Sofia Rada - 10 Clips

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  • 8/10/2019 Sofia Rada - 10 Clips


    SOFIARADANorthwestern University | Evanston, IL

    +1 (847) 88 714 |so!iara"a#$%northwestern%e"$


    CLIP 1

    The Shortcomings in U.S. Immigration Polic

    &' SOFIA AA ON E*E&E 18, -14

    ore i..i/rants 0ive in the Unite" States to"ay than ever e!ore% It was esti.ate" that a tota0 o!41 .i00ion i..i/rants0ive" in the U%S% in -1, a22o$ntin/ !or - 3er2ent o! a00 internationa0.i/rants% I..i/ration has een inte/ra0 to U%S% history an" 2$0t$re sin2e the 2o$ntrys !o$n"in/%

    Internationa0 i/rants ay is on 18th an" /iven 5resi"ent Oa.asre2ent a""ress onthe iss$e, i..i/ration 3o0i2y is $n"er es3e2ia00y 20ose eva0$ation%

    Oa.as30anne" a2tionis inten"e" to 3rote2t 4%6 .i00ion $na$thorie" i..i/rants an" !a2i0itate0e/a0 .i/ration% Ana0ysts are $ns$reao$t the e2ono.i2 e!!e2ts o! these 3o0i2ies, so.e sayin/ itwi00 "e3ress wa/es in so.e se2tors others that it 2o$0" in2rease entre3rene$rshi3 an" s3en"in/%Unite" e rea. ana/in/ ire2tor *ristina 9i.ene 2a00e" the new 30ans :in2o.30ete,;whi0e0ine sai" a2tions re3resent a:raen "isre/ar" !or the r$0e o! 0aw; an" the U%S% *onstit$tion%

    ?hro$/h a h$.an ri/hts 3ers3e2tive, however, anno$n2e.ent an" the /enera0 "is2o$rseon i..i/ration 3o0i2y in the U%S% stray away !ro. .any =ey iss$es% A 2entra0 iss$e 0a2=in/attention is the ri/hts o! $na22o.3anie" .i/rant 2hi0"ren%

    ?he U%S% 3o0i2y o! "etainin/ $na22o.3anie" .i/rant 2hi0"ren, so.e !or 0on/ 3erio"s, an"3rovi"in/ ina"e@$ate 3ro2essin/ 3$ts the. in har.s way, a22or"in/ to the

  • 8/10/2019 Sofia Rada - 10 Clips


    Steven %

  • 8/10/2019 Sofia Rada - 10 Clips


    CLIP !

    Me"ican #resi$ent Pe%a Nieto Pro&es Increasingl Un#o#'lar

    &' SOFIA AA ON E*E&E 8, -14

    5resi"ent Enri@$e 5ea Nieto o! eCi2o anno$n2e" a1-B3oint a2tion 30an on 7th"esi/ne" to a""ress the 2o$ntrys se2$rity iss$es%

    ?he anno$n2e.ent was .a"e in res3onse to the/rowin/ o$tra/ethat e/an in a!terst$"ents !ro. the r$ra0 tea2hers 2o00e/e o! Ayotina3a werea"$2te" y 2orr$3t 3o0i2ean"han"e" over to a 0o2a0 "r$/ /an/%

    e.onstrations have een he0" a2ross eCi2o an" wor0"wi"e in so0i"arity with the .issin/st$"ents an" 3rotestin/ the eCi2an /overn.ents inai0ity to so0ve the 2ase, its 0a2= o!a22o$ntai0ity, its 2orr$3tion an" 2o00$sion with or/anie" 2ri.e%

    5ea Nietos 30ans, whi2h !o2$s on stren/thenin/ 0aw en!or2e.ent y 2entra0iin/ 3o0i2e !or2esan" se2$rity a33arat$ses, 0eave those who are intereste" in a 0ar/er renovation o! the eCi2an/overn.ent "issatis!ie"% any e0ieve that his a".inistration is $na0e to !iC the "ee30yentren2he" iss$es o! 2orr$3tion an" i.3$nity an" 2ontin$e to 2a00 !or the 3resi"entsi.3ea2h.ent%

