Mer ce des-Benz . l ) 240 'l'D 300 'l'l) 300 'l'I) Turbo-Diesel 200T 230TE 250T 280TE /

MB S123

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240 'l'D ~ 300 'l'l)

300 'l'I) Turbo-Diesel 200T 230TE 250T

280TE /

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La serie T de Mercedes. La Mercedes aux possibilites les plus di verses.

La palette des possibilites offertes par la nouvelle Mercedes T s'etend du trans, port au tourisme.

Parmi les nombreuses fas:ons de rouler en Mercedes, la nouvelle serie T occupe une position particuliere.

Si une Mercedes repond a des exi, gences plus elevees que les autres vehi, cules, la Mercedes T satisfait aussi clans une mesure ideale aux exigences pro, fessionnelles et aux loisirs, auxquels meme la meilleure berline ne saurait repondre.

La Mercedes T est une compagne sportive pour les loisirs et les vacances, une voiture pour les amateurs de voile, les pecheurs, les chasseurs. Un petit utilitaire vigoureux pour les artisans, les proprietaires de residence secondaire et, pour toute la famille, une amie qui se revele bientot indispensable.

La Mercedes T allie la diversite parti, culiere offerte par les possibilites de variantes de l'implantation des sieges et d'espace de chargement a la technique Mercedes, reputee clans le monde entier. Le resul tat, c' est une nouvelle dimension de !'automobile, beaucoup plus que davantage de place: la Mercedes aux possibilites les plus diverses.

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La Mercedes T. Des possibilites aussi di verses que les exigences de son proprietaire.

L'automobiliste non plus n'est pas tou­jours le meme. Celui qui doit exercer clans sa profession des activites diverses et veut se livrer pendant ses loisirs a des occupations tout aussi diverses trouve­ra clans la serie T de Mercedes la solu­tion repondant a ses aspirations.

L'automibiliste qui va a la Campa­gne avec sa famille, qui possede un jar­din, aime la voile, le surfing ou la peche: a ligne, celui-la apprecie la place dispo­nible et les nombreuses variantes d'im­plantation des sieges clans la Mercedes T.

Celui qui veut emporter l'ete en vacances son bateau son equipement

de plongee sous-marine ou son attirail de peche et qui ne voudrait pas partir en vacances de neige sans ses skis, ses accessoires de skieur et la luge pour les enfants, celui-la apprecie une voiture que lui offre des possibilites a la mesure de ses exigences.

Une voiture qui peut davantage car elle a davantage de place. Une voi­ture qui offre davantage, ne serait-ce que parce que c' est une Mercedes.

Faites la connaissance des possibili­tes que peut vous offrir la Mercedes T.

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La MercedesT. Des possibilites multiples, c'est aussi une question de place.

Ce qui distingue les Mercedes T des berlines Mercedes? La place disponible. Avec le p lan de charge standard de 1,23 m de long sur 1,48 m de large au maximum, la Mercedes T resoud la plu, part des problcmes de transport. Un equipement special s'ajoutant au COr' recteur d'assiette de serie autorise une charge utile de 700 kg.

Son plan de charge est bien acces, sible parce que le seuil est plat et a fai, ble hauteur. Le hayon s'ouvre assez lar, gement pour perrnettre un chargement et un dechargement aises.

Si cet espace de chargement ne suffit pas, la longueur peut etre portee a 1,78 men relevant l'assise du siege et en rabattant son dossier; OU a 2,03 m les

• • \ I • I ass1ses arneres etant retirees. Autrement la Mercedes T offre

une place confortable a cinq adultes. Une vaste gamme d'equipements

speciaux elargit les possibilites de varia, ti on.

La banquette arriere d ivisee (2/3 a gauche, V3 a droite) perrnet, en rabattant une partic du siege, d'accueillir a l'arriere une ou dcux pcrsonnes tout en agrandis, sant le plan de charge.

Unc autre possibilite de variation est offerte par la troisieme rangee de sieges pour enfants, ceux,ci toumant alors le dos au sens de la marche. Elle peut etre esca, motee clans le plancher. Avec cette troisieme rangee de sieges, la Mercedes T est homD' loguee pour cinq adultes et deux enfants.

Les schemas figurant aux pages sui, vantes foumissent des indications p lus detaillees sur les possibilites de variation des sieges.

Pour la securite du chargement et des occupants, un double dispositif a rouleaux livrable en option comporte une bache servant a recouvrir les bagages et un filet qui assure la protection des occupants vers l 'espace de chargement.

M eme lorsque l'espace de charge, ment est entierement occupe, la roue de secours, la bo1te de premier secours, le triangle de presignalisation, le cric et le reservoir du lave,glace de la lunette arriere sont aisement accessibles, etant disposes sur le cote, sous un revetement.

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La Mercedes T. Pas sager ou chargement. Elle s'adapte en un clin d'ceil.


" .. . ·,

1. Equipement de base: L'assise de siege se releve et le dossier s'escamote clans l'espace libre correspondant. Le dossier rabattu, l'assise dressee assure le calage. De plus, l'assise peut etre retiree fac ilement grace a un systeme de deverrouillage rapide. On allonge ainsi encore le plan de charge, portant sa longueur a 2,03 m. Pour des chargements particulierement longs, jusqu'a environ 3 m, on peur encore abaisser vers l'arriere le dossier du siege du passager avant.


2. Troisieme rangce de sieges (option): Pour les deux versions de sieges (cf. page de droite), ii peut ecre foumi une troisieme rangee de sieges escamotable a l'arriere, laquelle est destinee a des enfants qui tournent alors le dos au sens de la marche .

~ ... -. . ' "

3 . Banquette arriere divisee (option): II existe en option pour les MerceclesT une banquette arrieredivisee (2/3agauche,113 a droice). Cette division permet de loger des chargemenrs longs, deux personnes pouvanr en meme temps s'asseoir a gauche ou une a droite.

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La Mercedes T. Ses elements aux possibilites les plus diverses sont de serie.

La Mercedes T se transforme rapidement d'une confortable cinq-places en un vehicule de transport spacieux. En un toumemain. 11 suffit en effet d'un geste pour deverrouiller le siege afin de relever l'assise a la verticale et rabattre le dossier.

Un robuste verrouillage special assure un solide ancrage clans la position choisie (chargement OU passager) meme en cas de sollicitations elevees.

La MercedesT est dotee en serie d'une lunette arriere chauffante pourvue d'un essuie-glace combine avec un lave-glace.

Les charnieres du hayon, disposees clans le pavillon, sont invisibles. Deux ressorts a compensation longue course permettent d' ouvrir ce ha yon aisement et de le fermer doucement.

Cette construction n'est pas seule­ment une reussite sur le plan esthetique: elle assure aussi une grande liberte de mouvements sur les cotes pour charger et decharger la voiture.

Le correcteur d'assiette automatique est egalement de serie. Meme clans les conditions de chargement les plus diver­ses, il maintient le vehicule au meme niveau, assurant ainsi le maximum de confort de marche et de securite.

Les autres elements des sept modeles de la serie T sont clans une large mesure les memes que ceux qui constituent l'equipement tres complet des berlines correspondantes.

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La Mercedes T. Aucune voiture de travail ne se transf orme aussi vite en voiture de loisirs.

Aucune voiture n'est plus utilisee pour le travail que la Mercedes,Benz. Le kilo, metrage moyen d'une Mercedes est bien superieur a la rnoyenne annuelle d'autres voitures particulieres. Et la Mercedes T n'clargit pas seulcrnent les possibilites d'utilisations professionnel, les mais aussi celles des loisirs.

Il existe precisement pour les loisirs de chacun toute une serie d'equipements speciaux bien pratiques avec lesquels la Mercedes se transforme en un toume, main en une voiture personnalisee faite pour la detente.

La Mercedes T est dotee en option d'une ran1pe de pavilion chromee qui constitue la base d'equipements divers.

D es containers a bagages, par exem, ple, peuvcnt etre charges et cales sur ccttc rarnpc.

D'autrcs equipements consistent en des coffrcs speciaux clans lesquels skis, batons Ct chaussures de ski peuvent etre ranges a l'abri des intemperies et des voleurs.

En combinaison avec la rampe de pavillon, les Mercedes T offrent en outre de nombreuses possibilites d'adapter des accessoires tels que porte,bagages, porte,skis, supports pour planches de surfing, bateau, bicyclettes, etc.


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La M ercedes 300 'l'D turbo-diesel. Le premier vehicule de transport et tourisme equipe en serie d'un moteur diesel a turbocompression.

Comment fonctionne le turbocompresseur sur echappement? L<'' )!.•: d\\ h;1ppcmc111 pmduit> p.1r b rc.>nll1u,tic.1n Ol)!i ... , cnt ' ur le' ailcttc' tit..· l.1 mm· dc 111rhin<' (en mu)!c) ct lui 11111.,nn ll'lll un nlc.lU\'l'llll'llt rc.>tatif. Comm.: di.: C'I "'l1d;urc J,.);, muc Ju compr<'" cur (l·n hlcu). 'cllc< • c't l-)!.•k·

n1cnt c:ntrainC-c. L' ourt.·c.lnl\.'llU ,l.tn' h.· canal J'aJnl1,,io1l c't l-c.1n111nn1~· J.,,· 'c.1rfl'

4"'-" lor;.4uc ht '(lUp.tJX' ll'ou.lnu,, ic.>n l'' t OU\'Cnl', d\.0 J'<llf t..l~·J:I CC.ltllpnllh'.°' t''I J'OU~'c ll;.tll'.' l.1 charnl'lrC \.IC ("(HtlhU ... tHll\.

On ohucnt dc par cc procl-dl- un rem·

l'''''·'J:"' n1.1\.1n1u1n "lu l \ lindr ... · pl.·n11t.·r-

1.1n1 Ull\' .1ugn11.·nt.tlh\ll d1.· l.1 J'll'' '""t.·c 1n.1\in101l, .... 1,. 41'°',.(' t..'I du l~,,u,.,J .... ntt.ltl·ur ltl;l\111111111 dc 45%. De plu , , la <·on><llll·

1natun1 'l'l'l lfllJlll' d ... · .. ·arhuranl .... ,, 1101.1hl«1t1<'lll plu' f.1ihk

Pour une cntreprise traditionnellement inovatrice comme Pest Daimler,Benz, c'est une obligation que de donner de nouvellcs reponses egalement aux ques, tions de politique energetique posees

I par notre epoque. Le moteur turbo,diesel de la Mer,

cedes,Benz 300 TD contribue de fa~on decisive a une reduction enorme de la consom1nation de carburant sans pour autant entrainer une perte de perfor, mance.

Le moteur diesel a turbocompres, sion, 5 cyl., a une cylindree de 3 litres et developpe 92 kW (125 ch DIN). Son couple moteur eleve permet une trac, tion nerveuse clans toutes !es plages de rcgi1nc. Le turbo,diesel pose de nou, veaux critcrcs clans le domaine de la conso1nrnation.

Malgre une augmentation de la puissance de 420/o et une elevation de couple moteur de 45°/o, le moteur turbo, diesel consomme beaucoup moins de carburant par kW que le 1noteur atmo, spherique a essence. Les emissions de gaz nocifs ont ete encore di1ninuees.

Le moteur turbo,diesel a battu plusieurs records mondiaux clans le vehicule d'essai super aerodynamique C 111 et a fait ses preuves de fas:on eblouissante Sur route.

Le moteur turbo,diesel est pour le moins egal aux moteurs a essence pour ce qui est de sa puissance et de sa nervo, site mais ses coefficients de consomma, tion faibles posent de nouvelles normes.


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La Mercedes T. Un train de roulement imperturbable, meme a 200 km/h

Le fait que le plaisir de rouler en Mercedes T n' est pas comparable a ce qu'on eprouve clans d'autres voitures de dimensio ns analogues est du a la par, faite coordination de tous les elements

I • mecan1ques. Le train de roulement a fait ses

preuves clans le monde entier sur les berlines Mercedes. 11 est si bien adapte a l'ensemble de la voiture qu'on ne peut darter des moyens mis en ceuvre a cet effet. L'essieu avant a de doubles bras transversaux et ses roues ont un

deport nul. C e deport nul ga ranlit une parfaite tenue de cap, n1c1nc dnns des . . " s1tuat1o ns extremes.

La M ercedesT est cquipcc en scrie d'un correcteur d'assicttc aulo n1atique: le poids du chargement ct cclui s'cxcrs:ant sur l'essieu arriere sont dctcnnincs par un palpeur et automatiq ucrncnt com, penses par le correctcur <l'assicttc com, mande par pressio n d'huilc.

Cette compensation s' cff ccruc en permanence des que le 1notcur tourne. Pas seulement sur bonncs ro ulcs, mais aussi sur des chemins <le ca1npagnc cahoteux et de mauvaiscs chaussces.

G race au correctcur d 'assictte automatique, la M ercedes T rcste tou, jours au meme niveau Ct SC J irige aise, ment, meme avec un lo urd chargement. Toute la course des rcssorts est dispo, nible independamn1cnt clc la charge.

- Deport egal a zero

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La Mercedes T. La securite Mercedes, base de possibilites multiples.

Ce qui est valable pour les autres modeles Mercedes,Benz l'est aussi pour la MercedesT: sa forme plaisante n'est pas un but en soi, sa conception est dictee par les imperatifs de la fonction ct non par la mode.

La forme, testee en soufflcrie, des Mercedes de la se1ie T dissimulc un systeme d'elements de securite active et passive mis a l'epreuve au cours d'innombrables essais et crash, tcsts.

La securite passive est assurcc par l'habitacle extremement resistant, la dircc, tion de securite avec grandc plaque rembourree, pot anti,choc ct tube ondulc deformable ainsi que par le systcmc de

A • I •

revetement 1nteneur protectcur, pour ne citer que les caracteristiques !cs plus importantes.

Contribuent a la securite active le train de roulement tres perfectionne, les quatre grands freins a disque, la bonne visibilite panoramique due a la faible largeur des montants de pavilion et aux profiles speciaux empechant l'encrasse, ment des glaces laterales.

Du retroviseur anti,eblouissant reglable de l'interieur a l'amortisseur de direction en passant par la conception judicieuse du tableau de bord et des commandes, la Mercedes T presente toutes les caracteristiques de securite qui sont deja appreciees clans le monde entier sur les berlines Mercedes.

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La Mercedes T. Le confort de marche, premier element de securite.

Le confort de marche Mercedes est base sur le fait qu'un conducteur detendu, cal me, peut mieux se concentrer sur la cir, culation que celui qui doit s'adapter con, tinuellement aux caprices de sa voiture.

Le confort de la Mercedes T -comme celui de toutes les berlines M er­cedes - est le resultat d'etudes ergo, nomiques intensives poursuivies pendant des annees l la consequence de longues etudes plas::ant l'homme au premier plan.

Toutes les commandes et tous les instruments repondent a un imperatif: l'action et la reaction rapides du conduc~ teur - sans reflexion, sans recherches.

Les sieges de la Mercedes, reglables en continu, semblent au premier abord un peu fermes. Ce n'est pas sans raison. Un rembourrage ferme et un bon main, tien lateral assurent une position assise agreable et confortable, sur des centai, nes et des centaines de kilometres. Les sieges de la Mercedes sont une des raisons pour lesquelles on arrive a desti, nation detendu meme apres un long parcours.

U ne Mercedes de la gamme T .I ' • .I A montre sa supenonte meme sur un par~

cours avec remorque. Les importantes reserves de puissance du moteur, la robustesse du train de roulement et le

correcteur d'assiette monte en serie sur ces vehicules permettent une traction elevee meme avec des poids remorques importants (freine 1500 kg, non freine 7 50 kg).



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La Mercedes T. La valeur de la diversite d'utilisation . , se mesure auss1 en annees.

Une Mercedes a de nombreuses qualites qu'on ne decouvre pas tout de suite en l'essayant. Elles ne se manifestent qu'au bout de dizaines de milliers de kilometres, c'est-a-dire quand d'autres voitures accusent deja des defaillances.

C'est ainsi que la carrosserie est I l \ I I protegee par un systeme eprouve, per-

fectionne des annees durant, compor­tant sept couches de peinture et de pro­duits anticorrosifs avec protection infe­rieure longue duree, traitement special des cavites et couche intermediaire con­tre les projections de pierres.

La serrure a tenon de securite, pour ne citer que cet exemple, a du faire ses preuves au cours d'essais d'endurance a grande echelle. Elle a ete 100000 fois ou­verte et fermee. Cette serrure est si robuste qu'on pourrait y suspendre le poids d'une Mercedes.

C' est une serrure con\:ue pour ne pas s'ouvrir d'elle-meme en cas d'accident, mais pouvoir s' ouvrir apres un accident.

La M ercedes T est etudiee, construite et controlee selon les criteres les plus rigoureux de M ercedes.

Avant que la premiere MercedesT quitte la cha'ine, chaque geste a ete deja repete pendant des mois sur la ligne pilote avcc ccran video.

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La Mercedes T. Pour ceux qui recherchent la diversite sans vouloir renoncer a la qualite Mercedes.

Plus de 5000 points de Service Mercedes­Benz sont repartis clans le monde entier. Pour qu'ils soient tous au meme niveau, le personnel est forme continuellement et familiarise avec les techniques !es plus recentes.

Un systeme special de permanence telephonique permet d'avoir recours jour et nuit au service apres-vente Merce­des en Europe. Les jours feries aussi.

D'autres elements assurent une securite suppplementaire: un an de ga­rantie sans limitation de kilometrage, inspection tous les 20 000 km. Sur les moteurs a essence, une prise diagnostic simplifie notablement le controle des fonctions du moteur clans les ateliers specialises. La vidange d'huile peut s'effectuer par aspiration.

En fin de compte, la Mercedes T n' est pas faite seulement pour des auto­mobilistes aux activites multiples, mais aussi tout simplement pour des auto­mobilistes qui exigent beaucoup de la perfection Mercedes.

La recherche et les etudes ne s'arretent pas. Ainsi il est necessaire que de nouveaux enseignements issus des travaux de recherche de M ercedes-Benz soient pris en consideration clans la fa­brication de serie. Le principe de la con­stance dynamique des modeles garantit que l'avance technologique sera con­stamment maintenue. Les illustrations de cette brochure ont ete selectionnees d'apres des criteres intemationaux. Les voitures representees ne correspondent done pas clans tous leurs details (com­me par exemple porte-bagages, contai­ner a bagages, variantes d'implantation des sieges, jantes en alliage leger, essuie-glace de phares; toit ouvrant, transmission automatique, leve-glaces electriques, radio, haut-parleurs arriere avec balance, capitonnage velours) aux versions de serie destinees aux diffe­rents pays.

Nous vous prions par consequent de bien vouloir clans tous les cas vous adresser a votre concessionnaire Mercedes-Benz pour vous informer de la composition de la foumiture de serie.

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240 'l'f)

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La Mercedes 240'1'0. L'equipement de base.

M o tcur Sysr(·m~ dic~d; tvlindr<:' t·n lil.!n«. 13 k\V'(72 d1 l )IN), 2)99cml. Pompc <l'injcrtion metaniqut• ;'1 4 p1~rn11s JVCC variateur ;1uro­

matiquc cl'avanct•; 'ysrcnw d'inJ<:n1on MC"rccd<:s-B.:nz ave< <hambrc de 1.m'.:l'tnnbustion.

Bolte de vitesscs/Embrayage Bnirt· .1 4 rappon> t·nticrcmcnt synd1rom-;{·c par force; levier au planch.:r b11brnyagc 11 d1aphrag111e <l\'<'l rnnrapage aum­mat1qu<: du J<'U. 1-n option: transm1'smn allt<>mauquc Mcrccdt·'-Bt·nz.

Essicux f·,su.:u avant a'v <l11ublcs hras rr,msv<:rs.111x c't disposirif anti· l'l<>n):(c't .. roucs :1 deport nul. Essi.:u .1rn<·rc· o" 1ll;mt M erccdes· Bcn7 ~ rri mgks obliqut'' J1,tt en ,.:·n· d'1m t«irrerrl'ur d':is~ietrc. Prc;ns 'wstcmt• ck !reina_ge ;1sstst(· .'1 doubk nruut; lrt'111' ~ d1squc a l ;n a11t et\ l\1rri(·re. Fr«m de st·1r11m1wmenr ;L\'<'C M'gmenrs . dd111 n1wJ, t'L 1·n1prt'" t.11nh,,ur,, \ op1 t lwrnneu~ pnur <•ntr• l<'t I" frc·in dt· sr lt1t•nn1 nw111 Lr le 111\'<',111 du ltquidl' Je

fn~in. Jn,Jtl:ltCUf J\r-Urt Jc u.1rn1tUl'C' ;J\'<lllt.

Su•pension :\ , h.1quc c"t<'ll. dcu.\ .. ,.,sllrr' hc•l1, 1>1'<iaLI\, llllc b<1rrl' ,rah.Ji· >arncc, dl'•IX .imnmssc'U1' tt'.·lcsu'P'4""' hydra11l1qu1·s :1 double efft:t. A r.1rril'rc ll)frl.'dLlJr d'assi1•ttc ,11ttomatiquc U>tnmandc p.1r prc"1lln J'h1tilc.


::>tnll l llfl' I l\U( a\ i<'l ~m1J<:l', it;1bttadl' rigiJe a la tor"<lll, oifruir lllll n.1utt• n'.·si,tame i1 la Jdormattun (rdlule dl: SCLllrJ[e). j·:lrll\:S <lV<tcl( l't .lrtllr<: ;lDsc>rhant le~ dll)U,; \'i,ibtJit.'.­lll<lXlll1'11t• Je rnu' Cllll'~; \ ttrag<: ranrir,lmiqut· Cll VCrr<.' de securicf; c1n4 p<lrtn w fcrmant :tbl:mcnt. Jonr 1111 liayon avcc dl'11x r<·s-01·r, it 1 ump<·•1',1tum Lil< nrpnrc:, :111 p.w1llo11, b~H!11crre cllj»ll\·Cll'C ,l\"'l g'lflltlllrt' ch,rjq11 .. ,k, dtllX uitc'·s; l'ill'<'·<hllc~ ,l\Tl hiri; h1H1n .. lt:t dt·' 1011rchot11 Ra1 'f't .It: p,1\'111 >JI l''"'r lixl'' d' •u1 re' 'llflporr-. <'ll oprinn· (11\«r' cnnr,11111 r '1 b ·'""'· q1pp11rts d1 phin< h"' dt '1rl1ng, , k In :'u. ,I, hi1, 11 rt<'·,• DirN·tion J)ir<:<fll 11 \ t Lr 11it 1l hilks J l'l'l'l l'f tl<>11, , .11111rll"l'lll'dt•

Jtr<'ctll111 .!I 1nJe plaq11~ n·mho111r.'.-l' s111 le n \<'Ll de '"iLinr, hoi11c1 ""dirt'( tion Jrspo'~ crcs ell 1rrii'rl' d.: l\·,,i .. u ,\\':1111.

L11 I''" 1, cl r. ·c11111 ·"'i ·e<' \k1tcd«, !km. SiCn\~~ ... I <•nllc .1da1 '''( :1 l'.w. (ltllf<' l'[ ,\sSUJ \Ill llll h1•11 11l<LUHIC1l

I. t~r.tl; ·''I Iii p. t1<11li~n:111e111 <lf1t:.tt«,1!;1t1tl'11rtl"'1 «rr\.hr<'' l11111b;1!1 -:;; rt.:,~(•r(s ;1((t'lnJ/ • ..,-' la su,11l·1is1i1t1 lit l.1 Vt)lrt1rc.: l'l a l.1 l'"'utnn '"'''' >i~g<:s ,1\ tnl r":<I hit', l'll .ippmd1.: ct 111d1· 11.IL" 'l d11 ti h'ld, 111< "~" ,1 l'lpr~11v d,' hn< . '>tl')!<' U<' 'lll Jun · (·gl 1blc en h.1lttl'tl!. h.mqu··rtc at 1.:1..: ral->:itt c1hl1 \\ "' J '''" \kpn abk r.1nle111•'nt gr;11·<: a 1111 '\'Sf<'lll<.' dt di'•vc1 ro111ll,1g1• r pidt ( '<'t 11 un·s d< C:·, 1 ric{ tr01~ ''' 11 s t'l1r 111l.:11r .1111'" 111 Hl<I It l'(' i'!'llit .. tl-tc< d .. 'l't 11ritC> au>; stt·;·l'S ;\Vall(

' l «1 •11 1 . h 11q11ct t~ ;11 nl-r< d1\·isi·" (!I~ :1 ~.111d1 , I '\ .'1 lr~>Jtc.) ('t "'ll lrlll!'\1•·nie r.ttlj.,'~'t t.Jc ~1c..·g<.·~ J'<lt r t..'llf:uu , t\)ll1l1.lr'

f,. d<)S a• " n' <lt• l.i 111.1n he,,"' sil-gcs <"rant '''"""")( 1Jik, .l.111,

1'111,cl c.·1 .. 1tr11 .. ·r._· 2 tl'lllttirt'' I, ~/·i..u111\ tr111 J''l)if,l'- 1\t'l

• t 11•111'll1 r . "" t1111;i 1tq 1 , • '" 1111 u 11 .1h, l, •111mal< .111 mil 1 ·1 •

Instruments Pla11<hl' de hord rl'111hourrel' ~ ,lC:lnn11.ir ion prourc·"i'<:; indi­rnk11r ,It• \'ll<''><': manom<'I re d 'h111k·; J.LllU<' de carhLJr,rn r; rh ... rn1omeln d'l'au; tcmoins de predi;nd f,1gt'. ,J.., fom tiomw· m..:n r d"' fr,·in,, ,I« d rnrgc, rcpcri ti:ur de cl ignorants. rcmot11' d<: fcu~ d,· r1H1rc <'I d<: rc'.:sen ·e Lk rn rb uranr, ind i• <1t t'ur d '11>1Jr<'

J ,,. u a rn1turl'' d" l1 l'111'; 111ontr1: ,\ quart z; comprettr k1 i1n111'.:tnqu,· Im 0 1 ;1 hsat l'll r.

Chauffogc ct aeration Cin-ulauon rl'1 m•mente J';ur chaud ou frais s;ins couranc d';m, ;)Vt'C soufthntc a ) Vl tl'oSC~. vcrs le pare-orise, le> gla('<:S lat«':r<ilt's, le plandwr i1 l';1va11t ct a l'anicrl:. Debit er n'.:partitton Jc ra11 rh.wd <lll lt1>1d r.:·gl.1hlcs t.!ll continu scp:iremi:nc vers le haur et le.: bas. t 'k111ffage ,.::pare des ci'>ces droir et g<lllrhc. D<:ux bu~cs a ro1uk· , •our ;ur fr;1is au milieu de l.1 pland1c de horJ, rcglahJ.:, l'll llllllllll l't J'l\'Otant dans l1ll1S it:~ SCll\.

Glaces Vitragc panor.1mtl)lll' 1'11 \ l'rl'l' dt• st'.·1 unrc. PJrl'·brise l'n H·rrl' d ... M:c1mt<'.• fcu1lkt.'.-. E~sut<:·glau: <:t 1.1\'('•glac<: a l'a\'3111 L'[ it l'arrier<:; cs~uic-gl an.: du pan··bnse :1 IPnct ionnL'l1ll'nt imcr· m1tlcnr i:r d.-ux vicc<st·s commantk par' ommod1) au volanc. Essute·d<tcl' de la lunettt' nrri(•rt .1vct ron1him11,nn l'"llH.~' lavag,• rornm:mdc par "''1111nur·11~11 1 ;\ h:isc lllc ,u, Lt um,ol rcmral.:. Lunc:cte arrR·rl' lh<1uffanre.

Equip<'mcnt de s ign<ilhation Avcrtt,sl'ur lummeux; dtgnnnnrs :11appd .1111111111t1que, nin· rau a impubion pour ~i~naux d:: d.'.:pJ::.i.c•mcnr. , 1)n1111,1nd« p.1r t:ommndn au volant; avL·rt i::.,t·11r MmOrl'; foux ,J,. st >p: 'i!.'11:11 de d<:rrc~,<:.

Eclairagc Fnt\ dt• ['Qstrtnn. kux ,le l'rOist'llll'llt awmc'1nque,. kt" dt• l'tllllc,

.111ribro111llards ll:qu11 <·n1e111 :1 1ml.:); tt'll\ de s1;111t1n11.:nwn1, l'h:ir«' Ul 1 t:< ul. ft:u <trrtt'r<: .11111hrowll.1r,l; .;, bu age· d.:, 11i-crn·

'lll'llls fCglahk L'll l'Pllli'lll, .:d;1if,lJ!t' dt' l'anit'fl «t .:d'1tl'll"" ,1t· J'h,1ii1·

t l< 11: ;WC( nu1tan de pon t: ct inlerruprcur manud; t.·, l.ur.1)!l'

p1111r l'n<lncr, hoirt .1 ~.111r,, <'lll11111;111dl d'ac1;11u1n .:1 dt• < h;1uff1g,·. Avl'l'tJSSl'tlr ~nnOl'l' pour ph;1rcs non crl'int,, Serrures Sc:rr11n.:s a rcnon ,1 .. 't'l'llrll ,~ Ml r (Olf ! L'S "'' ['Orf<'' 1.11 l-r:tll'' .}\ l'l C•Hlfri\lc d, ft•rnwturt• l'Olf P<'llS'nir er ,frumc'· <'11!;111" .lLJ\

port<'> .1rril-r« <;, rrnrc ill' 'lirt'r~ pour le hayt1n il\'<'l rr;in ,j' 1rrl-t

.1 ldmonnd t'f Sl'l'11rirt'. t'nhmts. Annvol u1mh111t'.· "'·'<'< dis1'"'111t ,1uromatiqlll' dt' pn'd1auff,l!!t, t'l >llt;lct dt' d~m.>IT;l!!l' l't \ l'fTIHI

Jt ri:pt'tition dl' d<:marragl'. llnL' de pm1r k·s porr<S, l'.111fL\ ol t't

la '"ri tlfL du rl:"'f\ 11ir

Divt'rs \'1d I''' hes ,·ntTL' il'' stl-~I'' t\·am ct sur J.:, p<1tl~' a\ .1111 fl l I l l\'lst'ur 1'•11\<)r .111,i1..1u"· J1\t1·l1l"ltllll'~,l1ir: rt'f"t. '' ,,c..·ur ... ( \l~ril 11r ....

,1 r~u,hl• ti .'1 .ltntlt'. slltH 1t•dahll's dt: l'i11l<'lll'L11; J''11'l">•lil'1i

r\.\1r1l'l>1Jrrc ... ave..'" 111i1(lir Jt l,,llLll<H,tc.·, 11<H}!rlt.'l'' Jt· 111a11)tll 11 .u1

cad1" dt pavilion, J'.lli'rl'' .nix pnt~n~· ... s ti,· m;11tll1l'n arn1.:n• aCt.l'lll\.f('llrs l_{t..· r'(lrt't'' lt.'Jlll"'Cltlrr~·s l\ \.'l l'<lJgt\~'t..' 1,,Jl· 111;\lnl lc..'l'l 1,, ( tl J''.t!"'iaL?c.:t ;\\',Ulf. allun1t.:~~ 1g.?1c..·; l·c..·1hlr11..r :1 l'a\ ·11\C ·~t .1 l 1

.i11it r1.. 11'"lJJ11·1r.- ,, 1':1, .1111,.,a1'.11 i;'f'<'. .1n111 .. 111 ,l,. •cn11,rqu.lgl' '1 l',1,· int

"' :1 l'.1rrilT<'. tri 111"11' 11 ]'11"s1;:11al1r.;11tn11. hoit\' d<' l'l't'lllit'r 'l'lllllr~.

Lt.' lltlJ,, atttlf\"I llt>Jlllt'c..'"- ti.Ill~ t.-<' J'll'"f"'<..'t'fc1..; '.'illtll ;11.•Hl~t\ll·r,1· { c'''"'''-' ·'l'i 'rt,'\ll11.1r1\ l ~

~1;11L':"o1llu~r .tth,rl~ 11i.:11rt.111 ~·~altn't'l\t "''"" \.'lllJll'"tHtc.'llt' 'I'< ll,lll\ q111 n · 11 >111 I',, I m 1v ,k l.1 ll>111111111n ,I"« 11.:.


La Mercedes T. La perfection du detail.

La M ercedes T est cquipee en serie d,un chau{fagc r('glable i ndividuelle~ ment po ur !cs cotes droit et gauche. Une co1nnu111dt' disposcc au rnilieu de la console cL:ntn1lc perrnct de closer sans coun1n1 (Vair l1arrivce d'air frais ou chaud. D ix cntrees d1;1ir au total autori~

sent des reglages individuels. Meme lorsque la voiture est a l'arret, l'air peut etre renouvele jusqu)a 2,5 fois a la minute.

Egalement sur la console centrale se trouvent les commandes de chauffage de la lunette arriere et de son essuie--glace avec lave,glace ainsi que de l'eclairage de l'habitacle.

C haque Mercedes T peut etre dotee en option du climatiseur Mercedes~Benz.

Page 21: MB S123

La Mercedes 240'1'0. Les caracteristiques techniques.

Nombre de cylindres Alesage/Course

Cylindree corale Puissance DINI)

Couple maxi DINI)


Remplissage d'huile du

4 90,9/92,4 mm

2399 cm3

53 kW a 4400 tr/mn

72 ch a 4400 tr/mn

137 m.N a 2400 tr/mn

14 mkg a 2400 tr/nm


carter-vilebrequin maxi/mini 5/3,5 litres

Capacite du systeme de refroidissement 10 litres.

Alternateur 14 V/55 A Batterie 12 V /88 Ah Vitesse maxi

Pncus Carburant

C onsommation de carburanr d'apres DIN 700302)

clans la circulation urbaine a 90 km/h

a 120 km/h

Capacite du reservoir

dont reserve


Po ids ;) vide en ordre de marchc3)

Poids a vide augmenre Poids rocal autorise Po ids total autorise augmente C harge admise sur pavilion

I) La puissancc indiquC en k\XI ou en ch/DIN est c(fecrivement disponible ;\ l'cnlbra\•agc pour l'entr:ainem<:nt du vChicule aprCs deduction de ccllc :ib­sorbee par c:ous lcs org3ncs '1nnexcs


env. 143 km/h

195/70 R 14 90 S Gasole

9,9 litres/ 100 km

7,8 li tres/100 km 11,0 litres/ JOO km

70 li tres

env. 11 Ii tres

1505 kg

1520 kg 2125 kg 2220 kg

100 kg


11 '/I(

_j .. ~


• clC:t<.·rn1inCcs scion une ml:thodc normnlisCe :



- sur on bane d\:s.s.ai dont le cycle de (onclionncnl.cnt simulc un parcours urbain;


-' -

du n1oteur.

2) Consorn1n:.u ion de carburanc selor1 DIN 70030. Ire partic, edicion de juiller 1978. Les valeurs de conson1n'1<l* tion de c3rbur:.1nr indiquCes sont

- sur un bane d'essai ou sur une chaussCe plane ct seche, a des vitcsscs de conu6le constantcs de 90 km/ h ct 120km/h.

Ces valeurs constituent unc base de co1nparaison cntrc di((Crcnts types de



A Hauteur hors cout en ordre de marche B Largeur hors tour

C Longueur hors tout

D Empattement

E Distance vol ant-dossier A V4)

F Hauteur libre au-dessus des sieges AV

G Disrance dossier AV-dossier AR4)

H Hauteur libre au-dessus du siege AR

K Largeur ;1ux coudes a !'avant L Largcur aux cpaulcs a !'avant

M Largeur aux coudes a l'arricre N Largeur aux epaules a l'arriere

Largeur de l'espace de chargemenr a l'arriere

J Longueur de l'espace de chargemcnr

Longueur de I 'espace de chargement

a vec siege AR raba ttu

Hauteur du plan de charge Hauteur de l'cspace de chargement


Hauteur hayon ouvert

Voie AV


Oiamerre de braquage hors tout

Volume de l'espace de chargement avec siege AR rabattuS)

avec siege AR position d'utilisationS)

1470 mm 1786 mm

4725 mm 2795 mm

484 mm 975 mm

641 mm

952 mm

1476 mm

1422 mm 1480 mm 1410 mm

960-1480 mm 1232 mm

1784 mm 535 mm


1942 mm

1488 mm

1453 mm

11,25 mm


523 1

Ch::irt.:c n:1norquCe: Le l'*islarcur :tdn1et diffCrcnres possibi1irCs dont nou~ vo~.1 s in(on·ncrons "olonticrs. Dc1nand\!z notrc notice spCcialc.

~ ~ ~ - --t- ;:, - -

M N s B

r r ,,_ 1= -~ l

~ -' ~-

vl:hiculcs. Suivanr le style de conduite. Jes conditions proprcs a l<l route er a la c ircuhttion, lcs influences de l'cnviron .. nen\cnr cc l'Ctat du vChicule, la con· so1n1narion di((Crera d:lns la prarique des v;1lcurs dCternlin~cs scion ccttc nonne.

3) Le poids ll vidc est cclui du vchiculc en version de seric. II s'accroi t Cvcncucllc· n\Crtt de c:clui des ~qu ipc1'tlents speci:lu:<.

4) Cote variblc scion la position du siege.

5) Volume scion VOA: chargemcnt jusqu'au borcl infcricur des glaces.

Les indications do nnCes dans ce prospecrus sonr a considCrer co1nrnc approxi1nativcs .

• . . I \ . .("

• ....

300 'l'D


Page 22: MB S123

La Mercedes 300'1D. L' equipement de base.

Motcur Systi:mc diesd; cylindn:s cn lignt\ 65 kW (88 ch DIN), 2998 crn l. Pompe d'injection mecanique a 5 pisrons avec variareur auto· rnatique d'av;mt·c; systi:mc d'injt•crion Mcrn:tks·Bt'nz avct charnbre de precombustion.

Bolte de vitesses/Embrayage Bolte a 4 rapports entierement synchronisee par force; levier au plancher. Embrayage a diaphragme avec rattrapage auto· matique du jeu. En option: transmission automatique Mercedes-Benz.

Trains Train avant avec doubles bras transversaux et dispositif anri· plongee; roues a deport nu!. Train arriere oscillant Mercedes· Benz a triangles obliques dote en serie d'un correcteur d'as· siette.

Freins Systeme de freinage assiste a double circui t; freins a disque a !'avant et a l'arriere. Frein de Stationnement avec segments additionnels et propres tambours. Yoyant lumineux pour controler le frein de srntionnement et le niveau du liquide de frein. Indicateur d'usure de gamiturcs avant.

Suspension A chaque essieu: deux ressorts helico"idaux, une barre srabili· satrice, deux amortisseurs telescopiques hydrauliques a double effet. A l'a rrii:re correcteur d'assiette automatique commande par pression d'huile.

Carrosserie Structure tout acier soudee; habitacle rigide a la torsion, offrant une haute resistance a la deformation (cellule de securite); parties avant et arriere absorbant les chocs; visibilite maximale de tous cotes; vitrage panoramique en verre de securite; cinq pones se formant aisement, done un hayon avec deux ressorts a compensation incorpores au pavilion; baguerre enjoliveuse avec garniture elastique des deux cotes; pare·chocs avec large bourrelet de caourchouc. Rampe de pavilion pour fixer d'autres supports, en option: divers containers a bagages, supports de planches de surfing, de bateau, de bicyclettes, etc.

Direction Direction assistee precise et douce; amortisseur de direction; grande plaque rembourree sur le moyeu de volant; pot anti· choc sous la plaque rembourree; tube de direction deformable; boitier de direction dispose tres en arriere de l'essieu avant. Sieges Forme adaptee a l'anatomie et assurant un bon maintien lateral; appui particulierement efficace a hauteur des vertebres lombaires; ressorts accordes a la suspension de la voiture et a la position assise; sieges avant reglables en approche et incli· naison du dossier, ancrage a l'epreuve des chocs. Siege de conduite reglable en hauteur; banquette arriere rabattable avec assise deposable facilement grace au deverrouillage rapide. Ceintures de securite trois poinrs a enrouleur automatique et appuie·tetes de securite aux sieges avant. En option: banquette arriere divisee (2/3 a gauche, 1/3 a droi te) et/ou troisieme rangee de sieges pour enfants, roumant le dos au sens de la marche, ces sieges etant escamotables dans le plancher arriere. 2 ceintures de securite trois points avec enrouleur automarique, ceinture abdominale au milieu.

Instruments Planche de bord rembourree a deformation progressive; indi· careur de vitesse; manomerre d'huile; jauge de carburant; thermometre d'eau; temoins de prechauffage, de fonctionne· ment des freins, de charge, reperiteur de clignotants, temoins de feux de route et de reserve de carburant, indicateur d'usure de garnirures de freins; montre a quartz; compteur kilomerrique bitotalisateur.

