Stf Elem Salle Classe 2001

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  • 7/30/2019 Stf Elem Salle Classe 2001


    Grades 1 and 4 Core French Model Unit

    2 0 0 1


    Teaching Materialsf rom the

    Stewart Resources Centre

    La salle de classe

  • 7/30/2019 Stf Elem Salle Classe 2001


  • 7/30/2019 Stf Elem Salle Classe 2001

    3/131La salle de classe, Core French Model Unit - i

    Table des matires

    Suggested Vocabulary............................................................................................................................. 1

    Field of Experience : The Second Language Classroom................................................................... 5

    1. Establish a classroom routine.....................................................................................................62. Introduce greetings through various songs and activities...................................................... 93. Introduction/Revision of classroom objects and discussion of experiential goal..............104. Introduction/Revision of colours ...............................................................................................15

    5. Create and present a game to the class with a partner .......................................................176. Become familiar with classroom expressions ........................................................................18

    7. Create a booklet of classroom expressions to be used throughout the year....................208. Reflect on the unit.......................................................................................................................22


    1. Welcome/Accueil........................................................................................................................252. Welcome/Accueil Chansons..................................................................................................26

    3. Welcome/Accueil Activits.....................................................................................................274. Welcome/Accueil Activits.....................................................................................................285. Welcome/Accueil Cartes clair.............................................................................................29

    6. Calendar/Le calendrier Affichage .........................................................................................307. Calendar/Le calendrier Affichage .........................................................................................318. Calendar/Le calendrier ..............................................................................................................32

    9. Calendar/Le calendrier Chanson..........................................................................................3310. Weather/La mto Cartes clair...........................................................................................34

    11. Weather/La mto Chansons ...............................................................................................3512. Weather/La mto Activits...................................................................................................3613. Weather/La mto Activits...................................................................................................37

    14. Weather/La mto Jeu...........................................................................................................3815. Weather/La mto Pantomime .............................................................................................39

    16. Numbers/Les numros Comptines.......................................................................................4017. Numbers/Les numros Chansons ........................................................................................41

    18. Numbers/Les numros Comptines.......................................................................................4219. Numbers/Les numros Activits ...........................................................................................4320. Numbers/Les numros Jeux .................................................................................................44

    21. Numbers/Les numros Jeux .................................................................................................4522. Numbers/Les numros Jeux .................................................................................................4623. Numbers/Les numros Jeux .................................................................................................47

    24. Numbers/Les numros ..............................................................................................................4825. Numbers/Les numros ..............................................................................................................49

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    4/131ii - La salle de classe, Core French Model Unit

    26. Colours/Les couleurs Cartes clair ......................................................................................50

    27. Colours/Les couleurs .................................................................................................................5128. Colours/Les couleurs Chansons ...........................................................................................5229. Colours/Les couleurs Activits..............................................................................................53

    30. Combien de fois est-ce que jai parl en franais ? ..............................................................54

    31. Letter to parents..........................................................................................................................5532. Comment a va aujourdhui ?...................................................................................................5633. Comment a va aujourdhui ?...................................................................................................5734. Cartes clair ................................................................................................................................59

    35. Cartes clair ................................................................................................................................6036. Cartes clair ................................................................................................................................61

    37. Cartes clair ................................................................................................................................6238. Cartes clair ................................................................................................................................6339. Cartes clair ................................................................................................................................64

    40. Cartes clair ................................................................................................................................6541. Cartes clair ................................................................................................................................66

    42. Cartes clair ................................................................................................................................6743. Cartes clair ................................................................................................................................6844. Cartes clair ................................................................................................................................69

    45. Cartes clair ................................................................................................................................7046. Jeu Mon sac dos ...............................................................................................................71

    47. Grille dobservation Le travail coopratif .............................................................................7348. Grille dobservation.....................................................................................................................74

    49. Est-ce que cest masculin ou fminin ?...................................................................................7550. Colour Wheel...............................................................................................................................7751. Fiche anecdotique ......................................................................................................................78

    52. Une activit dcoute..................................................................................................................7953. Activit dcoute : pour llve ..................................................................................................8054. Activit dcoute : pour lenseignant.e .....................................................................................81

    55. Activit Internet : O est Sophie ? (pour llve) ...................................................................8256. Activit Internet : O est Sophie ? (pour lenseignant.e)......................................................84

    57. Jeu Clique-doigts ..................................................................................................................86

    58. Clique-doigts : Feuille dvaluation....................................................................................8759. Cartes clair : Expressions .......................................................................................................88

    60. Expressions .................................................................................................................................8961. Expressions .................................................................................................................................90

    62. Expressions .................................................................................................................................9163. Expressions .................................................................................................................................9264. Cartes clair : Directions ...........................................................................................................93

    65. Directions .....................................................................................................................................94

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    5/131La salle de classe, Core French Model Unit - iii

    66. Directions .....................................................................................................................................95

    67. Directions .....................................................................................................................................9668. Cartes clair : Questions ...........................................................................................................9769. Questions.....................................................................................................................................98

    70. Questions.....................................................................................................................................99

    71. Questions...................................................................................................................................10072. La Phrase magique ..................................................................................................................10173. Tic Tac Toe................................................................................................................................10274. Grille daccompagnement/Planning Sheet...........................................................................103

    75. Liste de vrification A ...............................................................................................................10576. Liste de vrification B ...............................................................................................................106

    77. Suggested Evaluation Criteria................................................................................................10778. Letter to Parents .......................................................................................................................10879. Fiche dauto-valuation...........................................................................................................109

    80. Fiche dauto-valuation (franais)..........................................................................................11081. Fiche dauto-valuation (anglais) ...........................................................................................111

    82. Mes rflexions ...........................................................................................................................11283. Mes rflexions : pour lenseignant.e ......................................................................................11484. Est-ce que je peux................................................................................................................115

    85. Graphique ..................................................................................................................................11686. Graphique ..................................................................................................................................117

    87. Graphique ..................................................................................................................................11888. Classroom Display Calendar ..................................................................................................119

    Suggested Resources .........................................................................................................................120

    List of Distributors.................................................................................................................................123

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    6/131iv - La salle de classe, Core French Model Unit

    It is important to read this page before teaching the unit!

    This model unit has been designed to be used at several levels of language expertisedepending on the students experiences with the French language.

    Core French is a locally determined option in the Saskatchewan school system. This meansthat individual boards decide if Core French will be offered and at what level they will begin theprogram. As a result, depending on the school division, Core French programs begin atseveral different grades in our province (ex. Gr.1, Gr.4, Gr.7, Gr.9). The SaskatchewanEducation Core French curriculum guides have been developed on a Grade 1 throughGrade 12 continuum. In order to meet the objectives of the entire curriculum, students wouldbegin studying French in Kindergarten/Gr. 1 and continue through to the end of Gr.12.

    Due to the diversity of the starting point of Core French programs, individual teachers mayhave to adapt the curriculum and supporting model units to meet the needs of their students.For example, if the Core French program begins in Grade 4, the teacher would have to adaptfor age appropriateness and language ability material and units for Grades 1-3 to give thestudents the necessary background before beginning the Grade 4 units in the curriculumguide.

    In an attempt to facilitate the adaptation process for the teacher, this unit has been developedwith activities targeting several levels.

    Throughout the unit, activities have been developed that would be age appropriate for youngerstudents and other activities have been developed for older students. Although two or morespecific grade levels have often been targeted because of correlation to the objectives in thecurriculum guide, the unit may be adapted for any grade at the elementary level depending onthe students needs and abilities.

    Teachers will choose the activities throughout the unit that are age and language levelappropriate for their students regardless of grade levels mentioned in the unit as these wereused primarily to provide an example of how the unit might be taught.