    La$ra 5a, a eCi2anBA.eri2an that has een invo0ve" in *hi2a/o "e.onstrations a""ressin/the Ayotina3a 2risis, "oes not e0ieve the 5resi"ent an" his a".inistration wi00 e a0e to so0vethe iss$e%


  • 8/10/2019 Sofia Rada - 10 Clips


    the J6%7 i00ion hi/hBs3ee" train "ea0 that o!!i2ia0s sai" the /overn.ent ha" ar$3t0y 2an2e00e""ays ear0ier to ens$re there were no "o$ts ao$t the 3roe2t%

    5ea Nietos "e2reasin/ 3o3$0arityraises @$estions ao$t eCi2os !$t$re% ?he re!or.s heanno$n2e" ai. to a""ress the 2o$ntrys se2$rity iss$es thro$/h intervention into 0o2a0

    a$thorities, "isan"in/ 3o0i2e !or2es, ! a nationwi"e servi2e, 2reatin/ a sin/0ei"enti!i2ation re/ister, a00owin/ 2on/ress to iss$e 0aws a/ainst tort$re an" "isa33earan2es an" an antiB2orr$3tion attorney%

  • 8/10/2019 Sofia Rada - 10 Clips


    CLIP (

    Larger conte"t o) insec'rit #er&a$es the st'$ent $isa##earances in Me"ico

    &' SOFIA AA ON E*E&E 8, -14

    eCi2os "r$/ war e/an in -- "$rin/ the a".inistration o! ! 5resi"ent Fe0i3e *a0"ern%

  • 8/10/2019 Sofia Rada - 10 Clips


    An eC3ert in 2ri.ina0 0aw an" 2orr$3tion, she e0ieves that 0astin/ 2han/e 2an !o00ow theseevents i! 3eo30e re.ain .oi0ie", whi2h she is o3ti.isti2 ao$t%

    :?his e/an withM a /ro$3 o! !a.i0ies an" 3arents who are now 2on!ronte" with the $neC30aine""isa33earan2e o! their 2hi0"ren,; she sai"% :?hats $st ao$t the .ost 2o.3e00in/ 3ersona0

    2ir2$.stan2e there is !or so.eo"y to e2o.e a .otivate" 3o0iti2a0 a2tivist%;

  • 8/10/2019 Sofia Rada - 10 Clips


    CLIP *

    Glo+al Action )or Aot,ina#a is strong in Chicago

    &' SOFIA AA ON E*E&E 8, -14

    La$ra 5a has een re0ivin/ her "ays as an a2tivist o! the 1-s an" 17-s *hi2ano .ove.ent y3arti2i3atin/ in *hi2a/o "e.onstrations re/ar"in/ the "isa33earan2e o! 46 st$"ents in eCi2o%

    ?he eCi2anBA.eri2an rea0 estate a/ent is "rawn to 3arti2i3ate in the on/oin/ 3rotests "$e toher eCi2an herita/e, 0ove !or the 2o$ntry an" o$tra/e at the 2$rrent sit$ation%

    :e an" other 3rotestorsM 2a.e !ro. the *hi2ano .ove.ent eraM era,; she sai"% :e have astron/ sense o! !airness, an" I "ont thin= its !air whats ha33enin/ to eCi2o%;

    ?he a"$2tiono! 46 st$"ents !ro. the r$ra0 tea2hers 2o00e/e o! Ayotina3ay 3o0i2e !or2es whohan"e" the. over to a 0o2a0 "r$/ /an/ has s3ar=e" "e.onstrations wor0"wi"e% Events have eenhe0" !ro. er.anyto A$stra0iaas 3eo30e stan" in so0i"arity with the st$"ents an" "" theirret$rn an" a22o$ntai0ity !ro. the /overn.ent%

    ?hese wor0"wi"e 3rotests s3rea" to *hi2a/o, whi2h .any re!er to as the northern.ost 2ity ineCi2o "$e to its 0ar/e 3o3$0ation o! eCi2an "es2en"ants, short0y a!ter news o! the"isa33earan2es !irst s$r!a2e" in

