Medium Haul Fleet Segmentation Airbus A320neo & A321neo Weight Variant Selection João André Ferreira de Abreu Thesis to obtain the Master of Science Degree in Aerospace Engineering Supervisors: Prof. Pedro da Graça Tavares Álvares Serrão Eng. André Seabra de Oliveira Simões Examination Committee Chairperson: Prof. Filipe Szolnoky Ramos Pinto Cunha Supervisor: Prof. Pedro da Graça Tavares Álvares Serrão Member of the Committee: Prof. António José Nobre Martins Aguiar June 2019

Medium Haul Fleet Segmentation - ULisboa · Medium Haul Fleet Segmentation Airbus A320neo & A321neo Weight Variant Selection João André Ferreira de Abreu Thesis to obtain the Master

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Page 1: Medium Haul Fleet Segmentation - ULisboa · Medium Haul Fleet Segmentation Airbus A320neo & A321neo Weight Variant Selection João André Ferreira de Abreu Thesis to obtain the Master

Medium Haul Fleet Segmentation

Airbus A320neo & A321neo Weight Variant Selection

João André Ferreira de Abreu

Thesis to obtain the Master of Science Degree in

Aerospace Engineering

Supervisors: Prof. Pedro da Graça Tavares Álvares Serrão

Eng. André Seabra de Oliveira Simões

Examination Committee

Chairperson: Prof. Filipe Szolnoky Ramos Pinto Cunha

Supervisor: Prof. Pedro da Graça Tavares Álvares Serrão

Member of the Committee: Prof. António José Nobre Martins Aguiar

June 2019

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Page 3: Medium Haul Fleet Segmentation - ULisboa · Medium Haul Fleet Segmentation Airbus A320neo & A321neo Weight Variant Selection João André Ferreira de Abreu Thesis to obtain the Master


“By failing to prepare,

you are preparing to fail.”

Benjamin Franklin

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Many people helped me through this Master Thesis. To them, I am sincerely grateful.

First of all, I would like to thank TAP Air Portugal, in the person of Nuno Leal, for providing me

such a great opportunity. It was an amazing experience that made me grow up as a person and as a

professional and consequently I will never forget it.

Moreover, I would like to express my gratitude to all TAP’s Team who made me feel like I was at

home. At Fleet Planning & Contracts’ Team I would like to highlight André Simões, who immensely

helped me with invaluable advice and knowledge; also Eduardo Sanz, Rui Martins and Joana Palmeiro

for accompanying me throughout the whole process.

I cannot forget my supervisor at IST, Prof. Pedro Serrão, for all the good advice that he gave me

in addition to all the time he invested in me.

Finally, a big thanks to my parents Anacleto and Orlanda, my little brother Pedro and my girlfriend

Anayza for loving and supporting me no matter what. To them I am forever grateful.

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Em certas áreas de negócio como a aviação comercial, todas as reduções de custo são

determinantes na rentabilidade de uma companhia. Tendo em conta o paradigma descrito, este trabalho

apresenta um novo método de seleção de Weight Variant (WV) de aeronaves, almejando uma

composição de frota otimizada nos custos associados.

O método implementado recorre a valores distintos de Zero-Fuel Weight e de Trip Fuel para

extrapolar vários polinómios. Após efetuar o cálculo para todas as rotas e períodos temporais

considerados, os coeficientes polinomiais assim como as especificações dos WV tornam-se inputs do

modelo. A aplicação apresenta a carga total transportável e, caso existam, as limitações operacionais.

Posto isto, o número máximo de passageiros e carga transportáveis a bordo é trivialmente calculado

para cada WV.

Este método procura mitigar os custos diretos de uma companhia, através da redução das taxas

de navegação e aterragem, bem como do valor de aquisição das aeronaves, uma vez selecionado o

WV ótimo. A ótima seleção de WV implicaria a criação de subfrotas com diferentes WV, mas uma vez

que a uniformidade é uma caraterística da qual as companhias tendem a não abdicar, uma seleção de

WV intermédio será mais provável de suceder, facilitando a gestão de frota e das aeronaves de reserva.

Anteriormente à privatização da TAP em 2015, a seleção de WV era sobredimensionada

garantindo operacionalidade em todas as rotas operadas. Posto isto, este método pode reduzir custos

operacionais sem comprometer a viabilidade operacional, assegurando uma posição de mercado


Palavras-Chave: Planeamento de frota, Definição de aeronaves, Seleção de Weight Variant,

Redução de custos operacionais

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In competitive businesses as commercial aviation, every amount is worth saving. Bearing in mind

this cost reduction paradigm, the present paper reveals a novel aircraft Weight Variant selection method,

aiming to obtain an optimized fleet composition with an associated lightweight cost.

The implemented method makes use of three different aircraft Zero-Fuel Weight and Trip Fuel

values to create polynomial relations. After polynomial relations are computed for every route and time

period considered, the coefficients as well as the weight variants specifications become inputs of the

designed model. The model reveals the total payload available and, if any, the operational limitations.

Afterwards, the maximum available passenger number and cargo is computed for every weight variant.

The method aims to mitigate an airline direct costs through the navigation and landing fees

reduction as well as the aircraft acquisition value, once the optimum Weight Variant is selected. The

optimized Weight Variant selection would implicate sub-fleets of different Weight Variants, but since

airlines do care about fleet commonality an intermediate decision is more likely to happen, simplifying

the fleet management and spare aircraft.

Before TAP’s privatization in 2015, the aircraft Weight Variant selection was simply over

dimensioned in order to guarantee the operational feasibility of every aircraft on every route at any time

period. The present method is therefore capable of reducing the associated direct costs without

compromising the operational feasibility and thus assuring a competitive market position.

Keywords: Fleet planning, Aircraft definition, Weight Variant selection, Operational costs reduction

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Acknowledgements ..................................................................................................................................v

Resumo .................................................................................................................................................. vii

Abstract.................................................................................................................................................... ix

Contents .................................................................................................................................................. xi

List of Tables .......................................................................................................................................... xiii

List of Figures ......................................................................................................................................... xv

Nomenclature ....................................................................................................................................... xvii

Abbreviations & Symbols ................................................................................................................. xvii

IATA codes....................................................................................................................................... xviii

Chapter 1: Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 1

Introduction and Motivation ..................................................................................................................... 2

Civil Aviation Overview ........................................................................................................................ 2

TAP Air Portugal .................................................................................................................................. 3

TAP Fleet Composition ........................................................................................................................ 4

TAP Current and Future Network ........................................................................................................ 6

Fleet Planning Process ....................................................................................................................... 8

Problem Description and Objectives ................................................................................................. 10

Thesis Layout ..................................................................................................................................... 11

Chapter 2: Methodology ........................................................................................................................ 13

Weight Variant Selection ....................................................................................................................... 14

Design Weights ................................................................................................................................. 14

Polynomial Method ............................................................................................................................ 15

Weight Constraints ............................................................................................................................ 17

Selection Criteria ............................................................................................................................... 21

Chapter 3: Results ................................................................................................................................. 25

A320neo ................................................................................................................................................ 26

Quadratic Coefficients ....................................................................................................................... 26

Payload Results ................................................................................................................................ 27

Feasibility Results ............................................................................................................................. 27

Sensitivity Test ................................................................................................................................... 29

Payload Restrictions ......................................................................................................................... 31

New Fleet Assignment ...................................................................................................................... 32

A321neo ACF & A321neo non-ACF ...................................................................................................... 34

Quadratic Coefficients ....................................................................................................................... 34

Payload Results ................................................................................................................................ 35

Feasibility Results ............................................................................................................................. 36

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Sensitivity Test ................................................................................................................................... 39

Payload Restrictions ......................................................................................................................... 42

New Fleet Assignment ...................................................................................................................... 43

Aircraft Quantity ................................................................................................................................. 44

Cost Reduction ...................................................................................................................................... 46

Landing Fees ..................................................................................................................................... 46

Navigation Fees ................................................................................................................................ 47

Ownership Costs ............................................................................................................................... 49

Chapter 4: Conclusion ........................................................................................................................... 51

Conclusions ........................................................................................................................................... 52

Future Work ........................................................................................................................................... 54

Bibliography ........................................................................................................................................... 55

Chapter 5: Appendix ................................................................................................................................ A

Route Network Case Study ................................................................................................................. B

Work Assumptions ............................................................................................................................... C

TAP A320neo WV057 - Route Feasibility Analysis ............................................................................. D

OEW Breakdown ..................................................................................................................................... F

TAP A320neo OEW Breakdown .......................................................................................................... F

TAP A321neo ACF OEW Breakdown ..................................................................................................G

TAP A321neo non-ACF OEW Breakdown .......................................................................................... H

Quadratic Coefficients .............................................................................................................................. I

A320neo ............................................................................................................................................... I

A321neo ACF ...................................................................................................................................... K

A321neo non-ACF.............................................................................................................................. M

Payload Results .......................................................................................................................................O

A320neo - WV053 & WV055 - Annual Average ..................................................................................O

A321neo ACF – WV051 & WV053 - Annual Average .........................................................................Q

A321neo non-ACF – WV051 & WV053 – Annual Average ................................................................. S

A320neo – Load Factors ..................................................................................................................... U

A321neo ACF – Load Factors ............................................................................................................ W

A321neo non-ACF – Load Factors ..................................................................................................... Y

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List of Tables

Table 1: TAP Fleet Composition - 22nd May 2019 ................................................................................... 4

Table 2: Quadratic coefficient scenarios ................................................................................................ 16

Table 3: A320neo and A321neo WVs specifications ............................................................................. 22

Table 4: A320neo WV053 not feasible routes ....................................................................................... 28

Table 5: A320neo WV053 sensitivity result by LF category .................................................................. 30

Table 6: A320 payload restrictions ......................................................................................................... 31

Table 7: A320 fleet comparison - required fuel on board per flight ........................................................ 33

Table 8: A321neo null quadratic coefficients ......................................................................................... 34

Table 9: A321neo ACF WV051 not feasible routes ............................................................................... 37

Table 10: A321neo non-ACF WV051 not feasible routes ...................................................................... 37

Table 11: A321 payload restrictions ....................................................................................................... 42

Table 12: A321 fleet comparison - required fuel on board ..................................................................... 44

Table 13: Advantageous routes for A321neo ACF WV053 .................................................................... 45

Table 14: Lisbon landing charges .......................................................................................................... 46

Table 15:Landing Fees Cost Reduction ................................................................................................ 47

Table 16: Navigation Fees Cost Reduction ........................................................................................... 48

Table 17: Delta Weight Variant SCN Cost ............................................................................................. 49

Table 18: Delta Ownership Cost ............................................................................................................ 50

Table 19: Total annual cost reduction .................................................................................................... 53

Table 20: Route network case-study ....................................................................................................... B

Table 21: Assumptions ............................................................................................................................. C

Table 22: A320neo WV057 feasibility analysis ........................................................................................ E

Table 23: A320neo coefficients .................................................................................................................J

Table 24: A321neo ACF coefficients ........................................................................................................ L

Table 25: A321neo non-ACF coefficients ................................................................................................ N

Table 26: A320neo WV053 & WV055 payload results ............................................................................ P

Table 27: A321neo ACF WV051 & WV053 payload results .................................................................... R

Table 28: A321neo non-ACF WV051 & WV053 payload results ............................................................. T

Table 29: A320neo - load factor results ................................................................................................... V

Table 30: A321neo ACF - load factor results ........................................................................................... X

Table 31: A321neo non-ACF - load factor results ................................................................................... Z

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List of Figures

Figure 1: TAP ownership from [15] .......................................................................................................... 3

Figure 2: Airbus A321neo ACF cabin layout changes from [18] .............................................................. 5

Figure 3: TAP's Global network ............................................................................................................... 6

Figure 4: TAP’s long-haul routes ............................................................................................................. 7

Figure 5: TAP’s medium-haul routes ....................................................................................................... 7

Figure 6: TAP’s future routes ................................................................................................................... 8

Figure 7: Phase-in process overview from [17] ....................................................................................... 9

Figure 8: Phase-in/phase-out scheme .................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Figure 9: A320neo polynomial approximation example ........................................................................ 16

Figure 10: A320neo payload results ...................................................................................................... 27

Figure 11: A320neo WV053 sensitivity result ........................................................................................ 29

Figure 12: A320neo WV053 sensitivity result by LF category ............................................................... 30

Figure 13: A320ceo restricted payload routes ....................................................................................... 32

Figure 14: A321neo ACF payload results .............................................................................................. 35

Figure 15: A321neo non-ACF payload results ...................................................................................... 36

Figure 16: A321neo ACF WV051 sensitivity result ................................................................................ 39

Figure 17: A321neo non-ACF WV051 sensitivity result ........................................................................ 39

Figure 18: A321neo ACF WV051 sensitivity result by LF category ....................................................... 40

Figure 19: A321neo non-ACF WV051 sensitivity result by LF category ............................................... 41

Figure 20: A321ceo restricted-payload routes....................................................................................... 43

Figure 21: TAP A320neo LOPA ............................................................................................................... F

Figure 22: TAP A321neo ACF LOPA .......................................................................................................G

Figure 23: TAP A321neo non-ACF LOPA ................................................................................................ H

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Abbreviations & Symbols

AC Aircraft

ACF Airbus Cabin Flex

ACT Additional Centre Tank

ASK Available Seat Kilometre

ATR Avions de Transport Régional

BFE Buyer-Furnished Equipment

BH Block Hour

ceo Current Engine Option

CO2 Carbon Dioxide

EIS Entry Into Service

ESAD Equivalent Still Air Distance

FAL Final Assembly Line

FIR Flight Information Region

IFE In-Flight Entertainment

kg Kilogram: SI mass unit

LF Load Factor

LOPA Layout Of Passenger Accommodations

LR Long Range

LW Landing Weight

MEW Manufacturer’s Empty Weight

MFC Maximum Fuel Capacity

MLW Maximum Landing Weight

MTOW Maximum Take-Off Weight

MZFW Maximum Zero Fuel Weight

NB Narrow Body

neo New Engine Option

NM Nautical Mile

OEW Operating Empty Weight

PAX Passenger

PW Pratt & Whitney

Qty Quantity

RPK Revenue Passenger Kilometre

SA Single Aisle

SCN Specification Change Notice

SQL Structured Query Language

t Tonne: Non-SI unit of mass

TAP TAP Air Portugal

TORA Take-Off Run Available

TOW Take-Off Weight

TOWrwy Take-Off Weight by runway constraints

WB Wide Body

WV Weight Variant

ZFW Zero Fuel Weight

𝜌 Density

€ Euro currency

$ USD currency

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IATA codes


ABJ Abidjan airport

ACC Accra airport

AGP Malaga airport

AMS Amsterdam airport

ARN Stockholm Arlanda airport

ATH Athens airport

BCN Barcelona airport

BEY Beirut airport

BHX Birmingham airport

BJL Banjul airport

BLQ Bologna airport

BOD Bordeaux airport

BOS Boston Logan airport

BRU Brussels airport

BUD Budapest airport

BVC Boa Vista airport

CAG Cagliari airport

CAI Cairo airport

CGN Cologne Bonn airport

CKY Conakry Guinea airport

CMN Casablanca airport

CPH Copenhagen airport

CTA Catania airport

DKR Dakar airport

DME Moscow Domodedovo airport

DUB Dublin airport

DUS Dusseldorf airport

EDI Edinburg airport

EWR Newark airport

FAO Faro airport

FCO Rome airport

FNC Funchal airport

FRA Frankfurt airport

GVA Geneva airport

HAJ Hannover airport

HAM Hamburg airport

HEL Helsinki airport

IST Istanbul airport

JFK New York airport

KBP Kiev airport

KEF Keflavik airport

LED St. Petersburg airport

LFW Lomé airport

LGW London Gatwick airport

LHR London Heathrow airport

LIS Lisbon airport

LOS Lagos airport

LPA Gran Canarias airport

LUX Luxemburg airport

LYS Lyon airport

MAD Madrid airport

MAN Manchester airport

MLH Mulhouse airport

MRS Marseille airport

MUC Munich airport

MXP Milan airport

NAP Napoli airport

NCE Nice airport

NTE Nantes airport

OPO Oporto airport

ORY Orly airport

OSL Oslo airport

OTP Bucharest airport

OXB Bissau airport

PDL Ponta Delgada airport

PRG Prague airport

PVD Providence airport

PXO Porto Santo airport

RAI Praia airport

RAK Marrakech-Menara airport

SID Sal airport

STR Stuttgart airport

SUF Lamezia Terme airport

SVQ Seville airport

TER Terceira airport

TFS Tenerife South airport

TLS Toulouse airport

TLV Tel Aviv airport

TMS São Tomé airport

TXL Berlin Tegel airport

VCE Venice airport

VIE Vienna airport

VLC Valencia airport

VXE São Vicente airport

WAW Warsaw airport

YUL Montréal airport

YYZ Toronto airport

ZRH Zurich airport

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Chapter 1: Introduction

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Introduction and Motivation

Civil Aviation Overview

The global network provided by civil aviation airlines combined with the social media

advertisements causes curiosity and interest in visiting other places, leading people to fly between cities.

Factors like these encourage people to see themselves as global citizens, to meet and understand each

other and in last instance it is one of the most powerful forces.

Since the nineteen-eighties decade the connectivity between cities has doubled, driven by the

aviation business, and continues to grow due to the increasing use of aircraft (AC) transportation by

people from either mature or emerging world economies [1]. According to Airbus “It was another good

year for aviation in 2017, with traffic growth measured in Revenue Passenger Kilometers (RPK) up 7.5%

year on year, and capacity, Available Seat Kilometers (ASK) up 6.5%. As in 2016, this additional capacity

was added carefully indicated by the fact that an already record global load factor improved further by

almost a percentage point.” [1], thus reinforcing the previous mentioned statement.

In order to satisfy this stupendous demand, aircraft manufacturers strive to produce in large scale

new aircraft models, capable of performing greater ranges and accommodate even more passengers.

Considering the present market demand, as the latest generation aircraft are delivered either to fleet

growth or to fleet replacement, the fleet productivity based on the ASKs per aircraft has continued to

grow faster on the single aisle (SA) fleet than the wide-body (WB) fleet. This is due to an overall increase

in operations, increase in aircraft size and longer routes being operated.

Knowing these previous facts, the civil aviation industry is developing additional forms of business

model. The low-cost carriers have evolved with ultra-low cost and long-haul low-cost variants growing

the number of available seats. Airbus even states that these new business models have helped to

stimulate extra traffic growth on the relatively mature trans-atlantic market [1]. The full-service and legacy

airlines are also replacing their fleets with these new SA aircraft. TAP for instance, is replacing the

A320ceo (Current Engine Option) family aircraft by the new A320neo (New Engine Option) family,

seeking to segment further, but this time with more efficient, comfortable and interactive cabins,

increasing the focus on brand differentiation and auxiliary revenues.

This single aisle aircraft growth implicitly shows the overlap between aircraft segments, created

by its evolution in terms of range, available seats and available WV options. Therefore, considering the

new Airbus aircraft segmentation for the particular case of TAP, the present dissertation will focus on the

operational and economic impact of the optimal narrow-body (NB) fleet segmentation through the right

selection of the A320neo and A321neo weight variants, within the current network.

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TAP Air Portugal

Founded in 1945 as “Transportes Aéreos Portugueses”, TAP Air Portugal was born with the clear

purpose of connecting the Portuguese capital to the former African colonies as well as other European

capitals. Since the date of birth until now, TAP Air Portugal has been, undoubtedly, the country’s flag

carrier that played a major social and economic role in Portuguese history, categorically representing

abroad the Portuguese brand. With the main hub based in Lisbon, TAP has an important strategic

advantage over the competitors, launching in a daily basis a network composed by long-haul, medium-

haul and regional operations, the last one taken by TAP Express, a subsidiary of TAP Group.

In 2005 TAP became a member of Star Alliance group, setting its relationships with other airlines.

After several attempts, TAP was semi-privatized in June 2015 and controlled by the consortium Atlantic

Gateway. However, in February 2016 the Portuguese State did a step back in its decision and became

once again the major shareholder. Currently the company is owned by the entities represented on the

following organogram:

Figure 1: TAP ownership from [17]

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TAP Fleet Composition

The TAP current main fleet consists of 82 Airbus aircraft, 56 narrow-body and 26 wide-body.

Additionally, there are operating 13 Embraer aircraft belonging to TAP Express and 8 ATR aircraft on a

wet lease agreement under the TAP Express brand. Table 1 shows the characteristics of each aircraft

model in TAP’s fleet.

Fleet Aircraft

Model Qty.


Age Seating Capacity MTOW [t] Engine



A319-111 17 20 144 68 & 70 CFM56-5B5

A319-112 4 16 144 68 & 70 CFM56-5B6

A320-214 20 14 174 73,5 & 77 CFM56-5B4

A320-251N 4 1 174 77 CFM LEAP-1A26

A321-211 4 16 216 89 CFM56-5B3

A321-251N 6 0 216 93,5 CFM LEAP

A321-251NX 1 0 171 93,5 CFM LEAP

Wide Body

A330-223 5 19 263 230 PW4168A/4170

A330-202 5 11 269 233 GE CF6-80E1A4

A330-203 2 16 269 233 GE CF6-80E1A3

A330-343 4 9 285 233 RR Trent


A330-900 6 0 298 242 RR Trent 7000

A340-312 4 24 268 257 CFM 56-5C3

Table 1: TAP Fleet Composition - 22nd May 2019

After the event that marked June 2015, the new company’s owner decided to order new Airbus

aircraft to replace the existing fleet and therefore improve the company’s efficiency while increasing the

ASK (Available Seat Kilometre) and reducing simultaneously the associated maintenance costs and the

fuel consumption. Consequently, the yield per ASK was expected to grow. As IATA report states from

the chemical combustion reaction: “1kg of fuel burned causes 3,15kg of CO2 emissions” [2], which

proves that this decision also mitigates the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, subscribing TAP social

responsibilities regarding environmental changes.

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This fleet renewal consists on replacing the old fleet for the new Airbus neo-generation aircraft.

Within the medium-haul fleet, the purpose of the fleet renewal is to gradually replace the existing A320

family by the new A320neo family aircraft, namely: A320neo, A321neo, A321neo Airbus Cabin Flex (ACF)

and finally the A321neo Long Range (LR). Additionally, Airbus already announced that from 2020

onward, every A321neo will be standard ACF type, due to its enhanced seating capacity when compared

with the previous standard A321neo model [3]. This seating capacity growth is a consequence of a cabin

emergency exits rearrangement that enabled a new high-density seating layout without compromising

the maximum egress rate allowed – which is by definition the maximum evacuation rate measured in

passenger per minute.

Regarding the A321neo LR, its name is a particular commercial designation within the A321neo

ACF aircraft type (designated as A321NX on table above), just by its extra fuel tank that enables a long-

range operation. In fact, this single aisle aircraft model (A321neo LR) is expected to be a true game

changer within TAP business, since it allows long-haul operation with lower costs associated than the

wide-body fleet that currently operates on the long-haul market. Therefore, it allows a quicker breakeven

achievement and a lower risk investment within low-density routes, as Eduardo Sanz studied throughout

his master thesis [4].

On the wide-body fleet, TAP is continuously replacing the existing A330 and A340 fleet for what

will in the future be the company’s long-haul reference aircraft: the Airbus A330-900neo.

Figure 2: Airbus A321neo ACF cabin layout changes from [20]

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TAP Current and Future Network

Currently, TAP provides a large route’s network on a hub-spoke distribution, including Europe,

west Africa and both north and south America, mainly the east coast of U.S.A. and Brazil, respectively.

Looking to the previous mentioned regions, we can guarantee that TAP operates on a global network

with a total sum of 85 routes, including regional, medium-haul and long-haul routes [Figure 3]. The

following images throughout this dissertation, regarding the airline routes, were obtained using the free

on-line application Great Circle Mapper.

The route’s category can be classified either by distance value, by flight time or even by the type

of aircraft operating these certain routes. In terms of distance values, Eurocontrol defines short-haul

routes as shorter than 1500 km, medium-haul between 1500 km and 4000 km and long-haul routes as

longer than 4000 km [5]. The Association of European Airlines defines long-haul as flights to north and

south America, sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, Australasia and medium-haul as flights to north Africa, Middle

East and within Europe [6].

Regarding the specific case of TAP, the long-haul routes are classified due to the use of wide-

body aircraft, the medium-haul routes are classified due to the use of narrow-body aircraft and at last

the regional routes defined by using TAP Express fleet.

Figure 3: TAP's Global network

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At TAP, the long-haul routes [Figure 4] are so far operated by wide-body aircraft and concentrated

on both North and South America and South Africa;

The regional and medium-haul routes [Figure 5] are operated by narrow-body aircraft, namely the

A320 Airbus family, on the European and North African market. However, this paradigm is about to

change since the new Airbus A321 neo LR has transatlantic capabilities, and due to that it is going to be

the first single-aisle Airbus aircraft operating on long-haul routes.

Regarding the future route network, TAP already announced new routes from its main hub (Lisbon)

and from Oporto, both for the long-haul and medium-haul market [Figure 6]. This decision has a clear

purpose: expand proportionally the existing route network and the ASK numbers.

To implement such new routes, TAP is going to take advantage of the current market positive

outlook; the performance potential of the previously mentioned aircraft that have already been ordered;

as well as the strategic position of its main hub - Lisbon - a clear corridor between Europe and America.

Figure 5: TAP’s medium-haul routes

Figure 4: TAP’s long-haul routes

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Fleet Planning Process

One of the main goals of an airline is to match its capacity and demand under strict market

conditions, which has a direct impact on the increase of an airline’s profitability. Thus, the fleet planning

process is generally concerned with the problematics of how many and what types of aircraft to be

purchased or leased, to be retired, and most of all the timing of these decisions. Bearing in mind that

acquisition of a new aircraft requires a huge investment, it is evident that a few percent saving is not

negligible for an airline since it would still represent in the end a huge amount. In order to achieve such

savings and, most of all, the company financial survival, it is essential the adoption of appropriate

methodological approaches by the fleet planning department.

Generally, the fleet planning process is very complex for an airline since it is necessary to consider

many different factors, such as: demand; aircraft economics; fleet commonality; aircraft performances;

finance; aircraft types on the considered routes; aircraft in-flight product to be provided to passengers;

available airport slots; and; forecasted market conditions [7]. In addition, the supply of oversized aircraft

can implicate an increased cost while a composition of undersized aircraft results not only in unsatisfied

demand but also in substantial financial loss to airlines. Essentially, strategic fleet planning is vital for

airline’s financial health establishment and to yield a higher profit margin afterwards [8].

Considering that aircraft acquisition and phase-out decisions are both assumed by airlines as a

long-term compromise, due to its perpetual financial impact, there are different policies regarding these

decisions, based on several objectives. Those objectives can focus on the minimization of operating

costs; minimization of ownership costs; fleet homogenization; airline’s image enhancement; or even due

to the occurrence of some unforeseen events like a fuel crisis, created by a war for instance.

The fleet plan itself usually starts 10 to 15 years before the desired aircraft entry into service (EIS)

and it is mainly composed by a three-stage planning: long, medium and short-term planning. However,

occasional adjustments are slightly common to occur, depending on market conditions.

Figure 6: TAP’s future routes

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Long-term planning kick-off occurs since the moment when the company searches for markets in

which to operate and the capacity expected to be deployed in these markets, beginning the evaluation

and selection of the most suitable aircraft to operate in those markets. This process answers the

question: where and how does the company want to go.

At the time an airline ensures the previous mentioned points the medium-term planning starts, as

the following flowchart illustrates:

At this point in time, the aircraft definition and specification is performed. To do so, aircraft

manufacturers provide standard items and specifications, that can be customized on top of that. Those

items can be aircraft features such as: the weight variant; engine and engine rates; avionics systems

regarding communication, navigation, flight controls, navigation, auto flight; or cabin systems.

Afterwards, this process leads to a more reliable value in terms of final costs than those originally


Getting closer to the aircraft EIS, 6 months to 3 years before the aircraft delivery date, the short-

term planning assumes the fine-tuning task on the initially established fleet plan.

Finally, as new aircraft phase-in to replace the aged fleet, it is also the responsibility of fleet

planners to deal with the phase-out of those aged aircraft [9]. Thus, the moment of the aircraft phase-

out is identified by the positive offset between the ownership costs and company image enhancement

regarding a new fleet, and the costs associated with fuel performance degradation and increased

maintenance costs of the aged fleet.

Figure 7: Phase-in process overview from [19]

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Problem Description and Objectives

Before the beginning of the privatization process that occurred in TAP, the company used to adopt

a relatively conservative attitude regarding the aircraft WV selection within the available WV options on

the System Configuration Guide (SCG) [10]. This procedure was mainly established as a way to assure

that any aircraft belonging to TAP’s narrow body fleet was capable to perform every route operated by

TAP without any constraint and, therefore, reducing the tail assignment process complexity. Although

this decision leads to a simple and unique A320 fleet, it implies higher costs for the company itself.

Starting with the immediate costs, the selection of higher WVs can increase up to 1,5 million euros the

purchase cost of the aircraft and this selection decision has a perpetual cost, as long as the aircraft

operates, caused by navigation and landing fees, which are mathematically indexed to the aircraft

Maximum Take-Off Weight (MTOW).

Therefore, the present work provides a qualitative tool able to compute the optimum WV fleet

segmentation, based on TAP’s current route network, for the next 15 aircraft A320neo and 10 aircraft

A321neo ACF committed with Airbus on the company purchase agreement.

Considering that neo aircraft generation is capable of better fuel consumption than the previous

ceo family, especially on the cruise flight phase where it can deliver per seat fuel improvements of 20%

[11] [12], the study goes even further reassigning those new aircraft to the biggest block-hour routes,

aiming to enhance the company’s medium-haul fuel consumption performance. The amount of fuel

saved, its cost and the associated reduction of CO2 emissions are also included in the present work,

translating into quantitative data the importance of the greenhouse gases reduction to an airline and

reminding TAP’s social responsibility commitment.

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Thesis Layout

In order to provide reader insights, this thesis begins with a global civil aviation overview followed

by a more focused description of TAP’s market and aircraft fleet, which is the main Portuguese role

within civil aviation. Also in this chapter, a fleet planning process contextualization is made in order to

provide a better understanding of aircraft phase-in and phase-out from the flight operator perspective.

Following the introduction itself, the elucidation of the Weight Variant Selection is presented in a

logical order: design weights meaning; polynomial approximation; operational constraints related to

design weights selection; and weight variant selection criteria.

In the next chapter, the previously mentioned methodology is the performance study baseline

regarding route feasibility for each WV in study, for every route and time period, through the scope of

the maximum available passenger and luggage weight (pax) and cargo onboard, which will determine

the accurate WV choice for the entire fleet or sub-fleet.

After the WV selection has been made, a sensitivity test is performed in order to measure the

robustness of the previous choice, when applying several incremental steps on average pax weights.

Hereupon, a new fleet assignment for some currently payload-restricted routes is proposed in

order to enhance the company ASK while improving at the same time the fleet fuel efficiency

As the ultimate target of TAP, regarding this study, is the cost reduction associated with the

optimum WV selection, there is still another chapter containing the obtained savings (i.e., navigation

and landing fees cost as well as aircraft ownership cost).

Last but not least, conclusions achieved are presented as well as thoughts regarding future similar re-

searches, as we can see on “Future Work” chapter.

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Chapter 2: Methodology

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Weight Variant Selection

The present chapter contains an explanation of all the concepts, models and algorithms that are

used throughout this thesis dissertation. Regarding the results computation, it was required an

implementation of a computational programming code written in SQL language, on the QlikView 11

software, making use of the developed methodology presented below.

Design Weights

On the very beginning of an aircraft model development, just after the conceptual design phase,

some design weight values are established in order to ensure the aircraft compliance with respect to the

pre-defined aircraft mission type (e.g. civil, commercial, military). However, despite the less common

procedure they can also be fine-tuned afterwards, depending on certification and market needs.

Considering the current dissertation objective, some of the most important design weights are included

on the WV package and will be used throughout the entire dissertation: Maximum Take-off Weight

(MTOW), Maximum Zero-Fuel Weight (MZFW), Maximum Landing Weight (MLW) and Maximum Fuel

Capacity (MFC).

There are many factors leading to an efficient and safe aircraft operation. Among these vital

factors are proper Weight & Balance control, therefore the maximum allowable weights for an aircraft

are determined by the manufacturer through design considerations. The manufacturer provides the

aircraft operator with the empty weight of the aircraft and the location of its associated empty weight

center of gravity at the time the certified aircraft leaves the factory. These structural weight limits are

based on the aircraft maximum structural capability, which is established during aircraft design and

certification phases culminating on the Manufacturer’s Empty Weight (MEW), that ultimately defines the

aircraft’s flight envelope.

Given that each airline operator has their own standard items onboard, within the available items to be

selected, such as: avionics systems, cargo hold type and so on; the aircraft customized MEW is there-

fore distinct between airlines. On top off that, some operator items are added, such as: Buyer-Furnished

Equipment (BFE) (e.g. seats, galley inserts, curtains, cabin monuments) catering, crew number and

crew baggage weight, and thus, the resultant Operating Empty Weight (OEW) is computed for each

aircraft model as follows:

𝑂𝐸𝑊 = 𝐶𝑢𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑧𝑒𝑑 𝑀𝐸𝑊 + 𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝐼𝑡𝑒𝑚𝑠 + 𝑂𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑟 𝐼𝑡𝑒𝑚𝑠 (1)

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In commercial aviation, every aircraft purchase is beforehand evaluated in terms of these design

weights constraints in order to analyse flight envelops, operational feasibility and potential commercial

profit related with airline’s current and future route network. The design weights constraints are related

to the different flight stages: taxi-in, take-off, climb, cruise, descent, loiter (e.g., air traffic restrictions,

MLW limitation, etc.), landing and finally taxi-out.

Regarding the aircraft and payload weight, the MZFW is the design weight that limits the Zero-

Fuel Weight (ZFW) itself, in other words, the sum of the OEW with all onboard payload (passengers and

baggage weight, i.e. pax).

𝑍𝐹𝑊 = 𝑂𝐸𝑊 +𝑀𝑎𝑥 𝑃𝑎𝑦𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 (2)

Adding to the previous mentioned ZFW the oil and fuel weight needed to operate we get the take-

off weight (TOW), which is confined by the maximum take-off weight (MTOW). This is, the design weight

constraint for the feasibility of the take-off. However, two different scenarios may exist when the TOW is

the only weight concern: either the pax and cargo load do not exceed the aircraft MTOW or due to airport

limitations the TOW is limited by runway restrictions (TOWrwy).

The TOWrwy limitation is the maximum weight that a specific aircraft can safely lift from a runway

where some identified constraints may exist, such as: severe meteorological conditions, short Take-off

Run Available (TORA), enroute obstacles or even potential engine failure. This limitation is sometimes

severely affected by the runway wet or dry condition. On the present work, only dry condition results

were considered in order to shrink the results dimension.

Last but not least, on the landing moment the aircraft must be light enough to comply with its

structural limits when touching down, which is defined by the Maximum Landing Weight (MLW), stated

on the aircraft design weight itself. This means that the aircraft gross weight at touch-down moment

(including the remaining trip fuel onboard) has to be less than or equal to the MLW value.

Polynomial Method

Based on the estimated performance values given by the manufacturer (i.e., Airbus), within three

different load factor (LF) scenarios: max pax, 85% LF and 70% LF; it was observed that a polynomial

approximation could be made in order to get a mathematical relation between the Trip Fuel consumption

and the aircraft ZFW. These trip fuel values are known to be 2% conservative in order to remove the

degradation effect from aged aircraft, as shown in [Table 21].

Using those three different points (Trip Fuel n; ZFW n), corresponding to three distinct payload

scenarios: when n = (max pax, 85% LF, 70% LF), it is possible to compute a polynomial equation as

shown below:

Trip Fuel [kg] = A ZFW2 + B ZFW+ C (3)

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Figure 8: A320neo polynomial approximation example

Therefore, applying the same process to all considered time periods and routes presented on the

case study [Table 20] at appendix and having in mind the assumptions made in [Table 21], distinct

polynomial coefficients were obtained as schematically represented on the following table:

Payload Time Period

1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Annual Average.

Max Pax

A1, B1, C1 A2, B2, C2 A3, B3, C3 A4, B4, C4 A5, B5, C5 85% LF

70% LF

Table 2: Quadratic coefficient scenarios

After the entire computation of coefficients A, B and C for every route and year quarter, including

the annual average of the results from the four quarters of the year, considering that every quarter of

the year and every operated route have their own coefficient values due to own characteristics such as:

temperature or pressure [see Table 21], it is possible to identify and compute any operational restriction

associated with weight limitations (i.e., MTOW, MZFW, TOWrwy, MLW) and MFC, through the

implementation of these variables on the equation system presented in the next section.

y = 3E-06.ZFW2 - 0,1752.ZFW + 11592







58000 59000 60000 61000 62000 63000 64000 65000

Trip F

uel [k


ZFW [kg]

A = 3E-06B = -0,1752C = 11592

Period: Annual Average

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Weight Constraints

Focusing on the main goal of this present work: selecting the optimum WV for the A320neo family

sub-fleet; it is known that the only constraints, regarding the pax number and cargo load and thus the

ZFW value, are the design weights, when operating on several routes during different periods in accord-

ance with the work assumptions from [Table 21]. These constraints can be described on the following

equations and afterwards decomposed in several variables based on the previous calculated coeffi-

cients. The five ZFW limitation equations are then:



𝐿𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑑 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙 ≤ 𝑀𝐹𝐶 × 𝜌


1. For the first equation:

𝑻𝑶𝑾 ≤ 𝑴𝑻𝑶𝑾 (5)

⇔ 𝑍𝐹𝑊 + 𝑇𝑟𝑖𝑝 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙 + 𝑅𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑒𝑠 ≤ 𝑀𝑇𝑂𝑊

Applying the previous mentioned polynomial approximation (3):

𝑇𝑟𝑖𝑝 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙 = 𝐴 𝑍𝐹𝑊2 + 𝐵 𝑍𝐹𝑊 + 𝐶 (6)

⇒ 𝑍𝐹𝑊 + (𝐴 𝑍𝐹𝑊2 + 𝐵 𝑍𝐹𝑊 + 𝐶) + 𝑅𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑒𝑠 ≤ 𝑀𝑇𝑂𝑊

Where reserves can be explained as:

𝑅𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑒𝑠 = 𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑦 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙 + 𝐷𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙 + 𝐴𝑑𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙; (7)

⇒ 𝑍𝐹𝑊 + (𝐴 𝑍𝐹𝑊2 + 𝐵 𝑍𝐹𝑊 + 𝐶) + 𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑦 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙 + 𝐷𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙 + 𝐴𝑑𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙 ≤ 𝑀𝑇𝑂𝑊

And from TAP’s conservative fuel consumption policy:

𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑦 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙 = 3% × 𝑇𝑟𝑖𝑝 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙 = 0.03 × (𝐴 𝑍𝐹𝑊2 + 𝐵 𝑍𝐹𝑊 + 𝐶) (8)

⇒ 𝑍𝐹𝑊 + (𝐴 𝑍𝐹𝑊2 + 𝐵 𝑍𝐹𝑊 + 𝐶) + 0.03 × (𝐴 𝑍𝐹𝑊2 + 𝐵 𝑍𝐹𝑊 + 𝐶) + 𝐷𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙 +

𝐴𝑑𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙 ≤ 𝑀𝑇𝑂𝑊

⇔ (1.03 𝐴)𝑍𝐹𝑊2 + (1 + 1.03 𝐵)𝑍𝐹𝑊 + (1.03 𝐶) + 𝐷𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙 + 𝐴𝑑𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙 − 𝑀𝑇𝑂𝑊 ≤ 0

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Bearing in mind the quadratic formula:

𝑥 =−𝑏 ± √𝑏2 − 4 𝑎 𝑐

2 𝑎 (9)

⇒ 𝑍𝐹𝑊 ≤−(1 + 1.03 𝐵) ± √(1 + 1.03 𝐵)2 − (4.12 𝐴) × (1.03 𝐶 + 𝐷𝑖𝑣 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙 + 𝐴𝑑𝑑 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙 − 𝑀𝑇𝑂𝑊)

2.06 𝐴

Since the ZFW represents weight value, the final result must be a real and positive number:

⇒ 𝑍𝐹𝑊 ≤−(1 + 1.03 𝐵) + √(1 + 1.03 𝐵)2 − (4.12 𝐴) × (1.03 𝐶 + 𝐷𝑖𝑣 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙 + 𝐴𝑑𝑑 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙 − 𝑀𝑇𝑂𝑊)

2.06 𝐴 (10)

2. The second equation:

This inequation is already simplified and is solely restricted by the MZFW value from different WVs.

𝒁𝑭𝑾 ≤ 𝑴𝒁𝑭𝑾 (11)

3. The third equation:

𝑻𝑶𝑾 ≤ 𝑻𝑶𝑾𝒓𝒘𝒚 (12)

Decomposing the aircraft weight at the take-off moment:

⇔ 𝑍𝐹𝑊 + 𝑇𝑟𝑖𝑝 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙 + 𝑅𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑒𝑠 ≤ 𝑇𝑂𝑊𝑟𝑤𝑦

And replacing the Trip Fuel by equation (3) and Reserves by the assumptions from Table 21:

⇔ 𝑍𝐹𝑊 + (𝐴 𝑍𝐹𝑊2 + 𝐵 𝑍𝐹𝑊 + 𝐶) + (𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑦 𝑓𝑢𝑒𝑙 + 𝐷𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙 + 𝐴𝑑𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙) ≤


Also from assumptions in Table 21: contingency, diversion and additional fuel variables are


⇔ 𝑍𝐹𝑊 + (𝐴 𝑍𝐹𝑊2 + 𝐵 𝑍𝐹𝑊 + 𝐶) + ((0.03 × (𝐴 𝑍𝐹𝑊2 + 𝐵 𝑍𝐹𝑊 + 𝐶)) + 𝐷𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙 +

𝐴𝑑𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙) ≤ 𝑇𝑂𝑊𝑟𝑤𝑦

⇔ (1.03 𝐴)𝑍𝐹𝑊2 + (1 + 1.03 𝐵)𝑍𝐹𝑊 + (1.03 𝐶 + 𝐷𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙 + 𝐴𝑑𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙 − 𝑇𝑂𝑊𝑟𝑤𝑦 ≤ 0

⇒ 𝑍𝐹𝑊 ≤−(1 + 1.03 𝐵) + √(1 + 1.03 𝐵)2 − (4.12 𝐴) × (1.03 𝐶 + 𝐷𝑖𝑣 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙 + 𝐴𝑑𝑑 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙 − 𝑇𝑂𝑊𝑟𝑤𝑦)

2.06 𝐴

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4. The fourth equation:

𝑳𝑾 ≤ 𝑴𝑳𝑾 (13)

At the touch-down moment, the trip fuel is expected to be entirely consumed, and therefore, the aircraft

weight is resumed to:

⇔ 𝑍𝐹𝑊 + 𝑅𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑒𝑠 ≤ 𝑀𝐿𝑊

⇔ 𝑍𝐹𝑊 + (𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑦 𝑓𝑢𝑒𝑙 + 𝐷𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙 + 𝐴𝑑𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙) ≤ 𝑀𝐿𝑊

⇔ 𝑍𝐹𝑊 + (0.03 × (𝐴 𝑍𝐹𝑊2 + 𝐵 𝑍𝐹𝑊 + 𝐶)) + 𝐷𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙 + 𝐴𝑑𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙 ≤ 𝑀𝐿𝑊

⇔ (0.03 𝐴)𝑍𝐹𝑊2 + (1 + 0.03 𝐵)𝑍𝐹𝑊 + 0.03 𝐶 + 𝐷𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙 + 𝐴𝑑𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙 − 𝑀𝐿𝑊 ≤ 0

⇒ 𝑍𝐹𝑊 ≤−(1 + 1.03 𝐵) + √(1 + 1.03 𝐵)2 − (4.12 𝐴) × (0.03 𝐶 + 𝐷𝑖𝑣 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙 + 𝐴𝑑𝑑 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙 − 𝑀𝐿𝑊)

2.06 𝐴

5. The fifth equation:

Since ZFW result must be a value in mass units, the aircraft MFC in litres must be converted into

kilograms through the multiplication by fuel density (in kilograms per litre). From Table 21 we can see

that the assumed fuel density value is 0,803 kg/L.

𝑳𝒐𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒅 𝑭𝒖𝒆𝒍 ≤ 𝑴𝑭𝑪 × 𝝆 (14)

⇔ 𝑇𝑟𝑖𝑝 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙 + 𝑅𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑒𝑠 + 𝐺𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙 − 𝑇𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑖𝑛 ≤ 𝑀𝐹𝐶 × 𝜌

⇔ (𝐴 𝑍𝐹𝑊2 + 𝐵 𝑍𝐹𝑊 + 𝐶) + (𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑦 𝑓𝑢𝑒𝑙 + 𝐷𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙 + 𝐴𝑑𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙) +

𝐺𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙 − 𝑇𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑖𝑛 ≤ 𝑀𝐹𝐶 × 𝜌

⇔ 𝐴 𝑍𝐹𝑊2 + 𝐵 𝑍𝐹𝑊 + 𝐶 + (0.03(𝐴 𝑍𝐹𝑊2 + 𝐵 𝑍𝐹𝑊 + 𝐶)) + 𝐷𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙 + 𝐴𝑑𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙 +

𝐺𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙 − 𝑇𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑖𝑛 ≤ 𝑀𝐹𝐶 × 𝜌

⇔ (1.03 𝐴)𝑍𝐹𝑊2 + (1.03 𝐵)𝑍𝐹𝑊 + 1.03 𝐶 + 𝐷𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙 + 𝐴𝑑𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙 + 𝐺𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙 −

𝑇𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑖𝑛 −𝑀𝐹𝐶 × 𝜌 ≤ 0

⇒ 𝑍𝐹𝑊 ≤−1.03 𝐵 + √(1.03 𝐵)2 − (4.12 𝐴) × (1.03 𝐶 + 𝐷𝑖𝑣 + 𝐴𝑑𝑑 + 𝐺𝐹 − 𝑇𝑖 −𝑀𝐹𝐶 × 𝜌)

2.06 𝐴

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Once the five inequations are separately solved, the final ZFW interval result for each route and

time period must be unique and therefore, the upper limit corresponds to the most restrictive ZFW value

within those previous calculated five ZFW inequations, as the following algorithm shows:

𝑀𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑍𝐹𝑊 𝐴𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 [𝑘𝑔] = 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚(𝑍𝐹𝑊1, 𝑍𝐹𝑊2, 𝑍𝐹𝑊3, 𝑍𝐹𝑊4, 𝑍𝐹𝑊5) (15)

In order to guarantee reliable maximum ZFW values, all the three coefficients (i.e. A, B and C)

are necessary [see equation (3)]. Otherwise, if the result would be only two or one coefficients depending

if the ZFW and Trip Fuel are equal for two or three different payloads, respectively, the approximation

(equation 3) would become either linear:

𝑇𝑟𝑖𝑝 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙 = 𝐵. 𝑍𝐹𝑊 + 𝐶 (16)

or constant:

𝑇𝑟𝑖𝑝 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙 = 𝐶 (17)

This happens when matching results are obtained for the same LFs, due to the existence of

aircraft payload limitations under the selected LF = {100%; 85%, 70%}.

Since Trip Fuel always depends on the aircraft ZFW, it cannot be constant or computed through

some linear approximation, since it would be imprecise. Consequently, the implementation of conditional

statements on the developed QlikView script, regarding the computation of the quadratic coefficients,

were necessary to ensure accurate values of maximum available ZFW for each route and time period.