Chauffage et aeration C irculation perrnanente d'air chaud ou frais sans courant d'ai r, avec soufflante a 3 vitesses, vers le pare.brise, les glaces laterales, le plancher a !'avant et a l'arriere. Debit et repartition de l'air chaud OU froid regJabJes en COntinu separement vers le haut et le bas. Chauffage separe des cotes droit et gauche. Deux buses a rotule pour air frais au milieu de la planche de bord, reglables en continu et pivotant dans tous les sens.

Glaces Yitragc panoramiquc en vcrrc de sccurirc. Parc·brisc en vcrrc de securite feuillete. Essuie·glace et lave·glace a !'avant et a l'ar· riere; essuie-glace du pare-brise a fonctionnement intermittent et deux vitesses commandees par cornmodo au volant. Essuie· glace de la I unette arriere avec cornbinaison essuyage·lavage commande par comrnutateur a bascule sur la console centrale. Lunette arriere chauffante.

Equipement de signalisation Avertisseur lumineux; clignotants a rappel automatique, con· tact a impulsion pour signaux de depassement, commande par commodo au volant; avertisseur sonore; feux de stop; signal de detresse.

Eclairage Feux de position, feux de croisemenr asymetriques, feux de route, antibrouillards (equipement a iode); feux de stationnement, phares de recul, feu arriere antibrouillard; eclairage des instru· ments reglable en continu; eclairage de l'arriere et edairage de l'habi· tacle avec contact de porte et interrupteur manuel; eclairage pour cendrier, boite a gants, commande d'aeration et de chauffage. Avertisseur sonore pour phares non eteints.

Serrures Serrures a tenon de securite sur routes !es portes latcra les avec controle de fermeture par poussoir et securite enfants aux por· tes arriere. Scrrurc de sl'1rcte pour le hayon avec cran d'arret additionnel et securite enfants. Antivol combine avec disposi· tif automatique de prechauffage, contact de demarrage ct ver· rou de repetition de demarrage. Une de pour les portes, l'anti· vol et la serrure du reservoir. Divers Vide-poches entre les sieges avant et sur les portes avant; re· troviseur panoramique anti·eblouissant; rerroviseurs exte· rieurs, a gauche et a droite, reglables de l'inrl:rieur; pare·soleil rembourres avec miroir de courtoisie; poignees de mainrien au cadre de pavilion; pateres aux poignees de maintien arriere; accoudoirs de portes rcmbourres avec poignee de mainrien co· te passager avant: allume·cigare; cendrier a !'avant et a l'arrie­re; moquette a !'avant et a l'arriere; anneau de remorquage a !'avant et a l'arriere; triangle de presignalisation, boite de pre· mier secours.

Les indications donnees dans ce prospectus sont a considerer comme approximatives.

Surles illustrations figurent egalement des equipements spe· ciaux qui ne font pas parrie de la fournirure de serie.

La Mercedes T. La perfection du detail.

Le confort de la M ercedesT est le resultat de recherches scientifiques effectuees clans les conditions de la pratique.

D es centaines d' ele1nents de con­struction minutieusement coordonnes permettent au conducteur d'agir et de reagir vite et sans effort.

Chaque commande se trouve exactement la ou elle permet une action et une reaction rapides. Le com­modo au volant, par exemple, groupe les commandes des organes suivants: essuie-glace ( deux vitesses et fonction­nement intermittent), lave-glace, inver­seur phares-code, avertisseur lumineux et clignotants. T outes les fonctions se commandent aisement, sans devoir lever la main du volant ni quitter la route des yeux.

Les montants ct le cadre du pavil­ion constituent unc unite a l'epreuve d 'un capotage. Les pare-soleil sont en-, castres. l

Page 23: MB S123

La Mercedes 300'1'0. Les caracteristiques techniques.

Nombre de cylindres 5 Alesage/Course 90,9/92.4 mm

Cylindree totale 2998 cm3

Puissance DINI) .65 kW a 4400 rr/mn

88 ch a 4400 rr/mn

Couple maxi DlNI) 172 m.N a 2400 tr/mn

17,5 mkg a 2400 tr/mn

Compression 21

Remplissage d'huile du

carter-vilebrequin maxi/mini 513,5 litres

Capacite du systeme de refroid issement 11 litres


Batterie Vitesse maxi


Carburanc Consommation de carburant d'apres DlN 700302) dans la circulation urbaine

a 90 km/h

a 120 km/h

Capacite du reservoir done reserve


Poids a vide, en ordre de marche3) Poids a vide augmente

Poids total autorise

Poids total aucorise augmente Charge admise sur pavilion

I) La puissance indiquec en k\V ou en ch DIN e.sr effecciven1enr clispo1,iblc ;, l'e1n· br:iyagl!" pour l'cntraincn1cnt du vl:hi· cule apres deduction de cellc absorbce par rous Jes org-3nes annexes du nwteur.

2) Consonlmation de cnrburnnt scion OlN 70030. 1 re partie. cdirion de juiller 1978. Les valcurs de consommation de carburanr incliqu('C:'s sonc clCrcrminecs


12 V/88Ah

env. 148 km/h

195/70 R 14 90 S Gasole

10,3 litres/100 km 8,0 litres/100 km

11,3 litres/100 km

70 litres env. 11 litres

1565 kg

1580 kg 2 185 kg 2280 kg

100 kg

scion unc n'lerhode norn1alis~c: - sur un bane d'cssai doni le cycle de

foncrionn<':n1cnr si1nulc un parcours urbain;

- sur un bane d'cssai ou sur une chaussCe plane et sCchc. ~des vitcsscs c.tc contrOle consrantes de 90 km/h er 120 km/h.

Ccs va.lcurs constituent unc base <le co1nparaison entre di(fCrents types de

A Hauteur hors tout en ordre de marche 1470 mm

B Largeur hors tout 1786 mm

c Longueur hors tout 4725 mfTl

D Empattemenc 2795 mm

E D istance volanc-dossier A V4) 484mm

F Hauteur libre au-dessus des sieges AV 975 mm

G Distance dossier AV-dossier AR4l 641 mm

H Hauteur libre au-dessus du siege AR 952 mm

K Largeur aux coudes l.t !'avant 1476 mm

L Largeur aux epaules l.t !'avant 1422 mm

M Largeur aux coudes a l'arriere 1480 mm

N Largeur aux epaules a l'arriere 1410 mm

Largeur de l'espace de chargement a l'arriere 960-1480 mm

J Longueur de l'espace de chargement 1232 mm

Longueur de l'espace de chargemenc

avec siege AR rabattu 1784 mm

Hauteur du plan de charge 535 mm

Hauteur de l'espace de chargement

plancher·toit 800mm

Hauteur hayon ouvert 1942 mm

VoieAV 1488 mm

Voie AR 1453 mm

Diametre de braquage hors tout 11,29 m Volume de l'espace de chargement

avec siege AR rabattu5) 8791 avec siege AR en position d'utilisationS) 5231

Ch;1rs:c ren1orquCc: Le 1egislatcur admct <lif(.lrentcs pO$SibilitCs dont nous vous infol'fnCrons volonciers. Ocn1andez. notrc notice spCcialc.

e e

- =-=

vl-hi<.'ulcs. Suivanr le St}•le dt.· con<luite, les conditions proprcs ll la route et 3 1:_, circularion, lcs influences de !'environ· nen·u.:-nt er l'Cn1t du vChicule. la con· so1nnlation diffCrcn1 d~1ns l:.1 pnuiquc des valcurs dCtcnnin<!-es scion ccrrc nornu.:.

3) Le poids a vidc est cclui du vChiculc en version de sCric. II s'accroir Cvt'ntuellc#

rncnr de celui des ..'.-quipe1ncnrs spCciaux.

4) Core varh1ble sl'lon la position du siCgc-.

5) Voll11nc scion VOA : ch~1ri,:c1ncnt jus· qu'au bord inf~ricur des glaccs.

Les indications donnCes dans ce pro~ sPeetus sonr 3 considCrer comme appro# ximatives.

\ ,..,,, ~


Page 24: MB S123


La Mercedes 300 'l'D Turbo-Diesel. L'equipement de base.

Moteur Systeme diesel; cylindres en ligne, 92 kW (125 ch DIN), 2998 cma. Pompe d'injection mecanique a 5 pistons avec va· riateur automatique d'avance; systeme d'injecrion Mercedes­Benz avec chambre de precombustion.

Bolte de vitesses/Embrayage Transmission automatique Mercedes-Benz.

Trains Train avant avec doubles bras transversaux et disposirif anti· plongee; roues a deport nul . Train arriere oscillant Mercedcs­Benz a triangles obliques dote en serie d'un corrccreur d'as· siecte.

Freins Systeme de freinage assiste a double circuit; freins a disque a !'avant et a l'arriere. Frein de sra rionnement avec segments addi tionnels et propres tambours. Voyant lumineux pour control er le frein de stationnement er le niveau du liquide de frein. Indicareur d'usure de gamirures avant.

Suspension A chaque essieu: deux ressorts helico·idaux, une barre srabi li ­satrice, deux amortisseurs telescopiques hydrauliques a double effer. A l'arriere correcreur d'assietre automarique commande par pression d'huile.

Carrosserie Structure tour acier soudee; habitade rigide a la torsion, offranr une haute resistance a la deformation (cellule de sccurite); parties avant et arrierc absorbant les chocs; visibilite maximale de cous cotes; vitrage panoramique en verre de securite; cinq portes se fermanr aisement, dont un hayon avec deux ressorts it compensation incorpores au pavilion; baguette enjol iveuse avec garniture elasrique des deux cotes; pare-chocs avec large bourrelet de caoutchouc. Rampe de pavilion pour fixer d'autres supports, en option: divers containers a bagages, supports de planches de surfing, de bateau, de bicyclettes, etc.

Direction Direction ass istee precise et douce; amortisseur de direction; grande plaque rembourree sur le moyeu de volant; pot anti· choc sous la plaque rembourree; rube de direction deformable; boltier de direction dispose tres en arriere de l'essieu <lVanr.

Sieges Forme adaptee a l'anatomie et assuran t un bon mainrien lateral; appui particulierement efficace a hauteur des vertebres lombaires; ressorts accordes a la suspension de la voiture et a la position assise; sieges avant reglables en approche et incl i­naison du dossier, ancrage a l'epreuve des chocs. Siege de conduite reglable en hauteur; banquette arriere rabattable avcc assise deposable facilement grace au deverrouillage rapidc. Ceintures de securite trois points it enrouleur automarique et appuie-reres de securite aux sieges avant. En Option: banquette arriere divisee (2/3 a gauche, 1/3 a droite) et/ou rroisieme rangee de sieges pour enfanrs, toumanr le dos au sens de la marche, ces sieges erant escamotables dans le pl:mcher arriere. 2 ceinrures de securite trois points avec enrouleur <lutomatique, ccinrure abdominale au milieu.

Instruments Planche de bord rembourree a deformation progressive; indi­cateur de vitesse; manometre d'huile; jauge de carburant; thermomerre d'eau; temoins de prechauffage, de fonctionne· ment des freins, de charge, reperiteur de clignotanrs. temoins de feux de route et de reserve de carburant, indicateur d'usure de garnitures de freins; montre a quartz; compteur kilometrique bitoralisareur.

C hauffage et aeration Circulation permanence d'ai r chaud ou frais sans courant d'air, avcc soufflante a 3 vitesses, vers le pare-brise, Jes glaces laterales, le planchcr a l'avanr et a l'arriere. Debit et repartition de !'air chaud OU froid reglables en COntinu Separement vers le haut er le bas. Chauffagc separe des cotes droir er gauche. Deux buses a roru le pour air frais au milieu de la planche de bord, reglables en conrinu er pivotant dans tous les sens. Glaces Vitrage panoramique en verre de securice. Pare-brise en verre de securite feuillete. Essuie-glace et lave-glace a !'avant et a l'arriere; essuie-glace du pare-brise a fonctionnement intermit· tent et deux vitesses commandees par commodo au volant. Essuie-glace de la lunette arriere avec combinaison f!SSuyage­lavage commande par commutaceur a bascule sur la console centrale. Lunecte arriere chauffanre.

Equipement de signalisation Avertisseur lumineux; cl ignorants a rappel automatiquc, con· tact a impulsion pour signaux de depassement, commande par commodo au volant; avertisseur sonore; feux de srop; signal de derresse.

Eclairage Feux de position, feux de croisement asymerriques, feux de route. antibrouillards (equipemenr a iode); fewc de starionnement, phares de recul, feu arriere antibrouillard; eclairage des instru· ments reglable en continu; cclairage de l'arriere et eclairage de l'habi­racle avcc contact de porte ct interrupteur manuel; eclairage pour cendrier, boi'te a gants. commande d'aen1rion et de chauffage. Avercisseur sonore pour phares non ereints.

Serrures Serrures a tenon de securite sur routes les portes laterales avec conrrole de fermeture par poussoir et securi te enfants aux por· ces arriere. Serrure de surete pour le hayon avec cran d'arrec additionnel et securi te enfants. Antivol combine avec disposi· tif automatique de prechauffage, conracr de demarrage et ver­rou de repetition de demarrage. Une cle pour Jes portes, !'anti· vol et la serrure du reservoir. Dive rs Vidc-poches entre les sieges avant et sur les porces avant; re­rroviseur panoramique anti·eblouissant; retroviseurs extO-ieurs, a gauche et a droite, reglables de l'interieur; pare-soleil rem· bourrcs avec miroir de courroisie; poignees de maintien au cadre de pavilion; pateres aux poignees de main ti en arriere; ac­coudoirs de pones rembourres avec poignce de maintien cote passager avant: allume-cigare; cendrier a l'avanr er a l'arriere; moquette a !'avant et a l'arriere; anneau de remorquage a !'avant et it l'arriere; triangle de presignalisation, botte de premier secours.

Les indications donnees dans ce prospectus sonr a considerer comme approximatives.

Sur Jes illustrations figurent egalement des equipements spe· ciaux qui ne fo nt pas partie de la fourn iture de Serie.



La Mercedes T. La perfection du detail.

Exterieurement, on reconnait le break 300 TD Turbo-Diesel a son inscription sur le hayon arriere. A l'avant, on le reconnait tout de suite a ses projecteurs rectangulaires. Mais ce sont ses raffinements techniques qui le rendent superieur aux autres Diesel: par exemple, a puissance et performan­ce egales, un modele essence consom­merait 33 O/o de plus. Ceci est du a un perfectionne1nent clans la technique des moteurs D iesel: le Turbo-compresseur.

Page 25: MB S123

La Mercedes 300 'l'D Turbo-Diesel. Les caracteristiques techniques.

Nombre de cylindrcs


Cylindree rota le

Puissance DINI)

Couple maxi DINI)


Remplissage d'huilc du carter-vilebrequin maxi/mini

5 90,9/92,4 mm

2998 cm3

92 kW 3 4350 tr/mn

125 ch a 4350/mn

250 m.N a 2400 tr/mn

25 mkg a 2400/mn


614,5 litres

Capacire du sysrcmc de refroidissemcnr 11 litres



Vi tcsse m<1 xi



Consommation de carburant

d'apres DIN 700302)

dans la circulation urbaine a 90 km/h

a 120 km/h

Capacite du reservoir

done reserve


Poids a vide, en ordrc de marchc3J

Poids a vide augmenre

Poids coral autorise

Poids rota! aurorise augmenre

Charge admise sur pavilion

I) La puissancc incliquC en kW ou i..·n ch/DIN CS( cffcccivcnlCnt disnoniblc a l'c1nbrn)13ge pour l'enrrainen\cn1 du \'Chicuh: apr~:> d~duction de ccllc :1b .. sorbCc p:-1r rou.s lcs organes ;,1nnexcs du 1nO[cur.

2) Conso1111nacion de carbur:tl'll scion DIN 70030. Ire panic. edition de j11illc1 1978. Les v:\leurs de conso1nnla· tion de carburanr indiquCcs so11c

14 V/55 A 12 V/88Ah

env. 165 km/h

195170 R 14 90 S Gasole

10,5 litres/100 km

8,0 litres/LOO km

ll, l litres/LOO km

70 litres

env. 11 litres

1610 kg 1625 kg

2220 kg

2315 kg

100 kg

dCccrn1inl:cs scion une rnCthodc norn1:1lisCe: - sur un bane d'cssai done le cycle de

fonccionnc1nent sin1t1lc un parcours urbain;

- sur un bane d'cssai ou sur une chaussCe ph1nc er s~che, it des viccsscs de con<rok constanres de 90 km/h er 120 km/h.

Ccs valc.:urs constituent unc base de con'lparaison enrrc di(fCrcnrs rypcs de

A Hauteur hors to ur en ordre de marche 1470 mm

B Largeur hors tout 1786 mm

c Longueur hors t0ut 4725 mm

D Empattement 2795 mm

E Disnmce vohmr-dossier AV4) 484 mm

F Hauteur libre au-dessus des sieges AV 975 mm

0 Distance dossier AV-dossier AR4l 641 mm

H Hauteur libre au-dessus du siege AR 952mm

K Largeur aux coudes ~ !'avant 1476 mm

L Largcur aux cpaules a l'avant 1422 mm

M Largeur aux coudes a l'arriere 1480 mm

N Largeur aux epaules a l'arriere 1410mm

Largeur de l'espace de chargement a l'arriere 960-1480 mm

J Longueur de l'espace de chargement 1232 mm

Longueur de l'espace de chargemenr

avec siege AR rabattu 1784 mm

Hauteur du plan de charge 535 mm

Hauteur de l'espace de chargemenr

plancher-toit 800mm Hauteur hayon ouvert 1942 mm VoieAV 1488 mm

Voie AR 1453 mm

Diamerre de braquagc hors tout 11,29 m

Volume de l'espace de chargement

:wee siege AR rabattu5) 879 l

avcc siege AR en position d'uti lisation5) 523 l

Charge rcnlorquCc: Le.: l l-~islatcur adnlct di(fCrcntes possibilires done nous vous infonncrons volonticrs. Dc1nandc: not re noricc spl--ciale.

vChiculcs. SuivC1nt le Style de condu itc. les conditions proprcs 3 la route ct a la circuh1rion, les influences de I' environ· ncn1ent et l'Ctat du vChiculc, l:l con .. sonlnlation diffCrcra clans la pratique des valeurs dCrcrn,i1\tcs scion cecce norrnt:.

3) Le poids ii vide csr celui du vchiculo en version de sCric. II s'accroit Cvcntucll<.. ... n1cnr de celui des Cquipcnlents spCciaux.

4) Core variable scion la position du siCgc.

5) Volume scion VOA: chorgcrnont jusqu'au bord infCrieur des glaces.

Les indicarions donnC.cs d:.tns c~ prospectus sont 3 considC:rer co1nn1e approxi1n:nives.

' "

Page 26: MB S123

La Mercedes 200 T. L'equipement de base. La Mercedes 230 TE. L'equipement de base.

Moteur 200T 4 cylindres en ligne, 1997 cm3, carburateur horizontal a pres­sion constance. 80 kW a 5200/min soit 109 ch a 5200 tr/min. Alumage transistorise sans contact, prise-diagnostic.

Moteur 230 TE 4 cylindres en ligne, 2299 cm3, injection mecanique. lOO kW a 5100/min soit 136 ch a 5100 tr/min. Allumage transistorise sans contact, prise diagnostic.

Bolte de vitesses/Embrayage Bolte a 4 rapports enrieremem synchronisee par force; levier au plancher. Embrayage a diaphragme avec rattrapage auto­matique du jeu. En option: transmission auromarique Mercedes-Benz. Trains Train avant avec doubles bras transvcrsaux ct disposirif ami­plongee; roues a deport nul. Train arrierc oscillant Merccdes­Benz a triangles obliques dote en Serie d'un correcteur d'as­siette.

Freins Systeme de freinage assisre a double circuit; freins a disque a l'avanr et a l'arriere. Frein de stationnemem avec segments addirionnels er propres rambours. Yoyant lumineux pour controler le frein de srarionnemenr er le niveau du liquide de frein. lndicateur d'usure de gamitures.

Suspension A chaque essieu: deux ressorrs helico"idaux, une barre srnbili­satrice, deux amortisseurs telescopiques hydrauliques a double effet. A l'arriere correcteur d'assiecte automatique commande par pression d'huile.

