
e*/,6(6)$6&,1$17(6)DVFLQDWLQJ&KXUFKHVEN #HAMPAGNEpJOLVHV)DVFLQDQWHVEN #HAMPAGNETroyesOfce de Tourismede Troyes et de sa rgion16, boulevard Carnotet rue Mignard (en saison)10000 TROYESTl : 00 33 (0) 3 25 82 62 70 00 33 (0) 3 25 73 36 88(en saison)www.tourisme-troyes.comNogentais/PlaineChampenoiseOfce de Tourismedu Nogentais et Vallede la Seine53, rue des Fosss10400 NOGENT-SUR-SEINETl : 00 33 (0) 3 25 39 42 07www.tourisme-nogentais.frCtes des BarOfce de Tourismedu Pays BaralbinPlace de lHtel de Ville10200 BAR-SUR-AUBETl : 00 33 (0) 3 25 27 24 25 www.barsuraube.netOfce de Tourismede Bar-sur-Seine33, rue Gambetta10110 BAR-SUR-SEINETl : 00 33 (0) 3 25 29 94 43www.ot-barsurseine.frOfce de Tourisme de Bayel2, rue Belle Verrire10310 BAYELTl : 00 33 (0) 3 25 92 42 68www.bayel-cristal.comOfce de Tourisme dEssoyesPlace de la Mairie10360 ESSOYESTl : 00 33 (0) 3 25 29 61 34Ofce de Tourismede Mussy-sur-SeineRue des Ursulines10250 MUSSY-SUR-SEINETl : 00 33 (0) 3 25 38 42 [email protected] de Tourisme des Riceys14, Place des Hrosde la Rsistance10340 LES RICEYSTl : 00 33 (0) 3 25 29 15 [email protected] Lacsde la Fort dOrientOfce de Tourisme des Lacset de la Fort dOrientMaison du Parc10220 PINEYTl : 00 33 (0) 3 25 43 38 88www.pnr-foret-orient.frOfce de Tourismede Brienne-le-Chteau34, rue de lEcole Militaire10500 BRIENNE-LE-CHATEAUTl : 00 33 (0) 3 25 92 82 41www.ville-brienne-le-chateau.frPoint Informations10200 SOULAINES-DHUYSTl : 00 33 (0) 3 25 92 28 33 de DienvillePort Dienville10500 DIENVILLETl : 00 33 (0) 3 25 92 27 [email protected] de MesnilSaint PreMaison des Lacs10140 MESNIL-SAINT-PRETl 00 33 (0) 3 25 41 28 [email protected] dOthe/Chaourois/Val dArmanceOfce de Tourismedu ChaouroisPlace de lEchiquier10210 CHAOURCETl : 00 33 (0) 3 25 40 97 22www.tourisme-en-chaourcois.comOfce de Tourismedu Val dArmanceHalle Circulaire10130 - ERVY-LE-CHATELTl : 00 33 (0) 3 25 70 04 [email protected] de Tourisme du paysdOthe Valle de la Vanne21, rue des vannes10160 AIX-EN-OTHETl : 00 33 (0) 3 25 80 81 71www.tourisme-paysdothe.frInformationsgnralesComit Dpartementalde Tourisme de lAube34, quai Dampierre10000 TROYESTl : 00 33 (0) 3 25 42 50 00www.aube-champagne.comPour vous renseigner, contactez :For information, contact :/HV pJOLVHV GH 7UR\HV7UR\HV FKXUFKHVCATHDRALE ST PIERRE-ET-ST PAUL 1 P11SAINT-JEAN-AU-MARCH 2 P11SAINTE-MADELEINE 3 P12SAINT-NICOLAS 4 P12SAINT-NIZIER 5 P12SAINT-PANTALON 6 P13SAINT-RMY 7 P10NOTRE-DAME-DES-TRVOIS8 P13BASILIQUE SAINT-URBAIN 9 P13Eglise/Fascinating churchesInformations/InformationMuse/MuseumVoie Touristique/Touristique road159237468e*/,6(6)$6&,1$17(6)DVFLQDWLQJ&KXUFKHVI-5 P45D-10 P35I-16 P15J-7 P45J-12 P15D-15 P21H-16 P15J-13 P16I-17P16I-16P16I-8P46F-14P22G-14P21K-10P47K-8P46J-11P17M-8P48I-12P22D-15P23J-7P48M-9P49J-16 P17I-11 P23J-8P49G-10P 7K-9P50D-12P35G-14P24D-13P24F-16P24K-7P50E-10P36H-17P18F-8P36J-12P18HAMPIGNY E-15P25HERBISSEC-10P37ISLE-AUMONTI-9P10JAVERNANTI-8P51JONCREUIL D-15P25JUVANZE H-15P25JUZANVIGNY F-15P26LA CHAPELLE-SAINT-LUC G-8P 7LA ROTHIERE G-15P26LA-VILLE-AU-BOIS F-16P26LENTILLES D-15P27LES RICEYS M-12P19LHUTRED-12P38LIREY I-8P51LONGSOLS F-12P37MAISONS-LS-CHAOURCE L-10P52MAIZIRES-LA-GDE-PAROISSE E-5P38MAIZIRES-LES-BRIENNE F-15P28MARCILLY-LE-HAYER G-5P39MARNAY-SUR-SEINED-4P39MATHAUX F-14P27MESGRIGNY E-7P39MONTIRAMEY H-12P28MOREMBERTE-12P40MOUSSEY I-9P52MUSSY-SUR-SEINEL-14P18NOGENT-EN-OTHE J-6P53NOGENT-SUR-SEINEE-3P40PARGUES L-11P53PARS-LS-CHAVANGES D-14P29PEL-ET-DER F-13P29POLISOT K-12P19PONT-SUR-SEINED-4P41PONT-STE-MARIEG-9P 8PRASLIN K-11P54PRECY-SAINT-MARTIN F-13P30RACINES L-7P54RIGNY-LE-FERRON I-4P55ROSNAY-LHPITAL E-14P30RUMILLY-LES-VAUDES J-10P19ST-ANDR-LES-VERGERS H-9P 8SAINT-ETIENNE-S/S-BARBUISE E-10P42ST-LGER-SOUS-MARGERIE D-14P31SAINTE-MAURE F-9P 41ST-PARRES-AUX-TERTRES G-10P 9SAINT-PHAL K-8P55STE-SAVINEH-9P9SAVIRES F-8P42SOULAINES-DHUYS F-17P32TORVILLIERS H-8P10TROYES G-9P11VALLANT-ST-GEORGES E-7P42VANLAY K-9P56VENDEUVRE-SUR-BARSEH-14P33VILLEMAUR-SUR-VANNEH-6P56VILLEMOIRON-EN-OTHE I-5P57VILLENAUXE-LA-GRANDEC-3P43VILLERET E-15P33VILLE-SUR-TERRE G-17P31VILLIERS-HERBISSEC-10P43VILLY-LE-MARCHAL J-9P57PAGEGLISE EN PANS DE BOISHALF-TIMBERED CHURCHGLISE CHURCHPAGENcentaisPIaine champencisePaysd'0theChacurccisVaId'ArmanceCrans Iacsde Ia fcrt d'crientCte des BarTrcyesVILLE/VILLAGE VILLE/VILLAGE PAGEAIX-EN-OTHEARCIS-SUR-AUBE ARCONVILLE AUXONAVALLEURBAILLY-LE-FRANCBAR-SUR-AUBE BAR-SUR-SEINE BAYELBERGERESBOUILLYBRIENNE-LE-CHTEAUBRIENNE-LA-VEILLECHAOURCE CHAMOYCHAPPESCHASEREYCHAUFFOUR-LES-BAILLYCHAVANGESCHENNEGYCHESLEYCLAIRVAUXCLREYCRSANTIGNESCRENEY-PRS-TROYESCUSSANGYDAMPIERRE DIENVILLE DONNEMENT EPOTHEMONTERVY-LE-CHTELFEUGESFONTAINEFONTAINE-LES-GRSFOUCHRESVILLE/VILLAGE(ERBISSE6ALLANT3T'EORGES-ESGRIGNY-AIZIRESLA'RANDE0AROISSE.OGENT3EINE0ONT3EINEA26#(,/.3 %.#(!-0!'.%D400.!.#9A5N7l#(!5-/.4$)*/.N77!58%22%A5-%,5.0!2)3Nl9N770!2)36ILLENAUXELA'RANDE-ARNAY3EINE !RCIS!UBE3T TIENNESOUS"ARBUISE3AVIRES 3TE -AURE4ROYES&EUGES,ONGSOLS0RECY3T-ARTIN0ELETDER2OSNAYL(OPITAL*UZANVIGNY %POTHEMONT-ATHAUX$IENVILLE0ARSLES#HAVANGES#HAVANGES3T,GERSS-ARGERIE,HUTRE$ONNEMENT$AMPIERRE-OREMBERT3T0ARRESAUX4ERTRES3T!NDRLES6ERGERS-ONTIRAMEY#HAUFFOURLS"AILLY#LREY#HAPPES&OUCHRES2UMILLYLES6AUDES0RASLIN0OLISOT!VALLEUR"AR3EINE0ARGUES,ES 2ICEYS-USSY3EINE!RCONVILLE"ERGRES"AYEL#LAIRVAUX"AR!UBE &ONTAINE 6ENDEUVRE"ARSE3OULAINES$HUYS,A 6ILLEAU"OIS,ENTILLES6ILLERET"AILLYLE&RANC#HAOURCE#USSANGY6ANLAY3T0HAL#HAMOY-AISONSLES#HAOURCE(AMPIGNY-AIZIRESLES"RIENNE*ONCREUIL*UVANZE,A 2OTHIRE 6ILLE SUR4ERRE'RAUDOT"RIENNELA6IEILLE"RIENNELE#HATEAU0ONT3TE-ARIE#RENEYPRS4ROYES,A #HAPELLE3T,UC&ONTAINELES'RS-ARCILLYLE(AYER!IXEN/THE6ILLEMAUR6ANNE6ILLEMOIRONEN/THE.OGENTEN/THE#RSANTIGNES%RVYLE#HTEL2ACINES#HASEREY #HESLEY4ORVILLIERS3TE3AVINE-OUSSEY*AVERNANT"OUILLY,IREY)SLE!UMONT6ILLYLE-ARCHAL!UXON#HENNEGY2IGNYLE&ERRON6ILLIERS(ERBISSE) * + , - 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%DUSil est un lieu qui rsume merveille la magie des vieilles pierres, cest bien la Cte des Bar! Audtourdescheminsenvotantsolesglisessedressentmajestueusement,lepromeneur dcouvre des trsors inattendus qui en attestent: le retable de Rumilly les Vaudes ou encore la Pit de Bayel ne vous laisseront pas insensibles!If there is one place that captures the wonderful magic of ancient stonework, it has to be Cte des Bar! Rounding a bend in the path where fascinating churches stand majestically, walkers come across unexpected treasures that bear witness to this heritage: visitors cannot help but be moved by the Rumilly les Vaudes altarpiece or the Bayel Pieta!14$QHFGRWH7 5ARCONVILLESaint MartinXVI sicle. Trois nefs votes sans nervure. Saint Nicolas, curieux tableau. Bel arc triomphal, fer forg.16th century. Three ribless vaulted naves. St. Nicholas, interesting picture. Beautiful triumphant arch, wrought iron.&{WHGHV%DUH16I16BAR-SUR-AUBESaint Pierre Saint PaulFonde sur lancienne glise dun Prieur Bndictin dpendant de Saint Oyent du Jura, ldice actuel a t construit vers 1175 et fut partag entre la paroisse (la nef) et le prieur (le chur). Architecture inspire des principes de simplicit cistercienne. Splendide galerie de bois (halloy) et fresque datant du XIV sicle. Magnique Vierge au Bouquet polychrome de lEcole Troyenne (XVI). Matre-autel en marbre du XVIII sicle provenant de labbaye de Clairvaux et un ensemble denviron soixante pierres tombales allant des XII au XVIII sicles. Orgues de Lett du XVIII. St Bernard est souvent venu Bar sur Aube pour y ofcier.On the site of the former church of a Benedictine Priory dependent on St Oyent of Jura, the current building was built in about 1175 and was shared between the parish (the nave) and the priory (the choir). The architecture was inspired by the Cis-tercian principles of simplicity. A splendid wooden gallery (Halloy) and fresco dating from the 14th cen-tury. A magnicent polychrome Virgin with Flowers from the Troyes School (16th century). 18th century marble high altar from Clairvaux Abbey and a set of about sixty gravestones from the 12th to the 18th centuries. Lett organ from the 18th century. St Bernard often came to Bar sur Aube to say mass.15 Quest ce queunhalloy?Le halloy de bois, qui longe lglise Saint Pierre, tait sous sa forme primitive un Atre, cest--dire un abri de cimetire, comme on pouvait les trouver habituellement autour des glises. Par la suite il protgeait les tals des marchands lors des grandes foires.What is a halloy?The wooden halloy alongside the church of Saint Pierre was, in its primitive form, a gallery serving as a ce-metery shelter, like those normally found around churches. Subsequently, it protected merchants stalls during the great Champagnefairs.BAR-SUR-SEINEChapelle de la Commanderie Templire dAvalleurLordre des Templiers a t fond en 1118 par le Champenois Hugues de Payns. Lune des plus grandes commanderies de lAube se trouvait Avalleur. Elle a conserv sa chapelle du XII sicle construite sur un plan rectangulaire. Intrieur de style gothique dinspiration cistercienne. Portail roman. Traces de fresques sur certains murs.The Knights Templar was founded in 1118 by Hughes de Payen originated from the Champagne area.Avalleur was one of the most important commanderie of the Aube department. The 12th century chapel still remains today. It has been built on a rectangular plan. Gothic and cistercian style inside the building. Roma-nesque portal. Traces of frescoes on the walls.J126Un homme, une abbaye : deux russitesEn juin 1115 Bernard de Fontaine crait au sud est de Bar sur Aube une abbaye cistercienne : Clairvaux. Cette abbaye deviendra en moins de 25 ans la capitale religieuse du monde Occidental. Pour sa part Saint Bernard de Clairvaux est devenu lun des person-nages les plus inuents de la Chrtient. &{WHGHV%DUJ12BAR-SUR-SEINESaint EtienneEdie au XVI sicle, de style gothique amboyant, avec des lments Renaissance (balustrade) et Clas-sique (portail). Vitraux et grisailles des XVI et XIXsicles. Bas reliefs et statues du XVI sicle de lEcole Troyenne, Sainte Anne, la Vierge, Saint Joseph et lenfant Jsus. Mobilier du XVIIsicle, chaire et banc duvre ouvrags. Orgue du XVIII sicle restaur en 1989. A harmonious 16th century nave built in the am-boyant gothic style with Renaissance (balustrade) and classical (portal) elements ... Remarkable bright-ly coloured stained glass and 16th century grisailles as well as some 19th century stained glass. 16th century bas relief and statues by the Troyes School of St Anne, the Virgin, St Joseph and the infant Jesus. 17th century furnishings, carved pulpit and pews. 18th century organ restored in 1989. BERGERESSaint tienneEglise du XIX sicle. Vierge lEnfant. Statues de Sainte Barbe et Saint Sbastien du XVI provenant de lancienne glise.19th century church. Virgin with Child. 