    This unit was developed following the curriculum guidelines by :Lisa Avram-McLeanCore French TeacherW.H. Ford School, Regina S.D. No.4

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  • 7/30/2019 Stf Elem Salle Classe 2001

    9/131La salle de classe, Core French Model Unit - 1

    Suggested Vocabulary

    This page is for the teachers use and is not intended as a student handout.


    Bonjour! helloSalut! hi

    Au revoir!/Salut! Good-bye!

    Comment a va? How are you?a va bien I am fine.a va comme ci comme a I am O.K.a va mal I am not doing well

    Une fille / les filles girl(s)

    Un garon / les garons boy(s)Un ami / les amis male friend(s)Une amie / les amie(s) female friend(s)

    Comment tappelles-tu? What is your name?Je mappelle ______________. My name is ______________.

    Classroom objects

    Le stylo pen

    Le crayon pencilLa colle glueLa porte doorLcran screenLes lves studentsLe bureau teachers deskLenseignant, lenseignante teacherLe lecteur de disques compactes C.D.

    playerLa poubelle garbage canLa craie chalk

    Le marqueur markerLes cahiers notebooks

    Les casiers lockers

    Le tableau chalkboardLes crayons de cire crayonsLe papier paperLes ciseaux scissorsUne trombone paper clipLe directeur/la directrice male

    principal/female principalLe ruban adhsif tapeUne agrafeuse staplerLe liquide correcteur white outLa gomme eraser

    La brosse chalk brush

  • 7/30/2019 Stf Elem Salle Classe 2001

    10/1312 - La salle de classe, Core French Model Unit

    Classroom Expressions

    Comment dit-on _______ en francais? How do you say _________ in French?Je ne peux pas voir (entendre) I cant see (hear).

    Je nai pas de livre (stylo, cahier) I dont have a book (pen, notebook).Je ne sais pas I dont know.Je ne comprends pas I dont understand.Est-ce que je peux . . . May I . . .

    emprunter un stylo (crayon)? borrow a pen (pencil)?boire de leau ? have a drink of water?effacer le tableau? erase the chalkboard?retourner ma salle de classe pour _______? return to my classroom for ________?aller aux toilettes? go to the washroom?tailler mon crayon? sharpen my pencil?travailler lordinateur? work on the computer?

    Pardon? pardon.Excusez-moi excuse me.Sil te/vous plat please.Que veut dire . . . ? What does . . . mean?

    Jai fini Im finished.Je nai pas fini Im not finished.

    Merci thank you.De rien you are welcome.Je comprends I understand.

    Je ne comprends pas I dont understand.Quel est le mot franais pour _______? What is the French word for _________?

    Voici mon travail here is my work.Daccord okay.Cest facile its easy.

    Cest difficile its difficult.Cest quand, le test? When is the test?

    Pourquoi? Why?O est ____? Where is _______?

    Rptez sil vous plat. Repeat that please.Quest-ce quon fait aujourdhui? What are we doing today?On peut chanter une chanson? Can we sing a song?

    Cest quand le prochain cours de franais? When is the next French class?Nous allons lire . . . We are going to read . . .Mets tes souliers Put your shoes on.

    Range tes affaires Put your things away.Cest quand, la rcration? When is recess?

    Cest la fanfare maintenant Its time for band.

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    11/131La salle de classe, Core French Model Unit - 3


    Dessinez drawcrivez write

    Regardez lookcoutez listenChantez sing

    Asseyez-vous sitLevez-vous standMarchez walkCourez run

    Sautez jumpAvancez move forward

    Reculez move backwardDansez danceFermez closeOuvrez openLevez raiseBaissez lowerRptez repeat

    Teaching Notes : To reinforce the direction words, it may be helpful to have the students actout the words as you call them out.


    Sur onSous underDans inDevant in front ofDerrire behind

    gauche de to the left of droite de to the right of

    ct de beside


    Rouge redBleu(e) blueVert(e) greenRose pinkJaune yellow

    Blanc(he) whiteNoir(e) blackViolet(te) purpleBrun(e) brownOrange orange

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    12/1314 - La salle de classe, Core French Model Unit


    Un oneDeux two

    Trois threeQuatre fourCinq fiveSix sixSept sevenHuit eightNeuf nineDix ten

    Onze elevenDouze twelve

    Treize thirteenQuatorze fourteenQuinze fifteenSeize sixteenDix-sept seventeenDix-huit eighteenDix-neuf nineteenVingt twenty


    janvier Januaryfvrier Februarymars Marchavril Aprilmai May

    juin June

    juillet Julyaot Augustseptembre Septemberoctobre Octobernovembre Novemberdcembre December

    Days of the week

    lundi Mondaymardi Tuesday

    mercredi Wednesdayjeudi Thursday

    vendredi Fridaysamedi Saturday

    dimanche Sunday

    Suggested structures

    PresentCest ___________Ce nest pas ___________

    Pronouns(je, tu, il, elle)

    Imperative(dessinez, coloriez)

    NegationNe __________ pas

    Articles(definite, indefinite)

    Possessive adjectives(mon, ma, mes, ton, ta, tes)

    Prepositions(sur, sous, dans)


    Quest-ce que cest ___________?De quelle couleur est ___________?Quel temps fait-il?Est-ce quil y a ___________?Comment tappelles-tu?Comment a va?Combien de ___________?

  • 7/30/2019 Stf Elem Salle Classe 2001

    13/131La salle de classe, Core French Model Unit - 5

    Field of experience : The Second Language Classroom

    Topic to be Developed : La salle de classe

    Experiential Goal : To create a reference booklet to be used throughout theyear for classroom objects, expressions, questions and


    Suggested Steps :

    1. Establish a classroom routine.

    2. Introduce greetings through various songs and activities.

    3. Introduction/Revision of classroom objects and discussion of experiential goal.

    4. Introduction/Revision of colours.

    5. Create and present a game to the class with a partner.

    6. Become familiar with classroom expressions.

    7. Create a booklet of classroom expressions to be used throughout the year.

    8. Reflect on the unit.

    Learning Objectives :

    The students will : participate in a variety of language activities on the topic of the Core French classroom

    identify various aspects of the Core French classroom implement these aspects in the classroom throughout the year

    design and organize a classroom expression booklet

    present a game incorporating classroom expressions clique doigts

    work individually and cooperatively on various activities

    demonstrate a positive attitude towards second language learning

    foster parental support to aid in the enhancement of the French program

    develop cooperative and presentation skills

    communicate ideas clearly (written and verbal)

    realize that learning a second language is a continual process

    participate in a reflection process at the end of unit

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    14/1316 - La salle de classe, Core French Model Unit

    Field of experience : The Second Language Classroom

    Topic to be Developed : La salle de classe

    Experiential Goal : To create a reference booklet to be used throughout theyear for classroom objects, expressions, questions and


    Suggested Step :

    1. Establish a classroom routine.

    Teaching Notes

    Activities/Songs :

    1.1 Begin the class with a series of warm up motivationalactivities concerning various themes that should bereinforced all year . This activity kit trousse

    dactivits should include songs, comptines andactivities on themes such as greetings, date, months,days of the week, numbers and the alphabet.

    Teaching Notes : Starting the class with a song is avery efficient way to begin a class as it gives thestudents the opportunity to shift their focus to thelanguage while having fun and helps to settle theclass. After singing the song, proceed with otherdaily activities such as the date : What is the datetoday? Quelle est la date aujourdhui? and ask

    students to raise their hands if they know the answer.The teacher will then circulate through the classroomand ask other students the same question and thestudents repeat the answer. Repetition helps toreinforce the structures and vocabulary used insecond language learning. Questions about theweather could follow as well as any activity on atheme that the teacher wants to reinforce. Numberactivities as well as alphabet activities should bereinforced in order to complete the French game inSuggested Step 5. These should be done during the

    warm-up activities at the start of class.

