
ELSEVIER Microelectronic Engineering 37 / 38 (1997) 523 - 527

Some electronic properties of single crystalline NiSi

B. Meyer a, U. Gottlieb b'*, O. Laborde b, H. Yang b, J.C. Lasjaunias b, A. Sulpice b, R. Madar a

aLaboratoire des Matdriaux et du G~nie Physique (CNRS UMR 5628), ENSPG, INPG, BP 46, 38402 St. Martin d 'Hkres, France

bCentre de Recherches sur les Trks Basses Temperatures (CNRS UPR 5001), Laboratoire associ~ gt l 'Universit~ Joseph Fourier, BP 166, 38042 Grenoble Cedex 9, France


NiSi is a promising material for applications in Si microelectronics. A good understanding of its fundamental physical properties is however necessary in order to obtain the best use possible. We present here the resistivity, Hall effect and low temperature specific heat of high quality single crystals. The resistivity of NiSi follows a classical metallic behaviour with a room temperature resistivity of - 10 Ixlq cm. The Hall coefficient at 300 K is about - 1.0 × 10-~o m 3 C ~; it changes sign at around 40 K and becomes positive: + 0 . 5 × 10 ~o m 3 C-J at 4.2 K. The specific heat shows a classical metallic behaviour, i.e. it follows a yT + /3T 3 law with y = 1.73 mJ mole -1 K 2 and/3 = 0.0317 mJ mole -~ K 4. It also exhibits at the lowest temperatures an anomaly likely to be of magnetic origin.

Keywords: Metal silicides; Resistivity; Hall effect; Low temperature specific heat

1. Introduction

Some transition metal silicides such as TiSi 2 and CoSi 2 play an important role in Si based microelectronics as these compounds possess low electrical resistivities, are immune to electro- migration, can be obtained at relatively low temperature on silicon and form very reproducible Schottky barriers with silicon [1]. So they are widely used as contact materials and interconnections. Another possible candidate for these kinds of applications is NiSi since it has a low room temperature resistivity of about 10 txlq cm and it can be obtained as high quality thin films [2]. In order to evaluate its potential for applications it is however necessary to examine carefully its intrinsic properties.

NiSi crystallises in an orthorhombic crystal structure (space group Pnma) with lattice parameters a = 5.233 A, b = 3.258 A and c = 5.659 ,~. We report here the resistivity, Hall effect and low temperature specific heat measurements on single crystals of NiSi.

Corresponding author: Fax: +33 4 76 82 63 94; e-mail: [email protected]

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524 B. Meyer et al. / Microelectronic Engineering 37/38 (1997) 523-527

2. Experimental

Large single crystals of NiSi were obtained by a modified Czochralski pulling technique from a levitated melt in a cold copper crucible [3]. For the transport measurements we obtained two samples with typical dimensions 6 x 2 X 0.5 mm 3 where the longest dimension was aligned along the a axis of the crystal structure. Both samples yield identical results. Transport properties were measured by a four point ac method in a liquid He cryostat. Magnetic field (B --< 8 T) was given by a superconducting coil. For the measurement of the low temperature specific heat we used a transient heat pulse technique. Low temperatures (1.6 K < 20 K) were achieved with a continuously operating pumped He-4 cryostat.

3. Results and discussion

The good quality of the crystals was revealed by the high residual resistance ratio RRR = p(293 K)/p(4.2 K) ~ 60. The resistivity of NiSi follows Matthiesens law, i. e. it can be described by the sum of a temperature independent residual resistivity Po = 0.16 Ixl) cm resulting from the charge carrier scattering by crystal imperfections and impurities and a temperature dependant resistivity p i ( T ) = p -

P0 coming from phonon scattering. In Fig. 1 we present this temperature dependent part of the


10 z









I / / a


// 0 D = 436 K

P0 = 0.16 II.Qcm

1 10 100 1000

T [K]

Fig. 1. Temperature dependent part of the resistivity vs. temperature compared with a fit with the Bloch-Grfineisen formula

(Eq. (1), see text).

B. Meyer et al. / Microelectronic Engineering 37/38 (1997) 523-527 5 2 5

resistivity of NiSi as a function of temperature in a log-log plot. The temperature dependence of the resistivity due to scattering of the charge carriers by phonons can usually be analysed with the Bloch-Griineisen formula [4]:




where A is a constant and 0 D is the Debye temperature. A least square fit according to Eq. (1) is also indicated in Fig. 1 yielding a Debye temperature 0 D = 436 K for NiSi. As one can see in the figure, the data are quite well described by the Bloch-Griineisen formula over more than 4 orders of magnitude.

