whirlwind (which can contain a kereŋkʌŋʌ); fr: brise, vent faible; vent soudain, tourbillon (qui peut contenir un kereŋkʌŋʌ); dt: Brise, schwacher Wind; plötzlicher Wind, Wirbelwind (der einen kereŋkʌŋʌ enthalten kann).

a sarəŋa common noun diminutive. a sarʋ kebre NP+adjectival noun sg. a sarfɩ kebiʌ NP+adjectival noun pl. strong

wind, gale, sandstorm; fr: vent fort, tempête, tempête de sable; dt: starker Wind, Sturm, Sandsturm

a sarʋ la dobo (a) fɛkʋ sentence The wind has blown down a tree.; fr: Le vent a fait tomber un arbre.; dt: Der Wind hat einen Baum umgestürzt.

a sarʋ la fibr a fɔfɩ hɛŋ sentence The wind is blowing those leaves around.; fr: Le vent fait bouger ces feuilles-là.; dt: Der Wind bläst die Blätter herum.

a sigʌ sarʋ NP+N compound noun sg. Harmattan; fr: harmattan; dt: Harmattan

a sarə hʋkʋ N+N compound noun sg. Tornado; fr: Tornade; dt: Tornado

a sarə hʋgənɩ N+N compound noun pl.

a sarʋ kebre la pugotu sentence A sandstorm has broken.; fr: Une tempête de sable a éclatée.; dt: Ein Sandsturm ist ausgebrochen.

sar- verb. finish / stop too early; fr: finir / cesser trop tôt; dt: zu früh aufhören. [Note: Also the normal verb for “to stop raining”]

sataa future. sar(ɩ) past. sarɛ perfective. sat(ɩ) imperfective. a saram deverbal action noun sg./mass. a satɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who stops

working before the job is finished; fr: q.un qui cesse de travailler avant que le travail soit fini; dt: jmd. der zu arbeiten aufhört, bevor die Arbeit beendet ist.

a satəba deverbal agent noun pl. a satəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. rain that

has stopped; fr: la pluie qui a cessé; dt: Regen, der aufgehört hat.

a satəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a satəga deverbal instrument noun dimin. a satəfa deverbal local noun. place where the

rain has stopped; place where work was stopped too early; fr: endroit où la pluie a cessé ; endroit où on a cessé de travailler trop tôt; dt: Platz, wo der Regen aufgehört hat; Platz, wo man zu früh zu arbeiten aufgehört hat.

a sarəmaʋ deverbal nomen acti pl. work that was stopped too early; fr: travail qui a cessé trop tôt; dt: Arbeit, die zu früh beendet wurde. a fãɩ sarəmaʋ NP+N compound noun pl. several

lots of porridge that were not made properly, gruel (which results from them); fr: plusieurs tôs qui n’ont pas été bien fait, bouillie (qui résulte de cela); dt: mehrere Breie, die nicht richtig gemacht wurden, Grütze (die daraus resultiert)

saram deverbal action noun sg./mass. → sar-. saram perfective. → sarm-. saramaa future. → sarm-. saram(ɔ) imperfective. → sarm-. sarɛ perfective. → sar-. sarəfɩ pl. → sar-. sarəga common noun diminutive. → sar-. sar(ɩ) past. → sar-. sarm- verb. have diarrhoea; fr: avoir la diarrhée; dt:

Durchfall haben. saramaa future. sarəmɛ past. saram perfective. saram(ɔ) imperfective. a sarəmam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a saramdɛ deverbal nomen acti sg. diarrhoea; fr:

diarrhée; dt: Durchfall. sarəmam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → sarm-. sarəmɛ past. → sarm-. sarʋ sg. → sar-. sataa future. → sar-.

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satəba sãk-

144 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

satəba deverbal agent noun pl. → sar-. satəfa deverbal local noun. → sar-. satəga deverbal instrument noun dimin. → sar-. satəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → sar-. satəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → sar-. sat(ɩ) imperfective. → sar-. satɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → sar-. sawadʋgʋ noun. Sawadugu / Sawadogo (family

name); fr: Sawadougou / Sawadogo (nom de famille); dt: Sawadugu / Sawadogo (Familienname). [Note: This name comes originally from Mòoré, where it means ‘storm-cloud tamer’ (i.e. tamer of lightning/fire), and designates a blacksmith.]

a sawadʋgʋ sg. a sawadʋgʋma pl.

say- verb. separate, disperse; fr: se séparer, se disperser; dt: sich trennen, auseinandergehen. [Note: Typically used when a group of people disperse and go their separate ways.]

saɩraa future. sayɛ past. saɩ perfective. saɩr(ɩ) imperfective. a sayam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

sayɛ past. → say-. sã past. → sã-. sã perfective. → sã-. sã- verb. jump, spring, fly (ballistically); fr: sauter,

bondir, voler (balistiquement); dt: springen, hüpfen, (ballistisch) fliegen. [Note: Synonymous with a sãkam.]

sãnaa future. sã past. sã perfective. sãn(ɛ) imperfective. a sããm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a sãnɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who jumps;

fr: q.un qui saute; dt: jmd. der springt. a sãnəba deverbal agent noun pl. a sãnəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. object for

jumping; thing that jumps (e.g. animal, insect); fr: objet pour sauter; q.chose qui saute (p. ex. animal, insecte); dt: Gegenstand zum Springen; etwas was springt (z.B. Tier, Insekt). [Note: See also the separate entry for a sãnəgʋ in the sense of ‘fibre’.]

a sãnəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a sãnəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a sãnəfa deverbal local noun. place for jumping

(e.g. where girls jump and sing in the night); fr: endroit pour sauter (p. ex. où les jeunes filles sautent et chantent dans la nuit); dt: Platz zum springen (z.B. wo Mädchen in der Nacht springen und singen).

sããm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → sã-. sããs- verb. cut hair to a particular length (using a

comb and a razor blade); fr: couper les cheveux à une longueur particulière (avec une peigne et une lame); dt: die Haare auf eine bestimmte

Länge schneiden (mit Hilfe eines Kamms und einer Rasierklinge). [Note: The razor blade is held against the comb at the desired length of hair, then the hair is combed (from back to front) and simultaneously cut. This method is used for the whole head, not for individual parts.]

sããsraa future. sããsɛ past. sããs(ɩ) perfective. sããsr(ɩ) imperfective. a sããsam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

sããsɛ past. → sããs-. sããs(ɩ) perfective. → sããs-. sããsraa future. → sããs-. sããsr(ɩ) imperfective. → sããs-. sãb- noun. kind of illness (symptoms: slight fever

and vomiting); fr: espèce de maladie (symptômes: petite fièvre et vomissement); dt: Art Krankheit (Symptome: leichtes Fieber und Erbrechen).

a sãbəga sg. a sãbəsʋʋ pl.

sãb- noun. liver; fr: foie; dt: Leber. [Note: Used for the liver of both humans and animals, and for the food.]

a sãbrɛ sg. a sãba pl.

sãbəga sg. → sãb-. sãbrɛ sg. → sãb-. sãɩg- verb. tip/pour out, scatter; fr: verser,

éparpiller; dt: ausschütten, ausleeren, herumstreuen.

saɩgraa future. sãɩgɛ past. sãɩg(ɩ) perfective. sãɩgr(ɩ) imperfective. a sãɩgam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

sãɩgɛ past. → sãɩg-. sãɩg(ɩ) perfective. → sãɩg-. sãɩgraa future. → sãɩg-. sãɩgr(ɩ) imperfective. → sãɩg-. sãk- verb. jump, spring, fly (ballistically); fr: sauter,

bondir, voler (balistiquement); dt: springen, hüpfen, (ballistisch) fliegen. [Note: Synonymous with a sããm.]

sãkraa future. sãkɛ past. sãk(ɩ) perfective. sãkr(ɩ) imperfective. a sãkam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a sãkrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who jumps;

fr: q.un qui saute; dt: jmd. der springt. a sãkrəba deverbal agent noun pl. a sãkrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. object

for jumping; thing that jumps (e.g. animal, insect); fr: objet pour sauter; q.chose qui saute (p. ex. animal, insecte); dt: Gegenstand zum Springen; etwas was springt (z.B. Tier, Insekt). [Note: See also the separate entry for a sãnəgʋ in the sense of ‘fibre’.]

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sãkam sãrsʋʋ

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 145

a sãkrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a sãkrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a sãkrəfa deverbal local noun. place for jumping

(e.g. where girls jump and sing in the night); fr: endroit pour sauter (p. ex. où les jeunes filles sautent et chantent dans la nuit); dt: Platz zum springen (z.B. wo Mädchen in der Nacht springen und singen).

sãkam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → sãk-. sãkam perfective. → sãkm-. sãkamaa future. → sãkm-. sãkaməba deverbal agent noun pl. → sãkm-. sãkaməga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ sãkm-. sãkaməgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → sãkm-. sãkaməhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → sãkm-. sãkamɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → sãkm-. sãkam(ɔ) imperfective. → sãkm-. sãkɛ past. → sãk-. sãk(ɩ) perfective. → sãk-. sãkm- verb. jump, spring (repeatedly); fr: sauter,

bondir (à plusieurs reprises); dt: springen, hüpfen, fliegen (wiederholt).

sãkamaa future. sãkəmɛ past. sãkam perfective. sãkam(ɔ) imperfective. a sãkəmam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a sãkamɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who jumps

(repeatedly); fr: q.un qui saute (à plusieurs reprises); dt: jmd. der (wiederholt) springt.

a sãkaməba deverbal agent noun pl. a sãkaməgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. object

for jumping; things that jump (repeatedly); fr: objet pour sauter ; choses qui sautent (à plusieurs reprises); dt: Gegenstand zum springen; Ding das (wiederholt) springt.

a sãkaməhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a sãkaməga deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. a sãkamfa deverbal local noun. place for

jumping; fr: endroit pour sauter; dt: Platz zum Springen.

sãkəmam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → sãkm-. sãkəmɛ past. → sãkm-. sãkraa future. → sãk-. sãkrəba deverbal agent noun pl. → sãk-. sãkrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ sãk-. sãkrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → sãk-. sãkrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → sãk-. sãkr(ɩ) imperfective. → sãk-. sãkrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → sãk-. sãm pog- noun. person killed by force; fr: personne

tué par la force; dt: Mensch, der durch Gewalt umgebracht wurde. a sãm pogri NP+N compound noun sg. a sãm pogʌ NP+N compound noun pl.

a sãm pogəbʌu NP+N compound noun pl. [Note: = Mòoré. Such people are believed to return to haunt the living.]

sãn- noun. fibre (from bark of the tree a hãrəgʋ); fr: fibre (d’écorce de l’arbre a hãrəgʋ); dt: Faser (aus Rinde des Baumes a hãrəgʋ). [Note: This word originates as a deverbal instrument noun from a sããm ‘to fly’. It has developed an opaque plural form. The singular designates a single piece of fibre, the plural can be generic.]

a sãnəgʋ sg. a sãnɛɛ pl.

sãnaa future. → sã-. sãnam noun. piece of gold, (pl.) gold; fr: morceau

d’or, (pl.) or; dt: Stück Gold, (Pl.) Gold. [Note: = Mòoré]

a sãnam sg. a sãnəma pl.

sãnəba deverbal agent noun pl. → sã-. sãnd- noun. kind of frog; fr: espèce de grenouille;

dt: Art Frosch. [Note: Most probably derived from a sããm ‘jump’. Koromfe has a 5-way distinction of frogs and toads according to their size. The smallest is a sãndəga, followed by a pãtɛ, a gɔŋdɛ, a bɩtɛ, a purgoŋ.]

a sãndəga sg. a sãndənɩ pl. a sãndəsɩ pl.

sãndəga sg. → sãnd-. sãndənɩ pl. → sãnd-. sãn(ɛ) imperfective. → sã-. sãnəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg. →

sã-. sãnəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → sã-. sãnəgʋ sg. → sãn-. sãnəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → sã-. sãnɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → sã-. sãŋg- (=/sãŋg/) noun. Ring of woven leaves; fr:

cercle de feuilles tissées; dt: Ring geflochtener Blätter. [Note: This word designates a ring woven with the leaves of the Borassus palm that is used as a base on which to place calabashes.]

sãŋgrɛ (=/sãŋg-dɛ/) sg. sãŋga (=/sãŋg-a/) pl.

sãŋgrɛ sg. (=/sãŋg-dɛ/) → sãŋg-. sãr- noun. filed tooth; fr: dent taillée; dt: gefeilter

Zahn. [Note: = Mòoré. Some younger women file away the corners of their upper front teeth to make themselves look more attractive.]

a sãrɩa sg. a sãrsʋʋ pl. a sãrsɩ pl.

sãr- noun. kind of lizard (which lives in water); fr: espèce de lézard (qui habite dans l’eau); dt: Art Eidechse (die im Wasser lebt). [Note: = Mòoré]

a sãrɩ sg. a sãrəfɩ pl.

sãrɩ sg. → sãr-. sãrɩa sg. → sãr-. sãrsʋʋ pl. → sãr-.

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sãtɛ sɛrg-

146 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

sãtɛ noun. placenta, afterbirth; fr: placenta; dt: Plazenta, Mutterkuchen, Nachgeburt.

a sãtɛ sg. a sãtɛfɩ pl.

sãỹãŋg- verb. tip/pour out, scatter; fr: verser, éparpiller; dt: ausschütten, ausleeren, herumstreuen. [Note: Reported to be the “plural” of a sãɩgam, i.e. to involve more objects.]

sãỹãŋgraa future. sãỹãŋgɛ past. sãỹãŋg(ɩ) perfective. sãỹãŋgr(ɩ) imperfective. sãỹãŋgam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

sãỹãŋgɛ past. → sãỹãŋg-. sãỹãŋg(ɩ) perfective. → sãỹãŋg-. sãỹãŋgraa future. → sãỹãŋg-. sãỹãŋgr(ɩ) imperfective. → sãỹãŋg-. sʌdiĩ- noun. garden; fr: jardin; dt: Garten. [Note: =

Mòoré (though hardly used in Mòoré today). < Fr. jardin. Cf. Koromfe a sɛmdɛ.]

a sʌdiĩŋʌ diminutive sg. a sadɩɩsʋʋ pl. [Note: The change from ATR to

non-ATR between sg. and pl. is unexpected.] sʌdiĩŋʌ diminutive sg. → sʌdi ĩ-. sɛb- verb. teach, learn, discuss, tell, explain; fr:

enseigner, apprendre, discuter, raconter, expliquer; dt: unterrichten, lernen, besprechen, erzählen, erklären.

sɛbraa future. sɛbɛ past. sɛb(ʋ) perfective. sɛbr(ʋ) imperfective. a sɛbam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a sɛbrɛ deverbal nomen acti sg. conversation,

discussion, story; fr: conversation, discussion, histoire; dt: Gespräch, Diskussion, Geschichte.

a sɛbrɛfɩ deverbal nomen acti sg. [Note: There is no plural form like *sɛba.]

a sɛbrɔ (=/sɛb-d-ɔ/) deverbal agent noun sg. a sɛbrəba (=/sɛb-d-ba/) deverbal agent noun

pl. teacher; fr: enseignant; dt: Lehrer. mə sɛbraa (a) koromfe sentence I’m learning

Koromfe.; fr: J’apprends le koromfe.; dt: Ich lerne Koromfe.

sɛbam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → sɛb-. sɛbɛ past. → sɛb-. sɛbɛ perfective. (=/sɛb-Ṿl/) → sɛbl-. sɛbɛl imperfective. (=/sɛb-Ṿl-d/) → sɛbl-. sɛbɛlaa future. (=/sɛb-Ṿl-d-aa/) → sɛbl-. sɛbɛlɩ imperfective. (=/sɛb-Ṿl-d/) → sɛbl-. sɛbɛlɔ deverbal agent noun sg. (=/sɛb-l-d-ɔ/) →

sɛbl-. sɛbl- (=/sɛb-Ṿl-/) verb. teach, learn, discuss, tell,

explain; fr: enseigner, apprendre, discuter, raconter, expliquer; dt: unterrichten, lernen, besprechen, erzählen, erklären.

sɛbɛlaa (=/sɛb-Ṿl-d-aa/) future. sɛblɛ (=/sɛb-Ṿl-ɛ/) past. sɛbɛ (=/sɛb-Ṿl/) perfective. sɛbɛl / sɛbɛlɩ (=/sɛb-Ṿl-d/) imperfective.

a sɛblam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a sɛbɛlɔ (=/sɛb-l-d-ɔ/) deverbal agent noun sg. a sɛbɛləba (=/sɛb-l-d-ba/) deverbal agent noun

pl. teacher; fr: enseignant; dt: Lehrer. mə sɛbɛlaa (a) koromfe sentence I’m learning

Koromfe.; fr: J’apprends le koromfe.; dt: Ich lerne Koromfe.

sɛblam deverbal action noun sg./mass. (=/sɛb-Ṿl-d/) → sɛbl-.

sɛblɛ past. (=/sɛb-Ṿl-ɛ/) → sɛbl-. sɛbraa future. → sɛb-. sɛbrɛ deverbal nomen acti sg. → sɛb-. sɛbrɛfɩ deverbal nomen acti sg. → sɛb-. sɛbrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. (=/sɛb-d-ɔ/) → sɛb-. sɛbr(ʋ) imperfective. → sɛb-. sɛb(ʋ) perfective. → sɛb-. sɛk- noun. half (e.g. of an orange); fr: moitié (p. ex.

d’une orange); dt: Hälfte (z.B. einer Orange). [Note: Possibly related to a sɛkam ‘split’.]

a sɛkrɛ sg. a sɛka pl.

a pɩlaŋ sɛkrɛ NP+N compound noun sg. half moon; fr: demi-lune; dt: Halbmond

sɛkɛ perfective. → sɛkl-. sɛkɛl noun. block; fr: bloc; dt: Block. [Note: Used

only for a block of salt.] a sɛkɛl sg. a sɛkɛlfɩ pl.

a sɔmmɔ sɛkɛl NP+N compound noun sg. block of salt; fr: bloc de sel; dt: Salzblock

a sɔmmɔ sɛkɛlfɩ NP+N compound noun pl. sɛkɛlaa future. → sɛkl-. sɛkɛl(ɩ) imperfective. → sɛkl-. sɛkɛlɔ n.sg. → sɛkl-. sɛkl- verb. advise, teach; fr: conseiller, enseigner;

dt: beraten, unterrichten. sɛkɛlaa future. sɛkəlɛ past. sɛkɛ perfective. sɛkɛl(ɩ) imperfective. a sɛkəlam deverbal action noun sg./mass. sɛkɛlɔ n.sg. teacher, professor; fr: enseignant,

instituteur, professeur; dt: Lehrer, Professor. sɛkɛləba n.pl.

sɛkəlam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → sɛkl-. sɛkəlɛ past. → sɛkl-. sɛkrɛ sg. → sɛk-. sɛm- noun. fence (e.g. around a field); cotton-tree;

fr: clôture (p. ex. d’un champ); cotonnier; dt: Zaun (z.B. eines Feldes); Baumwollbaum. [Note: In the meaning ‘cotton-tree’ this word must be compounded with a lambʋ ‘cotton’]

a sɛmdɛ sg. a sɛma pl. a lambə sɛmdɛ N+N compound noun sg. a lambə sɛma N+N compound noun pl.

sɛma pl. → sɛm-. sɛmdɛ sg. → sɛm-. sɛrg- verb. tell (stories of the traditional type); fr:

raconter (des contes de genre traditionnel); dt: (Geschichten traditioneller Art) erzählen.

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sɛrəgam sɛkrɔ

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 147

sɛrəgraa future. sɛrəgɛ past. sɛrəg(ɩ) perfective. sɛrəgr(ɩ) imperfective. a sɛrəgam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a sɛrəgrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. story-teller; fr:

conteur; dt: Erzähler. a sɛrəgrəba deverbal agent noun pl.

sɛrəgam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → sɛrg-. sɛrəgɛ past. → sɛrg-. sɛrəgɛm perfective. → sɛrgm-. sɛrəgɛma deverbal nomen acti pl. → sɛrgm-. sɛrəgɛmaa future. → sɛrgm-. sɛrəgɛmdɛ deverbal nomen acti sg. → sɛrgm-. sɛrəgɛmɔ imperfective. → sɛrgm-. sɛrəgɛmɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → sɛrgm-. sɛrəg(ɩ) perfective. → sɛrg-. sɛrgm- verb. tell (stories of the traditional type); fr:

raconter (des contes de genre traditionnel); dt: (Geschichten traditioneller Art) erzählen.

sɛrəgɛmaa future. sɛrəgəmɛ past. sɛrəgɛm perfective. sɛrəgɛmɔ imperfective. a sɛrəgəmam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a sɛrəgɛmdɛ deverbal nomen acti sg. story, tale

(of the traditional kind); fr: histoire, conte (du genre traditionnel); dt: Geschichte, Erzählung (der traditionellen Art). [Note: In contrast with a sɛrəgəmam, which means ‘story-telling’ in general, with potentially more than one story, the word a sɛrəgɛmdɛ refers to a single story only.]

a sɛrəgɛma deverbal nomen acti pl. [Note: This is one of the rare cases of a plural in - a of a deverbal noun in - dɛ.]

a sɛrəgɛmɔ deverbal agent noun sg. story-teller; fr: conteur; dt: Erzähler.

a sɛrəgɛmba deverbal agent noun pl. sɛrəgɛm sɛrəgɛm sentence I have a story to

tell. (Lit.: Tell, tell!); fr: J’ai un conte à raconter. (Lit.: Raconte, raconte!); dt: Ich habe eine Geschichte zu erzählen. (Wörtl.: Erzähl’, erzähl’!) [Note: This formula is used at a story-telling session by someone who wishes to tell the next story. He must await the reply tʋka tʋka from someone else before beginning his story. If no-one gives this reply, the story cannot be told. I have found no explanation for the apparent contradiction of saying “tell, tell!” when one wants to tell a story oneself.]

sɛrəgəmam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → sɛrgm-.

sɛrəgəmɛ past. → sɛrgm-. sɛrəgraa future. → sɛrg-. sɛrəgr(ɩ) imperfective. → sɛrg-. sɛrəgrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → sɛrg-. sɛta noun. wise man (beggar); fr: griot, homme sage

mendiant; dt: bettelnder Weiser. a sɛta sg.

a sɛtafɩ pl. a sɛtama pl. [Note: Not * sɛtəma.]

sɛtafɩ pl. → sɛta. sɛbt- verb. split, divide, chop (wood); fr: fendre,

diviser, hacher (bois); dt: spalten, trennen, (Holz) hacken. [Note: Synonymous with a sɛkam]

sɛbtraa future. sɛbtɛ past. sɛbt(ʋ) perfective. sɛbtr(ʋ) imperfective. a sɛbtam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

a woll sɛbtrɛ NP+N compound noun sg. ankle; fr: cheville; dt: Knöchel

a wala sɛbta NP+N compound noun pl. sɛbtɛ past. → sɛbt-. sɛbtraa future. → sɛbt-. sɛbtr(ʋ) imperfective. → sɛbt-. sɛbt(ʋ) perfective. → sɛbt-. sɛk- verb. split, divide, chop (wood); fr: fendre,

diviser, hacher (bois); dt: spalten, trennen, (Holz) hacken. [Note: Synonymous with a sɛbtam]

sɛkraa future. sɛkɛ past. sɛk(ɩ) perfective. sɛkr(ɩ) imperfective. a sɛkam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a sɛkrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who chops

(wood); fr: q.un qui hache (le bois); dt: jmd. der (Holz) hackt.

a sɛkrəba deverbal agent noun pl. a sɛkrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. object for

chopping (e.g. an axe); fr: objet pour hacher (p. ex. une hache); dt: Gegenstand zum hacken (z.B. eine Hacke).

a sɛkrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a sɛkrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a sɛkrəfa deverbal local noun. place for chopping

(wood); fr: endroit pour hacher (le bois); dt: Platz zum (Holz) hacken.

a sɛkmãʋ deverbal nomen acti pl. small chippings (of wood) that remain when the chopping is over; fr: petits morceaux (de bois) qui restent lorsqu’on a fini de hacher; dt: kleine (Holz-)Splitter, die überbleiben, wenn man mit dem Hacken fertig ist.

sɛkam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → sɛk-. sɛkɛ past. → sɛk-. sɛk(ɩ) perfective. → sɛk-. sɛkraa future. → sɛk-. sɛkrəba deverbal agent noun pl. → sɛk-. sɛkrəfa deverbal local noun. → sɛk-. sɛkrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ sɛk-. sɛkrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → sɛk-. sɛkrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → sɛk-. sɛkr(ɩ) imperfective. → sɛk-. sɛkrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → sɛk-.

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sɛm- sebl-

148 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

sɛm- noun. tamarind tree, tamarind; fr: tamarinier, tamarin; dt: Tamarindenbaum, Tamarinde.

a sɛmnɛ sg. a sɛmɩã pl.

sɛmnɛ sg. → sɛm-. sɛn- noun. altar (for sacrifices); fr: autel de

sacrifice; dt: Altar (für Opfer). [Note: This word probably meant “ground” (cf. “Chef de terre”), but has been replaced in this meaning by the (clearly historically related, if not identical) adverb sɛnɛ.]

a sɛndɛ sg. a sɛna pl.

a sɛndɛ saa NP+N compound noun sg. medicine man (lit.: owner of the altar); fr: chef de terre (lit.: possesseur de l’autel); dt: Medizinmann (wörtl.: Besitzer des Altars [Note: This is the second-highest office in Koromba society after that of the chief. The medicine man is a member of the Sawadugu (sawadʋgʋ) family. In contrast with the offices of keso and falaʋ, a sɛndɛ sa (like a jɔ) is always used with the article a, even when referring to or addressing the present holder of the office.]

sɛndɛ sg. → sɛn-. sɛnɛ adverb. to the ground, down, on the ground;

ground; fr: à terre, en bas, par terre; terre; dt: zum Boden, hinunter, am Boden; Boden.

sɛnɛ adverb. sɛnɛ koŋ kaŋənaa sentence This ground is

hard.; fr: La terre d’ici es dure.; dt: Dieser Boden ist hart.

sɛnɛ sɛnɛ adverb downwards; fr: en bas; dt: hinunter

sɛnɛ la dɔba adverb phrase; noun phrase heaven and earth, the world; fr: le monde; dt: Himmel und Erde, die Welt [Note: This adverb is sometimes used as a noun, though never with the article a.]

sɛnɛ- noun. large pot; fr: grande jarre; dt: großer Topf. [Note: This pot is even larger than a joroŋ, and is hardly used nowadays.]

a sɛnɛŋ sg. a sɛnɛɩ pl.

sɛnɛŋ sg. → sɛnɛ-. sɛŋ- noun. bottom, anus; vagina (polite); fr:

derrière, anus; vulve (poli); dt: Hintern, After; Scheide (höflich).

a sɛŋa sg. [Note: < sɛŋ+ŋa by simplification of the (illicit) geminate velar nasal]

a sɛŋnɛ pl. sɛŋ gɩbnɛ N+N compound noun pl. → sɛŋgɩka. sɛŋ gɩka N+N compound noun sg. → sɛŋgɩka. sɛŋa sg. → sɛŋ-. sɛŋgɩka noun. small axe, small pick; fr: hachette,

petite pioche; dt: kleine Axt, kleine Hacke. [Note: This is small, very sharp tool used to make normal-sized tools like a gɩbrɛ. It is smaller than a gɩbka. The second part of this

compound is probably an older form of a gɩbka (the diminutive of a gɩbrɛ).]

a sɛŋ gɩka N+N compound noun sg. a sɛŋ gɩbnɛ N+N compound noun pl. a sɛŋ gɩgnɛ N+N compound noun pl. [Note: This

form is probably result of morphological levelling.]

sɛɔ noun. medicine, remedy, drug, sorcery; fr: médicament, remède, drogue, gris-gris; dt: Medizin, Heilmittel, Droge, Zauberei.

a sɛɔ sg. a sɛɔfɩ pl.

a sɛɔ bi NP+N compound noun sg. pill, tablet, capsule; fr: pilule, comprimé, capsule; dt: Pille, Tablette, Kapsel

a sɛɔ sa NP+N compound noun sg. a sɛɔfɩ sa NP+N compound noun sg. sorcerer;

fr: sorcier; dt: Zauberer a sɛɔ sammã NP+N compound noun pl. a sɛɔfɩ samma NP+N compound noun pl.

se pronoun. what; fr: quoi, qu’est-ce qui, qu’est-ce que; dt: was. [Note: Since a and e are ATR-disharmonic, and the vowel e is more prominent, I assume that a is the article. But to all intents and purposes ase behaves like a single word. Unlike ala ‘who’, it has no plural.]

ase interrogative pronoun non-human sg. ase ni interrogative postpositional phrase. why,

for what reason, to what end; fr: pourquoi, pour quelle raison, à quel but; dt: warum, weshalb, aus welchem Grund, zu welchem Zweck. ase la pa (ke...) interrogative main clause why,

for what reason (lit.: What resulted in (the fact that...)); fr: pourquoi, pour quelle raison (lit.: Qu’est-ce qui a donné (que...)); dt: warum, weshalb, aus welchem Grund (wörtl.: Was hat ergeben, (dass...)) [Note: This interrogative phrase is not normally used to ask ‘why’ in the sense of ‘to what end’.]

sebə kɛ- noun. widow; fr: veuve; dt: Witwe. [Note: This word is a deliberate deformation of a sɩbʋ kɛɔ ‘wife of a dead person’.]

a sebə kɛɔ V+N compound noun sg. a sebe kɛɔ V+N compound noun sg. a sebə kɛna V+N compound noun pl. a sebe kɛna V+N compound noun pl.

sebə kɛna V+N compound noun pl. → sebə kɛ-. sebə kɛɔ V+N compound noun sg. → sebə kɛ-. sebe perfective. → sebl-. sebe kɛɔ V+N compound noun sg. → sebə kɛ-. sebelʌʌ future. → sebl-. sebel(u) imperfective. → sebl-. sebl- verb. swear; fr: jurer; dt: schwören.

sebelʌʌ future. sebəle past. sebe perfective. sebel(u) imperfective. a sebəlʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

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sebəle semb-

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 149

mə sebelu ke (a) yãʋ dɔ sentence I swear that it isn’t true.; fr: Je jure que ce n’est pas vrai.; dt: Ich schwöre, dass es nicht wahr ist.

sebəle past. → sebl-. see- noun. inner (edible) part of the kernel of a nut;

fr: partie intérieure (comestible) d’une noix; dt: (essbarer) Innenteil eines Nusskerns.

a seem sg./mass. a seemfi pl.

seem sg./mass. → see-. seet- verb. judge, condemn, punish; fr: juger,

condamner, punir; dt: richten, verurteilen, strafen. [Note: Cf. the compound a kaseeto ‘judgement’. Judgements are felled primarily by consensus among the groups concerned (e.g. family, men and women of the village). If no consensus can be reached, the matter goes to the chief.]

seetrʌʌ future. seete past. seet(i) perfective. seetr(i) imperfective. a seetʌm deverbal action noun sg.

seete past. → seet-. seet(i) perfective. → seet-. seetrʌʌ future. → seet-. seetr(i) imperfective. → seet-. seg- noun. first name, christian name; fr: prénom;

dt: Vorname. [Note: [g], not [ɣ].] a segre sg. a segiʌ pl. a segio pl.

n segre interrogative sentence What’s your (first) name? (Lit.: Your name?); fr: Comment t’appelles-tu? (Lit.: Ton nom?); dt: Wie heißt du? (Wörtl.: Dein Name?)

n segre la naŋkaã interrogative sentence What’s your (first) name? (Lit.: Your name is how?); fr: Comment t’appelles-tu? (Lit.: Ton nom est comment?); dt: Wie heißt du? (Wörtl.: Dein Name ist wie?)

segiʌ pl. → seg-. segre sg. → seg-. segt- noun. kind of grass; fr: espèce d’herbe; dt:

Art Gras. a segtre sg. [Note: The expected plural a segtʌ

does not exist, possibly because it would be homophonous with a segtʌ ‘surname’.]

segtʌ noun. family name, surname; fr: nom de famille; dt: Familienname. [Note: [g], not [ɣ]. Though strikingly similar to a segre ‘first name’, not regularly derived from it; the only other pair of words with a similar /+t/ element are a bɛnta and a bɛna.]

a segtʌ sg. a segtʌfi pl.

n segtʌ interrogative sentence What’s your surname? (Lit.: Your surname?); fr: Quel es ton nom de famille? (Lit.: Ton nom de

famille?); dt: Wie lautet dein Familienname? (Wörtl.: Dein Familienname?)

n segtʌ la naŋkaã interrogative sentence What’s your surname? (Lit.: Your surname is how?); fr: Quel es ton nom de famille? (Lit.: Ton nom de famille est comment?); dt: Wie lautet dein Familienname?(Wörtl.: Dein Familienname ist wie?)

sel- noun. open space, open area of ground; (outer) space; fr: espace nu, terrain nu; espace; dt: offener Platz, offenes Stück Grund; Weltraum.

a selle sg. a selʌ pl. a selo pl.

a fɩrɛ selle NP+N compound noun sg. sunlight; fr: (lumière du) soleil; dt: Sonnenlicht

sel- (=/sel/) adverb. outdoors, outside; fr: au dehors; dt: im Freien, draußen.

selle (=/sel-dɛ/) local adverb. outdoors, outside; fr: au dehors; dt: im Freien, draußen. selle elliptical imperative sentence Out!; fr:

Dehors!; dt: Raus! sɩr na selle imperative sentence Get out!; fr:

Sortez!; dt: Geht raus! mə yakaa selle hi sentence I’m going for a shit.;

fr: Je vais faire la crotte.; dt: Ich gehe scheißen. [Note: This is the polite expression for mə jakaa a bɛna nɛʋ.]

selʌ pl. → sel-. sell- verb. remove (millet chaff by pounding); fr:

enlever (les enveloppes de mil en pilant); dt: (Hirseschalen durch stampfen) entfernen.

sellərʌʌ future. selle past. sell(i) perfective. sellər(i) imperfective. sellʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

selle sg. → sel-. selle past. → sell-. sell(i) perfective. → sell-. sellərʌʌ future. → sell-. sellər(i) imperfective. → sell-. sem perfective. → sem-. sem- (=/sem/) verb. sigh; moo (the noise made by

cows), howl (like a dog); fr: gémir; meugler, beugler, mugir (le bruit produit par les vaches), hurler (comme chien); dt: seufzen; muhen (Geräusch der Kühe), heulen (wie Hund).

semmʌʌ future. seme past. sem perfective. semm / semmũ (=/sem-d/) imperfective. a semʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

semb- noun. piece, fragment (e.g. of a broken calabash, pot, plate); fr: morceau, fragment (p. ex. d’une calebasse, marmite, assiette cassée); dt: Stück, Splitter, Scherbe (z.B. einer zerbrochenen Kalebasse, eines Topfes, eines Tellers). [Note: Synonymous with a sembele.]

a sembre sg. a sembʌ pl.

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sembʌ sɩgfɩɩ

150 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

a sembo pl. sembʌ pl. → semb-. sembel- noun. piece, fragment (e.g. of a broken

calabash, pot, plate); fr: morceau, fragment (p. ex. d’une calebasse, marmite, assiette cassée); dt: Stück, Splitter, Scherbe (z.B. einer zerbrochenen Kalebasse, eines Topfes, eines Tellers). [Note: Synonymous with a sembre.]

a sembele sg. [Note: Expected geminate /ll/ is simplified to single /l/.]

a sembelʌ pl. a sembelo pl.

sembelʌ pl. → sembel-. sembele sg. → sembel-. sembre sg. → semb-. seme past. → sem-. semm imperfective. (=/sem-d/) → sem-. semmʌʌ future. → sem-. semmũ imperfective. (=/sem-d/) → sem-. sen- noun. young, youthly; beautiful; fr: jeune,

adolescent; beau / belle; dt: jung, jungendlich; schön.

a seno sg. a senəbʌ pl.

a senəbʌ yɔ NP+N compound noun sg. Chief of the young people; fr: Chef des jeunes; dt: Chef der Jugend [Note: This person is the chosen leader of the young people of a village.]

a senii denominal abstract quality noun sg. youth; beauty; fr: jeunesse; beauté; dt: Jugend; Schönheit. [Note: Can also used in the collective sense of “the young people”.]

sen- verb. be young / beautiful; fr: être jeune / beau; dt: jung / schön sein.

senəfʌʌ future. senəfu imperfective. a senei deverbal action noun sg./mass.

senəbʌ pl. → sen-. senəfʌʌ future. → sen-. senəfu imperfective. → sen-. seno sg. → sen-. sens- verb. make beautiful; fr: faire beau / belle; dt:

schön machen. [Note: This verb does not mean ‘make younger’.]

sensrʌʌ future. sense past. sens(i) perfective. sensr(i) imperfective. a sensʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

də sens də yĩmde sentence He improved his younger brothers looks.; fr: Il a rendu son petit frère beau.; dt: Er hat seinen jüngeren Bruder verschönert.

sense past. → sens-. sens(i) perfective. → sens-. sensrʌʌ future. → sens-. sensr(i) imperfective. → sens-. ser- noun. kind of grass; fr: espèce d’herbe; dt: Art

Gras. [Note: Despite its phonological similarity, this kind of grass is not the same as a segtre.]

a sete sg. a serʌ pl.

ses- verb. make a kind of noise; fr: faire un espèce de bruit; dt: ein spezifisches Geräusch machen. [Note: = Mòoré. Phonologically and morphologically good Koromfe, hence not identifiable as a loan. This noise is described as that of the heavier and faster breathing of someone who has eaten too much.]

sesrʌʌ future. sese past. ses(i) perfective. sesr(i) imperfective. a sesʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

sese past. → ses-. ses(i) perfective. → ses-. sesrʌʌ future. → ses-. sesr(i) imperfective. → ses-. sete sg. → ser-. sg. → hãm-. sɩb- verb. die, decease; fr: mourir, décéder; dt:

sterben. sɩbraa future. sɩbɛ past. sɩb(ʋ) perfective. sɩbr(ʋ) imperfective. a sɩbam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a sɩbrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. dying person; fr:

mourant; dt: Sterbender. a sɩbrəba deverbal agent noun pl.

sɩbam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → sɩb-. sɩbɛ past. → sɩb-. sɩbraa future. → sɩb-. sɩbrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → sɩb-. sɩbr(ʋ) imperfective. → sɩb-. sɩb(ʋ) perfective. → sɩb-. sɩg- verb. calm, quieten, silence, be silent; fr:

calmer, faire se taire, se taire; dt: beruhigen, schweigen lassen, schweigen. [Note: In the sense of ‘be silent’ this verb takes the object a nɛnɛ ‘mouth’.]

sɩgfaa future. sɩgf(ʋ) imperfective. a sɩgfɩɩ deverbal action noun sg./mass. silence,

timidity; fr: silence, timidité; dt: Stille, Zurückhaltung.

a sɩgfɔ deverbal agent noun sg. quiet, timid; fr: silencieux, timide; dt: still, zurückhaltend.

a sɩgfəba deverbal agent noun pl. də sɩgfʋ də nɛnɛ sentence He shut up.; fr: Il

s’est tu.; dt: Er wurde still. sɩgaar- noun. cigarette, cigar; fr: cigarette,

cigare; dt: Zigarette, Zigarre. [Note: =Mòoré. Smoking cigars is not usual among the Koromba. And, quite generally in Burkina Faso, women do not normally smoke.]

a sɩgaarɩ sg. a sɩgaarəma pl.

sɩgaarɩ sg. → sɩgaar-. sɩgfaa future. → sɩg-. sɩgfɩɩ deverbal action noun sg./mass. → sɩg-.