    Refer to Annexes 1 to 29 for activities toestablish a classroom routine and to thesuggested song list for alphabet songs.

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    15/131La salle de classe, Core French Model Unit - 7

    Supplementary Resources :

    Greetings Bonjour , Une Salade de Fruits, Alexandre Bonjour Ma Cousine , Flic Floc, Suzanne Pinel

    Au revoir , Le Loup du Nord, Matt Maxwell Au revoir , Une Salade de Fruits, Alexandre Comment a va? , Une Salade de Fruits,

    Alexandre Comment a va? , Comment a va?, Matt

    Maxwell En disant Au revoir , Lunettes de Soleil, Gregg

    LeRock Jespre que a va? , Cinquante petites chansons

    chouettes, Karen Barnstable

    ABCs, Numbers and Colors ABC , Bravo, Suzanne Pinel Arc-en-ciel , Une Salade de Fruits, Alexandre Bingo , Comme moi, Suzanne Pinel Les cochons , Comme moi, Suzanne Pinel Les Couleurs , Cinquante petites chansons

    chouettes, Karen Barnstable Ma tante a perdu un poulet , Quand tu seras

    grand, Matt Maxwell Oui Monsieur, oui Madame , Une Salade de

    Fruits, Alexandre

    Un petit, deux petits , Bravo, Suzanne Pinel Zo , Bravo, Suzanne Pinel

    Le Calendrier et le Temps Bonhomme de neige , Une lune, Suzanne Pinel Clown Samuel shabille , Nol, Suzanne Pinel Combien de jours? , Quand tu seras grand, Matt

    Maxwell Flic Floc , Flic Floc, Suzanne Pinel Jai du soleil , Un cadeau pour toi, Suzanne Pinel La ballade des saisons , Je mappelle Marie Soleil

    Bonjour, Suzanne Pinel La neige tombe sur mon nez , Une girafe

    lcole, Suzanne Pinel Les jours de la semaine , Cinquante petites

    chansons chouettes, Karen Barnstable Les Quatre saisons , Cinquante petites chansons

    chouettes, Karen Barnstable Lunettes de Soleil , Lunettes de Soleil, Greg


    Teaching Notes

  • 7/30/2019 Stf Elem Salle Classe 2001

    16/1318 - La salle de classe, Core French Model Unit

    Quel temps fait-il? , Une Salade de Fruits,Alexandre

    Soleil , Suzanne Pinel, Bravo

    Le Calendrier Core French, A Curriculum and Resource Guide for the

    Elementary Level Au Manitoba, on samuse en franais, Maternelle et la

    1re anne Acti-Vie 1 Dcouvrons Notre cole Le Franais Sans Souci A Bit of Everything Games, Activities and Cue Cards for

    Introducing French to Young Children Prt commencer, Jocelyn Drozda-Daunheimer Jacquot : On Change On Bouge, Videocassette Carte Blanche, Addison Wesley

    Teaching Notes

    1.2 Teaching Notes :

    Set up the classroom with reference charts forthe students to use all year long and include acalendar with visuals for the days of the week les jours de la semaine and the months of theyear les mois de lanne . Students areencouraged to speak in French parlez enfrancais as much as possible and can use theself-monitoring checklist provided in Annexe 30

    to record when they have used French in theclassroom during an activity, song, or to ask aquestion. As an incentive to use French moreoften, the students could hand in their sheetsonce they are complete for a draw tirage for aprize such as a music gift certificate in Decemberand in June.

    Student evaluation is done on a continual basisand should consist of a combination of oral,written, participation and attitude marks. The

    students are required to participate orally in themajority of activities and to exhibit a positiveattitude. Students will also be required tocomplete written exercises as well. Both oral andwritten activities should be done. For example :What is this? Quest-ce que cest? ; It is blue. Cest bleu.

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    17/131La salle de classe, Core French Model Unit - 9

    Using pictures as a visual clue next to Frenchwords is a good way for students to learnvocabulary. Putting the French word with apicture next to it encourages the child to usedecoding and deciphering skills.

    Sending out a letter at the beginning of the schoolyear is an excellent way to establish communicationwith the parents and to promote the Core Frenchprogram. An example is included in Annexe 31.

    When arranging a seating plan, use small stickynotes with students names on them, arranged in afile folder in the corresponding spot for eachstudent and for each class. If a student is moved,all the teacher has to do is rearrange the stickynotes.

    Suggested Step :

    2. Introduce greetings through various songs andactivities.

    2.1 Songs Bonjour Mes Amis and Comment ava? in Une Salade de Fruits by Alexandre.

    Teaching Notes : Play the songs and do the actions and encourage

    the students to join in when they feel comfortable Play the songs a second time and encourage all

    students to participate (do the actions : bonjourmes amis = wave arm , a va bien = thumb up,a va mal = thumb down, etc.)

    Supplementary Resources :

    Bonjour mes amis Au Manitoba, on samuse bien, Maternelle et la 1re


    2.2 Annexe 32. Survey the students to see how manyof "Its going well" a va bien , "Its going badly" a va mal , "Its going so-so" a va comme cicomme a comparing the girls les filles andthe boys les garons and have them answer thefollowing questions : "How many girls answered itsgoing well? " Combien de filles ont rpondu a vabien? etc. Responses could be recorded on agraph or chart.

    Teaching Notes


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    18/13110 - La salle de classe, Core French Model Unit

    2.3 Reflection activity about the survey. Students arequestioned about the survey and are asked to graphthe answers.

    Teaching Notes : Annexe 33. The teacher could put

    this sheet up on the overhead and fill it in along withthe students who would also have a copy of thesheet or do this activity orally with no writtencomponent.

    2.4 Jeu des noms (The Name Game)

    Teaching Notes : Toss a soft ball or bean bag to astudent and say Hello. My name is _____. What isyour name? Bonjour, je mappelle _____.Comment tappelles-tu? The student responds by

    saying Hello. My name is _____. Bonjour, jemappelle _____. and gentlytosses the ball back tothe teacher and the game continues. Gradually moreinformation could be added to this dialogue such asstudents age, favorite colours, food, sports,television programs.

    Supplementary Resources :

    Le franais sans souci, pp. 1-10

    Suggested Step :

    3. Introduction/Revision of classroom objects anddiscussion of experiential goal.

    3.1 Discuss experiential goal with the students andexplain that all of the activities they are going to bedoing will help them successfully achieve the goal.

    Teaching Notes : It is important for the students tounderstand that they will be evaluated continually

    throughout the unit.

    Supplementary Activity :

    3.2 Begin with a song such as Dans ma salle declasse in Une salade de fruits by Alexandre. Thestudents listen for objects and make a list as a classactivity.

    Teaching Notes

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    19/131La salle de classe, Core French Model Unit - 11

    Teaching Notes : This list may be done in the students notebook

    and the teacher could write a master list on theoverhead or on chart paper to be used as areference for later.

    A list of classroom objects is provided in theSuggested Vocabulary section.

    Suggested Instructions : Now we will listen to thesong and make a list of objects found in a classroom. Maintenant, on va couter la chanson Dans masalle de classe et on va faire une liste des objetsdans la salle de classe . Write the title Objects in aClassroom Les objets dans la salle de classe andthe students copy it into their notebooks cahiers .

    Supplementary Resources :

    Song La salle de classe in Chez moiby tienne.

    Supplementary Activity :

    3.3 A classroom song by Jacquot Quest-ce quecest? Cest incroyable. . Using the flashcards cartes clair provided in Annexes 34-43, hold upthe appropriate classroom object card as you hearthe object mentioned in the song. Once the studentshave practiced the song, the teacher could distribute

    the cards to the students and have them hold themup at the appropriate time during the song.