Carrosserie Structure tour acier soudee; habiracle rigide a la torsion, offrant une haure resistance a la deformation (cell ule de securite); parties avant et arriere absorbant les chocs; visibilite maximale de tous cores; virrage panoramique en verre de securite; cinq porres se fermam aisemenr, done un hayon avec deux ressorrs a compensation incorpores au pavilion;. baguette enjoliveuse avec gamiture elastique des deux cotes; pare-chocs avec large bourrelet de caoutchouc. Rampe de pavilion pour fixer d'autres supports, en option: divers containers a bagages, supports de planches de surfing, de bateau, de bicyclettes, ere.

Direction Direction a circuit de billes precise et douce; amorrisseur de direction; grande plaque rembourree sur le moyeu de volant; pot anti-choc sous la plaque rembourree; tube de direction deformable; boltier de direction dispose rres en arriere de l'essieu avant. En option, direction assistee Mercedes-Benz. Sieges Fonne adaptee a l'anaromie er assurant un bon maimien lateral; appui particulierement efficace a hauteur des vertebres lombaires; ressorts accordes a la suspension de la voiture er a la position assise; sieges avant reglables en approche er incli­naison du dossier, ancrage a l'epreuve des chocs. Siege de conduire reglable en hauteur; banquecce arriere rabartable avec assise deposable facilement grace a un sysreme de deverrouillage rapide. Ceinrures de securire rrois points a enrouleur auto· matique et appuie-tetes de securire aux sieges avant. En option: banquette arriere divisee (2/3 a gauche. 1/3 a droite) et/ou rroisieme rangee de sieges pour enfants, roumant le dos au sens de la marche, ces sieges eranr escamorables dans le plancher arriere. 2 ceinturcs de securire rrois points avec enroulcur automarique, ceinrure abdominale au mi lieu.

Instruments Planche de bord rembourrce a deformation progressive; indi­careur de viresse; manomcrre d'huile; jauge de carhurant; thermomcrre d'eau; temoins de foncrionnement des freins et de charge. repetiteur de clignotants, tcmoins de feux de route er de reserve de carburanr, indicareur d'usure de gamitures de freins; monrre a quartz, compreur kilomerri4ue bitotalisateur.

Chauffage et aeration Circulation permanence d'air chaud ou frais sans courant d'air, avec soufflanre a 3 vicesses, vers le pare-brise. les glaces larerales, le plancher a l'avanr er a l'arriere. Debit et repartition de l'air chaud OU froid regJables en COntinu separement \'erS le haut er le bas. Chauffage separe des cores droir er gauche. Deux buses a rotule pour air frais au milieu de la planche de bord, reglables en conrinu et pivotant clans tous Jes sens.

Glaces Vitragc panoramique en verre de securi te. Pare-brise en verre de securire feui llete. Essuie·glace et lava-glace a !'avant et a l'ar­riere; essuie-glace du pare-brise a foncrionnement intermiccent et deux vitesses commandees par commodo au volant. Essuie­glace de la lunette arri~re avec combinaison essuyage-lavage commande par commutareur a bascule sur la console cemrale. Lunette arriere chauffante.

Equipement de signalisation Avertisseur lumineux; clignotants a rappel automatique, con­tact a impulsion pour signaux de depassement, commande par commodo au volant; avertisseur sonore; feux de stop; signal de derresse.

Eclairage Feux de position, feux de croisemenr asymerriques, feux de route, antibrouillards (equipemenr a iode); feux de srationnement. phares de recul, feu arriere antibrouillard; eclairage des insrru· ments reglable en continu; eclairage de l'arriere et eclairage de l'habi­tacle avec contact de porre er inrerrupteur manuel; eclairage pour cendrier, boire a gants, commande d'aeration er de chauffage. A vertisseur so no re pour phares non eteints.

Serrures Serrures a tenon de securite sur tOIJ(eS les portes larerales avec COntrole de fennetu re par poussoir Ct securite enfants aux portes arriere. Serrure de surerc pour le hayon avec cran d'arret addirionnel er securi re enfanrs. Anrivol combine avec inrer­rupreur d'allumage; une de pour les porres. l 'interrupteur d'allumage, l'anrivol er la serrure du reservoir.

Divers Vide-poches enrre les sieges avant er sur les porres avant; re­rroviseur panoramique anti-eblouissant; retroviseurs exte­rieurs, a gauche et a droite, reglables de l'interieur; pare-soleil rembourres avec miroir de courtoisie; poignees de maintien au cadre de pavilion; pateres aux poignees de mainrien arriere; accoudoirs de porces rembourres avec poignee de maintien cote passager avant: allume-cigare; cendrier a !'avant er a l'arriere; moquette a l'avanr er a l'arriere; anneau de remorqua­ge a !'avant et a l'arriere; triangle de presignalisarion, bolte de premier secours.

Les indications donnees clans ce prospectus sont a considerer comme approximatives.

Surles illustrations figurent egalement des equipemenrs spe­ciaux qui ne font pas partie de la foumiture de serie.



La Mercedes T. La perfection du detail.

La forme des sieges de la Mercedes T est dictee par les enseigne1nents de l'anato­mie. Leur rembourrage ferme assure une saine detente. Car avec un dos rond sans soutien, muscles, tendons et disques intervertebraux sont soumis clans la region lombaire a des contraintes exces­sives provoquant la fatigue.

De meme, l'appui du bassin recom­mande par les medecins orthopedistes pour conserver une bonne forme a la colonne vertebrale est assure en serie sur les Mercedes-Benz.

Page 27: MB S123

La Mercedes 200 T . Les caracteristiques techniques.

Nombrc de cylindres 4 Alesage/Course 89,0/80,25 mm

Cylindree torale 1997 cm3

Puissance DJN1) 80 kW a 5200 tr/mn 109 ch a 5200 tr/ mn

Couple maxi DIN 1) 170 m.N a 3000 rr/mn 17,3 mkga3000tr/mn

Compression 9,0

Remplissage d'huile du carter-vilebrequin maxi/mini 4,3/2,8 litres

Capacite du systeme de refroidissement 8,5 li tres

Alternateur 14 V/55 A

Batterie 12 V/55 Ah

Vitessc maxi env. 168 km/h

Pneus 195/70 R 14 90 S

Carburanr Super (selon DIN 51600)

Consommatio n de carburant d'apres DIN 700302)

<lans la ci rculation urbaine l 3,9 lirrcs/100 km

a 90 km/h 8,3 litres/100 km

a 120 km/h 10, 7 litres/100 km

Capacitc du reservoir 70 litres

dont reserve env. l l litres


Poids a vide, en ordre de marche3) 1455 kg Poids a vide augmente (1470 kg)

Poids total autorise 2075 kg Poids total autoris<'! augmente (2 170 kg)

C harge admise sur pavilion 100 kg

La Mercedes 230 TE. Les caracteristiques techniques.

Nombre de cylindres 4 Alesage/Course 95,5/80,25 mm

Cylindrce totale 2299 cm3

Puissance D!N l) 100 kW it 5100 tr/nrn 136 ch a 5100 rr/mn

Couple maxi DLN 1) 205 m.N a 3500 rr/mn

20,9 mkg a 3500 tr/mn

Compression 9,0

Remplissage d'huile du

carter-vilebrequin maxi/mini 4,3/2,8 litres

Capacite du sysrcmc de rcfroidisscmcnt 8,5 litres

Alrernateur 14 V/55 A

Batterie l2 V/55 Ah

Vitesse maxi env. 180 km/h

Pneus 195/70 R 14 90 H

Carburant Super (selon DIN 51600)

Consommation de carburanr d'apres DIN 700302) clans la circulation urbaine 14,2 litres/100 km

a 90 km/h 8,5 I itres/100 km a 120 km/h L0,6 litres/100 km

Capacite du rese rvoi r 70 litres

dont reserve env. 11 litres


Poids a vide, en ordre de marche3) 1475 kg Poids a vide augmente (1490 kg)

Poids total autorise 2095 kg Poids total autorise augmente (2190 kg)

Charge aclmise sur pavilion 100 kg

Ch~'rgc rc1norquCe: Le ll--giskucur adrnct diff{·rcntes possibilirCs dont nous vous infonncrons volonticrs. Dcrnandcz 11orr<: nor ice sp6ciale.

les dimensions interieures et exterieures sont !es memes que le 240 TD.

I) La ~)uissancc il'1diquC en k\'V ou en ch/DIN est cffectivcrncnt disponiblc a l'c1nbrayagc pour l'cnrr:1ine1nenr du vChicule aprCs dCduc1io1'\ de celle ab .. sorbCe par tous lcs org3ncs annexes do rnoteur.

2) Conso1n1narion de carburant scion L)IN 70030. Ire partie, lxlition de juillcr 1978. Les valcurs de consorrHn" .. rion de carbu 1·~11lr indiqul!es sont

1c-- ~-~~

' dCcernlinCes scion une nlCthode norma1isCc:



- sur un ba1'\C d'cssai dont le cycle de ronctionncrncnc simulc un parcours urbain;

' L


- sur un bane d'cSsai ou sur une chaussCc plane er sC.che. a des vicesses de conrrOle consrantcs de 90 k1n/ h Ct 120 km/h.

Ccs valcurs constituenr unc base de co1nparaison enrre di((Crcnts t)'1>es de



M N g B

--~ ·- ~ -


vChicules. Suivanc le sryle de conduirc, lcs conclirio1'\S proprcs it la route er~ lit circulation, lcs influences de !'environ .. nc1nenc Cl l'C:tat du vehicule, la COO·

son1m:uion di((Crcra dans I\\ prac ique des valcurs dCtcnninCcs scion ccctc nornle.

3) Le poids a vidc est cclui du vChiculc en version de sCrie. II s':lccroi1 Cventucllc· mc1u de cclui des Cquipcrncno; spCciaux.

4) Cote variable scion la position du siCge.

5) Volume scion VDA: chargomcnt jusqu'<iu bore! infCricur des glaccs.

Les indications do1'\nCes d:.uls cc prospectus sont 3 considCrcr comme approxi1n:irives.


Page 28: MB S123

La Mercedes 250T. L'equipement de base.

Moteur 6 cylindrcs en lignc ;wee carburateur double corps compound commande par depression. 103 kW (140 ch DIN) a 5500 cr/mn; prise-diagnostic, allumaJ!c cransisrorisc sans contacc.

Bolte de vitesses/Embrayage Boice a 4 rapports enticrcment synchronisee par force avec marche arriere synchronisce; levier au plancher. Embrayage a diaphragme avec rattrapage automatique du jeu. En option: transmission automariquc Mercedes-Benz.

T ra ins Train avant avec doubles bras transvcrsaux et dispositif anti· plongee; roues a deport nul. Train arricre oscil lam Mercedes-Benz a triangles obliques dote en serie d'un correc­teur d'assiette.

Freins Sysrcmc de freinage assistc a double circuit; freins a disque a !'avant er a l'arriere. Frein de starionnemenr avec segments additionnels er propres tambours. Voyant lumineux pour controlcr le frein de stationnemenr er le niveau du liquide de frein. lndicateur d'usure de gamiturcs avant.

Susp ension A chaque cssicu: deux rcssorts hclico"idaux, unc barre snibili · sa tricc. deux amortisseurs tclcscopiqucs hydrauliques a double cffct. A l'arriere correcteur d'assicrrc aucomatique commandc par prcssion d'huile.

Carrosserie Structure rout acicr soudec; habitacle rigide a la torsion, offrant une haute resistance a la dcfonnation (cellule <le sccurite}; parties avant er arricrc absorbant les chocs; visibilirc maximale de tous cores; virragc panoramique en verre de sccurire; cinq pones sc fcrmanr aisement, done un hayon avcc dcux ressorts a compensarion incorpores au pavilion; baguette cnjoliveuse avec garniturc clastiquc des deux cores; parc-chocs avcc large bourreler de caourchouc. Rampe de pavilion pour fixer d'aurrcs supports, en option: divers containers a bagagcs, supports de planches de surfing. de bareau, de bicyclcttcs, etc.

Direction Direction assist&! precise et doucc; amortisseur de direction; grande plaque rembourrce sur le moyeu de volanr; pot anti· choc sous la plaque rembourrec; rube de direction deformable; boirier de direction dispose rres en arricre de l'essieu avant.

Sieges Forme adaprec a !'anatomic ct assurant un bon mainrien lateral; appui particulicremcnr cfftcacc a hauteur des vcrtcbrcs lombaires; rCSSOrtS accordcs a la suspension de la voiture Ct a la position assise; sieges avant rcglables en approche er incli­naison du dossier, ancrage a l'eprcuvc des chocs. Siege de conduite reglable en hauteur; banquette arriere rabatrable avec assise deposable facilemenr grace a un sysrcme de deverrouillagc rapide. Ceintures de securitc trois points a enrouleur auto­matique et appuie·tetes de securite aux sieges avant. En option: banquette arriere divisee (2/3 a gauche. l/3 a droire) et/ou rroisierne rangce de sieges pour enfants, tournant le dos au sens de la marchc, ces sieges etanr escamotables clans le plancher arriere. 2 ceinrurcs de sccurite rrois points :wee cnroulcur automatique, ccinrurc abdominale au milieu.

Instruments Planchc de bord rcmbourrce a deformarion progressive; indi· catcur de vircsse; manomctre d'huile; jauge de carburant; rhermomerre d'eau; cemoins de foncrionnement des freins ct de charge. repetiteur de clignotanrs. remoins de feux de route er de reserve de carhurant. indicareur d'usure de garnirures de frcins; montre a quartz, comprcur kilomerrique biroralisareur.

Chauffage et aeration C irculation permanentc d'air ch:wd ou frais sans courant d'air, avec soufflante a 3 vitesses, vcrs le parc-brise. Jes glaces laterales. le planchcr a !'avant et a l'arricre. Debit cc reparrition de l'air chaud ou froid reglables en concinu scparcment vers le haur Ct le bas. Chauffage scpare des cotes droit er gauche. Deux buses a rotule pour air frais au milieu de la planche de bord, rcglables en continu et pivotant dans rous les sens.

Glaces Vitragc panoramique en verre de sccurite. Pare·brise en verrc de sccurire feuillete. Essuic-glacc et lavc·glace a l'avanr et a l'ar· ricre; essuie-glace du parc-brisc a fonctionnernenr intermittent er dcux vitesses commandees par commode au volant. Essuic· glacc de la lunette arriere avcc combinaison essuyage·lavage commande par commutatcur a basculc sur la console ccnrra lc. Lunecre arriere chauffante.

Equipement de signalisation Avertisseur lumineux; clignotanrs a rappel automatique. con· tact a impulsion pour signaux de dcpasscmcnt, commande par commode au volant; avcrcisseur sonore; feux de stop; signal de derresse.

Eclairage Fcux de position, feux de croiscmcnt asymetriques, feux de route, anribrouillards (equipemenr a iode); fcux de St:itionncmCnt, phares de rccul, feu arriere anribroui llard; eclairage des instru· mcnts reglable en conrinu ; cclairagc de l':1rric'.·rt· <"f cclairagc de l'habitaclc avec contact de portc ct intcrruptcur manucl; cclai· rage pour cendricr, boitc a gants, commande d'acrarion et de chauffage. Avertisseur sonore pour phares non ereints.

Serrures Scrrures a tenon de securite sur toutes les porres laterales avec conrrole de fenneture par poussoir er securire enfants aux portcs arriere. Serrure de surere pour le hayon avec Cran d'arret additionnel et securite enfanrs. Anrivol combine avec inter· rupteur d'atlurnage. Une de pour les pones, l'antivol l'inter· rupteur d'allumage et la serrure du reservoir.

Divers Vidc·poches entre lcs sieges avant ct sur les portcs avant; rcrroviseur panoramqiue anti·cblouissant; retroviseurs exte· ricurs, a gauche et a droite, reglables de l'interieur; pare•soleil rembourres avec miroir de courtoisic; poignees de maintien au cadre de pavilton; paceres aux poignces de maintien arricrc; accoudoirs de portes rembourrcs avcc poignees de mainticn core passager avant: allume-cigarc; ccndricr a !'avant er a l'ar· riere; moquette a !'avant et a l'arrierc; anneau de remorquage a !'avant er a l'arriere; triangle c prcsignalisation, bolte de pre­mier secours.

Les indications donnees dans cc prospectus SOnt a considerer commc approximativcs.

Sur les illustrations figu rcnt cg;1lcmcnr des equipements spe· ciaux qui ne font pas parric de la fourn irurc de serie.

La Mercedes T. La perfection du detail.

Les ressorts a compensation du hayon sont loges entre le ciel de la voiture et le pavilion. Cette conception assure une plus grande liberte de mouvements sur les cotes pour charger et decharger le vehicule.

Grace aux deux grands blocs optiques arriere canneles, la Mercedes T se voit toujours bien. Le feu arriere antibrouillard et les phares de recul, integres au pare, chocs, sont de seric.

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La Mercedes 250T. Les caracteristiques techniques.

Nombre de cylindres Alesage/Course

Cylindree totale Puissance DINI)

Couple maxi DlNI)


Remplissage d'huile du

carter-vilebrequin maxi/mini

6 86/72,45 mm 2525 cm3

L03 kW a 5500 rr/mn 140 ch a 5500 rr/mn

200 m.N a 3500 rr/mn

20.4 mkg ii 3500 rr/mn


5.514.0 litres

Capacite du systeme de refroidissement 10,0 litres


Batterie Vitesse maxi



Consommarion de carburanr d'apres DIN 700302) dans la ci rculation urbaine

a 90 km/ h a 120 km/h

Capacite du reservoir dont reserve


Poids a vide, en ordre de marche3)

Poids a vide augmente Poids total autorise

Poids total autorise augmente

C harge admise sur pavilion

I ) Ln pui:;;sance indiqoC en k \'(/ ou en ch/DIN est effecrivcmcnt clisponiblc a l'crnbrayagc.· pour l'cnrraincrncnc du vChiculc 3prCs dlxluction de ccllc ab· sorbCc parlous lcs organcs annexes du rnorcur.

2) Conson11n:ltion dt: c:irburant scion DIN 70030. I'" partic, edit ion de juillct 1978. Les v:)lcur~ de conso1n1na· tion d,: carhurant indiquCcs son1



env. 185 km/h

195/70 R 14 90 H Super (selon DIN 51600)

16.4 litres/LOO km 9,8 li rres/100 km

12, I litres/LOO km

70 litres env. 11 litres

1495 kg

15 10 kg 2 11 5 kg

22 10 kg

100 kg

,~ -,­

('_ =- ~ dCtcrn1inl:cs scion unc 1nCthodc nornlalisCc:


- sur u 11 bane d'cssr-ii donr le cycle de fonctionncnlcnt sinuilc un parcours urbain;

- sor un b\lnC d'cssai ou sur one chaus~Cc pl:uH: cc s~chc, 3 des vi tcsscs <le concrOlc consranres de 90 km/h et 120 km/h.

Ccs valcur.s constituent une base de comparaison en1re di(fCrcnrs types de

A Hauteur hors tout en ordre de marche B Largcur hors tout

C Longueur hors tout

D Empattement

E Distance vol ant-dossier A V4)

F Hauteur libre au-dcssus des sieges AV

G Distance dossier AV-dossier AR4l

H Hauteur libre au-dessus du siege AR

K Largeur aux coudes a l\1vant

L Largeur aux epaules ii !'avant

M Largeur aux coudes a l'arriere N Largeur aux epaules a l'arriere

Largeur de l'espace de chargement a l'arriere

J Longueur de l'espace de chargement

Longueur de l'espace de chargement

avec siege AR rabattu Hauteur du plan de charge

Hauteur de l'espace de chargement plancher-toit

Hauteur hayon ouvert VoieAV


Diamerre de braquage hors tout

Volume de l'espace de chargement

avec siege AR rabattu 5)

avec siege AR en position d'utilisation5)

1470 mm 1786 mm

4725 mm

2795 mm


975 mm

641 mm

952 mm 1476 mm

1422 mm 1480 mm

1410 mm

960-1480 mm 1232 mm

1784 mm

535 mm


1942 mm 1488 mm

1453 mm

11,29 m

879 1

523 I

C harj:'.e renlorquCc: Le l~islareur-admcr -.li((l•rcrHCS p<)SSibilires dont nous vous infonnerons volonciers. Oe1nandc: 1\0trc noti(C sp(;ciah~.


I-8 B

vthicules. Suivant le srylc de cooduite, les COllditiOrtS prOprCS ~ la route Ctn la <irculation. lc.s influences de I' environ, ncnlcnt ec l'Crar du vChicule, la con, son11n3tion diffCrero dans la pr:.uique des v0tlcurs dCtcrnlin~e.s sclon cctte nonne.

