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Gastroentérologie Clinique et Biologique (2009) 33, 1028—1035


Genetic alterations in precancerous pancreaticlesions and their clinical implications�

Les altérations génétiques dans les lésions précancéreuses pancréatiqueset leurs implications en clinique

O. Turrini a,b, C. Canoa, A. Legoffica, J.R. Delperob,J.C. Dagorna, J. Iovannaa,∗

a Inserm U624, stress cellulaire, parc scientifique et technologique de Luminy, 163, avenue de Luminy,CP 915, 13288 Marseille cedex 9, Franceb Département de chirurgie oncologique, institut Paoli-Calmettes, Marseille, France

Available online 18 September 2009

Summary Pancreatic adenocarcinoma, with an incidence/death ratio of 0.99, has the worstprognosis of all cancers. Risk factors associated with the sporadic form of pancreatic ade-nocarcinoma are unknown and less than 10% of patients receive curative treatment (surgeryassociated with radiation therapy or chemotherapy) with a low 5-year survival rate (10 to 20%).In more than 90% of patients, the tumor discovered at diagnosis is not resectable or has alreadymetastasized. Thus, a better understanding of the etiology of pancreatic cancer is essentialto identify new prognostic markers and new therapeutic targets. There is a wealth of data onthe identification of genetic alterations associated with pancreatic cancer and their role in itsdevelopment. This review will focus on the current knowledge of genetic alterations associatedwith two pancreatic lesions that can potentially evolve into pancreatic adenocarcinoma, Pan-creatic Intraepithelial Neoplasia (PanIN) and Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasm (IPMN).These two lesions share a large panel of typical genetic alterations which are close to thosefound in pancreatic adenocarcinoma. A better understanding of these alterations may lead totherapeutic targets that could help prevent the progression of PanIN and IPMN to cancer.© 2009 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

Résumé Le cancer pancréatique, pour lequel le rapport incidence/décès est de 0,99, est àce jour le cancer dont le pronostic est le plus sombre. Les facteurs de risque associés à laforme sporadique de l’adénocarcinome pancréatique sont très mal connus et seuls 5 à 10 %des patients atteints sont en mesure de recevoir un traitement curatif (chirurgie associée

DOI of original article:10.1016/j.gcb.2009.02.046.� Retrouvez la version francaise de cette mise au point sur Internet à l’adresse

(page d’accueil de Gastroentérologie clinique et biologique).∗ Corresponding author.

E-mail address: [email protected] (J. Iovanna).

0399-8320/$ – see front matter © 2009 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.gcb.2009.08.007

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les adénocarcinomes pancréatiques. Certaines d’entre elles pourraient être la base de ciblesthérapeutiques permettant d’éviter la transformation maligne.© 2009 Elsevier Masson SAS. Tous droits réservés.




Cancer of the pancreas is the fourth leading cause ofcancer death in western countries. In France, 7,200 personsdie from this disease every year; in the USA, the annualdeath rate is about 30,000 [1]. With a incidence/deathratio of 0.99, pancreatic cancer is a crucial public healthissue [2]. Although perioperative radiation therapy andchemotherapy be slightly advantageous in terms of survival,there is no proven effect on prognosis [3]. Surgery offersthe only possible cure if resection margins remain healthy.But only 10 to 15% of patients have localized resectabletumors at diagnosis [4] and most operated patients rapidlydevelop locoregional or metastatic disease progression[5]. Screening for pancreatic cancer, which could result inearly diagnosis and thus increase the chances of curativetreatment, is not a currently available practice. There isno known biological or clinical screening test with a provenefficacy and the risk factors associated with the sporadicforms of the disease are unknown. Thus, this tumor has avery poor prognosis. A better understanding of the mecha-nisms of development of pancreatic cancer could probablycontribute identifying new molecular targets and improvingdiagnosis and treatment. A large body of work has beendevoted to the identification of genetic alterations and theirrole in the development of pancreatic cancer. In this review,we will focus on genetic anomalies associated with two wellrecognized precancerous pancreatic lesions, PancreaticIntra-epithelial Neoplasia (PanIN) and Intraductal PapillaryMucinous Neoplasm (IPMN). Both of these anomalies mainlyinvolve either oncogenes or tumor suppressor genes. Onco-genes are genes which favor the expression of malignanttransformation. These genes are either mutated genes ormutation-free genes which are abnormally over-expressed.Tumor suppressor genes are genes which normally protectcells from degeneration. Their mutation or their inhibitionfavors the development of cancer cells.