    Teaching Notes : An easy way to select students tohold the cards is to hold them up individually and askthe students What is this? Quest-ce que cest ? and have them respond It is a/an _____. Cestun/une _____. If the student responds correctly ,he/she is given a card to be held up at theappropriate time during the song.

    Photocopy flashcards onto coloured constructionpaper using the same colour for each theme orhave classroom helpers colour each card andmount it on coloured construction paper using onecolour per theme. The cards could then belaminated.

    If the teacher wants the words on the back of theflashcards, make a double-sided copy as the wordorder corresponds with the visual order as well.

    Teaching Notes


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    20/13112 - La salle de classe, Core French Model Unit

    3.4 Annexes 44-45. Concentration games linking writtenwords with pictures of classroom objects.

    Teaching Notes : To assemble a concentrationboard, you will need :

    a) a piece of bristol board;b) adhesive pockets used inside library books (ask

    your librarian for 16 pockets);c) coloured markers;d) coloured construction paper cut into various

    shapes to decorate your game board (optional).

    Method : Number the pockets from 1 to 16 withnumbers large enough for the students to see fromthe back of the room and place the pockets randomlyon the bristol board and decorate the board with

    coloured shapes. You may wish to laminate thegame board and use an exacto knife to slit open thepockets. This will help lengthen the life of thegameboard.

    Photocopy the pictures as well as the correspondingword cards from Annexes 44-45. Select 8 pairs ofcards (word and visual) and place them randomly inthe pockets with the picture/word facing inward. Thestudents are divided into teams and take turns tryingto find a pair by using the following structure: Is this

    number 1 and 16? Est-ce que cest numro un etnumro seize? . The teacher turns over the cardsand says what they are. Once the students are morefamiliar with the vocabulary they may also berequired to say the words in French.

    If a student finds a pair, his/her team receives a pointand that team continues to guess devinez untilthey are unable to find a pair and then the other teamhas a turn. If the student is required to say the wordfor his/her pair and cannot, his/her teammates may

    help. If the team is unable to say the correct wordthen the opposing team has a chance to steal thepoint volez le point .

    Teaching Notes : Number vocabulary activities areprovided in vocabulary lists and number activities areprovided in Annexes 16-25.

    Teaching Notes

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    21/131La salle de classe, Core French Model Unit - 13

    3.5 Jeu. What is in your backpack? Qu est-ce qu il ya dans ton sac dos?

    Teaching Notes : Using the classroom objectreference list developed previously, have each

    student select three objects and write them on theback of the game sheet (Annexe 46). The studentswork with a partner and sit back to back and try toguess devinez what object their partner put intheir backpack by asking the question using theappropriate structure: Is there a/an _____ in the backpack? Est-ce ce quil y a un/une _____ dans le sac

    dos? Yes, there is a/an _____ in mybackpack. Oui, il y a un/une _____ dans monsac dos. or

    No, there is not a/an _____ in my backpack. Non, il na pas de _____ dans mon sac dos .

    Annexes 46-48. If the student guesses correctly,his/her partner checks the item off the list. Once allthree items are checked, the game is over and theprocess can be repeated using a different partnerand selecting different items. The students could alsocolour and design the front of this activity and theteacher could use the completed sheet as an

    evaluation tool, as well as completing observationalchecklists while circulating around the classroom asthe students are participating in the activity.

    3.6 Preparation forLe jeu LOTTO. Using the LOTTOcards in Annexe 44, students are asked to colour, coloriez , label crivez and cut coupez their cards in preparation for the activities. Studentsare encouraged to use the reference sheets in theclassroom to assist them in completing this activity.While the students are completing this activity, ask

    them to think about the words they are writing on theback of their game pieces and what is different aboutthem.

    Color the card, turn it face down and write the nameof the picture. Coloriez les cartes puis tournez lescartes la face et crivez le mot qui correspondavec limage .

    Teaching Notes

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    23/131La salle de classe, Core French Model Unit - 15

    3.9 Jeu 7 Haut (7up). Using flashcards cartes clair ,seven students are given classroom objectflashcards and circulate in the classroom to touchseven people touchez sept personnes . When thestudents stand up levez , they must use the

    appropriate structure to guess who touched them.Structure : Is this the board? Est-ce que cest letableau? and the student must use the appropriatestructure to respond Yes, thats correct. Oui, cestcorrect or No, that is not correct. Non, ce nestpas correct . Yes, that is the _____. Oui, cestle/la _____ or No, that is not the _____. Non, cenest pas le/la _____.

    Suggested Step :

    4. Introduction/Revision of colours.

    Supplementary Activity :

    4.1 Song Les Couleurs in On chante et on bouge byJacquot or La danse des Couleurs in La dansedes couleurs by Alexandre. Have students listen tothe song and hold up coloured crayons when theyhear certain colours in the songs.

    Teaching Notes : Annexes 26-29. Colour activities

    fromAu Manitoba, on samuse bien, Maternelle et1re anne.

    4.2 Jeu Quatre Coins (four corners) :

    Teaching Notes : Place coloured markers orconstruction paper in each corner and have studentswalk around the classroom in a square while themusic is playing. When the music stops the studentsstop while the teacher tries to guess who is in acertain corner. Teacher should not watch while

    students walk around the classroom. Is it the colorred? Est-ce que cest la couleur rouge? and anystudent who is in that corner must sit down. Thisgame is played until only one student is remaining.

    To review numbers, the person who is guessingcould count out loud instead of playing the music.Students who are out of the game could alsocount aloud.

    Teaching Notes


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    4.3 Jeu Touchez! (Touch game). Students areinstructed to touch something in the classroom thatis a certain colour and the last student to touch thatcolour must sit down. The game is played until thereis only one student remaining. Touch the color green

    Touchez la couleur verte etc. The students wouldtouch something green like the chalkboard.

    Supplementary Activity :

    4.4 Annexe 50. Colour Wheel. Students color coloriez the wheels using predetermined coloursand label the back of the wheel with the appropriatecolour word.

    Once the colouring is complete, the student is given

    a spinning arrow to be fastened at the center of thewheel with a butterfly clip. With a partner, eachstudent takes a turn spinning the arrow and asking aquestion using the appropriate structure : What coloris this? Cest quelle couleur? and the otherstudent responds with the structure Its blue. Cestbleu etc. Annexe 51. The teacher could circulate inthe classroom and complete oral/anecdotalevaluations during the activity.

    4.5 Annexes 52-54. Listening activity for

    classroom objects. Students will listen toa dialogue on CD called Ive lost mybackpack Jai perdu mon sac dos and listen for specific information tocomplete the activity sheet.

    4.6 Annexes 55-56.Enrichment activity. Using thewebsite :

    Click on For L2 Teachers (menu on left-handside of the page), then

    Click on FSL Learning Activities Choose O est Sophie? in the scroll down

    menu under par ordre alphabtique , then Click on allez to the right of the menu box.

    Students will complete the activity Where isSophie? O est Sophie? and try to findSophie while answering questions.

    Teaching Notes :

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    Suggested Step :

    5. Create and present a game to the class with apartner.

    5.1 Annexe 57. Clickers Les Cliques Doigts . Thisgame consolidates the review of colours, numbersand classroom objects. Material required : one 8.5" x11" sheet of plain white paper cut into an evensquare. Give these instructions to the students inFrench en franais . Fold the paper like this andcut the paper. Watch me fold the paper. Pliez lepapier comme a, puis coupez le papier. Regardez-moi, pliez le papier encore etc.

    5.2 Written activity. Students could play the following

    game with a parent at home. Have parents send anote to confirm that their child has played the game.

