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. Grizzly ba•d to e . earol~ .Monday

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CAPITAN NIWS - ly Ma,..,.., ....,_ .. ,\ ' .

Mr, ~a :Mrs.,~ PIJl~ ~u.t 'on tl)e ff,)l'Jn'-'l' u;~ · P~bls. Mrs. Ma)'me Gredlng l1ll(J I · t'etumed from severlll daya va- ran<:Jl n~ N~al. · · . ·

attended the Ranchers. OUnp ®tlon wlth thelr son In Cbl: . '!'hey wl~ .frlen~ m. Can:­Mccting Saturday. A hlce crowd cago. They Uve at .Phoenix but ltan JMt Thursday, Welcome te> there and we enjoyed the noon spend much ot the summer hel'C . ·our lPyely CQ\m.U'y, We are so day lunch which was delll;l~ with hia tatber, ·Abe~ Pino, · glad t(l have tyou wltb \11· · we attended the business meet- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pfingsten · . Mrs, ~ed Pler~e of PP11~a, lng and the services. The ser- returned Sunday n,ight from oQ.e Calif, Who is 'librarian a~· the mon an "Reverence, honesty ., week's vacation in Nogales, eciJiege. there, ·JJ ·-spending .tl)e · · m¢E!I

and 110 tme,. A!ter. :il::im-:n.m.. and Mtt ~Wftlli - ·:-- ~- .

' '' 7 - '.

and respect" was just grand ·Ariz., wit~ h\8 sister Edna. Mr.. -~==~ p.t her cottage at. the

pictures were taken of Joe Ev- Mr. Bradford has been -~ • IMvis . home dp:ftbe swn . El .PIUIQ . . . aM, Ralpll Hall and Everett Denver, Colo., with his ®ug : ra~chen camp meetiQg .

1·at-d · ®n\Ped- above !.lqnito . . · · QVffr·

King holding an annlvC'.rsacy . ter Mr and Mrs, Putn!!f . since wndCd each day. Also vlfl te tbe weekend. Uobby fs · Jp the cak(l in honor of the 25th annl- JJune 19. WUl be home soon. her friends here. ' .Army ®d 1.$ .stationed a~ Fort

.... ,. """''"·-·<----· .... _. ____ ... '~--. , ... _._, ..... ' .

versary. Mrs CJnude Branum Mf!!. Helen Scars and Diana Mrs. :Myrtle Watkins, Sus!~ Bliss, Big Bob Ptlngs.ten '(llPJ?-. and Mrs. Billy Stephenson were Shaw left their car ln Canadll and Bennie went to Douglnsl by's l.lncle) and :pan Jones were rctiPonl!lblc tor tllnt. Then old and flew from Boli!C Idnllo Sun- Arlzona; by car .June 10 tO on the :BQnito this week, too. son. t tm1•rs were Invited to join them day to El PllBo. Diana arrived vlait D;m ~d P9n for a few They had. been to the- . camp ..

· Mr. · . · ·.. Mrs.·rommy ·RogerS ®d. aon ~t a. tew days 'Visit;.. fug relattve.s aJ!d fJien~ recent­ly. They s~nt some ttme with Jim and Bonnie McEuen and

with· some co!teli to go wltll home Tues. Cliff!>rd Wimberly, days. Then Susie, Don and their mectlngs, Mr. IUld ;Mrs, BoB . Popular Presc:rlptlcm tht• cuke in the dining room. To Mrs. Sears son; flew J.!ls o~ mother left by bus for Atlanta, Ptlngste~t Uve f!,t 'l\lCUlllCali A doctOr l!Sked h1s new thi8 a 11111t1ng memory for plane to Idaho for them. It WllB Ga to viSit her son Lee Gabbert and she, too, was bere for a patient If she had been to any thcsc f:ood men who are rewon- a rough ti'lp as it was stonny. and ·sonda. This lasted three vlSl~ with her parents, Mr. and other doctor about her com· sll>ll' for this happy occasion Esther Otero, tJaui;hter of w~eks be!ore returning to Doug· :Mrs, Dan Jones , plaint oofore- coming to see him. each yL'ar. _ Mr .and Mrs. Herman Ote~ lass July 14. Motor.:d. on to be Mr. and Mrs. Blll Hall and "No," ·she repll~. ·and· theq

1 want to tnlk to all or you was In ncar accident near coun- home July 16 and· then on d1.1ty granddaughter and :Mr. and added· "but I did go to see my who ~0 diollghtfully enjoy the try Lodge Sat. night as they nt ft. Stnnton the 19, A won• Mrs. Lewis' Stratton stopped by. druggist." , rundwrs camp meellm: each were returning home. The QC• derful happy vncatlon for thin Bonito City Sunday. TheY will Well, that lihows just how Y"llr PleaDe, think this over cupantn were badlY. shalten. Es- ramlly. be ,Lincoln County l'ef>ldents much sense some people have!" and strL'us with. me to your .ther spent one night )p thll!- now as ·tlJey wUl teach at CO. ·· he exclaimed. "And what ''llort rrwndK und otll1•rs, the import• hospl.tal but Is slowly but sure- rona. Also, Mr. and Mrs. Gutll- of Idiotic advice. did your drug· llnl'l' of this <·amp mi'Cting each ly doing 0. K. now. We are hap. Alt Coun-try er!e hav~ moved back to teach gfut give you?'! Y""r It ""nnol opL'mtc If wo py E!lthcr to have you home and 0 ' at Corona "Oh," she answered sweetly, do n11t support It rtnuncially wish you n speedy rceOVery, A Llncoht County pioneer, Lil· "h~ told me to see you." l'ut·h y<•Hr E;wh of us muHt do- Mr. and Mm. Marr,nrlto Tru- . lie Brown, granddaughtC1"5, nult• uncl do 11ur· rw 110 jlllo and two children accompn- By AIINn Lindamood . L'l'!Uldsons and grent grand chU· muny uttll'rn havc, to mnkc 1t · nled by her parents Mr. ond Mr. and Mm. Vlridl Comn• dr!.'n vlsltcd Bonito Ci~y lllSt 11 nurrrnn 'l'hunc brnutlful r;Pr• Mrs. E. M. Carvajal enjoyed ton Jr. were here from El Paso weelc. 111 .. 11, ;lilt! ~:o01l food ('c'rtulnly a rlvl." dny vacation in Colorado the pal!t wcelcend. . . Eighteen . Tc-xus Tech ~oys an· wortlr llUIDI• lhlnu to wery .Sprltu:n. Colo. They 111oppl!d in · ,lVrm; R. Jr. Sleward o,T Bryan, 11ave mndc CllpTttln their Jleud­,11,. ttwn·fon• cn('h of us mW!t Pueblo, und visited a· cousin of TcXD.B ·and J. c. Brookn or Dal· quartern while in thla area on rl'~l·mh<•r that. ami contributc Mr .Carvajul whom, ·he hail las nioppcd by to sec us lD:St qn ecology study c'_Cl>Cdttlon_ !or Uw t:!illls an: h4:h and con· not neen in 4!1 Y,cat'll.. 'llul,v Wclfnencfay. · · tsrmtyo!plallfiDiil mltnmt1tf~). tmuully l~rt>Winu vlalt('(] rt>lntlvt.?S In Albuquerque Monday Max Ollvcr came by They !!pent some time ln BonJto

·nun yt•ur llw mcat ro3! tlwm on lh<•lr rctum. to checlt on happenlngn In thl!.l Canyon. : $1100 Tiwn Hwrc lift' lhl' Vl'll• Mr. and Mm. Bob Ealter and part or the county. He wan due VlslUng Mr. and Mrs. A. N • ..tulolt'll, •• ,,. Tlwy haw.• to pay two chlldl'<'n oC Ft. Worth, Tex. come thanlttJ at the tJmc tor RunneiD and family are: Mrs. Ill<' rookn nrul tlw dtHh wrush.ero. nrxont u t~ bourn wlth tllclr un. worlt done on tho· Mon Jeau Runnels' nlster Euln Poole and Now, rtgure und you will under- cit>, Mr. and Mro. R. D. Klngnton road that wan greatly In need ber neico Wcs'llle Altvater and ntund Th~> ''"Jwmlitul't'u were while mroute home from their of nttentton. But since the tlood son Corky from Calif.

• /' ' ;.

..... · ..

. ' . . ••

& . ,.

. .

nrentcr Suturduy thun the In· vncutlon In Colorado. in 1.hc--vallay it bnd-ta·wait -its·-roml'. So, thl'l'<' wun worry, Relntlveo of Mr. aniJ Mrs. turn. . Clty to spenil n few dtl)'ll with whlrh Wl' do nt'l'd to !mow u· Lcwta Cummins who ourprl!led Mrs. .Sum Allen rotumcd Mr. and Mrs. 1® Ccxt nnd fnm·

-----1-- ---..

huut tllem lnot Sunday were her 'home Friday after enjoying a. Uy, Whl"'l thin r.amp ntnrted 25 mother , Mrs. Adela Sellars, of vlslt In Llls Vegas with Mrn. Durlnu camp meeting Gll and

yrnru RftO the runchcru wcorc Alamogordo, Mro. Jahc Hunter Mary Sowoll. Chloe Peters bad relatives and ubll' to donate thl! beef and CVI!• of Wn£! llench, Cnllf. her dnu,:b- The Frank Klrby·Smlth rom- frlettdl to vlllt nnd join them ryon11 worltcod troe but tlmcn ter Mr. nml Mru. Denny Moore lly returned tO El Paso '111111'1• nt tho m~ They wero: have l'llangcd In all things and and non nncl .her two ftl'tlJlll· dey after a month long vaa1tion · :Mr. and Mra. tallc .Armstrong thl11 .nhould bo ·cnaUy under· . dau~:htc:>ro, who were twins. In thelr Gn.vtlan canyon home. from nteld, Ur. and ){rf. John stood. There nrc ttUlny Joyal ones Rev. and Mrs. Pmvcrs nnd Mr. and Mrr, t :?.L Phlppmy .Aboeo,y from San)O& (SOuth .Pa· doMtlng their Umc to make It 110n rcotumcd Sunday from ICV· of El Paso were nt Eagle ~k clfic where they have been do­rru~ful but still money 1B ern! daya vacnUon 1n Okla. LOOge on Tuesday to sea Mt. lng mlutonatyworkt'or &~ear) nocdcd to pay. tho wny. Their The young houso guest, Erlc and Mr.. A. A. Swanson. . a1Jo J,.or~ WlaltY .-n4 daugh­nurplu.a money hna been used. Wood, of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Alan Johnson, 7.11'1. C®rp" ter Janet !rorn Alaml>gordo, Now we need ISCJ"'ous thought GMmllJl)' fot thml ""'et\ks ro. Dlttpllll Mtl Mrs, lila 'P&'U}j 1nct 7. .R. ~t ~ Artts­for we do need this romp meet- turned to hill home In Ia Cru· drove up from Carrfrom on J'rl• Sa. Chloe reyorUd the ~Uttc lng each year. oea. da,Y. · w... Yt'Oilt1erful and n.lt1 Will

I cnjoyl.'d a lovely visit with Lont Sunday, Mr; and Mrs. 'Mrt. R. N. N~allpellt tlw; c1a1.. ~~. bUt thlt )'eat tbey Mra. Grorgln Branum of Cnn1· Willlnm Steinke vlllred their In Alamogordo W~. ~IsM wftJ4 W dult. . mzo !nat Slllurdn(l. She enjoys dnughtcr Mr .and, Jury WednesdayMrw,.L)'d,I.Petbltt <Toe:, ~al fl'®l l'lcacllo rominn to Orpltan to meet old Fmrtcr at their rancb homo ()f ~rdo stopped b)* on wu • otltht!!m.nt tla~ tl'lendll. It WUJ p. ploasur& lO nc."'r Picacho. her way to tho Notal lftd lt I!onlto D~\St.(ndq.


Years ordedication and , I

study ••• to serve yo·u · y..,.. of ttalnlnt a1141 exptr~M)ce .. btr. the mak·


lq of a fl~t-nt. fharmac:lrt. T• thtlt, w. HcJ

tlw extra .r p•n•nat lrrtft'llt ani ...UC.tloft. •

. "'Accwratt ~ J..-w~

0,.. Dflllt I N 6 • Swn~11 UO t. 10;)0

Paden D·rug ··store '

C:•l. '""" • .. 191'111• hftW ...

- .•. -·•· r:: '• • r·' .


• .

• nwt>t you agntn. Mr. and Mra. Dob Pflllfl!tcn ctUnp mt'ptlng, · M11yor Getald DQn Mil wife

Mr. Outrlca Peppt>r entered of 'l'urucnrlapent one w-eek hero Mr. nrid Mrs. Clayton .:fohn- tnnn Capitan wtte on tM no. 641-23-IJ • Cai'T'Iha -C'.nrrlrOZQ howltullrul1 l'IJur&.. Yi!!lting .her .paJX>nts Mr. and -110ft ot Qultaqul!, TfxU; W'tr4!" -mw an· btutrtt:a 'tfttJ:~ day night very Ill, but Ill alowly Mrn. D. 0. Jonen. She nnd h1!1' r.utttt of tho WQ&'Jlo Whlks at Mr. and Mrs. V~ Wh~l· Improving at this Umo. I wi.Jh alstcr LueJI!e Smith visited VClV iagte Canyon Lodga lAst w~k. er and tamUy of Crotbytown, you n •J>Ct!dy recovery. Tht>lr lntc otl(1 night as they bod not Wltb them wero her pa.nmts 'l'bas, and :Mr. 8114 Mn. 'fra~ nelro, Marton Simi. 1B hero with surh a mooting 1n )'t!nra. Mr. aiiillotrt. ;r. c. tthocll!tlck of Willt!f and cblldren from Dallas them Pat Stelnlte attended thn sdft -sUvttton; ~. · "· W1!1'11tm·

show for rctnllen nt the Wea· . Mr. tll14 Mrs. W. !of. norton Wetk. ~lera·hav~tt ~ Jem Skten Motel lll!lt Sat. In and chlldrc!n ot Shtlll!r.vatet, robin In Flume Ccyon. . Chapel of Roses

HAl 2 PHONI NUMIIItl ltH a.m. tit I:H Jl.ftl.

