Une pomme sans son jobs

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  • 8/3/2019 Une pomme sans son jobs


    16 lundi 10 octobre 2011



    We should be grateful

    for our relationships

    Bring back an MMM-MSM

    Alliance !


    Une pomme sans son JobsAMILCAR VEERAPEN

    Apple est laisse orphelineaprs le dcs de Steve Jobs,son cofondateur. La premirefois que celui-ci stait loign puisque vinc en 1985 desa pomme prfre, les chiffresde la compagnie avaient connuun triste sort. Quen sera-t-ilcette fois-ci ? Apple peut-ellesurvivre au dpart de son g-nie ? La question est sur toutesles lvres. Les spculationsaussi Apple, plus quunecompagnie, est une philosophiede la technologie. Lesprit Apple,incarn par Steve Jobs, con-siste innover constamment et devancer les envies du clienten sappliquant la tche avecune rigueur extrme. Appleest galement une technologieen avance sur son temps, unelogistique intelligente et uneergonomie qui ne cesse desadapter. Mais Apple, cest aussiet surtout de la communication.Limage de la marque, souventcompare une religion, est unde ses principaux points forts.Steve Jobs a russi lexploit denous faire croire en la capacitde la pomme rvolutionner latechnologie sans rpit. Grossomodo, Apple est un peu perucomme un condens de la phi-losophie Jobs dans les logicielset les matriels, et une imagedont il tait lgrie. Mais a-t-ilsu transmettre cette philosophie son quipe ? A priori, oui. Les

    nouveaux dirigeants de la pom-me seraient mme en possessionde feuilles de route signes Jobs.

    Avec la maladie, il sembleraitque ce dernier aurait tout prvupour les cinq annes venir.

    La nouvelle quipe

    Cela a commenc avec ungros point plus au niveau delimage : Steve Jobs avait djquitt son poste de directeurgnral. Il ne sest pas amarrau titre et a su mettre Tim Cooksous les projecteurs, pointnomm. Le nouveau CEO, aubrillant parcours acadmique,est jug aussi comptent etexigeant que Jobs par les obser-vateurs. Il a dailleurs t le brasdroit de Steve Jobs durant treizeans et semble pouvoir enfiler laveste taille sur mesure pourson prdcesseur. Dautre part,ni le march ni les fans ne se sontaffols la dmission de Jobs. Saprsence dans lombre, au seindu conseil dadministration lesa plutt rassurs. Il faut doncreconnatre que Jobs a prparle monde comme il se doit sondpart. Cook et les hommesde calibre qui lentourent, enloccurrence Jonathan Ive ledesigner, Phil Schiller la ttedu marketing et Scott Forstall

    connu comme tant le papa de

    liPhone, ont dj fait leurs preu-ves. En 2009, ils ont remplacJobs qui stait absent causede soucis de sant. Et durantcette priode, la compagnie aenregistr les meilleurs chiffresde son histoire. Lquipe qui estaujourdhui la tte de Applenest donc pas si nouvelle que cela. Il sagit maintenantde dmontrer quelle peut aussirussir dans la dure.

    Une nouvelle efgie ?

    Sil ne semble pas y avoir tropde craintes quant la gestion,linnovation et la touche Jobsdans les logiciels et les mat-riels, au niveau de lexercice

    de communication, rien nestencore acquis.Pendant la dernire dcen-

    nie, Steve Jobs personnifiait lamarque aux yeux de tous. Onlui aurait volontiers prt letitre de guru de la technologiedu XXIe sicle. Et il ne suffitpas dtre directeur gnral deApple pour en tre bnficiaire.Cette image se mrite et TimCook ne semble pas dtenir lecharisme de Jobs. Lors de ladernire keynote de la marquepour annoncer liPhone 4S, saprsence scnique ou plutt sonabsence par rapport ce queSteve Jobs nous avait habitu,a du beaucoup de fans. Lescritiques sont on ne peut plusclair ce sujet : Cook ne pourra