    Once the clickers clique doigts are constructed,the students will place colours of their choice on theoutside and label in French. On the inside, thestudent will place numbers from 1 to 10 and underthe numbers, classroom objects labelled in French.Students are to follow the model on the overhead orchart paper. Structure :A : Choose a color Choisissez une couleur

    B : Blue Bleu A : Spell out the color B. L. E. U. (The clicker

    is moved vertically and horizontally for eachletter called out.)

    B : Choose a number Choisissez un numero A : Four Quatre B : Un. Deux. Trois. Quatre .The student then looks under number 4 and asks thequestion What is it? Quest-ce que cest? and theother student looks at the object and responds It is anotebook Cest un cahier. For extra challenge,

    have the student make a sentence using theinformation. Example : There are four bluenotebooks Il y a quatre cahiers bleus.

    5.3 Oralactivity. Students practice the game with apartner. This activity is a pair activity and the teachercan use it for evaluation purposes.

    Teaching Notes

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    Is it number 4 and 10? Est-ce que cest le numro4 et le numro 10? . Yes, thats correct. Oui,cestcorrect or No, thats not correct. Non, ce nestpas correct .

    If the student guesses correctly, his/her team has achance to guess again devinez encore and if thestudent guesses incorrectly, the other team has aturn.

    6.5 Cartes mystres (mystery cards). Severalflashcards are hidden in separate envelopes withquestion marks on them and are set out along thechalkboard ledge while the teacher has another setof flashcards and holds them up. The student who

    correctly reads out the card tries to match it with themystery card la carte mystre at the front of theclass. The game is played until all cards arematched.

    6.6 La Phrase magique (the magic phrase). As a class,create three sentences to compliment the theme :le cahier est dans la salle de classele crayon est sous le pupitrela chaise est sur la table

    Annexe 72. The teacher selects the magic phrase la phrase magique by choosing a componentfrom each of the three columns.

    Example : The pencil is in the desk. Le crayon estdans le pupitre. The students take turns trying toguess the sentence. The teacher uses check marksand xs beside the choices to indicate which parts ofthe sentence are correct or incorrect. The studentwho guesses the correct form of the sentence has achance to create his/her own magic phrase phrase

    magique with a new set of sentences that arebrainstormed by the class.

    Teaching Notes : If the students require somereinforcement of the prepositions, have them usetheir hands to mime the preposition. Example : Thestudent would put one hand inside the other for thepreposition dans .

    Teaching Notes

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    Supplementary Activities :

    Song Prposition in Cinquante Petites ChansonsChouettes by Karen Barnstable.

    6.7 Hot Potato. Flashcards are placed in a bag andmusic related to the theme is played. Students passthe bag up and down the rows (or circle) until themusic stops. The student who has the bag selectsone of the cards and tries to say what is on the cardorally and the game continues until all of theflashcards are gone.

    6.8 Tic Tac Toe. Can be played on the overhead usingthe visuals on a grid and mini Xs and Os cut out ofoverhead plastic. Annexe 73. The class is divided

    into teams and the student who correctly names acertain square may place an X or an O on thatpicture. The game continues until one of the teamshas a row of Xs or Os.

    6.9 Secret Square. Using the same overhead, theteacher selects a secret square carr secret andthe students try to guess devinez by using theproper structure : Is it _____ ? Est-ce que cest

    _____? and the teacher responds Yes it is _____. Oui, cest _____. or No it is not _____. Non, ce

    nest pas _____ . The student who guessescorrectly goes to the front and selects a secretsquare carr secret .

    Teaching Notes : The games and activities in thisunit can be adapted for any theme throughout theyear.

    Suggested Step :

    7. Create a booklet of classroom expressions to be

    used throughout the year.

    7.1 Experiential Goal/FinalProject. Students aredivided into four groups and are given a specificheading such as objects, questions, expressions ordirections. Using the chart of classroom expressionsalready developed as a reference, the students willrecord the appropriate expressions under theirspecific headings and present them to the class.Peer editing of the work will help determine whether

    Teaching Notes

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    or not the expressions have been placed under theappropriate headings.

    Teaching Notes : The teacher can do oralevaluations during this step by asking each student

    in the group to present part of the list.

    Students will create their own booklet livret ofclassroom expressions using the categories objects,questions, expressions and directions. This bookletwill serve as a student resource throughout the yearand should be kept in their binder where newexpressions may be added on an ongoing basis.

    Teaching Notes : A wall display with all of the expressions should

    be created in the classroom for student referenceas well. Annexes 84-87 have suggested visualaids for this display as well as visuals fromAnnexes 59-71.

    A blank spaceship is included in order forteachers to select specific vocabulary they wantto include for their own classroom. The visualsfrom Annexes 59-71 may be inserted into thespaceship to complete the wall display.

    7.2 Activity using the classroom directions list as a

    reference. Divide the students into four groups andhave them develop a rap or chant with actions todemonstrate the meaning of the direction. These rapcharts will be presented to the class.Example : Draw De-ssi-nez , Look Re-gar-dez or Jump Sau-tez .The students would mime the action as they sayeach direction. Oral evaluation sheets are included inAnnexe 58.

    7.3 Annexe 74. Students are given a checklist of criteria

    to include in their reference booklets. Brainstormideas about how they can make these booklets.Options could include printing by hand, using thecomputer, drawing pictures by hand or by computeror using visuals from magazines. The teacher maychoose a shape for booklet pages. Example :spaceship shape. A suggested evaluation format forthe final project is included in Annexes 75-77.

    Teaching Notes

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    Teaching Notes : Using colored paper for booklet willmake it easier to see and access throughout theyear.

    7.4 Students are asked to share their booklet with a

    parent as part of the project. A letter for this purposeis included in Annexe 78.

    Annexes 79-81 can be used for students to self-evaluate their booklets and the unit.

    Teaching Notes : Students could also present theirbooklets to a reading buddy for extra practice andthe senior student could assist student with program.

    Supplementary Activity :

    For an added challenge, students could be required to usethe website to create a word puzzleusing some of the vocabulary in their booklet and includethe puzzle as part of the booklet. Teachers may alsoinclude colour, number, month, days of the week or weatherreferences as they are studied.

    Suggested Step :

    8. Reflect on the unit.

    8.1 Class will discuss what they learned during the unitand the teacher could record their ideas on theoverhead or on chart paper for future reference.

    8.2 Annexe 82. Students complete a unit reflectionsheet.

    Teaching Notes

    8.3 Annexe 83. The teacher completes a reflectionsheet.

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    Teaching Note : Please note that the activities from Annexes 1 to 29

    are adapted fromAu Manitoba, on samuse en franais, M et 1reanne septembre, Ministre de lducation du Manitoba, 2000.Audio cassettes are available for these activities and teachers canobtain them by purchasing the complete Manitoba kit from theLearning Resources Distribution Centre : (306) 787-5987,Catalogue # 2988 at a cost of $51.65

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    Annexe 1Welcome/Accueil

    Adapted fromAu Manitoba, on samuse en franais, M et 1re anne septembre, Ministre de lducation du Manitoba,2000, page 5

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    Annexe 2Welcome/Accueil - Chansons

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    Annexe 3Welcome/Accueil - Activits

    Adapted fromAu Manitoba, on samuse en franais, M et 1re anne septembre, Ministre de lducation du Manitoba,2000, page 9

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    Annexe 4Welcome/Accueil - Activits

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    Annexe 5Welcome/Accueil Cartes clair

    Adapted fromAu Manitoba, on samuse en franais, M et 1re anne septembre, Ministre de lducation du Manitoba,2000, page 15

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    Annexe 6Calendar/Le calendrier - Affichage

    Adapted fromAu Manitoba, on samuse en franais, M et 1re anne septembre, Ministre de lducation du Manitoba,2000, page 78

    Objectiv : To be used throughout the year to introduceand practice the months of the year, days of theweek, numbers and weather as they arise and areneeded.