Phone 648-2252 At NJtht Phena

EL 4·2633 Nogal bAY AHO• HIOKJ




• f .•

- tdlnlquerque. to purdmse and Texns, apent the pru~t \\'Cf.'ktnd Wnlt Durr from Holloroan plnre onlern for the ne\V line or with het' tlf.!lwr tUld fnmlly, the ·• AFB anti Mrodnb ltobc!rts who Chrlntmna glfta which will nr- Morgan MtllCWt!llll. · wUI soon be from Albuquerque rive 11tartlnf! Oct. 1. )trf. n~l Holt n.nd c:hlldml, whem 1hc will live:! and M!Ild

Mr. nnit Mrn. Jl'llS nam. tmd Tanuny tho twln!J Sharon and her aon11 to tho Wllvetslly I'Ul6 Lou or Ruldooo DowruJ &pent n I<nten ~f Anthony, Texns, 11top. work In a OOnk. visl~ Bonito few h111.tn1 with Mr. and Mrn. pcd by on SutUJ4.Y. Clty Sunday (!VImhJg, R D. mn~ton lru~t Sumtny p.m. nev. and Mrs. James Pns;:;et Ernest Key mndo a. drive over

Mr. Leo Powell cnterot tho and chl1dren J'ennlfer, Paul anll tho No;;:tl blU und down by SO>< Ft. Stnnton honpltnl o. W\'!<!k ns:o. 'Margatll)t, returned to Grent nito City Suntby, We are al· lll! Wll9 VJ!fY Ill thmfah at thlo Bend, Kons:a, Fridny 4fter a wars ctnd to ~ EfiWlt. Umt', be In improving, S~ll hhn vneation nt Ellglc Creek Lodne. Fred Coo is nmv tmplt>j'td nt ynur card or chocr In Wt'trOt the Mr. nnd Mrs. nlchard Crane Camp Geronimo nnd ~ his