The following conditional propositions were thus stated:

𝑖𝑓 {

𝐴 = 𝐵 = 𝐶 = 0: 𝑇𝑟𝑖𝑝 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙 = 0 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑀𝑎𝑥 𝑍𝐹𝑊 = 𝑁𝑢𝑙𝑙𝐴 = 𝐵 = 0: 𝑇𝑟𝑖𝑝 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙 = 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑡 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑀𝑎𝑥 𝑍𝐹𝑊 = 𝑁𝑢𝑙𝑙

𝐴 = 0: 𝑇𝑟𝑖𝑝 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙 = 𝐵. 𝑍𝐹𝑊 + 𝐶 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑀𝑎𝑥 𝑍𝐹𝑊 = 𝑀𝑖𝑛(𝑍𝐹𝑊1, 𝑍𝐹𝑊2, 𝑍𝐹𝑊3, 𝑍𝐹𝑊4, 𝑍𝐹𝑊5)(18)

Completed the ZFW computation, it is simple to get the maximum available payload to carry on

flight for every route on every time period just by subtracting the OEW. This information is very important

because it determines the maximum available number of passengers on board and also with the

maximum available cargo. In reality the aircraft OEW changes from route to route, for example catering

weight changes according to the number of seats sold in order to guarantee a good inflight product;

However, in this study, the OEW is a fixed value that allows TAP to operate even the longest routes

within its route network. Knowing the conservative aircraft OEW (see TAP’s aircraft OEW Breakdown at

appendix section), the maximum allowable payload can be calculated through the next formula:

𝑀𝑎𝑥 𝑃𝑎𝑦𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 [𝑘𝑔] = 𝑍𝐹𝑊 − 𝑂𝐸𝑊 (19)

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Since TAP’s business is mainly passenger transportation, the maximum payload is firstly allocated

to passenger and respective luggage transportation and afterwards the remaining payload can be used

to cargo freight. The pax number can be obtained dividing the maximum payload value that can be

carried on board by the average pax weight. However, this number of passengers cannot overcome the

total number of available seats onboard. The corresponding load factors for the same routes and periods

are also calculated from:

𝑃𝑎𝑥 𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 = 𝑀𝑖𝑛 (𝑀𝑎𝑥 𝑃𝑎𝑦𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑

𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑃𝑎𝑥 𝑊𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡; 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐴𝐶 𝑠𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑠) (20)

𝐶𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑜 [𝑘𝑔] = 𝑀𝑎𝑥 𝑃𝑎𝑦𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 − (𝑃𝑎𝑥 𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 × 𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑃𝑎𝑥 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡) (21)

𝐿𝐹 [%] =#𝑝𝑎𝑥

#𝑠𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑠× 100 (22)

Summarizing the methodology, it makes use of the Airbus performance data (namely, the ZFW

and Trip fuel values within three different load factor scenarios) to obtain several quadratic coefficients

for each route and time period. Once the coefficients are computed the maximum available ZFW is

calculated through the five weight constraints. Thereafter, the maximum available payload, maximum

pax number and cargo on board, are equally computed for each WV in every route and year quarter,

including annual average.

Selection Criteria

As the objective of the present work is determining the optimum medium-haul fleet composition

according to the WV selection, it was required to include all WV specifications on the present

methodology. To do so, the corresponding design weights of each WV (i.e., MTOW, MLW, MZFW) are

inputs of the previous five ZFW limitation equations, thus, since each WV has its distinct design weights

values, each WV can lead to distinct results within the same routes and time periods.

In order to achieve those quantitative limitations, in terms of maximum available payload, an

average pax weight value had to be primary settled down. Starting from each WV MZFW value and

knowing TAP’s OEW for both aircraft, the maximum available payload is then calculated through

equation (19). After that, dividing the maximum available payload per an average pax weight we get the

maximum pax number that can be carried on board.

So, considering this approach, a conservative average pax weight of 100kg was selected and

considered on further computations within this chapter, based on bibliography [13].

Since every aircraft model has its own WV specification, the following table summarizes every

design weight considered in a preliminary study for the medium-haul fleet segmentation, which are also

the inputs of the above mentioned “ZFW limitation equations”.

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Aircraft: A320neo A321neo

Weight Variant MTOW [t] MLW [t] MZFW [t] MTOW [t] MLW [t] MZFW [t]

050 73,5 66,3 62,8 89 77,3 73,3

051 73,5 67,4 64,3 89 79,2 75,6

052 77 66,3 62,8 93,5 77,3 73,3

053 77 67,4 64,3 93,5 79,2 75,6

054 79 66,3 62,8 N/A N/A N/A

055 79 67,4 64,3 N/A N/A N/A

056 70 66,3 62,8 N/A N/A N/A

057 70 67,4 64,3 N/A N/A N/A

070 N/A N/A N/A 80 71,5 67

Table 3: A320neo and A321neo WVs specifications

Analysing the above table of A320neo and A321neo WVs provided by Airbus to their customers,

through the System Configuration Guide [10], there is a gross preliminary WV exclusion that can be

made, as following paragraphs demonstrate.

• A320neo preliminary WV exclusion:

Every WV containing a MZFW value equal to 62,8 tonnes (t) - i.e., WV050, WV052, WV054 and WV056

- are primary excluded from the analysis, otherwise their selection would represent a huge initial

limitation in terms of maximum available pax number and cargo, as the following calculation shows.

Using TAP A320neo OEW Breakdown value on equation (19):

𝑀𝑎𝑥 𝑃𝑎𝑦𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 = 𝑀𝑍𝐹𝑊 − 𝑂𝐸𝑊

𝑀𝑎𝑥 𝑃𝑎𝑦𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 = 62 800 − 46 452

⇒ 𝑀𝑎𝑥 𝑃𝑎𝑦𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 = 16 348 𝐾𝑔

Considering an average pax weight [13] equal to 100 kg and TAP’s A320neo maximum seat capacity

equal to 174 seats:

𝑀𝑎𝑥 𝑃𝑎𝑥 = 𝑀𝑖𝑛 (𝑀𝑎𝑥 𝑃𝑎𝑦𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑

𝑃𝑎𝑥 𝑊𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡; 174) =

16 348

100= 163 𝑝𝑎𝑥 ≪ 𝑀𝑎𝑥 𝑐𝑎𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 = 174 𝑝𝑎𝑥

The WV057 is also primary excluded from the study due to its low value of MTOW (equal to 70 tonnes).

Observing the values of required TOW in every time period for every route studied, an A320neo with

WV057 would not be able to perform 89% of total legs during every year quarter, within TAP route

network [see Table 22], and therefore is excluded from the analysis.

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• A321neo preliminary WV exclusion:

Since the OEW for this aircraft model in TAP’s future fleet is equal to 52 122 kg, the following calculation

shows the inefficiency of the WV050, WV052 and WV070 (MLW of 73,3t in common) to operate on high

feasibility standards, which is, with full pax occupation.

𝑀𝑎𝑥 𝑃𝑎𝑦𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 = 𝑀𝑍𝐹𝑊 −𝑂𝐸𝑊

𝑀𝑎𝑥 𝑃𝑎𝑦𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 = 73 300 − 52 122 = 21 178 𝐾𝑔

Considering again that each pax may weigh in average 100 kg and TAP’s A321neo ACF maximum seat

capacity is equal to 221 seats:

𝑀𝑎𝑥 𝑃𝑎𝑥 = 𝑀𝑖𝑛 (𝑀𝑎𝑥 𝑃𝑎𝑦𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑

𝑃𝑎𝑥 𝑊𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡; 221) =

21 178

100= 211 𝑝𝑎𝑥 ≪ 𝑀𝑎𝑥 𝑐𝑎𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 = 221

Since TAP’s main business is passenger and then cargo air transportation, respectively, the

chosen principal criteria to analyse route feasibility is of course the maximum available load factor, in

respect to pax number, for each WV under analysis. Hereupon, the sequence of selection criteria for

each aircraft fleet segmentation study is as follow:

1. Only feasible routes (i.e., with minimum 70% LF capability) are eligible for analysis. Others were

primary excluded for their lack of financial profitability;

2. If different WVs have the same LF capability for the same considered routes, the lowest WV is

then selected on those routes in order to reduce WV-associated costs. On the “Cost Reduction”

chapter the savings that can be achieved with the proper WV selection will be shown;

3. Within the same routes, if maximum LF available is less than 85% for every WV, the lowest WV

is selected, unless major differences are found on a route by route analysis;

4. For routes with available LF greater than 85%, a comparison between maximum available LF

and real LF obtained through the airline records should be made route by route;

5. Within routes with LF equal to 100% for several WVs, the lower WV is selected.

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Chapter 3: Results

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Bearing in mind the methodological approach explained on the previous chapter and the entire

route network case study presented [Table 20], the following results are obtained during five different

time periods – 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th year quarter plus annual average of these values – and applied on the

new upcoming TAP medium-haul fleet.

Nevertheless, due to distinct characteristics of each aircraft type within TAP medium-haul fleet,

the results are divided by aircraft model and on this particular chapter exclusively concerning the

A320neo aircraft.

Quadratic Coefficients

The quadratic coefficients used by the developed Qlikview application to get the proposed

A320neo performance load factor-related results, within different time periods for every considered route,

were successfully computed.

Unfortunately, the quadratic coefficients computed for route VXE-LIS are A=B=0, and therefore

this route was excluded from the WV selection study, since it did not aggregate the conditions needed

to proceed to the next computation step, as it can be seen on the previous equation (17). However, the

suggested maximum value from Airbus to this route operation when performed by an A320neo WV055

(the highest one) is only 116 pax, when considering 105kg of average pax weight on the most restricted

quarter of the year: fourth quarter. Due to the low value of maximum available pax for this route (even

with the highest WV055) this route is not financially viable.

Complete results regarding the A320neo quadratic coefficients are shown on [Table 23] in the

appendix section.

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Payload Results

In order to properly select the optimum WV, a set of parameters was chosen to route-by-route,

quarter by quarter, display every aircraft WV’s feasibility.

From the implementation of the final shape of those five limitation equations (4) on the developed

Qlikview tool, it is possible to forecast any route limitation (e.g. MTOW, MZFW, MLW and TOWrwy) and

consequently the maximum ZFW value. Afterwards it uses equation (19 ) to compute the available

payload and then, in accordance with the average pax weight chosen by the application user, it displays

the maximum available pax and cargo on board as well as the associated load factor, for each route,

period, hub, WV and aircraft model selected. Thus, it allows a user experience with enough flexibility to

simulate different scenarios, draw quick charts, select the fields to display and so on.

As the payload results include a large amount of information displayed through hundreds of lines, the

complete payload results can be found at the appendix section within [Table 26]. For these results, only

relevant fields and variables were selected in order to minimize the most the table dimension, however

the developed QlikView tool is far more than that.

Feasibility Results

Although Qlikview tool displays several performance-related parameters as we have seen before,

the key-factor to decide which WV to be selected is going to be the load factor results (i.e. max pax per

total aircraft seats), since passenger transportation is the main TAP’s operation focus.

Having that in mind, a route-by-route LF analysis was performed considering an average pax

weight of 100kg for European and north American routes and on the other hand an average pax weight

of 105kg for African routes. This 5kg extra on African routes compared with others, comes from statistical

data from TAP operation during many years. Throughout [Table 29], available in appendix section, the

load factor results can be seen for each WV on every considered time period.

Figure 9: A320neo payload results

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As the above mentioned table contains the LF results for the average year conditions, those LF

were firstly analysed and in case of uncertainty, the other time period results were analysed to fine tune

the final weight variant selection decision. The LF results are shown according with the following rules:

• If LF ≤ 90% → red background

• If 90%<LF<95% → yellow background

• If 95% ≤ LF < 100% → green background

• If LF=100% → green background & bold number

Regarding the WV051 route feasibility analysis and despite its associated lightweight costs (see

Cost Reduction section) the overall load factor results revealed that only 170 out of 223 routes - i.e. 76%

of total route network - would be feasible to operate with LF greater than 85%. Meaning that WV051 is

not a reasonable selection option due to huge constraints in terms of maximum pax number limitation

that TAP would have to face and also the total operational revenue impact that such a decision would

represent, therefore, it is financially unfeasible.

At this point in time only WV053 and WV055 were worth analysing and therefore, regarding

annual averages, the following algorithm was route-by-route fulfilled in order to find the optimum WV:

𝑊𝑉 𝐶𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑎 = {

𝑖𝑓 𝐿𝐹𝑊𝑉053 = 𝐿𝐹𝑊𝑉055, 𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝑊𝑉053𝑖𝑓 𝐿𝐹𝑊𝑉053 ≤ 85% 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐿𝐹𝑊𝑉055 ≤ 85%, 𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝑊𝑉053

𝑖𝑓 𝐿𝐹𝑊𝑉053 ≤ 85% 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐿𝐹𝑊𝑉055 ≥ 85%, 𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝑊𝑉055(23)

Following this criterion, it became clear that the WV053 would be the right choice, since only few

routes were limited by LF lower than 85% when WV055 presented LF greater than 85%. Those routes

are presented on the table below:

Period: Annual Average 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter

Distance [nm] Route WV: 053 055 053 055 053 055 053 055 053 055

2158 CAI-LIS 84% 93% 83% 92% 83% 92% 86% 95% 86% 95%

2239 TER-JFK 84% 93% 81% 90% 85% 94% 88% 97% 84% 94%

2326 PDL-JFK 81% 91% 78% 88% 82% 92% 85% 95% 82% 92%

2343 PDL-EWR 83% 93% 80% 90% 84% 94% 87% 97% 84% 93%

2467 TER-YYZ 80% 89% 77% 86% 81% 91% 83% 93% 79% 89%

2557 PDL-YYZ 78% 87% 75% 84% 79% 88% 81% 90% 77% 86%

2587 LIS-TMS 80% 90% 81% 90% 81% 90% 80% 89% 80% 90%

2587 TMS-LIS 79% 88% 78% 87% 78% 87% 81% 90% 79% 88%

2764 FNC-DME 81% 91% 81% 90% 81% 91% 82% 92% 81% 90%

Table 4: A320neo WV053 not feasible routes

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By analysing those limited WV053 results some facts immediately stand out:

• Only 9 out of 223 routes are convenient to be performed by an A320neo WV055 aircraft rather

than an A320neo WV053 aircraft, which represents only 4% of total route network;

• Having in mind that the route network case study is composed by current routes and potentially

future routes to be operated by TAP: among these 9 routes, none of them is currently operated

by TAP with A320 aircraft;

• Both legs LIS-TMS and TMS-LIS are currently operated by TAP with a drop-off stop at ACC

airport, in Ghana capital, which cancels this load factor limitation.

Summing up, the present result proves that a sub-fleet of A320neo aircraft with WV055 for only 9

routes (currently not operated) would not be worth the loss in terms of fleet commonality and the

increased operating costs (see Cost Reduction chapter), therefore, the WV053 is the correct option for

the new TAP’s A320neo aircraft fleet coming out of factory between 2020 and 2025.

Sensitivity Test

In order to assure the A320neo WV053 decision robustness within the route network case-study,

a sensitivity test was performed throughout an average pax weight user manipulation allowed by the

developed Qlikview tool. The following chart summarizes the annual load factor average of all routes

when applying 2kg steps on the average pax weight. Although only European values are shown, the

results take into consideration also African routes with an initial average pax weight of 105kg, followed

by the same 2kg steps.

The result shown on the previous chart reveals the robustness of A320neo WV053 within the

considered route network [Table 20], since it only decreases 7% of the overall LF after applying a total

10kg average pax weight step increase. However, the following table and chart go even further studying

the LF magnitude within different ranges:

97,8% 97,3%95,8%










100 102 104 106 108 110




ad F



European Average Pax Weight [kg]

Sensitivity Result

Figure 10: A320neo WV053 sensitivity result

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Average Pax Weight [kg] Non-African routes 100 102 104 106 108 110

African Routes 105 107 109 111 113 115

Load Factor # Routes

LF = 100% 159 155 0 0 0 0

95% ≤ LF < 100% 34 34 163 156 0 0

90%< LF < 95% 9 9 31 37 187 162

LF ≤ 90% 21 25 29 30 36 61

# Total 223 223 223 223 223 223

Table 5: A320neo WV053 sensitivity result by LF category

The sensitivity test results has shown remarkable figures regarding the A320neo WV053, as the

following bullet list describes:

• The average pax weight range on this sensitivity analysis is extremely conservative, since

it does not correspond to the average pax weight recorded by TAP on its operation.

However, it is still a good indicator of the WV053 resilience to high average pax weights;

• Despite the already conservative initial average pax weight value, the average LF result

[Figure 11] within TAP route network, almost remained unchanged even when applying an

unrealistic 10kg increase on average pax weight;

• The first increment of 2kg barely affects the load factor scenario, by only reducing 2% the

number of routes with LF=100% and increasing 2% the LF≤90% route number;

• The second increment exposes the dissolution of routes with LF=100% through the

correspondent growth of routes with LF≥95%, but still without relevant changes

concerning routes with LF≤90%;

• Only at the fourth average pax weight increment the routes with LF≥95% disappear,

representing 83% of total routes at the same time as routes with LF≤90% assume the

other 17% routes.

159 155

0 0 0 034 34

163 156

0 09 931 37


21 25 29 30 3661

223 223 223 223 223 223







1 2 3 4 5 6



er o

f R



Average Pax Weight with 2kg Steps

Sensitivity Result

LF=100% 95%<=LF<100% 90%<LF<95% LF<=90% total

Figure 11: A320neo WV053 sensitivity result by LF category

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Payload Restrictions

The current TAP medium-haul fleet has some identified payload restrictions for either operational,

commercial or cargo space reasons, regarding some specific medium-haul routes operated by this sub-


Once new medium-haul aircraft with updated WVs are introduced into TAP’s fleet, these payload

restrictions are expected to decrease (i.e. less blocked seats) or even vanish, according with the routes

in question. For this analysis, TAP Flight Operations department provided the maximum payload

available per route on the A320ceo fleet (aircraft model A320-214 without retrofitted sharklets and with

an average age of 11 years) and thus, dividing these values by the average pax weight considered for

each route, the maximum available pax to be carried onboard is obtained. Regarding the A320neo

WV053, the max pax values were obtained through the developed QlikView tool and considering the

same average pax weights. Therefore, the already payload-restricted routes are compared in terms of

maximum available pax number between the A320ceo without retrofitted sharklets and the A320neo

WV053, with the same average pax weight considerations.

Route Avg. Pax Weight


A320ceo WV053 A320neo WV053

Max Pax

[174 seats] Restriction

Max Pax

[174 seats] Limitation

ABJ-LIS 105 152 Operational 157 MTOW

ACC-LIS 105 121 Operational 155 MTOW

DME-LIS 100 163 Operational 160 MTOW

LFW-LIS 105 150 Operational 156 MTOW

LIS-ABJ 105 150 Operational 155 MTOW

LIS-ACC 105 156 Operational 161 MTOW

LIS-LFW 105 154 Operational 162 MTOW

LIS-OXB 105 164 Operational 170 MZFW

LIS-RAI 105 164 Commercial/Cargo 170 MZFW

LIS-VXE 105 164 Commercial/Cargo 170 MZFW

OXB-LIS 105 164 Commercial/Cargo 170 MZFW

RAI-LIS 105 163 Operational 170 MZFW

VXE-LIS 105 164 Operational N/A N/A

Table 6: A320 payload restrictions

Although payload restrictions may exist for different reasons [see equation (4 )], limitations

regarding design weights for the neo-aircraft are typically MZFW and MTOW, caused by the relatively

heavy average pax weight considered on African routes, however, VXE operation is limited for a different

reason. In fact, despite the missing coefficients [see Table 23] regarding VXE-LIS it is known that VXE

airport has only one runway with a TORA equal to 2000m, which is slightly short and therefore has

TOWrwy limitation.

DME-LIS operation is the only one above mentioned that still remains restricted when operated

by A320neo WV53. Having in mind that the limitation is caused by MTOW, this fact can probably be

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explained by the gap between the A320neo and the A320ceo (without retrofitted sharklets) gross weight,

since the neo-aircraft itself is heavier and on top of that the ceo-aircraft in analysis has less weight due

to the absence of sharklets.

Hereupon, we can say that the A320neo WV053 is capable of decreasing almost every (excluding

DME-LIS) current network restriction within A320 fleet. On top of that, the available seats of specific

routes are affected by the number of business seats sold, since TAP blocks the middle seat on the triple

seat of business area each time a business seat is sold. For instance, if a specific flight has 8 business

pax, it means that 4 middle seats were blocked and therefore, in that scenario, the total available seats

to be sold are not 174 (max aircraft seats) but 170 instead. Due to confidentiality reasons, it was not

possible to disclose the exact values of business class passengers per route, but it can be considered

that 94% of total medium-haul flights have at least 8 passengers in business class.

New Fleet Assignment

As seen before, the current fleet is aged and therefore has higher fuel consumption due to

performance degradation associated with age. On top off that, the incoming aircraft neo-generation is

also more efficient regarding fuel consumption [12], above all, due to aerodynamic (new sharklets) and

engine improvements.

Therefore, implementing a new fleet assignment where neo-aircraft can perfectly perform the

current ceo-aircraft-restricted routes with greater payloads/LFs makes sense, since this new fleet

assignment is capable to decrease the restricted routes number and probably enhance the fuel

performance efficiency.

In order to analyse the eventual enhancement of fuel performance efficiency within these routes,

a comparison between the amount of required load fuel on the A320ceo and A320neo, within these

routes, was made. These loaded fuel values were obtained in distinct ways for each aircraft type

(A320ceo and A320neo). Regarding the A320ceo, an average value from the last 12 months in operation

was considered for each route, whatever the load factor was.

Regarding the A320neo, the computation of required fuel on board was made considering

maximum payload transportation with the same average pax weight per route as in [Table 6]. The loaded

fuel was computed in accordance with the previously mentioned methodology [please see equation (14)]

and also the statistical values from TAP records:

Figure 12: A320ceo restricted payload routes

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𝐿𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑑 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙 [𝑘𝑔] = 𝑇𝑟𝑖𝑝 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙 − 𝑇𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑖𝑛 + 𝑅𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑒𝑠 + 𝐺𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙

Where trip fuel is computed as in equation (3) and reserves from equation (7). The remaining values

are constants from Airbus performance file. Once again, the following results regarding the A320neo

WV053 are very conservative, since the Trip Fuel has a 2% factor increase and the computation was

made for maximum payload scenario (instead of statistical data where the LF<100%). Other

considerations were taken for computation reasons:

• Fuel price = 750 $/tonne;

• 1kg of jet fuel burned produces 3,15kg of CO2 from (24):

2𝐶12𝐻26 + 37𝑂2 = 24𝐶𝑂2 + 26𝐻2𝑂 (24)

Route Loaded Fuel [kg/leg] Delta

[kg] Delta [%]

Fuel saved [$]

CO2 emissions saved [kg] A320ceo A320neo WV053

ABJ LIS 15 695 14 043 -1 652 -11% -1 239 -5 205

ACC LIS 16 821 14 200 -2 621 -16% -1 966 -8 256

DME LIS 15 986 14 583 -1 403 -9% -1 052 -4 420

LIS ABJ 16 378 14 338 -2 040 -12% -1 530 -6 426

LIS ACC 16 557 13 687 -2 870 -17% -2 152 -9 040

LIS DME 15 888 13 805 -2 083 -13% -1 562 -6 561

LIS LFW 16 877 13 599 -3 278 -19% -2 459 -10 327

LIS OXB 16 417 12 007 -4 410 -27% -3 308 -13 892

LIS RAI 13 471 12 012 -1 459 -11% -1 094 -4 596

LIS VXE 15 907 11 762 -4 145 -26% -3 108 -13 056

OXB LIS 14 066 11 849 -2 217 -16% -1 663 -6 983

RAI LIS 12 721 11 545 -1 176 -9% -882 -3 704

VXE LIS 12 119 10 461 -1 658 -14% -1 243 -5 222

Average -2 386 -15% -1 789 -7 514

Table 7: A320 fleet comparison - required fuel on board per flight

Although the A320neo loaded fuel values are related to maximum payload transportation unlike

the A320ceo ones, which means that probably the loaded fuel is on the edge regarding aircraft range

capability, delta values between ceo and neo aircraft types are still remarkable. For instance, if equal

payloads were considered the delta would be even higher, however, data from performance files are no

longer available and therefore the current conservative approximation was made.

Less fuel on board means a lighter aircraft and therefore less fuel consumption. Considering a

fuel price equal to 750 $/tonne, for instance, we are saving 3.308 $ roughly each time LIS-OXB is

operated by an A320neo WV053 instead of A320ceo. If we consider one LIS-OXB daily flight is made,

for instance, this represents at the end of the year a total savings of 1 207 420 $ plus 2 190 passengers

carried [see Table 6], when compared with the A320ceo.

As it is known, greenhouse gases are a major concern in nowadays society. For that reason, the

table above also shows the CO2 emissions reduction per route that can be achieved when assigning

the A320neo WV053 fleet instead of the A320ceo fleet, since from the chemical combustion reaction

equation (24) “1kg of jet fuel translates into 3,15kg of CO2” [2].

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A321neo ACF & A321neo non-ACF

The previous section has shown important results regarding the A320neo WV selection.

Therefore, the present section concerning the A321neo aircraft is going to show equivalent results within

the same pattern.

Throughout this chapter, the following case study is considered:

• Routes indicated on [Table 20];

• Time periods considered: 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th year quarters plus annual average values;

• Covered aircraft models: Airbus A321neo non-ACF and A321neo ACF;

• As stated on chapter “TAP Fleet Composition” major differences between these two

aircraft model types justifies distinct analysis (TAP A321neo ACF has 221 seats and

A321neo non-ACF has 216 seats).

Quadratic Coefficients

Once again, the Qlikview tool works perfectly for the A321neo load factor related performance

results, also due to the proper contribution of accurate quadratic coefficients.

Since some routes, from Airbus excel file, present maximum allowable load factors lower than the

three LF selected to compute the coefficients (i.e. 75%LF, 80%LF and Max Pax) it is natural obtaining

matching ZFW and Trip Fuel values, and therefore, ending up with zero value coefficients. The following

table summarizes which quadratic coefficients are null within routes and time periods:

Aircraft Route Period

Annual Avg. 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter

A321neo ACF

VXE-LIS A=B=0 A=B=0 A=B=0 A=B=0 A=B=0

DME-FNC A=B=0 A=B=0 A=B=0 A=B=0 A=B=0

TER-YYZ - A=B=0 - - A=B=0

PDL-YYZ A=B=0 A=B=0 A=B=0 A=B=0 A=B=0

PDL-JFK - A=B=0 - - -

A321neo non-ACF

VXE-LIS A=B=0 A=B=0 A=B=0 A=B=0 A=B=0

DME-FNC A=B=0 A=B=0 A=B=0 A=B=0 A=B=0

TER-YYZ - A=B=0 - - -

PDL-YYZ A=B=0 A=B=0 A=B=0 A=B=0 A=B=0

PDL-JFK - A=B=0 - - -

Table 8: A321neo null quadratic coefficients

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Despite TER-YYZ and PDL-JFK routes having non-null quadratic coefficients on the 2nd and 3rd

year quarter for both A321neo ACF and A321neo non-ACF aircraft, those values cannot be used as

annual average values to obtain the future desired maximum load factors, since the absence of

coefficients means that these routes (basically all the routes from the table above) have on the best

case scenario LF greater than 85% in just one quarter of the year. Consequently, all these routes are

excluded from the following studies by their poor profitability. However, the load factor result from those

opposite legs with null coefficients (e.g. LIS-VXE, FNC-DME, YYZ-PDL) may be simply indicative of the

missing ones. Complete quadratic coefficient results may be found on [Table 24] and [Table 25] in the

appendix section.

Payload Results

Once a WV pre-selection has been made in section “Selection Criteria” by excluding some WVs

from the final evaluation, the only uncertainty lies between the A321neo WV051 or WV053 choice, which

are exactly the same WVs for both A321neo ACF and non-ACF. Therefore, the computed payload results

are exclusively for WV051 and WV053, following the same computational philosophy and Qlikview page

layout as the previous A320neo homonym.

Also here, routes can be sorted by distance, for instance, and for each WV and time period some

values are displayed, e.g.: operational limitations, maximum payload available, maximum available

passenger number, remaining payload assigned to cargo and finally the maximum available load factor,

which obviously refers to pax number divided by aircraft total seats number. As the entire payload results

would take a large amount of space, the annual average results are shown in [Table 27] and [Table 28] in

appendix section.

Figure 13: A321neo ACF payload results

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Feasibility Results

Once again, the parameter displayed by the Qlikview tool that is going to be the key-factor to

decide which WV to choose is the load factor, since passenger transportation is the most important

TAP’s business.

Therefore, a route-by-route LF analysis was performed considering an average pax weight of

105kg for African routes and 100kg for non-African routes (as explained in Selection Criteria section).

Through [Table 30] and [Table 31], both available at appendix section, the load factor results can be seen

for every route, WV and considered time periods, for both A321neo ACF and non-ACF aircraft types.

To simplify the analysis only annual average results regarding those LFs were analysed and then,

in case of uncertainty, other time periods were examined; unclearing the final weight variant selection

decision. The LF results have the same colour scheme as A320neo results presented before, since the

same analysis is applied:

• If LF ≤ 90% → red background;

• If 90% < LF < 95% → yellow background;

• If 95% ≤ LF < 100% → green background;

• If LF =100% → green background & bold number.

As it became clear through the “Selection Criteria” section, only A321neo WV051 and A321neo

WV053 are worth to be analysed, thus, the algorithm below was implemented route-by-route in order to

achieve the optimum WV selection:

Figure 14: A321neo non-ACF payload results

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𝑊𝑉 𝐶𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑎 = {

𝑖𝑓 𝐿𝐹𝑊𝑉051 = 𝐿𝐹𝑊𝑉053, 𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝑊𝑉051𝑖𝑓 𝐿𝐹𝑊𝑉051 ≤ 85% 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐿𝐹𝑊𝑉053 ≤ 85%, 𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝑊𝑉051

𝑖𝑓 𝐿𝐹𝑊𝑉051 ≤ 85% 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐿𝐹𝑊𝑉053 ≥ 85%, 𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝑊𝑉053(25)

When applying this criterion, only routes shown on the table below perform an annual average LF lower

than 85% for WV051 and greater than 85% for WV053:

Period: Annual Average 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter

Distance [nm] Route WV: 051 053 051 053 051 053 051 053 051 053

2158 CAI-LIS 83% 100% 82% 98% 82% 98% 85% 100% 85% 100%

2178 PDL-BOS 85% 100% 83% 88% 86% 100% 88% 100% 85% 100%

2239 TER-JFK 83% 90% 74% 74% 84% 95% 87% 100% 84% 93%

2257 TER-EWR 85% 100% 82% 84% 86% 100% 88% 100% 85% 100%

2278 TLV-LIS 84% 98% 83% 92% 83% 92% 85% 100% 86% 100%

2280 PDL-YUL 85% 100% 83% 89% 86% 100% 87% 100% 84% 99%

2343 PDL-EWR 83% 88% 94% 100% 84% 93% 87% 100% 83% 92%

2557 YYZ-PDL 80% 90% 76% 76% 80% 91% 89% 100% 79% 83%

Table 9: A321neo ACF WV051 not feasible routes

Period: Annual Average 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter

Distance [nm] Route WV: 051 053 051 053 051 053 051 053 051 053

2343 PDL-EWR 85% 90% 96% 100% 86% 95% 89% 100% 85% 94%

2557 YYZ-PDL 82% 92% 77% 77% 82% 94% 92% 100% 82% 93%

Table 10: A321neo non-ACF WV051 not feasible routes

After collecting these previous results, the differences between the two tables are quite obvious

since these two aircraft even with the same WV have inevitably different maximum seat numbers:

A321neo ACF has 221 seats and A321neo non-ACF has 216 seats; therefore if WV051 has some route

limitation in terms of payload, it is natural to get a LF greater on the A321neo non-ACF, due to the same

maximum pax number on board for fewer total seats available. Besides that, some other relevant facts

immediately stand out:

Regarding A321neo ACF feasibility results:

• Only for 8 routes on a total of 223 routes, the WV051 is not capable of performing a LF higher

than 85%, where WV053 does it;

• Among those 8 routes, only TLV-LIS is recently operated by TAP, however, it is operated by the

A321neo LR, which is not considered on the present study due to its long-haul characteristics;

• According to the study, TLV-LIS most restrictive quarter is the 1st and 2nd with LF equal to 83%,

which translates to 183 passengers at maximum aircraft capability;

• Since TLV operation is still recent, it is not possible to check LF records and evaluate if 83%

maximum LF would fulfil the TLV market;

• Nevertheless, thanks to TAP’s strategic vision this route is already assigned with the most recent

A321neo LR aircraft model, which is a standard A321neo ACF with increased fuel capacity;

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• Therefore, the A321neo ACF model with a maximum 83% LF represents 183 pax, which is

greater than the 171seats from the A321neo LR. Therefore, this capability seems a good

contingency solution when needed as an A321neo LR spare.

Regarding A321neo non-ACF feasibility results:

• Within this criterion, A321neo non-ACF with WV051 performs 99% of total analysed routes;

• Since TAP’s A321neo non-ACF aircraft has a lower available seat number than the A321neo

ACF (216 < 221) it was already expected less routes with low LF values;

• Also, none of those two presented routes are currently operated by TAP despite its eventual

market relevance;

• As said before, in eventual market need the A321neo LR would be capable to perform these

routes with 100% LF due to is overextended range provided by three additional center tanks


These results, and attending to the present TAP aircraft model plurality, are consistent and lead to

WV051 selection in both A321neo ACF and non-ACF aircraft models. These results and the future

WV051 selection represents an optimum scenario, since it does not compromise neither TAP operations

nor fleet commonality.

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Sensitivity Test

In order to assure robustness on the previous results that seem to lead to the WV051 selection

for both A321neo ACF and non-ACF aircraft models, a sensitivity test was performed. Through the

developed Qlikview tool a user manipulation experience was made, inserting different average pax

weight values in 2kg increment steps.

The following chart summarizes the annual load factor average when applying 2kg steps on the

average pax weight. Although only European values are shown, the results take into consideration also

African routes with an initial average pax weight of 105kg, followed by 2kg steps.















100 102 104 106 108 110




ad F



European Average Pax Weight [kg]

A321neo ACF - Sensitivity Result

Figure 15: A321neo ACF WV051 sensitivity result













100 102 104 106 108 110




ad F



European Average Pax Weight [kg]

A321neo non-ACF - Sensitivity Result

Figure 16: A321neo non-ACF WV051 sensitivity result

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Both charts, above illustrated, show a good annual average LF response within the entire route network

studied, even when applying several 2kg steps until average European pax weight reaches 110kg and

African pax weight reaches 115kg. Although this considered average pax weight range is extremely

conservative, since it does not correspond to the average pax weight recorded by TAP on its operation,

it is still a good indicator of the selected WV resilience to high average pax weights.

In fact, A321neo ACF WV051 average LF only decreases 5% after a total 10kg average pax

weight increase, whereas A321neo non-ACF WV051 decreases even less: only 3%, due to the already

explained fact related with the maximum seat number of each aircraft model. These facts illustrate that

the WV051 selection for both mentioned aircraft models is a firm decision. Nevertheless, more detailed

results are shown on the following charts and tables for each aircraft model:

1 2 3 4 5 6

LF=100% 169 139 133 132 0 0

95%<=LF<100% 20 43 39 34 136 133

90%<LF<95% 10 12 21 20 45 39

LF<=90% 22 27 28 35 40 49

total 221 221 221 221 221 221


139 133 132

0 020

43 39 34

136 133

10 12 21 20

45 3922 27 28 35 40 49

221 221 221 221 221 221









er o

f R



Average Pax Weight with 2kg steps

Sensitivity Result

LF=100% 95%<=LF<100% 90%<LF<95% LF<=90% total

Figure 17: A321neo ACF WV051 sensitivity result by LF category

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Since the initial average pax weight used was already conservative, these more detailed

sensitivity results for average pax weight increments have shown a satisfying WV051 selection

robustness, for both A321neo ACF and non-ACF.

Regarding WV051 on the A321neo ACF aircraft model:

It is remarkable that even at the third weight increment, when the average pax weight is 111kg

and 106kg for African and non-African routes, respectively, the percentage of routes with LF>90% is still

85% and within them 60% correspond to routes with LF=100%.

Concerning WV051 on the A321neo non-ACF aircraft model:

On this aircraft model, the load factor results are always better than on the ACF model, as we

discussed before, however it is still important to say that in absolute values the A321neo ACF has greater

pax number capabilities. Still, a proof of that is: 86% of routes with LF greater than 90% even at the

fourth weight increment, when African routes have an average pax weight of 113kg and 108kg on non-

African routes. Again at this average pax weight step, within these 86% routes with LF greater than 90%

there is still 66% of total routes with LF equal to 100%.

For all the above mentioned reasons, the WV051 selection has proved to be the best WV choice

considering the good performance/cost trade-off, that is going to be explained in terms of cost reduction

on the following chapter.

1 2 3 4 5 6

LF=100% 178 170 153 148 146 0

95%<=LF<100% 15 20 32 28 22 153

90%<LF<95% 11 9 10 17 21 31

LF<=90% 17 22 26 28 32 37

total 221 221 221 221 221 221

178 170153 148 146

015 20

32 28 22


11 9 10 17 2131

17 22 26 28 32 37

221 221 221 221 221 221









er o

f R



Average Pax Weight with 2kg steps

Sensitivity Result

LF=100% 95%<=LF<100% 90%<LF<95% LF<=90% total

Figure 18: A321neo non-ACF WV051 sensitivity result by LF category

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Payload Restrictions

Since TAP’s new A321neo fleet coming out of factory between 2020 and 2025 will be solely

A321neo ACF type and in the near future it will represent the majority of this fleet, this is the only aircraft

model that makes sense to compare with the current A321ceo fleet.

As it happened before on the other NB aircraft model (i.e. A320neo), it is expected that payload

restrictions within TAP route network decrease or even vanish, once the selected aircraft A321neo ACF

WV051 gets into the fleet.

Route Pax Weight [kg]

A321ceo WV051 A321neo ACF WV051

Max Pax

[216 seats] Restriction

Max Pax

[221 seats] Limitation

ABJ-LIS 105 176 Interdicted 196 MTOW

ACC-LIS 105 127 Interdicted 194 MTOW

DME-LIS 100 136 Interdicted 200 MTOW

LFW-LIS 105 118 Interdicted 194 MTOW

LIS-ABJ 105 123 Interdicted 193 MTOW

LIS-ACC 105 133 Interdicted 201 MTOW

LIS-LFW 105 131 Interdicted 202 MTOW

LIS-OXB 105 216 Operational 218 MTOW

LIS-RAI 105 213 Operational 217 MTOW

LIS-VXE 105 216 Interdicted 220 MTOW

OXB-LIS 105 216 Operational 220 MTOW

RAI-LIS 105 202 Operational 221 -

VXE-LIS 105 190 Interdicted N/A N/A

Table 11: A321 payload restrictions

Within this table, the considered average pax weights are 105kg for African routes and 100kg for

European routes, as it happened in every result within this study.

As it can be seen, the current A321ceo is internally interdicted to fly within some routes, for

different reasons as airport TORA (Take-Off Run Available is sometimes short), short range, MZFW, or

commercial strategy, for instance.

São Vicente (VXE) operation is limited due to TOW rwy coming from airport short TORA, but this

time, since A321neo is larger and heavier than the A320neo, this aircraft model is restricted to operate

this route by TAP internal decision and the A320neo is assigned. The computational value regarding the

A321neo ACF is not available to the null coefficients obtained in this route.

Despite both A321ceo and A321neo ACF WV051 have the same WV specifications [see Table 1],

different results were expected regarding limitations and consequently maximum available passengers,

since the A321neo ACF is more fuel efficient but heavier than the A321ceo. However, A321neo WV051

seems to have better results, which can be explained by performance degradation on TAP aged

A321ceo fleet and by the enhanced fuel performance on the A321neo aircraft.

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New Fleet Assignment

Within medium-haul fleet, the current A321 fleet is also aged [Table 1] and consequently has an

increased performance degradation associated. In order to enhance the fleet overall fuel consumption

efficiency, a new fleet assignment within the current restricted routes is proposed.

In order to analyse the eventual fuel performance enhancement on these routes, a comparison

between the amount of loaded fuel on the A321ceo and A321neo ACF WV051 was made.

These loaded fuel values were obtained in distinct ways. Regarding the A321ceo an average

value was considered for each route on the last 12 months of operation, independently of the load factor.

Regarding the A321neo WV051, a computation route-by-route was made considering the same

average pax weights as in [Table 11] and the maximum available payload to be carried onboard from

equation (14):

𝐿𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑑 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙 [𝑘𝑔] = 𝑇𝑟𝑖𝑝 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙 − 𝑇𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑖𝑛 + 𝑅𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑒𝑠 + 𝐺𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙

Where trip fuel is computed as in equation (3) and reserves from equation (7). The remaining values

are constants from Airbus performance file. On these computations a maximum payload was considered

to be carried on board.

In order to quantify the added value of this proposed new fleet assignment for these two routes,

the following table shows the delta savings in terms of fuel amount and CO2 emissions.

Figure 19: A321ceo restricted-payload routes

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Route Loaded Fuel [kg] Delta

[kg] Delta [%]

Fuel saved [$]

CO2 emissions saved [kg] A321ceo A321neo WV051

LIS OXB 18 465 13 976 -4 489 -24% -3 367 -10 605

LIS RAI 16 076 13 987 -2 090 -13% -1 568 -4 938

OXB LIS 16 525 13 822 -2 703 -16% -2 028 -6 387

RAI LIS 15 148 13 503 -1 645 -11% -1 234 -3 887

Average -2 732 -16% -2 049 -6 454

Table 12: A321 fleet comparison - required fuel on board

Table 12 calculations were based on the following values:

• Fuel price = 750 $/tonne;

• 1kg of jet fuel burned produces 3,15kg of CO2, from equation (24) and IATA [2].

The A321neo WV051 loaded fuel values are related to maximum payload transportation unlike

the A321ceo ones, which are based on recorded data from the past 12 months (whatever the LF, it was

for sure lower than max pax). As the considered average pax weight is barely the same for both aircraft,

the delta between ceo and neo aircraft model is still considerable and very conservative.

In annual values, if we consider daily flights, this new fleet assignment would represent a total

fuel saving of 2.991.905 $ and less 9.423.205 kg in CO2 emissions.

Considering the obtained results, regarding the CO2 emissions that can be saved just by

swapping the A321ceo fleet by the future A321neo ACF W051 fleet, within these four legs, we can claim

that TAP is also playing a role in what concerns the climate changes through its environmental


Aircraft Quantity

In order to quantify how many aircraft A321neo ACF WV053 would be needed to operate the

routes where the A321neo ACF WV051 is not so well capable, an analysis was made considering only

TAP current operated routes, within [Table 20] at appendix section. The implemented criteria to enable

an accurate evaluation was selecting only routes where annual average load factors are:

• LFWV053 > 85%;

• LFWV051 > 85%;

• LFWV053 > LFWV051.

Although some legs, within the table below, do not respect the criteria (e.g. RAI-LIS and LIS-HEL)

the correspondent leg pair does it, and therefore, both legs have to be considered in order to further

compute an integer aircraft number to operate them.

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Distance [nm] Route LFWV051 LFWV053 BH

[decimal hours] BH

[total annual]

2133 ABJ-LIS 89% 100% 5,48 2 000.20 2152 ACC-LIS 88% 100% 5,56 2 029.40 2137 DME-LIS 91% 100% 5,76 2 102.40 1906 HEL-LIS 97% 100% 5,16 1 883.40 2138 LFW-LIS 89% 100% 5,55 2 025.75 2133 LIS-ABJ 88% 100% 5,44 1 985.60 2152 LIS-ACC 91% 100% 5,45 1 989.25 2161 LIS-DME 95% 100% 5,38 1 963.70 1906 LIS-HEL 100% 100% 4,91 1 792.15 2138 LIS-LFW 92% 100% 5,41 1 974.65 1733 LIS-OXB 99% 100% 4,66 1 700.90 1699 LIS-RAI 99% 100% 4,65 1 697.25 1733 OXB-LIS 100% 100% 4,48 1 635.20

1699 RAI-LIS 100% 100% 4,36 1 591.40

Total sum: 26 371.25 Table 13: Advantageous routes for A321neo ACF WV053

On the table above, the correspondent block hour (BH) of each route is displayed in decimal value

and also the total annual block hours sum, considering for calculation purposes that at least one daily

flight is made during the entire year.

From TAP flight data, it is known that each medium-haul aircraft performs in average 4100 BH,

so, dividing the total sum of annual BH of these routes by 4100 BH we get the total number of aircraft

required to operate within these routes. A conservative and integer value was rounded up to 7 required

A321neo ACF WV053 aircraft type.

By the end of 2019, TAP is expected to own 9 aircraft A321neo WV053 (6 non-ACF and 3 ACF)

from previous decisions. However, and despite the current dissertation focus is on the WV selection of

the medium-haul fleet coming out of factory between 2020 and 2025, these nine aircraft owned by TAP

from 2019 forward have leasing contracts for 12 years, and therefore, we have to take into consideration

that they will operate at the same time as new A321neo ACF WV051 aircraft phases in the fleet.

This result is conservative enough to guarantee a complete operation, since the non-ACF aircraft

type is capable of higher LFs than the ACF type due the lower seat count number available, and on top

of that, on several routes (especially the longer ones) business seats have high demand, thus, for each

business seat sold, a central seat position from the triple seat is blocked.

Therefore, we can state that the A321neo ACF WV051 aircraft coming out of factory between

2020 and 2025 are capable enough to operate the current route network, with the exception of routes

in [Table 13] where the already owned A321neo WV053 aircraft are perfectly capable of performing them.

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Cost Reduction

The novel WV selection method presented on this thesis compared with the older WV selection

method has revealed remarkable figures regarding financial cost reductions, associated with a WV

downgrade regarding the new A321neo coming out of factory between 2020 and 2025, when compared

with the current TAP A321ceo fleet.

As initially proposed this section will show the major cost reductions achieved per aircraft,

sometimes making use of a hypothetical overall route operation equal to 2018’s one.

These achieved results concerns immediate costs as aircraft acquisition, or rent, and perpetual

costs such as navigation fees, landing fees and ownership costs. Due to confidentiality issues, the

following results are shown in terms of delta between weight variants related to the higher one, for both

aircraft models: A320neo and A321neo.

Landing Fees

Since airlines operate in commercial airports, there are many charges to be paid due to airport

services provided by the airport administrative entity. Those airport services are charged through various

fees related to: landing/take-off, parking, aircraft shelter, passenger service (per boarding count),

ground/handling equipment, safety and even with reduced mobility passenger services.

In order to compute the landing fees for the present case study, an average value of the

Portuguese airports’ landing fees [14] was calculated and used for every route landing charge. In

Portugal, almost every airport uses the same methodology for the landing fee charges, varying the unit

charge according to the airport. As an example, the following table shows Lisbon’s airport landing

charges, applicable from 7th March until December 2019, for different MTOW categories:

Cat. Up to 25t

[per tonne]

Between 25t and

75t [per tonne

above 25t]

Between 75t and

150t [per tonne

above 75t]

Above 150t

[per tonne

above 150t]



Cost per

Landing 6,45 € 7,68 € 9,02 € 6,85 € 303,73 €

Table 14: Lisbon landing charges

Although this may not include the accurate value of each airport considered on the present case

study [see Table 20], it is still a reliable method to obtain the desired results, since they only represent

deltas instead of particular values, and since Lisbon is TAP’s main hub it represents the major impact

on the entire TAP operation (in 2018 it represented 44,5% of total operation).

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As expected, the WV selection has an important impact on TAP expenses regarding landing fees,

thus, the table below shows the cost reduction values in terms of delta, between the higher WV and the

others, for the A320neo and A321neo aircraft.

Aircraft WV MTOW [t]

Delta Landing Fees

Landing Fees


Landing Fees


Landing Fees



055 79 _ _ _

053 77 -15,44 -28 178,00 -422 670,00

051 73,5 -40,71 -74 295,75 -1 114 436,25

A321neo 053 93,5 _ _ _

051 89 -34,74 -63 400,50 -634 005,00

Table 15:Landing Fees Cost Reduction

On [Table 15] displayed above, the delta landing fees were computed considering the following


• Deltas per landing values were computed based on an average from Portuguese airport

charges that TAP currently operates (i.e. LIS, OPO, FNC, PDL, TER and FAO);

• Total landing fees charged per aircraft during an entire year in operation are based on 5

daily flights, and therefore, 5 landing fees per day during 365 days;

• Annual landing fee expense of the entire fleet only considers new aircraft coming out of

factory between 2020 and 2025, since they represent the main target of this dissertation;

• New fleet coming out of factory will be composed by 15 aircraft A320neo and 10 aircraft


Navigation Fees

Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) recover the cost for facilities and services provided to

airspace users (e.g. commercial airlines) by means of route charges. In Portugal, for instance, the ANSP

is known as NAV Portugal, but since every ANSP has its own legal space, on an international flight the

total amount paid by an airline is the sum of every navigation fee charged on each overflown flight

information region (FIR), i.e. each FIR has its own unit rate that multiplied by the corresponding flown

distance (from the FIR entry point until the exit point in kilometres) and even multiplied again by the

aircraft weight factor, gives the navigation fee charged by each ANSP [15].

𝑁𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑔𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐹𝑒𝑒 = 𝐷𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝐹𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟 × 𝐴𝑖𝑟𝑐𝑟𝑎𝑓𝑡 𝑊𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝐹𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟 × 𝑈𝑛𝑖𝑡 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑒 (26)

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⇔ 𝑁𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑔𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐹𝑒𝑒 [€] =𝐷𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 [𝑘𝑚]

100× √


50× 𝑈𝑛𝑖𝑡 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒[€] (27)

In order to compute the previous equation for every operated route considering different WVs, the

same flights operated by TAP during 2018 were considered and the unit rate used through the

computation is a 2018 Eurocontrol countries’ average [16] in euro currency, which is 50 € rounded up.

