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Integrating environmental education within the management model of the National Parks of Colombia

PhD Thesis

Juanita Zorrilla Pujana

Departament de Didàctica de la Matemàtica i de las Ciències Experimentals

Facultat d’Educació

Supervisor Tutor Dr. Sergio Rossi Dra. Teresa Escalas


December 2015

PhD Program in Environmental Education

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"In the end we will conserve only what we love, we will love only what we understand, and we will understand only what we are taught."

Baba Dioum

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A Marc, mi incansable compañero de viaje A Marcel, mi felicidad constante

A mi madre, todo un ejemplo de vida

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Llegado el momento de escribir estas palabras, puedo decir que este espacio es uno de

los más importantes para mi. Considero que es un lugar de palabras y sentimientos muy

especial reservado para recordar y agradecer a todas las personas que formaron parte y

me ayudaron a lo largo de este camino. Cada uno de ustedes ha hecho posible este

viaje, Gracias.

En primer lugar, quiero agradecer intensamente y de corazón a mi Director Dr. Sergio

Rossi, quien desde el primer momento que entre en su despacho tuvo las puertas

abiertas y se embarcó conmigo en este proyecto impregnado de entusiasmo y energía

ante las novedades y retos que presentaba esta investigación. A pesar de las distancias

en kilómetros, tu presencia fue permanente, respuestas rápidas y consejos acertados en

todo momento, sabiendo esperar y dando los ánimos y fuerzas necesarias en los tiempos

difíciles de este recorrido. Gracias por todo eres el mejor y soy privilegiada en haberte

tenido como guía lo hemos logrado, gracias!

A Parques Nacionales de Colombia, por su generosidad y disposición para la realización

de esta investigación. A Julia Miranda su directora por dar el soporte necesario al igual

que a Carolina Jarro, jefe del grupo de manejo por su colaboración y apoyo. Este

proyecto no hubiese sido posible sin la valiosa contribución e implicación del equipo de

Parques que siempre tenían un huequito para las entrevistas, dudas, pequeñas charlas y

preguntas, mil gracias a todos.

De manera muy especial quiero agradecer a Febe Ruiz, por su apoyo, disposición,

compromiso, soporte en la realización de talleres para el desarrollo de esta investigación

sacando dinero debajo de las piedras y todas esas risas que me acompañaron en estos

años. Febe, de ti aprendí que la nobleza, humildad y el sentido conciliador son

importantes para llevar adelante la educación ambiental en una institución como Parques.

A Andrea Barrero por su incondicional apoyo en el desarrollo e integración de los

indicadores para la evaluación de educación ambiental y adaptación al sistema de calidad

institucional, gracias chicas por cuidarme tanto!

Esta investigación fue posible gracias al soporte del programa de becas doctorales en

cooperación internacional otorgada por la AECID, a quienes agradezco por haberme

dado la oportunidad de poder haber realizado este proyecto. Gracias especiales a la Dra.

Patricia Castellanos por animarme a presentarme y por ser consejera en distancia y en

presencia antes, durante y después de la investigación. A la Dra. Rosa María Pujol y

Silvia Revenga, por darme su apoyo y respaldo en esta candidatura y especialmente a

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Paulina Castro que como compañera de doctorado, y quién desde Parques Nacionales

me dio su apoyo incondicional para la candidatura. Paulina, Gracias también por todas

las enseñanzas en tu manera de hacer, fortaleza y tenacidad para sacar tus ideas

adelante. Tengo recuerdos increíbles de nuestros días en la Ensenada, a pesar de las

circunstancias del momento. Agradecer también a todo el equipo de Utría y Gorgona por

su hospitalidad y disposición durante los períodos que pude disfrutar de ambos paraísos,

quienes me ayudaron a entender la realidad del trabajo sobre el terreno, de los que cada

día están en el proceso local. Gracias y gracias a todos y todas las personas que hacen

parte del gran equipo de educación ambiental de parques, sin ellos esto no hubiese sido


Gracias a Lilian Florez (Fundación Yubarta), Juan Carlos Isaza (Fundación Natibo) a

Fundación Malpelo, a Diego Ochoa (The Nature Conservancy), a Maria Claudia Diaz-

Granados (Conservación Internacional), a Margarita Gaitán (Fundación MarViva), WWF,

que tuvieron la mejor disposición y me abrieron sus puertas en todo momento para las

entrevistas, dudas, y debates. Sus aportaciones fueron un increíble soporte para mi

investigación, y espero haber podido aportar algo a todo ello que surgía en nuestras

conversaciones, nuevamente gracias.

Gracias A Teresa Escalas por darme la oportunidad de estar en los inicios del

Observatori de la Difusió de la Ciència, donde aprendí que la participación y la

comunicación son parte de la educación y donde los espacios de creatividad y sueños

siempre estaban presentes.

A mis amigos, que en los momentos más difíciles siempre tuvieron palabras de aliento y

que ya evitaban preguntarme “cómo va la tesis?”, para que yo no muriese de angustia...

ustedes son los mejores!. Carlita, ya sabes que no tengo palabras... eres mi hermana de

corazón. Gracias a todos que por una u otra razón siempre estuvieron allí durante el

proceso (revisiones de ingles, mapas, fotos, infografías, etc).... Cris, Paulo, Marta,

Cameron, Mar, Polete, Mónica y Neva... Gracias.

A mi familia Vaskitxe, quienes han hecho que estar fuera de casa haya sido más fácil y

han sido una parte muy importante de este camino los quiero de corazón. Junior y

Ernest gracias por venir a conocer Colombia, por esos buenos momentos en las Islas

del Rosario, cambiando itinerario de viaje para poder estar juntos mientras yo hacía

talleres tengo recuerdos increíbles Eskerrik Asko por estar conmigo cuando más lo


Mercè i Fredi, gràcies per tractar-me com una filla més. Han sigut anys molt complexos a

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tot nivell, però amb la vostra presència i generositat de cor i ànima, tot al final resulta ser

més fàcil. Gràcies per tots els dies que Marcel us feia companyia per jo poder acabar

aquesta tesis . Gràcies, gràcies.

A mi Xulis, quien me cuidaba como nadie, y que siempre ha estado allí usted sabe que

la adoro

A Alejo y Nico mis hermanos los quiero. Aquí está finalmente la Tesis esto es por

ustedes también. Gracias Tía Arantza y George por las correcciones de última hora.

Marc, sense tu no estaria escrivint aquestes últimes paraules. Sé que ha sigut un camí

molt i molt llarg però ja veuràs que ha valgut la pena. Has sigut el meu suport indiscutible

i sempre t’estaré agraïda. Gràcies per ensenyar-me que la curiositat es la major font de

coneixement i que lo millor de la vida moltes vegades es anar a contracorrent, sortint de

la zona de confort...encara que al principi no m’agradi tant... Ets com ets i així t’estimo.

Marcel, ets el meu petitó i per tu he arribat fins el final. Ets la meva raó de viure, avui i

cada dia. Quan puguis llegir i entendre aquestes paraules, espero que aparegui un

somriure als teus llavis i entenguis la importància de respectar i cuidar el mon en el que

vius... es el meu major desitjo.

Mami, que difícil es no tenerte. Eres mi raíz, mi fuerza, y mi luz. Sé que estarías feliz de

saber que he acabado haciendo la investigación que yo quería, con el gran azul como

protagonista. Te quiero hoy y siempre esto es por ti.

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Many experts consider environmental Education (EE) as an essential part in the

management of protected areas, constituting a key element linking the biological and

social dimensions for the conservation of ecosystems. Comparing with other kind of

management strategies as biological monitoring and research, this field is still in its

infancy, with many breaches in terms of systematization and assessment, a situation that

difficult the integration and visibility of EA within management programs in the

conservation of protected areas.

Taking the Colombian National Natural Parks System as study area, a methodological

route was developed to integrate local EE plans to the existing model of management

planning. The study was developed through a participatory and inclusive research to

respond to the specific conservation needs and goals. In first place, an internal EE

diagnosis was developed, revealing that EE integration within the parks management

structure was a first priority need, being a converging result on the two case studies on

National Parks from the Pacific Coast of Colombia. The diagnosis also demonstrates that

communication, participation, training and evaluation have to be reinforced, and linking

the community and stakeholders involved in the park management was essential for the

success of the EE program and management results.

The proposed methodology route has been agreed upon by the National Parks staff from

local, regional and national level, and incorporates advice and recommendations from

different stakeholders, in order to better include the park users. Integrating EE into local

action plans, will help us to advance toward sustainable management in marine and

coastal protected areas elsewhere, taking into account not only the biological but also the

social-cultural prism.

Once the methodological route was agreed, the assessment was the remaining challenge.

Nowadays, a new perspective to measure management effectiveness in protected areas

goes through the inclusion of social data for decision-making. In this process, EE plays a

key role in catalyzing biological and social fields in the management process, but there

are scarce data about this relation. Following an institutional bottom-up perspective, an

EE indicator set proposal was developed, being easy to use by practitioners and able to

measure the response of the EE program in relation to the conservation objectives of

protected areas management plan. Using a combination of quantitative and qualitative

techniques, the data gathering and indicator elaboration is divided in five stages: 1. An EE

program survey at a national scale. 2. An interview phase to EE staff and NGOs. 3. EE

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Objectives categorization. 4. Systematization process and 5. Focus group to evaluate the

indicators set proposal. Finally, a set of 5 EE indicators is developed to fulfill the identified

needs: appropriation of information, articulation, participation quality, program

implementation and continuity of EE process.

It is expected that this new approach for EE evaluation will hopefully be adopted in the

update of management plans of the National Park System of Colombia, as an innovative

tool that contributes to the effectiveness assessment of protected areas, incorporating a

more social and participative focus.

This PhD dissertation is a contribution to the statements of the Colombian Policy for

Social Participation in Conservation and the National Environmental Education Strategy

for National Parks of Colombia

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La Educación Ambiental (EA) es considerada por muchos especialistas como parte

fundamental en la gestión de las áreas protegidas, constituyendo una pieza clave en la

vinculación de las dimensiones biológica y social para la conservación de los

ecosistemas. Comparando con otras estrategias de gestión como la investigación

biológica y el monitoreo, este campo se encuentra aun en su infancia, en donde se

detectan vacíos en lo referente a sistematización y evaluación, lo que dificulta la

integración y visibilidad de la EA dentro de los programas de gestión para la conservación

de las áreas protegidas.

Tomando el Sistema de Parques Nacionales Naturales de Colombia como área de

estudio, se desarrolló una ruta metodológica capaz de integrar los planes de EA locales al

modelo de gestión existente, mediante una investigación participativa e inclusiva para

responder a las necesidades y objetivos específicos de conservación. En primer lugar, un

diagnóstico interno de la EA fue realizado, revelando que la integración de la EA dentro

de la estructura de gestión de los parques es una necesidad prioritaria, siendo un

resultado que coincide en los dos estudios de caso elaborados en la costa del Pacífico

colombiano. El diagnóstico también demuestra que la comunicación, la participación, la

formación y la evaluación tienen que ser reforzadas, en donde la vinculación de la

comunidad y a las partes interesadas involucradas en le proceso de gestión es esencial

para el éxito del programa de EA y los resultados de gestión.

La ruta metodológica propuesta ha sido consensuada por representantes del equipo de

educación ambiental a nivel local, regional y nacional, e incorpora consejos y

recomendaciones de las ONGs, de manera que la propuesta sea lo mas incluyente con

los usuarios y actores sociales vinculados a los procesos de gestión de los parques. La

integración de la EA en los planes de acción local, nos ayudará a avanzar hacia una

gestión sostenible de las zonas marinas y costeras protegidas, teniendo en cuenta no

sólo los aspectos biológicos, sino también el prisma socio-cultural.

Una vez la ruta metodológica fue consensuada, la evaluación era el reto pendiente.

Actualmente es necesaria una nueva perspectiva para medir la eficacia de la gestión en

las áreas protegidas pasa por la inclusión de los datos sociales para la toma de

decisiones. En este proceso, la EA juega un papel decisivo como catalizador entre los

campos biológico y social en la gestión de áreas protegidas, si embargo son pocos los

datos sobre esta relación. Siguiendo una perspectiva de “bottom-up” institucional, se

desarrolló una batería de indicadores de EA, de fácil uso para los profesionales y capaz

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de medir la respuesta del programa de EA en relación con los objetivos de conservación

del plan de manejo de áreas protegidas. Usando una combinación de técnicas

cuantitativas y cualitativas, la recopilación de datos y la elaboración de los indicadores se

divide en cinco etapas: 1. Encuesta a escala nacional sobre el programa de educación

ambiental. 2. Una fase de entrevistas al equipo de EA de Parques Nacionales y ONGs

medioambientales. 3. Categorización de objetivos de EA 4. Proceso de Sistematización y

5. Grupo Focal para evaluar la propuesta de indicadores.

Finalmente, un conjunto de 5 indicadores es desarrollado siguiendo las necesidades

identificadas: apropiación de la información, articulación, calidad de la participación,

ejecución de los programas y continuidad del proceso de EA.

Se espera que este nuevo enfoque para la evaluación de la EA sea adoptado en la

actualización de los planes de gestión del Sistema de Parques Nacionales de Colombia,

como una herramienta innovadora que contribuye a la evaluación de la eficacia de las

áreas protegidas, incorporando un enfoque más social y participativo.

Esta Tesis doctoral es una aportación para llevar a la acción la Política colombiana para

la Participación Social en la Conservación y la Estrategia Nacional de Educación

Ambiental para Parques Nacionales de Colombia.

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Agradecimientos vii

Abstract 1

Resumen 3

List of Figures 8

List of Tables 9

Acronyms 10

Prologue 11

Introduction 13

1. Protected areas, Conservation and Management 13 1.1. Protected Areas Today 13 1.2. The conservation challenges 14

2. Management effectiveness and indicators 17

3. EE in protected areas 18 3.1. Putting EE on the map 18 3.2. EE and its role in conservation and management 19

4. Colombia as a case study 21

5. Justification 22

6. Objectives of the Thesis 23

7. Thesis structure 23

Chapter I 27

Integrating environmental education in marine protected areas management in

Colombia 27

1. Introduction 27

2. Methods 29

3. Results 32 3.1. Objectives 33 3.2. Coordination 34 3.3. Assessment 34

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3.4. Audiences, participation and communication 35 3.5. Priorities in EE 36

4. Discussion 38 4.1. EE Objectives and assessment 40 4.2. Audiences and activities 40 4.3. Coordination, communication and participation 41

5. Conclusions 43


Environmental education indicators system for protected areas management 45

Abstract 45

1. Introduction 46

2. Methods 48 2.1. Survey - Questionnaire 49 2.2. Interviews 50 2.3. Objectives categorization 50 2.4. Systematization process 51 2.5. Focus group 51

3. Results 52 3.1. Questionnaire-Survey 52 3.2. Interviews 53

3.2.1. Indicators 53 3.2.2. Networking & Participation 54 3.2.3. Objectives, structure, systematization and planning 54 3.2.4. Economic criteria, continuity and social perception 55

3.3. Categorization 55 3.4. Systematization process - indicators selection 55 3.5. Focus groups 55 3.6. EE indicator set proposal 56

4. Discussion 58 4.1. SMART Objectives for SMART indicators 58 4.2. Indicators 59

4.2.1. Appropriation of knowledge 59 4.2.2. Articulation-coherence and participation quality 59

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4.2.3. Continuity and program implementation 60 4.2.4. Economical sustainability & training 60

4.3. Participative process 61 4.4. Indicators for practice 62

5. Conclusions 63


General Discussion 65

1. A common EE methodology framework 65

2. SMART objectives for a solid based process 65 2.1. Lack of specific objectives and goals 65 2.2. Setting a Common Language 66 2.3. Skills development and technical support 66 2.4. SMART objectives 67 2.5. Clustering and comparability 67

3. Inclusive participation and communication 68

4. Management levels networking (local, regional and national) 69

5. Indicators for EE assessment 70

6. Training-capacity building 72

7. Planning - Human and Economic resource funding 73

8. Future Perspectives 74

General Conclusions 76

References 79

Appendix I - National Parks System Survey Guide 92

Appendix II - National Parks System Interview Guide 97

Appendix III - Non-Governmental Organizations Interview Guide 100

Appendix IV - Actors’ identification, prioritization and categorization 102

Appendix V - Indicator’s Methodology Sheets 103

Appendix VI - National Parks System Involved in the survey 109

Appendix VII – Article I (Chapter I) Published in Ocean & Coastal Management 110

Photographic Appendix 120

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List of Figures

Fig. 1. Institutional organization and management plan structure with AEMAPPS as

assessment tool 22

Fig. 2. Research Design 24

Fig. 3. Scheme of quantitative and qualitative methodology used in the research. 30

Fig. 4. Geographic distribution of the Natural National Parks involved in the survey

including the study area. 32

Fig. 5. Results of first line Environmental Education (EE) priorities identified in the

survey. (n=20) 36

Fig. 6. Methodological route contents for the elaboration of EE local action plans in the

National Parks of Colombia. 39

Fig. 7. Quantitative and qualitative methods used in the research. 49

Fig. 8. Interviews: codes ratio appearance within the evaluation category (left) and

hierarchical structure generated from the relations among codes (right). 53

Fig. 9. The set of EE indicators included in the management model for the National Park

System. This is the contribution of this research to the EE thematic line, having

two indicator’s typology: response and process. 63

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List of Tables

Table 1. Percentages results from the National Parks’ survey completed by the

Environmental Education (EE) staff members (n=20) according to objectives,

institutional coordination and assessment. 33

Table 2. Percentages from the National Parks survey completed by the Environmental

Education (EE) staff members (n=20) according to audiences, activities, and

participation and communication criteria. 35

Table 3. Indicators set proposal, elaborated and developed in collaboration with the EE

and effective management central office of National Parks of Colombia. 57

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ANOVA Analysis of Variance for Repeated Averages

AECID Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo

AEMAPPS Análisis de Efectividad del Manejo de Áreas Protegidas con Participación Social

CEC Commission on Education and Communication

CENEAM Centro Nacional de Educación Ambiental (España)

CEPA Communication, Education, Participation and Awareness

CBD Convention on Biological Diversity

CBO Community Based Organization

CI Conservation International

GEF Global Environmental Facility

ICT Information and Communication Technology

IOC Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission

IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature

MEA Millennium Ecosystem Assessment

MPA Marine Protected Area

NGO Non Governmental Organization

NPS National Parks System

OECD Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development

PA Protected Areas

PPSR Public participation in scientific research

PSR Pressure – State - Response

SCB Society of Conservation Biology

TNC The Nature Conservancy

UAESPNN Unidad Administrativa Especial del Sistema de Parques Nacionales Naturales

UN United Nations

UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

WCPA World Commission on Protected Areas

WWF World Wide Fund for Nature

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Life is a cycle, and when one of these cycles ends, another has to begin. Here I

present the story of one of those cycles, my PhD.

It all began when I was doing my research for the biology degree about the

composition of fish fauna and coral reefs on a National Park in Colombia. I realized

that the work with fisherman that used dynamite for fishing was essential and that the

connection between the resident community and the managers was necessary for the

conservation of those ecosystems. However, most of the researches were missing this


Months later, when I was receiving my bachelor’s degree, a great speech from my

University director was saying “goodbye”, but at the same time, “see you soon”.

...“You have to know that you are privileged people, not only in your country but also all

over the world. You are this very low percentage that were able to achieve a career

degree in an outstanding Institution. As University director I want to tell you that you

have a debt with Colombia. If we want to achieve a promising future for our people and

progress in the good way, I hope you come back and give something in change. And I

know from the bottom of my heart that you will”

These words have followed me up to now. Today, I can proudly say, this come back

promise has been accomplished.

When I decided to start my PhD research on environmental education with a focus on

conservation, I firmly decided that my project needed 3 essential elements, given the

degree of personal involvement. Those three elements were: 1. Produce new

knowledge with practical and useful results, 2. To be conducted in Colombia, and 3.

Social commitment. I deeply expect these three pillars can be found all through this


Thanks to the support of AECID (Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para

el Desarrollo), and the Administrative Unit of National Parks of Colombia (UAESPNN), I

was able to merge those elements into the project “Integrating environmental education

within the management model of the protected areas system”, which I present in the

following lines.

This research proposal was elaborated jointly with the management group of the

UAESPNN, especially the environmental education area, with whom collaboration was

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permanent during the whole process. Objectives were developed during a series of

meetings and teamwork, in order to converge into a unique set of interests able to unify

managers and researchers that usually worked separately.

Results from this process, made possible to set-up a real common project from the

beginning in a win - win relationship, addressing the research towards existing gaps

and needs identified by the practitioners themselves, as suggested by Braunisch et al.,

(2012). This was a fundamental step for the progress and success of this investigation.

With a common objective and a chronogram established, I started the process, with

two key words that summarize the entire process: ACTION and CHANGE.

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The present study provides the framework and insights of the research context within the

environmental education (EE), protected areas management and conservation field. Here

I present the most relevant and updated information to understand the connection among

fields that gives special significance to this work. I give special relevance to the challenges

that nowadays society is facing as the leading thread in which I seek to make a


1. Protected areas, Conservation and Management

We already know, based on scientific evidence that our planet Earth is changing, and not

for good in terms of biodiversity and ecosystem complexity. Protected areas as a symbol

of conservation action need to incorporate new approaches addressed to reduce this

rapid transformation and adapt to this new conditions. In order to implement actions, a

collaborative environment is required among managers, researchers and stakeholders to

understand the context from multiple dimensions (biological, social, political, etc.) and give

an integrated response, in which EE can play a fundamental role.

1.1. Protected Areas Today

Given the great acceleration of the Anthropocene (Palomo et al., 2014; Steffen et al.,

2011), referring to that slice of Earth's history pie in which people have become a major

geological force, we, as a species capable to transform the biosphere, have warmed the

planet, raised sea levels, eroded the ozone layer and acidified the oceans (Monastersky,

2015) in a very brief elapsed time. We live in a world that needs to be thought again in

order to fulfill our essential and future needs, not only from a human position (as it has

been so far), but also from an environmental perspective that has to be inclusive with

social and nature dimensions.