Pancreatic intra-epithelial neoplasia

Although precursor lesions of pancreatic cancer were welldocumented more than a century ago, a rigorous classifica-


ion of these lesions was not obtained until the last decade.orphological analyses of resected pancreatic cancersould suggest that pancreatic adenocarcinomas do notevelop de novo but are a result of a step-wise progressioneading to the generation of invasive lesions [6—8]. Aroundhe late 1990s, a plethora of often biologically impreciseerms were used to describe these lesions. In 2001, an inter-ational agreement [9] was reached on the nomenclaturesed for a vast spectrum of lesions ranging from low-gradeesions (PanIN-1) to in situ carcinomas (PanIN-3), considereds the stage preceding invasion of the neighboring stroma.detailed description of the histological features of PanIN

s beyond the scope of this review. However, it should beoted that the histological progression of PanIN is (with aew exceptions) associated with progressive accumulationf the same molecular anomalies that are observed innvasive cancer [10]. These molecular alterations have beenelpful in demonstrating that PanINs are clonal precursorsf pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Although the exact naturalistory of PanIN has been difficult to establish, theseesions are thought to exist well before the appearancef the adenocarcinoma. Because of the poor prognosisf pancreatic cancer, it is important to obtain a geneticharacterization of the pancreatic tissue harboring PanINesions, and in particular PanIN-3 lesions, before they trans-orm into malignant lesions. The identification of molecularnomalies specific for PanIN would enable early screeningor the pancreatic transformation process and might fur-ish important elements for new targets for therapeutictrategies.

While animal models have not yet been developedor IPMN, several genetically modified mouse models areurrently available for PanIN. These models have shownn the mouse that PanIN lesions develop into pancreaticdenocarcinomas. The process has always involved pan-reatic expression of the mutated KRAS gene [11—13].xpression of the mutated KRAS gene induces formationf PanIN but not its malignant transformation, which isnly obtained after loss of activity of a tumor suppressorene (CDKN2A/p16, SMAD4 or other molecules participat-

Genetic alterations in precancerous pancreatic lesions and their clinical implications

à la radiothérapie ou chimiothérapie périopératoire) avec un taux de survie faible à cinqans (10 à 20 % selon les séries). En effet, plus de 90 % des patients présentent au momentdu diagnostic une tumeur inextirpable ou des métastases. Il est donc impératif de mieuxcomprendre l’étiologie du cancer pancréatique afin d’identifier de nouveaux marqueurs depronostic et de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques. De nombreuses équipes se sont intéressées àl’identification des altérations génétiques associées au cancer pancréatique et au rôle de cesaltérations dans son développement. Cette revue fait le point des connaissances actuelles surles anomalies génétiques associées aux deux lésions pancréatiques à potentiel malin que sontles néoplasies intra-épithéliales pancréatiques ou PanIN et les tumeurs intracanalaires papil-laires et mucineuses du pancréas ou TIPMP. La plupart des anomalies génétiques détectéessont communes à ces deux situations précancéreuses et diffèrent peu de celles observées dans

ng in the TGF beta and TP53 signaling pathways) [14—20]r in the presence of chronic pancreatic inflammation21].

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enetic alterations in pancreatic intra-epithelialeoplasia

he characterization of genetic alterations observed inanIN has progressed further than that for IPMN.

ncogenesrotein ERBB2 encodes tyrosine kinase growth factor recep-or, whose activation induces cell proliferation. ProteinRBB2 is thus considered to be a powerful oncogene. Itsverexpression is one of the earliest events in the oncogenicrocess in the pancreas. It is detected in 82% of PanIN-1Aesions and in 100% of PanIN-3 lesions [22].