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sɩgfɔ sigləfe

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 151

sɩgfɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → sɩg-. sɩgf(ʋ) imperfective. → sɩg-. sɩgt- verb. calm, quieten, silence; fr: calmer, faire

se taire; dt: beruhigen, schweigen lassen. sɩgtraa future. sɩgtɛ past. sɩgt(ɩ) perfective. sɩgtr(ɩ) imperfective. a sɩgtam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a sɩgtrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. filter;

fr: gouttière; dt: Filter. [Note: A filter is considered to ‘calm’ the liquid passing through it.]

a sɩgtrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. sɩgtam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → sɩgt-. sɩgtɛ past. → sɩgt-. sɩgt(ɩ) perfective. → sɩgt-. sɩgtraa future. → sɩgt-. sɩgtrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → sɩgt-. sɩgtr(ɩ) imperfective. → sɩgt-. sɩka- noun. sugar; fr: sucre; dt: Zucker. [Note: =

Mòoré. Probably < Fr. sucre. Cf. Koromfe a sɔmmɔ tɔɩ.]

a sɩkarɩ sg. a sɩkayaʋ pl. [Note: The plural designates

several lumps or packets of sugar.] sɩkarɩ sg. → sɩka-. sɩlaal- noun. swallow; fr: hirondelle; dt: Schwalbe.

[Note: = Mòoré] a sɩlaalɩ sg. a sɩlaaləfɩ pl. a sɩlaaləma pl.

sɩlaaləfɩ pl. → sɩlaal-. sɩlaalɩ sg. → sɩlaal-. sɩlg- noun. anvil; fr: enclume; dt: Amboss. [Note: =

Mòoré] a sɩləgrɛ sg. a sɩləga pl.

sɩləgrɛ sg. → sɩlg-. sɩll- noun. thread; fr: fil; dt: Zwirn, Faden.

a sɩlləfɛ singulative. a sɩllɩɩ pl./collective.

sɩlləfɛ singulative. → sɩll-. sɩr- verb. go away, leave, come from; fr: sortir,

quitter, venir de; dt: weggehen, verlassen, kommen von/aus. [Note: This verb is the most common way of expressing the notion ‘from’ in Koromfe.]

sɩtaa future. sɩrɛ past. sɩr(ɩ) perfective. sɩt(ɩ) imperfective. a sɩram deverbal action noun sg./mass. a sɩtɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who leaves;

refugee; fr: q.un qui quitte; réfugié; dt: jd. der (von X) kommt; Flüchtling.

sɩtəba deverbal agent noun pl. nde n sɩtɩ interrogative sentence Where are

you from? Or: Where are you coming from?; fr: D’où viens tu?; dt: Von wo bist du? Oder: Woher kommst du (gerade)?

a hem sɩrɩ NP sg./mass clean water, drinking water; fr: eau propre, eau potable; dt: sauberes Wasser, Trinkwasser

sɩram deverbal action noun sg./mass. → sɩr-. sɩraʋ noun. snuff; fr: tabac en poudre; dt:

Schnupftabak. a sɩraʋ sg./mass. a sɩraʋfɩ pl.

sɩrɛ past. → sɩr-. sɩr(ɩ) perfective. → sɩr-. sɩrs- verb. send away, make leave; marry off (a

daughter); fr: faire sortir, faire quitter; faire marier (une fille); dt: weggehen lassen, wegschicken; (eine Tochter) in die Ehe schicken. [Note: This verb is the causative of a sɩram]

sɩrsraa future. sɩrsɛ past. sɩrs(ɩ) perfective. sɩrsr(ɩ) imperfective. a sɩrsam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

sɩrsɛ past. → sɩrs-. sɩrs(ɩ) perfective. → sɩrs-. sɩrsraa future. → sɩrs-. sɩrsr(ɩ) imperfective. → sɩrs-. sɩtaa future. → sɩr-. sɩt(ɩ) imperfective. → sɩr-. sɩtɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → sɩr-. sib- noun. Saturday; fr: samedi; dt: Samstag. [Note:

= Mòoré. < Arabic] a sibri sg. a sibʌu pl. a sibrifi pl. a sibrimʌ pl.

sibʌu pl. → sib-. sibri sg. → sib-. sibrifi pl. → sib-. sidg- verb. sob (while crying); fr: soupirer (en

pleurant); dt: seufzen (beim Weinen). [Note: = Mòoré.]

sidəgrʌʌ future. sidəge past. sidəg(i) perfective. sidəgr(i) imperfective. a sidəgʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

sidəge past. → sidg-. sidəg(i) perfective. → sidg-. sidəgrʌʌ future. → sidg-. sidəgr(i) imperfective. → sidg-. sig- noun. rainy season; fr: saison des pluies; dt:

Regenzeit. a sigʌ sg. a sigfi pl.

a sigʌ sarʋ NP+N compound noun sg. Harmattan; fr: harmattan; dt: Harmattan

sigʌ sg. → sig-. sigləfe noun. kind of bush which brings good luck;

fr: espèce d’arbuste qui apporte le bonheur; dt: Art Strauch, die Glück bringt.

a sigləfe singulative. a sigli pl./collective.

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sil sag- sɔkl-

152 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

sil sag- noun. kind of musical instrument, rattle; fr: espèce d’instrument musical, crécelle; dt: Art musikalisches Instrument, Klapper. [Note: = Mòoré. Because it is disharmonic, this must be a compound; but its parts have no independent meaning in Koromfe. This traditional instrument is made from a calabash, into which wooden hooks are inserted. When it is struck it makes a rattling noise. This instrument is used by the young men who are being initiated for dancing.]

a sil saka N+N compound noun sg. a sil sagənɛ N+N compound noun pl. a sil sagəsʋʋ N+N compound noun pl.

sil sagənɛ N+N compound noun pl. → sil sag-. sil saka N+N compound noun sg. → sil sag-. sɔb- noun. hunter; sorcerer (secret word); fr:

chasseur; sorcier (mot caché); dt: Jäger; Zauberer (Geheimwort). [Note: The meaning ‘sorcerer’ derives from the notion of ‘hunter of souls’.]

a sɔbɔ sg. [Note: This may be a participial adjective of the verb sɔbəlam]

a sɔba sg. [Note: This form, with final a, is the more common in current speech.]

a sɔpa pl. [Note: Here /b+b/ becomes [p].] a sɔbama pl. [Note: There may be two nouns

here: a sɔbɔ, pl. a sɔpa (in the - ɔ/-ba class) and a sɔba, pl. a sɔbama (in the - a/-ma class.]

a sɔbɩɩ denominal abstract quality noun sg. hunting; fr: chasse; dt: Jagd. [Note: This word may be deverbal (from a sɔbəlam) rather than denominal.]

sɔba sg. → sɔb-. sɔbama pl. → sɔb-. sɔbl- verb. hunt; fr: chasser; dt: jagen. [Note:

Related to, but not regularly derived from a sɔbɔ ‘hunter’.]

sɔbɔlaa future. sɔbəlɛ past. sɔbɔ perfective. sɔbɔl(ʋ) imperfective. a sɔbəlam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a sɔbɩɩ deverbal action noun sg. [Note: This

word may be denominal (from a sɔbɔ) rather than deverbal.]

sɔbəlam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → sɔbl-. sɔbəlɛ past. → sɔbl-. sɔbɔ sg. → sɔb-. sɔbɔ perfective. → sɔbl-. sɔbɔlaa future. → sɔbl-. sɔbɔl(ʋ) imperfective. → sɔbl-. sɔg- (=/sɔg/) adj.noun. small; fr: petit/; dt: klein.

[Note: Only for inanimate things.] sɔka (=/sɔg-ga/) adjectival noun sg. sɔgənɩ (=/sɔg-nɩ/) adjectival noun pl.

sɔga noun. paste of sorrel; fr: pâte d’oseille; dt: Pasta aus Sauerampfer.

a sɔga sg. a sɔgaɩ sg. See: see also a dɩsɔga.

sɔgəfɩ pl. → sog-.

sɔgl- verb. lock; strangle; fr: fermer à clef ; étrangler; dt: zusperren; erwürgen.

sɔgɔlaa future. sɔgəlɛ past. sɔgɔ perfective. sɔgɔl(ʋ) imperfective. a sɔgəlam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

sɔgəlɛ past. → sɔgl-. sɔgənɩ diminutive sg. → sog-. sɔgɔ perfective. → sɔgl-. sɔgɔlaa future. → sɔgl-. sɔgɔl(ʋ) imperfective. → sɔgl-. sɔgɔtam verb. unlock, open; fr: ouvrir (à clef); dt:

aufsperren, öffnen. [Note: This is the reversive of a sɔgəlam ‘lock’]

sɔgɔtraa future. sɔgɔtɛ past. sɔgɔt(ʋ) perfective. sɔgɔtr(ʋ) imperfective. a sɔgɔtam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

sɔgɔtɛ past. → sɔgɔtam. sɔgɔtraa future. → sɔgɔtam. sɔgɔtr(ʋ) imperfective. → sɔgɔtam. sɔgɔt(ʋ) perfective. → sɔgɔtam. sɔgt- verb. pound (cobs of millet or maize to

remove the grains); fr: piler (les épis de mil ou maïs pour enlever les graines); dt: (Hirse- oder Maiskolben) stampfen (um die Körner herauszuholen). [Note: Phonetically [gt] or [kt], not [ɣət]]

sɔgtraa future. sɔgtɛ past. sɔgt(ʋ) perfective. sɔgtr(ʋ) imperfective. a sɔgtam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

sɔgtɛ past. → sɔgt-. sɔgtraa future. → sɔgt-. sɔgtr(ʋ) imperfective. → sɔgt-. sɔgt(ʋ) perfective. → sɔgt-. sɔgʋ sg. → sog-. sɔɩ perfective. → sɔɩ-. sɔɩ- verb. split, separate, divide; fr: fendre,

séparer, diviser; dt: spalten, trennen. sɔɩraa future. sɔyɛ past. sɔɩ perfective. sɔɩr(ɩ) imperfective. a sɔyam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

sɔɩraa future. → sɔɩ-. sɔɩr(ɩ) imperfective. → sɔɩ-. sɔka adjectival noun sg. (=/sɔg-ga/) → sɔg-. sɔka diminutive sg. → sog-. sɔkl- verb. make sth. that is small; fr: faire q.chose

qui est petit; dt: etwas Kleines machen. [Note: Clearly related to a sɔka ‘small’, but not by any productive or transparent morphological process.]

sɔkɔlaa future. sɔkəlɛ past. sɔkɔ perfective. sɔkɔlʋ imperfective.

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sɔklam sɔ

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 153

a sɔklam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a sɔkɔlɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who makes

sth. that is small; fr: q.un qui fait q.chose de petit; dt: jmd. der etwas Kleines macht.

a sɔkɔləba deverbal agent noun pl. a sɔkɔləgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. small

thing which is being made; fr: chose petite qui est en train d’être fait; dt: etwas Kleines, das gerade gemacht wird.

a sɔkɔləhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a sɔkɔləga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a sɔkɔləsɩ deverbal instrument noun diminutive

pl. a sɔkɔləfa deverbal local noun. place where

small things are made; fr: endroit où des choses petites sont faites; dt: Platz, wo kleine Dinge gemacht werden.

sɔklam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → sɔkl-. sɔkəlɛ past. → sɔkl-. sɔkɔ perfective. → sɔkl-. sɔkɔlaa future. → sɔkl-. sɔkɔləba deverbal agent noun pl. → sɔkl-. sɔkɔləga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ sɔkl-. sɔkɔləgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → sɔkl-. sɔkɔləhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → sɔkl-. sɔkɔlɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → sɔkl-. sɔkɔləsɩ deverbal instrument noun diminutive pl. →

sɔkl-. sɔkɔlʋ imperfective. → sɔkl-. sɔm- noun. red; white person; fr: rouge; personne

blanche; dt: rot; weißer Mensch. a sɔmdɛ sg. a sɔma pl. [Note: This plural form is for the

reading ‘red’ only.] a sɔmɩa pl. [Note: This plural form is for the

reading ‘red’ only.] a sɔmaʋ pl. [Note: This plural form is for the

reading ‘white person’ only.] sɔma pl. → sɔm-. sɔmdɛ sg. → sɔm-. sɔmɩa pl. → sɔm-. sɔpa pl. → sɔb-. sɔr- (=/sɔd/) noun. other; fr: autre; dt: ander(-er,-

e,-es). sɔrɔ (=/sɔd-ɔ/) adjectival noun human sg. sɔrəba (=/sɔd-ba/) adjectival noun human pl. sɔrəgʋ (=/sɔd-gʊ/) adjectival noun non-human

sg. sɔrəhɛ (=/sɔd-hɛ/) adjectival noun non-human

pl. sɔrəŋa (=/sɔd-ga/) adjectival noun diminutive

sg. sɔrəfa (=/sɔd-fa/) local noun sg.

sɔrəba adjectival noun human pl. (=/sɔd-ba/) → sɔr-.

sɔrd- verb. stamp (gently to remove e.g. peas, peanuts, sorrel from their shells); fr: piler (doucement pour enlever p. ex. les petits pois, les arachides, l’oseille de leurs coques); dt:

(sanft) stampfen (um z.B. Erbsen, Erdnüsse, Sauerampfer von ihren Schalen herauszulösen).

sɔrɔdaa future. sɔrədɛ past. sɔrɔ perfective. sɔrɔd(ʋ) imperfective. a sɔrədam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

sɔrədɛ past. → sɔrd-. sɔrəgʋ adjectival noun non-human sg. (=/sɔd-gʊ/)

→ sɔr-. sɔrəhɛ adjectival noun non-human pl. (=/sɔd-hɛ/)

→ sɔr-. sɔrm- verb. wash oneself; fr: faire la toilette; dt:

sich waschen. [Note: ‘Washing oneself’ involves washing the extremities of the body (head, arms, lower legs) without removing one’s clothes. This contrasts with a full wash / shower a hubəlʌm.]

sɔrɔmaa future. sɔrəmɛ past. sɔrɔm perfective. sɔrɔm(ɔ) imperfective. a sɔrəmam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a sɔrɔmɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who is

washing himself; fr: q.un qui se lave; dt: jmd. der sich wäscht.

a sɔrɔməba deverbal agent noun pl. a sɔrɔməgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. object

for washing; fr: objet pour laver; dt: Gegenstand zum Waschen.

a sɔrɔməhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a sɔrɔməga deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. a sɔrɔməsɩ deverbal instrument noun diminutive

pl. a sɔrɔməfa deverbal local noun. place for

washing; fr: endroit pour se laver; dt: Platz zum waschen.

sɔrəmam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → sɔrm-. sɔrəmɛ past. → sɔrm-. sɔrəŋa adjectival noun diminutive sg. (=/sɔd-ga/)

→ sɔr-. sɔrɔ adjectival noun human sg. (=/sɔd-ɔ/) → sɔr-. sɔrɔ perfective. → sɔrd-. sɔrɔdaa future. → sɔrd-. sɔrɔd(ʋ) imperfective. → sɔrd-. sɔrɔm perfective. → sɔrm-. sɔrɔmaa future. → sɔrm-. sɔrɔməba deverbal agent noun pl. → sɔrm-. sɔrɔməga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ sɔrm-. sɔrɔməgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → sɔrm-. sɔrɔməhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → sɔrm-. sɔrɔmɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → sɔrm-. sɔrɔm(ɔ) imperfective. → sɔrm-. sɔrɔməsɩ deverbal instrument noun diminutive pl.

→ sɔrm-. sɔyɛ past. → sɔɩ-. sɔ perfective. → sɔ-.

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sɔ- sog-

154 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

sɔ- noun. death; dead person; fr: (la) mort; (un) mort; dt: Tod; Toter. [Note: If related to a sɩbam, then only very distantly. The sense ‘dead person’ is used only in a non-physical sense; a corpse is referred to as a fo sɩbʋ ‘a dead person’. A dead person can also be referred to as a pɔmdɛ kɛndɩ ‘a finished nose / life’.]

a sɔm sg. a sɔmfɩ pl.

sɔ- verb. weave; fr: tisser; dt: weben. [Note: This verb typically has the object a sʋlaɩ ‘weaving’.]

sɔnaa future. sɔɛ past. sɔ perfective. sɔn(ɔ) imperfective. a sɔɔm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

a sʋlaɩ sɔnɔ NP+N compound noun sg. weaver; fr: tisserand; dt: Weber [Note: This agent noun is rarely used without a sʋlaɩ]

a sʋlaɩ sɔnəba NP+N compound noun pl. sɔɛ past. → sɔ-. sɔm sg. → sɔ-. sɔmmʋ noun. salt; fr: sel; dt: Salz. [Note: The final

mɔ of this word and of a nɛmmɔ ‘meat’ may be the remnants of a class suffix, possibly a variant of - m, since both are mass nouns.]

a sɔmmʋ sg. a sɔmmʋfɩ pl.

a sɔmmʋ tɔɩ NP+N compound noun pl./mass sugar (lit.: salt-honey); fr: sucre (lit.: miel de sel); dt: Zucker (wörtl.: Salzhonig) [Note: The plural designates individual units of salt (e.g. packets).]

sɔnaa future. → sɔ-. sɔnɔ noun. early morning (about 6-7 a.m.); fr: matin

de bonne heure (env. 6-7 heures); dt: Frühe, früher Vormittag (ca. 6-7 Uhr).

a sɔnɔ sg. a sɔnɔɩ pl. a sɔnəfɩ pl.

sɔn(ɔ) imperfective. → sɔ-. sɔnɔɩ pl. → sɔnɔ. sɔŋfaa future. → sɔŋn. sɔŋf(ʋ) imperfective. → sɔŋn. sɔŋkaam- noun. peanut; fr: arachide; dt: Erdnuss.

[Note: = Mòoré (but ɔ for ʋ). The Koromfe word for peanut is a poi saa.]

a sɔŋkaamdɛ sg. a sɔŋkaam pl.

sɔŋkaamdɛ sg. → sɔŋkaam-. sɔŋn verb. be sharp / pointed; fr: être aigu / pointu;

dt: scharf / spitz sein. [Note: No past form could be elicited; in particular, *sO&97nE does not exist..]

sɔŋənaa future. sɔŋfaa future. sɔŋɔ perfective. sɔŋən(ɔ) imperfective. sɔŋf(ʋ) imperfective. a sɔŋɔɩ deverbal action noun sg./mass.

a sɔŋəna participial adjective. sharp, pointed; fr: aigu, pointu; dt: scharf, spitz.

sɔŋənaa future. → sɔŋn. sɔŋən(ɔ) imperfective. → sɔŋn. sɔŋɔ perfective. → sɔŋn. sɔŋɔɩ deverbal action noun sg./mass. → sɔŋn. sɔɔ- noun. period, time, moment; when; fr: période,

temps, moment; lorsque; dt: Periode, Zeit, Augenblick; als.

a sɔɔnɛ sg. a sɔỹã pl. days; fr: jours; dt: Tage.

sɔɔnɛ sg. → sɔɔ-. sɔɔrɩ noun. morning (about 8-9 a.m.); fr: matin

(vers 8-9 heures); dt: Morgen (um ca. 8-9 Uhr). [Note: = Mòoré. This word seems to have no plural; expected sɔjã is the plural of a sɔɔnɛ and means ‘days’.]

a sɔɔrɩ sg. sɔs- verb. redden, make red; fr: rougir, faire rouge;

dt: erröten, rot machen. [Note: Cf. a sɔmdɛ ‘red’. Not regularly morphologically related. This verb can be both intransitive (‘become red’) and transitive (‘make red’).]

sɔsraa future. sɔsɛ past. sɔs(ʋ) perfective. sɔsr(ʋ) imperfective. a sɔsam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

sɔsɛ past. → sɔs-. sɔsraa future. → sɔs-. sɔsr(ʋ) imperfective. → sɔs-. sɔs(ʋ) perfective. → sɔs-. so noun. bucket; fr: seau; dt: Eimer, Kübel. [Note:

< Fr. seau] a so sg. a somʌ pl. a sofi pl.

sofe numeral. twenty (20); one hundred francs CFA; fr: vingt (20); cent francs CFA; dt: zwanzig (20); hundert Francs CFA.

sofe attributive & disjunctive cardinal numeral. [Note: This numeral does not take the article a. The final [fe] could be the singulative class suffix /-fɛ/. However, there is no noun stem like /so/.]

a sofendo ordinal numeral human sg. twentieth (person); fr: vingtième (personne); dt: zwanzigster (Mensch). a kɛɔ sofendo NP+N compound noun sg. the

twentieth woman; fr: la vingtième femme; dt: die zwanzigste Frau [Note: This ordinal numeral always takes the article a.]

a sofendəbʌ ordinal numeral human pl. a sofendəgu ordinal numeral non-human sg. & pl.

twentieth; fr: vingtième; dt: zwanzigst(-er,-e,-es).

sofendəbʌ ordinal numeral human pl. → sofe. sofendo ordinal numeral human sg. → sofe. sog- noun. limit, end, border; fr: limite, fin,

frontière; dt: Grenze, Ende. a sogo sg.

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Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 155

a sɔgʋ sg. a sogəfi pl. a sɔgəfɩ pl. a sɔka diminutive sg. [Note: This word is used

only in the compound a dɛr sɔka ‘boundary mound’.]

a sɔgənɩ diminutive sg. a dɛr sɔka N+N compound noun diminutive sg.

boundary mound; fr: colline de frontière; dt: Grenzhügel.

a dɛr sɔgənɩ N+N compound noun diminutive pl. sogəfi pl. → sog-. sogo sg. → sog-. soi- noun. pearl, necklace, (pl.) jewellery; fr: perle,

collier, (pl.) parure; dt: Perle, Halsband, (Pl.) Schmuck.

a soife singulative. a soi pl./collective.

soife singulative. → soi-. sol perfective. → sol-. sol- verb. fall; fall upon (to rob), attack; fr: tomber ;

tomber sur (pour voler), attaquer; dt: fallen, hinfallen; überfallen. [Note: In the sense ‘rob’ this verb takes the postposition dɔba or dɔba nɛ.]

sollʌʌ future. sole past. sol perfective. soll(u) imperfective. a solʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

yobo ka n sol imperative sentence Take care that you don’t fall!; fr: Fais attention que tu ne tombes pas!; dt: Pass auf, dass du nicht hinfällst!

a hobtərəba sol mə dɔba ba zaŋ mə sorfi dʋrʋ sentence The robbers attacked me and took away all my things.; fr: Les voleurs m’ont attaqué et ont pris toutes mes affaires.; dt: Die Räuber haben mich überfallen und mir meine ganzen Sachen weggenommen.

a sollo deverbal agent noun sg. robber; fr: brigand; dt: Räuber.

a solləbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. solʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → sol-. sole past. → sol-. sollʌʌ future. → sol-. sollo deverbal agent noun sg. → sol-. soll(u) imperfective. → sol-. som- noun. kind of food (boiled flour etc. which has

solidified into particles, e.g. couscous); fr: espèce de nourriture (farine etc. bouillie qui est devenue solide en particules, p. ex. couscous); dt: Art Nahrung (gekochtes Mehl etc., das in Bröselform fest geworden ist, z.B. Couscous). [Note: This word has no plural in - a.]

a somde sg. a somdefi pl.

a varam somde NP+N compound noun sg. couscous; fr: couscous; dt: Couscous

a pengə somde NP+N compound noun sg. couscous of fonio; fr: couscous de fonio; dt: Couscous von Fonio

a dãŋənaʋ somde NP+N compound noun sg. couscous of a dãŋənaʋ; fr: couscous de a dãŋənaʋ; dt: Couscous von a dãŋənaʋ

som- (=/som-Ṿl/) noun. illness, sickness; fr: maladie; dt: Krankheit.

a somoi (=/som-Ṿl/) abstract noun sg. a somoifi (=/som-Ṿl-fɩ/) abstract noun pl.

somʌ pl. → so. somde sg. → som-. somhĩĩ adverb. two days ago, the day before

yesterday; fr: il y a deux jours, avant-hier; dt: vor zwei Tagen, vorgestern. [Note: hĩĩ ‘two’. som does not exist as a root in present-day Koromfe; it may originate in a sɔnɔ.]

somhĩĩ temporal adverb. somoi abstract noun sg. (=/som-Ṿl/) → som-. soms- verb. be hectic, make a lot of noise; fr: être

hectique, faire beaucoup de bruit; dt: hektisch sein, viel Lärm machen. [Note: Typically this verb is used for the lamentations of friends and relatives if some catastrophe (e.g. death) occurs.]

a somsʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. somsərʌʌ future. somse past. soms(u) perfective. somsər(u) imperfective.

somsʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → soms-. somse past. → soms-. somsərʌʌ future. → soms-. soms(u) perfective. → soms-. sond- noun. egg; fr: œuf; dt: Ei.

a sondre sg. a sondʌ pl. a sondo pl.

sondʌ pl. → sond-. sondre sg. → sond-. songrəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. (=/soŋg-d-ba/)

→ soŋ(g)-. songre deverbal action noun sg. (=/soŋg-dɛ/) →

soŋ(g)-. songrəfʌ deverbal local noun. (=/soŋg-d-fa/) →

soŋ(g)-. songrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

(=/soŋg-d-ga/) → soŋ(g)-. songrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. (=/soŋg-d-

gʋ/) → soŋ(g)-. songrəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. (=/soŋg-d-

hɩ/) → soŋ(g)-. songrəhɩ deverbal instrument noun pl. (=/soŋg-d-

hɩ/) → soŋ(g)-. songro deverbal agent noun sg. (=/soŋg-d-ɔ/) →

soŋ(g)-. soŋ perfective. (=/soŋg/) → soŋ(g)-. soŋ(g)- (=/soŋg/) verb. receive, take, accept, obey,

agree; fr: recevoir, prendre, accepter, obéir, être d’accord; dt: erhalten, nehmen, akzeptieren, gehorchen, zustimmen.

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soŋgʌm sʋs-

156 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

soŋgrʌʌ (=/soŋg-d-aa/) future. soŋge (=/soŋg-e/) past. soŋ (=/soŋg/) perfective. soŋgr(u) (=/soŋg-d/) imperfective. a soŋgʌm (=/soŋg-am/) deverbal action noun

sg./mass. a songre (=/soŋg-dɛ/) deverbal action noun sg.

action of taking; fr: action de prendre; dt: Handlung des Nehmens.

a songro (=/soŋg-d-ɔ/) deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who accepts / takes; fr: q.un qui accepte / prend; dt: jmd. der (an)nimmt.

a songrəbʌ (=/soŋg-d-ba/) deverbal agent noun pl.

a songrəgu (=/soŋg-d-gʋ/) deverbal instrument noun sg. something lent that one wants to have back; job that one has agreed to do; finished job that ought to draw appreciation; fr: chose prêtée qu’on veut récupérer; travail qu’on a accepté de faire; travail complété qui devra être apprécié; dt: etwas Geliehenes, das man zurückhaben möchte; Arbeitsauftrag, den man angenommen hat; fertige Arbeit, die Hochachtung bewirken sollte.

a songrəhɩ / a songrəhe (=/soŋg-d-hɩ/) deverbal instrument noun pl.

a songrəgʌ (=/soŋg-d-ga/) deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

a songrəfʌ (=/soŋg-d-fa/) deverbal local noun. place for accepting / taking; fr: endroit pour accepter / prendre; dt: Platz zum (an)nehmen.

a songəmʌũ (=/soŋg-mãʋ/) deverbal nomen acti pl. things that one has accepted, obligations; fr: choses qu’on a acceptées, obligations; dt: Dinge, die man angenommen hat, Verpflichtungen. a hem songre NP+N compound noun sg. flood;

fr: inondation; dt: Überschwemmung soŋgʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. (=/soŋg-

am/) → soŋ(g)-. soŋge past. (=/soŋg-e/) → soŋ(g)-. soŋgrʌʌ future. (=/soŋg-d-aa/) → soŋ(g)-. soŋgr(u) imperfective. (=/soŋg-d/) → soŋ(g)-. sorou noun. object, (pl.) things, luggage; fr: objet,

(pl.) affaires, bagages; dt: Gegenstand, (Pl.) Sachen, Gepäck.

a sorou sg. a sorəfi pl.

sʋbɔʋ noun. wax, glue, (sticky) rubber; fr: cire, colle, caoutchouc (collant); dt: Wachs, Klebstoff, Gummi (klebend).

a sʋbɔʋ sg. a sʋbɔʋfɩ pl.

sʋgt- verb. castrate (an animal); fr: castrer (un animal); dt: (ein Tier) kastrieren.

sʋgtraa future. sʋgtɛ past. sʋgt(ʋ) perfective. sʋgtr(ʋ) imperfective. a sʋgtam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

sʋgtɛ past. → sʋgt-.

sʋgtraa future. → sʋgt-. sʋgtr(ʋ) imperfective. → sʋgt-. sʋgt(ʋ) perfective. → sʋgt-. sʋɩ- noun. grasshopper, cricket; fr: sauterelle,

criquet; dt: Heuschreck, Grashüpfer. a sʋɩfɛ singulative. a sʋɩ pl./collective.

sʋɩfɛ singulative. → sʋɩ-. sʋk perfective. (=/sʋk/) → sʋk-. sʋk- verb. ventilate, fan; fr: ventiler, aérer; dt:

lüften. sʋkraa (=/sʋk-d-aa/) future. sʋkɛ (=/sʋk-ɛ/) past. sʋk / sʋkʋ (=/sʋk/) perfective. sʋkr / sʋkrʋ (=/sʋk-d/) imperfective. a sʋkam (=/sʋk-am/) deverbal action noun

sg./mass. sʋkɛ past. (=/sʋk-ɛ/) → sʋk-. sʋkr imperfective. (=/sʋk-d/) → sʋk-. sʋkraa future. (=/sʋk-d-aa/) → sʋk-. sʋkrʋ imperfective. (=/sʋk-d/) → sʋk-. sʋkʋ perfective. (=/sʋk/) → sʋk-. sʋl- noun. eagle, hawk; fr: aigle, épervier; dt: Adler,

Sperber. a sʋllɛ (=/sʋl-dɛ/) sg. a sʋla (=/sʋl-a/) pl.

a sɔmdɛ sʋllɛ NP+N compound noun sg. aeroplane, aircraft (lit.: eagle of the white man); fr: avion (lit.: aigle du blanc); dt: Flugzeug (wörtl.: Adler des Weißen)

sʋlaɩ noun. weaving, set of weaving equipment; fr: métier à tisser, tissage, appareils d’un tisserand; dt: Weben, Satz Webeausrüstung.

a sʋlaɩ sg. a sʋlaɩfɩ pl.

a sʋlaɩ sɔnɔ NP+N compound noun sg. weaver; fr: tisserand; dt: Weber [Note: This is the normal expression for a weaver.]

a sʋlai sɔnəba NP+N compound noun pl. sʋllɛ sg. (=/sʋl-dɛ/) → sʋl-. sʋrg- verb. drop; sow (scattering seed by hand); fr:

laisser tomber, faire tomber ; semer à la volée; dt: fallen lassen; säen (mit der Hand streuend). [Note: Possibly historically a causative of a solʌm ‘fall’, but no longer synchronically related.]

sʋrəgraa (=/sʋrg-d-aa/) future. sʋrəgɛ (=/sʋrg-ɛ/) past. sʋrəg / sʋrəgʋ (=/sʋrg/) perfective. sʋrəgr / sʋrəgrʋ (=/sʋrg-d/) imperfective. a sʋrəgam (=/sʋrg-am/) deverbal action noun

sg./mass. sʋrəg perfective. (=/sʋrg/) → sʋrg-. sʋrəgɛ past. (=/sʋrg-ɛ/) → sʋrg-. sʋrəgr imperfective. (=/sʋrg-d/) → sʋrg-. sʋrəgraa future. (=/sʋrg-d-aa/) → sʋrg-. sʋrəgrʋ imperfective. (=/sʋrg-d/) → sʋrg-. sʋrəgʋ perfective. (=/sʋrg/) → sʋrg-. sʋs- noun. scythe; fr: scie; dt: Sichel.

a sʋsʋ (=/sʋs-ʋ/) sg. a sʋsəfɩ (=/sʋs-fɩ/) pl.

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sʋsʋ sũmb-

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 157

sʋsʋ sg. (=/sʋs-ʋ/) → sʋs-. su noun. cabbage; fr: chou; dt: Kohl, Kraut. [Note:

< Fr. chou] a su (=/su/) sg. a sufi (=/su-fɩ/) pl.

su noun. guinea-fowl; fr: pintade; dt: Perlhuhn.

a su sg. [Note: This word has no singular form with - de ([re]) which would be the regular counterpart of the plural suffix - ʌ.]

a suyʌ / a suyo (=/su-a/) pl. tubre su PP+N compound noun sg. capercaillie,

grouse; fr: poule de bruyère; dt: Auerhuhn sub- noun. pot; fr: canari; dt: Topf. [Note: This is

the standard smaller-sized earthenware pot for cooking.]

a subre (=/sub-dɛ/) sg. a subʌ / a subo (=/sub-a/) pl. a subkʌ (=/sub-ga/) diminutive sg. small pot; fr:

petit canari; dt: kleiner Topf. [Note: Here gʌ becomes kʌ after a stop (a regular process).]

a subəni (=/sub-nɩ/) diminutive pl. subʌ pl. (=/sub-a/) → sub-. subkʌ diminutive sg. (=/sub-ga/) → sub-. subo pl. (=/sub-a/) → sub-. subre sg. (=/sub-dɛ/) → sub-. sug- noun. pardon, forgiveness; fr: pardon; dt:

Verzeihung, Vergebung. [Note: =Mòoré] a sugri sg.

ʋ zorom a sugri sentence We beg pardon.; fr: Nous demandons pardon.; dt: Wir bitten um Verzeihung.

a dɔfrɛ tɛ sugri sentence God forgive (us)!; fr: Que Dieu (nous) pardonne!; dt: Gott verzeihe (uns)!

bak na mɛ sugri sentence Pardon me.; fr: Excusez-moi.; dt: Entschuldigen Sie mich. [Note: tɛ < tɩ a]

suk perfective. (=/suk/) → suk-. suk- verb. hit, beat, trample (on); fr: frapper,

flageller, battre, piétiner; dt: schlagen, verprügeln, stampfen (auf).

sukrʌʌ (=/suk-d-aa/) future. suke (=/suk-ɛ/) past. suk / suku (=/suk/) perfective. sukr / sukru (=/suk-d/) imperfective. a sukʌm (=/suk-am/) deverbal action noun

sg./mass. a suku indeclinable participial noun sg. & pl. trail,

footprint; fr: trace, trace de pied; dt: Spur, Fußstapfen.

a sukrəgu (=/suk-d-gʋ/) deverbal instrument noun sg. trail, footprint; sandal, shoe; fr: trace, trace de pied; sandale, chaussure; dt: Spur, Fußstapfen; Sandale, Schuh. [Note: Phonetically [g], not [ɣ].]

a sukrəhi (=/suk-d-hĩ/) deverbal instrument noun pl.

sukʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. (=/suk-am/) → suk-.

suke past. (=/suk-ɛ/) → suk-. sukr imperfective. (=/suk-d/) → suk-. sukrʌʌ future. (=/suk-d-aa/) → suk-. sukrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. (=/suk-d-

gʋ/) → suk-. sukru imperfective. (=/suk-d/) → suk-. suku perfective. (=/suk/) → suk-. suku indeclinable participial noun sg. & pl. (=/suk-

am/) → suk-. sul- noun. forehead; fr: front; dt: Stirn.

a sulle (=/sul-dɛ/) sg. a sulʌ / a sulo (=/sul-a/) pl.

sulle sg. (=/sul-dɛ/) → sul-. sur perfective. (=/sud/) → sur-. sur- (=/sud/) verb. pour; fr: verser; dt: gießen,

einschenken. [Note: This is the normal verb for pouring a liquid. It cannot be used for pouring a liquid on the ground for the ancestors.]

sutʌʌ (=/sud-d-aa/) future. sure (=/sud-ɛ/) past. sur / suru (=/sud/) perfective. sut / sutu (=/sud-d/) imperfective. a surʌm (=/sud-am/) deverbal action noun

sg./mass. sure past. (=/sud-ɛ/) → sur-. suru perfective. (=/sud/) → sur-. sus- noun. group of stars, constellation; fr: groupe

d’étoiles, constellation; dt: Sternengruppe, Sternbild.

a susre (=/sus-dɛ/) sg. a suso (=/sus-a/) pl. (=/sus-aʋ/)

— pl. susre sg. (=/sus-dɛ/) → sus-. sut imperfective. (=/sud-d/) → sur-. sutʌʌ future. (=/sud-d-aa/) → sur-. sutu imperfective. (=/sud-d/) → sur-. sũmb perfective. (=/sũmb/) → sũmb-. sũmb- verb. close (with a lid), seal; fr: fermer

(avec un couvercle), sceller; dt: schließen (mit Deckel), verschließen. [Note: Synonymous with a sũmbəlʌm.]

sũmbrʌʌ (=/sũmb-d-aa/) future. sũmbe (=/sũmb-ɛ/) past. sũmb / sũmbu (=/sũmb/) perfective. sũmbr / sũmbru (=/sũmb-d/) imperfective. a sũmbʌm (=/sũmb-am/) deverbal action noun

sg./mass. a sũmbrəgu (=/sũmb-d-gʋ/) deverbal

instrument noun sg. lid; fr: couvercle; dt: Deckel.

a sũmbrəhe (=/sũmb-d-hĩ/) deverbal instrument noun pl.

a sũmbrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg. small lid; fr: petit couvercle; dt: kleiner Deckel. [Note: Diminutive deverbal instrument nouns are relatively rare.]

a sũmbrəni (=/sũmb-d-ni/) deverbal instrument noun pl.