hnnpltnl. nnd son t.awrttlee tll'l! here r--------.---.... ~"""":~~::-----, Mr. and Mrn. Dan Pnrult and from O:lldnnd. Cnllf., visiting PAlMS OPTtC:Al SEilVIC£ . Ethelyn anived Friday to spent her p:ll'C1lts Mr. and Mrs. '" Htr•• A.,.n.,.- AtAMOOO~o ,. • .,.

~~~h~~~:~h ~~Iror~:: Wayno ~ ln S~~al!~d • MOLAl$ JIUSOUPl'tOHS fli.UD •SUN GJ.ASIU Mr. nnd MN. Candy TrujUlo ~~~~~~~~: and-c hls e In •iAnu ADJUSUD AHI» lliPAIJtaO

nnd frunlly rotum~ lost ~'l!ck . d:lugbter :Mr& tred ltmndrfch ........ 111 ...,. ..... , ¥11•- 'II Y..n ..,_. •• trom an elcvtn day trlp to and eblldren Becky and Curt · Bellvue, Nebr. vlsltln~I her s!s- wt F:J:ida)'. Ur. Kelt fs baek in t--------------------, ter lt!r. and 'Mn. \Vm. .Allred Atbu~ ana the Hemlcbich and fo.mlly. Mary oocamo UJ and fnmlly lives in F'arm!tlgtotl. had to enter tho ho;pltal there. , It wnt too lo-..v and too hot. They enjoyed tho trip but \Wre gtnd to ~ b!ek to-- -this--good -ell· ·· mate. · ,

Mr. and Mrs. 1\eyan W'rl&ht an4 G~ attended the Wright , · . ~ ltMtlet t.f lbftwlefj = iu~-e:. 1n Cle\--tland, ~ Stt\dlet .mo ~ tbe

.I dkl talk to Mn. aw Cau&ll fish dllttlbutlns trticl<- · trout the, 19th at Ruldolo. She toltl ~ VJew> H•tmest, broocht m& t~ ,bad ~ t~t - ~· .t)t 1kh io }b).lto ·-~~- ,_ __ ......... "' Mek be-_ Lllke ll~ (17M 111ib). u.-.t'~ """w """'111 .. f >.me ·~ ~- .ln. :Boblto r~. eo that llh6 and ~ «»Uld ;.;..t;; ...... n~·~ ... ~ ............... -... "'be· .__: ~oltl\ •nd. J\etlt' 'Diw•, .. M Ja Y'll-'4 ""' IU.meu W A __ .. ue w• n .. ,., f ~ bU bem full or aam. worklnt tbel't!. I atn &lad ot _.......... ..,. ...... ....~ -~ ......... _ •.• _ ...... been_ .. all ot )"00, thoU&h we 1lG -~ ,...... ll'lt'.L .. .., ~ ~~-..

·"""'• hereo. . \ : _.· 'j_ having t>knlc:a. -~ et•·thanfo;· .rv.. ...l.:._.L 1 ..... ·f-t._""·. nfvr'>,·_'!i\lout "llUIIC-. .. llr. Uld · · lJany "-QI!UIIII f.I'S' - """""

•. :...otoo<kf.uttr. . . atel:ll.llkt- tnill"'ll~ we ~.ltfd« or iha "''the~r •• . · · on. • 'tlMI btil'a -ttttmc tM> dU'!'enbt mm eoun~ Club Eablta mf the one sn NOPI ~ ~ abel one JlW<lolo.' Jre· bQ ~. ~ , ln Upptll' ltukl•• . ..

. fot Use Air F9~ pr C.Ut.J.t8t- . wa.;at -. ~elilftt 11\trpt'let to 1il« s~ 'rbq wtu ltWtan llm-~ ltf1t . ..a.••· OlttiMW~,~~tton_Ml'~ tet ·0. Jt~. -~. ..,_. . .s KtJ.. v~ ·QoaltiiUvN .~ co~ • .... •t

· , Seldon Burks

· Saddle-i.ts alt Frklar at the

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• Loung~ WUfl.'tM Mila~~· ~y ~ltftt raOM tM 'tO 1~11 .

.. NC) Cover <:ltarg•u It _,i,j f - i: -!i' .. & .. I; I ' -· ' I ' .... ,· " If "!E.. • - · •.•• , 1 .. ,, 'i ]ri . 1. ' ~. " ,., r t!w . '( 'i' } t rft' ... , ; ~ t t:'jtl - - t ·h '1 •. - i:wii_ _, 111 ..... J ... _ .. ,J .. -r ;_ .. - 1 t , _ . . -~· . . . ....

You ·can brtng · both your dog find your.- c•r · ..

Into Cliff. Zumwlft's •fafion to e(fol' <sff!

·CLIFF'S;, ,

1.00 to 1.00 · .-. CAIWXOXO,,N.. M.-. . • •

\ •

• ~

·, . . .


····5"' -~' .... . ,

' .




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.. . . Top. RQqncl · ' .

F'11ll c: .... m . • •

• Long Horn. · . )tQqnd • •

I' ·- --,---..,--~-. ~~-Bontless Shouicr.r

I Food Quality I ... 'Aged B.ef ·•

Pound • • • • •

. ..

' . '


I• I ::s:: •. '~~ .... ~ . 3 ~ 89c

• •

•• Breaded Shrimp :v:~.~~:~rc:~·~ · .$1.89·

• . SEAfOOD SPECIAlS . .. -• '

TASTe 0' SEA._ YOUR CHOICE .• ' • Breaded Catfish Portions

------ ... ,,.. • • Breaded Had~k _Portions·

Frozen • 10 Ounce Pks;. .. • •

.. ---- - -- - -~- _ ___________...___.._ __

• LillY'S - No. % Cam

• · LillY'S .._. 14 OUnce IottS.


• •

• • •

Your Choice •

• Mix or Match •



For I

• •

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• .


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--- ~. •·.. Pountl·•,- ·..::;·· ... · . - .":

• . • • .I. : . '

oas· •

Food Mad Quality Aged Beef Food Mart Qua,llty -~gctd Beef

Pound • • Pound • • . .

. . . .. .

~Frankfurters ::!.~~M~·. 59¢ •

" J


• •

. . •

I ' for

No. 303 Can • •

Gold Medal

S Lb. lat , •


• • For Tall can • -,

. for

PliVI'MI • .• •

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F~ Mart Quality -

Apd ...,--

Pound • • • .•


For· 46 ox. Cln

• ••

' No.303 can


I Oz. can

LIII.Jty'a Cut


Prices · Effectiv-e

Friday and Saturday



No. 303 can

· Green· Beans 5 * $1. ··~~

~':f~.~u! ... ~~~~~ 46 0~ Can AC: e=~~~ .... ~~~~- ,_ .. , ~'Ct. can 45c r::~~~-~-"~~~~~~ 46 Ot. C.n 37c

Grapefruit 4 · s1oo Llltll)"a .. ; .... no- N .. 3103 can FOit

Ubbts Beans4 $100 French Style Ne. 303 can FOit

Libby's Baked Beans2 27c W/M.ta,.. .... 14 Oz. can F~Jil

• •

P-INEAPPLE Crushed • Chunk .. Spears

Slic.d • Minted. .Chunks


No.1% Can • • For

R···· .. , ..... . . . .

. .

' -- '

. . .

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ANCH01'1tACK .:·ayv~'Hitii,...,.,. ·--· ···· ·· .. :-;•-'······~· ...•. · .... · ·-···-~--·-~-"',;.~---- 7:~-··;·t-~--:-;.~c~ .. --:::~.:• .. ;-'-::.~·~:-~ ... :.-'-~·· ',c'''"'; !---·~··\.c: .· .. ;: ······~·:······,·:.;···:--.:-· .'''""';···· .. ·,·· ..... ·· . •

· · • . . · ... · · ., . . · - ·· . ' . .~~tmll( · ~~~~ · ·•PQt ; ~~$eilt .m.>wmm mt~, tr• •··. 'r».• ·a.ttJ~O,_~ C:~\JNTY H-W~,'fltUPPAYtrJ.UJ.Y ~.1~ .. . . ... . ..· . \ ' · · . · ··. · · ·. '· " · .. " ... · . ~41. JUlll.decmms; •s~nt•". ~ ~~· '!),( ~W~~tlt· m.. ..~ · .... ·;..,;.,A .· .. .;; : .· ·· : ·~"~. · ... ""Mt,\oDITY 1;0HFEiiNca

N · · ' · ·· ~ h f• · · · ~ .help YOU av4>1il ~Y .mr.., ~ ~t.u~t w~wr. lit ~ . ,..d, v~fJl'l"!'l', ~l:,J}!4 ~ al.l..,. ~"" . . . . . . . . .

.ew. . 1 to. . pr.e· .,__ .c ' ...... lrsl ·ser· m· o· n .·. ~. . .· . \ ·: , :, ·. . .llQt ~ aet:: 1llli•,o1,s~ tOQ ,,r®bU~ •• fA·.~ tx)tfu?n· tb~ t~ .· stA~TS TflUftSQAY . . . . · : mP~t.'Q.U Q hl~n.·~ ·~f wet. . : · · · , . .liDd .(m'·· .no.n,f!U'mhl$1' ~. ·. · . ·, · ·· . • ~ · .

·- '"' · ·. ,.. · - · ... ·· .. '. " '. · ... , .. ,-., ·~~t:'i~1~'*;~~~j}~~~~tli~~~~~·[g ~v~ ~n-~a~~~--lu~~~· i;~~~=t;;:~e.:-.----·---.. Our new mtn~ter,. fbe Rev'; · home In SocorrQ Wt W~.,. * ·. . 1( . ' · * . · 1)'()11 hav~ 1.19Ul!ti, SllP bgJp t\'oltl .~ ,®nt$. Pl,l.r ~allon qi)' giL\Ialii:f~ . p.eftt\Qn ~-be·~hlimed. .. · · 'to .15;®. ~t ill!l Cll~PBml in

and ~rs: Wayne BQc:htet· W1U day ~fter a three-week ~lt at · · · . : • · 'a l)rofe$Slopat fW:llttm'~ clean· ~~ ~ tnelr :J;Iu.~ lMt ~e!ll". . · 'l'Ji~ . ~~g- · ;(~~ Qr' nutqollo. P.r. S:e~:t:()O('l wJU preach~ his fll'llt ae.nnon on thi!l' ·.Aneno. · ' : . . . , . . .· · · · _' · . . . !lr. ~us.e or tlw vmi~t¥ ff ~~ ~wm~ ll~We~ue SC1:Vl®t ifl~ wbo .are ~li,P~le ~i;llt!l\re d.l~<:Will :~tlomil . . . l¢gili1!1.7 , ..

. . field t IAncho next suml!ly1

U.t. ~ Mr.. M:!U'k ye~ ol . ~- girl Jp~oo,•. Jan er¢U.en. fal!r!C$ on; tbe J!;!!gJ\'ct ,YP" ll !J'fl rilN~" cWm f<!rm .. ~o. w · not l'eCeiveci i\ ti>nn ;ilay: obtam tion. ~en. :14cf!U'Iml~ WUl ~ · ,. Augus 1. Let's au tutn~t In $ocOt'rotmd"grnnJldauibWrl)e .. · ... l\1.r&J, ~to/:Hollbs Went..w :hel@feritfPU.~~fll~:fa• .. ~'.t~~f!!Wbo~(l~JM~ ·· .· .. ·· . ··.:: · .... ·····~. ·· · · .. ·. ~brm~.~ter$l~W!lft9.m .. church and give" them a·typlcal ~a of' A.Jarn<Jgor® we~ week~ -~ ~t 'l'ueJ~aY Jo get her; bt1f: il! U!)t ~~teAt@d <l~~ · .. }'~ •. ':J.'bit,.':m.lllpg.~~!l$ !!U'~· o~o from, 1!:7~:teWI\01} _of· sqcb. pain~ ·~· ·.~ ·~ ·tll,~ Ancho welcome. Rev. Bllchtel encl vlsltol'IJ o~ ~ L. Y. JA~" , g{l;'ls, ·U~.t~le .·attd:.Velmt~. l'}!ey W¢~r,ll~$'~and_~r;lfufC. f<m· ~r!l tMt .\bey<. MV~·a<J.AA:VS · ti~ and gQO)iil~ delive~ WC!It. c.·~t,., QUJe~ will ~CUl!lJ

. was recent~ or(falncd at bll! . .on.. , . · · .. ·. hall -~. vlsltmg' 4 .w~k wlth. Jlhpqld lJ~W~Jrg~lt a guAA'AQte.e 1>r 'll»m, Sep.~m~r ~- tQ tUe truck drive~. · · fe<leral ·land ~Wlletsh!p, . home, church In Ohl'?• . . JJ[r,. and Jr'{n; .._,4t DJiscOU tbi!Jr c#®t rut(),' .uncle, Mr. !mit . Clearly written bY bQth manU•, for a !cdeiaX tAA-N(und QR~" . ... . . . ..

We of Anello. w.ould .lfJce. .-to . a.nd ~Ud~n.:..ot ~J...-.-7'81(); ""a.tld· . Mnt,J&toY .sldw.eU., ... · ··~--~ "':'" ·· - . ···aM l~ 4f~~t--tQ~·;·,~~-bi:tv'lWn .f1Il;Y'1;1.9EW; · . . · ·~· ·· ~-m acknowledge with sincere i11eo4B WC).'Q JUPPW gu~~ Qf Mr. nnd Mtii. w. A. Young IIUl'C,. . . . ' .... ' ' ., '~d J'mte ao, lQ()~. . • thtmks and appreciation the th~-~~~trlllW!I lpt Sa~!'Y· _ . pf . :Abomj,\thY, __ ~exas, 'Visited _ _ Z_l P pe£l!_On ~r;hlont -don t __ ' Aey_::ga~int:, · 11s~¢. ~ .the.:.:.: · many houfl! of deVotion and · They w~r~ . on -. vMatloh> .4Ud wnn "1'/fi'S, Y<ilinff$ l!lst#!t ant\ iiTways m.eun t~t Uw fabric Cah fam1 for uC\llU~Un.g ·tl\e !loU, · · ministry ot Christian Jove that were enroute- bQ~m! tr9m ~Jo· tnm.lly, the. Mc:mtV BusseytJro')Jl be rtml>Ved and wa,sh~d or dey·. o.r mislng Qr, .h!lh'ei!tlng an)' ' was offered to us by Mr. Larry rado. . • Friday. thl'O\lgb Sun!lay. . . cle~ed, You can gu~ ~g~t agdwlf.Wtil' Cl>JJ\m®lty, inelu~ '· Null and his Co.mllf ot Albu- Mrs. Pat Strater and chll· Mr. Berle Tally, :Mr.· }Jenry shrinkage by· nQt removing the ding toe . rai.sinK, shearing, qucrque. Larry hrul been 80 dren ~re vlsltfng her Jt.ter, Mrl. .CWcy and Mr. Roy MontgomerY, cove~ when you .. clean tb!lm. feeding, carlng for; lft\Jn~g. an4 · ... faithful to preach from our Pul· peggy Stll~lf and tmu!ly 1n lle• were In E~:~tan~la Sunday to a . Instead have t!l~ cushions ~eiln· . nillnngement Oflfve~~\oek," can pit ror these many months that len. . , . horae ra~. . .. ed In the same way as the. up. be claimed for · Gasoline we have been without a minis- Mr. and Mrs. Milt of Mr. @d Mra, :Frank Maxwell Jlqlsery, - · ·· · lt'r nnd we- winlrtiJIJ family all "Capttmr'1lrnt our best and hurry back to vis- acoompanled by hOUJC Znda Maxwell It us soon. .. . nucsts, Mr. and Mrs. 13o Wor- j CllJ!1C • to get thc:lr . c.l aili:1t;-en,

i: Jst 1 ld " l. tor o.l' . . . who .. o . ezy oo ng nl~ . . onger. 4o work on . . will .quall· Keep a. reQ.dy gulde to 11pot re- ty for the retund. • t

movul and use the upJll'(>printe Po not Jnclude gasoline that remll.l)y Immediately If you can. 1$ ~ on the hlgfJWl1Y: In pro.­

The regular mcetlng · of the ,. sham pf PCCOI, . Tc~, to.urcll~ Sharon nnd Curtis who ,.Ancho UPW was held July 20 J~ Sllven HoUJe ~t . Old ,been vlsltlpg with thl,!ir grand·. In the hoiTlll or Mrs RUUl Wlf· Tb,lngs recently, M.r. WorJbllm · mother. · uon, prect'dcd by a ~vcred ·dish ope~ted a store tmd poat otft~ . Mr. Jemy ·· Settle of Aber·. lunch with Mrs. Elva Wilson ns ln Jlcarllln during the gold~- nnthy was a weekcn4 cu~st ot

If the spot Is a gre~ type, cesslng, packagiM.fieezlng or ·

co-hostt.'ll!J. Rose HIU'key gave lng llCtivlty _tn tbe 'SO's. the Alton Talley ftunlfy. · the d~ot lonnl. B!anatic Straley Other guests .of Jackie SilV'e;ri l>retwntcd th~ tJrst mitslon - and tho L. 11!. J'nc:ksona we~ ntudy "The Nation and tho- Mr. and Mnt. Wnymon L!gh~ Kingdom". Vcmcllc Hi~towcr too( (lftd grapdcblld and Mrs,

San Patricio. New~· . ly Lola It Chavn ~tnve., n brief tnlk on the work- Shorty .Stoneman~ Mildred and. .

lngB or the UN, and aiiJo a re· Lyn Stone- of Ruidoso. The M:ra. Ar.lsto €havez bas re-port on medical misslonil to Stonemans lmd t>cen In Fort turned trom rt ·trip to CnllfQrnla which thl' orrcrinu this m~nth Sumner vfsltlng t:vn's mother where aho visited for several was to be tJent. Mrs, lrcno Stoneman. ' w~l~ wlth her two sons and