    Material : A display calendarFile folders

    Method : The activity calendar should be an integralpart of the French classroom at the elementarylevel. It has multiple purposes as a learning center :the display calendar should reflect the variousmonthl themes. To kee the drawin s of monthl

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    Annexe 7Calendar/Le calendrier - Affichage

    Adapted fromAu Manitoba, on samuse en franais, M et 1re anne septembre, Ministre de lducation du Manitoba,2000, page 79

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    Annexe 8Calendar/Le calendrier

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    Annexe 9Calendar/Le calendrier - Chansons

    Adapted fromAu Manitoba, on samuse en franais, M et 1re anne septembre, Ministre de lducation du Manitoba,2000, page 82

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    Annexe 10Weather/La mto Cartes clair

    Teaching Notes:Weather website Students could search this website for informationregarding weather. A worksheet could be designed with questions pertaining to weather invarious parts of the country.

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    Annexe 11Weather/La mto - Chansons

    Adapted fromAu Manitoba, on samuse en franais, M et 1re anne septembre, Ministre de lducation du Manitoba,2000, page 85

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    Annexe 12Weather/La mto - Activits

    Adapted fromAu Manitoba, on samuse en franais, M et 1re anne septembre, Ministre de lducation du Manitoba,2000, page 89

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    Annexe 13Weather/La mto - Activits

    Adapted fromAu Manitoba, on samuse en franais, M et 1re anne septembre, Ministre de lducation du Manitoba,2000, page 90

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    Annexe 14Weather/La mto - Jeu

    Adapted fromAu Manitoba, on samuse en franais, M et 1re anne septembre, Ministre de lducation du Manitoba,2000, page 91

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    Annexe 15Weather/La mto - Pantomime

    Adapted fromAu Manitoba, on samuse en franais, M et 1re anne septembre, Ministre de lducation du Manitoba,2000, page 92

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    Annexe 16Numbers/Les numros - Comptines

    Adapted fromAu Manitoba, on samuse en franais, M et 1re anne septembre, Ministre de lducation du Manitoba,2000, page 41

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    Annexe 17Numbers/Les numros - Chansons

    Adapted fromAu Manitoba, on samuse en franais, M et 1re anne septembre, Ministre de lducation du Manitoba,2000, page 44

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    Annexe 18Numbers/Les numros - Comptines

    Adapted fromAu Manitoba, on samuse en franais, M et 1re anne septembre, Ministre de lducation du Manitoba,2000, page 43

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    Annexe 19Numbers/Les numros Activits

    Adapted fromAu Manitoba, on samuse en franais, M et 1re anne septembre, Ministre de lducation du Manitoba,2000, page 45

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    Annexe 20Numbers/Les numros - Jeux

    Adapted fromAu Manitoba, on samuse en franais, M et 1re anne septembre, Ministre de lducation du Manitoba,2000, page 46

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    Annexe 21Numbers/Les numros - Jeux

    Adapted fromAu Manitoba, on samuse en franais, M et 1re anne septembre, Ministre de lducation du Manitoba,2000, page 48

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    Annexe 22Numbers/Les numros - Jeux

    Adapted fromAu Manitoba, on samuse en franais, M et 1re anne septembre, Ministre de lducation du Manitoba,2000, page 49

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    Annexe 23Numbers/Les numros - Jeux

    Adapted fromAu Manitoba, on samuse en franais, M et 1re anne septembre, Ministre de lducation du Manitoba,2000, page 50

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    Annexe 24Numbers/Les numros

    Adapted fromAu Manitoba, on samuse en franais, M et 1re anne septembre, Ministre de lducation du Manitoba,2000, page 51

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    Annexe 25Numbers/Les numros

    Adapted fromAu Manitoba, on samuse en franais, M et 1re anne septembre, Ministre de lducation du Manitoba,2000, page 52

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    Annexe 26Colours/Les couleurs Cartes clair

    Adapted fromAu Manitoba, on samuse en franais, M et 1re anne septembre, Ministre de lducation du Manitoba,2000, page 70

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    Annexe 27Colours/Les couleurs

    Adapted fromAu Manitoba, on samuse en franais, M et 1re anne septembre, Ministre de lducation du Manitoba,2000, page 71

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    Annexe 28Colours/Les couleurs - Chansons

    Adapted fromAu Manitoba, on samuse en franais, M et 1re anne septembre, Ministre de lducation du Manitoba,2000, page 72

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    Annexe 29Colours/Les couleurs - Activits

    Adapted fromAu Manitoba, on samuse en franais, M et 1re anne septembre, Ministre de lducation du Manitoba,2000, page 73

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    Annexe 30Combien de fois est-ce que jai parl en franais?

    Combien de fois est-ce que jai parl? (pos une question, rpondu un question, etc.)

    Nom de llve : _______________________________________

    Teaching NotesStudent self monitoring checklist for using French in classroom

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    Annexe 31Letter to parents

    September 2000

    Cher parents/guardians,

    Bonjour! My name is (Teacher Name) and I will be teaching your childGrade Four Core French this year. Based upon the 1995 K-5Saskatchewan Core French Curriculum and using the Visages 1 and

    Acti-Vie 1 programs, your child will be studying the following units thisschool year : Introduction, Numbers, Colours, School, Physical Activity,

    Halloween, Clowns, Christmas, Environment, Clothing, Animals, Easter,Food and Travel. Please note the number, the order, as well as theunits taught may be changed in order to meet the students needs andinterests.

    In each unit, the students work through a number of steps to achieve aspecific goal. The goal may include an oral presentation, a collage orbooklet, a class album, a music video, etc. Each unit will be taught usingthe communicative/experiential approach that encourages the studentsto communicate in French about experiences that are relevant and areof interest to them. Grammar concepts are incorporated into each unit of

    study in order to develop a whole language approach. The experientialapproach encourages the students to develop an understanding and anappreciation of French-Canadian language and culture.

    Students will be evaluated throughout the units on their performance,their achievement, their participation, their attitude and their behavior.

    If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at school at(School Phone Number). I look forward to meeting you at parentinformation night!


    Core French TeacherSchool Name

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    Annexe 32Comment a va aujourdhui?

    a va trs bien

    CCa va bien

    Ca va comme ci

    comme a


    a va mal

    DDLes filles

    Les garons

    Total de laclasse

    Teaching Notes :Make an overhead of the survey Sondage and begin by asking How is it going today? Comment a va aujourdjui? . Show me Montrez-moi . Teacher should use gestures

    such as a thumbs up for Its going good a va bien or thumbs down for Its going so-so a va comme ci comme a , etc. Now, raise your hand if its going very well Maintenant, levez la main si a va trs bien. Count Comptez . One, two, three Un, deux, trois etc. Have students could with you and record number. Now, for howmany girls is it going very well? Maintenant, combien de filles a va trs bien? andrepeat the process.

    Repeat this process until all sections are complete. Note students must all vote once. Thismay be verified by counting the total of the class at the bottom.

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    Annexe 33Comment a va aujourdhui?

    1. a va trs bien pour combien de filles? ______

    2. a va trs bien pour combien de garons? ______

    3. a va bien pour combien de filles? ______

    4. a va bien pour combien de garons? ______

    5. a va comme ci comme a pour combien de filles? ______

    6. a va comme ci comme a pour combien de garons? ______

    7. a va mal pour combien de filles? ______ 8. a va mal pour combien de garons? ______

    9. Qui sont plus heureux, heureuses? Les garons ou les filles?

    Les __________________ sont plus heureux, heureuses.

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    Annexe 33 (continued)Graphing Results






























    Filles Garons

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    Annexe 34

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    Annexe 35





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    Annexe 36

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    Annexe 37







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    Annexe 38

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    Annexe 39







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    Annexe 40

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    Annexe 41






    de papier

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    Annexe 42

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    Annexe 43







    de la


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    Annexe 44

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    Annexe 45









    unefeuille depapier

    de lacolle




    unsac dos



    unebote crayons









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    Annexe 46 (continued)Jeu Mon sac dos

    Quest-ce quil y a dans ton sac dos?

    cris le nom de 3 objets dans ton sac dos.


    Dans mon sac dos il y a




    Dans mon sac dos il y a




    Mon Partenaire

    Dans le sac dos de mon partenaireil y a

    1. ________________________

    2. ________________________

    3. ________________________

    Dans le sac dos de mon partenaireil y a

    1. ________________________

    2. ________________________

    3. ________________________

    Structure :Q : Est-ce quil y a un/une ________________ dans ton sac dos?R : Oui, il y a un/une _______________ dans mon sac dos.R : Non, il ny a pas un/une _______________ dans mon sac dos.

    Regarde les cartes de LOTTO ou les listes de vocabulaire pour le nomdes objets.

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    Annexe 47

    Grille dobservation Le travail coopratif

    Grille dobservationLe travail coopratif

    Date : Critres observer :

    Nom deslves

    Suit lesdirectives

    Collaboreavec son(sa)partenaire

    Complte letravail

    Communiqueen franais

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    Annexe 48

    Grille dobservation

    Nom des lves

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    Annexe 49Est-ce que cest masculin ou fminin?

    Un/le = masculinUne/la = fmininLes = pluriel

    cris les objets suivants dans la colonne approprie. Dessine lobjet ct du mot.lvesgommestylo

    sac doscrayoncraie



    Masculin Fminin PlurielExemple :


    La porte





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    Annexe 50Colour Wheel

    Les tapes : (coche4

    les activits)1. Colorie2. cris le nom de la couleur3. Coupe4. Attache la flche5. Pratique avec un/une partenaire.

    Q : Cest quelle couleur?R : Cest _rose_ .


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    Annexe 51Fiche anecdotique

    Fiche anecdotique

    Activit : __________________ Date : _______________

    Nom de llve : __________________________



    Fiche anecdotique

    Activit : __________________ Date : _______________

    Nom de llve : __________________________



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    Annexe 52Une activit dcoute

    Dialogue Jai perdu mon sac dos

    coute le dialogue Jai perdu mon sac dos et cris quel sac dosappartient quel lve.

    Aujourdhui les lves de lcole Bon apprentissage vont au parc. Ils doivent apporter leur sac dos mais certains lves ont perdu leur sac dos.- O sont nos sacs dos? demandent les lves.- Monique, de quelle couleur est ton sac dos?

    - Mon sac dos est rose. - Quest-ce quil y a dans ton sac dos?

    - Dans mon sac dos il y a une rgle, un cahier de franais, un dictionnaire et uncrayon.

    - Ton sac dos est sous ton pupitre.

    - Ah oui! Merci. - Danielle, est-ce que ton sac dos est bleu?

    - Oui, il est bleu.

    - Est-ce quil y a un stylo, un dictionnaire, un cahier de maths et un disque compact danston sac dos?

    - Oui, a cest mon sac dos.

    - Paris Lafrance, est-ce que ton sac dos est violet? - Oui et jai une rgle, un crayon, un magazine et un cahier de franais dans mon sac dos.

    - Voil ton sac?

    - Merci.

    - Jacques Trsfort, o est ton sac dos?

    - Mon sac dos est noir et jai des marqueurs, un cahier, un crayon et une rgle dans monsac dos. Ah! Il est sur mon pupitre.

    - Sylvie, quelle couleur est ton sac dos?

    - Il est jaune. Jai une brosse, une gomme, un crayon et un tlphone cellulaire ma mre

    dans mon sac dos. - Quoi! Un tlphone cellulaire! Drring. Drring.- coutez sonner le tlphone. Drring. Drring.- Il est dans le casier de Jacques Trsfort.

    - Euh, voil ton sac dos Sylvie. Drring. Drring.

    - Merci Jacques. (Giggle, giggle)

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    Annexe 54Activit dcoute : pour lenseignant.e

    coute le dialogue Jai perdu mon sac dos et dcide quel sac dos appartient quellve.

    A. cris le numro dans la bote qui correspond avec le sac dos de la personne.

    rMonique LafleurrJacques Trsfort

    rParis Lafrance

    rDaniel LechiffrerSylvie Labellefille1. Une rgle, un cahier, un crayon, un dictionnaire.2. Un stylo, un dictionnaire, un cahier de maths, un disque compact.3. Une brosse, une gomme, un crayon, un tlphone cellulaire.4. Une rgle, un crayon, un magazine, un cahier de franais.

    5. Des marqueurs, un cahier, un crayon, une rgle.

    B. coute le dialogue encore une fois et colorie les sacs dos avec la couleur approprie.

    1. Rose Monique Lafleur 2. Bleu Daniel Lechiffre3. Jaune Sylvie Labellefille4. Violet Paris Lafrance5. Noir Jacques Trsfort





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    Annexe 55Activit Internet : O est Sophie? (pour llve)

    Consulte le site web et rponds aux questions suivantes.

    O est Sophie?

    Coche 4 la bonne rponse.

    1. Est-ce quelle est dans la classe de franais?

    r oui J



    2. Est-ce quelle est dans la salle des ordinateurs?

    r oui J

    r non L

    3. Est-ce quelle est dans le gymnase?

    r oui J

    r non L

    4. Est-ce quelle est dans son casier?

    r oui J

    r non L

    5. O est Sophie? Elle est dans r la fontaine.

    r le bureau.

    r le pupitre.

    6. Sophie est une fille?

    r oui J

    r non L

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    7. Quest-ce que cest Sophie? Sophie est r un dinosaur.

    r un reptile.

    r un monstre.

    8. De quelle couleur est Sophie? Sophie est r brun.

    r vert.

    r gris.

    9. De quelle couleur est le drapeau du Qubec?

    r bleu et blanc

    r bleu, blanc, rouge

    r vert, blanc, bleu

    10. O est Sophie?

    r Dans la classe de musique.

    r Dans la fontaine deau.

    r Dans le pupitre.

    Bravo! Tu as trouv Sophie. Sophie est un _____________________________.

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    Annexe 56Activit Internet : O est Sophie? (pour lenseignant.e)

    Consulte le site web et rponds aux questions suivantes.

    O est Sophie?

    Coche 4 la bonne rponse.

    1. Est-ce quelle est dans la classe de franais?

    r oui J

    r non L2. Est-ce quelle est dans la salle des ordinateurs?

    r oui J

    r non L

    3. Est-ce quelle est dans le gymnase?

    r oui J

    r non L

    4. Est-ce quelle est dans son casier?

    r oui J

    r non L

    5. O est Sophie? Elle est dans r la fontaine.

    r le bureau.

    r le pupitre.

    6. Sophie est une fille?

    r oui J

    r non L







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    7. Quest-ce que cest Sophie? Sophie est r un dinosaur.

    r un reptile.

    r un monstre.

    8. De quelle couleur est Sophie? Sophie est r brun.

    r vert.

    r gris.

    9. De quelle couleur est le drapeau du Qubec?

    r bleu et blanc

    r bleu, blanc, rouge

    r vert, blanc, bleu

    10. O est Sophie?

    r Dans la classe de musique.

    r Dans la fontaine deau.

    r Dans le pupitre.

    Bravo! Tu as trouv Sophie. Sophie est un ___serpent____________________.

    Teaching Notes :This activity provides an extra challenge for more advanced students. It might be used insplit grades or with students from an immersion background. The following is a list ofsupplementary websites for similar activities pertaining to the second-language Students could create their own puzzle on a given theme using Students could complete an activity on the weather across Canada Technology Saskatchewan schools

    Students could earn extra participation marks after completing such an activity and couldalso shade in a square on his/her French participation checklist.