Although the most accurate approach would have been the computation of navigation fees with every

unit rate from each FIR for every considered route, the present one gives a reasonable perspective

since the desired values represent a delta between navigation fees when flying aircraft with different


Because WV selection implies the acquisition of aircraft with different MTOW, as explained before,

it is important to quantify the impact of such a decision, since the MTOW represents a navigation fee

input, as the previous equation (27) has shown.

Aircraft WV MTOW [t]

Delta Navigation Fees

Navigation Fees


Navigation Fees



055 79 _ _

053 77 -25 898,75 -388 481,30

051 73,5 -72 044,46 -1 080 667,00

A321neo 053 93,5 _ _

051 89 -47 979,48 -479 794,80

Table 16: Navigation Fees Cost Reduction

The previous [Table 16] quantifies the cost savings, in terms of navigation fees, that can be

achieved having in mind the following conditions:

• Navigation fees charged per aircraft during an entire year are based on 2018 route

network operations, when operated by different aircraft and WVs;

• Total navigation fees per fleet per year are related to the new upcoming fleet between

2020 and 2025, which is 15 aircraft A320neo and 10 aircraft A321neo;

• This means, for example, that selecting the new A321neo ACF WV051 instead of the

WV053 implies an annual saving from 2025 onwards of 1 million €, roughly.

Taking into account that TAP is receiving new aircraft and announcing new routes, if the ratio of

routes per aircraft increases, or if the medium-haul average sector increases, this cost saving gap

between different WVs can become even higher, reinforcing the current WV selection decision.

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Ownership Costs

Nowadays, it is difficult to find an airline owning an entire purchased fleet without leased aircraft,

due to different reasons, but mainly because of the lack of financial liquidity or even strategic reasons.

Aircraft operational lease contracts usually cover a 12-year period – usually shorter than financial leases

- which allow airlines to adopt short-term strategic decisions in order to fit into more up-to-date market

constraints. Some short-term strategic decisions may be related to sudden aircraft model changes or

even aircraft fleet size adjustments.

As result of this floating demand, lessors (aircraft owners) adjust their rents according to market

conditions and translate the operator (lessee) customized aircraft specifications into increased

ownership costs (i.e. rent values). Since the WV selection comes from a manufacturer chargeable

specification change notice (SCN), this Weight Variant SCN cost is presented on the table below, again

as a delta value for non-disclosure reasons.

Aircraft WV MTOW [t] SCN Cost


SCN Cost



055 79 _ _

053 77 -397 700 -5 965 500 (15 aircraft)

051 73,5 -1 093 900 -16 408 500 (15 aircraft)

A321neo 053 93,5 _ _

051 89 -895 300 -8 953 000 (10 aircraft)

Table 17: Delta Weight Variant SCN Cost

In order to translate the charged WV selection into a monthly ownership cost increase, a

correlative factor of monthly rent increase per extra lessor’s investment was established as being 1,1%.

In other words, this factor means that lessors usually charge (through a monthly rent increase)

1.100€/month more per each 100.000€ they invest in operator customized items, such as the WV. This

previous correlative factor is not a random choice, since it comes from TAP Management department

experience from the last 3 years.

Bearing in mind this monthly rent-increase/invested-amount factor equal to 1,1%, selecting

different WV implies different WV SCN costs, and so the ownership cost per aircraft. Those values were

computed and once more presented below in delta values, within different timelines to better understand

the WV selection financial impact on TAP ownership cost per aircraft.

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Aircraft WV MTOW


Delta Ownership Costs













055 79 _ _ _ _

053 77 -4 745,63 -12,53 -56 947,55 -854 213,25

051 73,5 -13 053,16 -34,47 -156 637,92 -2 349 568,80

A321neo 053 93,5 _ _ _ _

051 89 -10 683,34 -14,08 -128 199,99 -1 281 999,90

Table 18: Delta Ownership Cost

Within the previous calculation table, some considerations were made:

• Delta monthly rent was calculated as the standard rent plus the 1,1% factor increment

coming from the lessor WV SCN investment;

• Ownership cost per BH was calculated through statistical average BH values of medium-

haul fleet;

• Ownership cost per year is simply the rent over 12 months;

• Values regarding annual ownership costs per fleet correspond to the new upcoming fleet

of 10 aircraft A321neo ACF and 15 aircraft A320neo, that should be operating by the end

of 2025.

Having in mind the current A321neo fleet with WV053, this suggested WV downgrade on the entire

upcoming fleet (10 A321neo ACF WV051) can represent, at the end of the lessor agreement contract

(usually 12 years), a total saved amount rounding tens of billions of euros just in ownership costs.

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Chapter 4: Conclusion

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The feasibility analysis performed on the A320neo WV053 has proven that the suggested WV053

is capable to comply with the predefined feasibility criteria in almost every route within the case study.

Besides, the missing routes where A320neo WV053 does not meet the feasibility requirements [Table 4]

are currently not operated by TAP, therefore no route belonging to TAP route network is affected. In the

future, if TAP decides to open some new routes which require increased designed weights a specific

study shall be performed for those routes. Several factors shall be included on that study, namely the

passengers’ demand which will affect directly the payload and as a result the rate of annual flights that

would require increased WV. If this rate is minor, it would not justify the additional investment as well as

the loss of the A320 neo fleet commonality.

The major share of TAP’s medium-haul fleet is composed by Airbus A320 aircraft, and the new

A320neo version is now becoming a key player within that major share. In a few years, the A320neo will

represent more than 50% of the total TAP’s medium haul fleet. Following the recommendation presented

on this study in regards to the WV selection (In the end of 2019, TAP will already have 7 A320neo with

that specification) and taking into consideration that “Cabin wise” all A320neo have exactly the same

configuration, therefore, the result will represent an advantage for TAP’s operations control center,

because all of its A320neo aircraft will be able to cover the entire medium-haul route network, simplifying

the process to surpass any operational irregularity.

On top of that, sensitivity analysis results regarding average pax weight are also acceptable for

the A320neo, which allows TAP to generate additional revenue either from passengers’ extra luggage

or by selling cargo capacity, while keeping the same WV.

Regarding the A321neo aircraft with “European” configuration, during the course of 2019 TAP will

reach a total of 9 of this aircraft model (6 A321neo non-ACF and 3 A321neo ACF). As it was previously

highlighted, and in order to avoid splitting even more the medium-haul fleet, TAP will most likely consider

the A321neo ACF and A321neo non-ACF aircraft as single aircraft model for route assignment purposes.

These 9 airplanes already contain the WV053 and, as it was demonstrated in this study, it is more

than sufficient to cover all those routes already operated by TAP that might require the highest WV053.

This specific analysis was very conservative, both in terms of required payload (average pax weight,

number of seats blocked for business seat triples and for crew rest) and required block time (total annual

utilization was considered). Besides that, a satisfactory feasibility result was also achieved, since only

PDL-EWR and YYZ-PDL routes did not comply with the imposed feasibility criteria even selecting the

WV051 for the A321neo non-ACF. Although these routes are not currently operated by TAP, and despite

the non-compliant feasibility result, it would still be possible to operate PDL-EWR and YYZ-PDL at least

with 85% LF and 82% LF, respectively, with the A321neo non-ACF.

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Besides, this study proves that the WV051 should be selected for the incoming A321neo ACF (10

aircraft to be delivered between 2020 and 2025), because the routes requiring the WV053 are already

covered by the current A321neo WV053 fleet, the selection of 10 aircraft A321neo with WV051 instead

of WV053 will represent a total annual saving of 2,4M€, roughly, from 2025 onwards [see Table 19]. This

value already demonstrates a great achievement, but it will probably be underestimated since TAP is

currently considering adding some additional aircraft from the lessors’ market (on top of those 10

airplanes) during that period.

Cost Reduction [€/AC] Aircraft Model

A321neo ACF WV051

Landing Fees -63 400,50

Navigation Fees -47 979,48

Ownership Cost -128.199,99

Total saved per AC: -239 579,97

Total saved per fleet (10 AC): -2 395 799,70

Total saved during lease (12 years) -28 749 596,40

Table 19: Total annual cost reduction

Last but not least, this dissertation also provides a great support for the required fleet renewal in

terms of WV selection. TAP will probably replace several “ceo” aircraft by “neo” aircraft during the

incoming years and these achieved results show that keeping the current network, TAP should select

WV053 and WV051 for the A320neo and A321neo ACF, respectively. If TAP decides to launch new

routes requiring increased design weights, a specific route-by-route analysis shall be performed.

However, it is important to highlight that the current A321neo fleet already provides some buffer for that

requirement (see section Aircraft Quantity).

The present study will support TAP’s final decision regarding the WV selection for A320neo and

A321neo ACF fleets, to be delivered between 2020 and 2025, that shall be announced in July 2019.

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Future Work

Although the proposed work objectives were achieved, many other features may still be included

on the developed Qlikview tool in order to enhance it and support airline decisions on several topics.

The performance algorithm already included on the QlikView tool was developed in such a way

that it allows quick updates. Therefore, implementing additional programming code lines would enable

additional sensitivity analyses, for instance based on Equivalent Still Air Distance (ESAD) variation,

runway conditions and other factors that directly impact the OEW (e.g. loaded water or available catering


As previously explained, aircraft definition and configuration process is also made of several

SCNs, and not exclusively the WV one. Therefore, other charged SCNs can also be evaluated in order

to compute cost/benefit ratios. The tool can be primarily updated to support other selections that may

require performance analysis, such as: engines’ suppliers and maximum thrust rates, avionics (e.g.

SATCOM), as well as cabin and cargo characteristics depending on the commercial and operational

requirement for each route. Selecting those systems based on routes’ requirements, and not for the

entire medium haul fleet, would definitely decrease the airlines’ ownership costs of those airplanes.

Although the implemented QlikView tool is now set to quantify route feasibility and cost reduction

related to the current available WV options for the A320neo and A321neo aircraft, it can also be applied

on different aircraft (e.g. A220, A330 or A350) as well as in different route network profiles, since the

polynomial relation [equation (3)] developed for the Trip Fuel computation was successfully tested.

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[11] Airbus S.A.S., "www.Airbus.com," [Online]. Available:


[12] Airbus S.A.S., "www.Airbus.com," March 2019. [Online]. Available:



[13] Z. Berdowski, F. v. d. Broek-Serlé, J. Jetten, Y. Kawabata, J. Schoemaker and R. Versteegh,

“Survey on standard weights of passengers and baggage,” Zoetermeer, 2009.

[14] "ANA - Aeroportos de Portugal S.A.," 6 March 2019. [Online]. Available:


Page 74: Medium Haul Fleet Segmentation - ULisboa · Medium Haul Fleet Segmentation Airbus A320neo & A321neo Weight Variant Selection João André Ferreira de Abreu Thesis to obtain the Master


[15] Eurocontrol, “Customer Guide to Charges,” February 2019. [Online]. Available:


2019.pdf. [Accessed 25 June 2019].

[16] Eurocontrol, "www.eurocontrol.int," April 2018. [Online]. Available:


[17] T. A. Portugal, "TAP Intranet," March 2018. [Online]. Available:

https://intranet.tap.pt/Documents/DiretorioLinks/organigrama.pdf. [Accessed 26 November


[18] M. Pollack, "Some Elements of the Airline Fleet Planning Problem," December 1976.

[19] A. S.A.S., "Airbus World," April 2018. [Online]. Available: https://w3.Airbus.com/.

[20] Airbus, "Leeham News and Analysis," January 2015. [Online]. Available:


[Accessed 23 May 2019].

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Chapter 5: Appendix

The last chapter of this master thesis is reserved to the tables and figures that despite its

importance could not be revealed on their respective chapter, due to oversized dimension reasons or

even due to its content itself, for confidentiality reasons.

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Route Network Case Study

The following table presents the complete route network considered throughout this dissertation,

arranged by operating Hub and continent. This case study includes medium-haul routes already

operated by TAP and some possible future routes to be operated by TAP.
























Table 20: Route network case-study

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Work Assumptions

LOW SPEED Units Assumption Take-off regulations JAR Runway conditions Dry & wet (Dry for enroute performance) Airfield data SITA Database

Airport temperature

85% annual 85% Q1 85% Q2 85% Q3 85% Q4

Winds - EN-ROUTE

Temperature ISA+10


85% annual 85% Q1 85% Q2 85% Q3 85% Q4

Payload Max passenger payload

85% load factor 70% load factor

Passenger weight (including baggage)

kg 105kg for Africa, 100kg for other routes

Distance Great circle +5% Diversion nm Real alt. (min. 80nm used) Cruise speed Mach MRC Fuel density kg/L 0,803 Performance level Nominal performance Fuel burn conservatism 2,0%



Taxi-in min 7 (2013 average values) Take-off and climb to 1500ft Distance not credited Climb Minimum Fuel Cruise No minimum cruise length Descent Minimum Fuel Approach and landing from 1500ft

Distance not credited

Taxi-out min 17 (2013 average values)

Diversion (including final reserves)

Climb Diversion speed schedule Cruise No minimum cruise length Descent Diversion speed schedule Approach and landing from 1500ft

Distance not credited

Holding (Final Reserves) min 30min - 1500ft above airport

Contingency Fuel

Contingency fuel kg 3% enroute trip fuel

(includes take-off, climb, cruise, descent, holding and landing)

Minimum contingency fuel kg Holding, ISA+10, 5 min, 1500 ft above airport

Additional Fuel kg 300

Reserves kg Diversion fuel (including final reserves) + Contingency

+ Additional Fuel Table 21: Assumptions

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TAP A320neo WV057 - Route Feasibility Analysis

Required TOW

Route Annual Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 MTOW MTOW>TOW

ABJ-LIS 78 308 78 432 78 359 78 080 78 437 70 000 No ACC-LIS 78 501 78 629 78 637 78 183 78 596 70 000 No AMS-LIS 72 345 72 327 72 299 72 355 72 357 70 000 No ARN-LIS 75 927 75 881 75 831 75 893 76 062 70 000 No ATH-LIS 75 976 76 050 76 064 75 988 75 697 70 000 No BCN-LIS 69 928 69 940 69 942 69 951 69 866 70 000 Yes BEY-LIS 79 000 79 000 79 000 79 000 79 000 70 000 No BLQ-LIS 72 394 72 428 72 403 72 433 72 284 70 000 No BRU-LIS 71 957 71 964 71 928 71 979 71 957 70 000 No BUD-LIS 74 469 74 524 74 444 74 498 74 354 70 000 No BVC-LIS 75 040 75 064 74 948 75 012 75 401 70 000 No CAI-LIS 79 000 79 000 79 000 79 000 79 000 70 000 No CKY-LIS 76 490 76 501 76 466 76 414 76 791 70 000 No

CMN-LIS 69 161 69 185 69 171 69 113 69 206 70 000 Yes CPH-LIS 74 297 74 277 74 237 74 289 74 371 70 000 No DKR-LIS 75 220 75 225 75 160 75 227 75 285 70 000 No

DME-FNC 79 000 79 000 79 000 79 000 79 000 70 000 No DME-LIS 78 564 78 595 78 497 78 514 78 621 70 000 No DUS-LIS 72 418 72 413 72 386 72 429 72 418 70 000 No FAO-LIS 67 616 67 620 67 620 67 598 67 613 70 000 Yes FCO-LIS 72 535 72 573 72 571 72 575 72 395 70 000 No

FNC-DME 79 000 79 000 79 000 79 000 79 000 70 000 No FNC-LIS 69 583 69 610 69 572 69 515 69 612 70 000 Yes

FNC-OPO 70 228 70 268 70 230 70 145 70 258 70 000 No FNC-ORY 73 409 73 472 73 435 73 250 73 441 70 000 No FRA-LIS 72 480 72 488 72 461 72 504 72 451 70 000 No GVA-LIS 71 360 71 373 71 354 71 392 71 295 70 000 No

GVA-OPO 70 821 70 860 70 807 70 831 70 783 70 000 No HAM-LIS 73 455 73 451 73 401 73 465 73 487 70 000 No HEL-LIS 76 871 76 847 76 789 76 832 76 972 70 000 No IST-LIS 76 660 76 742 76 703 76 697 76 384 70 000 No KBP-LIS 76 949 77 000 76 868 76 934 76 947 70 000 No KEF-LIS 75 292 75 337 75 228 75 282 75 373 70 000 No LED-LIS 77 636 77 585 77 554 77 594 77 745 70 000 No LFW-LIS 78 325 78 452 78 431 77 988 78 544 70 000 No LGW-LIS 71 390 71 384 71 354 71 411 71 400 70 000 No

LGW-OPO 70 646 70 648 70 607 70 646 70 671 70 000 No LHR-LIS 71 450 71 444 71 414 71 471 71 471 70 000 No LIS-ABJ 78 556 78 635 78 579 78 511 78 663 70 000 No LIS-ACC 77 682 77 699 77 679 77 709 77 987 70 000 No LIS-AMS 71 708 71 763 71 739 71 612 71 707 70 000 No LIS-ARN 75 150 75 248 75 184 75 041 75 106 70 000 No LIS-ATH 74 293 74 287 74 183 74 103 74 469 70 000 No LIS-BCN 69 672 69 678 69 654 69 606 69 723 70 000 Yes LIS-BEY 77 754 77 710 77 652 77 574 78 285 70 000 No LIS-BLQ 71 497 71 516 71 481 71 373 71 582 70 000 No LIS-BRU 71 323 71 370 71 351 71 228 71 333 70 000 No LIS-BUD 73 402 73 424 73 381 73 245 73 479 70 000 No LIS-BVC 75 429 75 503 75 618 75 249 75 403 70 000 No LIS-CAI 77 218 77 131 77 057 77 183 77 549 70 000 No LIS-CKY 76 362 76 495 76 477 76 164 76 533 70 000 No

LIS-CMN 68 870 68 848 68 861 68 890 68 908 70 000 Yes LIS-CPH 73 460 73 539 73 487 73 343 73 443 70 000 No LIS-DKR 75 406 75 496 75 570 75 153 75 255 70 000 No LIS-DME 77 669 77 737 77 663 77 554 77 690 70 000 No LIS-DUS 71 825 71 878 71 857 71 718 71 836 70 000 No LIS-FAO 67 293 67 275 67 283 67 305 67 297 70 000 Yes LIS-FCO 71 722 71 733 71 683 71 590 71 832 70 000 No LIS-FNC 70 265 70 260 70 279 70 278 70 221 70 000 No LIS-FRA 71 821 71 860 71 840 71 704 71 843 70 000 No LIS-GVA 70 864 70 888 70 858 70 761 70 906 70 000 No LIS-HAM 72 655 72 721 72 693 72 553 72 654 70 000 No LIS-HEL 75 752 75 837 75 768 75 633 75 683 70 000 No LIS-IST 75 175 75 172 75 110 74 963 75 352 70 000 No LIS-KBP 75 788 75 822 75 784 75 633 75 850 70 000 No LIS-KEF 75 796 75 871 75 836 75 673 75 795 70 000 No LIS-LED 76 739 76 834 76 782 76 656 76 688 70 000 No LIS-LFW 77 579 77 546 77 551 77 623 77 885 70 000 No LIS-LGW 70 977 71 020 71 001 70 881 70 966 70 000 No LIS-LHR 70 938 70 992 70 973 70 850 70 937 70 000 No LIS-LOS 77 846 77 764 77 795 77 925 78 140 70 000 No LIS-LPA 70 603 70 573 70 644 70 610 70 552 70 000 No LIS-LUX 71 327 71 360 71 343 71 223 71 346 70 000 No

LIS-MAD 68 349 68 343 68 336 68 323 68 368 70 000 Yes LIS-MAN 71 371 71 423 71 400 71 282 71 349 70 000 No LIS-MUC 72 082 72 123 72 088 71 960 72 129 70 000 No LIS-MXP 71 062 71 089 71 065 70 949 71 129 70 000 No

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LIS-OPO 67 769 67 772 67 772 67 747 67 769 70 000 Yes LIS-ORY 70 722 70 756 70 743 70 637 70 739 70 000 No LIS-OSL 74 406 74 495 74 456 74 306 74 365 70 000 No LIS-OTP 75 022 75 030 74 997 74 836 75 392 70 000 No LIS-OXB 75 988 76 113 76 144 75 780 76 064 70 000 No LIS-PDL 70 939 71 047 70 955 70 864 70 878 70 000 No LIS-PRG 72 678 72 712 72 686 72 550 72 718 70 000 No LIS-PXO 70 218 70 212 70 232 70 229 70 177 70 000 No LIS-RAI 76 009 76 065 76 209 75 819 76 071 70 000 No LIS-RAK 69 461 69 433 69 465 69 482 69 407 70 000 Yes LIS-SID 75 490 75 563 75 676 75 313 75 428 70 000 No LIS-TER 71 275 71 411 71 292 71 170 71 220 70 000 No LIS-TLV 77 916 77 839 77 758 77 758 78 394 70 000 No LIS-TMS 79 000 79 000 79 000 79 000 79 000 70 000 No LIS-TXL 72 966 73 017 72 990 72 845 72 978 70 000 No LIS-VCE 71 907 71 931 71 888 71 768 71 987 70 000 No LIS-VIE 72 831 72 864 72 839 72 700 72 901 70 000 No LIS-VXE 75 594 75 604 75 759 75 518 75 804 70 000 No

LIS-WAW 74 428 74 494 74 458 74 299 74 462 70 000 No LIS-ZRH 71 208 71 239 71 213 71 098 71 258 70 000 No LOS-LIS 78 482 78 669 78 621 78 088 78 635 70 000 No LPA-LIS 70 619 70 672 70 606 70 525 70 653 70 000 No LUX-LIS 71 956 71 962 71 926 71 978 71 930 70 000 No

LUX-OPO 71 305 71 329 71 278 71 313 71 303 70 000 No MAD-LIS 68 461 68 455 68 460 68 474 68 434 70 000 Yes MAN-LIS 71 816 71 800 71 754 71 814 71 850 70 000 No MUC-LIS 72 843 72 868 72 822 72 868 72 767 70 000 No MXP-LIS 71 857 71 886 71 850 71 892 71 772 70 000 No

OPO-FNC 70 897 70 903 70 900 70 919 70 851 70 000 No OPO-GVA 70 338 70 342 70 356 70 274 70 374 70 000 No OPO-LGW 70 235 70 261 70 263 70 173 70 218 70 000 No OPO-LIS 67 755 67 741 67 747 67 770 67 751 70 000 Yes

OPO-LUX 70 687 70 704 70 709 70 616 70 693 70 000 No OPO-ORY 70 059 70 078 70 084 70 004 70 065 70 000 No OPO-ZRH 70 673 70 681 70 696 70 603 70 708 70 000 No ORY-FNC 74 559 74 581 74 552 74 584 74 506 70 000 No ORY-LIS 71 132 71 133 71 116 71 161 71 111 70 000 No

ORY-OPO 70 476 70 485 70 447 70 477 70 467 70 000 No OSL-LIS 75 139 75 096 75 052 75 110 75 262 70 000 No OTP-LIS 76 376 76 469 76 393 76 434 76 444 70 000 No OXB-LIS 75 842 75 851 75 801 75 808 76 102 70 000 No PDL-LIS 70 825 70 812 70 811 70 808 70 868 70 000 No PRG-LIS 73 591 73 621 73 568 73 618 73 556 70 000 No PXO-LIS 69 422 69 445 69 412 69 357 69 448 70 000 Yes RAI-LIS 75 387 75 431 75 291 75 356 75 835 70 000 No RAK-LIS 69 686 69 719 69 690 69 620 69 707 70 000 Yes SID-LIS 74 903 74 925 74 812 74 875 75 225 70 000 No TER-LIS 71 104 71 082 71 089 71 094 71 141 70 000 No TLV-LIS 79 000 79 000 79 000 79 000 79 000 70 000 No TMS-LIS 79 000 79 000 79 000 79 000 79 000 70 000 No TXL-LIS 73 815 73 828 73 776 73 826 73 814 70 000 No VCE-LIS 72 718 72 741 72 711 72 757 72 601 70 000 No VIE-LIS 73 882 73 930 73 876 73 928 73 793 70 000 No VXE-LIS 69 151 69 264 69 264 69 097 69 097 70 000 Yes

WAW-LIS 75 254 75 274 75 207 75 266 75 231 70 000 No ZRH-LIS 72 038 72 056 72 019 72 061 71 973 70 000 No

ZRH-OPO 71 485 71 522 71 457 71 483 71 439 70 000 No

Feasible routes: 15 11% Not feasible routes: 119 89%

TOTAL routes: 134 100% Table 22: A320neo WV057 feasibility analysis

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OEW Breakdown

TAP A320neo OEW Breakdown

AIRCRAFT Unit A320neo

Engine LEAP-1A26

Weight variant 057 (not relevant for OEW)

MTOW kg 70 000

MLW kg 67 400

MZFW kg 64 300

CABIN 174 seats

Layout Ref. 46968_A1

Total Seats 174

Premium economy seats 72

Economy seats 102

Premium class ratio % 0,0

Premium Economy class ratio % 41,4

Economy class ratio % 58,6


MWE kg 39 591

Cabin Layout Changes kg 110

SCN selection kg 407

Semi-automatic CLS kg 122

Provisions for future connectivity solution kg 200

Customised MWE kg 40 430

Operator Items

Unusable fuel kg 65

Oil for engines and APU kg 98

Water kg 200

Waste tank precharge (Fluids for toilets) kg 10

A/C documents kg 19

Pax Seats and Life Jackets kg 2 287

Galley Structure kg 385

Catering kg 1 463

Emergency Equipment kg 250

Crew and crew baggage kg 530

Ancillary equipment (blankets, pillow, lavs…) kg 190

ULDs for luggage kg 525

Total Operator Items kg 6 022

Customised OEW kg 46 452

Weight Assumptions

Seating F J W Y

Seat weight, incl. IFE: 2 200 kg

Lifejackets: 0.5 kg

Catering weight: 1 654 kg

Fixed equipment (weight/pax): incl. in catering weight

Crew Crew N° Weight/Crew Baggage Unit baggage weight

Flight Crew: 2 95 kg Weight per crew including baggage (10kg)

Cabin Crew: 4 85 kg Weight per crew including baggage (10kg)

Pallets & Containers: 7 LD3-45W at 75kg

174 seats 72W 102Y



Figure 20: TAP A320neo LOPA

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TAP A321neo ACF OEW Breakdown

AIRCRAFT Unit A321neo ACF (4 doors)

Engine LEAP-1A32

Weight variant 051 (not relevant for OEW)

MTOW kg 93 500

MLW kg 79 200

MZFW kg 75 600

CABIN 216 seats

Layout Ref. 48922_C1

Total Seats 221

Premium economy seats 102

Economy seats 119

Premium class ratio % 0,0

Premium Economy class ratio % 46,2

Economy class ratio % 53,8


MWE kg 44 049

Cabin Layout Changes kg 182

SCN selection kg 476

Semi-automatic CLS kg 112

Customised MWE kg 44 819

Operator Items

Unusable fuel kg 70

Oil for engines and APU kg 98

Water kg 200

Waste tank precharge (Fluids for toilets) kg 10

A/C documents kg 19

Pax Seats and Life Jackets kg 2 972

Galley Structure kg 385

Catering & removable equipment kg 1 090

Fixed Equipment kg 373

Emergency Equipment kg 441

Crew and crew baggage kg 700

Ancillary equipment (blankets, pillow, lavs…) kg 195

ULDs for luggage kg 750

Total Operator Items kg 7 303

Customised OEW kg 52 122

Weight Assumptions

Seating F J W Y

Seat (weight/pax, incl. IFE): 12,95 kg 12,95 kg

Lifejackets: 0,5 kg

Catering (weight/pax): 4,93 kg

Fixed equipment (weight/pax): 1,69

Crew Crew N° Weight/Crew Baggage Unit baggage weight

Flight Crew: 2 95 kg Weight per crew including baggage (10kg)

Cabin Crew: 6 85 kg Weight per crew including baggage (10kg)

Pallets & Containers: 10 LD3-45W at 75kg

216 seats 102W 119Y



Figure 21: TAP A321neo ACF LOPA

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TAP A321neo non-ACF OEW Breakdown

AIRCRAFT Unit A321neo non-ACF (4 doors)

Engine LEAP-1A32

Weight variant 053 (not relevant for OEW)

MTOW kg 93 500

MLW kg 79 200

MZFW kg 75 600

CABIN 216 seats

Layout Ref. 48078_C1

Total Seats 216

Premium economy seats 87

Economy seats 129

Premium class ratio % 0,0

Premium Economy class ratio % 40,3

Economy class ratio % 59,7


MWE kg 44 339

Cabin Layout Changes kg 35

SCN selection kg 442

Semi-automatic CLS kg 102

Remaining allowance for customer changes kg 88

Customised MWE kg 45 006

Operator Items

Unusable fuel kg 70

Oil for engines and APU kg 98

Water kg 200

Waste tank precharge (Fluids for toilets) kg 10

A/C documents kg 19

Pax Seats and Life Jackets kg 2 807

Galley Structure kg 385

Catering kg 1 464

Emergency Equipment kg 322

Crew and crew baggage kg 700

Ancillary equipment (blankets, pillow, lavs…) kg 190

ULDs for luggage kg 850

Total Operator Items kg 7 115

Customised OEW kg 52 121

Weight Assumptions

Seating F J W Y

Seat weight, incl. IFE: 1 340 kg 1 360 kg

Lifejackets: 0.5 kg

Catering weight: 1 654 kg

Fixed equipment (weight/pax): incl. in catering weight

Crew Crew N° Weight/Crew Baggage Unit baggage weight

Flight Crew: 2 95 kg Weight per crew including baggage (10kg)

Cabin Crew: 6 85 kg Weight per crew including baggage (10kg)

Pallets & Containers: 10 LD3-45W at 85kg

216 seats 87W 129Y



Figure 22: TAP A321neo non-ACF LOPA

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Quadratic Coefficients


Route Annual Average 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter


ABJ-LIS 2,54E-06 -1,61E-01 1,12E+04 2,76E-06 -1,86E-01 1,21E+04 2,74E-06 -1,84E-01 1,20E+04 2,60E-06 -1,72E-01 1,14E+04 2,54E-06 -1,61E-01 1,12E+04

ACC-LIS 2,79E-06 -1,89E-01 1,22E+04 2,87E-06 -1,96E-01 1,25E+04 2,91E-06 -2,03E-01 1,27E+04 2,57E-06 -1,66E-01 1,13E+04 2,78E-06 -1,88E-01 1,21E+04

AGP-LIS 2,12E-07 -5,80E-03 1,44E+03 1,40E-07 3,27E-03 1,18E+03 2,82E-07 -1,42E-02 1,71E+03 2,12E-07 -5,80E-03 1,43E+03 1,42E-07 2,56E-03 1,18E+03

AMS-LIS 1,75E-06 -1,40E-01 7,69E+03 1,82E-06 -1,49E-01 7,96E+03 1,76E-06 -1,41E-01 7,71E+03 1,75E-06 -1,40E-01 7,69E+03 1,68E-06 -1,31E-01 7,42E+03

AMS-OPO 1,75E-06 -1,50E-01 7,61E+03 1,68E-06 -1,41E-01 7,34E+03 1,76E-06 -1,51E-01 7,63E+03 1,75E-06 -1,51E-01 7,63E+03 1,75E-06 -1,49E-01 7,61E+03

ARN-LIS 3,41E-07 8,03E-02 2,85E+03 3,44E-07 7,96E-02 2,85E+03 2,07E-07 9,56E-02 2,33E+03 2,74E-07 8,80E-02 2,60E+03 1,85E-07 1,01E-01 2,28E+03

ATH-LIS 1,94E-07 9,91E-02 2,30E+03 4,30E-08 1,19E-01 1,74E+03 4,30E-08 1,19E-01 1,75E+03 1,21E-07 1,08E-01 2,02E+03 1,48E-07 1,01E-01 2,08E+03

BCN-LIS 6,42E-07 -3,88E-02 3,35E+03 8,55E-07 -6,46E-02 4,15E+03 8,55E-07 -6,46E-02 4,15E+03 7,12E-07 -4,72E-02 3,62E+03 7,18E-07 -4,86E-02 3,61E+03

BCN-OPO 6,67E-07 -4,52E-02 3,39E+03 7,36E-07 -5,35E-02 3,68E+03 5,97E-07 -3,68E-02 3,15E+03 5,97E-07 -3,68E-02 3,14E+03 7,42E-07 -5,50E-02 3,66E+03

BEY-LIS 2,71E-06 -1,62E-01 1,20E+04 3,69E-06 -2,77E-01 1,55E+04 2,60E-06 -1,47E-01 1,16E+04 3,20E-06 -2,21E-01 1,37E+04 1,83E-06 -6,17E-02 8,76E+03

BHX-LIS 1,61E-06 -1,33E-01 7,09E+03 1,68E-06 -1,42E-01 7,37E+03 1,47E-06 -1,17E-01 6,58E+03 1,61E-06 -1,33E-01 7,10E+03 1,61E-06 -1,32E-01 7,09E+03

BJL-LIS 7,93E-07 1,65E-02 4,29E+03 8,06E-07 1,53E-02 4,35E+03 8,52E-07 8,55E-03 4,52E+03 7,53E-07 2,02E-02 4,15E+03 8,19E-07 1,40E-02 4,40E+03

BLQ-LIS 1,74E-06 -1,38E-01 7,67E+03 1,81E-06 -1,46E-01 7,92E+03 1,81E-06 -1,47E-01 7,93E+03 1,74E-06 -1,38E-01 7,67E+03 1,76E-06 -1,41E-01 7,70E+03

BOD-LIS 7,26E-07 -5,07E-02 3,63E+03 7,26E-07 -5,07E-02 3,63E+03 6,56E-07 -4,23E-02 3,37E+03 7,96E-07 -5,91E-02 3,90E+03 7,28E-07 -5,14E-02 3,63E+03

BOS-PDL -3,60E-07 1,85E-01 2,78E+02 -3,28E-07 1,76E-01 3,89E+02 -2,93E-07 1,77E-01 5,33E+02 -2,34E-07 1,71E-01 7,71E+02 -2,80E-07 1,73E-01 5,75E+02

BOS-TER -2,42E-07 1,64E-01 6,93E+02 -2,85E-07 1,65E-01 5,01E+02 -1,77E-07 1,57E-01 9,34E+02 -1,16E-07 1,50E-01 1,18E+03 -1,64E-07 1,53E-01 9,61E+02

BRU-LIS 1,72E-06 -1,41E-01 7,54E+03 1,71E-06 -1,41E-01 7,52E+03 1,79E-06 -1,50E-01 7,80E+03 1,71E-06 -1,41E-01 7,52E+03 1,72E-06 -1,41E-01 7,54E+03

BRU-OPO 1,22E-06 -9,07E-02 5,64E+03 1,22E-06 -9,00E-02 5,63E+03 1,30E-06 -1,00E-01 5,92E+03 1,22E-06 -9,07E-02 5,64E+03 1,29E-06 -9,90E-02 5,90E+03

BUD-LIS 4,78E-07 4,43E-02 3,18E+03 4,73E-07 4,57E-02 3,17E+03 6,24E-07 2,61E-02 3,72E+03 4,76E-07 4,50E-02 3,17E+03 6,32E-07 2,40E-02 3,74E+03

BVC-LIS 6,61E-07 2,88E-02 3,77E+03 6,87E-07 2,63E-02 3,86E+03 6,08E-07 3,37E-02 3,58E+03 7,07E-07 2,21E-02 3,94E+03 7,73E-07 1,60E-02 4,20E+03

CAG-LIS 1,81E-06 -1,55E-01 7,83E+03 1,88E-06 -1,63E-01 8,09E+03 1,88E-06 -1,63E-01 8,09E+03 1,74E-06 -1,47E-01 7,58E+03 1,68E-06 -1,41E-01 7,34E+03

CAI-LIS 4,46E-06 -3,74E-01 1,85E+04 5,01E-06 -4,37E-01 2,05E+04 4,83E-06 -4,15E-01 1,99E+04 4,26E-06 -3,55E-01 1,77E+04 3,75E-06 -2,94E-01 1,58E+04

CGN-LIS 1,74E-06 -1,38E-01 7,67E+03 1,67E-06 -1,30E-01 7,42E+03 1,68E-06 -1,31E-01 7,41E+03 1,74E-06 -1,38E-01 7,67E+03 1,75E-06 -1,39E-01 7,69E+03

CKY-LIS 8,46E-07 2,58E-02 4,58E+03 7,86E-07 3,38E-02 4,35E+03 8,46E-07 2,58E-02 4,58E+03 7,20E-07 3,99E-02 4,10E+03 8,59E-07 2,46E-02 4,64E+03

CMN-LIS 6,14E-07 -5,02E-02 3,00E+03 5,42E-07 -4,10E-02 2,75E+03 6,14E-07 -5,02E-02 3,01E+03 6,74E-07 -5,81E-02 3,21E+03 6,87E-07 -5,94E-02 3,29E+03

CPH-LIS 1,14E-06 -3,88E-02 5,63E+03 1,07E-06 -3,04E-02 5,37E+03 1,14E-06 -4,02E-02 5,64E+03 1,07E-06 -3,04E-02 5,37E+03 6,32E-07 2,40E-02 3,75E+03

CTA-LIS 1,64E-06 -1,11E-01 7,41E+03 1,56E-06 -1,00E-01 7,13E+03 1,70E-06 -1,17E-01 7,65E+03 1,71E-06 -1,20E-01 7,66E+03 1,73E-06 -1,24E-01 7,72E+03

DKR-LIS 7,66E-07 1,42E-02 4,16E+03 8,66E-07 2,56E-03 4,54E+03 6,67E-07 2,58E-02 3,78E+03 7,27E-07 1,79E-02 4,02E+03 7,20E-07 2,09E-02 3,99E+03

DME-FNC 1,76E-06 0,00E+00 8,47E+03 1,82E-06 0,00E+00 8,32E+03 1,81E-06 0,00E+00 8,25E+03 1,78E-06 0,00E+00 8,38E+03 1,81E-06 0,00E+00 8,38E+03

DME-LIS 1,59E-06 -3,75E-02 7,85E+03 1,59E-06 -3,67E-02 7,85E+03 1,52E-06 -3,05E-02 7,60E+03 1,45E-06 -2,14E-02 7,33E+03 1,58E-06 -3,60E-02 7,84E+03

DUB-LIS 1,54E-06 -1,25E-01 6,83E+03 1,68E-06 -1,42E-01 7,37E+03 1,62E-06 -1,35E-01 7,11E+03 1,61E-06 -1,33E-01 7,09E+03 1,61E-06 -1,32E-01 7,09E+03

DUS-LIS 1,74E-06 -1,38E-01 7,66E+03 1,67E-06 -1,29E-01 7,41E+03 1,82E-06 -1,47E-01 7,94E+03 1,67E-06 -1,29E-01 7,41E+03 1,74E-06 -1,38E-01 7,66E+03

EDI-LIS 1,73E-06 -1,35E-01 7,64E+03 1,66E-06 -1,27E-01 7,38E+03 1,60E-06 -1,20E-01 7,14E+03 1,52E-06 -1,09E-01 6,85E+03 1,73E-06 -1,33E-01 7,64E+03

EWR-PDL -6,53E-07 2,32E-01 -7,37E+02 -5,43E-07 2,13E-01 -3,65E+02 -7,23E-07 2,40E-01 -9,91E+02 -7,45E-07 2,46E-01 -1,06E+03 -7,18E-07 2,39E-01 -9,90E+02

EWR-TER -4,68E-07 2,03E-01 -8,32E+01 -3,57E-07 1,84E-01 3,04E+02 -3,95E-07 1,94E-01 1,95E+02 -4,17E-07 1,99E-01 1,23E+02 -4,57E-07 2,00E-01 -3,96E+01

FAO-LIS 1,34E-07 -5,32E-03 9,70E+02 -8,06E-09 1,21E-02 4,48E+02 1,34E-07 -5,32E-03 9,77E+02 -8,06E-09 1,21E-02 4,15E+02 -8,06E-09 1,21E-02 4,33E+02

FCO-LIS 1,80E-06 -1,44E-01 7,92E+03 1,80E-06 -1,43E-01 7,89E+03 1,87E-06 -1,52E-01 8,17E+03 1,87E-06 -1,52E-01 8,17E+03 1,74E-06 -1,38E-01 7,67E+03

FCO-OPO 1,90E-06 -1,60E-01 8,25E+03 1,89E-06 -1,58E-01 8,22E+03 1,83E-06 -1,51E-01 7,98E+03 1,97E-06 -1,68E-01 8,51E+03 1,77E-06 -1,45E-01 7,74E+03

FNC-DME 2,54E-06 -1,11E-01 1,10E+04 -5,56E-07 2,62E-01 -6,18E+01 2,82E-06 -1,44E-01 1,20E+04 -4,05E-07 2,40E-01 4,24E+02 1,05E-06 6,89E-02 5,67E+03

FNC-LIS -2,63E-07 6,92E-02 -2,07E+02 -1,96E-07 6,16E-02 4,20E+01 -2,63E-07 6,92E-02 -2,21E+02 -1,85E-07 5,87E-02 7,36E+01 -1,96E-07 6,16E-02 4,20E+01

FNC-OPO -4,70E-07 1,04E-01 -9,11E+02 -5,46E-07 1,13E-01 -1,19E+03 -4,70E-07 1,04E-01 -9,14E+02 -5,32E-07 1,10E-01 -1,15E+03 -4,73E-07 1,04E-01 -9,16E+02

FNC-ORY -8,63E-07 1,97E-01 -1,95E+03 -7,98E-07 1,90E-01 -1,70E+03 -8,65E-07 1,97E-01 -1,96E+03 -8,47E-07 1,92E-01 -1,90E+03 -8,68E-07 1,98E-01 -1,97E+03

FRA-LIS 1,81E-06 -1,45E-01 7,93E+03 1,66E-06 -1,27E-01 7,38E+03 1,74E-06 -1,37E-01 7,67E+03 1,81E-06 -1,45E-01 7,92E+03 1,67E-06 -1,29E-01 7,41E+03

GVA-LIS 1,56E-06 -1,30E-01 6,88E+03 1,63E-06 -1,39E-01 7,15E+03 1,49E-06 -1,22E-01 6,63E+03 1,56E-06 -1,30E-01 6,87E+03 1,50E-06 -1,23E-01 6,64E+03

GVA-OPO 1,12E-06 -8,53E-02 5,24E+03 1,05E-06 -7,55E-02 4,97E+03 1,05E-06 -7,69E-02 4,98E+03 9,81E-07 -6,78E-02 4,72E+03 9,84E-07 -6,85E-02 4,71E+03

HAJ-LIS 1,60E-06 -1,11E-01 7,23E+03 1,60E-06 -1,11E-01 7,24E+03 1,61E-06 -1,12E-01 7,25E+03 1,53E-06 -1,02E-01 6,96E+03 1,67E-06 -1,19E-01 7,50E+03

HAM-LIS 1,57E-06 -1,03E-01 7,15E+03 1,50E-06 -9,48E-02 6,90E+03 1,51E-06 -9,63E-02 6,92E+03 1,57E-06 -1,03E-01 7,16E+03 1,57E-06 -1,03E-01 7,15E+03

HEL-LIS 5,83E-07 6,67E-02 3,90E+03 5,89E-07 6,53E-02 3,93E+03 5,94E-07 6,39E-02 3,93E+03 6,61E-07 5,62E-02 4,19E+03 6,42E-07 6,12E-02 4,14E+03

IST-LIS 3,79E-07 9,04E-02 3,13E+03 4,38E-07 8,49E-02 3,36E+03 5,16E-07 7,44E-02 3,64E+03 5,16E-07 7,44E-02 3,65E+03 4,03E-07 8,40E-02 3,19E+03

JFK-PDL -6,45E-07 2,30E-01 -7,18E+02 -4,62E-07 2,01E-01 -5,99E+01 -5,72E-07 2,20E-01 -4,39E+02 -5,94E-07 2,26E-01 -5,05E+02 -6,37E-07 2,27E-01 -6,87E+02

JFK-TER -3,87E-07 1,92E-01 2,15E+02 -3,49E-07 1,82E-01 3,22E+02 -3,87E-07 1,92E-01 2,10E+02 -4,06E-07 1,97E-01 1,69E+02 -3,79E-07 1,90E-01 2,26E+02

KBP-LIS 7,12E-07 5,28E-02 4,42E+03 7,04E-07 5,49E-02 4,40E+03 5,75E-07 6,88E-02 3,90E+03 6,40E-07 6,19E-02 4,14E+03 5,72E-07 6,95E-02 3,89E+03

KEF-LIS -1,02E-07 1,27E-01 1,07E+03 -1,05E-07 1,28E-01 1,07E+03 -9,41E-08 1,25E-01 1,09E+03 -9,94E-08 1,26E-01 1,07E+03 -1,08E-07 1,28E-01 1,06E+03

LED-LIS 1,08E-06 1,53E-02 5,91E+03 1,23E-06 -2,80E-03 6,46E+03 1,09E-06 1,32E-02 5,92E+03 1,16E-06 5,56E-03 6,18E+03 1,21E-06 2,14E-03 6,40E+03

LFW-LIS 2,78E-06 -1,88E-01 1,21E+04 2,85E-06 -1,95E-01 1,24E+04 2,83E-06 -1,92E-01 1,23E+04 2,53E-06 -1,62E-01 1,12E+04 2,66E-06 -1,75E-01 1,17E+04

LGW-LIS 1,42E-06 -1,12E-01 6,34E+03 1,42E-06 -1,12E-01 6,35E+03 1,49E-06 -1,22E-01 6,63E+03 1,56E-06 -1,29E-01 6,86E+03 1,49E-06 -1,21E-01 6,60E+03

LGW-OPO 9,97E-07 -7,21E-02 4,74E+03 9,25E-07 -6,30E-02 4,47E+03 9,30E-07 -6,44E-02 4,49E+03 9,97E-07 -7,21E-02 4,74E+03 9,94E-07 -7,13E-02 4,73E+03

LHR-LIS 1,55E-06 -1,28E-01 6,87E+03 1,55E-06 -1,28E-01 6,87E+03 1,41E-06 -1,12E-01 6,34E+03 1,55E-06 -1,28E-01 6,85E+03 1,55E-06 -1,28E-01 6,86E+03

LIS-ABJ -6,01E-07 2,25E-01 -6,63E+02 -5,88E-07 2,24E-01 -5,94E+02 -5,88E-07 2,24E-01 -5,89E+02 -5,42E-07 2,17E-01 -4,46E+02 -5,42E-07 2,17E-01 -4,50E+02

LIS-ACC 2,18E-07 1,25E-01 2,33E+03 2,18E-07 1,25E-01 2,32E+03 2,18E-07 1,25E-01 2,33E+03 1,59E-07 1,33E-01 2,10E+03 2,05E-07 1,26E-01 2,28E+03

LIS-AGP -1,29E-07 3,39E-02 1,33E+02 -1,99E-07 4,23E-02 -1,25E+02 2,98E-07 -1,84E-02 1,72E+03 2,98E-07 -1,84E-02 1,73E+03 -1,32E-07 3,46E-02 1,16E+02

LIS-AMS -1,15E-06 2,12E-01 -3,23E+03 -1,08E-06 2,05E-01 -2,98E+03 -1,22E-06 2,21E-01 -3,51E+03 -1,14E-06 2,09E-01 -3,22E+03 -1,08E-06 2,03E-01 -2,97E+03

LIS-ARN -1,16E-07 1,30E-01 1,02E+03 1,88E-08 1,15E-01 1,54E+03 -4,84E-08 1,23E-01 1,28E+03 -1,05E-07 1,28E-01 1,05E+03 -1,10E-07 1,29E-01 1,05E+03

LIS-ATH -3,14E-07 1,43E-01 2,15E+02 -4,57E-07 1,60E-01 -3,13E+02 -5,91E-07 1,75E-01 -8,35E+02 -5,83E-07 1,73E-01 -8,17E+02 -3,33E-07 1,48E-01 1,63E+02

LIS-BCN -3,36E-07 7,83E-02 -4,68E+02 -2,66E-07 6,99E-02 -2,06E+02 -2,63E-07 6,92E-02 -2,05E+02 -4,00E-07 8,52E-02 -7,19E+02 -1,99E-07 6,23E-02 4,69E+01

LIS-BEY -3,79E-07 1,90E-01 2,37E+02 -4,43E-07 1,97E-01 -1,86E+00 -4,38E-07 1,95E-01 6,43E+00 -4,33E-07 1,94E-01 1,67E+01 -4,73E-07 2,04E-01 -8,34E+01

LIS-BHX -1,10E-06 1,98E-01 -3,11E+03 -1,17E-06 2,09E-01 -3,41E+03 -1,17E-06 2,08E-01 -3,40E+03 -1,09E-06 1,96E-01 -3,10E+03 -1,10E-06 1,98E-01 -3,12E+03