3) Le poids 3 vidc est celui du vehiculc en version de sCric. II s'accroil eventuelJc .. ment de cch,1i des Cquipcmcnts spCciaux.

4) Core v~ir-iable scion la position du si~gc.

5) Volume scion VOA: chorgcmcnt jusqu'au bord infc!rieur des glaces.

Les indications donnCes dans cc prospectus sont a considerer co1nnte approximarivcs.

Page 30: MB S123

La Mercedes 280'1'E. L'equipement de base.

Moteur 6 cylindres en ligne avec 2 arbres a cames en tete. Injection d'essence. Allumage electronique sans contact. 136 kW (185 ch DIN) a 5800 tr/mn. Prise-diagnostic. Bo1te de vitesses/Embrayage Bolte a 4 rapports entieremcnt synchronisee par force avec marche arriere synchronisce; levier au plancher. Embrayage a diaphragme avec ra ttrapagc automatique du jeu. En option: transmission automatique Mercedes-Benz.

Essieux Essieu avant avec doubles bras transversaux et dispositif anti· plongee; roues a deport nu l. Essieu arriere oscillant Mercedes· Benz a triangles obliques dote en serie d'un correcteur d'assiette.

Freins Systcme de freinage assistc a double circuit; freins a disque a !'avant et a l'arriere. Frein de starionnement avec segments additionnels er propres tambours. Voyant lumineux pour concrolcr le frein de stationncmenc et le niveau du liquide de frei n. lndicateur d'usurc de garnitures avant.

Suspension A chaque essieu: deux rcssorts hclico'idaux, unc barre stabili­sa trice, deux amortisseurs tclcscopiq ues hydrauliques a double effcc. A l'arriere correcteur d'assictte au tomatiquc commandc par pression d 'huile.

Carrosserie Structure tour acier soudee; habicacle rigide a la torsion, offrant une haute resistance a la deformation (cellule de securite); parties avant et arricrc absorbant !es chocs; visibilite maxitnale de tous cotes; vitragc panoramique en verre de sccuri te; cinq portes se fermant aisemcnc, dont un hayon avec dcux ressorcs a compensacion incorporcs au pavilion; baguette cnjoliveuse avec gamiturc clastiquc des deux cotes; pare·chocs avec large bourrelet de caoutchouc. Rarnpe de pavilio n pour fi xer d'aucres supports, en option: divers containers a bagagcs, supports de planches de surfi ng, de baceau, de bicyclettes, etc.

Direction Direction assistee precise cc douce; amortisseur de direction; grande plaque rembourree sur le moyeu de volant; pot anci· choc sous la plaque rembourrce; tube de di rection deformable; bottier de direction dispo~c rrc~ en arriere de l'essieu avanc.

Sieges Forme adaptee a !'anatomic er assurant un bon maintien lateral; appui particuliercmenc cfficace a hauteur des vertebres lombaires; rcssorts accordcs a la suspension de la voiture et a la position assisc; sieges avant reglables en approche et incli· naison du dossier, ancragc a l'cpreuve des chocs. Siege de conduite reglable en hauteur; banquette arriere rabattable avec assise dcposable faci lcmcnt grace a un systeme de deverrouillage rapide. Ceintures de securicc trois points a enrouleur auco­marique et appuie-tetes de sccurite aux sieges avant. En option: banquette arriere divisee (2/3 a gauche, 1/3 a droite) er/ou troisieme rangce de sieges pour enfants, toumant le dos au sens de la marche, ces sieges ecanc escamocables clans le planchcr arrierc. 2 ceinrures de securite trois points avcc ··nroukur automatique, ccinture abdominale au milieu.

Instruments Planche de bord rembourree a dcformacion progressive; indi· catcur de vicesse; manomecre d'huile; jauge de carburanc; rhermomerre d'cau; remoins de fonccionncmenc des freins et de charge, repecireur de clignorants, cemoir.s de feux de route ct de reserve de carburanc, indicaceur d'usure de gam itures de freins; montre a quartz, comptcur kilomecriq ue bitotalisateur.

Chauffage et aeration C irculation permanente d'air chaud ou frais sans couranc d'air, avcc soufflante a 3 vitcsscs, vcrs le parc·brise, les glaces lateralcs, le plancher a l'avant ct a l'arricrc. Debit er repartitio n de l'a ir chaud OU froid regJabJes en COntinu separement vers le haut Ct le bas. Chauffagc separc des cotes droic er gauche. Deux buses a rotule pour air frais au milieu de la planche de bord, rcglables en continu ct pivotant dans tous les sens.

Glaces Virrage panoramiquc en verrc de securicc. Pare-brise en vcrre de securice feu illete. Essuie-glacc Ct lavc-glace a !'avant Ct a l 'a rriere; essuie-glace du pare·brise a fonctionnemenr inter· mittent et deux vitesses commandc par commodo au volant. Essuic·glace de la lunettc arricrc avcc combinaison essuyagc· lavage commande par commucatcur a bascule sur la console cc::ncrale. Lunette arricrc ch~1 uffontc.

Equipement de signalisation Avertisscur lumineux; clignocancs a rappel aucomarique, con· ract a impulsion pour signaux de dcpasscment, commande par commodo au volanr; avertisseur sonore; feux de stop; signal de detresse.

Eclairage Fcux de position, feux de croiscmcnr asymetriques, feux de route, antibrouillards (equipemcnt a iodc); fcux de Stationnement, phares de rccul, fcu arricre an tibrouil lard; eclairage des instru• ments rcglable .:n continu; cdairagc de l'anierc et eclairagc de l'habi­taclc avec contact de portc cc inccrrupteur manuel; eclairage pour cendrier, boitc a gants, commandc d'aeracion et de chauffogc. Avertisseur sonore pour pharcs non eccints.

Serrures Scrrures a cenon de sccurice sur routes les pon es laterales avcc concrole de fermecure par poussoir cc securite enfants aux portcs arriere. Serrure de surece pour le hayon avec Cran d'arrct additionnel et securitc enfancs. Anrivol combine avec inter· rupteur d'allumage; une de pour les pon es, l'interruptcur d'allumage. l'antivol et la scrrurc du reservoi r.

Divers Vide-poches entre les sieges avant ct sur Jes pon es avant; rctroviscur panoramique anti·cblouissanc; recroviseurs ex~cricurs, a gauche er a droite, sont reglablcs de l'intericur; pare-soleil rcmbourres avec miroir de courtoisic; poignees de maintien au cadre de pavilion; pateres aux poignees de maincien arriere; accoudoirs de pones rcmbourres avcc poignee de maincien core passager avant: allume-cigare; cendrier a ('avant et a l'arriere; moquette a !'avant et a l'arrierc; anncau de remorquage a !'avant et a l'arriere; triangle de presignalisation, boite de premier secours.

Les indications donnees clans cc prospectus sont a considerer comme approximatives.

Sur les illustrations figurcnt cgalcmcnt des equipements spc· ciaux qui ne font pas partic de la fourniturc de seric.

La Mercedes T. La perfection du detail.

Le bloc optique a iode avec antibrouil­lard integre se compose d'un projecteur horizontal sur la 300 TD Turbo-Diesel et 280 TE et de deux projecteurs cir­culaires sur les autres modeles.

Un essuie-glace de phares est livrable en option pour les deux versions de blocs optiques.

Les retroviseurs exterieurs reglables de l'interieur sont anti-eblouissants et ne s'encrassent pas.

Page 31: MB S123

La Mercedes 280TE. Les caracteristiques techniques.

Nombre de cylindres


Cylindree totale Puissance DINI)

Couple maxi DINI)

Compression Remplissage d'huile du

carcer-vi lebrequin maxi/mini

Capacite du

systeme de refroidissement


Batterie Vitesse maxi



Consommation de carburant d'apres DIN 700302) dans la circulation urbaine

a 90 km/h

a 120 km/h

Capacite du reservoir

dont reserve

Option: Poids a vide, en ordre de marche3)

Poids total autorise Charge admise sur pavilion

I) La puissance indiquC en k\XI ou en ch/DIN cs1 effectivcmcnr disponiblc o l'cmbrayagc pour l'enrraincrnenc du vchiculc aprcs deduction de ccllc ab· sorb&: par rous les or~~u1cs annexes du moteur.

2) Conso1nnl<Hion de carburanc scion DIN 70030. 1•c partic, &licion de juillec 1978. Les valcurs de con$01n1na .. rion de carburant indiquecs sonc

6 86,0/78,8 mm

2746 cm3

136 kW a 5800 tr/mn

185 ch a 5800 cr/mn

240 m.N a 4500 tr/nm

24,5 mkg a 4500 tr/nm


6,014,5 litres

IO,O litres



env. 200 km/h

195170 R 14 90 H Super (selon DIN 51600)

17 ,2 lirres/100 km 9.8 lirrcs/100 km

12,2 lirres/IOO km

70 lit res env. 11 litres

1545 kg

2165 kg

100 kg

dCrern\inCes $elon une rnerhode norrnalisl:c: - sur un b;lnc d'cs.sai clonr le c)ic lc de

(on.crio1\1\C1ncnr Sillll1le un J):'IT(Ot,ITS

urb:1in; - $UT un bane d'ess:il ou sur unc

cht111s,sCc plane tt s~chc. a des viresscs de controlc consr:intcs de 90 km/h Cl 120 km/h.

Cc.s val.;:urs constituent u"c b::tse de con1paraison entrc difft:rcnts rypcs de

A Hauteur hors rout en ordre de marche 1470 mm

B Largeur hors rout 1786 mm C Longueur hors tout 4 725 mm

D Empattcment 2795 mm

E Distance v<ilant-dossier A V4) 484 mm

F Hauteur libre au-dessus des sieges AV 975 mm

G Distance dossier AV-dossier AR4) 641 mm H Hauteur libre au-dessus du siege AR 952 mm


K Largeur aux coudes :1 l'avanr 1476 mm L Largeur aux cpaulcs 1t !'avant 1422 mm


M Largeur aux coudes a l'arriere 1480 mm

N Largeur aux epaules ii l'arriere 1410 mm

Largeur de l'espace de chnrgement a l'arri l:re 960-1480 mm

J Longueur de l'cspace de chargement 1232 mm

Longueur de l'espace de chargement

avec siege AR rabattu 1784 mm Hauteur du plan de charge

Hauteur de l'espace de chargemenr plancher-roic

Hauteur hayon ouvert



Oiaml:tre de braquage hors tout

Volume de l'cspace de chargement avec siege AR rabattu5)

535 mm


1942 mm 1488 mm

1453 mm

11,29 m

879 l avec siege AR en position d'utilisation5) 523 1

Char~c rcn1orqu\·c: Le 1egislatCl•r ,,.c1mc1 diff~rcntcs possibiHtCs dont nous vous in(orn\crons volonti(·rs. Dern::indcz nor re notiC\' sp..'.:cialc.

8 B

vChicules. Suiv:1nt le style de conduitc, le~ COl'lditions proprCS ti la rourc Cl ft la circulation, ll'-S influences de l'cnviron· nernenr er l'Crat du vChicule. la con· so1n1narion di((Crcra d~H'\S la pr:.uiquc des valcurs dttcrn\inCes scio n ccttc norine.

3) Le poids :\ vidc csc celui du vChiculc en version de sCrie. II s':tccroir tvcncuellc~ n1enr de cclui de~ Cq\1ipc1ncnts sp\:ci:i.ux.

4) Core varibl(" scion la posiil()I\ du siCgc.

5) Volun'\(' scion VOA: chargc1ncni jusqu'au bord in(Crieur des glaccs.

Les indications <lonnCcs d3ns ce prospectus so1·n ;\ considCrer com1ne :ipproxin1arivcs.

Page 32: MB S123





Mercedes-Benz 300'1D

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Page 34: MB S123

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Page 36: MB S123

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Page 38: MB S123

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Page 43: MB S123

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Page 44: MB S123

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Page 48: MB S123

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300TD Technical Date

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300TD K-123190

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C ~ ~ (mm) 4,725

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Page 50: MB S123


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The most versatile Mercedes. For drivers who need to be versatile

and therefore make a wide range of demands on their cars, the Mercedes T series offers the widest possible range of uses.

The T series is suitable for a large variety of purposes, in business and in leisure, for holiday journeys, for sport, for the transport of goods.

In addition to being a highly versatile car, the T is a genuine Mercedes, with all the comfort of a saloon car, with comprehen­sive safety and with all-round performance.

These unique qualities are incorporated into every one of the six different T series models - with a choice of diesel engines and four and six-cylinder petrol engines.

The T series models match the standards of the saloons, not only in their characteristics but also in their dimensions; they are not an inch longer or wider than the classic Mercedes saloons. Their versatil­ity has not been achieved at the expense of ease of handling nor of manoeuvrability.

And certainly not at the expense of aesthetics. Normally, cars which are very practical are rarely stylish. The T series is an exception to this rule.

The T series has been improved to new higher standards of specifications. This is not only proof of continuous model improvement but also of the continuation of the complete model range.

Last but not least, the T series models are particularly economical cars.

And there is the attention to every aspect, right down to the smallest detail, in the manufacture of Mercedes-Benz cars. This is the basis for the legendary reliability and longevity of a Mercedes, including its high trade-in value.

All this makes people, when driving their first Mercedes, wonder why they didn't have one sooner.

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An unmistakable profile. The lines of the T series.

Classic, aesthetic beauty derived from contemporary benefits.

Cars that are very practical are rarely attractive. The Mercedes-Benz T series proves that this does not have to be so. In spite of its high standard of functionality, the styling is by no means impaired.

Mercedes-Benz do not accept the idea of diminishing the individuality of a car in order to make savings. So the T series is another example of the fact that a Mercedes is still, today, a recognisably individual car.

The combination of the classic saloon­car shape and estate-car functionality in the flowing lines of the T series have gained general acceptance as being ideal for this type of car.

A beautiful shape, both functional and efficient.

The clean lines of the front section are enhanced by broad-beam headlamps, now fitted in all models, which harmonise impressively with the traditional radiator design. Totally integrated with the style and function are the front directional indicators which extend around the corners of the car so that they can be seen easily from the side.

Mouldings with rubber inserts along the sides of the car are not only decorative but also protect the bodywork against minor damage and sub-divide the body panels to make re-spraying of single sections possible at low cost.

A Mercedes, down to the smallest detail. Foglamps in combination with halogen

headlamps (standard) illuminate the road effectively, even under the most adverse weather conditions. The front section is designed so as to reduce front axle lift-f orces at high speeds. Due to their ribbed profile, the large rear-lamp units get less dirty.

Concealed ventilation slots set into the rear roof pillars ensure that stale air is extracted from inside the car without draught or swirl. The lower door seals have been designed to keep the door sills clean. The rear-view mirror, in its aerodynami­cally-styled mounting, can be adjusted from inside the car. The door handles are made of a special material, so that they are kind to the touch, in summer as well as in winter.

Rear-view mirror. adjustable from inside the car. in an aerodynamically-shaped bracket.

Halogen headlamp unit w ith integral foglamp and wrap-around directional indicator.


A wide range of optional extras for your made-to-measure Mercedes.

The wide range of optional equipment enables you to order your T series model "tailored" to your requirements.

For instance, you can further improve the comfort of your car by incorporating the advantages of electrically-operated windows, heated seats or the refined air­conditioning system.

You can specify a five-speed gearbox to reduce fuel consumption and noise emission even further, or Mercedes superb­ly-engineered automatic transmission.

Airbag and belt-tensioner to reduce the injury hazard for the driver and front-seat passenger in a head-on collision.

The optionally-extra anti-lock braking system (ABS) ensures maximum braking efficiency and steerability even on wet, snow-packed or black-ice surfaces.

An additional, third row of backward­facing seats for children folds down flush with the floor.

A wide range of luggage containers, surfboard, boat and bicycle racks is available for fitting to the roof rails.

Re<ir·screen wiper with wash/wipe unit and intermittent control.

Large, rear-light units with ribbed profile. so they get less dirty.

In the choice of colours, too, you can match your T series model to your personal taste. There is a choice of eight standard colours, nine special and nine metallic finishes. And there is matching upholstery in four different m aterials and six different colours.

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Comfortable space for five people. A genuine five-seater,

notjust a claim. The Mercedes T series models have

two distinct aspects to their character. - The characteristics of a car with a wide

range of uses, for the greatest possible variety of different transport jobs.

- The characteristics of a Mercedes saloon car with generous, comfortable space.

"Comfortable space" has several dimensions.

First of all, "space" which is expressed by the generous dimensions of the interior; "space" that means generous room for five adults to move about.

In a Mercedes, "comfortable space" is also the recognisable result of a standard specification which, in its scope and quality, is second to none.

Another important aspect of "comfort­able space" is the ergonomic design of the interior - you can take it for granted that everything is in its right place. Everything that is necessary and logical is there - no more and no less.

This comfortable space also contributes indirectly to your own safety and to that of other road users, in that the deliberately elegant unobtrusiveness of the interior "environment" has a reassuring effect. There is nothing that might provoke an aggressive style of driving.

Hence, the comfortable space in these cars is no benefit in itself, but has a vitally important function; it provides a maximum of relief from stress, so that you travel safely.

Last but not least, the concept of comfort and space includes the quality of workmanship in production. A person accustomed to making exacting demands in terms of quality in other areas of his private and business life will, in most cases, find that his first Mercedes is also the first car that truly meets his demands.

A person who wants a versatile car does not have to do without the comfortable space of a Mercedes.

In a Mercedes, you dont' just drive, you enjoy driving.

Every detail of the interior appoint­ments of a Mercedes has been designed to give maximum relief from physical and mental stress.

The seats are comfortable, with "breathing" covers, to ward off fatigue on longjourneys. On the other hand, they are anatomically contoured and, with their spring core, firm enough to support the body and to keep you fit and alert.

The seats are now even more comfort­able because of the design of the seatbacks, as in the S-class; the side strips of the squab and seatback are now covered in fa bric material.

The front seats can be adjusted forwards and backwards, and the driver's seat for height (standard equipment) so that everyone can find his most comfortable position.

In a Mercedes-Benz, the anchorage points of the wide inertia-reel seat belts are on the seat frame, so that they move along - in contrast to other makes - when the seat is adjusted, thus ensuring perfect fit and greater safety, whatever the position of the seat.

High-quality carpets (standard) further reduce noise levels and contribute to the refined atmosphere of the interior. In all models, the door panels are partly lined with fa bric material.

Rear seats with a visible advantage. In many cars, comfort ends at the front

seatback. In the back of the T series, you will appreciate the meaning of comfortable space.

More leg-room, achieved by the con­toured shape of the backs of the front seats, a feature adopted from the S-class. Two three-point inertia-reel belts, a two-point lap belt for the seat in the middle (standard), and head restraints on request.

Everything for an atmosphere of natural composure.

The atmosphere of the interior contri­butes substantially to that feeling of well­being you can experience in a T series model as well as in any other Mercedes.

The low noise level has now been fur­ther reduced by a noise-damping package. This contributes to the refined atmosphere because, even at top speed, you can carry

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Continuous, draught-free flow of warm or cold air with three-stage booster fan for windscreen. side windows and front and rear footwells.

The centre console with padded gear-shift lever and controls.

on a normal conversation, or enjoy the radio or cassette music without any disturb­ing noises.

Less for the driver to worry about. In automotive engineering, not

everything that is now feasible is necessarily sensible.

It is in this sense that the ergonomic design of the dashboard is outstanding. Instead of a confusing variety of switches and lights, you find sensibly-positioned instruments which can be read at a glance, and correctly shaped controls which cannot be confused with each other. So that you can react quickly and safely in critical situations.

The warning lights and gauges are obvious in their function and can be read at a glance, by day and by night.

Refined efficiency as a principle. A Mercedes incorporates an

abundance of functional details which, added together, make a major contribution to the easy operation of the car.

For instance, pneumatic headlamp­range adjustment which can be convenient­ly controlled from the driver's seat. The special rest for the driver's left foot, and the twin-nozzle windscreen washer on the driver's side.

The interior light with its delay switch goes out a few seconds after the doors have been closed - so there's enough time to fasten the seat belts and start the car.

When the doors are opened, a warning buzzer reminds you if the headlights are still on. An electrically-adjustable near-side rear­view mirror is available as an optional extra on all models.