In 1872 the creation of the first protected area, the Yellowstone National Park, as people-

free areas that hold great natural and scenic values, marked a before and after in the

history of conservation of nature. Since then, the extent of protected areas has grown

exponentially: 3.41% of the world’s marine area and 14% of the world’s terrestrial areas

are currently protected (Deguignet et al., 2014). Currently, this no-take and free people

model is still in force, but new approaches are rising that foster connections with other PA,

integrating the social, economic and political dimensions (Palomo et al., 2014).

Worldwide, protected areas are now created not only with the aim to safeguard unique

landscapes or seascapes to preserve biodiversity, but also to contribute to the livelihood

of local communities, providing ecosystem services for the present and future human

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generations (Watson, Dudley, Segan, & Hockings, 2014), as is represented in the last

definition stated by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN):

“A protected area is a clearly defined geographical space, recognized, dedicated and

managed, through legal or other effective means, to achieve the long term conservation of

nature with associated ecosystem services and cultural values” (N. (Editor) Dudley, 2008,

p. 8).

However the enormous benefits they provide, protected areas are still today under-valued

and misunderstood (Stolton & Dudley, 2010, p. 257), evidenced now with the increase of

protected area downgrading, downsizing, and loss of legal protection for an entire

protected area also known as degazettement (PADDD) (Michael B. Mascia & Pailler,

2011). Currently, more than 543 instances of PADDD in 57 countries are affecting

protected lands and waters, being a largely unrecognized threat to biodiversity and a

rarely employed mechanism to strengthen conservation policy (Michael B. Mascia et al.,

2014). For a long time, PAs existence have been taken for granted, but the vast majority

setbacks in terms of economic support, policy protection, unsustainable development and

the lack of global political commitment can jeopardize what it has been achieved so far

(Bernard, Penna, & Araújo, 2014; Michael B. Mascia et al., 2014; Watson et al., 2014).

With this evidence, today, the solely increase of protected area extension is not enough. It

is a fundamental first step, but it must not stop there. In the last IUCN World Parks

Congress held in Sidney (2014), conclusions address to focus more on the quality of

management of protected areas (“Conservation: A to-do list for the world’s parks.,” 2014;

Rodrigues et al., 2004; Watson et al., 2014), than in the AICHI targets promoted by the

last Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD, 2010).

Conclusions from these two significant events converge that a new direction has to be set

in order to safeguard nature: protected areas need to be declared with a real meaning of

protection, and be managed effectively. Action needs to be undertaken (Knight et al.,

2010), and inclusiveness with local communities and stakeholders is needed to set a new

approach of management in this new era (Popescu, Rozylowicz, Niculae, Cucu, & Hartel,


1.2. The conservation challenges

Worldwide, a significant number of organizations have been created in the last decades

with the aim of protecting nature. The role that institutions such as the International Union

for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Conservation

International (CI), The Nature Conservancy (TNC), among others, have been crucial to

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develop conservation strategies at local, national and international level to safeguard our

natural heritage.

In a parallel way, the documentation of the conservation movement has produced also a

fast evolution and has increased the academic input since the beginnings of the

conservation history. From 1993 until 2012, the number of journals referring to wildlife

conservation, had risen from 50 to almost 300, and the same trend is observed in the

number of published articles per year, that have also increased significantly over time, at

least tripling in number between 1993, 2002, and 2012 (Cronin et al., 2014).

The rising scientific production figures on high impact specialized magazines is also

evident. Journals such as Conservation Biology, Biological Conservation, Biodiversity and

Conservation, Journal of Nature Conservation, etc. are dedicated entirely to this discipline

meanwhile Nature and Science, sharing some of the highest impact factors have also

contributed with special issues or articles to the science of conservation.

It cannot be denied the strong growing trend of the field, and the high level of commitment

of people involved in the task. However, when it comes to conservation practice success,

results are quite disappointing. Knight et al. (2008), showed that almost 70% of

conservation assessments published in peer-reviewed journals had little or no intention to

implement action and from the remaining 30%, only 13% were considered “highly

effective”. In addition Watson et al. (2014), regarding to the performance of protected

areas, established that according to global studies, only 20–50% of protected areas

assessed were found to be effectively managed.

Trying to make a unifying approach from different authors conclusions, three main

breakages are detected in the practice of conservation:

a. People’s separation from nature: in the vast majority of cases, the declaration of

protected areas as a fortress-conservation strategy, and exclusionary management

models, have separated people from nature, ignoring the important role of local

communities in managing ecosystems and biodiversity (Palomo et al., 2014). “Parks,

People, Planet: inspiring solutions”, was the slogan of the last World Parks Congress, in

which experts claim for new paths to reestablish connection of humanity with environment,

as one of the main strategies to safeguard the natural heritage for future generations. As

recommendation, a strong societal support is needed, based on the benefits and values of

the services the protected areas provide (MA, 2005), in order to enhance current

conservation efforts (Stolton & Dudley, 2010, p. 264).

b. Academic research and conservation practice: The second issue rises from the limited

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interaction and division between academic conservation scientists and conservation

practitioners and managers, called the Knowing-doing gap. Worldwide, most implemented

conservation and management actions are being based on extensive knowledge about

biodiversity and ecology but less experience with landscape planning (Palomo et al.,

2014). This subjective expert opinion, linked to intuition, if not trial and errors, rather than

on scientific evidence, has been the major component of the strategies applied into the

planning of protected areas (Arlettaz & Mathevet, 2011). This fact is also supported by

numerous authors (Habel et al., 2013; Knight et al., 2008; Laurance et al., 2012; Meijaard,

Sheil, & Cardillo, 2014), that highlight that research published in refereed journals has little

direct impact on real-world in terms of conservation and effectiveness, adding the fact of

limited access to such information for practitioners and policy-makers. Most research and

researchers never plan for implementation (Knight et al., 2008), and the lack of relevance

of obtained results, promotes misconceptions about how conservation works and what

practitioners actually need (Laurance et al., 2012). To overcome this gap, and a general

call has been made to foster a more proactive attitude that advocates for a better

communication with practitioners and seek more efficient means to a common end

(Braunisch et al., 2012; “The great divide.,” 2007).

c. Interdisciplinary lack between natural and social science: In its majority, the

conservationist field has focused its efforts in understanding and creating knowledge

about biological issues, but the social dimension is still underrepresented. This poor

interdisciplinary scenario, result often in conservation efforts that are isolated from the

real-world contexts (Laurance et al., 2012; Popescu et al., 2014). However, things are

changing and more experts are claiming to re-focus the field of conservation on advancing

and sharing knowledge in all relevant disciplines, including new paradigms and models of

research to bridge the existing gap (Bearzi, 2007; Braunisch et al., 2012; Bride, 2006;

Claudet & Guidetti, 2010; Moon & Blackman, 2014).

Balancing the needs of people and conservation aims, is a difficult task but urgent

(“Protect the parks.,” 2014). In the final instance, parks were made for people, and to

assure their existence, we have to reestablish this connection so they can be not only

ecologically, but also, economically and socially sustainable in the distant future.

The solution of this fragmentation between management-monitoring and society can be

one of the most important steps toward the finding and activation of practical and effective

solutions for the conservation practice. While proof of conservation success is ultimately

biological, conservation itself is a social and political process, not a biological process

(Alcorn, 1994). A good example of this situation was the creation of the National Park of

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Uramba-Bahía Malaga in Colombia in 2010, after years of conflict with the economic

sector, which were promoting a deep-water harbor construction project. The involvement

of NGOs, local communities with the support of academic sector into an organized social

action, made possible to transcend political and economical borders making possible the

declaration of this high value coastal and marine protected area (MAVDT, 2010) . This

was the first time that in Colombia, a park’s declaration was requested and approved by

afro communities as an instrument to ensure sustainable management of their territories

and ancestral livelihoods, that will have also an important biological impact.

2. Management effectiveness and indicators

Worldwide, numerous methodologies have been developed, under the general framework

proposed by the IUCN – WCPA (World Commission on Protected Areas) (UAESPNN,

2011). This framework was built in essence to know to what extent protected areas are

functioning as an effective strategy for conservation.

It is important for managers to understand what works and what does not, so they can

build on the best ideas and practices. Evaluation of management effectiveness is a vital

component of this responsive, pro-active style of protected area management. Through

evaluation, success and failure experiences can be used as chance for learning, and

continual improvement can be combined with anticipation of future threats and

opportunities (Fiona Leverington, Costa, Pavese, Lisle, & Hockings, 2010).

Nowadays measuring effectiveness is still a challenge, especially what has to do with

social issues. The assessment of the social dimension in protected areas management is

still poor comparing to biological issues (Pelletier et al., 2005). Some constraints can be

found in the difficulty to integrate more qualitative and intangible indicators, low budgets

for evaluation purposes (Leisher et al., 2012; Pasgaard, 2013), and the need for more

staff and better training in a range of technical areas (Fiona Leverington et al., 2010).

In spite of the recent difficulties, proposals start arriving, especially from coastal

management. The integration of biological, socio-economic and governance data for the

assessment is now evident in most management plans, international guidelines for the

effectiveness assessment, but there is little evidence on the real application of this data

and its direct relation to conservation goals.

Generally, measuring effectiveness is done through indicators. Some initiatives that

integrate the social context are found as governance and socio-economic indicators that

are now commonly found in the theory of management practice. Some examples of this

kind of measures include levels of understanding of human impacts and resources,

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stakeholder knowledge of natural history, perceptions on local resource harvest (e.g., R.S.

Pomeroy, Parks, & Watson, 2004), stakeholder participation, NGO and CBO activity,

education and training (e.g., IOC-UNESCO, 2006), but rarely those indicators look at

processes of the educational task. In addition, other initiatives have developed indicator

proposals for management through participatory processes with stakeholders reflecting

the participants’ perception of the major issues to be addressed in coastal development

and management, in which the balance is in favor of social issues and not biological ones

(Fontalvo-Herazo, Glaser, & Lobato-Ribeiro, 2007; Marques, Ramos, Caeiro, & Costa,


However the advancements in breaching the gap, it is still big enough. In terms of

educational and participative processes, moving beyond the data gathering of absence or

presence is needed. A commitment to long-term evaluation in terms of management,

personnel and budget is required (Bowen & Riley, 2003; Olsen, 2003; Satumanatpan,

Senawongse, Thansuporn, & Kirkman, 2014), to have a deeper understanding of the

management dynamics response instead of the static outputs or products results. Only if

we follow this path, we will be able to understand the complexity and linkage between the

biological and social dimensions, and improve the task of management and conservation.

3. EE in protected areas

Not all are bad news. Even if the panorama does not look very encouraging, there are

solutions and pathways to foster a change; whichever the approach chosen, is necessary

to consider how important people are for conservation. Biology and social dimension can

and must work aside. EE as a broader term for Conservation Education (Kobori, 2009) is

one of those powerful solution pathways that can play a strategic role to connect science,

people, nature and policy (Bearzi, 2007; Brewer, 2006).

3.1. Putting EE on the map

Having a top-down look into global environmental bodies, evidence shows that the role of

EE within organizations is in its infancy. The IUCN-CEC (Commission on Education and

Communication) is one of the benchmark institutions at global level that have education to

the mainstream of its actions. While recognizing their valuable work, EE nowadays, is

more focused in communication, awareness and sustainable development, but its visibility

in other fields as protected areas, is still limited.

Making a revision of publications from the history of the IUCN-CEC, draws attention to the

fact that EE was very popular during the 60’s and 70’s, but in the 80’s EE was no longer a

IUCN priority (Cerovsky, Hesselink, & Maas Geesteranus, 2011). Mid 90’s EE revitalized

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its labor, but communication, education, participation and awareness (CEPA) for

sustainable development was the big package, with communication as it main focus, and

somehow it continues to be. Relevant publications in this field are the CEPA toolkit

(Hesselink, Goldstein, van Kempen, Garnett, & Dela, 2007) as one of the main

publications from IUCN-CEC showing the importance of well communication strategies

and practice in the framework of the CBD.

With the UN Declaration of the International Decade of Education for Sustainable

Development (2005-2014), the ESD discourse went beyond schooling, to embrace

informal learning, advocacy and diverse audience communication activities. However, a

lack of collaboration among commissions is observed, especially when it comes to PAs.

Likewise, numerous researches published in high impact journals have been conducted

around protected areas, management and conservation, but not that many that include EE

as one of the pillars for an effective management and conservation. A similar situation is

found in specialized journals of EE, in which research on the field an impact of educational

actions in protected areas and management is reduced.

Translating data into meaning (Brewer, 2006) is a good example of this reflection. Her

conclusions from an extent bibliographic revision of more than 3000 published papers on

Conservation biology, highlights that now, more than ever, education must cut across all

facets of conservation biology. It would be of tremendous value if research information

could arrive and engage the public and inspire them to take action. On her revision, she

found that only, 71 essays from the journal were dedicated to education (mean = 4/year),

which is a very low percentage given that one of six key objectives stated in 1987 from the

Society of Conservation Biology (SCB) is “the education, at all levels, preparatory and

continuing, of the public, of biologists, and of managers in the principles of conservation


In addition, Fien et al, (2001), also put together both issues of education and

conservation, after an analysis of the global educational programs of the World Wildlife

Fund (WWF) and the implications in the conservation objectives of the organization. The

article comprises the lessons to be learned from the findings, providing insights about

planning and evaluating EE programs, especially within conservation groups and resource

management agencies.

3.2. EE and its role in conservation and management

“If conservation biology is to be fully activated, surely we all have a duty to be educators,

to engage with some of the more challenging and critical inputs conservation educators

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have had (and will have) to offer, and to fight to integrate the outcomes within our

institutions and practices. We will thereby inject a new vitality and direction right across

our discipline. (Bride, 2006)”

EE as a fundamental basis for conservation is becoming increasingly important among

ecosystem managers and conservation specialists (Fien et al., 2001; Hayes, 2009;

Kamphuis, 2011; Salm., Clark., & Siirila., 2000). Conclusions from the Millennium

Ecosystem Assessment (MEA) underpin education as a key piece in supplying

information and awareness for stakeholders. Authors subscribe that although education

about ecology has generally improved in recent decades, education on marine systems is

underfunded and underdeveloped (Dayton et al., 2005).

This underdevelopment has also some roots in the lack of integration of EE within the

management models and conservation objectives. Is very common to find EE process that

do not fully support stated management aims. This is due mainly to four reasons: (i). Lack

of clear and well-defined management goals (ii). Both strategies are planned separately in

time and space (iii). EE practitioners’ communication or management team staff

integration is low (iv). Limited funding (Fraschetti, Terlizzi, Micheli, Benedetti-Cecchi, &

Boero, 2002; Gardner, 2009; Leisher et al., 2012).

Recent research raises the need to elaborate the objectives of conservation, education

and management, from an integrating perspective to facilitate the sustainable use and

protection of natural habitats, including not only environmental and biological aspects, but

also social elements to have an effective and inclusive management of protected areas

(Bearzi, 2007; Claudet & Guidetti, 2010; Hesselink et al., 2007; Pollnac et al., 2010;

Sherrow, 2010).

Although much progress has been made in the field of EE and protected areas

management, one of the biggest challenges to overcome it is the lack of long-term

planning. In order to value its contribution to the conservation field, is necessary to

establish coherent methodologies, systematization and evaluation of the objectives

(Bonney & LaBranche, 2004; Gardner, 2009; Kuhar, Bettinger, Lehnhardt, Tracy, & Cox,

2010). Having this structure clear, a long-term EE plan can also play a key role for project

fundraising, negotiation tool with stakeholders, and managers, for a better economic and

human resource distribution.

Finding the missing pieces between society and conservation is the key to solve

management problems related to local people. To understand this gap, first we have to

look inside the processes and evaluate the impact of the undertaken EE actions, and be

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able to understand EE success or failure based on evidence. Without these findings,

isolating what works in EE will continue to be elusive (Stern, Powell, & Hill, 2013).

Stolton and Dudley (2010, p. 264) make a point in the final page of its book. They argue

that protected areas – in their modern incarnation – almost certainly were one of the best

and most revolutionary ideas of the 20th century, and still continue to be. Protected areas

today are still controversial and against a high number of economical interests, that’s why

a better understanding of their values, coupled with a conscious building among

stakeholders, can ensure the ideas and practice of protected areas to continue growing in

the future.

4. Colombia as a case study

Colombia is considered the world’s second mega-diverse place in the world. It also

constitutes a network of important biodiversity hotspots that still conserve the original

extent of high-biodiversity terrestrial ecosystems in the tropics (Mittermeier, Myers,

Thomsen, Da Fonseca, & Olivieri, 1998; Myers, Mittermeier, Mittermeier, da Fonseca, &

Kent, 2000). It has the first place in number of birds, and amphibians, and within the first

five in number of plants, reptiles and mammals. Its high diversity of thermal floors, ranging

from 5000 meters above sea level in the Andes, with areas of perpetual snow to benthos

in the Pacific ocean and Caribbean Sea, shaped the great biological and cultural richness

and diversity of the country (Villegas, 2006).

However its biodiversity richness, Colombia has also a rooted violence history that in the

past, present and future, makes it difficult for the management and conservation task.

Understanding these two facts, now, more than ever is when education must take a

leading role in the construction of peace and sustainable development. This is a direction

that Colombia has to choose in order to reach both ports safely.

Management of protected areas in Colombia has been a priority since the establishment

of the first protected area in 1960, as the beginning of an incredible network of 59

protected areas today. The increased challenge of the protection of this territory, has

forced the NPS to implement a management model that is based on the Pressure-State-

Response (PSR). The PSR framework was first developed by the OECD (1998), and has

extended its use all over the world to track environmental progress and the factors

involved in it, and it is a major tool for analyzing environmental policies and measuring

environmental performance.

In 2004, the NPS decided to start implementing the Analysis of Management

Effectiveness in Protected Areas with Social Participation (known by its Spanish

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acronym, AEMAPPS). This tool was designed to support protected areas, management

teams and others actors involved in the process in accordance to the NPS action plan and

management strategies (Fig. 1). The indicators focus on the qualification process of

planning, executing and verification of the achievement of objectives, desired outcomes

and impacts (Fiona Leverington et al., 2008).

Fig. 1. Institutional organization and management plan structure with AEMAPPS as assessment tool

Although the importance of the AEMAPPS as an effectiveness evaluation tool, results

remain extremely quantitative with little detail into ongoing processes derived from the

complexity of the work in the NPS. An existing gap to evaluate the degree of achievement

of the objectives, from a detailed and qualitative perspective remains as one of the big

challenges to reach, in order to have a full and detail picture of the effectiveness of PA.

Within the management structure, EE is constituted as one of the transversal programs to

improve the social perception and value recognition of protected areas to society,

specially the communities involved in their management. This management line within the

NPS is conceived to promote relationship and exchange of knowledge between social and

institutional actors, for the valuation of National Parks from a natural, social and cultural

dimension. It also has an important function within the Policy for social participation in

conservation, as an action channel within the task of the management of protected areas

in the country (UAESPNN, 2001).

5. Justification

However the specified role of EE and presence within the NPS, is not until 2012, that a

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National EE Strategy is consolidated and approved by law (UAESPNN, 2012). This huge

step has to be accompanied by an action plan to deliver the objectives and goals that

were established, in order to have a real practical meaning.

The poor availability or no access to information of EE practical guidelines of planning

mechanisms, systematization, monitoring and evaluation, constitutes an obstacle to the

collection of comparable and aggregated data for project assessment and for the

elaboration of management reports for decision-making.

The essence of this research was to transform the way the EE program was being

developed and integrate it within the actual management structure and model of the

protected areas of the NPS. This research coincided with the complete revision and

update of the management plans for the entire National Parks System (NPS), which gave

us the opportunity to work hand with hand with the ongoing process.

This research aims to acquire further knowledge to promote the articulation of the EE

program with the management actions and conservation policies, providing practical tools

that facilitate the development and assessment of the EE program based on internal and

external participation within the NPS.

6. Objectives of the Thesis

• Create a common project and collaborative relation among NPS and researcher,

to fulfill both parts needs

• Perform a diagnosis of the EE program in the NPS

• Integrate EE within the management plan through an agreed guiding route for the

elaboration of local action plans

• Develop a theoretical EE indicator set proposal from an institutional bottom-up

perspective that is easy to use by practitioners

• Integrate the EE indicator set into the management of protected areas

7. Thesis structure

In order to improve the entire EE process within the institution and evaluation, the

research was conducted from an institutional bottom-up perspective to get into the reality

from the local level to a national scope. This research work is structured in three chapters

that cover all the EE transforming process of EE within the NPS of Colombia (Fig. 1).

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Fig. 2. Research Design

The first chapter incorporates the article published at Ocean and Coastal Management in

which the objective was to elaborate a common methodology to integrate EE within the

updating process of the management plans that were being revised during the time of the


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It has to be said, that in the first instance, the research was focused on coastal areas from

the pacific coast of Colombia, especially in two National Parks Utria and Gorgona, that

were similar regarding to protected area size and conservation objectives.

The excellent relation of cooperation established with the headquarters of National Parks,

triggered the research to a national level interest, in which representatives from all regions

and almost all parks at local level got the opportunity to participate and collaborate with

the project. Besides other important achievements, this was the first key and unexpected

success reached during the research.

The second chapter is dedicated to the evaluation. Evaluation is still the pending task in

EE. Although it is a big step that EE is considered for the short-term evaluation of

effectiveness at National Parks, the representativeness and quality is still very low for this

crosscutting program. The implemented evaluation tools were focused to measure the

final products and outputs, but never take a look at the process and impact of the actions

developed. Giving continuity to the institutional bottom-up standpoint, this article gives

response to the lack of evaluation tools, offering a methodology to develop EE indicators,

and a set of Indicators to evaluate the EE program. These indicators are thought to be

useful, practical and easy-use for practitioners in order to be included in the monitoring

process of the evaluation of the management effectiveness plans.

The third chapter is dedicated to discussion and conclusions. It relates the obtained

results with similar researches and its implications according to the theoretical framework

chosen. From the results analysis and interpretation, I develop the final agreed proposal

for the integration of EE within the existent management model. It also includes thoughts

and recommendations to carry on the EE task.