use a . solvent cleaner. Carbon canning opemtlons; on the fann tetraChloride ls such 11 sdl~ent. . . or another person;. or for per~

Many other types of llttdn!{ aqnal or other nontarmtng pUr~ : · can ~ removed by using a mild tx>CJJS.

~ DR.·. GENE. D.. SMITH • • • . • Chl~ract~r -~ . .. "Hours By- Appointment.. .~

3(U Central PhOne 515-4515. .Tula~~.~· M.




• ance\ • . ' .. .

. ·-. . ..cactus Stackers ·


Saturday, August ~27 •

. .. An.d ~~try Other Saturdlly Following~

• • •. \ '" ' . .

. "We.· Serve· Choice Steaks11

' .

' ..


• Mrn. Mar(tarct Meam, David Our trapper Mr. Barker drop..· their .tnmlllcs and a daughfQr. ·

.. r·-

1 and Cheryl of Alamogordo wero ped by for a visit at the post Miss Marcela SancHez Is now overnight I:Ul'llt8 In the homc office one mo~lng 1118t. week.. In St. Louis, Mo. Marcela gr4d~ • or Mr. and Mns. E. I. Harltey Leo Muiz, who trappejl bcre uated from Hondo high school •



ln.nt Tucllday. Gatr stotycd .with · year and WIUI so pop~ 1n M the Mnrv!n Rowlns. TI1ey atten- with thn rMchers, .!snow work:- Nl~·nnd 'EUoone Serriifnnd tied !'amp meeting Wednclidny JDSI around Santa Rosa. son Alex visited :&narante Cha-liDd Bjx>nt the night with Mr. \- · vcz and fnmlly Sundr¥,Y' •

· ~~~~Ef;~£~~c~n:::~ Claunch News ~~:~ :?~~~~~gfntnnpa£~~~~~ Camp Meeting were the Walt - · Wllwll!l and bOYB who camped · Mra, Clotlldll Sedillo Qt Los.

. but the whole. time, the Howard Betty Hall.• .• An~clcs, CIJ.]it, Is vf~Itlng_ Nia-ll I I I

tivea and friends 1n San Pa· ur tcy ami y, .Mr. and Mra. E. · I wnnt to thank M..... nArl"

1 I• 1 "'• n •v """ "' trlclo, She Is related to tho . . ~ar t~,, ryan Hightower, Tally tor the nll!b news column Gome~ frunlly. •

Mr. and Mtl!. Damey Wllson tlhe ·wrote tor mo ,last week nnd grnndrhlldrcn, Woody and while I wM In Fannlngton. Sho Marl1 Wllwn, and Mro. Lavona · did a good job. Thank you, MUlcr, Jim and Enid Miller and Mary Allen. t(uw llt tic glrlll. ·

Woody and Mark WliBon nre 'rho Claunch community wns nlnylnR with their R"nndparenta, well I cprenented at tho

~Ung this ycnr. Thoso ntten· tuo Bnmt>y Wll&onn, while their ding were: Mra. Dcrlo Tally, motht>r In undcrnoing trent- Mns. Loulo· Jobc,.,Mrs •. .MaUle ly County '-'"'" l•llllh PvnJ•p mentA In TucBOn. Little Lola In· Montrromcry, Mm. Evorott 11taylna with her maternal Stopp:J, Mr. -and Mrs. Howard 1 spent t1. day lns.t:-\veek, ac· umrulpnl'l'lltD at Hobb:!, Surratt and grondchUdrcn, Rlck companied by Dr, Nqur, HorU·

Mr. and Mns. Dill Munster- nnd LeAnn. the Sloan lrunllv, rulturlst, from tht\ New Mexico m:m. thl'lr 1!011, hiB wlto and son " Stnhl Unlvcralty, v~ltltlg Or· of Fl. Worth \vero rt!ctmt vlslt· tho Hobh:l rrunlly, llily Connell Chords ln the Hondo Vallcy ora of Jacldc Sllvcra. Tho lltun- ramlly, Evcryono cn}oycd tho fnkltlg leaf samples to ·(!,heck ctcmmnn are old-limo lrlcnd!l fino .ao~lcea and tho coo4 food. the etrectlvene~ or aoma Iront t And, of coui'IU all the vlsitln" 1\tnn,..,..,.,., d ztn t rtl"-A

o Joddc'n, who were hero dur- thnt WlUI done \\-ilh old frlcndll ,.-.... o an c c U«:r& •. In!% the homeatcndlns.t dayn and 01 wcll no new ones. . Tho trce.s whero Iron nrl<l Zlnc

.. lived on what 111 now tho Dlm- Mrs. Doln S'tap""', Mrs. Loulo \\-et'O appUed show deep krccn milt llond rnnch northwl'llt of ·~· color compared to the surroun·



Anello. Jooo. Mrn. Mnttlo• ding area. 11lo leaf tells nnd r.trn. Mary Ar~•l~lo~n~:~~w~c~ro~!{~~~~ll~~;;a~~~tr'~~~~~ Mr< and Ronnie Richard gucnl:ll of Mnr; '11

or Jfobbn \\o't'ro WN'Iumd CUl'lltll Nognl Saturday nl.cht. · whlll'Cas soil snmplcs tclb In tho home of hiD p.:~rontll Roy Mr. und Mrn. Weldon Slcwnrt the fertilizer elemcnt Is pre-and l.llllnn Rlchanl sent.

Mrll W. L. CRcdl Hobbs of of Albuquerquc visited with h.!$ At.tlto same Urne, we .... e·•·ed mothcr, Mrs. Nom Stewart on "'' ""

Loa . Lunnn- lUld Mrs. nctty Morula)'. Mn!. Htc\Vnrt rotumcd -brllt--And--worm -d:lJJUitW llf M• Hubb:J nnd cl1lldttn \ .. "t!re tn An· 4 i!hlmis !n th¢11~. In~mtJ ur­cho ono dn.y IMt wcck on their ~o:~u:nh them. fu VIsit lor chants ihe htUl injured the brJ.rk way to romp mecllnst. Red In 0!1 .wnU 0!1 knocked off hnlf the reportl'd to be In bcttnr health Mr. and Mm. Bcrlc Tally, Mr. I ,.M. th .. _ _._

" and Mnt. Roy Montrtnmery -o.nd app e. "" o cr OI'Cuu•""• the nnd rcroVt>rlnr. Crom the utrolro Mrn. Mottle Montgomery ,~ro 'hall dllJllBgc was not as heavy.

at~;:!_ ho nuflcred ~~CVernl months ~ts of l.ll'll, t.oute SOD& last • ~ l-hlllped--ndRanehcrfrom-Tln• ... ~ Wcdn d 1n h h nlc oroa maU two wonn Mr. nnd Mm .. Rooldo Stmll!y enjoyc~ ':(' ::~~ g, ~8:~ t oy Ics. Lilt's hopo t~ey ate maggots

of Lrul Crurou upent IWVl'l'Ol days Th Cl ... Cl b not serow-wornu. Solno wornu with tht> <'..oi>O Stroll')'D nnd v~ 0 aurach Lnwcs u met \\'l!rc roported ln the Corona. llt>d with other rolatlvca. Conn Frlda_y. Thooo attending wcro: are

.. - Mr11. Dcrlo Tally, 1\ttiJ, touta 3•

hnD \l('('n llt>pt buny lntt>ly haul- Jobo, Mns. Mattlo "'foril""""£1"" Tcn 4•H Members will bo Ina hny · •• .. v ... ·-~ t .. ,.. -

Mm L. Y. Jnt'J.rnon nru1 Doo- 'cry, Mrs. Bill Wl'll!l, Mnl. Neva at cnwug State 4-11 Contcrehce DI'C.'

10011 Bnrb.'lra Forbus to her Pctrou and Mm. Roy Connell. next w·eck at New Mexico Sta·

Vlnltort~ wcro Mns, Gayle• too, tc University to compctc In the '

JehnMn'l leot & Sh" lt.,.lr RUIDOSO DOWNS

Mrs. Znda· Maxwell, Mrs. Doris Statt'l Cotttcst. Those attending Mnxwntl and Mrs. Ulllnn Mont• .a~ Jane De~ Kathy Tmtlot', comcry. ~a· llnll, Lol!l Durllnp, Pete

Mr. Sid Carley of Albuqucr. Gnatko\\'ild, Gru.y HigbtowM,



-. . -.·, .,.... . .. '

( . r ;·.

. ., • •

SS Y'••n lb,.,~M• • letn•MW• Mci We w!O llltlt..Ciate yew ltvlfneul

quu wn.<~ n vfsltor In the Everett .Tud Cooper, Joe Cooper, Wayne ' Stopps home on Wctlnc.ooy. Ita Dunlap and Billy MncVci$lb. THE1196S .OFFICIAL FORD CLEARANCE .IS H~ERE·!

1/l mile Mit ef tha Chaparr•t

WWI on hlfl . wa.y to tho· CllnlP :Fire u a potential hazatd tn N · , metttlng.. .• ' • nil hbusca. It may be started ow s the time to get the best deal of the year on a brand new

Mr. and Mra. t.eon:mt Hobbs by one ot matlf <:aUiiCS. tmd tt 1965 Fo...., Al'l tt-e '65e mu t · d G. S h · ot Cedarvale \\'tiro nucst• 1n the ~ dittem:tt. ~thcxla of con· d '-'.1• . "·· ~ s ~o, an your reat out west

Accl'"'' a Ne.tlh • fWjUiy a svm, ,,.. & MariM

home of Mr. nrul -~ Roy trol, deperidltlg Qi\ the ea~. ' FDr Dealer cart giVe you the highest trade·in and the lowest Montgomery pn Frtdtt1. . . -11 Fl'aYed or broken covcra on prrce eV'er. Right now, there's a big selection of all the beau


Dial 1<11·»t2 w C&n._•, N. M.

Tho Claunch Ladl~ Club P.\-11. appll$nee col'(ls bn lead tonm. •L 1 '1!!5 ~. ·. . . . . · . · · • • a bridal shower Cor Miu. s.~ Mott.-1'9nll ara tully ~pelrtcJ.·--·----!!~IJ-~c ~rQr(f_s._to ch~e. from. Mustangs,..f'.alcons,. Fau'lane&, Talley at Tho club~ ()It the ~ dleclc app'llance. and ,exlett• Bfg fords, ThunderblrdS . Trucks Pick your favorite . with 23rd. Mlsl 'l'alley U: the dattgh• lion com. often. • · '" . . • . . . . ' · • • . • - ·

Ginsberg Muttc Co. ter of Mr, .a,t~d ~ Altora iJ'aJ. some ~ ttre not wired ¥OUr .taVOrtte ~olor ~nd -equipment .... whlle .tfJe selectJOfl is at . ~~;. sAhtet~tntv-ed -~ URtuP tt to ~ the .amount of cleo- • tts pea_k. See your Great Southwest Ford Dealer now - .

e~....... """'. g were: mrt._. a • ttJclt)" ~-by ~odat• e. ·. • · · · • sy Mulkey· a¥. tOn !)cott,Krs. ltafl~ .e~u,. COn'ilnual C). •

New - ftiANOI - UHII • Ph~~M MANa~·

.Nettlb.. .1~ ot COt'blla. ldn. · vtrtOildlnat or tna~atell'·llted · Iva lt~'of_~e-, 'MrJ. wir8~6UB!t-tbelt·li)IUlaUc>rt " .. .

0- •·•

1 1 . -' ..... . Ciatt 11~ ot t.ot· Utnu Knr. . • .............. .JlN ... 1t... • • .i .. . . . . .


an... no 1\ftnno -· l')()rlt )la)t'M!ll ana aa~tft", <M ..... ~ VUt .U . &vf! WI~ COble· IUIOIVISIONI. W\U. lOCATIONs . DoM& of· Carrlioco, Mrt. Jhr't. . lrt ~tact "'!th _Nth othft', A

.......... . '. . . ......... ........ "'~t•·· l' {" ....... __ ., abOrt dtq,dt,_ .and pQijllble .nte. . lAND _.. .. ,. • ructt. IANCifiS . • ~ • ...,, ,n••· ~- -~- . UllUl5 .. M tttultt. . 1t11 Or~•ift Ave. Ml7~·· dau&hteb, W~U.- llO\Itle and . .lf a flnt 00..-atatUtah ~

A1t . nl . . ~hrlt. ~ •. MI'ttlc; YonlJI>nt• . ,,. ...... ·..,. •~t.t.w. . , • ..& .... .:...1 . . .. . ::!"'!!;;.._ !f~w Mllttc.. . ery, Mrt. 'ttl& . ~. M& a_....,, ':"" b~·· e-. •• ~,.. ·~

- . ..~ ~ • · ·• t.out• .r~.,Mtt. ~ )tont· ~~tcK<'* ..;-~~~~ .

.&.a ~~:r.~~t~ ~w:~===:·' 1fillfy, Norma an(t Chatle- .... 1 .. '""'t ..... .,._ ...... "' .,..;..~:o .. • and tht ~ ·ot .b@'t s~ e., v "'~ vu . ......,.tn .............. u.• 'rat~. l\l®h ana· cak . . . er tM ~. . . . . • • •

. . . ltn'td ~.· ............... ~...~,r'J" .· Ain'~tlonc>fol<h'fitp;; .tt o. nfruitn.• •;"itt ~ i(~~y -~ ~- !'r ~-~

· ·uw ·•~u~rtk Ot-*" .. ...... • 'Bw1••1 Mt.l\41 .on. s~ tMt. . · tCftltt w !NI'lt i'M.cUt,. toriit · ·· · .· ~~k-wtre:llr. alid ~. ~t-o. ~~~~A.~ .. ¥~ .. ~

. - ~11 it\d d\~ Jln\ O~r _..,_~ •• • ·Wo&oN ~ ._...... a.. z. Manlrt Attn~ n.....1 . · ................. ., ...... · .... · ·. . .............. tbat.._. ....... ·-· t ....... . •........... , .· ... · .. _ .......• =.'.•• JV<:~• ~- -... ....,.... -rs. -~ _. ..,..... . llll---~ A""'"' ---~- ·- -~m••• 'Mamlt ~ ~~ ....... b\ttMd M.•t,~t«\~ ~

AtlltiiiiiiiiP l'h... •• -..... .s~ ~CQttJi· v ·· • bflt~t 11ritb-.terou.~·~. . . . w AetW.t_. ._..,... . . . .·. Mr.-JA4 )tnc:~e(flto'bbl Ot lcla ~ ·~ · ·

·· .OUt &8M7t .. t.Hrll•• tt.·M.c . Lor <lAtnu w• vWttOtil u. ....... Anoll« ~- ot ................ 1ft " · · · · · · ·· . . . . .. . . . . ·. '1\!6~ttobbl tKsmd'rktly, thd tbt ldtclWR "- litJrttlM~•·· . ·

•ulN J1P11C. SMVJCI .·. -. ~. ~ Jtf~ .. \h6 ... -~ ltmed ~ riNII* ftiiMIIt bt • ~ · ···· ·· ··. ·. ···· · .~me.tbtJ'onlt~wlUt ~thttttcl: W~tlll" wnr .... · ··t:& HQbbl. · ·... . · · · ,· it,. tiM •·~ ~ -~

. <ktu6~..,· .. . . M. Wnwllfl'Obbl.h'~ -~Ot<hM\t,t~tle> ~ · . ;.~· $Ptlc> "hN<I.. . . .• 'Mmi~~ !1M w. bt .... vlaot. \(1'<:\it o« .·~ Ud ·~tbtt.

· " t:tiN._ .. . tU~ 4)1\ tht ~ tal'tDI wtth · 'tbt rltt~ • · • ,. I

• . ' . . ' '

' • •

•• ' . '

. • •

• •


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•· · Mqnthty NeWs: Report ····oh •e· '. •o·· · •'o· · ·. u· • · ..•. · fr· · , ·. ·1·· lecfriC ·. ·•· '":· ~'~· i'~l .~ ....... ~ .. " .. · •... ·.·. · .. ·.··.· ... ·

' '. ,·' •'' .

. rat,ve·~ Inc.

• • ••

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' • i . • . ' ' ,· ~ . . '

Many poles and mil-. of Jll't(t w~~-y.r~slted d()~rt th, river· -- ~- ----- - -~.,.. --- if


Tinnie, New Mexico June 21, 1965


To whom It may concern: •

Just to :say that tho. REA men surely did a quick job fast Friday here Jn ovr valley getting· electricity back to all. They deserve thanks from aU. We are proud of them. Th;;mks li'galn. · ·

... ~

Respectfully1 '

Mrs. Nina Nelson

Otero County t:feetrlc Co-op Cloudcroft, New Mexico

,. - •'l • 11 .;. -. "' r,

Denr Sir:;:

,.. t woutd llke to thank eaCh"ofyou, ancfespecidf- .... ly your work crews for the prompt and·efficlent ser· vice In repairing the R.E.A. lines during and after the fiQOd 1n the. Hondo Villlo . ·- -

... _ . Wo .all appreciate lt-¥ery ll!UdJ.

• Sincerely, J