16th century statues of St Barbe and St Sebastian from the old church.I16BAYELSaint MartinLglise possde deux styles architecturaux : un style roman pour le choeur et la sacristie (XII sicle - ancienne chapelle du chteau) et un style renais-sance avec une nef du XVIII sicle. Chef doeuvre de lEcole Troyenne du XVIsicle, la Vierge de Piti (en pierre polychrome) de latelier ayant produit les Saintes Femmes du Tombeau de Chaource. Statuaire classe dont une Vierge lenfant du XIV sicle.Romanesque style in the choir and the sacristy (12th century - former chateau chapel) and Renaissance style with an 18th century nave. A 16th century mas-terpiece from the Troyes School, the Virgin of Pity (which retains its polychrome work) is attributed to the workshop that produced the Holy Women of the Tomb in Chaource. Listed statuary including a virgin with child from the 14th centuryI17167&{WHGHV%DUCHAPPESSaint Jean et Saint LoupEdie partir du XII sicle, en partie reconstruite au XVI sicle. Eglise place sous le vocable de Saint Loup. Nef orne dun beau plafond en bois aux armes des ducs dAumont (seigneurs des lieux). Bras du transept, splendides vitraux et abside du XVI sicle. Grandes verrires de grisailles prsentant les scnes de la Passion, du Calvaire, de la Rsurrection et de Saint Loup arrtant Attila aux portes de Troyes. Statuaire importante : deux Vierges lEnfant des XV et XVIsicles, lIncrdulit de Saint Thomas n XVI sicle, Saint Loup XVIII sicle. Panneau peint prsentant le Portement de la Croix, la donatrice et une vue du village de Chappes lhorizon XVI sicle. Fonts baptismaux dans un ancien chapiteau du XVII sicle. Clocher couvert en essentes de chtaignier. Peintures murales du XVI sicle. Built starting in the 12th century and partly re-built in the 16th century. Church dedicated to St. Loup. Nave embellished with a beautiful wooden ceiling with the arms of the Dukes of Aumont (lords of the region). Transept arms, splendid stained-glass windows and apse from the 16th century. Large grisaille windows in particular showing scenes from the Passion, Calvary, the Resurrection and Saint Loup halting Attila at the gates of Troyes. Signicant statuary (two Virgins with Child from the 15th and 16th centuries, The Unbelief of St Thomas (end of the 16th century) and St. Loup (18th century). Painted panel showing the Bearing of the Cross, the donor, and a view of the village of Chap-pes on the horizon (16th century). Baptismal fonts in an old 17th century column. A bell-tower roofed in chestnut shingles, in former times poor peoples tiles, today a prestigious form of decoration. 16th murals.J1117A man, an abbey: two successesIn June 1115, Bernard de Fontaine founded a Cistercian abbey to the south-east of Bar sur Aube: the abbey of Clairvaux. In less than 25 years, this abbey was to become the religious capital of the western world. Bernard of Clairvaux became one of the most inuential people in the history of Christianity. CLAIRVAUXAbbaye de ClairvauxAu XII sicle, Bernard de Fontaine choisit le Val dAbsinthe pour y fonder une abbaye, dont il allait reprendre le nom : Clairvaux. Aprs un premier dice en bois en 1115, il fait construire ds 1135, les btiments en pierre qui se doivent dtre le modle type de labbaye cistercienne, cest Clairvaux II. Au XVIII sicle, Clairvaux est devenu lun des plus puissants tablissements de lAncien Rgime. Les moines dirent une nouvelle abbaye de got classique : Clairvaux III. Le clbre abb t de Clairvaux la capitale du monde occidental arbitrant entre les rois et les seigneurs, fabriquant les vques et les papes.Au XIX sicle, Napolon chasse les moines et transforme labbaye en prison. De labbaye fonde par Saint Bernard, il subsiste le splendide btiment des frres convers avec son cellier et son dortoir, un des plus beaux de larchitecture cistercienne franaise.During the 12th century Bernard de Fontaine chose to live in the Val de lAbsinthe where the original Cistercian Abbey was built from wood. Following this development Bernard de Fontaine changed his name to Bernard de Clairvaux.Bernard de Clairvaux built the second Clairvaux Abbey in stone in 1135. In the 18th century the old building was demolished and replaced with Clairvaux III, of which the original main yard and the small and large cloisters still remain today. During Napolons reign the Abbey was turned into a national prison, which is still operational.J16MUSSY SUR SEINESaint Pierre-s-Liens Ancienne Collgiale des Evques de LangresXIII et XVI sicles. Une petite cathdrale construite presque entirement la n du XIIIsicle. Seules les chapelles de la nef ont t ajoutes au XVIsicle.Statuaire du XVI: Sainte Madeleine, statue agenouille du chanoine Brejard (pierre polychrome) et Christ de piti en bois. Tombeau des fondateurs (gisants). Remarquable statue de Saint Jean-Baptiste (XIV sicle), chef duvre de latelier dimagiers de Mussy, qui a su allier la grce de lEcole Champenoise la vigueur Bourguignonne. Coffre rare du XIV et beaux vitraux des XIV et XVI sicles.Former Collegiate Church of the Bishops of Langres.13th and 16th centuries. A small cathedral built almost entirely at the end of the 13th century. Only the nave chapels were added during the 16th century.16th century statuary with St Madeleine, canon Brejard statue (which retains its polychrome work) and Ecce Homo. A 16th century wooden Passion of Christ. Tomb of the founders (recumbent). Remarkable statue of St. John the Baptist (14th century), a masterpiece of the Mussy workshop which managed to combine the grace of the Champagne School with the vigour of the Burgundy School. Rare 14th century box and beautiful stained-glass win-dows from the 14th and 16th centuries.FONTAINENotre Dame de FontaineEglise dorigine du XVI sicle, essentiellement pour ses fentres.Church dating from the 16th century, essentially for its windows. &{WHGHV%DUM14FOUCHERESNotre DameNef du XIIsicle. Trave et chur du XIII sicle. Style roman et gothique primitif. Riche statuaire des XVI et XVII sicles: Matre-autel lambriss au dcor sculpt et peint, et grille de chur en fer forg du XVIII. Dans le chur, tombeau du XVI sicle en pierre peinte et dore dElion dAmoncourt, prieur de Fouchres et abb de Saint-Martin es Aires, et un curieux ex-voto situ dans une des chapelles, constitu de chanes de prisonnier et dune cuirasse.12th century nave. 13th century span and choir. Romanesque and early gothic style. Rich statuary from the 16th and 17th centuries. High altar with carved and painted panelling and a wrought iron choir screen from the 18th century.In the choir, the beautiful 16th century painted and gilded stone tomb of Elion dAmoncourt, prior of Fouchres and abbot of Saint-Martin es Aires, and a curious comme-morative plaque made from prisoners chains and a breastplate in one of the chapels.J12H1718Une glise imposanteJean Collet, prtre Rumilly les Vaudes partait tous les hivers dans une province diffrente an de quter de largent pour la construction dune nouvelle glise. Dans ses mains : la bulle dindulgence, un parchemin de 1493, qui promet que tous les chrtiens, qui participe-ront (nancirement) la construction delglise, seront pardonns de leurs pchers actuels et venir. On comprend mieux la raison dune glise aussi imposante Rumilly-les-Vaudes.POLISOTSaint DenisXVI sicle. Nef de trois traves. Chur de 2 traves termines par une abside trois pans. Portail amboyant. Ldice recle de nombreuses oeuvres et notamment de la statuaire dinspiration populaire (Vierge au Raisin, Saint Roch, Saint Sbastien, Saint Jean-Baptiste). Un triptyque sur toile de 1609 reprsente le Calvaire, Saint Roch et Saint Denis. Certains vitraux sont encore du XVI sicle. Coquille de Saint Jacques et plerine prsentes sur le portail dentre, ce qui explique le passage de plerins se rendant Saint Jacques de Compostelle.16th century. Nave with three spans. Choir with 2 spans nished by a three sided apse. A amboyant portal. The building houses numerous works and in particular popular statuary (Virgin with Grapes, St. Roch, St. Sebastian, St. John the Baptist). A triptych dating from 1609 represents Calvary, St. Roch and St. Denis. Some stained-glass windows date from the 16th century. K12RUMILLY LES VAUDESSaint MartinConstruite de 1527 1549, plan homogne. Grand portail la sculpture trs riche. Tour huit tages. Sept traves. Votes en dessin dtoiles. Remarquable retable polychrome de 1533 derrire le matre-autel. Statues Saint Jean lEvangliste, bois polychrome et Sainte Genevive en pierre du XVIsicle. Trs beaux restes des verrires du XVI sicle.Built from 1527 to 1549 of a uniform shape. Large portal with very rich sculpture. Eight oor tower. Seven spans. Vaulting in a star design. Remarkable polychrome altarpiece from 1533 behind the high al-tar. Extremely beautiful remains of the 16th century windows.J10LES RICEYSSaint Pierre-s-LiensXV et XVI sicles. Belle che de 63 mtres et beau portail Renaissance. Vaste nef surmonte de deux tours. De style ogival, orne de 14 chapelles, on peut y admirer des retables en bois sculpt. Matre-autel baldaquin en bois sculpt XVIIIsicle. Nombreuses toiles et statues.15th and 16th centuries. A beautiful 63 metre spire and a beautiful Renaissance portal. Vast nave surmounted by two towers. In ogival style, embel-lished with 14 chapels, visitors can admire the wood carvings of the altarpieces. High altar with a carved wooden canopy dating from the 18th century. A number of canvases and statues.M12&{WHGHV%DU19An imposing churchJean Collet, priest in Rumilly les Vaudes, travelled to a different province each winter in search of money to build a new church. In his hands: an indulgence, a parch-ment dating from 1493 issued by the Pope, promising that any Christian who contri-buted (nancially) to the building of the church would receive pardon for their pre-sent and future sins. One can well unders-tand why Rumilly has such an imposing church.*UDQGV

/DFVCest ici, autour des grands lacs de la fort dOrient que lon trouve un patrimoine unique en France dglises construites entirement en pans de bois. Aujourdhui elles sont prises pour la lgret de leurs charpentes parfaitement excutes entre le XV et le XVIII sicle.Intimes,lgres,attachantes,majestueusesouoriginales,lesglisesenpansdeboissont apprcies pour leur beaut atypique et leur parfaite intgration larchitecture traditionnelle de la rgion.Its here, among the great lakes of the Orient forest that visitors nd a heritage that is unique in France, churches entirely of a timber frame construction. Today they are prized for the lightness of their timber work, perfectly executed between the 15th and 18th centuries.Intimate, light, captivating, majestic and original, the timber frame churches are appreciated for their uncommon beauty and the way they integrate perfectly into the traditional architecture of the region.20GH