The oncogene KRAS is activated in approximately 90%f all pancreatic adenocarcinomas. These mutations affectodons 12 (the most common mutation), 13 and 61 [23].utated protein KRAS facilitates progression along the cellycle via activation of MAP kinases and AKT kinase [24].hese KRAS gene mutations also appear very early in pan-reatic cancer. They are found in 36% of PanIN-1A lesions,4% of PanIN-1B and PanIN-2 lesions, and 87% of PanIN-3esions [25]. It is important to note that PanIN lesions car-ying different mutations can coexist in the same organ;hese mutations thus come from different clones [26]. Nev-rtheless, only one of the clones progresses to an invasiveorm, the clone with the mutations that are always found inancreatic adenocarcinomas.

umor suppressor genescertain number of tumor suppressor genes are inacti-

ated in PanIN. They are also inactivated in adenocarinomas.he CDKN2A/p16 gene encodes a protein which binds toyclin-dependent kinases Cdk4 and Cdk6, thus inhibitingheir linkage with cyclin D1 and halting the cell cycle at G1/S27]. This loss of activity, which is observed in more than0% of pancreatic adenocarcinomas, can occur via at leasthree mechanisms: (a) homozygous deletion, (b) mutation ofne allele plus deletion on the second, or (c) hypermethy-ation of its promoter resulting in nearly total suppressionf its expression [28—30]. Loss of CDKN2A/p16 expression islso observed in PanIN lesions with an incidence of 30% inanIN-1A and PanIN-1B, 55% in PanIN-2 and more than 70%n PanIN-3 [31].

TP53 tumor gene suppressor is inactivated in more than0% of pancreatic adenocarcinomas. The mechanism of inac-ivation is often associated with loss of one allele and annactivating mutation of the other [32]. Inactivation of TP53s rarely observed in PanIN-1A or PanIN-1B lesions, indicatinghat the loss of TP53 function occurs late in the tumorigen-sis process [33].

SMAD4 tumor suppressor gene is frequently inactivatedn pancreatic adenocarcinomas [34]. Protein SMAD4 is impli-ated in the signaling cascade of TGF beta; its inactivationlocks the inhibitor effect of TGF beta and other members ofts family on cell growth, thus allowing uncontrolled growthf tumor cells [35]. SMAD4 expression is preserved in PanIN-1nd PanIN-2 lesions, but lost in 40% of PanIN-3 lesions [36].

ther anomalies observedoss of telomere integrity in the ductal epithelium is prob-bly the cause of the genomic instability observed in PanIN


O. Turrini et al.

37]. Telomeres are TTAGGG repeats that cap the ends ofhromosomes, inducing a certain degree of stability dur-ng cell division [38]. Telomere shortening is one of the firstenetic aberrations detected in PanIN lesions, occurring inore than 90% [37]. Intact telomeres act like ‘‘guardians’’

f the pancreatic ductal genome; their shortening in PanINeads to progressive accumulation of chromosomal anoma-ies and finally malignant transformation.

In addition, other proteins are overexpressed during thetepwise progression towards PanIN; these proteins couldhus be interesting markers of pancreatic carcinogenesis.xpression of protein Ki-67 is associated with cell prolifer-tion. Ki-67 is expressed more frequently in the nuclei ofigh-grade PanIN cells (22% in PanIN-3) than in early forms0.7% in PanIN-1A) [33]. The index is 35 to 40% in adeno-arcinomas [39]. Expression of topoisomerase II, necessaryor DNA relaxation before replication, follows that of pro-ein Ki-67 [33]. Cyclin D1, which is a key element of the cellycle, is overexpressed in 80% of pancreatic adenocarcino-as, 50% of PanIN-3 and 30% of PanIN-2 [40]. The expression

f these markers is not due to a genomic or epigenetic event.t is simply the consequence of accelerated cell proliferationue to the malignant transformation at an intensity directlyelated to the transformation.

