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heliocentriques du corps celeste, et le temps, voire nitme, si I’on veut, le rayon vecteur, tandis qu’on peut caracteriser u comme l’anomalie excentrique, ces trajectoires, disons- nous, semblent offrir la chance de pouvoir, dans certaines conditions et dans tels cas de rnouvements perturbes, servir de forniules d’interpolation plus exactes. Quoi qu’il en soit, elles pre- sentent l’avantage d’admettre un redoublement du nombre des constantes arbitraires, sans qu’on ait B abandonner le type des trajectoires kepleriennes.

L’AcadCrnie propose donc sa medaille d’or comme prix pow:

Urn klabol-~tion contplhte dr/ systhne aes . forniules semant au calcul des trajectoires interme‘diaires dt!terminkes pnr les kquations dfkrentielles en question, et ae son applicatiun a un cas at mmrvenzent guelcongue, c e b i at In bne par exemple, ou celui d’une aes petites planhtes, aepuzs une opposition jusgu’a In svivante, ou encore d’une comlfe se frmrvnnt trls rapprochke

Les reponses B cette question peuvent Ctre ecrites en danois, en suedois, en anglais, en allemand, en fransais ou en latin. Les mernoires, d’une Ccriture lisible, ne doivent pas porter le aom de I’auteur, niais une devise, et &re ac- cornpagnks d’un billet cachet6 muni de la mCme devise, et renfermant le noni, la profession et l’adresse de I’auteur. Les membres danois de 1’AcadCniie ne prennent point part au concours. Le prix accord6 pour une rCponse satis- faisante est la medaille d’or de I’Academie, d’une valeur de 3 20 couronnes.

Les memoires devront Ctre adresses, avant la fin d’oc- tobre 1901 au secretaire de I’Acad6mie M. H.-G. Zeuthen, professeur B I’Universite de Copenhague. Le prix sera publie dans le mois de fdvrier suivant, apr&s quoi les auteurs peuvent retirer leurs memoires.

0 bit uary. Miss Catherine Wolfe Bruce, the wellknown benefactress of science, died in New York on March 1 3 ,

1900, after a long illness. She was the daughter of Mr. George Bruce, a native of Edinburgh, who came to America in his early youth. He settled down in New York, where he made his living as a type-founder, and married Miss Catherine Wolfe, of the same city. Mr. George Bruce was fortunate in buying some pro- perty, which, as the city extended, reached a hundred times its original value. Yet in spite of his growing wealth he remained industrious in his trade to his old age. He died in 1 8 6 6 , five years after his wife had departed this life.

She received her early education in private schools of her native city, but later in life she travelled much in Europe, and visited among other countries, Russia, Greece, Turkey, and Egypt. A faii knowledge of Latin, French, German, and Italian opened to her the literatures of these languages. She was a woman of fine mind, well read and accomplished. Her taste for the fine arts showed itself in her favorite occupation of painting, and in the collections at her beautiful home. In honor of her father she took a special interest in the art of printing, xthat art pre- servative of all artsa, as she was fond of quoting. The $George Bruce Free Librarya in New York owes its origin to this interest.

Her love of astronomy, which she manifested as early as five years of age, is generally known by her liberal gifts, of which we append a list in alphabetical order.”)

In view of these noble donations to science we find it but natural that Miss Bruce should be sensible to recognition. A gold medal from the Grand Duke of Baden, the naming of an Asteroid in her honor, and the many letters she received from scientific men on both sides of the Atlantic were highly appreciated by her. Her gifts have not died with her; they will bear fruit to science, and hold LIP a n example to en- lightened characters like herself.

Miss Catherine W. Bruce leaves behind her in great sorrow a loving sister, Miss M. W. Bruce, the

Miss Catherine Bruce was born in New York on January 2 2 , 1 8 1 6 .

only surviving member of her family. -

J. G. Hagen, S. J.

*) Das vom Verfasser eingesandte Verzeichniss kann hier wegen Platzmangels nicht wiedergegeben werden. Die Gesammtsumme d e r Gaben betragt I 74275 Dollars, von denen naturgemass der weitaos grossere Theil auf amerikaiiische Institute entfallt ; von deutschen Sternwarten verdankt der edlen Wohlthaterin das Astrophysikalische Observatorium in Heidelberg die Aufstellung eines grossen photographischen Refractors. Kr.

Planet (433) Eros. Auf Anregung von Herrn Prof. Millosevich habe ich am I I . d. Mts. Prof. Pickering tele- graphisch gebeten, die in Arequipa gefundene ungewohnlich grosse und mit der halbtagigen Bewegung des Planeten auf- fallend ubereinstimrnende Correction der Ephemeride Jones (vgl. A. N. 3637) einer Priifung zu unterziehen. Am 14. Mai erhielt ich die Antwort: >Arequipa replies, ephemeris correction zero. Pickering. E( K Y .

I n h a l t zu Nr. 3638-39. R. G. Aitken. Measures of 204 Double Stars. 209. - F. Ristcitpurt. Ephemeride des Planeten (433) Eros. 241. - Question d’Astronomie mise au concours. 241. - 7. G. Hqeen, S. J. Anzeige des Todes von Miss Catherine Wolfe Bruce. 243. - Planet (433) Eros. 243.

Geschlosseii igoo Mni 15. Hernosgebor: H. E r e u t z. Druck vou U. S c h s i d t. Fxpedition: Kiel, Niemnuusweg vcg.