G2ULHQW$QHFGRWH7G14BAILLY LE FRANCExaltation Sainte CroixEglise en pans de bois du XVI sicle. Haute che. Nef compose de quatre traves. Chur cinq pans. Boiseries et retable baroque. Cet dice est un des rares exemples dglise en pans de bois btie dune seule traite et nayant jamais connu de transformation majeure.16th century. An example of timber-frame religious architecture. Tall spire. Nave with four spans. Five-sided choir. Baroque woodwork and altarpiece. This building is one of the rare examples of a timber-frame church built in a single stretch and which has never undergone major modication.D15BRIENNE LA VIEILLESaint Pierre-s-LiensXII sicle, agrandie et remanie dans le chur et le transept la n du XVI et au dbut du XVII sicle. Portail roman. Vitrail la Vierge aux sept pes . Retable en bois peint et dor. Chapiteaux ttes humaines.12th century, enlarged and rebuilt choir and transept from the end of the 16th century and the beginning of the 17th century. Romanesque portal. Virgin with seven swords stained-glass window. Painted and gilded wooden altarpiece. Capitals with human heads.21Les glises en pans de boisIl en reste une trentaine en Champagne-Ardenne, constituant ainsi le groupement le plus important dglises en pans de bois dEurope occidentale.Dans lAube on en compte six, plus une chapelle, construites entirement en pans de bois. Les dices mixtes prsentent souvent un chur en pierre et une nef en pans de bois, il y en a huit dans lAube.Timber-framechurchesChampagne-Ardenne still has thirty of them, thus comprising the largest number of timber frame churches in western Europe.Six plus a chapel are in Aube, built entirely of a timber frame cons-truction. Buildings in a mixed style often have a stone choir and timber frame nave; there are eight of these in Aube.*UDQGV/DFVGHOD)RUrWG2ULHQW6SablirehauteSablirebassemuretde pierre*UDQGV/DFVGHOD)RUrWG2ULHQWBRIENNE-LE-CHATEAUSaint Pierre et Saint Paul XIII et XIX sicles. Restaure aprs lincendie de 1940. Vestige du XII sicle dans la nef. Choeur du XVI sicle. Dans le bas ct du chur neuf verrires en grisaille du XVI de lEcole Troyenne : vie de Saint Nicolas 1557, lgende de Saint Jean-Baptiste 1552, de Saint Crpin et de Saint Crpinien 1550. Clture du chur en ferronnerie du XVIII sicle. Statue de Saint Jean-Baptiste, XVI sicle. 13th and 19th centuries. Restored after a re in 1940. 12th century remains in the nave. 16th century choir. Nine Troyes School 16th century grisaille windows in the choir side aisle: the life of Saint Nicholas 1557, the legend of Saint John the Baptist 1552, Saint Crpin and Saint Crpinien 1550. 18th century iron work choir screen. Statue of Saint John the Baptist, 16th century.F14CHAUFFOUR-LES-BAILLYNotre Dame de lAssomptionXVI et XVII sicles. Chur, transept et dernire trave de la nef en pierre de style gothique amboyant troyen. Nef en pans de bois. Au centre du transept, une che carre et trapue recouverte dardoises. Magnique Vierge lEnfant de lEcole Troyenne. 16th and 17th centuries. Stone choir, transept and last span of the nave in Troyes amboyant gothic style. Timber-frame nave. In the centre of the transept, a square squat spire roofed with slate. Magnicent Virgin with Child after the Troyes school. I1222Une ossature en chneUne poutre horizontale (la sablire basse) repose sur un muret de pierre, elle empche lhumidit du sol de remonter. Les poteaux xs dans cette poutre portent la charpente, certains plus importants dlimitent les traves de ldice. On ajoute ensuite dautres pices horizontales et obliques pour constituer lossature des murs, com-plte par une sablire haute.glises en pans de bois7UppersillSill plateStonelow wallCHAVANGESSaint GeorgesXV et XVI sicles. Portail principal caractristique de lart roman du XII sicle. Imposante tour de 37 mtres. Beaux vitraux du XVI sicle, dont certains reprennent admirablement les estampes de Drer (scnes de lApocalypse). Plusieurs toiles intres-santes du XVII sicle ainsi que des statues du XVIsicle dont une Vierge lEnfant. Christ en bois peint du XVI sicle, chaire et banc duvre du XVIIsicle et lutrin en bois sculpt et dor du XVIIIsicle.15th and 16th centuries. Main portal characteris-tic of the romanesque art of the 12th century. An imposing 37 metre tower. Beautiful 16th century stai-ned-glass windows, some of which are an admirable representation of Drers engravings (Scenes from the Apocalypse). Several interesting canvases from the 17th century as well as statues from the 16th century (Virgin with Child). A painted wooden Christ from the 16th century, 17th century pulpit and pew and an 18th century carved and gilded lectern.D15CLEREYSaint Pierre-s-LiensEglise fonde par un seigneur de Daudes. XII et XIX sicles. Impressionnant ensemble de statues du XVI sicle gurant Saint Pierre, Saint Jacques le Majeur, Saint Jean-Baptiste, Saint Sbastien, Sainte Savine, Saint Antoine, Saint Denis, le Christ, la Vierge tandis que le XV sicle est reprsent par une Vierge lEnfant. Retable amand en bois peint et dor de toute beaut interprtant les pisodes de la Circoncision, de la Nativit et de la Prsentation au Temple. Nef et faade des XVII et XIX sicles, tour de souche romane.Church founded by one of the lords of Daudes. 12th and 19th centuries. The interior: an impressive set of 16th century statues including St. Peter, St. James the Greater, St. John the Baptist, St. Sebastian, St. Savine, St. Anthony, St. Denis, the Christ and the Virgin with a Virgin with Child dating from the 15th century. An extremely beautiful, painted and gilded Flemish wooden altarpiece interpreting the events of the Circumcision, the Nativity and the Presentation in the Temple. 17th and 19th centuries nave and faade, tower built on a romanesque foundation.I1123An oak frameworkA horizontal beam (sill plate) rests on a sleeper wall, preventing damp from rising. The posts set into this beam bear the framework, with some larger ones marking out the buildings spans. Horizontal and oblique pieces of timber are then added to create a framework for the walls, nished with an upper sill.Timber-frame churches *UDQGV/DFVGHOD)RUrWG2ULHQWDIENVILLESaint QuentinPiliers, arcs, votes, fentres et dans le dcor des portes de styles gothique amboyant et Renaissance. Matre-autel et chaire (1651) oeuvres de Franois Girardon. Grille en fer forg du chur (1751) de Mathieu Le Sueur, moine et matre serrurier de Clairvaux. Buffet dorgues, tableaux et statues du XVIIIsicle et autres reprsentations du XVI sicle dont une Pita. Verrires remarquables du XVI sicle.Pillars, arches, vaults and windows, and amboyant gothic and Renaissance style decoration on the doors. High altar and pulpit (1651) the work of Franois Girardon. Wrought-iron choir screen (1751) by Mathieu Le sueur, monk and master locksmith of Clairvaux. 18th century organ case, pictures and statues and other items from the 16th century, including a Pieta. Remarkable 16th century windows.G14DONNEMENTSaint AmandXII et XVI sicles. Beaux portails caractriss par de curieuses retombes de nervures. Statue de Saint Amand XVI sicle, vitrail de lAnnonciation XVI sicle et porte du tabernacle XIV sicle.12th and 16th centuries. Beautiful portals charac-terised by curious ribbing. Statue of St. Amand (16th century), stained-glass window depicting the Annunciation (16th century) and tabernacle door (14th century).D13EPOTHEMONTSaint QuentinEglise des XII, XVI et XVII sicles. Nef en bois. Vierge lEnfant du XIV sicle.Church dating from the 12th, 16th and 17th centuries. Wooden nave. 14th century Virgin with Child.F1624Un remplissageen torchisLossature tant prte, elle va permettre de bloquer et de maintenir le garnissage en torchis fait dargile et de fragments de paille davoine malaxs. Le torchis est ensuite plac sur les planchettes de bois horizontales coinces entre les poteaux. On termine par un enduit compos de chaux et de sable auquel on ajoute du crin de cheval et des poils danimaux pour laccrochage et viter le retrait.glises en pans de bois*UDQGV/DFVGHOD)RUrWG2ULHQWHAMPIGNYSaint NicolasPorche couvert en bois. Nef du XII sicle et chur du style gothique amboyant du XVI sicle avec un superbe chevet sept pans datant de la mme poque, unique dans la rgion.Statue de la Vierge lenfant et Saint Nicolas du XVsicle. Vitraux du XV et XVI sicles. Pierres tombales et cloches allant de 1516 1581.Porch roofed in wood. 12th century nave and a amboyant gothic style choir from the 16th century with a superb seven-sided apse dating from the same period, unique in the region.15th century statue of the Virgin with Child and St. Nicholas. 15th and 16th century stained-glass windows. Tombstones and bells dating from 1516 to 1581.E15JONCREUILSaint Pierre-s-LiensEglise des XII, XIII, XVI et XVIII sicles. Belles statues du XVI et XVIII sicles.Church dating from the 12th, 13th, 16th and 18th centuries. Beautiful 16th and 18th centuries statues.D15JUVANZESaint GengoultXII et XVI sicles. Portail roman. Peintures murales. Fauteuil de clbrant du XVI sicle. Vierge lEnfant du XVI. Beaux vitraux du XVI sicle.12th and 16th centuries. Romanesque portal. Murals. A 16th century clerical seat. A 16th century Virgin with Child. Beautiful 16th century stained-glass windows.H1525Daub llingWith the framework nished, it could be lled in and nished with daub made from clay mixed with fragments of oat straw. The daub was placed on the horizontal wooden planks wedged between the beams. It was nished with a coating composed of lime and sand to which horse and animal hair was added to provide grip and to avoid shrinking.Timber-frame churches *UDQGV/DFVGHOD)RUrWG2ULHQWLA ROTHIERENativit de la ViergeNef du XII sicle. Fragments de vitraux du XVI sicle. Possde une Pita du XVI sicle de Dominique le Florentin et une Vierge lenfant du XIII sicle. Fentres romanes.12th century nave. Fragments of 16th century stained-glass. Has a 16th century Virgin of Pity by Dominique le Florentin, and a 13th century virgin with child. Romanesque windows.G15LA VILLE AU BOISAssomption de la ViergeXII sicle. Ancienne glise templire. De plan rectan-gulaire, elle dispose de superbes peintures murales et de portes en fer forg du XII sicle.12th century. Former templar church. Rectangular in shape, it has some superb murals and 12th century wrought iron doors.JUZANVIGNYSaint MartinNef du XII sicle, le reste construit en pans de bois la n du XVI sicle. Intressante pierre tombale de style Renaissance. Belle statue de la Vierge. 