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sũmbʌm taalam

158 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

sũmbʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. (=/sũmb-am/) → sũmb-.

sũmbe past. (=/sũmb-ɛ/) → sũmb-. sũmbl- (=/sũmb-Ṿl/) verb. close (with a lid), seal;

fr: fermer (avec un couvercle), sceller; dt: schließen (mit Deckel), verschließen. [Note: Synonymous with a sũmbʌm.]

sũmbolʌʌ (=/sũmb-Ṿl-d-aa/) future. sũmbəle (=/sũmb-Ṿl-ɛ/) past. sũmbo (=/sũmb-Ṿl/) perfective. sũmbol / sũmbolu (=/su mb-Ṿl-d/)

imperfective. a sũmbəlʌm (=/sũmb-Ṿl-am/) deverbal action

noun sg./mass. sũmbəle past. (=/sũmb-Ṿl-ɛ/) → sũmbl-. sũmbo perfective. (=/sũmb-Ṿl/) → sũmbl-. sũmbol imperfective. (=/sũmb-Ṿl-d/) → sũmbl-. sũmbolʌʌ future. (=/sũmb-Ṿl-d-aa/) → sũmbl-. sũmbolu imperfective. (=/sũmb-Ṿl-d/) → sũmbl-. sũmbot perfective. (=/sũmb-Ṿt/) → sũmbot-. sũmbot- (=/sũmb-Ṿt/) verb. open (sth. closed with

a lid), unseal; fr: ouvrir (q.chose qui est fermé avec un couvercle), desceller; dt: (etwas, was mit einem Deckel zugemacht ist) öffnen, entsiegeln. [Note: Reversive of a sũmbʌm and a sũmbəlʌm.]

sũmbotrʌʌ (=/sũmb-Ṿt-d-aa/) future. sũmbote (=/sũmb-Ṿt-ɛ/) past. sũmbot / sũmbotu (=/sũmb-Ṿt/) perfective. sũmbotr / sũmbotru (=/sũmb-Ṿt-d/)

imperfective. a sũmbotʌm (=/sũmb-Ṿt-am/) deverbal action

noun sg./mass. a sũmbotrəgu (=/sũmb-Ṿt-d-gʋ/) deverbal

instrument noun sg. sũmbotrəhi (=/sũmb-Ṿt-d-hĩ/) deverbal

instrument noun pl. thing for opening, bottle-opener; fr: objet pour ouvrir, ouvre-bouteille; dt: Ding zum Öffnen, Flaschenöffner.

sũmbotʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. (=/sũmb-Ṿt-am/) → sũmbot-.

sũmbote past. (=/sũmb-Ṿt-ɛ/) → sũmbot-. sũmbotr imperfective. (=/sũmb-Ṿt-d/) → sũmbot-. sũmbotrʌʌ future. (=/sũmb-Ṿt-d-aa/) → sũmbot-.

sũmbotrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. (=/sũmb-Ṿt-d-gʋ/) → sũmbot-.

sũmbotru imperfective. (=/sũmb-Ṿt-d/) → sũmbot-.

sũmbotu perfective. (=/sũmb-Ṿt/) → sũmbot-. sũmbr imperfective. (=/sũmb-d/) → sũmb-. sũmbrʌʌ future. (=/sũmb-d-aa/) → sũmb-. sũmbrəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

(=/sũmb-d-hĩ/) → sũmb-. sũmbrəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. (=/sũmb-

d-gʋ/) → sũmb-. sũmbrəhe deverbal instrument noun pl. (=/sũmb-d-

hĩ/) → sũmb-. sũmbru imperfective. (=/sũmb-d/) → sũmb-. sũmbu perfective. (=/sũmb/) → sũmb-. sũnd- noun. horse, bicycle, moped, motor cycle; fr:

cheval, bicyclette, mobylette, moto; dt: Pferd, Fahrrad, Mofa, Moped, Motorrad.

a sũndu (=/sũnd-ʋ/) sg. a sũndii (=/sũnd-ɩɩ/) pl.

a sũndu kɔɛ NP+N compound noun sg. horse; fr: cheval; dt: Pferd [Note: Used to disambiguate; otherwise a sũndu is used alone.]

a sũndii kɔɛ NP+N compound noun pl. a sũndu mɔsəŋa NP+N compound noun sg.

horse; fr: cheval; dt: Pferd [Note: Used to disambiguate; otherwise a sũndu is used alone.]

a sũndii mɔsənɛ NP+N compound noun pl. a kɔsə sundu NP+N compound noun sg. bicycle;

fr: bicyclette, vélo; dt: Fahrrad [Note: Used to disambiguate; otherwise a sũndu is used alone.]

a kɔsə sundii NP+N compound noun pl. a homoi sũndu NP+N compound noun sg.

moped, motor cycle; fr: mobylette, moto; dt: Mofa, Moped, Motorrad [Note: Used to disambiguate; otherwise a sũndu is used alone.]

a homoi sũndii NP+N compound noun pl. sũndu sg. (=/sũnd-ʋ/) → sũnd-. sũndu koŋ fɔnnaa deverbal action noun sg./mass.

→ fɔn-.

T - t -t verb.deriv. transitive; fr: transitif; dt: transitiv.

[Note: This suffix derives transitive verbs from simple verb stems (which may be transitive or intransitive).]

-t / -ət (=/-t/) transitive. ta past. → ta-. ta perfective. → ta-. ta- verb. shoot, fire; put/pull on (trousers); fr:

projeter, tirer ; mettre (un pantalon); dt: schießen, feuern; (eine Hose) anziehen.

taraa future. ta past. ta perfective. tar(ɩ) imperfective. a taam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

taalam verb. reproach, accuse, blame; fr: reprocher, accuser; dt: Vorwürfe machen, beschuldigen. [Note: = Mòoré]

taandaa future.

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taalədaa tams-

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 159

taalədaa [Note: This form is less common.] future.

taalɛ past. taal(ɩ) perfective. taand(ɩ) imperfective. taaləd(ɩ) [Note: This form is less common.]

imperfective. a taalam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a taalʋ deverbal action noun sg. reproach,

accusation; fr: reproche, accusation; dt: Vorwurf, Beschuldigung.

taalədaa future. → taalam. taaləd(ɩ) imperfective. → taalam. taalɛ past. → taalam. taal(ɩ) perfective. → taalam. taandaa future. → taalam. taand(ɩ) imperfective. → taalam. taayɔ noun. rubber; catapult; fr: caoutchouc; lance-

pierre moderne; dt: Gummi; moderne Schleuder.

a taayɔ sg. a taayɔfɩ pl.

taba pl. → tabrɛ. tabg- verb. trample; fr: piétiner; dt: (zer)stampfen.

[Note: = Mòoré. Cf. Koromfe a sukʌm ‘trample’] tabəgraa future. tabəgɛ past. tabəg(ʋ) perfective. tabəgr(ʋ) imperfective. a tabəgam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

tabəgɛ past. → tabg-. tabəgraa future. → tabg-. tabəgr(ʋ) imperfective. → tabg-. tabəg(ʋ) perfective. → tabg-. tabrɛ noun. (piece of) tobacco; fr: (morceau de)

tabac; dt: (Stück) Tabak. a tabrɛ sg. a taba pl. a tabafɩ pl.

tag- noun. pond, lake; fr: mare; dt: Weiher, See (m.).

a tagrɛ sg. a tagɩa pl.

taga perfective. → tagl-. tagalaa future. → tagl-. tagal(ɩ) imperfective. → tagl-. tagl- verb. cook, boil; fr: cuire, bouillir; dt: kochen.

[Note: This word is used for cooking, but not for boiling water with nothing in it. For this, a homsʌm ‘heat’ is used.]

tagalaa future. tagəlɛ past. taga perfective. tagal(ɩ) imperfective. a tagəlam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

tagəlɛ past. → tagl-. tagrɛ sg. → tag-. tags- verb. reflect, think; fr: réfléchir, penser; dt:

nachdenken, denken. tagsraa future. tagsɛ past.

tags(ɩ) perfective. tagsr(ɩ) imperfective. a tagsam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

tagsɛ past. → tags-. tags(ɩ) perfective. → tags-. tagsraa future. → tags-. tagsr(ɩ) imperfective. → tags-. tal- noun. scar; fr: cicatrice; dt: Narbe. [Note:

Despite its Mòoré-like singular suffix, this word is reported not to be the same in present-day Mòoré.]

a tallɩ sg. a tala pl.

talaata noun. Tuesday; fr: mardi; dt: Dienstag. [Note: = Mòoré. < Arabic.]

a talaata sg. a talaataʋ pl. a talaatafɩ pl. a talaatama pl.

talaatafɩ pl. → talaata. talaataʋ pl. → talaata. tallɩ sg. → tal-. tam perfective. → tam-. tam- verb. get lost, be lost; fr: se perdre, s’égarer,

être perdu; dt: sich verlaufen, verloren sein. tammaa future. tamɛ past. tam perfective. tamm(ɔ) imperfective. a tamam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

mə ya tam tubre sentence I went into the bush and got lost.; fr: Je suis allé en brousse et me suis égaré.; dt: Ich bin in den Busch gegangen und habe mich verlaufen.

mə manɛ dʋrʋ tam sentence I’ve lost all my money. (Lit.: All my money is lost.); fr: J’ai perdu tout mon argent. (Lit.: Tout mon argent est perdu.); dt: Ich habe mein ganzes Geld verloren. (Wörtl.: Mein ganzes Geld ist verloren.)

tamat- noun. tomato; fr: tomate; dt: Tomate. [Note: < Fr. tomate]

a tamatəfɛ / a tomatəfɛ singulative. a tamatɩ / a tomatɩ pl./collective. a tamatəfɩ / a tomatəfɩ pl.

tamatəfɛ singulative. → tamat-. tamatɩ pl./collective. → tamat-. tamɛ past. → tam-. tammaa future. → tam-. tamm(ɔ) imperfective. → tam-. tams perfective. → tams-. tams- verb. lose; fr: perdre; dt: verlieren. [Note:

This is the causative of a tamam ‘be lost’.] tamsraa future. tamsɛ past. tams / tamsʋ perfective. tamsr(ʋ) imperfective. a tamsam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

mə tamsɛ mə manɛ dʋrʋ sentence I’ve lost all my money.; fr: J’ai perdu tout mon argent.; dt: Ich habe mein ganzes Geld verloren.

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tamsɛ tããm

160 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

tamsɛ past. → tams-. tamsraa future. → tams-. tamsr(ʋ) imperfective. → tams-. tamsʋ perfective. → tams-. tar- verb. wipe, plaster (e.g. the outer wall of a

house); fr: essuyer, crépir (p. ex. le mur extérieur d’une maison); dt: wischen, verputzen (z.B. die Außenwand eines Hauses).

tataa future. tarɛ past. tar(ɩ) perfective. tat(ɩ) imperfective. a taram deverbal action noun sg./mass.

də tarɩ də wana dammɛ la (a) lotiisi sentence He wiped the sauce from his hands with a paper handkerchief.; fr: Il a essuyé la sauce de ses mains avec un mouchoir en papier.; dt: Er hat die Sauce mit einem Papiertaschentuch von seinen Händen gewischt. [Note: Here də wana dammɛ is a compound noun ‘his hands-sauce’.]

taraa future. → ta-. tarɛ past. → tar-. targ- verb. move backwards, move back (to it’s

original position), disengage, retreat, withdraw; fr: bouger en arrière, remettre (à sa place originaire), se dégager, reculer, se distancer; dt: nach hinten bewegen, (auf seinen ursprünglichen Platz) zurückgeben, sich entflechten, zurückfallen, sich zurückziehen. [Note: This is probably the causative of a taram ‘wipe’, though with some semantic shift.]

tarəgraa future. tarəgɛ past. tarəg(ɩ) perfective. tarəgr(ɩ) imperfective. a tarəgam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

tarəgɛ past. → targ-. tarəg(ɩ) perfective. → targ-. tarəgraa future. → targ-. tarəgr(ɩ) imperfective. → targ-. tar(ɩ) imperfective. → ta-. tar(ɩ) perfective. → tar-. tarɩɔ noun. open area; fr: espace ouvert; dt: freie

Fläche. [Note: Pace the difference in grammatical category, this word is synonymous with the nominal usage of the adverb selle.]

a tarɩɔ sg. a tarɩɔfɩ pl.

tasʋ noun. basket (made of straw); fr: panier (fabriqué en paille); dt: Korb (aus Stroh). [Note: Cf. also a tɛŋa ‘small basket made of wood’.]

a tasʋ sg. a tasəfɩ pl.

a ỹʋ tasʋ NP+N compound noun sg. headwear of any kind (hat, cap, beret,...); fr: couverture de tête de toute sorte (chapeau, képi, béret,...); dt: Kopfbedeckung jeder Art (Hut, Kappe, Mütze,...)

tataa future. → tar-.

tat(ɩ) imperfective. → tar-. taʋ adverb. quick; fr: vite; dt: schnell.

taʋ adverb. [Note: = Mòoré. Cf. Koromfe wele.] taʋ taʋ quick; fr: vite-vite; dt: schnell-schnell.

[Note: = Mòoré. Cf. Koromfe wele wele.] taʋ noun. pond, lake, river, water-hole, well; fr:

marigot, lac, rivière, bas-fond (avec de l’eau), puits; dt: Teich, See, Fluss, Wasserloch, Brunnen. [Note: This word includes the meanings of a tagrɛ, but can also mean ‘well’, which a tagrɛ cannot.]

a taʋ sg. a taʋfɩ pl.

tã past. → tããm. tã perfective. → tããm. tãã numeral. three (3); fifteen francs CFA; fr: trois

(3); quinze francs CFA; dt: drei (3); fünfzehn Francs CFA. [Note: The disjunctive numeral ɩtaã is used when counting. When tãã is used attributively the prefix ɩ must be dropped and there can be no article a before the qualified noun or noun phrase.]

tãã attributive cardinal numeral. ɩtaã disjunctive cardinal numeral.

ukɔ ʋ taã la sentence There are three of us.; fr: Nous sommes à trois.; dt: Wir sind zu dritt.

a tããndɔ ordinal numeral human sg. third; fr: troisième; dt: dritt(-er,-e,-es). a bi tããndɔ noun phrase sg. the third child; fr:

le troisième enfant; dt: das dritte Kind [Note: In contrast with the attributive cardinal numerals, attributive ordinal numerals take the article a, as in the following examples.]

a tããndəba ordinal numeral human pl. a bu tããndəba noun phrase pl. the third group

of children; fr: le troisième groupe d’enfants; dt: die dritte Gruppe Kinder

a tããndəgʋ ordinal numeral non-human sg. & pl. [Note: Non-human ordinal numerals have no plural form; instead the singular is used.]

tããm verb. contradict (an accusation), swear the opposite of s.o. else; fr: contredire (une accusation), jurer le contraire de q.un d’autre; dt: (einer Beschuldigung) widersprechen, das Gegenteil schwören.

tãnaa future. tã past. tã perfective. tãnɛ imperfective. a tããm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a tããŋa deverbal action noun diminutive sg.

[Note: This is a very rare, perhaps unique formation.]

a tããnɛ deverbal action noun diminutive sg. a nɛn tããŋa NP+N compound noun sg.

contradiction of an accusation (lit.: mouth contradiction); fr: contradiction d’une accusation (lit.: contradiction de bouche); dt: Widerspruch gegen eine Beschuldigung (wörtl.: Mund-Widerspruch)

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tããndəba tɛnəfɩ

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 161

a nɛn tããnɛ NP+N compound noun sg. tããndəba ordinal numeral human pl. → tãã. tããndɔ ordinal numeral human sg. → tãã. tããŋa deverbal action noun diminutive sg. → tããm. tãn perfective. → tãn-. tãn- verb. spread; fr: s’étendre; dt: sich ausbreiten.

[Note: This verb is used for plants which spread rapidly, e.g. sesame, peanuts, a koŋgre]

tãnnaa future. tãnɛ past. tãn perfective. tãnnɛ imperfective. a tãnam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

tãnaa future. → tããm. tãnɛ imperfective. → tããm. tãnɛ past. → tãn-. tãnnaa future. → tãn-. tãnnɛ adverb.

tãnnɛ temporal adverb. three days from today; fr: dans trois jours; dt: in drei Tagen. ba digrʌʌ (a) yãna hɛŋ tãnnɛ sentence They will

sow the millet three days from now.; fr: Ils sèmeront le mil dans trois jours.; dt: Sie werden in drei Tagen die Hirse säen.

tãnnɛ imperfective. → tãn-. tɛ perfective. → tɛ(r)-. tɛb- verb. expose to the sun: spread out, dry,

stretch out; fr: exposer au soleil: étaler, sécher, étendre; dt: der Sonne aussetzen: ausbreiten, trocknen, ausdehnen. [Note: Synonymous with a henʌm.]

tɛbraa future. tɛbɛ past. tɛb(ʋ) perfective. tɛbr(ʋ) imperfective. a tɛbam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

tɛbɛ past. → tɛb-. tɛbraa future. → tɛb-. tɛbr(ʋ) imperfective. → tɛb-. tɛb(ʋ) perfective. → tɛb-. tɛɛs- verb. bring, transmit, pass on, run an errand;

fr: amener, transmettre, faire une commission; dt: bringen, überbringen, einen Auftrag ausführen.

tɛɛsraa future. tɛɛsɛ past. tɛɛs(ɩ) perfective. tɛɛsr(ɩ) imperfective. a tɛɛsam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

mə wu ne mə tɛɛsraa m posʌm a yɔ nɛ sentence If I go home I’ll pass on your greetings to the chief.; fr: Si je rentre je transmettrai tes salutations au chef.; dt: Wenn ich heimfahre, werde ich dem Chef deine Grüße überbringen.

tɛɛsɛ past. → tɛɛs-. tɛɛs(ɩ) perfective. → tɛɛs-. tɛɛsraa future. → tɛɛs-. tɛɛsr(ɩ) imperfective. → tɛɛs-. tɛfrɛ noun. combed cotton; fr: coton peigné; dt:

gekämmte Baumwolle.

a tɛfrɛ sg. a tɛfa pl.

tɛŋg- verb. accompany; fr: accompagner; dt: begleiten.

tɛŋgraa future. tɛŋgɛ past. tɛŋg(ɩ) perfective. tɛŋgr(ɩ) imperfective. a tɛŋgam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

daga mɛ mə tɛŋgraa nɛ sentence Wait for me, I’ll go with you.; fr: Attends-moi, je vais t’accompagner.; dt: Warte auf mich, ich werde dich begleiten.

a tɛŋgrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. also: companion, associate; fr: aussi: compagnon, associé; dt: auch: Begleiter, Kompagnon.

a tɛŋgrəba deverbal agent noun pl. tɛŋgam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → tɛŋg-. tɛŋgɛ past. → tɛŋg-. tɛŋg(ɩ) perfective. → tɛŋg-. tɛŋgraa future. → tɛŋg-. tɛŋgr(ɩ) imperfective. → tɛŋg-. tɛŋgrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → tɛŋg-. tɛ(r)- verb. arrive; become an adult; fr: arriver ;

devenir adulte; dt: ankommen; erwachsen werden.

tɛtaa future. tɛrɛ past. tɛ perfective. [Note: Irregular loss of /d/, which

occurs occasionally in this position in perfective forms of high token frequency words.]

tɛt(ɩ) imperfective. a tɛram deverbal action noun sg./mass. also:

anniversary, birthday; fr: aussi: anniversaire; dt: auch: Jahrestag, Geburtstag. a zende tɛram NP+N compound noun sg. the

New Year; fr: la nouvelle année; dt: das Neue Jahr [Note: The traditional New Year of the Koromba begins in December, on varying dates (depending on the moon).]

tɛrɛ past. → tɛ(r)-. tɛtaa future. → tɛ(r)-. tɛt(ɩ) imperfective. → tɛ(r)-. tɛm- noun. beard; fr: barbe; dt: Bart. [Note: This

refers only to the beard on the chin, not to other facial hair (e.g. on the jaw or cheeks).]

a tɛmdɛ sg. a tɛma pl.

tɛmdɛ sg. → tɛm-. tɛmɛ noun. sieve (for flour); fr: tamis (pour la

farine); dt: Sieb (für das Mehl). [Note: Possibly < Fr. tamis]

a tɛmɛ sg. a tɛmɛfɩ pl.

tɛnɛ noun. Monday; fr: lundi; dt: Montag. [Note: = Mòoré. < Arabic.]

a tɛnɛ sg. a tɛnəfɩ pl. a tɛnəma pl.

tɛnəfɩ pl. → tɛnɛ.

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tɛntɔɔ tɩrga

162 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

tɛntɔɔ pl./collective. → tɛntɔɔ-. tɛntɔɔ- noun. termite; fr: termite; dt: Termite.

[Note: Synonymous with a tɩtɔɔ] a tɛntɔɔfɛ singulative. a tɛntɔɔ pl./collective. a tɛntɔɔfɩ pl.

tɛntɔɔfɛ singulative. → tɛntɔɔ-. tɛŋa noun. (small) basket (made of wood); fr:

(petite) corbeille (fabriquée en bois); dt: (kleiner) Korb (aus Holz). [Note: Cf. also a tasʋ ‘basket made of straw’.]

a tɛŋa diminutive sg. a tɛsʋʋ pl. a tɛŋafɩ diminutive sg.

tɛŋs- verb. be late, be last, (auxiliary) then, later; fr: être en retard, être dernier, (auxiliaire) ensuite, plus tard; dt: verspätet sein, letzter sein, (Auxiliar) dann, später.

tɛŋsraa future. tɛŋsɛ past. tɛŋs(ɩ) perfective. tɛŋsr(ɩ) imperfective. a tɛŋsam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

tɛŋsɛ past. → tɛŋs-. tɛŋs(ɩ) perfective. → tɛŋs-. tɛŋsraa future. → tɛŋs-. tɛŋsr(ɩ) imperfective. → tɛŋs-. tɛsʋʋ pl. → tɛŋa. temb- noun. brick; fr: brique; dt: Ziegelstein. [Note:

This is the generic word for a brick, and does not presuppose what the brick is made of.]

a tembre sg. a tembʌ pl. a tembo pl.

tembʌ pl. → temb-. tembre sg. → temb-. terku noun. cart (e.g. as drawn by donkeys); fr:

charrue (p. ex. d’âne); dt: Wagen (wie von Eseln gezogen).

a terku sg. a terkufi pl. [Note: = Mòoré. See Koromfe a

wotre] tɩ perfective. → tɩg-. tɩg- noun. thigh; fr: cuisse; dt: Oberschenkel.

a tɩgrɛ sg. a tɩga pl.

tɩg- (=/tig/) verb. put; do, make; fr: mettre ; faire; dt: stellen/legen/setzen; tun. [Note: This word cannot be used in the sense of the perpetrating a crime. Thus for example the deverbal agent noun a tɩkɔ cannot be used to refer to an unidentified perpetrator.]

tɩkaa future. [Note: Irregular formation of the future and imperfective. Possibly suffixal /d/ → /g/ and geminate /g+g/ → /k/]

tɩgɛ past. [Note: Irregular loss of /g/, which occurs occasionally in this position in perfective forms of high token frequency words.]

tɩ perfective. tɩk

tɩkɩ (=/tɩk/) imperfective. a tɩgam deverbal action noun sg./mass. gaa tɩgɛ X nɛ subordinate clause. if it weren’t

for X; fr: s’il n’y avait pas X; dt: wenn X nicht wäre, 24/Jan/2000. gaa tɩgɛ a fɩrɛ koŋ nɛ mə yakaa tubre yoote

sentence If it weren’t for the sun, I would go into the bush today.; fr: S’il n’y avait pas le soleil j’irais en brousse aujourd’hui.; dt: Wenn die Sonne nicht wäre, ginge ich heute in den Busch.

tɩgam deverbal action noun sg./mass. (=/tɩk/) → tɩg-.

tɩgɛ past. → tɩg-. tɩgrɛ sg. → tɩg-. tɩk perfective. → tɩg-. tɩkaa future. → tɩg-. tɩkɩ imperfective. (=/tɩk/) → tɩg-. tɩlaɩ noun. force, obligation, necessity; fr: force,

obligation, nécessité; dt: Zwang, Verpflichtung, Notwendigkeit. [Note: = Fulfulde]

a tɩlaɩ sg. a tɩlaɩfɩ sg.

mə wɔllaa (a) tomʌ la (a) tɩlaɩ sentence I am forced to do this work. (Lit.: I am doing this work with obligation.); fr: Je suis forcé a faire ce travail. (Lit.: Je fais ce travail avec obligation.); dt: Ich bin gezwungen, diese Arbeit zu machen. (Wörtl.: Ich mache diese Arbeit mit Verpflichtung

a tɩlaɩ tomʌ mə wɔllʋ sentence I am forced to do this work. (Lit.: I am doing obligation-work.); fr: Je suis forcé a faire ce travail. (Lit.: Je fais travail d’obligation.); dt: Ich bin gezwungen, diese Arbeit zu machen. (Wörtl.: Ich mache Zwangsarbeit.)

tɩr- noun. paper; anything written or printed on paper (e.g. identity card, newspaper, magazine, book); necklace; fr: papier; tout ce qui est écrit ou imprimé sur le papier (p. ex. carte d’identité, journal, magazine, livre); chaîne, collier; dt: Papier; alles, was auf Papier geschrieben oder gedruckt wird (z.B. Ausweis, Zeitung, Zeitschrift, Buch); Halskette.

a tɩtɛ sg. a tɩra pl. a tɩrəfɩ pl. a tɩrəga diminutive pl. small piece of paper,

etc.; small necklace; fr: petit morceau de papier, etc.; chaînette; dt: kleines Stück Papier, etc.; kleine Halskette. [Note: Homophonous with a tɩrəga ‘straight’.]

tɩra pl. → tɩr-. tɩrəfɩ pl. → tɩr-. tɩrga noun. straight; fr: droit; dt: gerade.

a tɩrəga diminutive sg. [Note: This is homophonous with the diminutive singular form of a tɩtɛ ‘paper’.]

a tɩrəsʋʋ pl.

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tɩrəga tiintããn-

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a bɔrə tɩrəga NP+N compound noun sg. a straight road; fr: un chemin droit; dt: ein gerader Weg

a bɔrəfɩ tɩrəsʋʋ NP+N compound noun pl. tɩrəga adverb. straight ahead; fr: tout droit; dt:

gerade aus. zaŋ tɩrəga imperative sentence Keep going

straight! (Lit.: Take straight!); fr: Va tout droit! (Lit.: Prends tout droit!); dt: Immer gerade aus! (Wörtl.: Nimm gerade aus!) [Note: When used as an adverb, this word does not take the article a.]

tɩrəga diminutive sg. → tɩrga. tɩrəsʋʋ pl. → tɩrga. tɩsɛm perfective. → tɩsm-. tɩsɛmaa future. → tɩsm-. tɩsɛm(ɔ) imperfective. → tɩsm-. tɩsm- verb. sneeze; fr: éternuer; dt: niesen.

tɩsɛmaa future. tɩsəmɛ past. tɩsɛm perfective. tɩsɛm(ɔ) imperfective. a tɩsəmam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

tɩsəmɛ past. → tɩsm-. tɩtɛ sg. → tɩr-. tɩtɔka noun. kind of tree; small hammer; fr: espèce

d’arbre; petit marteau; dt: Art Baum; kleiner Hammer. [Note: This small hammer is used to repair the large picks used for cultivation.]

a tɩtɔka sg. a tɩtɔgənɩ pl.

tɩtɔɔ noun. termite; fr: termite; dt: Termite. [Note: Synonymous with a tɛntɔɔ]

a tɩtɔɔfɛ singulative. a tɩtɔɔ pl./collective. a tɩtɔɔfɩ pl.

tɩtɔɔfɛ singulative. → tɩtɔɔ. tɩɩn dom- noun. rainbow; fr: arc-en-ciel; dt:

Regenbogen. [Note: The element tɩɩn does not exist as a separate word in Koromfe. On the evidence of this word and the word a tɩɩn wɔɩfɛ it probably means ‘bow’ (cf. a tɔ ‘bow’ and a taam ‘shoot’, both of which also begin with /t/).]

a tɩɩn doŋfe N+N compound noun sg. a tɩɩn domi N+N compound noun sg.

tɩɩn doŋfe N+N compound noun sg. → tɩɩn dom-. tɩɩn tĩmbʌ N+N compound noun pl. → tɩɩn tĩmbri. tɩɩn tĩmbri noun. thick forked wooden post (in the

middle of a house which supports the rafters of a roof); fr: bois fourchu fort (au milieu d’une maison qui tient les poutres du toit); dt: starke gegabelte Holzpfosten (in der Mitte eines Hauses, der die Dachbalken trägt).

a tɩɩn tĩmbri N+N compound noun sg. a tɩɩn tĩmbʌ N+N compound noun pl. a tɩɩn tĩmbo N+N compound noun pl.

tɩɩn wɔɩ- noun. kind of grass (used for making rooves, arrows and bows); fr: espèce d’herbe (utilisée pour faire des toits, des flèches et des

arcs); dt: Art Gras (verwendet für Dächer, Pfeile und Bögen).

a tɩɩn wɔɩfɛ singulative. a tɩɩn wɔɩ pl./collective.

tɩɩn wɔɩfɛ singulative. → tɩɩn wɔɩ-. ti- (=/ti/) noun. elephant; fr: éléphant; dt:

Elefant. [Note: Most Koromba have never seen an elephant, though they are still spoken of in traditional stories.]

a tife (=/ti-fɛ/) singulative. a tii (=/ti-ɩ/) pl./collective.

tib- verb. shuffle/tap one’s feet; fr: taper le pied à terre; dt: mit den Füßen auf dem Boden tapsen.

tibrʌʌ future. tibe past. tib(u) perfective. tibr(u) imperfective. a tibʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

tibe past. → tib-. tibrʌʌ future. → tib-. tibr(u) imperfective. → tib-. tib(u) perfective. → tib-. tife singulative. (=/ti-fɛ/) → ti-. tig- noun. place, spot, terrain, weather; fr: endroit,

place, lieu, terrain, temps (qu’il fait); dt: Stelle, Platz, Ort, Terrain, Wetter.

a tike sg. [Note: This is the only case of a singular suffix - ge. There is no form of this word like * tikʌ or * tiko.]

a tigni pl. a tike dɔnda NP+participle compound noun sg.

good weather; fr: beau temps; dt: gutes Wetter [Note: For descriptions of the weather a tike koŋ ‘this place’ is normally used; but it is also often replaced by a sɔɔrɩ koŋ ‘this morning’ or a sɔnɔ koŋ ‘this (early) morning’ at the corresponding times of day.]

a tike koŋ dɔndaa sentence The weather is good.; fr: Il fait beau temps.; dt: Das Wetter ist schön.

a tike koŋ kɩrɛtr a hanãŋ sentence The weather getting better.; fr: Le temps qu’il fait devient mieux.; dt: Das Wetter wird schöner.

a tike zaabɩ NP sg. bad weather; fr: mauvais temps; dt: schlechtes Wetter

a tike koŋ kɩrɛtr a zaabɩ sentence The weather is getting worse.; fr: Le temps qu’il fait devient moins bon.; dt: Das Wetter wird schlechter.

a tike zaabə la sentence The weather is bad.; fr: Il fait mauvais temps.; dt: Das Wetter ist schlecht.

a tike koŋ wɔf a dɔra pɔta sentence The weather is cloudy.; fr: Le temps est nuageux.; dt: Das Wetter ist wolkig.

tiintããn- noun. kind of worm (large and edible); fr: espèce de ver (gros et mangeable); dt: Art Wurm (groß und essbar).

a tiintããndɛ compound noun sg.

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tiintããndɛ tɔk-

164 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

tiintããna pl. [Note: These worms are first put in flour, which they eat, then fried and dried in the sun, then eaten.]

tiintããndɛ compound noun sg. → tiintããn-. tike sg. → tig-. til- noun. ladder; fr: échelle; dt: Leiter.

a tilo sg. a tiləfi pl.

tilo sg. → til-. tim perfective. → tim-. tim- verb. fight, struggle, try hard; fr: lutter, se

débrouiller, essayer fort; dt: kämpfen, sich anstrengen, fest versuchen.

timmʌʌ future. time past. tim perfective. timm(ũ) imperfective. a timʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a timsi deverbal action noun pl. fighting; fr:

lutte; dt: Kampf. mə timmʌʌ mə da mə kɛndɩ mə karaŋɔ sentence

I’m trying to finish my studies.; fr: J’essaie de finir mes études.; dt: Ich versuche, mein Studium zu beenden.

timʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → tim-. time past. → tim-. timmʌʌ future. → tim-. timm(ũ) imperfective. → tim-. tin- noun. kind of tree (which grows at the edge of

a body of water); fr: espèce d’arbre (qui pousse au bord de l’eau); dt: Art Baum (der beim Wasser wächst).

a tini sg. tinəfi pl. yɩləga Mòoré sg. yɩləsɩ Mòoré pl.

tinəfi pl. → tin-. tini sg. → tin-. tisfe noun. large millet, sorghum; fr: gros mil,

sorgho; dt: große Hirse, Sorghum. a tisfe singulative. a tisi pl./collective.

titii- noun. kind of tree (with edible leaves); fr: espèce d’arbre (à feuilles comestibles); dt: Art Baum (mit essbaren Blättern).

a titiikʌ sg. a titiiko sg. a titiisuu pl.

titiikʌ sg. → titii-. titiiko sg. → titii-. tĩŋgfe noun. fly; fr: mouche; dt: Fliege.

a tĩŋgfe singulative. a tiŋgii pl./collective.

tɔ noun. bow; fr: arc; dt: Bogen. a tɔ sg. [Note: In Eastern Koromfe this is a tɔʋ.] a tɔfɩ pl.

tɔ perfective. → tɔ-. tɔ- verb. plunder, grab; marry (a woman); fr:

piller, arracher ; marier (une femme); dt: plündern, an sich reißen; (eine Frau) heiraten.