    A /ro$3 o! ao$t 4- tea2hers.e.ers o! the *hi2a/o ?ea2hers Union an" *?U Latino *a$2$s/athere" o$tsi"e o! the eCi2an 2ons$0ate O2t% to "" that .ore e "one to !in" the.issin/ st$"ents an" 3$nish those res3onsi0e%

    ?hose invo0ve" have !or.e" a *hi2a/o 2o..ittee,9$sti2ia en Ayotina3a, whi2h or/anies"e.onstrations an" events that ai. to e"$2ate the 3$0i2 on the iss$e an" s$33ort the .ove.entin eCi2o%

    ?he 2o..ittee or/anie" a e2% 1 3rotestin !ront o! the eCi2an 2ons$0ate o! *hi2a/o wherethey 3roteste" a/ainst eCi2o 5resi"ent 5ea Nieto an" han"e" the 2ons$0 a 0etter ""in/$sti2e !or the events in Ayotina3a%

    avi" Kava0a, eCi2o eC3ert !or A.nesty Internationa0 USA, sai" that internationa0"e.onstrations he03 3$t 3ress$re on 5ea Nietos a".inistration%

    :?he eCi2an /overn.ent is rea0iin/ that the wor0" is wat2hin/ an" they have to res3on" in away that is satis!a2tory,; he sai"%

    Ana Fierro, a eCi2an st$"ent at Northwestern Laws *enter !or Internationa0

  • 8/10/2019 Sofia Rada - 10 Clips


    :Internationa0 3rotestsM he03 eC3ose the sit$ation onto the internationa0 arena an" th$s .$sterinternationa0 3ress$re Hwhi2h in t$rn sho$0" .a=e the /overn.ent to rea2t in so.e way oranother%;

    5a sai" that she !ee0s it is her "$ty to 3arti2i3ate in these 3rotests an" show so0i"arity with thosea!!e2te" in eCi2o%

    :Its .y "esire an" o0i/ation Hto $se .y 3rivi0e/e 0ivin/ in the Unite" StatesHto s$33ort the3eo30e there,; she sai"%

  • 8/10/2019 Sofia Rada - 10 Clips


    CLIP -

    The Unite$ States has +een im#licate$ in Me"icos sec'rit crisis

    &' SOFIA AA ON E*E&E 8, -14

    5rotests re/ar"in/ the re2ent "isa33earan2e o! 46 st$"ents a"$2te" y 3o0i2e in eCi2o"e.onstrate 3eo30es an/er at the eCi2an /overn.ent, $t a0so in2reasin/0y the /overn.ent o!its northern nei/hor%

    ?he a"$2tiono! 46 st$"ents !ro. the r$ra0 tea2hers 2o00e/e o! Ayotina3a y 3o0i2e !or2es whohan"e" the. over to a 0o2a0 "r$/ /an/ have "rawn /0oa0 attention to the ra.3ant inse2$rity,i.3$nity an" 2orr$3tion in eCi2o% ?his has a0so .eant ana0yin/ the ro0e o! the Unite" Statesin this sit$ation%

    ?he eri"a Initiative, a 3artnershi3 etween the Unite" States an" eCi2an /overn.ents ai.e"at !i/htin/ or/anie" 2ri.e i.30e.ente" in --7, "ire2t0y i.30i2ates the Unite" States in theiss$e% es3ite this initiative, whi2h 20ai.s to wor= to !$rther res3e2t !or h$.an ri/hts an" ther$0e o! 0aw, .ore than -,--- 3eo30e have een =i00e" in eCi2o !ro. -- to -1 a22or"in/ tothe

  • 8/10/2019 Sofia Rada - 10 Clips


    :5resi"ent &ara2= Oa.a an" the Unite" States *on/ress are "ire2t0y res3onsi0e !or thetra/e"yo! the 46 .issin/, an" 0i=e0y .assa2re", st$"ent a2tivists,; wrote in an o3inionarti20e!or Forei/n 5o0i2y%

    ie/o Kava0a, eCi2o eC3ert !ro. A.ensty Internationa0 USA, sai" that the U%S% has .ore

    res3onsii0ity to rea2t to the re2ent events in eCi2o than any other 2o$ntry%

    :I thin= it wi00 e i.3ortant !or the U%S% /overn.ent to serio$s0y re2onsi"er this eri"a Initiativean" to "eter.ine whether this ty3e o! .i0itary s$33ort is rea00y $se!$0 to reso0ve a h$.an ri/htssit$ation in eCi2o as we have to"ay,; Kava0a sai"%

    As eCi2os 0ar/est tra"in/ 3artneran" a ene!a2tor o! the NAF?A a/ree.ent, the U%S%a33rove"o! 5resi"ent 5ea Nietos 3o0i2y o! swit2hin/ the "is2o$rse ao$t an" in eCi2o away!ro. vio0en2e in !avor o! e2ono.i2 /rowth an" !orei/n invest.ent%

  • 8/10/2019 Sofia Rada - 10 Clips


    CLIP /

    Me"ican St'$ents an$ 0o'th Pla An Im#ortant Part in Recent Protests

    &' SOFIA AA ON E*E&E 8, -14

    Inse2$rity, 2orr$3tion an" vio0en2e in eCi2o have een re3orte" on !or years, $t the"isa33earan2e o! 46 st$"ents have i/nite" the 0ar/est 3rotests the 2o$ntry has seen in "e2a"es%any o! the 3rotestors are $niversity st$"ents%

    ?he a"$2tiono! 46 st$"ents !ro. the r$ra0 tea2hers 2o00e/e o! Ayotina3a y 3o0i2e !or2es whohan"e" the. over to a 0o2a0 "r$/ /an/ have "rawn /0oa0 attention to inse2$rity an" i.3$nity ineCi2o%

    9$0iet Sorensen, a *0ini2a0 Asso2iate 5ro!essor o! Law at Northwestern Laws *enter !orInternationa0

  • 8/10/2019 Sofia Rada - 10 Clips


    ?he .ove.ent has res3on"e" to the Ayotina3a events thro$/h a2tions that in20$"e" sen"in/ a0etterto the E$ro3ean 5ar0ia.ent, whi2h ""e" the s$s3ension o! the 3artnershi3 etween theE$ro3ean Union an" the eCi2an /overn.ent $nti0 it res3on"s to the ""s o! the .ove.entre/ar"in/ the Ayotina3a 2risis%

    St$"ent a2tivis. has een 3resent thro$/ho$t eCi2os history, however it has o!ten !a2e" y2ra2="own y the /overn.ent%

    ?he 18 ?0ate0o02o .assa2reis one eCa.30e an" a sore s3ot in the .e.ory o! .any eCi2ans%On O2toer n", 18, 1- "ays e!ore the o3enin/ o! the eCi2o *ity S$ O0y.3i2s ineCi2o *ity, eCi2an se2$rity !or2es shot into a 2row" o! $nar.e" st$"ents that ha" !or.e" inthe ?0ate0o02o 50aa% A!ter this in2i"ent, st$"ents 2ontin$e" to 3rotest in ho3e that the/overn.ent wo$0" /ive in to their ""s, $t were .et y .ore resistan2e%

    ?he "isa33earan2e o! the 46 st$"ents !ro. Ayotina3a, whi2h the&&* re3orte"were :3rotestin/a/ainst what they say are "is2ri.inatory hirin/ 3ra2ti2es !or tea2hers whi2h !avor $ran st$"entsover r$ra0 ones;, was re.inis2ent o! the 18 .assa2re !or .any eCi2ans%

    Ana Fierro, a eCi2an st$"ent at Northwestern Laws *enter !or Internationa0

  • 8/10/2019 Sofia Rada - 10 Clips



    Where Are We Going Wrong2 The 3ail're o) E+ola Res#onse

    &' SOFIA AA ON O*?O&E -, -14

    A0tho$/h hes$rvive"Eo0a in A$/$st, !rien"s an" 3eo30e in his 2o..$nity sti00 to re!$se to seeLewis ?o=3a%