'*' ' ' * • • . .. :~- .

* . '

• • .. . . . ' '

' '

- . _,: .'---c~-~'-~-.. • : ... :...~-~--~~:;:.._·~:;:.::...~ ---··:.;...:~ ~·''i~~--.:..;.:....:.:..., . .:.{.:c.;;.F•:..:..:cc.:·.: ··;-;--:~.:c··--.,- •;.:-:;~ __ ._ •· ...

· Oter(J ·e"untu 18/ectric !He. ' ·

' .

. '


' '

. .,_

, Beginning of 10;30 ·a.m. i.n Cloudcroft scKool


' •

.Repofts from... officials

5 Trustees to. be elected •

-- ----- ---------"--~ -----

.. • --

.• I .

• . ---~ ---- -- --,---- __ __.. __ -. . -- - "~ -

. . . .

. Other meeting husiness

• ••

·contest --- ~- ...

·---------·--~--~----"---- .-. ~---.

door •

9 ' j.

Undtr 1h1t flood men Jay l.lsat.r '"' <:~_p ~u.l.J!n\~nt_ . - - ---- ----- -- -·." - --~ -- ---- . ·- ,.. __ - -- -- -- ---- -- . .

. Valley. flood. took lots of work from crewmen

.. No ono cn{oys a· disaster, noithot does anyone like cleaning up oftor a flood. ~ut tho people of tho Ruidoso­Hondo Volley orca had to do this. Certainly they havo shown groat courage and durability during this past flood Period. · · ·

Tho Otero County Electric Cooper'I'Stivo, Inc., would like to exprons its appreciation for tho patience and co­operatlpn rc~lvcd whtlo repat~ing tho damages to power llnos. Whllo the ltn(lmon worked hard to kcop tho power on during tho repairing, thoro were times that tho power hod to bo fcr.llbort .pedoth for .nofoty .reasons.. · - - ~J

For two dayn Md nights tho men worked around tho clock, rcplac:lng washed out polos and rebuilding fino from ono end of tho Valley to tho other. During. tho .com~ i plcte rebuilding. .podod .(Wcry ~no.-of the Valley peep!t:r · ·-: -~ was very eoopcratlvo and consldorato of tho job to bo I dono.

J Joseph R. Skeen • ·········--. --- .... ___ ,_,,._-~-

~--- - __ _, >'

Many pr1zes Tho Member So~Vlccn, beportment of tho Cooper11tlvo . offerg. w~ '$(}f\licos to aU of the nron who mlgnr have nood for assistance In ofecttiClll planning, ln ropairing or ra. placing your porsonol facilities .


•) . '

·~ .. ,

ater Heater. Special

On a 40-gal. "Quick Recovery"

. ela$~ Lined Hotpofnt

Take. advantage of this You get oil ...

· · these Fecituresl ATER HEATER

Round • • • with Cafrod lmersion H~usting Units

'SAVINGS SPECIAL' - . -- . " -

as the new low rate•


· .

e ·INS1'ANT Ho1' WATIJl • sAFlT.t e CONWNIIN(I e DIPINDAaiLi'IY e ECONOMY . · . . •

e CLIWI~lN!E" e NO YlfttiNO

'• ''

.. . . ' .

c· .. Special o-op ... . HeathttftaN .


. ·¢··· ..... Pet .. . ·J<W·· H· .. · .. ' . . . . ' .

. ·._- · .. • • • •

-A1GuJAR PRICE • - ~ .- - . -. '. ,'·( _.." / i"'. v , ·~ ~ ....- .. :..--,.,.,)-:


go info effect!

$129.95 65.95 .

·, $64.00 . . . ·· 'rScrvfnt$" Alowa~tCe

. o..: -- '

We ~v• purchaMd a tarlqad of ~al. "Quick hcovery" Hotpoint water heaters to be avaUabt. to ~for a UMITJD· · TIME ottv at Appiranc. De•J. .,. thi'dUghout ttt. · Coof»ra•

• ••

• . · .... '

Your, cost·. - { . . .

• ' •


ttW- -.mce ••· · • • '2.56 AU purchases •r& cash - no

··· · · · ti!rmt, 110 ttedfi..fnt. 'l'hri. plan · appli!t• Ohty 1Q member-con· sum•rs of the Ottro County. · . • I . , , . . .

. . 'Electrk toapetatiye, nu:. No other sates wllf ~· male. .. -. ..

• •' . It ,

. ·1!01 A'DDittotW JNFOitM.AtlON tONTAet ·· ... • "' CLOUbCROft, H. M. ····~

··01·· .·,. ro···· · ···c·· ····un···ty·· · ·E···.····ect··· ·.····n·c·· . ' . . . . . . . - - ' . . '

- . : . - ~ - . . . -. . .. . . . . •' . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . .·.. . . . . . : .

• .. . . . ' . - .• .. ' ·-·- ...

. ·, • . .

• >It '. ~ . '

• .• . . ~ •- '-

• ,(';!i ~


The Cooperative has received tovoral nice lottorn a1mplimentlng our service crows on their work and wo think that these should be a matter of public record. We t~ro sure that tho writers will have no objections to having them Included In our monthly letter, It's oiW&)!S nlco to receive ·a compliment and we know thot our crows oro very apprec:lative of this.

Several pictures appear which shows what cnn hop­pen ond there ($ no prevention .

Again we thank each and every ono involved fot your patience,· cooperation and understanding .

A " 'People Ptogram "l'ht'l rural ~l!!etrlc eoap<!mti<:o prot:tam hns been mi.!~ a ~at

hwnanHmirut €!t!ort, and this lias UC\-et been mom t~ppat1!nt than m today• last cluulging worlcl. •

Ha.\'ing petaOruilly experleneed the revolution f!leclrlclty cnn brlng to rural lite, America'• COoOJ) memben am leaden tn helP­ing otbl!rl around the world.

With a.11 couple or. yean., experience of belplttg foreign 1~ via the .Agency for' Intematlonal I)eve!opment, It is not IUI'Ptfs. tng that ni:)W six l1ll'nl electric speclalllts are en routt1 to a real tl'otlb~ spot, , . · ·

• • The ibt•man team In V!et Nam fa~ a great cltaltt!nge and a

great owottuntty. 'i'bt!ff examp~ ll11d thelr work C®ld well brJ.rnt · tortb a. new ute td ~te ot that Wid. It ~Pew weu tot M'l! el~tJOD that the ~ baa produced ~ ot caliber WU1lng to lace IUCh a .attflCult Wk. • ·

'RI!tJ{ electric ~tlvet are at.o ~»nffilulfig. their fight aplnlt poverty bent .. •t b~. llUJ'Al people a~ riO i~ to thll Pi'Ob~ for lWlt the ~f tn. All\triai. ia ln t:\ltalare. •

· diitacU!rlatfeally, ~Uv~ metnbeh · · movhig aht!tld In .thli field. • Mtet aU, rural etechic CO"()ppJ ·began their flrht . aptn&t poverty 30 yeats ato. Ttie1 hafe come • lorti way. With the new em~li on the wat ~~t povfflf .net. thft new •· P!ml ~ble, runt ~pte Will mov.& ilhea4 ta;ter. · · 'l'hll. lntemt til 1'Urill ~le, fro\J,ble;d J)e()p~ Jt born& ati<l abtl:lld, u t10thlng MW to turitl•eJectrle too~tlva.lWrat elec• trlftcat~ 1h6 ~ war ·11. a ~1e pt()gt'ai'D1 .molce or~ted . In thf "Wfl1m· ot- tht prQgram, lf~ le«cSert have twMt lolt •liJitt . of .tile ~ .0C -~ llfOPle. •ritt~ty ·h\()Wt Jtu· bHrt toWard help. itf . ·-t ... to bel"' thc!mle~ ::'~'i . ·. . . • . ~ l"'Ml'<' . i' . . :vea, . ·t.l'Jiefe· .·cu ·~ .no· qut<tffoll that tfie. IJittetlatit ot the i"'1tj! electriC· ~t'ltlv~ progmn · ~· ln lfl trlfmbel'Jbfp,. 'thla· ~ u

.. tt · iltCl\Jld !i.e. AWttt.tWrtt th.t lt~i\lth ~ ort 1®-J\Otcl\ ,;:...,.,,,... ....... -JJ ....... ~ .. ....;;. .. ! """' . . _..y.,.,.. "'"' an ~!"onntct· •""'-·~~ p, ••ill ~ ~ that~ -~Uon •• ·~ ~,. .

' ~ .. . .



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............................................... · Keeping in with th_e ins · ·

A short quotation In the Way We~~t Column !lllys, "Keep In with the oul,!J", which Is g9()d advlc~&~ almost as good as keep• lng in wlth the Ins. We. ha.v.c. in mind the new paving put down In, Carrizozo by thl;! state blgh­wiiy department.

How to leorn

There arc many ways to learn but only a few young people who nrc smart c)'lough to com­bine their learning with earning, The futurl' In dl11tant when a boy rnrolls 11.5 a high school freiiJi'tlmn. He has no Idea what­soever the ltlnd or worl' he per­fonns In the next nine months could be worth a flat $1,000 ... If he doeo well.

Attcrechool jobs arc not un­rllmmon, n boy can understand thn t routine which Includes a check at the end or ellCh week. Uu t the Idea of applying lils full talentu to learning Is tor the bookworm, the boy who dOC!lll't go out for sport!!, that other ~'lly who Isn't one of the I:IUIR that defendll the honor of the echool on any handy btlttle ground.

Malting money while atten­ding h•gh echool can bo dono and your parontn ought to got hop to lht> routine and encour­age thl'lr yo11n~teru to learn

" whllt> thl'y corn.

In this Instance. we can tfl'lmk our toWn council an4 mayor fOr their efforts in keeping ill with

·.the. In~ , • , · tl,lld · WI! do, fight . now. ~Thanka. fl.lll.owa~ ... ~~ ..... ~-- ...

What'a g(l0c1 fo.r the . town ought to be. good one W4Y ()r anothet for evecy(!ne. · · ~ ·· ··

. .

. . ' ond eorn

The C~J.Se of Danny Armstrong Is a handy srunple. Danny was ns tine a t~tbnll player as wore a Grizzly uniform. during hls years in high achool, He also 8 worked many hours In the fatn· Uy restaurant and carried on a fairly full social progrqll'~ Dan· ny also studied and retain¢ what he learned. Come time to go to college Danny received a scholarship that should be worth $4,000 by the time he graduates. And, If he success­fully completes his college work there will be jobs waiting that wlU be much better than ave­rage,

How's that for lf1arnlng and eamlng In high scho'ol. . •

It your high lll!hool-age son E • L,...,.• Loans arc Also available to rural Wool growers h 1 · 1 · Or dllUghtcl' Will, getS cnCOUr• xca. vat1on ~·ns .C:OOpcratiVeUCrvfng JoW~lneome . . .0 e p ft aaement at homo and docs good fnmtlles and providing 'JerVlcet work In school there nrc many and facilities not . .otherw!$e a· prOposed legislation BCholnrshlps available - all or· t. G Q • • vallable. I' . which mnl~o the learning worth a ran UIVtra . Borrowers nrc provided COD• . Secretflry, of Agriculture Or-~!!:;..~~ ~~~~~t 18 w:;e~cMt . . , · l tinulng management-aid-to-help- \IU1c. L. ~man ln. ataWment on tho road to n full and useful A work crew entered on duty · them make a SUcCCSll of their released to the PreiS on pending life. todey to inltlate the cxcn.vat!Pn farming or new bUJincU. farm legislation, House bill a

of the IndlnJl Mound at Grim Farm fnmllles may obtrun R. 9811, state!! that tbe major


:1:110 -.rn. to $;00 Ji-m.

.. Phone ~~~~2252 . llt Ntsa~rt ft1ona

EL 4·2633. No~l PAY N-!D Nl(;lfl'

4 \, . ! 5

. .




Qulvcrn Natlqnal Monument. loann to finance ngrlculturol en- provisions of the house bUls Planned for several years, the tcrprises. Funds may be used to • proJect In finally bcJng real~cd pureh!lSO Uvestock, mnchlnery are;: Proof of something WATER SYSTEM . , .

Wbl!n tho new llL!l'V leo ll1l1Uon owncra rmlll that buulnesa WU!I

nt lt>ll!lt 11!1 good 011 U1oy had c>XJWcl(>(l It might bl.', (IMOt' to IIJK'nlfllt . . . It could well be proof of ~Wvernl thlnco.

Jo'irat, hut mnybt> m03t lmpor. tant, n nntlon-wtlfo advcrtit1lng proumm t"Ontlnul'll to Jl.'lY off. Thr pt•t rull'\111) [Jroduclll thl'1'1C people dln[K'nfl(> muat be flOOd ... but no both•r liUln n numbt>r of othrr hmndo.

Scrond, ht>rl.' In Jll'Oof thnt Cnrrl7.oro tuw room for J1.10ro buttln1'1111 piDl't'll. Cnuld ht• a few

• .. -c ..

..... "' ~M tl' '·•~' r,,.,, THIIWAV OP THE! ....

Thr Nov .. nl Mt>ll.'l C'..nrnp Ml't'l· lnfil junt ronl'lud('(\ Willi one or lhr drll'llt on rt't'Onl - otorll'll about Wmthrr \lo't'nJ drop(Jinl! nil around Onr rellow rrom up north or C'Jirrlwro Q pi~ ll:lliJ It ,.,..Illl 1111 1lry around hh1 plnro that hr hod to eoall hln hor.n n rouplo or hours before Uley would hoiJ olop

w.w "Imrt nr," the ownrr of a

uroat {laJU' dnrr told tho vet. "ynu'vt> not tb do s:omcthin~;. M()' doll dot'll nothing but cllru:c I h l'l1(' smm II to ro I r.n l'lll"'l."

"Wt>ll, that'o only natural. Moot dogu chru:c l'am."

"Yell." tb" mnn nwetd, "but my dol! rotchCll them and bur­leG them In tho b:lt'lc ynrd"

w. w .. Out trolling our dttgB nround

we ('{)Uid c«1 that the country I.A dry Jnt'k robblta rnnlco prlnlll tho 11t2.o of o di'Cl' nnd lrow lit U£> nmeU. The dOl:!J do not troll by alt(ht 110 they wt>rc not dotnr. mul'h (tOOd.

WeW C L. Sulzbt>ruer In hill n::ecmt

book. Unflnhlhed ncvoluUons. l:llVt> ruur rorotnnl rula of dl· plomacy:

K«>p 1M tnltlaUve. Exploit tho lncvltablc. ltcep In with tho outs. Arul U anything goa wrong.