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Chapter I Integrating environmental education in marine protected areas management in Colombia


Environmental Education (EE) 1 is a key component in any marine protected area

management. However, its visibility and action plans are still poorly developed and

structured as a clear element in management procedures. The objective of this study is to

contribute with a methodological route that integrates EE to the existing model of

management planning and strategies, taking the Colombian National Natural Parks

System as a case study. The creation of the route is proposed as a participatory research

with different stakeholders in order to respond to the specific conservation needs and

goals for the National Parks System. The EE national diagnosis has shown that its

integration within the parks management structure is a first priority need, being a

converging result on the two case studies on National Parks from the Pacific Coast of

Colombia. The diagnosis also demonstrates that communication, participation, training

and evaluation have to be reinforced, linking the community and stakeholders involved in

the park management to the whole EE process. The proposed methodology route has

been agreed upon by the National Parks staff and incorporates advice and

recommendations from different stakeholders, in order to better include the park users.

This step will help us to advance toward sustainable management in marine and coastal

protected areas elsewhere, taking into account not only the biological but also the social-

cultural prism. The main challenges in the management and conservation of coastal and

marine ecosystems today are discussed

1. Introduction

Coastal areas undergo a heavy anthropogenic pressure on biodiversity, complexity and

key species biomass (Abdulla, Gomei, Maison, & Piante, 2008; Dayton et al., 2005;

Jackson et al., 2001; Levinton, 2011; Rossi, 2013). The aim of Marine Protected Areas

(MPAs) is essentially to relieve vulnerable habitats and species from such pressures.

However, frequently, the conservation plans and recommendations do not reach

1 EE – environmental education

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Chapter I Integrating EE in local management plans


stakeholders, politicians and especially end term users. The vast majority of the

conservation work and practice remains obscure in the form of scientific papers, grey

literature or technical reports and protocols, creating frustration on both sides: the people

who make the rules and the people who have to apply such rules (Bearzi, 2007).

Nowadays, participative Environmental Education (EE) is an approach that is becoming

increasingly more popular among conservation specialists and ecosystem managers

faced with this information problem (Brewer, 2006; Fien et al., 2001; Hayes, 2009;

Kamphuis, 2011; Salm. et al., 2000). Recent works state the necessity to determine the

goals of conservation, education and management, from an integrative perspective, in

order to facilitate the sustainable use and protection of natural habitats, including not only

the ecological and biological aspects but also social and cultural elements, with a view to

having effective and inclusive management of protected areas (Bearzi, 2007; Hesselink et

al., 2007; Pollnac et al., 2010; Sherrow, 2010).

Although considerable progress has been made in the field of community-based

management, one of the major difficulties is to move from passive community participation

(e.g. information and consultative processes) to an active community involvement (two

way communication, decision making, action for change). In this active involvement

people participates in the experimentation and learning process, being the participation

seen as one of the main rights of the community and not only a way to achieve project

goals (Cornwall, 2008). The local and external people need something more than top-

down model of laws and policies built by institutions (Kearney, Berkes, Charles, Pinkerton,

& Wiber, 2007), but an approach that has to be bottom-up. In fact, it has been

demonstrated that local communities have an essential role in this aspect, and a positive

effect on the co-management of MPAs (Dahl, 1997; Gutierrez, Hilborn, & Defeo, 2011;

Kearney et al., 2007; Mills, Jupiter, Pressey, Ban, & Comley, 2011). To achieve better

management, the proper transmission of the educational approach has to adapt to the

different communities in which they will be developed, and not the other way round; In this

context, one of the major difficulties to achieve this active participation and community

involvement, is the lack of well-defined objectives, especially in the methodology,

systematization and evaluation of the educational programs and their contribution to

conservation goals (Kuhar et al., 2010).

The present research seeks a change instead of reaching theoretical conclusions. The

problem is closing the gap between pure theory and practice, where such conclusions are

focused on applications that would enable reality to be transformed. It also seeks a

continuous improvement in quality and must be based on shared criteria and a

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comparative analysis of different points of view (Benayas, Gutiérrez, & Hernández, 2003).

In order to gain a better understanding of the tools that have to be implemented to pass

from a theoretical to a more practical approach in the transfer of information from

scientists/managers to users, we accomplished in the present study three different

targets: 1) Perform a diagnosis of the EE program not only in our study area but also to

the whole National Parks System. 2) Establish the main rules of EE in MPAs with solid

participation of Park staff members and stakeholders and 3) Integrate these rules into the

Park’s management plan with a focus on quality and long term practice alongside

prioritized social actors. In order to do this, a first national survey was carried out including

20 National Parks (44% of the National Park’s network) with a special focus on Gorgona

National Park and Utria National Park, both located in the Eco-region of the Choco

Biogeographic area (Mittermeier et al., 1998; Olson & Dinerstein, 1998). They were

selected because of their biological value, location, socioeconomic and political situation,

similar protected area dimensions, reference point for diverse researches in coastal and

marine habitats and time within the National Parks System (UAESPNN - Parques

Nacionales Naturales de Colombia, 2008).

It is expected that the EE plan will contribute to integrate those stakeholders with major

implications in the protected areas, reducing threats and anthropogenic pressures,

and improve the state of conservation of MPAs, from a perspective of EE as a process

and long-term action. The final aim of this paper is to provide clear EE tools, which can be

transferred from scientific and technical managers of MPAs to different social groups

everywhere, with a view to the methodology being potentially extrapolated to other areas


2. Methods

To carry out the present research, the study was conducted using a quantitative and

qualitative methodology (Fig. 3) in order to obtain a general and detailed picture of the

complexity of the process studied. The combination of both methodologies allow us to

obtain a more solid basis to work at a national and local level during the study, being able

to contextualize the research at the different management levels we were working with.

For the diagnostic study, we took into account the viability of working together with these

two kinds of methodologies, which is acceptable for a diagnostic study (Benayas et al.,

2003; Dillon & Wals, 2006; Meyers, 2006; Russell, 2006; Sauvè, 2000).

The quantitative methodology consisted of questionnaires exploring the perceptions of

educators related to the EE program of the National Parks System.

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Fig. 3. Scheme of quantitative and qualitative methodology used in the research.

The questionnaire was delivered by e-mail to all EE teams in the National Parks System

during the second trimester of 2011, with the exception of Gorgona and Utria National

Parks, which were delivered in hard copy during the fieldwork.

The structure of the survey included 7 sections divided into the following topics: EE

objectives, institutional coordination and support, audiences and activities, communication

and participation, priorities in EE, evaluation process, and personal information. The

questionnaire was validated at the central office of the Park system, in order to detect

failures and adjust the instrument before sending the document to the educators. They

were asked to fill in the questionnaire on the basis of available data and their own

experience of the management tasks of the park.

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The qualitative data was obtained by means of 15 semi-structured interviews with staff

members from the central and local offices including Gorgona and Utria National Parks.

The interviews also integrated local stakeholders and environmental NGOs that work in

the study area and also at a national level. Atlas.ti 6.2.27 supported all qualitative data

analysis, allowing us to use the same categories used in the interviews and surveys.

In addition to interviews, two focus groups were carried out with representatives of local,

regional and national management offices of the Park’s system, being composed of

homogenous groups of people. The common characteristics in both groups were their

position at the Institution (regional environmental educator coordinator or local

environmental educator) that is relevant to the topic of the study (Krueger & King, 1998).

In order to evaluate the route for EE local action plans, focus groups give us information

about perceptions, feelings, and attitudes of the new proposal and its application viability.

The characteristics of a typical smaller focus group project is that the sample can be taken

from two to four groups, being the recruitment of participants easily available (i.e. doesn’t

require a complex analysis or fully transcription, and produces a brief report with

conclusions (Morgan & Scannell, 1998)). With this technique, we can be able to see

reality from a bottom up point of view, and not from the top down as usual. The use of this

technique facilitates the identification of project strengths, weaknesses, and the

generation of new ideas and recommendations (Krueger, 1988), regarding the

methodological route to guide the educators in the local sphere to construct the local EE

action plans.

The first focus group was composed of local staff members from 10 national parks, with a

total of 11 participants, five of which belonging to the MPAs. The EE national committee

constituted the second panel, with a total of 10 participants from all regions of the Park

System is divided.

The questions that guided the focus groups were:

1. What do you think about the actual structure of the proposed methodology?

2. Do you think this methodology is needed and will help through the process of

elaboration of local EE action plans?

3. Which changes would you propose in order to make it practical for its use? (You

can change boxes order o rephrase them)

4. Would you include or delete any box from this proposal?

At the end of the session, we delivered a participative evaluation to record the group

perception about the session during the discussion and the preliminaries results.

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3. Results

The questionnaires were delivered to a total of 45 National Parks that have an EE

program running (80% of National Parks) and also to the UAESPNN central office, where

a total of 46 surveys were registered. Of the total gathered, 20 surveys (43%) were fully

completed, and were used as the sample size for the analysis (Fig. 4). The 26 remaining

surveys (56%) were not included in the analysis because answers were not complete or

were inconsistent.

Fig. 4. Geographic distribution of the Natural National Parks involved in the survey including the study area. (1) Flamencos. (2) Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. (3) Paramillo. (4) Tama. (5) Cocuy. (6) Pisba. (7) Guanetá – Alto Fragua. (8) Iguaque. (9) Chingaza. (10) Sumapaz. (11) Tatama. (12) Las Hermosas. (13) Nevado del Huila. (14) Serranía de Chiribiquete. (15) La Paya. (16) Otún – Quimbaya. Detail Area 1 – Utria and Detail Area 2 Gorgona.

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3.1. Objectives

The results from the survey in Table 1 indicate that the objectives of the EE programs are

well defined and follow the SMART categories: specific, measurable, realistic and timely.

Nevertheless, the condition attainable presents a major disagreement within the survey, in

over 50% of the respondents.

Table 1. Percentages results from the National Parks’ survey completed by the Environmental Education (EE) staff members (n=20) according to objectives, institutional coordination and assessment.

% Agree % Disagree


Understandable 100 0 Clear and specific 90 10 Realistic 85 15 Time defined 80 20 Consistent 80 20 Measurable 75 25 Written plan 75 25 Attainable (availability of resources and capabilities) 45 55

Institutional coordination and support

Management plan knowledge 95 5 EE alignment with management plan 90 10 EE institutional transversality 75 25 EE transversality in management plans 70 30 Institutional networking 45 55 Human resources 35 65 EE alignment with conservation objectives 30 70 Similar Parks management plan knowledge 30 70 Economic resources 15 85


EE improves conservation 90 10 EE achieves its objectives 70 30 Existing EE program 55 45 EE objectives are known by the staff 55 45 EE is systematic and consistent 55 45 Drafting of EE Annual Report 45 55 Reflection process 45 55 Feedback 40 60 Continuous assessment and monitoring 30 70

Existence of indicators 20 80

In the qualitative analysis, the results show that the objectives are too generalist and that

economic resources are not sufficient in order to attain and achieve the proposed goals.

“I think there should be more clarity: a general objective and clearer specific

objectives. What I perceive in general is that there are many loose wheels; there is a need

for projection, a scheme with a large target or goal with objectives to fulfill. Obviously, if

you're not clear you cannot project anything; methods, stakeholders, anything.” (NGO


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“While environmental education in parks is not appreciated in its true dimension and

there are not sufficient resources to meet objectives, the results will always be occasional

and linked to the individual efforts of the staff members.” (Park staff member)

“There are not enough economic resources from my point of view.” (Park staff member)

On the other hand there are some cases in which EE has been working in coordination

with the local staff and management plan.

“The objectives of EE in our protected area are developed on the basis of the

problems encountered by the park annually. In that sense, the park develops a specific

required educational action in those communities that demand special

environmental actions.” (Park staff member)

“EE objectives are consistent and have been developed with team members taking

into account the management plan, conservation targets and projects that fall

under different strategic lines.” (Park staff member)

3.2. Coordination

The results from the survey show that from a local perspective, there is a general

consensus regarding knowledge of the park’s management plans and its alignment with

the EE program, but not regarding conservation targets. The constant claim by the

participants is that financial resources are very scarce to achieve the objectives and the

goals proposed.

“EE in Gorgona National Park is not coordinated with the different institutional

management offices: local, regional, central.” (Park Staff member)

“Now, in Gorgona National Park, whale watching can only be carried out by tourist

concession holders, but there is no communication with researchers, and what is

happening is there is a leak of resources from both parts.” (NGO director)

“When we say that the EE is not coordinated it’s because we don’t receive any support or

alignment from regional or national offices.” (Park staff member)

“We have resources such as radios, documentation centers, staff exchanges with other

parks, which facilitate a better approach to the different works they implement. However,

there is a lack of a flow of communication regarding the information and more alignments

that hinder us from doing a better job.” (Park staff member)

3.3. Assessment According to the participants, it is evident that the work carried out through EE helps to

improve the state of the conservation targets, and the objectives set through the EE

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program are achieved. Yet, when they are asked about the existence of an established

EE program, previous knowledge and awareness of the EE objectives, and activity

coherence, almost 50% of participants disagree on these statements.

Taking a look at the evaluation process, the data indicates a gap in the systematization

practice, such as the activities of recording information, annual reports and reflections on

the educational activity.

This gap increases when we delve further into the evaluation techniques. The surveyors

indicated that feedback on the activities monitoring is not frequent in more than 60% of the

parks examined. These indicators are the most worrying aspect of evaluation due to their

limited use in almost 80% of the parks surveyed. The remaining 20% should be reviewed

because most of the indicators are focused on the number of participants/assistants, but

are not focused on the educational impact.

Table 2. Percentages from the National Parks survey completed by the Environmental Education (EE) staff members (n=20) according to audiences, activities, and participation and communication criteria.

Always Frequent Infrequent Never

Audiences and activities

Academic Institutions 26 63 11 0 Rural communities 22 61 11 6 Visitors 26 42 26 5 Institutional actors 16 53 32 0 Overlapping areas 11 47 11 32 Indigenous communities 19 6 25 50 General public 6 22 72 0 Black communities 16 5 21 58 Specialized audience 0 17 83 0

Participation & communication

Internal participation 0 35 65 0 External participation 0 30 65 5 My opinion matters 0 45 50 5 My team opinion matters 30 45 25 0 Communication is key for EE 75 25 0 0 Training needs 85 5 5 5

Community participation 15 60 25 0

3.4. Audiences, participation and communication

As shown in Table 2, the most frequent activities registered that fall under all kinds of

audiences are communication and dissemination of the National Park’s mission and

conservation target values, followed by conferences, workshops and inter-institutional


One of the most important activities carried out is the participative formulation of projects

and also community projects. However, their design and construction hardly reach 25% of

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the parks surveyed.

Participation and communication are essential in EE and management decision-making.

The survey demonstrates that the majority of participants feel that neither internal nor

external participation in the park system takes place. As regards the relevance of the

individual opinion, the perceptions are divided, indicating that this depends very much on

the way in which the park’s team functions, and not on the entire sample and the

UAESPNN. However, team opinion prevails rather than individual.

3.5. Priorities in EEThe main priority identified by the educators is the integration of EE into the management

plans and the development of educational programs that are consistent with the local

environmental problems (Fig. 5). In addition to this demand, the environmental literacy of

educators and participation problems are the other criteria that require more attention in

order to work within the sub-program of EE within the UAESPNN. Furthermore,

methodology design, identification of stakeholders, planning, positioning and socialization

of the park legislation are considered important matters in order to succeed, but not on

such a wide scale, and with a more individualized and unique character for each park.

Fig. 5. Results of first line Environmental Education (EE) priorities identified in the survey. (n=20)

3.6. Focus groups According to the survey, interviews, and workshop results, we identified the key points in

order to systematize the EE process and integrate it with the management plan and social

actors. To accomplish this target, we developed an EE methodological route to guide the

development of EE local action plans in the National Parks in Colombia. This initial

proposal was discussed with specialists and EE staff members at the central management

EE Integration into management plan Training


EE concepts & Methodology

EE positioning

Stakeholders identification

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office, in order to adjust the application to their structure and needs, before working with

focus groups.

In both focus groups, all participants agreed that the proposal fulfill the need of an

integrated methodology of EE within the park’s management plans and its management

model, being the methodology approved in this last evaluation process, except in cases

that the management model has another structure because of local issues as happens in

the Amazonian region.

The panels also agreed that this tool will facilitate the process of the elaboration of local

plans, even though in some cases, they will have to adapt some guidelines to their local

situation, and let the general structure serve as a flexible and dynamic guideline but not a

fixed one.

From the original proposal, the structure remained the same, but some boxes were

rephrased from the original version, new highlights were included and other boxes

changed their order within the structure.

As a final result, we found that both focus groups arrived to the same conclusions and

modifications of the original proposal, which facilitates the process of the final version of

the EE methodology.

A more detailed focus on the regional and local context was suggested, especially in

those cases where indigenous and black communities were overlapping in the protected


The monitoring and evaluation section was changed considerably and improved, and all

participants supported the incorporation of a dissemination of results section, absent on

the management-planning model. All the participants agreed that recommendations

should be included in the new version. Initially, the methodological route was being

developed to respond to MPAs needs, especially in the study area. However, during the

research and because of the active participation of the EE staff, more parks were willing to

be included in the initiative in order to establish this method as a national proposal and an

essential component to be included in the EE Strategy of the National Parks of Colombia

(Fig. 6).

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4. Discussion

The present results clearly support the establishment of a standardized methodology path

to improve EE within the National Parks System. There is a consensus that this target has

a first priority interest in order to promote systematization of the process and its inclusion

in the management plan and operational structure, not only to MPAs as proposed initially

but also to the National Parks System, contributing to conservational targets and

management effectiveness (Lundquist & Granek, 2005).

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Fig. 6. Methodological route contents for the elaboration of EE local action plans in the National Parks of Colombia.

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4.1. EE Objectives and assessment

The survey data indicates that a significant majority of participants found that the

objectives were adequately clear, concrete, and attainable. However, almost 50%

admitted that they did not have a written EE local plan, and objectives were more a

statement of intent without a logical framework. Defining the objectives is one of the most

important steps for managing and planning EE information transfer in MPAs. In this study,

EE staff recognized that a minimal training was required in order to develop these tasks

and highlighted the scarce communication between different levels of management,

leading to unstructured and misaligned EE local action plans with conservation objectives.

One possible explanation for the absence of well-defined EE objectives and measures to

evaluate them in the park system lies in the fact that management plans are outdated, and

often have wide-ranging objectives that make it difficult to shape EE actions into specific

goals, a situation common in other studies (Abdulla et al., 2008; Dahl-Tacconi, 2005).

On the other hand, measures allowing us to explain the achieved results in terms of social

impact and a better state of the conservation objectives do not exist, except limited

indicators which do not go beyond simple data (number of workshops held, brochures

delivered, number of assistants and visitors, etc.). Impact indicators such as change in

knowledge, attitude, networking, and participation quality are not found in any of the parks

studied, and it is an area that requires further research. This is a crucial field to explore in

order to evaluate the effectiveness of the work done, and to support management


4.2. Audiences and activities

We found low consistency in the EE process among the goals proposed, the activities set

and the way in which results and impacts are measured. Specialists, stakeholders and

Park staff members, see EE as a long-term process that seeks the comprehension and

responsible action of the community in order to preserve our natural and cultural heritage

within the framework of sustainability (Fien et al., 2001; UNESCO, 1979). However,

analyzing our results, the most common actions are short-term events such as

conferences, environmental talks, inter-institutional meetings and environmental

interpretation. True environmental literacy goes beyond awareness and rote learning but

involves critical thinking, integrating principles, and using acquired skills to turn knowledge

into action (Bickford, Posa, Qie, Campos-Arceiz, & Kudavidanage, 2012).

Most of the activities are addressed to formal education tools such as school

environmental programs (Kuhar et al., 2010; Muñoz-Santos & Benayas, 2012), probably

because these comprise an audience that is already established and structured,

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(Lundquist & Granek, 2005; Rice, 2011) where the implementation of actions proves to be

less difficult than with other social actors (J Zorrilla-Pujana, 2008). Conservation

biologist, need to be much more strongly proactive in their approach to communicating, in

formal educational settings as well as in other venues and via alternative methods to a

diversity of audiences (Bickford et al., 2012).

Another limitation found is the deficient condition of the relations between National Parks

and local stakeholders, which hinders any EE participative approach with the community,

at least in the study area, leaving behind actions with a long-term impact, such as

management agreements through communitarian and participative projects with the

audiences prioritized by the protected area. In MPAs the role of the community is

essential for the approval and monitoring of rules. In a South California MPA, the bottom-

up management and EE makes the difference in the increased ratio of fish biomass

because of the clear and accepted rules which were correctly transmitted from managers

to users from 0.75 tons of fish ha-1 to 4.74 tons of fish ha-1 in a decade (Aburto-Oropeza et

al., 2011).

EE is a crosscutting program in the management process of MPAs and the scarce

resources are a common issue that appears in most of the analyzed criteria, but relevant

data regarding the benefits of social issues in protected areas are not well covered in

local, regional and national accounts (F Leverington, Hockings, Pavese, Lemos Costa, &

Courrau, 2008), which in that case could help to justify an increase in the budget in this

multidisciplinary field. A lack of job stability for EE staff and undefined funds generate

discontinuity and regression in most of the programmed activities (J Zorrilla-Pujana,

2008). Although EE is recognized as a first priority for MPA management and other skills

development (Dahl-Tacconi, 2005), reality reveals the contrary: the education program

does not present stability in human and economic resources allowing continuity of the

established processes (Kullenberg, 2010).

4.3. Coordination, communication and participation

The need to clarify the mechanism of educational conservation objectives has been

demonstrated, but even more important than this is the need to break the current dynamic

of environmental information transmission, which is not properly aimed at the different

groups, because there is a lack of connection between managers, scientist and users in

MPAs (Lundquist & Granek, 2005). Scientist and managers need to be more provocative,

proactive, and purposeful in how we communicate to create an environmentally literate

society that enacts decisions based on both sound science and the needs of humanity

(Bickford et al., 2012)

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The results indicate a low perception of institutional coordination between local, regional

and national management offices by staff members, stakeholders, and some researchers.

This situation is visible at different management levels, and in most cases is the result of

wastage in the same institution, loss of knowledge, economical opportunities, and

inexistent networking between similar parks, that share biological, social values, programs

and projects within the EE strategic line. MPA networks are important not only for the

conservation of biodiversity but also as a form of management (Guidetti, 2002).

Communication efforts can also help to inspire new ideas for research that inform about

management questions and may generate connections with other scientists outside a

narrow range of expertise (Grorud-Colvert, Lester, Airamé, Neeley, & Gaines, 2010), but

scientists actually makes surprisingly few direct contributions to environmental

conservation, when there is an evident necessity of a more proactive dialogue between

conservation scientists and practitioners when devising research priorities (Laurance et

al., 2012; Primack, 2006) and the dissemination of those results to the managers and the

community involved.