12th century nave. Remainder dates from the end of the 16th century. Inte-resting Renaissance style tombstone. Beautiful statue of the Virgin. F15F1626TavillonsEssentesLes revtementsde faadesAn de protger les glises des intempries, notamment la faade ouest, on utilise deux sortes de revtements :Les essentes :Ce sont des lamelles en bois de chtaignier rectangulaires avec une extrmit arrondie ou triangulaire qui se recouvrent comme des cailles. Procd assez coteux, exemple Lentilles.Les tavillons :Planches cloues horizontalement qui se recouvrent partiellement. Exemple la faade et le ct sud Saint-Lger sous-Margerie .glises en pans de bois*UDQGV/DFVGHOD)RUrWG2ULHQWMATHAUXSaint-QuentinEdice religieux en pans de bois de1761. Belle grille de chur. Grande peinture (Le Christ au Pressoir). Pierres tombales.Timber-frame religious building dating from 1761. Beautiful choir screen. Large painting (The Christ in the Wine Press). Tombstones.F14LENTILLESSaint Jacques et Saint PhilippeEglise en pans de bois du XVI sicle. Splendide couverture dessentes de la faade et de la che. Nef cinq traves avec deux bas-cts. Chur dune trave termine par trois pans coups. Vitraux en mdaillon du XVI sicle.16th century church. Splendid shingle covering on the faade and spire. Five-span nave with two side-aisles. Single span choir nished by three sides. 16th century medallion stained-glass windows.D15n- 27TavillonsShinglesThe claddingIn order to protect the churches from bad weather, in particular the western faade, two sorts of cladding were used:Shingles:These are rectangular chestnut strips with a rounded or triangular end covering each other like scales (Lentilles for example). A fairly costly process.TavillonsPlanks nailed horizontal-ly and partially covering each other. An example of this is the south fa-ade in Saint Lger sous Margerie.Timber-frame churches *UDQGV/DFVGHOD)RUrWG2ULHQWMONTIERAMEYAssomptionNef romane du XII sicle. Transept double et chur, deux admirables ralisations du XVI sicle. Tour et porche du XVIII sicle. Superbe retable de Grard Gautier (1759). Intressante Assomption du peintre troyen Jean Nicot. Fonts baptismaux du XII sicle. Chemin de Croix reprsent par 15 stations en dalle de verre.12th century romanesque nave. Double transept and choir, both admirable examples of work dating from the 16th century. 18th century tower and porch. Superb altarpiece by Grard Gautier (1759). Interesting Assumption attributed to the Troyes painter Jean Nicot. 12th century baptismal fonts. Way of the Cross represented by 15 stations marked by glass slabs.MAIZIERES-LES-BRIENNESaint JulienEglise des XII et XVI sicles. Vitraux du XVIsicle.Matre-autel et son tabernacle en marbre du XVIIIsicle. Baptistre en marbre. Panneau lambris sculpt du XVIII sicle provenant de lAbbaye de Boulancourt. Statues du XVI sicle dont la Vierge assise et Saint Jean-Baptiste en pierre polychrome. Beaux vitraux.Church dating from the 12th and 16th centuries. 16th century stained-glass windows. 16th century statues. 18th century marble high-altar and tabernacle.Marble baptistery. 18th century carved panel originating from Boulancourt Abbey. 16th century statues of the Virgin seated and St. John the Baptist in polychrome stone. Beautiful stained-glass windows.H12 F1528Les revtements de toituresLes toitures sont gnralementcouvertesde tuiles plates et les clochers garnis dardoises. Un seul est revtu dessentes : celui de Lentilles.glises en pans de bois*UDQGV/DFVGHOD)RUrWG2ULHQWPEL ET DERNotre Dame de lAssomptionEglise-halle du XVI sicle. Beau portail de style amboyant compos de dcors Renaissance. Belle Vierge de Piti. Statue Saint Quirin, du XVI sicle.16th century church . Beautiful amboyant styleportal composed of Renaissance decoration. Beautiful Virgin of Pity.D14F13PARS-LES-CHAVANGESSaint HubertChur et avance de nef en pierre de style roman XII sicle. Sacristie et pro-longement de la nef en pans de bois, XVII sicle. Clocher de plan carr, recouvert de tuiles de bois. Statues en bois de Saint Hubert et de la Vierge. Grisailles. Vitrail de fond reprsentant le Christ en Croix, Saint Hubert et Sainte Tanche.Choir and nave projection in romanesque style stone (12th century). Timber-frame sacristy and nave extension (17th century). Square bell tower roofed in wooden tiles. Wooden statues of St. Hubert and the Virgin. Grisailles. Rear stained-glass window representing Christ on the Cross, St. Hubert and St. Tanche.29The roofRoofs are generally covered with at tiles and the towers in slates. One church only is roofed using shingles: the church in Lentilles.Timber-frame churches *UDQGV/DFVGHOD)RUrWG2ULHQWROSNAY-LHOPITALNotre Dame de lAssomptionXII et XVI sicles. Crypte romane du XII sicle consacre par Saint Thomas Becket. Beau mobilier. Nombreux vitraux. Remarquable piscine de chur. Quelques statues dont une Piet.12th and 16th centuries. 12th century romanesque crypt consecrated by St. Thomas Becket. Beautiful furnishings. Many interesting stained-glass windows. Remarkable choir font. Several statues including a Pieta.PRECY-SAINT-MARTINSaint MartinXII et XVI sicles. Vitraux du XVI sicle. Statues des XV et XVII sicles.12th and 16th centuries. 16th century stained-glass windows. 15th and 17th century statues.E14F1330Les oculi ( un oculus)Ce sont des fentres rondes. A Lentilles cinq oculi garnis de vitraux du XVI sicle surmontent les verrires du chur. Un oculus se trouve galement Chauffour les Bailly.GRAUDOTSaint Pierre Saint PaulNef du XII sicle et chur du XVI sicle. Toiture vote en bois, grandes statuaires dont Sainte Anne et Sainte Barbe. Statue de Saint Nicolas, chef duvre de lEcole Troyenne et une Vierge lenfant du XVIsicle. Vitraux du XVI sicle. Retable exceptionnel avec triptyque de 1540 en pierre polychrome reprsentant la passion du Christ. 12th century nave and 16th century choir. Wooden vaulted roof, extensive statuary including St. Anne and St. Barbe. Statue of St. Nicholas, a masterpiece of the Troyes School and a Virgin with child dating from the 16th century. 16th century stained-glass windows. Remarkable 1540 triptych altarpiece in polychrome stone representing the passion of Christ. G12glises en pans de bois*UDQGV/DFVGHOD)RUrWG2ULHQWSAINT LEGER-SOUS-MARGERIESaint LgerEglise des XVI et XVIIIsicles. Le pan de bois particulirement dense et trs rgulier ainsi que les impressionnantes baies plein cintre de la nef confrent cet dice un caractre singulier. Crucix de pierre sculpt. Statues, dont une Vierge, XVIII sicle.16th and 18th centuries church. The particularly closely spaced and very regular timber-framing, as well as the impressive semi-circular spans of the nave, give the building an unusual character. Carved stone crucix. Statues including one of the Virgin (18th century).D1431Oculi (an oculus)These are round windows. In Lentilles, ve 16th century stained glass oculi surmount the choir windows. There is also an oculus in Chauffour les Bailly.VILLE SUR TERRESaint Pierre-s-LiensEglise des XVI et XVII sicles.Church dating from the 16th and 17th centuries.G17Timber-frame churches *UDQGV/DFVGHOD)RUrWG2ULHQWSOULAINES DHUYSChapelle Saint JeanChapelle en pans de bois de lancienne maladrerie, (1407). Nef trois traves et chur trois pans couverts dune vote en berceau bris. Porche de trois traves et nef surmonte dune che octogonale sur base carre recouverte dessentes de bois.Former leper hospital chapel, (1407). A nave with three spans and a three-sided choir covered by a barrel arch. Three span porch and nave surmounted by an octagonal spire on a square base covered with wood shingles.F17SOULAINES DHUYSSaint LaurentXVI et XVII sicles de style gothique amboyant. Porche Renaissance (1568-1592). Remarquable tour de 40 mtres de haut. Splendides vitraux, oeuvres de Nol et Claudius Lavergne. Intressante clef de vote du chur reprsentant la lgende de Saint Michel terrassant le dragon.16th and 17th centuries in amboyant gothic style. Renaissance porch (1568-1592). A remarkable 40 metre tower. Splendid stained-glass windows, the work of Nol and Claudius Lavergne. Interesting choir keystone representing the legend of St. Michael overcoming the dragon.F1732La Sainterie de VendeuvreDe sa cration en 1842 sa fermeture en 1962 ce fut pratiquement la seule structure existante en France qui fabriquait des statues en terre cuite. Elle fournissait toutes les glises de France, beaucoup en Europe et dans toutes les Missions Franaises.*UDQGV/DFVGHOD)RUrWG2ULHQWVILLERETSaint FrreolXVI sicle. Chur et transept ambitieux, orns de chapiteaux sculpts. Portail Renaissance dinspira-tion classique clos ldice la n du XVI sicle. 16th century. Ambitious choir and transept (embel-lished with carved capitals). Traditionally inspired renaissance portal nished the building at the end of the 16th century. E15l 33The Vendeuvre sur Barse sainterySince its foundation in 1842 up to the time it was closed in 1962, this was practically the only establishment in France making terra cotta statues. It used to supply all the churches in France, many in Europe and all the French Missions.VENDEUVRE SUR BARSESaint PierreXVI sicle. Portail Nord Renaissance avec belle Piet. Retable baroque au matre-autel de 1649. Retable de Saint Blaise au transept sud de 1666. Chaire du XVII sicle provenant de lAbbaye de Clairvaux. Tableau du peintre troyen Velut. Panneaux peints sur bois traitant de la Vie de Sainte Ursule, 1540 et un bas-relief reprsentant Saint Hubert (1520-1530). Tableaux double face du XVI sicle reprsentant la prdiction de Saint Jean-Baptiste et reprsentation de Saint Fiacre. Vitraux modernes de Max Ingrand. Banc duvre, en pierre sculpte, qui prcde les orgues, du XVI sicle. Statues de Saint Pierre et Saint Paul.16th century. North portal (Renaissance) with a beautiful Pieta. Baroque high altar altarpiece dating from 1649. Altarpiece depicting St. Blaise in the south transept (1666). 17th century pulpit originating from Clairvaux Abbey. Painting by the Troyes artist Velut. Painted wooden panels depicting the life of St. Ursula (1540) and a bas-relief representing St. Hubert (1520-1530). 16th century two-sided pain-tings representing the preaching of St. John the Baptist and St. Fiacre. Modern stained-glass windows by Max Ingrand. Carved stone pew, in front of the organ, dating from the 16th century.H14*UDQGV/DFVGHOD)RUrWG2ULHQW1RJHQWDLVHW