novcr stand betlo\'l!t!n tho dog and tho tnmppost.

w.w Vernon Searcy, b!lck ln Zozo

working with t>a\o Ln'Mlll)' on n new butnno setup, hill invited all of hll Lincoln County rrlcndll to North New Nexico y,.1lefe

proplc 1n tho oil hwJlnCtJ!I tlgurc thlo new utntlon will burt their bU!llncsn, we'ro more lnC'IIncd to thlnlc thn t lart:er total buslnerw Will bt> done In thb town. The rluht location, tho Iicht pro­ducts. bneltcd up by ccrvlce w111 draw trade, no mnttor whl'ro,

Third, nml l011t, lf lots of IIJ!hln nnd Iota or parkJng apace In what It taltcs to atop the thourmndn or trtaveleru on lllr.h· wuyn 380 cmd 51 . • . Ute older parll or town with 11 minimum or turldm~ and average !Uuml· nullon could well tnltc hero,

th£>y will ~:et G pcraonnl guided tour with tho nddro promlro of ff't':lh trout tor •'lunch. •

WeW A prJmrtry .d111)t nt 1lD)' nmw·

ll.'lJWr lo to tt-rvo lt.n arcn, be It lorol or otntc, with lorn! nmvo or the IU'l'a, Slnco the cdltorlal borus of tho R~ell Reconl lD on varnUon wo can Bn.Y It out loud that we think tho Rctortt d!X'll a ronl fino job of lteepinr. up wtth Clmvi:'s rounty propto and the area around.

WeW A teacher gave her ctnss U11J

problem: .. U tharo oro 11cvcn rues on

your dcnl: nnd you kUl one, how many wlU remoln. ?"

"One," nnswcrod tho most down-to-earth pupil, "the drod on() ...

WeW CluodcroU doca not hll'-'0 as

b:1d n Wll'b:lno probl(!m us it docn a be~ problem. 'lllo bc:li'S oro hunfii'Y, tho r.nrb:lgo lJ handy.


through approprlntlons granted and cqulpmcnt, construct or rc- 1. 'lbo cotton law would con· by Connress for- tho 1900 ·Pair-, pay annual -ttnuc- tbc---orie-prlcc- apProach Year which bcg_nn July 1. - operating ~xpep.set fpr aced, that h!J.J incrcru~ed tho UJO of

on July 6, Supervlsoey Ar- . feed ant\, ix'Jllulnoo cotton ln the u. S. this year chwlogbt Alden c. ltnycs was real cstafe debt• and purehue and give cotton fanners greater trnnsretred to Gran Qulv.cro to Jnnd, 'lbe loiUl$ also ··may be freedom ot cholce. taltc chnrr.c of the work. Jle and used to buy abnrcs ln small · 2. 'lbo feed' sroin progrnm Mrs. nnycs bnvc Jived at M;esn . coopcrntlvts 1lult terve rural whtcb hu ndde 8 bUllon dol· Verde National Park for the .people. Jars to farm Income the lla5t Jl3St ccvcn )'cnrs whcro A1 wus Fann and nonfarm ftunUlcs 4 )'t'lll'S would be extended, and eneor.ed In the e,xcavatlon and Jlvlng Jn tho country or In strhU lmprov(!d. · ol.(}blllwtlon.of the cllff ruins toWJl!l ot not more than 2500 a. An lm_!)t'Ovcd whcn.t pro­on Wetherill Mcstl. population rnny obtain Jo'ans to nrom ·wOUld boost whco.t farm·

Mr, Archer W. Steward, hilt- fln:moo non-acrlc:uJturo enter- crs incomes by $\50 bllllon a ter lmown ns ''Rusty," lln! prls~. . . year. trormfefl'(ld to Oron Qutvcro F!conom!c opportunity loans .. 4. A new mpland ad]\l.!ltment from Canyon dn Chell(!)' Nttt'l may be mt\00 in runounta up to ~H~ ~~d ~cl~h~~ ~~~ Mon~ent, Arlzcll!l, to bo 'Ay. $2500, bror 4 !' percent IntereSt, ncrrocc out of crops Into con­ltnycs asst.tant, He recent Y nnd mny bo repaid over periods servo.Uon and recrco.t!on USC~ completed three-months train· up to 15 years. _ If th"" ··-.. t"" to _ A_ .. ~-lng nt tho Albrlcht Trolnln11 b . "" ......... cu w"" uv C<!nlcr n' Gmnd Cnn)'On No.· EUgl lc oppllcantn must hllvo pald for lt. tlonal Park, · and was park nr- an lnctlmo that Jloes not cover 5. In adtlitlon, tltc wool pro. chcolonlllt at 111!1 fonnl:!r o..olgn· b:l!J!c frtmUy llvl~g nctth; bo un.. (lJ'OlJ1 would bo mn tlnucd. ml'nt. "RWity" Ill olnnle and duo able to obtcln ~dlt trom other 'l'bl.a last 1.a moot Important to lack ot hOU!!lntr at the mon- cou~. Including the regular to nrea; um~nt-ilr~Mintr in Mmmtnin• ln:m .pro;::mm .ot.Enrnlcm.Hmno ·rn·orucr tor fdrfilcfif trnil air . Admlnlstrntlon, and Gbow a. rea· ranchers to ho.vo the benefit of

· conab!c promtso of cuccctdlng . July 15 011d 10, Mr. Olrl De· ln tho cnt.crpl'ito to 00 tiru:lnced any one or these programs, con·

!!Cn, Chief of tho Drancll Motion grcsmon."ll approvnl of lL R.


Tired of plnying cnklmo every time you hBve to thaw 0111 that oi!1Jot pump of yourn7 Get wltb our Aermotor Submernlblc. We'll lnstnn it. You forget lt. Come In ond ank about it!! fivo·yenr warranty. •



COW POKES ,, ...

• . • •

ly Ace Reid •

"' "

Jllcturell __ and ~udlwllllf~u sg; __ ~y:o_lo3JJ,. _ ;r- .. llirQllgb _ o>: ~ _ 9811 _\!'pi_ ~-~d.~'& ul· S_c_t vJ.c.C_Q, Jn. t !l __ ~tQ•~ .... ---~ ~-tml\!!L _uru readY ll.\t~Un~n... ____ .. ~. -+---+ Park Service's hc:u!qu!ll'tml 1n Fannoru !lome .Admlnlstmtlon Is much opposltJon from non• Wn!lhlnr;ton D. C., and Photo- o!licc lorotcd at UO E. 4th, farm, nntl-farm, and some fnrm CfOPllet Tom Grey, also with Fisk Building Roswell, New groups, tho Wll!lhlngton Of!ice, tooft Mexico. Houra ttto 8 to 5, Mon· Il the- form bW foils to pass, motion and s>!lll plcturcg depict· <by throur,b Frltlay. A sub- we would go,~ tiS . tho 19"'.>8 tng Ute mourul lidoro ~·· ofliro tQrronvcrdenoo on:Jnroln Jnw, with pH~ cgupport nt G!i to

• ~~o~ work Md started. A fllght county rmldents Is located at oo Ptt'C(!Jlt ot p:uity and con• o\-'-er the monument wtlll nuulc tho Hondo ltl&h!cllool from 10 tlnued . uvt'1'Jll"Olhtetfon. Thm to ccruro aerial photgropbs for A.M. t1U 12 noon on tho first u."'llld bo no effective feed b<!tter detail ot tho cnttro rulns Wed. of roch month. grolns, wh<!nt or wool prograros. tnl!:X. ' .. • • , . n ,, ~ .... n n d _,. •• • -~ • ... n ,.

Tho Clo;c men rumnUy <!ns:tl• ccd In tho e"covat!on u-ork un· der tho dirc-ctlon of Mr. ltn¥cs Sierra


• •

"Naw, he don't look fast, but pst w~it 'til his owr'ler hokls out ihat oat bue~etl"

· aro c. N. Fulfer, Jcmy Grttne, Guy Mathew'S and Gary F\&lt(lt', nll ot. Mountainair: and oUiU Wells from Gran Qul1.-'tm. Pro­Utnltw.ry wotk com!Skd mainly ot clearing away brush nnd .cac­tus from tlu! lt!, follow.fug wb1ch tho tmroii'crlng -o! ihe burled vUlag. wlll begin. Etec­t.ton of a mnan bulldingo wm 00 ready to ~\fe'tbo speclmenJ



in a week.• . Vil\tcra ato wcloome to \>lew

thli excavation wotk while it ls ,oing 6n hut must be tterom• pjlllled.- by •!l', ktuat work !I Wdng pl~ Monday throui'h Fxitlay, front 8:00 a. m. lO 1:30 p. nt.

A small

of cr., helps

leftte JM.t tra41 fer Jtllll" next new car •~n the .tiNt Jlktanc. ,. JtuWoie, aM ... thJrik Y" will Ilk• 1M ...,.,... J-* at* make lly ir'Hint •Uh w. Gill vtlt1 e&rs tMl . .

Highway f'OWest~ Rutdoso, N.M. _Phone .257-4081 -•c'' - .

. .



re R. . • I .·· ac1ng-.

)!w,_ tfllilJsi anCl *cfkm hfgLlrgTtt eY(1t/ :rterMOll ol ~.·~ n.clilg at the . mott 'belutitul track nt North America. Enjoy it aU 1n ~1.. tit-<:Oti<lttioned.

eornrort, and ll'VOt ~· tt®l'Y loo; of ~· ~l: fQO{J, bevetagt$, and J«Vl~. All at ffie TaJ :Mallal ()£ racltlg .a.ctlon1 evey Sal\U'dar· •

U1d Sunday th~gh ~bet 12. . '

.. '

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FEATURING fABULOUS ,....,..,. . . •• I' "

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@::»· .

. ,$10,000~00 ~~- ·~UA~AMTES~· CASH ..


. "tA Ott 'fJ •

lMFDilliAtiDM AM~ ltA~I 'PAUtlh Et. . PAid fllC. dffti:E UM 'ffll 001tTIZ ltO'tlt.lln M. MliAt 11K6)tt ttt·UJ1

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Page 7:… · . I , I I I 'I ) i ! ·,j . ' I . " _, ! - . 1 '-·' - -,-, ,, .. _ ... -• •


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. ro~ o~ ~~'!Jil; .- to any. Qr an -~~s · · the ~~~h~i:~: • - ·. · of · · · · ·- · . )1.!'· . .OF . lrl 1h~:-Lin.. ~ . . .sou.. , .

N .. -.··.··r I··C·E ' . ' ' .

· - ' . Tin;_-}:-iN~T ~· .At-li> : N(m<:e TQ c:oNr.tA~()R$ . ' -~CE ~tb~ ·· f · dau~~(lr,· ~ LeQ MulkJI ~d 1 pas~ W®lten · e .m. ~ !Jb0M1 .. ~ ¢9~'1' ' ~stAMENT 0~ · . - .· .' '' _ ·AND . . . , • -· . ~~t: c"<l~\-t ·. ,·· • : ·-i:s~ Fricg:~ -t:e;t~~ 1\ b:dc:_. _ Mr\ and ~.· RQland.. Sloan

--- .. .. "' ' '-\19 - . __ · . _ . · · ... · ' ;_ . -~ I.NVITAT.QN~ TO .II>''. . 'J3Y,/$l t;'U.~ .xb:NG . shOWell hoMdng Mll!S Sh!Jl"'!.l- fl'Qm ~$ ~ W~re. vl$1tlng . S'l':i\TE OF~.~~·~ ~GL$ c, WAG~~,· .. f ; _N9tlce i_s b~bf$lve.n ·tJ.l~t . , ·. :~c;le~t. ;. . J)i:puty . . . Talley. Mi&& TlUle)". da)Jghtl.!f. lJl Cowtm lnst We~k, · ·

COUN'l'X QF 41;NCO:W. ) · : · · · . · · · .:.' 1r. · · ·. $!!(led Pl"Qposala _ f~~ !~bing -. (mt;~t J!Ublisbed m tbe Wl· . (Finlt published in tbe Lin· of Ml', !l1ld . _ Alt9n 'l'a}ley . Mr. (Ul.d Mr$.: F. Winch~

; · · • . . •) _ ~o ltnoWA .~ , _ · .. l ·~ ~->411" Ialx>r 4114 mate11Jls ri:- com CoWltf Newt! .TQ]y 27,l965, coin C$)!.1Pty News July 29, 1965. of Claunch · married Aug. · and their ~· ~:d_~~~

. ··-····-····· ·---~=-.,...,=, .... ) : -~c WAGNJm; ~.' . -:-: men . . . I g ... i®. . . •. ' . . . . . . . .. . . . . . Texas: . (()Uple wlU be~ last Wl!1~k ' = ~ A "T'WIU.t AND ) ss .. I • • . . ' ' • ' ) ' - • m~.·f:::oJ.'Ona. School Plstri~t ~o. lN - l>ROIJATtf COum'' . . ..... ··... ' .. u._ ..... JL> ri~. ~ the $Nddw;i.-y. .. Ch~~ ...


~A..., ~. -.. . . . . . . . ·_ . ,.,.,....10 .8

1:' ..... - •. ·• . ~ .. _ · ... , __ ·"' . ~.. _ ... 1'.l ~orona "' ...... ,. .......... co· .......;,1 .... ~----- .. Gt:!:.'T.,...-ri'Y\-r ...'I!I'JU'.:. -~--~--coA.vNA•....,_Jly _ _.. •• ...__,u -"•Y-----~'1"'fi;;'!ol~-..-1----...,""'b;-;::;;:-;;,;·~T-···;;-.;··-· . ·.;::c; .. . :.=:c.:: :::·.::::.: :.,.· ... ;::·; c: ·: :·-)::o,;o •. :.c.I)~ ~V: --.----.---:'J'-·· r-,·--· ----1-"'~ . .,..,.,..~~--,._~, , ri'Y_,. _.,.,... .... .. ., --~11!.0-V~· "''>""~'"''"' ' • . ' 0~ ...._.Jrlll.~ n "-"' J~o ~-·

'l'SST.AMl!irfl' OF . ... ) t.c:mc~~t oP A"PGlN.TNU~NT ~!ved biY Mr, B,tU Hall, S1,1per- STATE OF ·m:w MEXICO E _ • J b h . Mlll11 Tnlley ls a 1003 graduate "" . -. . . ) . . , 9f E~-CUT~!)C . . · .i,n~~ept_ of SchQ91s, ~t hlil of- J!'f 'l'HEl ~1"l'.ElR O,F) Xfen510ft C U 0$ of CorolU1 ltigh ScllCX!l, :Both , Ml'S. Lee Ku.yk~ndullnnd son,

M.AE JORD~; ) . N<JtJc~ is'henll>Y given tbatPn flee m Corona, Ne.w Mex;fco , , · ) · • ' · young people attended Lubbock Bfll~~. .went to l>ortale$ last • ) the tttli d!W· ~pf May, 1965, the untU -g;oo P, ~ (MST> the THE ESTATE' OF > • Cllrlstl!Ul College the wt Yl!l}l'· . Th~day to, get new eyeglasses •.

DECEAS:EP , • • ) 'undEll'fll~ll .. was appoin~!~ ot1t_l).wi~lslt:_}00b51l, alyt G"'"...., ,A..,"'ON )~ NO.STO 50-fety progra• A. F, Wltlcbester is tetu.iilg. Mr, and 1\f~! Lee Kuykendall · · ExccuU:ix of the estate of Fran- w. c ... J.~ o ~ ...., l?U c EU +"~>'"" ~- , _ _ . _ _ . 10 down the c:m'e bwldlng knQwn and Bruce ~e o. bW~lness trip

NOTICE OF ·APPOINTMENT cls c, Wngner, also ImoWil as Q~ned ll.ll4 read aloud. . ' . } '" · · · as the .old Sloan/ buiJ(, on to Rl.'lwelllast Frida)'! · QF ~X~CUTRIX Fronk c. V'{agnt;.r, De~e~ed, in IJnstructlons to Bidders: ipld .l?QI!SON, P~~{\Sed. >. main street between Womack's -~ Mr. !Uld 1\frs. BQbby Wade