Despite the key role that communication and participation play in the educational process,

this is still one of the most difficult tasks within the Park system in which more than 60% of

respondents and interviewees perceived that participation in decision-making is infrequent

and communication leaks are very common at all management scales. This situation can

be explained from different standpoints: 1. The gap between the Park’s local and national

scope is still hard to bridge. 2. There is a poor contextualization among local realities and

national alignments, and 3. The absence of a peer EE at the regional management office

disrupts any communication channels in the local and national spheres. Studies

demonstrate that MPAs are effective when information is properly transferred and

participation of the different users is solid (Pace et al., 2010).

It is not true that local people have a negative reaction towards protected areas. It has

been demonstrated that good information and a clear rule statement in which there is

direct community participation has a positive effect on final users (Aburto-Oropeza et al.,

2011; Triguero-Mas, Olomí-Solà, Jha, Zorondo-Rodríguez, & Reyes-García, 2009). The

lack of effective spaces for communication and participation has led to a negative

perception among the team members, stakeholders, researchers and the community who

are involved either directly or indirectly with the park’s management. Because of this

condition, many conservation initiatives are isolated from the park’s initiatives, wasting

synergies that could be beneficial for the MPA management.

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5. Conclusions

The present study demonstrates the urgent need to establish a common methodology for

the development and implementation of EE local action plans in National Parks. EE is a

multidisciplinary component that works with humanity and its relationship to the

environment, linking both natural and social sciences, in order to achieve conservation

goals (Bickford et al., 2012). There is a need for cooperation at an inter-disciplinary and

inter-sectorial level, that requires exchanges between the scientific disciplines as well as a

cultural exchange (Kullenberg, 2000). The new proposed methodology hopes that EE will

play a catalyst role between the community and MPA management.

It is necessary a more active, open and conciliatory attitude in order to promote

stakeholders’ participation in and contribution to MPA conservation. For this reason, EE

must focus on those audiences that generate the strongest pressure on the area.

EE should establish itself as a crosscutting program integrated in the management

process, in order to contribute to improving the state of the protected ecosystem,

enhancing a better protection of natural assets and facilitating the connection between

various fields and sectors in the community to implement an effective EE (Kobori, 2009).

But if EE limits itself to political and theoretical papers, scholar activities, the celebration of

environment day and environmental conferences, it will be difficult to achieve long-term

conservation objectives.

In order to support and strengthen the EE program within the management of National

Parks System, it is essential that the human resources structure is maintained at the local,

regional and national level with an EE responsible at all management scales or

disruptions and communication flow will occur, interrupting ongoing processes.

After accepting the proposed route for EE local action plans, and validated at the study

area, Colombia National Parks approved its inclusion in the National EE strategy and

remarked on its consistency and the integrated perspective with the management and

conservation objectives, involving the local community and prioritized stakeholders from

the start. Utria and Gorgona National Parks are constructing the EE action plan following

this method as other parks from the network. We now have a real opportunity to

implement ecosystem-based management in MPAs, but the transmission of essential

values and roles in MPAs has to be clearer (Rice, 2011). The results determine that it is

imperative to work on the conscious and assertive establishment of objectives for both the

MPA management plan and EE programs, as one of the most important steps for the

planning, and effectiveness of EE in the park system (Lundquist & Granek, 2005).

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CHAPTER II Environmental education indicators system for protected areas management


A new perspective for the management effectiveness of protected areas needs the

inclusion of social data for decision-making. In this process, environmental education (EE)

plays a key role in catalyzing biological and social issues in the management process, but

there are scarce data about this relationship. The main objective of this paper is to

develop, from an institutional bottom-up perspective, a proposal for a set of EE indicators

that is easy to use by practitioners to measure the response of the EE program in relation

to the conservation objectives of protected areas management plans. Using a combination

of quantitative and qualitative techniques, a case study at the National Parks System of

Colombia is presented, which is divided in five stages: 1. An EE evaluation survey on a

national scale. 2. An interview phase with EE practitioners and NGOs. 3. EE objectives

categorization. 4. Systematization process and 5. Focus group to evaluate the proposed

set of indicators. A set of 5 EE indicators was developed to fulfill the identified needs:

appropriation of information, articulation, participation quality, program implementation

and continuity of EE process. We expect that this new approach for EE evaluation

will hopefully be adopted in the update of management plans, as an innovative tool that

contributes to the effectiveness assessment of protected areas, integrating a more social

and participative focus.

Keywords: integrated conservation; institutional participation; social dimension;

management effectiveness; bottom-up perspective

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1. Introduction

Moving beyond the establishment of protected areas to the assessment of management

effectiveness (Hockings, Stolton, & Dudley, 2004), has been a crucial step forward in the

conservation field. Environmental indicators are essential tools in this progress, but the

scarcity of social data is still a common problem that these protected areas face (Moon &

Blackman, 2014; Popescu et al., 2014; Stephanson & Mascia, 2014). New integrated

solutions must be developed, and environmental education (EE) could be a key piece to

bridge the gap between people’s needs and biological aims. This conservation practice

can be useful for a better decision-making, communication and policy development,

(Bearzi, 2007; Michael B. Mascia et al., 2003; Meijaard et al., 2014), but a measure of its

true scope is necessary.

Conservation is related to people as much as it is to species or ecosystems. Any measure

of conservation is inadequate without education and a direct involvement of the different

social actors (Michael B. Mascia et al., 2003; Sherrow, 2010). Fortunately, a shift in

conservation science is taking place and a need to include social research is increasingly

growing (Fisher et al., 2005, p. 2,15; Linton & Warner, 2003; Michael B. Mascia et al.,

2003; Moon & Blackman, 2014; Stephanson & Mascia, 2014).

From the First Intergovernmental Conference on Environmental Education Tbilisi in 1977,

EE can be defined as a holistic approach, rooted in a broad interdisciplinary base, which

acknowledges the fact that natural environment and man-made environment are

profoundly interdependent. EE uses the findings of science and technology to play a

leading role in creating awareness and a better understanding of rapidly evolving

environmental problems. It should foster positive patterns towards the environment and

the nations’ use of their resources, to make intelligent, informed and well structured

decisions (UNESCO, 1979, p. 24.).

Inclusion of EE within management plans is still in its infancy (Muñoz-Santos & Benayas,

2012), and with the current environmental crisis, education must be considered as a

principle for biological conservation and management (Abdulla et al., 2008, p. 132;

Brewer, 2006). The employment of objective measures to integrate EE within

management effectiveness is still a challenge (Sherrow, 2010), claiming to move forward

from assessments based only on knowledge gain (Kuhar et al., 2010; Ruiz-Mallen,

Barraza, Bodenhorn, & Reyes-García, 2009) without measuring why and how it works

(Robert S Pomeroy, Watson, Parks, & Cid, 2005; Stern et al., 2013).

The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has long been a

pioneer in the field of environmental indicators. It developed and published the first

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international set of environmental indicators in 1993, describing 12 main rules of what an

ideal indicator should be in terms of policy relevance and utility for users, analytical

soundness and measurability (OECD, 2006, p. 143). These first guidelines have been

used as a reference point for benchmark organizations like the World Bank, International

Union for the Conservation of Nature, and International Cooperation Agencies, among

others, to develop environmental and sustainability indicators, with small variations

according to their needs and objectives (Global Environmental Facility, 2010; IOC-

UNESCO, 2006; R.S. Pomeroy et al., 2004; Segnestam, 2002; Tilbury, Janousek, Elias, &

Bacha, 2007).

Governance and socio-economic indicators found in evaluation manuals for protected

areas often include EE issues, but they provide limited information about the

appropriateness and effects of EE on the conservation aims of the protected area. Some

examples of such indicators are: establishment of education and training programs,

increased awareness of environmental issues or number and trained decision makers

(Borrini-Feyerabend, N. Dudley, Jaeger, Lassen, & Pathak Broome, 2013; IOC-UNESCO,

2006, p. 129; Marino, Marucci, Palmieri, & Gaglioppa, 2015; Robert S Pomeroy et al.,


Kuhar et al. (2010), went further. They measured knowledge gain through EE programs in

a quantitative way. The study compared the performance of an EE conservation program

in Uganda, using pre-post tests after 30 days, 1 year and 2 years from the initial program.

They demonstrated that knowledge gain was not transient, but didn’t guarantee that

proper behaviors would be performed in a middle-long term time frame.

To improve the evaluation process, the EE indicators should be quality based, embracing

quantitative and qualitative measures, to provide additional details to understand not only

if EE works, but also why and how it works (Stern et al., 2013). Attention must be

focused to link EE activities, processes and evaluation to the park’s conservation aims

(Claudet & Guidetti, 2010; Muñoz-Santos & Benayas, 2012), and embark on a policy of

continuing self-evaluation and assessment (Blumstein & Saylan, 2007). The new EE

approach should be inclusive with stakeholders who have a direct impact on the

achievement of management objectives and are directly influenced by management

decisions (Himes, 2007; Juanita Zorrilla-Pujana & Rossi, 2014).

Through a revision of a wide environmental and sustainability indicators sets, the present

study found that criteria used by the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) were the most

suitable for the research. GEF works with 5 criteria denoted by the acronym SMART,

meaning that indicators should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-

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bounded (GEF 2010, pp. 28–29).

With these indicators’ guidelines established, we conducted an action-research guided by

the critical theory paradigm (Crotty, 1998, pp. 139–159), which dictates how data

collection and interpretation will be done. This branch of social research intends to

challenge, induce and document a change in the reality studied (García & Sampedro,

2006; Sauvè, 2000). It looks to improve some practical aspects of reality as a means for

developing our understanding of it, through a participative and empowering focus and

praxis (Moon & Blackman, 2014; Winter, 2002)

Having selected this roadmap and following the pressure-state-response indicator

framework, the objective of this research was to develop a theoretical EE indicator set

proposal from an institutional bottom-up perspective that is easy to use by practitioners

and induces a change in the EE evaluation system. These indicators will assist in

measuring the influence of the EE programs on the conservation objectives of the Park’s

management plan, using the NPS of Colombia as a case study.

2. Methods

The action research was conducted using a combination of qualitative and quantitative

methodologies (Fig. 7). The use of both compatible and complementary methodologies

provides a better understanding of the national and local context during the study,

considering an approach that incorporates social variables in the evaluation of protected

areas management (Benayas et al., 2003; Dillon & Wals, 2006; Gerson & Horowitz, 2002;

Russell, 2006).

To avoid failures or misunderstandings in the written questionnaire, as well as in the semi-

structured interviews, both questionnaires were validated at the central office of the NPS.

During tool validation, members pointed out questions that were not consistent, difficult to

understand or confusing and/or time consuming in order to adjust the tools before its


First, a quantitative methodology was used in the manner of a questionnaire; secondly, a

qualitative methodology in the form of interviews, categorization process and focus

groups. ATLAS.ti 6.2.27 supported qualitative data analysis, allowing us to use the same

categories used in the interviews and surveys.

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Fig. 7. Quantitative and qualitative methods used in the research.

2.1. Survey - Questionnaire The questionnaire was developed through three main steps: content selection, structure-

design and format. In first place, we developed questionnaires following the structure and

functions of the EE program within the NPS (UAESPNN, 2005, 2001), which we divided

into 5 categories: objectives of the program, institutional and coordination support,

audiences and activities, participation and communication, and assessment (this last

section is the one analyzed for this paper). In second place, questionnaire design and

structure consisted of closed questions, where alternatives answers were given to

respondents. We also included an open question in each section for comments and

reflections (Fernández, 2007; Himes, 2007). Questionnaire format was chosen through

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the formats developed by the webpage where surveys were designed


The questionnaire was sent to all EE teams in the NPS between 2011-2012. To obtain the

most objective data from the work experience, we emphasized that the survey wasn’t an

evaluation of their work, and responses were for research use only.

The questionnaires were delivered to a total of 45 National Parks that have an EE

program running (80% of National Parks at the time of the survey) and also to the NPS

central office, where a total of 46 surveys were registered. A sample of 20 questionnaires

from NPS (43%) at local, regional and national level was used for the research regarding

EE evaluation (Appendix VI). The 26 remaining surveys (56%) were not included in the

analysis because answers were not complete or were inconsistent.

The survey was used for the purpose of providing an insight into EE staff perceptions and

the current situation relating to EE evaluation, through closed questions with an open

comment section (Appendix I).

Given the fact that in most cases there is only one person in charge of this area at local

and regional level, we didn’t have to choose specific criteria to determinate a sample of

surveyed educators. In cases where there was more than one, all the EE staff filled

questionnaires when it was possible.

2.2. Interviews

Semi-structured interviews with 11 staff members from the central and local offices and

environmental NGOs were performed during 2011-2012 to shed light on the process of

investigation (Gerson & Horowitz, 2002). The duration of the interviews lasted from 1 to 2

hours following an open questionnaire guideline (Appendix II & III). The criteria used to

select interviewed staff were their direct relation with the EE program within the

management group and their availability for the interview. The NGOs selected were the

ones that responded to the call for participation in the research and with special focus on

nature conservation.

2.3. Objectives categorization An institutional EE indicators workshop was carried out, in which 14 assistants from EE

staff were present from local, regional and national level (10, 3, 1 respectively). Although it

was not possible to organize a workshop with all EE educators, a homogeneous

geographical representation was achieved.

A filtering and categorization process of EE objectives of the new management plans was

developed. This classification was the starting point to define the indicators’ typology so

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they could be useful to most of the EE teams at all management levels (Reed, Dougill, &

Baker, 2008), and more suitable for their inclusion into the evaluation format.

Assistants were asked to define each objective of their own EE local management plans

using a keyword. Later, all keywords were put together for grouping, and the

categorization process was carried out, for the consolidation of a unique list of common


2.4. Systematization process Once the categories were established, a multidisciplinary team was formed including EE

researchers, the head of the EE team and the head of effectiveness management at the

central level, to search for adequate indicators to fit into the defined categories. A deep

bibliographic revision on the topic was carried out to search for existing indicators within

the EE field or similar, to construct the proposal.

To systematize the process in the design of an indicator system structure, we followed

some of the rules described by Fontalvo-Herazo et al. (2007). These rules consist in four

levels: principles, criteria, indicators and verifiers. Principles are the NPS objectives.

Criteria are the objectives of the protected area in relation to EE. Indicators are those

elements identified to give a measure of the state of the EE program in a specific

protected area. Finally, verifiers are the data needed for assessing an indicator.

Having identified an initial proposal for the set of indicators, a series of interdisciplinary

meetings with workers from the areas of management effectiveness, monitoring and

control and surveillance were held. Feedback was received to improve the proposal so

indicators could be as practical and understandable as possible for the whole park

system. This networking was critical for the success in the dissemination of EE indicators

and a step forward for their inclusion into the new management plans being elaborated

during the years 2014-2015.

2.5. Focus group

Finally, to evaluate the proposed set of indicators, a focus group (Krueger, 1988) was

carried out at the end of 2012 to detect strengths, weaknesses, and generate new ideas

and recommendations. The focus group included 11 members of the NPS EE team from

national, regional and local offices. This technique gave us information about perceptions,

feelings and attitudes of the indicator system proposal and its application viability (Morgan

& Scannell, 1998), allowing us to see the reality from an institutional bottom-up point of

view and not from the usual top down perspective.

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During the focus group three EE response indicators were presented and four questions

were used to guide the group’s responses.

a. Do you think the indicator’s name is appropriated for what it is measuring?

b. Would you be able to use this indicator?

c. Is the indicator useful to your EE evaluation task?

d. Do you think there is a way to improve it?

3. Results

3.1. Questionnaire-Survey

”The EE program should be positioned in the park. This is the most important

criteria in order to achieve the conservation objectives”

”Actions are performed but their effectiveness or relevance are not evaluated”

According to the NPS educators’ answers, 90% perceive that the EE program improves

the state of conservation of the Parks, and 75% of the sample perceive that EE objectives

are achieved.

However, half of those surveyed responded that they don’t have an existing EE program,

but that EE objectives are known by the staff and the EE program is carried out

systematically and is consistent with the Parks objectives.

”There is an excel table for the environmental education program in each area to

fulfill, but measurement of indicators, feedback, and reflections aren’t frequent. The

ideal way to do it, is to have all the team together but opportunities and means are


Analyzing the evaluation process in more detail, data shows a gap in the systematization

proceedings, such as written annual reports, information recording and reflections on the

educational activity.

”Indicators are being constructed. These indicators for environmental education

should be formulated to measure the change in attitude of our subjects, and should be

measurable, real and contextualized”.

”Currently, the process of continuous evaluation is being defined and should be


The gap increases when participants are asked about monitoring and direct evaluation,

where just 30% confirmed that a monitoring process is carried out and only 20% use


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3.2. Interviews

For the content analysis of interviews, an evaluation category was established as the

backbone code to cluster all questions and answers that were related with this thematic

line, integrated by a total of 43 quotations linked to 11 codes. In this analysis, with the

exception of the emerged continuity code, the remaining 10 codes were defined by the

integration of the conceptual framework of the research and the keywords from the

interviews structure that shaped the study (Miles & Huberman, 1994, p. 58).

In this study, what we wanted to measure was not only the frequency of appearance but

also the relationships among codes, which are explained in a hierarchical scheme (Fig. 8).

Interviews Category - Evaluation Code -Indicators -Networking & participation -Continuity -EE Objectives -Communication -Threats reduction -EE Training -Social Valuation -Economic criteria -Educational impact -Research -Systematization & standardization -Planning & structure -Technical support

% 30,70 20,18 7,89 7,02 5,26 4,39 4,39 4,39 3,51 3,51 2,63 2,63 1,75 1,75

Fig. 8. Interviews: codes ratio appearance within the evaluation category (left) and hierarchical structure generated from the relations among codes (right).

A better evaluation system beyond program outputs is a common answer among

respondents, in which indicator development, better internal and external networking with

more inclusive participation, continuity in EE processes and EE objectives definition,

constitute more than 70% of the total content.

3.2.1. Indicators

”I think that EE should use indicators that measure the decrease in the threats to the

conservation objectives. Currently we have no idea how we can measure it and we

haven’t put it in the guidelines to see which indicators could be possible candidates.”

(NPS central level)

...”Regarding the evaluation issue, the more evident claim is that the areas have not

been able to show the outcomes of EE. Consequently, they asked us to provide a

battery of indicators that can be used in this sense.” (NPS central level)

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”I think one of the main problems is the impact. We always say, ‘we should have an

EE strategy’, but when considering the practical side, we only have X number of

workshops and conferences that cannot be considered real EE. We have to try to find

social indicators that measure the impact and consequently analyze which kind of

activities we need to test the real impact of EE.” (NPS central level)

Answers linked to this code highlight the need to develop impact indicators to measure the

EE programs in relation to a reduction of threats to conservation aims, and also highlight

that a common EE indicator set should be built with the support of the central level.

3.2.2. Networking & Participation

”We have no evaluation method to measure the level of networking, but it is

worthwhile to generate it. And not just to have a measure of effort, but as to whether

the goal is achieved with or without partnerships ... to see if you get to the same point

and how, with an alliance or without.”(NGO)

”We work together with the coordinators of 6 other countries on the subject of the

indicators. Each of us makes proposals and we discuss them as a group. Once

defined, we all use the same indicators to make our evaluation.” (NGO)

Being able to measure participation and networking (inside and outside NPS), is identified

by those interviewed as key elements to determine if better results are achieved for EE.

More participation from inside and outside entities is also claimed as a way to improve the

management and use of financial resources.

3.2.3. Objectives, structure, systematization and planning

”The monitoring report is based on management reports, but when presented, all

topics are mixed, and what you have about EE are very incomplete. We have

emphasized the need to organize this information in an orderly and detailed manner,

specifying the target audience and materials used to get a better idea of what

activities they are carrying out at the protected areas.” (NPS central level)

”Things must be categorized to be clearer about the type of EE you're looking for

and what are the sources that give us the desired results.” (NGO)

”Management plans should have greater clarity, an overall goal and specific

objectives. I don’t know much about this issue, but what I see in general terms is that

there are many disparate pieces, so there isn’t a projection or a scheme. The non-

existence of a big goal or goal targets to achieve, obviously you cannot project

methods or actors, you can not set up anything.” (NGO)

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Starting a long-term evaluation process requires: a coherent Institutional structure, clear

objectives, a systematization route and a consistent framework to back them up in order

to link results to aims and goals for effective management (Bettinger, Kuhar, Lehnhardt,

Cox, & Cress, 2010; Saterson et al., 2004).

3.2.4. Economic criteria, continuity and social perception ”To the extent that we are able to give continuity to the projects, we can have data

from before, during and after the application of the measures. One constraint we have

for continuity is that there are not enough financial resources to do so.” (NGO)

”Much could be measured in the acceptance of the community towards the

perception of the park. Examples like the trust that has been gained, people

organization, interpersonal relationships, community service, partners for

conservation, etc.” (NPS central level)

Being able to measure the social valuation of the Park system and also the continuity of

the EE process is one of the big challenges that arise during the interviews. Continuity

appears as a transversal issue within the evaluation category, strongly related to

economic criteria, as a constraint factor for the development and progress of the EE


3.3. Categorization

EE staff classified objectives into 6 major categories: promote spaces and networking for

EE, communication, sustainable and effective management, training, social valuation and

economical sustainability.

3.4. Systematization process - indicators selection

Performing a cross-analysis of results from the questionnaire, interviews and

categorization analysis, a set of co-occurring categories was established as a baseline for

the indicators development. Three indicators were selected as benchmark from the

identified needs, except for training and economical sustainability, that are not

competences of the EE program within the structure of the NPS. In some cases, one

indicator can be used to provide information for one or more of the defined categories.

The remaining two indicators from the general proposal, continuity and program

implementation, were developed at the end of the process, as a result of the general

review of data analysis and feedback.

3.5. Focus groups

A unique focus group was carried out to evaluate the set of indicators for its integration

into the National Park’s management model. This focus group was held as a part of the

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EE national meeting with representatives of NPS EE staff from all regions of the country,

including national, regional and local level.