&KDPSHQRLVHLeNogentaislaisseentrevoirdepetitspontsdepierreperdusdanslesprs,despeupleraies habillant le cours de la Seine, des vignes lances lassaut des coteaux de Villenauxe ou le vert pays de Pont sur Seine. Le visiteur estconvi un vritable voyage dans le temps o tradition et modernit se ctoient : les glises riches de fresques du XVI et de vitraux du XXI sicles en tmoignent magniquement. Cest toute lhistoire dune rgion qui serpenteainsi le long des petites routes du Nogentais.The Nogent region is one of little stone bridges hidden in the meadows, lines of poplars marking the course of the Seine, vineyards stretching up the Villenauxe slopes or the green countryside around Pont sur Seine.Visitors are invited to take a journey through time where the traditional and the modernrubshouldersinchurcheswith16thcenturyfrescosand21stcentury stained glass.The whole history of a region is thus paraded along the small Nogentais roads.34$QHFGRWH71RJHQWDLVHWSODLQHFKDPSHQRLVHD10ARCIS-SUR-AUBESaint EtienneXVI sicle. Beau portail amboyant. Verrires cham-penoises du chur et des bas cts du XVI sicle. Architecture noble. 16th century. Flamboyant portal. Stained glass windows of the choir and the side aisles typical from 16th century champagne art. Noble architecture. DAMPIERRESaint Pierre et Saint PaulBelle glise dont le sanctuaire et le chur ont t raliss entre la n du XIIsicle et le dbut du XIIIsicle. Nef et ses collatraux du XVI sicle. Beau portail amboyant orn des statues de la Trinit, de Saint Pierre et dun Saint vque. Construit en 1682 le clocher a t ralis au dessus de la nef. Transept et sanctuaire, tmoins de larchitecture religieuse champenoise rurale des XII et XIIIsicles.Tombeau avec gisant de Pierre de Lannoy, seigneur de Dampierre (1522). Toile du XVIII sicle gurant la tradition des cls de Saint Pierre et une belle Vierge lEnfant sculpte du XIV sicle.Beautiful church, the sanctuary and choir of which were built between the end of the 12th century and beginning of the 13th century. 16th century nave and aisles. Beautiful amboyant style portal embellished with statues representing the Trinity, St. Peter and a bishop. Built in 1682, the bell tower was built above the nave. The transept and sanctuary are examples of Champagne rural religious architecture of the 12th and 13th centuries. Tomb with recumbent gure of Pierre de Lannoy, lord of Dampierre (1522). 18th century canvas showing the Tradition of the keys of St. Peter and a beautiful 14th century sculp-ture of the Virgin with child.D1335Un amour interditAu dbut du XIIsicleHlose 19 ans et Ablard 41 ans tombent amoureux. Ils se marient en secret mais Fulbert, oncle de la brillante jeune femme fait masculer le philosophe amoureux. Ablard se retire au monastre tandis que Hlose devient premire abbesse dans lAbbaye du Paraclet prs de Nogent sur Seine...Forbidden loveAt the beginning of the 12th century, Hlose, 19 years, and Ablard, 41 years, fell in love. They married in secret but Fulbert, the brilliant young womans uncle, had the philosopher lover emasculated. Ablard retired to a monastery, while Hlose became the rst abbess of Paraclet Abbey near Nogent sur Seine.6 above the main entrance, and wooden altars at the entrance to the choir and on either side, one dedica-ted to the Holy Virgin, the other to St. Nicholas.The porch is reminiscent of the canopy found in Cham-pagne barns. Its ample at tile roof follows the style of the houses in our villages. Tall triangular spire. There are some small stained-glass windows (plates of undulating glass) in yellow and grey shades embellished with symbols representing the saints or the way of the cross, the work of J.-C. Vignes. There is a 14th century Christ above the altar, illuminated by light from a large window in the bell tower. A beautiful series of enamelled ceramics, the work of the artist Dienis, represents various Bible characters.1RJHQWDLVHWSODLQHFKDPSHQRLVHE10FEUGESSaint BenoitXII sicle. Flche et porche en bois au charme pittoresque. Nef et chur chevet plat. Chapelle latrale du dbut du XVI sicle. Quelques statues intressantes Vierge lEnfant du XIV sicle, Saint Benot et Saint Evque du XVI sicle. Remarquable Christ en croix, en bois, dbut du XVIsicle,de lEcole Troyenne, sculpture dans laquelle Charles Ledit voyait la douleur rsigne de lhumble paysan assume par la Majest du ls de Dieu . 12th century. Charmingly picturesque wooden spire and porch. Nave and choir with a at apse. Side chapel dating from the start of the 16th century. Some interesting statues (14th century Virgin with Child, 16th century St. Benot and St. Evque). Remarkable Christ on the Cross from the Troyes School, a sculpture in which Charles Ledit saw the resigned suffering of the humble peasant taken up by the Majesty of the Son of God. FONTAINE-LES-GRESSainte AgnsConstruite en 1956 par larchitecte troyen, Michel Marot (Grand Prix de Rome), cest une des plus belles ralisations architecturales religieuses du XX sicle. Construite sur un plan rectangulaire (nef unique), sanctuaire vot et ferm lest par un mur droit. Cl de voteforme dun Saint Esprit en for-me de colombe. Au dessus de lentre principale se situe la tribune des chantres, lentre du chur et de chaque ct un autel en bois, lun sous le vocable de la Sainte Vierge, lautre sous Saint Nicolas. Ample toiture aux tuiles plates reprenant le modle des habitations de nos villages. Haute che triangulaire. Petits vitraux (plaques de verre ondul) aux teintes jaunes et grises et rehausss des symboles de saints ou du chemin de croix, oeuvre de J.-C. Vignes. Christ du XIV sicle au-dessus de lautel quune baie vitre, amnage dans le clocher, irradie de lumire. Belle srie de cramiques mailles, signes de lartisteDienis, reprsentant divers personnages de la Bible.Built in 1956 by the Troyes architect, Michel Marot (Rome Grand Prix), this is one of the most beautiful works of religious architecture of the 20th century. It is built in the form of a rectangle (single nave) and the sanctuary is vaulted and closed to the east by a straight wall. The keystone is in the shape of the Holy Spirit as a dove. There is a precentors galleryF8HAXNrvBd1AnT1a36Un amour inniLes deux amants entretiennent une correspondance.A la mort dAblard en 1142 son corps est transport au Paraclet. 22 ans plus tard Hlose quitte ce monde et est enterre ct de son mari. En juin 1780, les ossements sont runis dans un mme cercueil, aprs 650 ans de spa-ration. En 1792 sous la rvolution franaise, la dissolution du couvent, ils seront transfrs lglise de Nogent sur Seine puis en 1817 au ci-metire du Pre Lachaise Paris.71RJHQWDLVHWSODLQHFKDPSHQRLVHs HERBISSEAssomption de la ViergeXV et XVI sicles (transept, abside et chapelles).Nef prsentant des caractristiques de larchitecture romane du XII sicle. Faade du XIX sicle. Superbes verrires de lart troyen du dbut du XVI sicle. Beaux fonts baptismaux du XV sicle et statuaires des XIV et XVI sicles.15th and 16th centuries (transept, apse and chapels). A nave giving the appearance of 12th century roma-nesque architecture. 19th century facade. Superb Troyes windows dating from the beginning of the 16th century. Beautiful 15th century baptismal fonts and 14th and 16th century statuaries.C1037LONGSOLSSaint Julien et Saint BlaiseEdice en pans de bois des XV et XVIsicles. Nef constitue de quatre traves. Choeur-transepts de style unique. Flche centrale recouverte dardoises. Belles statues.15th and 16th centuries building. Nave composed of four spans. Choir-transepts in a unique style. Central slate-covered spire. Beautiful statues.F12Innite loveThe two lovers kept up a correspondence. On Ablards death in 1142, his body was taken to Paraclet. 22 years later Hlose departed this world and was buried beside her husband. In June 1780 their remains were united in the same cofn after 650 years of separation. In 1792, when the convent was dissolved under the French Revolution, they were moved to Nogent sur Seine church, then in 1817 to the Pre Lachaise cemetery in Paris.MAIZIERES LA GRANDE PAROISSESaint DenisEn forme de croix latine, place sous le vocable de Saint Denis. La partie la plus ancienne et de style roman date du XII: la nef principale et les 2 nefs latrales. Abside et double transept de style gothique, XVII sicle. Eglise restaure, aprs les guerres de religions et la rvolution, par Jean-Louis Bayle. Clocher avec 3 cloches en bon tat. In the shape of a Latin cross dedicated to St. Denis. The oldest parts in the romanesque style date from the 12th century: the main nave and the two side naves. The apse and double transept are in the gothic style of the 17th century. The church was restored after the wars of religion and the revolution by Jean-Louis Bayle. A bell tower with 3 bells, in good condition.1RJHQWDLVHWSODLQHFKDPSHQRLVHE538LHUITRESainte TancheGrande et belle glise dont la prsence sexplique par le plerinage en lhonneur de Sainte Tanche. Transept des XII et XIV sicles. Nef du dbut du XVI sicle. Collatraux supplants en hauteur par le vaisseau central. Remarquables chapiteaux sculpts du transept et du choeur o lon peut distinguer personnages, animaux et vgtaux et ladmirable retable en pierre du XVI sicle. Fonts baptismaux du XII sicle. Nombreuses statues du XV au XVIIsicles et plusieurs autres oeuvres dart des XVIet XVIII sicles (matre-autel baldaquin en bois sculpt et grille de choeur en fer forg). Vitraux du XVI sicle.A large and beautiful church, the presence of which is explained by pilgrimage in honour of St. Tanche,12th and 14th centuries transept. Nave from the start of the 16th century. Aisles replaced in height by the central nave. Remarkable carved capitals in the transept and choir where you can distinguish characters, animals and plants, and on the ne 16th century stone altarpiece. 12th century baptismal fonts. A number of statues from the 15th and 17th centuries and several other works of art dating from the 16th and 18th centuries (carved wooden high al-tar and canopy and wrought iron choir screen). 16th century stained-glass windows.D12Une jeunemartyre LhuitreOn dit que refusant les avances dun valet, SainteTanche se t battre puis, avec son pe, il la dcapita. Mais la jeune femme guide par les anges se releva et, la tte dans ses mains elle marcha jusque dans le val de Lhutre, une chapelle fut die lendroit mme o la jeune martyre seffondra. 1RJHQWDLVHWSODLQHFKDPSHQRLVHG5MARCILLY LE HAYERSaint LoupEglise ddie Saint Leu, archevque de Sens. Edie aux XII (base de la tour carre et 2 fentres en arc plein cintre caractristiques de lpoque romane) et XIII sicles (abside vote 5 pans), mais fortement remanie au XV sicle (chapelle vote ddie la Sainte Vierge). Sculpture en pierre polychrome Vierge lEnfant style populaire du XVI sicle. Sculptures en chne monochrome du XVIII sicle. Dalle funraire. Baptistre en pierre du XX sicle. Chemin de croix en cuivre argent patin vieil argent.Church dedicated to St. Leu, Archbishop of Sens. Built in the 12th (the base of the square tower and the two semi-circular arched windows are characte-ristic of the romanesque period) and 13th centuries (vaulted, ve sided apse), but subject to wide-scale rebuilding in the 15th century (vaulted chapel dedicated to the Holy Virgin). Stone polychrome sculpture of the Virgin with Child, in the style popular in the 16th century. 