Notice 1$ llereby given 'that the above natn,ed Co1,1rt, and CQntract Documents may be NOTitE OF HEARING ' Corona Women's Extension Sweet Shop Ltnd Waldon's Bar. and d a 1,1 g h t e r, J,.anna, arc on the ~tb dny of May, 1965, haVing quqllfied ail such, !UlYOne . e1«UUllned without cl\llrge at the ON FINA._ Ac;:COUNT Club met Thursday, July 22, A Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Smith moving to El Pnso GL\s Staijoil; the'·undersigned W!UI appointed having 1\ claim against the ~mid office of Superlntend¢nt of AtfD REPORT bl,ll!Uless meeting was held In and their daughter and son·in- Mr. Wade has been promoted to Ex:eC\ltr.ll( of the e,state ot Mae e.stattffi is hereby notified to tUe Scboo1s and at the office of . STATE OF NEW MEXICO the morning, llostesses were law, Mr. a.nd Mrs, Pete McCloud . Oller nt the Pla.nt. -The Leland Jo.rd{m, Pece~d, b) the above the same'withln six (6) months Buffington, Fulgenzl, Wl:lOd!! and TO: Nrumie LQu-Podson. Ronald 1\lrs. Joe Atkinson, Mrs. Sarah of Cedarvale visited at Yeso Blnghnm ·family have moved to named Court, Md haVing qunll· from July 22, 1965; and make .A.Ssoclatcs, Architects and Con- Eugem~ Dodson, Barry Lee .Dod- HUlcmeyer. 1\lrs. Franlc • Sulte· .Sunda.Y with Mr, and Mrs. Otto . th_e El Pqso Gas Station at fled as such, anyone 'haVing a ·proof as required by law. • sultlng f;ngineers, 9412 Indian - son, (1'1 unlmown hel,rs of Eu· meyer Jr. reported on Home Ec Butt,s who are llvt'ng -,n··th-e-;- Cnnyon south of Bloomfield. cWm against the satd estate ls GLADYS B. WAGNER .School Road, N. E. Albuquerque, gene Carson l)Qdson, · de~nsed, College at Las Cruces which Jeft- Good ranch. Mr. and Mrs. vernon Jones and his brpther hereby potlfied to fUe the same Executrix • New Mexico, all unknown persons claiming she attended recently~ Mrs. Butts were former residents ot Jimmy and his sister Clld.rlene' wlt41n six (6) months from July H, Elfred Jones t _ _ Bidders may· obtain one set any lien 1,1pon or tight, title or Mitch Natda reported on the cedl.\rvCtle and Corona. all of Albuquerque v~ited the!; 9th, 1965, Md ·make proof ns Cnrr!zozo, New 'Mexico qf plans and l!peclflcatlons upon Interest in or to the estate of Jolnt Meeting of Hopdo·Ruldoso 1\frs. Gertrude A)len and Mrs. grandmother. 1\frs Stella Jones required by law. Attorney for F;xec:utrlx n deposit of fiftY. dollars C$50). said decedent: clubs nt Tinnie in June. Officer Tom Pounds were· In"_ Santa Fe . the· past we~kend ·

JUJZAB_ _ ~·trfxMncVEIGH (J1il'St, pllbllshed In the Lin- .• If. plans and specl!fca.tlon are Nnnnle Lou Dodson, Adlnlnis- -Clouse gave a talk. on 1-IIghw~ MondnY of lnst weelc to view. • • • ....,......... co1n County News, July 22, :1.965. 'returned to Architects In good tratrlx, hns fUed her Final Ac- Stilety Measures, and save sta• the paintings of 1\fr. an(} Mrs.,. •

H. "&lfred Jones Lti.St published Aug. 12, 1965). condition, within ten dnya after count anli Rcpor.t, !Uld on Scp- tlstlcs on accldents occurring Peter Hurd. Mrs. Allen has Carrlzo.zo, New Mexico · ,receipt of bids, the full amount tember 2, 1965, at ·10:00 A. M.. in New Mexico. He also had a somo other paintfnsil ~n display

· Attoq1ey for Executrix IN 'l'HE PROBATE COURT ot the deposit will be returned at the Probate Court in Cnrrl· flltn by lMl. Telephone Co. ·on In Vaughn, also ·some nt Corona (First published tri the ·Lin- ·• OF LINCOLN C011N'IY · to contrncto.rn G1,1bmlttlng .a zozo, New -1\'IIl.Xlco Ute Court the Anatom,y .ln nccldcnw. Mt.. Sel'VIcc-Stnttonwhich Bhe owroJ.

(Oln County News July 8, 1005. · STATE OF NEW MEXICO bonntld.e bid. · will hear objC"ctlons' thereto and chael Dayton opernted the mn• We thlnlt her palntlngo are very Lust published July 29, 1965). IN 'l'.HE-MATl'ER OF} Bidders may obtain nddt~onal the settlement thereof, and the chine which showed the film. good. .

· · ) Eels' ot plans nnd spcclffcatlons Court wil pro.cced to determine Ortlccr Clouse stated that It · Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Waldon IN THE PROBAtE COURT THE E~TATE AND ) at the rate of SlO.OO per oot for the helrslllp ot t!ald decedent, enousb Interest was shown In hnd a.~ their guests the past

· NO. 1115 . ) plans and $5.00 per set tor npc- the ownership of his cn;tntc, the a Firs~ Aid Course, he felt sure weelcend Mrs. Waldon's mother :~'f'.t\'ffi -GF=~ NEXICO,) SS. .OF 'll"JE I,.\ ST"Wn.L > clficatlons, which BUrn!l wlU not lntcreot of each respective clal- an orLlcer rould be brought and sl!lter, Mrs. Tom DuBois

- ) ~ > be refunded. - ·1 mnnt therero or therein, and hero to teacb the roursc. ntllt' Mni. Emmitt Miller from · COUNT.l OF LINCOLN. ) AND T.ESTEMANT > Proposal JtlUilt be mbmltted the pen:on!l cntltlcd to distribu- TI1e Amerlcun Ler.lon and t.ns Lunas . .Mrs.·~flller nccom-

IN TliE 'MATI'ER OF ) > In ncrordnnce with the detnll Uon thereof. Auxillnry of Beever Bond No. 35 . p~mle<l Mrs. Waldon to Roswell > OF ) N0.1111 plnrul Md specification!! on the J. Penrod Tole!!, P. 0. Draw· .are aponserlng a community pic- Saturday for a checlcup with } )} foml!l p~bcd for that pur· er 1300, Roswell, New Mexico, nlc Thursday, Auguot 5, at the her eyc-speclali!Jt.

THE J.W)T WILL ) SS. FOUNTAIN ~· - ) ) .

AND TE~TAMEN'!' QF_ f _ ALE~J::R __ .. _ r. ~- . FRANK LOLLAn, ) 1\m.LER, )

)· l ) DECEASE!).. • • • ) DECEASED • • • )


TO WHOM rr MA~ CON· TO: State ot New Mexico and CE.RN: Notice Is hereby ctvtn To Whom It :Mey Coru:em 1hnt an Instrument purporting .An Jnsttu.rnent purpOrtlns to to oo tho Last wm and '!'est- be the- Last wm and '1\stament ~t ot Ftank Lollar, De- or Fountain Alexnndcr 'Miller, ceased. tuit been tiled for pro- deceased bat hem produced, ba~ In tbe l»robatc COUrt ot rtru1 IWd flied u retjulrcc1 by Ltr:lco!n COUnty, New Mexico, law. On th<J 23td dey' of AuMt. and by ordel', 'the 9th day or 1005, at 10:00 o'clcick AJ/E, at Au,rt11t, 1965, at ·fM bour Of tbe Probate Court In ~. 10~00 A. X., at the Court New Mexico, the Q;urt wD1 Room of nld .Court In the Town ~duct a bearing •PPl'O'Iinc of Carrizozo, New_ llmco, 11 thll WID; and Jf pt'()Ytd, 1be tho &ly, t1me and pllee for Court wlll ~ • ~t bearing proof of Mid Lilt Wnt npprovfuc It M the X...t Will and T~tame'tt. IWd Ttttament of the ~t

'lHEU.EF'ORE ~ person or nnd cuimlttN to Probate. pmons wllhltlg to ~ter ob~ Wl'.t'N.ES$ my.Juma and lleel to the probating ()r I&Jd l..aft or tho Probate Court otL1nt»ln Will-and--~-estat'rle:lt are ·bet eo.· ·-(bunt)", New lfexlco;· -otr:-tmr- · by notW«l to fU~ thdr objec- 22nd dey of July. 1005. t!Otl! In 'the o!fico of the COUnty (Seal) ,_,

-- -- - - - - --· • . .. •

' • -• I

• ..

Membe~ Of Of The •

Chnilc Vlol.enc•

A suburbnn grandmother's ; benrt momcntnrely 1elipcd urt the other evening when she heard her grondson - u ten year ol<l apprentice dClllon and non-intellcctunl-whlstllng Mendelssohn's Spring Song ns he did his homeworlt. She ns­ltcd where· he. hnd lclimed tho music. "Timt?" he said. "Thnt'B Just what they piny on televi­sion whenever someone gets bopped on the head."


Clerk of IJned1n County, New /s/ INICE HV.::>r ·---· .. -------. --------1--


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' J ' '

MeXico th1s 12th day 1005.

•• •


mmn s. wooD,

t.aar _.._ __ - ---- ·----1005.

' . l . . , I

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' ' ' . •





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Page 8:… · . I , I I I 'I ) i ! ·,j . ' I . " _, ! - . 1 '-·' - -,-, ,, .. _ ... -• •


CLASSIFIJ;D AD RATES One time, per word ···--···-· 5c Two timet, per word .,..,.._ 4c Thr" timet, per word ···-·" 3c Cla11lflld dltplay, per l"ch $1

RADIO and TV SERVlCi!: J; · · When fOUit TV or tl,laf() li Jl.c;k

. bl'lng .them. to !,turpby'4. ,Sec- . tronlc:s, ~t old bospltal B<WOS!I . from· courthi>USe; · .- 3()-2c Ci;,,;:

Front RUt ,..d'"' 1!41r lin• sqc Blind ad handling c:hargt .•.. '1 .Those desiling mcJtn~~l'S~tfi (Minimum c~arge any a.d ~5c) _ f~~ ~~J~ or~~~if~~

rro R SA I.E Carrizozo. ted q. . .

. . . .. . . . . . chile · ciU"rtc. . . . . bl'ex:g 1u. ~ 0:1:1.~ . ~ntfl, Mr. ~»til . l!Pl't ~ A · of :MI'II.:"l'Jillt,

f aU . . .bona c:ompan)' llon.llt~ ttse. . qwm~ JmpNvetl.suf~ 1'4~. anll :Ml"$. Raymonll M~. Jlrtl . . . . .· ltl!.d I''OR SALE - 1961 Half Ton

4-Whcel DHvc Ford Pickup. Good Condition. Lymnn Strick­land. Cull Coro~Y'- 8466 or Ros· well 623-7682, !05 North Ken­tucky, Roo well.· ·· 32-3c.

MEANS MOTOR SUPPLY "Means Honest Value"

. We bellcve this list of used vehlclct1 to be the best you'll find anywhere for the- money. We'll back them up all the way.

One '64 Ford Falrlane Onl' 'G3 Cev 4-door Impala

One '63 Ford Galaxle, tops One 'Chevrolet Four-door w(' hnve new me plclrup

truclu1, Scout!l, and 1600. Load­str•r trut•k rea<\y to go, On lll!lhway 380 • Carrlzo-ro


I..OSE WEIGHT ....;. Safely wllh D<'X·A·Dil't Tnblcta. Only OHt•. Padron Dru~:. 30-lOc

CL.OSI':OtJT TRELLIS SALE - $1.50 and $1.75 each. Oncum Slun• und Snnl'lt Dar. 30-lp

om"ER MATCHES - Rub­hl'r stamps and padll, roll tJcJ,. ctn, MaJtlc Mnrlu!rs, typewriter rlbbollll and paper, all Dpl'clalty auppll<'n. For aale at Lincoln County Nc-w11. Un

FOU SALE on RENT-Thr«l lX'droom houne. Modem. Sec Ll'wl11 Fnrrhs or call No. 648-2291 32-3c

FOR SALE - Nice two bed· room home wlth n loVely yard. Wrltl' Box 33G Capitan. ttn -FOR SALE .._ Good fresh mlllt row W1tJ1 young l'nlf. Set1 Ll'wta Farrla or C!ill No. 648-2291. 32-3c

Tho Unooln County Ncwa Has STENSO LctJcrlng Guides

ron sALE #'llO Combtnntlon %·1% S1.9B t1 03 Oothlc 3-lnch . 1.29 #!H Oothlc 4 Inch . . l.DS #05 Gothic 5-lnch • • 2.50 #00 Gothic 0-tnch • • 3.25 Eruty to UliO for perfect Jettcrlng"

Aecurato' • Purabiol

WSE WEIGHT -safely with l)('x·A·Diot Tnblou, Onlr . $.9B nt Du8ol1 Drutt. Corona. 38-lOp

. lde . to .. · propo/iecl tity ot llmAll' loafs brelld. to ~. taken to. the anfl ~. Don J?~n'Y of o. ~at.tle ·ttmcll on . . · purcht.lse Wl .. t() ·fUe • Th · ka f F s~t d · home hl.$ !lau~bt~r. ~. ~. querque. flew lA from Al~uqllel'· Bonito, a ~a,lf cep,mcy (!go qnd th!1lt obJecUollll thla lJ~au fe~00 1 l'QJll t, · f · · rn q. r11$ Pav<mport. 'ntir l~test rewrt q!J,e !n Pan's t>l!UJe to'vfsl.t their who }111$ · many relatives and



The Answer II I>

together with .. CVJdence~1lla~ ·~ . nq tJ1· ~ .!ll'ge pot 0 · ebl e ~was. ·th~t~lle ·UJ. ·eontlnulng ·to · mother, :MJ,'s. Maym!! Pel'J'Y of· frll!~ds .itl tbi!llli'ell. !ltten(l~ the copy thereof }\as been served ~ e ~arbeque S!l.UCe llnCl the improve, Glenc:oo Q'l,er the Weekend. Da· Nogal C$1p meetfn~ ~st week, on the ap.Pllcatlt wlthln 30 daya · mmtn8!' tor the po~to ~alad. . Miss LUilan Ortl~ )eft Tues· vld Garrlson of Ft. Worth was His son,· Jlnl Wil~y JW\)mson

• from the date··of fll'St"'publlca- ~~y a a;;::• .,t:::!e;or:r ~:: ·ilay snomtng for Snnta Fe for ·with them. an!\ wl.(e, M~ma, of ~~~a. ·tlon. Mtc~ael T, SalM, Manager; pmfesslonal cooks prepared the a vlslt with friends :Mr. lt11rman E. Kelt, of .Albu· were' @lio there. ,


. · For ~PlliUlcel, or

du~e and Propane rl'



G. H. "Short1•" Stoneman, Mgr.

Phone CL 7-4025 - RuldOIIIJ


fOR SALE .... To blgbest b I d d er: Three ovcrheaa lights, 96". bulbs, two bulbs to each lump; ono overhead light, 96'' bulb!J, four bulbs to each lam}!; one wooden aerial map cabinet:

· on~r dealt lamp; one Unlve.rsal air conditioner; one Frigidaire air cooler. Send bids to the county ASCS oftll'C. Bllb wiU be opcnl'd AUI;llllt 20. 31-3c

In EL PASO - It'o Colonlnl Terrace Uotel, 1413 Montann. Clo:JC to town, hospitals, mcdl­cnl C<!ntcr, pool, dcl1c1ous food, Reasonable. 31-4p

LOST - larue brown leather clutch bag contalnln~r ldentlflro· Uon nnd ~It rord!l. Liu'tlo reward ortcred for return to Mrs. C. A Snow, Jr. CLIII phone No. 648-2443. 31-lc.