As a result, the focus group agreed the inclusion model and the set of indicators, with the

correspondent names and methodology. However, in relation to the knowledge indicator

as defined by Kuhar (2010), it was renamed as information appropriation, to reflect more

precisely the context that Parks work with, avoiding confusion and discrepancies about

the cultural meaning of knowledge and the way to measure it.

In relation to this measure, a complementary approach was proposed to be developed in

the future, to see the progress in the construction of knowledge among participants of EE

process. The articulation and participation indicator, received the green light from

participants, and a pilot test is already in progress.

3.6. EE indicator set proposal

Summing up the results, an integrated indicator set proposal was built from the emerging

categories, and is presented in Table 3 as a short version. The construction of this

indicator set proposal is based in first place of pre-existing indicators, for the case of the

appropriation of information and articulation (Kuhar et al., 2010) and coherence indicators

(García Ventura, 2007). The interdisciplinary team developed the remaining three. In this

step it’s more of an art than a science to determine the appropriate indicators for a given

information need (Margoluis & Salafsky, 1998) in which no complex mathematical

procedures were needed (Saterson et al., 2004).

A methodology sheet for each indicator was developed to explain in detail the procedure

needed to measure the indicators (Appendix V). The format follows the one established

by the NPS quality system. This is a key step for the integration of EE evaluation into the

management planning with a tool that facilitates the comprehension and application of the

indicator in all the areas (Rode & Michelsen, 2008).

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Table 3. Indicators set proposal, elaborated and developed in collaboration with the EE and effective management central office of National Parks of Colombia. • Appropriation of information (Impact indicator)

Shows the variation in knowledge related to the concepts associated with the conservation of biodiversity and protected areas, developed by EE processes (Kuhar et al., 2010). Measuring consists of pre-post surveys, with repeated measures over time with the same sample. To detect the impact of the program, an analysis of variance for repeated averages (ANOVA) will apply, assuming that the same individuals will go through the pre-post survey, where the dependent variable is the proportion of people who correctly answered each of the questions of the survey.

• Articulation coherence (Impact indicator)

Shows the degree of coherence of the educational actions and processes in relation to the identified risks (García Ventura, 2007)

CR = Number of critical risks approached from the EE TCR = Total critical risks detected, that can be addressed by the EE. MMR = Number of moderate and / or mild risks approached from the EE. TMMR = Total of moderate and / or mild risks detected that can be addressed by the EE

• Participatory quality (Impact indicator)

Measures the participation of stakeholders involved in the management strategies that are supported through environmental education processes.

Ao = Achievement objectives score Pc = Process continuity score Pl = Participation level score Prs = Prioritized stakeholders Pas= Participating stakeholders TNP = Total number of processes supported by EE

• EE continuity (Process Indicator)

Measures the continuity of the EE educator in relation to objectives achievement and performed activities.

Fi=Educator permanence (months)

Gperf= Goals performed Pgoal= Projected goals Oach= Objectives achieved Oini= Initial objectives

• EE Implementation Program (Process indicator)

Measures the total of areas that are implementing educational processes (formal and informal) within the framework of the National Strategy for EE.

LIEE=Level of implementation of EE program in % PA= Protected areas implementing EE TNPA= Total number of protected areas within the NPS

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4. Discussion

Quantitative and qualitative results support the need for an evaluation framework for the

EE program that goes beyond annual reports or specific products, supported by the fact

that there were no established indicators for EE that allowed measuring of the impact of

the program. Similar recommendations were exposed in the last analysis of management

effectiveness for the NPS by international experts, in which they highlight the need to

identify impact and response indicators that reveal the contribution of institutional actions

to the purposes of the system for the conservation of biodiversity (UAESPNN, 2011, p.


Representative voices from EE inside and outside NPS of Colombia gave us the baseline

information and first insights on how to address the evaluation issue through the

perspective of the people that work in the field, which we discuss in the following sections.

4.1. SMART Objectives for SMART indicators

Survey data, interviews and results from the categorization analysis, agree that a re-

definition of objectives was needed before the development of indicators. We coincide

with Fraschetti et al. (2002), that one of the major difficulties in quantifying protected areas

effectiveness is that reserves generally have multiple or lack clearly defined objectives,

that hinders any analysis of management strategies.

The filtering process in the objectives categorization, has led to the staff realizing that EE

objectives converge into the same categories from local to national level, despite the

Park’s location and singular conservation aims. This is significant as it implies that it can

serve as a replicable model and also for comparing other studies where, although there

might be heterogeneity of protected areas conservation aims, educational objectives go in

the same direction.

Having clear objectives linked to the updated management plans is in fact a big step for

the transmission management programs outside the official documents (Rodríguez-

Rodríguez & Martínez-Vega, 2012). The process of developing smart objectives fostered

internal networking and institutional planning, helping to visualize the EE as a crosscutting

program and catalyzer for management goals (Abdulla et al., 2008, p. 19,132). This

process also improved the status of EE at central level, serving as a benchmark to the

rest of the management areas. We recommend this kind of analysis to other crosscutting

issues such as the case of gender, to highlight the social dimension for conservation

(Fisher et al., 2005).

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4.2. Indicators 4.2.1. Appropriation of knowledge

The appropriation of knowledge indicator was developed by Kuhar et al. (Kuhar et al.,

2010) and is suitable to be included in our indicators set proposal. This measure groups

together the requirements we were looking for, however small changes were made to

adapt it to the NPS reality.

It is worth noting that during the focus group, an indicator to measure progress in the joint

construction of knowledge was proposed to be developed in the future. It could be of

special interest in regions where ancestral and scientific knowledge co-occur and clash

with management strategies. A participative and inclusive common knowledge could help

to understand the dynamics of local communities and facilitate public participation in the

evaluation process (Fisher et al., 2005, p. 25). Measuring the evolution of this process

could be of particular importance to save and protect traditional knowledge as a common

heritage, and include it as one of the conservation aims of places where this is still alive.

4.2.2. Articulation-coherence and participation quality

In addition, articulation and participation quality indicators were adapted and developed

respectively to measure different EE objectives such as networking (internal or external),

participation, and communication to achieve sustainable management within the protected

areas. Complex situations, as social issues are, require several pieces of data to be fully

understood, in which a given objective can have multiple indicators (Margoluis & Salafsky,

1998, p. 89), or cases in which one indicator can provide data to assess different

objectives. This is usually represented in an objective – indicator matrix, where indicators

are expected to be complementary, according to the project approach (R.S. Pomeroy et

al., 2004, pp. 47, 53,117,164).

The articulation indicator (García Ventura, 2007), shows the degree of coherence of the

educational actions and processes in relation with the identified risks for the protected

area. It gives information about how relevant are the educational processes carried out in

relation to management objectives, and provides an insight into how management

programs (EE, monitoring, surveillance, research, etc.) interact to achieve a common goal.

The indicator of participatory quality was developed to transform qualitative process data

into a quantitative tool. It measures prioritized stakeholders’ inclusion (Appendix IV)

according to conservation objectives and their involvement within EE processes. This

indicator supports the recommendation made by international experts in terms of

participation for the NPS (UAESPNN, 2011, p. 91). We also think that this indicator could

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provide extra valuable information if at the end it is also correlated with other biological

indicators from the monitoring area (Bettinger et al., 2010).

Improving networking, communication, and participation from internal and external levels,

are key issues to achieve conservation success in protected areas (Hesselink et al., 2007,

p. 51). These two indicators incorporate qualitative data and social variables that will

improve and give support in the systematization (Saterson et al., 2004), monitoring, and

evaluation of EE within the management plans .

4.2.3. Continuity and program implementation The program implementation indicator was already defined to evaluate the progress of the

EE among protected areas and the advancement of the program in relation to the rest of

management programs of the NPS. It was internally socialized in the management-

planning group, however its content and structure was improved in order to be included in

the set of EE indicators.

The continuity indicator was elaborated at the end of data gathering and participative

processes. This indicator arose from a national perspective analysis about the gaps that

still existed for the final indicators set proposal. The emerging challenge was to link

objectives and achieved goals in relation to the permanence of the EE person/team

assigned to such objectives. This measure will show the effects of discontinuity on the

accomplishment of objectives and the processes development, a common harmful

situation within this field. Attention to the continuity of (Mayer, 2006) recruitment and

stability of EE staff and programs remains a major constraint for the progress of the EE

program (UAESPNN, 2011, p. 114; Juanita Zorrilla-Pujana & Rossi, 2014), with this

proposal representing a first step to measure the effects of this rooted weakness with real


The inclusion of both indicators for national level use (headquarters) does not discredit the

research design that wanted to include the bottom-up perspective, without forgetting the

top-down view, being two complementary processes. In social research practice,

processes such as data collection and analysis are rarely distinct or sequential tasks.

Indeed, a significant advantage of the qualitative approach is its flexibility in allowing the

researcher to move back and forth in a cyclical way as the discovery of theoretical insights

prompts adjustments in the research design (Gerson & Horowitz, 2002, p. 200).

4.2.4. Economical sustainability & training Economical sustainability of the EE program and staff training on EE competences didn’t

have an associated indicator as those thematic lines were out of the competences of the

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EE program, and also beyond the scope of this paper. However we want to highlight the

need to foster both issues for the stability and progress, not only for the EE strategic line

but also for the performance of the protected areas system (Watson et al., 2014). The

success of any educational initiative is linked to the effectiveness of its delivery which

requires training and coaching (Bettinger et al., 2010), and it should be considered as an

essential component not only for EE but for all management staff.

4.3. Participative process Initially, the indicators’ development was designed to be participative at all stages

(Fontalvo-Herazo et al., 2007; Ramos & Caeiro, 2010). We decided not to involve all of the

EE team in the whole indicators construction process, because we found a lack of

competences and skills needed to advance in the analysis. Coinciding with Elbroch et al.

(2011), sometimes it is unrealistic to aim for incorporation of local experts into the

complete research process when knowledge, technical literacy or specific expertise is


A practical session with researchers, EE practitioners, and the leader from evaluation of

management effectiveness, was an added value task to assist final users to get used to

the indicators. It helped to solve questions during the indicators testing exercises, and

helped to improve the methodological sheet. This practice is important to provide a space

to discuss aspects that may be logistically difficult or culturally problematic for its

application (Bettinger et al., 2010). The practical work also served as a way to gain

support for the indicators set proposal, by seeing for themselves the usefulness of the

measures within their local EE plans.

Effective evaluation of EE programs requires expertise from multiple fields. Training,

collaboration and partnerships are necessary to build an appropriate knowledge base, to

inform across natural and social dimensions for a more effective management of

biodiversity recovery (Fisher et al., 2005; Lundquist & Granek, 2005; Moon & Blackman,

2014; Pooley, Mendelsohn, & Milner-Gulland, 2014). We coincide with Ibrahim et al.

(2011), that teamwork was essential for the success of the elaboration of this indicators

set, resulting in visible, practical and effective collaboration. Establishing dialogue across

typical boundaries with managers, conservation practitioners, stakeholders and academics

(Popescu et al., 2014), is the manner in which we can effectively use conservation

education to positively impact on the many endangered species and habitat around the

world (Brewer, 2006; Kuhar et al., 2010; Laurance et al., 2012; Sherrow, 2010).

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4.4. Indicators for practice

The simplicity, ease of understanding, and usefulness of the indicators, combining rigor

and accuracy, has lead to a favorable implication and integration within the protected

areas strategic plans by the EE staff (Reed et al., 2008). The proposal was well received

from other entities such as NGOs that agree that the indicators are very comprehensive

and easy use for EE practitioners, if compared to other kind of measures from the

qualitative point of view. They stated that these indicators could also be useful as a

prioritization and coordination tool for incoming projects to the NPS, helping to provide a

quick answer and support to those initiatives that best suit the identified needs of the

areas. External users from NGOs stated that their use could also be extrapolated to their

work and not strictly within the NPS scope.

This indicators set makes it possible to compare results individually among different NPS

from similar contexts and sum result of the same hierarchical level as required from

managers and decision-makers. The ability to compare protected areas on objective,

simple and meaningful bases over time is increasingly demanded, but few systems have

been developed so far (Rodríguez-Rodríguez & Martínez-Vega, 2012).

Indicators are powerful tools in the feedback loop of an action plan, and as an early

warning signal about an emerging problematic issue, or in providing a concise message

for engagement, education and awareness (Blumstein & Saylan, 2007; IOC-UNESCO,

2006) However, indicators must come together with an analysis and interpretation of the

resulting data from the EE staff to convert it into valuable information during the evaluation

and decision-making process (Ramos & Caeiro, 2010; Segnestam, 2002; Tilbury et al.,


It is expected that this theoretical indicator’s proposal could be integrated into the

management model as an essential piece (Fig. 9) to understand that EE programs are not

quick fixes, but rather as a long-term investment (Sherrow, 2010). Improving the

evaluation process will allow one to visualize the impact of the EE actions, both successes

and failures (Stern et al., 2013). Having information on these measures at the end of a

management plan, will provide backing to the hypothesis that EE process with satisfactory

indicator values helps to improve the state of the conservation value. Only in this way, will

EE find its corresponding place within conservation policies and budget assignments in

the management of protected areas.

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Fig. 9. The set of EE indicators included in the management model for the National Park System. This is the contribution of this research to the EE thematic line, having two indicator’s typology: response and process.

5. Conclusions

Environmental governance is also about education. This management variable must go

beyond the establishment of laws, scientific knowledge sharing, and cooperation. A

general need to increase social participation in the management process is evident and

valuation of this involvement must be included in governance issues. With this research

we should give a baseline to start this process.

An institutional shift in the conception of management indicators has occurred, in which

qualitative measures through the EE program appear as one solution to a large gap in

response indicators within the management model in the NPS. This research has

generated new insights to improve EE evaluation inside NPS of Colombia, giving a clear,

practical and participatory framework for the development, integration and application of

process and impact EE indicators for the new management plans of protected areas.

Starting a long-term evaluation process is also a commitment to accomplish the stated

objectives of the EE, with a more social focus, providing continuity to environmental

conservation policies. This is one of the big challenges that NPS will face in the following

years, putting into practice the powerful mission the institution has.

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We expect that this methodological approach for evaluation, from a bottom up

perspective, could help other EE practitioners to improve their evaluation task, and

recognition of EE process as fundamental for protected areas management, with a

methodology of easy adaptation and replication in other countries.

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CHAPTER III General Discussion

1. A common EE methodology framework

The present research results clearly support the need to establish a standardized

methodology path to improve EE within the National Parks System. There is a consensus

that this target has a first priority interest in order to promote a more homogeneous

process and its inclusion in the management plan and operational structure, contributing

to conservational targets and management effectiveness (Lundquist & Granek, 2005).

Developing and setting an agreed standardized methodology for EE planning through a

multilevel participative processes, was a major step in the updating process of the EE

program within the management group. This structure includes the principles from

national and international frameworks that must be considered, guiding through the

elaboration and articulation of consistent goals and objectives for the management plan

and management areas, as an essential step for effective conservation management

(Margoluis & Salafsky, 1998; Parrish, Braun, & Unnasch, 2003). It also gives instructions

and assistance for the process of stakeholders’ prioritization, establishment of synergies,

and activities planning. The methodology proposed also remarks on the importance of

evaluation as a key part of the process for an informed management decision-making and

the dissemination of results especially to all parts involved in the process.

The current review and update of the management plans has set an opportunity for a new

EE approach. An agreed methodology to construct EE local plans aligned to institutional

objectives but flexible enough to be adapted locally, is one more tool for an integrated EE

planning. This new proposal, based and agreed from a bottom-up institutional perspective

with a top-down support will endorse the inclusion of EE objectives and goals within the

management plans and conservation aims within the NPS.

2. SMART2 objectives for a solid based process

2.1. Lack of specific objectives and goals

One of the major causes that hinder management effectiveness and performance is the

paucity of clear objectives (Bettinger et al., 2010; Fraschetti et al., 2002, p. 64; O’Neill,

2 I used the Acronym SMART under the definition stated by the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) as objectives that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and time-defined.

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2007; Robert S Pomeroy et al., 2005; Rodríguez-Rodríguez & Martínez-Vega, 2012).

During the time of the research 2010-2012, results revealed that redefinition of objectives

was the cornerstone to reinvigorate the EE program within the NPS. Data showed that

absence or poor defined objectives produced misalignment between the program’s stated

objectives, and actual program activities, generating a great difficulty at the time of

evaluation to measure the impact of the actions. A similar situation was also evident from

a US National Park study on evaluation, in which a mismatch between long-term

outcomes of the program and actual program activities were detected (Carleton-Hug &

Hug, 2010).

Defining the objectives is one of the most important steps for managing and planning EE

in protected areas. Sufficient time should be dedicated to this process, avoiding wide-

ranging objectives that make difficult to shape EE actions into specific goals and achieve

a consistent assessments for decision-making.

2.2. Setting a Common Language

Redefinition of EE objectives within the NPS needed time to be conceived in an agreed

environment, as one of the most critical aspects to meet effective planning within NPS. As

Monroe (2010) states, changes require the participation of many and enough time to

understand what it means. During this period, a common language was first defined,

normalizing concepts such as goals, strategic objectives, management objectives and

their hierarchy on the institutional planning model, in order that everyone had the same

understanding of the language being used. Agreeing on a common process terminology in

conducting management and evaluation, will avoid confusion and facilitate the

communication and collaborative processes (Stem, Margoluis, Salafsky, & Brown, 2005). I

remark this as a crucial stage in setting the bases of a new EE approach within the NPS.

2.3. Skills development and technical support

The process of developing SMART objectives is expected to facilitate the implementation

of the EE and the management task, not only at administrative level, but also on the

practice, due to the systematic division of assignments and activities in the achievement

of the general aims. During this phase, EE practitioners stressed the need to have specific

skills training and technical support to ensure the viability and alignment of the objectives

to the park’s strategic and management plan. Leverington et al., (2010, p. 85) also support

this fact, underpinning that staff training can enhance consistency of results, specially

when qualitative measures are involved.

We recommend that specific workshops on objectives definition and planning accompany

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this process not individually but from a team management perspective in order to

visualize, develop and state objectives as a group, articulating all programs in a

systematic and consistent way.

2.4. SMART objectives With the support of the National Strategy of EE as a legal framework, and the

methodological guide for the elaboration of EE local plans as a practical tool, is expected

that old EE objectives such as “awareness on environmental issues for the local

population “, can be translated into SMART and mainstreamed objectives such as

“Implement a participatory training program in sustainable fisheries involving 50% of the

actual fishing population census by 2019" or a more general “100% of the areas of the

NPS implementing educational processes in formal and informal settings, in the

framework of the National Environmental Education Strategy by 2015”, that are entirely

articulated with the park’s strategic objectives, and divided by annual goals.

As recommended by O’Neill (2007), goals and objectives must be explicitly linked to the

focal targets and key factors of the project, and undertake a process of prioritizing to align

them with project resources.

2.5. Clustering and comparability

Once local SMART objectives were developed, EE teams recognized that they could be

merge into similar categories from local to national level, despite the park’s plurality and

diversity in location and conservation aims. This clear convergence implies that a new

interpretation can be done within a systematic structure, in which combinations,

aggregations and comparisons of the EE task are possible among the same and different

management levels. A homogeneous structure allows horizontal evaluation of individual

protected areas on common parameters of use for managers, conservationists and

scientists. It makes it also possible to compare results among different PAs from similar

contexts for the use of PA network managers and decision-makers (Rodríguez-Rodríguez

& Martínez-Vega, 2012).

Having this new perspective, networking and assessment could be reinforced,

understanding comparability as a positive issue and avoid perceptions of evaluation as

‘‘punishment’’ or an ‘‘examination,’’ something with strong negative connotations

(Carleton-Hug & Hug, 2010; McDuff, 2002) as is perceived sometimes by practitioners.

2.6. A shift to long-term horizon

It is necessary to do more than simply raise awareness about evaluation, and develop

meaningful objectives, and design ways to evaluate projects’ effects over longer time

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frames, moving from just achieving outputs to outcomes and look for long-term changes

(Keene & Blumstein, 2010; Monroe, 2010). True environmental literacy goes beyond

awareness and rote learning but involves critical thinking, integrating principles, and using

acquired skills to turn knowledge into action (Bickford et al., 2012).

Redefinition of objectives was essential to adjust the EE program from a short-term to a

long-term practice, stating the necessity to look beyond the short term and develop

meaningful and non-trivial project objectives and to design ways to evaluate projects’

effects over longer time frames (Keene & Blumstein, 2010; Monroe, 2010; Sherrow,


Results showed that most of EE activities deliveries were focused on awareness,

communication, and information to scholars or general public audiences. This common

and constant trend makes the full educational potential to get diluted in terms of

influencing the people that are first priority to achieve conservation aims. However the

importance of this typology of activities, is time to focus the work of EE as a proactive

process, not limited to a one-way continuous dissemination task, but to support the

conservation aims of the parks, promoting participation, capacity building, critical thinking

or direct involvement into management practices for conservation (Blumstein & Saylan,

2007; Jiménez et al., 2014). As Keene (2010) argue, the environmental education

community should avoid the evolution of a culture that trivializes evaluation, with programs

and organizations evaluating only for accountability requirements and out of fear, rather

than as part of a systematic effort to improving and achieving outcomes. Only in this way,

EE actions will be effective with a true impact in the future.

3. Inclusive participation and communication

Stakeholders’ participation is essential for the management process and success in

protected areas and nearby (frontier) zones, especially in places where there are

communities affected in the use of natural resources by a protected area restriction

(Abecasis, Schmidt, Longnecker, & Clifton, 2013; M B. Mascia & Claus, 2009; Mills et al.,

2011; Roth & Lee, 2004; Stephanson & Mascia, 2014). NPS of Colombia is a worldwide

example of this integrative and participatory approach as framework for the creation of

protected areas and its management plans, moving towards a co-management regime

when special situations apply (Lockwood, Worboys, & Kothari, 2006, p. 566; MAVDT,


However the clear principles of NPS and its policy of social participation for conservation,

there are protected areas that need to foster and improve the involvement of

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stakeholders, not only from local communities, but also from NGOs, and academy, that

also play an important role in the conservation and management practice. Is evident that

NPS is in a leadership position, but it should not bear the whole burden alone

underpinning that participative and collaborative processes must share responsibility from

all involved parties.