LIS-BJL 1,14E-06 -2,03E-02 5,65E+03 1,18E-06 -2,40E-02 5,82E+03 1,19E-06 -2,53E-02 5,88E+03 1,22E-06 -3,25E-02 5,95E+03 1,16E-06 -2,46E-02 5,72E+03

LIS-BLQ -1,12E-06 2,05E-01 -3,16E+03 -1,12E-06 2,05E-01 -3,17E+03 -1,19E-06 2,13E-01 -3,43E+03 -1,04E-06 1,93E-01 -2,87E+03 -1,20E-06 2,16E-01 -3,46E+03

LIS-BOD -1,24E-07 5,25E-02 3,11E+02 1,61E-08 3,58E-02 8,35E+02 -5,38E-08 4,41E-02 5,64E+02 -1,88E-07 5,94E-02 5,94E+01 1,61E-08 3,58E-02 8,39E+02

LIS-BRU -1,26E-06 2,20E-01 -3,69E+03 -1,12E-06 2,04E-01 -3,17E+03 -1,12E-06 2,03E-01 -3,16E+03 -1,03E-06 1,91E-01 -2,87E+03 -1,12E-06 2,03E-01 -3,17E+03

LIS-BUD -8,01E-07 1,90E-01 -1,70E+03 -8,06E-07 1,92E-01 -1,73E+03 -7,28E-07 1,81E-01 -1,43E+03 -7,88E-07 1,87E-01 -1,68E+03 -7,39E-07 1,84E-01 -1,46E+03

LIS-BVC 1,17E-06 -2,58E-02 5,76E+03 1,26E-06 -3,62E-02 6,11E+03 1,09E-06 -1,36E-02 5,50E+03 1,09E-06 -1,84E-02 5,45E+03 1,18E-06 -2,88E-02 5,78E+03

LIS-CAG -1,05E-06 1,86E-01 -2,99E+03 -1,12E-06 1,95E-01 -3,26E+03 -1,05E-06 1,85E-01 -2,97E+03 -1,04E-06 1,83E-01 -2,95E+03 -9,89E-07 1,80E-01 -2,74E+03

LIS-CAI 3,50E-07 9,83E-02 2,77E+03 3,83E-07 9,28E-02 2,89E+03 4,16E-07 8,73E-02 3,00E+03 4,36E-07 8,79E-02 3,09E+03 2,97E-07 1,08E-01 2,57E+03

LIS-CGN -1,15E-06 2,12E-01 -3,23E+03 -1,30E-06 2,30E-01 -3,78E+03 -1,22E-06 2,21E-01 -3,50E+03 -1,21E-06 2,18E-01 -3,48E+03 -1,29E-06 2,30E-01 -3,78E+03

LIS-CKY 1,65E-06 -7,02E-02 7,70E+03 1,70E-06 -7,51E-02 7,93E+03 1,61E-06 -6,47E-02 7,60E+03 1,65E-06 -7,32E-02 7,71E+03 1,52E-06 -5,61E-02 7,22E+03

LIS-CMN 3,96E-08 2,01E-02 7,77E+02 2,64E-08 2,13E-02 7,33E+02 3,96E-08 2,01E-02 7,71E+02 5,29E-08 1,89E-02 8,21E+02 3,96E-08 2,01E-02 7,74E+02

LIS-CPH -7,45E-07 1,86E-01 -1,48E+03 -8,95E-07 2,05E-01 -2,04E+03 -7,47E-07 1,86E-01 -1,49E+03 -7,34E-07 1,83E-01 -1,45E+03 -7,45E-07 1,86E-01 -1,48E+03

LIS-CTA -1,05E-06 2,05E-01 -2,78E+03 -1,05E-06 2,05E-01 -2,78E+03 -1,11E-06 2,11E-01 -3,02E+03 -1,10E-06 2,10E-01 -3,02E+03 -1,13E-06 2,17E-01 -3,08E+03

LIS-DKR 1,12E-06 -2,39E-02 5,56E+03 1,00E-06 -8,01E-03 5,12E+03 1,12E-06 -2,09E-02 5,55E+03 1,14E-06 -2,81E-02 5,62E+03 1,14E-06 -2,81E-02 5,63E+03

LIS-DME -5,46E-07 2,13E-01 -3,57E+02 -4,84E-07 2,07E-01 -1,27E+02 -5,48E-07 2,14E-01 -3,70E+02 -5,35E-07 2,11E-01 -3,34E+02 -5,51E-07 2,15E-01 -3,75E+02

LIS-DUB -1,18E-06 2,11E-01 -3,43E+03 -1,33E-06 2,30E-01 -3,98E+03 -1,33E-06 2,29E-01 -3,97E+03 -1,17E-06 2,08E-01 -3,39E+03 -1,18E-06 2,10E-01 -3,42E+03

LIS-DUS -1,15E-06 2,12E-01 -3,24E+03 -1,16E-06 2,14E-01 -3,25E+03 -1,22E-06 2,21E-01 -3,51E+03 -1,07E-06 2,01E-01 -2,95E+03 -1,22E-06 2,21E-01 -3,50E+03

LIS-EDI -1,27E-06 2,33E-01 -3,62E+03 -1,20E-06 2,26E-01 -3,38E+03 -1,27E-06 2,33E-01 -3,63E+03 -1,19E-06 2,21E-01 -3,33E+03 -1,26E-06 2,32E-01 -3,61E+03

LIS-FAO -7,26E-08 1,91E-02 1,80E+02 -7,26E-08 1,91E-02 1,70E+02 6,99E-08 1,63E-03 7,06E+02 -2,69E-09 1,07E-02 4,39E+02 -2,69E-09 1,07E-02 4,33E+02

LIS-FCO -1,05E-06 1,97E-01 -2,90E+03 -1,13E-06 2,06E-01 -3,17E+03 -1,05E-06 1,95E-01 -2,88E+03 -9,68E-07 1,84E-01 -2,59E+03 -1,21E-06 2,17E-01 -3,46E+03

LIS-FNC 7,20E-07 -4,93E-02 3,56E+03 6,50E-07 -4,09E-02 3,31E+03 7,20E-07 -4,93E-02 3,58E+03 7,20E-07 -4,93E-02 3,57E+03 7,26E-07 -5,07E-02 3,59E+03

LIS-FRA -1,15E-06 2,12E-01 -3,24E+03 -1,08E-06 2,05E-01 -2,98E+03 -1,08E-06 2,04E-01 -2,97E+03 -1,14E-06 2,09E-01 -3,21E+03 -1,23E-06 2,22E-01 -3,52E+03

LIS-GVA -9,06E-07 1,68E-01 -2,47E+03 -9,08E-07 1,69E-01 -2,48E+03 -1,05E-06 1,85E-01 -3,01E+03 -9,65E-07 1,74E-01 -2,69E+03 -1,05E-06 1,87E-01 -3,02E+03

LIS-HAJ -1,14E-06 2,20E-01 -3,13E+03 -1,15E-06 2,22E-01 -3,14E+03 -1,07E-06 2,12E-01 -2,86E+03 -1,06E-06 2,08E-01 -2,82E+03 -1,21E-06 2,29E-01 -3,40E+03

LIS-HAM -1,10E-06 2,19E-01 -2,93E+03 -1,10E-06 2,20E-01 -2,94E+03 -1,03E-06 2,11E-01 -2,65E+03 -1,02E-06 2,07E-01 -2,62E+03 -1,10E-06 2,19E-01 -2,93E+03

LIS-HEL 1,40E-07 1,13E-01 2,07E+03 5,91E-08 1,24E-01 1,78E+03 6,72E-08 1,22E-01 1,81E+03 8,06E-09 1,28E-01 1,57E+03 7,26E-08 1,21E-01 1,81E+03

LIS-IST -1,37E-07 1,36E-01 9,75E+02 -2,10E-07 1,45E-01 6,99E+02 -2,74E-07 1,52E-01 4,49E+02 -3,28E-07 1,56E-01 2,47E+02 -8,60E-08 1,33E-01 1,18E+03

LIS-KBP -1,29E-07 1,44E-01 1,05E+03 8,06E-09 1,28E-01 1,56E+03 -5,91E-08 1,36E-01 1,31E+03 -1,85E-07 1,49E-01 8,29E+02 5,38E-09 1,29E-01 1,56E+03

LIS-KEF 2,12E-07 9,42E-02 2,35E+03 2,04E-07 9,63E-02 2,32E+03 2,80E-07 8,65E-02 2,60E+03 2,23E-07 9,14E-02 2,36E+03 2,12E-07 9,42E-02 2,35E+03

LIS-LED -2,10E-07 1,65E-01 8,36E+02 -2,20E-07 1,68E-01 8,05E+02 -1,42E-07 1,57E-01 1,10E+03 -1,29E-07 1,54E-01 1,14E+03 -2,07E-07 1,64E-01 8,46E+02

LIS-LFW 2,51E-07 1,19E-01 2,45E+03 1,52E-07 1,31E-01 2,07E+03 2,51E-07 1,19E-01 2,44E+03 1,19E-07 1,37E-01 1,95E+03 2,38E-07 1,21E-01 2,40E+03

LIS-LGW -1,07E-06 1,92E-01 -3,06E+03 -1,08E-06 1,93E-01 -3,08E+03 -1,08E-06 1,93E-01 -3,07E+03 -1,13E-06 1,98E-01 -3,30E+03 -1,07E-06 1,92E-01 -3,06E+03

LIS-LHR -1,01E-06 1,85E-01 -2,81E+03 -1,16E-06 2,04E-01 -3,36E+03 -1,15E-06 2,03E-01 -3,35E+03 -7,85E-07 1,56E-01 -1,99E+03 -1,01E-06 1,85E-01 -2,81E+03

LIS-LOS 1,92E-07 1,27E-01 2,24E+03 1,52E-07 1,31E-01 2,09E+03 9,25E-08 1,39E-01 1,85E+03 5,95E-08 1,44E-01 1,75E+03 1,78E-07 1,29E-01 2,19E+03

LIS-LPA 9,84E-07 -6,85E-02 4,72E+03 1,06E-06 -7,83E-02 5,01E+03 1,05E-06 -7,62E-02 4,98E+03 9,84E-07 -6,85E-02 4,73E+03 9,89E-07 -6,99E-02 4,74E+03

LIS-LUX -1,11E-06 2,02E-01 -3,16E+03 -1,19E-06 2,11E-01 -3,44E+03 -1,11E-06 2,02E-01 -3,18E+03 -1,10E-06 1,99E-01 -3,13E+03 -1,19E-06 2,11E-01 -3,45E+03

LIS-LYS -5,21E-07 1,17E-01 -1,06E+03 -4,54E-07 1,09E-01 -8,17E+02 -5,21E-07 1,17E-01 -1,07E+03 -5,11E-07 1,14E-01 -1,02E+03 -5,27E-07 1,18E-01 -1,08E+03

LIS-MAD -7,53E-08 2,98E-02 3,23E+02 -7,53E-08 2,98E-02 3,23E+02 -7,53E-08 2,98E-02 3,14E+02 -2,15E-07 4,65E-02 -2,06E+02 6,45E-08 1,30E-02 8,44E+02

LIS-MAN -1,26E-06 2,22E-01 -3,71E+03 -1,20E-06 2,15E-01 -3,47E+03 -1,27E-06 2,23E-01 -3,72E+03 -1,18E-06 2,11E-01 -3,42E+03 -1,19E-06 2,13E-01 -3,44E+03

LIS-MLH -1,09E-06 1,97E-01 -3,10E+03 -1,02E-06 1,89E-01 -2,85E+03 -1,02E-06 1,88E-01 -2,84E+03 -9,38E-07 1,77E-01 -2,54E+03 -1,10E-06 1,98E-01 -3,13E+03

LIS-MRS -6,34E-07 1,27E-01 -1,49E+03 -6,37E-07 1,27E-01 -1,50E+03 -7,77E-07 1,44E-01 -2,04E+03 -6,96E-07 1,33E-01 -1,74E+03 -6,42E-07 1,29E-01 -1,53E+03

LIS-MUC -1,10E-06 2,10E-01 -3,05E+03 -1,18E-06 2,20E-01 -3,33E+03 -1,10E-06 2,10E-01 -3,04E+03 -1,16E-06 2,16E-01 -3,28E+03 -1,11E-06 2,12E-01 -3,06E+03

LIS-MXP -1,01E-06 1,86E-01 -2,82E+03 -1,02E-06 1,87E-01 -2,82E+03 -1,01E-06 1,86E-01 -2,83E+03 -9,30E-07 1,74E-01 -2,52E+03 -1,02E-06 1,88E-01 -2,83E+03

LIS-NAP -1,09E-06 2,07E-01 -2,99E+03 -1,17E-06 2,17E-01 -3,26E+03 -1,09E-06 2,06E-01 -2,99E+03 -1,01E-06 1,95E-01 -2,69E+03 -1,11E-06 2,11E-01 -3,05E+03

LIS-NCE -1,03E-06 1,81E-01 -2,93E+03 -1,03E-06 1,82E-01 -2,94E+03 -9,60E-07 1,72E-01 -2,67E+03 -1,02E-06 1,78E-01 -2,91E+03 -1,04E-06 1,83E-01 -2,96E+03

LIS-NTE -3,09E-07 8,12E-02 -3,21E+02 -2,42E-07 7,36E-02 -7,34E+01 -3,12E-07 8,19E-02 -3,44E+02 -4,43E-07 9,65E-02 -8,32E+02 -3,12E-07 8,19E-02 -3,41E+02

LIS-OPO -1,88E-08 1,49E-02 4,50E+02 5,11E-08 6,58E-03 7,10E+02 1,24E-07 -2,49E-03 9,87E+02 -1,88E-08 1,49E-02 4,25E+02 -1,88E-08 1,49E-02 4,52E+02

Page 84: Medium Haul Fleet Segmentation - ULisboa · Medium Haul Fleet Segmentation Airbus A320neo & A321neo Weight Variant Selection João André Ferreira de Abreu Thesis to obtain the Master


LIS-ORY -7,53E-07 1,48E-01 -1,89E+03 -7,58E-07 1,49E-01 -1,93E+03 -7,55E-07 1,48E-01 -1,91E+03 -8,14E-07 1,54E-01 -2,14E+03 -8,98E-07 1,66E-01 -2,44E+03

LIS-OSL -2,66E-07 1,40E-01 4,18E+02 -3,44E-07 1,50E-01 1,45E+02 -2,69E-07 1,41E-01 4,17E+02 -3,98E-07 1,55E-01 -7,99E+01 -3,31E-07 1,47E-01 1,82E+02

LIS-OTP -2,18E-07 1,37E-01 6,02E+02 -3,63E-07 1,55E-01 5,75E+01 -2,85E-07 1,45E-01 3,47E+02 -2,69E-07 1,41E-01 4,05E+02 -1,61E-07 1,32E-01 8,46E+02

LIS-OXB 1,31E-06 -3,64E-02 6,35E+03 1,43E-06 -5,05E-02 6,84E+03 1,29E-06 -3,21E-02 6,29E+03 1,31E-06 -3,94E-02 6,35E+03 1,33E-06 -4,06E-02 6,41E+03

LIS-PDL 1,15E-06 -8,30E-02 5,43E+03 1,29E-06 -9,83E-02 5,97E+03 1,15E-06 -8,30E-02 5,45E+03 1,16E-06 -8,51E-02 5,45E+03 1,09E-06 -7,61E-02 5,18E+03

LIS-PRG -1,10E-06 2,19E-01 -2,93E+03 -1,03E-06 2,11E-01 -2,67E+03 -1,10E-06 2,19E-01 -2,92E+03 -1,02E-06 2,07E-01 -2,64E+03 -1,03E-06 2,11E-01 -2,68E+03

LIS-PXO 5,94E-07 -3,61E-02 3,07E+03 6,67E-07 -4,52E-02 3,35E+03 5,21E-07 -2,70E-02 2,80E+03 5,94E-07 -3,61E-02 3,08E+03 6,69E-07 -4,59E-02 3,34E+03

LIS-RAI 1,30E-06 -3,51E-02 6,30E+03 1,25E-06 -2,84E-02 6,12E+03 1,23E-06 -2,42E-02 6,07E+03 1,14E-06 -1,86E-02 5,70E+03 1,24E-06 -3,02E-02 6,07E+03

LIS-RAK 5,64E-08 2,52E-02 9,07E+02 5,91E-08 2,45E-02 9,17E+02 -1,34E-08 3,35E-02 6,59E+02 5,38E-08 2,59E-02 8,98E+02 -1,34E-08 3,35E-02 6,48E+02

LIS-SID 1,18E-06 -2,88E-02 5,77E+03 1,03E-06 -1,05E-02 5,22E+03 1,02E-06 -7,48E-03 5,21E+03 1,11E-06 -2,26E-02 5,49E+03 1,11E-06 -2,26E-02 5,50E+03

LIS-STR -1,14E-06 2,09E-01 -3,22E+03 -1,21E-06 2,19E-01 -3,50E+03 -1,21E-06 2,19E-01 -3,49E+03 -1,13E-06 2,06E-01 -3,17E+03 -1,21E-06 2,19E-01 -3,49E+03

LIS-SUF -9,94E-07 2,01E-01 -2,56E+03 -1,14E-06 2,19E-01 -3,08E+03 -1,06E-06 2,08E-01 -2,81E+03 -1,05E-06 2,06E-01 -2,78E+03 -1,15E-06 2,22E-01 -3,12E+03

LIS-SVQ -3,06E-07 5,05E-02 -5,89E+02 -1,64E-07 3,31E-02 -6,52E+01 -2,34E-07 4,15E-02 -3,16E+02 -3,06E-07 5,05E-02 -5,89E+02 1,16E-07 -3,73E-04 9,58E+02

LIS-TER 1,41E-06 -1,09E-01 6,42E+03 1,88E-06 -1,65E-01 8,16E+03 1,33E-06 -1,00E-01 6,15E+03 1,20E-06 -8,57E-02 5,63E+03 1,27E-06 -9,34E-02 5,90E+03

LIS-TFS 1,11E-06 -8,17E-02 5,19E+03 1,11E-06 -8,24E-02 5,20E+03 1,11E-06 -8,10E-02 5,20E+03 1,11E-06 -8,17E-02 5,19E+03 1,12E-06 -8,31E-02 5,20E+03

LIS-TLS -2,10E-07 6,51E-02 -3,72E+00 -2,10E-07 6,51E-02 1,53E+01 -2,07E-07 6,44E-02 2,04E+01 -4,14E-07 8,88E-02 -7,64E+02 -2,85E-07 7,49E-02 -2,79E+02

LIS-TLV -6,24E-07 2,24E-01 -6,57E+02 -6,85E-07 2,30E-01 -8,86E+02 -5,32E-07 2,10E-01 -3,24E+02 -5,40E-07 2,12E-01 -3,49E+02 -7,15E-07 2,38E-01 -9,64E+02

LIS-TMS 2,59E-06 -1,31E-01 1,13E+04 1,15E-06 4,15E-02 6,06E+03 -4,87E-07 2,41E-01 5,21E+01 -2,15E-06 4,45E-01 -6,03E+03 -1,74E-06 3,93E-01 -4,52E+03

LIS-TXL -9,78E-07 2,07E-01 -2,42E+03 -9,14E-07 2,00E-01 -2,18E+03 -9,81E-07 2,08E-01 -2,43E+03 -1,04E-06 2,13E-01 -2,66E+03 -9,81E-07 2,08E-01 -2,43E+03

LIS-VCE -1,08E-06 2,03E-01 -2,95E+03 -1,15E-06 2,13E-01 -3,24E+03 -1,15E-06 2,12E-01 -3,21E+03 -1,14E-06 2,09E-01 -3,20E+03 -1,16E-06 2,14E-01 -3,25E+03

LIS-VIE -9,00E-07 1,97E-01 -2,15E+03 -9,03E-07 1,97E-01 -2,16E+03 -9,00E-07 1,97E-01 -2,16E+03 -9,57E-07 2,01E-01 -2,38E+03 -9,78E-07 2,07E-01 -2,43E+03

LIS-VLC -2,02E-07 5,30E-02 -5,68E+01 -1,32E-07 4,46E-02 1,99E+02 -2,71E-07 6,13E-02 -3,21E+02 -2,69E-07 6,06E-02 -3,09E+02 -2,07E-07 5,44E-02 -8,41E+01

LIS-VXE 1,16E-06 -2,28E-02 5,76E+03 1,10E-06 -1,49E-02 5,53E+03 1,10E-06 -1,19E-02 5,52E+03 1,17E-06 -2,58E-02 5,76E+03 1,10E-06 -1,66E-02 5,49E+03

LIS-WAW -3,12E-07 1,42E-01 2,32E+02 -3,90E-07 1,52E-01 -6,24E+01 -2,45E-07 1,34E-01 4,79E+02 -4,43E-07 1,57E-01 -2,92E+02 -3,17E-07 1,43E-01 2,16E+02

LIS-ZRH -1,04E-06 1,93E-01 -2,90E+03 -1,04E-06 1,93E-01 -2,91E+03 -1,11E-06 2,01E-01 -3,16E+03 -1,02E-06 1,89E-01 -2,86E+03 -1,11E-06 2,02E-01 -3,17E+03

LOS-LIS 2,83E-06 -1,92E-01 1,23E+04 3,02E-06 -2,13E-01 1,30E+04 2,81E-06 -1,88E-01 1,23E+04 2,50E-06 -1,57E-01 1,10E+04 2,79E-06 -1,89E-01 1,22E+04

LPA-LIS -7,96E-07 1,49E-01 -2,10E+03 -8,01E-07 1,50E-01 -2,11E+03 -7,93E-07 1,48E-01 -2,08E+03 -8,55E-07 1,55E-01 -2,31E+03 -7,28E-07 1,41E-01 -1,85E+03

LUX-LIS 1,79E-06 -1,50E-01 7,79E+03 1,79E-06 -1,50E-01 7,80E+03 1,72E-06 -1,42E-01 7,54E+03 1,71E-06 -1,41E-01 7,52E+03 1,79E-06 -1,50E-01 7,80E+03

LUX-OPO 1,50E-06 -1,23E-01 6,64E+03 1,64E-06 -1,40E-01 7,17E+03 1,43E-06 -1,15E-01 6,37E+03 1,57E-06 -1,32E-01 6,90E+03 1,50E-06 -1,23E-01 6,64E+03

LYS-LIS 1,10E-06 -7,82E-02 5,16E+03 1,17E-06 -8,66E-02 5,43E+03 1,24E-06 -9,56E-02 5,69E+03 1,24E-06 -9,49E-02 5,68E+03 1,10E-06 -7,96E-02 5,17E+03

LYS-OPO 9,35E-07 -6,58E-02 4,50E+03 9,33E-07 -6,51E-02 4,51E+03 8,65E-07 -5,74E-02 4,24E+03 9,35E-07 -6,58E-02 4,51E+03 8,68E-07 -5,82E-02 4,25E+03

MAD-LIS 2,77E-07 -1,28E-02 1,71E+03 2,04E-07 -3,68E-03 1,43E+03 2,77E-07 -1,28E-02 1,71E+03 2,74E-07 -1,20E-02 1,68E+03 2,07E-07 -4,39E-03 1,43E+03

MAN-LIS 1,66E-06 -1,36E-01 7,29E+03 1,73E-06 -1,45E-01 7,56E+03 1,74E-06 -1,46E-01 7,58E+03 1,73E-06 -1,45E-01 7,57E+03 1,66E-06 -1,35E-01 7,29E+03

MLH-LIS 1,73E-06 -1,43E-01 7,54E+03 1,80E-06 -1,52E-01 7,82E+03 1,73E-06 -1,44E-01 7,56E+03 1,72E-06 -1,43E-01 7,54E+03 1,73E-06 -1,45E-01 7,56E+03

MRS-LIS 1,05E-06 -7,55E-02 4,96E+03 1,12E-06 -8,38E-02 5,24E+03 1,12E-06 -8,38E-02 5,22E+03 1,05E-06 -7,48E-02 4,95E+03 1,13E-06 -8,60E-02 5,24E+03

MUC-LIS 1,77E-06 -1,36E-01 7,84E+03 1,77E-06 -1,35E-01 7,84E+03 1,70E-06 -1,28E-01 7,57E+03 1,70E-06 -1,27E-01 7,58E+03 1,78E-06 -1,38E-01 7,87E+03

MUC-OPO 1,76E-06 -1,42E-01 7,71E+03 1,82E-06 -1,49E-01 7,96E+03 1,76E-06 -1,43E-01 7,73E+03 1,76E-06 -1,42E-01 7,72E+03 1,83E-06 -1,52E-01 7,99E+03

MXP-LIS 1,80E-06 -1,53E-01 7,83E+03 1,87E-06 -1,60E-01 8,08E+03 1,80E-06 -1,53E-01 7,82E+03 1,79E-06 -1,51E-01 7,79E+03 1,73E-06 -1,46E-01 7,56E+03

MXP-OPO 1,56E-06 -1,30E-01 6,87E+03 1,63E-06 -1,37E-01 7,13E+03 1,63E-06 -1,39E-01 7,15E+03 1,56E-06 -1,30E-01 6,87E+03 1,49E-06 -1,23E-01 6,63E+03

NAP-LIS 1,75E-06 -1,30E-01 7,77E+03 1,82E-06 -1,37E-01 8,04E+03 1,67E-06 -1,20E-01 7,50E+03 1,75E-06 -1,29E-01 7,77E+03 1,69E-06 -1,25E-01 7,54E+03

NCE-LIS 1,49E-06 -1,22E-01 6,62E+03 1,63E-06 -1,39E-01 7,15E+03 1,56E-06 -1,30E-01 6,88E+03 1,56E-06 -1,30E-01 6,86E+03 1,22E-06 -9,07E-02 5,64E+03

NTE-LIS 8,31E-07 -5,83E-02 4,07E+03 8,31E-07 -5,83E-02 4,07E+03 8,33E-07 -5,90E-02 4,08E+03 8,28E-07 -5,76E-02 4,05E+03 8,33E-07 -5,90E-02 4,08E+03

OPO-AMS -1,08E-06 1,94E-01 -3,08E+03 -1,01E-06 1,86E-01 -2,82E+03 -1,01E-06 1,86E-01 -2,80E+03 -1,00E-06 1,83E-01 -2,79E+03 -1,08E-06 1,94E-01 -3,08E+03

OPO-BCN -1,69E-07 5,45E-02 1,10E+02 -2,39E-07 6,29E-02 -1,42E+02 -2,39E-07 6,29E-02 -1,47E+02 -1,64E-07 5,31E-02 1,40E+02 -1,02E-07 4,68E-02 3,71E+02

OPO-BRU -6,91E-07 1,42E-01 -1,67E+03 -6,93E-07 1,42E-01 -1,67E+03 -7,63E-07 1,51E-01 -1,92E+03 -7,55E-07 1,48E-01 -1,91E+03 -6,91E-07 1,42E-01 -1,67E+03

OPO-FCO -1,10E-06 1,98E-01 -3,08E+03 -1,17E-06 2,07E-01 -3,36E+03 -1,02E-06 1,89E-01 -2,82E+03 -1,16E-06 2,04E-01 -3,33E+03 -1,18E-06 2,09E-01 -3,38E+03

OPO-FNC 9,43E-07 -6,79E-02 4,47E+03 9,41E-07 -6,72E-02 4,45E+03 8,71E-07 -5,89E-02 4,20E+03 8,68E-07 -5,82E-02 4,18E+03 8,04E-07 -5,12E-02 3,93E+03

OPO-GVA -5,67E-07 1,19E-01 -1,25E+03 -5,70E-07 1,20E-01 -1,27E+03 -5,70E-07 1,20E-01 -1,27E+03 -6,32E-07 1,26E-01 -1,50E+03 -5,03E-07 1,12E-01 -1,02E+03

OPO-LGW -3,57E-07 9,39E-02 -4,65E+02 -3,60E-07 9,47E-02 -4,67E+02 -3,60E-07 9,47E-02 -4,77E+02 -2,80E-07 8,35E-02 -1,71E+02 -2,85E-07 8,49E-02 -1,90E+02

OPO-LIS -8,87E-08 2,33E-02 1,90E+02 -1,88E-08 1,49E-02 4,32E+02 -8,87E-08 2,33E-02 1,84E+02 5,11E-08 6,58E-03 7,00E+02 -8,87E-08 2,33E-02 1,86E+02

OPO-LUX -8,33E-07 1,59E-01 -2,20E+03 -7,66E-07 1,51E-01 -1,96E+03 -7,66E-07 1,51E-01 -1,96E+03 -7,55E-07 1,48E-01 -1,92E+03 -8,36E-07 1,60E-01 -2,21E+03

OPO-LYS -2,55E-07 7,71E-02 -1,13E+02 -1,85E-07 6,87E-02 1,48E+02 -1,85E-07 6,87E-02 1,48E+02 -2,50E-07 7,57E-02 -1,08E+02 -2,61E-07 7,85E-02 -1,38E+02

OPO-MUC -1,05E-06 1,97E-01 -2,93E+03 -1,13E-06 2,06E-01 -3,20E+03 -1,06E-06 1,98E-01 -2,94E+03 -1,12E-06 2,03E-01 -3,17E+03 -1,06E-06 1,98E-01 -2,93E+03

OPO-MXP -8,25E-07 1,57E-01 -2,17E+03 -7,55E-07 1,48E-01 -1,91E+03 -7,55E-07 1,48E-01 -1,91E+03 -8,17E-07 1,55E-01 -2,15E+03 -7,61E-07 1,50E-01 -1,93E+03

OPO-ORY -2,58E-07 7,78E-02 -1,11E+02 -4,03E-07 9,60E-02 -6,51E+02 -4,03E-07 9,60E-02 -6,59E+02 -3,95E-07 9,38E-02 -6,35E+02 -3,31E-07 8,69E-02 -3,81E+02

OPO-PDL 1,28E-06 -9,62E-02 5,93E+03 1,27E-06 -9,34E-02 5,92E+03 1,21E-06 -8,72E-02 5,65E+03 1,14E-06 -8,09E-02 5,41E+03 1,21E-06 -8,86E-02 5,66E+03

OPO-PXO 8,87E-07 -6,31E-02 4,23E+03 8,87E-07 -6,31E-02 4,24E+03 8,14E-07 -5,40E-02 3,95E+03 8,84E-07 -6,24E-02 4,22E+03 8,90E-07 -6,38E-02 4,23E+03

OPO-RAK -3,04E-07 8,07E-02 -4,21E+02 -3,17E-07 8,20E-02 -4,74E+02 -3,90E-07 9,11E-02 -7,37E+02 -2,91E-07 7,95E-02 -3,65E+02 -4,76E-07 1,02E-01 -1,07E+03

OPO-SID 1,35E-06 -4,01E-02 6,51E+03 1,22E-06 -2,30E-02 6,02E+03 1,35E-06 -3,83E-02 6,55E+03 1,38E-06 -4,55E-02 6,62E+03 1,30E-06 -3,51E-02 6,30E+03

OPO-ZRH -7,71E-07 1,53E-01 -1,97E+03 -7,01E-07 1,44E-01 -1,71E+03 -7,01E-07 1,44E-01 -1,71E+03 -6,91E-07 1,42E-01 -1,67E+03 -7,74E-07 1,53E-01 -1,97E+03

ORY-FNC 2,26E-07 7,07E-02 2,15E+03 2,96E-07 6,23E-02 2,42E+03 2,98E-07 6,16E-02 2,43E+03 1,53E-07 7,97E-02 1,89E+03 2,31E-07 6,93E-02 2,16E+03

ORY-LIS 1,16E-06 -8,51E-02 5,40E+03 1,16E-06 -8,51E-02 5,40E+03 1,16E-06 -8,58E-02 5,42E+03 1,23E-06 -9,35E-02 5,67E+03 1,16E-06 -8,58E-02 5,41E+03

ORY-OPO 9,43E-07 -6,79E-02 4,53E+03 9,43E-07 -6,79E-02 4,54E+03 9,46E-07 -6,86E-02 4,53E+03 9,43E-07 -6,79E-02 4,52E+03 9,43E-07 -6,79E-02 4,52E+03

OSL-LIS 3,44E-07 6,96E-02 2,76E+03 3,47E-07 6,89E-02 2,76E+03 4,22E-07 5,91E-02 3,03E+03 3,47E-07 6,89E-02 2,76E+03 2,61E-07 8,15E-02 2,46E+03

OTP-LIS 1,80E-07 1,03E-01 2,26E+03 2,45E-07 9,57E-02 2,52E+03 2,53E-07 9,36E-02 2,54E+03 1,77E-07 1,03E-01 2,26E+03 2,69E-07 8,94E-02 2,57E+03

OXB-LIS 9,91E-07 -2,01E-03 5,08E+03 9,32E-07 5,92E-03 4,85E+03 9,05E-07 8,38E-03 4,75E+03 7,93E-07 2,12E-02 4,33E+03 9,45E-07 4,68E-03 4,90E+03

PDL-BOS 3,04E-06 -1,94E-01 1,32E+04 4,95E-06 -4,14E-01 2,01E+04 3,87E-06 -2,96E-01 1,61E+04 2,43E-06 -1,31E-01 1,09E+04 4,15E-06 -3,27E-01 1,71E+04

PDL-EWR 5,30E-06 -4,52E-01 2,15E+04 1,28E-05 -1,34E+00 4,84E+04 3,48E-06 -2,36E-01 1,49E+04 2,40E-06 -1,16E-01 1,10E+04 5,83E-06 -5,17E-01 2,33E+04

PDL-JFK 9,66E-06 -9,72E-01 3,70E+04 1,46E-05 -1,56E+00 5,48E+04 6,17E-06 -5,58E-01 2,45E+04 3,56E-06 -2,55E-01 1,51E+04 4,66E-06 -3,75E-01 1,90E+04

PDL-LIS -1,10E-06 1,89E-01 -3,20E+03 -1,10E-06 1,89E-01 -3,21E+03 -1,17E-06 1,97E-01 -3,46E+03 -1,10E-06 1,88E-01 -3,19E+03 -9,62E-07 1,73E-01 -2,69E+03

PDL-OPO -1,05E-06 1,85E-01 -2,97E+03 -1,12E-06 1,93E-01 -3,23E+03 -1,05E-06 1,85E-01 -2,97E+03 -1,04E-06 1,84E-01 -2,96E+03 -1,12E-06 1,95E-01 -3,25E+03

PDL-PVD 3,46E-06 -2,44E-01 1,48E+04 4,05E-06 -3,06E-01 1,70E+04 2,43E-06 -1,23E-01 1,11E+04 1,75E-06 -4,91E-02 8,54E+03 3,18E-06 -2,11E-01 1,38E+04

PDL-YUL 5,22E-06 -4,49E-01 2,11E+04 6,39E-06 -5,82E-01 2,54E+04 4,39E-06 -3,53E-01 1,81E+04 3,49E-06 -2,50E-01 1,48E+04 3,10E-06 -1,94E-01 1,35E+04

PDL-YYZ 3,34E-05 -3,80E+00 1,22E+05 1,81E-06 0,00E+00 8,74E+03 9,86E-06 -9,81E-01 3,78E+04 9,18E-06 -9,07E-01 3,53E+04 2,52E-05 -2,82E+00 9,29E+04

PRG-LIS 1,49E-06 -9,13E-02 6,86E+03 1,56E-06 -9,90E-02 7,11E+03 1,42E-06 -8,30E-02 6,59E+03 1,56E-06 -9,97E-02 7,13E+03 1,56E-06 -1,01E-01 7,15E+03

PVD-PDL -3,01E-07 1,79E-01 5,17E+02 -3,39E-07 1,79E-01 3,54E+02 -3,74E-07 1,88E-01 2,52E+02 -3,17E-07 1,83E-01 4,79E+02 -3,66E-07 1,86E-01 2,68E+02

PVD-TER -1,13E-07 1,50E-01 1,18E+03 -2,96E-07 1,68E-01 4,67E+02 -1,88E-07 1,59E-01 9,02E+02 -2,74E-07 1,72E-01 5,90E+02 -2,47E-07 1,65E-01 6,65E+02

PXO-LIS -1,05E-07 4,75E-02 3,69E+02 -1,10E-07 4,90E-02 3,32E+02 -1,77E-07 5,66E-02 7,90E+01 -1,69E-07 5,45E-02 1,20E+02 -3,76E-08 3,99E-02 6,16E+02

PXO-OPO -4,54E-07 9,94E-02 -8,70E+02 -3,87E-07 9,17E-02 -6,13E+02 -3,82E-07 9,03E-02 -5,83E+02 -4,43E-07 9,65E-02 -8,18E+02 -3,14E-07 8,26E-02 -3,38E+02

RAI-LIS 7,73E-07 2,07E-02 4,22E+03 8,72E-07 9,08E-03 4,61E+03 7,20E-07 2,56E-02 4,03E+03 6,61E-07 3,36E-02 3,81E+03 8,85E-07 7,85E-03 4,66E+03

RAK-LIS 5,62E-07 -3,76E-02 2,91E+03 4,89E-07 -2,86E-02 2,66E+03 4,89E-07 -2,86E-02 2,63E+03 5,67E-07 -3,90E-02 2,90E+03 5,62E-07 -3,76E-02 2,91E+03

RAK-OPO 1,11E-06 -9,41E-02 5,04E+03 1,21E-06 -1,06E-01 5,43E+03 1,20E-06 -1,04E-01 5,36E+03 1,07E-06 -9,04E-02 4,86E+03 1,11E-06 -9,41E-02 5,04E+03

SID-LIS 8,13E-07 7,49E-03 4,34E+03 7,66E-07 1,42E-02 4,17E+03 6,87E-07 2,16E-02 3,86E+03 6,14E-07 3,08E-02 3,58E+03 7,66E-07 1,42E-02 4,17E+03

SID-OPO 8,66E-07 1,21E-02 4,60E+03 9,91E-07 -2,01E-03 5,08E+03 7,53E-07 2,49E-02 4,17E+03 7,40E-07 2,62E-02 4,11E+03 9,05E-07 8,38E-03 4,75E+03

STR-LIS 1,82E-06 -1,48E-01 7,95E+03 1,82E-06 -1,47E-01 7,95E+03 1,75E-06 -1,40E-01 7,69E+03 1,82E-06 -1,47E-01 7,94E+03 1,68E-06 -1,32E-01 7,44E+03

SUF-LIS 1,62E-06 -1,05E-01 7,35E+03 1,61E-06 -1,04E-01 7,34E+03 1,54E-06 -9,47E-02 7,06E+03 1,62E-06 -1,05E-01 7,36E+03 1,56E-06 -1,01E-01 7,12E+03

SVQ-LIS 8,79E-07 -9,10E-02 3,75E+03 9,49E-07 -9,93E-02 4,00E+03 9,49E-07 -9,93E-02 4,00E+03 -5,43E-07 8,27E-02 -1,56E+03 -6,15E-07 9,18E-02 -1,84E+03

TER-BOS 3,09E-06 -2,07E-01 1,33E+04 4,16E-06 -3,26E-01 1,72E+04 3,59E-06 -2,69E-01 1,51E+04 1,58E-06 -3,60E-02 7,83E+03 3,52E-06 -2,59E-01 1,49E+04

TER-EWR 4,75E-06 -3,93E-01 1,94E+04 8,67E-06 -8,53E-01 3,36E+04 3,46E-06 -2,41E-01 1,48E+04 3,33E-06 -2,34E-01 1,43E+04 4,41E-06 -3,54E-01 1,82E+04

TER-JFK 4,00E-06 -3,02E-01 1,67E+04 8,93E-06 -8,82E-01 3,44E+04 5,48E-06 -4,82E-01 2,20E+04 3,11E-06 -2,08E-01 1,34E+04 3,72E-06 -2,70E-01 1,57E+04

TER-LIS -1,13E-06 1,96E-01 -3,26E+03 -1,12E-06 1,95E-01 -3,25E+03 -1,05E-06 1,87E-01 -2,99E+03 -1,05E-06 1,87E-01 -3,00E+03 -1,20E-06 2,06E-01 -3,54E+03

TER-PVD 3,48E-06 -2,53E-01 1,48E+04 3,90E-06 -2,96E-01 1,64E+04 2,16E-06 -9,79E-02 1,01E+04 1,58E-06 -3,60E-02 7,89E+03 2,81E-06 -1,75E-01 1,24E+04

TER-YUL 2,88E-06 -1,76E-01 1,27E+04 3,89E-06 -2,91E-01 1,64E+04 3,17E-06 -2,15E-01 1,37E+04 1,74E-06 -4,77E-02 8,53E+03 3,11E-06 -2,03E-01 1,35E+04

TER-YYZ 7,47E-06 -6,99E-01 2,92E+04 2,75E-05 -3,09E+00 1,01E+05 7,95E-06 -7,61E-01 3,09E+04 3,41E-06 -2,24E-01 1,47E+04 1,11E-05 -1,14E+00 4,23E+04

TFS-LIS -8,04E-07 1,51E-01 -2,11E+03 -8,82E-07 1,62E-01 -2,40E+03 -8,74E-07 1,60E-01 -2,38E+03 -9,35E-07 1,66E-01 -2,61E+03 -8,09E-07 1,53E-01 -2,14E+03

TLS-LIS 8,49E-07 -6,32E-02 4,13E+03 8,49E-07 -6,32E-02 4,14E+03 8,49E-07 -6,32E-02 4,13E+03 8,47E-07 -6,25E-02 4,12E+03 7,82E-07 -5,55E-02 3,87E+03

TLV-LIS 4,80E-06 -4,02E-01 1,95E+04 5,88E-06 -5,28E-01 2,34E+04 3,30E-06 -2,18E-01 1,42E+04 4,33E-06 -3,48E-01 1,78E+04 2,92E-06 -1,82E-01 1,28E+04

TMS-LIS 1,41E-05 -1,52E+00 5,37E+04 5,12E-06 -4,31E-01 2,09E+04 1,63E-05 -1,78E+00 6,17E+04 3,19E-06 -2,07E-01 1,38E+04 9,16E-06 -9,25E-01 3,56E+04

TXL-LIS 1,47E-06 -8,57E-02 6,81E+03 1,39E-06 -7,66E-02 6,54E+03 1,33E-06 -6,89E-02 6,27E+03 1,39E-06 -7,66E-02 6,53E+03 1,47E-06 -8,57E-02 6,81E+03

VCE-LIS 1,78E-06 -1,39E-01 7,86E+03 1,85E-06 -1,47E-01 8,13E+03 1,71E-06 -1,31E-01 7,60E+03 1,85E-06 -1,47E-01 8,14E+03 1,73E-06 -1,33E-01 7,63E+03

VIE-LIS 1,39E-06 -7,52E-02 6,52E+03 1,46E-06 -8,28E-02 6,79E+03 1,39E-06 -7,52E-02 6,52E+03 1,46E-06 -8,28E-02 6,78E+03 1,40E-06 -7,73E-02 6,54E+03

VLC-LIS 4,95E-07 -3,00E-02 2,67E+03 4,95E-07 -3,00E-02 2,69E+03 4,95E-07 -3,00E-02 2,69E+03 4,95E-07 -3,00E-02 2,67E+03 4,97E-07 -3,07E-02 2,66E+03

VXE-LIS 0,00E+00 0,00E+00 7,83E+03 0,00E+00 0,00E+00 7,89E+03 0,00E+00 0,00E+00 7,74E+03 0,00E+00 0,00E+00 7,75E+03 0,00E+00 0,00E+00 7,88E+03

WAW-LIS 2,61E-07 8,15E-02 2,45E+03 1,88E-07 9,06E-02 2,19E+03 2,66E-07 8,01E-02 2,48E+03 2,61E-07 8,15E-02 2,46E+03 2,63E-07 8,08E-02 2,46E+03

YUL-PDL -4,84E-07 2,07E-01 -1,32E+02 -5,29E-07 2,09E-01 -3,03E+02 -4,92E-07 2,09E-01 -1,43E+02 -5,67E-07 2,19E-01 -4,27E+02 -4,70E-07 2,04E-01 -7,93E+01

YUL-TER -2,93E-07 1,77E-01 5,42E+02 -3,41E-07 1,80E-01 3,48E+02 -3,04E-07 1,80E-01 5,15E+02 -3,76E-07 1,89E-01 2,41E+02 -3,52E-07 1,83E-01 3,18E+02

YYZ-PDL -9,00E-07 2,77E-01 -1,55E+03 -7,26E-07 2,51E-01 -9,11E+02 -9,81E-07 2,88E-01 -1,83E+03 -1,06E-06 2,98E-01 -2,11E+03 -8,87E-07 2,73E-01 -1,51E+03

YYZ-TER -7,10E-07 2,46E-01 -8,78E+02 -9,65E-07 2,74E-01 -1,86E+03 -8,63E-07 2,67E-01 -1,45E+03 -7,26E-07 2,51E-01 -9,19E+02 -9,11E-07 2,69E-01 -1,65E+03

ZRH-LIS 1,71E-06 -1,39E-01 7,52E+03 1,78E-06 -1,47E-01 7,76E+03 1,78E-06 -1,48E-01 7,78E+03 1,85E-06 -1,56E-01 8,03E+03 1,71E-06 -1,41E-01 7,52E+03

ZRH-OPO 1,62E-06 -1,36E-01 7,12E+03 1,83E-06 -1,61E-01 7,91E+03 1,62E-06 -1,37E-01 7,12E+03 1,62E-06 -1,36E-01 7,11E+03 1,63E-06 -1,37E-01 7,14E+03

Table 23: A320neo coefficients

Page 85: Medium Haul Fleet Segmentation - ULisboa · Medium Haul Fleet Segmentation Airbus A320neo & A321neo Weight Variant Selection João André Ferreira de Abreu Thesis to obtain the Master


A321neo ACF

Route Annual Average 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C

ABJ-LIS 1,53E-07 1,32E-01 2,55E+03 1,46E-07 1,35E-01 2,54E+03 1,89E-07 1,28E-01 2,75E+03 4,34E-08 1,45E-01 1,95E+03 1,53E-07 1,32E-01 2,55E+03

ACC-LIS 1,03E-07 1,42E-01 2,32E+03 1,75E-07 1,34E-01 2,73E+03 1,38E-07 1,38E-01 2,53E+03 7,84E-08 1,42E-01 2,14E+03 1,85E-07 1,30E-01 2,73E+03

AGP-LIS 8,65E-08 8,34E-03 1,16E+03 -4,79E-08 2,75E-02 4,96E+02 -3,99E-09 2,15E-02 7,05E+02 1,77E-07 -4,78E-03 1,62E+03 8,78E-08 7,85E-03 1,17E+03

AMS-LIS 7,72E-07 -3,25E-02 5,05E+03 7,73E-07 -3,30E-02 5,06E+03 7,74E-07 -3,35E-02 5,06E+03 7,72E-07 -3,25E-02 5,05E+03 8,15E-07 -3,86E-02 5,27E+03

AMS-OPO 7,73E-07 -4,30E-02 4,98E+03 8,17E-07 -4,91E-02 5,20E+03 6,86E-07 -3,13E-02 4,54E+03 7,74E-07 -4,35E-02 4,99E+03 7,72E-07 -4,25E-02 4,99E+03

ARN-LIS 1,60E-08 1,24E-01 1,66E+03 6,25E-08 1,17E-01 1,88E+03 6,52E-08 1,16E-01 1,88E+03 1,06E-07 1,11E-01 2,09E+03 9,71E-08 1,14E-01 2,09E+03

ATH-LIS -7,32E-08 1,37E-01 1,26E+03 -1,22E-07 1,45E-01 1,03E+03 -1,22E-07 1,45E-01 1,04E+03 -2,93E-08 1,31E-01 1,48E+03 3,06E-08 1,19E-01 1,71E+03

BCN-LIS 3,95E-07 -1,47E-02 2,99E+03 3,94E-07 -1,42E-02 2,98E+03 3,94E-07 -1,42E-02 2,98E+03 3,94E-07 -1,42E-02 2,98E+03 3,98E-07 -1,56E-02 2,97E+03

BCN-OPO 2,33E-07 4,76E-03 2,13E+03 2,75E-07 -8,22E-04 2,35E+03 2,33E-07 4,76E-03 2,13E+03 1,89E-07 1,08E-02 1,91E+03 5,45E-08 3,00E-02 1,18E+03

BEY-LIS 8,81E-07 4,76E-02 6,44E+03 9,15E-07 4,49E-02 6,67E+03 8,74E-07 5,00E-02 6,45E+03 8,39E-07 5,27E-02 6,22E+03 8,13E-07 5,24E-02 6,02E+03

BHX-LIS 6,40E-07 -2,43E-02 4,30E+03 7,29E-07 -3,69E-02 4,75E+03 6,43E-07 -2,53E-02 4,30E+03 6,84E-07 -3,03E-02 4,52E+03 7,72E-07 -4,25E-02 4,97E+03