[Note: This is the normal expression for a man’s marrying a woman.]

tɔraa future. tɔɛ past. [Note: This form was checked

thoroughly.] tɔ perfective. tɔr(ʋ) imperfective. a tɔɔm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

tɔ- noun. marriage; fr: mariage; dt: Ehe. [Note: Probably morphologically tɔ-ɩ. Cf. a tɔɔm ‘marry a woman’.]

a tɔɩ sg. a tɔɩfɩ pl.

tɔb- noun. small axe; fr: petite hache; dt: kleine Axt. [Note: = Mòoré. Smaller than a gɩbka. Cf. Koromfe a tɔsəga.]

a tɔbəga sg. a tɔbənɛ pl.

tɔbəga sg. → tɔb-. tɔɛ past. → tɔ-. tɔfa noun. hearth, stove, kitchen; fr: foyer, cuisine;

dt: Herd, Küche. a tɔfa sg. a tɔfafɩ pl.

tɔfl- verb. cook; fr: cuisiner; dt: kochen. [Note: This verb used for anything that can be cooked using a stove (a tɔfa).]

tɔfɔlaa future. tɔfəlɛ past. tɔfɔ perfective. tɔfɔl(ʋ) imperfective. a tɔfəlam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

tɔfəlɛ past. → tɔfl-. tɔfɔ perfective. → tɔfl-. tɔfɔlaa future. → tɔfl-. tɔfɔl(ʋ) imperfective. → tɔfl-. tɔg- noun. deer; fr: cerf, biche; dt: Reh, Hirsch.

a tɔka diminutive sg. a tɔgənɩ diminutive pl.

tɔgʋ noun. sheath (for a knife); fr: fourreau (d’un couteau); dt: Scheide (für ein Messer).

a tɔgʋ sg. a tɔgəfɩ pl.

tɔɩ sg. → tɔ-. tɔk- verb. cut (e.g. fruit from a tree), cut down (e.g.

a tree); slaughter (an animal by cutting its throat); fr: couper (p. ex. les fruits d’un arbre, un arbre) ; abattre (un animal en coupant sa gorge); dt: schneiden (z.B. um die Früchte eines Baumes zu ernten), umschneiden (z.B. einen Baum); (ein Tier) schlachten (indem man ihm den Hals abschneidet).

tɔkraa future. tɔkɛ past. tɔk(ʋ) perfective. tɔkr(ʋ) imperfective. a tɔkam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a tɔkmaʋ deverbal nomen acti pl. cuttings

clearing; fr: défrichement; dt: abgeschnittenes Geäst. [Note: This word refers to the remains of trees and bushes when a field has been

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tɔka tɔsg-

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 165

cleared for planting. These remains are usually put in a pile and then burnt.]

tɔka diminutive sg. → tɔg-. tɔkam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → tɔk-. tɔkɛ past. → tɔk-. tɔkraa future. → tɔk-. tɔkr(ʋ) imperfective. → tɔk-. tɔk(ʋ) perfective. → tɔk-. tɔllʋ noun. small-scale hunting (e.g. for rats,

hedgehogs, birds); fr: petite chasse (p. ex. de rats, de hérissons, d’oiseaux); dt: kleine Jagd (z.B. nach Ratten, Igeln, Vögeln). [Note: This kind of hunting is typically done by children.]

a tɔllʋ sg. mə yakaa tubre a tɔllʋ sentence I’m going to go

into the bush to small-scale hunt.; fr: Je vais aller en brousse pour faire la petite chasse.; dt: Ich werde in den Busch gehen, um Kleinjagd zu machen.

tɔm noun. ground, dust, ash(es); fr: terre, poussière, cendre; dt: Erde, Staub, Asche. [Note: Can also be used as a colour term for brownish dark red (the normal colour of the ground where the Koromba live), as in the example below.]

a tɔm sg. a tɔmfɩ pl.

a wɔnɔŋ tɔm NP+N compound noun sg. a brownish dark red hen; fr: un poulet brun-rouge sombre; dt: ein braun-dunkelrotes Huhn

a wɔnɛ tɔm NP+N compound noun pl. [Note: The plural is used in the sense of ‘lots of’.]

tɔŋdɛ noun. hole; fr: trou; dt: Loch. [Note: This word typically refers to a hole that is wider than but not as deep as a bɔɔ.]

a tɔŋdɛ sg. a tɔŋa pl.

tɔŋg- verb. last; hesitate; fr: durer ; tarder; dt: dauern; zögern.

tɔŋgraa future. tɔŋgɛ past. tɔŋg(ʋ) perfective. tɔŋgr(ʋ) imperfective. a tɔŋgam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a tɔŋgrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. also: late, last;

fr: aussi: en retard, dernier; dt: auch: spät, letzt(-er,-e,-es).

tɔŋgam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → tɔŋg-. tɔŋgɛ past. → tɔŋg-. tɔŋgraa future. → tɔŋg-. tɔŋgr(ʋ) imperfective. → tɔŋg-. tɔŋg(ʋ) perfective. → tɔŋg-. tɔɔ numeral. eight (8); forty francs CFA; fr: trois

(3); quarante francs CFA; dt: drei (3); vierzig Francs CFA. [Note: The disjunctive numeral ɩtɔɔ is used when counting. When tɔɔ is used attributively the prefix ɩ must be dropped and there can be no article a before the qualified noun or noun phrase.]

tɔɔ attributive cardinal numeral.

bɔnɛ tɔɔ noun phrase. eight goats; fr: huit chèvres; dt: acht Ziegen. [Note: Not * a bɔnɛ tɔɔ]

ɩtɔɔ disjunctive cardinal numeral. a tɔɔndɔ ordinal numeral human sg. eighth; fr:

huitième; dt: acht(-er,-e,-es). a tɔɔndəba ordinal numeral human pl. a bɔrɔ tɔɔndɔ noun phrase sg. the eighth man; fr:

le huitième homme; dt: der achte Mann. a bɛnna tɔɔndəba noun phrase pl. a tɔɔndəgʋ attributive ordinal numeral non-

human. [Note: Non-human ordinal numerals have no plural form; instead the singular is used.]

tɔɔma noun. homonym, namesake; fr: homonyme; dt: homonyme, Namensvetter.

a tɔɔma sg. a tɔɔmama pl.

mə tɔɔma la dɩ sentence He has the same name as I do.; fr: Il a le même nom que moi.; dt: Er hat denselben Namen wie ich. [Note: This word is also used to show respect. Anyone with the same first name as the chief of the village is called a jɔ tɔɔma, rather than the name itself.]

tɔɔndəba ordinal numeral human pl. → tɔɔ. tɔɔndɔ ordinal numeral human sg. → tɔɔ. tɔr- noun. okra; fr: gombo; dt: Okra.

a tɔrfɛ singulative. a tɔrɩ pl./collective. a tɔrəfɩ pl.

tɔraa future. → tɔ-. tɔrfɛ singulative. → tɔr-. tɔrɩ pl./collective. → tɔr-. tɔrsa noun. torch; fr: torche; dt: Taschenlampe,

Fackel. [Note: < Fr. torche. This word can be used for both a torch that burns and an electric torch.]

a tɔrsa sg. a tɔrsafɩ pl.

tɔr(ʋ) imperfective. → tɔ-. tɔs- noun. small axe; fr: petite hache; dt: kleine Axt.

[Note: Smaller than a gɩbka. Cf. a tɔbəga.] a tɔsəga sg. a tɔsənɛ pl.

tɔs- verb. pick up; fr: ramasser; dt: aufheben. [Note: This verb implies picking up one thing only. Cf. a tɔsəmam ‘pick up (several things)’.]

tɔsraa future. tɔsɛ past. tɔs(ʋ) perfective. tɔsr(ʋ) imperfective. a tɔsam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

tɔsɛ past. → tɔs-. tɔsg- verb. ooze, drip; fr: suinter, goutter; dt:

sickern, tropfen. tɔsəgraa future. tɔsəgɛ past. tɔsəg(ʋ) perfective. tɔsəgr(ʋ) imperfective. a tɔsəgam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

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tɔsəga tɔnəŋa

166 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

a tɔsəgʋ participial adjective. also: drip, drop; fr: aussi: goutte; dt: auch: Tropfen.

tɔsəga sg. → tɔs-. tɔsəgam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → tɔsg-. tɔsəgɛ past. → tɔsg-. tɔsəgraa future. → tɔsg-. tɔsəgr(ʋ) imperfective. → tɔsg-. tɔsəg(ʋ) perfective. → tɔsg-. tɔsm- verb. pick up (several things); fr: ramasser

(plusieurs choses); dt: (mehrere Dinge) aufheben. [Note: This verb implies picking up several things, in contrast with a tɔsam.]

tɔsɔmaa future. tɔsəmɛ past. tɔsɔm perfective. tɔsɔm(ɔ) imperfective. a tɔsəmam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

tɔsəmɛ past. → tɔsm-. tɔsɔm perfective. → tɔsm-. tɔsɔmaa future. → tɔsm-. tɔsɔm(ɔ) imperfective. → tɔsm-. tɔsɔŋg- verb. ooze, drip; fr: suinter, goutter; dt:

sickern, tropfen. [Note: This verb implies more frequent dripping than a tɔsəgam.]

tɔsɔŋgraa future. tɔsɔŋgɛ past. tɔsɔŋg(ʋ) perfective. tɔsɔŋgr(ʋ) imperfective. a tɔsɔŋgam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

tɔsɔŋgɛ past. → tɔsɔŋg-. tɔsɔŋgraa future. → tɔsɔŋg-. tɔsɔŋgr(ʋ) imperfective. → tɔsɔŋg-. tɔsɔŋg(ʋ) perfective. → tɔsɔŋg-. tɔsraa future. → tɔs-. tɔsr(ʋ) imperfective. → tɔs-. tɔs(ʋ) perfective. → tɔs-. tɔ past. → tɔ-. tɔ perfective. → tɔ-. tɔ- verb. walk; fr: se promener; dt: gehen.

tɔnaa future. tɔ past. tɔ perfective. tɔnʋ / tɔn imperfective. a tɔɔm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a tɔnɔ deverbal agent noun sg. a tɔnəba deverbal agent noun pl. a tɔnəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. a tɔnəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a tɔnəŋa deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. small walk; fr: petite promenade; dt: kleiner Spaziergang. [Note: Homophonous with a tɔnəŋa ‘small piece of skin / leather’]

a tɔnəfa deverbal local noun sg. a tɔnəfafɩ deverbal local noun pl.

tɔɩ pl./collective. → tɔɩ-. tɔɩ past. → tɔɩ-. tɔɩ perfective. → tɔɩ-. tɔɩ- noun. bee; (collective also:) honey; fr: abeille;

(collectif aussi :) miel; dt: Biene; (kollektiv auch:) Honig.

a tɔɩfɛ singulative.

a tɔɩ pl./collective. a tɔɩfɩ pl.

a tɔɩ hem NP+N compound noun sg./mass honey; fr: miel; dt: Honig

a tɔɩ hemfi NP+N compound noun pl. a sɔmmɔ tɔɩ NP+N compound noun pl./mass

sugar (lit.: salt-honey); fr: sucre (lit.: miel de sel); dt: Zucker (wörtl.: Salzhonig)

tɔɩ- verb. vomit; fr: vomir; dt: erbrechen. tɔɩnaa future. tɔɩ past. tɔɩ perfective. tɔɩn(ɛ) imperfective. a tɔỹãm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

tɔɩfɛ singulative. → tɔɩ-. tɔɩnaa future. → tɔɩ-. tɔɩn(ɛ) imperfective. → tɔɩ-. tɔm perfective. → tɔm-. tɔm- verb. chat (at night); fr: causer (dans la nuit);

dt: (nachts) plaudern. [Note: Cf. a jebkʌ ‘chat (during the day)’]

tɔmmaa future. tɔmɛ past. tɔm perfective. tɔmm(ɔ) imperfective. a tɔmam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a tɔməŋa deverbal action noun diminutive sg.

[Note: This diminutive form is used more often than a tɔmam.]

tɔmam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → tɔm-. tɔmɛ past. → tɔm-. tɔmmaa future. → tɔm-. tɔmm(ɔ) imperfective. → tɔm-. tɔmɔ- noun. kind of ant (large, black); fr: espèce de

fourmi (grosse, noire); dt: Art Ameise (groß, schwarz). [Note: People sometimes make sacrifices to these ants by putting something edible on their nest. This is supposed to bring good luck.]

a tɔmɔndɛ sg. — pl.

tɔn imperfective. → tɔ-. tɔn- noun. (piece of) skin, leather; fr: (morceau de)

peau, cuir; dt: (Stück) Haut, Leder. a tɔnɔŋ sg. a tɔnɛ pl. a tɔnəfɩ pl.

a nɛnɛ tɔnɔŋ NP+N compound noun sg. lip; fr: lèvre; dt: Lippe

a nɛnɛ tɔnɛ NP+N compound noun pl. sɛnɛ tɔnɔŋ adverb+N compound noun sg.

ground, dry ground; fr: terre, terre firme; dt: Grund, fester Grund

tɔnaa future. → tɔ-. tɔnəba deverbal agent noun pl. → tɔ-. tɔnɛ pl. → tɔn-. tɔnəfa deverbal local noun sg. → tɔ-. tɔnəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → tɔ-. tɔnəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → tɔ-. tɔnəŋa deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg. →


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tɔnɔ tom

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 167

tɔnɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → tɔ-. tɔnɔŋ sg. → tɔn-. tɔnʋ imperfective. → tɔ-. tɔŋg- verb. send; send on an errand; fr: envoyer ;

commissionner; dt: schicken; beauftragen. tɔŋgraa future. tɔŋgɛ past. tɔŋg(ʋ) perfective. tɔŋgr(ʋ) imperfective. a tɔŋgam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

mə yɔɔndɔ tɔŋgʋ mə yĩmde də yaʋ wʌgyʌ də dol a sɔmdɛ leŋgem sentence My elder brother sent my younger brother to Ouahigouya to by a television set.; fr: Mon grand frère a envoyé mon petit frère à Ouahigouya pour acheter un téléviseur.; dt: Mein großer Bruder hat meinen kleinen Bruder nach Ouahigouya geschickt, um einen Fernseher zu kaufen.

tɔŋgɛ past. → tɔŋg-. tɔŋgraa future. → tɔŋg-. tɔŋgr(ʋ) imperfective. → tɔŋg-. tɔŋg(ʋ) perfective. → tɔŋg-. tɔŋn- verb. light, ignite; fr: allumer; dt: anzünden.

[Note: This verb is used for ignitable fires (including cigarettes, lamps, candles etc.) and electric light, but not other electrical devices.]

tɔŋɔndaa future. tɔŋənɛ past. tɔŋɔ perfective. tɔŋɔnd(ʋ) imperfective. a tɔŋənam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a tɔŋənɛ deverbal action noun sg./mass.

tɔŋənam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → tɔŋn-. tɔŋənɛ past. → tɔŋn-. tɔŋɔ perfective. → tɔŋn-. tɔŋɔndaa future. → tɔŋn-. tɔŋɔnd(ʋ) imperfective. → tɔŋn-. tɔɔm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → tɔ-. to past. → tu-. tobl- verb. pound (grains to make flour); fr: piler

(les graines pour faire la farine); dt: (Kerne) zerstampfen (um Mehl zu machen).

tobolʌʌ future. tobəle past. tobo perfective. tobol(u) imperfective. a tobəlʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

tobəle past. → tobl-. tobo perfective. → tobl-. tobolʌʌ future. → tobl-. tobol(u) imperfective. → tobl-. tobs- verb. indicate, point / go in a particular

direction; fr: indiquer, indexer / aller dans une direction particulière; dt: zeigen, in einer bestimmten Richtung zeigen / gehen.

tobsrʌʌ future. tobse past. tobs(u) perfective. tobsr(u) imperfective. a tobsʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

tobse past. → tobs-. tobsrʌʌ future. → tobs-. tobsr(u) imperfective. → tobs-. tobs(u) perfective. → tobs-. tog- noun. baobab; fr:

baobab, arbre de pain de singe; dt: Baobab, Affenbrotbaum.

a togre (=/tog-dɛ/) sg. a togiʌ / a togeo

(=/tog-ɩa/) pl. a togeo pl. a tokʌ diminutive sg. small

/ young baobab; fr: baobab petit / jeune; dt: kleiner / junger Baobab.

a togəni diminutive pl. a tokoŋʌ common noun

double diminutive sg. [Note: This is one of the rare cases of double class suffixation. This form has no corresponding plural; a togəni is used.]

tog- noun. nest; fr: nid; dt: Nest. [Note: = Mòoré. Cf. Koromfe a lembəgʌ daŋ.]

a toku sg. a togədu pl. a tokʌ diminutive sg. a toko diminutive sg.

togədu pl. → tog-. togeo pl. (=/tog-ɩa/) → tog-. togeo pl. (=/tog-ɩa/) → tog-. togiʌ pl. (=/tog-ɩa/) → tog-. togəni diminutive pl. (=/tog-ɩa/) → tog-. togre sg. (=/tog-dɛ/) → tog-. tok- noun. small window; (bird’s) nest; fr: petite

fenêtre; nid (d’oiseau); dt: kleines Fenster; Vogelnest. [Note: Probably of Mòoré origin, but today there is no Mòoré word of this shape, though cf. a toku. Cf. Koromfe a lembəgʌ daŋ.]

a tokri sg. a tokiʌ pl. a tokio pl. a tokʌu pl.

tokʌ diminutive sg. (=/tog-ɩa/) → tog-. tokʌ diminutive sg. → tog-. tokiʌ pl. → tok-. tokio pl. → tok-. tokri sg. → tok-. toku sg. → tog-. tollom noun. potash; fr: potasse; dt: Pottasche.

[Note: - om is the class suffix - m.] a tollom sg. a tollomfi pl.

toloŋgo noun. gutter on a roof; fr: égout du toit; dt: Dachrinne. [Note: The length and - fi plural suggest that this word could be a loan.]

a toloŋgo sg. a toloŋgofi pl.

toloŋgo sg. → toloŋgo. tom perfective. → tom-.

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tom- too

168 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

tom- noun. job, work; profession; fr: ouvrage, travail; métier; dt: Arbeit; Beruf.

a tomde sg. a tomʌ pl. a tomo pl. a tomʌfi pl.

də wɔll a tomde sentence He is working. (Lit.: He is working a job.); fr: Il travaille. (Lit.: Il travaille un travail.); dt: Er arbeitet. (Wörtl.: Er arbeitet eine Arbeit.) [Note: This doubly suffixed form implies even more work than a tomʌ.]

a toməŋʌ diminutive sg. small job; fr: petit travail; dt: kleine Arbeit.

tom- verb. put on, wear (a woman’s cloth); fr: attacher, porter (un pagne); dt: (ein Frauentuch) umhängen, tragen. [Note: This verb is used for putting on / wearing any kind of woman’s cloth. Cf. a tomnʌm for the special black cloth for pregnant women.]

tommʌʌ future. tome past. tom perfective. tomm(õ) imperfective. a tomʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

tomatəfɛ singulative. → tamat-. tomatɩ pl./collective. → tamat-. tomʌ pl. → tom-. tomʌfi pl. → tom-. tombot- verb. take off (a woman’s cloth); fr:

détacher / enlever (un pagne); dt: (ein Frauentuch) ausziehen. [Note: This is the reversive of a tomʌm. The b is unexpected.]

tombotrʌʌ future. tombote past. tombot(u) perfective. tombotr(u) imperfective. a tombotʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

tombote past. → tombot-. tombotrʌʌ future. → tombot-. tombotr(u) imperfective. → tombot-. tombot(u) perfective. → tombot-. tomde sg. → tom-. tome past. → tom-. tommʌʌ future. → tom-. tomm(õ) imperfective. → tom-. tomn- verb. put on / wear (a special black cloth for

a woman about to bear her first child); fr: attacher / porter (un pagne noir spécial pour une femme qui va accoucher pour la première fois); dt: (ein spezielles schwarzes Tuch) umhängen / tragen (für eine Frau, die ihr erstes Kind gebären wird). [Note: This cloth is put on a woman once her pregnancy is clearly visible. She wears it continuously up to the birth of the child. The cloth is usually put on the pregnant woman by an old woman of the family (a tomondo, pl. a tomondəbʌ), and the pregnant woman has to cry while the cloth is being put on.]

tomondʌʌ future.

tomne past. tomo perfective. tomond(u) imperfective. a tomnʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

tomne past. → tomn-. tomo pl. → tom-. tomo perfective. → tomn-. tomondʌʌ future. → tomn-. tomond(u) imperfective. → tomn-. toŋ- verb. be sour; fr: être aigre; dt: sauer sein.

toŋənʌʌ future. [Note: No past form of this verb could be elicited.]

toŋo perfective. toŋən(o) imperfective. toŋnʌ participial adjective. sour; fr: aigre; dt:

sauer. a toŋoi deverbal action noun sg. sourness;

something sour; fr: aigreur; chose aigre; dt: Säure; etwas Saures.

a toŋoifi toŋg- verb. align, join, attach (two ends); fr:

aligner, joindre, attacher (deux bouts); dt: richten, (zwei Enden) zusammenfügen, verbinden.

toŋgrʌʌ future. toŋge past. toŋg(u) perfective. toŋgr(u) imperfective. a toŋgʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

toŋge past. → toŋg-. toŋgrʌʌ future. → toŋg-. toŋgr(u) imperfective. → toŋg-. toŋg(u) perfective. → toŋg-. toŋnʌ participial adjective. → toŋ-. toŋənʌʌ future. → toŋ-. toŋən(o ) imperfective. → toŋ-. toŋo perfective. → toŋ-. toŋoi deverbal action noun sg. → toŋ-. toŋs- verb. become sour; catch (e.g. sth. thrown to

you); respond (to a song by greeting the musicians); fr: devenir aigre; attraper (p. ex. q.chose qu’on te jette); répondre (à une chanson et saluant les musiciens); dt: sauer werden; fangen (z.B. etwas, was dir zugeworfen wird; reagieren (auf ein Lied, indem man die Musiker begrüßt). [Note: Greeting musicians is a special way of dancing, in which an individual dancer approaches the musicians, (optionally) touches the ground, then dances away again.]

toŋsrʌʌ future. toŋse past. toŋs(u) perfective. toŋsr(u) imperfective. a toŋsʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

toŋse past. → toŋs-. toŋsrʌʌ future. → toŋs-. toŋsr(u) imperfective. → toŋs-. toŋs(u) perfective. → toŋs-. too noun. emptiness, empty; fr: vide; dt: Leere,


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tor- tʋla

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 169

a too sg. a toofi pl.

a dãŋ too NP+N compound noun sg. deserted house (where no-one lives); fr: maison abandonné (où personne n’habite); dt: verlassenes Haus (wo niemand wohnt) [Note: This word can only be used for a house that has not been abandoned suddenly (cf. a dãŋ gomde).]

a dãɩ toofi NP+N compound noun pl. tor- (=/tod-/) noun. wild pig, boar; fr: cochon

sauvage, sanglier, phacochère; dt: wildes Schwein, Wildschwein.

a tote sg. a torʌ pl. a toro pl.

tor- verb. share, share out; fr: partager, répartir; dt: teilen, austeilen.

totʌʌ future. tore past. tor(u) perfective. tot(u) imperfective. a torʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a torgu deverbal action noun sg. [Note: This

form is used more commonly than a torʌm.] torʌ pl. → tor-. torʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → tor-. tore past. → tor-. toro- noun. pipe (for smoking); fr: pipe (à fumer);

dt: Pfeife (zum Rauchen). a toroŋ sg. a toroi pl.

toroŋ sg. → toro-. tor(u) perfective. → tor-. tos- verb. lay (an egg); fr: pondre; dt: (ein Ei) legen.

tosrʌʌ future. tose past. tos(u) perfective. tosr(u) imperfective. a tosʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

mə wɔnɔŋ koŋ tosə sondʌ hiĩ sentence My hen has laid two eggs.; fr: Ma poule a pondu deux œufs.; dt: Meine Henne hat zwei Eier gelegt.

tose past. → tos-. tosrʌʌ future. → tos-. tosr(u) imperfective. → tos-. tos(u) perfective. → tos-. totʌʌ future. → tor-. tote sg. → tor-. tot(u) imperfective. → tor-. tʋbs- verb. spit; fr: cracher; dt: spucken.

tʋbəsəraa future. tʋbəsɛ past. tʋbəs(ʋ) perfective. tʋbəsər(ʋ) imperfective. a tʋbsam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

tʋbəsɛ past. → tʋbs-. tʋbəsəraa future. → tʋbs-. tʋbəsər(ʋ) imperfective. → tʋbs-. tʋbəs(ʋ) perfective. → tʋbs-.

tʋg- noun. kind of storehouse (in the bush); fr: espèce de grenier (en brousse); dt: Art Speicher (im Busch).

a tʋka diminutive sg. a tʋgənɛ diminutive pl. a tʋkaŋa common noun double diminutive sg.

tʋgm- verb. insult, scold, provoke; fr: insulter, injurier, inciter; dt: beleidigen, beschimpfen, provozieren. [Note: This verb implies more (either in quantity or quality) than a tʋgsam.]

tʋgɔmaa future. tʋgəmɛ past. tʋgɔm perfective. tʋgɔm(ɔ) imperfective. a tʋgəmam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

tʋgəmɛ past. → tʋgm-. tʋgənɛ diminutive pl. → tʋg-. tʋgɔm perfective. → tʋgm-. tʋgɔmaa future. → tʋgm-. tʋgɔm(ɔ) imperfective. → tʋgm-. tʋgs- verb. insult, scold, provoke; fr: insulter,

injurier, inciter; dt: beleidigen, beschimpfen, provozieren.

tʋgsraa future. tʋgsɛ past. tʋgs(ʋ) perfective. tʋgsr(ʋ) imperfective. a tʋgsam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

tʋgsɛ past. → tʋgs-. tʋgsraa future. → tʋgs-. tʋgsr(ʋ) imperfective. → tʋgs-. tʋgs(ʋ) perfective. → tʋgs-. tʋka diminutive sg. → tʋg-. tʋka tʋka sentence.

tʋka tʋka Tell your story!; fr: Raconte ton conte!; dt: Erzähl’ deine Geschichte! [Note: This formula is the reply to the request sɛrgɛm sɛrgɛm ‘I have a story to tell’ at traditional story-telling sessions. The word tʋka itself seems to have no meaning beyond its use in this formula; it is not the word a tʋka ‘kind of storehouse (in the bush)’.]

tʋl- noun. middle, centre; waist; fr: milieu, centre; taille; dt: Mitte, Mittelpunkt; Taille.

a tʋllɛ sg. a tʋla pl. tʋllɛ postposition. in the middle of, between,

among(st); fr: au milieu de, entre; dt: mitten in, zwischen, unter. [Note: When used as a postposition, tʋllɛ does not take the article a. If tʋllɛ has more than one argument, they are conjoined with la, as in the example below.]

tʋllɛ nɛ N+P compound postposition. in the middle of, between, among(st); fr: au milieu de, entre; dt: mitten in, zwischen, unter. mə su ndu hɩf a daŋ koŋ la a bɔndɛ tʋllɛ (nɛ)

sentence My horse is standing between the house and the grain storehouse.; fr: Mon cheval se tient entre la maison et le grenier.;

tʋla pl. → tʋl-.

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tʋllɛ tull-

170 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

tʋllɛ sg. → tʋl-. tʋllɛ postposition. → tʋl-. tʋr- verb. introduce; thread (a needle); fr:

introduire, enfiler (une aiguille); dt: einführen, (Zwirn bei einer Nadel) einfädeln.

tʋtaa future. tʋrɛ past. tʋr(ʋ) perfective. tʋt(ʋ) imperfective. a tʋram deverbal action noun sg./mass.

tʋrɛ past. → tʋr-. tʋr(ʋ) perfective. → tʋr-. tʋs- verb. pull out (of a sheath, pile), draw (a

weapon); fr: tirer (d’un fourreau, tas), dégainer (une arme); dt: herausziehen (von einem Etui, Stoß), (eine Waffe) ziehen.

tʋsraa future. tʋsɛ past. tʋs(ʋ) perfective. tʋsr(ʋ) imperfective. a tʋsam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

tʋsɛ past. → tʋs-. tʋsraa future. → tʋs-. tʋsr(ʋ) imperfective. → tʋs-. tʋs(ʋ) perfective. → tʋs-. tʋtaa future. → tʋr-. tʋt(ʋ) imperfective. → tʋr-. tu perfective. → tu-. tu- verb. coat, paint; fr: enduire; dt: bestreichen.

[Note: This verb is also used for applying oil to the body (to protect the skin and give off a pleasant odour).]

turʌʌ future. to past. tu perfective. tur(u) imperfective. a toom deverbal action noun sg./mass.

tubre adverb. in the bush, into the bush; fr: en brousse; dt: im Busch, in den Busch. tubre yɔ adverb+N compound noun sg. king of

the bush (= lion); forest guard; fr: roi de la brousse (= lion); forestier; dt: König des Buschs (= Löwe); Förster [Note: This word never takes the article a. It is synonymous with a tuu jɔ (which does take the article).]

tubre yɩɩba adverb+N compound noun pl. [Note: This adverb cannot take the article a. This applies even when it is the first element of a compound.]

tuf imperfective. (=/tuk-f/) → tuk-. tufʌʌ future. (=/tuk-f-aa/) → tuk-. tufəgʌ deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

(=/tuk-f-ga/) → tuk-. tufəgu deverbal instrument noun sg. (=/tuk-f-gʋ/)

→ tuk-. tufəhi deverbal instrument noun pl. (=/tuk-f-hɩ/) →

tuk-. tuflei sg. (=/tuk-f-lɛɩ/) → tuk-. tufu imperfective. (=/tuk-f/) → tuk-. tuk- (=/tuk/) verb. sit down, be seated, exist, live;

fr: s’asseoir, être assis, exister, habiter; dt:

sich setzen, sitzen, existieren, wohnen. [Note: Defective in the perfective, whose form is borrowed from the paradigm of a tukəlʌm. It is impossible to say whether the future and imperfective forms are from a tukʌm or a tukəlam.]

tufʌʌ (=/tuk-f-aa/) future. tuke (=/tuk-e/) past. tuko (=/tuk-ol/) perfective. [Note: tuko is from a

tukəlʌm] tuf / tufu (=/tuk-f/) imperfective. a tukʌm (=/tuk-am/) deverbal action noun

sg./mass. a tuflei (=/tuk-f-lɛɩ/) sg. existence; fr:

existence; dt: Existenz. [Note: This word is not normally used in the sense ‘sit’.]

tufəgu (=/tuk-f-gʋ/) deverbal instrument noun sg.

tufəhi (=/tuk-f-hɩ/) deverbal instrument noun pl. small seat, stool; fr: petite siège, escabeau, tabouret; dt: kleiner Sitz, Schemel.

tufəgʌ (=/tuk-f-ga/) deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

tufəni (=/tuk-f-nɩ/) deverbal instrument noun diminutive pl. small seat, stool; fr: petite siège, escabeau, tabouret; dt: kleiner Sitz, Schemel. a tufədono V+N compound noun sg. neighbour;

fr: voisin; dt: Nachbar a tufədombʌ V+N compound noun pl.

tukʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. (=/tuk-am/) → tuk-.

tuke past. (=/tuk-e/) → tuk-. tukl- (=/tuk-Ṿl/) verb. sit down, be seated, exist,

live, dwell; fr: s’asseoir, être assis, exister, habiter; dt: sich setzen, sitzen, existieren, wohnen. [Note: Synonymous with a tukʌm.]

tukolʌʌ (=/tuk-Ṿl-d-aa/) future. tukəle (=/tuk-Ṿl-ɛ/) past. tuko (=/tuk-ol/) perfective. tukol / tukolu (=/tuk-Ṿl-d/) imperfective. a tukəlʌm (=/tuk-Ṿl-am/) deverbal action noun

sg./mass. tukəle past. (=/tuk-Ṿl-ɛ/) → tukl-. tuko perfective. (=/tuk-ol/) → tuk-. tuko perfective. (=/tuk-ol/) → tukl-. tukol imperfective. (=/tuk-Ṿl-d/) → tukl-. tukolʌʌ future. (=/tuk-Ṿl-d-aa/) → tukl-. tukolu imperfective. (=/tuk-Ṿl-d/) → tukl-. tul- (=/tul/) noun. reverse side; fr: côté renversée;

dt: linke Seite. [Note: E.g. of a garment] a tulle (=/tul-dɛ/) sg. a tulo / a tulʌ (=/tul-a/) pl.

tull- verb. bend down, bow; fr: se baisser, se courber, s’incliner; dt: sich bücken, sich beugen. [Note: Synonymous with a zullʌm.]

tullrʌʌ future.

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tulle ʋ

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 171

tulle past. tull(u) perfective. tullr(u) imperfective. a tullʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

tulle sg. (=/tul-dɛ/) → tul-. tulle past. → tull-. tullrʌʌ future. → tull-. tullr(u) imperfective. → tull-. tull(u) perfective. → tull-. tuŋ- verb. be deep; fr: être profond; dt: tief sein.

tuŋənʌʌ future. [Note: No past form of this verb could be elicited.]

tuŋo perfective. tuŋən(u) imperfective. a tuŋənʌ participial adjective. deep; fr: profond;

dt: tief. a tuŋoi deverbal action noun sg. depth; fr:

profondeur; dt: Tiefe. tuŋənʌ participial adjective. → tuŋ-. tuŋənʌʌ future. → tuŋ-. tuŋən(u) imperfective. → tuŋ-. tuŋo perfective. → tuŋ-. tuŋs- verb. become deep; fr: devenir profond; dt:

tief werden. [Note: This verb is also used for the water container at the end of a rope at a well. See the example below.]

tuŋsərʌʌ future. tuŋse past. tuŋs(u) perfective. tuŋsər(u) imperfective. a tuŋsʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

a loku koŋ tuŋsr a hɔsəga yoro ni gʋ kekr a hem sentence The water container goes down to the bottom of the well and brings up water.; fr: La puisette se rabaisse au fond du puits et enlève de l’eau.; dt: Der Wasserbehälter geht im Brunnen hinunter und bringt Wasser (herauf).

tuŋse past. → tuŋs-.

tuŋsərʌʌ future. → tuŋs-. tuŋsər(u) imperfective. → tuŋs-. tuŋs(u) perfective. → tuŋs-. turʌʌ future. → tu-. tur(u) imperfective. → tu-. tusʌ cardinal numeral pl. → tusri. tusəndəbʌ ordinal numeral human pl. → tusri. tusəndo ordinal numeral human sg. → tusri. tuso cardinal numeral pl. → tusri. tusri numeral. thousand (1000); five thousand

francs CFA; fr: mille (1000); cinq mille francs CFA; dt: tausend (1000); fünftausend Francs CFA. [Note: = Mòoré. This word does not take the article a except when the plural form is used in the vague sense of ‘thousands (of francs)’]

tusri cardinal numeral sg. tusʌ cardinal numeral pl. tuso cardinal numeral pl.

də tams a tusʌ (tusʌ) sentence He has lost thousands.; fr: Il a perdu des milliers.; dt: Er hat Tausende verloren.

a tusəndo ordinal numeral human sg. thousandth; fr: millième; dt: tausendst(-er,-e,-es).

a tusəndəbʌ ordinal numeral human pl. a tusəndəgu ordinal numeral non-human sg. & pl.

tuu noun. bush, forest; fr: brousse, forêt; dt: Busch, Wald. [Note: In contrast with the adverb tubre, this word takes the article a.]

a tuu sg. a tuufi pl.

a tuu yɔ NP+N compound noun sg. king of the bush (= lion); forest ranger; fr: roi de la brousse (= lion); forestier; dt: König des Buschs (= Löwe); Förster [Note: This word takes the article a. It is synonymous with tubre jɔ (which does not take the article).]

a tuu yɩɩba NP+N compound noun pl.

Ʋ - ʋ ʋ pronoun / possessive adjective. we; our; fr:

nous; notre/nos; dt: wir; unser(e). ʋ proclitic personal pronoun (subject) &

possessive adjective 1st person pl. [Note: This form is prefixed to either a verb or a noun phrase; it cannot stand alone (e.g. as the elliptical answer to a question). On a verb, it is the subject pronoun, on a noun phrase it is the “possessor”.]

hɔ postclitic pronoun (direct or indirect object) 1st person pl. us; fr: nous; dt: uns. yom na hɔ imperative sentence Follow us!; fr:

Suivez nous!; dt: Folgt uns! [Note: This pronoun follows the verb, and is its (direct or indirect) object. Its form is

phonologically invariant and clearly related to the proclitic form, especially since a final nasal ʋ is regularly lowered to ɔ in Koromfe. The relationship between ʋ and hɔ is phonologically exactly parallel to that between the 3rd person non-human plural clitic pronouns ɩ and hɛ.]

ʋkɔ disjunctive personal pronoun (subject, direct or indirect object) & possessive adjective 1st person pl. we, us; our, ours; fr: nous, notre/nos, le/la/les nôtre(s); dt: wir, uns; unser(,-er,-e,-es). yom na hɔ imperative sentence Follow (pl.) us!;

fr: Suivez nous!; dt: Folgt uns! [Note: This form of the pronoun indicates some kind of

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-ʋ vɩʋ

172 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

“emphasis”, but this can be so minimal that in practice the disjunctive form can always be used in place of a clitic pronoun. It never undergoes any phonological reduction or expansion. It can stand in the normal (preverbal) subject or (postverbal) object positions, and can also be used as the elliptical answer to a question. As with all disjunctive pronouns, it is formed with the proclitic prefix version of the pronoun and the invariant stem-like element kɔ.]

waa negative proclitic (subject) personal pronoun 1st person pl. we...not; fr: nous ne...pas; dt: wir...nicht. waa wɔf a manɛ sentence We have no money.;

fr: Nous n’avons pas d’argent.; dt: Wir haben kein Geld.

-ʋ noun-cl. noun class suffix plural; fr: suffixe de classe nominale plurielle; dt: Nominalklassensuffix Plural. bu n.pl. children; fr: enfants; dt: Kinder [Note:

This noun class is rare] -ʋ noun-cl. noun class suffix singular; fr: suffixe

de classe nominale singulière; dt: Nominalklassensuffix Singular. [Note: This noun class includes some long-and-thin objects and some animals. The corresponding plural classes are -ɩɩ and -fɩ.]

ʋ-gɩllɛ reflexive pronoun 1st person pl. → gɩllɛ. ʋkɔ disjunctive personal pronoun (subject, direct or

indirect object) & possessive adjective 1st person pl. → ʋ.

V - v vaba perfective. → vabl-. vabalaa future. → vabl-. vabal(ʋ) imperfective. → vabl-. vabl- verb. hit, knock, bang (hard); fr: frapper,

assommer, battre (fort); dt: schlagen, klopfen, pochen (fest).

vabalaa future. vabəlɛ past. vaba perfective. vabal(ʋ) imperfective. a vabəlam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

vabəlɛ past. → vabl-. vaga noun. dog; fr: chien; dt: Hund.

a vaga sg. a vaɩ pl.

var- noun. flour; fr: farine; dt: Mehl. a varam sg. a varamfɩ pl.

varam sg. → var-. vɛɛn- noun. bullet; fr: plomb (d’un fusil); dt: Kugel

(eines Gewehrs). [Note: < Mòoré. Traditionally a stone (a geŋde), filed to the right shape, was shot from rifles.]

a vɛɛndɩ sg. a vɛɛnaʋ pl.

vɛɛndɩ sg. → vɛɛn-. vɛŋ- noun. rain cloud, rain, rain shower; fr: nuage

de pluie, pluie, averse de pluie; dt: Regenwolke, Regen, Regenschauer.

a vɛŋa diminutive sg. [Note: Here, the illicit geminate /ŋŋ/ is simplified to a single phonetic [ŋ].]

a vɛŋənɛ diminutive pl. a vɛŋaŋa common noun double diminutive sg.

short rain shower; fr: averse de pluie brève; dt: kurzer Regenschauer.

a vɛŋa heməŋʌ NP+N compound noun sg. raindrop; fr: goutte de pluie; dt: Regentropfen

a vɛŋa hemfi NP+N compound noun pl. a vɛŋa kure sentence It has started raining.; fr:

Il a commencé à pleuvoir.; dt: Es hat zu regnen begonnen.

a vɛŋa sarɛ sentence It has stopped raining.; fr: Il a cessé de pleuvoir.; dt: Es hat aufgehört zu regnen.

vɛŋa diminutive sg. → vɛŋ-. vɛŋənɛ diminutive pl. → vɛŋ-. ved- (=/ved/) verb. raise / adopt (a child) /

educate; fr: élever / adopter (un enfant) / éduquer; dt: (eine Kind) erziehen / großziehen / adoptieren.

vetʌʌ (=/ved-d-aa/) future. vere (=/ved-ɛ/) past. ver(i) / veri (=/ved/) perfective. vet(i) / veti (=/ved-d/) imperfective. a verʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

vere past. (=/ved-ɛ/) → ved-. veri perfective. (=/ved/) → ved-. ver(i) perfective. (=/ved/) → ved-. vetʌʌ future. (=/ved-d-aa/) → ved-. veti imperfective. (=/ved-d/) → ved-. vet(i) imperfective. (=/ved-d/) → ved-. vɩrɛ noun. chief’s sacred storehouse; fr: maison

sacré du chef; dt: heiliges Lagerhaus des Chefs. [Note: This is a single small house in the chief’s compound where sacred objects are stored. Cf. a fʋrgʋ ‘medicine man’s sacred storehouse’.]

a vɩrɛ sg. a vɩrɛfɩ sg.

vɩʋ noun. wound, abscess; fr: plaie, abcès; dt: Wunde, Abszess.

a vɩʋ sg.