ancreatic intra-epithelial neoplasia and accumulationf genetic anomaliesrogression from PanIN-1A to PanIN-3 then to pancreaticdenocarcinoma is associated with progressive accumu-ation of genomic alterations. This model of progressionas been described by several laboratories [33,41,42] andppears to be well established, with new characterizationsf new anomalies in precancerous lesions regularly pub-ished. Activation of the KRAS oncogene and amplification ofRBB2 are the earliest genetic alterations observed in PanIN-A. Telomere shortening is also observed at an early stage.oss of CDKN2A/p16 activity comes slightly later in stagesanIN-1B and PanIN-2. Cyclin D1 suppression is seen in PanIN-. The latest events, observed in PanIN-3, are inactivationf TP53 and SMAD4 and expression of Ki-67 (Fig. 1).

ntraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm

PMN is a relatively uncommon lesion. The macroscopicppearance is a dilated pancreatic duct filled with mucus;here is a strong potential for degeneration [43]. IPMN canlso be seen as a small cyst in the lumen of a secondaryancreatic duct or as a set of large multicystic lesions involv-ng the main pancreatic duct and several secondary ducts.alignant transformation is mainly seen in this second type

44]. IPMNs occur more readily in older men and less fre-uently in women [45]. Discovery is generally fortuitous;ometimes made because of acute obstructive pancreatitisesulting from mucus filled ducts [43]. Microscopically, IPMNsre composed of a mucin-producing ductal type epithe-ium. IPMNs are classed by architecture into four types:

astric, intestinal, pancreaticobiliary and oncocytic [46].uctal cells show diverse degrees of atypia ranging from

ow-grade to high-grade lesions, the latter correspondingo in situ carcinoma. In 1996, the World Health Organiza-ion defined four groups of IPMN as a function of cell atypia:

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Genetic alterations in precancerous pancreatic lesions and their clinical implications 1031




Figure 1 Genetic anomalies associated with preca

adenomas, borderline tumors, in situ carcinomas, and inva-sive tumors. Disease prognosis depends upon the presenceof invasive carcinoma at diagnosis. Unfortunately, invasivecarcinoma progresses much like classic adenocarcinoma.

Genetic alterations in intraductal papillarymucinous neoplasm

Three oncogenes (KRAS, ERBB2 and AKT) and five tumor sup-pressor genes (CDKN2A/p16, TP53, SMAD4, LKB1 and DUSP6)are involved.

OncogenesThe oncogene KRAS is activated by mutation in approxi-mately 72% of IPMN lesions [47]. This mutation has beenidentified in low-grade and high-grade lesions. Although itis not particularly specific, this mutation appears to be nec-essary for the development of IPMN. It is interesting to notethat different mutations which activate KRAS are sometimesobserved in the same patient at different IPMN foci. Therecould be several explanations for this, including polyclonaldevelopment of IPMN and KRAS mutation secondary to thedevelopment of the lesions. Yoshizawa et al. have suggestedthat low-grade forms arise via a polyclonal mechanism whilehigh-grade forms develop from low-grade lesions in a clonalmanner [48]. Overexpression of ERBB2, which is a common

and early event in pancreatic cancer as mentioned above,has been observed in 63% of IPMN lesions [49]. AKT is a pro-tein kinase involved in KRAS signaling. It plays a key rolein cell growth and survival. A recent study showed that theactivated phosphorylated form of this kinase was induced


ous lesions, PanIN, IPMN, and chronic pancreatitis.

n 63% of lesions (versus 70% in adenocarcinomas). It waslso interesting to note that AKT activation is slightly morerequent in high-grade than in low-grade forms [50].