    galer Jobs sur scne.Apple subira-t-elle une crise

    identitaire ? En tout cas, toutporte croire que limage de lamarque connatra une priodede flottement. Il faudra certai-nement juger de la ncessitdune nouvelle effigie. Car lameilleure solution au niveau dela communication serait peut-tre encore de maintenir Jobsau premier plan. Capitalisersur limage du dfunt gnieattirera sans aucun doute lasympathie, surtout dans unpremier temps, et si cela setrouve, aidera assurer ledeuil des fans ventuellement.La concurrence ne manqueravidemment pas dessayer de

    profiter de ce deuil, justement.HP a dj prvu de dsormaissoccuper aussi des services etdes logiciels pendant que Googleinvestira encore plus le marchde la tlphonie mobile aprsle rachat de Motorola. Lquipemarketing, sous la houlette dePhil Schiller, a visiblement dupain sur la planche.

    Seul le temps nous dira si lapomme sera toujours bonne croquer aprs Jobs. Car malgrloptimisme qui prvaut en cequil sagit de la direction, lacl du succs flamboyant dela marque reste la communi-cation.


    The technology-savvy peo-ple that we are today meansthat as soon as we wake up,we are on our iPhones, iPadsor BlackBerrys checking outthe latest news headlines, orwhat our friends have been upto on Facebook while we wereasleep. We feel the constantneed to be up-to-date so asnot to be left behind in a worldwhere common knowledgeand information is takingprecedence over a lot of simple

    things. We are so caught upin our material world thatit becomes very easy to losesight of what matters themost to us.

    While we are fine and aremired in our little cocoon, wekeep our relations: parents,siblings, extended family atarms length, declaring thatwe are busy during the weekand we need the weekend tohave some downtime by our-selves. We tend to concentrateon being sycophants to ourbosses or superiors so thatwe can be the next in line forthe big promotion coming up.Our relationships becomeconditional, so much so, thatwe give those relationships

    precedence over those thatare unconditional.

    Relationships come in allshapes and sizes and trueones only shine through whenwe go through a really roughpatch. For all our big talksand confidence, we can fallsometimes fall so low, irres-pective of the reason, that itseems that nothing or no onewill ever be able to pull us outof the abyss. However, if weare truly blessed, there is alittle army of people waitingquietly in the sidelines for us

    just to raise a feeble hand, andthey come running withoutany acrimony or bad feelingsabout why they have beenignored before. We can find so-lace in the partner we thoughtis being unfair towards us. He/she would be the first to sup-port us and help us throughour difficulty. With unfailingpatience and courage, if weare fortunate, our partnerwould be there for us everystep of the way through ourhighs and lows. Our partnerwould put personal needs onthe side and make sure thatwe are back on track and mostimportantly fine in mind andbody. Our children should notbe underestimated. Despite

    young ages, children are verysensitive to their parentsmoods no matter how muchthe parents try to conceal.They can sense when a parentis not well, and they have theunbelievable ability to stepback, not be their boisterousselves, because they wanttheir parents back to theirnormal selves. So, they dotheir best to be on their bestbehaviour because they be-lieve they will be helping theirparents recovery.

    The most unconditional

    relationship we can have iswith our parents. No matterhow far away we are fromour parents, we can be sureto count on them, anytime,any day. Parents have a sixthsense when it comes to theirkids, they know instantly byan inflection in the voice, ora fleeting expression in theeyes that something is notquite right. The harder wetry to hide our pain from ourparents they do know thetruth. It is sometimes mucheasier to just let ourselves goand be kids again. To pourour hearts out to our parentsis such a liberating feelingespecially when our parentsunderstand. Near or far, they

    will still strive their very best,as they have done all our lives,to make ours better. Siblingsare never far behind, withwords of support and constantcheck to reassure that one oftheirs is on the way up.

    Sometimes we find un-conditional support from theunlikeliest of places. It can besomeone with whom we havebeen friendly for some time.But the true meaning of thatrelationship comes forwardin bad times. We surprisinglyfind ourselves in total freedomto be ourselves without anyrestrictions, as such is thenature of these types of rarelyfound relationships. We areaccepted unconditionally forwho we truly are and are ableto relate to someone totallyout of our world and yet sointrinsically linked.