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vɩʋgʋ waŋ

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 173

a vɩfɩ pl. vɩʋgʋ noun. owl, screech-owl; fr: hibou, chouette;

dt: Eule, Schleiereule. [Note: = Mòoré] a vɩʋgʋ sg. a vɩɩdʋ pl.

vigi noun. a vigi pl. a vigfe singulative.

viŋg verb. twirl (e.g. a sling); fr: tournoyer (p. ex. un lance-pierres); dt: drehen (z.B. eine Schleuder).

viŋgrʌʌ future. viŋge past. viŋg(i) perfective.

viŋgr(i) imperfective. a viŋgʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

viŋge past. → viŋg. viŋg(i) perfective. → viŋg. viŋgrʌʌ future. → viŋg. viŋgr(i) imperfective. → viŋg. vʋnʋvʋʋ- noun. hornet; fr: frelon; dt: Hornisse.

[Note: =Mòoré] a vʋnʋvʋʋgʋ sg. a vʋnʋvʋʋdʋʋ pl. [Note: long ʋʋ is unusual for

this suffix] a vʋnʋvʋʋsʋʋ pl.

vʋnʋvʋʋdʋʋ pl. → vʋnʋvʋʋ-. vʋnʋvʋʋgʋ sg. → vʋnʋvʋʋ-.

W - w waal- noun. special kind of slate or plaque; fr:

ardoise ou planchette spéciale; dt: besondere Schiefer- oder Holztafel. [Note: = Mòoré]

a waaləga sg. a waaləsʋʋ pl.

waaləga noun. rat; fr: souris de brousse, rat; dt: Ratte.

a waaləga sg. a waalənɛ pl.

waaləga sg. → waal-. waalɩa noun. stork; fr: cigogne; dt: Storch. [Note: =

Mòoré] a waalɩa sg. a waalɩama pl. a waalɩafɩ pl.

waalɩama pl. → waalɩa. waasdʋ noun. aluminium; fr: aluminium; dt:

Aluminium. [Note: = Mòoré] a waasədʋ sg.

wakatfɩ pl. → wakatɩ. wakatɩ noun.

a wakatɩ sg. a wakatfɩ pl. a wakatma moment, hour / time; fr: moment,

heure; dt: Augenblick, Stunde / Uhr. wakatma kɔl ʋ wɔfʋ interrogative sentence

What time is it? (Lit.: What time do we have?); fr: Quelle heure est-il? (Lit.: Quelle heure avons nous?); dt: Wieviel Uhr ist es? (Wörtl.: Wieviel Uhr haben wir?)

ʋ wɔfaa wakatma fi la ɩhi ĩ sentence It’s twelve o’clock. (Lit.: We have twelve o’clock.); fr: Il est douze heures. (Lit.: Nous avons douze heures.); dt: Es ist zwölf Uhr. (Wörtl.: Wir haben zwölf Uhr.) [Note: See also a lɛɛrɩ, which is also used for the time of day.]

wakɩa pl. → wakɩrɩ. wakɩrɩ noun. 5 franc coin, coin, banknote, (pl.)

money; fr: pièce de 5 francs, pièce, billet

d’argent, (pl.) argent; dt: 5 Francs Münze, Münze, Geldschein, (Pl.) Geld. [Note: = Mòoré]

a wakɩrɩ sg. a wakɩa pl. a wakɩaʋ pl.

wal- noun. serious matter, problem; fr: affaire sérieuse, problème; dt: ernste Angelegenheit, Problem.

a wal(ɩ) [Note: The vowel in parentheses is only pronounced phrase-finally.] sg.

a waləma pl. a wal ŋgo sentence No problem! (Lit.: A

problem does not exist.); fr: Pas de problème! (Lit.: Un problème n’existe pas.); dt: Kein Problem! (Wörtl.: Ein Problem existiert nicht.)

a wal la wɔfə mɛ sentence I have a problem.; fr: J’ai un problème.; dt: Ich habe ein Problem.

a walə wʌʌni NP.sg. big problem, rarely seen problem; fr: grand problème, problème rare de voir; dt: großes Problem, selten gesehenes Problem

a walə wʌʌnʌu NP.pl. [Note: This sentence is a typical answer to a greeting of the form ‘X kɩbarʋ’ (where X is a time of day, a place, etc.). Lit: “a problem has me”]

wal(ɩ) sg. → wal-. wana pl. → wandɩ. wandɩ noun. turtle dove; fr: tourterelle; dt:

Turteltaube. [Note: = Mòoré. Cf. Koromfe a wɔnə kɛŋdɛ.]

a wandɩ sg. a wana pl. a wanaʋ pl.

waŋ sentence. waŋ (=/waŋ/) s,greeting. [Note: This is the

obligatory answer to a greeting of the type ŋ jabrɛ ‘(How was) your journey’. So say waŋ, the speaker must be male; male speakers must use

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waŋɔ wãŋ-

174 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

matee. With both words, the last vowel is pronounced on a high pitch.]

waŋɔ noun. mask, masked person; fr: masque, personnage masqué; dt: Maske, maskierter Mensch. [Note: = Mòoré. Cf. Koromfe a karəŋa]

a waŋɔ sg. a wandʋ pl.

warəfaa future. → warg-. warəf(ʋ) imperfective. → warg-. warg- verb. tire, exhaust, become tired / exhausted;

fr: fatiguer, épuiser, se fatiguer / épuiser; dt: ermüden, erschöpfen, müde / erschöpft werden. [Note: Also used in the sense of being tiring / boring to other people (usually with the f variants, where applicable).]

warəgraa future. warəfaa future. warəgɛ past. warəg(ɩ) perfective. warəgr(ɩ) imperfective. warəf(ʋ) imperfective. a warəgam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

a tomʌ hɛŋ warəgə mɛ halə wasɩ sentence That work has made me very tired.; fr: Ce travail m’a fatigué beaucoup.; dt: Diese Arbeit hat mich erschöpft.

mə warəgɩ sentence I am tired.; fr: Je suis fatigué.; dt: Ich bin müde.

a warəgrɛ deverbal noun sg. tiredness; fr: fatigue; dt: Müdigkeit.

a warəga deverbal noun pl. [Note: The plural is used quite commonly, perhaps because tiredness is a long-lasting state.]

warəgam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → warg-. warəgɛ past. → warg-. warəg(ɩ) perfective. → warg-. warəgraa future. → warg-. warəgrɛ deverbal noun sg. → warg-. warəgr(ɩ) imperfective. → warg-. wasɩ pronoun. much, many, a lot; fr: beaucoup; dt:

viel, viele. [Note: This word never takes the article a. It is not used attributively.]

wasɩ quantitative pronoun sg. & pl. a hem koŋ la wasɩ sentence That water is a

lot.; fr: L’eau là est beaucoup.; dt: Das Wasser dort ist viel.

a fʋba bɛŋ la wasɩ sentence Those people are a lot.; fr: Les gens là sont beaucoup.; dt: Die Leute dort sind viele.

halə wasɩ adverb phrase much, a lot, well, too much; fr: beaucoup, bien, trop; dt: viel, gut, zu viel

də lellʌʌ halə wasɩ sentence He sings well. Or: He sings too much.; fr: Il chante bien. Ou: Il chante trop.; dt: Er singt gut Oder: Er singt zu viel.

wasəmba noun. rags of the initiates; fr: haillons des initiés; dt: Lumpen der Initiierten. [Note: = Mòoré. There is no other word for this in Koromfe. These rags are a garment that is slit

in many places so that it flies around when the young men undergoing initiation dance.]

a wasəmba sg. a wasəmbafɩ pl.

wããnda noun. cherry tree; cherry; fr: cerisier; cerise; dt: Kirschenbaum; Kirsche. [Note: Not Mòoré. Cf. also a leendi (=Mòoré).]

a wããnda sg. a wããndafɩ pl.

wãn zorəfu N+N compound noun sg. → wɔn-. wãn zorii N+N compound noun sg. → wɔn-. wãna pl. → wɔn-. wãnam perfective. → wãnm-. wãnãã future. (=/wɛ-d-aa/) → wɛ-. wãnãŋ noun. spotted; fr: tacheté; dt: gesprenkelt.

a wãnãŋ sg. a wãnɩã pl. a wãnəmɛ pl.

a luko wãnãŋ NP+N compound noun sg. a spotted cat; fr: un chat tacheté; dt: eine gesprenkelte Katze

a lugni wãnɩã NP+N compound noun pl. a lugni wãnəmɛ NP+N compound noun pl.

a wãnãɩ abstract quality noun sg. wãnɩã pl. → wãnãŋ. wãnm- verb. be spotted; fr: être tacheté; dt:

gesprenkelt sein. wãnəmaa future. wãnəmɛ past. wãnam perfective. wãnəm(ɔ) imperfective. a wãnãɩ deverbal action noun sg./mass.

wãnəmaa future. → wãnm-. wãnəmɛ pl. → wãnãŋ. wãnəmɛ past. → wãnm-. wãnəm(ɔ) imperfective. → wãnm-. wãŋ perfective. (=/wãŋ/) → wãŋ-. wãŋ- verb. break; fr: casser, briser; dt: brechen.

[Note: Also used in the sense of ‘become psychologically or physically broken’.]

wãŋənaa (=/wãŋ-d-aa/) future. wãŋɛ (=/wãŋ-ɛ/) past. wãŋ (=/wãŋ/) perfective. wãŋən / waŋənɩ (=/wãŋ-d/) imperfective. a wãŋam (=/wãŋ-am/) deverbal action noun

sg./mass. a wãŋənɔ (=/wãŋ-d-ɔ/) deverbal agent noun sg.

s.o. who breaks; fr: q.un qui casse; dt: jmd. der bricht.

a wãŋənəba (=/wãŋ-d-ba/) deverbal agent noun pl.

a wãŋənəgʋ (=/wãŋ-d-gʋ/) deverbal instrument noun sg. object for breaking (e.g. axe, hammer); fr: objet pour casser (p. ex. hachette, marteau); dt: Gegenstand zum brechen (z.B. Axt, Hammer).

a wãŋənəhɩ (=/wãŋ-d-hɩ/) deverbal instrument noun pl.

a wãŋənəga (=/wãŋ-d-ga/) deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

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wãŋam wɛnn-

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 175

a wãŋənəfa (=/wãŋ-d-fa/) deverbal local noun. place for breaking; place where it is easy to break one’s leg; fr: endroit pour casser ; endroit où on peut facilement se casser la jambe; dt: Platz zum brechen; Platz, wo man sich leicht das Bein brechen kann.

a wãŋəmaʋ (=/wãŋ-mãʋ/) deverbal nomen acti pl. broken person(s) or thing(s); remains of broken person(s) or things; fr: personne(s) où chose(s) brisées ; reste(s) de personne(s) où chose(s) brisées; dt: gebrochene Person(en) oder Sache(n); Rest(e) von gebrochener/n Person(en) oder Sache(n). mə sa wa ŋɛ sentence My father is a broken

man.; fr: Mon père est brisé.; dt: Mein Vater ist ein gebrochener Mann.

a tomʌ wa ŋɛ dɩ sentence Work has broken him.; fr: Le travail l’a brisé.; dt: Die Arbeit hat ihn kaputt gemacht.

a ỹɔnəfɛ wa ŋ NP sg. shooting star; fr: étoile filante; dt: Sternschnuppe

a ỹɔnɛ waŋ NP pl. wãŋam deverbal action noun sg./mass. (=/wãŋ-

am/) → wãŋ-. wãŋɛ past. (=/wãŋ-ɛ/) → wãŋ-. wãŋən imperfective. (=/wãŋ-d/) → wãŋ-. wãŋənaa future. (=/wãŋ-d-aa/) → wãŋ-. wãŋənəba deverbal agent noun pl. (=/wãŋ-d-ba/)

→ wãŋ-. wãŋənəfa deverbal local noun. (=/wãŋ-d-fa/) →

wãŋ-. wãŋənəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. (=/wãŋ-d-ga/) → wãŋ-. wãŋənəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. (=/wãŋ-

d-gʋ/) → wãŋ-. wãŋənəhɩ deverbal instrument noun pl. (=/wãŋ-d-

hɩ/) → wãŋ-. wãŋənɩ imperfective. (=/wãŋ-d/) → wãŋ-. wãŋənɔ deverbal agent noun sg. (=/wãŋ-d-ɔ/) →

wãŋ-. wãrəbrəba deverbal agent noun pl. → wãrg-. wãrg- verb. write; fr: écrire; dt: schreiben.

wãrəgraa future. wãrəgɛ past. wãrəg(ɩ) perfective. wãrəgr(ɩ) imperfective. wãrəgrəŋaa conditional. a wãrəgam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a wãrəgrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. a wãrəbrəba deverbal agent noun pl. a wãrəgrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. also:

pencil, pen, ink; fr: aussi: crayon, bic, plume, encre; dt: auch: Stift, Kugelschreiber, Füllfeder, Tinte.

a wãrəgrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. wãrəgam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → wãrg-. wãrəgɛ past. → wãrg-. wãrəg(ɩ) perfective. → wãrg-. wãrəgraa future. → wãrg-. wãrəgrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → wãrg-. wãrəgr(ɩ) imperfective. → wãrg-.

wãrəgrəŋaa conditional. → wãrg-. wãrəgrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → wãrg-. wʌgyʌ noun. Ouahigouya (name of a town); fr:

Ouahigouya (nom d’une ville); dt: Ouahigouya (Name einer Stadt).

wʌgyʌ proper name sg. [Note: [g], not [ɣ]. This is the normal Koromfe pronunciation.]

wayɩgʋya proper name sg. [Note: This is the loan pronunciation from French.]

wɛɛ- noun. remains, skin (of a dead animal); fr: reste, dépouille (de animal mort); dt: Rest, Haut (eines toten Tieres). [Note: = Mòoré]

a wɛɛga sg. a weesuu pl.

wɛɛga sg. → wɛɛ-. wɛɛgəl- noun. dry and deformed; fr: sec et

déformé; dt: trocken und verformt. [Note: = Mòoré]

a wɛɛgələga sg. a wɛɛgələsʋʋ pl.

wɛɛgələga sg. → wɛɛgəl-. wɛ past. (=/wɛ-ɛ/) → wɛ-. wɛ perfective. (=/wɛ/) → wɛ-. wɛ- (=/wɛ/) local copular verb. be (somewhere),

exist, live; fr: être (q.part), exister, demeurer; dt: (irgendwo) sein, existieren, verbleiben.

wãnãã (=/wɛ-d-aa/) future. wɛnãã future. wɛ (=/wɛ-ɛ/) past. wɛ (=/wɛ/) perfective. wɛn / wɛnɛ (=/wɛ-d/) imperfective. a wɛɛlɛɩ (=/wɛɛ-lɛɩ/) deverbal action noun

sg./mass. wɛn imperfective. (=/wɛ-d/) → wɛ-. wɛn perfective. → wɛn-. wɛn- verb. wind (e.g. a rope), plait, kneed, dilute;

fr: tourner (p. ex. une corde), tresser, pétrir, délayer; dt: drehen (z.B. ein Seil), flechten, kneten, verdünnen. [Note: This verb is also used for putting a splint on a broken bone.]

wɛtaa future. wɛnnaa future. wɛnɛ past. wɛn perfective. wɛt(ɩ) imperfective. wɛnn(ɛ) imperfective. a wɛnam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

wɛnãã future. (=/wɛ-d-aa/) → wɛ-. wɛnɛ imperfective. (=/wɛ-d/) → wɛ-. wɛnɛ past. → wɛn-. wɛnn- verb. stop (a hole); fr: boucher (un trou); dt:

(ein Loch) verstopfen. wɛnnraa future. wɛnnɛ past. wɛnnɛ perfective. wɛnnr(ɩ) imperfective. a wɛnnam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a wɛnnrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. also: a

temporary loan; fr: aussi: un emprunt temporaire; dt: auch: ein vorübergehendes Darlehen.

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wɛnnaa werm-

176 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

a wɛnnrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a wɛnnəŋa deverbal noun sg. [Note: This noun

seems to be a diminutive of the deverbal action noun a wɛnnam.]

a wɛnnənɛ deverbal noun pl. a wɛnnəmɛ deverbal noun pl. stopper; fr:

bouchon; dt: Stöpsel. [Note: Unusual form] — deverbal instrument noun pl.

wɛnnaa future. → wɛn-. wɛnnam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → wɛnn-. wɛnnɛ past. → wɛnn-. wɛnnɛ perfective. → wɛnn-. wɛnn(ɛ) imperfective. → wɛn-. wɛnnənɛ deverbal noun pl. → wɛnn-. wɛnnəŋa deverbal noun sg. → wɛnn-. wɛnnraa future. → wɛnn-. wɛnnrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → wɛnn-. wɛnnrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → wɛnn-. wɛnnr(ɩ) imperfective. → wɛnn-. wɛtaa future. → wɛn-. wɛt(ɩ) imperfective. → wɛn-. we- noun. fig-tree; fig; fr: figuier; figue; dt:

Feigenbaum; Feige. a were sg. a weyʌ pl. a weyo pl. a weyʌu pl.

a weyo bi NP+N compound noun sg. fig; fr: figue; dt: Feige

a weyo bu NP+N compound noun pl. weg- verb. wet; fr: mouiller; dt: nass machen.

[Note: Used e.g. clothing, food, but not the ground for building, where a doom is used.]

wegrʌʌ future. wege past. weg(i) perfective. wegr(i) imperfective. a wegʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

wege past. → weg-. weg(i) perfective. → weg-. wegrʌʌ future. → weg-. wegr(i) imperfective. → weg-. wele adverb. quick; fr: vite; dt: schnell.

wele adverb. wele wele adverb. quick; fr: vite-vite; dt:

schnell-schnell. wer- noun. day, date; porcupine; fr: jour, journée,

date; porc-épic; dt: Tag, Datum; Stachelschwein. [Note: This word is used both in contrast with a jɛnɛ ‘night’ for the 12 hours of daylight, and for a particular date.]

a wete sg. a werʌ pl. a wero pl. a wete kɛtɛ... subordinate clause. when day

begins; fr: lorsque la journée commencera; dt: wenn der Tag beginnt. a wete kɛtɛ ʋ gɔmmaa (a) wete sentence Early

tomorrow morning we will hunt the porcupine.; fr: Demain de bonne heure nous

allons chasser le porc-épic.; dt: Morgen früh werden wir das Stachelschwein jagen.

a wete kɔŋ kɛtɛ... subordinate clause When day began...; fr: Lorsque la journée a commencé...; dt: Als der Tag begann,...

a wete kɔŋ kɛtɛ ba gɔm a wete sentence Early the next morning they hunted the porcupine.; fr: Le lendemain de bonne heure ils ont chassé le porc-épic.; dt: Am nächsten Tag in der Früh haben sie das Stachelschwein gejagt. [Note: This phrase is used to refer to the (relative) future. This phrase is used to refer to the (relative) past.]

werʌ pl. → wer-. werd- verb. be an orphan; fr: être orphelin; dt:

Waise sein. weredʌʌ future. werəde past. were perfective. weredi imperfective. a werədʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a werede deverbal noun sg. poverty; fr:

pauvreté; dt: Armut. a were bi V+N compound noun sg. orphan; fr:

orphelin; dt: Waise. [Note: This word is homophonous with ‘fig stone’.]

a were bu V+N compound noun pl. werədʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → werd-. werəde past. → werd-. were sg. → we-. were perfective. → werd-. were bi V+N compound noun sg. → werd-. were bi N+N compound noun sg. → werede. weredʌʌ future. → werd-. werede noun. poverty; fr: pauvreté; dt: Armut.

[Note: Apparently a deverbal - de derivation, but there is no source verb * a werʌm or * a werədʌm.]

a werede sg. a were bi N+N compound noun sg. orphan; fr:

orphelin; dt: Waise. [Note: This word is homophonous with ‘fig stone’.]

a were bu N+N compound noun pl. werede deverbal noun sg. → werd-. weredi imperfective. → werd-. werem perfective. → werm-. weremʌʌ future. → werm-. werem(õ) imperfective. → werm-. werm- verb. ask for, beg for; beg; pray for; fr:

demander, implorer; mendier; prier; dt: bitten um, flehen; betteln; beten um. [Note: This verb means only ‘ask for’, and not ‘ask a question’. It is also used in the sense ‘pray for’ at traditional ceremonies. Cf. a werede ‘poverty’ (i.e. state in which one has to beg).]

weremʌʌ future. werəme past. werem perfective. werem(õ) imperfective. a werəmʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

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werəme wɔl

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 177

werəme past. → werm-. wero pl. → wer-. wete sg. → wer-. weyʌ pl. → we-. weyo pl. → we-. wɩ- noun. rainy season (from June to September);

fr: saison des pluies (du juin jusqu’au septembre); dt: Regenzeit (von Juni bis September).

a wɩrɛ sg. a wɩya pl. a wɩyaʋ pl. a wɩrɛfɩ pl. [Note: See also other seasons: a

homde, a kara] wɩdəgə m zaka noun. kind of tree; fr: espèce

d’arbre; dt: Art Baum. wɩdəgə m zagsʋʋ n.pl. [Note: = Mòoré. In

Mòoré the singular of this noun is a sentence meaning ‘disperse my compound’. Perhaps this refers to the large numbers of these trees found in the bush. This expression is used in Koromfe only, not in Mòoré.]

wɩlɛm perfective. → wɩlm-. wɩlɛmaa future. → wɩlm-. wɩlɛmam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → wɩlm-. wɩlɛmamfɩ deverbal action noun pl. → wɩlm-. wɩlɛmɛ past. → wɩlm-. wɩlɛməga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ wɩlm-. wɩlɛməgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → wɩlm-. wɩlɛməhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → wɩlm-. wɩlɛm(ɔ) imperfective. → wɩlm-. wɩlm- verb. lighten; fr: éclairer; dt: blitzen. [Note:

This verb can have gʋ ‘it’ as its subject, or a vɛŋa ‘cloud/rain’.]

wɩlɛmaa future. wɩlɛmɛ past. wɩlɛm perfective. wɩlɛm(ɔ) imperfective. a wɩlɛmam deverbal action noun sg./mass. Also:

(bolt of) lightning; fr: Aussi: éclair; dt: Auch: Blitz, Blitzen.

a wɩlɛmamfɩ deverbal action noun pl. a wɩlɛməgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. (bolt

of) lightning; fr: éclair; dt: Blitz, Blitzen. a wɩlɛməhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a wɩlɛməga deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. a wɩlɛməfa deverbal local noun. place where

lightning strikes; the east; fr: endroit où un éclair frappe; l’est; dt: Platz, wo der Blitz einschlägt; der Osten. a vɛŋa wɩlɛmɛ sentence It lightened.; fr: Il a

éclairé.; dt: Es hat geblitzt. wɩrɛ sg. → wɩ-. wɩya pl. → wɩ-. wɩyaʋ pl. → wɩ-. widpeeləgu noun. stag; fr: cerf; dt: Hirsch. [Note:

= Mòoré ‘white horse’.] a widpeeləgu sg.

a widpeeləsuu pl. wilet- verb. return, come back, go back; fr: revenir,

retourner; dt: zurückkommen, zurückkehren. wiletrʌʌ future. wilete past. wilet(i) perfective. wiletr(i) imperfective. a wiletʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

wilete past. → wilet-. wilet(i) perfective. → wilet-. wiletrʌʌ future. → wilet-. wiletr(i) imperfective. → wilet-. wɔ- noun. thorn; fr: épine; dt: Dorn.

a wɔfrɛ singulative. a wɔʋ sg./mass. a wɔfɩ sg. [Note: 10300]

wɔfrɛ singulative. → wɔ-. wɔgɔ noun. language, word, sentence, utterance;

fr: langue, mot, phrase, énoncé; dt: Sprache, Wort, Satz, Äußerung.

a wɔgɔ sg. a wɔgəfɩ pl.

mə sa daŋ wɔgɔ NP+N compound NP sg. my mother tongue (lit.: the tongue of my father’s house); fr: ma langue maternelle (lit.: la langue de la maison de mon père); dt: meine Muttersprache (wörtl.: die Sprache vom Haus meines Vaters)

mə dugo wɔgɔ NP+N compound NP sg. my mother tongue (lit.: the tongue of my people); fr: ma langue maternelle (lit.: la langue de la maison de mon peuple); dt: meine Muttersprache (wörtl.: die Sprache vom Haus meines Volkes)

wɔgs- verb. shell, peel; fr: décortiquer; dt: schälen. [Note: This is the older variant of the word. Nowadays a wʋgsam is more common among younger speakers.]

wɔgsraa future. wɔgsɛ past. wɔgs(ʋ) perfective. wɔgsr(ʋ) imperfective. a wɔgsam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

wɔgsɛ past. → wɔgs-. wɔgsraa future. → wɔgs-. wɔgsr(ʋ) imperfective. → wɔgs-. wɔgs(ʋ) perfective. → wɔgs-. wɔk- verb. break (violently), destroy; fr: casser

(avec force), détruire; dt: brechen (mit Gewalt), zerstören.

wɔkraa future. wɔkɛ past. wɔk(ʋ) perfective. wɔkr(ʋ) imperfective. a wɔkam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

wɔkɛ past. → wɔk-. wɔkraa future. → wɔk-. wɔkr(ʋ) imperfective. → wɔk-. wɔk(ʋ) perfective. → wɔk-. wɔl perfective. → wɔl-.

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wɔl- wɔɩ-

178 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

wɔl- verb. work; fr: travailler; dt: arbeiten. [Note: This verb is hardly ever used intransitively. See the example below.]

wɔllaa future. wɔlɛ past. wɔl perfective. wɔll(ʋ) imperfective. a wɔlam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

mə wɔll a tomde sentence I am working.; fr: Je travaille.; dt: Ich arbeite.

wɔlɛ past. → wɔl-. wɔllaa future. → wɔl-. wɔll(ʋ) imperfective. → wɔl-. wɔlm- verb. speak, chat; fr: parler, bavarder; dt:

sprechen, reden, plaudern. wɔlɔmaa future. wɔləmɛ past. wɔlɔm perfective. wɔlɔm(ɔ) imperfective. a wɔləmam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a wɔlɔmɔ sg. s.o. who talks, chatterbox, gossip;

fr: q.un qui parle, bavard; dt: jmd., der spricht, Plauderer, Tratsche.

a wɔlɔməba pl. a wɔlɔməgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. thing

for talking, microphone, telephone ; thing or animal that talks, loudspeaker; fr: chose pour parler, microphone, téléphone; chose où animal qui parle, haut-parleur; dt: Ding zum sprechen, Mikrophon, Telephon; Ding oder Tier, das spricht, Lautsprecher.

a wɔlɔməhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a wɔlɔməga deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. a wɔlɔməfa deverbal local noun. place for

speaking, pulpit, auditorium, hangar; fr: endroit pour parler, pupitre, salle de conférences, hangar; dt: Platz zum Sprechen, Rednerpult, Auditorium, Hangar.

a wɔlɔmaʋ deverbal nomen acti pl. words; fr: paroles; dt: Rede. ŋ wɔlɔmaa (a) koromfe interrogative sentence

Do you speak Koromfe?; fr: Parles-tu koromfe?; dt: Sprichst du Koromfe?

a wɔlɔməgʋ ha ʋŋa NP+N compound noun sg. mobile phone; fr: téléphone mobile; dt: Mobiltelephon [Note: This word is most often used with a negative connotation.]

wɔləmam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → wɔlm-. wɔləmɛ past. → wɔlm-. wɔlɔm perfective. → wɔlm-. wɔlɔmaa future. → wɔlm-. wɔlɔməba pl. → wɔlm-. wɔlɔməfa deverbal local noun. → wɔlm-. wɔlɔməga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ wɔlm-. wɔlɔməgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → wɔlm-. wɔlɔməhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → wɔlm-. wɔlɔmɔ sg. → wɔlm-. wɔlɔm(ɔ) imperfective. → wɔlm-.

wɔsəlɔʋ noun. dirt, rubbish; fr: saleté, ordures; dt: Schmutz, Abfälle. [Note: May be distantly related to a wɔgsam ‘shell, peel’. .]

a wɔsəlɔʋ sg. a wɔsəlɔʋfɩ pl.

wɔʋ sg./mass. → wɔ-. wɔ- noun. hyena; fr: hyène;

dt: Hyäne. a wɔnɛ sg. a wɔỹã pl.

wɔf- verb. have, possess; (aux) repeatedly; fr: avoir, posséder ; (auxiliaire) plusieurs fois; dt: haben, besitzen; (Auxiliar) mehrmals. [Note: When this verb is used as an auxiliary for repeated actions, it is not unusual for the whole sentence to be repeated several times. See the example below.]

wɔfaa future. [Note: This verb does not seem to have past or perfective forms.]

wɔf(ʋ) imperfective. a wɔflɛɩ deverbal action noun sg./mass.

ba wɔf a yabrɛ ba wɔf a yabrɛ ba wɔf a yabrɛ sentence They walk and walk and walk.; fr: Ils marchent, ils marchent, ils marchent.; dt: Sie marschieren, marschieren, marschieren.

wɔfaa future. → wɔf-. wɔf(ʋ) imperfective. → wɔf-. wɔɩ past. → wɔɩ-. wɔɩ perfective. → wɔɩ-. wɔɩ- noun. grass, straw; snake (secret word); fr:

herbe, paille; serpent (mot caché); dt: Gras, Stroh; Schlange (Geheimwort).

a wɔɩfɛ sg. a wɔɩ pl.

a wɔɩ kɔɔnɛ NP+N compound noun sg. first cultivation (of fields, i.e. removal of grass and planting of millet, beans, peanuts, etc.) in June and July; fr: première culture (des champs, c.à.d. qu’on arrache l’herbe et sème le mil, les haricots, les arachides, etc.) en juin et juillet; dt: Anbau (in den Feldern, d.h. Entfernung des Grases und Anbau von Hirse, Bohnen, Erdnüssen, etc. im Juni und Juli [Note: Lit. ‘the old grass’. This is also the name of a traditional lunar month - see a pɩlaŋ]

wɔɩ- verb. defecate, shit; fr: déféquer, chier; dt: Stuhl haben, scheißen.

wɔɩnaa future. wɔɩ past. wɔɩ perfective. wɔɩn(ɛ) imperfective. a wɔỹãm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a wɔɩnɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who shits;

fr: q.un qui chie; dt: jmd. der scheißt. a wɔɩnəba deverbal agent noun pl.

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wɔɩfɛ wol-

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 179

a wɔɩnəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. object for shitting, toilet; fr: objet pour chier, toilette; dt: Gegenstand zum Scheißen, Toilette.

a wɔɩnəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a wɔɩnəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a wɔɩnəfa deverbal local noun. place for

shitting, toilette; fr: endroit pour chier, toilette; dt: Platz zum Scheißen, Toilette.

a wɔɩmãʋ deverbal nomen acti pl. shit; fr: crotte; dt: Scheiße.

wɔɩfɛ sg. → wɔɩ-. wɔɩnaa future. → wɔɩ-. wɔɩnəba deverbal agent noun pl. → wɔɩ-. wɔɩn(ɛ) imperfective. → wɔɩ-. wɔɩnəfa deverbal local noun. → wɔɩ-. wɔɩnəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ wɔɩ-. wɔɩnəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → wɔɩ-. wɔɩnəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → wɔɩ-. wɔɩnɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → wɔɩ-. wɔm perfective. (=/wɔm/) → wɔm-. wɔm- noun. monkey; fr: singe; dt: Affe.

a wɔmdɛ sg. a wɔma pl. a wɔməŋa common noun diminutive. small

monkey; fr: petit singe; dt: kleiner Affe. a wɔmam (from: wɔm-) verb. chew, eat (sth. that

can be chewed, e.g. meat); fr: mâcher, manger (q.chose qu’on peut mâcher, p. ex. de la viande); dt: kauen, essen (etwas, was gekaut wird, z.B. Fleisch). [Note: The main thing that cannot be chewed is porridge.]

wɔmmaa (=/wɔm-d-aa/) future. wɔmɛ (=/wɔm-ɛ/) past. wɔm (=/wɔm/) perfective. wɔmm(ɔ) / wɔmm (=/wɔm-d/) imperfective. a wɔmam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a wɔmməgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg.

something chewable (chewing gum, sweet, fruit, meat, etc.); fr: chose mâchable (chewing-gum, bonbon, fruits, viande, etc.); dt: etwas kaubares (Kaugummi, Bonbon, Obst, Fleisch, etc.).

wɔma pl. → wɔm-. wɔmam deverbal action noun sg./mass. (=/wɔm-

d/) → wɔm-. wɔmdɛ sg. → wɔm-. wɔmɛ past. (=/wɔm-ɛ/) → wɔm-. wɔmm imperfective. (=/wɔm-d/) → wɔm-. wɔmmaa future. (=/wɔm-d-aa/) → wɔm-. wɔmm(ɔ) imperfective. (=/wɔm-d/) → wɔm-. wɔn- noun. hen, chicken, (in compounds:) fowl; fr:

poule, poulet; dt: Henne, Huhn. a wɔnɔŋ sg. a wɔnɛ / a wɔnɩ pl. a wɔnəŋa diminutive sg. small / young chicken,

chick; fr: petit / jeune poulet, poussin; dt: kleines / junges Huhn, Küken. [Note: There is no corresponding diminutive pl. form such as * wɔnənɛ or * wɔnnɛ.]

a wɔnə kɛŋdɛ N+N compound noun sg. turtle dove; fr: tourterelle; dt: Turteltaube.

a wɔnə kɛŋa N+N compound noun pl. wɔn- noun. hand, arm, branch; fr: main, bras,

branche; dt: Hand, Arm, Ast. a wɔndɛ sg. a wãna pl. a wãn zorəfu N+N compound noun sg. large

silver bracelet; fr: grand bracelet en argent; dt: großes Silberarmband. [Note: zorəfu = Mòoré. Cf. Koromfe a kʋrəgʋ koire.]

a wãn zorii N+N compound noun sg. a wɔnə bɛtɛ N+N compound noun sg. thumb; fr:

pouce; dt: Daumen. [Note: This word is homophonous with ‘cock’ < a wɔnɔŋ ‘hen’.]

a wɔnə bɛra N+N compound noun sg. a wɔndɛ bɛtɛ NP+N compound noun sg. thumb;

fr: pouce; dt: Daumen a wãna bɛra NP+N compound noun sg.

wɔnə bɛtɛ N+N compound noun sg. → wɔn-. wɔnə kɛŋdɛ N+N compound noun sg. → wɔn-. wɔnə pogu N+N compound noun sg. → po-. wɔnə zɛŋdɛ N+N compound noun sg. → zɛŋ-. wɔndɛ sg. → wɔn-. wɔnɛ sg. → wɔ-. wɔnɛ pl. → wɔn-. wɔnɩ pl. → wɔn-. wɔnəŋa diminutive sg. → wɔn-. wɔnɔŋ sg. → wɔn-. wɔŋg- verb. rot, decompose; spoil (a child); fr:

pourrir, se décomposer ; gâter (un enfant); dt: verfaulen, verwesen; (ein Kind) verwöhnen.

wɔŋgraa future. wɔŋgɛ past. wɔŋg(ʋ) perfective. wɔŋgr(ʋ) imperfective. a wɔŋgam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

a kɛɔ hoŋ wɔŋgɛ də bi sentence That woman has spoilt her child.; fr: Cette femme a gâté son enfant.; dt: Diese Frau hat ihr Kind verwöhnt.

wɔŋgɛ past. → wɔŋg-. wɔŋgraa future. → wɔŋg-. wɔŋgr(ʋ) imperfective. → wɔŋg-. wɔŋg(ʋ) perfective. → wɔŋg-. wɔỹãm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → wɔɩ-. wod- / wol- verb. lie; fr: mentir; dt: lügen.

wotʌʌ future. woləbe past. wolo perfective. wot(u) imperfective. a wolou deverbal action noun sg./mass. also: a

lie; fr: aussi: mensonge; dt: auch: Lüge. a woloufi deverbal action noun pl. a woto deverbal agent noun sg. liar; fr: menteur;

dt: Lügner. a wotəbʌ deverbal agent noun pl.

wol perfective. → wol-. wol- noun. foot, leg, footprint; fr: pied, jambe,

trace; dt: Fuß, Bein, Fußstapfen. a wolle sg.