umor suppressor geness mentioned above, CDKN2A/p16 plays a major role in cyclerrest. CDKN2A/p16 expression is lost in about half of allPMN lesions [51]. This diminished expression appears toesult in most cases from hypermethylation of its promoter52]. The tumor suppressor gene TP53 is a transcription fac-or which induces the expression of several genes involved inell cycle arrest, DNA repair, and apoptosis induced by DNAamage. TP53 activation is lost in half of human tumors,ither by deletion or mutation of its gene, or by proteoso-al hyperdegradation. Loss of TP53 activity is observed in

alf of IPMNs with a higher frequency in high-grade lesions46,47,49]. The current hypothesis is that loss of TP53 activ-ty in this type of lesion induces loss of genome integrityhich in turn leads to malignant transformation. The chro-osome region 18q21.1 frequently exhibits deletion of its

wo alleles in pancreatic adenocarcinomas [53—55]. Theumor suppressor SMAD4 is located in this region. Never-heless, homozygous mutations of SMAD4 are rare in IPMN.oreover, expression of the SMAD4 protein is generally pre-

erved in these lesions, independent of the degree of atypia56]. Loss of the SMAD4 function appears to be a very late

vent in IPMN transformation, unless this transformationever involves the SMAD4 pathway. The LKB1 gene is respon-ible for Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (transmitted by autosomalominant inheritance, this syndrome associates periorifi-ial lentiginosis and intestinal polyposis; the development
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Table 1 Genetic alterations observed in precancerouslesions of the pancreas.


Size of lesion Microscopic Macroscopic

Oncogenes ERBB2KRAS


Tumor suppressor genes CDKN2A/p16TP53SMAD4


Others Telomere MUC2





f several types of cancer including pancreatic cancer cane found during the course of the disease). The role of LKB1nvolves preservation of cell polarity [57]. Mutation of LKB1as been identified in 25% of IPMN lesions in patients withouteutz-Jeghers syndrome and also in a few cases of pancre-tic adenocarcinoma [58]. LKB1 might thus play a role in theevelopment of IPMN in some patients. Finally, the expres-ion of DUSP6, a phosphatase which interacts with the kinaseAPK1 regulating its activity, appears to be lost or greatlyiminished in a few IPMNs [52].

anagement and treatment of intraductalapillary mucinous neoplasm patients

linically, the major progress in recent years for patientsith pancreatic cancer has been the use of endoscopic ultra-

ound, CT scan or MRI to explore the pancreatic ducts anddentify lesions so that prophylactic pancreatic resectionan be performed before they degenerate into invasive car-inoma. Criteria have been defined to establish the formalndication for pancreatic resection when the short-term riskf degeneration is high: symptomatic IPMN, involvement ofhe main duct, cysts measuring more than 20 mm, the pres-nce of an intramural nodule at the level of the cyst(s) orn the main duct. However, there is no agreement about theppropriate examinations or their schedule in patients withPMN with a low risk of degeneration. Because benign IPMNan degenerate rapidly, certain teams have decided to oper-te on all patients with a diagnosis of IPMN. Surgery for IPMNs highly variable depending on the extent of the lesion(s),anging from simple enucleation to total pancreatectomyith resulting and difficult-to-control diabetes. Prophylactic

urgery results in substantial morbidity and mortality pre-enting a major challenge for decision making and patientanagement (convincing an asymptomatic patient of the

eed for a major operation with significant sequella). Obvi-usly, the risk of surgery must be balanced against the riskf degeneration and the development of pancreatic cancerith a known fatal outcome. Several teams have tried toefine factors predictive of malignity in patients with IPMN.roposed methods for distinguishing between benign andegenerated IPMN include endoscopic ultrasound-guidedne needle aspiration for cytological and immunohistochem-

cal analysis [59—61] and biochemical analysis or tumorarker assay of endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle

spiration products [62] or pancreatic juice [63]. To date,he precision of these methods has not been shown.