Establishing working networks are important not only for the conservation of biodiversity

but also as a form of management (Guidetti, 2002). To achieve this challenge, is

necessary that communication channels get improved (Laurance et al., 2012), promoting

spaces for debate and project building, involving prioritized stakeholders and a proactive

dialogue among managers, stakeholders, NGOs and academy to foster and strengthen

management effectiveness (Arlettaz & Mathevet, 2011; Braunisch et al., 2012; Brewer,

2006; Knight et al., 2008; Lundquist & Granek, 2005). This is the manner in which we can

effectively use conservation education to positively impact on the many endangered

species and habitat around the world (Brewer, 2006; Kuhar et al., 2010; Sherrow, 2010).

In this research, having a direct participation from local EE staff was significant to have an

approach to reality on the field, about the essential needs, priorities and evaluation of EE

within NPS from a bottom-up perspective. However, the level of participation or

involvement in the elaboration of the final output varied depending on the complexity of

the task, realizing that local knowledge cannot be accepted unquestioningly, when

technical literacy or specific expertise is needed (Elbroch et al., 2011). In the case of EE,

participation from local staff enriched all the process, but we notice that a technical

knowledge and training was needed to get the final indicators set development.

Sometimes, certain tasks require more skills and experience that cannot be easily

undertaken by novices or managers without existing training (Robert S Pomeroy et al.,

2005, p. 65).

Agreeing with Reed (2008), I consider that combining qualitative insights from

participatory research with insights from more top-down empirical research, can derive

more accurate and relevant results than either approach could achieve alone.

4. Management levels networking (local, regional and national)

Much work has been done to alleviate the disconnection among management levels, and

a redistribution of a more coherent geographic division for regional management has

already taken place. In addition, to reduce high mobilization costs and access to Internet

facilities now more protected areas have Internet access, which is expected to achieve

substantial improvement on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) gaps,

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reducing also the need for high travel expenses that sometimes are difficult for limited


Data showed that communication leakages are also caused by the high multiple task that

staff has to undertake, low personnel assigned to educational duties (UAESPNN, 2011, p.

114), especially at the regional level. This interruption breaks the connection between

local and national level, causing a poor contextualization among local realities and

national alignments. To overcome this issue, a national commission of EE has been

established to improve communication gaps, and act as a structure for decision making

with representation from the local and regional level. It would be of high value to foster

exchange among this network finding new meeting scenarios to improve the two-way

communication at internal level.

The communication among management programs is another issue that could be

improved in order to make better use of economical and human resources and efforts,

when working or developing projects for a common conservation objective. Finding nodes

and connections with the rest of the management programs was also required to

guarantee the EE mainstreaming within the management practice. Is been demonstrated

that protected areas are more effective when information is properly transferred and

participation of the different users is solid (Pace et al., 2010).

In complex management institutions as NPS is, local management staff sometimes is

unrecognized for decision-making and planning tasks, that are mainly conceived to be

headquarters office responsibility. Measuring management effectiveness can also be a

space to come together all management levels and stakeholders, in order to understand

the complexity of the task. Concurrent with Sodhi et al. (2011), the time for increasing

bottom-up approaches has come, and conservationist and managers should be more

attentive to local needs and practices.

5. Indicators for EE assessment

Progress in management effectiveness call upon the inclusion of more qualitative

measures able to integrate the human dimension in the task of protected areas

management (Hockings, Cook, Carter, & James, 2009; Watson et al., 2014), but a trend in

using obsolete indicators that don’t adjust to actual needs is still present. New indicators

should be the result of a process that identify measures that clearly relate to programmatic

goals, objectives, and activities that show progress along a causal chain toward the

desired conservation state (Stem et al., 2005).

Attaining to these suggestions, and considering that the current practice of EE programs

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evaluation has more circumstantial than empirical evidence to enable verification of the

attained outcomes (Stern et al., 2013), we developed an easy-use indicators set, useful

for the EE practice, with a more qualitative approach that the ones used to measure only

outputs or products.

Re-definition of objectives and categorization from an institutional bottom-up shaped a

tree of singular objectives categories, realizing that although protected areas were

completely different among their final conservation goals, they shared the same EE

principles. The combination of quantitative data from surveys plus qualitative information

gathered through interviews and working groups, greatly assisted in establishing a

baseline of EE indicator needs to measure effectiveness of the EE task within NPS.

Having a far-reaching and comprehensive proposal for the first time to measure

participation, communication, articulation, appropriation of information, continuity of staff

team and program implementation, is a big step forward in the assessment of EE as a

crosscutting strategic program in the management of protected areas. In order to go

beyond the indicators establishment and assure the chances for indicators to be adopted

by the NPS, the indicators were defined and elaborated in alignment with the NPS

institutional quality system. This means that all indicators are linked to the management

program objectives, institutional strategic objectives and according to the NPS indicators

institutional quality requirements (Appendix V)

The simplicity, and usefulness of the indicators (Reed et al., 2008), combining rigor and

accuracy, has lead to a favorable implication by the EE staff . The proposal was well

received from other entities such as NGOs that agree that the indicators are very

comprehensive and easy use for EE practitioners, if compared to other kind of measures

from the qualitative point of view. They stated that these indicators could also be helpful

as a prioritization and coordination tool for incoming projects to the NPS, specially the

articulation indicator, providing a quick answer and support to those initiatives that best

suit the identified needs of the areas. External users from NGOs stated that their use

could also be extrapolated to their work and not strictly within the NPS scope, validating

its broad use.

Agreeing with Ibrahim et al. (2011), teamwork was essential for the success of the

elaboration of this indicators set, resulting in visible, practical and effective collaboration. A

transdisciplinary work, integrating nonacademic participants and academic researchers

from unrelated disciplines for a common goal is needed to create new knowledge and

theory in conservation science (Evely et al., 2010; Pooley et al., 2014). In addition,

training, collaboration and partnerships are essential to build an appropriate knowledge

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base, working across natural and social dimensions for a more effective management of

biodiversity recovery (Fisher et al., 2005; Lundquist & Granek, 2005; Moon & Blackman,

2014; Pooley et al., 2014).

This is a moment of high expectance to understand and know what really works in terms

of management effectiveness, and now is the chance for EE to show that efforts are really

worth it. We must measure, evaluate, and then communicate both the good and bad news

(Stem et al., 2005; Stern et al., 2013) about the impacts of individual conservation

approaches and the relative effectiveness of strategies across projects and policies. Our

collective efforts to convince all sectors of society of the value of sustaining biodiversity

depends on our ability to measure and articulate clearly the consequences of

conservation decisions and actions (Stem et al., 2005), that also involves the EE field.

Achieving standardization in definition of objectives and assessment, techniques and tools

of data gathering in multidisciplinary projects (Evely et al., 2010) would further enable

comparative studies (Pooley et al., 2014). Although is known that this will serve for better

decision-making, few systems have succeed to such task (Parrish et al., 2003; Rodríguez-

Rodríguez & Martínez-Vega, 2012). Reaching this challenge will permit a baseline to

assess protected areas on objective, simple and meaningful criteria over time, in which

EE process within the social dimension can be evaluated and compared.

6. Training-capacity building

A global study on protected areas effectiveness has shown that overall management

effectiveness and the condition of protected area resources has been proved to have

strong linkage to staff training among others (Fiona Leverington et al., 2010, p. 37). Our

results highlight the need for better and aligned training to face protected areas

management needs, especially on the EE area. Although training is not considered a

competence of the EE program in NPS, is necessary to underpin that at international

level, from the Intergovernmental Conference on Environmental Education celebrated in

Tbilisi (URSS, 1977), both concepts are taken together for its complementarity. This fact

can also be deduced from a wide variety of reports and indicators proposals, in which EE

and training appear together (Ehler, 2003; Fien et al., 2001; IOC-UNESCO, 2006, p.

18,22,26; Tilbury et al., 2007).

One attractive example that integrates EE training model within a National Park System is

the case The National Environmental Education Centre (CENEAM) in Spain. It is part of

the Autonomous Entity regulating National Parks, part of the Ministry of the Environment

and Rural and Marine Affairs. The Centre’s mission is to increase awareness among

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citizens of their responsibility towards the environment, focusing activities on specific

environmental education training, some addressed to general public, schools, technicians

but with special attention to training to improve the management in National Parks and

protected areas (CENEAM, 2014, p. 59).

Evidence is on the table, and merging EE with training could be a valuable strategy to

foster management effectiveness and empower the valuable human resources that

constitutes NPS. The success of any educational initiative is linked to the effectiveness of

its delivery which requires training and coaching (Bettinger et al., 2010), and it should be

considered as an essential component not only for EE but for all management staff

7. Planning - Human and Economic resource funding

“Protected areas must progress, not regress: a step increase is necessary in the scale of

protected areas investment to deliver conservation goals.” - Sidney World Parks Congress


Much effort can be made on the paper and declarations of intent by managers and EE

staff, but finally, the economical and human resources are the limiting factor to give a real

boost to the EE program (UAESPNN, 2011).

Under-resourcing of protected area management is the primary reason for poor

performance in protected area effectiveness, especially in the developing world (Bruner,

Gullison, Rice, & da Fonseca, 2001; Watson et al., 2014). This constraint fact

compromises the viability of any ongoing or future process specially those that depend

mainly on a strong human resources core. With the new planning strategy and

methodology, having well defined objectives and prioritized stakeholders is expected to

increase the chances to ensure budget allocations and introduce foresighted measures for

the effectiveness in the expenditure of the available budget.

The insufficient job stability for EE staff and uncertainty in funds allocation generate

discontinuity and regression in most of the programmed activities (J Zorrilla-Pujana,

2008). EE is a crosscutting program in the management of protected areas and the scarce

resources are a common issue that appears in most of the analyzed criteria. Although EE

is recognized as a first priority and a critical activity for PA management (Dahl-Tacconi,

2005; Fraschetti et al., 2002, p. 82,132; Fiona Leverington et al., 2010, p. 87), reality

reveals that education programs are identified by managers as a general weakness in the

management of protected areas (N. Dudley et al., 2007, p. 11), in which the NPS case

can also is included (UAESPNN, 2011).

Only having a better planning dynamic and structure, together with systematize and

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Chapter III General Discussion


continuous evaluation processes, EE will increase probabilities to find its corresponding

place within conservation policies and budget assignments in the management of

protected areas.

8. Future Perspectives

This is a theoretical study with a practical focus in order to get an EE baseline for present

and future actions. However we still need at least 5 or more years to see if the EE

processes applied here have attained results in the long term, according to the

management objectives that were settled in each case. I consider that these proposed

methods are not fixed boxes and indicators are a first proposal that can be enlarged,

modified and improved it in the future; time must not be wasted to reach the perfect

measure, but we need to start doing and evaluate in order to construct a realistic and well

structured baseline.

Is difficult to extend this practice all over the NPS simultaneously, so an ideal beggining

should focus on having a pilot test to adjust on the real field all the tools and indicators.

The process in first instance can be addressed on those parks where processes are more

advanced, having more possibilities of success. Taking in consideration this issue, Green

List Parks can be the best alternative. These protected areas have already attained an

excellence label of management and could be an exceptional opportunity to go further in

effectiveness considering EE as a fundamental principle. EE will help to advance in the

engagement and strengthen community and stakeholders’ relations and communications,

bridging the gap between the social and biological dimension.

Future research should address the development of composite indicators capable to

relate biological and social indicators. This tool could improve the displaying of a more

complete picture of the complex interactions among both dimensions and their effects on

the effectiveness of protected areas, for a better-informed decision-making. Having an

approach in this sense will be a big step in the future of the management of protected

areas and decision-making.

Promote NPS as a living educational and biological laboratory, given its high biodiversity

and ecosystem values, is an excellent opportunity to set up participative educational

schemes within a long-term frame, hand to hand with biological research, and

communication strategies. Public participation in scientific research (PPSR) is a growing

field that has achieved notable outcomes for both science and education, with a broad

scope of possibilities, reaching not only local stakeholders, but also external citizens that

could give a very valuable information and data to the NPS. This may be an excellent

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Chapter III General Discussion


opportunity to gain data and make good profit of it if well managed.

Is important in all the above-mentioned cases, the role of collaboration and cooperation

among NGOs, communities, stakeholders and the academy, establishing interesting

synergies and new and strong proposals. This will allow a more dynamic, effective and

inclusive EE for the management of protected areas.

Is now the moment to change the concept of conservation as "something that is studied"

to "something we study, understand and turn into action", being more real and close to


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General Conclusions

The intention of my research has been to integrate the EE into the management plans and

upgrade its visibility through the management plans and institutional networking. Based on

the findings arising from an action research, I present a new agreed framework to

elaborate and integrate local EE plans into management of the NPS of Colombia, together

with a common indicator set to evaluate EE actions and processes.

As a new initiative, the process followed an institutional bottom-up direction, being faithful

to an inclusive, participatory and reflexive approach to EE practitioners. This proposal is

based in the context of National Parks of Colombia, but its use, of course, is not limited

exclusively to this system. Thus, in case of external use by other institutions, it is

recommended to always analyze the usefulness and relevance of these tools (EE local

action plan route and indicators), developed to be flexible enough instruments, which can

be adapted depending on the different contexts and realities of each entity.

The present investigation has succeed to address the work within a social research

framework, following the critical theory paradigm (Crotty, 1998). The EE integration in the

management plans of the NPS, (i) seek to solve problems like the EE lack of visibility,

systematization and crosscutting program within the management plans, (ii) promoting

partnership and collaboration among the different management areas and homologous

partners in different protected areas (iii) a change in the EE practice from short term to

long term perspective, and (iv) redefine and develop new evaluation practical tools,

characteristics that are highlighted by Watts and Jones (2002, p. 233) as the most

common conceptual approaches in action research.

All this achievements are accompanied by an engagement of the institution staff to

change the previous situation, stimulating critical reflection and engage the NPS in a new

culture of EE based on quality and management effectiveness.

With this research, those four principles were attained. Now, EE en National Parks can be

developed in a different way, following a coherent and systematic route, with new tools to

evaluate the progress of actions and processes, fostering collaboration of stakeholders,

and networking. What has been achieved, is a consistent response to the objectives

established, based on open and critical discussion, where participation, involvement and

reflection of the subjects were essential for the success of this research.

If EE as a management program is expected to get more visibility and work as a cross

cutting program is essential that:

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Chapter III Conclusions


• EE must shift to a long-term process of learning and not focus just on short-

term activities. This will be essential to develop consistent programs and be

synchronized with both management plans and an institutional planning

structure to achieve conservation goals.

• Is necessary to adopt and socialize a common planning and management


• As a first step for planning, is necessary to have clear, attainable and well-

defined objectives; otherwise there is a high risk of failing or lost direction

during the process.

• Stakeholders’ involvement is essential in educational activities, but there is a

need to prioritize and work with the ones that have more influence in the

achievement of conservation aims. Scholars are important public target, but in

some cases, the efforts made don’t represent significant change for the

protected area conservation status.

• EE should be supported through a great variety of activities schemes, and

should not be limited to isolated events or formal education alone. Activities

that contribute to an active participation from local communities, stakeholders

and citizens, fostering engagement, volunteering, and capacity-building, will

contribute in a more effectively, sustainable and equitable manner to the

conservation of protected areas.

• Having solid communication channels along the local, regional and

headquarters in NPS are essential for the good functioning, resources

allocation and networking among all parts. This research, through interviews,

surveys, workshops and focus groups, has given voice to EE staff from local

and national level as well to environmental organizations, generating data

based on the multiple realities to improve the EE program, strengthening the

concept that bottom-up is as important as top-down communication.

• Systematization is needed to advance in the evaluation process and to

determine which actions and processes require modifications, rethink or

change in order to attain objectives.

• Having a continuous support from EE and effectiveness evaluation from

headquarters is also essential for the systematization, monitoring and correct

evaluation of the program.

• An increased number of EE personnel are needed in order to increase actions

and effectiveness. Without human support, and economic resources the

attainment of objectives may be jeopardized.

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Chapter III Conclusions


• In order to advance into quality and effectiveness in management, training and

capacity building in EE skills, and evaluation are needed. Without a solid

trained human base, achieving new emerging challenges would be a pointless


• Measure participation quality, articulation, appropriation of information and

continuity, is not a definitive but a first step proposal to start measuring

educational processes within the management plans, generating a baseline for

the first time for the EE program with a local, regional and national scope.

Starting a long-term planning and evaluation process is also a commitment to accomplish

the stated objectives of the EE, with a more social focus. This is one of the big challenges

that NPS will face in the following years, putting into practice the powerful mission the

institution has.

It is difficult to ascertain the impact that this research has had in EE program within the

National Parks System. However, the fact that the EE methodological route and the

indicators set are present in the toolbox of the EE National Strategy, are good signals that

things have change. In addition, it is known that one park is already taking data and

applying the indicator of appropriation of information, as a pilot test of one of the indicators

proposed. Once all management plans are finished, will be the time to realize the level of

influence of this research. Until then is difficult to measure it in an objective way.

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Appendix I - National Parks System Survey Guide


The survey that you are about to complete has been developed with the aim of knowing in depth issues about environmental education program in National Parks of Colombia.

The information obtained will be used for the sole and exclusive purpose of improving the operation and the structure of the Environmental Education program, and not with the intention of evaluating the performance of work done by each of the respondents. Results will be for research use only.

At the top you'll see a progress bar will indicate the progress in the survey, consisting of 10 questions.

Thank you very much for your cooperation and participation.

First part – Let’s analyze the objectives Before anything else, preparation is the key to success – Alexander Graham Bell

A goal without a plan is just a wish. - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

1. In your opinion and experience in the protected area where you work, assess the following statements:


agree Agree Disagree Total

disagree N/A

I understand that we must fulfill the objectives in my area

The objectives are clear and specific

The objectives are measurable, they can be quantified

The objectives are achievable (with the resources and capacities available)

The goals are realistic (possibility to obtain the level of change reflected in the objective)

The objectives are achievable in a given time period

Objectives are accompanied by a plan for its achievement

The objectives are coherent with the ones stated by the protected area

If you would like to clarify, propose o comment this is your space:

Second part – Articulation, alignment and team work “The achievements of an organization are the results of the combined effort of each individual” – Vincent Lombardi

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2. Making a CRITICAL appraisal, we would like to know your position on the following concepts and considerations:

Very agree

Agree Disagree Total disagree


I know the management plan of my area and its conservation objectives

I know the management plan of other similar areas

EE objectives are aligned with the conservation objectives

EE in my area is articulated with the other programs of the management team

EE is articulated and coordinated at all management levels (local, regional and national)

EE functions as a cross-cutting program at the UAESPNN

EE mainstreaming is real and visible at the management plans

The objectives are coherent with the ones stated by the protected area

If you would like to clarify, propose o comment this is your space.

3. Now we’ll go deeper into the type of target that we work, prioritizing and assigning the category that best belongs (there is only one option for each menu). It is important to answer as honestly as possible, although it is not "politically correct". We don’t want to assess performance, but to know more about the educational work being done.

EE activities frequency*

Activity typology** Thematic***

General public

Visitors Residents of overlapping areas

Black communities

Indigenous communities

Institutional actors

Specialized public

* always, often, rarely, never, N/A.

** Dissemination and communication, PRAE, Environmental interpretation, leaflets delivery, volunteer rangers, Participatory Project Formulation, institutional work, workshops, environmental festivals and talks, and community projects.

*** Solid waste management, National Parks, Conservation objectives, Biodiversity, environment conservation, participatory ecological restoration, water resources,

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management plan, environmental, land-use planning, gardens, ecotourism and fire prevention

If you would like to clarify, propose o comment this is your space.

Part Three: Participation and communication “The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn’t said.” – Peter F. Drucker

4. Now let's explore the participation and communication as intrinsic elements of environmental education in the UAESPNN. Choose the options you consider applying to your experience: always often rarely never N/A Internal participation is enhanced by the UAESPNN

External participation is enhanced by the UAESPNN

Your opinion is taken into account within the UAESPNN

Teams opinion is taken into account to improve the management of the area

Communication is a key element in the process of education and awareness

More training on techniques and competences in communication and participation are necessary

The collaboration and involvement of communities in the process of power conservation

Participation does involve the different actors towards the conservation of the area

If you would like to clarify, propose o comment this is your space.

5. We all have ideas, knowledge and different experiences. We want to know your opinion and without being pre-conditioned theoretical, strategic and planning aspects, what do you think are the five priority areas, from your experience and expertise to work in environmental education in UAESPNN?

1st priority: ___________________ 2nd priority: ___________________ 3rd priority: ___________________ 4th priority: ___________________ 5th priority: ___________________

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And what do you think? “Example is not the main thing in influencing others. It is the only thing”. - Albert Schweitze

6. In your experience, please rank the options in order of importance (from highest to the lowest), the key elements you consider of high interest to ensure the success of the EE in the UAESPNN. Each value can have a maximum of one element associated.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Articulation between the different levels of management Greater financial resources Exchange of experience between areas Assessment EE Integration of EE in the management planning Training EE in mediating conflicts Systematization of plans and activities Involvement of communities in the conservation process

If you would like to clarify, propose o comment this is your space . 7. Do you know the environmental education strategy?

I read the full draft I have reviewed the above Yes, but still I have not read I do not know the existence of this document Another (please specify)

What do you think about evaluation? “Just because something doesn't do what you planned it to do doesn't mean it's useless”. Thomas A. Edison ·

8. Answer according to your experience in the protected area where you work

Very agree

Agree Disagree Total disagree


Existing EE program EE objectives are known by the staff EE achieves its objectives EE is systematic and consistent EE Annual memories elaboration Indicators existence EE reflection process Feedback Continuous assessment and monitoring EE improves conservation process

If you would like to clarify, propose o comment this is your space .

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9. Rate from 1 to 4 the following criteria related to the protected area where you work. EE program of the protected area Coherence between EE programs and conservation objectives Improvement of the management thanks to EE activities Community involvement on conservation processes through the EE programs Generation of conservation actions through education Conflict mediation Inclusion of the protected area within the scholar program and activities Construction of environmental education scenarios NPS effort to maintain and conserve traditions and ancestral knowledge Increased perception and valuing image of the NPS from communities over the last

few years

10. We want to thank you for your cooperation in finishing this survey. Please complete the data below for research use only.


Protected area name:


Time working in NPS:


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Appendix II - National Parks System Interview Guide

Work Context

1. What are your responsibilities?

2. Mention the objectives of your EE program

Internal coordination

3. Is there any mechanism that is responsible for ensuring coordination and coherence of

EE in the three levels of management?

