Page 1: Turquie : poursuites contre Maître Ramazan Demir

IDHAE Observatoire sans frontières des violations des droits de la défense et des droits de l’homme des avocats dans le monde

Au service des avocats depuis 1984



7 novembre 2013

L’avocat kurde

Ramazan Demir fait l’objet de poursuites pour des propos à l’audience pour

la défense de ses clients. Le 7 Novembre 2013, le barreau d'Istanbul a ouvert une poursuite disciplinaire contre Ramazan Demir conformément à l'article 141 du Règlement intérieur du barreau, à la suite de la plainte déposée par le Procureur spécial de la Cour criminelle n° 15. De ce fait, Ramazan Demir doit faire face à une sanction disciplinaire et peut même être radié du barreau. Le 16 Juillet 2013, il a été inculpé pour avoir "insulté ou (...) d'offenser la dignité d'une autorité publique dans l'exercice de ses fonctions», conformément à l'article 125 du Code pénal qui prévoit jusqu'à deux ans d'emprisonnement. Le Procureur de Silivri décidé de poursuivre Ramazan Demir et, le 9 Septembre 2013, a obtenu l'autorisation du ministère de la Justice de déposer l'acte d'accusation. . Ramazan Demir a été accusé d’avoir «insulté ou ( ... ) offensé la dignité d'une autorité publique dans l'exercice de ses fonctions», conformément à l'article 125 du Code pénal qui par ailleurs, prévoit jusqu'à deux ans d'emprisonnement . L’accusation est uniquement fondée sur les propos qu’il a tenus pour da défense de ses clients au cours du procès contre 44 journalistes soupçonnés de liens avec le KCK . Lors d'une audience tenue le 16 Novembre 2012, Ramazan Demir a contesté la capacité du Procureur à déterminer dans l'acte d'accusation qu’un groupe de journalistes inculpés mène des

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activités qui ne sont pas «normales» ni «indépendantes» . Ramazan Demir a également demandé au tribunal de convoquer et d’entendre un expert à témoigner devant la Cour, sur ce qui peut constituer ou non des activités journalistiques « normales et indépendantes ». Ramazan Demir, est un avocat kurde défenseur des droits de l’homme, bien connu pour sa participation à la défense des journalistes poursuivis dans le cadre d'une opération anti- terroriste de vaste portée visant à démanteler un réseau terroriste présumé connu sous le nom KCK et plus particulièrement le « procès de la presse du KCK", mais aussi pour son engagement dans la défense des avocats poursuivis dans le cadre de procès de masse anti- terrorisme Plusieurs autres avocats seraient confrontés aux mêmes accusations pour leurs plaidoiries en qualité d’avocats de la défense dans les procès de membres du KCK .

Demandez aux autorités et au barreau d’Istanbul d’abandonner inconditionnellement les

accusations portées contre Ramazan Demir . DEMANDEZ qu’il soit mis fin à cette campagne de harcèlement judiciaire contre des avocats en Turquie, qui n’ont d’autre objet que de restreindre l'exercice légitime de leur profession et leurs efforts pacifiques pour la défense des principes des droits de l'homme, et appelez les autorités judiciaires turques et demandez au barreau d’Istanbul d’abandonner inconditionnellement les accusations portées contre Ramazan Demir . (Voir modèle de lettre et adresses ci-dessous).



7 November 2013

charged with “insulting the dignity of a public authority

in relation to defence speeches made during trials. On November 7, 2013, the Istanbul Bar Association also initiated a disciplinary investigation against Mr. Ramazan Demir in relation to the same incident pursuant to Article 141 of the Internal Rules on Attorneyship, following the complaint filed by the Special Prosecutor of the 15th Heavy Criminal Court. Ramazan Demir may face an official warning, a fine, suspension from the exercise of attorneyship or may even be disbarred Ramazan Demir has been charged with “insulting or (…) offending the dignity of a public authority in the performance of his duties”, pursuant to Section 125 of the Criminal Code which provides for up to two years of imprisonment. The charges are based on defence speeches he made during the trial against 44 journalists who are suspected of ties with the KCK. During a hearing held on November 16, 2012, Ramazan Demir challenged the capacity of the Prosecutor to determine in the indictment that a group of journalists facing charges were conducting activities that are not “normal” nor “independent”. Ramazan Demir also requested the court to