    ?he 8ByearBo0" st$"ent, h$san" an" !ather was teste" 3ositive a!ter visitin/ the "o2tor withsy.3to.s%

  • 8/10/2019 Sofia Rada - 10 Clips


    risto!, New 'or= ? 2o0$.nist an" twoBti.e 5$0iter awar"winner,0a.esshortsi/hte"ness an" .is.ana/e.ent o! reso$r2es !or the !ai0$re o! the Eo0ares3onse%

    ost wo$0" a/ree that it is i.3ortant to ta=e a2tion @$i2=0y an" to sto3 the vir$s !ro. s3rea"in/an" in2rease the n$.er o! s$rvivors%

    For now, those who have s$rvive" !a2e sti/.a%

    :I rea0ie" the worst was over when the "o2tor 2a00e" .e in the roo., a!ter "ays o! treat.ent,an" to0" .e I was Eo0aB!ree,; sai" ?o3=a% :&$t sin2e I 2a.e ho.e, so.e 3eo30e are sti00 a!rai"o! .e%;
  • 8/10/2019 Sofia Rada - 10 Clips


    CLIP 4

    The 5ne Acre 3'n$ 6el#s 3armers 3ee$ Themsel&es

    &' SOFIA AA ON O*?O&E 6, -14

    Ki33orah &i=eti ha" to !ee" her !a.i0y with two -B=i0o/ra. a/s o! .aie% ?his was on0yeno$/h !or a 2o$30e o! .onths, $t with 0itt0e .oney an" no a22ess to 2re"it she was soonrationin/ !oo"% So.e "ays the on0y .ea0 was a 2$3 o! tea%

    &i=eti is !ro. >enya, one o! .any s$BSaharan 2o$ntries where the .aority o! 3eo30e "e3en"on a/ri2$0t$re !or their 0ive0ihoo", $t str$//0e to !ee" the.se0ves% ?he est has een sen"in/ai" to this re/ion !or years% Stories 0i=e &i=etis s$//est that estern .oney is not eno$/h%

    ?he Foo" an" A/ri2$0t$re Or/aniation2a02$0ates that aro$n" ha0! o! the wor0"s h$n/ry 0ive in

    s.a00ho0"er ! 2o..$nities%

    Intera2tin/ with this "e.o/ra3hi2 "$rin/ a visit to >enya 0e" An"rew 'o$n to 2oB!o$n" the OneA2re F$n" in --% 'o$n saw an o33ort$nity to he03 s.a00ho0"er !ar.ers thro$/h .i2ro!inan2in/% &y -16, the F$n" ha" he03e" 16-,4-- !a.i0ies an" eC3an"e" eyon" >enya towan"a, &$r$n"i an" ?anania%

    &y 3rovi"in/ !ar.ers that own an a2re o! 0an" with a 0oan o! see"s an" !erti0ier, e"$2ation onhow to e!!e2tive0y $se the. an" a22ess to the .ar=et, the F$n" has een s$22ess!$0 in re"$2in/h$n/er%

    One =ey !eat$re o! the or/aniation is its 3roCi.ity to the !ar.ers% Lea"ers 0ive near the. an"are a0e to 2onstant0y re2eive their !ee"a2=, .onitor 3ro"$2ts an" servi2es an" ana0ye"eve0o3.ent%

    ?he e!!e2ts o! the F$n" are "es2rie" in the oo= :?he Last

  • 8/10/2019 Sofia Rada - 10 Clips


    A22or"in/ to the F$n", its !ar.ers in2rease" their 2ro3 yie0"s y an avera/e o! D 3er2ent in-16%

    Not a00 2ases have een as s$22ess!$0% Another one o! the !ar.ers !eat$re" in ?h$rows oo=,Leoni"a anya.a, tri30e" her yie0" in one season,$t at the ti.e .aie 3ri2es ha" !a00en% ?his

    event$a00y !or2e" her se00 a00 her .aie to e a0e to 3ay the !irst insta00.ent o! her sons hi/hs2hoo0 t$ition%

    ?his eCa.30e "oes not ne2essari0y "is2re"it the One A2re F$n", $t rather hi/h0i/hts roo. !ori.3rove.ent%