BJL-LIS 4,43E-07 5,11E-02 3,79E+03 4,81E-07 4,60E-02 4,00E+03 4,45E-07 5,02E-02 3,80E+03 4,07E-07 5,53E-02 3,59E+03 3,99E-07 5,81E-02 3,58E+03

BLQ-LIS 1,04E-06 -7,04E-02 6,44E+03 9,92E-07 -6,33E-02 6,22E+03 9,94E-07 -6,38E-02 6,22E+03 1,04E-06 -6,99E-02 6,45E+03 7,76E-07 -3,40E-02 5,07E+03

BOD-LIS 3,11E-07 -3,97E-03 2,49E+03 4,03E-07 -1,76E-02 3,00E+03 2,67E-07 2,10E-03 2,27E+03 4,91E-07 -2,97E-02 3,44E+03 2,69E-07 1,61E-03 2,27E+03

BOS-PDL -1,97E-07 1,72E-01 7,17E+02 -1,78E-07 1,65E-01 7,72E+02 -2,00E-07 1,73E-01 7,06E+02 -2,06E-07 1,75E-01 7,07E+02 -1,92E-07 1,70E-01 7,28E+02

BOS-TER -1,68E-07 1,61E-01 8,24E+02 -1,50E-07 1,55E-01 8,68E+02 -1,72E-07 1,63E-01 8,08E+02 -1,33E-07 1,59E-01 1,02E+03 -1,18E-07 1,53E-01 1,05E+03

BRU-LIS 7,95E-07 -4,13E-02 5,12E+03 8,39E-07 -4,73E-02 5,35E+03 7,53E-07 -3,57E-02 4,91E+03 8,39E-07 -4,73E-02 5,35E+03 7,95E-07 -4,13E-02 5,12E+03

BRU-OPO 7,50E-07 -4,47E-02 4,83E+03 8,41E-07 -5,78E-02 5,33E+03 7,08E-07 -3,91E-02 4,60E+03 7,50E-07 -4,47E-02 4,82E+03 7,94E-07 -5,08E-02 5,05E+03

BUD-LIS 1,52E-07 8,45E-02 2,19E+03 1,04E-07 9,20E-02 1,97E+03 1,53E-07 8,40E-02 2,20E+03 1,50E-07 8,50E-02 2,19E+03 1,58E-07 8,20E-02 2,21E+03

BVC-LIS 7,62E-07 2,33E-03 5,33E+03 5,74E-07 2,92E-02 4,42E+03 9,25E-07 -2,18E-02 6,13E+03 8,32E-07 -8,34E-03 5,66E+03 7,55E-07 4,58E-03 5,29E+03

CAG-LIS 9,47E-07 -6,68E-02 5,91E+03 1,03E-06 -7,84E-02 6,35E+03 9,90E-07 -7,24E-02 6,14E+03 9,47E-07 -6,68E-02 5,91E+03 9,10E-07 -6,32E-02 5,70E+03

CAI-LIS 5,41E-07 9,50E-02 4,85E+03 1,28E-06 -5,90E-03 8,56E+03 1,19E-06 7,54E-03 8,10E+03 4,21E-07 1,07E-01 4,14E+03 3,79E-07 1,13E-01 3,92E+03

CGN-LIS 8,58E-07 -4,42E-02 5,49E+03 8,58E-07 -4,42E-02 5,50E+03 7,72E-07 -3,25E-02 5,06E+03 8,13E-07 -3,76E-02 5,26E+03 7,70E-07 -3,20E-02 5,06E+03

CKY-LIS 2,96E-07 8,79E-02 3,15E+03 2,53E-07 9,44E-02 2,95E+03 2,96E-07 8,79E-02 3,15E+03 2,61E-07 9,16E-02 2,97E+03 2,53E-07 9,44E-02 2,95E+03

CMN-LIS 1,74E-07 7,75E-04 1,67E+03 5,07E-08 1,89E-02 1,04E+03 1,33E-07 6,81E-03 1,46E+03 -1,87E-07 5,19E-02 -2,01E+02 1,34E-07 6,35E-03 1,47E+03

CPH-LIS 1,61E-07 8,11E-02 2,20E+03 2,51E-07 6,79E-02 2,66E+03 2,09E-07 7,35E-02 2,43E+03 2,06E-07 7,45E-02 2,43E+03 1,57E-07 8,25E-02 2,20E+03

CTA-LIS 9,27E-07 -3,95E-02 6,02E+03 1,01E-06 -5,07E-02 6,46E+03 1,01E-06 -5,02E-02 6,46E+03 8,85E-07 -3,39E-02 5,80E+03 7,57E-07 -1,71E-02 5,09E+03

DKR-LIS 4,26E-07 4,80E-02 3,66E+03 4,63E-07 4,33E-02 3,86E+03 5,49E-07 2,99E-02 4,28E+03 5,10E-07 3,50E-02 4,08E+03 5,03E-07 3,78E-02 4,08E+03

DME-FNC 0,00E+00 0,00E+00 1,54E+04 0,00E+00 0,00E+00 1,55E+04 0,00E+00 0,00E+00 1,54E+04 0,00E+00 0,00E+00 1,54E+04 0,00E+00 0,00E+00 1,55E+04

DME-LIS 7,01E-07 6,33E-02 5,40E+03 7,44E-07 5,77E-02 5,63E+03 7,49E-07 5,58E-02 5,63E+03 7,49E-07 5,58E-02 5,64E+03 7,42E-07 5,82E-02 5,62E+03

DUB-LIS 6,40E-07 -2,43E-02 4,29E+03 7,29E-07 -3,69E-02 4,74E+03 6,43E-07 -2,53E-02 4,30E+03 6,84E-07 -3,03E-02 4,51E+03 7,26E-07 -3,59E-02 4,73E+03

DUS-LIS 7,68E-07 -3,10E-02 5,04E+03 7,68E-07 -3,10E-02 5,05E+03 7,69E-07 -3,15E-02 5,04E+03 7,22E-07 -2,45E-02 4,81E+03 7,68E-07 -3,10E-02 5,04E+03

EDI-LIS 6,69E-07 -1,50E-02 4,54E+03 7,14E-07 -2,16E-02 4,77E+03 6,73E-07 -1,65E-02 4,55E+03 7,14E-07 -2,16E-02 4,77E+03 7,10E-07 -2,01E-02 4,77E+03

EWR-PDL -1,58E-07 1,78E-01 9,96E+02 -3,13E-07 1,94E-01 1,67E+02 -6,92E-08 1,65E-01 1,44E+03 -1,26E-07 1,76E-01 1,19E+03 -6,52E-08 1,64E-01 1,45E+03

EWR-TER -2,65E-07 1,87E-01 4,18E+02 -2,42E-07 1,79E-01 4,72E+02 -2,65E-07 1,87E-01 4,13E+02 -1,88E-07 1,79E-01 8,35E+02 -3,49E-07 1,98E-01 -2,10E+01

FAO-LIS 8,65E-08 -1,66E-03 9,84E+02 -4,79E-08 1,75E-02 3,11E+02 -4,79E-08 1,75E-02 3,07E+02 -3,99E-09 1,15E-02 4,85E+02 1,32E-07 -8,22E-03 1,22E+03

FCO-LIS 9,42E-07 -5,48E-02 5,98E+03 1,07E-06 -7,31E-02 6,66E+03 9,84E-07 -6,04E-02 6,20E+03 9,84E-07 -6,04E-02 6,20E+03 7,69E-07 -3,15E-02 5,04E+03

FCO-OPO 1,00E-06 -6,77E-02 6,26E+03 1,05E-06 -7,28E-02 6,49E+03 1,00E-06 -6,77E-02 6,27E+03 1,00E-06 -6,77E-02 6,26E+03 1,01E-06 -7,02E-02 6,27E+03

FNC-DME 1,53E-06 0,00E+00 8,45E+03 1,51E-06 0,00E+00 8,64E+03 1,47E-06 0,00E+00 8,72E+03 1,43E-06 0,00E+00 8,69E+03 1,47E-06 0,00E+00 8,73E+03

FNC-LIS -1,68E-07 6,14E-02 3,54E+01 -5,71E-07 1,19E-01 -1,98E+03 -2,12E-07 6,74E-02 -1,91E+02 -2,08E-07 6,60E-02 -1,70E+02 -4,82E-07 1,06E-01 -1,53E+03

FNC-OPO -2,53E-07 8,25E-02 -3,10E+02 -3,45E-07 9,61E-02 -7,70E+02 -3,42E-07 9,52E-02 -7,61E+02 -2,47E-07 8,06E-02 -3,03E+02 -3,43E-07 9,57E-02 -7,53E+02

FNC-ORY -2,38E-07 1,27E-01 1,72E+02 -2,87E-07 1,35E-01 -7,13E+01 -2,41E-07 1,28E-01 1,46E+02 -9,58E-08 1,05E-01 8,46E+02 -1,97E-07 1,22E-01 3,77E+02

FRA-LIS 8,09E-07 -3,61E-02 5,26E+03 8,53E-07 -4,22E-02 5,49E+03 7,65E-07 -3,01E-02 5,04E+03 7,62E-07 -2,91E-02 5,02E+03 8,10E-07 -3,66E-02 5,26E+03

GVA-LIS 8,81E-07 -6,24E-02 5,53E+03 9,25E-07 -6,85E-02 5,76E+03 9,26E-07 -6,90E-02 5,77E+03 9,68E-07 -7,46E-02 5,98E+03 7,49E-07 -4,42E-02 4,83E+03

GVA-OPO 8,70E-07 -6,85E-02 5,42E+03 8,23E-07 -6,15E-02 5,20E+03 8,71E-07 -6,90E-02 5,43E+03 8,70E-07 -6,85E-02 5,42E+03 7,84E-07 -5,69E-02 4,98E+03

HAJ-LIS 6,77E-07 -7,91E-03 4,66E+03 6,77E-07 -7,91E-03 4,67E+03 6,80E-07 -8,89E-03 4,67E+03 7,66E-07 -2,05E-02 5,12E+03 6,32E-07 -1,35E-03 4,44E+03

HAM-LIS 7,04E-07 -7,66E-03 4,84E+03 6,58E-07 -1,10E-03 4,60E+03 6,17E-07 4,00E-03 4,39E+03 6,58E-07 -1,10E-03 4,61E+03 6,57E-07 -6,09E-04 4,61E+03

HEL-LIS 2,09E-07 1,14E-01 2,76E+03 2,12E-07 1,13E-01 2,77E+03 1,70E-07 1,18E-01 2,54E+03 2,13E-07 1,12E-01 2,77E+03 2,46E-07 1,10E-01 2,97E+03

IST-LIS 8,38E-08 1,29E-01 2,17E+03 7,72E-08 1,32E-01 2,16E+03 8,11E-08 1,30E-01 2,16E+03 7,98E-08 1,31E-01 2,15E+03 1,86E-07 1,12E-01 2,61E+03

JFK-PDL -6,39E-08 1,63E-01 1,46E+03 -3,07E-07 1,93E-01 1,87E+02 -6,39E-08 1,63E-01 1,46E+03 -1,65E-07 1,80E-01 9,90E+02 -5,99E-08 1,62E-01 1,46E+03

JFK-TER -2,59E-07 1,85E-01 4,31E+02 -2,37E-07 1,77E-01 4,88E+02 -2,59E-07 1,85E-01 4,26E+02 -2,71E-07 1,89E-01 3,97E+02 -2,54E-07 1,83E-01 4,40E+02

KBP-LIS 2,45E-07 1,10E-01 2,97E+03 4,66E-07 7,95E-02 4,15E+03 2,04E-07 1,15E-01 2,76E+03 2,00E-07 1,17E-01 2,74E+03 2,46E-07 1,10E-01 2,97E+03

KEF-LIS 1,93E-07 8,94E-02 2,54E+03 1,46E-07 9,64E-02 2,31E+03 1,53E-07 9,40E-02 2,33E+03 1,50E-07 9,50E-02 2,32E+03 1,89E-07 9,08E-02 2,53E+03

LED-LIS 6,94E-07 5,58E-02 5,27E+03 7,41E-07 4,87E-02 5,52E+03 7,00E-07 5,38E-02 5,29E+03 6,97E-07 5,48E-02 5,27E+03 7,30E-07 5,26E-02 5,50E+03

LFW-LIS 1,45E-07 1,36E-01 2,54E+03 2,17E-07 1,27E-01 2,95E+03 1,80E-07 1,32E-01 2,75E+03 4,22E-08 1,46E-01 1,95E+03 1,88E-07 1,29E-01 2,75E+03

LGW-LIS 6,97E-07 -3,52E-02 4,56E+03 6,97E-07 -3,52E-02 4,56E+03 6,54E-07 -2,96E-02 4,34E+03 6,97E-07 -3,52E-02 4,58E+03 7,86E-07 -4,79E-02 5,02E+03

LGW-OPO 6,56E-07 -4,01E-02 4,28E+03 6,11E-07 -3,36E-02 4,05E+03 6,13E-07 -3,45E-02 4,06E+03 6,56E-07 -4,01E-02 4,28E+03 6,54E-07 -3,96E-02 4,28E+03

LHR-LIS 6,93E-07 -3,38E-02 4,54E+03 7,38E-07 -4,03E-02 4,78E+03 6,96E-07 -3,47E-02 4,56E+03 6,93E-07 -3,38E-02 4,56E+03 7,37E-07 -3,98E-02 4,78E+03

LIS-ABJ 1,60E-07 1,30E-01 2,67E+03 1,58E-07 1,31E-01 2,67E+03 1,58E-07 1,31E-01 2,68E+03 1,63E-07 1,29E-01 2,67E+03 1,63E-07 1,29E-01 2,67E+03

LIS-ACC 1,23E-07 1,34E-01 2,44E+03 1,23E-07 1,34E-01 2,43E+03 1,23E-07 1,34E-01 2,44E+03 8,08E-08 1,41E-01 2,23E+03 1,24E-07 1,34E-01 2,44E+03

LIS-AGP -3,59E-08 2,32E-02 5,45E+02 -3,59E-08 2,32E-02 5,35E+02 -7,98E-08 2,92E-02 3,19E+02 -1,25E-07 3,58E-02 9,59E+01 2,74E-07 -2,03E-02 2,09E+03

LIS-AMS -8,58E-07 1,94E-01 -3,13E+03 -8,62E-07 1,96E-01 -3,15E+03 -9,05E-07 2,01E-01 -3,36E+03 -8,07E-07 1,86E-01 -2,89E+03 -8,14E-07 1,88E-01 -2,91E+03

LIS-ARN 9,44E-08 1,05E-01 2,04E+03 7,28E-21 1,20E-01 1,58E+03 9,18E-08 1,06E-01 2,02E+03 1,01E-07 1,03E-01 2,06E+03 5,19E-08 1,11E-01 1,81E+03

LIS-ATH 1,33E-08 1,05E-01 1,53E+03 5,72E-08 9,91E-02 1,75E+03 6,25E-08 9,71E-02 1,76E+03 6,78E-08 9,52E-02 1,77E+03 1,33E-09 1,10E-01 1,49E+03

LIS-BCN -1,69E-07 6,19E-02 3,25E+01 -1,25E-07 5,58E-02 2,56E+02 -1,68E-07 6,14E-02 3,84E+01 -1,20E-07 5,38E-02 2,77E+02 -2,17E-07 6,94E-02 -2,04E+02

LIS-BEY -2,09E-07 1,76E-01 6,91E+02 -1,61E-07 1,69E-01 9,19E+02 -1,57E-07 1,67E-01 9,35E+02 -1,98E-07 1,73E-01 7,16E+02 -8,91E-08 1,63E-01 1,33E+03

LIS-BHX -8,69E-07 1,88E-01 -3,25E+03 -8,27E-07 1,83E-01 -3,03E+03 -8,26E-07 1,82E-01 -3,03E+03 -8,63E-07 1,86E-01 -3,23E+03 -8,23E-07 1,81E-01 -3,02E+03

LIS-BJL -6,88E-08 1,31E-01 1,17E+03 -7,36E-08 1,33E-01 1,17E+03 -1,16E-07 1,39E-01 9,51E+02 -1,00E-07 1,33E-01 9,78E+02 -1,03E-07 1,34E-01 9,65E+02

LIS-BLQ -4,84E-07 1,37E-01 -1,29E+03 -4,86E-07 1,38E-01 -1,29E+03 -4,83E-07 1,37E-01 -1,29E+03 -3,87E-07 1,22E-01 -8,17E+02 -5,79E-07 1,52E-01 -1,75E+03

LIS-BOD -4,36E-07 9,98E-02 -1,31E+03 -4,38E-07 1,00E-01 -1,31E+03 -4,36E-07 9,98E-02 -1,31E+03 -2,09E-07 6,65E-02 -1,76E+02 -4,38E-07 1,00E-01 -1,31E+03

LIS-BRU -8,34E-07 1,85E-01 -3,05E+03 -8,38E-07 1,87E-01 -3,07E+03 -8,37E-07 1,86E-01 -3,07E+03 -8,29E-07 1,83E-01 -3,05E+03 -8,81E-07 1,92E-01 -3,29E+03

LIS-BUD -1,57E-07 1,17E-01 5,70E+02 -2,04E-07 1,25E-01 3,42E+02 -1,56E-07 1,17E-01 5,76E+02 -5,85E-08 1,01E-01 1,04E+03 -1,62E-07 1,19E-01 5,61E+02

LIS-BVC -6,15E-08 1,28E-01 1,20E+03 -1,04E-07 1,35E-01 9,95E+02 -1,12E-07 1,38E-01 9,83E+02 -9,41E-08 1,31E-01 9,91E+02 -1,33E-08 1,19E-01 1,43E+03

LIS-CAG -3,94E-07 1,14E-01 -9,13E+02 -3,95E-07 1,15E-01 -9,23E+02 -3,02E-07 1,01E-01 -4,62E+02 -2,54E-07 9,30E-02 -2,24E+02 -4,44E-07 1,23E-01 -1,15E+03

LIS-CAI 4,46E-07 7,83E-02 3,97E+03 4,92E-07 7,05E-02 4,19E+03 4,57E-07 7,42E-02 3,99E+03 4,05E-07 8,43E-02 3,76E+03 3,54E-07 9,45E-02 3,52E+03

LIS-CGN -4,11E-07 1,31E-01 -8,75E+02 -4,15E-07 1,32E-01 -8,92E+02 -4,12E-07 1,31E-01 -8,81E+02 -4,06E-07 1,29E-01 -8,70E+02 -4,58E-07 1,38E-01 -1,11E+03

LIS-CKY 7,48E-08 1,24E-01 1,98E+03 1,89E-07 1,09E-01 2,61E+03 1,10E-07 1,20E-01 2,20E+03 1,24E-07 1,15E-01 2,21E+03 1,21E-07 1,16E-01 2,20E+03

LIS-CMN 5,67E-08 1,66E-02 1,05E+03 5,79E-08 1,61E-02 1,05E+03 9,77E-08 1,06E-02 1,26E+03 5,55E-08 1,70E-02 1,04E+03 9,77E-08 1,06E-02 1,27E+03

LIS-CPH -5,65E-07 1,77E-01 -1,44E+03 -6,60E-07 1,92E-01 -1,91E+03 -5,23E-07 1,71E-01 -1,23E+03 -2,47E-07 1,31E-01 1,29E+02 -5,65E-07 1,77E-01 -1,44E+03

LIS-CTA -2,61E-07 1,15E-01 -8,17E+01 -2,17E-07 1,09E-01 1,29E+02 -2,12E-07 1,07E-01 1,43E+02 -1,65E-07 1,00E-01 3,68E+02 -3,58E-07 1,31E-01 -5,59E+02

LIS-DKR -1,27E-07 1,34E-01 8,32E+02 -1,73E-07 1,42E-01 6,08E+02 -9,53E-08 1,31E-01 1,02E+03 -1,21E-07 1,31E-01 8,17E+02 -1,21E-07 1,31E-01 8,33E+02

LIS-DME -1,33E-07 1,69E-01 1,14E+03 -1,38E-07 1,71E-01 1,12E+03 -1,34E-07 1,69E-01 1,13E+03 -8,25E-08 1,60E-01 1,36E+03 -9,18E-08 1,64E-01 1,35E+03

LIS-DUB -8,33E-07 1,85E-01 -3,06E+03 -8,81E-07 1,92E-01 -3,28E+03 -9,23E-07 1,98E-01 -3,50E+03 -7,82E-07 1,76E-01 -2,81E+03 -8,75E-07 1,90E-01 -3,26E+03

LIS-DUS -5,47E-07 1,50E-01 -1,56E+03 -8,18E-07 1,90E-01 -2,92E+03 -8,61E-07 1,95E-01 -3,14E+03 -4,96E-07 1,42E-01 -1,32E+03 -8,15E-07 1,89E-01 -2,90E+03

LIS-EDI -8,87E-07 2,05E-01 -3,22E+03 -8,46E-07 2,00E-01 -3,00E+03 -8,89E-07 2,05E-01 -3,22E+03 -8,37E-07 1,96E-01 -2,98E+03 -8,86E-07 2,04E-01 -3,22E+03

LIS-FAO 4,03E-07 -4,76E-02 2,57E+03 3,59E-07 -4,15E-02 2,34E+03 3,59E-07 -4,15E-02 2,35E+03 3,58E-07 -4,10E-02 2,34E+03 3,14E-07 -3,49E-02 2,12E+03

LIS-FCO -3,53E-07 1,19E-01 -6,14E+02 -3,54E-07 1,20E-01 -6,19E+02 -2,61E-07 1,05E-01 -1,62E+02 -2,12E-07 9,74E-02 5,68E+01 -4,04E-07 1,28E-01 -8,70E+02

LIS-FNC 3,10E-07 -3,49E-03 2,47E+03 3,10E-07 -3,49E-03 2,46E+03 3,54E-07 -9,56E-03 2,69E+03 3,54E-07 -9,56E-03 2,69E+03 3,11E-07 -3,97E-03 2,44E+03

LIS-FRA -5,03E-07 1,44E-01 -1,35E+03 -8,18E-07 1,90E-01 -2,93E+03 -5,93E-07 1,57E-01 -1,80E+03 -4,96E-07 1,42E-01 -1,33E+03 -5,05E-07 1,45E-01 -1,37E+03

LIS-GVA -4,36E-07 1,20E-01 -1,15E+03 -4,83E-07 1,27E-01 -1,39E+03 -4,36E-07 1,20E-01 -1,15E+03 -3,41E-07 1,05E-01 -6,82E+02 -4,40E-07 1,21E-01 -1,17E+03

LIS-HAJ -7,66E-07 1,91E-01 -2,59E+03 -8,14E-07 1,98E-01 -2,82E+03 -7,68E-07 1,91E-01 -2,59E+03 -4,03E-07 1,38E-01 -7,84E+02 -8,11E-07 1,97E-01 -2,81E+03

LIS-HAM -7,40E-07 1,91E-01 -2,41E+03 -6,98E-07 1,86E-01 -2,19E+03 -7,41E-07 1,91E-01 -2,41E+03 -4,66E-07 1,50E-01 -1,06E+03 -7,40E-07 1,91E-01 -2,41E+03

LIS-HEL -5,85E-08 1,41E-01 1,38E+03 -2,87E-07 1,75E-01 2,45E+02 -3,27E-07 1,80E-01 2,93E+01 -5,19E-08 1,39E-01 1,40E+03 -5,59E-08 1,40E-01 1,38E+03

LIS-IST 1,24E-07 1,05E-01 2,20E+03 1,68E-07 9,86E-02 2,41E+03 1,28E-07 1,03E-01 2,21E+03 1,37E-07 9,98E-02 2,23E+03 1,56E-07 1,03E-01 2,38E+03

LIS-KBP 4,12E-08 1,25E-01 1,86E+03 3,72E-08 1,26E-01 1,83E+03 8,38E-08 1,19E-01 2,06E+03 4,92E-08 1,22E-01 1,87E+03 3,59E-08 1,27E-01 1,85E+03

LIS-KEF 1,13E-07 1,09E-01 2,11E+03 1,09E-07 1,10E-01 2,12E+03 1,10E-07 1,10E-01 2,10E+03 1,20E-07 1,06E-01 2,12E+03 1,13E-07 1,09E-01 2,11E+03

LIS-LED -1,45E-07 1,63E-01 1,01E+03 -1,52E-07 1,66E-01 9,85E+02 -1,48E-07 1,64E-01 9,99E+02 -9,58E-08 1,55E-01 1,23E+03 -5,45E-08 1,50E-01 1,45E+03

LIS-LFW 4,83E-08 1,44E-01 2,04E+03 1,30E-07 1,32E-01 2,45E+03 1,29E-07 1,32E-01 2,46E+03 4,46E-08 1,45E-01 2,03E+03 4,95E-08 1,43E-01 2,04E+03

LIS-LGW -8,53E-07 1,82E-01 -3,20E+03 -9,01E-07 1,90E-01 -3,44E+03 -8,10E-07 1,77E-01 -2,99E+03 -7,58E-07 1,68E-01 -2,74E+03 -8,53E-07 1,82E-01 -3,20E+03

LIS-LHR -7,68E-07 1,71E-01 -2,76E+03 -8,15E-07 1,79E-01 -3,00E+03 -8,14E-07 1,78E-01 -3,00E+03 -8,51E-07 1,82E-01 -3,20E+03 -7,68E-07 1,71E-01 -2,76E+03

LIS-LOS 1,65E-07 1,28E-01 2,65E+03 1,70E-07 1,26E-01 2,66E+03 1,28E-07 1,32E-01 2,45E+03 1,22E-07 1,35E-01 2,43E+03 1,27E-07 1,33E-01 2,45E+03

LIS-LPA 6,50E-07 -3,82E-02 4,34E+03 6,52E-07 -3,87E-02 4,34E+03 7,80E-07 -5,54E-02 4,96E+03 6,05E-07 -3,16E-02 4,11E+03 6,53E-07 -3,91E-02 4,34E+03

LIS-LUX -8,78E-07 1,91E-01 -3,30E+03 -8,81E-07 1,92E-01 -3,31E+03 -8,34E-07 1,85E-01 -3,07E+03 -5,15E-07 1,38E-01 -1,49E+03 -8,35E-07 1,86E-01 -3,08E+03

LIS-LYS -7,30E-07 1,57E-01 -2,65E+03 -7,33E-07 1,58E-01 -2,68E+03 -7,30E-07 1,57E-01 -2,66E+03 -3,68E-07 1,05E-01 -8,65E+02 -7,78E-07 1,65E-01 -2,89E+03

LIS-MAD 1,76E-07 -4,29E-03 1,59E+03 1,32E-07 1,78E-03 1,38E+03 1,77E-07 -4,78E-03 1,61E+03 2,67E-07 -1,79E-02 2,06E+03 1,74E-07 -3,81E-03 1,59E+03

LIS-MAN -8,39E-07 1,87E-01 -3,07E+03 -8,87E-07 1,95E-01 -3,30E+03 -8,41E-07 1,88E-01 -3,07E+03 -8,34E-07 1,85E-01 -3,07E+03 -8,83E-07 1,93E-01 -3,30E+03

LIS-MLH -7,77E-07 1,74E-01 -2,80E+03 -8,23E-07 1,81E-01 -3,04E+03 -8,22E-07 1,81E-01 -3,03E+03 -5,03E-07 1,34E-01 -1,45E+03 -7,80E-07 1,75E-01 -2,81E+03

LIS-MRS -3,11E-07 9,40E-02 -5,76E+02 -3,58E-07 1,01E-01 -8,11E+02 -3,55E-07 1,00E-01 -7,98E+02 -2,61E-07 8,55E-02 -3,34E+02 -4,04E-07 1,08E-01 -1,03E+03

LIS-MUC -4,31E-07 1,38E-01 -9,80E+02 -4,78E-07 1,45E-01 -1,20E+03 -5,20E-07 1,50E-01 -1,42E+03 -4,23E-07 1,35E-01 -9,50E+02 -4,79E-07 1,45E-01 -1,21E+03

LIS-MXP -5,49E-07 1,41E-01 -1,67E+03 -7,74E-07 1,73E-01 -2,80E+03 -5,48E-07 1,41E-01 -1,66E+03 -4,08E-07 1,20E-01 -9,86E+02 -8,21E-07 1,81E-01 -3,03E+03

LIS-NAP -4,24E-07 1,35E-01 -9,34E+02 -4,26E-07 1,36E-01 -9,48E+02 -2,87E-07 1,15E-01 -2,62E+02 -2,82E-07 1,13E-01 -2,51E+02 -4,76E-07 1,44E-01 -1,18E+03

LIS-NCE -3,38E-07 1,04E-01 -6,57E+02 -3,84E-07 1,11E-01 -8,96E+02 -3,37E-07 1,03E-01 -6,52E+02 -2,42E-07 8,86E-02 -1,94E+02 -3,87E-07 1,12E-01 -8,92E+02

LIS-NTE -4,19E-07 1,03E-01 -1,16E+03 -3,33E-07 9,18E-02 -7,31E+02 -3,75E-07 9,74E-02 -9,36E+02 -4,59E-07 1,08E-01 -1,37E+03 -4,20E-07 1,04E-01 -1,17E+03

LIS-OPO -1,42E-07 3,21E-02 -8,26E+01 -9,84E-08 2,60E-02 1,36E+02 -1,42E-07 3,21E-02 -7,96E+01 4,39E-07 -5,07E-02 2,84E+03 -1,42E-07 3,21E-02 -8,06E+01

LIS-ORY -4,75E-07 1,24E-01 -1,35E+03 -7,89E-07 1,69E-01 -2,92E+03 -5,64E-07 1,37E-01 -1,78E+03 -4,24E-07 1,15E-01 -1,11E+03 -5,20E-07 1,30E-01 -1,57E+03

LIS-OSL -3,13E-07 1,54E-01 -7,02E+01 -2,29E-07 1,44E-01 3,55E+02 -3,15E-07 1,55E-01 -8,88E+01 -3,06E-07 1,52E-01 -4,51E+01 -3,54E-07 1,60E-01 -2,85E+02

LIS-OTP 2,93E-08 1,09E-01 1,64E+03 2,79E-08 1,10E-01 1,64E+03 3,19E-08 1,08E-01 1,66E+03 4,12E-08 1,05E-01 1,68E+03 -2,53E-08 1,19E-01 1,40E+03

LIS-OXB -1,09E-08 1,28E-01 1,51E+03 -9,77E-08 1,42E-01 1,07E+03 -1,81E-08 1,31E-01 1,49E+03 -1,23E-07 1,42E-01 8,95E+02 -8,45E-08 1,37E-01 1,11E+03

LIS-PDL 8,42E-07 -5,83E-02 5,33E+03 8,35E-07 -5,59E-02 5,32E+03 8,41E-07 -5,78E-02 5,32E+03 8,46E-07 -5,98E-02 5,33E+03 8,46E-07 -5,98E-02 5,35E+03

LIS-PRG -3,84E-07 1,41E-01 -6,53E+02 -6,98E-07 1,86E-01 -2,21E+03 -6,97E-07 1,85E-01 -2,22E+03 -3,76E-07 1,38E-01 -6,29E+02 -6,98E-07 1,86E-01 -2,21E+03

LIS-PXO 2,75E-07 -8,22E-04 2,26E+03 3,21E-07 -7,38E-03 2,50E+03 3,19E-07 -6,89E-03 2,49E+03 3,19E-07 -6,89E-03 2,49E+03 3,22E-07 -7,87E-03 2,48E+03

LIS-RAI -4,95E-08 1,33E-01 1,31E+03 -1,21E-08 1,28E-01 1,51E+03 -6,03E-08 1,37E-01 1,29E+03 -8,08E-08 1,35E-01 1,11E+03 -8,33E-08 1,36E-01 1,10E+03

LIS-RAK -2,33E-07 6,52E-02 -3,54E+02 -1,86E-07 5,82E-02 -1,16E+02 -2,33E-07 6,52E-02 -3,53E+02 -2,34E-07 6,57E-02 -3,55E+02 -1,88E-07 5,87E-02 -1,28E+02

Page 86: Medium Haul Fleet Segmentation - ULisboa · Medium Haul Fleet Segmentation Airbus A320neo & A321neo Weight Variant Selection João André Ferreira de Abreu Thesis to obtain the Master


LIS-SID -1,74E-07 1,42E-01 6,01E+02 -1,75E-07 1,43E-01 6,12E+02 -1,83E-07 1,46E-01 5,96E+02 -1,24E-07 1,33E-01 8,34E+02 -2,06E-07 1,45E-01 4,09E+02

LIS-STR -3,18E-07 1,16E-01 -4,42E+02 -4,08E-07 1,30E-01 -8,78E+02 -3,18E-07 1,16E-01 -4,33E+02 -2,21E-07 1,01E-01 3,40E+01 -3,64E-07 1,23E-01 -6,56E+02

LIS-SUF -2,74E-07 1,20E-01 -1,23E+02 -1,86E-07 1,08E-01 3,13E+02 -1,81E-07 1,06E-01 3,34E+02 -8,78E-08 9,21E-02 7,82E+02 -2,38E-07 1,17E-01 7,71E+01

LIS-SVQ 3,91E-07 -4,32E-02 2,65E+03 3,91E-07 -4,32E-02 2,64E+03 4,80E-07 -5,58E-02 3,08E+03 3,46E-07 -3,66E-02 2,41E+03 -2,79E-07 5,23E-02 -7,31E+02

LIS-TER 8,21E-07 -5,05E-02 5,26E+03 9,47E-07 -6,68E-02 5,93E+03 9,09E-07 -6,27E-02 5,70E+03 8,27E-07 -5,30E-02 5,28E+03 9,13E-07 -6,41E-02 5,70E+03

LIS-TFS 6,82E-07 -3,99E-02 4,45E+03 6,84E-07 -4,03E-02 4,46E+03 7,69E-07 -5,15E-02 4,89E+03 6,82E-07 -3,99E-02 4,46E+03 6,85E-07 -4,08E-02 4,44E+03

LIS-TLS -2,22E-07 7,13E-02 -2,19E+02 -4,91E-07 1,10E-01 -1,56E+03 -2,66E-07 7,74E-02 -4,39E+02 -1,73E-07 6,33E-02 1,31E+01 -4,03E-07 9,76E-02 -1,12E+03

LIS-TLV 3,99E-08 1,45E-01 1,98E+03 8,91E-08 1,37E-01 2,21E+03 9,58E-08 1,35E-01 2,22E+03 9,05E-08 1,37E-01 2,20E+03 2,66E-08 1,50E-01 1,94E+03

LIS-TMS 3,75E-06 -3,42E-01 2,06E+04 6,92E-07 8,43E-02 5,61E+03 9,62E-07 4,71E-02 6,93E+03 5,04E-06 -5,22E-01 2,69E+04 1,88E-06 -8,18E-02 1,15E+04

LIS-TXL -3,09E-07 1,33E-01 -2,06E+02 -6,25E-07 1,79E-01 -1,80E+03 -3,55E-07 1,40E-01 -4,43E+02 -1,68E-07 1,11E-01 4,82E+02 -4,00E-07 1,47E-01 -6,77E+02

LIS-VCE -3,70E-07 1,25E-01 -6,77E+02 -3,71E-07 1,26E-01 -6,80E+02 -3,68E-07 1,25E-01 -6,67E+02 -3,17E-07 1,16E-01 -4,27E+02 -5,08E-07 1,46E-01 -1,36E+03

LIS-VIE -3,05E-07 1,32E-01 -2,13E+02 -3,51E-07 1,39E-01 -4,44E+02 -3,05E-07 1,32E-01 -2,17E+02 -2,51E-07 1,22E-01 2,99E+01 -6,21E-07 1,77E-01 -1,79E+03

LIS-VLC 6,65E-09 2,76E-02 8,42E+02 5,05E-08 2,15E-02 1,06E+03 5,19E-08 2,10E-02 1,06E+03 9,84E-08 1,40E-02 1,30E+03 3,99E-09 2,85E-02 8,32E+02

LIS-VXE -1,52E-07 1,43E-01 7,62E+02 -1,94E-07 1,50E-01 5,53E+02 -1,63E-07 1,47E-01 7,40E+02 -1,83E-07 1,46E-01 5,71E+02 -2,24E-07 1,52E-01 3,68E+02

LIS-WAW 5,99E-08 9,81E-02 1,78E+03 5,59E-08 9,95E-02 1,76E+03 5,72E-08 9,91E-02 1,76E+03 2,26E-08 1,02E-01 1,56E+03 1,01E-07 9,30E-02 1,99E+03

LIS-ZRH -8,31E-07 1,84E-01 -3,07E+03 -8,78E-07 1,91E-01 -3,30E+03 -8,31E-07 1,84E-01 -3,07E+03 -5,12E-07 1,38E-01 -1,49E+03 -8,35E-07 1,86E-01 -3,09E+03

LOS-LIS 9,77E-08 1,44E-01 2,32E+03 2,09E-07 1,30E-01 2,93E+03 1,73E-07 1,35E-01 2,73E+03 3,74E-08 1,48E-01 1,94E+03 1,83E-07 1,30E-01 2,75E+03

LPA-LIS -3,22E-07 9,79E-02 -6,07E+02 -4,59E-07 1,18E-01 -1,29E+03 -4,10E-07 1,10E-01 -1,05E+03 -3,15E-07 9,54E-02 -5,85E+02 -4,14E-07 1,11E-01 -1,07E+03

LUX-LIS 7,97E-07 -4,18E-02 5,15E+03 8,41E-07 -4,78E-02 5,38E+03 7,98E-07 -4,22E-02 5,15E+03 7,95E-07 -4,13E-02 5,14E+03 7,98E-07 -4,22E-02 5,15E+03

LUX-OPO 7,49E-07 -4,42E-02 4,84E+03 9,27E-07 -6,95E-02 5,77E+03 7,50E-07 -4,47E-02 4,84E+03 7,49E-07 -4,42E-02 4,84E+03 7,49E-07 -4,42E-02 4,84E+03

LYS-LIS 8,54E-07 -6,27E-02 5,37E+03 8,53E-07 -6,22E-02 5,36E+03 8,54E-07 -6,27E-02 5,37E+03 8,97E-07 -6,83E-02 5,58E+03 6,77E-07 -3,79E-02 4,44E+03

LYS-OPO 5,33E-07 -2,53E-02 3,75E+03 5,32E-07 -2,48E-02 3,76E+03 5,35E-07 -2,58E-02 3,76E+03 5,77E-07 -3,14E-02 3,96E+03 6,25E-07 -3,89E-02 4,20E+03

MAD-LIS 3,72E-08 1,64E-02 9,39E+02 3,72E-08 1,64E-02 9,40E+02 -7,98E-09 2,29E-02 7,04E+02 -7,98E-09 2,29E-02 7,13E+02 1,28E-07 3,24E-03 1,39E+03

MAN-LIS 7,14E-07 -3,16E-02 4,69E+03 7,16E-07 -3,20E-02 4,71E+03 7,18E-07 -3,30E-02 4,71E+03 7,60E-07 -3,81E-02 4,92E+03 8,02E-07 -4,37E-02 5,15E+03

MLH-LIS 8,03E-07 -4,42E-02 5,18E+03 9,82E-07 -6,95E-02 6,10E+03 8,03E-07 -4,42E-02 5,16E+03 9,82E-07 -6,95E-02 6,11E+03 8,50E-07 -5,12E-02 5,39E+03

MRS-LIS 8,23E-07 -6,15E-02 5,19E+03 8,22E-07 -6,10E-02 5,19E+03 8,23E-07 -6,15E-02 5,19E+03 8,22E-07 -6,10E-02 5,19E+03 6,92E-07 -4,33E-02 4,48E+03

MUC-LIS 8,77E-07 -4,10E-02 5,66E+03 8,75E-07 -4,05E-02 5,67E+03 8,78E-07 -4,15E-02 5,67E+03 8,75E-07 -4,05E-02 5,66E+03 8,81E-07 -4,24E-02 5,67E+03

MUC-OPO 1,00E-06 -6,72E-02 6,26E+03 9,99E-07 -6,58E-02 6,25E+03 1,05E-06 -7,38E-02 6,48E+03 9,58E-07 -6,07E-02 6,03E+03 8,25E-07 -4,20E-02 5,32E+03

MXP-LIS 9,83E-07 -6,99E-02 6,11E+03 1,03E-06 -7,55E-02 6,33E+03 9,83E-07 -6,99E-02 6,10E+03 9,36E-07 -6,29E-02 5,87E+03 8,07E-07 -4,56E-02 5,17E+03

MXP-OPO 9,25E-07 -6,85E-02 5,76E+03 9,22E-07 -6,75E-02 5,77E+03 9,25E-07 -6,85E-02 5,76E+03 8,79E-07 -6,19E-02 5,53E+03 8,83E-07 -6,34E-02 5,55E+03

NAP-LIS 9,96E-07 -5,48E-02 6,31E+03 9,94E-07 -5,38E-02 6,31E+03 9,94E-07 -5,38E-02 6,30E+03 9,50E-07 -4,78E-02 6,09E+03 8,26E-07 -3,25E-02 5,41E+03

NCE-LIS 8,82E-07 -6,29E-02 5,54E+03 9,25E-07 -6,85E-02 5,76E+03 9,26E-07 -6,90E-02 5,76E+03 9,70E-07 -7,51E-02 5,99E+03 7,95E-07 -5,13E-02 5,06E+03

NTE-LIS 4,20E-07 -1,39E-02 3,08E+03 4,20E-07 -1,39E-02 3,08E+03 4,22E-07 -1,44E-02 3,09E+03 3,75E-07 -7,35E-03 2,86E+03 3,33E-07 -1,77E-03 2,63E+03

OPO-AMS -8,58E-07 1,84E-01 -3,21E+03 -8,61E-07 1,85E-01 -3,22E+03 -8,15E-07 1,79E-01 -3,00E+03 -8,10E-07 1,77E-01 -2,99E+03 -8,58E-07 1,84E-01 -3,21E+03

OPO-BCN -6,25E-08 4,29E-02 5,48E+02 -6,25E-08 4,29E-02 5,45E+02 -6,25E-08 4,29E-02 5,40E+02 -1,60E-08 3,58E-02 7,70E+02 -2,00E-07 6,31E-02 -1,42E+02

OPO-BRU -7,48E-07 1,64E-01 -2,71E+03 -8,38E-07 1,77E-01 -3,16E+03 -7,93E-07 1,70E-01 -2,92E+03 -7,88E-07 1,68E-01 -2,91E+03 -7,48E-07 1,64E-01 -2,71E+03

OPO-FCO -3,37E-07 1,13E-01 -5,83E+02 -2,91E-07 1,07E-01 -3,45E+02 -2,90E-07 1,06E-01 -3,43E+02 -2,41E-07 9,82E-02 -1,10E+02 -3,86E-07 1,21E-01 -8,02E+02

OPO-FNC 6,68E-07 -4,45E-02 4,28E+03 6,23E-07 -3,79E-02 4,06E+03 6,68E-07 -4,45E-02 4,29E+03 6,23E-07 -3,79E-02 4,07E+03 6,27E-07 -3,94E-02 4,08E+03

OPO-GVA -3,14E-07 9,49E-02 -5,97E+02 -4,04E-07 1,08E-01 -1,06E+03 -4,04E-07 1,08E-01 -1,06E+03 -2,21E-07 8,09E-02 -1,44E+02 -3,62E-07 1,02E-01 -8,38E+02

OPO-LGW -4,50E-07 1,15E-01 -1,27E+03 -7,64E-07 1,60E-01 -2,84E+03 -7,18E-07 1,53E-01 -2,61E+03 -5,35E-07 1,26E-01 -1,70E+03 -4,94E-07 1,21E-01 -1,49E+03

OPO-LIS 3,33E-08 7,82E-03 7,43E+02 7,85E-08 1,26E-03 9,72E+02 3,33E-08 7,82E-03 7,36E+02 3,19E-08 8,31E-03 7,26E+02 3,33E-08 7,82E-03 7,39E+02

OPO-LUX -8,37E-07 1,76E-01 -3,16E+03 -7,94E-07 1,71E-01 -2,94E+03 -7,94E-07 1,71E-01 -2,95E+03 -4,31E-07 1,18E-01 -1,13E+03 -8,38E-07 1,77E-01 -3,16E+03

OPO-LYS -4,31E-07 1,08E-01 -1,22E+03 -4,31E-07 1,08E-01 -1,21E+03 -4,76E-07 1,14E-01 -1,45E+03 -5,60E-07 1,25E-01 -1,87E+03 -4,34E-07 1,09E-01 -1,23E+03

OPO-MUC -5,31E-07 1,44E-01 -1,54E+03 -4,87E-07 1,38E-01 -1,31E+03 -5,32E-07 1,45E-01 -1,54E+03 -4,36E-07 1,30E-01 -1,08E+03 -5,33E-07 1,45E-01 -1,56E+03

OPO-MXP -5,20E-07 1,30E-01 -1,58E+03 -4,76E-07 1,24E-01 -1,36E+03 -4,76E-07 1,24E-01 -1,36E+03 -4,26E-07 1,16E-01 -1,12E+03 -7,46E-07 1,63E-01 -2,70E+03

OPO-ORY -4,32E-07 1,08E-01 -1,21E+03 -4,79E-07 1,15E-01 -1,45E+03 -4,34E-07 1,09E-01 -1,22E+03 -5,63E-07 1,26E-01 -1,88E+03 -4,78E-07 1,15E-01 -1,43E+03

OPO-PDL 8,75E-07 -6,05E-02 5,51E+03 9,13E-07 -6,41E-02 5,73E+03 8,30E-07 -5,39E-02 5,28E+03 8,37E-07 -5,64E-02 5,31E+03 8,34E-07 -5,54E-02 5,30E+03

OPO-PXO 5,02E-07 -2,36E-02 3,45E+03 5,44E-07 -2,92E-02 3,64E+03 5,02E-07 -2,36E-02 3,46E+03 6,32E-07 -4,14E-02 4,08E+03 4,59E-07 -1,80E-02 3,23E+03

OPO-RAK -1,41E-07 6,31E-02 1,77E+02 -1,40E-07 6,26E-02 1,72E+02 -1,81E-07 6,86E-02 -2,03E+01 -1,83E-07 6,96E-02 -3,55E+01 -1,00E-07 5,70E-02 3,77E+02

OPO-SID -5,67E-08 1,36E-01 1,27E+03 -1,93E-08 1,31E-01 1,48E+03 -2,53E-08 1,33E-01 1,48E+03 -5,07E-08 1,34E-01 1,29E+03 -9,65E-09 1,27E-01 1,50E+03

OPO-ZRH -7,98E-07 1,72E-01 -2,97E+03 -7,54E-07 1,66E-01 -2,75E+03 -7,54E-07 1,66E-01 -2,74E+03 -5,25E-07 1,32E-01 -1,61E+03 -7,56E-07 1,67E-01 -2,75E+03

ORY-FNC -9,31E-08 1,14E-01 9,09E+02 -5,32E-09 1,02E-01 1,36E+03 -4,79E-08 1,08E-01 1,14E+03 -5,32E-09 1,02E-01 1,35E+03 -4,52E-08 1,07E-01 1,14E+03

ORY-LIS 7,58E-07 -4,76E-02 4,84E+03 7,58E-07 -4,76E-02 4,85E+03 6,70E-07 -3,55E-02 4,41E+03 7,57E-07 -4,71E-02 4,85E+03 6,70E-07 -3,55E-02 4,40E+03

ORY-OPO 5,83E-07 -3,33E-02 3,98E+03 5,37E-07 -2,68E-02 3,76E+03 4,48E-07 -1,41E-02 3,26E+03 4,47E-07 -1,37E-02 3,26E+03 4,92E-07 -2,02E-02 3,49E+03

OSL-LIS 6,39E-08 1,07E-01 1,80E+03 1,56E-07 9,30E-02 2,26E+03 1,13E-07 9,86E-02 2,03E+03 1,10E-07 9,96E-02 2,03E+03 5,72E-08 1,09E-01 1,80E+03

OTP-LIS -3,86E-08 1,34E-01 1,43E+03 -4,26E-08 1,36E-01 1,43E+03 5,05E-08 1,21E-01 1,88E+03 3,99E-09 1,29E-01 1,65E+03 6,12E-08 1,18E-01 1,90E+03

OXB-LIS 3,78E-07 6,63E-02 3,50E+03 3,75E-07 6,72E-02 3,49E+03 3,79E-07 6,58E-02 3,51E+03 3,82E-07 6,45E-02 3,53E+03 3,74E-07 6,77E-02 3,49E+03

PDL-BOS 1,07E-06 2,65E-02 7,56E+03 7,05E-06 -7,93E-01 3,63E+04 1,04E-06 2,91E-02 7,34E+03 8,93E-07 4,32E-02 6,47E+03 1,12E-06 1,89E-02 7,77E+03

PDL-EWR 6,86E-06 -7,59E-01 3,53E+04 1,53E-06 0,00E+00 9,10E+03 2,06E-06 -9,80E-02 1,23E+04 1,02E-06 3,69E-02 7,21E+03 3,87E-06 -3,49E-01 2,10E+04

PDL-JFK 1,38E-06 0,00E+00 9,00E+03 0,00E+00 0,00E+00 1,57E+04 1,37E-06 0,00E+00 8,85E+03 1,29E-06 9,35E-04 8,40E+03 1,41E-06 0,00E+00 8,70E+03

PDL-LIS -2,90E-07 9,62E-02 -4,24E+02 -3,79E-07 1,09E-01 -8,78E+02 -2,45E-07 8,96E-02 -1,99E+02 -2,89E-07 9,57E-02 -4,20E+02 -3,38E-07 1,04E-01 -6,60E+02

PDL-OPO -3,46E-07 1,07E-01 -6,74E+02 -3,46E-07 1,07E-01 -6,90E+02 -3,91E-07 1,13E-01 -9,15E+02 -3,45E-07 1,06E-01 -6,73E+02 -3,49E-07 1,08E-01 -6,90E+02

PDL-PVD 1,07E-06 2,84E-02 7,55E+03 2,09E-06 -1,05E-01 1,26E+04 1,08E-06 2,45E-02 7,57E+03 8,89E-07 4,46E-02 6,45E+03 1,12E-06 1,99E-02 7,78E+03

PDL-YUL 1,05E-06 3,67E-02 7,48E+03 4,45E-06 -4,27E-01 2,39E+04 1,06E-06 3,23E-02 7,48E+03 9,88E-07 3,81E-02 7,05E+03 2,10E-06 -1,07E-01 1,25E+04

PDL-YYZ 0,00E+00 0,00E+00 1,62E+04 0,00E+00 0,00E+00 1,63E+04 0,00E+00 0,00E+00 1,62E+04 1,50E-06 0,00E+00 9,10E+03 0,00E+00 0,00E+00 1,63E+04

PRG-LIS 6,96E-07 -4,73E-03 4,82E+03 6,49E-07 2,31E-03 4,60E+03 6,52E-07 1,34E-03 4,59E+03 6,94E-07 -4,25E-03 4,82E+03 6,08E-07 7,41E-03 4,37E+03

PVD-PDL -1,38E-07 1,66E-01 1,01E+03 -1,85E-07 1,68E-01 7,47E+02 -1,61E-07 1,69E-01 9,23E+02 2,02E-07 1,21E-01 2,67E+03 3,21E-07 1,01E-01 3,20E+03

PVD-TER -1,32E-07 1,58E-01 1,01E+03 -2,02E-07 1,64E-01 6,06E+02 -1,78E-07 1,65E-01 7,88E+02 4,31E-07 8,31E-02 3,71E+03 -1,70E-07 1,62E-01 8,14E+02

PXO-LIS -1,57E-07 5,75E-02 7,69E+01 -4,71E-07 1,02E-01 -1,49E+03 -2,01E-07 6,35E-02 -1,41E+02 -6,39E-08 4,34E-02 5,32E+02 -5,16E-07 1,09E-01 -1,73E+03

PXO-OPO -4,66E-07 1,10E-01 -1,40E+03 -5,12E-07 1,18E-01 -1,62E+03 -4,66E-07 1,10E-01 -1,40E+03 -2,37E-07 7,67E-02 -2,53E+02 -4,67E-07 1,11E-01 -1,39E+03

RAI-LIS 4,36E-07 5,39E-02 3,77E+03 4,33E-07 5,48E-02 3,77E+03 4,81E-07 4,60E-02 3,99E+03 4,79E-07 4,69E-02 3,98E+03 3,91E-07 6,13E-02 3,55E+03

RAK-LIS 2,12E-07 2,56E-03 1,91E+03 7,58E-08 2,22E-02 1,24E+03 2,55E-07 -3,52E-03 2,13E+03 2,59E-07 -4,98E-03 2,12E+03 2,12E-07 2,56E-03 1,91E+03

RAK-OPO 2,59E-07 6,38E-03 2,25E+03 3,38E-07 -4,31E-03 2,67E+03 2,99E-07 8,06E-04 2,46E+03 1,85E-07 1,57E-02 1,85E+03 2,59E-07 6,38E-03 2,25E+03

SID-LIS 4,69E-07 4,10E-02 3,87E+03 5,07E-07 3,64E-02 4,08E+03 5,15E-07 3,32E-02 4,10E+03 4,74E-07 3,92E-02 3,88E+03 4,66E-07 4,24E-02 3,87E+03

SID-OPO 3,84E-07 6,40E-02 3,53E+03 4,19E-07 6,03E-02 3,72E+03 4,27E-07 5,71E-02 3,74E+03 4,30E-07 5,61E-02 3,75E+03 4,19E-07 6,03E-02 3,71E+03

STR-LIS 8,61E-07 -4,51E-02 5,51E+03 9,06E-07 -5,17E-02 5,78E+03 7,73E-07 -3,30E-02 5,08E+03 8,15E-07 -3,86E-02 5,30E+03 7,74E-07 -3,35E-02 5,06E+03

SUF-LIS 9,14E-07 -3,46E-02 5,98E+03 9,10E-07 -3,32E-02 5,96E+03 9,10E-07 -3,32E-02 5,97E+03 9,58E-07 -4,07E-02 6,20E+03 7,44E-07 -1,23E-02 5,05E+03

SVQ-LIS 6,92E-08 4,67E-03 1,02E+03 6,92E-08 4,67E-03 1,02E+03 6,92E-08 4,67E-03 1,02E+03 1,60E-07 -8,45E-03 1,48E+03 1,60E-07 -8,45E-03 1,48E+03

TER-BOS 1,11E-06 1,48E-02 7,65E+03 1,30E-06 -4,89E-03 8,76E+03 1,07E-06 1,74E-02 7,44E+03 8,78E-07 3,85E-02 6,33E+03 1,06E-06 2,04E-02 7,43E+03

TER-EWR 1,18E-06 1,85E-02 8,15E+03 1,41E-06 0,00E+00 9,11E+03 1,10E-06 2,72E-02 7,72E+03 9,58E-07 3,93E-02 6,85E+03 1,14E-06 2,26E-02 7,93E+03

TER-JFK 5,64E-06 -5,98E-01 2,94E+04 1,47E-06 0,00E+00 8,79E+03 1,86E-06 -7,78E-02 1,13E+04 8,70E-07 5,15E-02 6,37E+03 3,53E-06 -3,07E-01 1,93E+04

TER-LIS -3,53E-07 1,09E-01 -7,11E+02 -3,06E-07 1,02E-01 -4,72E+02 -3,07E-07 1,03E-01 -4,87E+02 -2,62E-07 9,60E-02 -2,52E+02 -3,99E-07 1,16E-01 -9,25E+02

TER-PVD 1,10E-06 1,67E-02 7,65E+03 1,20E-06 1,07E-02 8,30E+03 1,07E-06 1,94E-02 7,44E+03 1,01E-06 2,03E-02 7,03E+03 1,11E-06 1,53E-02 7,66E+03

TER-YUL 1,12E-06 1,89E-02 7,80E+03 1,10E-06 2,87E-02 7,76E+03 1,05E-06 2,62E-02 7,35E+03 9,76E-07 3,25E-02 6,94E+03 1,12E-06 2,14E-02 7,78E+03

TER-YYZ 1,63E-06 0,00E+00 8,72E+03 0,00E+00 0,00E+00 1,63E+04 1,49E-06 0,00E+00 9,02E+03 6,97E-06 -7,73E-01 3,58E+04 0,00E+00 0,00E+00 1,62E+04

TFS-LIS -4,16E-07 1,12E-01 -1,06E+03 -4,20E-07 1,14E-01 -1,08E+03 -3,71E-07 1,06E-01 -8,48E+02 -2,77E-07 9,13E-02 -3,89E+02 -3,75E-07 1,07E-01 -8,64E+02

TLS-LIS 4,35E-07 -1,93E-02 3,19E+03 3,90E-07 -1,27E-02 2,96E+03 4,79E-07 -2,53E-02 3,40E+03 3,88E-07 -1,22E-02 2,95E+03 3,46E-07 -6,64E-03 2,68E+03

TLV-LIS 1,78E-06 -6,62E-02 1,08E+04 3,01E-06 -2,34E-01 1,68E+04 3,45E-06 -2,95E-01 1,89E+04 8,02E-07 6,63E-02 6,10E+03 7,68E-07 6,90E-02 5,89E+03

TMS-LIS 1,40E-06 0,00E+00 8,65E+03 1,43E-06 0,00E+00 8,78E+03 1,46E-06 0,00E+00 8,53E+03 1,96E-06 -8,73E-02 1,15E+04 1,38E-06 0,00E+00 8,63E+03

TXL-LIS 5,92E-07 1,33E-02 4,31E+03 6,36E-07 7,18E-03 4,54E+03 5,49E-07 1,88E-02 4,09E+03 5,92E-07 1,33E-02 4,32E+03 5,92E-07 1,33E-02 4,31E+03

VCE-LIS 9,29E-07 -5,00E-02 5,90E+03 1,02E-06 -6,31E-02 6,41E+03 8,85E-07 -4,39E-02 5,69E+03 1,06E-06 -6,92E-02 6,63E+03 8,01E-07 -3,32E-02 5,23E+03

VIE-LIS 1,88E-07 7,13E-02 2,30E+03 2,74E-07 5,97E-02 2,76E+03 2,33E-07 6,48E-02 2,54E+03 2,30E-07 6,57E-02 2,53E+03 5,93E-07 1,28E-02 4,32E+03

VLC-LIS 3,46E-08 2,73E-02 1,02E+03 -5,59E-08 4,05E-02 5,60E+02 -1,06E-08 3,39E-02 7,98E+02 3,46E-08 2,73E-02 1,02E+03 8,25E-08 1,98E-02 1,26E+03

VXE-LIS 0,00E+00 0,00E+00 9,03E+03 0,00E+00 0,00E+00 9,11E+03 0,00E+00 0,00E+00 8,94E+03 0,00E+00 0,00E+00 8,95E+03 0,00E+00 0,00E+00 9,10E+03

WAW-LIS 1,33E-08 1,15E-01 1,58E+03 1,20E-08 1,16E-01 1,58E+03 1,60E-08 1,14E-01 1,58E+03 1,33E-08 1,15E-01 1,58E+03 1,46E-08 1,15E-01 1,58E+03

YUL-PDL -9,58E-08 1,65E-01 1,29E+03 -3,05E-07 1,92E-01 2,12E+02 -5,72E-08 1,61E-01 1,49E+03 -1,04E-07 1,68E-01 1,27E+03 -2,67E-07 1,88E-01 4,07E+02

YUL-TER -2,45E-07 1,80E-01 4,80E+02 -1,86E-07 1,68E-01 7,51E+02 -2,06E-07 1,75E-01 7,00E+02 -2,08E-07 1,76E-01 6,83E+02 -1,93E-07 1,71E-01 7,31E+02

YYZ-PDL -9,18E-08 1,84E-01 1,45E+03 -7,32E-08 1,77E-01 1,50E+03 -1,42E-07 1,92E-01 1,22E+03 -5,59E-08 1,80E-01 1,65E+03 -8,38E-08 1,81E-01 1,47E+03

YYZ-TER -1,52E-07 1,86E-01 1,08E+03 -8,91E-08 1,73E-01 1,35E+03 -1,57E-07 1,87E-01 1,08E+03 -1,61E-07 1,89E-01 1,07E+03 -1,44E-07 1,83E-01 1,10E+03

ZRH-LIS 9,27E-07 -5,95E-02 5,84E+03 9,26E-07 -5,90E-02 5,84E+03 9,29E-07 -6,00E-02 5,85E+03 1,01E-06 -7,16E-02 6,28E+03 7,95E-07 -4,13E-02 5,15E+03

ZRH-OPO 9,18E-07 -6,61E-02 5,74E+03 1,00E-06 -7,77E-02 6,18E+03 9,19E-07 -6,66E-02 5,74E+03 9,18E-07 -6,61E-02 5,73E+03 7,85E-07 -4,74E-02 5,03E+03

Table 24: A321neo ACF coefficients

Page 87: Medium Haul Fleet Segmentation - ULisboa · Medium Haul Fleet Segmentation Airbus A320neo & A321neo Weight Variant Selection João André Ferreira de Abreu Thesis to obtain the Master


A321neo non-ACF

Route Annual Average 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C

ABJ-LIS 3,59E-07 1,03E-01 3,59E+03 3,44E-07 1,07E-01 3,54E+03 3,08E-07 1,11E-01 3,35E+03 2,98E-07 1,09E-01 3,24E+03 3,59E-07 1,03E-01 3,59E+03

ACC-LIS 3,79E-07 1,03E-01 3,72E+03 4,02E-07 1,02E-01 3,86E+03 2,83E-07 1,18E-01 3,25E+03 2,45E-07 1,18E-01 2,99E+03 2,98E-07 1,14E-01 3,30E+03

AGP-LIS 4,18E-08 1,46E-02 9,46E+02 -5,29E-08 2,82E-02 4,74E+02 -5,29E-08 2,82E-02 4,73E+02 8,91E-08 7,75E-03 1,17E+03 8,91E-08 7,75E-03 1,17E+03

AMS-LIS 9,55E-07 -5,85E-02 5,96E+03 9,11E-07 -5,24E-02 5,74E+03 9,14E-07 -5,31E-02 5,74E+03 9,08E-07 -5,17E-02 5,73E+03 9,08E-07 -5,17E-02 5,73E+03

AMS-OPO 9,11E-07 -6,24E-02 5,66E+03 8,63E-07 -5,55E-02 5,43E+03 8,24E-07 -5,08E-02 5,22E+03 8,22E-07 -5,01E-02 5,22E+03 8,16E-07 -4,87E-02 5,21E+03

ARN-LIS 2,70E-07 8,76E-02 2,97E+03 2,28E-07 9,30E-02 2,76E+03 2,81E-07 8,48E-02 3,01E+03 2,76E-07 8,62E-02 3,00E+03 2,53E-07 9,17E-02 2,91E+03

ATH-LIS 3,90E-08 1,20E-01 1,87E+03 -1,67E-08 1,29E-01 1,61E+03 2,79E-08 1,23E-01 1,83E+03 -8,36E-09 1,27E-01 1,63E+03 2,09E-07 9,29E-02 2,66E+03

BCN-LIS -1,95E-08 4,49E-02 8,50E+02 -1,14E-07 5,85E-02 3,81E+02 -1,14E-07 5,85E-02 3,79E+02 -1,14E-07 5,85E-02 3,81E+02 8,08E-08 2,98E-02 1,34E+03

BCN-OPO -7,80E-08 4,95E-02 5,23E+02 -1,75E-07 6,38E-02 3,89E+01 -7,80E-08 4,95E-02 5,26E+02 -3,06E-08 4,26E-02 7,59E+02 1,95E-08 3,51E-02 9,93E+02

BEY-LIS 9,97E-07 3,11E-02 7,03E+03 1,02E-06 3,05E-02 7,16E+03 1,03E-06 2,84E-02 7,20E+03 9,58E-07 3,58E-02 6,82E+03 9,50E-07 3,29E-02 6,71E+03

BHX-LIS 8,22E-07 -5,01E-02 5,22E+03 8,22E-07 -5,01E-02 5,22E+03 8,27E-07 -5,15E-02 5,24E+03 8,66E-07 -5,62E-02 5,43E+03 8,63E-07 -5,55E-02 5,43E+03

BJL-LIS 4,14E-07 5,55E-02 3,63E+03 4,09E-07 5,68E-02 3,60E+03 3,36E-07 6,61E-02 3,23E+03 3,81E-07 5,91E-02 3,45E+03 3,23E-07 6,93E-02 3,16E+03

BLQ-LIS 9,50E-07 -5,71E-02 5,95E+03 9,00E-07 -4,96E-02 5,71E+03 9,02E-07 -5,03E-02 5,71E+03 9,00E-07 -4,96E-02 5,70E+03 9,16E-07 -5,38E-02 5,76E+03

BOD-LIS 8,91E-08 2,78E-02 1,36E+03 8,91E-08 2,78E-02 1,37E+03 9,19E-08 2,71E-02 1,39E+03 4,18E-08 3,46E-02 1,14E+03 1,87E-07 1,34E-02 1,85E+03

BOS-PDL -5,88E-07 2,27E-01 -1,19E+03 -6,88E-07 2,37E-01 -1,73E+03 -5,93E-07 2,28E-01 -1,21E+03 -6,55E-07 2,38E-01 -1,50E+03 -6,24E-07 2,31E-01 -1,39E+03

BOS-TER -5,77E-07 2,19E-01 -1,20E+03 -3,12E-07 1,78E-01 6,23E+01 -5,38E-07 2,14E-01 -9,91E+02 -5,96E-07 2,24E-01 -1,27E+03 -5,65E-07 2,16E-01 -1,15E+03

BRU-LIS 8,66E-07 -5,12E-02 5,48E+03 9,11E-07 -5,74E-02 5,70E+03 9,16E-07 -5,88E-02 5,73E+03 8,19E-07 -4,44E-02 5,25E+03 8,66E-07 -5,12E-02 5,48E+03

BRU-OPO 7,27E-07 -4,15E-02 4,72E+03 8,16E-07 -5,37E-02 5,16E+03 7,77E-07 -4,90E-02 4,95E+03 8,19E-07 -5,44E-02 5,17E+03 7,72E-07 -4,76E-02 4,94E+03

BUD-LIS 3,20E-07 6,00E-02 3,08E+03 3,12E-07 6,21E-02 3,04E+03 3,68E-07 5,32E-02 3,30E+03 2,70E-07 6,76E-02 2,83E+03 7,91E-07 -7,47E-03 5,37E+03

BVC-LIS 4,77E-07 4,31E-02 3,87E+03 4,32E-07 4,97E-02 3,69E+03 5,62E-07 3,01E-02 4,26E+03 6,13E-07 2,31E-02 4,53E+03 6,50E-07 1,97E-02 4,74E+03

CAG-LIS 8,52E-07 -5,28E-02 5,40E+03 8,47E-07 -5,14E-02 5,37E+03 9,39E-07 -6,43E-02 5,83E+03 9,44E-07 -6,57E-02 5,85E+03 8,22E-07 -5,01E-02 5,22E+03

CAI-LIS 7,78E-07 6,20E-02 6,00E+03 8,74E-07 5,16E-02 6,54E+03 9,15E-07 4,60E-02 6,75E+03 5,76E-07 8,54E-02 4,90E+03 5,73E-07 8,60E-02 4,89E+03

CGN-LIS 9,02E-07 -5,03E-02 5,71E+03 9,02E-07 -5,03E-02 5,71E+03 9,08E-07 -5,17E-02 5,73E+03 9,94E-07 -6,32E-02 6,17E+03 9,50E-07 -5,71E-02 5,94E+03

CKY-LIS 1,95E-07 1,02E-01 2,63E+03 2,73E-07 9,18E-02 3,04E+03 1,95E-07 1,02E-01 2,63E+03 2,45E-07 9,42E-02 2,87E+03 2,73E-07 9,18E-02 3,04E+03

CMN-LIS 2,35E-07 -7,98E-03 1,98E+03 1,47E-07 5,21E-03 1,53E+03 2,32E-07 -7,33E-03 1,96E+03 1,95E-07 -2,36E-03 1,72E+03 2,35E-07 -7,98E-03 1,98E+03

CPH-LIS 7,07E-07 3,39E-03 4,96E+03 7,07E-07 3,39E-03 4,94E+03 7,13E-07 2,00E-03 4,97E+03 7,99E-07 -9,55E-03 5,40E+03 7,44E-07 -6,46E-04 5,14E+03

CTA-LIS 9,02E-07 -3,53E-02 5,84E+03 9,86E-07 -4,61E-02 6,27E+03 9,83E-07 -4,54E-02 6,26E+03 9,53E-07 -4,28E-02 6,09E+03 9,72E-07 -4,77E-02 6,17E+03

DKR-LIS 3,39E-07 6,06E-02 3,20E+03 3,33E-07 6,19E-02 3,19E+03 3,84E-07 5,37E-02 3,42E+03 3,46E-07 5,87E-02 3,23E+03 3,71E-07 5,70E-02 3,38E+03

DME-FNC 0,00E+00 0,00E+00 1,54E+04 0,00E+00 0,00E+00 1,55E+04 0,00E+00 0,00E+00 1,54E+04 0,00E+00 0,00E+00 1,54E+04 0,00E+00 0,00E+00 1,55E+04

DME-LIS 9,47E-07 2,86E-02 6,63E+03 9,44E-07 2,93E-02 6,64E+03 7,21E-07 5,99E-02 5,47E+03 8,58E-07 4,08E-02 6,15E+03 8,94E-07 3,68E-02 6,38E+03

DUB-LIS 8,22E-07 -5,01E-02 5,21E+03 8,66E-07 -5,62E-02 5,42E+03 8,27E-07 -5,15E-02 5,23E+03 8,22E-07 -5,01E-02 5,22E+03 8,16E-07 -4,87E-02 5,19E+03

DUS-LIS 9,00E-07 -4,96E-02 5,69E+03 9,00E-07 -4,96E-02 5,70E+03 9,50E-07 -5,71E-02 5,94E+03 9,00E-07 -4,96E-02 5,70E+03 9,00E-07 -4,96E-02 5,69E+03

EDI-LIS 9,75E-07 -5,84E-02 6,08E+03 8,83E-07 -4,54E-02 5,61E+03 8,91E-07 -4,75E-02 5,65E+03 9,30E-07 -5,22E-02 5,86E+03 9,66E-07 -5,63E-02 6,04E+03

EWR-PDL -7,85E-07 2,66E-01 -2,09E+03 -7,83E-07 2,60E-01 -2,14E+03 -8,30E-07 2,72E-01 -2,31E+03 -5,82E-07 2,40E-01 -1,06E+03 -7,30E-07 2,57E-01 -1,82E+03

EWR-TER -7,30E-07 2,52E-01 -1,87E+03 -7,74E-07 2,53E-01 -2,14E+03 -7,30E-07 2,52E-01 -1,87E+03 -6,63E-07 2,45E-01 -1,51E+03 -7,19E-07 2,49E-01 -1,83E+03

FAO-LIS 8,63E-08 -1,55E-03 9,77E+02 -8,36E-09 1,21E-02 4,98E+02 -5,29E-08 1,82E-02 2,84E+02 2,28E-07 -2,20E-02 1,69E+03 8,63E-08 -1,55E-03 9,73E+02

FCO-LIS 9,78E-07 -5,91E-02 6,10E+03 9,27E-07 -5,15E-02 5,87E+03 9,75E-07 -5,84E-02 6,11E+03 9,75E-07 -5,84E-02 6,10E+03 9,50E-07 -5,71E-02 5,95E+03

FCO-OPO 1,02E-06 -6,88E-02 6,27E+03 1,01E-06 -6,67E-02 6,24E+03 9,25E-07 -5,58E-02 5,82E+03 9,69E-07 -6,20E-02 6,03E+03 9,39E-07 -5,93E-02 5,86E+03

FNC-DME 1,52E-06 0,00E+00 8,49E+03 1,51E-06 0,00E+00 8,64E+03 1,47E-06 0,00E+00 8,70E+03 1,44E-06 0,00E+00 8,65E+03 1,48E-06 0,00E+00 8,70E+03

FNC-LIS -2,98E-07 7,94E-02 -5,87E+02 -3,04E-07 8,08E-02 -6,20E+02 -3,90E-07 9,23E-02 -1,06E+03 -4,73E-07 1,03E-01 -1,47E+03 -3,04E-07 8,08E-02 -6,20E+02

FNC-OPO -4,29E-07 1,07E-01 -1,16E+03 -4,34E-07 1,08E-01 -1,19E+03 -4,73E-07 1,13E-01 -1,38E+03 -6,46E-07 1,36E-01 -2,25E+03 -4,32E-07 1,08E-01 -1,17E+03

FNC-ORY -7,21E-07 1,95E-01 -2,21E+03 -7,30E-07 1,97E-01 -2,24E+03 -6,32E-07 1,83E-01 -1,76E+03 -5,63E-07 1,70E-01 -1,44E+03 -6,35E-07 1,84E-01 -1,77E+03

FRA-LIS 8,91E-07 -4,75E-02 5,66E+03 9,36E-07 -5,36E-02 5,88E+03 8,94E-07 -4,82E-02 5,67E+03 9,36E-07 -5,36E-02 5,89E+03 9,41E-07 -5,50E-02 5,91E+03

GVA-LIS 8,08E-07 -5,16E-02 5,13E+03 8,05E-07 -5,09E-02 5,12E+03 8,08E-07 -5,16E-02 5,13E+03 8,49E-07 -5,71E-02 5,34E+03 7,69E-07 -4,69E-02 4,92E+03

GVA-OPO 5,15E-07 -1,86E-02 3,66E+03 4,21E-07 -4,99E-03 3,22E+03 4,26E-07 -6,38E-03 3,23E+03 4,23E-07 -5,69E-03 3,21E+03 5,21E-07 -2,00E-02 3,69E+03

HAJ-LIS 9,47E-07 -4,64E-02 6,03E+03 1,04E-06 -5,93E-02 6,49E+03 9,53E-07 -4,78E-02 6,05E+03 9,92E-07 -5,25E-02 6,25E+03 1,04E-06 -5,87E-02 6,47E+03

HAM-LIS 8,61E-07 -2,98E-02 5,62E+03 8,61E-07 -2,98E-02 5,63E+03 9,14E-07 -3,81E-02 5,88E+03 9,05E-07 -3,60E-02 5,84E+03 9,02E-07 -3,53E-02 5,83E+03

HEL-LIS 3,01E-07 9,99E-02 3,26E+03 3,54E-07 9,17E-02 3,53E+03 3,15E-07 9,64E-02 3,32E+03 3,09E-07 9,78E-02 3,29E+03 2,87E-07 1,03E-01 3,23E+03

IST-LIS 1,34E-07 1,22E-01 2,46E+03 1,20E-07 1,25E-01 2,42E+03 1,28E-07 1,23E-01 2,44E+03 1,25E-07 1,24E-01 2,42E+03 2,09E-07 1,08E-01 2,78E+03

JFK-PDL -7,74E-07 2,63E-01 -2,05E+03 -7,72E-07 2,58E-01 -2,09E+03 -7,27E-07 2,56E-01 -1,81E+03 -7,55E-07 2,63E-01 -1,93E+03 -7,66E-07 2,61E-01 -2,02E+03

JFK-TER -7,19E-07 2,49E-01 -1,82E+03 -6,71E-07 2,38E-01 -1,64E+03 -6,71E-07 2,43E-01 -1,58E+03 -6,52E-07 2,43E-01 -1,47E+03 -7,52E-07 2,53E-01 -2,00E+03

KBP-LIS 2,37E-07 1,11E-01 2,98E+03 2,73E-07 1,07E-01 3,18E+03 3,82E-07 8,97E-02 3,69E+03 2,81E-07 1,05E-01 3,20E+03 2,40E-07 1,10E-01 2,98E+03

KEF-LIS -2,92E-07 1,58E-01 1,21E+02 -2,95E-07 1,59E-01 1,21E+02 -2,81E-07 1,55E-01 1,73E+02 -2,87E-07 1,57E-01 1,54E+02 -3,45E-07 1,66E-01 -1,29E+02

LED-LIS 7,13E-07 5,20E-02 5,44E+03 6,68E-07 5,81E-02 5,21E+03 5,35E-07 7,65E-02 4,51E+03 5,29E-07 7,79E-02 4,48E+03 9,16E-07 2,62E-02 6,43E+03

LFW-LIS 2,98E-07 1,14E-01 3,31E+03 3,64E-07 1,07E-01 3,68E+03 3,69E-07 1,05E-01 3,68E+03 2,53E-07 1,16E-01 3,00E+03 3,46E-07 1,06E-01 3,54E+03

LGW-LIS 8,94E-07 -6,32E-02 5,55E+03 8,47E-07 -5,64E-02 5,31E+03 8,52E-07 -5,78E-02 5,34E+03 8,47E-07 -5,64E-02 5,33E+03 8,47E-07 -5,64E-02 5,32E+03

LGW-OPO 4,90E-07 -1,74E-02 3,50E+03 4,90E-07 -1,74E-02 3,51E+03 4,96E-07 -1,88E-02 3,53E+03 4,90E-07 -1,74E-02 3,50E+03 5,79E-07 -2,96E-02 3,95E+03

LHR-LIS 7,94E-07 -4,82E-02 5,06E+03 7,94E-07 -4,82E-02 5,06E+03 8,44E-07 -5,57E-02 5,30E+03 8,38E-07 -5,43E-02 5,29E+03 8,83E-07 -6,04E-02 5,50E+03

LIS-ABJ 4,04E-08 1,47E-01 2,06E+03 3,54E-08 1,48E-01 2,04E+03 3,54E-08 1,48E-01 2,05E+03 8,59E-08 1,40E-01 2,27E+03 4,55E-08 1,45E-01 2,07E+03

LIS-ACC -3,79E-08 1,57E-01 1,62E+03 -7,83E-08 1,63E-01 1,41E+03 -7,83E-08 1,63E-01 1,42E+03 -8,34E-08 1,64E-01 1,39E+03 -7,58E-08 1,62E-01 1,42E+03

LIS-AGP -7,52E-08 2,88E-02 3,44E+02 -2,79E-08 2,20E-02 5,79E+02 -7,24E-08 2,81E-02 3,63E+02 -1,20E-07 3,49E-02 1,32E+02 2,45E-07 -1,62E-02 1,94E+03

LIS-AMS -8,05E-07 1,86E-01 -2,82E+03 -7,66E-07 1,81E-01 -2,61E+03 -8,55E-07 1,93E-01 -3,06E+03 -8,38E-07 1,89E-01 -2,99E+03 -8,05E-07 1,86E-01 -2,80E+03

LIS-ARN -2,65E-07 1,56E-01 2,58E+02 -2,28E-07 1,52E-01 4,59E+02 -1,75E-07 1,44E-01 7,17E+02 -2,95E-07 1,59E-01 1,01E+02 -2,59E-07 1,55E-01 2,84E+02

LIS-ATH -4,34E-07 1,68E-01 -7,04E+02 -4,34E-07 1,68E-01 -6,99E+02 -4,71E-07 1,73E-01 -9,05E+02 -1,84E-07 1,31E-01 5,05E+02 -4,57E-07 1,74E-01 -7,77E+02

LIS-BCN -4,40E-07 9,99E-02 -1,30E+03 -3,04E-07 8,08E-02 -6,17E+02 -4,37E-07 9,92E-02 -1,28E+03 -2,01E-07 6,51E-02 -1,13E+02 -3,54E-07 8,83E-02 -8,55E+02

LIS-BEY -5,65E-07 2,26E-01 -1,04E+03 -6,04E-07 2,31E-01 -1,24E+03 -6,43E-07 2,36E-01 -1,45E+03 -6,82E-07 2,40E-01 -1,65E+03 -5,96E-07 2,34E-01 -1,16E+03

LIS-BHX -7,35E-07 1,69E-01 -2,54E+03 -6,96E-07 1,64E-01 -2,34E+03 -7,38E-07 1,69E-01 -2,54E+03 -7,24E-07 1,66E-01 -2,49E+03 -7,80E-07 1,75E-01 -2,76E+03

LIS-BJL 2,30E-07 8,86E-02 2,66E+03 9,60E-08 1,09E-01 2,02E+03 1,34E-07 1,04E-01 2,21E+03 1,64E-07 9,59E-02 2,29E+03 2,43E-07 8,53E-02 2,69E+03

LIS-BLQ -8,61E-07 1,90E-01 -3,12E+03 -8,63E-07 1,91E-01 -3,13E+03 -8,58E-07 1,89E-01 -3,11E+03 -7,99E-07 1,80E-01 -2,84E+03 -7,80E-07 1,80E-01 -2,71E+03

LIS-BOD -2,56E-07 7,40E-02 -3,90E+02 -2,59E-07 7,47E-02 -3,99E+02 -3,01E-07 8,01E-02 -5,98E+02 -3,84E-07 9,10E-02 -1,03E+03 -2,14E-07 6,85E-02 -1,84E+02

LIS-BRU -7,10E-07 1,67E-01 -2,39E+03 -7,63E-07 1,76E-01 -2,65E+03 -7,60E-07 1,75E-01 -2,64E+03 -7,44E-07 1,71E-01 -2,57E+03 -7,58E-07 1,74E-01 -2,61E+03

LIS-BUD -5,99E-07 1,79E-01 -1,60E+03 -6,49E-07 1,87E-01 -1,85E+03 -5,96E-07 1,79E-01 -1,59E+03 -5,32E-07 1,68E-01 -1,28E+03 -6,10E-07 1,82E-01 -1,64E+03

LIS-BVC 1,62E-07 9,66E-02 2,32E+03 1,16E-07 1,03E-01 2,09E+03 5,81E-08 1,14E-01 1,84E+03 2,22E-07 8,57E-02 2,60E+03 2,20E-07 8,64E-02 2,59E+03

LIS-CAG -7,21E-07 1,60E-01 -2,52E+03 -7,24E-07 1,61E-01 -2,54E+03 -7,60E-07 1,65E-01 -2,71E+03 -5,71E-07 1,38E-01 -1,78E+03 -7,33E-07 1,63E-01 -2,55E+03

LIS-CAI 8,84E-08 1,30E-01 2,14E+03 1,77E-08 1,38E-01 1,77E+03 7,07E-08 1,29E-01 2,02E+03 4,55E-08 1,36E-01 1,92E+03 1,89E-07 1,18E-01 2,68E+03

LIS-CGN -8,94E-07 1,98E-01 -3,24E+03 -9,02E-07 2,00E-01 -3,28E+03 -8,97E-07 1,99E-01 -3,26E+03 -8,83E-07 1,95E-01 -3,21E+03 -8,97E-07 1,99E-01 -3,25E+03

LIS-CKY 2,78E-07 9,53E-02 3,00E+03 3,06E-07 9,29E-02 3,17E+03 2,65E-07 9,85E-02 2,96E+03 3,39E-07 8,45E-02 3,29E+03 3,31E-07 8,64E-02 3,26E+03

LIS-CMN 7,58E-08 1,39E-02 1,15E+03 7,83E-08 1,32E-02 1,16E+03 3,54E-08 1,95E-02 9,44E+02 -1,77E-07 5,02E-02 -1,35E+02 7,58E-08 1,39E-02 1,14E+03

LIS-CPH -6,60E-07 1,90E-01 -1,88E+03 -6,71E-07 1,93E-01 -1,92E+03 -6,18E-07 1,84E-01 -1,67E+03 -6,46E-07 1,86E-01 -1,81E+03 -6,60E-07 1,90E-01 -1,88E+03

LIS-CTA -7,69E-07 1,87E-01 -2,59E+03 -8,61E-07 2,00E-01 -3,04E+03 -7,58E-07 1,84E-01 -2,54E+03 -7,99E-07 1,90E-01 -2,76E+03 -8,30E-07 1,97E-01 -2,87E+03

LIS-DKR 1,52E-07 9,44E-02 2,22E+03 1,41E-07 9,70E-02 2,19E+03 1,34E-07 9,89E-02 2,17E+03 2,07E-07 8,49E-02 2,47E+03 1,24E-07 9,68E-02 2,06E+03

LIS-DME -3,20E-07 1,95E-01 2,19E+02 -3,76E-07 2,04E-01 -3,87E+01 -3,23E-07 1,96E-01 2,07E+02 -3,98E-07 2,04E-01 -1,88E+02 -3,26E-07 1,96E-01 2,04E+02

LIS-DUB -7,52E-07 1,73E-01 -2,60E+03 -8,05E-07 1,81E-01 -2,85E+03 -8,02E-07 1,80E-01 -2,85E+03 -7,85E-07 1,76E-01 -2,77E+03 -8,41E-07 1,85E-01 -3,05E+03

LIS-DUS -8,05E-07 1,86E-01 -2,80E+03 -8,61E-07 1,95E-01 -3,08E+03 -8,55E-07 1,93E-01 -3,05E+03 -7,94E-07 1,83E-01 -2,76E+03 -8,55E-07 1,93E-01 -3,05E+03

LIS-EDI -8,19E-07 1,94E-01 -2,82E+03 -8,72E-07 2,03E-01 -3,07E+03 -8,22E-07 1,95E-01 -2,83E+03 -8,52E-07 1,98E-01 -3,00E+03 -8,61E-07 2,00E-01 -3,03E+03

LIS-FAO 3,73E-07 -4,32E-02 2,40E+03 3,73E-07 -4,32E-02 2,39E+03 3,73E-07 -4,32E-02 2,39E+03 3,70E-07 -4,25E-02 2,38E+03 3,26E-07 -3,64E-02 2,16E+03

LIS-FCO -8,66E-07 1,91E-01 -3,14E+03 -8,69E-07 1,92E-01 -3,16E+03 -8,61E-07 1,90E-01 -3,12E+03 -4,34E-07 1,28E-01 -1,02E+03 -8,80E-07 1,95E-01 -3,20E+03

LIS-FNC 3,20E-07 -4,96E-03 2,52E+03 3,20E-07 -4,96E-03 2,52E+03 2,73E-07 1,86E-03 2,29E+03 2,73E-07 1,86E-03 2,29E+03 3,23E-07 -5,66E-03 2,50E+03

LIS-FRA -9,00E-07 2,00E-01 -3,29E+03 -8,13E-07 1,88E-01 -2,85E+03 -8,55E-07 1,93E-01 -3,05E+03 -7,94E-07 1,83E-01 -2,77E+03 -8,10E-07 1,87E-01 -2,83E+03

LIS-GVA -7,63E-07 1,66E-01 -2,75E+03 -7,66E-07 1,66E-01 -2,76E+03 -7,16E-07 1,59E-01 -2,51E+03 -7,94E-07 1,68E-01 -2,90E+03 -7,69E-07 1,67E-01 -2,76E+03

LIS-HAJ -8,91E-07 2,07E-01 -3,16E+03 -8,52E-07 2,03E-01 -2,96E+03 -8,02E-07 1,95E-01 -2,71E+03 -7,85E-07 1,91E-01 -2,65E+03 -7,55E-07 1,88E-01 -2,48E+03

LIS-HAM -7,91E-07 1,97E-01 -2,62E+03 -7,99E-07 2,00E-01 -2,66E+03 -7,94E-07 1,98E-01 -2,63E+03 -7,77E-07 1,94E-01 -2,58E+03 -7,91E-07 1,97E-01 -2,62E+03

LIS-HEL -1,67E-07 1,57E-01 8,40E+02 -1,34E-07 1,53E-01 1,02E+03 -2,62E-07 1,70E-01 3,70E+02 -2,92E-07 1,73E-01 2,01E+02 -2,53E-07 1,68E-01 4,05E+02

LIS-IST -2,95E-07 1,64E-01 1,23E+02 -3,43E-07 1,71E-01 -1,14E+02 -3,79E-07 1,75E-01 -2,95E+02 -8,36E-08 1,31E-01 1,14E+03 -2,28E-07 1,57E-01 4,83E+02

LIS-KBP -2,84E-07 1,71E-01 2,39E+02 -2,45E-07 1,66E-01 4,33E+02 -2,87E-07 1,72E-01 2,23E+02 -3,57E-07 1,79E-01 -1,26E+02 -2,95E-07 1,74E-01 1,93E+02

LIS-KEF 2,87E-07 8,34E-02 3,03E+03 2,79E-07 8,55E-02 3,01E+03 2,37E-07 9,09E-02 2,79E+03 2,56E-07 8,60E-02 2,86E+03 2,87E-07 8,34E-02 3,03E+03

LIS-LED -4,37E-07 2,04E-01 -4,35E+02 -4,04E-07 2,01E-01 -2,48E+02 -4,43E-07 2,06E-01 -4,56E+02 -4,26E-07 2,01E-01 -3,90E+02 -4,79E-07 2,10E-01 -6,36E+02

LIS-LFW -2,53E-08 1,54E-01 1,67E+03 -6,32E-08 1,59E-01 1,47E+03 -6,57E-08 1,60E-01 1,47E+03 -1,16E-07 1,68E-01 1,21E+03 -2,27E-08 1,53E-01 1,67E+03

LIS-LGW -7,02E-07 1,60E-01 -2,40E+03 -7,99E-07 1,75E-01 -2,87E+03 -7,05E-07 1,61E-01 -2,41E+03 -6,91E-07 1,57E-01 -2,36E+03 -7,02E-07 1,60E-01 -2,40E+03

LIS-LHR -7,10E-07 1,62E-01 -2,43E+03 -7,63E-07 1,71E-01 -2,69E+03 -6,68E-07 1,57E-01 -2,23E+03 -6,99E-07 1,60E-01 -2,39E+03 -7,10E-07 1,62E-01 -2,43E+03

LIS-LOS 5,05E-08 1,44E-01 2,06E+03 1,44E-07 1,30E-01 2,53E+03 5,81E-08 1,42E-01 2,11E+03 4,55E-08 1,45E-01 2,06E+03 5,31E-08 1,44E-01 2,07E+03

LIS-LPA 5,63E-07 -2,55E-02 3,88E+03 5,65E-07 -2,61E-02 3,89E+03 5,12E-07 -1,79E-02 3,65E+03 5,15E-07 -1,86E-02 3,64E+03 5,68E-07 -2,68E-02 3,89E+03

LIS-LUX -7,52E-07 1,73E-01 -2,61E+03 -7,58E-07 1,74E-01 -2,63E+03 -7,55E-07 1,73E-01 -2,62E+03 -7,85E-07 1,76E-01 -2,80E+03 -8,02E-07 1,80E-01 -2,85E+03

LIS-LYS -4,96E-07 1,24E-01 -1,45E+03 -4,07E-07 1,12E-01 -9,98E+02 -4,48E-07 1,17E-01 -1,21E+03 -6,21E-07 1,40E-01 -2,08E+03 -3,65E-07 1,06E-01 -8,02E+02

LIS-MAD 1,34E-07 1,63E-03 1,38E+03 8,63E-08 8,45E-03 1,14E+03 1,34E-07 1,63E-03 1,37E+03 2,28E-07 -1,20E-02 1,84E+03 8,36E-08 9,14E-03 1,13E+03

LIS-MAN -7,66E-07 1,76E-01 -2,66E+03 -8,19E-07 1,84E-01 -2,91E+03 -7,69E-07 1,77E-01 -2,66E+03 -7,99E-07 1,80E-01 -2,83E+03 -8,10E-07 1,82E-01 -2,88E+03

LIS-MLH -7,30E-07 1,67E-01 -2,53E+03 -7,80E-07 1,75E-01 -2,77E+03 -7,77E-07 1,74E-01 -2,76E+03 -7,60E-07 1,70E-01 -2,68E+03 -7,35E-07 1,69E-01 -2,55E+03

LIS-MRS -5,96E-07 1,34E-01 -1,97E+03 -5,07E-07 1,22E-01 -1,52E+03 -5,49E-07 1,27E-01 -1,73E+03 -7,21E-07 1,50E-01 -2,60E+03 -4,68E-07 1,17E-01 -1,33E+03

LIS-MUC -7,97E-07 1,89E-01 -2,76E+03 -8,02E-07 1,90E-01 -2,79E+03 -7,52E-07 1,83E-01 -2,54E+03 -8,27E-07 1,92E-01 -2,93E+03 -8,05E-07 1,91E-01 -2,80E+03

LIS-MXP -8,58E-07 1,84E-01 -3,16E+03 -8,16E-07 1,79E-01 -2,96E+03 -8,10E-07 1,77E-01 -2,93E+03 -7,97E-07 1,74E-01 -2,88E+03 -7,27E-07 1,66E-01 -2,50E+03

LIS-NAP -8,30E-07 1,92E-01 -2,92E+03 -7,85E-07 1,86E-01 -2,70E+03 -8,22E-07 1,90E-01 -2,88E+03 -8,10E-07 1,87E-01 -2,84E+03 -7,99E-07 1,90E-01 -2,76E+03

LIS-NCE -7,88E-07 1,67E-01 -2,86E+03 -6,99E-07 1,55E-01 -2,41E+03 -7,41E-07 1,60E-01 -2,64E+03 -4,99E-07 1,24E-01 -1,44E+03 -7,52E-07 1,63E-01 -2,67E+03

LIS-NTE -4,51E-07 1,08E-01 -1,29E+03 -4,57E-07 1,09E-01 -1,33E+03 -4,07E-07 1,02E-01 -1,07E+03 -4,87E-07 1,12E-01 -1,49E+03 -4,07E-07 1,02E-01 -1,07E+03

LIS-OPO -2,01E-07 4,01E-02 -3,54E+02 -1,56E-07 3,39E-02 -1,34E+02 -1,56E-07 3,39E-02 -1,40E+02 4,01E-07 -4,51E-02 2,63E+03 -2,01E-07 4,01E-02 -3,52E+02

LIS-ORY -6,57E-07 1,49E-01 -2,22E+03 -7,07E-07 1,57E-01 -2,46E+03 -7,05E-07 1,56E-01 -2,45E+03 -5,99E-07 1,39E-01 -1,94E+03 -7,05E-07 1,56E-01 -2,44E+03

LIS-OSL -3,68E-07 1,62E-01 -3,14E+02 -2,42E-07 1,45E-01 3,01E+02 -3,29E-07 1,57E-01 -1,36E+02 -3,57E-07 1,59E-01 -2,86E+02 -4,54E-07 1,73E-01 -7,59E+02

LIS-OTP -3,98E-07 1,69E-01 -4,68E+02 -4,01E-07 1,70E-01 -4,78E+02 -3,93E-07 1,68E-01 -4,42E+02 -4,21E-07 1,70E-01 -6,04E+02 -3,73E-07 1,68E-01 -3,19E+02

LIS-OXB 1,41E-07 1,07E-01 2,26E+03 1,72E-07 1,03E-01 2,44E+03 1,26E-07 1,10E-01 2,20E+03 3,79E-08 1,19E-01 1,72E+03 -7,58E-09 1,26E-01 1,50E+03

LIS-PDL 4,57E-07 -4,03E-03 3,42E+03 4,01E-07 4,88E-03 3,19E+03 4,09E-07 2,79E-03 3,20E+03 5,12E-07 -1,29E-02 3,69E+03 4,65E-07 -6,12E-03 3,46E+03

LIS-PRG -7,94E-07 1,98E-01 -2,66E+03 -7,99E-07 2,00E-01 -2,68E+03 -7,49E-07 1,92E-01 -2,44E+03 -7,77E-07 1,94E-01 -2,59E+03 -7,99E-07 2,00E-01 -2,69E+03

LIS-PXO 2,95E-07 -3,70E-03 2,37E+03 2,03E-07 9,24E-03 1,91E+03 2,48E-07 3,12E-03 2,14E+03 2,48E-07 3,12E-03 2,13E+03 2,53E-07 1,73E-03 2,15E+03

LIS-RAI 1,04E-07 1,11E-01 2,07E+03 9,85E-08 1,13E-01 2,06E+03 1,24E-07 1,11E-01 2,22E+03 -8,13E-22 1,24E-01 1,53E+03 8,08E-08 1,13E-01 1,96E+03

LIS-RAK -2,03E-07 6,08E-02 -1,86E+02 -2,01E-07 6,01E-02 -1,77E+02 -1,11E-07 4,78E-02 2,71E+02 -1,62E-07 5,53E-02 1,61E+01 -2,03E-07 6,08E-02 -1,96E+02

Page 88: Medium Haul Fleet Segmentation - ULisboa · Medium Haul Fleet Segmentation Airbus A320neo & A321neo Weight Variant Selection João André Ferreira de Abreu Thesis to obtain the Master


LIS-SID 1,39E-07 9,76E-02 2,18E+03 1,36E-07 9,83E-02 2,18E+03 1,19E-07 1,03E-01 2,12E+03 2,00E-07 8,68E-02 2,47E+03 1,14E-07 9,94E-02 2,03E+03

LIS-STR -8,38E-07 1,89E-01 -2,99E+03 -8,44E-07 1,91E-01 -3,02E+03 -7,94E-07 1,83E-01 -2,77E+03 -7,77E-07 1,79E-01 -2,71E+03 -7,99E-07 1,85E-01 -2,80E+03

LIS-SUF -7,49E-07 1,87E-01 -2,46E+03 -7,52E-07 1,88E-01 -2,48E+03 -6,96E-07 1,79E-01 -2,22E+03 -7,77E-07 1,89E-01 -2,61E+03 -7,21E-07 1,85E-01 -2,30E+03

LIS-SVQ -2,98E-07 5,44E-02 -8,01E+02 -3,43E-07 6,05E-02 -1,02E+03 3,93E-07 -4,30E-02 2,62E+03 -3,43E-07 6,05E-02 -1,01E+03 -2,53E-07 4,83E-02 -5,77E+02

LIS-TER 7,74E-07 -4,33E-02 4,98E+03 7,13E-07 -3,30E-02 4,71E+03 7,27E-07 -3,65E-02 4,76E+03 7,41E-07 -4,00E-02 4,79E+03 6,91E-07 -3,24E-02 4,57E+03

LIS-TFS 5,90E-07 -2,74E-02 4,03E+03 5,93E-07 -2,81E-02 4,05E+03 6,32E-07 -3,28E-02 4,25E+03 5,90E-07 -2,74E-02 4,04E+03 5,96E-07 -2,88E-02 4,04E+03

LIS-TLS -3,20E-07 8,50E-02 -6,91E+02 -2,76E-07 7,88E-02 -4,59E+02 -3,65E-07 9,11E-02 -9,11E+02 -4,48E-07 1,02E-01 -1,34E+03 -2,79E-07 7,95E-02 -4,69E+02

LIS-TLV -5,15E-07 2,24E-01 -7,75E+02 -4,60E-07 2,15E-01 -5,15E+02 -4,46E-07 2,11E-01 -4,60E+02 -4,54E-07 2,13E-01 -4,78E+02 -4,96E-07 2,24E-01 -6,40E+02

LIS-TMS 2,24E-06 -1,29E-01 1,30E+04 4,53E-07 1,19E-01 4,37E+03 6,00E-07 9,90E-02 5,07E+03 2,40E-06 -1,49E-01 1,38E+04 1,11E-06 2,80E-02 7,56E+03

LIS-TXL -7,33E-07 1,93E-01 -2,32E+03 -7,85E-07 2,01E-01 -2,56E+03 -7,80E-07 2,00E-01 -2,53E+03 -7,63E-07 1,96E-01 -2,49E+03 -6,88E-07 1,87E-01 -2,07E+03

LIS-VCE -8,08E-07 1,87E-01 -2,81E+03 -8,10E-07 1,87E-01 -2,82E+03 -7,60E-07 1,80E-01 -2,59E+03 -8,36E-07 1,89E-01 -2,97E+03 -8,19E-07 1,89E-01 -2,86E+03

LIS-VIE -7,24E-07 1,91E-01 -2,30E+03 -8,19E-07 2,04E-01 -2,76E+03 -6,77E-07 1,84E-01 -2,06E+03 -7,05E-07 1,86E-01 -2,22E+03 -7,33E-07 1,93E-01 -2,33E+03

LIS-VLC -3,54E-07 7,83E-02 -9,40E+02 -3,09E-07 7,22E-02 -7,23E+02 -3,06E-08 3,26E-02 6,53E+02 -2,79E-08 3,20E-02 6,64E+02 -2,67E-07 6,67E-02 -5,11E+02

LIS-VXE 5,81E-08 1,14E-01 1,81E+03 1,26E-08 1,21E-01 1,59E+03 -5,05E-09 1,25E-01 1,53E+03 -4,55E-08 1,26E-01 1,28E+03 -5,05E-09 1,20E-01 1,49E+03

LIS-WAW -4,29E-07 1,67E-01 -6,52E+02 -3,45E-07 1,56E-01 -2,39E+02 -3,87E-07 1,62E-01 -4,42E+02 -4,15E-07 1,64E-01 -6,19E+02 -3,90E-07 1,62E-01 -4,54E+02

LIS-ZRH -7,05E-07 1,66E-01 -2,39E+03 -7,55E-07 1,73E-01 -2,64E+03 -7,97E-07 1,79E-01 -2,85E+03 -7,80E-07 1,75E-01 -2,77E+03 -7,10E-07 1,67E-01 -2,40E+03

LOS-LIS 3,26E-07 1,12E-01 3,46E+03 4,29E-07 9,92E-02 4,03E+03 4,40E-07 9,66E-02 4,07E+03 2,85E-07 1,12E-01 3,19E+03 3,36E-07 1,09E-01 3,50E+03

LPA-LIS -5,26E-07 1,26E-01 -1,60E+03 -4,87E-07 1,22E-01 -1,40E+03 -5,24E-07 1,26E-01 -1,59E+03 -6,96E-07 1,49E-01 -2,45E+03 -5,77E-07 1,34E-01 -1,84E+03

LUX-LIS 8,22E-07 -4,51E-02 5,27E+03 8,66E-07 -5,12E-02 5,49E+03 9,16E-07 -5,88E-02 5,73E+03 8,66E-07 -5,12E-02 5,50E+03 8,69E-07 -5,19E-02 5,49E+03

LUX-OPO 8,61E-07 -5,98E-02 5,38E+03 7,66E-07 -4,62E-02 4,93E+03 7,72E-07 -4,76E-02 4,94E+03 8,61E-07 -5,98E-02 5,39E+03 8,61E-07 -5,98E-02 5,38E+03

LYS-LIS 7,52E-07 -4,77E-02 4,82E+03 7,49E-07 -4,70E-02 4,81E+03 7,52E-07 -4,77E-02 4,82E+03 7,49E-07 -4,70E-02 4,82E+03 5,79E-07 -2,46E-02 3,99E+03

LYS-OPO 4,12E-07 -7,91E-03 3,12E+03 3,62E-07 -3,90E-04 2,89E+03 4,60E-07 -1,47E-02 3,35E+03 4,12E-07 -7,91E-03 3,13E+03 4,18E-07 -9,30E-03 3,14E+03

MAD-LIS 3,06E-08 1,74E-02 9,02E+02 3,06E-08 1,74E-02 9,03E+02 -6,13E-08 3,03E-02 4,49E+02 -1,67E-08 2,42E-02 6,68E+02 1,25E-07 3,71E-03 1,36E+03

MAN-LIS 8,83E-07 -5,54E-02 5,53E+03 8,86E-07 -5,61E-02 5,56E+03 8,44E-07 -5,07E-02 5,33E+03 8,38E-07 -4,93E-02 5,32E+03 9,25E-07 -6,08E-02 5,75E+03

MLH-LIS 8,80E-07 -5,47E-02 5,54E+03 8,77E-07 -5,40E-02 5,53E+03 9,27E-07 -6,15E-02 5,77E+03 8,30E-07 -4,72E-02 5,30E+03 8,86E-07 -5,61E-02 5,56E+03

MRS-LIS 4,65E-07 -1,11E-02 3,42E+03 4,62E-07 -1,04E-02 3,41E+03 4,65E-07 -1,11E-02 3,42E+03 4,62E-07 -1,04E-02 3,41E+03 5,65E-07 -2,61E-02 3,90E+03

MUC-LIS 9,86E-07 -5,61E-02 6,19E+03 9,36E-07 -4,86E-02 5,94E+03 8,94E-07 -4,32E-02 5,71E+03 9,83E-07 -5,54E-02 6,18E+03 9,47E-07 -5,14E-02 5,97E+03

MUC-OPO 9,66E-07 -6,13E-02 6,02E+03 9,58E-07 -5,92E-02 5,99E+03 9,22E-07 -5,51E-02 5,79E+03 9,66E-07 -6,13E-02 6,03E+03 9,25E-07 -5,58E-02 5,80E+03

MXP-LIS 8,80E-07 -5,47E-02 5,54E+03 8,30E-07 -4,72E-02 5,30E+03 8,80E-07 -5,47E-02 5,54E+03 9,22E-07 -6,01E-02 5,75E+03 8,44E-07 -5,07E-02 5,35E+03

MXP-OPO 8,05E-07 -5,09E-02 5,12E+03 7,99E-07 -4,96E-02 5,11E+03 8,05E-07 -5,09E-02 5,11E+03 8,05E-07 -5,09E-02 5,12E+03 8,10E-07 -5,23E-02 5,13E+03

NAP-LIS 1,00E-06 -5,53E-02 6,31E+03 1,04E-06 -6,00E-02 6,51E+03 9,97E-07 -5,39E-02 6,29E+03 1,09E-06 -6,69E-02 6,74E+03 9,72E-07 -5,27E-02 6,11E+03

NCE-LIS 8,08E-07 -5,16E-02 5,12E+03 8,05E-07 -5,09E-02 5,12E+03 8,08E-07 -5,16E-02 5,13E+03 7,60E-07 -4,48E-02 4,90E+03 8,19E-07 -5,44E-02 5,16E+03

NTE-LIS 3,68E-07 -6,78E-03 2,84E+03 3,20E-07 4,00E-05 2,60E+03 3,23E-07 -6,55E-04 2,61E+03 3,65E-07 -6,08E-03 2,83E+03 3,70E-07 -7,48E-03 2,85E+03

OPO-AMS -7,13E-07 1,63E-01 -2,44E+03 -7,19E-07 1,64E-01 -2,47E+03 -7,63E-07 1,71E-01 -2,69E+03 -7,05E-07 1,61E-01 -2,41E+03 -7,13E-07 1,63E-01 -2,44E+03

OPO-BCN -3,59E-07 8,47E-02 -9,21E+02 -3,59E-07 8,47E-02 -9,24E+02 -4,04E-07 9,08E-02 -1,14E+03 -1,25E-07 5,13E-02 2,26E+02 -3,20E-07 8,00E-02 -7,32E+02

OPO-BRU -4,85E-07 1,26E-01 -1,36E+03 -4,87E-07 1,27E-01 -1,37E+03 -4,87E-07 1,27E-01 -1,37E+03 -5,68E-07 1,37E-01 -1,78E+03 -4,85E-07 1,26E-01 -1,36E+03

OPO-FCO -8,30E-07 1,82E-01 -2,99E+03 -7,85E-07 1,76E-01 -2,78E+03 -7,83E-07 1,75E-01 -2,77E+03 -4,96E-07 1,34E-01 -1,35E+03 -8,41E-07 1,85E-01 -3,03E+03

OPO-FNC 4,21E-07 -9,99E-03 3,08E+03 5,12E-07 -2,29E-02 3,54E+03 4,21E-07 -9,99E-03 3,08E+03 4,65E-07 -1,61E-02 3,31E+03 4,71E-07 -1,75E-02 3,31E+03

OPO-GVA -4,65E-07 1,16E-01 -1,34E+03 -4,21E-07 1,10E-01 -1,11E+03 -4,65E-07 1,16E-01 -1,32E+03 -6,85E-07 1,46E-01 -2,43E+03 -4,71E-07 1,18E-01 -1,36E+03

OPO-LGW -3,29E-07 9,70E-02 -6,34E+02 -2,42E-07 8,55E-02 -2,14E+02 -2,87E-07 9,16E-02 -4,35E+02 -4,60E-07 1,15E-01 -1,29E+03 -4,21E-07 1,10E-01 -1,10E+03

OPO-LIS 2,23E-08 9,44E-03 6,84E+02 6,96E-08 2,62E-03 9,21E+02 2,23E-08 9,44E-03 6,77E+02 3,06E-07 -3,15E-02 2,17E+03 2,23E-08 9,44E-03 6,80E+02

OPO-LUX -5,32E-07 1,33E-01 -1,60E+03 -4,90E-07 1,27E-01 -1,40E+03 -4,43E-07 1,21E-01 -1,16E+03 -5,68E-07 1,37E-01 -1,79E+03 -4,87E-07 1,27E-01 -1,37E+03

OPO-LYS -4,29E-07 1,07E-01 -1,18E+03 -3,84E-07 1,01E-01 -9,60E+02 -4,29E-07 1,07E-01 -1,17E+03 -4,21E-07 1,05E-01 -1,15E+03 -4,34E-07 1,08E-01 -1,21E+03

OPO-MUC -8,19E-07 1,84E-01 -2,93E+03 -7,74E-07 1,78E-01 -2,70E+03 -8,22E-07 1,85E-01 -2,94E+03 -8,08E-07 1,82E-01 -2,89E+03 -8,69E-07 1,92E-01 -3,17E+03

OPO-MXP -6,13E-07 1,43E-01 -2,00E+03 -5,68E-07 1,37E-01 -1,78E+03 -5,68E-07 1,37E-01 -1,78E+03 -6,94E-07 1,53E-01 -2,41E+03 -5,74E-07 1,38E-01 -1,80E+03

OPO-ORY -5,24E-07 1,21E-01 -1,63E+03 -4,82E-07 1,15E-01 -1,43E+03 -5,26E-07 1,21E-01 -1,65E+03 -6,55E-07 1,38E-01 -2,29E+03 -5,26E-07 1,21E-01 -1,65E+03

OPO-PDL 7,49E-07 -4,20E-02 4,84E+03 6,88E-07 -3,17E-02 4,56E+03 7,49E-07 -4,20E-02 4,85E+03 5,82E-07 -2,03E-02 4,04E+03 5,32E-07 -1,28E-02 3,80E+03

OPO-PXO 3,95E-07 -8,73E-03 2,93E+03 4,40E-07 -1,49E-02 3,15E+03 3,95E-07 -8,73E-03 2,94E+03 3,93E-07 -8,04E-03 2,92E+03 4,46E-07 -1,62E-02 3,17E+03

OPO-RAK -4,17E-07 1,02E-01 -1,22E+03 -4,55E-07 1,07E-01 -1,41E+03 -4,17E-07 1,02E-01 -1,22E+03 -3,79E-07 9,74E-02 -1,02E+03 -4,14E-07 1,02E-01 -1,21E+03

OPO-SID 1,74E-07 1,03E-01 2,45E+03 1,26E-07 1,10E-01 2,22E+03 1,54E-07 1,08E-01 2,38E+03 1,06E-07 1,11E-01 2,10E+03 6,57E-08 1,16E-01 1,91E+03

OPO-ZRH -6,35E-07 1,49E-01 -2,11E+03 -5,43E-07 1,36E-01 -1,65E+03 -5,90E-07 1,42E-01 -1,89E+03 -6,24E-07 1,46E-01 -2,06E+03 -5,93E-07 1,43E-01 -1,90E+03

ORY-FNC 1,75E-07 7,62E-02 2,25E+03 2,65E-07 6,39E-02 2,69E+03 1,75E-07 7,62E-02 2,24E+03 2,17E-07 7,08E-02 2,45E+03 2,73E-07 6,19E-02 2,71E+03

ORY-LIS 7,44E-07 -4,56E-02 4,78E+03 7,44E-07 -4,56E-02 4,79E+03 6,99E-07 -3,95E-02 4,55E+03 7,41E-07 -4,50E-02 4,77E+03 7,91E-07 -5,25E-02 5,00E+03

ORY-OPO 4,68E-07 -1,68E-02 3,38E+03 4,21E-07 -9,99E-03 3,15E+03 4,71E-07 -1,75E-02 3,39E+03 4,68E-07 -1,68E-02 3,38E+03 4,68E-07 -1,68E-02 3,37E+03

OSL-LIS 2,79E-07 7,55E-02 2,93E+03 3,73E-07 6,18E-02 3,38E+03 4,26E-07 5,36E-02 3,64E+03 3,29E-07 6,80E-02 3,17E+03 3,09E-07 7,28E-02 3,10E+03

OTP-LIS 1,56E-07 1,06E-01 2,44E+03 5,57E-08 1,21E-01 1,97E+03 1,56E-07 1,06E-01 2,44E+03 1,06E-07 1,14E-01 2,20E+03 2,26E-07 9,37E-02 2,77E+03

OXB-LIS 2,80E-07 8,03E-02 3,00E+03 2,75E-07 8,16E-02 2,97E+03 3,23E-07 7,41E-02 3,21E+03 3,31E-07 7,21E-02 3,24E+03 2,73E-07 8,23E-02 2,97E+03

PDL-BOS 1,30E-06 -5,40E-03 8,67E+03 4,14E-06 -3,88E-01 2,22E+04 1,19E-06 8,80E-03 8,05E+03 9,72E-07 3,23E-02 6,84E+03 1,22E-06 5,46E-03 8,24E+03

PDL-EWR 4,31E-06 -4,03E-01 2,29E+04 1,51E-06 0,00E+00 9,16E+03 1,60E-06 -3,30E-02 1,00E+04 9,53E-07 4,72E-02 6,82E+03 2,87E-06 -2,07E-01 1,60E+04

PDL-JFK 1,37E-06 0,00E+00 9,04E+03 0,00E+00 0,00E+00 1,57E+04 1,34E-05 -1,65E+00 6,56E+04 9,08E-07 5,33E-02 6,59E+03 1,40E-06 0,00E+00 8,76E+03

PDL-LIS -7,35E-07 1,59E-01 -2,60E+03 -8,27E-07 1,72E-01 -3,07E+03 -7,35E-07 1,59E-01 -2,62E+03 -7,33E-07 1,58E-01 -2,59E+03 -7,88E-07 1,67E-01 -2,86E+03

PDL-OPO -8,52E-07 1,78E-01 -3,17E+03 -8,05E-07 1,71E-01 -2,94E+03 -8,05E-07 1,71E-01 -2,93E+03 -8,49E-07 1,77E-01 -3,16E+03 -8,10E-07 1,72E-01 -2,95E+03

PDL-PVD 1,06E-06 3,08E-02 7,44E+03 1,55E-06 -2,84E-02 9,88E+03 1,03E-06 3,20E-02 7,27E+03 9,64E-07 3,44E-02 6,80E+03 1,07E-06 2,80E-02 7,46E+03

PDL-YUL 1,01E-06 4,26E-02 7,24E+03 2,74E-06 -1,89E-01 1,55E+04 9,44E-07 4,93E-02 6,86E+03 8,91E-07 5,25E-02 6,52E+03 9,97E-07 4,61E-02 7,19E+03

PDL-YYZ 0,00E+00 0,00E+00 1,62E+04 0,00E+00 0,00E+00 1,63E+04 0,00E+00 0,00E+00 1,62E+04 1,50E-06 0,00E+00 9,09E+03 0,00E+00 0,00E+00 1,63E+04

PRG-LIS 8,44E-07 -2,57E-02 5,56E+03 8,86E-07 -3,11E-02 5,78E+03 7,99E-07 -1,96E-02 5,33E+03 8,41E-07 -2,50E-02 5,55E+03 8,02E-07 -2,02E-02 5,35E+03

PVD-PDL -6,04E-07 2,31E-01 -1,26E+03 -6,55E-07 2,33E-01 -1,55E+03 -6,07E-07 2,32E-01 -1,27E+03 -1,95E-07 1,77E-01 7,05E+02 -6,88E-07 2,42E-01 -1,68E+03

PVD-TER -5,93E-07 2,23E-01 -1,27E+03 -2,79E-07 1,75E-01 2,46E+02 -5,51E-07 2,18E-01 -1,05E+03 -5,24E-07 2,16E-01 -8,91E+02 -6,27E-07 2,26E-01 -1,43E+03

PXO-LIS -3,23E-07 8,07E-02 -7,30E+02 -2,81E-07 7,52E-02 -5,22E+02 -3,23E-07 8,07E-02 -7,38E+02 -4,07E-07 9,15E-02 -1,15E+03 -2,37E-07 6,91E-02 -3,11E+02

PXO-OPO -6,38E-07 1,34E-01 -2,22E+03 -4,60E-07 1,10E-01 -1,33E+03 -5,01E-07 1,15E-01 -1,55E+03 -6,27E-07 1,31E-01 -2,17E+03 -5,04E-07 1,16E-01 -1,55E+03

RAI-LIS 3,99E-07 5,94E-02 3,56E+03 3,51E-07 6,69E-02 3,32E+03 3,69E-07 6,24E-02 3,39E+03 3,64E-07 6,37E-02 3,37E+03 3,06E-07 7,38E-02 3,09E+03

RAK-LIS 2,53E-07 -3,27E-03 2,11E+03 6,41E-08 2,40E-02 1,17E+03 1,14E-07 1,65E-02 1,42E+03 3,09E-07 -1,22E-02 2,38E+03 2,53E-07 -3,27E-03 2,11E+03

RAK-OPO 3,69E-07 -9,04E-03 2,79E+03 4,47E-07 -1,96E-02 3,21E+03 4,09E-07 -1,47E-02 3,00E+03 3,36E-07 -5,37E-03 2,58E+03 3,69E-07 -9,04E-03 2,79E+03

SID-LIS 3,87E-07 5,31E-02 3,43E+03 2,96E-07 6,69E-02 2,98E+03 3,56E-07 5,61E-02 3,27E+03 3,97E-07 5,05E-02 3,47E+03 3,79E-07 5,50E-02 3,41E+03

SID-OPO 3,33E-07 7,15E-02 3,25E+03 3,64E-07 6,84E-02 3,42E+03 2,98E-07 7,58E-02 3,06E+03 3,03E-07 7,45E-02 3,09E+03 3,23E-07 7,41E-02 3,21E+03

STR-LIS 9,08E-07 -5,17E-02 5,74E+03 9,50E-07 -5,71E-02 5,95E+03 9,55E-07 -5,85E-02 5,97E+03 9,97E-07 -6,39E-02 6,18E+03 9,14E-07 -5,31E-02 5,75E+03

SUF-LIS 9,66E-07 -4,13E-02 6,19E+03 9,58E-07 -3,92E-02 6,15E+03 9,58E-07 -3,92E-02 6,16E+03 9,19E-07 -3,45E-02 5,95E+03 8,49E-07 -2,71E-02 5,57E+03

SVQ-LIS 5,29E-08 6,79E-03 9,47E+02 5,57E-09 1,36E-02 7,08E+02 5,01E-08 7,48E-03 9,19E+02 1,45E-07 -6,16E-03 1,39E+03 1,00E-07 -3,09E-05 1,18E+03

TER-BOS 1,28E-06 -9,14E-03 8,48E+03 1,39E-06 -1,77E-02 9,18E+03 1,21E-06 -1,07E-03 8,08E+03 1,08E-06 9,53E-03 7,35E+03 1,24E-06 -3,72E-03 8,27E+03

TER-EWR 1,05E-06 3,72E-02 7,46E+03 9,55E-06 -1,12E+00 4,77E+04 1,03E-06 3,84E-02 7,29E+03 9,66E-07 3,87E-02 6,85E+03 1,02E-06 4,05E-02 7,27E+03

TER-JFK 4,01E-06 -3,70E-01 2,15E+04 1,44E-06 0,00E+00 8,91E+03 1,75E-06 -6,19E-02 1,07E+04 9,25E-07 4,42E-02 6,61E+03 2,90E-06 -2,19E-01 1,62E+04

TER-LIS -8,19E-07 1,74E-01 -3,00E+03 -7,69E-07 1,67E-01 -2,74E+03 -8,16E-07 1,74E-01 -2,97E+03 -8,16E-07 1,74E-01 -2,98E+03 -8,24E-07 1,76E-01 -3,02E+03

TER-PVD 9,86E-07 3,39E-02 7,01E+03 1,00E-06 3,97E-02 7,24E+03 9,61E-07 3,51E-02 6,86E+03 8,88E-07 3,82E-02 6,37E+03 9,94E-07 3,18E-02 7,04E+03

TER-YUL 9,83E-07 3,96E-02 7,04E+03 1,07E-06 3,37E-02 7,56E+03 8,77E-07 5,10E-02 6,45E+03 9,58E-07 3,58E-02 6,79E+03 1,06E-06 3,01E-02 7,44E+03

TER-YYZ 1,56E-06 0,00E+00 9,04E+03 0,00E+00 0,00E+00 1,63E+04 1,49E-06 0,00E+00 9,03E+03 3,75E-06 -3,24E-01 2,02E+04 1,66E-06 0,00E+00 8,66E+03

TFS-LIS -8,13E-07 1,68E-01 -3,01E+03 -7,30E-07 1,57E-01 -2,59E+03 -6,27E-07 1,41E-01 -2,08E+03 -7,07E-07 1,52E-01 -2,49E+03 -7,74E-07 1,63E-01 -2,82E+03

TLS-LIS -1,20E-07 5,99E-02 3,65E+02 -7,52E-08 5,38E-02 5,86E+02 -7,52E-08 5,38E-02 5,78E+02 1,59E-07 2,04E-02 1,80E+03 2,51E-08 3,87E-02 1,08E+03

TLV-LIS 1,08E-06 2,95E-02 7,56E+03 2,49E-06 -1,61E-01 1,42E+04 2,88E-06 -2,15E-01 1,61E+04 1,02E-06 3,55E-02 7,19E+03 1,04E-06 3,07E-02 7,25E+03

TMS-LIS 1,40E-06 0,00E+00 8,65E+03 1,42E-06 0,00E+00 8,81E+03 1,45E-06 0,00E+00 8,58E+03 1,64E-06 -4,21E-02 9,93E+03 9,25E-06 -1,10E+00 4,68E+04

TXL-LIS 8,61E-07 -2,48E-02 5,66E+03 8,58E-07 -2,42E-02 5,65E+03 8,19E-07 -1,94E-02 5,45E+03 8,13E-07 -1,80E-02 5,42E+03 8,61E-07 -2,48E-02 5,66E+03

VCE-LIS 1,00E-06 -5,96E-02 6,23E+03 9,53E-07 -5,28E-02 6,01E+03 9,55E-07 -5,35E-02 6,01E+03 9,97E-07 -5,89E-02 6,23E+03 9,22E-07 -5,01E-02 5,82E+03

VIE-LIS 8,52E-07 -2,28E-02 5,63E+03 8,47E-07 -2,14E-02 5,62E+03 8,52E-07 -2,28E-02 5,63E+03 8,94E-07 -2,82E-02 5,85E+03 8,63E-07 -2,55E-02 5,68E+03

VLC-LIS -1,95E-08 3,49E-02 7,54E+02 -1,14E-07 4,85E-02 2,83E+02 -1,14E-07 4,85E-02 2,83E+02 -6,68E-08 4,17E-02 5,09E+02 7,80E-08 2,05E-02 1,23E+03

VXE-LIS 0,00E+00 0,00E+00 9,03E+03 0,00E+00 0,00E+00 9,11E+03 0,00E+00 0,00E+00 8,94E+03 0,00E+00 0,00E+00 8,95E+03 0,00E+00 0,00E+00 9,10E+03

WAW-LIS 2,65E-07 7,89E-02 2,88E+03 2,62E-07 7,96E-02 2,87E+03 2,70E-07 7,76E-02 2,90E+03 2,17E-07 8,58E-02 2,64E+03 2,67E-07 7,83E-02 2,89E+03

YUL-PDL -6,57E-07 2,44E-01 -1,48E+03 -6,74E-07 2,43E-01 -1,60E+03 -6,68E-07 2,47E-01 -1,52E+03 -6,27E-07 2,41E-01 -1,31E+03 -6,43E-07 2,41E-01 -1,44E+03

YUL-TER -6,41E-07 2,35E-01 -1,45E+03 -6,60E-07 2,35E-01 -1,59E+03 -6,10E-07 2,32E-01 -1,29E+03 -6,10E-07 2,32E-01 -1,28E+03 -6,74E-07 2,38E-01 -1,64E+03

YYZ-PDL -5,57E-07 2,49E-01 -8,50E+02 -5,65E-07 2,46E-01 -9,43E+02 -6,16E-07 2,59E-01 -1,12E+03 -7,13E-07 2,73E-01 -1,60E+03 -6,32E-07 2,58E-01 -1,24E+03

YYZ-TER -6,80E-07 2,60E-01 -1,52E+03 -5,96E-07 2,44E-01 -1,14E+03 -6,46E-07 2,56E-01 -1,34E+03 -6,55E-07 2,58E-01 -1,37E+03 -6,63E-07 2,55E-01 -1,45E+03

ZRH-LIS 9,02E-07 -5,53E-02 5,67E+03 9,00E-07 -5,46E-02 5,66E+03 9,05E-07 -5,60E-02 5,69E+03 9,47E-07 -6,14E-02 5,90E+03 8,19E-07 -4,44E-02 5,25E+03

ZRH-OPO 8,83E-07 -6,04E-02 5,51E+03 8,33E-07 -5,29E-02 5,28E+03 7,94E-07 -4,82E-02 5,07E+03 7,91E-07 -4,75E-02 5,05E+03 7,97E-07 -4,89E-02 5,08E+03

Table 25: A321neo non-ACF coefficients

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Payload Results

A320neo - WV053 & WV055 - Annual Average

Weight Variant: WV053 WV055

Distance [nm] Route Period Limitation Total Payload [kg] Pax Cargo [kg] LF Limitation Total Payload [kg] Pax Cargo [kg] LF

125 FAO-LIS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

125 LIS-FAO Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

157 LIS-OPO Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

157 OPO-LIS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

182 LIS-SVQ Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

182 SVQ-LIS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

266 AGP-LIS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

266 LIS-AGP Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

291 LIS-MAD Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

291 MAD-LIS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

350 CMN-LIS Annual MZFW 17 848 170 0 98% MZFW 17 848 170 0 98%

350 LIS-CMN Annual MZFW 17 848 170 0 98% MZFW 17 848 170 0 98%

425 LIS-VLC Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

425 VLC-LIS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

455 LIS-RAK Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

455 RAK-LIS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

509 BCN-OPO Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

509 OPO-BCN Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

514 LIS-PXO Annual - 17 834 174 434 100% - 17 834 174 434 100%

514 PXO-LIS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

547 FNC-LIS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

547 LIS-FNC Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

549 BOD-LIS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

549 LIS-BOD Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

563 BCN-LIS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

563 LIS-BCN Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

584 LIS-TLS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

584 TLS-LIS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

607 OPO-RAK Annual MZFW 17 848 170 0 98% MZFW 17 848 170 0 98%

607 RAK-OPO Annual MZFW 17 848 170 0 98% MZFW 17 848 170 0 98%

631 LIS-NTE Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

631 NTE-LIS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

642 OPO-PXO Annual - 17 814 174 414 100% - 17 814 174 414 100%

642 PXO-OPO Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

675 FNC-OPO Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

675 OPO-FNC Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

681 OPO-ORY Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

681 ORY-OPO Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

688 LYS-OPO Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

688 OPO-LYS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

725 LGW-OPO Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

725 OPO-LGW Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

741 LIS-MRS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

741 MRS-LIS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

742 GVA-OPO Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

742 OPO-GVA Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

758 LIS-LPA Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

758 LPA-LIS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

780 LIS-TFS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

780 TFS-LIS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

793 LIS-LYS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

793 LYS-LIS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

815 LIS-ORY Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

815 ORY-LIS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

821 LIS-PDL Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

821 PDL-LIS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

832 LIS-NCE Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

832 NCE-LIS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

835 BRU-OPO Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

835 OPO-BRU Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

841 LUX-OPO Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

841 MXP-OPO Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

841 OPO-LUX Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

841 OPO-MXP Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

848 GVA-LIS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

848 LIS-GVA Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

855 OPO-PDL Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

855 PDL-OPO Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

867 OPO-ZRH Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

867 ZRH-OPO Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

874 LGW-LIS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

874 LIS-LGW Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

881 LIS-TER Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

881 TER-LIS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

887 LHR-LIS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

887 LIS-LHR Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

889 CAG-LIS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

889 LIS-CAG Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

904 AMS-OPO Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

904 OPO-AMS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

920 BHX-LIS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

920 LIS-BHX Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

931 DUB-LIS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

931 LIS-DUB Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

936 LIS-MXP Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

936 MXP-LIS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

943 LIS-MLH Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

943 MLH-LIS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

965 LIS-MAN Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

965 MAN-LIS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

970 LIS-LUX Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

970 LUX-LIS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

973 BRU-LIS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

973 LIS-BRU Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

976 LIS-ZRH Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

976 ZRH-LIS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

985 FCO-OPO Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

985 OPO-FCO Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1015 MUC-OPO Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1015 OPO-MUC Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1025 BLQ-LIS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1025 LIS-BLQ Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1039 LIS-STR Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1039 STR-LIS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1042 FCO-LIS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1042 LIS-FCO Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1046 AMS-LIS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1046 LIS-AMS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1049 CGN-LIS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1049 LIS-CGN Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1055 DUS-LIS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1055 LIS-DUS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1062 FRA-LIS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1062 LIS-FRA Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

Page 90: Medium Haul Fleet Segmentation - ULisboa · Medium Haul Fleet Segmentation Airbus A320neo & A321neo Weight Variant Selection João André Ferreira de Abreu Thesis to obtain the Master


1085 LIS-VCE Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1085 VCE-LIS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1109 EDI-LIS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1109 LIS-EDI Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1124 LIS-MUC Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1124 MUC-LIS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1138 LIS-NAP Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1138 NAP-LIS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1189 HAJ-LIS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1189 LIS-HAJ Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1199 CTA-LIS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1199 LIS-CTA Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1241 LIS-SUF Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1241 SUF-LIS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1246 HAM-LIS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1246 LIS-HAM Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1263 LIS-PRG Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1263 PRG-LIS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1305 LIS-TXL Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1305 TXL-LIS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1306 LIS-VIE Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1306 VIE-LIS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1355 FNC-ORY Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1355 ORY-FNC Annual - 17 821 174 421 100% - 17 821 174 421 100%

1401 CPH-LIS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1401 LIS-CPH Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1406 BUD-LIS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1406 LIS-BUD Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1558 LIS-WAW Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1558 WAW-LIS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1569 LIS-OSL Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1569 OSL-LIS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1583 DKR-LIS Annual MZFW 17 848 170 0 98% MZFW 17 848 170 0 98%

1583 LIS-DKR Annual MZFW 17 848 170 0 98% MZFW 17 848 170 0 98%

1583 LIS-SID Annual MZFW 17 848 170 0 98% MZFW 17 848 170 0 98%

1583 SID-LIS Annual MZFW 17 848 170 0 98% MZFW 17 848 170 0 98%

1616 BVC-LIS Annual MZFW 17 848 170 0 98% MZFW 17 848 170 0 98%

1616 LIS-BVC Annual MZFW 17 848 170 0 98% MZFW 17 848 170 0 98%

1626 ATH-LIS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1626 LIS-ATH Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1637 LIS-VXE Annual MZFW 17 848 170 0 98% MZFW 17 848 170 0 98%

1637 VXE-LIS Annual N/A 0 0 0 0% N/A 0 0 0 0%

1656 BJL-LIS Annual MZFW 17 848 170 0 98% MZFW 17 848 170 0 98%

1656 LIS-BJL Annual MZFW 17 848 170 0 98% MZFW 17 848 170 0 98%

1666 KEF-LIS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1666 LIS-KEF Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1683 LIS-OTP Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1683 OTP-LIS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1699 ARN-LIS Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1699 LIS-ARN Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1699 LIS-RAI Annual MZFW 17 848 170 0 98% MZFW 17 848 170 0 98%

1699 RAI-LIS Annual MZFW 17 848 170 0 98% MZFW 17 848 170 0 98%

1727 OPO-SID Annual MZFW 17 848 170 0 98% MZFW 17 848 170 0 98%

1727 SID-OPO Annual MZFW 17 848 170 0 98% MZFW 17 848 170 0 98%

1733 LIS-OXB Annual MZFW 17 848 170 0 98% MZFW 17 848 170 0 98%

1733 OXB-LIS Annual MZFW 17 848 170 0 98% MZFW 17 848 170 0 98%

1826 IST-LIS Annual MTOW 17 366 174 0 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1826 LIS-IST Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1857 CKY-LIS Annual MZFW 17 848 170 0 98% MZFW 17 848 170 0 98%

1857 LIS-CKY Annual MZFW 17 848 170 0 98% MZFW 17 848 170 0 98%

1906 HEL-LIS Annual MTOW 17 285 173 0 99% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1906 LIS-HEL Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1911 KBP-LIS Annual MTOW 17 147 171 0 99% - 17 848 174 448 100%

1911 LIS-KBP Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

2041 LED-LIS Annual MTOW 16 608 166 0 95% - 17 848 174 448 100%

2041 LIS-LED Annual - 17 551 174 151 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

2091 BOS-TER Annual - 17 848 174 448 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

2091 TER-BOS Annual MTOW 15 354 154 0 88% TOW_rwy 17 041 170 0 98%

2117 PVD-TER Annual - 17 806 174 406 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

2117 TER-PVD Annual MTOW 15 585 156 0 90% TOW_rwy 17 266 173 0 99%

2133 ABJ-LIS Annual MTOW 16 602 158 0 91% MZFW 17 848 170 0 98%

2133 LIS-ABJ Annual MTOW 16 306 155 0 89% MLW 17 799 170 0 97%

2137 DME-LIS Annual MTOW 16 061 161 0 92% - 17 772 174 372 100%

2138 LFW-LIS Annual MTOW 16 465 157 0 90% MZFW 17 848 170 0 98%

2138 LIS-LFW Annual MTOW 17 045 162 0 93% MZFW 17 848 170 0 98%

2149 LIS-LOS Annual MTOW 16 825 160 0 92% MZFW 17 848 170 0 98%

2149 LOS-LIS Annual MTOW 16 365 156 0 90% MZFW 17 848 170 0 98%

2152 ACC-LIS Annual MTOW 16 444 157 0 90% MZFW 17 848 170 0 98%

2152 LIS-ACC Annual MTOW 16 957 161 0 93% MZFW 17 848 170 0 98%

2158 CAI-LIS Annual MTOW 15 389 147 0 84% TOW_rwy 17 069 163 0 93%

2158 LIS-CAI Annual MTOW 17 560 167 0 96% MZFW 17 848 170 0 98%

2161 LIS-DME Annual MTOW 16 840 168 0 97% - 17 848 174 448 100%

2175 BEY-LIS Annual MTOW 15 433 154 0 89% TOW_rwy 17 123 171 0 98%

2178 BOS-PDL Annual - 17 516 174 116 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

2178 PDL-BOS Annual MTOW 14 931 149 0 86% TOW_rwy 16 612 166 0 95%

2189 TER-YUL Annual MTOW 15 335 153 0 88% TOW_rwy 17 016 170 0 98%

2189 YUL-TER Annual - 17 470 174 70 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

2197 LIS-BEY Annual MTOW 17 220 172 0 99% - 17 848 174 448 100%

2204 PDL-PVD Annual MTOW 15 162 152 0 87% TOW_rwy 16 837 168 0 97%

2204 PVD-PDL Annual - 17 402 174 2 100% - 17 848 174 448 100%

2239 JFK-TER Annual MTOW 17 264 173 0 99% - 17 848 174 448 100%

2239 TER-JFK Annual MTOW 14 554 146 0 84% TOW_rwy 16 223 162 0 93%

2257 EWR-TER Annual MTOW 17 185 172 0 99% - 17 848 174 448 100%

2257 TER-EWR Annual MTOW 14 898 149 0 86% TOW_rwy 16 559 166 0 95%

2278 LIS-TLV Annual MTOW 16 883 169 0 97% - 17 848 174 448 100%

2278 TLV-LIS Annual MTOW 14 801 148 0 85% TOW_rwy 16 467 165 0 95%

2280 PDL-YUL Annual MTOW 14 924 149 0 86% TOW_rwy 16 582 166 0 95%

2280 YUL-PDL Annual MTOW 17 047 170 0 98% - 17 848 174 448 100%

2326 JFK-PDL Annual MTOW 16 882 169 0 97% - 17 848 174 448 100%

2326 PDL-JFK Annual MTOW 14 142 141 0 81% TOW_rwy 15 780 158 0 91%

2343 EWR-PDL Annual MTOW 16 808 168 0 97% - 17 848 174 448 100%

2343 PDL-EWR Annual MTOW 14 485 145 0 83% TOW_rwy 16 139 161 0 93%

2467 TER-YYZ Annual MTOW 13 886 139 0 80% TOW_rwy 15 525 155 0 89%

2467 YYZ-TER Annual MTOW 16 300 163 0 94% - 17 848 174 448 100%

2557 PDL-YYZ Annual MTOW 13 499 135 0 78% TOW_rwy 15 073 151 0 87%

2557 YYZ-PDL Annual MTOW 15 887 159 0 91% - 17 600 174 200 100%

2587 LIS-TMS Annual MTOW 14 680 140 0 80% TOW_rwy 16 353 156 0 90%

2587 TMS-LIS Annual MTOW 14 400 137 0 79% TOW_rwy 16 035 153 0 88%

2764 DME-FNC Annual MTOW 12 666 127 0 73% TOW_rwy 14 309 143 0 82%

2764 FNC-DME Annual MTOW 14 108 141 0 81% TOW_rwy 15 764 158 0 91%

Table 26: A320neo WV053 & WV055 payload results

Page 91: Medium Haul Fleet Segmentation - ULisboa · Medium Haul Fleet Segmentation Airbus A320neo & A321neo Weight Variant Selection João André Ferreira de Abreu Thesis to obtain the Master


A321neo ACF – WV051 & WV053 - Annual Average

Weight Variant: WV051 WV53

Distance [nm] Route Limitation Total Payload [Kg] Pax Cargo [Kg] LF Limitation Total Payload [Kg] Pax Cargo [Kg] LF

125 FAO-LIS - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

125 LIS-FAO - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

157 LIS-OPO - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

157 OPO-LIS - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

182 LIS-SVQ - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

182 SVQ-LIS - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

266 AGP-LIS - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

266 LIS-AGP - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

291 LIS-MAD - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

291 MAD-LIS - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

350 CMN-LIS - 23 478 221 273 100% - 23 478 221 273 100%

350 LIS-CMN - 23 478 221 273 100% - 23 478 221 273 100%

425 LIS-VLC - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

425 VLC-LIS - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

455 LIS-RAK - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

455 RAK-LIS - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

509 BCN-OPO - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

509 OPO-BCN - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

514 LIS-PXO - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

514 PXO-LIS - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

547 FNC-LIS - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

547 LIS-FNC - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

549 BOD-LIS - 23 478 221 273 100% - 23 478 221 273 100%

549 LIS-BOD - 23 478 221 273 100% - 23 478 221 273 100%

563 BCN-LIS - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

563 LIS-BCN - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

584 LIS-TLS - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

584 TLS-LIS - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

607 OPO-RAK - 23 478 221 273 100% - 23 478 221 273 100%

607 RAK-OPO - 23 478 221 273 100% - 23 478 221 273 100%

631 LIS-NTE - 23 478 221 273 100% - 23 478 221 273 100%

631 NTE-LIS - 23 478 221 273 100% - 23 478 221 273 100%

642 OPO-PXO - 23 478 221 273 100% - 23 478 221 273 100%

642 PXO-OPO - 23 478 221 273 100% - 23 478 221 273 100%

675 FNC-OPO - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

675 OPO-FNC - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

681 OPO-ORY - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

681 ORY-OPO - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

688 LYS-OPO - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

688 OPO-LYS - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

725 LGW-OPO - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

725 OPO-LGW - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

741 LIS-MRS - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

741 MRS-LIS - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

742 GVA-OPO - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

742 OPO-GVA - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

758 LIS-LPA - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

758 LPA-LIS - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

780 LIS-TFS - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

780 TFS-LIS - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

793 LIS-LYS - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

793 LYS-LIS - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

815 LIS-ORY - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

815 ORY-LIS - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

821 LIS-PDL - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

821 PDL-LIS - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

832 LIS-NCE - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

832 NCE-LIS - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

835 BRU-OPO - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

835 OPO-BRU - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

841 LUX-OPO - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

841 MXP-OPO - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

841 OPO-LUX - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

841 OPO-MXP - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

848 GVA-LIS - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

848 LIS-GVA - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

855 OPO-PDL - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

855 PDL-OPO - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

867 OPO-ZRH - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

867 ZRH-OPO - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

874 LGW-LIS - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

874 LIS-LGW - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

881 LIS-TER - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

881 TER-LIS - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

887 LHR-LIS - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

887 LIS-LHR - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

889 CAG-LIS - 23 478 221 273 100% - 23 478 221 273 100%

889 LIS-CAG - 23 478 221 273 100% - 23 478 221 273 100%

904 AMS-OPO - 23 478 221 273 100% - 23 478 221 273 100%

904 OPO-AMS - 23 478 221 273 100% - 23 478 221 273 100%

920 BHX-LIS - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

920 LIS-BHX - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

931 DUB-LIS - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

931 LIS-DUB - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

936 LIS-MXP - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

936 MXP-LIS - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

943 LIS-MLH - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

943 MLH-LIS - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

965 LIS-MAN - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

965 MAN-LIS - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

970 LIS-LUX - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

970 LUX-LIS - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

973 BRU-LIS - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

973 LIS-BRU - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

976 LIS-ZRH - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

976 ZRH-LIS - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

985 FCO-OPO - 23 478 221 273 100% - 23 478 221 273 100%

985 OPO-FCO - 23 478 221 273 100% - 23 478 221 273 100%

1015 MUC-OPO - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

1015 OPO-MUC - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

1025 BLQ-LIS - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

1025 LIS-BLQ - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

1039 LIS-STR - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

1039 STR-LIS - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

1042 FCO-LIS - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

1042 LIS-FCO - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

1046 AMS-LIS - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

1046 LIS-AMS - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

1049 CGN-LIS - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

1049 LIS-CGN - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

1055 DUS-LIS - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

1055 LIS-DUS - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

1062 FRA-LIS - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

1062 LIS-FRA - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

1085 LIS-VCE - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

1085 VCE-LIS - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

1109 EDI-LIS - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

1109 LIS-EDI - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

1124 LIS-MUC - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

1124 MUC-LIS - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

1138 LIS-NAP - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

1138 NAP-LIS - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

1189 HAJ-LIS - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

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1189 LIS-HAJ - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

1199 CTA-LIS - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

1199 LIS-CTA - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

1241 LIS-SUF - 23 478 221 273 100% - 23 478 221 273 100%

1241 SUF-LIS - 23 478 221 273 100% - 23 478 221 273 100%

1246 HAM-LIS - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

1246 LIS-HAM - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

1263 LIS-PRG - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

1263 PRG-LIS - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

1305 LIS-TXL - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

1305 TXL-LIS - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

1306 LIS-VIE - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

1306 VIE-LIS - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

1355 FNC-ORY - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

1355 ORY-FNC - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

1401 CPH-LIS - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

1401 LIS-CPH - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

1406 BUD-LIS - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

1406 LIS-BUD - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

1558 LIS-WAW - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

1558 WAW-LIS - 23 472 221 1 372 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

1569 LIS-OSL - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

1569 OSL-LIS - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

1583 DKR-LIS - 23 478 221 273 100% - 23 478 221 273 100%

1583 LIS-DKR - 23 478 221 273 100% - 23 478 221 273 100%

1583 LIS-SID - 23 478 221 273 100% - 23 478 221 273 100%

1583 SID-LIS - 23 478 221 273 100% - 23 478 221 273 100%

1616 BVC-LIS TOW_rwy 21 758 207 0 94% TOW_rwy 21 758 207 0 94%

1616 LIS-BVC - 23 478 221 273 100% - 23 478 221 273 100%

1626 ATH-LIS - 22 715 221 615 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

1626 LIS-ATH - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

1637 LIS-VXE - 23 256 221 51 100% - 23 478 221 273 100%

1637 VXE-LIS N/A 0 0 0 0% N/A 0 0 0 0%

1656 BJL-LIS - 23 478 221 273 100% - 23 478 221 273 100%

1656 LIS-BJL - 23 459 221 254 100% - 23 478 221 273 100%

1666 KEF-LIS - 23 430 221 1 330 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

1666 LIS-KEF - 22 893 221 793 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

1683 LIS-OTP - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

1683 OTP-LIS - 22 566 221 466 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

1699 ARN-LIS - 22 762 221 662 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

1699 LIS-ARN - 23 478 221 1 378 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

1699 LIS-RAI MTOW 22 989 219 0 99% - 23 478 221 273 100%

1699 RAI-LIS - 23 473 221 268 100% - 23 478 221 273 100%

1727 OPO-SID MTOW 22 870 218 0 99% - 23 478 221 273 100%

1727 SID-OPO - 23 255 221 50 100% - 23 478 221 273 100%

1733 LIS-OXB MTOW 23 000 219 0 99% - 23 478 221 273 100%

1733 OXB-LIS MTOW 23 155 221 0 100% - 23 478 221 273 100%

1826 IST-LIS MTOW 21 617 216 0 98% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

1826 LIS-IST - 23 255 221 1 155 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

1857 CKY-LIS MTOW 22 420 214 0 97% - 23 478 221 273 100%

1857 LIS-CKY MTOW 22 554 215 0 97% - 23 478 221 273 100%

1906 HEL-LIS MTOW 21 519 215 0 97% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

1906 LIS-HEL - 22 633 221 533 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

1911 KBP-LIS MTOW 21 359 214 0 97% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

1911 LIS-KBP - 22 616 221 516 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

2041 LED-LIS MTOW 20 731 207 0 94% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

2041 LIS-LED MTOW 21 834 218 0 99% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

2091 BOS-TER - 22 264 221 164 100% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

2091 TER-BOS MTOW 19 275 193 0 87% - 23 081 221 981 100%

2117 PVD-TER - 22 130 221 30 100% - 22 483 221 383 100%

2117 TER-PVD MTOW 19 560 196 0 89% - 23 360 221 1 260 100%

2133 ABJ-LIS MTOW 20 718 197 0 89% - 23 478 221 273 100%

2133 LIS-ABJ MTOW 20 348 194 0 88% - 23 442 221 237 100%

2137 DME-LIS MTOW 20 097 201 0 91% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

2138 LFW-LIS MTOW 20 557 196 0 89% - 23 478 221 273 100%

2138 LIS-LFW MTOW 21 251 202 0 92% - 23 478 221 273 100%

2149 LIS-LOS MTOW 20 985 200 0 90% - 23 478 221 273 100%

2149 LOS-LIS MTOW 20 440 195 0 88% - 23 478 221 273 100%

2152 ACC-LIS MTOW 20 533 196 0 88% - 23 478 221 273 100%

2152 LIS-ACC MTOW 21 149 201 0 91% - 23 478 221 273 100%

2158 CAI-LIS MTOW 19 288 184 0 83% TOW_rwy 23 103 220 0 100%

2158 LIS-CAI MTOW 21 844 208 0 94% - 23 478 221 273 100%

2161 LIS-DME MTOW 21 002 210 0 95% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

2175 BEY-LIS MTOW 19 364 194 0 88% - 23 171 221 1 071 100%

2178 BOS-PDL MTOW 21 794 218 0 99% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

2178 PDL-BOS MTOW 18 771 188 0 85% - 22 558 221 458 100%

2189 TER-YUL MTOW 19 263 193 0 87% - 23 048 221 948 100%

2189 YUL-TER MTOW 21 738 217 0 98% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

2197 LIS-BEY MTOW 21 446 214 0 97% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

2204 PDL-PVD MTOW 19 058 191 0 86% - 22 838 221 738 100%

2204 PVD-PDL MTOW 21 661 217 0 98% TOW_rwy 22 012 220 0 100%

2239 JFK-TER MTOW 21 499 215 0 97% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

2239 TER-JFK MTOW 18 366 184 0 83% MFC 19 900 199 0 90%

2257 EWR-TER MTOW 21 407 214 0 97% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

2257 TER-EWR MTOW 18 747 187 0 85% - 22 352 221 252 100%

2278 LIS-TLV MTOW 21 054 211 0 95% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

2278 TLV-LIS MTOW 18 626 186 0 84% MFC 21 598 216 0 98%

2280 PDL-YUL MTOW 18 777 188 0 85% - 22 544 221 444 100%

2280 YUL-PDL MTOW 21 251 213 0 96% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

2326 JFK-PDL MTOW 21 058 211 0 95% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

2326 PDL-JFK MFC 17 301 173 0 78% MFC 17 301 173 0 78%

2343 EWR-PDL MTOW 20 973 210 0 95% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

2343 PDL-EWR MTOW 18 306 183 0 83% MFC 19 501 195 0 88%

2467 TER-YYZ MFC 15 699 157 0 71% MFC 15 699 157 0 71%

2467 YYZ-TER MTOW 20 379 204 0 92% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

2557 PDL-YYZ N/A 0 0 0 0% N/A 0 0 0 0%

2557 YYZ-PDL MTOW 19 904 199 0 90% - 23 478 221 1 378 100%

2587 LIS-TMS MTOW 18 502 176 0 80% MFC 20 788 198 0 90%

2587 TMS-LIS MTOW 18 169 173 0 78% MFC 18 794 179 0 81%

2764 DME-FNC N/A 0 0 0 0% N/A 0 0 0 0%

2764 FNC-DME MFC 17 002 170 0 77% MFC 17 002 170 0 77%

Table 27: A321neo ACF WV051 & WV053 payload results

Page 93: Medium Haul Fleet Segmentation - ULisboa · Medium Haul Fleet Segmentation Airbus A320neo & A321neo Weight Variant Selection João André Ferreira de Abreu Thesis to obtain the Master


