Organizational Climate Questionnaire- Rensis Likert

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  • 7/25/2019 Organizational Climate Questionnaire- Rensis Likert


    Organizational Climate Questionnaire


    Read the following statements carefully. Each item has got 5

    responses, namely, SD Strongly Disagree, D Disagree, N Neutral,

    A Agree and SA Strongly Agree. After reading each item put a tick

    mark against the response which you feel is most appropriate according

    to you in relation to your organiation. A!oid responding neutral as

    much as possi"le.

    SD D N A SA

    #. $ am willing to put in a great deal of effort "eyond that normally

    e%pected in order to help this organiation "e successful.

    &. $ talk up this organiation to my friends as a great organiation

    to work for.

    '. $ feel !ery little loyalty to this organiation.(. $ would accept almost any type of )o" assignment in order to keep

    working for this organiation.

    5. $ find that my !alues and the organiation*s !alues are !ery similar.

    +. $ am proud to tell others that $ am part of this organiation.

    . $ could )ust as well "e working for a different organiation as long

    as the type of work was similar.

    -. his organiation really inspires the !ery "est in me in the way of

    )o" performance.

    /. $t would take !ery little change in my present circumstances tocause me to lea!e this organiation.

    #0. $ am e%tremely glad that $ chose this organiation to work for o!er

    others $ was considering at the time $ )oined.

    ##. here*s not too much to "e gained "y sticking with this organiation


    #&. 1ften, $ find it difficult to agree with this organiation*s policies on

    important matters relating to its employees.

    #'. $ really care a"out the fate of this organiation.

    #(. 2or me this is the "est of all possi"le organiations for which to work.

    #5. Deciding to work for this organiation was a definite mistake on mypart.

    Description of the tool:

    Organizational Climate Questionnaire3

    he organiational climate 4uestionnaire used for the study was

    de!eloped "y ikert 6#/+7. he 4uestionnaire contains #- items and

  • 7/25/2019 Organizational Climate Questionnaire- Rensis Likert


    measures the + dimensions of organiational climate3

    #. eadership 6items #,&,'7

    &. 8oti!ation 6items (,5,+7

    '. 9ommunication 6,-,/,#07

    (. :oal Setting 6##,#&,#'7

    5. Decision making 6#(,#57

    +. 9ontrols 6#+,#,#-7

    he responses indicate the degree to which the organiation tends

    towards a participati!e and human oriented as compared to an

    automoti!e and highly structured climate.

    he four management systems are as follows3

    ; E%plorati!e and authoritati!e

    ; efficient for the different dimensions

    of organiational climate are as follows3

    Dimensions Index of Reliability

    eadership0 .(-

    8oti!ation0 .5#

    9ommunication 0.+0

    Decision making 0./5

    :oal setting 0.5'

    9ontrols 0.(-