18th century carvings in monochrome oak. Funeral slab. 20th century stone baptistery. Way of the cross in silvered copper with an ancient silver patina.MARNAY SUR SEINENotre Dame de lAssomptionXII et XVIII sicles. Belles fresques romanes rvlant un intressant bestiaire du XII sicle. Matre-autel datant du XVII sicle. Panneau peint du XVI sicle illustrant la vie de Saint Nicolas.12th and 18th centuries. Beautiful romanesque fres-coes with an interesting 12th century bestiary. High altar dating from the 17th century. 16th century painted panel illustrating the life of St. Nicholas.D439A young martyrin LhutreIt is said that while refusing the advances of a valet, St. Tanche was struck and decapitated by the latter. The young woman guided by an-gels stood up and, her head in her hand, walked to the Lhutre valley. A chapel was built on the spot where the young martyr fell.MESGRIGNYSaint ThibaudLglise actuelle date de 1845. Elle fut reconstruite suite un incendie. Nombreuses statues, autel sur-mont dun retable, fonts baptismaux. The present church dates from 1845. It was rebuilt after a re. Rich statuary, altarpiece and baptismal fonts.E71RJHQWDLVHWSODLQHFKDPSHQRLVHNOGENT SUR SEINESaint LaurentConstruite en trois phases successives de 1421 1556, chur et un transept dats de 1421 avec dcors peints, un portail de style gothique amboyant et des chapelles caractristiques de la Renaissance franaise. Tour surmonte dune statue monumentale de Saint Laurent (1556). Statuaire des XVet XIXsicles avec des uvres des sculpteurs Paul Dubois et Alfred Boucher. Tableaux et superbe orgue du XVI sicle.Built in three successive phases between 1421 and 1556, the Church has a choir and transept dating from 1421 with painted dcor, a amboyant gothic style portal and chapels typical of the French Re-naissance. Its tower is surmounted by a monumental statue of St. Laurence (1556). A rich 15th to the 19th century statuary with works by the sculptors Paul Dubois and Alfred Boucher. Pictures and a superb 16th century organ.E3MOREMBERTSaint Jean-BaptisteEglise en pans de bois du XVI sicle. Ancienne chapelle seigneuriale qui a conserv son aspect primitif (sim-plement constitu dune nef et dune sacristie). Remarquables fonts baptis-maux de style Renaissance. Plusieurs statues classes: Piet du XVI sicle, Saint Claude, Saint Jean-Baptiste et une Croix de Procession.16th century church. Former lords chapel retaining its bare aspect (simply composed of a nave and sacristy). Remarkable Renaissance style baptis-mal fonts. Several listed statues: a 16th century Pieta, St. Claude, St. John the Baptist and a Processional Cross.E1240Les fresquesde Pont sur SeineA la demande de Boutiller de Chavigny (surintendant de Louis XIII et ami de Richelieu) et daprs les ides de Philippe de Champaigne et de Simon Vouet, llve Le Sueur sera charg de peindre entirement lglise de Pont sur Seine. Commences en 1636 et acheves en 1650 les fresques sont recouvertes denduit en 1730, Dominice Domenici les dcouvre, et les restaure en 1834.PONT SUR SEINESaint MartinTour et centre du transept du XII sicle, le reste du XVI sicle. Intressant portail nord amboyant avec plusieurs statues : Sainte Catherine du XV, Plerine du XVI. Belles peintures murales lintrieur, oeuvres dEustache Le Sueur. Plusieurs toiles de Philippe de Champaigne. Divers retables. Clture du chur en bois sculpt et peint. Piet en bois peint du XVI sicle.12th century tower and central transept, the remainder dating from the 16th century. Interesting amboyant style north portal with several statues: St. Catherine (15th century), Pilgrim (16th century). Beautiful murals inside, works by Eustache Le Sueur. Several canvases of Philippe de Champaigne. Several altarpieces. Carved and painted wooden choir screen. 16th century painted wooden pieta. 1RJHQWDLVHWSODLQHFKDPSHQRLVHs e l h D4SAINTE-MAURESainte MaureFin du XV - dbut du XVI sicle. Tour-clocher haute et massive. Chur du XVI sicle. Style gothique amboyant et style Renaissance. Nombreuses statues (Sainte Maure, Sainte Barbe, Sainte Marguerite, Saint Nicolas, Vierge de douleur, Christ de Piti, Christ en Croix) des XVI et XVII sicles. Deux grisailles contemporaines ralises en 1984 par le peintre-verrier Sylvie Gaudin. Sarcophage ceint dune belle grille du XIII sicle. Tabernacle en bois sculpt et dor de 1635 inscrit en lieu et place du matre-autel. Retable prsentant en trois scnes le Portement de Croix, la Crucixion et la Rsurrection. Tribune de bois compose de panneaux de style gothique amboyant. Beau sige curial dcor Renaissance. Bnitier en pierre sculpte datant de 1627. Peintures sur bois du dbut du XVII sicle.End of the 15th - beginning of the 16th century. High, solid bell tower. 16th century choir. Flamboyant gothic and Renaissance styles. Numerous statues (St. Maure, St. Barbe, St. Margaret, St. Nicholas, Suffering Virgin, Passion of Christ, Christ on the Cross) from the 16th and 17th centuries. Two contemporary grisailles created in 1984 by the glass painter Sylvie Gaudin. Tomb surrounded by a beauti-ful 13th century screen. Carved and gilded wooden tabernacle from 1635 instead of the high altar. Altarpiece showing the Bearing of the Cross, the Crucixion and the Resurrection in three scenes. Wooden gallery with panels in amboyant gothic style. A beautiful clerical seat with Renaissance decoration. A carved stone font dating from 1627. Paintings on wood from the start of the 17th century.F941Pont Sur SeinefrescosAt the request of Boutiller de Chavigny (Louis XIIIs superin-tendent and friend of Richelieu) and based on the ideas of Philippe de Champaigne and Simon Vouet, the pupil Le Sueur was commissio-ned to paint the whole of Pont sur Seine church. Started in 1636 and completed in 1650, the frescos were covered in 1730, Dominice Domenici discovered them and restored them in 1834.VALLANT-SAINT-GEORGESSaint JulienXII et XVI sicles. Admirable groupe en marbre blanc, le Christ apparaissant la Vierge accompagne de deux anges provenant de lancien prieur de Saint Georges (XVI sicle) ainsi quun Saint Sbastien (dbut XVI sicle).12th and 16th centuries. A wonderful group of white marble statues originating from the former St. Georges priory (16th century) as well as a St. Sebastian (beginning of the 16th century).SAINT ETIENNE SOUS BARBUISESaint EtienneEglise du XII, XVI et XIX sicles. Vitraux du XVIsicle.Church dating from the 12th, 16th and 19th centuries. 16th century stained-glass windows.E7E10SAVIERESSaint MartinXII et XVI sicles. Trois nefs romanes, dont les votes en bois datent de 1892. Belle tour du XII sicle. Remar-quable chevet caractris par ses trois baies groupes. Bas-cts du chur du XVI sicle. Saint Gilles en bois du XVI sicle. 12th and 16th centuries. Three romanesque naves (the wooden arches of which date from 1892). A beautiful 12th century tower. A remarkable apse distinguished by its three grouped bays. Choir side-aisles from the 16th century. 16th century wooden St. Gilles. F842David Tremlet :lart contemporainau servcice du sacrArtiste anglais, n en 1945, il ralise des uvres prestigieuses dans toute lEurope. Son style ? La juxtaposition du sacr lart contemporain. Avec lAtelier Simon Marq, David Tremlett ralisa, entre 2003 et 2005, les vitraux de lglise de Villenauxe la Grande qui furent un projet denvergure exceptionnelle : 200m2de baies. Son uvre introduit le visiteur dans une glise latmosphre multicolore.VILLENAUXE LA GRANDESaint Pierre et Saint PaulChur, sanctuaire et dambulatoire du XIII sicle. Belle vote en bois, lambrisse. Nef et collatraux du XV sicle avec vote principale poque Renaissance. Chapiteaux des piliers varis et intressants. Belles clefs pendantes dans le bas-ct Sud. Impression-nante tour de cinq tages du XVI sicle, conclue par une balustrade eurs de lys. Fresque de Sainte Agathe (XVI sicle). Matre-autel en marbre rouge (1770). Fonts baptismaux en marbre vein (1781). Stalles, chaire, banc duvres venus de Provins. Grille fermant le chur et buffet dorgue de style Louis XV. Vierge de Piti ralise par Alfred Boucher en 1926. Belles statues de Saint Pierre et Saint Martin. Depuis 2005 ensemble de 24 baies de vitraux contemporains de David Tremlett. 13th century choir, sanctuary and ambulatory. Beautiful panelled wooden arch. 15th century nave and side aisles with a main arch from the Renaissance period. Varied and interesting capitals on the pillars.Beautiful hanging keys in the southern side-aisle. Impressive 16th century ve oor tower, capped by a eur de lys balustrade. Fresco of St. Agatha (16th century). Red marble high altar (1770). Veined marble baptismal fonts (1781). Stalls, pulpit and pew from Provins. Louis XV style choir screen and organ case. Virgin of Pity by Alfred Boucher (1926).In 2005, the creation by David Tremlett in conjunction with the workshop of Simon Marq, of all the 24 bays of contemporary stained glass windows.C31RJHQWDLVHWSODLQHFKDPSHQRLVHVILLIERS HERBISSEAssomption de la ViergeNef et tour romane du XII sicle. Les autres lments architecturaux datent du XVI sicle. Remarquables bas-reliefs en pierre taille raliss dans les piliers, XVI sicle. Statues du XVI sicle dont une Vierge de Lorette. Piscine, vitraux et fonts baptismaux du XVI sicle.12th century romanesque nave and tower. The other architectural elements date from the 16th century. Remarkable cut stone bas-relief carved in the pillars (16th century). 16th century statues including a Virgin of Loretta. 16th century fonts, stained-glass windows and baptismal fonts.C1043David Tremlet :contemporary art serving the Sacred.An English artist born in 1945, he produces prestigious works all over Europe. His style? A mixture of sacred and contemporary art. With the help of the Simon Marq workshop, David Tremlett produ-ced, between 2003 and 2005, the stained glass windows for Villenauxe la Grande which constituted a project on a remarkable scale: 200m2 of window. His work introduces visitors into a church with a multi-coloured atmosphere.sovv~irr PrsentationP2/3Exposition 2009P4/5Troyes P 6 13Cte des BarP14 19Grands Lacs de la Fort dOrientP20 33NogentaisPlaine ChampenoiseP34 43Pays dOthe ChaouroisVal dArmanceP 44 57Nos glises sont le lieu de rencontre entre les hommes et la spiritualit, les croyants et Dieu. Il sagit donc de permettre tous ceux qui les visitent, dans le respect de ce que sont les glises mais aussi dans le respect de leurs convictions, de les dcouvrir ou de les connatre davantage ainsi que les richesses quelles entretiennent. Il est alors heureux de donner la possibilit au plus grand nombre dapprcier le travail et le talent de tous ces artistes et de tous ces croyants qui nous ont lgu, dans lAube, un patrimoine artistique et spirituel exceptionnel. Nest-ce pas la grandeur et la beaut de ses cratures que lon peut se faire une ide de leur Crateur ? .Pre Dominique RoyCommission diocsaine dArt sacr.