Progress in IPMN research could help determine appro-riate management practices. New predictive criteria basedn genomic or proteomic analyses of endoscopic ultrasound-uided fine needle aspirations rather than solely on imagingesults could help limit the indication for mutilating surgeryo patients with IPMNs with a clear prognosis of malignantegeneration.

ifferences between pancreaticntra-epithelial neoplasia and intraductal

apillary mucinous neoplasm

anIN and IPMN are both intraductal lesions with a potentialor malignant degeneration. They are nevertheless very dif-


shorteningKi67Cyclin D1

erent lesions. The most important difference is their size.anINs are microscopic lesions while IPMNs are macroscopic.t the present time, PanINs cannot be detected withrdinary endoscopic or radiological methods. They are dis-overed fortuitously during histological analysis of surgicalpecimens. Immunoreactivity can also distinguish betweenhe two types of lesions. MUC2 is found in most IPMNs butever in PanINs. SMAD4 expression, often lost in PanIN-3,s almost systematically preserved in both degenerated andon-degenerated IPMNs [56]. DUSP6 expression is preservedn PanINs but strongly reduced in most IPMNs [46]. Theseifferences suggest distinct molecular mechanisms under-ying the development of these two precancerous lesionsTable 1).

hronic pancreatitis: a precancerous state

t is now generally accepted that patients with chronicancreatitis have a higher risk of developing adenocarci-oma of the pancreas [64], and more particularly if there isereditary chronic pancreatitis [65]. Chronic inflammationight cause DNA damage which accumulates over time, as

n PanIN. Several teams have described PanIN-like lesionsn chronic pancreatitis tissue [66,67]. This could be highlyignificant for the well-known problem of the differentialiagnosis between ‘‘tumor-like’’ chronic pancreatitis andancer: despite the contribution of endoscopic ultrasound,definite diagnosis of adenocarcinoma is difficult to obtain.urthermore, a negative specimen does not necessarilyxclude a diagnosis of cancer in these patients [68—70].he usefulness of searching for genetic anomalies in samplesbtained from patients with chronic pancreatitis has alreadyeen studied: the search for the KRAS oncogene mutation inissue [71], serum [72], and endoscopic ultrasound-guidedeedle aspirations [73] appears to be more useful than aearch in pancreatic juices [74,75]. Nevertheless, there is

o validated screening strategy to monitor these patientsith chronic pancreatitis. A better knowledge of the geneticlterations and of the carcinogenesis of pancreatic tissueould be helpful in establishing earlier diagnosis of pancre-tic cancer in these patients.
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Genetic alterations in precancerous pancreatic lesions and t

Conclusions and perspectives

PanIN and IPMN are distinctly different precancerous lesions.For the time being, the diagnosis of PanIN is based on patho-logical analysis of a surgical specimen. A set of geneticmarkers of PanIN is needed to obtain a simple, specificand early diagnosis so that prophylactic measures can betaken, particularly in the context of familial pancreatitis.Although the diagnosis of IPMN is made earlier and earlier,the decision for surgery is still a major challenge. If genomicor proteomic markers of IPMN could be detected in endo-scopic ultrasound fine needle aspirations, patients at highrisk of malignant degeneration could be identified earlierso that the most appropriate preventive intervention couldbe proposed. These observations illustrate the importanceof obtaining better knowledge of the genetic alterationsin PanIN, which could be useful for familial screening. Ifthe genetic alterations of IPMN were better understood,patients could be selected for close surveillance or surgery.

It is also important to note that most genetic anoma-lies observed in PanIN and IPMN do not differ fromthose observed in established pancreatic adenocarcinoma,except for the major chromosomal alterations (duplications,deletions, rearrangements) which are only present in ade-nocarcinomas. These anomalies may result from anomalousmitosis, with poor redistribution of the genetic materialbetween the two daughter cells, which most probably occursin advanced adenocarcinoma. This suggests that geneticalterations are necessary for the malignant transformationof precancerous lesions but are not sufficient for progressionto cancer. Other factors are necessary. Characterizing thesefactors, which one would expect to be similar to the predis-posing factors for cancer (chronic inflammation, cigarettesmoking, certain diets, etc.), could result in better prophy-laxis for pancreatic cancer.

Conflits of interest



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