    Classroom teachers could also be given this website and could verify that a studentcompleted the activity during regular class time or during computer time.





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    Annexe 57Jeu Clique-doigts

    1. 8 x 11

    Prends une feuille de papier 8 x 11

    2.Plie la feuille de papier et coupe le papier pour faire un carr de 8 x 8 .



    Plie les coins de la feuille de papier vers le centre.


    Retourne le carr et plie les coins de ce ct vers le centre.


    Plie le clique-doigts en deux et insre le pouce et lindex de

    chaque main dans les poches qui se sont formes.

    Teaching Notes :

    The students enjoy making and presenting these games and should be encouraged to takethem home and share them with a family member. See Annexe 78 for a letter toparents/guardians.

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    Annexe 58 Clique-doigts : Feuille dvaluation

    Evaluation for the Teacher

    Nom : ________________________________

    Le message 5 4 3 2 1 0La grammaire 5 4 3 2 1 0La prononciation 5 4 3 2 1 0La clart 5 4 3 2 1 0Leffort/La participation 5 4 3 2 1 0

    Commentaires : ________________________________________________________



    Evaluation de la tche finale

    Nom : ________________________________

    Le message 5 4 3 2 1 0La grammaire 5 4 3 2 1 0La prononciation 5 4 3 2 1 0La clart 5 4 3 2 1 0Leffort/La participation 5 4 3 2 1 0

    Commentaires : ________________________________________________________



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    Annexe 59Cartes clair : Expressions

    PardonExcusez-moi Sil te/vou


    J ai fini

    Je nai pas

    fini MerciVoici mon

    travailDaccord Cest



    Cest quandle test?


    O es_________?

    Rptez silvous plat

    Quest-cequon fait


    On peutchanter?

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    Annexe 60Expressions

    Pardon? Excusez-moi



    Jai fini

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    Annexe 61Expressions

    Je nai pasfini





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    Annexe 62Expressions



    Cestquand le



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    Annexe 63Expressions

    O est_________?

    Rptez silvous plat

    Quest-cequon fait


    On peutchanter?

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    Annexe 64Cartes clair : Directions

    crivez Regardez coutezDessinez

    Asseyez-vous Levez-vous MarchezChantez

    Sautez Avancez ReculezCourez

    Fermez Ouvrez LevezDansez


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    Annexe 65Directions

    Dessinez crivez

    Regardez coutez

    Chantez Asseyez-vous

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    Annexe 66Directions

    Levez-vous Marchez

    Courez Sautez

    Avancez Reculez

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    Annexe 67Directions

    Dansez Fermez

    Ouvrez Levez

    Baissez Rptez

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    Annexe 68Cartes clair : Questions

    avoir une


    tailler mon


    ouvrire la


    aller autoilettes?

    emprunteune rgle?

    aller moncasier?

    aller boire? emprunte



    un stylo?



    avoir unefeuille de



    un crayon?

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    Annexe 69Questions

    Avoir unetrombone?

    Tailler moncrayon?

    Ouvrir la


    Aller aux


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    Annexe 70Questions

    Travailler lordinateur?

    Avoir unefeuille de


    Emprunter un



    un stylo?

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    Annexe 71Questions




    Aller moncasier? Emprunterune rgle?

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    Annexe 72La Phrase magique

    La phrase magique

    Regarde les fiches de rfrence pour les ides

    Structure : le/la __________ est dans le/la __________.sous




    ct de

    Exemple : r Le cahier est r dans r la salle de classe.

    r Le crayon est r sous r le pupitre.

    r La chaise est r sur r la table.

    La phrase magique est : _______________________________________

    r est r r

    r est r r

    r est r r

    La phrase magique est : _______________________________________

    r est r r

    r est r r

    r est r r

    La phrase magique est : _______________________________________


    4 4

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    Annexe 73Tic Tac Toe

    X X X

    X X X

    O O O

    O O O

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    Annexe 74Grille daccompagnement/Planning Sheet

    Checklist of Criteria for Projet final

    Nom : _____________________________________ Date : ____________________

    Mon livret : Vocabulaire de la salle de classe

    r Coche la bote quand tu as complt la tche suivante.

    Page 1

    r Un titre Vocabulaire de la salle de classe

    r Un dessin

    r Nom

    r Anne

    r Enseignant

    Page 2

    r Un titre Les objets

    r Une liste des objets

    r Les dessins qui illustrent les objets

    Page 3

    r Un titre Les questions

    r Une liste des questions

    r Les dessins qui illustrent les questions

    Page 4

    r Un titre Les expressions

    r Une liste dexpressions

    r Les dessins qui illustrent les questions


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    Page 5

    r Un titre Les directives

    r Une liste de directives

    r Les dessins qui illustrent les directives

    Page 6

    r Activit optionnelle


    r Mots croiss avec le vocabulaire de la salle de classe


    r Mes mots sont bien crits.r Jai vrifi dans les fiches de rfrence .

    r Jai vrifi avec un/une ami/e.

    r Jai vrifi avec lenseignant/lenseignante.

    r Jai prsent mon livret mes parents.

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    Annexe 75Liste de vrification A

    Teacher Checklist of Criteria for Final Project

    Liste de vrificationNom : Date :

    Communication Commentaires de lenseignant/e

    Dans son livret, llve a :

    r donn un titre appropri pour chaquepage.

    r fait une liste et un dessin approprispour le titre.


    Dans son livret, llve a :

    r utilis un bon vocabulaire.

    r bien crit les mots.


    Llve a :

    r utilis des fiches de rfrence.r utilis la grille daccompagnement(checklist).

    r vrifi son travail auprs des autreslves.

    r prsent le livret ses parents.

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    Annexe 76Liste de vrification B

    Teacher Checklist of Criteria for Final Project

    Liste de vrificationNom : Date :

    Commentaires de lenseignant, de


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    Annexe 77Suggested Evaluation Criteria

    Title Page

    Les expressions de la salle de classe

    Title page should include the title (correctly spelled)

    Creative representation of the title as well as relevant graphic material on the front.

    Students name, grade, teacher :

    Nom : _____ Anne : _____ Enseignant.e : _____

    The following categories should be correctly and creatively displayed at the top of each page :

    Classroom objects : Les objets de la salle de classe

    Classroom questions : Les questions de la salle de classe

    Classroom expressions : Les expressions de la salle de classe

    Classroom directions : Les directives de la salle de classe

    The student will correctly categorize the vocabulary into the correct section of the booklet

    livret using the charts as a reference.

    The words/phrases should be recorded creatively and accurately.

    Each entry should be written in French and include a visual next to it.

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    Annexe 78Letter to parents


    Dear Parent or Guardian :

    The Grade _____ class has been very busy learning about the

    Core French classroom. We have sung songs and participated

    in various activities about the French class including making

    up a rap about classroom instruction. Currently, we have justcompleted our Livret des expressions de la salle de classe ,

    classroom expression booklet, which we will be using as a

    reference throughout the year. As part of this unit, each

    student is required to read their livret to a parent/guardian

    and return this letter with a parent signature by


    Thank you for supporting your childs educational experience.


    Teacher Name


    I have listened to my child read his/her livret.

    Parent/guardian signature : ____________________

    Teaching Notes :

    1. Present the booklet livret to a parent and have them verify (by signing) that they

    have listed to their child read the booklet.

    2. Share with a reading buddy.

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    Annexe 79Fiche dauto-valuation

    Auto-valuation Un livret

    Nom :______________________________________ Date : __________________________

    Jaime mon livret.

    __________ aime/aiment mon livret.

    Mon livret est : Excellent Bon Insatisfaisant

    J K L

    Reflection activity for booklet

    When making a booklet, it is important to :

    a) include all