In a Mercedes, the central locking system (optional extra) really deserves its name. Upon turning the key in the driver's door, not only are the other doors pneuma­tically locked or unlocked but also the fuel tank and boot lid.


Room for one person. For particularly long items, up to about three metres (nearly 10 ft.), the front passenger seatback can be fully reclined.

Room for three people: two thirds of the divided rear bench seat (optional extra) folded away, rear seatback removed.

Room for four people: part of rear bench seat folded away to increase load compartment length to 1. 78 metres.

Room for seven people by the addition of a third row of seats (optional extra) which folds down flush with the floor.

Room for two people and a load space tha t is l.78 metres long and up to 1.48 metres wide, with the rear bench seat folded away.

Room for three people and a 2.03 metre Jong load space, with rear seat· back removed.


Room for five people and a load compartment that is 1.23 metres long and up to 1.48 metres wide.

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The rear door opens wide so that loading and unloading is easy.

Retractable plastic cover for the load.

Securing straps allow the safe transport of even bulky items.

The retractable plastic cover can be attached to the rear door, so that it is The retractable net serves as a partition between passengers and the not in the way when loading and unloading. load.

Luggage containers expand the range of items tha t can be carried.

The ski and equipm ent conta iners offer room for six pairs of skis and five pairs of skiing boots.

Third row of seats for children, folds down flush with the floor.

For very cold conditions, the footwell of the third row of seats can be heated by an additional. auxiliary heater.

Capacity up to 700 kg. Room for up to 7 people.

One difference between the Mercedes T range and the Mercedes saloons is the amount of space. With a length of 1.23 metres and a maximum width of 1.48 metres, even the standard load space in the Mercedes T is big enough to cope with the majority of transport problems that may arise. Self-levelling, which is standard equipment, makes it possible to carry loads up to 700 kg.

The floor is easily accessible, because it is low and flat. The rear door opens wide so that loading and unloading is easy, too.

If this load space is not enough, folding the rear seat squab up and the rear seat­back down increases the floor length to 1.78 metres. It can be increased to 2.03 metres by removing the rear seat squab altogether.

Alternatively, the Mercedes T can carry five adults in comfort.

A comprehensive range of special equipment gives even greater scope for variation. With a divided rear bench seat (two thirds on one side, one third on the other), and when either seat is folded for­ward, there is still enough room for one or two people in the back and, at the same time, more space for your load.

Another range of variation is created by the fitting of the additional, third row of backward-facing seats for children. This folds down flush with the floor. With the third row, the Mercedes T can carry five adults and two children.

The diagrams on the fallowing pages give details of the range of seat combina­tions.

To protect both passengers and load, a retractable plastic cover for the load, and a retractable net, to serve as a partition between the rear-seat passengers and the load, are available as an optional extra.

Spare wheel, first-aid kit, warning triangle.jack and the reservoir for the rear window washer are easily accessible, even when the load compartment is full, because they are at the sides and covered.

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Engine power, to meet every demand;

economy, to meet today's needs. Mercedes-Benz are engaged in conti­

nuous development work, building cars which integrate maximum user-benefits with overall economy.

It is against the background of the current energy situation that this principle takes on special, topical importance.

There is development on suspension and transmission systems, on coolant cir­cuits, as well as on engines.

However, modifications have been incorporated without any reduction in the basic benefits of the car, such as comfort and safety.

The result is not only significant relief of the pressure on resources, through the reduction in energy and raw material requi­rements. But also relief of the pressure on the most valuable of all energies, human energy.

In conjunction with the traditional Mercedes quality, these results are highly significant.

The attention to every aspect, right down to the smallest detail, in the manufac­ture of Mercedes cars - the basis of the legendary reliability and longevity of a Mercedes, ensuring a high trade-in value.

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The five-cylinder diesel engine in the 300 TD.

What distinguishes a Mercedes diesel from average diesel.

It is quite simple to put a diesel engine into the bodywork for a petrol-powered car. However, the driver will hear and feel the effect.

Against this principle of simplicity, Mercedes-Benz have set their principle of balanced integration.

Mercedes-Benz fit diesel engines only into body-designs that have been compre­hensively adapted to the requirements of diesel propulsion.

The pre-combustion chamber, a fea­ture exclusive to Mercedes-Benz, ensures that our cars have the lowest engine noise levels of all diesel-powered cars.

By incorporating a number of other features to reduce noise emission, we have succeeded in developing the Mercedes diesel engine to a degree of quietness and smoothness which is comparable to that of petrol engines.

The versatility of the T series, plus the economy of the diesel engine.

The Mercedes diesel engine is fuIIy matured, yet through continuous develop­ment it has been possible to reduce fuel consumption further, by up to 7 O/o. Among

The five-cylinder diesel engine in the 300 TD·Turbo·Diesel.

other things, by improvements to the pre­combustion chambers, injection pumps, nozzles and fuel lines.

For instance, the four-cylinder engine in the 240 TD (53 kW, 72 DIN/hp) con­sumes 9.5 litres/100 km in the urban cycle; 6 .3 litres/100 km at 90 km/h; and 8.7 litres/ 100 km at 120 km/h.

The five-cylinder engine in the 300 TD (65 kW, 88 DIN/hp) consumes as little as 9.7 litres/100 km in the urban cycle; 7.0 litres/100 km at 90 km/h; and 9.5 litres/ 100 km at 120 km/h.

The 300 TD Turbo-Diesel, the first diesel-powered car with an exhaust-gas turbocharger, develops its impressive out­put, 92 kW (125 DIN/hp), with low fuel consumption. 10.4 litres/100 km in the urban cycle; 8.0 litres/100 km at 90 km/h; and 10.9 Iitres/100 km at 120 km/h.

(AII figures based on DIN 70 030; figures for the 240 TD and 300 TD with the optionaIIy-extra five-speed manual gear­box; figures for the 300 TD Turbo-Diesel with the standard automatic transmission from the S-class.)

The four-cylinder fuel-injected engine of the 230 TE.

Lively, economical four-cylinder petrol engines.

The four-cylinder engines in the 200 T and 230 TE, ideal power units for 2.0 and 2.3 litre cars, develop their high torque in the lower and medium engine speed ranges.

This is important for low fuel consump­tion and flexible accelerating power. They are far smoother than any previous four­cylinder engines.

At 80 kW/109 hp (200 T) and 100 kW/ 136 hp (230 TE) respectively, these engines are very powerful yet, in conjunction with a new gearbox and modified rear axle ratios, they consume up to 17 °/o less fuel than the previous models.

The 200 T consumes 13.1 litres/100 km in the urban cycle; 7.6 litres/100 km at 90 km/h; and 9.6 litres/100 km at 120 km/h. The 230 TE, 13.1 litres/100 km in the urban cycle; 7.7 litres/100 km at 90 km/h; and 9.6 litres/100 km at 120 km/h.

Fuel/ air mixture production in the 200 T by a constant-pressure cross-draught carburettor, in the 230 TE by a reliable mechanical fuel-injection system.

The six-cylinder fuel injection engine in the 280 TE.

Smooth, dynamic six-cylinder engine. The crankshaft of a six-cylinder engine

receives three power pulses per revolution. In this way, power flow is more continuous. Mass-balancing is always better in a six­cylinder engine, so the smooth-running characteristics of the engine are raised to a very high level.

An additional advantage - due to the engine's characteristics, it is possible to drive briskly and smoothly at low engine speeds, and at the same time to reduce wear and fuel consumption.

The reduction in idling speed, new idling air duct to the intake manifold, electronic fuel cut-off on the overrun, modified transistorised ignition and other detail improvements have reduced fuel consumption by up to 10 0/o.

Fuel consumption of the six-cylinder fuel-injected engine in the 280 TE (136 kW, 185 DIN/hp), 15.0 litres/100 km in the urban cycle; 8.5 litres/100 km at 90 km/h; and 10.7 litres/100 km at 120 km/h.

(Figures based on DIN 70 030; con­sumption with the optionally-extra five­speed manual gearbox.)



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Standard equipment. Effortless power-assisted steering.

... Cross·flow principle with optimally-positioned intake and exhaust ducts, controlled swirl because of the design of the combustion chamber and the arrangement of the valves in a V·shape contribute to low fuel consumption.

On the other hand, the reassuring power reserves in the upper speed range can be activated within seconds.

Fuel is fed into the cylinders by means of a mechanical injection pump.

Steering that helps you to control the car in every situation.

The steering system of a Mercedes has to meet a number of requirements which, at first glance, appear to be contradictory. On the one hand, it has to be light, so that the car can be manoeuvred easily. On the other hand, it must not be "spongy", so that the driver retains the "feel" of the road. The complete steering system has to be very sturdy, yet for safety reasons, highly impact­absorbing as well.

The standard, power-assisted steering system in the Mercedes T series meets all these requirements superbly.

What is so typically Mercedes is the fact that the power-assistance increases progressively as road resistance becomes greater.

For instance, when negotiating bends slowly, or when manoeuvring the car, the hydraulic system provides full power-assist­ance. At high speeds, when less assistance is required, oil pressure is reduced automa­tically. This retains the good "feel" of the road.

The steering ratio - 3.2 turns from lock to lock - makes easily controlled evasive manoeuvres possible, even in critical situa­tions.

Front axle with twin control arms and anti-dive control.

Suspension that remains unrumed. Because of the accurate matching of

wheel-locating, springing and damping elements, the road-holding of Mercedes cars is unsurpassed. The long wheelbase, 2795 mm (110.0 ins.), the wide track, 1488 mm (58.6 ins.) at the front and 1459 mm (57.2 ins.) at the rear, smooth out uneven surfaces.

Independent wheel suspension with twin control arms at the front and diagonal trailing arms at the rear. Zero-offset steering, anti-dive control at the front, anti-roll bars and double-acting gas-pressure shock absorbers front and rear together give a uniquely comfortable ride.

In this way, the suspension makes a vital contribution towards the comprehen­sive relief from stress. Driver and passengers remain fit and alert in that refined yet effective manner which has always been the difference between driving a car and Mercedes motoring.

The Mercedes T is fitted, as standard, with self-levelling suspension. The overall load and the load on the rear axle are monitored by a sensor and automatically balanced by an oil-pressure controlled levelling device. Full spring travel is always available.

Self-levelling suspension (standard) always keeps the car level.

This operates all the time the engine is running, not only on good roads but also over rough tracks and poor road surf aces.

Automatic self-levelling ensures that the Mercedes T is always easy to manoeuvre, even when carrying heavy loads.

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Saving the most valuable of all energies, human energy.

In a Mercedes, safety is far more than the sum-total of all of its active and passive safety features.

The high degree of reliability of every part, of every major component, adds to the safety potential of this car, as does the stress-relief and reassuring comfort. It aIIows the driver to concentrate fuIIy on what is happening on the road, and react positively whatever the situation.

Mercedes-Benz build cars which enable their drivers to cope calmly with even the most critical situations. Cars with characteristics that invite a considerate and relaxed style of motoring and thus discour­age the driver from taking risks.

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The brake pad wear indicator reminds you in good time that the brake pads need to replaced.

The safety door lock can resist even the heaviest impacts.

Visibility means safety. In a Mercedes-Benz, the essential

needs to be able to see and to be seen clearly are some of the factors that deter­mine the shape of the body. In spite of its extremely rigid roof, a Mercedes provides excellent all-round visibility.

Plastic strips on the front roof piIIars and an additional rain runnel above the rear screen help to prevent the windows from becoming dirty in bad weather.

The unusually broad wiper blades are positioned to sweep 78°/o of the wind­screen.

Integrated halogen headlamps and fog­lamps (headlamp range-adjustment from the driver's seat) and the rear fog light ensure good illumination, whatever the weather, or the load in the car.

Reversing is no problem, with the unimpeded view to the rear and two reversing lights.

Electronically·controlled restraint system with airbag and belt-tensioner.

The ABS anti-lock braking system (an optional extra) ensures maximum braking efficiency and steerability even on wet, snow·packed or black­ice surfaces.

Two brake circuits -to be on the safe side.

Reliable brakes and smooth braking are important safety factors. Therefore, in a Mercedes, independent, servo-assisted brake circuits act separately on the front and rear wheels. Should one of the brake circuits actuaIIy fail, the brake power in the other one is raised automatically to com­pensate.

The large discs ensure both a firm "grip" and smooth braking.

To prevent corrosion of the brake lines to the greatest possible extent, they are covered with highly resistant plastic.

The foot-operated parking brake -another independent system - has separate brake shoes and brake drums.

The crumple zones. incorporating progressive degrees of rigidity,

give the greatest possible pro tection in head-on and rear·end collisions.

The reassuring all-round safety of a Mercedes.

A Mercedes protects you by means of numerous visible and invisible details.

Smooth, padded surfaces inside the car absorb energy in the event of an impact. The safety steering system, with its large padded boss, impact absorber, deformable corrugated tube and the steering box located a long way behind the front axle, contributes significantly to the driver's pro­tection.

To complement the standard three­point inertia-reel seat belts, Mercedes-Benz offer the airbag and belt-tensioner as an optional extra.

At an impact of clearly defined sever­ity, the airbag is inflated, cushions the driver and deflates itself again - all within a fraction of a second, before the driver can even register what is happening.

A few milliseconds after a severe impact, the belt-tensioner pulls the belt tight against the front passenger .

The door handles and locks have been designed so that the doors do not burst open in an accident, so the occupants can­not be thrown out. On the other hand, they do not jam in the event of a lateral impact. The fuel tank is located in the well-protected area over the rear axle, and there is a bulk­head between it and the passenger com­partment.

Pre-defined crumple zones absorb a maximum of impact energy without endangering the occupants. The first zone yields most easily, reduces the severity of the impact and may protect the occupants of the other car as well. The second zone, the engine area, offers increasing resistance to deformation and the third zone, the pas­senger safety-cell, has a very high degree of rigidity. Flqor and sides are extremely rigid; the doors, hinges and locks form an integral system which is capable of absorbing def or­mation energy. The complete side-structure is both very strong and flexible.

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From design to servicing -top quality has top priority.

The reliability of a Mercedes is based on attention to every aspect, right down to the smallest detail, in the manufacture and servicing of Mercedes-Benz cars. From development and design through to produc­tion and after-sales service.

This legendary reliability has time and again been verified by surveys. The cars in this series have always been prominent in the statistics of German Motor Clubs and Technical Inspection Authorities, in terms of the lowest frequency of repairs required and off ewer breakdowns.

This high standard of quality is not a matter of luck.

Before a Mercedes model goes into large-scale production, it has already covered millions of miles of testing under the most arduous conditions. A staff of several hundred have practiced every assembly job in a pilot plant before production begins. In this way, every potential error can be detected in good time, and eliminated.

Yet another aspect of safety can be expressed in figures. The quality of a Mercedes allows a warranty period of one year (unlimited mileage) and major service intervals of 20,000 km (12,000 miles).

Finally, the reliability of the after-sales service also forms part of Mercedes-Benz quality. There are more than 5,200 service points in 170 countries.

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Mercedes 240 TD. Basic Equipment Engine

Four-cylinder in-line diesel engine. 2399 cm3• 53 kW. 72 DIN/hp. Mechanical four-plunger injection pump with automatic injection timing device. Mercedes-Benz pre-chamber injection.

Gearbox/ clutch Baulk-ring synchromesh four-speed gearbox: synchronised reverse

gear: floor shift: self-adjusting diaphragm spring clutch. Optional extras. five-speed manual gearbox or Mercedes-Benz automatic transmission.

Suspension Coil springs all round, with double-acting telescopic shock absorbers.

Anti-roll bars front and rear. At the front, twin control arms and anti-dive control. Rear diagonal trailing arms and automatic self-levelling suspension.

Brakes Dual-circuit power-assisted braking system: disc brakes front and rear,

parking brake with additional brake shoes and brake drums: brake-failure warning light for both brake circuits: brake pad wear indicator. Optional extra. anti-lock braking system.

Bodywork All-steel. self-stabilising body-shell: rigid, torsion-resistant passenger

compartment (safety cell): fuel tank above rear axle: impact-absorbing front and rear sections: excellent all-round visibility: panoramic safety glass windows; five easy-closing doors; rear door with two gas-pressure springs integrated into the roof: rubber strip inserts in decorative mouldings on both sides: bumpers with broad rubber inserts. Roof rails for additional roof containers or racks. Optional extras. various luggage containers. surfboard. boat, bicycle racks, etc.

Steering Accurate, light-action Mercedes-Benz power-assisted zero-offset steer·

ing: steering damper: large padded steering wheel boss: impact absorber under the padded boss: corrugated. deformable section in steering column: steering box located well behind the front axle.

Seats Anatomically contoured seats shaped to give lateral and lumbar

support: seat springing adjusted to vehicle suspension and seat position: front seats firmly anchored, adjustable forwards and backwards as well as for backrest angle. driver's seat adjustable for height. Rear seat bench folds forwards. rear seat squab, with quick-release catches. can be removed easily. Three-point inertia-reel seat belts and safety head restraints on the front seats. Optional extras. divided rear seat bench (one-third/two-thirds) and/or an additional row of backward-facing seats for children which folds down flush with the floor. On rear seat bench two three-point inertia-reel seat belts and a centre lap belt.

Heating a.nd v entilation Continuous. draught-free flow of warm or cold air with three-stage

booster fan for windscreen, side windows and front and rear footwells: air volume and air distribution for warm and cold air variable and separately adjustable up and down. Heating separately controlled for right and lefl sides: two eyeball vents for fresh air in the centre of the dashboard. widely variable in direction.

Windows Laminated safety-glass windscreen: wipers and washer units front

and rear: windscreen wipers with two speeds and intermittent control. operated by the combination switch on the steering column. Rear screen wiper with wash/wipe unit operated by a rocker switch on the centre console. Heated rear screen.

Instruments Instrument panel padded, yields on impact: speedometer. oil pressure

gauge. fuel gauge, cooling water temperature gauge: indicator lights for pre­heating, battery charge. parking brake. direction indicators. high-beam. fuel reserve: brake pad wear indicator: quartz-crystal clock, m ileage recorder. daily mileage recorder.

Signalling system Headlight flasher: self-cancelling direction indicators with fingertip

contact for overtaking, operated by the combination switch on the steering column. Horn. brake lights. hazard warning lights.

Lighting system Broad-beam halogen headlights with asymmetric low-beams,

pneumatic adjustment for laden or unladen car: halogen foglights; parking lights, side lights. reversing lights. rear fog lamp: variable instrument light­ing: boot light. passenger compartment light w ith delay switch and rear compartment light with door contact and hand switch: illuminated ashtray. glove compartment and heater controls. Warning buzzer for headlights left switched on.

Locks Safety locks on all doors with lock-securing knobs. and child-proof

locks on the rear doors: steering wheel lock combined with quick-start system: starter non-repeat unit: master key for doors. steering and fuel tank locks.

Miscellaneous Wood-veneered dashboard: oddments tray between the front seats:

pockets on the front doors: panoramic rear-view mirror adjustable to anti· glare position: exterior rear-view mirrors adjustable from inside the car (nearside mirror electrically adjustable): padded sun visors. with vanity mirror on the passenger's side: grab handles on roof frame: clothes hooks on rear grab handles: padded armrests on doors. with grab handle on the co-driver's side: cigar lighter. ashtrays front and rear: anchorage points for rear seat belts: carpets front and rear: towing lugs front and rear: warning triangle: first-aid box.

The contents of this brochure are not binding. and the right to make modifications is reserved.

The illustrations include optional extras which do not form part of the standard equipment.

Technical Data Number of cylinders Bore/Stroke

Total displacement Engine output (DIN1


Max. torque (DIN1)

Compression ratio Engine oil capacity max./min. Capacity of cooling system Generator Battery Max. speed


4 90.0/92.4 mm 3.58/3.64 ins. 2399 cm3 146.0 cu. ins. 53 kW at 4400/min 72 hp at 4400 rpm 137 Nm at 2400/min 14 mkp at 2400 rpm 21 5.0/3.5 litres 8.8/6.2 Imp. pts. 10 litres 14 V/55 A 12 V/88 Ah 143 km/h approx. 89 mph approx. 195/70 R 14 90 S

Fuel diesel Fuel consumption acc. to DIN 70 0302


in urban cycle 9.5 litres/ 100 km 29.7 m.p. Imp. gal.

at 90 km/h

at 120 km/h

Tank capacity (ind. reserve) Turning circle diameter Weights Curb weight3), unladen higher payload version Perm. gross weight higher payload version Roof load

7.2 litres/100 km 39.2 m.p. Imp. gal. 9.9 litres/100 km 28.5 m.p. Imp. gal. 70 litres (appr. 11 litres) 11.29 metres 37.0 fl.