A321neo non-ACF – WV051 & WV053 – Annual Average

Weight Variant: WV051 WV053

Distance [nm] Route Limitation Total Payload [Kg] Pax Cargo [Kg] LF Limitation Total Payload [Kg] Pax Cargo [Kg] LF

125 FAO-LIS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

125 LIS-FAO - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

157 LIS-OPO - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

157 OPO-LIS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

182 LIS-SVQ - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

182 SVQ-LIS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

266 AGP-LIS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

266 LIS-AGP - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

291 LIS-MAD - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

291 MAD-LIS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

350 CMN-LIS - 23 479 216 799 100% - 23 479 216 799 100%

350 LIS-CMN - 23 479 216 799 100% - 23 479 216 799 100%

425 LIS-VLC - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

425 VLC-LIS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

455 LIS-RAK - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

455 RAK-LIS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

509 BCN-OPO - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

509 OPO-BCN - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

514 LIS-PXO - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

514 PXO-LIS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

547 FNC-LIS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

547 LIS-FNC - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

549 BOD-LIS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

549 LIS-BOD - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

563 BCN-LIS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

563 LIS-BCN - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

584 LIS-TLS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

584 TLS-LIS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

607 OPO-RAK - 23 479 216 799 100% - 23 479 216 799 100%

607 RAK-OPO - 23 479 216 799 100% - 23 479 216 799 100%

631 LIS-NTE - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

631 NTE-LIS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

642 OPO-PXO - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

642 PXO-OPO - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

675 FNC-OPO - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

675 OPO-FNC - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

681 OPO-ORY - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

681 ORY-OPO - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

688 LYS-OPO - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

688 OPO-LYS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

725 LGW-OPO - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

725 OPO-LGW - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

741 LIS-MRS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

741 MRS-LIS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

742 GVA-OPO - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

742 OPO-GVA - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

758 LIS-LPA - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

758 LPA-LIS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

780 LIS-TFS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

780 TFS-LIS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

793 LIS-LYS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

793 LYS-LIS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

815 LIS-ORY - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

815 ORY-LIS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

821 LIS-PDL - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

821 PDL-LIS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

832 LIS-NCE - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

832 NCE-LIS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

835 BRU-OPO - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

835 OPO-BRU - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

841 LUX-OPO - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

841 MXP-OPO - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

841 OPO-LUX - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

841 OPO-MXP - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

848 GVA-LIS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

848 LIS-GVA - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

855 OPO-PDL - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

855 PDL-OPO - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

867 OPO-ZRH - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

867 ZRH-OPO - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

874 LGW-LIS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

874 LIS-LGW - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

881 LIS-TER - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

881 TER-LIS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

887 LHR-LIS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

887 LIS-LHR - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

889 CAG-LIS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

889 LIS-CAG - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

904 AMS-OPO - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

904 OPO-AMS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

920 BHX-LIS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

920 LIS-BHX - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

931 DUB-LIS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

931 LIS-DUB - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

936 LIS-MXP - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

936 MXP-LIS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

943 LIS-MLH - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

943 MLH-LIS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

965 LIS-MAN - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

965 MAN-LIS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

970 LIS-LUX - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

970 LUX-LIS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

973 BRU-LIS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

973 LIS-BRU - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

976 LIS-ZRH - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

976 ZRH-LIS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

985 FCO-OPO - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

985 OPO-FCO - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1015 MUC-OPO - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1015 OPO-MUC - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1025 BLQ-LIS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1025 LIS-BLQ - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1039 LIS-STR - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1039 STR-LIS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1042 FCO-LIS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1042 LIS-FCO - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1046 AMS-LIS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1046 LIS-AMS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1049 CGN-LIS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1049 LIS-CGN - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1055 DUS-LIS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1055 LIS-DUS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1062 FRA-LIS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1062 LIS-FRA - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1085 LIS-VCE - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1085 VCE-LIS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1109 EDI-LIS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1109 LIS-EDI - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1124 LIS-MUC - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1124 MUC-LIS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1138 LIS-NAP - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1138 NAP-LIS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1189 HAJ-LIS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

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1189 LIS-HAJ - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1199 CTA-LIS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1199 LIS-CTA - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1241 LIS-SUF - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1241 SUF-LIS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1246 HAM-LIS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1246 LIS-HAM - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1263 LIS-PRG - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1263 PRG-LIS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1305 LIS-TXL - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1305 TXL-LIS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1306 LIS-VIE - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1306 VIE-LIS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1355 FNC-ORY - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1355 ORY-FNC - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1401 CPH-LIS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1401 LIS-CPH - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1406 BUD-LIS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1406 LIS-BUD - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1558 LIS-WAW - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1558 WAW-LIS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1569 LIS-OSL - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1569 OSL-LIS - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1583 DKR-LIS - 23 479 216 799 100% - 23 479 216 799 100%

1583 LIS-DKR - 23 479 216 799 100% - 23 479 216 799 100%

1583 LIS-SID - 23 479 216 799 100% - 23 479 216 799 100%

1583 SID-LIS - 23 479 216 799 100% - 23 479 216 799 100%

1616 BVC-LIS TOW_rwy 21 758 207 0 96% TOW_rwy 21 758 207 0 96%

1616 LIS-BVC - 23 479 216 799 100% - 23 479 216 799 100%

1626 ATH-LIS - 22 729 216 1 129 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1626 LIS-ATH - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1637 LIS-VXE - 23 264 216 584 100% - 23 479 216 799 100%

1637 VXE-LIS N/A 0 0 0 0% N/A 0 0 0 0%

1656 BJL-LIS - 23 479 216 799 100% - 23 479 216 799 100%

1656 LIS-BJL - 23 465 216 785 100% - 23 479 216 799 100%

1666 KEF-LIS - 23 449 216 1 849 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1666 LIS-KEF - 22 905 216 1 305 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1683 LIS-OTP - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1683 OTP-LIS - 22 578 216 978 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1699 ARN-LIS - 22 774 216 1 174 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1699 LIS-ARN - 23 479 216 1 879 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1699 LIS-RAI - 22 999 216 319 100% - 23 479 216 799 100%

1699 RAI-LIS - 23 479 216 799 100% - 23 479 216 799 100%

1727 OPO-SID - 22 878 216 198 100% - 23 479 216 799 100%

1727 SID-OPO - 23 268 216 588 100% - 23 479 216 799 100%

1733 LIS-OXB - 23 008 216 328 100% - 23 479 216 799 100%

1733 OXB-LIS - 23 168 216 488 100% - 23 479 216 799 100%

1826 IST-LIS - 21 630 216 30 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1826 LIS-IST - 23 272 216 1 672 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1857 CKY-LIS MTOW 22 433 214 0 99% - 23 479 216 799 100%

1857 LIS-CKY MTOW 22 562 215 0 99% - 23 479 216 799 100%

1906 HEL-LIS MTOW 21 532 215 0 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1906 LIS-HEL - 22 644 216 1 044 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1911 KBP-LIS MTOW 21 372 214 0 99% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

1911 LIS-KBP - 22 630 216 1 030 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

2041 LED-LIS MTOW 20 745 207 0 96% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

2041 LIS-LED - 21 846 216 246 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

2091 BOS-TER - 22 277 216 677 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

2091 TER-BOS MTOW 19 287 193 0 89% - 23 088 216 1 488 100%

2117 PVD-TER - 22 144 216 544 100% - 22 497 216 897 100%

2117 TER-PVD MTOW 19 570 196 0 91% - 23 370 216 1 770 100%

2133 ABJ-LIS MTOW 20 730 197 0 91% - 23 479 216 799 100%

2133 LIS-ABJ MTOW 20 363 194 0 90% - 23 459 216 779 100%

2137 DME-LIS MTOW 20 108 201 0 93% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

2138 LFW-LIS MTOW 20 569 196 0 91% - 23 479 216 799 100%

2138 LIS-LFW MTOW 21 261 202 0 94% - 23 479 216 799 100%

2149 LIS-LOS MTOW 20 996 200 0 93% - 23 479 216 799 100%

2149 LOS-LIS MTOW 20 452 195 0 90% - 23 479 216 799 100%

2152 ACC-LIS MTOW 20 546 196 0 91% - 23 479 216 799 100%

2152 LIS-ACC MTOW 21 159 202 0 93% - 23 479 216 799 100%

2158 CAI-LIS MTOW 19 299 184 0 85% - 23 108 216 428 100%

2158 LIS-CAI MTOW 21 855 208 0 96% - 23 479 216 799 100%

2161 LIS-DME MTOW 21 014 210 0 97% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

2175 BEY-LIS MTOW 19 376 194 0 90% - 23 180 216 1 580 100%

2178 BOS-PDL - 21 807 216 207 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

2178 PDL-BOS MTOW 18 784 188 0 87% - 22 565 216 965 100%

2189 TER-YUL MTOW 19 273 193 0 89% - 23 057 216 1 457 100%

2189 YUL-TER - 21 751 216 151 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

2197 LIS-BEY MTOW 21 459 215 0 99% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

2204 PDL-PVD MTOW 19 068 191 0 88% - 22 847 216 1 247 100%

2204 PVD-PDL - 21 675 216 75 100% - 22 026 216 426 100%

2239 JFK-TER MTOW 21 511 215 0 100% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

2239 TER-JFK MTOW 18 361 184 0 85% MFC 19 900 199 0 92%

2257 EWR-TER MTOW 21 419 214 0 99% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

2257 TER-EWR MTOW 18 756 188 0 87% - 22 394 216 794 100%

2278 LIS-TLV MTOW 21 065 211 0 98% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

2278 TLV-LIS MTOW 18 629 186 0 86% - 21 687 216 87 100%

2280 PDL-YUL MTOW 18 788 188 0 87% - 22 552 216 952 100%

2280 YUL-PDL MTOW 21 261 213 0 98% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

2326 JFK-PDL MTOW 21 068 211 0 98% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

2326 PDL-JFK MFC 17 301 173 0 80% MFC 17 301 173 0 80%

2343 EWR-PDL MTOW 20 982 210 0 97% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

2343 PDL-EWR MTOW 18 301 183 0 85% MFC 19 501 195 0 90%

2467 TER-YYZ MFC 15 699 157 0 73% MFC 15 699 157 0 73%

2467 YYZ-TER MTOW 20 387 204 0 94% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

2557 PDL-YYZ N/A 0 0 0 0% N/A 0 0 0 0%

2557 YYZ-PDL MTOW 19 911 199 0 92% - 23 479 216 1 879 100%

2587 LIS-TMS MTOW 18 498 176 0 82% MFC 20 788 198 0 92%

2587 TMS-LIS MTOW 18 170 173 0 80% MFC 18 794 179 0 83%

2764 DME-FNC N/A 0 0 0 0% N/A 0 0 0 0%

2764 FNC-DME MFC 17 002 170 0 79% MFC 17 002 170 0 79%

Table 28: A321neo non-ACF WV051 & WV053 payload results

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A320neo – Load Factors

Period: Annual Average 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter

Distance [nm] Route WV: 051 053 055 051 053 055 051 053 055 051 053 055 051 053 055

125 FAO-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

125 LIS-FAO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

157 LIS-OPO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

157 OPO-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

182 LIS-SVQ 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

182 SVQ-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

266 AGP-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

266 LIS-AGP 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

291 LIS-MAD 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

291 MAD-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

350 CMN-LIS 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98%

350 LIS-CMN 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98%

425 LIS-VLC 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

425 VLC-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

455 LIS-RAK 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

455 RAK-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

509 BCN-OPO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

509 OPO-BCN 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

514 LIS-PXO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

514 PXO-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

547 FNC-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

547 LIS-FNC 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

549 BOD-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

549 LIS-BOD 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

563 BCN-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

563 LIS-BCN 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

584 LIS-TLS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

584 TLS-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

607 OPO-RAK 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98%

607 RAK-OPO 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98%

631 LIS-NTE 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

631 NTE-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

642 OPO-PXO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

642 PXO-OPO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

675 FNC-OPO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

675 OPO-FNC 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

681 OPO-ORY 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

681 ORY-OPO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

688 LYS-OPO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

688 OPO-LYS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

725 LGW-OPO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

725 OPO-LGW 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

741 LIS-MRS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

741 MRS-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

742 GVA-OPO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

742 OPO-GVA 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

758 LIS-LPA 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

758 LPA-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

780 LIS-TFS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

780 TFS-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

793 LIS-LYS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

793 LYS-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

815 LIS-ORY 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

815 ORY-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

821 LIS-PDL 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

821 PDL-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

832 LIS-NCE 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

832 NCE-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

835 BRU-OPO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

835 OPO-BRU 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

841 LUX-OPO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

841 MXP-OPO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

841 OPO-LUX 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

841 OPO-MXP 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

848 GVA-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

848 LIS-GVA 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

855 OPO-PDL 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

855 PDL-OPO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

867 OPO-ZRH 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

867 ZRH-OPO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

874 LGW-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

874 LIS-LGW 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

881 LIS-TER 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

881 TER-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

887 LHR-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

887 LIS-LHR 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

889 CAG-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

889 LIS-CAG 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

904 AMS-OPO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

904 OPO-AMS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

920 BHX-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

920 LIS-BHX 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

931 DUB-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

931 LIS-DUB 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

936 LIS-MXP 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

936 MXP-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

943 LIS-MLH 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

943 MLH-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

965 LIS-MAN 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

965 MAN-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

970 LIS-LUX 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

970 LUX-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

973 BRU-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

973 LIS-BRU 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

976 LIS-ZRH 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

976 ZRH-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

985 FCO-OPO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

985 OPO-FCO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1015 MUC-OPO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1015 OPO-MUC 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1025 BLQ-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1025 LIS-BLQ 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1039 LIS-STR 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1039 STR-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1042 FCO-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1042 LIS-FCO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1046 AMS-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1046 LIS-AMS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1049 CGN-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

Page 96: Medium Haul Fleet Segmentation - ULisboa · Medium Haul Fleet Segmentation Airbus A320neo & A321neo Weight Variant Selection João André Ferreira de Abreu Thesis to obtain the Master


1049 LIS-CGN 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1055 DUS-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1055 LIS-DUS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1062 FRA-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1062 LIS-FRA 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1085 LIS-VCE 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1085 VCE-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1109 EDI-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1109 LIS-EDI 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1124 LIS-MUC 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1124 MUC-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1138 LIS-NAP 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1138 NAP-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1189 HAJ-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1189 LIS-HAJ 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1199 CTA-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1199 LIS-CTA 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1241 LIS-SUF 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1241 SUF-LIS 99% 100% 100% 99% 100% 100% 99% 100% 100% 99% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1246 HAM-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1246 LIS-HAM 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1263 LIS-PRG 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1263 PRG-LIS 100% 100% 100% 99% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 99% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1305 LIS-TXL 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1305 TXL-LIS 98% 100% 100% 98% 100% 100% 99% 100% 100% 98% 100% 100% 98% 100% 100%

1306 LIS-VIE 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1306 VIE-LIS 98% 100% 100% 98% 100% 100% 98% 100% 100% 98% 100% 100% 98% 100% 100%

1355 FNC-ORY 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1355 ORY-FNC 94% 100% 100% 94% 100% 100% 95% 100% 100% 94% 100% 100% 95% 100% 100%

1401 CPH-LIS 96% 100% 100% 96% 100% 100% 96% 100% 100% 96% 100% 100% 95% 100% 100%

1401 LIS-CPH 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1406 BUD-LIS 95% 100% 100% 95% 100% 100% 95% 100% 100% 95% 100% 100% 96% 100% 100%

1406 LIS-BUD 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1558 LIS-WAW 95% 100% 100% 95% 100% 100% 95% 100% 100% 96% 100% 100% 95% 100% 100%

1558 WAW-LIS 91% 100% 100% 91% 100% 100% 91% 100% 100% 91% 100% 100% 91% 100% 100%

1569 LIS-OSL 95% 100% 100% 95% 100% 100% 95% 100% 100% 96% 100% 100% 96% 100% 100%

1569 OSL-LIS 92% 100% 100% 92% 100% 100% 92% 100% 100% 92% 100% 100% 91% 100% 100%

1583 DKR-LIS 89% 98% 98% 89% 98% 98% 89% 98% 98% 90% 98% 98% 89% 98% 98%

1583 LIS-DKR 88% 98% 98% 88% 98% 98% 88% 98% 98% 89% 98% 98% 89% 98% 98%

1583 LIS-SID 88% 98% 98% 87% 98% 98% 87% 98% 98% 88% 98% 98% 88% 98% 98%

1583 SID-LIS 90% 98% 98% 89% 98% 98% 90% 98% 98% 90% 98% 98% 89% 98% 98%

1616 BVC-LIS 89% 98% 98% 88% 98% 98% 89% 98% 98% 89% 98% 98% 88% 98% 98%

1616 LIS-BVC 88% 98% 98% 88% 98% 98% 87% 98% 98% 88% 98% 98% 88% 98% 98%

1626 ATH-LIS 87% 100% 100% 87% 100% 100% 87% 100% 100% 87% 100% 100% 89% 100% 100%

1626 LIS-ATH 96% 100% 100% 96% 100% 100% 97% 100% 100% 97% 100% 100% 95% 100% 100%

1637 LIS-VXE 86% 98% 98% 86% 98% 98% 85% 98% 98% 87% 98% 98% 86% 98% 98%

1656 BJL-LIS 87% 98% 98% 87% 98% 98% 88% 98% 98% 88% 98% 98% 87% 98% 98%

1656 LIS-BJL 87% 98% 98% 86% 98% 98% 86% 98% 98% 87% 98% 98% 87% 98% 98%

1666 KEF-LIS 91% 100% 100% 91% 100% 100% 91% 100% 100% 91% 100% 100% 90% 100% 100%

1666 LIS-KEF 88% 100% 100% 88% 100% 100% 88% 100% 100% 89% 100% 100% 88% 100% 100%

1683 LIS-OTP 94% 100% 100% 94% 100% 100% 94% 100% 100% 95% 100% 100% 93% 100% 100%

1683 OTP-LIS 87% 100% 100% 86% 100% 100% 87% 100% 100% 87% 100% 100% 88% 100% 100%

1699 ARN-LIS 88% 100% 100% 88% 100% 100% 88% 100% 100% 88% 100% 100% 87% 100% 100%

1699 LIS-ARN 92% 100% 100% 91% 100% 100% 91% 100% 100% 92% 100% 100% 92% 100% 100%

1699 LIS-RAI 85% 98% 98% 84% 98% 98% 84% 98% 98% 85% 98% 98% 85% 98% 98%

1699 RAI-LIS 87% 98% 98% 87% 98% 98% 87% 98% 98% 87% 98% 98% 86% 98% 98%

1727 OPO-SID 84% 98% 98% 84% 98% 98% 83% 98% 98% 85% 98% 98% 85% 98% 98%

1727 SID-OPO 86% 98% 98% 85% 98% 98% 86% 98% 98% 86% 98% 98% 85% 98% 98%

1733 LIS-OXB 85% 98% 98% 84% 98% 98% 84% 98% 98% 85% 98% 98% 85% 98% 98%

1733 OXB-LIS 85% 98% 98% 85% 98% 98% 85% 98% 98% 86% 98% 98% 85% 98% 98%

1826 IST-LIS 82% 100% 100% 82% 99% 100% 82% 100% 100% 82% 99% 100% 83% 100% 100%

1826 LIS-IST 90% 100% 100% 90% 100% 100% 90% 100% 100% 91% 100% 100% 89% 100% 100%

1857 CKY-LIS 82% 98% 98% 82% 98% 98% 82% 98% 98% 82% 98% 98% 82% 98% 98%

1857 LIS-CKY 83% 98% 98% 82% 98% 98% 82% 98% 98% 83% 98% 98% 83% 98% 98%

1906 HEL-LIS 82% 99% 100% 82% 100% 100% 82% 100% 100% 82% 100% 100% 81% 99% 100%

1906 LIS-HEL 87% 100% 100% 87% 100% 100% 87% 100% 100% 88% 100% 100% 87% 100% 100%

1911 KBP-LIS 81% 99% 100% 81% 98% 100% 81% 99% 100% 81% 98% 100% 81% 99% 100%

1911 LIS-KBP 87% 100% 100% 87% 100% 100% 87% 100% 100% 88% 100% 100% 87% 100% 100%

2041 LED-LIS 78% 95% 100% 78% 96% 100% 78% 96% 100% 78% 96% 100% 77% 95% 100%

2041 LIS-LED 83% 100% 100% 83% 100% 100% 83% 100% 100% 84% 100% 100% 83% 100% 100%

2091 BOS-TER 85% 100% 100% 87% 100% 100% 85% 100% 100% 85% 100% 100% 86% 100% 100%

2091 TER-BOS 71% 88% 98% 68% 85% 95% 72% 89% 99% 74% 92% 100% 71% 88% 98%

2117 PVD-TER 85% 100% 100% 86% 100% 100% 85% 100% 100% 84% 100% 100% 85% 100% 100%

2117 TER-PVD 72% 90% 99% 69% 87% 96% 73% 90% 100% 76% 93% 100% 73% 90% 100%

2133 ABJ-LIS 74% 91% 98% 74% 90% 98% 74% 91% 98% 75% 92% 98% 74% 91% 98%

2133 LIS-ABJ 73% 89% 97% 72% 89% 97% 72% 89% 97% 73% 89% 97% 73% 89% 97%

2137 DME-LIS 75% 92% 100% 75% 92% 100% 75% 93% 100% 75% 93% 100% 75% 92% 100%

2138 LFW-LIS 74% 90% 98% 73% 89% 98% 73% 90% 98% 75% 92% 98% 74% 90% 98%

2138 LIS-LFW 77% 93% 98% 77% 93% 98% 77% 93% 98% 76% 93% 98% 77% 93% 98%

2149 LIS-LOS 76% 92% 98% 76% 92% 98% 76% 92% 98% 75% 92% 98% 76% 92% 98%

2149 LOS-LIS 73% 90% 98% 72% 89% 98% 73% 89% 98% 75% 91% 98% 73% 90% 98%

2152 ACC-LIS 73% 90% 98% 73% 89% 98% 73% 90% 98% 75% 91% 98% 74% 90% 98%

2152 LIS-ACC 76% 93% 98% 76% 93% 98% 76% 93% 98% 76% 93% 98% 76% 93% 98%

2158 CAI-LIS 68% 84% 93% 67% 83% 92% 67% 83% 92% 70% 86% 95% 70% 86% 95%

2158 LIS-CAI 79% 96% 98% 80% 97% 98% 80% 97% 98% 79% 96% 98% 78% 95% 98%

2161 LIS-DME 79% 97% 100% 79% 96% 100% 79% 97% 100% 80% 97% 100% 79% 97% 100%

2175 BEY-LIS 72% 89% 98% 71% 88% 97% 71% 88% 98% 72% 89% 99% 73% 91% 100%

2178 BOS-PDL 83% 100% 100% 85% 100% 100% 83% 100% 100% 82% 100% 100% 84% 100% 100%

2178 PDL-BOS 69% 86% 95% 66% 83% 93% 70% 87% 96% 72% 89% 99% 69% 86% 96%

2189 TER-YUL 71% 88% 98% 69% 86% 96% 72% 89% 99% 74% 91% 100% 71% 88% 97%

2189 YUL-TER 83% 100% 100% 84% 100% 100% 82% 100% 100% 82% 100% 100% 83% 100% 100%

2197 LIS-BEY 81% 99% 100% 82% 99% 100% 82% 100% 100% 82% 100% 100% 80% 98% 100%

2204 PDL-PVD 70% 87% 97% 67% 84% 94% 71% 88% 98% 74% 91% 100% 71% 88% 97%

2204 PVD-PDL 82% 100% 100% 84% 100% 100% 82% 100% 100% 82% 99% 100% 83% 100% 100%

2239 JFK-TER 82% 99% 100% 84% 100% 100% 82% 99% 100% 81% 98% 100% 82% 100% 100%

2239 TER-JFK 67% 84% 93% 63% 81% 90% 67% 85% 94% 71% 88% 97% 67% 84% 94%

2257 EWR-TER 81% 99% 100% 83% 100% 100% 81% 99% 100% 80% 98% 100% 82% 99% 100%

2257 TER-EWR 69% 86% 95% 65% 82% 92% 69% 87% 96% 72% 90% 99% 69% 86% 96%

2278 LIS-TLV 80% 97% 100% 80% 97% 100% 80% 98% 100% 80% 98% 100% 78% 96% 100%

2278 TLV-LIS 68% 85% 95% 67% 84% 94% 67% 84% 94% 69% 86% 96% 70% 87% 97%

2280 PDL-YUL 69% 86% 95% 66% 83% 93% 70% 87% 96% 71% 88% 98% 68% 85% 95%

2280 YUL-PDL 81% 98% 100% 82% 99% 100% 80% 98% 100% 80% 97% 100% 81% 99% 100%

2326 JFK-PDL 80% 97% 100% 82% 99% 100% 80% 97% 100% 79% 96% 100% 80% 97% 100%

2326 PDL-JFK 64% 81% 91% 61% 78% 88% 65% 82% 92% 68% 85% 95% 65% 82% 92%

2343 EWR-PDL 79% 97% 100% 81% 99% 100% 79% 97% 100% 78% 96% 100% 80% 97% 100%

2343 PDL-EWR 66% 83% 93% 63% 80% 90% 67% 84% 94% 70% 87% 97% 67% 84% 93%

2467 TER-YYZ 63% 80% 89% 59% 77% 86% 64% 81% 91% 66% 83% 93% 62% 79% 89%

2467 YYZ-TER 76% 94% 100% 78% 95% 100% 76% 93% 100% 76% 93% 100% 77% 94% 100%

2557 PDL-YYZ 59% 78% 87% 58% 75% 84% 62% 79% 88% 64% 81% 90% 60% 77% 86%

2557 YYZ-PDL 74% 91% 100% 76% 93% 100% 74% 91% 100% 73% 91% 100% 75% 92% 100%

2587 LIS-TMS 64% 80% 90% 65% 81% 90% 64% 81% 90% 64% 80% 89% 64% 80% 90%

2587 TMS-LIS 62% 79% 88% 61% 78% 87% 62% 78% 87% 64% 81% 90% 63% 79% 88%

2764 DME-FNC 56% 73% 82% 56% 73% 82% 57% 73% 83% 56% 73% 82% 56% 72% 82%

2764 FNC-DME 64% 81% 91% 64% 81% 90% 64% 81% 91% 65% 82% 92% 64% 81% 90%

Table 29: A320neo - load factor results

Page 97: Medium Haul Fleet Segmentation - ULisboa · Medium Haul Fleet Segmentation Airbus A320neo & A321neo Weight Variant Selection João André Ferreira de Abreu Thesis to obtain the Master


A321neo ACF – Load Factors

Period: Annual Average 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter

Distance [nm] Route WV: 51 53 51 53 51 53 51 53 51 53

125 FAO-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

125 LIS-FAO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

157 LIS-OPO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

157 OPO-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

182 LIS-SVQ 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

182 SVQ-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

266 AGP-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

266 LIS-AGP 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

291 LIS-MAD 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

291 MAD-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

350 CMN-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

350 LIS-CMN 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

425 LIS-VLC 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

425 VLC-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

455 LIS-RAK 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

455 RAK-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

509 BCN-OPO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

509 OPO-BCN 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

514 LIS-PXO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

514 PXO-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

547 FNC-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

547 LIS-FNC 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

549 BOD-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

549 LIS-BOD 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

563 BCN-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

563 LIS-BCN 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

584 LIS-TLS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

584 TLS-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

607 OPO-RAK 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

607 RAK-OPO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

631 LIS-NTE 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

631 NTE-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

642 OPO-PXO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

642 PXO-OPO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

675 FNC-OPO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

675 OPO-FNC 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

681 OPO-ORY 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

681 ORY-OPO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

688 LYS-OPO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

688 OPO-LYS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

725 LGW-OPO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

725 OPO-LGW 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

741 LIS-MRS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

741 MRS-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

742 GVA-OPO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

742 OPO-GVA 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

758 LIS-LPA 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

758 LPA-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

780 LIS-TFS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

780 TFS-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

793 LIS-LYS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

793 LYS-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

815 LIS-ORY 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

815 ORY-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

821 LIS-PDL 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

821 PDL-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

832 LIS-NCE 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

832 NCE-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

835 BRU-OPO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

835 OPO-BRU 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

841 LUX-OPO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

841 MXP-OPO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

841 OPO-LUX 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

841 OPO-MXP 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

848 GVA-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

848 LIS-GVA 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

855 OPO-PDL 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

855 PDL-OPO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

867 OPO-ZRH 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

867 ZRH-OPO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

874 LGW-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

874 LIS-LGW 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

881 LIS-TER 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

881 TER-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

887 LHR-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

887 LIS-LHR 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

889 CAG-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

889 LIS-CAG 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

904 AMS-OPO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

904 OPO-AMS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

920 BHX-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

920 LIS-BHX 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

931 DUB-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

931 LIS-DUB 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

936 LIS-MXP 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

936 MXP-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

943 LIS-MLH 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

943 MLH-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

965 LIS-MAN 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

965 MAN-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

970 LIS-LUX 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

970 LUX-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

973 BRU-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

973 LIS-BRU 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

976 LIS-ZRH 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

976 ZRH-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

985 FCO-OPO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

985 OPO-FCO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1015 MUC-OPO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1015 OPO-MUC 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1025 BLQ-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1025 LIS-BLQ 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1039 LIS-STR 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1039 STR-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1042 FCO-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1042 LIS-FCO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1046 AMS-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1046 LIS-AMS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1049 CGN-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

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1049 LIS-CGN 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1055 DUS-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1055 LIS-DUS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1062 FRA-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1062 LIS-FRA 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1085 LIS-VCE 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1085 VCE-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1109 EDI-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1109 LIS-EDI 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1124 LIS-MUC 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1124 MUC-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1138 LIS-NAP 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1138 NAP-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1189 HAJ-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1189 LIS-HAJ 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1199 CTA-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1199 LIS-CTA 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1241 LIS-SUF 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1241 SUF-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1246 HAM-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1246 LIS-HAM 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1263 LIS-PRG 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1263 PRG-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1305 LIS-TXL 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1305 TXL-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1306 LIS-VIE 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1306 VIE-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1355 FNC-ORY 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1355 ORY-FNC 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1401 CPH-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1401 LIS-CPH 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1406 BUD-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1406 LIS-BUD 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1558 LIS-WAW 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1558 WAW-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1569 LIS-OSL 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1569 OSL-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1583 DKR-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1583 LIS-DKR 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1583 LIS-SID 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1583 SID-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1616 BVC-LIS 94% 94% 94% 94% 95% 95% 94% 94% 93% 93%

1616 LIS-BVC 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1626 ATH-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1626 LIS-ATH 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1637 LIS-VXE 100% 100% 100% 100% 99% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1656 BJL-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1656 LIS-BJL 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1666 KEF-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1666 LIS-KEF 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1683 LIS-OTP 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1683 OTP-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1699 ARN-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1699 LIS-ARN 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1699 LIS-RAI 99% 100% 99% 100% 98% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1699 RAI-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1727 OPO-SID 99% 100% 98% 100% 98% 100% 99% 100% 99% 100%

1727 SID-OPO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1733 LIS-OXB 99% 100% 99% 100% 99% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1733 OXB-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1826 IST-LIS 98% 100% 97% 100% 98% 100% 98% 100% 99% 100%

1826 LIS-IST 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1857 CKY-LIS 97% 100% 96% 100% 97% 100% 97% 100% 96% 100%

1857 LIS-CKY 97% 100% 97% 100% 97% 100% 98% 100% 98% 100%

1906 HEL-LIS 97% 100% 98% 100% 98% 100% 98% 100% 97% 100%

1906 LIS-HEL 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1911 KBP-LIS 97% 100% 96% 100% 97% 100% 97% 100% 97% 100%

1911 LIS-KBP 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

2041 LED-LIS 94% 100% 94% 100% 94% 100% 94% 100% 93% 100%

2041 LIS-LED 99% 100% 98% 100% 99% 100% 99% 100% 99% 100%

2091 BOS-TER 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

2091 TER-BOS 87% 100% 85% 100% 88% 100% 90% 100% 87% 100%

2117 PVD-TER 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 99% 99% 100% 100%

2117 TER-PVD 89% 100% 86% 100% 89% 100% 92% 100% 89% 100%

2133 ABJ-LIS 89% 100% 89% 100% 89% 100% 90% 100% 89% 100%

2133 LIS-ABJ 88% 100% 87% 100% 87% 100% 88% 100% 88% 100%

2137 DME-LIS 91% 100% 91% 100% 91% 100% 91% 100% 91% 100%

2138 LFW-LIS 89% 100% 88% 100% 88% 100% 90% 100% 89% 100%

2138 LIS-LFW 92% 100% 92% 100% 92% 100% 91% 100% 92% 100%

2149 LIS-LOS 90% 100% 91% 100% 91% 100% 90% 100% 91% 100%

2149 LOS-LIS 88% 100% 87% 100% 88% 100% 90% 100% 88% 100%

2152 ACC-LIS 88% 100% 88% 100% 88% 100% 90% 100% 89% 100%

2152 LIS-ACC 91% 100% 91% 100% 91% 100% 91% 100% 91% 100%

2158 CAI-LIS 83% 100% 82% 98% 82% 98% 85% 100% 85% 100%

2158 LIS-CAI 94% 100% 95% 100% 95% 100% 94% 100% 93% 100%

2161 LIS-DME 95% 100% 95% 100% 95% 100% 96% 100% 95% 100%

2175 BEY-LIS 88% 100% 87% 100% 87% 100% 88% 100% 89% 100%

2178 BOS-PDL 99% 100% 100% 100% 98% 100% 98% 100% 99% 100%

2178 PDL-BOS 85% 100% 83% 88% 86% 100% 88% 100% 85% 100%

2189 TER-YUL 87% 100% 85% 100% 88% 100% 90% 100% 87% 100%

2189 YUL-TER 98% 100% 99% 100% 98% 100% 98% 100% 99% 100%

2197 LIS-BEY 97% 100% 97% 100% 98% 100% 98% 100% 96% 100%

2204 PDL-PVD 86% 100% 84% 94% 87% 100% 90% 100% 87% 100%

2204 PVD-PDL 98% 100% 100% 100% 98% 100% 97% 97% 98% 100%

2239 JFK-TER 97% 100% 99% 100% 97% 100% 96% 100% 98% 100%

2239 TER-JFK 83% 90% 74% 74% 84% 95% 87% 100% 84% 93%

2257 EWR-TER 97% 100% 99% 100% 97% 100% 96% 100% 97% 100%

2257 TER-EWR 85% 100% 82% 84% 86% 100% 88% 100% 85% 100%

2278 LIS-TLV 95% 100% 96% 100% 96% 100% 96% 100% 94% 100%

2278 TLV-LIS 84% 98% 83% 92% 83% 92% 85% 100% 86% 100%

2280 PDL-YUL 85% 100% 83% 89% 86% 100% 87% 100% 84% 99%

2280 YUL-PDL 96% 100% 97% 100% 96% 100% 96% 100% 97% 100%

2326 JFK-PDL 95% 100% 97% 100% 95% 100% 94% 100% 96% 100%

2326 PDL-JFK 78% 78% 97% 100% 82% 83% 85% 100% 81% 81%

2343 EWR-PDL 95% 100% 73% 73% 95% 100% 94% 100% 95% 100%

2343 PDL-EWR 83% 88% 94% 100% 84% 93% 87% 100% 83% 92%

2467 TER-YYZ 71% 71% 91% 100% 77% 77% 83% 87% 93% 100%

2467 YYZ-TER 92% 100% 80% 92% 92% 100% 91% 100% 91% 100%

2557 PDL-YYZ 90% 100% 76% 76% 90% 100% 75% 75% 80% 90%

2557 YYZ-PDL 80% 90% 76% 76% 80% 91% 89% 100% 79% 83%

2587 LIS-TMS 78% 81% 65% 81% 78% 78% 79% 87% 76% 76%

2587 TMS-LIS 77% 77% 61% 78% 77% 77% 80% 91% 63% 79%

2764 DME-FNC 56% 73% 56% 73% 57% 73% 81% 81% 56% 72%

2764 FNC-DME 64% 81% 64% 81% 64% 81% 65% 82% 64% 81%

Table 30: A321neo ACF - load factor results

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A321neo non-ACF – Load Factors

Period: Annual Average 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter

Distance [nm] Route WV: 051 053 051 053 051 053 051 053 051 053

125 FAO-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

125 LIS-FAO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

157 LIS-OPO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

157 OPO-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

182 LIS-SVQ 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

182 SVQ-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

266 AGP-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

266 LIS-AGP 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

291 LIS-MAD 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

291 MAD-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

350 CMN-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

350 LIS-CMN 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

425 LIS-VLC 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

425 VLC-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

455 LIS-RAK 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

455 RAK-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

509 BCN-OPO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

509 OPO-BCN 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

514 LIS-PXO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

514 PXO-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

547 FNC-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

547 LIS-FNC 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

549 BOD-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

549 LIS-BOD 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

563 BCN-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

563 LIS-BCN 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

584 LIS-TLS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

584 TLS-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

607 OPO-RAK 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

607 RAK-OPO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

631 LIS-NTE 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

631 NTE-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

642 OPO-PXO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

642 PXO-OPO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

675 FNC-OPO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

675 OPO-FNC 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

681 OPO-ORY 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

681 ORY-OPO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

688 LYS-OPO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

688 OPO-LYS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

725 LGW-OPO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

725 OPO-LGW 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

741 LIS-MRS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

741 MRS-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

742 GVA-OPO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

742 OPO-GVA 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

758 LIS-LPA 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

758 LPA-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

780 LIS-TFS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

780 TFS-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

793 LIS-LYS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

793 LYS-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

815 LIS-ORY 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

815 ORY-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

821 LIS-PDL 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

821 PDL-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

832 LIS-NCE 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

832 NCE-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

835 BRU-OPO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

835 OPO-BRU 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

841 LUX-OPO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

841 MXP-OPO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

841 OPO-LUX 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

841 OPO-MXP 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

848 GVA-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

848 LIS-GVA 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

855 OPO-PDL 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

855 PDL-OPO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

867 OPO-ZRH 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

867 ZRH-OPO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

874 LGW-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

874 LIS-LGW 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

881 LIS-TER 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

881 TER-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

887 LHR-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

887 LIS-LHR 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

889 CAG-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

889 LIS-CAG 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

904 AMS-OPO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

904 OPO-AMS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

920 BHX-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

920 LIS-BHX 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

931 DUB-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

931 LIS-DUB 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

936 LIS-MXP 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

936 MXP-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

943 LIS-MLH 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

943 MLH-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

965 LIS-MAN 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

965 MAN-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

970 LIS-LUX 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

970 LUX-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

973 BRU-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

973 LIS-BRU 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

976 LIS-ZRH 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

976 ZRH-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

985 FCO-OPO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

985 OPO-FCO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1015 MUC-OPO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1015 OPO-MUC 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1025 BLQ-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1025 LIS-BLQ 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1039 LIS-STR 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1039 STR-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1042 FCO-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1042 LIS-FCO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1046 AMS-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1046 LIS-AMS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1049 CGN-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

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1049 LIS-CGN 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1055 DUS-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1055 LIS-DUS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1062 FRA-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1062 LIS-FRA 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1085 LIS-VCE 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1085 VCE-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1109 EDI-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1109 LIS-EDI 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1124 LIS-MUC 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1124 MUC-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1138 LIS-NAP 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1138 NAP-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1189 HAJ-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1189 LIS-HAJ 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1199 CTA-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1199 LIS-CTA 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1241 LIS-SUF 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1241 SUF-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1246 HAM-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1246 LIS-HAM 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1263 LIS-PRG 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1263 PRG-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1305 LIS-TXL 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1305 TXL-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1306 LIS-VIE 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1306 VIE-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1355 FNC-ORY 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1355 ORY-FNC 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1401 CPH-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1401 LIS-CPH 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1406 BUD-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1406 LIS-BUD 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1558 LIS-WAW 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1558 WAW-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1569 LIS-OSL 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1569 OSL-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1583 DKR-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1583 LIS-DKR 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1583 LIS-SID 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1583 SID-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1616 BVC-LIS 96% 96% 96% 96% 97% 97% 96% 96% 95% 95%

1616 LIS-BVC 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1626 ATH-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1626 LIS-ATH 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1637 LIS-VXE 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1656 BJL-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1656 LIS-BJL 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1666 KEF-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1666 LIS-KEF 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1683 LIS-OTP 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1683 OTP-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1699 ARN-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1699 LIS-ARN 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1699 LIS-RAI 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1699 RAI-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1727 OPO-SID 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1727 SID-OPO 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1733 LIS-OXB 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1733 OXB-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1826 IST-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1826 LIS-IST 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1857 CKY-LIS 99% 100% 99% 100% 99% 100% 99% 100% 99% 100%

1857 LIS-CKY 99% 100% 99% 100% 99% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1906 HEL-LIS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 99% 100%

1906 LIS-HEL 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1911 KBP-LIS 99% 100% 99% 100% 99% 100% 99% 100% 99% 100%

1911 LIS-KBP 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

2041 LED-LIS 96% 100% 96% 100% 96% 100% 96% 100% 95% 100%

2041 LIS-LED 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

2091 BOS-TER 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

2091 TER-BOS 89% 100% 87% 100% 90% 100% 92% 100% 89% 100%

2117 PVD-TER 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

2117 TER-PVD 91% 100% 88% 100% 91% 100% 94% 100% 91% 100%

2133 ABJ-LIS 91% 100% 91% 100% 91% 100% 92% 100% 91% 100%

2133 LIS-ABJ 90% 100% 90% 100% 90% 100% 90% 100% 90% 100%

2137 DME-LIS 93% 100% 93% 100% 93% 100% 93% 100% 93% 100%

2138 LFW-LIS 91% 100% 90% 100% 90% 100% 92% 100% 91% 100%

2138 LIS-LFW 94% 100% 94% 100% 94% 100% 94% 100% 94% 100%

2149 LIS-LOS 93% 100% 93% 100% 93% 100% 92% 100% 93% 100%

2149 LOS-LIS 90% 100% 89% 100% 90% 100% 92% 100% 91% 100%

2152 ACC-LIS 91% 100% 90% 100% 90% 100% 92% 100% 91% 100%

2152 LIS-ACC 93% 100% 93% 100% 93% 100% 93% 100% 93% 100%

2158 CAI-LIS 85% 100% 84% 100% 84% 100% 87% 100% 87% 100%

2158 LIS-CAI 96% 100% 97% 100% 97% 100% 96% 100% 95% 100%

2161 LIS-DME 97% 100% 97% 100% 97% 100% 98% 100% 97% 100%

2175 BEY-LIS 90% 100% 89% 100% 89% 100% 90% 100% 91% 100%

2178 BOS-PDL 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

2178 PDL-BOS 87% 100% 85% 90% 88% 100% 90% 100% 87% 100%

2189 TER-YUL 89% 100% 87% 100% 91% 100% 92% 100% 89% 100%

2189 YUL-TER 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

2197 LIS-BEY 99% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 98% 100%

2204 PDL-PVD 88% 100% 86% 96% 89% 100% 92% 100% 89% 100%

2204 PVD-PDL 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 99% 99% 100% 100%

2239 JFK-TER 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 99% 100% 100% 100%

2239 TER-JFK 85% 92% 76% 76% 86% 97% 89% 100% 85% 95%

2257 EWR-TER 99% 100% 100% 100% 99% 100% 98% 100% 100% 100%

2257 TER-EWR 87% 100% 84% 86% 88% 100% 91% 100% 87% 100%

2278 LIS-TLV 98% 100% 98% 100% 98% 100% 98% 100% 96% 100%

2278 TLV-LIS 86% 100% 85% 94% 85% 94% 87% 100% 88% 100%

2280 PDL-YUL 87% 100% 85% 91% 88% 100% 89% 100% 86% 100%

2280 YUL-PDL 98% 100% 100% 100% 98% 100% 98% 100% 99% 100%

2326 JFK-PDL 98% 100% 99% 100% 98% 100% 97% 100% 98% 100%

2326 PDL-JFK 80% 80% 99% 100% 84% 85% 87% 100% 83% 83%

2343 EWR-PDL 97% 100% 75% 75% 97% 100% 96% 100% 97% 100%

2343 PDL-EWR 85% 90% 96% 100% 86% 95% 89% 100% 85% 94%

2467 TER-YYZ 73% 73% 94% 100% 79% 79% 84% 89% 71% 71%

2467 YYZ-TER 94% 100% 82% 94% 94% 100% 94% 100% 95% 100%

2557 PDL-YYZ 92% 100% 78% 78% 92% 100% 77% 77% 93% 100%

2557 YYZ-PDL 82% 92% 77% 77% 82% 94% 92% 100% 82% 93%

2587 LIS-TMS 80% 83% 65% 81% 80% 80% 81% 89% 81% 85%

2587 TMS-LIS 79% 79% 61% 78% 79% 79% 82% 93% 78% 78%

2764 DME-FNC 56% 73% 56% 73% 57% 73% 83% 83% 56% 72%

2764 FNC-DME 64% 81% 64% 81% 64% 81% 65% 82% 64% 81%

Table 31: A321neo non-ACF - load factor results