4. Do you think that these mechanisms are important to ensure the viability of the EE


5. Do you think everyone recognizes the area of EE in PNN?

6. Do you know you Park’s management plan?

7. Do you know the plan of management of other Pacific Region Parks?

EE in management plans

8. In the current review being undertaken on the management plan, which would change

to this new version, so that the EE were more articulate in the park’s plan?

9. What is missing in EE to become visible and crosscutting in Parks?

10. How do you think EE should you work with other areas?

11. Do you think EE is transversal in management planning?

12. From your position and as far as you know, can you mention the main problems for

the conservation of the area?

Economic sustainability

13. Dou you know the annual budget of EE?

14. What is the annual budget for EE?

15. Are there sufficient resources for EE?

16. In what way can EE provide income to the parks?

Social context and participation

17. Do you think they are making efforts to prevent the loss of customs and traditions?

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18. Do you think there is an improvement in the perception and vision of the park

institution by communities and groups with whom you work?

19. How would you rate the involvement of communities in the process of achieving

conservation through community agreements?

20. Do you think the COs and the mission of parks is included in educational programs in

the region?

21. In your position, have you been involved in the planning and operation of the park you

are working?

22. The activities carried out are more passive type (awareness raising, workshops, etc. )

or active ( community projects , decision making)?

23. Is the participation of more companies / institutions / communities is visible in the

management planning process?

24. Do you think there are scenarios suitable for education, communication and

participation in park?


25. Are the processes of education and training facilitated by the institution?

26. Have you ever participated in any?

27. Who is the target group most involved in these processes?

Communication and information

28. Do you use any kind of space to disseminate the projects being carried out? Could

you name a few?

29. Do you have access to information on successful experiences or projects being

carried out in parks or other places?

30. Do you know if there is any communication channel between areas, like a blog,

periodic newsletter, etc.?

31. Do you know if they communicate the results of the different research conducted on

the Park?

Systematization, research and evaluation

32. Is there any EE planning document with (annual), medium and long term objectives?

33. Is there a record and systematization of the processes carried out in

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34. Do you know the existence of an annual report containing all the education

experiences conducted in the Park?

35. Do you have noticed changes of behaviors and attitudes following the EE plans that

have been carried out?

36. What is needed to improve the EE process?

37. How can be done to measure the degree of fulfillment of the objectives?

38. How could we measure or assess the EE work?

39. Do you think there is consistency between the conservation objectives of the National

Strategy and the EE that is being implemented?

40. Do you think there is a policy framework that supports the EE in Parks as institution?

41. Do you know any successful story in reducing threats in the park through educational


42. Have you noticed an improvement in the management of the area from the activities of

the EE?

43. Have you managed to perceive changes in behavior against a threat from the

communities involved, examples?

44. Do you think there is positive association between educational activities and the status

of COs?

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Appendix III - Non-Governmental Organizations Interview Guide

Work Context

1. Brief explanation of his/her work

2. What are your goals?

Place history

3. How long ago do you know the Pacific coast?

4. What kind of changes have you seen happen? - (Landscape, biodiversity,

fisheries, forests, coral, beaches)

5. What are he principal causes for those changes?

Current situation

6. Are you familiar with the Park management plans? Which changes would you

propose for the new revision?

7. What do you consider to be fundamental in a National Parks Environmental

Education (EE) strategy?

EE and Participation

8. Is the participation of NGOs promoted by management planning?

9. What elements would you introduce from her point of view of the EE?

10. Do you consider the EE as a key process for conservation?

11. Do you think EE is visible in parks?

12. Do you think there is an articulated process between EE and your institution?

EE and Networking

13. How do you think EE should be articulated with NGOs?

14. How could we measure this work?

15. What are the key actions to protect the Seascapes of Tropical Pacific?

16. Do you think there is a positive association between conservation and EE?

17. How do you think we could measure and evaluate this relationship?


18. From your experience, do you think that training processes are necessary for the

adequate management of the protected area?

19. Do you think are sufficient resources allocated to the EE?

20. Do you think the EE can play an important role in the contribution of income to

parks and communities?

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21. Do you think you are missing customs and traditions in the area?

22. How could you improve the communication process within and between areas?


23. What challenges do we have in EE evaluation?

24. How are educational actions that are carried from your institution being evaluated?

25. From your experience, which aspects must be taken into account when generating


26. What kind of indicators do you use?

27. How do you measure the impact of social actions in relation to biological data?

28. Which kind of achievement must be focus the EE?

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Appendix IV - Actors’ identification, prioritization and categorization3

In the context of updating and reformulation of management plans for protected areas, it is necessary to conduct a mapping exercise to identify and prioritize the key actors in the territory, whose participation is essential and required for achieving the objectives conservation of the Parks.

As a first step, we define that key actors for management of protected areas are those who:

- Have a duty to intervene in the planning process, according to the current legal framework in the protected area or zone of influence

- Are involved in making policy decisions and/or land use planning that may affect the protected area and/or buffer zone area

- Have a high level of recognition and/or territorial legitimacy and/or sectorial impact and lead to proposals and initiatives for sustainable development.

Once defined the concept of key actor, the analysis must go beyond having a list and it should identify and analyze their interests, importance and influence on the results of management strategies. It’s also important to notice the presence of other actors in the territory, so it is proposed that this analysis is addressed through three key steps:

- Identification and categorization of actors - Prioritization based on the criteria of ability to contribute to the governance of the

protected area - Legitimacy and capacity to generate knowledge and contribute to the management

of the protected area

Having finished the first analysis, the next step corresponds to a characterization, which consists in the knowledge and description of institutional, social, cultural and economic characteristics of these actors, which will also give tools to future, and probable negotiation approaches.

In this way, it is considered that the actors will be analyzed collectively, reaching a systemic approach with the relationships established between them in the context in which they operate

At the end of the process of, identification, prioritization and categorization of actors, each of the protected areas should be able to answer the following questions as part of its management plan:

- What are key actors in the management of NNP? - Following the management planning route, when it is desirable or necessary their

link-up? - What should we do to promote participation? What enables us to improve the

current level of relationship? - How you can use ongoing social processes in order to link them to the NNP


3 Elaborated by Febe Lucía Ruiz - Head of Environmental Education Program at the UAESPNN. 2014. Edited by Juanita Zorrilla-Pujana

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Appendix V - Indicator’s Methodology Sheets

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Environmental Education Professional. Planning and Management Group - Subdirectorate of the protected Areas Management



Goal's Responsible name (Process, Sub-Program)



Responsible name for monitoring and follow-upEnvironmental Education Professional. Planning and Management Group - Subdirectorate of the protected Areas Management












Appropriation of information















bythe protected area.












variation in knowledge in the same group before and after of an educational process.

Considering the few studies developed to measure the environmental impacts generated from the processes of education, the methodology proposed in the paper by Kuhar, et al (2010), will be implemented.

In this sense, for people involved in the processes of environmental education (when it corresponds), an early survey in the process (pre) and at the end of it (post) will apply.











(repeatedmeasures), in this case, proportion who correctly answered the questions. The formula apperaing is the applied for the

Kuhar, C.W., Bettinger, T.L., Lehnhardt, K., Tracy, O., Cox, D., 2010. Evaluating for long-term impact of an environmental education program at the Kalinzu Forest Reserve, Uganda. Am. J. Primatol. 72, 407–413.

Development and management of the NPS





areasoftheNational Park System

1.2.4 Promote educational strategies that contribute to the social value of protected areas




Code: DE_FO_0

Version: 3

In force since dd/mm/yy:

Integrated quality managem

ent systemInstitutional Action Plan



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Environmental Education Professional. Planning and Management Group - Subdirectorate of the protected Areas Management



Goal's Responsible name (Process, Sub-Program)



Responsible name for monitoring and follow-upEnvironmental Education Professional. Planning and Management Group - Subdirectorate of the protected Areas Management








Number of moderate and / or minor risks addressed from EEMANAGEMENT RANKS





beaddressed by the EE.


≥2<3 -Low



Number of critical risks addressed from EEREFERENCE LINE






Articulation index of environmental education with the PA Management Plan












eliminatingconservation ojectives pressures.














whetherEEprocesses developed by the park are related to the prioritized risks to which they are exposed.

Population on which the study was done: All parks that are part of the system.Environm

ent: each of the parks of the NPSInterventions: an analysis should apply the proposed formula and contrast ranges.








exotic,tourism,illegal traffic in species of flora and fauna, traffic of forest products, climate change adaptation, mitigation, and prevention and management of natural hazards.

Development and management of the NPS





areasoftheNational Park System

1.2.4 Promote educational strategies that contribute to the social value of protected areas




Code: DE_FO_0

Version: 3

In force since dd/mm/yy:

Integrated quality managem

ent systemInstitutional Action Plan



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Environmental Education Professional. Planning and Management Group - Subdirectorate of the protected Areas Management



Goal's Responsible name (Process, Sub-Program)



Responsible name for monitoring and follow-upEnvironmental Education Professional. Planning and Management Group - Subdirectorate of the protected Areas Management




Management plan, Strategic plan, Annual report of EE activitiesStaff contracts and products reports


Initial objectivesACCEPTABLE LEVEL

>25% - medium


- High

NDProjected goals


Objectives achievedCRITICAL LEVEL

<15% - Very low

>15% >25%

- Low



Educator permanence (months)REFERENCE LINE

NAGoals performed


EE Team Continuity Measures








andperformed activities.









permanenceofan educator or EE team is essential for the objectives accomplishment.

Continuity is a key issue that could favor in establishing social relationships with the actors involved in the process of conservation. We want to compare if there is variation in the objectives accomplishemnt when an EE educator or team works ininterruptedly in a EE work

plan. It is also important to have solid basis to demonstrate that human resources are also key elements to foster educational process and commitments with local stakeholders, where communication is the basis for any adancement in the edcational process.

The projected goals and initial objectives, are those established at the strategic plan of each park.

Here, we propose an orientative management ranks, but the analysis will determine if this ranks are relevant and extrapolated, because each Park reality has its own complexities.

It is very important that the results of this indicators go through an analysis an interpretation for a more explanatory and precise results of the continuity of the EE process. This will help to make tool adjustments in the future.

Development and management of the NPS





areasoftheNational Park System

1.2.4 Promote educational strategies that contribute to the social value of protected areas




Code: DE_FO_0

Version: 3

In force since dd/mm/yy:

Integrated quality managem

ent systemInstitutional Action Plan



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Responsible name for monitoring and follow-upEnvironmental Education Professional. Planning and Management Group - Subdirectorate of the protected Areas Management

positionEnvironmental Education Professional. Planning and Management Group - Subdirectorate of the protected Areas Management




managementstrategies,Assistance listings, work plans and / or agreements with the priority actors.

MEASURE UNITAbsolut value


Goal's Responsible name (Process, Sub-Program)



Total Number of Processes supported by EESATISFACTORY LEVEL

Range between 1,5 y 2.5: Medium


ANNUAL GOALRange between 2,5 y 3: High


Participation LevelMANAGEMENT RANKS

Prioritized ActorsCRITICAL LEVEL

Range between 1 y 1.5: Very LowParticipant Actors




Objectives AchievementREFERENCE LINE

NA Process continuity


Articulation index of environmental education with the PA Management Plan Index




















variables from 1 to 3 prior to the start of the process. *ObjectivesAchievem

ent(OA):Thisvariableseekstodeterminethelevelofimplementationoftheworkplansand/oragreementswithstakeholdersinvolvedintheprocess.Forthequalificationofthisvariable,acontrasttoolisneededtocontrastthedevelopmento f

the established work plans and / or agreements with the group from the participatory processes in a given period of time. Possible scores for this variable are:- Score 3 = have met all the objectives and / or set tasks in the work plan and / or agreement.- Score 2 = Objectives were completed between 75%

and 50% of the targets and / or set tasks in the work plan and / or agreement

- Score 1 = less than 50% of the objectives and / or set tasks in the work plan and / or agreement were completed.










recordsthatallowaccounting for the participants in each of the activities proposed in the process. Possible scores for this variable are:- Score 3 = prioritized actors participated in at least 75%

of the proposed activities within the process.- Score 2 = the prioritized actors involved between 75%

and 50% of the activities proposed under the process

- Score 1 = the prioritized actors involved in less than 50% of the activities proposed under the process.











according to the level of participation expected (information, consultation, initiative, cooperation, decision, management, control) to be able to qualify the process at the different stages. The possible scores for this variable are:- Score 3 = at least 75%

of the actors involved with the level of participation expected.- Score 2 = between 75%

and 50% of the actors involved with the level of participation expected

- Score 1 = less than 50% of the actors involved with the level of participation expected











tothe actors involved in this effort. The prioritization of actors is carried out as part of the diagnostic synthesis of management plans. From this information and as part of methodological design of the participatory process, it must determine which of actors should be included and with which objective Then,thisfourth







implementationofthestrategiclinesofmanagementandsupported by EE.

Development and management of the NPS





areasoftheNational Park System

1.2.4 Promote educational strategies that contribute to the social value of protected areas




Code: DE_FO_0

Version: 3

In force since dd/mm/yy:

Integrated quality managem

ent systemInstitutional Action Plan



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Environmental Education Professional. Planning and Management Group - Subdirectorate of the protected Areas Management



Goal's Responsible name (Process, Sub-Program)



Responsible name for monitoring and follow-upEnvironmental Education Professional. Planning and Management Group - Subdirectorate of the protected Areas Management











Areas implementing environemntal educational activities

A/56 * 100








the National Strategy for Environmental Education.







for Environmental Education NPS Efficacy













anannual periodicity. This information is consolidated and analyzed by the NPS Central Level.Population:all parks tof the NPSEnvironm

ent: National Park System of ColombiaSurvey structureThe survey contains questions that can collect information related to:* Actions aimed at the social value of the protected area (Awareness): types of activity, audiences, topics addressed, duration, number of people, and places where activities were developed.* Actions in Environmental Interpretation: interpretive services offered, audiences, topics, duration, number of people.* Volunteer Ranger Service: contributions to the management of the Park.* Participatory Education (Educational activities in support of other strategic management lines): types of activity, type of audience, and number of connected persons.* Participation in the Regional Committee of Environmental education* Establishment of Alliances and agreements for the implementation of the National Strategy for EE or EE Local Plan.* Formulation of EE Local Action Plan * Participation in interagency coordination spaces.* Systematization of educational experiences: an analysis of the information is performed by the areas to determine: - Fre quency of awareness activities including voluntary rangers program

Development and management of the NPS





areasoftheNational Park System

1.2.4 Promote educational strategies that contribute to the social value of protected areas




Code: DE_FO_0

Version: 3

In force since dd/mm/yy:

Integrated quality managem

ent systemInstitutional Action Plan



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Appendix VI - National Parks System Involved in the survey

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Appendix VII – Article I (Chapter I) Published in Ocean & Coastal Management

Impact Factor: 1.748

5-Year Impact Factor: 2.000

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Integrating environmental education in marine protected areasmanagement in Colombia

Juanita Zorrilla-Pujana a,*, Sergio Rossi b

aDepartment of Didactics of Mathematics and Science Education, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Edifici G5 Campus UAB,08193 Cerdanyola del Vallés, Barcelona, Spainb Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Edifici Cn Campus UAB, 08193 Cerdanyola del Vallés, Barcelona, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o

Article history:Available online 1 April 2014

a b s t r a c t

Environmental Education (EE) is a key component in any marine protected area management. However,its visibility and action plans are still poorly developed and structured as a clear element in managementprocedures. The objective of this study is to contribute with a methodological route that integrates EE tothe existing model of management planning and strategies, taking the Colombian National Natural ParksSystem as a case study. The creation of the route is proposed as a participatory research with differentstakeholders in order to respond to the specific conservation needs and goals for the National ParksSystem. The EE national diagnosis has shown that its integration within the parks management structureis a first priority need, being a converging result on the two case studies on National Parks from thePacific Coast of Colombia. The diagnosis also demonstrates that communication, participation, trainingand evaluation have to be reinforced, linking the community and stakeholders involved in the parkmanagement to the whole EE process. The proposed methodology route has been agreed upon by theNational Parks staff and incorporates advice and recommendations from different stakeholders, in orderto better include the park users. This step will help us to advance toward sustainable management inmarine and coastal protected areas elsewhere, taking into account not only the biological but also thesocialecultural prism. The main challenges in the management and conservation of coastal and marineecosystems today are discussed.

� 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Coastal areas undergo a heavy anthropogenic pressure onbiodiversity, complexity and key species biomass (Abdulla et al.,2008; Dayton et al., 2005; Jackson et al., 2001; Levinton, 2011;Rossi, 2013). The aim of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) is essen-tially to relieve vulnerable habitats and species from such pres-sures. However, frequently, the conservation plans andrecommendations do not reach stakeholders, politicians andespecially end term users. The vast majority of the conservationwork and practice remains obscure in the form of scientific papers,gray literature or technical reports and protocols, creating frustra-tion on both sides: the people who make the rules and the peoplewho have to apply such rules (Bearzi, 2007).

Nowadays, participative Environmental Education (EE) is anapproach that is becoming increasingly more popular among con-servation specialists and ecosystem managers faced with this in-formation problem (Brewer, 2006; Fien et al., 2001; Hayes, 2009;Kamphuis, 2011; Salm et al., 2000). Recent works state the neces-sity to determine the goals of conservation, education and man-agement, from an integrative perspective, in order to facilitate thesustainable use and protection of natural habitats, including notonly the ecological and biological aspects but also social and cul-tural elements, with a view to having effective and inclusivemanagement of protected areas (Bearzi, 2007; Hesselink et al.,2007; Pollnac et al., 2010; Sherrow, 2010).

Although considerable progress has been made in the field ofcommunity-based management, one of the major difficulties is tomove from a passive community participation (e.g. information andconsultative processes) to an active community involvement (twoway communication, decision making, action for change). In thisactive involvement people participates in the experimentation andlearning process, being the participation seen as one of the mainrights of the community and not only away to achieve project goals

* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ34 605450372/þ34 937595923; fax: þ34935811169.

E-mail addresses: [email protected] (J. Zorrilla-Pujana), [email protected] (S. Rossi).

Contents lists available at ScienceDirect

Ocean & Coastal Management

journal homepage: www.elsevier .com/locate/ocecoaman� 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Ocean & Coastal Management 93 (2014) 67e75

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(Cornwall, 2008). The local and external people need somethingmore than laws and policies (top downmodel), built by institutions(Kearney et al., 2007), but an approach that has to be bottom-up. Infact, it has been demonstrated that local communities have anessential role in this aspect, and a positive effect on the co-management of MPAs (Dahl, 1997; Gutierrez et al., 2011; Kearneyet al., 2007; Mills et al., 2011). To achieve better management, theproper transmission of the educational approach has to adapt to thedifferent communities inwhich theywill be developed, and not theother way round; In this context, one of the major difficulties toachieve this active participation and community involvement, isthe lack of well-defined objectives, especially in the methodology,systematization and evaluation of the educational programs andtheir contribution to conservation goals (Kuhar et al., 2010).

The present research seeks a change instead of reaching theo-retical conclusions. The problem is closing the gap between puretheory and practice, where such conclusions are focused on ap-plications that would enable reality to be transformed. It also seeksa continuous improvement in quality and must be based on sharedcriteria and a comparative analysis of different points of view(Benayas et al., 2003).

In order to gain a better understanding of the tools that have to beimplemented to pass from a theoretical to amore practical approachin the transfer of information from scientists/managers to users, weaccomplished in the present study three different targets: 1) Performa diagnosis of the EE program not only in our study area but also tothewhole National Parks System. 2) Establish themain rules of EE inMPAs with solid participation of Park staff members and stake-holders and3) Integrate these rules into the Park’smanagement planwith a focus on quality and long term practice alongside prioritizedsocial actors. In order to do this, a first national survey was carriedout including 20 National Parks (44% of the National Park’s network)with a special focus on Gorgona National Park and Utria NationalPark, both located in the Eco-region of the Choco Biogeographic area(Mittermeier et al., 1998; Olson and Dinerstein, 1998). They wereselected because of their biological value, location, socioeconomicand political situation, similar protected area dimensions, referencepoint for diverse researches in coastal and marine habitats and timewithin the National Parks System (UAESPNN, 2008a,b).

It is expected that the EE plan will contribute to integrate thosestakeholders with major implications in the protected areas,reducing threats and anthropogenic pressures, and improve the

Fig. 1. Scheme of quantitative and qualitative methodology used in the research.

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state of conservation of MPAs, from a perspective of EE as a processand long-term action. The final aim of this paper is to provide clearEE tools, which can be transferred from scientific and technicalmanagers of MPAs to different social groups everywhere, with aview to the methodology being potentially extrapolated to otherareas worldwide.

2. Material and methods

To carry out the present research, the study was conductedusing a quantitative and qualitativemethodology (Fig. 1) in order toobtain a general and detailed picture of the complexity of theprocess studied. The combination of both methodologies allows usto obtain a more solid basis to work at a national and local levelduring the study, being able to contextualize the research at thedifferent management levels we were working with. For the diag-nostic study, we took into account the viability of working togetherwith these two kinds of methodologies, which is acceptable for adiagnostic study (Benayas et al., 2003; Dillon and Wals, 2006;Meyers, 2006; Russell, 2006; Sauvè, 2000).

The quantitative methodology consisted of questionnairesexploring the perceptions of educators related to the EE program ofthe National Parks System.

The questionnaire was delivered by e-mail to all EE teams in theNational Parks System during the second trimester of 2011, with theexception of Gorgona and Utria National Parks, which were deliv-ered in hard copy during the fieldwork.

The structure of the survey included 7 sections divided into thefollowing topics: EE objectives, institutional coordination andsupport, audiences and activities, communication and participa-tion, priorities in EE, evaluation process, and personal information.The questionnaire was validated at the central office of the Parksystem, in order to detect failures and adjust the instrument beforesending the document to the educators. They were asked to fill inthe questionnaire on the basis of available data and their ownexperience of the management tasks of the park.

The qualitative data was obtained by means of 15 semi-structured interviews with staff members from the central andlocal offices including Gorgona and Utria National Parks. The in-terviews also integrated local stakeholders and environmentalNGOs that work in the study area and also at a national level.Atlas.ti 6.2.27 supported all qualitative data analysis, allowing us touse the same categories used in the interviews and surveys (ForSupplementary material: Refer to :¼htm).