    Relationships can be liketightropes, they are veryhard to walk. However, theyalso double up as safety nets,ready to catch us at any fall,big or small. We should begrateful for our relationshipsand nurture them. We cannotexist as an island for as oncesaid Antoine de St. Exupry :Man is a knot in which rela-tionships are tied.


    It is true to say that thepopulation had enough ofpolitical alliances in thepast but at the same timethey know that there is nochoice left to them if everthe country needs to besaved from the strong ten-dency to dump Mauritiusunder the grip and con-trol of dictatorship. Manyoutrageous actions haveand are still being taken to

    consolidate the grip of theLabour party over the ap-paratus of the governmentto crush down any protestemanating from the publicagainst malpractice andcorruption. Many of thosein power are consideringthemselves as owners ofthis country. They areconvinced that they can ap-propriate or dispose of thepublic properties on theirwhim and caprices.

    Here are some examplesof the numerous cases thatabound to justify our criti-cisms and apprehensions :The MedPoint scandalinvolving the upgrading

    of the purchase price fromRs75million to Rs 144,7million at the incredible re-quest of the buyer namelythe government. It is shoc-king that the political andsocial climate of Mauritiusis deteriorating, particu-larly since it appears thatthe relevant authoritiescannot force the Chief

    Valuer Mr Bissessur topull up his memory from

    the trou it is shielding.If we do not have anylawyer or enquiring officerlearned enough to makeMr Bissessur retrieve hislost memory, we should nothesitate to seek the help ofInternational institutionsto throw light on thesetransactions.

    In the face of such hap-penings and for fear of ar-bitrary arrest by the policeperceived as being agents ofthe Labour party, the public

    is afraid to come out openlyto express their disgust.They are bottling up all the-se humiliations. And this isdangerous ! We dont knowwhen the pent-up disgustmay erupt. So to combatthese social diseases, onlyone solution is needed : getrid of the Labour party ofRamgoolam and replace itby an MMM-MSM Alliancewhich in the past has brou-ght good governance to thecountry when both partiesused to be in an alliance. Sothis is the only alternativeto save our country fromdeclining socially and eco-nomically.

    Our country today isbadly governed. We are notfully enjoying true democra-tic values where our rightsare constantly being baffledand violated. Most of ourinstitutions are threatened.We only have to listen tothe comments made bya Labour MP from thegovernment (Dhiraj Kha-majeet) recently regardingrecruitments of labour ac-

    tivists in the civil service bybypassing the regulations ofthe Public Service Commis-sion. These revelations ofthe Labour MP are not onlyvile, and undemocratic butalso illegal and need to befully investigated by ICACor the police.

    People are living in fearof repression these daysespecially of the recent arbi-trary arrest of Dr Joomayeas a result of a private con-versation he had with hisneighbour, a certain NuvinDeerpalsingh, brother ofLabour MP Nita Deerpal-singh. Showkutally Sood-hun, a former Minister wasalso arrested. We should

    also not forget the arbitraryarrests of some journalists.This of course reinforcesour perception that we areliving in a police state.

    Even the Leader of theOpposition, Paul Brengerhas spelled it out clearlyin a press conference onthe 29th September, 2011that our country is movingtowards a police state. Ourdemocracy is constantly

    under threat since theRamgoolam regime is inpower. We badly need achange of government.

    Today, the majority ofthe population has enoughof the bad governance ofthis present government.There is a crying necessityfor an MMM-MSM allianceby the people. As it is today,the government is in a bigturmoil and is incapable tomake the country advancesocially, economically andpolitically.

    Whether we like it ornot, the MMM and MSMare condemned to worktogether. This is the onlyway to save the country

    from this political insta-bility we are facing today.We are gradually movingtowards a planned dicta-torial governance. So achange is badly neededon our political scene for abetter long lasting demo-cracy. The sooner Brenger

    joins forces with young Ju-gnauth the better it wouldbe for both the country andpeople.

    Repons - Mo krwaze

    Paul Brenger (MMM) and Pravind Jugnauth ( MSM)

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