1525 kg 1550 kg 2145 kg 2250 kg


3365 lbs. 3420 lbs. 4730 lbs. 4960 lbs.

Trailers - because of varying legislation in different countries, please consult your Mercedes-Benz dealer.

' ) Output and torque given Jn kW (hp) or Nm (mkp) resp. according to DIN 700 20 is effectively available at 1he clutch (or driving 1he vehicle. any other power consumplion has already bec:::n deducted

?) Ft1cl consumption acc. to DIN 700 30, f)3rt I. July L978 ed11ton. The fuel consumption figures St'1ted have been determined by using a standardized test procedure. Thss procedure cornprises - rig testing with a simulated urban cycle: - tests on a 1esc rig or on a dry level road wi1h tes.1 speeds of90 km/h and 120 km/h,

This gives poten1ial purch(ls.ers a basis ror comparing different types of vehicles. The fuel consumption figores obt.;iined in nonnal opera1ion will differ from these determined by this standardized procedure. depending on 1he driving siyle, road :ind traffic condilions. ~nviron· mental ractors. and lhe condilion of the vehicle.

3) The figure ror curb weight opplies to standi!rd v(rsion vehicles.. Specitil equipme:.nt increases 1his ngvre.

The data included in chis brochure are to be regarded as approximate.

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Mercedes 300 TD. Basic Equipment Engine

Five-cylinder in·line diesel engine. 2998 cm3 , 65 kW. 88 DIN/hp. Mechanical five-plunger injection pump with automatic injection timing device. Mercedes-Benz pre-chamber injection.

Gearbox/ clutch Baulk-ring synchromesh four-speed gearbox; floor shift: self-adjusting

diaphragm spring clutch. Optional extras, five-speed manual gearbox or Mercedes-Benz automatic transmission. also availble with Tempomat (cruise control!).

Suspension Coil springs all round, with double-acting telescopic shock absorbers.

Anti·roll bars front and rear. At the front, twin control arms and anti·dive control. Rear diagonal trailing arms and automatic self-levelling suspension.

Brakes Dual-circuit power-assisted braking system: disc brakes front and rear.

parking brake with additional brake shoes and brake drums: brake·failure warning light for both brake circuits: brake pad wear indicator. Optional extra, anti-lock braking system.

Bodywork All-steel, self-stabilising body-shell: rigid, torsion-resistant passenger

compartment (safety cell): fuel tank above rear axle: impact-absorbing front and rear sections: excellent all-round visibility: panoramic safety glass windows: five easy-closing doors: rear door with two gas-pressure springs integrated into the roof: rubber strip inserts in decorative mouldings on both sides: bumpers with broad rubber inserts. Roof rails for additional roof containers or racks. Optional extras. various luggage containers, surfboard, boat, bicycle racks, etc.

Steering Accurate, light-action Mercedes-Benz power-assisted zero-offset steer­

ing; steering damper: large padded steering wheel boss: impact absorber under the padded boss: corrugated, deformable section in steering column: steering box located well behind the front axle.

Seats Anatomically contoured seats shaped to give lateral and lumbar

support: seat springing adjusted to vehicle suspension and seat position: front seats firmly anchored. adjustable forwards and backwards as well as for backrest angle, driver's seat adjustable for height. Rear seat bench folds forwards. rear seat squab, with quick-release catches. can be removed easily. Three-point inertia-reel seat belts and safety head restraints on the front seats. Optional extras, divided rear seat bench (one-third/two-thirds) and/or an additional row ofbackward·facing seats for children which folds down flush with the floor. On rear seat bench two three·point inertia-reel seat belts and a centre lap belt.

Heating and ventilation Continuous. draught-free flow of warm or cold air with three-stage

booster fan for windscreen. side windows and front and rear footwells; air volume and air distribution for warm and cold air variable and separately adjustable up and down. Heating separately controlled for right and lefi sides: two eyeball vents for fresh air in the centre of the dashboard, widely variable in direction.

Windows Laminated safety-glass windscreen: wipers and washer units front

and rear: windscreen wipers with two speeds and intermittent control. operated by the combination switch on the steering column. Rear screen wiper with wash/wipe unit operated by a rocker switch on the centre console. Heated rear screen.

Instruments Instrument panel padded. yields on impact: speedometer. oil pressure

gauge. fuel gauge, cooling water temperature gauge; indicator lights for pre­heating, battery charge. parking brake, direction indicators, high-beam, fuel reserve; brake pad wear indicator: quartz-crystal dock. mileage recorder, daily mileage recorder.

Signalling system Headlight flasher: self-cancelling direction indicators with fingertip

contact for overtaking, operated by the combination switch on the steering column. Hom, brake lights, hazard warning lights.

Lighting system Broad-beam halogen headlights with asymmetric low-beams.

pneumatic adjustment for laden or unladen car: halogen fogligbts: parking lights, side lights, reversing lights, rear fog lamp: variable instrument light­ing; boot light, passenger compartment light with delay switch and rear compartment light with door contact and hand switch: illuminated ashtray, glove compartment and heater controls. Warning buzzer for headlights lefl switched on.

Locks Safety locks on all doors with lock-securing knobs, and child-proof

locks on the rear doors: steering wheel lock combined with quick-start system: starter non-repeat unit: master key for doors, steering and fuel tank locks.

Miscellaneous Wood-veneered dashboard: oddments tray between the front seats:

pockets on the front doors: panoramic rear-view mirror adjustable to anti­glare position; exterior rear·view mirrors adjustable from inside the car (nearside mirror electrically adjustable): padded sun visors, with vanity mirror on the passenger's side: grab handles on roof frame; clothes hooks on rear grab handles: padded armrests on doors, with grab handle on the co-driver's side; cigar lighter, ashtrays front and rear: anchorage points for rear seat belts: carpets front and rear: towing lugs front and rear: warning triangle: first-aid box.

The contents of this brochure are not binding, and the right to make modifications is reserved.

The illustrations include optional extras which do not form part of the standard equipment.

Technical Data Number of cylinders Bore/Stroke

Total displacement Engine output (DIN1


Max. torque (DIN1)

Compression ratio Engine oil capacity max./min. Capacity of cooling system Generator Battery

5 90.9/92.4 mm 3.58/3.64 ins. 2998 cm3 183.0 cu. ins. 65 kW at 4000/min 88 hp at 4000 rpm 172 Nm at 2400/min 17.5 mkp at 2400 rpm 21 5.0/3.5 litres 8.8/6.2 Imp. pts. 11 litres 19.4 Imp. pts. 14 V/55 A 12 V/88Ah

Max. speed 155 km/h approx. 96 mph approx.

Tyres 195/70 R 14 90 S Fuel diesel Fuel consumption acc. to DIN 70 0302


in urban cycle 9.7 litres/100 km 29.1 m.p. Imp. gal.

at 90 km/h 7.8 litres/100 km 36.2 m.p. Imp. gal.

at 120 km/h

Tank capacity (incl. reserve) Turning circle diameter Weights Curb weight3). unladen hjgher payload version Perm. gross weight higher payload version Roof load

10.4 litres/100 km 27.1 m.p. Imp. gal. 70 litres (appr. 11 litres) 11.29 metres 37.0 ft.

1570 kg 3460 lbs. 1595 kg 3515 lbs. 2 190 kg 4830 lbs. 4830 kg 5060 lbs.

lOOkg Trailers - because of varying legislation in different countries. please consult your Mercedes-Benz dealer.

') Outpu1 and torque given in kW (hp) or Nm (mkp) resp. according to DIN 700201s effeccively available at the clutch for driving the vehicle, any 01her power consumption has already been deducted.

') Fuel consu1nption acc. to DIN 70030, pan I. July 1978 edition. The fuel consumption ngures stated have been determined by using a standardized test procedure. This procedure. compri~s - rtg test.Ing with a s.imulated urban cycle: - tests on a test rig or on a dry level road with 1est speeds of 90 km/h and 120 km/h,

This gives po!e.ntial purcha~rs a basis for comparing different types ofvehides. The fuel con· sumplion figures obtained in notrnal operation will differ from these determined by this standar· dized procedure, depending on the driving style. road and traffic conditions. environmental factors. and the condition of the vehk:,le.

3) The figure for curb weigh1 applies to standard version vehicles.. Special equipment increases this figure.

The data included in this brochure are to be regarded as approxlmate.

Mercedes 300 TD Turbo-Diesel Basic Equipment Engine

Five-cylinder in-line diesel engine with exhaust-gas turbocharger; 2998 cm3• 92 kW, 125 DIN/hp. Mechanical five-plunger injection pump with automatic injection timing device. Mercedes· Benz pre-chamber injection.

Transmission Mercedes-Benz automatic transmission: floor shifi. Optional extra,

Tempomat (cruise control).

Suspension Coil springs all round, with double-acting telescopic shock absorbers.

Anti-roll bars front and rear. At the front, twin control arms and anti-dive control. Rear diagonal trailing arms and automatic self-levelling suspension.

Brakes Dual-circuit power-assisted braking system: disc brakes front and rear.

parking brake with additional brake shoes and brake drums; brake-failure warning light for both'brake circuits: brake pad wear indicator. Optional extra. anti-lock braking system.

Bodywork All-steel. self-stabilising body-shell; rigid, torsion-resistant passenger

compartment (safety cell); fuel tank above rear axle: impact-absorbing front and rear sections: excellent all-round visibility; panoramic safety glass windows: five easy-closing doors; rear door with two gas-pressure springs integrated into the roof: rubber strip inserts in decorative mouldings on both sides; bumpers with broad rubber inserts. Roof rails for additional roof containers or racks. Optional extras, various luggage containers. surfboard, boat, bicycle racks, etc.

Steering Accurate, light-action Mercedes· Benz power-assisted zero·o!Tset steer·

ing: steering damper: large padded steering wheel boss: impact absorber under the padded boss: corrugated. deformable section in steering column: steering box located well behind the front axle.

Seats Anatomically contoured seats shaped to give lateral and lumbar

support: seat springing adjusted to vehicle suspension and seat position: front seats firmly anchored, adjustable forwards a nd backwards as well as for backrest angle, driver's seat adjustable for height. Rear seat bench folds forwards. rear seat squab, with quick-release catches. can be removed easily. Three-point inertia-reel seat belts and safety head restraints on the front seats. Optional extras. divided rear seat bench (one-third/two·thirds) and/or an additional row of backward-facing seats for children which folds down flush with the floor. On rear seat bench two three·point inertia-reel seat belts and a centre lap belt.

Heating and ventilation Continuous, draught-free now of warm or cold air with three·stage

booster fan for windscreen. side windows and front and rear footwells: air volume and air distribution for warm and cold air variable and separately adjustable up and down. Heating separately controlled for right and lefi sides; two eyeball vents for fresh air in the centre of the dashboard, widely variable in direction, heated rear window ..

Windows Laminated safety-glass windscreen: wipers and washer units front

and rear: windscreen wipers with two speeds and intermittent control, operated by the combination switch on the steering column. Rear screen wiper with wash/wipe unit operated by a rocker switch on the centre console. Heated rear screen.

Instruments Instrument panel padded. yields on impact: speedometer, oil pressure

gauge, fuel gauge, cooling water temperature gauge; indicator lights for pre­heating, battery charge, parking brake, direction indicators, high-beam. fuel reserve: brake pad wear indicator; quartz-crystal clock, mileage recorder, daily mileage recorder.

Signalling system Headlight flasher; self-cancelling direction indicators with fingertip

contact for overtaking, operated by the combination switch on the steering column. Horn. brake lights. hazard warning lights.

Lighting system Broad-beam halogen headlights with asymmetric low-beams,

pneumatic adjustment for laden or unladen car: halogen foglights; parking lights. side lights, reversing lights, rear fog lamp; variable instrument light­ing: boot light, passenger compartment light with delay switch and rear compartment light with door contact and hand switch: illuminated ashtray, glove compartment and heater controls. Warning buzzer for headlights lefl switched on.

Locks Safety locks on all doors with lock-securing knobs, and child-proof

locks on the rear doors: steering wheel lock combined with quick-start system; starter non-repeat unit: master key for doors, steering and fuel tank locks.

Miscellaneous Wood-veneered dashboard; oddments tray between the front seats:

pockets on the front doors: panoramic rear· view mirror adjustable to anti­glare position: exterior rear-view mirrors adjustable from inside the car (nearside mirror electrically adjustable): padded sun visors, with vanity mirror on the passenger's side: grab handles on roof frame: clothes hooks on rear grab handles: padded armrests on doors, with grab handle on the co-driver's side: cigar lighter, ashtrays front and rear: anchorage points for rear seat belts; carpets front and rear: towing lugs front and rear; warning triangle: first-aid box.

The contents of this brochure are not binding, and the right to make modifications is reserved.

The illustrations include optional extras which do not form part of the standard equipment.

Technical Data Number of cylinders Bore/Stroke

Total displacement Engine output (DIN1


Max. torque (DJN1)

Compression ratio Engine oil capacity max./min. Capacity of cooling system Generator Battery Max. speed


5 90.9/92.4 mm 3.58/3.64 ins. 2998 cm3 183.0 cu. ins. 92 kW at 4350/min 125 hp at 4350 rpm 250 Nm at 2400/min 25.5 mkp at 2400 rpm 21.5 6.0/4.5 litres 10.6/7.9 Imp. pts. 12,5 litres 22 Imp. pts. 14 V/55 A 12 V/88Ah 165 km/h approx. 103 mph approx. 195/70 R 14 90 S 103 mph approx.

Fuel diesel Fuel consumption acc. to DIN 70 0302


in urban cycle 10,4 litres/100 km

at 90km/h 27.l m.p. Imp. gal. 8.0 litres/100 km 35.3 m.p. Imp. gal.

at 120km/h

Turning circle diameter Tank capacity

incl. reserve

Weights Curb weight3), unladen higher payload version Perm. gross weight higher payload version Roofload

10,9 litres/ 100 km 25.9 m.p. Imp. gal. 11.29 m 37.0 ft 70 litres approx. 14.3 Imp. gals. 11 litres approx. 2.1 Imp. gals

1620 kg 3570 lbs. 1645 kg 3625 lbs. 2230 kg 4915 lbs. 2335 kg 5 145 lbs.

lOOkg Trailers - because of varying legislation in different countries, please consult your Mercedes-Benz dealer. 1) Output and torque given in kW (hp) or Nm (mkp) resp. according to DIN 700 20 is effectively

available at the clutch for driving the vehicle. any other power consumption has already been deducted.

' ) Fuel c:onsumption ac:c.. to DIN 700 30. part I.July 1978 edition. The ruel consumption figures stated have been determined by using a standardiied lest proc:edure. This proc:edure c:omprises - rig testing wi1h a simulated urban cycle: - tests on a te.st rig or on a dry level road with test spe.eds of 90 km/h and 120 km/h.

This glves poten1lal purchasers a basis for comparing different types of vehicles. The fuel con· sumption figures obtained in normal operation will differ from these determined by this standar· dized proc:edure. depending on the driving ~yle. road and traffic c:onditions. environmental factors. and the condition of the vehicle.

') The figure for cutb weJght applies to standard version vehides.. Special equipment increases this figure.

The data Included in this brochure are to be regarded as approxima1e.

Page 66: MB S123

Mercedes 200 T. Basic Equipment Engine

Four-cylinder in·line engine, 1997 cm3. 80 kW. 109 DIN/hp, at 5200/min. Vacuum-controlled constant-pressure cross-draught carburet­tor: contactless, transistorised ignition, diagnosis socket.

Gearbox/ clutch Baulk-ring synchromesh four·speed gearbox; synchronised reverse

gear; floor shift; self-adjusting diaphragm spring clutch. Optional extras, five-speed manual gearbox or Mercedes-Benz automatic transmission.

Suspension Coil springs all round, with double·acting telescopic shock absorbers.

Anti-roll bars front and rear. Al the front, twin control arms and anti·dive control. Rear diagonal trailing arms and automatic self-levelling suspension.

Brakes Dual-circuit power-assisted braking system: disc brakes front and rear,

parking brake with additional brake shoes and brake drums: brake-failure warning light for both brake circuits; brake pad wear indicator. Optional extra, anti-lock braking system.

Bodywork All-steel. self·stabilising body-shell; rigid, torsion-resistant passenger

compartment (safety cell) ; fuel tank above rear axle; impact-absorbing front and rear sections: excellent all-round visibility: panoramic safely glass windows; five easy-dosing doors; rear door with two gas-pressure springs integrated into the roof; rubber strip inserts in decorative mouldings on both sides: bumpers with broad rubber inserts. Roof rails for additional roof containers or racks. Optional extras, various luggage containers, surfboard, boat. bicycle racks. etc.

Steering Accurate. light-action Mercedes-Benz power-assisted zero-offset steer·

ing; steering damper: large padded steering wheel boss: impact absorber under the padded boss: corrugated, deformable section in steering column; steering box located well behind the front axle.

Seats Anatomically contoured seats shaped to give lateral and lumbar

support: seat springing adjusted to vehicle suspension and seat position: front seats firmly anchored, adjustable forwards and backwards as well as for backrest angle. driver's seat adjustable for height. Rear seat bench folds forwards. rear seat squab, with quick-release catches, can be removed easily. Three·point inertia-reel seat belts and safety head restraints on the front seats. Optional extras. divided rear seal bench (one-third/two·thirds) and/ or an additional row of backward-facing seats for children which folds down flush with the floor. On rear seat bench two three-point inertia-reel seat belts and a centre lap belt.

Heating and ventilation Continuous, draught-free flow of warm or cold air with three-stage

booster fan for windscreen, side windows and front and rear footwells; air volume and air distribution for warm and cold air variable and separately adjustable up and down. Heating separately controlled for right and left sides; two eyeball vents for fresh air in the centre of the dashboard, widely variable in direction, heated rear window.

Windows Laminated safety·glass windscreen; wipers and washer units front

and rear: windscreen wipers with two speeds and intermittent control, operated by the combination switch on the steering column. Rear screen wiper with wash/wipe unit operated by a rocker switch on the centre console. Heated rear screen.

Instruments Instrument panel padded, yields on impact; speedometer, oil pressure

gauge, fuel gauge, cooling water temperature gauge: fuel consumption trend indicator: indicator lights for battery charge. parking brake, direction indica­tors, high-beam. fuel reserve: brake pad wear indicator; quartz-crystal dock, mileage recorder, daily mileage recorder.

Signalling system Headlight flasher; self-cancelling direction indicators with fingertip

contact for overtaking, operated by the combination switch on the steering column. Horn, brake lights, hazard warning lights.

Lighting system Broad-beam halogen headlights with asymmetric low-beams,

pneumatic adjustment for laden or unladen car: halogen foglights; parking lights, side lights. reversing lights, rear fog lamp; variable instrument light­ing; boot light, passenger compartment light with delay switch and rear compartment light with door contact and hand switch; illuminated ashtray, glove compartment and heater controls. Warning buzzer for headlights left switched on.

Locks Safety locks on all doors with lock·securing knobs, and child-proof

locks on the rear doors; steering wheel lock combined with ignition lock; master key for doors, ignition. steering and fuel tank locks.

Miscellaneous Wood-veneered dashboard: oddments tray between the front seats:

pockets on the front doors: panoramic rear-view mirror adjustable to anti­glare position: exterior rear-view mirrors adjustable from inside the car (nearside mirror electrically adjustable); padded sun visors, with vanity mirror on the passenger's side; grab handles on roof frame; clothes hooks on rear grab handles; padded armrests on doors, with grab handle on the co-driver's side: cigar lighter, ashtrays front and rear; anchorage points for rear seat belts: carpels front and rear: towing lugs front and rear; warning triangle: first-aid box.

The contents of this brochure are not binding, and the right to make modifications is reserved.

The illustrations include optional extras which do not form part of the standard equipment.

Technical Data Number of cylinders Bore/Stroke

Total displacement Engine output (DIN1


Max. torque (DIN1)

Compression ratio Engine oil capacity max./min. Capacity of cooling system Generator Battery Max. speed

4 89.0/80.25 mm 3.50/3.16 ins. 1997 cm3 121.86 cu. ins. 80 kW at 5200/min 109 hp at 5200 rpm 1 70 Nm at 3000/min 17.3 mkp at 3000 rpm 9.0 4.3/2.8 litres 7.6/4.9 Imp. pts. 8.5 litres 14 V/55 A 12 V/55 Ah 168 km/h approx. 104 mph approx.

