  • 8/14/2019 Imaginons Saint-Armand - Invitation


    Imaginons Saint-Armand!

    Venez partager avec nous votre vision de Saint-Armand.

    Le mois dernier, vous tiez invit-e participer un sondage destin identifier les

    besoins et les intrts du monde de Saint-Armand en vue dlaborer un projetdactivits communautaires. Les rsultats de ce sondage viennent dtre publis*;voici maintenant loccasion den discuter et dagir.

    En juillet, vous tiez invit-e rpondre un sondage. Lebut de cette consultation : concevoir un projet d'activitscommunautaires correspondant vraiment aux besoins et auxintrts de la population locale, et les raliser en profitantde la subvention offerte dans le cadre du programme'Nouveaux horizons pour les ans'. Ce programme dugouvernement fdral vise renforcer les capacitscommunautaires des collectivits locales.

    Cinq domaines d'activits ont t retenus par le comit duprojet aprs compilation et analyse du sondage, auquel plusde quarante personnes ont rpondu jusqu maintenant :

    Arts et culture

    Histoire et patrimoine

    Horticulture et environnement

    Sports et loisirs

    Soutien et entraide

    Dans chacun de ces domaines, diffrentes activits ont tchoisies ou suggres par les rpondants. Il restemaintenant identifier les plus rassembleuses, lesimaginer et les planifier afin qu'elles rencontrent lesgrands objectifs du programme Nouveaux horizons , les

    rendant ainsi admissibles l'obtention du financementoffert (jusqu 25 000 $).

    Les grands objectifs de ce programme pourraient sersumer ainsi : renforcement des capacits communautairesen favorisant la participation citoyenne, en contribuant audveloppement et au maintien des habilets et descomptences personnelles, et en favorisant le transfert des

    savoirs et des connaissances des personnes plus ges.

    Vous tes maintenant invit-e venir une soired'changes sur les activits communautaires auxquellesvous aimeriez participer, dans le domaine qui vousintresse.

    Projet communautaire Nouveaux horizons Saint-Armand

    Imaginons Saint-Armand!

    Soire dchanges sur le projet Nouveaux horizons Saint-Armand

    Discussions en ateliers et mise en commun

    des orientations qui font consensusquant aux activits organiser.

    O?Centre communautaire de Saint-Armand

    QUAND?Lundi, le 10 aot 19 heures

    POUR QUI?Le monde de Saint-Armand


    Une invitation du comit du projet

    Nouveaux horizons Saint-Armand :Claude Bque, Lynn Boomhower,Francine Chabot, Marion Deuel,

    Jeanine Laskan, Tiny Vandervalk,Clment Galipeau, conseiller municipalet Jean Trudeau, initiateur du projet.

    * Vous pouvez consulter les rsultats du sondagesur le site Web de la municipalit

    []dans la section Nouveaux horizons.

  • 8/14/2019 Imaginons Saint-Armand - Invitation


    Lets Imagine Saint-Armand!

    Come and share with us your vision of Saint-Armand.

    Last month you were asked to participate to a poll intended to identify the needs and

    interests of the people of Saint-Armand with the idea of elaborating a project ofcommunity activities. The results of this poll have just been published*; now here isthe occasion to have a discussion about them and take action.

    In July, you were asked to answer a poll to learn about theneeds and interests of people from here. The goal for thispoll: conceive a project of community activitiescorresponding to the needs and the interests of the localpopulation, and realize it by taking advantage of thesubsidy offered within the program "New horizons for theelders". This program of the federal government aims at

    strengthening the community capacities of localcommunities.

    Five fields of activity were retained after compilation andanalysis of the poll which more than forty personsanswered so far:

    Arts and culture

    History and heritage

    Horticulture and environment

    Sports and leisure

    Support and mutual aid

    In each of these fields, various activities were chosen orsuggested by the answers. Now remaining is to identify themost gathering, to imagine them and to plan them so that

    they meet the big objectives of the "New horizons"program, making them acceptable to the obtaining of thesubsidy (up to $ 25,000).

    The big objectives of this program could amount to:strengthening of the community capacities by facilitatingthe citizen participation, by contributing to the developmentand to the preservation of the skills and the personalabilities, and by facilitating the transfer of the knowledge ofthe older persons.

    You are now invited to come in an evening of exchange onthe community activities in which you would like toparticipate, in the field which interests you.

    New horizons in Saint-Armand community project

    Lets Imagine Saint-Armand!

    Evening of exchange on theNew horizons in Saint-Armand

    community project

    Discussions in workshops and sharingof the orientations making consensusabout the activities to be organized.

    WHERE?Community centre in Saint-Armand

    WHEN?Monday, August 10 at 7:00 p.m.

    WHO IS IT FOR?The people of Saint-Armand


    An invitation from the

    New horizons in Saint-Armandproject committee :

    Claude Bque, Lynn Boomhower,Francine Chabot, Marion Deuel,

    Jeanine Laskan, Tiny Vandervalk,Clment Galipeau, town concillor

    and Jean Trudeau, initiator.

    * You may consult the results of the pollon the municipality Web site,

    in the Nouveaux horizons section: