Le Syndrome Hepato-Renal (SHR) M. BENYAHIA Service de Néphrologie Dialyse et Transplantation Rénale Hôpital Militaire d’Instruction Mohammed V Rabat 7 ème Journée UPR Néphrologie Faculté de Médecine et de Pharmacie Rabat,1 er Décembre 2012

Le syndrome hépatorénal

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Page 1: Le syndrome hépatorénal

Le Syndrome Hepato-Renal


M. BENYAHIAService de Néphrologie Dialyse et Transplantation Rénale

Hôpital Militaire d’Instruction Mohammed V Rabat

7ème Journée UPR NéphrologieFaculté de Médecine et de Pharmacie

Rabat,1er Décembre 2012

Page 2: Le syndrome hépatorénal

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• 1éres descriptions: 19 °siécleFrerichs T. Tratado practico de las enfermedades del higado, de los vasos hepaticos y de las vias

biliares. Madrid: libreria extranjera y nacional, cientifica y literaria,1877:353-62

• The liver kidney syndromeInsuffisance rénale après chirurgie biliaire

Helwig FC, Schulltz CB. A liver kidney syndrome. Clinical, pathological and experimental studies. Surg Gynecol Obstet, 1932;2:304-10

• 1ére description détaillée: 1956Atteinte hépatique, IR

sans protéinurie et natriurése effondréeHecker R,Sherlock S.Electrolyte and circulatory changes in terminal liver failure.

Lancet, 1956:1221-25

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SHR: Définition

- Hépatopathie avec HTP + ascite


Hépatite alcoolique aigue Hépatite fulminante


- Insuffisance rénale fonctionnelle

Sans cause identifiableOligurie

[Na+] U bas protéinurie nulle


V.Arroyo; P Gines et al. Definition and diagnosis criteria of refractory ascites and Hepatorenal Syndrome in cirrhosis. Hepatology 1996; 23,1:164-76

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IRA fonctionnelle• Transplantation of cadaveric kidneys from patients with

hepatorenal syndrome. Evidence for the functional nature of renal failure in advanced liver disease.

Koppel MH et al. NEJM 1969,280:1367-71

• Vasoconstriction intra-rénale

Epstein M et al.Renal failure in the patient

with cirrhosis. The role of active vasoconstriction. Am J Med 1970; 49:175-85

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Critères diagnostic: 2007

F. Salerno et al. Diagnosis,prevention and treatement of hepatorenal syndrome in cirrhosis. Gut 2007; 56:1310-18



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Types du SHR• SHR type 1: - Insuffisance rénale rapidement progressive, avec

augmentation de plus de 100% de la créatininémie de base

à > 25 mg/L, en moins de 2 semaines - Tableau clinique: IRA, Hypotension…(défaillance multiorganes)

• SHR type 2: - IR stable ou lentement progressive - Tableau clinique: Ascite réfractaire

F. Salerno et al. Diagnosis,prevention and treatement of hepatorenal syndrome in cirrhosis. Gut 2007; 56:1310-18

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Epidémiologie• Incidence annuelle SHR: 8%

• Prévalence SHR: 18% à 1 an; 39% à 5 ans (1)

11,4% à 5 ans (2)

• Survie médiane - SHR type 1: 11-14 jours - SHR type 2: 4-6 mois • Mortalité - SHR: 90% à 10 semaines - SHR type 1: 95% à 30 jours

1-Gines A et al. Incidence, predictives factors and prognosis in the hepatorenal syndrome in cirrhosis with ascites. Gastroenterology; 1993, 105:229-36

2- Planas R et al. Natural history of patients hospitalized for management of cirrhotic ascites. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2006;4(11):1385–1394

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Evénements précipitants• Ponction d’ascite à grand volume sans perfusion d’albumine (7-15%)

• Hémorragie digestive (10-36%)

• Infection bactérienne évolutive (sans état de choc) (57%)

• Prise d’AINS

→→ 50 à 75% des cas de SHR type 1C Fagundes and P Ginès. Hepatorenal Syndrome: A Severe, but Treatable, Cause of Kidney Failure in Cirrhosis . Am J Kidney Dis. 2012;59(6):874-885

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Infection spontanée du liquide d’ascite- Translocation bactérienne: Pullulation microbienne du tube digestif Troubles motilité intestinale Perméabilité transpariétale- Production de: Cytokines proinflammatoires ( TNF α, IL6) Vasodilatateurs: NO

- Vasodilatation artérielle splanchnique

- 30% des cas de ISLA →→SHRP Gines, RW Shrier. Renal failure in cirrhosis. NEJM 2009; 361,13: 1279-90

Update 2011 at NEJM.org

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D. Aguillon et al .Hepatorenal syndrome: From physiopathology to treatement.

Annales françaises d’anésthesie et de réanimation 2003; 22: 30-38

↑ production of:NOAnandamideCarbon monoxideAdrenomedullinCGRPProstacyclinGlucagon

Norepinephrine, Neuropeptide Y, Renine, Angiotensine, Aldosterone, Arginine vasopressineEndotheline1, Adenosine

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Cardiomyopathie cirrhotique

• ↓ Réponse contractile au stress• Troubles relaxation diastolique• Anomalies électro-physiologiques

Møller S, et al. New insights into cirrhotic cardiomyopathy. Int J Cardiol 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijcard.2012.09.089

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Handbook of Liver Disease. 3th edition,2012; Hepatorenal Syndrome: 173-182

Leucotreines C4,D4 F2 isoprostane

NO, kallikrein, Atrial natriuretic peptide

Prostaglandins I2,G2

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Expansion volémique

F. Salerno et al. Diagnosis,prevention and treatement of HRS in cirrhosis. Gut 2007; 56:1310-18

- Etape fondamentale dans le diagnostic du SHR- Eliminer IRA pré rénale

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Effets Albumine IV

C3G C3G+Albumine p N:63 N:63

59(94%) 62(98%) ns

21(33%) 6(10%) 0,002

18(29%) 6(10%) 0,01

P Sort et al. Effect of IV Albumin on renal impairement and mortality in patients with cirrhosis and

spontaneous bacterial peritonitis. NEJM 1999;341:403-09

• Résolution infection:

• SHR:

• Mortalité:

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Albumine HES• Résolution infection 100% 100% Admission Fin Admission Fin• S creat (mg/dL) 1.6 ± 0.8 1.0 ± 0.3 .01 1.2 ± 0.5 1.0 ± 0.2 .02• BUN (mg/dL) 34 ± 23 26 ± 17 .05 26 ± 18 20 ± 11 .26• Serum Na+ (mEq/L) 131 ± 6 134 ± 7 .17 128 ± 6 130 ± 8 .10

• MAP(mmHg) 76 ± 9 85 ± 13 .01 80 ± 15 81 ± 8 .36• Sys Vas Res (dynsec/cm5) 668 ± 134 803 ± 197 .03 777 ± 239 778 ± 290 .96• Systolic volume (mL) 97 ± 20 104 ± 17 .05 83 ± 15 92 ± 23 .12• Heart rate (bpm) 91 ± 14 80 ± 13 .01 90 ± 10 84 ± 9 .01

• P renine A(ngmL/h) 5.7 ± 4.7 3.1 ± 3.4 .04 8.5 ± 7.3 16.8 ± 24.6 .65

J Fernandez et al. Hepatology, 2005;42,3: 627-34

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SHR:Traitement Médical

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Analogues de Vasopressine• Octapressine, Ornipressine: Effets indésirables+++

• Terlipressine

• Récepteurs V1 (territoire splanchnique)

• Effets indésirables: complications ischémiques, 9-22%.

• Avantages: - Améliore fonction circulatoire, ↑ PAM - ↓crétininémie, ↑DFG - ↑ Na+ U, ↑ Diurèse - Améliore la survie

K. D. Dohler and M. Meyer. Vasopressin analogues in the treatement of HRS and GI Haemrrhage. Best practice and research Clini Anesthes.2008;22:335-50

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Terlipressine ± Albumine

Ortega ET Al .Terlipressin Therapy With and Without Albumin for Patients With HRS: Results of a Prospective, Nonrandomized Study.

HEPATOLOGY, October 2002; 36:941-48

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Objectifs thérapeutiques

• Réponse complète: Régression totale du SHR Créatinine sérique < 15mg/L

• Réponse partielle: Créatinine sérique > 15mg/L Diminution créatinine > 50%

• Rechute ou récurrence: ↑ créatininémie > 100%, quelques jours après arrêt du

traitement (suivi 3 mois)

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Terlipressine seule ou avec Albumine Vs Placebo ou Albumine

Critère: Régression du SHR

Gluud LL, Christensen K, Christensen E, Krag A .Terlipressin for hepatorenal syndrome (Review). The Cochrane Library, 2012, Issue 9. http://www.thecochranelibrary.com

√ Réponse au traitement : - 40-60% des cas SHR - 80% SHR type 2 √ Récurrence: - 20% des cas - 50% ,SHR type 2

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Terlipressine seule ou avec Albumine Vs Placebo ou Albumine

Critère: Mortalité

- Survie 1 mois: 30%

Gluud LL, Christensen K, Christensen E, Krag A .Terlipressin for hepatorenal syndrome (Review). The Cochrane Library, 2012, Issue 9. http://www.thecochranelibrary.com

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Terlipressine: Survie

√ Survie: - 90 jours: 24,8% vs 12,4% - 6 mois: aucune différence

Transplant-free survival in hepatorenal syndrome (90 jours)

SV Sagi et al .Terlipressin therapy for reversal of type 1 hepatorenal syndrome: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 2010 ;25:880–885

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- Dose Noradrénaline: 0,5-3 mg/H , objectif: ↑PAM de 10 mmHg- Réponse au traitement: 83% des cas- Effets indésirables: 17% des cas (2 patients)- Survie à 2 mois: 50% C Duvoux et al. Hepatology,2002; Vol. 36, No. 2:374-80

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N=23 N=23

V. Singh et al. Journal of Hepatology 2012 vol. 56 : 1293–98

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N=23 N=23

V. Singh et al. Journal of Hepatology 2012 vol. 56 j:1293–98

< 0,05

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Noradrenaline vs TerlipressinCritère: régression du SHR

M.Dobre et al. Terlipressin in hepatorenal syndrome: a systematic review and meta analysis. Int Urol Nephrol ,2011; 43:175–184

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Noradrenaline vs Terlipressin: Survie



V. Singh et al.Journal of Hepatology 2012 vol. 56 : 1293–1298

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Midodrine + Octreotide




A Davenport et al .Medical management of hepatorenal syndrome. Nephrol Dial Transplant . 2012; 27: 34–41.