    :Far.ers 0ive in re.ote areas an" nee" .ore s$33ort,; 'o$n sai" in an interviewwith ahi.>anani% :a 2ash 0oan a0one wi00 not .a/i2a00y so0ve a00 o! their 3ro0e.s%;
  • 8/10/2019 Sofia Rada - 10 Clips


    CLIP 7

    E&anston resi$ents str'ggle to )in$ 8o+s $es#ite )alling 'nem#loment rates

    &' SOFIA AA ON FE&UA' 1D, -14

    Last year, yan sai" he00o to his neworn tri30ets an" /oo"ye to his !r$it0ess o sear2h%?he 48ByearBo0" Evanston resi"ent ha" een 0oo=in/ !or a o !or over a year when he "e2i"e" itwo$0" e .ore 2ost e!!e2tive to e2o.e a !$00ti.e ho.e.a=er%

  • 8/10/2019 Sofia Rada - 10 Clips


    :I re2o..en" that those with os "ont @$it,; Evanston resi"ent Fran2is An"erson sai"% :I wason0y a0e to !in" .y 3artBti.e o thro$/h !rien"s an" networ=in/%;

    es3ite havin/ a 0aw "e/ree, An"erson was on0y a0e to !in" a 3artBti.e o a!ter 11 years as aho.e.a=er%

    :I wo$0" have rather ta=en another o,; she sai"% :&$t noo"y e0se wo$0" hire .e%;

    So$r2e U%S% &$rea$ o! Laor Statisti2s

    So$r2e U%S% &$rea$ o! Laor Statisti2s

  • 8/10/2019 Sofia Rada - 10 Clips


    CLIP 19

    6i# an$ 6ealth: ;ello Tea o))ers 'e reci#es are some o) the $isting'ishing)eat'res o) the $rin?s sol$ at ;ello Tea. This store= )o'n$e$ - ears ago + Tamm Re$$=

    has +ecome

  • 8/10/2019 Sofia Rada - 10 Clips


    ran/in/ !ro. 2o2on$t an" a0.on" .i0=, to a3ri2ots an" taro root in her re2i3es, e""y ens$resnothin/ is !0avorB!ree%Another o! e""ys 3riorities is =ee3in/ her store hi3% She sai" one o! the ways she "oes this isy hirin/ a sta!! that is .ost0y in their .i"Btwenties%

    Ni2o0e 'o$n/, a so3ho.ore at Loyo0a University, has wor=e" !or &e00o ?ea sin2e 0ast ay% Shesai" the 3ro"$2ts have een he03!$0 at 2o00e/e%

    :*o!!ee rea00y sha=es .e $3, $t tea is .$2h .ore re0aCin/,; she sai"% :A0so, with 2o!!ee thereson0y so .$2h yo$ 2an "o with !0avor, $t &e00o ?ea has en"0ess o3tions%;

    She sai" that the tea tren" is 3o3$0ar in 2o00e/e, $t not a00 o! &e00o ?eas 2$sto.ers are yo$n/%

    :At the Fren2h ar=et 0o2ation, were ri/ht neCt to the train so we /et a 0ot o! $siness 3eo30ethat 3i2= $3 "rin=s,; she sai"% :At the owners rove 0o2ation, we /et a 0ot o! s$$ran .o.s%;

    &e00o ?ea 3ro"$2ts are avai0a0e !ro. the stores, !ro. the store wesite, r$h$ an"A.aon%2o.% ?eas are i.3orte" !ro. as !ar as 9a3an, So$th A!ri2a an" Ar/entina% &e00o ?ea a0soo!!ers tea a22essories an" 0essons in tea .a=in/%

    Now that its s3rin/, it .ay e ti.e to try &e00o ?eas avo2a"o 2o2on$t .at2ha s.oothie% e""y,'o$n/ an" ho"es a00 in20$"e" it in their 0ist o! !avorite "rin=s% o it e!ore yo$r !rien"s eatyo$ to it%

    :&e00o ?ea is a hi3 30a2e,; sai" ho"es% :I. te00in/ everyone ao$t it%;