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call and hear an expert to testify before the Court on what can constitute normal and independent journalistic activities. On July 16, 2013, he was charged for “insulting or (…) offending the dignity of a public authority in the performance of his duties”, pursuant to Section 125 of the Criminal Code which provides for up to two years of imprisonment. The Silivri Prosecutor conducted an investigation, decided to charge lawyer Ramazan Demir and, on September 9, 2013, obtained authorisation from the Justice Ministry to file the indictment. The charges follow a complaint filed on May 13, 2013 by the Special Prosecutor of the 15th Heavy Criminal Court, after, during a hearing held on November 16, 2012, Ramazan Demir challenged the capacity of the Prosecutor to determine in the indictment that a group of journalists facing charges were conducting activities that are not “normal” nor “independent”. Ramazan Demir also requested the court to call and hear an expert to testify before the Court on what can constitute normal and independent journalistic activities. The Silivri Prosecutor conducted an investigation, decided to charge lawyer Ramazan Demir and, on September 9, 2013, obtained authorisation from the Justice Ministry to file the indictment. Ramazan Demir, a lawyer known for his participation in the defence of journalists prosecuted within the framework of a broad-ranging anti-terrorist operation intended to dismantle an alleged terrorist network known as KCK and more particularly the “KCK Press Trial”, but also his mobilisation in favour of lawyers prosecuted under two mass anti-terrorism trials . According to the same information, this case of harassment of lawyers is not unique. Several other lawyers would be facing the same charges for defence speeches made in KCK trials. PLEASE URGE TURKISH AUTHORITIES to cease criminal proceedings and disciplinary investigation by the Istanbul Bar Association against Ramazan Demir ASK FOR dropping all charges pending against Mr. Ramazan Demir immediately and unconditionally as the charges are clearly aimed at curtailing the legitimate exercise of their professions and their peaceful human rights activities and put an end to all acts of harassment, including at the judicial level, against Ramazan Demir and ensure in all circumstances that human rights defenders in Turkey are able to carry out their work without unjustified hindrances.


[Your name here] Dear Mr President Turkey - Mr. Ramazan Demir - lawyer at risk I have been informed that on July 16, 2013, Mr. Ramazan Demir was charged with "insulting or (...) offending the dignity of a public authority in the performance of his duties", pursuant to Section 125 of the Criminel Code which provides for up to two years of imprisonment. We understand that these charges have emerged in response to the legal representation that Mr. Demir has provided te the 44 journalists who stand accused of terrorism-related offences in Silivri. I am aware that, further to the charges, Mr. Ramazan Demir will also be the subject of a disciplinary investigation which has been opened by the Istanbul Bar in relation te the same incident. This was initiated by the Bar on November 7, 2013 upon a complaint received from the Special Prosecutor of the 15th Criminel Court. Subject te the outcome of this investigation, it is understood that Mr. Demir may face an official warning, a fine, suspension from practicing in the legal profession or even disbarment. The statements which have been attributed te Mr. Ramazan Demir and which form the basis on which prosecution has been instigated against him have been made in the course of his duties as part of defence speeches he gave during a hearing held on November 16, 2012. In these speeches, Mr.

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Mr. Oguz Demiralp

Ramazan Demir is perceived te have challenged the ability of the prosecutor to ascertain the impartiality and independence with which the journalists standing trial have acted when making a request that the court hears expert evidence with respect te this matter. I underline with grave concern that Mi-. Demir appears to have been prosecuted for no reason other than exercising his legitimate duties as a lawyer. R is thought that the actions taken against Mr. Demir amount ta an attempt to interfere with his legal work on behalf of his clients. Furthermore, particularly concerning to us is that the allegations against Mr. Ramazan Demir appear to be part of a series of incidents of harassment employed against some of the other defence lawyers acting in the same case who reportedly face charges of the same nature. There is some suggestion that such charges are now becoming commonplace throughout the KCK trials. With regard to Mr. Ramazan Demir and the other lawyers concerned, we wish ta respectfully draw your attention to Articles 16 and 18 of the UN Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers (1990) which state that: 16. Govemments shah l ensure that lawyers (a) are able to perform all of their pro fessional functions without intimidation, hindrance, harassment or improper interference; (b) are able te travel and te consult with their clients freely both within their own country and abroad; and (c) shall net suffer, or be threatened with, prosecution or administrative, economic or other sanctions for any action taken in accordance with recognized pro fessional duties, standards and ethics. 18. Lawyers shall flot be identified with their clients or their clients' causes as a result of

discharging their functions. 1 respectfuily urge you ta use ail the powers vested in you ta ensure that the criminal charges and proceedings, as well as disciplinary investigation by the Istanbul Bar Association, against Mr. Demir are dropped immediately. I further urge you to act in accordance with recognised international human rights law, ensuring that harassment of legal professionals in Turkey ceases and ensure that they are properly protected against ah l forms of harassment while carrying out their work.

Yours sincerely


Addresses: • President of Turkey, Mr. Abdullah Gül, Cumhurbaskanligi 06100 Ankara, Turkey; Fax: +90 312 468 5026; Email: [email protected] • Prime Minister, Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Office of the Prime Minister Basbakanlik 06573 Ankara, Turkey, Fax: + 90 312 417 0476; Email: [email protected] • Deputy Prime Minister Responsible for Human Rights and Counter Terrorism, Mr. Beşir Atalay, Email: [email protected], Fax: 00 90 (312) 422 13 98 • Justice Minister, Mr. Sadullah Ergin, Ministry of Justice/ Adalet Bakanligi, 06659 Ankara, Turkey; Fax: + 90 312 414 62 26 •President of the Istanbul Bar Association Ümit KOCASAKAL, Adli Apaydın Sokak Baro Han K:2 34430 Beyoglu/ISTANBUL Fax: +90 (212) 293 89 60 - E-Mail: [email protected]

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