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wol- wousri

180 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

a wala pl. a hem wolle NP+N compound noun sg. (dried

up) river bed; fr: lit (séché) d’une rivière; dt: (ausgetrocknetes) Flussbett

a hem wala NP+N compound noun pl. wol- verb. hurt, fight, brawl, quarrel; fr: faire mal

(à), gronder, combattre, bagarrer, se disputer; dt: Weh tun, kämpfen, raufen, streiten.

wollʌʌ future. wole past. wol perfective. woll(u) imperfective. a wolʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a woləgʌ deverbal action noun diminutive sg.

pain; quarrel, dispute, combat, battle; fr: douleur ; bagarre, dispute, combat, bataille; dt: Schmerz; Streit, Meinungsverschiedenheit, Kampf, Schlacht.

a wolle deverbal noun sg. sth. that hurts, pain; fr: ce qui fait mal, douleur; dt: etwas, was Weh tut, Schmerz. [Note: This word does not mean ‘quarrel, dispute, etc.’]

a wolʌ deverbal noun pl. a wolo deverbal noun pl.

a ỹʋ wolle la wɔfə mɛ sentence I have a headache.; fr: J’ai les maux de tête.; dt: Ich habe Kopfweh.

a wollə bɔrɔ N+N compound noun sg. friend, comrade; rival; fr: ami, camarade; rival; dt: Freund, Kamerad; Konkurrent

a wollə bɛnna N+N compound noun pl. [Note: Probably < a wollo bɔrɔ, where wollo is the deverbal agent noun sg. But the plural shows no trace of the - ba suffix. The meaning ‘rival’ usually implies rivalry over a woman.]

wolə zɔŋdɛ N+N compound noun sg. → zɔŋdɛ. wolʌ deverbal noun pl. → wol-. wolʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → wol-. woləbe past. → wod- / wol-. wold- verb. lie; fr: mentir; dt: lügen.

wolodʌʌ future. woləde past. wolo perfective. wolod(u) imperfective. a wolədʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

woləde past. → wold-. wole past. → wol-. woləgʌ deverbal action noun diminutive sg. → wol-. wollʌʌ future. → wol-. wolle sg. → wol-. wolle deverbal noun sg. → wol-. woll(u) imperfective. → wol-. wolo perfective. → wod- / wol-. wolo perfective. → wold-. wolodʌʌ future. → wold-. wolod(u) imperfective. → wold-. wolou deverbal action noun sg./mass. → wod- /

wol-. woloufi deverbal action noun pl. → wod- / wol-. woroni noun. gorilla; fr: gorille; dt: Gorilla.

a woronii sg. a gorii pl. [Note: There is no other plural of a

woronii. This form is probably from Fr. gorille. Cf. also a gorfe ‘kind of bird’, which also has the same plural form.]

woronii sg. → woroni. woroŋg- verb. approach, come closer, bring closer;

fr: s’approcher, approcher; dt: sich nähern, näherkommen, näherbringen.

woroŋgrʌʌ future. woroŋge past. woroŋg(u) perfective. woroŋgr(u) imperfective. a woroŋgʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

ba woroŋge sentence They came closer.; fr: Ils se sont rapprochés.; dt: Sie sind nähergekommen.

ba woroŋge mɛ sentence They came closer to me.; fr: Ils se sont rapprochés de moi.; dt: Sie sind mir nähergekommen.

ba woroŋge mɛ (a) faɩ sentence They brought the porridge closer to me.; fr: Ils ont rapproché le tô près de moi.; dt: Sie haben mir den Brei nähergestellt.

a woroŋgu participial adjective. near, nearby, close; fr: proche, à côté, près; dt: nah, in der Nähe.

woroŋgʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → woroŋg-.

woroŋge past. → woroŋg-. woroŋgrʌʌ future. → woroŋg-. woroŋgr(u) imperfective. → woroŋg-. woroŋg(u) perfective. → woroŋg-. wos- noun. red potato; fr: patate rouge; dt: rote

Kartoffel. a wosfe singulative. a wosu pl./collective. a woso pl./collective. a wosofi pl.

wosfe singulative. → wos-. woso pl./collective. → wos-. wosu pl./collective. → wos-. wot- noun. cart (e.g. as drawn by donkeys); fr:

charrue (p. ex. d’âne); dt: Wagen (wie von Eseln gezogen).

a wotre sg. a wotʌu pl.

wotʌʌ future. → wod- / wol-. woto deverbal agent noun sg. → wod- / wol-. wotre sg. → wot-. wot(u) imperfective. → wod- / wol-. wous- (=/wous/) noun. bark, woof; fr: aboyer; dt:

bellen. wousrʌʌ (=/wous-d-aa/) future. wouse (=/wous-ɛ/) past. wousu (=/wous/) perfective. wousri (=/wous-d/) imperfective. a wousʌm (=/wous-am/) action noun.

wouse past. (=/wous-ɛ/) → wous-. wousrʌʌ future. (=/wous-d-aa/) → wous-. wousri imperfective. (=/wous-d/) → wous-.

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wousu wũmnʌm

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 181

wousu perfective. (=/wous/) → wous-. wʋbs- verb. vomit; fr: vomir; dt: erbrechen. [Note: =

Mòoré. Cf. Koromfe a tɔj ãm.] wʋbsraa future. wʋbsɛ past. wʋbs(ʋ) perfective. wʋbsr(ʋ) imperfective. a wʋbsam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

wʋbsɛ past. → wʋbs-. wʋbsraa future. → wʋbs-. wʋbsr(ʋ) imperfective. → wʋbs-. wʋbs(ʋ) perfective. → wʋbs-. wʋgs- verb. shell, peel; fr: décortiquer; dt: schälen.

[Note: This is the newer variant of the word a wɔgsam.]

wʋgsraa future. wʋgsɛ past. wʋgs(ʋ) perfective. wʋgsr(ʋ) imperfective. a wʋgsam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

wʋgsɛ past. → wʋgs-. wʋgsraa future. → wʋgs-. wʋgsr(ʋ) imperfective. → wʋgs-. wʋgs(ʋ) perfective. → wʋgs-. wʋrf- verb. be small; fr: être petit; dt: klein sein.

wʋrfaa future. [Note: This verb seems to have no past or perfective form.]

wʋrf(ʋ) imperfective. a wʋrfɩɩ deverbal action noun sg. smallness; fr:

petitesse; dt: Kleinheit. wʋrfaa future. → wʋrf-. wʋrf(ʋ) imperfective. → wʋrf-. wʋrg- verb. become small, shrink; fr: devenir petit;

dt: klein werden, schrumpfen. wʋrəgraa future. wʋrəgɛ past. wʋrəg(ʋ) perfective. wʋrəgr(ʋ) imperfective. a wʋrəgam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

wʋrəgɛ past. → wʋrg-. wʋrəgraa future. → wʋrg-. wʋrəgr(ʋ) imperfective. → wʋrg-. wʋrəg(ʋ) perfective. → wʋrg-. wu noun. cold (weather); fr: (temps) froid; dt:

Kälte, kaltes Wetter. a wu sg. a wufi pl. [Note: If the plural form is used, it

reflects the iterative nature of the cold: it comes at night and leaves during the day.]

wuf- (=/wuf/) verb. borrow, lend; fr: emprunter, prêter; dt: borgen, leihen.

wufrʌʌ future. wufe past. wuf(u) perfective. wufr(u) imperfective. a wufʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

də wufə mɛ (a) su ndu sentence He lent me his bicycle.; fr: Il m’a emprunté sa bicyclette.; dt: Er hat mir sein Fahrrad geliehen.

də wufə mə su ndu sentence He has borrowed my bicycle.; fr: Il a prêté ma bicyclette.; dt: Er hat mein Fahrrad ausgeborgt.

wufe past. → wuf-. wufəgʌ noun. hedgehog; fr: hérisson; dt: Igel.

a wufəgʌ sg. a wufəni pl.

wufrʌʌ future. → wuf-. wufr(u) imperfective. → wuf-. wuf(u) perfective. → wuf-. wug- noun. dawn; fr: aube; dt: Tagesanbruch.

a wugre sg. early morning before sunrise; fr: aube avant la levée du soleil; dt: Morgen vor Sonnenaufgang.

a wugo pl. fr: aube, matin de bonne heure ; prière islamique de l’aube; dt: Tagesanbruch, früher Morgen; islamisches Gebet bei Tagesanbruch.

a wugfi pl. wugo pl. → wug-. wugre sg. → wug-. wurou noun. shadow of a cloud; fr: ombre d’un

nuage; dt: Schatten einer Wolke. a wurou sg. a wuroufi pl.

wusdu noun. incense; fr: encens; dt: Weihrauch. [Note: = Mòoré.]

a wusədu pl./collective. [Note: This is a plural form in Mòoré, too; in Koromfe the word has no corresponding singular form.]

wuul- verb. howl (e.g. like a dog); fr: hurler (p. ex. comme chien); dt: heulen (z.B. wie Hund). [Note: = Mòoré. Cf. Koromfe a semʌm.]

wuundʌʌ future. wuule past. wuul(u) perfective. wuund(u) imperfective. a wuulʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

wuule past. → wuul-. wuul(u) perfective. → wuul-. wuundʌʌ future. → wuul-. wuund(u) imperfective. → wuul-. wũm- noun. deaf; fr: sourd; dt: taub.

a wũməŋʌ sg. a wũməni pl. a wũmoi abstract quality noun sg. deafness; fr:

surdité; dt: Taubheit. wũm- verb. be deaf; fr: être sourd; dt: taub sein.

wũmfʌʌ future. wũmondʌʌ future. wũmne past. wũmo perfective. wũmf(u) imperfective. wũmond(u) imperfective. a wũmnʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a wũmoi deverbal action noun sg./mass.

deafness; fr: surdité; dt: Taubheit. [Note: This word is used more commonly than a wumnʌm.]

wũmfʌʌ future. → wũm-. wũmf(u) imperfective. → wũm-. wũmnʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → wũm-.

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wũmne past. → wũm-. wũməni pl. → wũm-. wũməŋʌ sg. → wũm-. wũmo perfective. → wũm-. wũmondʌʌ future. → wũm-. wũmond(u) imperfective. → wũm-. wũn perfective. → wũn-. wũn- verb. go home, return home; marry a man; fr:

partir (à la maison) ; marier un homme; dt: heimgehen, heimkehren; einen Mann heiraten.

wũnnʌʌ future. wũne past. wũn perfective. wũnn(õ) imperfective. a wũnʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

wũne past. → wũn-. wũnnʌʌ future. → wũn-. wũnn(õ) imperfective. → wũn-. wũns- verb. bring/take home; fr: faire rentrer à la

maison; dt: nach Hause bringen. wũnsrʌʌ future. wũnse past. wũns(u) perfective. wũnsr(u) imperfective.

a wũnsʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. də wuns də baləba sentence He took in his

guests back home.; fr: Il a fait rentrer ses étrangers.; dt: Er hat seine Gäste heimgebracht.

wũnse past. → wũns-. wũnsrʌʌ future. → wũns-. wũnsr(u) imperfective. → wũns-. wũns(u) perfective. → wũns-. wũŋgoi noun. misery, unhappiness, poverty; fr:

misère, malheur, pauvreté; dt: Elend, Unglück, Armut. [Note: This word looks like a denominal abstract quality noun, but there is no corresponding adjectival noun.]

a wũŋgoi sg. a wũŋgoi sa NP+N compound noun sg. a wũŋgoi sammã NP+N compound noun pl.

poor, unhappy, pitiable; fr: pauvre, malheureux, misérable; dt: arm, unglücklich, erbärmlich

a wũŋgoi la wɔfə dɩ sentence He is poor / unhappy / pitiable.; fr: Il est pauvre / malheureux / misérable.; dt: Er ist arm / unglücklich / erbärmlich.

Y - y y- noun. chief; fr: chef; dt: Chef.

a yɔ sg. a yɩɩba pl. [Note: The plural seems to be formed

from a jɩɩ ‘chief family’.] ya (=/ya/) exclamation. exclamation; fr:

exclamation; dt: Exklamation. [Note: This exclamation occurs sentence-finally and has no tangible lexical meaning. It is typically used when something new or unexpected (relative to the previous discourse) is said.]

ya (=/ya/) exclamation. mə bɛnɛ ya sentence I’ve arrived!; fr: Je suis

arrivé!; dt: Ich bin da! [Note: This might be said when one arrives in the village unexpectedly.]

ya perfective. (=/yag/) → ya(g)-. yaarɩ indeclinable adjective. public; fr: public; dt:

öffentlich. a tike yaarɩ NP+N compound noun sg. a tigni yaarɩ NP+N compound noun sg. public

place; fr: lieu public; dt: öffentlicher Platz [Note: (=Mòoré) used only in the following expression]

yaba deverbal action noun pl. → yabl-. yaba perfective. → yabl-. yabl- verb. journey, trip; walk, hike; fr: voyage;

marcher; dt: Reise; gehen. a yabrɛ deverbal action noun sg. a yaba deverbal action noun pl. yafaa future.

yabəlɛ past. yaba perfective. yaf(ʋ) imperfective. a yabəlam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a yafəfa deverbal local noun.

ŋ yabrɛ noun phrase & elliptical sentence Welcome! (lit.: your journey); fr: Bienvenu! (lit.: ton voyage); dt: Willkommen! (wörtl.: deine Reise)

n laabrɛ noun phrase & elliptical sentence Welcome! (lit.: you with trip); fr: Bienvenu! (lit.: toi avec voyage); dt: Willkommen! (wörtl.: du mit Reise) [Note: Used for longer trips (at least to a different village). Normal answer: matee (for males), waŋ (for females). laabrɛ < la jabrɛ. Used for shorter trips, e.g. within the village. Normal answer: matee (for males), waŋ (for females).]

yabəlam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → yabl-. yabəlɛ past. → yabl-. yabrɛ deverbal action noun sg. → yabl-. yafaa future. → yabl-. yaf(ʋ) imperfective. → yabl-. ya(g)- (=/yag/) verb. go; fr: aller; dt: gehen,

fahren. [Note: This is the general word for ‘go’, independent of the means of transport.]

yakaa (=/yag+IMPFV-aa/) future. yagɛ (=/yag-ɛ/) past.

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yaga yags-

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 183

yɛgɛ (=/yag-ɛ/) [Note: Irregular assimilation of the stem vowel to suffixal ɛ in this past form.] past.

yaʋ (=/yag/) perfective. ya (=/yag/) perfective. yakʋ (=/yag+IMPFṾ/) imperfective. [Note: The

final ʋ of the imperfective form jakʋ is never dropped. For the deverbal action noun a jabrɛ (<a jablam ‘walk’) is used.]

yaga perfective. → yag(l)-. yagaɩ deverbal action noun sg./mass. → yag(l)-. yagala participial adjective. → yag(l)-. yagalaa future. → yag(l)-. yagaləba deverbal agent noun pl. → yag(l)-. yagalɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → yag(l)-. yagɛ past. (=/yag-ɛ/) → ya(g)-. yagfaa future. → yag(l)-. yagəfəba deverbal agent noun pl. → yag(l)-. yagəfəfa deverbal local noun. → yag(l)-. yagəfəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ yag(l)-. yagəfəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → yag(l)-. yagəfəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → yag(l)-. yagəfɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → yag(l)-. yagəfʋ imperfective. → yag(l)-. yag(l)- verb. be moist/fresh/cool/cold/slow; fr:

être humide/frais/froid/lent; dt: feucht/frisch/kühl/kalt/langsam sein. [Note: This word denotes the opposite of ‘dryness’, which is the natural state of anything non-animate, dead or (often) dying. The concept of speed is related to that of temperature: cool is slow, hot is fast.]

yagalaa future. yagfaa future. yagəlɛ past. yaga perfective. yagəfʋ imperfective. a yagəfɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who is

slow; fr: q.un qui est lent; dt: jmd. der langsam ist.

a yagəfəba deverbal agent noun pl. a yagalɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who is

slow; fr: q.un qui est lent; dt: jmd. der langsam ist.

a yagaləba deverbal agent noun pl. a yagəfəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. object

for cooling (e.g. fridge, fan, air-conditioning, large pot of water); object for slowing, brake; fr: objet pour refroidir (p. ex. frigidaire, ventilateur, climatiseur, canari d’eau) ; objet pour ralentir, frein; dt: Gegenstand zum kühlen (z.B. Kühlschrank, Ventilator, Klimaanlage, großer Wassertopf); Gegenstand zum Verlangsamen, Bremse.

a yagəfəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a yagəfəga deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. a yagəfəfa deverbal local noun. place for cooling

(e.g. fridge, large pot of water, air-conditioned room); place to slow down / brake; fr: endroit

pour refroidir (p. ex. frigidaire, canari d’eau, chambre climatisée) ; endroit pour ralentir/freiner; dt: Platz zum kühlen (z.B. Kühlschrank, großer Wassertopf, klimatisiertes Zimmer); Platz zum verlangsamen/bremsen.

a yagəmaʋ deverbal nomen acti pl. small cool/cold thing(s) (e.g. ice cube(s)); fr: petite(s) chose(s) fraîche(s)/froide(s) (p. ex. glaçon(s)); dt: kleine(s) kühle(s)/kalte(s) Ding(e) (z.B. Eiswürfel).

a yagaɩ deverbal action noun sg./mass. humidity, cold, slowness; fr: humidité, fraîcheur, lenteur; dt: Feuchtigkeit, Kühle, Langsamkeit.

a kʋlə-yagaɩ N+N compound noun sg./mass. health (lit.: freshness of the body); fr: santé (lit.: fraîcheur du corps); dt: Gesundheit (wörtl.: Frische des Körpers).

yagala participial adjective. a fo yagala NP+N compound noun sg. a slow

person (e.g. at work); fr: une personne lente (p. ex. en travaillant); dt: ein langsamer Mensch (z.B. beim Arbeiten) [Note: synonymous with a fo yarfa (<a yaram)]

a fʋba yagala NP+N compound noun pl. [Note: Used for inherent rather than transient properties.]

yagalɩ participial adjective. a hem yagalɩ NP+N compound noun sg./mass

fresh/cold water; fr: eau fraîche; dt: frisches/kaltes Wasser

a sɔmdɛ hem dɔnda yagalɩ NP+N compound noun sg./mass cold fizzy non-alcoholic drink; fr: sucrerie fraîche; dt: kaltes sprudelndes antialkoholisches Getränk

a tike yagalɩ NP+N compound noun sg./mass fresh/cool place; fr: endroit fraîche; dt: frischer/kalter Platz

yoote yagalaa sentence It is cold today.; fr: Il fait froid aujourd’hui.; dt: Es ist heute kalt.

yoote yagəfaa sentence It is cold today.; fr: Il fait froid aujourd’hui.; dt: Es ist heute kalt.

yoote yagəfʋ sentence It is cold today.; fr: Il fait froid aujourd’hui.; dt: Es ist heute kalt.

yoote yaga sentence It is cold today.; fr: Il fait froid aujourd’hui.; dt: Es ist heute kalt. [Note: Used for inherent rather than transient properties.]

yagəlɛ past. → yag(l)-. yagəma ʋ deverbal nomen acti pl. → yag(l)-. yags- verb. be fresh / cool / cold, become fresh /

cool / cold, make fresh / cool / cold, refresh, cool; spool (e.g. cotton thread on to a bobbin); fr: être frais / froid, devenir frais / froid, faire frais / froid, rafraîchir, refroidir; bobiner (p. ex. le fil de coton); dt: frisch / kühl / kalt sein, frisch / kühl / kalt werden, frisch / kühl / kalt machen, erfrischen, abkühlen; spulen (z.B. Baumwollfaden auf eine Spule). [Note: Re. the sense ‘spool’: a weaver winds the cotton thread on to a spool (i.e. a piece of wood, a kɔkɔrɔ bi)

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yagsam yɛbt-

184 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

by rolling it up and down his thigh. The spool is then put into the shuttle (a kɔkɔrɔ).]

yagsəraa future. yagsɛ past. yagsɩ perfective. yagsərɩ imperfective. a yagsam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a yagsərɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who

spools; fr: q.un qui bobine; dt: jmd. der spult. a yagsərəba deverbal agent noun pl. a yagsərəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. thing

for ... (e.g. large pot; spool); fr: objet pour ... (p. ex. canari; bobine); dt: Gegenstand zum ... (z.B. Topf; Spule).

a yagsərəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a yagsərəga deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. a yagsərəfa deverbal local noun. place for ...; fr:

endroit pour ...; dt: Platz zum ... a yagsəmaʋ deverbal nomen acti pl. bobbins with

thread; fr: bobines avec du coton; dt: Spulen mit Baumwolle.

yagsam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → yags-. yagsɛ past. → yags-. yagsɩ perfective. → yags-. yagsəraa future. → yags-. yagsərəba deverbal agent noun pl. → yags-. yagsərəfa deverbal local noun. → yags-. yagsərəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. → yags-. yagsərəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → yags-. yagsərəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → yags-. yagsərɩ imperfective. → yags-. yagsərɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → yags-. yakaa future. (=/yag+IMPFV-aa/) → ya(g)-. yal- noun. grape; fr: raisin; dt: Weintraube.

a yaləfɛ sg. a yalɩ pl./collective. a yaləfɩ pl.

yaləfɛ sg. → yal-. yalɩ pl./collective. → yal-. yallɛ verb. Take (that somewhere)!; fr: Amène (ça

quelque part)!; dt: Trage (das wohin)! [Note: This is probably a fossilized combination of ja or jaʋ ‘go!’ with the adverb lɛ ‘thus’ or the preposition la ‘with’. There are no other forms except the singular and plural imperative]

yallɛ imperative sg. yallɛ na imperative pl.

yallɛ mə yʋ tasʋ a yɔ wa imperative sentence Take my hat to the chief!; fr: Amène mon chapeau au chef!; dt: Trage meinen Hut zum Chef!

yallɔ sg. (=/all-ɔ/) → all-. yar- verb. cool down, calm down, be patient, finish

(illness); fr: se refroidir, se calmer, se patienter, finir (maladie); dt: sich abkühlen, sich beruhigen, sich gedulden, vorbeisein (Krankheit).

yataa future. yarəfaa future.

yarɛ past. yar(ɩ) perfective. yat(ɩ) imperfective. yarəf(ʋ) imperfective. a yarəfa participial adjective. a yaram deverbal action noun sg./mass. a yarəfɩɩ deverbal action noun sg./mass.

slowness, laziness; fr: lenteur, paresse; dt: Langsamkeit, Faulheit. də yarə də gɩllɛ sentence He has slowed down.;

fr: Il est devenu plus lent.; dt: Er ist langsamer geworden.

mə mɛrəgʋ koŋ yarɩ sentence My cold is over.; fr: Mon rhume est fini.; dt: Meine Erkältung ist vorbei.

a fo yarfa NP+N compound noun sg. a slow person (e.g. at work); fr: une personne lente (p. ex. en travaillant); dt: ein langsamer Mensch (z.B. beim Arbeiten) [Note: used e.g. of people whose speed and work capacity diminishes with age synonymous with a fo yagala (<a yagaɩ)]

yaram deverbal action noun sg./mass. → yar-. yarəba pl. (=/ad-ba/) → ar-. yarɛ past. → yar-. yarəfa participial adjective. → yar-. yarəfaa future. → yar-. yarəf(ʋ) imperfective. → yar-. yarg- verb. cool down, make cold; fr: refroidir,

rendre froid; dt: abkühlen, kalt machen. [Note: This is the transitive version of a yaram.]

a yarəgam deverbal action noun sg./mass. yarəgraa future. yarəgɛ past. yarəg(ɩ) perfective. yarəgr(ɩ) imperfective.

yarəgam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → yarg-. yarəgɛ past. → yarg-. yarəg(ɩ) perfective. → yarg-. yarəgraa future. → yarg-. yar(ɩ) perfective. → yar-. yarɩɔ sg. (=/ad-ɩɔ/) → ar-. yataa future. → yar-. yat(ɩ) imperfective. → yar-. yaʋ perfective. (=/yag/) → ya(g)-. yɛbt- noun. wages; fr: salaire; dt: Lohn.

a yɛbtʋ sg. [Note: This is the nominalised indeclinable participial adjective (=perfective form) of the verb a jɛbtam ‘pay’. Speakers feel that this word has taken on an independent life of its own.]

yɛbt- verb. pay; fr: payer; dt: zahlen. yɛbtraa future. yɛbtɛ past. yɛbt(ʋ) perfective. yɛbtr(ʋ) imperfective. a yɛbtam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

mə zɔmmaa mə yɛbtʋ sentence The bill, please! (lit.: I want to pay.); fr: L’addition, s’il vous plaît! (lit.: Je veux payer.); dt: Zahlen, bitte! (wörtl.: Ich will zahlen.)

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yɛbtɛ yɩg-

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yɛbtɛ past. → yɛbt-. yɛbtraa future. → yɛbt-. yɛbtr(ʋ) imperfective. → yɛbt-. yɛbt(ʋ) perfective. → yɛbt-. yɛgɛ past. (=/yag-ɛ/) → ya(g)-. yɛɩ perfective. → yɛɩ-. yɛɩ- verb. waste, spoil, break; put hot pepper (on

food); fr: gâter, abîmer; mettre du piment; dt: verschwenden, kaputt machen; Pfefferoni (auf das Essen) geben. [Note: Putting hot peppers on food is considered (by some) to be spoiling the food.]

yɛɩraa future. yɛyɛ past. yɛɩ perfective. yɛɩr(ɩ) imperfective. a yɛyam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

də yɛɩraa də bi sentence She is spoiling her child.; fr: Elle gâte son enfant.; dt: Sie verwöhnt ihr Kind

a yɛɩrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. a yɛɩrəba deverbal agent noun pl. waster,

spendthrift; fr: gâteur, gaspilleur; dt: Verwüster, Verschwender.

yɛɩraa future. → yɛɩ-. yɛɩr(ɩ) imperfective. → yɛɩ-. yɛɩrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → yɛɩ-. yɛyam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → yɛɩ-. yɛyɛ past. → yɛɩ-. ye perfective. (=/yel/) → ye(l)-. yeb- verb. spend the day; chat; fr: causerie; passer

la journée, causer; dt: Plauderei; den Tag verbringen, plaudern. [Note: Cf. a tɔməŋa ‘chat (at night)’]

yebrʌʌ future. yebe past. yeb(u) perfective. yebr(u) imperfective. a yebʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a yebkʌ deverbal action noun diminutive sg.

a dɔfrɛ yeb hɔ (a) bʌʌni sentence May God give us a good day.; fr: Que Dieu nous donne une bonne journée; dt: Gott gebe uns einen guten Tag.

ŋ yebe (a) bʌʌni sentence Have you spent the day well?; fr: As-tu bien passé la journée?; dt: Hast du den Tag gut verbracht?

a yebkʌ kɩbarʋ sentence Have you spent the day well? (lit.: the news of spending the day); fr: As-tu bien passé la journée? (lit.: les nouvelles du passage de la journée); dt: Hast du den Tag gut verbracht? (wörtl.: die Nachrichten des Tag-Verbringens)

a bʌʌnə yebe sentence The day has passed well.; fr: La journée a bien passé.; dt: Der Tag ist gut vergangen. [Note: This diminutive form is used more often than a jebʌm. A wish that can be pronounced in the morning up to about 12 noon. Greeting that can be pronounced from about 3 p.m. up to bedtime (the first time you see the

addressee) a reply to the greeting ŋ jebe (a) bʌʌni or a jebkʌ kɩbarʋ]

yebʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → yeb-. yebe past. → yeb-. yebrʌʌ future. → yeb-. yebr(u) imperfective. → yeb-. yeb(u) perfective. → yeb-. ye(l)- (=/yel/) verb. look at, contemplate, watch,

observe, look after (e.g. a child, animals), visit; fr: regarder, contempler, observer, s’occuper de, garder (p. ex. un enfant, des animaux), visiter; dt: ansehen, zusehen, beobachten, sich beschäftigen mit, sich kümmern um, hüten (z.B. Kind, Tiere), besuchen.

yellʌʌ (=/yel-d-aa/) future. yele (=/yel-ɛ/) past. ye (=/yel/) perfective. yell / yelli (=/yel-d/) imperfective. a yelʌm (=/yel-am/) deverbal action noun

sg./mass. a yeu (=/yel-ʋ/) deverbal action noun sg./mass.

a dɔɔfɩ yello NP+N compound noun sg. a dɔɔfɩ yelləbʌ NP+N compound noun pl.

shepherd, goatherd, cowherd etc.; fr: gardien de bêtes; dt: Hirte [Note: normally the people who watch the animals are children]

yelʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. (=/yel-am/) → ye(l)-.

yele past. (=/yel-ɛ/) → ye(l)-. yell imperfective. (=/yel-d/) → ye(l)-. yellʌʌ future. (=/yel-d-aa/) → ye(l)-. yelli imperfective. (=/yel-d/) → ye(l)-. yem- noun. hippopotamus;

fr: hippopotame; dt: Nilpferd. [Note: (=Mòoré) There is no other Koromfe term.]

a yemdi (=/yem-dɩ/) sg. a yemʌ (=/yem-a/) pl.

yemdi sg. (=/yem-dɩ/) → yem-. yer- (=/yed/) noun. rabbit, hare; fr: lapin, lièvre;

dt: Kaninchen, Hase. a yergʌ (=/yed-ga/) diminutive sg. a yerəni (=/yed-ni/) diminutive pl. a yerii (=/yed-ii/) pl.

yere adverb. here; fr: ici; dt: hier. yere local adverb. yereŋʌ local adverb. [Note: Although this form

looks like a diminutive, its meaning is reported to be identical with that of jere.]

yergʌ diminutive sg. (=/yed-ga/) → yer-. yerəni diminutive pl. (=/yed-ni/) → yer-. yɩb- noun. eye; fr: oeil; dt: Auge.

a yɩbrɛ sg. a yɩba pl.

yɩbrɛ sg. → yɩb-. yɩg- noun. face, front; fr: visage, figure, face; dt:

Gesicht, Vorderseite. a yɩka sg. a yɩgnɩ / a yɩgnɛ pl.

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yɩgnɛ yik-

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yɩka nɛ N+P compound postposition. in front of; fr: devant; dt: vor (örtlich). də tufʌʌ (a) daŋ yɩka nɛ sentence He is sitting

in front of the house.; fr: Il est assis devant la maison.; dt: Er sitzt vor dem Haus. [Note: In contrast with many other postpositions, this one cannot be used without nɛ. ‘In front of’ refers to the natural front of something rather than a position between the speaker and the reference NP. See the example below. This sentence cannot be used if the speaker is located at the side or back of the house and the ‘he’ is located between the speaker and the house (i.e. at the house’s natural side rather than front).]

yɩgnɛ pl. → yɩg-. yɩgnɩ pl. → yɩg-. yɩɩ noun. chief family; fr: chefferie; dt: Chef-

Familie. a yɩɩ sg.

yɩka sg. → yɩg-. yɩl- noun. horn; fr: corne; dt: Horn.

a yɩllɛ sg. a yɩla pl.

yɩləga Mòoré sg. → tin-. yɩlla- noun. breast, nipple; fr: sein, mamelle; dt:

Brust, Zitze. a yɩllaŋa sg. a yɩllaʋ pl. a yɩllam sg./mass. milk; fr: lait; dt: Milch.

yɩllaŋa sg. → yɩlla-. yɩllaʋ pl. → yɩlla-. yɩllɛ sg. → yɩl-. yɩr perfective. (=/yɩd/) → yɩr-. yɩr- (=/yɩd/) verb. call; phone; fr: appeler;

téléphoner; dt: rufen; anrufen. yɩtaa (=/yɩd-d-aa/) future. yɩrɛ (=/yɩd-ɛ/) past. yɩr / yɩrɩ (=/yɩd/) perfective. yɩt / yɩtɩ (=/yɩd-d/) imperfective. a yɩram (=/yid-am/) deverbal action noun

sg./mass. yɩrɛ past. (=/yɩd-ɛ/) → yɩr-. yɩrɩ perfective. (=/yɩd/) → yɩr-. yɩs- verb. draw (water); pick up (a piece of millet

porridge); fr: puiser; enlever (du tô); dt: schöpfen; (ein Stück Hirsebrei) nehmen.

yɩsraa future. yɩsɛ past. yɩs(ɩ) perfective. yɩsr(ɩ) imperfective. a yɩsam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

yɩsɛ past. → yɩs-. yɩs(ɩ) perfective. → yɩs-. yɩsraa future. → yɩs-. yɩsr(ɩ) imperfective. → yɩs-. yɩt imperfective. (=/yɩd-d/) → yɩr-. yɩtaa future. (=/yɩd-d-aa/) → yɩr-. yɩtɩ imperfective. (=/yɩd-d/) → yɩr-. yib- noun. flying termites (edible); fr: termites ailés

(mangeables); dt: fliegende Termiten (essbar).

a yibəfe singulative. a yibi pl./collective.

yibəfe singulative. → yib-. yibi noun. member of chief family (Konfé [koŋfe]),

man not excluded from becoming the chief; fr: membre de la chefferie (la famille Konfé [koŋfe]), homme qui n’est pas exclu du droit de devenir chef; dt: Mitglied der Chef-Familie (Konfé [koŋfe]), Mann, der nicht davon ausgeschlossen ist, Chef zu werden. [Note: Only members of the Konfé [koŋfe]) family can become chief.]

a yibi sg. [Note: Probably originates from a compound of a jɩɩ ‘chief clan’ and a bi ‘child’.]

a yibəmʌ pl. yibir- noun. problems; fr: problèmes; dt: Probleme.

[Note: archaic] a yibirsi pl.

yig- noun. deserted woman; widow; fr: femme abandonnée; veuve; dt: verlassene Frau; Witwe. [Note: This word refers to any woman who was once married but now no longer has a husband (either through his death or desertion).]

a yike sg. a yigəni pl. a yikeu pl.

yigei noun. smoke, vapour; fr: fumée, vapeur; dt: Rauch, Dunst. [Note: Probably -ei is a -Vɩ suffix, but there are no cognates which would support or contradict this analysis.]

a yigei sg. a yigei ỹɔnɔ NP+N compound noun sg. smoker

(lit.: drinker of smoke); fr: fumeur (lit.: buveur de fumée); dt: Raucher (wörtl.: Rauchtrinker)

a hem yigei NP+N compound noun sg. steam; fr: vapeur; dt: Dampf

yigəni pl. → yig-. yigs- verb. weight down (e.g. a roof with stones);

fr: alourdir (p. ex. un toit avec des pierres); dt: beschweren (z.B. ein Dach mit Steinen).

yigsrʌʌ future. yigse past. yigs(i) perfective. yigsr(i) imperfective. a yigsʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

yigse past. → yigs-. yigs(i) perfective. → yigs-. yigsrʌʌ future. → yigs-. yigsr(i) imperfective. → yigs-. yik- noun. termite hill; darkness, black (of the

night); fr: termitière; obscurité, noir (de la nuit); dt: Termitenbau; Finsternis, Dunkel (der Nacht). [Note: This noun may originally have had a k-b alternation akin to a fɛkʋ, pl. a fɛbɩ ‘field’, with the singular meaning ‘termite hill’ and the plural ‘termites’. In this case, the - fi plural would be a later development. Flying termites only leave their hills in the rainy season. The Koromba light fires near the

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yike yom

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termite hills and drive the termites into them. This burns off their wings, and they can be caught and cooked (in a big metal pot).]

a yiku sg. a yikufi pl.

yike sg. → yig-. yiku noun. darkness of a moonless night (due either

to the moon phase or clouds / dust); fr: noir d’une nuit sans lune (soit à cause de la phase de la lune, soit à cause des nuages ou de la poussière); dt: Finsternis einer mondlosen Nacht (entweder wegen der Mondphase oder wegen Wolken / Staub).

a yiku sg. a yikufi pl.

yiku sg. → yik-. yilem perfective. → yilm-. yilemʌʌ future. → yilm-. yilemõ imperfective. → yilm-. yilm- verb. turn, revolve (like e.g. a ceiling

ventilator); fr: tournoyer (comme p. ex. un ventilateur de plafond); dt: drehen (wie z.B. ein Deckenventilator).

yilemʌʌ future. yiləme past. yilem perfective. yilemõ imperfective. a yiləmʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

yiləme past. → yilm-. yir perfective. (=/yid/) → yir-. yir- (=/yid/) verb. come/go down, descend; seek

hospitality; fr: descendre (intransitif) ; chercher hospitalité; dt: her/hinunterkommen/gehen; Gastfreundschaft suchen.

yitʌʌ (=/yid-d-aa/) future. yire (=/yid-ɛ/) past. yir / yiri (=/yid/) perfective. yit / yiti (=/yid-d/) imperfective. a yirʌm (=/yid-am/) deverbal action noun

sg./mass. yirbitu noun. charcoal; fr: charbon de bois; dt:

Holzkohle. a yirbitu sg. a yirbinʌu pl.

yire past. (=/yid-ɛ/) → yir-. yirg- verb. bring/get down, unload, lower,

overthrow (e.g. a government); fr: descendre (transitif), décharger, abaisser, renverser (p. ex. un gouvernement); dt: her/hinunterbringen, abladen, senken, umstürzen (z.B. eine Regierung).

yirgrʌʌ future. yirge past. yirg(i) perfective. yirgr(i) imperfective. a yirgʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

yirge past. → yirg-. yirg(i) perfective. → yirg-. yirgrʌʌ future. → yirg-. yirgr(i) imperfective. → yirg-.

yiri perfective. (=/yid/) → yir-. yis- verb. suffice; fr: suffire; dt: genügen.

yisrʌʌ future. yise past. yis(i) perfective. yisr(i) imperfective. a yisʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

gʋ yisi məkɔ sentence That’s enough for me.; fr: Ça me suffit.; dt: Das genügt mir. [Note: This phrase is the polite way to refuse more food, drink etc.]

yise perfective. → yisl-. yise past. → yis-. yiselʌʌ future. → yisl-. yisel(i) imperfective. → yisl-. yis(i) perfective. → yis-. yisl- verb. separate the grain from the stones (with

a calabash); fr: séparer les graines des pierres (avec une calebasse); dt: Körner von Steinen trennen (mit einer Kalebasse). [Note: This is the final process in preparing grain for cooking. First comes a sɔgtam, followed by a sellʌm, then a bɛllam. Afterwards the grains are sieved (a jislʌm).]

yiselʌʌ future. yisəle past. yise perfective. yisel(i) imperfective. a yisəlʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

yisəle past. → yisl-. yisrʌʌ future. → yis-. yisr(i) imperfective. → yis-. yit imperfective. (=/yid-d/) → yir-. yitʌʌ future. (=/yid-d-aa/) → yir-. yiti imperfective. (=/yid-d/) → yir-. yɔ sg. → y-. yɔ past. → yʋ-. yɔg- noun. jaw; fr: joue, mâchoire; dt: Kiefer.

a yɔgʋ sg. yɔgəma pl.

yɔgʋ sg. → yɔg-. yobl- verb. pay attention, watch over, guard (e.g.

against wild animals); fr: faire attention, surveiller, garder (p. ex. contre les animaux sauvages); dt: aufpassen, acht geben, bewachen (z.B. gegen wilde Tiere).

a yobəlʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. yobolʌʌ future. yobəle past. yobo perfective. yobol(u) imperfective.

yobəlʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → yobl-. yobəle past. → yobl-. yobo perfective. → yobl-. yobolʌʌ future. → yobl-. yog- noun. melon; fr: melon; dt: Melone. [Note:

(=Mòoré)] a yogri sg. a yogʌu pl.

yogri sg. → yog-. yom perfective. → yom-.

