Jacques Folon Partner EDGE Consulting Chargé de cours à l’ICHEC Professeur invité à l’Université de Metz Collaborateur scientifique Université de Liège De la culture d’entreprise Au Storytelling Management

Culture d'entreprise et storytelling

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Cours donné à l'ICHEC Brussels Management School et janvier 2012

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Page 1: Culture d'entreprise et storytelling

Jacques Folon

Partner EDGE ConsultingChargé de cours à l’ICHEC

Professeur invité à l’Université de MetzCollaborateur scientifique Université de Liège

De la culture d’entreprise Au Storytelling Management

Page 2: Culture d'entreprise et storytelling

C’est quoi la culture d’entreprise?

L’histoire des six singes

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•Un ensemble de comportements, croyances, compréhension qui sont partagées durant une certaine période de temps par les membres d’une organisation

•Elle définit les règles de base au niveau organisationnel et communique aux nouveaux la “bonne” façon de penser et d’agir

•Si tout le monde participe à la culture elle est généralement peu perçue de façon consciente.

•C’est lorsque l’organisation tente d’imposer des stratégies ou des comportements contraires à la culture que le face à face et la culture se perçoivent.

•Si chaque organisation a sa propre culture, il n’y a pas nécessairement une culture unique, mais il peut exister différentes sous-cultures, par département par exemple.

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Ca se voit ?

On peut identifier la partie visible à première vue…

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Comment cela se passe-t-il dans votre organisation?

• Un nouvel employé qui arrive?• Cinq personnes autour de la machine à café?• Un chef qui hurle sur un employé?• Une personne qui est licenciée?• Un jeune qui veut tout changer?

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Comment définiriez-vous la culture de votre organisation en une ou

deux phrases?

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Culture ou cultures?






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C’est quoi la culture?

• Aspects principaux de la culture:– La culture est partagée– La culture est intangible– La culture est confirmée par les autres

9Source http://www.slideshare.net/preciousssa/hofstede-cultural-differences-in-international-management

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Source: http://www.slideshare.net/Yuvarajah/corporate-culture-5344549

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Niveau et fonction de la Culture:

• la Culture existe à deux niveaux:•Le côté visible et observable immédiatement (habillement, symboles, histoires, etc.)

•Le côté invisible qui véhicule les valeurs, les croyances,etc.

•Fonctions de la culture•Intégration •Guide de fonctionnement•Guide de communication

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Eléments de la culture

Rites – cérémonies




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Rites et cérémonies

• Recrutement• Christmas party• Discours• Pots d’acceuil de départ• Réunions • …

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HISTOIRESBasées sur des événements réels qui sont racontées et partagées par les employés et racontées aux nouveaux pour les informer au sujet de l’organisation- qui rendent vivantes les valeurs de l’organisation

- qui parlent des “héros”, des légendes- Le post it de 3M- Le CEO d’IBM sans badge- Le CEO de quick

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En quoi ça vous concerne?

• Horaires• Relations avec les autres• Dress code• Office space• Training • …

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Quelles consequences?

• Cela permet de comprendre ce qui se passe• De prendre la « bonne décision »• Parfois un frein au changement• Perception de vivre avec d’autres qui partagent les

mêmes valeurs• Point essentiel pour le recrutement et la formation

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EXEMPLEculture et entretien d’embauche

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De la recherche d’emploi à l’emploi


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Cursus de formation

disciplines, connaissances

stages, projets



expérience, évolution



besoins, attentes

Communiquer ==>langage commun


Plaquettes sites web projets d’entreprise



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US vs. French corporate culture

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Stereotypes & Clichés

Clichés about ‘France’ Clichés about ‘USA’


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The Americans see the French as ...

• people who do not work • people who don't speak English • people who are rude to tourists, anti-American and ungrateful • people who live in a bureaucratic Socialist system and who are totally dependent on the State • people who do not use soap • arrogant and conceited people distant and difficult to meet • people who do not respect religious freedom etc... • french have the reputation of being very chauvinist ( the word itself comes from a character in a XIXth century play, a fellow named Chauvin who was a soldier of Napoleon).

The French see the Americans as ...

• arrogant and sure they are always right and good, moralizing and very religious • de grands enfants (ie, people who are naive and have no, or a too short, history) • people who have free access to guns and who use them to shoot each other when things go wrong • people who are arch-capitalists and only think about money • people who do not understand other nations and whose press never addresses international issues : • people who do not take criticism For an American it is hard to conceive that a country operating as French can be the fourth the fifth world economic power !


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A psychoanalytical view....

• are highly implicit • pessimist and negative : value past ; good at analysis and criticism • contextual : "it depends" • like what is complex • lying is no big deal • want to be independent • based on being a member of a group • try not to get caught ; signing a contract is just the beginning • the contract is strongly associated with the relationship • if the other one wins, it means that I'll lose • BEING : you are judged on what you are • value quality of life

• are highly explicit • optimist and positive : value present and future ; good at action • binary : "it is true or false" • like what is simple • do not lie (it is bad) • want to be loved • social identity is based on the individual • law and contracts must be respected ; everything is in the contract once it is signed • a contract is not linked to the relationship • process oriented : everything must be clear and documented ; reacts as planned • try to get a win-win deal • DOING : you are judged on what you do • value quality of work

French kids learn the principle of authority. Theirs mother says : "be good "..

Schools help American kids become

independent and autonomous. Their mother says : "have fun”


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Intercultural management

French are French seen by American

American are American seen by French

Context HIGHT CONTEXT• a place must be left for adaptation and interpretation • everything is in the relationship

• disorganized • unsincere • not disciplined

LOW CONTEXT• everything must be clear • everything is in the contract

• boring • disrespectful • not creative

Time POLYCHRONIC• schedule independent • you can be late if you had something better to do

• not focused • dispersed

MONOCHRONIC• time is money • exactitude is essential

• too much into details • bureaucratic


SMALL BUBBLE• security is being part of a group

• touch you too much

BIG BUBBLE• avoid physical contact

• arrogant and dominating


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Views from managers

American impression of the French 


French impression of the American

People like to know a little bit of everything

Each person is a specialist in his/her own fields

People work in the middle of everyone else

People work individually to do the job they are paid for without questioning anything

People like to know what everyone else is doing

People don't look left or right, they go straight ahead with their specific job

Decisions are rarely without discussion and argument

When a decision is taken, there is a 'steam roller' effect and no argument

It's difficult to get rid of everyone !

There's little job security. People are hired and fired with no reason or argument within 15 days

There's a clear hierarchy - people even seem to be over-supervised

People are superficially relaxed but the boss is the boss

Seniority is by age and ascribed. Seniority is by merit and achievement

If you make a mistake, you will admit to it !

If you make a mistake, you're proud to admit it


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Views from managers

American impression of the French    French impression of the American 

Do you really want to know how long a French declaration tax is ?

Less administratives headaches to cope with the tax declaration

Too much paperwork … Reporting techniques are very technical and procedure-like

Meetings are less controlled .. But the system is quickly becoming more Americanized Meetings are kept to a minimum

Direct workers are often well-qualified and participate more in the company

Direct workers are under-or not qualified tend to accept any jobs or conditions

Business is a human affair including intuition and emotion

Work is seen as rational and systematic - you work towards achieving an objective

French tend to be less corporate Americans always have a ‘Corporate identity’


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Body language


Make him count 1,2,3,4,...

French will start with the thumb and end with the little finger

An American will start with the little finger and end with the thumb

Make him walk French will be much stiffer

An American will move his arms and take-up a lot of space

Put him in an elevator French will try to avoid any eye contact An American will talk about anything

Make him say "everything is OK French will put his thumb upright

An American will form a circle joining histhumb and index (in French, this gesture means : "zero")

Make him hug

French like the Spanish with his abrazo, will actually TOUCH the body of the other person and act as if he was enjoying it

An American will look as if he was afraid of bad breath, stay as far as possible and give a big slap on the back of the other person

Enjoy a meal with him

French will put his bread on the table and put his hands on the table

An American will put his bread on his plate and will put his hands on his thighs

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Les valeurs affichées et la culture

• Il y a parfois des entreprises qui affichent leurs valeurs sur les murs et leurs documents comme:– Integrité– Communication– Respect– Excellence

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Source: http://www.slideshare.net/reed2001/culture-1798664

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Though growing rapidly, Google still maintains a small company feel. At the Googleplex headquarters almost everyone eats in the Google café (known as "Charlie's Place"), sitting at whatever table has an opening and enjoying conversations with Googlers from all different departments. Topics range from the trivial to the technical, and whether the discussion is

about computer games or encryption or ad serving software, it's not surprising to hear someone say, "That's a product I helped develop before I came to Google."

Google's emphasis on innovation and commitment to cost containment means each employee is a hands-on contributor. There's little in the way of corporate hierarchy and

everyone wears several hats. The international webmaster who creates Google's holiday logos spent a week translating the entire site into Korean. The chief operations engineer is

also a licensed neurosurgeon. Because everyone realizes they are an equally important part of Google's success, no one hesitates to skate over a corporate officer during roller hockey.Google's hiring policy is aggressively non-discriminatory and favors ability over experience. The result is a staff that reflects the global audience the search engine serves. Google has

offices around the globe and Google engineering centers are recruiting local talent in locations from Zurich to Bangalore. Dozens of languages are spoken by Google staffers, from Turkish to Telugu. When not at work, Googlers pursue interests from cross-country cycling to

wine tasting, from flying to frisbee. As Google expands its development team, it continues to look for those who share an obsessive commitment to creating search

perfection and having a great time doing it.

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Citations d’E. Schmidt

• I believe every day that Google is run by its culture, not by me.

• The strategy and the products that we build are a consequence of the culture we have around innovation and focusing onthe end user.

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• Microsoft has an innovative corporate culture and a strong product development focus that is designed to keep us on the leading edge of the industry. We believe that our employees are the company's most important asset. They are the source of our creative ingenuity and success so we empower each staff member to take initiative in solving problems, coming up with new ideas and improving the organisation.

• Microsoft values diversity and respects each person's individuality

• When you sell software to 180 million people, in 70 countries, speaking 150 languages, you can't afford to have a singular point of view. Microsoft employs people from many nationalities and backgrounds.

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Chaque entreprise a sa culture d’entreprise basée sur

–Sa vision–Sa mission–Ses valeurs

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Source: http://www.slideshare.net/storybeats/how-storytelling-drives-corporate-culture/download

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Une des grandes difficultés du management est de faire agir les collaborateurs selon les valeurs de l’entreprise alors que la culture d’entreprise est

basée sur la valeurs des collaborateurs…

Alors comment font les entreprises

pour faire passer le message?

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Source: http://www.slideshare.net/storybeats/how-storytelling-drives-corporate-culture/download

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Source: http://www.slideshare.net/storybeats/how-storytelling-drives-corporate-culture/download

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Mais ca ne concerne que le cerveau gauche !

Source: http://academiedesintelligences.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/left-brain-right-brain-metaphor.jpg

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D’où la nécessité et l’utilisation des histoires et donc du storytelling

Source: http://www.slideshare.net/storybeats/how-storytelling-drives-corporate-culture/download

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Le storytelling

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« … le récit est présent dans tous les temps, dans tous les lieux, dans toutes les sociétés; le récit commence avec l’histoire même de l’humanité; il n’y a jamais eu nulle part aucun peuple sans récit »

Roland Barthes: introduction à l’analyse structurale du récit, Seuil, Paris, 1991

Crédit : http://media.photobucket.com/image/roland%20barthes/nikkistardust/230px-RolandBarthes.jpg?o=1

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Storytelling : art de raconter des histoires

Sunil Kumar

• Depuis la nuit des temps les hommes se racontent des histoires

• Même les solitaires se racontent des histoires…

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Shannon Thunderbird

SOURCE: http://www.slideshare.net/eeisenrich11/writing-in-the-21st-century-final-storytelling-ppt-presentation

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SOURCE: http://www.slideshare.net/eeisenrich11/writing-in-the-21st-century-final-storytelling-ppt-presentation

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SOURCE: http://www.slideshare.net/eeisenrich11/writing-in-the-21st-century-final-storytelling-ppt-presentation

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SOURCE: http://www.slideshare.net/eeisenrich11/writing-in-the-21st-century-final-storytelling-ppt-presentation

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SOURCE: http://www.slideshare.net/eeisenrich11/writing-in-the-21st-century-final-storytelling-ppt-presentation

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We tell stories because we have something exciting to tell.

We tell stories to have fun, to entertain someone or keep them in suspense.

We tell stories to let other people know what we're thinking.

We tell stories to express our feelings. We tell stories to teach somebody

something or to explain something. We tell stories to share ourselves to let

other people get to know us better. We tell stories to give people enjoyment. We tell stories to get feelings out. We tell stories to use our imaginations.We tell stories to save our experiences


John Seely Brown and Paul Duguid in The Social Life of Information

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Cognitive psychologist Donald Norman (1993)

"Stories aren't better than logic; logic isn't better than stories.

They are distinct; they both emphasize different criteria. I think it very appropriate that both be used in decision-making

settings. In fact, I rather like the ordering that often happens,

usually accidentally: First the data and the logical analysis,

then the stories. Yes, let the personal, emotional side of decision

making have the last word."

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Et pour les entreprises ?

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SOURCE: http://www.slideshare.net/robertstar/release-the-stories-in-your-organization

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SOURCE: http://www.slideshare.net/robertstar/release-the-stories-in-your-organization

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SOURCE: http://www.slideshare.net/robertstar/release-the-stories-in-your-organization

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SOURCE: http://www.slideshare.net/robertstar/release-the-stories-in-your-organization

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SOURCE: http://www.slideshare.net/robertstar/release-the-stories-in-your-organization

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SOURCE: http://www.slideshare.net/robertstar/release-the-stories-in-your-organization

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SOURCE: http://www.slideshare.net/robertstar/release-the-stories-in-your-organization

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SOURCE: http://www.slideshare.net/robertstar/release-the-stories-in-your-organization

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SOURCE: http://www.slideshare.net/robertstar/release-the-stories-in-your-organization

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• Dans des situations nouvelles, complexes

• Combine des pensées et des sentiments

• Propose un contexte

• Facile à retenir

• Authenticité

• Fait passer un message induit

Crédit : http://thinkmarketing.org/files/testimage1.jpg

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Les différents types de storytelling

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Source: http://www.slideshare.net/storybeats/how-storytelling-drives-corporate-culture/download

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Les marques et le storytellingDes campagnes marquées par le storytelling

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Les marques et le storytellingLes marques fondées sur le storytelling

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Créer un univers

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Identité liée à l’histoire de l’entreprise

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Les histoires des clients

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Crédit: http://www.pausecafeblog.com/images/2007/july/12/iphoneblender.jpg

Les histoires de produit

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Les histoires négatives

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Une mauvaise histoire !

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Les histoires internes à l’entreprise

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La politique et le storytelling

o Photo le 6 mai 2004 o Ashley Faulkner : « Ma mère a été

assassinée le 11 septembre par les terroristes »

o Spot diffusé 30.000 fois dans les swing states

o 6,5 millions $o Victoire de G.W.Bush !

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Malaise ?Infarctus ?Mais non ! Fatigue de l’hyper président après une longue journée de travail

Crédit: http://www.info2tv.fr/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/20090726_nicolas_sarkozy.jpg

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Les types d’histoires

• le héros

• le survivant

• succès par l’erreur

• les rites

•Rappelez-vous la culture d’entreprise…

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Pour que les valeurs de la culture et celles

voulues par le management se


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Source: http://www.slideshare.net/storybeats/how-storytelling-drives-corporate-culture/download

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Source: http://www.slideshare.net/storybeats/how-storytelling-drives-corporate-culture/download

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Source: http://www.slideshare.net/storybeats/how-storytelling-drives-corporate-culture/download

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Source: http://www.slideshare.net/storybeats/how-storytelling-drives-corporate-culture/download

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Source: http://www.slideshare.net/storybeats/how-storytelling-drives-corporate-culture/download

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Quelques exemples

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Source: http://www.slideshare.net/storybeats/how-storytelling-drives-corporate-culture/download

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Source: http://www.slideshare.net/storybeats/how-storytelling-drives-corporate-culture/download

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• Création• Fusion• Nouveau produit• Manager• Internationalisation,• Erreurs• …

Source: http://www.delhaizegroup.com/images/Founders.jpg

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Copyright © 2009

Whoever tells the best story


SOURCE; http://www.slideshare.net/rafstevens/bemore-in-1-minute-storytelling

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Copyright © 2009

Whoever tells the best story


SOURCE: http://www.slideshare.net/rafstevens/bemore-in-1-minute-storytelling

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Crédi: http://www.kryogenix.org/code/Jackfield%20and%20Python/pix/wownow.jpg

Mais il faut croire à ce qu’on dit ….

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1 core


1 core


SOURCE: http://www.slideshare.net/rafstevens/bemore-in-1-minute-storytelling

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inspiring story


inspiring story

SOURCE: http://www.slideshare.net/rafstevens/bemore-in-1-minute-storytelling

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SOURCE: http://www.slideshare.net/rafstevens/bemore-in-1-minute-storytelling

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Storytelling and knowledge sharing• “Every afternoon

our corporate knowledge walks out of the door and I hope to God they’ll be back tomorrow” – Jeffrey Miller, CEO Documentum

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Barriers to knowledge sharing

• Knowledge is power• Not invented here syndrome• People do not realize value knowledge has for others• Knowledge sharing is not my job• Lack of trust• Lack of time• Lack of top management support towards knowledge sharing activities• Corporate culture• Lack of infrastructure• Lack of confidence/Damage to reputation• No/insufficient rewards and incentives

Knowledge sharing: the key to qualityRetha Snyman ([email protected])([email protected])Dept of Information ScienceUniversity of Pretoria

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Tools & Techniques …

• Water-coolers & Coffee machinesWebber: “In the new economy, conversations are the

most important form of work. Conversations are the way knowledge workers discover what they know, share it with their colleagues, and in the process create new knowledge for the organization.”

Source: • Davenport, T.H. & Prusak, L. 1998. Working knowledge: how

organizations manage what they know. Boston: Harvard Business School Press:90-93

Knowledge sharing: the key to qualityRetha Snyman ([email protected])([email protected])Dept of Information ScienceUniversity of Pretoria

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Tools & Techniques …

• Storytelling– “Stories provide a medium of communication, both internally within an

organization and externally to customers, potential customers, business partners, business rivals, investors, and others” (McLellan, 2002)

– Sources:• Denning, S. 2000. The springboard: how storytelling ignites action in

knowledge-era organisations. Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann • McLellan, H. 2002. Introduction to Corporate Storytelling. [Online].

Available: www.tech-head.com/cstory1.htm • Sole, D. 2002. Sharing knowledge through storytelling. Harvard Graduate

School of Education [Online]. Available: http://lila.pz.harvard.edu • Tobin, P. & Snyman, R (MMM). 2004. Storytelling and knowledge

management: what’s the story so far? Musaion

Knowledge sharing: the key to qualityRetha Snyman ([email protected])([email protected])Dept of Information ScienceUniversity of Pretoria

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Que faire concrètement?

• Définir une stratégie et un planning• Rechercher les faits et les histoires• Identifier les conteurs et aller les écouter• Enregistrer les histoires, les photos, les gens• Archiver, traiter• Identifier les meilleures histoires en ligne avec la

stratégie• Communiquer par tous moyens

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Source : ttp://4.bp.blogspot.com/_tSCCV9JgfH0/Sfdx1vrgOvI/AAAAAAAAC6U/-z4dGW306eM/s400/communication+web+2.0.jpg

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