In Fig. 2 we present the low field Hall coefficient of NiSi as a function of temperature. At room temperature R n is negative, thus the dominant charge carriers are electrons and its value R u ~ - 0 . 9 × 10 -~° m 3 C -l corresponds in a simple one band model, i. e. R , = 1/ne, to a charge carrier density n = 6 . 9 X 1 0 28 m - 3 . This result is in good agreement with thin film data [5]. From room temperature down to about 70 K, the Hall coefficient remains nearly constant but at about 40 K it changes sign and becomes positive for lower temperatures: RH~ +0.5 × 10 -~° m 3 C -I. We have already observed a similar behaviour of the Hall coefficient of TiSi 2 [6]. This kind of behaviour of the Hall coefficient can be explained with a model of a compensated metal, i.e. charge carriers are electrons and holes with equal numbers, and the two types of carriers are differently affected by the different scattering mechanisms. For a compensated metal it is however difficult to deduce a charge carrier density from the Hall coefficient as R H is given by the superposition of two terms, coming from the different bands [6]. So with the simple one band model mentioned above, one overestimates the real charge carrier density. Band structure calculations of NiSi [7] confirm that this compound is indeed a compensated metal.

The low temperature specific heat Cp of NiSi follows a classical metal behaviour, i.e. it can be described by the sum of an electronic contribution yT and a phonon contribution fiT 3. In Fig. 3 we present Cp in a Cp/T versus T 2 plot for the determination of 3' and ft. The fit was done for the data

1 , , , , , , , , ~ , , , , , , , , ~ , , , , , , , ,


~ o

v -0.5


N i S i


1 10 100 1000

T (K)

F i g . 2. L o w f ie ld H a l l c o e f f i c i e n t o f N i S i as a f u n c t i o n o f t e m p e r a t u r e . T h e i n d i c a t e d l ine is a g u i d e to t he eye .

5 2 6 B. Meyer et al. / Microelectronic Engineering 37/38 (1997) 523-527

1 0 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,


8 N i S i

~ 0


J - j y = L 7 3 m J / m o l e K 2

2 [t -- 0 . 0 3 1 7 m J / m o l e K 4

0 ~ ~ , , I , , , , I , , i ] i i i i

0 5 0 1 0 0 1 5 0 2 0 0

T 2 [ K 21

Fig. 3. Specific heat capacity divided by temperature v e r s u s T z of NiSi. In the figure we indicate also a fit Cp/T=~/+/3T 2 for the determination of y and/3 (see text).

points below 10 K. From the electronic term TT one can deduce the electronic density of states at the Fermi level D(EF):

3T D ( E F ) - 2 2 (2)

7r k B

where k B is the Boltzmann constant. Here we have y = 1.73 mJ mole -~ K -2, yielding D(EF)=40.5 states/Ry unit cell. Theoretical band structure calculations [7] predict a y-value of 1.3 mJ mole-~ K 2 corresponding to D(EF)= 30 states/Ry unit cell, in good agreement with our experimental result.

From the lattice contribution to the specific heat fiT 3, we can deduce the Debye temperature of NiSi:

~/ 12 R77 "4 0o = 3 r 5 /3 (3)

where R is the gas constant and r = 2 atoms/molecule. With /3=0.0317 mJ mole -~ K -4 this yields 0 o =497 K, a value higher than the Debye temperature found by the resistivity analysis. This difference in the two values of Debye temperatures results probably from the fact that the explored temperature regions for the determination of 0 o were not the same (specific heat: 1.6 K-<T-<10 K; resistivity: 4.2 K--<T--300 K). In Fig. 3 one can see two deviations from the classical yT+/3T 3 law: At high temperatures (T> 10 K) higher order terms in T occur leading to a curvature of the data curve. At lowest temperatures (T--<3 K) we observe a significant deviation from the TT+/3T 3 law. This latter is likely of magnetic origin, but we have not had up to now enough experimental data to confirm these results.

The magnetic susceptibility measured on NiSi single crystals is similar to that already found for the VB group disilicides [8]. NiSi is diamagnetic at high fields (0.2 T < B < 7 T), due to the core diamagnetism of the metal ions. At low temperatures and low magnetic field however, one can observe a curvature in the magnetisation versus applied magnetic field curve. It is not surprising that

B. Meyer et al. / Microelectronic Engineering 37/38 (1997) 523-527 527

some magnet ic effects can be observed in NiSi as the related compounds FeSi and CoSi [9] show a strong paramagne t i sm and moreover MnSi orders antiferromagnetical ly at low temperatures [10].

4. Conclusions

We have measured the resistivity, the Hall effect and the low temperature specific heat of single

crystalline NiSi. We found a room temperature resistivity of about 10 p~l) cm as already reported for

thin films. Hall effect measurements and band structure calculations indicate that this monosil icide is a

compensa ted metal. F rom the low temperature specific heat measurements we deduced the electronic

density of states at the Fermi level and the Debye temperature for this compound. Some magnetic

effects were observed at low temperature and we will continue our investigations in order to clarify

this point.


This work was financially supported by the European Communi ty within the f ramework of the

Human Capital and Mobil i ty program, contract number ERBCHRXTCT930318 .


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