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yom- verb. follow, be in sequence; hunt; have a secret love affair with; fr: suivre, être en séquence ; chasser ; avoir une affaire d’amour cachée avec; dt: folgen, geordnet sein; jagen, hetzen; eine geheime Liebesaffäre haben mit.

yommʌʌ future. yome past. yom perfective. yomm / yommũ imperfective. a yomʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a yomde deverbal action noun sg./mass. also:

hunt, hunting; fr: aussi: suivie, chasse; dt: auch: Jagd. də yommʌʌ a kɛɔ hoŋ sentence He is following

that woman. OR: He is having a secret affair with that woman.; fr: Il suit cette femme-là. OU: Il a une affaire d’amour cachée avec cette femme-là.; dt: Er folgt jener Frau. ODER: Er hat eine geheime Liebesaffäre mit jener Frau.

yomʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → yom-. yome past. → yom-. yomm imperfective. → yom-. yomm- noun. (certain kinds of) grass, fodder (for

animals); fr: (certaines espèces d’) herbe, fourrage (pour les bêtes); dt: (bestimmte Arten von) Gras, Futter (für die Tiere).

a yommu (=/yomm-ʋ/) collective. yommʌʌ future. → yom-. yommũ imperfective. → yom-. yondo noun. rope; fr: corde; dt: Seil.

a yondo sg. a yondii pl.

yoote adverb. today; fr: aujourd’hui; dt: heute. yoote adverb.

yor(b)- verb. answer; react (when one’s name is called); fr: répondre; réagir (lorsque son nom est appelé); dt: antworten; reagieren (wenn der eigenen Name gerufen wird). [Note: Normally the object of this verb in the sense “react (when one’s name is called)” is a jɩram ‘calling’. Reacting when one’s name is called is an uncertain business: the caller may want something that is to your advantage (e.g. to give you sth.) or disadvantage.(e.g. to send you on an errand). Once one has reacted to the calling of one’s name, it is disrespectful to refuse a disadvantageous task; therefore it is often best not to react at all before finding out (via intermediaries) what the caller wants.]

yotʌʌ future. yorəbe past. yoro perfective. [Note: < a jorədʌm] yot(u) imperfective. a yorʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

mə yotʌʌ (a) yɩram sentence I will react (when my name is called).; fr: Je vais réagir (lorsqu’on m’appelé).; dt: Ich werde reagieren (wenn mein Name gerufen wird).

yorəbe past. → yor(b)-.

yord- verb. answer; react (when one’s name is called); fr: répondre; réagir (lorsque son nom est appelé); dt: antworten; reagieren (wenn der eigenen Name gerufen wird). [Note: Normally the object of this verb in the sense “react (when one’s name is called)” is a jɩram ‘calling’. For details, see the note to a jorʌm.]

yorodʌʌ future. yorəde past. yoro perfective. yorod(u) imperfective. a yorədʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

daa yorəde (a) yɩram sentence He did not react (when his name called).; fr: Il n’a pas réagi (lorsqu’on l’a appelé).; dt: Er hat nicht reagiert (als sein ein Name gerufen wurde).

yorəde past. → yord-. yorəfe singulative. (=/yoro-ɩ/) → yoro-. yorəfefi pluralized singulative. (=/yoro-ɩ/) →

yoro-. yorəfeŋʌ singulative diminutive. (=/yoro-ɩ/) →

yoro-. yorəfi pl. → yoro. yoro noun. interior; fr: intérieure; dt: das Innere,

die Innenseite. a yoro sg. a yorəfi pl. yoro postposition. in, inside; fr: dans, à

l’intérieure de; dt: in, innerhalb. yoro ni complex postposition ba tufʌʌ a daŋ koŋ yoro sentence They are

sitting in the house; fr: Ils sont assis dans la maison.; dt: Sie sitzen im Haus.

ba tufʌʌ a daŋ koŋ yoro ni sentence They are sitting in the house; fr: Ils sont assis dans la maison.; dt: Sie sitzen im Haus.

ba tufʌʌ a daŋ koŋ yoro yoro sentence They are sitting in the house; fr: Ils sont assis dans la maison.; dt: Sie sitzen im Haus. [Note: also used as a postposition (see joro)]

yoro perfective. → yor(b)-. yoro perfective. → yord-. yoro- noun. large pot,

cauldron; fr: grand canari, marmite; dt: großer Topf, Kessel.

a yoroŋ (=/yoro-gʋ/) sg. a yoroi (=/yoro-ɩ/) pl.

[Note: This general-purpose large pot is used for cooking and for carrying (and storing) water.]

a yorəfe singulative. a yorəfefi pluralized singulative. small pot; fr:

petit canari; dt: kleiner Topf. [Note: Here the singulative also implies small size, and the word can therefore be (re-)pluralized]

a yorəfeŋʌ singulative diminutive. very small pot; fr: très petit canari; dt: sehr kleiner Topf. [Note: same size as a yoroŋʌ. One of the few words with a diminutive suffix following a

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yorodʌʌ ỹãn zãmbrɛ

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singulative suffix. For the plural a yoroni (<a yoroŋʌ) is used.]

a yoroŋʌ diminutive sg. a yoroni diminutive pl. very small pot; fr: très

petit canari; dt: sehr kleiner Topf. [Note: same size as a jorəfeŋʌ]

yorodʌʌ future. → yord-. yorod(u) imperfective. → yord-. yoroi pl. (=/yoro-ɩ/) → yoro-. yoroŋ sg. (=/yoro-gʋ/) → yoro-. yoroŋʌ diminutive sg. (=/yoro-ɩ/) → yoro-. yos- verb. rot, decompose; fr: pourrir, se

décomposer; dt: faulen, sich zersetzen. yosrʌʌ future. yose past. yos(u) perfective. yosr(u) imperfective. a yosʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

yose past. → yos-. yosrʌʌ future. → yos-. yosr(u) imperfective. → yos-. yos(u) perfective. → yos-. yotʌʌ future. → yor(b)-. yot(u) imperfective. → yor(b)-.

yʋ perfective. → yʋ-. yʋ- verb. jump, fly; fr: voler; dt: fliegen.

yʋraa future. yɔ past. yʋ perfective. yʋr(ʋ) imperfective. a yɔɔm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

a pesəgʌ ba yʋraa sentence Sheep do not fly. (Lit.: A sheep will not fly.); fr: Les moutons ne volent pas. (Lit.: Un mouton ne volera pas.); dt: Vögel fliegen. (Wörtl.: Ein Schaf wird nicht fliegen.)

yʋg- noun. special shirt (for dancing); fr: chemise spéciale (pour danser); dt: besonderes Hemd (für den Tanz). [Note: < Mòoré. This shirt is made in the traditional way, out of strips of cloth, and is short (not quite reaching the waist).]

a yʋka sg. a yʋgsɩ pl.

yʋka sg. → yʋg-. yʋraa future. → yʋ-. yʋr(ʋ) imperfective. → yʋ-.

ỹ ỹã noun. mother, mother’s sister, mother’s fellow-

wife; fruit-bearing tree; fr: mère, sœur de la mère, coépouse de la mère; arbre fructifère; dt: Mutter, Schwester der Mutter, Co-Ehefrau der Mutter; fruchtbringender Baum. [Note: Also used to designate an ‘honorary mother’, who can be almost any woman with suitable characteristics. This noun cannot designate female animals (cf. a jãʋ), but can be used as the second member of a genitival compound for trees, bushes, etc.]

a ỹã sg. a ỹãmmã pl.

a lãmbʋ yã NP+N compound noun sg. cotton bush; fr: cotonnier; dt: Baumwollstrauch [Note: This formation of tree names from their fruits is very common. Thus the word lãmbʋ in this example can be replaced e.g. by bʌndʌku ‘manioc, yam’, gabta ‘aubergine’, gasəga ‘baobab leaf’, hãmba ‘shea nut’, kɩparɩɩ ‘hot peppers’, lamporgʌ ‘kapok’, tomaat(ɩ) ‘tomato’, tɔrɩɩ ‘okra’, .]

ỹã- noun. blood; fr: sang; dt: Blut. a ỹãm sg./mass.

ỹã zambərɛ N+N compound noun sg. → zamb-. ỹãã future. → ỹɛɛ(l)-. ỹã(ã)- noun. female (animal); mother (of an

animal); fr: femelle, mère (d’un animal); dt: Weibchen, Mutter (eines Tieres).

a ỹãʋ sg.

a ỹããnɛ pl. [Note: This is actually (morphologically) the pl. of jããŋa, but is used for all female animals.]

a ỹããŋa diminutive sg. small female anime (which has not yet given birth); fr: petite femelle (qui n’a pas encore mis bas); dt: kleines weibliches Tief (das noch nicht geworfen hat).

ỹããnɛ pl. → ỹã(ã)-. ỹãm bi N+N compound noun sg. → ỹãn-. ỹãm pʋmmənɛ N+N compound noun sg. → ỹãn-. ỹãmbu N+N compound noun pl. → ỹãn-. ỹãn- noun. millet; fr: mil; dt: Hirse.

ỹãndɛ sg. ỹãna pl. ỹãm bi N+N compound noun sg. grain of millet; fr:

graine de mil; dt: Hirsekorn. ỹãmbu N+N compound noun pl. ỹãn zãmbrɛ N+N compound noun sg. millet cob

(only for “small millet”, not for other types of millet); fr: épi de petit mil (non pour les autres genres de mil); dt: Hirsekolben (nur für die “kleine Hirse”, nicht für andere Hirsearten).

ỹãn zãmba N+N compound noun pl. ỹãm pʋmmənɛ N+N compound noun sg. fresh,

ripe cob of small millet; fr: épi frais et mûr de petit mil; dt: frischer, reifer Kolben der kleinen Hirse.

ỹãm pʋmmɔ N+N compound noun pl. ỹãn zãmba N+N compound noun pl. → ỹãn-. ỹãn zãmbrɛ N+N compound noun sg. → ỹãn-.

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ỹãna ỹɛn-

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ỹãna pl. → ỹãn-. ỹãnamaa future. → ỹãnm-. ỹãnamɔ imperfective. → ỹãnm-. ỹãndɛ sg. → ỹãn-. ỹãnm- verb. suffer; rust; fr: souffrir; s’enrouiller;

dt: leiden; rosten. ỹãnamaa future. ỹãnəmɛ past. ỹãnəm perfective. ỹãnamɔ imperfective. a ỹãnəmam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

ỹãnəm perfective. → ỹãnm-. ỹãnəmɛ past. → ỹãnm-. ỹãnt- noun. kind of grass (for rooves); fr: espèce

d’herbe (pour les toits); dt: Art Gras (für Dächer). [Note: = Mòoré. This grass grows next to water.]

a ỹãntrɛ sg. a ỹãntəfɛ sg. a ỹãnta pl.

ỹãntəfɛ sg. → ỹãnt-. ỹãntrɛ sg. → ỹãnt-. ỹãŋ perfective. → ỹãŋ-. ỹãŋ- verb. resemble, seem; fr: ressembler, sembler;

dt: ähneln, scheinen. ỹãŋaa future. ỹãŋɛ past. ỹãŋ perfective. ỹãŋənɛ imperfective. a ỹãŋlɛɩ deverbal action noun sg./mass.

resemblance, similarity; fr: ressemblance, similarité; dt: Ähnlichkeit.

ỹãŋaɩ deverbal action noun sg./mass. a bɔrɔ hoŋ yãŋaa mə yɔɔndɔ sentence That man

resembles my elder brother.; fr: Cet homme ressemble à mon grand frère.; dt: Diese Mann ähnelt meinem großen Bruder.

a mɔntrɩ koŋ yãŋaa kɔ yɛɩ sentence This watch seems to be broken. (lit.: resembles what is broken); fr: Cette montre semble être gâtée. (lit.: ressemble à ce qui est gâté); dt: Diese Uhr scheint kaputt zu sein. (lit.: gleicht dem, was kaputt ist)

ỹãŋaa future. → ỹãŋ-. ỹãŋɛ past. → yãŋ-. ỹãŋlɛɩ deverbal action noun sg./mass. → ỹãŋ-. ỹãŋənɛ imperfective. → ỹãŋ-. ỹãʋ sg. → ỹã(ã)-. ỹãʋ noun. truth, true; fr: vérité, vrai; dt: Wahrheit,

wahr. a ỹãʋ sg.

a ỹãʋ la sentence It’s true.; fr: C’est vrai.; dt: Es ist wahr.

ỹɛ imperfective. → ỹɛɛ(l)-. ỹɛɛ past. (=/ỹɛɩ-ɛ/) → ỹɛɩ-. ỹɛɛ(l)- verb. know; fr: savoir, connaître; dt: wissen,

kennen. [Note: Can only be used positively. For negated clauses the verb a bãɩlɛɩ must be used.]

ỹãã future. ỹɛ imperfective.

a ỹɛɛlɛɩ deverbal action noun sg./mass. knowledge; fr: connaissance; dt: Kenntnis.

a ỹɛɛla deverbal agent noun sg. a ỹɛɛlama deverbal agent noun pl. wise man; fr:

savant; dt: Weiser. [Note: This is not a normal formation for a deverbal agent noun; the verb may be a back formation from this noun.]

ỹɛɛla deverbal agent noun sg. → ỹɛɛ(l)-. ỹɛɛlɛɩ deverbal action noun sg./mass. → ỹɛɛ(l)-. ỹɛɛm deverbal action noun sg./mass. (=/ỹɛɩ-am/)

→ ỹɛɩ-. ỹɛɩ perfective. (=/ỹɛɩ/) → ỹɛɩ-. ỹɛɩ- verb. catch, take (hold of); fr: attraper,

rattraper, saisir; dt: fangen, (in die Hand) nehmen.

ỹɛɩnaa (=/ỹɛɩ-d-aa/) future. ỹɛɛ / ỹɛỹɛ (=/ỹɛɩ-ɛ/) [Note: The past form is

hardly distinguishable phonetically from the perfective.] past.

ỹɛɩ (=/ỹɛɩ/) perfective. ỹɛɩn / ỹɛɩnɛ (=/ỹɛɩ-d/) imperfective. a ỹɛɛm (=/ỹɛɩ-am/) deverbal action noun

sg./mass. ỹɛɩnəgʋ (=/ỹɛɩ-d-gʋ/) deverbal instrument noun

sg. trap; animal that can be trapped; fr: piège; animal qu’on peut attraper à piège; dt: Falle; Tier, das in eine Falle gehen könnte.

ỹɛɩnəhɛ (=/ỹɛɩ-d-hɩ/) deverbal instrument noun pl.

ỹɛɩn imperfective. (=/ỹɛɩ-d/) → ỹɛɩ-. ỹɛɩnaa future. (=/ỹɛɩ-d-aa/) → ỹɛɩ-. ỹɛɩnɛ imperfective. (=/ỹɛɩ-d/) → ỹɛɩ-. ỹɛɩnəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. (=/ỹɛɩ-d-

gʋ/) → ỹɛɩ-. ỹɛmm- noun. tooth; fr: dent; dt: Zahn.

a ỹɛmmənɛ sg. a ỹɛmmã pl.

a ỹɛmmã dirəgrəgu NP+N compound noun sg. toothpick; toothbrush (lit.: teeth-rubber); fr: cure-dents; brosse à dents (lit.: frotteur de dents); dt: Zahnstocher; Zahnbürste (wörtl.: Zähne-Reiber)

a ỹɛmmã dirəgrəhe NP+N compound noun pl. ỹɛmmənɛ sg. → ỹɛmm-. ỹɛn- noun. night; fr: nuit; dt: Nacht.

a ỹɛnɛ sg. a ỹɛnɛfɩ pl. a ỹãn tʋllɛ N+N compound noun sg. midnight,

middle of the night; fr: minuit, milieu de la nuit; dt: Mitternacht, mitten in der Nacht. [Note: The change of the stem jɛn to jãn is idiosyncratic. The time period expressed by this compound noun extends from about 11 p.m. until about 4 a.m., when a wugo begins.]

ỹɛn- noun. fish; fr: poisson; dt: Fisch. a ỹɛnəfɛ singulative. a ỹɛnɛ pl./collective.

a ỹɛnɛ yɛɛnəgʋ NP+N compound noun sg. fishing hook (lit.: thing for catching fish); fr: hameçon de pêche (lit.: instrument pour

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ỹɛnɛ ỹĩnendʌʌ

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attraper des poissons); dt: Fischhaken (wörtl.: Ding zum Fische Fangen)

ỹɛnɛ sg. → ỹɛn-. ỹɛnɛfɩ pl. → ỹɛn-. ỹɛnəfɛ singulative. → ỹɛn-. ỹɛnəg- verb. smelt (metal); fr: fondre (métal); dt:

(Metall) verschmelzen. ỹɛnəgraa future. ỹɛnəgɛ past. ỹɛnəg(ɩ) perfective. ỹɛnəgr(ɩ) imperfective. a ỹɛnəgam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a ỹɛnəgrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who

smelts (metal); fr: q.un qui fond (le métal); dt: jmd. der (Metall) verschmilzt.

a ỹɛnəgrəba deverbal agent noun pl. a ỹɛnəgrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. object

for smelting (metal); fr: objet pour fondre (le métal); dt: Gegenstand um (Metall) zu verschmelzen.

a ỹɛnəgrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a ỹɛnəgrəga deverbal instrument noun

diminutive sg. a ỹɛnəgrəfa deverbal local noun. place for

smelting (metal); fr: endroit pour fondre (le métal); dt: Platz um (Metall) zu verschmelzen.

a ỹɛnəgmaʋ deverbal nomen acti pl. smelted objects; fr: objets fondus; dt: verschmolzene Gegenstände.

ỹɛnəgam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → ỹɛnəg-.

ỹɛnəgɛ past. → ỹɛnəg-. ỹɛnəg(ɩ) perfective. → ỹɛnəg-. ỹɛnəgraa future. → ỹɛnəg-. ỹɛnəgrəba deverbal agent noun pl. → ỹɛnəg-. ỹɛnəgrəfa deverbal local noun. → ỹɛnəg-. ỹɛnəgrəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. → ỹɛnəg-. ỹɛnəgrəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. →

ỹɛnəg-. ỹɛnəgrəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → ỹɛnəg-. ỹɛnəgr(ɩ) imperfective. → y ɛnəg-. ỹɛnəgrɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → ỹɛnəg-. ỹɛŋ perfective. → ỹɛŋ-. ỹɛŋ- verb. shine; fr: briller; dt: scheinen,

(be)leuchten. ỹɛŋnaa future. ỹɛŋɛ past. ỹɛŋ perfective. ỹɛŋnɛ imperfective. a ỹɛŋam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a ỹɛŋnɔ deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who shines /

is brilliant; fr: q.un qui brille; dt: jmd. der scheint/brilliert.

a ỹɛŋnəba deverbal agent noun pl. a ỹɛŋnəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. object

for shining (e.g. a torch); object which shines; fr: objet pour briller (p. ex. une torche); objet qui brillent; dt: Gegenstand zum scheinen/beleuchten (z.B. eine Taschenlampe); Gegenstand, der leuchtet.

a ỹɛŋnəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. a ỹɛŋnəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive

sg. a ỹɛŋnəfa deverbal local noun. place for shining;

sunlit / moonlit place; fr: endroit pour briller; endroit où le soleil ou la lune brille; dt: Platz zum scheinen; Platz, wo die Sonne oder der Mond scheint.

a ỹɛŋmãʋ deverbal nomen acti pl. things that shine; fr: choses qui brillent; dt: Dinge, die scheinen/leuchten.

ỹɛŋam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → ỹɛŋ-. ỹɛŋɛ past. → ỹɛŋ-. ỹɛŋnaa future. → ỹɛŋ-. ỹɛŋnəba deverbal agent noun pl. → ỹɛŋ-. ỹɛŋnɛ imperfective. → ỹɛŋ-. ỹɛŋnəfa deverbal local noun. → ỹɛŋ-. ỹɛŋnəga deverbal instrument noun diminutive sg.

→ ỹɛŋ-. ỹɛŋnəgʋ deverbal instrument noun sg. → ỹɛŋ-. ỹɛŋnəhɛ deverbal instrument noun pl. → ỹɛŋ-. ỹɛŋnɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → ỹɛŋ-. ỹɛŋs- verb. stand up, stand; break out (illness);

emigrate; fr: se lever, être debout ; se déclarer (maladie) ; émigrer; dt: aufstehen, stehen; ausbrechen (Krankheit); auswandern.

ỹɛŋsraa future. ỹɛŋsɛ past. ỹɛŋs(ɩ) perfective. ỹɛŋsr(ɩ) imperfective. a ỹɛŋsam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

ỹɛŋsɛ past. → ỹɛŋs-. ỹɛŋs(ɩ) perfective. → ỹɛŋs-. ỹɛŋsraa future. → ỹɛŋs-. ỹɛŋsr(ɩ) imperfective. → ỹɛŋs-. ỹɛỹɛ past. (=/ỹɛɩ-ɛ/) → ỹɛɩ-. ỹĩm- noun. younger brother (little brother), younger

sister (little sister); sunrise, east; fr: frère cadet (petit frère), sœur cadette (petite sœur); levant du soleil, est; dt: jüngerer Bruder (kleiner Bruder), jüngere Schwester (kleine Schwester); Sonnenaufgang, Osten.

a ỹĩmde sg. a ỹĩmʌu pl.

mə yĩmde gonde a ỹĩmde ni hĩ sentence My younger brother left towards the east.; fr: Mon petit frère est parti vers l’est.; dt: Mein kleiner Bruder ist in Richtung Osten abgereist.

ỹĩmde sg. → ỹĩm-. ỹĩn- adj.noun. blind; fr: aveugle; dt: blind.

a ỹĩnəŋʌ adjectival noun sg. a ỹĩnəni adjectival noun pl. a ỹĩnei denominal abstract quality noun sg./mass.

blindness; fr: cécité; dt: Blindheit. ỹĩn- adj.verb. be blind; fr: être aveugle; dt: blind

sein. ỹĩnəfʌʌ future. ỹĩnəfu imperfective.

ỹĩne perfective. → ỹĩnl-. ỹĩnendʌʌ future. → ỹĩnl-.

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ỹĩnendi ỹɔn-

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ỹĩnendi imperfective. → ỹĩnl-. ỹĩnet- verb. regain one’s sight; fr: regagner la vue;

dt: das Augenlicht wiedergewinnen. ỹĩnetrʌʌ future. ỹĩnete past. ỹĩneti perfective. ỹinetri imperfective. a ỹĩnetʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

ỹĩnete past. → ỹĩnet-. ỹĩneti perfective. → ỹĩnet-. ỹĩnetrʌʌ future. → ỹĩnet-. ỹĩnetri imperfective. → ỹĩnet-. ỹĩnəfʌʌ future. → ỹĩn-. ỹĩni noun. thirst; fr: soif; dt: Durst.

a ỹĩni sg. a hem ỹĩni NP+N compound noun sg. thirst,

drought; fr: soif, sécheresse; dt: Durst, Dürre

a ỹĩni la wɔfə mɛ sentence I am thirsty.; fr: J’ai soif.; dt: Ich habe Durst.

ỹĩnl- verb. become blind; fr: devenir aveugle; dt: erblinden.

ỹĩnendʌʌ future. ỹĩnne past. ỹĩne perfective. ỹĩnendi imperfective. a ỹĩnnʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

blindness; fr: cécité, “aveugleté”; dt: Blindheit. də yɩne sentence He has become blind.; fr: Il

est devenu aveugle.; dt: Er ist blind geworden.

də yɩne də yɩba sentence He has become blind.; fr: Il es devenu aveugle.; dt: Er ist blind geworden.

ỹĩnne past. → ỹĩnl-. ỹĩnəni adjectival noun pl. → ỹĩn-. ỹĩnəŋʌ adjectival noun sg. → ỹĩn-. ỹĩns- verb. blind (s.o.); fr: faire aveugle; dt:

blenden, blind machen. ỹĩnsərʌʌ future. ỹĩnse past. ỹĩnsi perfective. ỹĩnsəri imperfective. a ỹĩnsʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

a sɛɔ koŋ ỹĩnsə dɩ sentence The medicine made him blind.; fr: Le médicament l’a fait aveugle.; dt: Das Medikament hat in blind gemacht.

a sɛɔ koŋ ỹĩnsə də yɩba sentence The medicine made him blind.; fr: Le médicament l’a fait aveugle.; dt: Das Medikament hat in blind gemacht.

ỹĩnse past. → ỹĩns-. ỹĩnsi perfective. → ỹi ns-. ỹĩnsərʌʌ future. → ỹĩns-. ỹĩnsəri imperfective. → ỹĩns-. ỹɔ past. → ỹɔ-. ỹɔ perfective. → ỹɔ-. ỹɔ- verb. drink, absorb; smoke; fr: boire, absorber ;

fumer; dt: trinken, aufsaugen; rauchen. [Note:

In the sense of ‘smoke’ this verb takes the object a jigei ‘smoke’.]

ỹɔnaa future. ỹɔ past. ỹɔ perfective. ỹɔn(ɔ) imperfective. [Note: There is no

inflectional form of a jɔɔm with an - f suffix, despite the existence of an agent noun with - f.]

a ỹɔɔm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a ỹɔnɔ deverbal agent noun sg. drinker; alcoholic;

fr: buveur; alcoolique; dt: Trinker; Säufer, Alkoholiker. [Note: This form is never used in the sense of ‘sorcerer’ and vice versa.]

a ỹɔnəba deverbal agent noun pl. a ỹɔfɔ deverbal agent noun sg. sorcerer, eater of

souls; fr: sorcier, mangeur d’âmes; dt: Zauberer, Seelenfresser. [Note: This form is never used in the sense of ‘drinker’ and vice versa.]

a ỹɔfəba deverbal agent noun pl. ỹɔfɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → ỹɔ-. ỹɔgəfaa future. → ỹɔgl-. ỹɔgf(ʋ) imperfective. → ỹɔgl-. ỹɔgl- verb. nurse, suckle; fr: téter, allaiter; dt:

stillen, säugen. ỹɔgəfaa future. ỹɔŋɔndaa future. ỹɔŋənɛ past. ỹɔŋɔ perfective. ỹɔgf(ʋ) imperfective. ỹɔŋɔnd(ʋ) imperfective. a ỹɔŋənam deverbal action noun sg./mass. ỹɔŋənɛ deverbal action noun sg. [Note: The

future and imperfective forms with - f are more usual.]

ỹɔk- verb. stab, push in (e.g. a pin); fr: piquer, enfoncer (p. ex. une aiguille); dt: stechen, hineindrücken (z.B. eine Nadel). [Note: Also used for putting millet stalks into a basket.]

ỹɔkraa future. ỹɔkɛ past. ỹɔk(ʋ) perfective. ỹɔkr(ʋ) imperfective. a ỹɔkam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

ỹɔkɛ past. → ỹɔk-. ỹɔkraa future. → y ɔk-. ỹɔkr(ʋ) imperfective. → ỹɔk-. ỹɔk(ʋ) perfective. → ỹɔk-. ỹɔn- noun. ant; star; fr: fourmi ; étoile; dt: Ameise;

Stern. a ỹɔnəfɛ singulative. a ỹɔnɛ collective/pl.

a ỹɔnəfɛ dɔmməgʋ NP+N compound noun sg. ant that can bite; fr: fourmi qui peut mordre; dt: Ameise, die beißen kann

a ỹɔnəfɛ wa ŋ NP sg. a ỹɔnɛ waŋ NP pl. shooting star, falling star,

meteorite; fr: étoile filante, météorite; dt: Sternschnuppe, Meteorit

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ỹɔn- zab-

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 193

a ỹɔnəfɛ wa ŋ sole sɛnɛ sentence A shooting star has fallen to earth.; fr: Une étoile filante a tombé à terre.; dt: Eine Sternschnuppe ist auf die Erde gefallen.

dɔba yɔnəfɛ adverb+N compound noun singulative star above; fr: étoile en haut; dt: Stern am Himmel

a ỹɔnɛ leŋgem NP+N compound noun sg. group of stars, constellation; fr: groupe d’étoiles, constellation; dt: Sternengruppe, -bild

a ỹɔnəfɛ pɔnəŋa NP+N compound noun sg. starlight; fr: lumière des étoiles; dt: Sternenlicht

a sɔnɔ ỹɔnəfɛ NP+N compound noun sg. morning star (Venus); fr: étoile du matin (Venus); dt: Morgenstern (Venus)

a zɔɩ yɔnəfɛ NP+N compound noun sg. evening star (Venus); fr: étoile du soir (Venus); dt: Abendstern (Venus) [Note: This compound can be used for disambiguation. This compound can be used for disambiguation. The article a is precluded because the first part of the compound is an adverb.]

ỹɔn- noun. belonging(s), property; fr: appartenance, propriété; dt: Besitz, Eigentum.

a ỹɔŋgʋ sg. a ỹɔnɛ pl.

a dãŋ koŋ mə yɔŋgʋ la sentence That house is mine. (lit.: is my property); fr: Cette maison est à moi. (lit.: est ma propriété); dt: Dieses Haus gehört mir. (wörtl.: ist mein Eigentum)

ỹɔnaa future. → ỹɔ-. ỹɔnəba deverbal agent noun pl. → ỹɔ-. ỹɔnəfɛ singulative. → ỹɔn-. ỹɔnɔ deverbal agent noun sg. → ỹɔ-. ỹɔn(ɔ) imperfective. → ỹɔ-. ỹɔŋgʋ sg. → ỹɔn-. ỹɔŋənam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → ỹɔgl-.

ỹɔŋənɛ past. → ỹɔgl-. ỹɔŋɔ perfective. → ỹɔgl-. ỹɔŋɔndaa future. → ỹɔgl-. ỹɔŋɔnd(ʋ) imperfective. → ỹɔgl-. ỹɔɔ- noun. small, little; fr: petit; dt: klein.

a ỹɔɔŋa sg. a ỹɔɔnɛ pl. ỹɔɔŋa ỹɔɔŋa adverb. a little, gradually; fr: un

peu, peu à peu; dt: ein bisschen, allmählich. ba wɔllaa (a) tomʌ y ɔɔŋa ỹɔɔŋa sentence They

are working slowly.; fr: Ils travaillent lentement.; dt: Sie arbeiten langsam.

ỹɔ(ɔ) noun. soil, dust, mud, mortar; fr: terre, poussière, banco, mortier; dt: Erde, Staub, Schlamm, Mörtel. [Note: refers primarily to building materials in their dry state]

a ỹɔɔ sg. ỹɔɔm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → ỹɔ-. ỹɔɔnd- noun. older brother (big brother), older

sister (big sister); fr: frère plus âgé (grand frère), sœur plus âgée (grande sœur); dt: älterer Bruder (großer Bruder), ältere Schwester (große Schwester).

a ỹɔɔndɔ sg. a ỹɔɔndəba pl. a ỹɔɔndəbaʋ pl.

ỹɔɔndəba pl. → ỹɔɔnd-. ỹɔɔndɔ sg. → ỹɔɔnd-. ỹɔɔnɛ pl. → ỹɔɔ-. ỹɔɔŋa sg. → ỹɔɔ-. ỹɔỹɔɔga noun. Nyonyosi (clan); fr: Nyonyosi (clan);

dt: Nyonyosi (Clan). [Note: (Mòoré). Cf. the true Koromfe word a bɛrɩɔ]

a ỹɔỹɔɔga sg. ỹɔỹɔɔsʋʋ pl.

ỹʋ noun. head; fr: tête; dt: Kopf. a ỹʋ sg. a ỹʋfɩ pl.

Z - z zaa conjunction. while, whilst, so long as; (with

negative verb) before; fr: pendant que; (avec verbe négatif) avant que; dt: während, solange; (mit negativem Verb) bevor.

zaa subordinating temporal conjunction. ba zogte mə ma nɛ zaa mə dɛyaa complex

sentence They stole my money while I was sleeping.; fr: Ils ont volé mon argent pendant que je dormais; dt: Sie haben mein Geld gestohlen, während ich geschlafen habe.

ʋ gondrʌʌ zaa (a) wete ba kɛtɛ complex sentence We will leave before day has broken.; fr: Nous partirons avant que le jour soit arrivé.; dt: Wir werden abreisen, bevor der Tagangebrochen ist.

zaabɩ noun. evil, bad; fr: (le) mal, mauvais; dt: Übel, schlecht.

a zaabɩ sg. a zaabəfɩ pl.

zab- noun. awkward, clumsy, silly, stupid; fr: gauche, bête , con, idiot, stupide; dt: linkisch, dumm, blöd. [Note: This word does not imply mental deficiency, in contrast with a kii so ‘mad person’.]

a zakʋ sg. [Note: Sporadically b + g becomes k. Probably an old labiovelar.]

a zapa pl. a zabrɛɩ abstract quality noun sg. awkwardness,

clumsiness, silliness, stupidity; fr: gaucherie, stupidité; dt: Ungeschicklichkeit, Dummheit.

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zaba zald-

194 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

a zabrɛɩfɩ abstract quality noun pl. [Note: The plural is used when the abstract noun is used to refer to persons.]

zaba perfective. → zabl-. zabalaa future. → zabl-. zabal(ʋ) imperfective. → zabl-. zabl- verb. chase and jeer at; fr: poursuivre et

embêter; dt: verfolgen und verhöhnen. zabalaa future. zabəlɛ past. zaba perfective. zabal(ʋ) imperfective. a zabəlam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

zabəlɛ past. → zabl-. zabrɛɩ abstract quality noun sg. → zab-. zag- noun. compound, yard; home, family; fr:

concession, cour; domicile, famille; dt: Hof; Heim, Familie. [Note: = Mòoré]

a zaka sg. a zagədʋ pl. a zagəsʋʋ pl.

zaga perfective. → zagl-. zagalaa future. → zagl-. zagal(ɩ) imperfective. → zagl-. zagam perfective. → zagm-. zagamaa future. → zagm-. zagam(ɔ) imperfective. → zagm-. zagədʋ pl. → zag-. zagl- verb. water; fr: arroser; dt: begießen.

zagalaa future. zagəlɛ past. zaga perfective. zagal(ɩ) imperfective. a zagəlam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

zagəlɛ past. → zagl-. zagm- verb. shake (a tree repeatedly to make the

fruit fall down); fr: remuer (un arbre fréquemment pour faire tomber les fruits); dt: (einen Baum wiederholt) schütteln (um die Früchte herunterfallen zu lassen). [Note: This is the frequentative of a zagtam. Also: a zɛgtam and a zɛgəmam.]

zagamaa future. zagəmɛ past. zagam perfective. zagam(ɔ) imperfective. a zagəmam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

zagəmɛ past. → zagm-. zagt- verb. shake (a tree briefly to make the fruit

fall down); fr: remuer, secouer (un arbre brièvement pour faire tomber les fruits); dt: (einen Baum kurz) schütteln (um die Früchte herunterfallen zu lassen). [Note: Also: a zɛgtam. Cf. the corresponding frequentative verb a zagəmam. [g] not [ɣ].]

zagtraa future. zagtɛ past. zagt(ɩ) perfective. zagtr(ɩ) imperfective. a zagtam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

zagtɛ past. → zagt-.

zagt(ɩ) perfective. → zagt-. zagtraa future. → zagt-. zagtr(ɩ) imperfective. → zagt-. zak- verb. persuade, comfort, flatter, deceive; fr:

persuader, consoler, tromper, flatter; dt: überreden, trösten, schmeicheln, täuschen.

zakraa future. zakɛ past. zak(ɩ) perfective. zakr(ɩ) imperfective. a zakam deverbal action noun sg./mass. also:

joke; fr: aussi: blague; dt: auch: Witz. a zakamfɩ deverbal action noun pl. a zakəmaʋ deverbal nomen acti pl. jokes; fr:

blagues; dt: Witze. zaka sg. → zag-. zakam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → zak-. zakam perfective. → zakm-. zakamaa future. → zakm-. zakamfɩ deverbal action noun pl. → zak-. zakam(ɔ) imperfective. → zakm-. zakɛ past. → zak-. zak(ɩ) perfective. → zak-. zakm- verb. persuade, comfort, flatter, deceive;

take good care of; fr: persuader, consoler, tromper, flatter; bien entretenir; dt: überreden, trösten, schmeicheln, täuschen; gut sorgen für. [Note: The frequentative implies repeated or more energetic action than a zakam. The sense ‘take good care of’ is probably related to a zaka ‘compound’; the non-frequentative verb a zakam does not have this meaning.]

zakamaa future. zakəmɛ past. zakam perfective. zakam(ɔ) imperfective. a zakəmam deverbal action noun sg./mass. also:

jokes; fr: aussi: blagues; dt: auch: Witze. a zakəmamfɩ deverbal action noun pl.

zakəmam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → zakm-.

zakəmɛ past. → zakm-. zakraa future. → zak-. zakr(ɩ) imperfective. → zak-. zakʋ sg. → zab-. zala noun. Touareg (name of an ethnic group); fr:

Touareg (nom d’un groupe ethnique); dt: Touareg (Name einer ethnischen Gruppe).

a zala sg. a zalaba pl.

zala perfective. → zald-. zaladaa future. → zald-. zalad(ɩ) imperfective. → zald-. zald- verb. move, remove, emigrate; infect; fr: se

déplacer, déménager, émigrer ; contaminer; dt: umziehen, übersiedeln, auswandern; anstecken. [Note: The sense ‘infect’ derives from “cause (a disease) to move (from one person to another)”.]

zaladaa future.

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zaldɛ zãŋfɔ

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 195

zaldɛ past. zala perfective. zalad(ɩ) imperfective. a zaldam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

ba zala ba yaʋ wʌgyʌ sentence They have removed to Ouahigouya.; fr: Ils sont déménagés à Ouahigouya.; dt: Sie sind nach Ouahigouya übersiedelt.

ba zala m a bɔɩ sentence They infected me with German measles.; fr: Ils m’ont contamine avec la rougeole.; dt: Sie haben mich mit Röteln angesteckt.

zaldɛ past. → zald-. zam- noun. bad, naughty; fr: mauvais, méchant; dt:

schlecht, boshaft. a zamdɛ sg. a zama pl. a zamaʋ pl. a zamɛɩ abstract quality noun sg. badness; fr:

méchanceté; dt: Boshaftigkeit. zama pl. → zam-. zamaʋ pl. → zam-. zamããna noun. country, region; fr: pays, région;

dt: Land, Gebiet. [Note: = Mòoré] a zamããna sg. a zamããnɛ pl. a zamããnəma pl. a zamããnəfɩ pl.

a zamããna sɔrfa NP+N compound noun sg. planet, different world; fr: planète, autre monde; dt: Planet, andere Welt

a zamããna sɔrgʋ NP+N compound noun sg. a zamããnəma sɔrhɛ NP+N compound noun pl.

solar system; fr: système solaire; dt: Sonnensystem

a zamããna mɛndɛ NP+N compound noun sg. group of planets, solar system; fr: groupe de planètes, système solaire;

a zamããna mɛna noun phrase pl. a zamããna mɛntʋ NP+N compound noun sg.

group of planets, solar system; fr: groupe de planètes, système solaire;

a zamããna mɛntəfɩ NP+N compound noun pl. zamããnɛ pl. → zamããna. zamããnəma pl. → zamããna. zamb- verb. persuade, comfort, flatter, deceive; fr:

persuader, consoler, tromper, flatter; dt: überreden, trösten, schmeicheln, täuschen. [Note: = Mòoré. Cf. Koromfe a zakam.]

zambraa future. zambɛ past. zamb(ʋ) perfective. zambr(ʋ) imperfective. a zambam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a zamba deverbal noun sg. deception; fr:

tromperie; dt: Täuschung. [Note: This is not a regular formation in Koromfe.]

a zambafɩ deverbal noun pl. zamb- noun. cob; fr: épis; dt: Kolben.

a zambərɛ sg. a zamba pl.

a ỹã zambərɛ N+N compound noun sg. cob of millet; fr: épis de mil; dt: Hirsekolben.

a ỹã zamba N+N compound noun pl. zamba deverbal noun sg. → zamb-. zamba pl. → zamb-. zambam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → zamb-. zambɛ past. → zamb-. zambraa future. → zamb-. zambərɛ sg. → zamb-. zambr(ʋ) imperfective. → zamb-. zamb(ʋ) perfective. → zamb-. zamdɛ sg. → zam-. zams- verb. be naughty / bad; fr: être méchant /

mauvais; dt: boshaft / schlecht sein. zamsəraa future. zamsɛ past. zamsʋ perfective. zamsər(ʋ) imperfective. a zamsam deverbal action noun sg./mass. [Note:

This form is rare. Instead, a zamɛɩ ‘badness’ is used.]

zamsɛ past. → zams-. zamsəraa future. → zams-. zamsər(ʋ) imperfective. → zams-. zamsʋ perfective. → zams-. zapa pl. → zab-. zapa noun. shoemaker; fr: cordonnier; dt:

Schuster. [Note: = Mòoré] a zapa sg. a zapama pl. a zapafɩ pl.

zapama pl. → zapa. zã imperfective. (=/zɔmm/) → zɔmm. zãã future. (=/zɔmm-aa/) → zɔmm. zããn- noun. club; fr: casse-tête; dt: Keule. [Note: =

Mòoré] a zããndɩ sg. a zããna pl.

zããndɩ sg. → zããn-. zãŋ perfective. (=/zãŋg/) → zãŋg-. zãŋa perfective. → zãŋn-. zãŋandaa future. → zãŋn-. zãŋand(ɩ) imperfective. → zãŋn-. zãŋfɔ numeral. (a) hundred (100); 500 francs CFA;

fr: centaine, cent (100); 500 francs CFA; dt: Hundert, hundert (100); 500 Francs CFA. [Note: No article a is used before this word, except (optionally) when it is used non-attributively (disjunctively). Mengao speakers say that this is an Aribinda form. The normal Mengao form is kɔbəga (=Mòoré) or (older) zaŋfɔ. The plural form is used when this word qualifies another numeral (e.g. zãŋfɔʋ hiĩ ‘two hundred; 1000 francs CFA’).]

zãŋfɔ attributive & disjunctive cardinal numeral sg.

zãŋfɔʋ attributive & disjunctive cardinal numeral pl. fʋba zaŋfɔ NP+N compound noun sg. a hundred

people; fr: cent gens, cent personnes; dt: hundert Menschen

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zãŋfɔɔndəba zɛŋ-

196 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

dãɩ zãŋfɔʋ taã NP+N compound noun sg. three hundred houses; fr: trois cent maisons; dt: dreihundert Häuser

a zãŋfɔɔndɔ ordinal numeral human sg. hundredth; fr: centième; dt: hundertst(-er,-e,-es).

a zãŋfɔɔndəba ordinal numeral human pl. a zãŋfɔɔndəgʋ ordinal numeral non-human.

[Note: Non-human ordinal numerals have no plural form; instead the singular is used.]

zãŋfɔɔndəba ordinal numeral human pl. → zãŋfɔ. zãŋfɔɔndɔ ordinal numeral human sg. → zãŋfɔ. zãŋfɔʋ attributive & disjunctive cardinal numeral

pl. → zãŋfɔ. zãŋg- (=/zãŋg/) verb. take, pick up; marry (a

woman); fr: prendre, ramasser ; marier (une femme); dt: nehmen, aufheben; (eine Frau) heiraten. [Note: This verb cannot be used with a woman as subject and man as object. Cf. a zãsam, which may have originated in zãŋ+s.]

zãŋgraa (=/zãŋg-d-aa/) future. zãŋgɛ (=/zãŋg-ɛ/) past. zãŋ (=/zãŋg/) perfective. [Note: Irregular loss of

the stem-final /g/ in zãŋ.] zãŋgr / zãŋgrɩ (=/zãŋg-d/) imperfective. a zãŋgam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

zãŋgɛ past. (=/zãŋg-ɛ/) → zãŋg-. zãŋgr imperfective. (=/zãŋg-d/) → zãŋg-. zãŋgraa future. (=/zãŋg-d-aa/) → zãŋg-. zãŋgrɩ imperfective. (=/zãŋg-d/) → zãŋg-. zãŋkara noun. scabies (kind of illness); fr: gale

(espèce de maladie); dt: Krätze (Art Krankheit). [Note: This is a non-infectious ailment of the skin which makes people scratch.]

a zãŋkara sg. a zãŋkarafɩ pl.

zãŋn- verb. pray for, ask for; fr: prier, demander; dt: beten um, bitten, erbitten. [Note: This verb cannot be used when one asks a specific person / group for something. It involves serving god and the ancestors in order to achieve some aim (e.g. health, marriage, a good crop, etc.)]

zãŋandaa future. zãŋnɛ past. zãŋa perfective. zãŋand(ɩ) imperfective. a zãŋnam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

zãŋnɛ past. → zãŋn-. zãs- verb. pick up, take with one; look after, support

(financially); fr: ramasser, emporter ; soutenir (dans la vie); dt: aufheben, mitnehmen; sorgen für, (finanziell) erhalten.

zãsraa future. zãsɛ past. zãs(ɩ) perfective. zãsr(ɩ) imperfective. a zãsam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

zãsɛ past. → zãs-. zãs(ɩ) perfective. → zãs-. zãsraa future. → zãs-.

zãsr(ɩ) imperfective. → zãs-. zɛgam perfective. → zɛgm-. zɛgamaa future. → zɛgm-. zɛgam(ɔ) imperfective. → zɛgm-. zɛgm- verb. shake (a tree repeatedly to make the

fruit fall down); fr: remuer (un arbre fréquemment pour faire tomber les fruits); dt: (einen Baum wiederholt) schütteln (um die Früchte herunterfallen zu lassen). [Note: This is the frequentative of a zɛgtam. Also: a zagtam and a zagəmam]

zɛgamaa future. zɛgəmɛ past. zɛgam perfective. zɛgam(ɔ) imperfective. a zɛgəmam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

zɛgəmɛ past. → zɛgm-. zɛgt- verb. shake (a tree briefly to make the fruit

fall down); fr: remuer, secouer (un arbre brièvement pour faire tomber les fruits); dt: (einen Baum kurz) schütteln (um die Früchte herunterfallen zu lassen). [Note: Also: a zagtam. Cf. the corresponding frequentative verb a zɛgəmam. [g] not [ɣ].]

a zɛgtam deverbal action noun sg./mass. zɛgtraa future. zɛgtɛ past. zɛgt(ɩ) perfective. zɛgtr(ɩ) imperfective.

zɛgtam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → zɛgt-. zɛgtɛ past. → zɛgt-. zɛgt(ɩ) perfective. → zɛgt-. zɛgtraa future. → zɛgt-. zɛm perfective. → zɛm-. zɛm- verb. sieve; fr: tamiser; dt: sieben. [Note:

This verb is used for sieving flour or peas etc. that were stored in sand.]

zɛmmaa future. zɛmɛ past. zɛm perfective. zɛmm(ɔ) imperfective. a zɛmam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

zɛmɛ past. → zɛm-. zɛmmaa future. → zɛm-. zɛmm(ɔ) imperfective. → zɛm-. zɛr- verb. become thin, lose weight; fr: maigrir; dt:

schlank werden, abnehmen. [Note: This verb can be used for humans and animals alike.]

zɛtaa future. zɛrɛ past. zɛr(ɩ) perfective. zɛt(ɩ) imperfective. a zɛram deverbal action noun sg./mass.

zɛrɛ past. → zɛr-. zɛr(ɩ) perfective. → zɛr-. zɛtaa future. → zɛr-. zɛt(ɩ) imperfective. → zɛr-. zɛŋ- noun. upper arm (from the elbow to the

shoulder); fr: bras supérieur (à partir du coude jusqu’à l’épaule); dt: Oberarm (vom Ellbogen bis zur Schulter). [Note: Normally used as a

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zɛŋa zer-

Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected] 197

compound with a wɔndɛ, as in the example below. Some people also include the forearm (from the wrist to the elbow) in the scope of this word.]

a zɛŋdɛ sg. a zɛŋa pl. a wɔnə zɛŋdɛ N+N compound noun sg. upper

arm; fr: bras supérieur; dt: Oberarm. a wɔnə zɛŋa N+N compound noun pl.

zɛŋa pl. → zɛŋ-. zɛŋdɛ sg. → zɛŋ-. zefʌ noun. pocket (e.g. in a garment); fr: poche (p.

ex. dans un vêtement); dt: Tasche (z.B. in einem Kleidungsstück). [Note: = Mòoré.]

a zefʌ sg. [Note: Also pronounced a zɩfa, etc.] a zefo sg. a zefʌfi sg. a zefʌmʌ sg.

zefʌfi sg. → zefʌ. zefo sg. → zefʌ. zeg- noun. louse; fr: pou; dt: Laus.

a zekʌ sg. a zegni pl. [Note: [g] not [ɣ]]

zeg- noun. rag; fr: chiffon; dt: Fetzen. [Note: This is used for any piece of cloth (e.g. headscarf, garment) that has become unusable for its original purpose.]

a zegre sg. a zegiʌ pl.

zeg- noun. kind of tree; fr: espèce d’arbre; dt: Art Baum.

a zegi sg. a zegfi pl. a zegəŋʌ diminutive sg. small / young tree of this

kind; fr: petit / jeune arbre de cet espèce; dt: kleiner / junger Baum dieser Art.

zeg- noun. soothsayer, charlatan; fr: voyant, charlatan; dt: Wahrsager, Scharlatan.

a zegu sg. a zegəmʌ pl. a zegəfi pl.

zegfi pl. → zeg-. zegi sg. → zeg-. zegəmʌ pl. → zeg-. zegre sg. → zeg-. zegu sg. → zeg-. zekʌ sg. → zeg-. zel- noun. hairdo (with a single ball of hair at the

back of the neck), everyday hairdo; fr: coiffure (avec tous les cheveux rassemblés à la nuque), coiffure pour chaque jour; dt: Frisur (mit einem Haarknäuel im Genick), Alltagsfrisur.

a zelle sg. a zelʌ pl.

zel- noun. ridge (of a roof); plait or pile of hair on top of and behind the head; fr: faîte (du toit); natte ou tresse sur et derrière la tête; dt: First (des Daches); Zopf oben auf und hinter dem Kopf. [Note: This word refers to the highest point of either a roof or a woman’s hairstyle.]

a zelle sg.

a zelʌ pl. zelle sg. → zel-. zelle sg. → zel-. zemʌ noun. pardon; fr: pardon; dt: Verzeihung.

a zemʌ sg. bak na hɔ zemʌ sentence Pardon us.; fr:

Excusez-nous.; dt: Entschuldigen Sie uns. [Note: Although this looks like a plural in - ʌ, there is no corresponding form with any variant of the - de suffix.]

zemgu noun. right; fr: raison; dt: Recht. a zemgu sg.

ŋ wɔf a zemgu sentence You are right.; fr: Tu as raison.; dt: Du hast Recht.

zems- verb. excuse, pardon; greet, congratulate; fr: excuser, pardonner; saluer, féliciter; dt: entschuldigen, verzeihen; begrüßen, gratulieren. [Note: The sense ‘greet, congratulate’ is compatible with the sense ‘excuse, pardon’ because this is the normal sequence of greeting someone.]

zemsərʌʌ future. zemse past. zems(u) perfective. zemsər(u) imperfective. a zemsʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

zems na mɛ sentence Excuse me.; fr: Excusez-moi.; dt: Entschuldigen Sie (mich). [Note: This or similar formulae are used to ask permission to approach a dignitary.]

zemse past. → zems-. zemsərʌʌ future. → zems-. zemsər(u) imperfective. → zems-. zems(u) perfective. → zems-. zende noun. year, (pl.) age; fr: an, année, (pl.) âge;

dt: Jahr, (Pl.) Alter. a zende sg. a zenʌ pl.

zenʌ kɔl la nɛ interrogative sentence How old are you? (Lit.: How many years are you?); fr: Quel âge as-tu? (Lit.: Combien d’ans es-tu?); dt: Wie alt bist du? (Wörtl.: Wieviele Jahre bist du?)

zenʌ kɔl ŋ wɔfʋ interrogative sentence How old are you? (Lit.: How many years do you have?); fr: Quel âge as-tu? (Lit.: Combien d’ans as-tu?); dt: Wie alt bist du? (Wörtl.: Wieviele Jahre hast du?)

zenɔm noun. young man; fr: jeune homme; dt: junger Mann. [Note: = Fr. jeune homme. This word is ATR-disharmonic.]

a zenɔm sg. a zenɔmma pl. a zenɔmfɩ pl.

zenɔmma pl. → zenɔm. zer- verb. plant; lean against; fr: planter; adosser;

dt: pflanzen; anlehnen. [Note: Used for planting plants etc. and for planting something in the ground (e.g. a ladder), hence the sense ‘lean against’.]

zetʌʌ future.

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zere zɔgərɔŋ

198 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

zere past. zer(i) perfective. zet(i) imperfective. a zerʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

də zer a tilo la (a) lurgʌ sentence He leaned the ladder against the wall.; fr: Il a adossé l’échelle contre le mur.; dt: Er hat die Leiter an die Mauer angelehnt.

zere past. → zer-. zer(i) perfective. → zer-. zetʌʌ future. → zer-. zet(i) imperfective. → zer-. zɩfa noun. pocket (e.g. in a garment); fr: poche (p.

ex. dans un vêtement); dt: Tasche (z.B. in einem Kleidungsstück). [Note: = Mòoré.]

a zɩfa sg. [Note: Also pronounced a zefo or a zefʌ., etc.]

a zɩfafɩ sg. a zɩfama sg.

zɩfafɩ sg. → zɩfa. zɩfʋ noun. pocket (in a garment); fr: poche (d’un

vêtement); dt: Tasche (in einem Kleidungsstück). [Note: = Mòoré. See also a lɔɔga.]

a zɩfʋ sg. a zɩfʋfɩ pl.

zɩg- noun. difficult, selfish person; fr: personne difficile, égoïste; dt: schwieriger, egoistischer Mensch.

a zɩgʋ sg. a zɩgəfɩ pl.

zɩg- verb. ask (a question), question; fr: demander (pour savoir), interroger; dt: fragen, erfragen. [Note: This verb cannot be used in the sense of ‘ask for’.]

zɩgraa future. zɩgɛ past. zɩg(ɩ) perfective. zɩgr(ɩ) imperfective. a zɩgam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

zɩgam noun. dirt; fr: saleté; dt: Schmutz. a zɩgam sg. a zɩgamfɩ pl.

zɩgams- verb. dirty, make dirty; fr: salir, faire sale; dt: verschmutzen, schmutzig machen. [Note: < a zɩgam ‘dirt’]

zɩgamsraa future. zɩgamsɛ past. zɩgams(ʋ) perfective. zɩgamsr(ʋ) imperfective. a zɩgamsam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

zɩgamsɛ past. → zɩgams-. zɩgamsraa future. → zɩgams-. zɩgamsr(ʋ) imperfective. → zɩgams-. zɩgams(ʋ) perfective. → zɩgams-. zɩgɛ past. → zɩg-. zɩg(ɩ) perfective. → zɩg-. zɩgraa future. → zɩg-. zɩgr(ɩ) imperfective. → zɩg-. zɩgʋ sg. → zɩg-.

zɩɩ adverb. last year; fr: l’année passée; dt: voriges Jahr.

zɩɩ temporal adverb. zim perfective. → zim-. zim- verb. go out, be extinguished; fr: s’éteindre; dt:

ausgehen, gelöscht werden. [Note: Cannot be used transitively. Cf. a zimsʌm ‘extinguish’.]

zimmʌʌ future. zime past. zim perfective. zimm(ũ) imperfective. a zimʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

a hãmnɛ koŋ zime sentence The fire has gone out.; fr: Le feu s’est éteint.; dt: Das Feuer ist ausgegangen.

zime past. → zim-. zimmʌʌ future. → zim-. zimm(ũ) imperfective. → zim-. zims- verb. extinguish, put out; fr: éteindre; dt:

löschen. [Note: Causative of a zimʌm.] zimsrʌʌ future. zimse past. zims(u) perfective. zimsr(u) imperfective. a zimsʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

də zims a hamnɛ koŋ sentence He put out the fire.; fr: Il a éteint le feu.; dt: Er hat das Feuer gelöscht.

zimse past. → zims-. zimsrʌʌ future. → zims-. zimsr(u) imperfective. → zims-. zims(u) perfective. → zims-. zini noun. genie; fr: génie; dt: Genie. [Note: =

Mòoré. This noun denotes a soul-like aspect of a human being.]

a zini sg. a zinəmʌ pl.

zɔgfaa future. → zɔgl-. zɔgfʋ imperfective. → zɔgl-. zɔgl- verb. climb; fr: grimper, monter; dt: klettern,

steigen. zɔgfaa future. zɔgɔlaa future. zɔgəlɛ past. zɔgɔ perfective. zɔgfʋ imperfective. zɔgɔl(ʋ) imperfective. a zɔgəlam deverbal action noun sg./mass. a zɔgrɛ deverbal action noun sg. [Note: This

word is used more commonly than a zɔgəlam.] zɔgəlam deverbal action noun sg./mass. → zɔgl-. zɔgəlɛ past. → zɔgl-. zɔgɔ perfective. → zɔgl-. zɔgɔlaa future. → zɔgl-. zɔgɔl(ʋ) imperfective. → zɔgl-. zɔgrɔ noun. chain; fr: chaîne; dt: Kette.

a zɔgərɔ sg. [Note: traditional pronunciation] a zɔgərɔŋ sg. [Note: modern pronunciation] a zɔgərəfɩ pl.

zɔgərɔ sg. → zɔgrɔ. zɔgərɔŋ sg. → zɔgrɔ.

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zɔɩ zoŋgʌ

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zɔɩ noun. afternoon, evening (from 12 noon to sunset); fr: après-midi, soir (à partir de 12 heures jusqu’à la crépuscule); dt: Nachmittag, Abend (ab 12 Uhr bis zum Sonnenuntergang).

a zɔɩ sg. a zɔɩfɩ pl.

zɔɩnɛ adverb. last night; fr: la nuit passée; dt: vergangene Nacht.

zɔɩnɛ temporal adverb. [Note: Despite its similarity with the putative PP a zɔɩ nɛ, this adverb does not take the article a.]

zɔmm (=/zɔmm/) verb. want, need; (auxiliary) FUTURE; fr: vouloir, avoir besoin de ; (auxiliaire) FUTUR; dt: wollen, brauchen; (Auxiliar) ZUKUNFT. [Note: This verb has shorter and quite elusive forms to replace those normally formed with the perfective stem. Its future and imperfective look similar to those of verbs with a stem shape CVm, for which an imperfective suffix /d/ can be assumed.]

zɔmmaa (=/zɔmm-aa/) future. zãã future. zɔmm / zɔmmʋ (=/zɔmm/) imperfective. zã imperfective. a zɔmməlɛɩ deverbal action noun sg./mass. also:

wish, need; fr: aussi: vœu, besoin; dt: auch: Wunsch, Bedürfnis.

zɔmmaa future. (=/zɔmm-aa/) → zɔmm. zɔmmʋ imperfective. (=/zɔmm/) → zɔmm. zɔŋdɛ noun. sole (of the foot); fr: plante (de pied);

dt: Sohle (des Fußes). [Note: Normally used a compound with a wolle ‘foot’, as shown below.]

a zɔŋdɛ sg. a wolə zɔŋdɛ N+N compound noun sg. sole of

the foot; fr: plante de pied; dt: Fußsohle. a wolə zɔŋa N+N compound noun pl.

zɔŋg- verb. go too far, offend, be wrong, make a mistake; fr: dépasser, offenser, avoir tort, se tromper; dt: zu weit gehen, kränken, Unrechthaben, sich irren.

zɔŋgraa future. zɔŋgɛ past. zɔŋg(ʋ) perfective. zɔŋgr(ʋ) imperfective. a zɔŋgam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

zɔŋgɛ past. → zɔŋg-. zɔŋgraa future. → zɔŋg-. zɔŋgr(ʋ) imperfective. → zɔŋg-. zɔŋg(ʋ) perfective. → zɔŋg-. zɔrɛ noun. easy; fr: facile; dt: leicht.

a zɔrɛ sg. a zɔrɛfɩ pl.

a tomde koŋ a zɔrɛ la sentence That job is easy.; fr: Ce travail es facile.; dt: Diese Arbeit ist leicht.

zɔ perfective. (=/zɔ/) → zɔ-. zɔ- (=/zɔ/) verb. sort; fr: trier; dt: sortieren.

zɔnaa (=/zɔ-d-aa/) future. zɔɔ (=/zɔ+ɛ/) past. zɔ (=/zɔ/) perfective.

zɔnɔ zɔnaa future. (=/zɔ-d-aa/) → zɔ-. zɔnm- verb. doze; fr: somnoler; dt: dösen.

zɔnɔmaa future. zɔnəmɛ past. zɔnɔm perfective. zɔnɔm(ɔ) imperfective. a zɔnəmam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

zɔnəmɛ past. → zɔnm-. zɔnɔm perfective. → zɔnm-. zɔnɔmaa future. → zɔnm-. zɔnɔm(ɔ) imperfective. → zɔnm-. zɔŋn- verb. search for and bring back home (a

runaway); fr: rechercher et faire retourner (un fuyard); dt: suchen und zurückholen (einen Ausreißer). [Note: Also used for fetching back a wife who has gone home to her (parents) village.]

zɔŋɔndaa future. zɔŋənɛ past. zɔŋɔ perfective. zɔŋɔnd(ʋ) imperfective. a zɔŋənam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

zɔŋənɛ past. → zɔŋn-. zɔŋɔ perfective. → zɔŋn-. zɔŋɔndaa future. → zɔŋn-. zɔŋɔnd(ʋ) imperfective. → zɔŋn-. zɔɔ past. (=/zɔ+ɛ/) → zɔ-. zɔɔt- verb. choose, select, sort; fr: choisir,

sélectionner, trier; dt: wählen, auswählen, sortieren. [Note: Also used for picking out the good X from the bad ones, where X can be peas, grains of cereal, fruit.]

zɔɔtraa future. zɔɔtɛ past. zɔɔt(ʋ) perfective. zɔɔtr(ʋ) imperfective. a zɔɔtam deverbal action noun sg./mass.

zɔɔtɛ past. → zɔɔt-. zɔɔtraa future. → zɔɔt-. zɔɔtr(ʋ) imperfective. → zɔɔt-. zɔɔt(ʋ) perfective. → zɔɔt-. zo past. (=/zu-ɛ/) → zu-. zogt- noun. scoop (made from one half of a small

calabash); fr: louche (fabriquée d’une moitié d’une petite calebasse); dt: Schöpflöffel (aus einer Hälfte einer kleinen Kalebasse). [Note: [g] not [ɣ]]

a zogto sg. a zogtou pl. a zogtəfi pl.

zogto sg. → zogt-. zogtou pl. → zogt-. zoŋg- noun. wing; fr: aile; dt: Flügel.

a zoŋgre sg. a zoŋgʌ pl. a zoŋgo pl.

a zoŋgo saa NP+N compound noun sg. butterfly; fr: papillon; dt: Schmetterling

a zoŋgo samma NP+N compound noun pl. zoŋgʌ pl. → zoŋg-.

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zoŋgre sg. → zoŋg-. zorm- (=/zor-Ṿm/) verb. ask for, beg for; beg; fr:

demander, implorer; mendier; dt: bitten um, flehen; betteln. [Note: This verb means only ‘ask for’, and not ‘ask a question’. It is not used to refer to ‘praying for (at traditional ceremonies)’ (cf. a werəmʌm), though at such ceremonies it is used in its normal sense ‘ask for’..]

zoromʌʌ future. zorəme past. zorom perfective. zorom(õ) imperfective. a zorəmʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a zoromõ deverbal agent noun sg. beggar; fr:

mendiant; dt: Bettler. a zoroməbʌ [Note: Not a zorombʌ without

schwa!] deverbal agent noun pl. zorəmʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → zorm-. zorəme past. → zorm-. zorom perfective. → zorm-. zoromʌʌ future. → zorm-. zoromõ deverbal agent noun sg. → zorm-. zorom(õ) imperfective. → zorm-. zʋb perfective. (=/zʋb/) → zʋb-. zʋb- verb. burn; fr: brûler, faire brûler; dt: brennen,

verbrennen. [Note: This verb can be used both transitively and intransitively.]

zʋbraa (=/zʋb-d-aa/) future. zʋbɛ (=/zʋb-ɛ/) past. zʋbʋ / zʋb (=/zʋb/) perfective. zʋbr / zʋbrʋ (=/zʋb-d/) imperfective. a zʋbam (=/zʋb-am/) deverbal action noun

sg./mass. a hãmnɛ koŋ zʋbr halə wasɩ sentence That fire

is burning well.; fr: Ce feu brûle bien.; dt: Diese Feuer brennt gut.

a dãŋ koŋ zʋbɛ sentence That house has burnt down.; fr: Cette maison a brûlé.; dt: Dieses Haus ist niedergebrannt.

də zʋbɛ mə daŋ sentence He burnt my house.; fr: Il a fait brûler ma maison.; dt: Er hat mein Haus niedergebrannt.

zʋbɛ past. (=/zʋb-ɛ/) → zʋb-. zʋbr imperfective. (=/zʋb-d/) → zʋb-. zʋbraa future. (=/zʋb-d-aa/) → zʋb-. zʋbrʋ imperfective. (=/zʋb-d/) → zʋb-. zʋbʋ perfective. (=/zʋb/) → zʋb-. zʋgt perfective. (=/zʋgt/) → zʋgt-. zʋgt- verb. pull (hard); disappear quickly; fr: tirer

brusquement; prendre fuite; dt: (fest) ziehen; schnell verschwinden.

zʋgtraa (=/zʋgt-d-aa/) future. zʋgtɛ (=/zʋgt-ɛ/) past. zʋgtʋ / zʋgt (=/zʋgt/) perfective. zʋgtr / zʋgtrʋ (=/zʋgt-d/) imperfective. a zʋgtam (=/zʋgt-am/) deverbal action noun

sg./mass. zʋgtɛ past. (=/zʋgt-ɛ/) → zʋgt-. zʋgtr imperfective. (=/zʋgt-d/) → zʋgt-. zʋgtraa future. (=/zʋgt-d-aa/) → zʋgt-.

zʋgtrʋ imperfective. (=/zʋgt-d/) → zʋgt-. zʋgtʋ perfective. (=/zʋgt/) → zʋgt-. zʋk perfective. (=/zʋk/) → zʋk-. zʋk- verb. knock / hit / tap (as with a hammer),

forge; fr: frapper, battre, taper (comme avec un marteau), forger; dt: schlagen, klopfen (wie mit einem Hammer), schmieden.

zʋkraa (=/zʋk-d-aa/) future. zʋkɛ (=/zʋk-ɛ/) past. zʋk (=/zʋk/) perfective. zʋkr(ʋ) (=/zʋk-d/) imperfective. a zʋkam (=/zʋk-am/) deverbal action noun

sg./mass. zʋkɛ past. (=/zʋk-ɛ/) → zʋk-. zʋkraa future. (=/zʋk-d-aa/) → zʋk-. zʋkr(ʋ) imperfective. (=/zʋk-d/) → zʋk-. zʋl- noun. wolf; fr: loup; dt: Wolf.

a zʋlɩ sg. a zʋləfɩ pl. a zʋləga diminutive sg. small / young wolf; fr:

petit / jeune loup; dt: kleiner / junger Wolf. a zʋl vaga N+N compound noun sg. wolf; fr:

loup; dt: Wolf. [Note: This compound is used just as commonly as a zʋlɩ.]

a zʋl vaɩ N+N compound noun pl. zʋl- noun. Jula, Dioula; fr: Jula, Dioula; dt: Jula,

Dioula. a zʋləga (=/zʋl-ga/) singulative. a zʋləsʋʋ (=/zʋl-sʋʋ/) pl.

zʋl vaga N+N compound noun sg. → zʋl-. zʋləfɩ pl. → zʋl-. zʋləga diminutive sg. → zʋl-. zʋləga singulative. (=/zʋl-ga/) → zʋl-. zʋlgafa noun. war sword (of the chief); fr: épée de

guerre (du chef); dt: Kriegsschwert (des Chefs). [Note: This sword is about 2 metres long and serves only ceremonial purposes. The word does not look very Koromfe-like.]

a zʋləgafa sg. a zʋləgafafɩ pl.

zʋləgafa sg. → zʋlgafa. zʋlɩ sg. → zʋl-. zʋʋdʋ noun. copper; fr: cuivre; dt: Kupfer. [Note: =

Mòoré. Cf. Koromfe a kɔsə sɔmdɛ ‘red metal’.] a zʋʋdʋ sg.

zu perfective. (=/zu/) → zu-. zu- verb. enter; fr: entrer; dt: hineingehen.

zurʌʌ (=/zu-d-aa/) future. zo (=/zu-ɛ/) past. zu (=/zu/) perfective. zur / zuru (=/zu-d-/) imperfective.

a pɩlaŋ koŋ zu sentence The moon has set. (lit.: gone in); fr: La lune a tombé. (lit.: est rentrée); dt: Der Mond ist untergegangen. (wörtl.: hineingegangen)

a zoom (=/zu-am/) deverbal action noun sg./mass.

zug perfective. (=/zug/) → zug-. zug- (=/zug/) noun. tail; tail-shaped instrument

used to loosen the ground; fr: queue; instrument en forme d’une queue utilisée pour

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ouvrir le sol; dt: Schwanz; schwanzförmiges Instrument, mit dem man den Boden auflockert. [Note: [g] not [ɣ]. There may be two different nouns here, one in the -ɔ / -fɩ class and the other a diminutive (with gʌ instead of expected kʌ for /g+g/ in the singular).]

a zugʌ sg. a zugo (=/zug-ɔ/) sg. a zugəni (=/zug-nɩ/) pl. a zugfi (=/zug-fɩ/) pl.

zug- verb. rinse the mouth; pump (bellows); fr: rincer la bouche; pomper (un soufflet); dt: den Mund ausspülen; (Blasbalg) pumpen.

zugrʌʌ (=/zug-d-aa/) future. zuge (=/zug-ɛ/) past. zug / zugu (=/zug/) perfective. zugr / zugru (=/zug-d/) imperfective. a zugʌm (=/zug-am/) deverbal action noun

sg./mass. zugʌ sg. → zug-. zuge past. (=/zug-ɛ/) → zug-. zugl- verb. blow; fr: souffler; dt: blasen. [Note: This

verb refers specifically to blowing with the bellows of a blacksmith.]

zugolʌʌ future. zugoloo future. zugle past. zugo perfective. zugol(u) imperfective. a zuglʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. a zugolo deverbal agent noun sg. s.o. who blows;

fr: q.un qui souffle; dt: jmd. der bläst. a zugoləbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. a zugoləgu deverbal instrument noun sg. object

which blows; fr: objet qui souffle; dt: Gegenstand, der bläst.

a zugoləhe deverbal instrument noun pl. a zugoləgʌ deverbal instrument noun dimin. a zugoləfʌ deverbal local noun. place where

blowing takes place; fr: endroit où on souffle; dt: Platz, wo man bläst.

zuglʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass. → zugl-. zugle past. → zugl-. zugəni pl. (=/zug-nɩ/) → zug-. zugo sg. (=/zug-ɔ/) → zug-. zugo perfective. → zugl-. zugolʌʌ future. → zugl-. zugoləbʌ deverbal agent noun pl. → zugl-. zugoləgʌ deverbal instrument noun dimin. →

zugl-. zugoləgu deverbal instrument noun sg. → zugl-.

zugoləhe deverbal instrument noun pl. → zugl-. zugolo deverbal agent noun sg. → zugl-. zugoloo future. → zugl-. zugol(u) imperfective. → zugl-. zugr imperfective. (=/zug-d/) → zug-. zugrʌʌ future. (=/zug-d-aa/) → zug-. zugru imperfective. (=/zug-d/) → zug-. zugu perfective. (=/zug/) → zug-. zull- verb. bend down, bow; fr: se baisser, se

courber, s’incliner; dt: sich bücken, sich beugen. [Note: Synonymous with a tullʌm.]

zullrʌʌ future. zulle past. zull(u) perfective. zullr(u) imperfective. a zullʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

zulle past. → zull-. zullrʌʌ future. → zull-. zullr(u) imperfective. → zull-. zull(u) perfective. → zull-. zulot- (=/zul-Ṿt-/) verb. tip out, empty; fr:

déverser, vider; dt: ausschütten, ausleeren. zulotrʌʌ (=/zul-Ṿt-d-aa/) future. zulote (=/zul-Ṿt-ɛ/) past. zulotu / zulotu (=/zul-Ṿt/) perfective. zulotr / zulotru (=/zul-Ṿt-d/) imperfective. a zulotʌm (=/zul-Ṿt-am/) deverbal action noun

sg./mass. zulote past. (=/zul-Ṿt-ɛ/) → zulot-. zulotr imperfective. (=/zul-Ṿt-d/) → zulot-. zulotrʌʌ future. (=/zul-Ṿt-d-aa/) → zulot-. zulotru imperfective. (=/zul-Ṿt-d/) → zulot-. zulotu perfective. (=/zul-Ṿt/) → zulot-. zulotu perfective. (=/zul-Ṿt/) → zulot-. zur imperfective. (=/zu-d-/) → zu-. zurʌʌ future. (=/zu-d-aa/) → zu-. zuru imperfective. (=/zu-d-/) → zu-. zuus- verb. make enter; fr: faire entrer; dt:

her/hineinbringen. zuusrʌʌ future. zuuse past. zuus(u) perfective. zuusr(u) imperfective. a zuusʌm deverbal action noun sg./mass.

də zuus də baləba sentence He brought in his guests.; fr: Il a fait entrer ses étrangers.; dt: Er hat seine Gäste hereingebracht.

zuuse past. → zuus-. zuusrʌʌ future. → zuus-. zuusr(u) imperfective. → zuus-. zuus(u) perfective. → zuus-.

Ṿ -Ṿɩ (=/Ṿɩ/) n.→abstr.n. -ness; fr: -ité; dt: -heit.

[Note: Here Ṿ stands for any non-high vowel. The quality of the stem vowel is echoed in this vowel, except that it may not be high. This

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-Ṿl -Ṿt

202 Koromfe Dictionary -- [email protected]

morpheme derives abstract nouns of quality from adjectival nouns. So far no word with expected -ʌi has been discovered.]

-ɛɩ (=/Ṿɩ/) deriv. Adj to N. -ei (=/Ṿɩ/) deriv. Adj to N. -aɩ (=/Ṿɩ/) deriv. Adj to N. -ɔɩ (=/Ṿɩ/) deriv. Adj to N. -oi (=/Ṿɩ/) deriv. Adj to N.

-Ṿl (=/-Ṿl/) verb.deriv. ?CAUSATIVE; fr: ?CAUSATIF; dt: ?KAUSATIV. [Note: This suffix derives verbs from simple verb stems. Apparently in Eastern Koromfe it forms a causative. In Western Koromfe it has no clear function.]

-l / -əl (=/-Ṿl/) ?causative. -ɛl (=/-Ṿl/) ?causative. -el (=/-Ṿl/) ?causative. -al (=/-Ṿl/) ?causative. -ʌl (=/-Ṿl/) ?causative. -ɔl (=/-Ṿl/) ?causative. -ol (=/-Ṿl/) ?causative.

-Ṿm derivational suffix. transitive; fr: transitif; dt: transitiv. [Note: This suffix immediately follows the verb stem (i.e. precedes all inflectional

suffixes) and ensures that the verb has a transitive, not an intransitive reading.]

-m / -əm transitive. -am transitive. -ʌm transitive. -ɛm transitive. -em transitive. -ɔm transitive. -om transitive.

-Ṿt derivational suffix. reversive; fr: réversif; dt: reversiv. [Note: This suffix immediately follows the verb stem (i.e. precedes all inflectional suffixes) and effects a reversal of the meaning of the verb. E.g. ‘open’ - ‘close’ or ‘bury’ - ‘dig up’. In contrast with the suffixes -Vl and -Vm, there are no phonetic variants of this suffix with a reduced or elided vowel (e.g. -t or -ət); on the contrary, -t and -ət are realisations of the transitivising suffix /-t/.]

-at reversive. -ʌt reversive. -ɛt reversive. -et reversive. -ɔt reversive. -ot reversive.

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