• FLOWERS FOR ALL occAs· IONS - Phone MB-2252 Catrl· zozo or JU5-485B 1'uJnrosn. Aho planta, ahrub:l, t~. Tutnrosa Flowerland, 370 Centrul, Tula• rosa. 30-Sc

• - ti6Xt'"iJM'itl •

(First publlslled 111 the l;JJ:I. food lUid · ~t 1 .· ·· Mr. and Mrs. Jilek Ptlngston que:rque, hls sister, Mrs. Clara :r,lr. qn<:l :M:rs. Bob ffi.Jigsten · coin County News July 29 1965 f 1 ~erved n . a nwst and P9ug, roamath Flllls, o~ K~·Bell, i!lld hi$ !lqpghter, Mrs. of Tucum~:arl vi!llted 111la.tJv~

· Llist pubUshed .tWsust 19, '1965) . %~:'~t3,QvJ~aya'n~rth:d ::; . gon h!lve been here vl!iltlng Mrs. ~~e~~d two h!'l~, i!lld triends }n ~ozo and ~t------------ mlt~ ·entertained tbe chll~n 1Wngston's sister, :Mrs. J.N. Thanrsd Wl;!ret · ..... , • ten!led th~ CtliPP meetings last

or, .rather helped the chtldren McP<mlel and · filffltly, Mrs. ~ozo u ay enrou e. to ... ~ ..... - wee'k · ·

Dorothy Guck entertain themselves;. · McP~nlel accompanied them to doso .to 'Visit Mrs, Ola~Jones. Mr$. ~;Sh,tllm und Miss . · . . . Kino Ortiz as M{lSter of .Ce~ :Las Lunas to visit the!\' brother, ·Friends ot Mr. Kelt. will e hap. Minnie Lee Neill returned ;Mon-(rl- · l · · "'n"" vntea ""'"""" t"'e- 4 .. e·u PY to--hear that be .h madp day. n_oon from Keams ,.-nyon,

- """ntinued from .nage one) mon es introduced the following · .. -.. .. "'"' "' "'B''" !.!'-•~ ~-'• ., al t 1 t '* · ""' " spcalcers: Snblno Vidaurri, Mr. ·went· to viliit. their· futher, Mr. mos comp e e recovery .• rom Arlz., whet-e they vlslte(l with

ot the Smolcey Bear :Museum. Pat MUl'J)hy of Cnplfwl, Mr. · llenton Yates, and a nephew, injuries. TCCeived iti- an autom~ Mrs: Shrum's ®ugbter, :Mrs. Rudy Wciliielln, the natJonaJ Tranky Silva, Mrtl. Art. Snltls, Kenny HU&t. 1n Albuquerque bile accident last Janunzy. Clyde Stamps nnd famUy since Smokey artist,' gave a chnllc Rt. Rev. Monsignor Francis A. then to Espa.nola. to see nnother Mr. and Mrs. J. 'l'. C!egg will Thursday. Whlla there tl,ley talk, and the Cnpltan Boy Rclnberg and Rev. John R. ~ sister, Mrs. Roy Hust and family · leave for Silver City Sunday . went (ln a sightseeing trip to Scouts enacted a playlet that bo. ld. _The speeches on Tithing :Mr. Yates accompanied hfs · where Mr. Clegg will be an in· the Grand C;my<ln with the Mrs. Guck wrote tor them. La· and Rededication to our Church daughters back to Carrizozo and structor l.n the llw!· Prlvern Stamps· ft~rull;y, tcr, the Forest Service distrl· • went over well judging from -then went on to Klam.ath Falls J.i:l!ltltute the foJlQW}Dg week. Mrs, LQUa .stolces a.nd :Mrs. butcd 300;000 copies or the play. the attentive audience ~with the Pfmgstons. Mr. and Mnr. Walter L.eoniml ·ncmtcc Nickels of T or C were let to schools In the U, S. She The s~te Pollee and' Sheriffs The family of Mrs. Ho.mer and Mr. tmd Mrs;'J'ohn Bule at ln Carrizozo over tl)e. weekend wrote many 1.1ccounts or· Smq. Pepartmen\ did a fine job and ·:McDaniel gathered for a family EI''Paso were Nisltlng ·relatives visiting old trlends and attend­Jcena, the fem.alc cub that Game. the tra!tlc went without a hitch reunton last week. Mr. i!lld Mrs. In Carrizozo last wcelcend and fng the Nogol M!!Sa camp meet· Warden and Mrs. Charlie Bird we are grntefuHo them for th~ Horner Dale McDaniel Md fam- nttcndln,g the N~gal Camp , lngs. · raloed from two weelcs of age fine service rehdcred. The mem- ily ot Titusvllle, Flor.1da, Mr. M(!ctlng. Mr. and Mro. parwynn Brew­until It was presented to the bora of the Parish their guestD and Mi's •. Carl McDanJel, Vana~ Mrs. Juan Baca nnd daughter liter and sons, Alan and Pavld, Clovis Zoo. .... and tho P!l!ltor are aU gratctui dlum, N. M., Pee .McDaniel of Re~ were l.n Albuquerque of Palllal't visltcd last wcelt

The Mt'flcalcro Apache Fire to all who mtlde the outing the Deming, Mrs, Happy Chapman last weekend vtsltlng Mrs. Bn· wltb Mr. and Mts. C. D. May Fightcra partlclf>atcd In the first t:ucecss it wns. and MI"St Violet Cnrdln and ca'o son, Juan, and her mother, and Donda, Mr. llrewster Is a forest fire suppression work off daughter, Karen, from Flagstaf! Mrs. Rosa Pclles. Mrn. Baca cousin of Mrs, May. '!bey had their rc!lCrvatlon in 19-19 on the ' Arizona, and J. N. McDaniel and returned WednesdGy but Rcr:l· been vacationing at Cloodcroft. Roblnllon Cnr~Jwn t1ro on the H·o··· S~. p·· .lfOJ .ae·p-Orf tamlly all enJoyed the get-t~ nn stayed for a longer vtslt with Tho M~ and the Johnson Bonito. She attended their 1\l getbcr. her gmnclmolhcr. Steams had mot them U!ero troJnlna CIUJ!PS and wrote the Visitors tn tho horne ot Mr. · Mr. Clyde Haisten of Las eru •. tthe. pr:cvlous Sund:ly and all first"•tor1(!5'1n the New :Mcidco · Admluton1 and :Mnt. .J. N. MeD:mlel the ces ,hQS been employed by the ·played golf on the Cloudcroft M!lgll%1ne nnd the Empire of Danlcl Or&, CarJnen HIU, no. past week included Mrs. Florlcc Cltlztlns Sta~ Bank to rcptaco coui'SC. tha Denver Post, about' these bel't L. Uuffmeyer, Fa,v King Malcolm Pctroo who hns trans- Mr ond Mrs. A; J. 'Mcllroyer. ·outstandlnu crews that sooq be- Carrizolo; Mike Gonmlt"S, Fort Ch~pel of Roses- tcmd to lioUonu:in some t1rno accomp~l~ bY' and 1\irs. cruna nntlonnlly recognized and Davls;Grcgorlo Orosco, Corona: ngo. Mr. Halsten wm truro over Waylnnd UUl, J~ .. re®tly a~ Jed to tho orcantmtfon or In· Ricardo l\1, Flores, Charl!e l?ep- c:.m.u, NrM Mtxl~ h1s new duties on August 1. tended tho funeral of Mns. Me· dian firo fighters from other per, Cnpltan: Luctcela Montano, HAS 2 PHOHI HUMIIU M'r. !Uld ?!Irs. Paul :McKennon lnraycr's sister, Mra. A. 'J. Roo-tribes. • CanJilon; Homer T. FrcerJmn, . I:H a.m. to 5101 p.m. and t\\'0 d'llldl'cn bnvo recently vcr, 1n Slaton, 'l'~ •

Ucr brother, Oo'rdon. Gray, Carlsbad. znove<l to Carrizoto trom 'ru· . :611'1 lt'oO'r-cr. 57, died June 80. wns tho ranccr responsible tor DIJChlrtH Phone 648·2252 c:wne.nrl. Mr. 1ttcKennon 1B tho Sbo waa tM fonntl.' ltuth Clem. tmplementlrig the bUilding of Lois J. Fmzc, Ellznbcth Ortfz, At NJtftr PfHine ~tlon torenum, ~lacing .Mr. who JJl.llU bet ~ by the Nogal 1\IeS!l Camp !tooting Elo!so Ortiz, or&, Mary · J. M. 1laya wl,lo ietlred. several Dl!1Il:f J)fl>ple ot tl:lla. county. on Forest Scrvlco lruld in 19-10. Schlnrb, Dtm!el E. Ortlz, OJ.r.. EL 4•2633 No-gal

• '

Durltll't tho 'SO's abo was on tho men Hill, Fay King, Cntrlzozo; publlclty c:ornmlttco nnd wrote StcliJl Preclndo, .Addn.lf! NaJar,

IN TJIE PROBATE COUR'l' ll hlstoey of the ~p me(!Unc, Capitan; Mike ~,' Fort NO. 1117 printed by tho L!neollt aJunty DaviM; GregorJo Orosco, Corona;

STATE OF NE\V MEXICO,} Nt;M, o.nd J'C!Vlsed by Eathet Homer 'l'. Freeman, Carlt'bf.ct. · ~ r • "' "" ,. , amtth anct rePrinted wsth :nom· m COUNTY OF LINCOLN. ) et'OUI addiUoN t,hl1 )'tat". )fer · - . .. ' . ; •·

) artlclo about the Camp MeQt· 'IN TilE M:A1,'Eit OF ) . IIIB!J In th~,. New M~oo M•gn· ·· - - TSS · ;rtno---tn---10~u-t"epUbl~-- . THE ESTATE OF ) • for foreign dlltrlbuUon throu£h·

FOR SALE - Four room hou.~«' and n1lro Iota. 'Mra. Do­

. lort'll P>!arqul'%. Q,Jronn.. 3().1p

) cut tho v.wld. FRANI( R. MILLER, ) In 1952, N. M. pub-. -------·· --~ . l lWtcd her Val· DECEASED , • • ) ... . ·~loy:· ~·1 ~Wh:tn~-~!~:~~ "~-~~-_1~:...~

+- . ~ELLD-~~­MOTHER"


•' ••

HOTfel f:iJf A»>rtffMINf · -- ..:: ~;J;:t- ~~__. .. , ~JYe--··-r- • ··· ~-Hav,.yot...ce11ed-or ADMIHIITitATJUX. dam Yt'atttltoo to Alamt>-

fJAitM & ttANCif .. lltVICI

CUSTOM FARM A RANCll SERVICE - RahirO plttlflst Md rlpplnn. PlpcliMS, bulldozer. lrodor, b.:ldthoo, air comprcru:or. Jnrfc Rnbtruun. E1A~2G.i0, Olfi1· tan, Now Mexico. !ID-3e

CONCRETE WOm<: - Stc<!l tanlt ronlltructJon, watt't well drilling, Rnpldnllon Pump sales. Sec llul'f Brolt. Contmctors, P. 0. Box 3GB, Phono EJA.2(,65. Cnpltnn. :m.5c

FARM & RANCH LOANS­Unroln County Mortnoi:O Corp. INSLJ, Box 1257, Ruidoso. Une


lleetor hates hard work 10 ho l'lcam tho MIWI with Bluo Lta­tro, Rent elootrle ahampocr $1 at Potty'& <knoml Mcrelutnd!M?, Ct:lrtUazo. 30-lc

Notloo Is hereby ch'l!n Umt cordc;, . tho otflclall reQUHtcd thl' undernlcnoo wns appointed pcrm!!S!on to ~ her rcstnrcb on tho 26th day of July, 1005. lnformntlon. Admlnl!ltr.atrbc .of th&-~tate . .of. 'fltc .a tory- she .y,.-rote lott tOO · Frank n. MUlcr, ~Q!OO. In N. M:, Magnrlno on tho Mal PAls tlll' above nnrncd Cmlrt, nnd WruJ lncludcd in tho book, •'Yuc­havln~t qun.litied ns such anyono ro Land", . by Sncrrt and VJnc­hnvlng a dnlm aaatnst the -.a!d yard.


.et~tatc ls hcrt'by noUlled to file. . :Moot Of tho 19 artlclts pub- Sack lunehts ate tun whtn •• tbe ll!lmo wlthln abc months llshtd In the N. 'M. Mag!l21no Trlnlty Mctbool!t idYF Wt!'S n from tbe 29th daY ot ~My, 10S. have hem about Lincoln Cowl· trlp. Sacka' wlll so wltb the

MRS. nuny UAYES ty. A ro~ntly eomptctM t«'n· plcnlc«!ra to '\Vhltl! Sands thls Admin!strntrix age novel. has thnt a::~nw t!Unll· Saturday, July 31, at 3 p, m.

n. Elfrro Jones lnr rockgrountl. All )"OUtb from 14 to 21 arc Attorney for Adn!lnflitmtrix 'tho ncoount of the late David wdrome to ltrlng )'mtr sacks • ~~~bh~~ the L!n- L. Jaeks6il'• birthday "'~ to the chttrcll for dep:u1urc

I N .,,., oti

1,_. from Wblte Oaks to Cnrrlzozo to~thu. •

ron County cw• J~ .rw, ,.,.,, gained nationwide publleatloo, took tor the colored 14:bts Last pubUJbt'd August 1.9• ~) as did that or ~ htllbtnd.'& at aty Patk""bY i'ett.Y' nwttl

RECREAT:tON·PURCIIASE anUl'l' rol!«:Uon, on S&tutttay tllgbt, August 7th, UNlTED STATES DEPAR'l'· She bat aho hem publtihed \\"here· home-made too cream

MENT OF TJIE IN'l'ERIOR, 1n Atnerd!ln ForcN, O!:rl.itian and Otbt'r warm vttathet ~eo­Durrou of Land l>tanagemmt. Adt:oeattt, CatlloUc RegiSter, Ubll!s w1lJ be aen.'1!d by Trinity L n n d Offito, Santa Fe, New Chlld Uf@, l"am'i Jootnal, Okla.· MYF at 6 to G p. trt.

Punetuallty lJ tho art of Mexico, Jut>' 12, lOOS. Notice homa Stoclmw;. .ArJtonA Wild· Fran1c Hoff, Pmldmt cf tbe lil\lC!Uing. hnw lat& the other 5s ~by al\'ttl. thl.t on J~ utt • .Sun''1'ral1J,. Fly &Jld ~ 10Cl11.MI' 'Will dltecl W ~-outh Pl!flkln U~·to be;.- - - -.UUSt, -the- Stabt-~- . --aM tnatt.Yuthttl. . .~· -~ -4---~ .. l)l: w~ h\ 'rrlnlty,



~ Gucli•a ~ dlildret ll1 <XW ~k .troot thiJ ~ oo ~ tron1 -Capitan hf&b , AUXU&t 8th_ at 11 &,. tn. AU farn­lcllool. were aU member~ or the .ntes 1ri eam:om. ue cordlalfy

. Nl~ ttonot SQdety Vad invited fa ~P God on thiii · · -.a ·~ boYI. rom ~ llkk, Y~lh &mday. . . . _ · ..

.lettend. tn. an tiPOttt anct .nre 1'be atlmulatlob ot C!OinpeU~ FFA and cli• of1'k:ert, 1.raty Uon WiU. b4!afn at ·one& In tM wu • cllterlead«, J'HA. and Stu&la~ ~ oJ:rlOBo ~ t~. three ~ rt!pt'f~Cnt«i t..ltltOin Coonty . at tbe at&~ l'aml. lilt,_ 'All.\ taletlt ~-t. s&e ... I'Dii'o tiN to ~ I>eit ~.,·

• long Olstanco . ~

recenUy and said

-that?-flo? Thenple'k -.

up your phone1!nd

go visiting soonl

Mountain Sta1u


. •



LP Gas - Tanks - Gallon Meters

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. ! .anct hU a. da.Ugbler. . lira. _•.CQek - • ., •• ell mil• jot** the Un~VmitJ'ot~

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lin forrtUir t:tcrtation · hall)

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Ills -Sctcldle·ltes - ,· .


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