In addition to interviews, two focus groups were carried outwith representatives of local, regional and national managementoffices of the Park’s system, being composed of homogenous groupsof people. The common characteristics in both groups were theirposition at the Institution (regional environmental educator coor-dinator or local environmental educator) that is relevant to thetopic of the study (Krueger and King, 1998). In order to evaluate theroute for EE local action plans, focus groups give us informationabout perceptions, feelings, and attitudes of the new proposal andits application viability. The characteristics of a typical smaller focusgroup project are that the sample can be taken from two to fourgroups, being the recruitment of participants easily available (i.e.doesn’t require a complex analysis or fully transcription, and pro-duces a brief report with conclusions (Morgan and Scannell, 1998)).With this technique, we can be able to see reality from a bottom uppoint of view, and not from the top down as usual. The use of thistechnique facilitates the identification of project strengths, weak-nesses, and the generation of new ideas and recommendations(Krueger, 1988), regarding the methodological route to guide theeducators in the local sphere to construct the local EE action plans.

The first focus group was composed of local staff members from10 national parks, with a total of 11 participants, five of whichbelonging to the MPAs. The EE national committee constituted thesecond panel, with a total of 10 participants from all regions of thePark System is divided.

The questions that guided the focus groups were:

1. What do you think about the actual structure of the proposedmethodology?

2. Do you think this methodology is needed and will help throughthe process of elaboration of local EE action plans?

3. Which changes would you propose in order to make it practicalfor its use? (You can change boxes order or rephrase them)

4. Would you include or delete any box from this proposal?

At the end of the session, we delivered a participative evaluationto record the group perception about the session during the dis-cussion and the preliminaries results.

3. Results

The questionnaires were delivered to a total of 45 National Parksthat have an EE program running (80% of National Parks) and also tothe UAESPNN central office, where a total of 46 surveys wereregistered. Of the total gathered, 20 surveys (43%) were fullycompleted, and were used as the sample size for the analysis(Fig. 2). The 26 remaining surveys (56%) were not included in theanalysis because answers were not complete or were inconsistent.

3.1. Objectives

The results from the survey in Table 1 indicate that the objec-tives of the EE programs are well defined and follow the SMARTcategories: specific, measurable, realistic and timely. Nevertheless,the condition attainable presents a major disagreement within thesurvey, in over 50% of the respondents.

In the qualitative analysis, the results show that the objectivesare too generalist and that economic resources are not sufficient inorder to attain and achieve the proposed goals.

.“I think there should be more clarity: a general objective andclearer specific objectives. What I perceive in general is that thereare many loose wheels; there is a need for projection, a schemewith a large target or goal with objectives to fulfill. Obviously, ifyou’re not clear you cannot project anything; methods, stake-holders, anything.” (NGO director)

.“While environmental education in parks is not appreciated in itstrue dimension and there are not sufficient resources to meet ob-jectives, the results will always be occasional and linked to theindividual efforts of the staff members.” (Park staff member)

.“There are not enough economic resources from my point ofview.” (Park staff member)

On the other hand there are some cases in which EE has beenworking in coordination with the local staff and management plan.

.“The objectives of EE in our protected area are developed on thebasis of the problems encountered by the park annually. In thatsense, the park develops a specific required educational action inthose communities that demand special environmental actions.”(Park staff member)

.“EE objectives are consistent and have been developed with teammembers taking into account the management plan, conservation

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targets and projects that fall under different strategic lines.” (Parkstaff member)

3.2. Coordination

The results from the survey show that from a local perspective,there is a general consensus regarding knowledge of the park’smanagement plans and its alignment with the EE program, but notregarding conservation targets. The constant claim by the

participants is that financial resources are very scarce to achieve theobjectives and the goals proposed.

“EE in Gorgona National Park is not coordinated with the differentinstitutional management offices: local, regional, central.” (ParkStaff member)

“Now, in Gorgona National Park, whale watching can only becarried out by tourist concession holders, but there is no commu-nication with researchers, and what is happening is there is a leakof resources from both parts.” (NGO director)

Fig. 2. Geographic distribution of the Natural National Parks involved in the survey including the study area. (1) Flamencos, (2) Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, (3) Paramillo, (4)Tama, (5) Cocuy, (6) Pisba, (7) Guanetá e Alto Fragua, (8) Iguaque, (9) Chingaza, (10) Sumapaz, (11) Tatama, (12) Las Hermosas, (13) Nevado del Huila, (14) Serranía de Chiribiquete,(15) La Paya, (16) Otún e Quimbaya. Detail Area 1 e Utria and Detail Area 2 e Gorgona.

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“When we say that the EE is not coordinated it’s because we don’treceive any support or alignment from regional or national offices.”(Park staff member)

“We have resources such as radios, documentation centers, staffexchanges with other parks, which facilitate a better approach tothe different works they implement. However, there is a lack of aflow of communication regarding the information and morealignments that hinder us from doing a better job.” (Park staffmember)

3.3. Assessment

According to the participants, it is evident that the work carriedout through EE helps to improve the state of the conservationtargets, and the objectives set through the EE program are ach-ieved. Yet, when they are asked about the existence of an estab-lished EE program, previous knowledge and awareness of the EEobjectives, and activity coherence, almost 50% of participantsdisagree on these statements.

Taking a look at the evaluation process, the data indicates a gapin the systematization practice, such as the activities of recordinginformation, annual reports and reflections on the educationalactivity.

This gap increases when we delve further into the evaluationtechniques. The surveyors indicated that feedback on the activitiesmonitoring is not frequent inmore than 60% of the parks examined.These indicators are the most worrying aspect of evaluation due totheir limited use in almost 80% of the parks surveyed. Theremaining 20% should be reviewed because most of the indicatorsare focused on the number of participants/assistants, but are notfocused on the educational impact.

3.4. Audiences, participation and communication

As shown in Table 2, the most frequent activities registered thatfall under all kinds of audiences are communication and dissemi-nation of the National Park’s mission and conservation targetvalues, followed by conferences, workshops and inter-institutionalwork.

One of the most important activities carried out is the partici-pative formulation of projects and also community projects.However, their design and construction hardly reach 25% of theparks surveyed.

Participation and communication are essential in EE and man-agement decision-making. The survey demonstrates that the ma-jority of participants feel that neither internal nor externalparticipation in the park system takes place. As regards the rele-vance of the individual opinion, the perceptions are divided, indi-cating that this depends very much on the way in which the park’steam functions, and not on the entire sample and the UAESPNN.However, team opinion prevails rather than individual.

3.5. Priorities in EE

The main priority identified by the educators is the integrationof EE into the management plans and the development of educa-tional programs that are consistent with the local environmentalproblems (Fig. 3). In addition to this demand, the environmentalliteracy of educators and participation problems are the othercriteria that requiremore attention in order toworkwithin the sub-program of EE within the UAESPNN. Furthermore, methodologydesign, identification of stakeholders, planning, positioning andsocialization of the park legislation are considered importantmatters in order to succeed, but not on such awide scale, andwith amore individualized and unique character for each park.

3.6. Focus groups

According to the survey, interviews, and workshop results, weidentified the key points in order to systematize the EE process andintegrate it with the management plan and social actors. Toaccomplish this target, we developed an EE methodological routeto guide the development of EE local action plans in the NationalParks in Colombia. This initial proposal was discussed with spe-cialists and EE staff members at the central management office, in

Table 1Percentages results from the National Parks’ survey completed by the Environ-mental Education (EE) staff members (n ¼ 20) according to objectives, institutionalcoordination and assessment.

% Agree % Disagree

ObjectivesUnderstandable 100 0Clear and specific 90 10Realistic 85 15Time defined 80 20Consistent 80 20Measurable 75 25Written plan 75 25Attainable (availability of resources and capabilities) 45 55

Institutional coordination and supportManagement plan knowledge 95 5EE alignment with management plan 90 10EE institutional transversality 75 25EE transversality in management plans 70 30Institutional networking 45 55Human resources 35 65EE alignment with conservation objectives 30 70Similar Parks management plan knowledge 30 70Economic resources 15 85

AssessmentEE improves conservation 90 10EE achieves its objectives 70 30Existing EE program 55 45EE objectives are known by the staff 55 45EE is systematic and consistent 55 45Drafting of EE Annual Report 45 55Reflection process 45 55Feedback 40 60Continuous assessment and monitoring 30 70Existence of indicators 20 80

Table 2Percentages from the National Parks survey completed by the Environmental Edu-cation (EE) staff members (n ¼ 20) according to audiences, activities, and partici-pation and communication criteria.

Always Frequent Infrequent Never

Audiences and activitiesAcademic Institutions 26 63 11 0Rural communities 22 61 11 6Visitors 26 42 26 5Institutional actors 16 53 32 0Overlapping areas 11 47 11 32Indigenous communities 19 6 25 50General public 6 22 72 0Black communities 16 5 21 58Specialized audience 0 17 83 0

Participation & communicationInternal participation 0 35 65 0External participation 0 30 65 5My opinion matters 0 45 50 5My team opinion matters 30 45 25 0Communication is key for EE 75 25 0 0Training needs 85 5 5 5Community participation 15 60 25 0

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order to adjust the application to their structure and needs, beforeworking with focus groups.

In both focus groups, all participants agreed that the proposalfulfill the need of an integratedmethodology of EEwithin the park’smanagement plans and its management model, being the meth-odology approved in this last evaluation process, except in casesthat the management model has another structure because of localissues as happens in the Amazonian region.

The panels also agreed that this tool will facilitate the process ofthe elaboration of local plans, even though in some cases, they willhave to adapt some guidelines to their local situation, and let thegeneral structure serve as a flexible and dynamic guideline but nota fixed one.

From the original proposal, the structure remained the same,but some boxes were rephrased from the original version, newhighlights were included and other boxes changed their orderwithin the structure.

As a final result, we found that both focus groups arrived to thesame conclusions and modifications of the original proposal, whichfacilitates the process of the final version of the EE methodology.

A more detailed focus on the regional and local context wassuggested, especially in those cases where indigenous and blackcommunities were overlapping in the protected areas.

The monitoring and evaluation section was changed consider-ably and improved, and all participants supported the incorporationof a dissemination of results section, absent on the management-planning model. All the participants agreed that recommenda-tions should be included in the new version. Initially, the method-ological route was being developed to respond to MPAs needs,especially in the study area. However, during the research andbecause of the active participation of the EE staff, more parks werewilling to be included in the initiative in order to establish thismethod as a national proposal and an essential component to beincluded in the EE Strategyof theNational Parks of Colombia (Fig. 4).

4. Discussion

The present results clearly support the establishment of astandardized methodology path to improve EE within the NationalParks System. There is a consensus that this target has a first pri-ority interest in order to promote systematization of the processand its inclusion in the management plan and operational struc-ture, not only to MPAs as proposed initially but also to the NationalParks System, contributing to conservational targets and manage-ment effectiveness (Lundquist and Granek, 2005).

4.1. EE objectives and assessment

The survey data indicates that a significant majority of partici-pants found that the objectives were adequately clear, concrete,

and attainable. However, almost 50% admitted that they did nothave a written EE local plan, and objectives were more a statementof intent without a logical framework. Defining the objectives isone of the most important steps for managing and planning EEinformation transfer in MPAs. In this study, EE staff recognized thata minimal training was required in order to develop these tasks andhighlighted the scarce communication between different levels ofmanagement, leading to unstructured and misaligned EE local ac-tion plans with conservation objectives.

One possible explanation for the absence of well-defined EEobjectives andmeasures to evaluate them in the park system lies inthe fact that management plans are outdated, and often have wide-ranging objectives that make it difficult to shape EE actions intospecific goals, a situation common in other studies (Abdulla et al.,2008; Dahl-Tacconi, 2005).

On the other hand,measures allowing us to explain the achievedresults in terms of social impact and a better state of the conser-vation objectives do not exist, except limited indicators which donot go beyond simple data (number of workshops held, brochuresdelivered, number of assistants and visitors, etc.). Impact indicatorssuch as change in knowledge, attitude, networking, and participa-tion quality are not found in any of the parks studied, and it is anarea that requires further research. This is a crucial field to explorein order to evaluate the effectiveness of the work done, and tosupport management decisions.

4.2. Audiences and activities

We found low consistency in the EE process among the goalsproposed, the activities set and the way in which results and im-pacts are measured. Specialists, stakeholders and Park staff mem-bers, see EE as a long-term process that seeks the comprehensionand responsible action of the community in order to preserve ournatural and cultural heritage within the framework of sustain-ability (Fien et al., 2001; UNESCO, 1979). However, analyzing ourresults, the most common actions are short-term events such asconferences, environmental talks, inter-institutional meetings andenvironmental interpretation. True environmental literacy goesbeyond awareness and rote learning but involves critical thinking,integrating principles, and using acquired skills to turn knowledgeinto action (Bickford et al., 2012).

Most of the activities are addressed to formal education toolssuch as school environmental programs (Kuhar et al., 2010;Muñoz-Santos and Benayas, 2012), probably because thesecomprise an audience that is already established andstructured (Lundquist and Granek, 2005; Rice, 2011), where theimplementation of actions proves to be less difficult than withother social actors (Zorrilla-Pujana, 2008). Conservation biologist,need to be much more strongly proactive in their approach tocommunicating, in formal educational settings as well as in other

Fig. 3. Results of first line Environmental Education (EE) priorities identified in the survey (n ¼ 20).

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Fig. 4. Methodological route contents for the elaboration of EE local action plans in the National Parks of Colombia.

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venues and via alternative methods to a diversity of audiences(Bickford et al., 2012).

Another limitation found is the deficient condition of the re-lations between National Parks and local stakeholders, which hin-ders any EE participative approach with the community, at least inthe study area, leaving behind actions with a long-term impact,such as management agreements through communitarian andparticipative projects with the audiences prioritized by the pro-tected area. In MPAs the role of the community is essential for theapproval and monitoring of rules. In a South California MPA, thebottom-up management and EE makes the difference in theincreased ratio of fish biomass because of the clear and acceptedrules which were correctly transmitted from managers to usersfrom 0.75 tons of fish ha�1 to 4.74 tons of fish ha�1 in a decade(Aburto-Oropeza et al., 2011).

EE is a crosscutting program in the management process ofMPAs and the scarce resources are a common issue that appears inmost of the analyzed criteria, but relevant data regarding thebenefits of social issues in protected areas are not well covered inlocal, regional and national accounts (Leverington et al., 2010),which in that case could help to justify an increase in the budget inthis multidisciplinary field. A lack of job stability for EE staff andundefined funds generate discontinuity and regression in most ofthe programmed activities (Zorrilla-Pujana, 2008). Although EE isrecognized as a first priority for MPA management and other skillsdevelopment (Dahl-Tacconi, 2005), reality reveals the contrary: theeducation program does not present stability in human and eco-nomic resources allowing continuity of the established processes(Kullenberg, 2010).

4.3. Coordination, communication and participation

The need to clarify the mechanism of educational conservationobjectives has been demonstrated, but even more important thanthis is the need to break the current dynamic of environmentalinformation transmission, which is not properly aimed at thedifferent groups, because there is a lack of connection betweenmanagers, scientist and users in MPAs (Lundquist and Granek,2005). Scientist and managers need to be more provocative, pro-active, and purposeful in how we communicate to create an envi-ronmentally literate society that enacts decisions based on bothsound science and the needs of humanity (Bickford et al., 2012).

The results indicate a low perception of institutional coordina-tion between local, regional and national management offices bystaff members, stakeholders, and some researchers. This situationis visible at different management levels, and in most cases is theresult of wastage in the same institution, loss of knowledge,economical opportunities, and inexistent networking betweensimilar parks, that share biological, social values, programs andprojects within the EE strategic line. MPA networks are importantnot only for the conservation of biodiversity but also as a form ofmanagement (Guidetti, 2002). Communication efforts can also helpto inspire new ideas for research that inform about managementquestions and may generate connections with other scientistsoutside a narrow range of expertise (Grorud-Colvert et al., 2010),but scientists actually make surprisingly few direct contributions toenvironmental conservation, when there is an evident necessity ofa more proactive dialog between conservation scientists andpractitioners when devising research priorities (Laurance et al.,2012; Primack, 2006) and the dissemination of those results tothe managers and the community involved.

Despite the key role that communication and participation playin the educational process, this is still one of the most difficult taskswithin the Park system inwhich more than 60% of respondents andinterviewees perceived that participation in decision-making is

infrequent and communication leaks are very common at allmanagement scales. This situation can be explained from differentstandpoints: 1. The gap between the Park’s local and national scopeis still hard to bridge. 2. There is a poor contextualization amonglocal realities and national alignments, and 3. The absence of a peerEE at the regional management office disrupts any communicationchannels in the local and national spheres. Studies demonstratethat MPAs are effective when information is properly transferredand participation of the different users is solid (Pace et al., 2010).

It is not true that local people have a negative reaction towardprotected areas. It has been demonstrated that good informationand a clear rule statement in which there is direct communityparticipation has a positive effect on final users (Aburto-Oropezaet al., 2011; Triguero-Mas et al., 2009). The lack of effectivespaces for communication and participation has led to a negativeperception among the team members, stakeholders, researchersand the community who are involved either directly or indirectlywith the park’s management. Because of this condition, manyconservation initiatives are isolated from the park’s initiatives,wasting synergies that could be beneficial for the MPAmanagement.

5. Conclusions

The present study demonstrates the urgent need to establish acommonmethodology for the development and implementation ofEE local action plans in National Parks. EE is a multidisciplinarycomponent that works with humanity and its relationship to theenvironment, linking both natural and social sciences, in order toachieve conservation goals (Bickford et al., 2012). There is a need forcooperation at an inter-disciplinary and inter-sectoral level, thatrequires exchanges between the scientific disciplines as well as acultural exchange (Kullenberg, 2000). The new proposed method-ology hopes that EE will play a catalyst role between the commu-nity and MPA management.

It is necessary a more active, open and conciliatory attitude inorder to promote stakeholders’ participation in and contribution toMPA conservation. For this reason, EE must focus on those audi-ences that generate the strongest pressure on the area.

EE should establish itself as a crosscutting program integrated inthe management process, in order to contribute to improving thestate of the protected ecosystem, enhancing a better protection ofnatural assets and facilitating the connection between variousfields and sectors in the community to implement an effective EE(Kobori, 2009). But if EE limits itself to political and theoreticalpapers, scholar activities, the celebration of environment day andenvironmental conferences, it will be difficult to achieve long-termconservation objectives.

In order to support and strengthen the EE program within themanagement of National Parks System, it is essential that the hu-man resources structure is maintained at the local, regional andnational level with an EE responsible at all management scales ordisruptions and communication flow will occur, interruptingongoing processes.

After accepting the proposed route for EE local action plans, andvalidated at the study area, Colombia National Parks approved itsinclusion in the National EE strategy and remarked on its consis-tency and the integrated perspective with the management andconservation objectives, involving the local community and prior-itized stakeholders from the start. Utria and Gorgona NationalParks are constructing the EE action plan following this method asother parks from the network. We now have a real opportunity toimplement ecosystem-based management in MPAs, but the trans-mission of essential values and roles in MPAs has to be clearer (Rice,2011). The results determine that it is imperative to work on the

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conscious and assertive establishment of objectives for both theMPA management plan and EE programs, as one of the mostimportant steps for the planning, and effectiveness of EE in the parksystem (Lundquist and Granek, 2005).


Zorrilla was financed with a grant from the InternationalSpanish Agency for Cooperation and Development (AECID).Rossi was financed with a Ramón & Cajal contract (RYC-2007-01327). We want to thank all EE staff from National Parks ofColombia for their special commitment and involvement with ourresearch. Special thanks to Febe Ruiz, to Utria and Gorgona NationalParks team, for their support and friendship during this research.We also want to thank the two anonymous reviewers thatimproved the final version of the paper.


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Photographic Appendix

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Parque Nacional Natural Gorgona

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Grupos de trabajo con el equipo de planeación de manejo del Parque Nacional Natural Gorgona para determinar puntos de articulación y objetivos comunes con el programa de Educación Ambiental.

Trabajo específico con el equipo de Educación ambiental del Parque Nacional Natural Gorgona para definir objetivos de Educación Ambiental local enmarcados en la Estrategia Nacional de Educación Ambiental

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Parque Nacional Natural

Ensenada de Utría

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Presentación de la investigación a la comunidad del corregimiento del Valle – Límite PNN Utría

Talleres de trabajo con el equipo de planeación de Manejo del Parque Nacional Natural Ensenada de Utría para determinar puntos de articulación y objetivos comunes con el programa de Educación Ambiental

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Proceso de definición de objetivos de Educación Ambiental y presentación de indicadores en el Parque Nacional Natural Ensenada de Utría

Page 138: Dipòsit Digital de Documents de la UAB · 2016-07-27 · De manera muy especial quiero agradecer a Febe Ruiz, por su apoyo, disposición, compromiso, soporte en la realización de


Grupos Focales para la evaluación de la Ruta metodológica, representada por el Comité Nacional de Educación Ambiental y Representación local de Educadores Ambientales Parques Nacionales

Representación de Educadores de PNN Locales

Comité Nacional de Educación Ambiental de PNN

Encuentro Nacional de Educación Ambiental Presentación y evaluación de la ruta metodológica para la elaboración de los planes

de Educación ambiental Local – Julio 2011

Page 139: Dipòsit Digital de Documents de la UAB · 2016-07-27 · De manera muy especial quiero agradecer a Febe Ruiz, por su apoyo, disposición, compromiso, soporte en la realización de


Primer Foro Nacional de Educación Ambiental Presentación Resultados Iniciales y Mesa temática de

Evaluación y Gestión ambiental – Julio 2011

Presentación de Resultados de la primera fase en el Primer Foro Nacional de Educación Ambiental en Áreas protegidas.

Dinamización de la Mesa temática de Evaluación en educación ambiental con énfasis en áreas protegidas.

Page 140: Dipòsit Digital de Documents de la UAB · 2016-07-27 · De manera muy especial quiero agradecer a Febe Ruiz, por su apoyo, disposición, compromiso, soporte en la realización de


Encuentro Nacional de Educación Ambiental Presentación de resultados finales y propuesta de indicadores

Islas del Rosario, Agosto 2012

Presentación de resultados y propuesta de indicadores

Taller práctico de la propuesta de indicadores de educación ambiental aplicados a la gestión de áreas protegidas