Tyres 195/70 R 14 90 S Fuel Super (DIN 51600) Fuel consumption acc. to DIN 70 0302


in urban cycle

at 90 km/h

13.1 litres/100 km 21.6 m.p. Imp. gal. 7.9 litres/100 km 35.8 m.p. Imp. gal.

at 120 km/h

Tank capacity

incl. reserve

Turning circle diameter Weights Curb weight3), unladen higher payload version Perm. gross weight higher payload version Roofload

10.2 litres/ 100 km 27.7 m.p. Imp. gal. 70 litres approx. 14.3 Imp. gals. 11 litres approx. 2.1 Imp. gals 11.29 metres 37.0 fl.

1480 kg 3260 lbs. 1505 kg 3320 lbs. 2100 kg 4630 lbs. 2205 kg 4860 lbs.

100 kg Trailers - because of varying legislation in different countries. please consult your Mercedes-Benz dealer.

') Output and torque given in kW (hp) or Nm (mkp) resp. according to DIN 700 20 is effectively available at the clutch for d riving the vehicle, any o ther power consumption has already been deducted.

') Fuel consu.mption acc. to DIN 700 30. part 1.July 1978 edition. The fuel consumption figures seated have been determined by using a scandardii ed tes1 procedure. This procedure comprises - rig testing w ith a simuJated urban cycle: - tests on a test rigor on a dry level road with test speeds of90 km/h and 120 km/ h.

This gives potential purchasers a basis for comparing different types of vehicles. The fue.I con· S\lmption figures obtained In normal operalJon v1ill differ from these determined by this stand ar· dized procedure, depending on the driving sty le. road and traffic: c:onditions. environmental factors. and the c:ondition of1he vehicle.

ll) The figure for curb weight applies to standard version vehicles. Special equipmenc increases this figure.

The data included In this brochure are to be regarded as approximate.


Mercedes T. Technical Data

i-~~~~~~~~~~- o~~~~~~~~~~--i



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i-------B- - - - ----i i------- B------~

A Overall height, unlade·n 1470 mm

B Overall width 1786mm

c Overall length 4725 mm

D Wheelbase 2795mm

E Steering wheel - driver's seat backrest4) 482mm

F Seat height. front 975mm

G Driver's backrest - rear seat backrest4) 681 mm

H Seal height at rear 952mm

K Overall seat width. front 1476mm

L Width at shoulder height, front 1422 mm

M Overall seat width, rear 1480 mm

N Width at shoulder height, rear 1410 mm

Width, load space rear 960- 1480 mm

57.9 ins.

70.3 ins.

186.0 ins.

110.0 ins.

19.l ins.

38.4 ins.

24.1 ins.

37.5 ins.

58.1 ins.

56.0 ins.

58.3 ins.

55.5 ins.

37.8- 58.3 ins.

Track width, rear

J Length, load space

Length, load space with rear seats folded forward

Height of load compartment floor above road surface

Height, load compartment floor to roof

Height of open rear door above ground

Volume of load compartment with rear seats folded forward5)

with rear seats in normal position 5)

•) Dimensions vary according lo sealing position.

S) Volume acc. to VOA: laden to lower edge or rear window.

1453 mm

1232 mm

1784 mm



1942 mm

879 litres

523 litres


57.2 ins.

48.5 ins.

70.2 ins.

21.1 ins.

31.5 ins.

76.5 ins.

31.04 cu.ft.

18.47 cu.ft.

Track width, front 1488 mm 58.6 ins. The data included in this brochure are to be regarded as approximate.

M !!:! ~ c:;> N 0

0 0

"' 0

Page 67: MB S123

Mercedes 230 TE. Basic Equipment Engine

Four-cylinder in-line engine, 2299 cm3, JOO kW, 136 DIN/hp, at

5100/min. Mechanical fuel injedion: contactless. transistorised ignition: diagnosis socket: fuel cut-off on overrun.

Gearbox/ d utch Baulk-ring synchromesh four-speed gearbox: synchronised reverse

gear: floor shift: self-adjusting diaphragm spring clutch. Optional extras, five-speed manual gearbox or Mercedes-Benz automatic transmission.

Suspension Coil springs all round, with double-acting telescopic shock absorbers.

Anti-roll bars front and rear. At the front, twin control arms and anti-dive control. Rear diagonal trailing arms and automatic self-levelling suspension.

Brakes Dual-circuit power-assisted braking system: disc brakes front and rear,

parking brake with additional brake shoes and brake drums; brake-failure warning light for both brake circuits; brake pad wear indicator. Optional extra, anti-lock braking system.

Bodywork All-steel. self-stabilising body-shell : rigid, torsion-resistant passenger

compartment (safety cell); fuel tank above rear axle; impact-absorbing front and rear sections: excellent all-round visibility: panoramic safet9 glass w indow s: live easy-closing doors: rear door w ith two gas-pressure springs integrated into the roof: rubber strip inserts in decorative mouldings on both sides: bumpers w ith broad rubber inserts. Roof rails for addi!ional roof containers or racks. Optional extras. various luggage containers, surfboard, boat, bicycle racks, etc.

Steer ing Accurate, light-action Mercedes-Benz power-assisted zero-offset steer­

ing: steering damper: large padded steering wheel boss: impact absorber under the padded boss: corrugated, deformable section in steering column: steering box located well behind the front axle.

Seats Anatomically contoured seats shaped to give lateral and lumbar

support: seat springlng adjusted to vehicle suspension and seat position: front seats firmly anchored, adjustable forwards and backwards as well as for backrest angle. driver's seat adjustable for height Rear seat bench folds forwards. rear seat squab. with quick-release catches. can be removed easily. Three-point inertia-reel seat belts and safety head restraints on the front seats. Optional extras. divided rear seat bench (one-third/two-thirds) and/or an additional row of backward-facing seats for children which folds down flush with the floor. On rear seat bench two three-point inertia-reel seat belts and a centre lap belt.

Heating and ventilation Continuous. draught-free flow of warm or cold air with three-stage

booster fan for windscreen, side windows and front and rear foot wells: air volume and air distribution for warm and cold air variable and separately adjustable up and down. Heating separately controlled for right and left sides: two eyeball vents for fresh air in the centre of the dashboard, w idel y variable in direction, heated rear window.

Windows Laminated safety-glass windscreen: wipers and washer units front

and rear: windscreen wipers with two speeds and intermittent control, operated by the combination switch on the steering column. Rear screen wiper with wash/wipe unit operated by a rocker switch on the centre console. Heated rear screen.

Instruments Instrument panel padded, yields on impact: speedometer. oil pressure

gauge. fuel gauge, cooling water temperature gauge: fuel consumption trend indicator: indicator lights for battery charge, parking brake. direction indica­tors, high-beam, fuel reserve: brake pad wear indicator: quartz-crystal clock. mileage recorder. daily mileage recorder.

Signalling system Headlight flasher: self-cancelling direction indicators with fingertip

contact for overtaking. operated by the combination switch on the steering column. Hom, brake lights, hazard warning lights.

Lighting system Broad-beam halogen headlights w ith asymmetric low-beams,

pneumatic adjustment for laden or unladen car: halogen foglights: parking lights, side lights, reversing lights, rear fog lamp; variable instrument tight· ing; boot light. passenger compartment light with delay switch and rear compartment light with door contact and hand switch: illuminated ashtray, glove compartment and heater controls. Warning buzzer for head lights left switched on.

Locks Safety locks on all doors with lock-securing knobs. and child -proof

locks on the rear doors: steering wheel lock combined with ignition lock; master key for doors, steering, ignition and fuel tank locks.

Miscellaneous Wood-veneered dashboard: oddments tray between the front seats:

pockets on the front doors: panoramic rear-view mirror adjustable to anti­glare position: exterior rear-view mirrors adjustable from inside the car (nearside mirror electrically adjustable); padded sun visors, with vanity mirror on the passenger·s side: grab handles on roof frame: clothes hooks on rear grab handles: padded armrests on doors. with grab handle on the co-driver·s side: cigar lighter, ashtrays front and rear: anchorage points for rear seat belts: carpets front and rear: towing lugs front and rear; warning triangle: first-aid box.

The contents of this brochure are not binding. and the right to make modifications is reserved.

The illustrations include optional extras which do not form part of the standard equipment.

Technical Data Number of cylinders Bore/Stroke

Total displacement Engine output (DIN1


Max. torque (DIN1)

Compression ratio Engine oil capacity max./min. Capacity of cooling system Generator Battery Max.speed

4 95.5/80.25 mm 3.76/3.16 ins. 2299 cm3 140.3 cu. ins. 100 kW at 5100/min 136 hp at 5100 rpm 205 Nm at 3500/min 20.9 mkp at 3500 rpm 9.0 4.3/2.8 litres 7.6/4.9 Imp. pts. 8.5 litres 14 V/ 55A 12 V/55Ah 180 km/h approx. 112 mph approx.

Tyres 195/70R14 90 H Fuel Super (DIN 51600) Fuel consumption acc. to DIN 70 0302


in urban cycle

at 90 km/h

at 120 km/h

13.1 litres/100 km 21.6 m.p. Imp. gal. 8.2 litres/100 km 34.4 m.p. Imp. gal. 10.3 litres/100 km 27.4 m.p. Imp. gal.

Tank capacity (ind. reserve) 70 litres (appr. 11 litres)

Turning circle diameter 11.29 metres 37.0 fl. Weights Curb weight3), unladen 1490 kg 3285 lbs. higher payload version 1515 kg 3340 lbs. Perm. gross weight 2110 kg 4650 lbs. higher payload version 2215 kg 4885 lbs.

-----------=-------~ Roof load 100 kg Trailers - because of varying legislation in different countries, please consult your Mercedes-Benz dealer.

') Output and torque given tn kW (hp) or Nm (mkp) resp. ~ccording to DIN 700 20 i$ effectively available a11he clutch for drivlna 1he vehicle. any other power consumption has already betn deduaed

')Fuel con5Ump1lon MC. lo DIN 70030, part 1,July 1978ed11ion. The futl consumption figures staled have been determined by using l'I standardlzed test procedure. This procedure comprises - rig 1uuna wnh a s!mulnttd urbl'ln cycle; - tests on a 1e~ rlg or on a dry level road with test speeds of90 km/h and 120 km/h.

This gives po1tnlltal pt1rehasers o bosii for comparing different types of vehicles. The fuel con· sumpllon Ogures obcalned Jn normt1I operotton will differ from 1hese determined by chis stt'lndar· dlied procedure. depending oo 1h<: driving style. rolld and traffic conditions.. environnlental factors. and 1he C01ldl1ion 0(1he vehicle.

' ) 1'he flgure for curb wejgh1 oppllcs to standard version vehicles. Special equipment increnses this flgure.

The drit.o Included In this brochure nre to be reg:'ltded as approxima1e.

Mercedes 280 TE. Basic Equipment Engine

Six-cylinder in-line engine with twin overhead camshafts. 136 kW, 185 DIN/hp, at 5800/min. Mechanical fuel injection: contactless transisto· rised ignition: diagnosis socket: fuel cut-off on overrun.

Gearbox/ dutch Baulk-ring synchromesh four-speed gearbox: synchronised reverse

gear: floor shift: self-adjusting diaphragm spring dutch. Optional extras, five-speed manual gearbox or Mercedes-Benz automatic transmission. also available with Tempomat (cruise control).

Suspension Coil springs all round, with double-acting telescopic shock absorbers.

Anti-roll bars front and rear. At the front, twin control arms and anti-dive control. Rear diagonal trailing arms and automatic self-levelling suspension.

Brakes Dual-circuit power-assisted braking system: disc brakes front and rear.

parking brake with additional brake shoes and brake drums: brake-failure warning light for both brake circuits; brake pad wear indicator. Optional extra, anti-lock braking system.

Bodywork All-steel, self-stabilising body-shell : rigid. torsion-resistant passenger

compartment (safety cell); fuel lank above rear axle: impact-absorbing front and rear sections: excellent all-round v isibility; panoramic safety glass windows: live easy-closing doors: rear door with two gas-pressure springs integrated into the roof; rubber strip inserts in decorative mouldings on both side5: bumpers with broad rubber inserts. Roof rails for additional roof containers or racks. Optional extras, various luggage containers. surfboard. boat, bicycle racks, etc.

Steering Accurate. light-action Mercedes-Benz power-assisted zero-offset steer­

ing: steering damper: large padded steering wheel boss: impact absorber under the padded boss: corrugated, deformable section in steering column: steering box located well behind the front axle.

Seats Anatomically contoured seats shaped to give lateral and lumbar

support: seat springing adjusted to vehicle suspension and seat posit.ion: front seats firmly anchored. adjustable forwards and backwards as well as for backrest angle, driver·s seat adjustable for height. Rear seat bench folds forwards, rear seat squab. with quick-release catches. can be removed easily. Three-point inertia-reel seat belts and safety head restraints on the front seats. Optional extras. divided rear seat bench (one-third/two-thirds} and/or an additional row of backward-facing seats for children which folds down flush with the floor. On rear seat bench two three-point inertia·reel seat belts and a centre lap belt.

Heating and ventilation Continuous, draught-free flow of warm or cold air with three-stage

booster fan for windscreen, side w indows and front and rear footwells: air volume and air distribution for warm and cold air variable and separately adjustable up and dow n. Heating separately controlled for right and lefi sides: two eyeball vents for fresh air in the centre of the dashboard. w idely variable in direction. heated rear w indow.

Windows Laminated safety-glass windscreen: wipers and washer units front

and rear: windscreen wipers with two speeds and intermittent control. operated by the combination switch on the steering column. Rear screen wiper with wash/wipe unit operated by a rocker switch on the centre console. Heated rear screen.

Instruments Instrument panel padded, yields on impact: speedometer, oil pressure

gauge, fuel gauge, cooling water temperature gauge: fuel consumption trend indicator: indicator lights for battery charge. parking brake. direction indicators. high-beam, fuel reserve: brake pad wear indicator: quartz-crystal clock. mileage recorder. daily mileage recorder.

Signalling s ystem Headlight Rasher: self.cancelling direction indicators with fingertip

contact for overtaking, operated by the combination switch on the steering column. Hom, brake lights. hazard warning lights.

Lightin g system Broad-beam halogen headlights with asymmetric low-beams.

pneumatic adjustment for laden or unladen car : halogen foglights: parking lights. side lights, reversing lights. rear fog lamp: variable instrument light· Ing: boot light, passenger compartment light w ith delay switch and rear compartment light with door contact and hand switch: illuminated ashtray. glove compartment and heater controls. Warning buzzer for headlights left switched on.

Locks Safety locks on aU doors with lock-securing knobs, and child-proof

locks on the rear doors: steering wheel lock combined with ignition lock: master key for doors. steering. ignition and fuel tank locks.

Miscellaneous Wood-veneered dashboard: oddments tray between the front seats:

pockets on the front doors: panoramic rear-view mirror adjustable to anti· glare position: exterior rear-view mirrors adjustable from inside the car (nearside mirror electrically adjustable): padded sun visors, with vanity mirror on the passenger's side: grab handles on roof frame: clothes hooks on rear grab handles; padded armrests on doors. with grab handle on the co-driver's side: cigar lighter, ashtrays front and rear: anchorage points for rear seat belts: carpets front and rear: towing lugs front and rear: warning triangle: first-aid box.

The contents of this brochure are not binding. and the right to make modifications is reserved.

The illustrations include optional extras which do not form part of the standard equipment.

Technical Data Number of cylinders 6

86.0/78.8 mm -~~~~~~~~~~~~~3_.3_9_1_3_.l~Oin_s~-~~~~

2746 cm3 167,6 cu. ins.


Total displacement Engine output (DIN1


Max. torque (DIN1)

Compression ratio Engine oil capacity max./min. Capacity of cooling system Generator Battery Max. speed

136 kW at 5800/min 185 hp at 5800 rpm 240 Nm at 4500/min 24.5 mkp at 4500 rpm ·---9.0 5.5/ 4.0 litres 9.717.0 Imp. pts. 10.0 litres 14 V/55 A 12 V/55 Ah 200 km/h approx. 124 mph approx.

Ty res 195/70 R 14 90 H Fuel premium Fuel consumption acc. to DIN 70 0302


in urban cycle

at 90 km/h

15.0 litres/ 100 km 18.8 m.p. Imp. gal. 9.3 litres/ 100 km 30.3 m.p. Imp. gal.

at 120 km/h

Tank capacity ind. reserve Turning circle diameter Weights Curb weight3), unladen Perm. gross weight

Roof load

11. 7 litres/ l 00 km 24.1 m.p. Imp. gal. 70 litres appr. 11 litres 11.29 metres 37.0 n.

1560 kg 3440 lbs. 2180 kg 4805 lbs. ----

l OOkg Trailers - because of varying legislation in different countries, please consult your Mercedes-Benz dealer.

1) Ou1put nod 1orque given 1n kW (hp) or Nm (mkp) resp. according to 01N 700 20 Is efTecc1vely nvadable nt che clutch ror driving the vehicle, any 01ht:r power con5(.nnptlon hos ~heady been deducred

' }Fuel COO$tlmplion nee. to DIN 700 30. part I.July 1978 edition. The rued C00$.Umpdon ngures 5UUed have been de1ermined by using a standardlze:d test procedure. This procedure comprises - rig 1e:sting w11h a s.hnulated urban cycle: - tests on a test rlg or on a dry level road with te.$1 ~p~ed~ or90 krn/h und 120 k1n/h

This gives potential purchasers a basis for cornparlng different types of vehldes.- The ft1cl con· sumption figures obt~ined in normal operation will dirrer from 1he.se determined by 1hls standnr• dized procedure, depending on the driving style. road and traffic condlllons, environmental factors. and the condition or 1he vehicle.

') The ngure (or curb weight applies 10 s1andard version vehicles. Special equ!prntrH lncrca5es this figure.

The dnta included in this broc:hure are to be regarded as approximate.

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Page 69: MB S123

''30009 if\7-f ttJv~"' Al~

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Page 72: MB S123

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Page 74: MB S123

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Page 75: MB S123

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Page 76: MB S123

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Page 77: MB S123

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Technical Data


• fJ;j !l'.l it N-123193

I/y/.fl!ji SOHC5'-;f,7' 1' - i!lv

~ f.1j ;.t 5

;f'..7'/ 7- l-0 - ? {mm) 90.9/ 92.4

~ ii~ ~ m (cc) 2,998

Ef !iii! l:t 21.5

1'& i\'li ::ti 11 (DIN hp/rpm) 125/ 4,350

& '!\. I- iv ? (DIN mkp/ rpm) 25.5/2,400

iJ: J& iili 11 ~ !II ~ ~ (A) 7

~til 5' /? ~iil: <e> 70

~ fJ;j m iit {kg) 1,640

5' 1 ""' -tt 1 ;( 195/ 70SR14

~ m ~ t:I f.filll

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B ~ rtJ (mm) 1.785

C ~ ~ (mm) 4.725

D *1-lv"'-7- (mm) 2.795

484 F Jl1Jy - t-;l'l;c (mm) 975

G r71't(-;(y -f-- 'J 7' - y-f-ll.1 (mm) 641 ~~~~~~~~~~~-

H my-f-Rc (m~ 9~

J f~itt.A"'-.A<lHlc (mm) 1,232

K ii1JUI7£rtJ (mm) 1.476

M It: •II'.¥'.rtJ (mm) 1.480

N lt:Y- t- ( Y 3 lv:9"-i!?i c) rtJ {mm) 1.410

I- v "'J r 7 D / I- (mm) 1,490

• 1) 7- (mm) 1.445

&11ilt!!J:ilii (mm) 175

'J 7'f1lix 7.. "'-7- rtJ (mm) 960- 1,480 1J ry- t- ~llT 'J t.:t.:AJ.:B;'f(J) -ac {mm) 1,784

UUi 7 o 7-(J);Ri c Otl!J:1.r <?) (mm) 535 ~~~~~~~~~-

~It ltt 7 D 7 - - Iv- 7 (J) ;gj c (mm) 800

itl!J:- ') 7 r 7 :;t - //9>'j(J)jf!j c (mm) 1.942

Hll51gbl: 'J7y-f-~llT'Jt:t.:A.t.:.t;l~ Cel 879 ') 7y- f- ~~ffl(J)Ja~ ( e) 523


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Daimler-Benz A.G., Stuttgart-Untertuerkheim WASP 5,000/ 0484 P RINTED IN .JAPAN/ Y. ((D