Our churches are the places where men meet spirituality, where believers meet God. All visitors are allowed to discover or know more about churches and about the rich heritage they own but without forgetting to respect what they are and the convictions they represent.Its really enjoyable to give to the most number of people the opportunity to appreciate the work and talent of all artists and believers who leg to theAube en Champagne region an exceptional and spiritual heritage.Can we not have an idea of the talent of these creators by admiring the magnicence of their masterpieces !Pre Dominique Roy Diocesan Commission of Sacred Art3GLISEDE BAR-SUR-SEINESaint Josephet lenfant jsus42009L Age dor de la sculpture champenoise :Exposition de mai octobre 2009 en lEglise Saint Jean de TroyesLglise Saint Jean accueillera 60 uvres signicatives de lge dor de la sculpture champenoise : une priode allant du gothique au manirisme, cest--dire de la n du XIVe au XVIe sicle. Un parcours scnographi et de lgers clairages, mettront en exergue la polychromie des sculptures, mais aussi la douceur de la pierre de Champagne, la nesse exemplaire des draps ou encore les sourires sages de Vierges. La sculpture troyenne a atteint, cette priode, un niveau artistique unique faisant de la Champagne lun des hauts lieux de cration europens. Troyes constitua notamment un foyer artistique de la premire importance, avec lpanouissement, dans la sculpture, dun gnie local aux traits particuliers. Les oeuvres sont sobres, ralistes, la fois profondment religieuses et humaines.Exposition ouverte tous les jours et nocturne une fois par semaineThe Golden Age of Champenoise sculpture Exhibition from May to October 2009 in St Jean Church in Troyes60 masterpieces will be exposed in theSt Jean church to witness the Golden Age of the Champenoise Sculpture : period dating to the end of the 14th century to the 16th century ; from gothic to mannerism. A scenographic spotlitted path will enhance the sculptures colours, as well as the mellow Champagne stone, the incomparable uidity of the draperies and also the wise Virgins smiles.TheTroyes school was already at that time a unique artistic level, andChampagne became one of the most important places for creation in Europe.Troyes was a very important town for Artthanks to a local genius with specic characteristics. Masterpieces were simple, but really expressive, religious and human.Open every day and one evening per weekrxiosirioxGLISEDE BOUILLYSainte MargueriteFxiosiriox2009GLISE DARRELLESSainte Marguerite(dtail)GLISE DE MUSSY-SUR-SEINEMarie-Madeleine(dtail)GLISEDE BAYELPietGLISE DE TROYESSainte MartheGLISEDE MAGNANTSaint julienGLISE DEBAR SUR AUBEVierge au bouquetGLISEDE BAYELPiet5443D\V



G$UPDQFHAux conns de la Bourgogne chaque valle, chaque village a sa personnalit. Un clocher puis des maisons de briques apparaissent soudain au creux dun vallon, au pied dun champ clair dor. Partez la dcouverte des glises du Pays dOthe travers une Aube bucolique.Here each valley and each village has its own personality. A bell tower, then brick houses, suddenly appear in a fold in the valley, against a background of elds bathed in golden light. Explore Pays dOthes churches in a pastoral Aube.$QHFGRWH7 453D\VGRWKH&KDRXUFRLV9DOG$UPDQFHI5AIX EN OTHE Notre Dame de lAssomptionPortail de tradition classique. Chur et transept orns de peintures murales dAndrazzi (XIX sicle). Monumental retable du XVII sicle orn dune trs belle Assomption de la Vierge, Ecole de Simon Vouet. Remarquable tableau, Donation du Rosaire de Jacques de Letin, peintre troyen du XVII sicle. Trs beaux objets de culte, tableaux, tapisseries, statues de lEcole Troyenne du XVI sicle.Classical tradition porch. Choir and transept embel-lished with Andrazzi murals (19th century). 17th century monumental altarpiece embellished with an extremely beautiful Assumption of the Virgin (Simon Vouet School). Remarkable picture (Donation of the Rosary) by Jacques de Letin, a Troyes painter of the 17th century. Some extremely beautiful articles of worship, pictures, tapestries, and statues after the Troyes school of the 16th century.J7AUXONSaint LoupXVI sicle. Modication de la nef, du transept, du chur et de la tour au XVIIsicle. Prsence sur le portail ouest de la clbre salamandre de Franois 1er. Magnique portail sud de la Renaissance Ita-lienne de 1537. Belles sculptures troyennes du XVIsicle : Vierge de Piti, Saint Hubert, Sainte Catherine dont le moulage remplace luvre originale, expose aujourdhui au muse de Rouen. Intressantes verrires :Crucixion et Arbre de Jess proche de celles de lglise Sainte Madeleine de Troyes.16th century. Modication of the nave, transept, choir and tower in the 17th century. Franois lsts famous salamander on the west portal. Magnicent Italian Renaissance south portal dating from 1537. Beautiful Troyes 16th century sculptures (Virgin of Pity, St. Hubert and St. Catherine, the cast of which replaces the original work which is on display today in Rouen museum). Interesting windows (Crucixion and the Stump of Jesse) similar to those in the St. Madeleine church in Troyes.Model statuesAube has a unique set of young Virgins, the features of which are strangely reminiscent of young Champagne women: high cheekbones, prominent forehead, slightly slanting eyes, a determined chin accen-tuating the roundness of the face and a charming smile, both discrete and luminous.Modlesdes statuairesLAube possde un ensemble prcieux de jeunes Vierges dont les traits ressemblent trangement aux caractristiques des jeunes demoiselles champenoises: pommettes hautes, front dgag, yeux lgrement brids, un menton volontaire ac-centue le visage arrondi et avec un charmant sourire la fois discret et lumineux.6 463D\VGRWKH&KDRXUFRLV9DOG$UPDQFHBOUILLYSaint LaurentXVI sicle. Intressantes statues des XIV et XVIsicles dont un Christ aux Liens, une Vierge de Piti, Vierge au Dragon, Sainte Marguerite et une Vierge aux Raisins. Splendide retable du matre-autel dat de 1556 reprsentant la Passion du Christ. Bas-reliefs en dessous reprsentant la Vie de Saint Laurent. Chapelle Saint Nicolas. Tabernacle en bois dont lautel, ralis par Valtat au XIX sicle.16th century. Interesting 14th and 16th centuries statues including a Christ in Bonds, a Virgin of Pity, St. Margaret and a Virgin and Grapes. A splendid high altar altarpiece dating from 1556 representing the Passion of Christ. Bas-relief below representing the life of St. Laurence. St. Nicholas chapel. 19th cen-tury wooden tabernacle including the altar by Valtat.I8CHAMOYImmacule ConceptionChur transept et portails latraux du XVIsicle.Chapelle seigneuriale amboyante. Retables du XVIsicle. Annonciation du XVIIsicle. Belles statues du XVIsicle, fonts baptismaux et fragments de vitraux de la mme poque.16th century choir and transept. 16th century side portals. Flamboyant style lords chapel. 16th century altarpieces. 17th century annunciation. Beautiful 16th century statues, baptismal fonts and stained-glass fragments from the same period.K8Le matre mystrieuxLauteur de la mise au tombeau de lglise de Chaource est et restera srement un inconnu. On lui a alors donn le nom de Matre de Chaource. On sait de lui quil a travaill Troyes de 1515 1528. On lui attribue entre autre la Vierge de Pit Saint Jean, une Vierge expose au muse de Vauluisant, le Christ de Feuges, la Pita de Bayel et la Sainte Marthe de Sainte Madeleine Troyes.7 473D\VGRWKH&KDRXUFRLV9DOG$UPDQFHCHAOURCESaint Jean-BaptisteXII et XVI sicles.La Mise au Tombeau du Christ ralise en 1515 par latelier du Matre de Chaource, lun des chefs-duvre de lEcole Troyenne du XVIsicle, constitue le joyau incontest de lglise. Crche en bois sculpt, peint et dor, du XVI sicle. Triptyque en bois peint du XVI sicle. Splendides retables du XVI sicle (Saint Hubert, Passion du Christ). Statuaire en pierre du XVI sicle, Le Christ portant sa croix. Tribune, buffet en bois sculpt, colonnes torses de lorgue du XVII sicle, superbe chaire en bois sculpte et fonts baptismaux du XVIII sicle. Verrires et grisailles du XVI sicle.Peintures murales du XVI sicle.12th and 16th centuries. The Burial of Christ pro-duced in 1515 by the Matre de Chaource workshop, one of the masterpieces of the Troyes school of the 16th century, This is the churchs uncontested jewel. A representation of eight characters. A 16th century nativity scene (in carved, painted and gilded wood). 16th century painted wooden triptych. Splendid 16th century altarpieces (St. Hubert, the Passion of Christ). 16th century stone statuary. Gallery, carved wooden organ case, wreathed 17th century organ columns, superb carved wooden pulpit and 18th century baptismal fonts. 16th century windows and grisailles.16th murals.0K10The mysterious masterThe creator of the tomb Chaource Church is, and surely will remain, unknown. He was therefore given the name Master of Chaource. It is known that he worked in Troyes from 1515 to 1528. Among other statues, the Virgin of Pity in Saint Jean, a Virgin exhibited in Vauluisant Museum, the Christ in Feuges, the Pieta in Bayel and St. Martha in St. Madeleine are attributed to him.48M8CHENNEGYSaint MartinXVI, XVII et XVIII sicles. Fonts baptismaux et statues du XVI sicle. Tableaux du XVII sicle. Saint Martin du XIX sicle.16th, 17th and 18th centuries. 16th century baptismal fonts and statues. 17th century pictures. 19th cen-tury St. Martin.J73D\VGRWKH&KDRXUFRLV9DOG$UPDQFHCHASEREYChapelle Saint EdmeRemarquables fresques murales du XVI sicle (Notre Dame de Lorette, Saint Hubert, Saint Georges).Remarkable 16th century wall frescoes (Notre-Dame de Lorette, St. Hubert, St. George).Peinturesmurales et fresquesLors de la restauration des glises, les architectes trouvent parfois, sous des couches de badigeon, des vestiges duvres murales.La peinture murale est un ensemble de techniques de peintures sur murs. Lune dentre elles est la fresque : procd que lon trouve le plus dans lAube (depuis le XIIsicle). La cration de fresques est particulire : pendant que lenduit tait encore tout frais on ralisait ces fresques en quelques heures et le rsultat tait durable puisque les pigments faisaient littralement corps avec le mortier. 493D\VGRWKH&KDRXUFRLV9DOG$UPDQFHCHESLEYSaint DidierXII sicle. Chur vot. Petites statues anciennes. Curiosit du monument : les cloches sont abrites dans un dicule ct de lglise.12th century. Vaulted choir. Ancient small statues. A curious feature of the monument, the bells are housed in a small building beside the church.M9J8CRESANTIGNESSaint SbastienPortail Nord : prsence dune statue de Sainte Barbe, une Piet, du XIV sicle et une Vierge Mre du XVsicle. Retable en pierre du XVI sicle reprsentant la Passion et statue de la Vierge lenfant en marbre XVI sicle, provenant de la collgiale de Lirey.There is a statue of St. Barbe in the north portal, a Pieta (14th century) and a Virgin Mother (15th century). 16th century stone altarpiece representing the Passion, originating from the collegiate church of Lirey.Muralsand frescosWhile restoring churches, architects often nd the remains of murals, sometimes under layers of whitewash.Mural painting is a set of techniques for painting on walls. One of these is fresco: the process that is most common in Aube (from the 12th century). The creation of frescos was a particular process where while the rende-ring was still fresh, the frescos were painted in several hours, the result being durable since the pigments literally became one with the mortar. 50CUSSANGYSaint LgerEglise de style gothique, entirement en pierre, construite dun seul jet au XVI sicle. En forme de croix latine, elle se caractrise par une impression de massivit et de simplicit. Riche dune statuaire et dun orgue datant de 1865, elle recle des peintures murales de grande valeur artistique motifs oraux styliss ou reprsentant des personnages religieux : Saint Jacques le majeur, Saint Nicolas, Saint Thomas, le martyre de Saint Sbastien, Saint Michel et la pese des mes...Gothic style church, entirely in stone and built in a single work in the 16th century. In the shape of a Latin cross, it is characterized by an impression of solidity and simplicity. With a rich statuary and an organ dating from 1865, it conceals frescoes of great artistic value with stylized oral motifs or representing religious characters: St. James the Greater, St. Nicholas, the martyrdom of St. Sebastian, and St. Michael weighing the souls 3D\VGRWKH&KDRXUFRLV9DOG$UPDQFHK9ERVY-LE-CHATELSaint Pierre-s-LiensXV et XVI sicles. Tour-porche. Magnique ensemble de vitraux du dbut du XIV sicle. Importante collection de statues du XVI dont les trois remarquables de Saint Roch, Saint Phal, Saint Vincent et Le Christ apparaissant Madeleine en pierre polychrome. Saint Jacques et Saint Paul datant duXVI sicle. Saint Lonard, Les Quatre Vertus. Peintures des XIV et XV sicles.15th and 16th centuries. Tower-porch. Magnicent set of stained-glass windows from the start of the 14th century. An important collection of statues including three remarkable ones of St. Roch. Paintings from the 14th and 15th century.K7Saint Rochet son chienRoch nat Montpellier vers 1350. On dit quil soignait les pestifrs par un signe de croix. On associe Saint Roch un chien car la tradition veut qu la n de sa vie, touch son tour par la peste, il fut nourri dans une fort par un chien qui lui apportait chaque jour un pain drob son matre. I851JAVERNANTAssomption de la ViergeXVI sicle. Portail richement sculpt. Nef de quatre traves en ogives. Vitraux du XVI sicle. Pierre tom-bale de Jacques le Pitancier de 1482. Belle statuaire de Saint Nicolas, Saint Vorle, Saint Vincent, Saint Claude, Saint Gervais, Sainte Syre, Sainte Barbe et Education de la Vierge du XVI sicle.16th century. Richly carved portal. Nave with ogival style spans. 16th century stained-glass windows. Tombstone of Jacques le Pitancier (1482). Beautiful statuary of St. Nicolas, St. Vorle, St. Vincent, St. Claude, St. Gervais, St. Syre, St. Barbe and Education of the Virgin from the 16th century.3D\VGRWKH&KDRXUFRLV9DOG$UPDQFHLIREY. Chapelle de lAnnonciation.Lacte de fondation de la premire glise collgiale de Lirey remonte en juin 1353. Elle fut die la demande de Geoffroy 1er de Charny en lhonneur de la Sainte Trinit sous le vocable de lAnnonciation de Marie. Cest ici que sjourna le Saint Suaire de 1353 1453 avant dtre transport Turin. Rare clocher en pierre. Armoire de 1739. Danse macabre : fresque monumentale (8m x 2m).The deed founding the rst collegiate church of Lirey goes back to June 1353. It was built at the command of Geoffroy 1st of Charny in honour of the Holy Trinity and dedicated to the Annunciation of Mary. The Holy Shroud was kept here from 1353 to 1453 before it was taken to Turin where it is kept to this day. A rare stone bell tower. Cupboard from 1739.Danse macabre: monumental fresco (8m x 2m).I8Saint Roch and its dogRoch was born in Mont-pellier in about 1350. It is said that he healed plague victims with the sign of the cross. St Rochs name is linked with a dog because tradition has it that at the end of his life, himself a victim of plague, he was fed in a forest by a dog which brought stolen bread to its master each day. MOUSSEYSaint MartinXII sicle. Porche en pierre. Nef marque par dimpressionnants piliers carrs sans chapiteau supportant des arcades plein cintre ou en ogives. Statuaire importante de lEcole Troyenne du XVIsicle. Reste de vitraux du XVI sicle. Matre-autel et chaire en bois sculpt du XVIII sicle. Reliquaires, tabernacle dme caill et gurines du XVII sicle. Orgue cylindres en tat de marche.12th century. Stone porch. Nave characterized by its impressive square pillars without capitals supporting semi-circular or ogive style arches. Important Troyes School statuary (16th century). The remains of a 16th century stained-glass window. 18th century carved wooden high altar and pulpit. 17th century reliquaries and tabernacle with a aking dome and gurines. Cylinder organ in working order.MAISONS-LES-CHAOURCESaint SbastienXVI et XVIII sicles. Trente belles statues dont Ecce Homo du XV sicle, Sainte Anne et la Vierge, Sainte Catherine, Saint Nicolas, Saint Eloi, Saint Antoine et Sainte Barbe du XVI sicle et 12 statuettes dores des XVIII et XIX sicles, reprsentant les Aptres et les Evanglistes.16th and 18th centuries. Thirty beautiful statues including ecco homo from the 15th century, St. Anne and the Virgin, St. Catherine, St. Nicholas, St. Eloi, St. Anthony and St. Barbe from the 16th century and 12th, 18th and 19th centuries gilded statuettes representing the Apostles and the Evangelists.I9L103D\VGRWKH&KDRXUFRLV9DOG$UPDQFH52Orgue de MousseyA Moussey on trouve un orgue tout fait exceptionnel de 1842 compos dun clavier et de cylindres. Ce sont des rouleaux dun mtre, faits en bois de tilleul sur lesquels sont incrustes des broches (pontets) qui donnent le rythme lorsque le cylindre tourne. Il sagit de la plus belle collection de cylindres en France dautant plus que les 20 rouleaux sont dorigine. Vous pourrez donc couter la mme musique qucoutaient les dles de Moussey au XIX sicle. Rnov de 1972 1974 lorgue sonne toujours grce Monsieur Poinsot, organiste passionn, qui vous accueillera chaleureusement le temps dune visite de lglise. On dit :faire sonner un orgue

PARGUESNativit de la ViergeXII, XVI et XVII sicles. Eglise en forme de croix grecque. Chur formant une rotonde de 1666 ferm par quatre absides quabritent quatre tourelles. Vierge-mre du XIV sicle, statue de Sainte-Anne la Vierge du XVIsicle.12th, 16th and 17th centuries. Church in the form of a Greek cross. Choir form-ing a rotunda (1666) enclosed by four apses accommodating four turrets. 14th century Virgin Mother,Ste Anne and the Virgin statue from the 16th century .L113D\VGRWKH&KDRXUFRLV9DOG$UPDQFHNOGENT EN OTHEXVI sicle. Plan rectangulaire, vot de bois. Cuve baptismale du XVI sicle. Vierge lEnfant du XVIsicle. Fragments de vitraux du XVI sicle.16th century. Square, wooden vaulting. 16th century baptismal basin. Virgin with Child (16th century). Fragments of 16th century stained-glass.J653The MousseyorganIn Moussey there is an absolutely remarkable organ dating from 1842 composed of a keyboard and cylinders. These are one metre rolls, made from lime wood overlaid with pins which play the melody when the cylinder is turned.This represents one of the best collections of cylinders in France, in as much as the 20 rolls are original. You can thus listen to the same music that Mousseys worship-pers listened to in the 19th century. Restored between 1972 and 1974, the organ still sounds thanks to Mr Poinsot, an enthusiastic organist who will give you a warm welcome when you visit the church. (The term to sound is used of an organ).PRASLINSaint ParresTransept du XVI sicle. Nef du XVIII sicle. Trs beau retable sculpt, priv de ses statues. Statuaire remarquable du XVI sicle : Saint Joseph et lEnfant Jsus, Saint Jean-Baptiste en pierre polychrome, Sainte Anne et la Vierge, ainsi quun Ecce homo. Beaux vitraux.16th century transept. 18th century nave. Extremely beautiful carved altarpiece with its statues removed. Remarkable 16th century statuary (St. John-Baptist Ste Anne and the Virgin, as well as an Ecce Homo). Beautiful stained-glass windows.3D\VGRWKH&KDRXUFRLV9DOG$UPDQFHK11RACINESSaint EloiXI et XVI sicles. Cuve Baptismale du XIsicle.Vierge mre XVI. Pita en pierre peinte. Christ au roseau pierre polychrome, XVI sicle. Chaire et confessionnal poque Louis XV. Belle porte de sacristie. Magnique halloy du XVIIIsicle.11th and 16th centuries. 11th century baptismal basin. 16th century Virgin Mother. Painted stone pieta. Pulpit and confessional from the time of Louis XV. Beautiful sacristy door. Magnicent 18th century Halloy.L754Le retableCest un dcor peint ou sculpt, plac au dessus de lautel. Il peut comporter plusieurs volets (polyptique)ou tre architectur (en bois ou en pierre). Il mettait en valeur les gestes liturgiques lpoque o la messe tait clbre dos au public (jusquau Concile Vatican II en 1965).3D\VGRWKH&KDRXUFRLV9DOG$UPDQFHRIGNY-LE-FERRONSaint MartinAbside, chur et collatraux du XVI sicle. Clocher-porche du XVIII sicle. Bel ensemble de vitraux du XVI sicle. Statuaire remarquable : Vierge de Pit accompagne de Sainte Paule, chef duvre de lEcole Troyenne. Panneaux peints du XVII. Boise-ries du chur et lutrin du XVIII sicle.16th century apse, choir and side aisles. 18th century bell tower and porch. Beautiful 16th century stained-glass windows. Remarkable statuary (Virgin of Pity accompanied by Ste Paule, masterpiece of the Troyes School). 17th century painted panels. 18th century choir and lectern woodwork.I4SAINT PHALSaint PhalXV et XVI sicles. Edice de brique et de pierre. Lextrieur prsente, ct nord du transept, une belle porte amboyante tandis que la porte sud de mme style dispose de dcors Renaissance. Riche de nombreuses statues dont une Vierge de Piti du dbut du XVI sicle et une de Saint Phal. Magnique charpente en coque de bateau invers.15th and 16th centuries. Building in brick and stone. On the outside, on the north side of the transept, a beautiful amboyant style door, while the door on the south side has Renaissance deco-ration. There is a wealth of statues including a 16th century Virgin of Pity and one of St. Phal. Magnicent woodwork in the form of an inverted boat. K855The alterpieceThis is a decorative pain-ted or carved element placed above the altar. It may comprise several panels (polyptych) or be architectural (made from wood or stone). It highlighted liturgical ritual at a time when the mass was celebratedwith the celebrants back to the public (up until the Vatican II Council in 1965).VILLEMAUR-SUR-VANNEAssomption de la ViergeChur et transept du XIII sicle, nef vote en bois du XVI sicle. Clocher isol revtu de bardeaux de bois. Remarquable jub en bois sculpt de 1521, considr comme lun des plus beaux de France, prsentant des scnes de la Passion et de la vie de la Vierge. Statues de la Vierge-Mre et de Saint Flavy. Stalles et boiseries du chur des XVII et XVIIIsicles.13th century choir and transept, 16th century wooden vaulted nave. Separate bell tower roofed with wooden shingles. Remarkable carved wooden rood-screen (1521), considered to be one of the most beautiful in France, showing scenes from the Passion and the life of the Virgin. Statues of the Virgin Mother and St. Flavy. 17th and 18th centuries choir stalls and woodwork.3D\VGRWKH&KDRXUFRLV9DOG$UPDQFHH6VANLAYSaint Jean-BaptisteEglise du XII et XVIsicles. Croix du XVI sicle dans le cimetire.Church dating from the 12th and 16th centuries. 16th century cross in the cemetery.K956Un jubunique en FranceJub en bois ralis en 1521 par les frres Guyon, Compagnons du Devoir, qui effectuent ce chef duvre au retour de leur apprentissage sur les routes de France. Ct nef, Jacques dve-loppe la Passion o, tout en gardant le style de lEcole Troyenne il porte un nouveau regard vers le grand style. Ct chur, Thomas ralise la Vie de Marie dans le genre traditionnel de cette poque. Le jub est un livre de bois destin raconter aux plerins lhistoire religieuse. En haut on y proclamait lvangile grce des chants et de la musique pour une meilleure comprhension de la messe. Ce jub est exceptionnel car il est complet et en trs bon tat.VILLEMOIRON-EN-OTHESaint SbastienAbside et transept du XVI sicle. Nef du XVII sicle. Portail et tour du XVIII sicle. Remarquable ensemble de verrires du XVI sicle. Dans le chur, vitraux modernes du matre verrier, Vincent Larcher.16th century apse and transept. 17th century nave. 18th century portal and tower. Remarkable set of 16th century windows. In the choir, modern stained-glass windows by Vincent Larcher.3D\VGRWKH&KDRXUFRLV9DOG$UPDQFHI5VILLY LE MARECHALNativit de la ViergeXVI sicle. Nombreuses et remarquables oeuvres dart. 15 statues de pierre dont un admirable Christ de Piti et un Saint Yves. Cinq statues de bois dont une Vierge lEnfant du XIV sicle. Retable sculpt en ronde bosse ralis vers 1520. Beaux vitraux.16th century. Many remarkable works of art. 15 stone statues including an admirable Passion of Christ and a St. Yves. Five 14th century wooden statues including a Virgin with Child. Altarpiece carved in the round produced in about 1520. Beautiful stained-glass windows.J957A rood-screen unique in FranceA wooden rood-screen made in 1521 by the Guyon brothers, Compagnons du Devoir (Companions of Duty) who created this master-piece on returning from their apprenticeship on the roads of France. On the nave side, Jacques develops the Passion where, while keeping to the style of the Troyes School, he gives a new look to the grand style. On the choir side, Thomas creates the life of Mary in the traditional style of this period. The rood-screen is a wooden book intended to teach pilgrims reli-gious history. At the top it proclaims the Gospel through songs and music to help with a better understanding of the mass. This screen is remarkable because it is complete and in excellent condition.TROYESCathdraleSaint-Pierreet Saint PaulMOREMBERT gliseSaint Jean-BaptisteTROYESgliseSaint