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HEPATOLOGY 1999, 29, No 6:1690-97Survival

Groupe A: Dopamine + Albumine

Groupe B: Midodrine+Octreotide+Albumine

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Hepatorenal syndrome: the 8th international consensus conference of the

Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative (ADQI) Group

√ Albumin : initially 1 g of albumin/kg for two days, up to a maximum of 100 g/day, followed by 20 to 40 g/day

√ In combination with a vasoconstrictor (1A), preferentially terlipressin• Terlipressin : 0.5 to 2.0 mg intravenously every 4 to 6 hours; with stepwise dose increments

every few days if there is no improvement in serum creatinine, up to a maximum dose of 12 mg/day as long as there are no side effects.

- Maximal treatment 14days

• Noradrenaline : 0.5 to 3.0 mg/hour (continuous infusion). Titrate to achieve a 10 mmHg increase in MAP

• Midodrine + Octreotide: - Midodrine: 7.5 to 12.5 mg orally three times. Titrate to achieve a 15 mm Hg increase in

MAP from baseline - Octreotide:100 to 200 μg subcutaneously three times daily or 25 μg bolus, followed by

intravenous infusion of 25 μg/hour. Nadim et al. Critical Care 2012, 16:R23

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Dérivation porto-systémique intrahépatique: TIPSS

M. Rossle, A L Gerbes . TIPS for the treatment of refractory ascites, HRS and hepatic hydrothorax: A critical update. Gut 2010;59:988-1000

• Traitement et prévention des complications HTP: hémorragies digestives et ascites réfractaires

• Décompression du territoire splanchnique vers territoire veineux central: ↓ Vasodilatation splanchnique

• Effets hémodynamiques: - ↑ Na+U, ↑Diurèse - Amélioration fonction rénale, ↑Na+P

• Effet tardif: 2-4 semaines après TIPS

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K A Brensing et al. Long term outcome after TIPSS in non-transplant cirrhotics with hepatorenal syndrome: A phase II study. Gut 2000; 47:288–295

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Hepatorenal syndrome: the 8th international consensus conference of

the Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative (ADQI) Group

• We recommend use of a transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) as a treatment option for patients with type-2 HRS with refractory ascites who require large-volume paracentesis (1C)

• TIPS is not recommended in patients with: - Severe liver failure defined as serum bilirubin > 5 mg/dl - INR > 2 - Child-Pugh score > 11

Nadim et al. Critical Care 2012, 16:R23

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Epuration Extra-Rénale• Indications chez patients cirrhotiques avec SHR: Surcharge hydrosodée ++, hyperK+, Acidose sévère, Hyperazotémie

→ Candidats à une transplantation hépatique

→ En l’absence de projet de greffe: Dialyse si possibilité de recupération fonction rénale

• Mortalité en dialyse: élevée, 33-61% Encéphalopathie, hypotension et coagulopathie Risque hémorragique élevé

HM Wadei. Hepatorenal Syndrome: A Critical Update. Semin Respir Crit Care Med, 2012;33:55–69.

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Kidney International 2005 Vol. 68 (2005), pp. 362–370

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SHR: quelle dialyse• Début: Après échec traitement médical ou OAP , hyperK+ réfractaire, acidose sévère

• Modalité: - Intermittente: Situations d’urgence Risque d’hypotension

- Continue: Contrôle hémodynamique Stabilité pression intracrânienne (hépatite fulminante) Elimination TNF et IL6 Correction progressive hyponatrémie

• Dose de dialyse: ‘low’ ou ‘high efficiency’TA Gonwa, HM Wadei .The Challenge of Providing RRT in decompensated liver cirrhosis.

Blood Purification,2012;33:144-48

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Recommandations• Renal replacement therapy may be useful in patients who do

not respond to vasoconstrictor therapy, and who fulfill criteria for renal support.(1B)

EASL clinical practice guidelines on the management of ascites, spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, and hepatorenal syndrome in cirrhosis. Journal of Hepatology 2010 vol. 53:397–417

• We recommend withholding renal replacement therapy(RRT) in patients with decompensation of cirrhosis who are not candidates for liver transplantation (1D)

Nadim et al. Hepatorenal syndrome: the 8th international consensus conference of the Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative (ADQI) Group. Critical Care 2012, 16:R23

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Epuration extra-hépatique M




• Systèmes de thérapie non-cellulaire

• Epuration des toxines dissoutes et liées à l’albumine

• Efficacité prouvée: - Encéphalopathie hépatique - Survie des patients - Etat hémodynamique ±

Jan Stange .Extracorporeal liver support. Organogenesis 2011; 7:1, 64-73

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Liver Transpl 2000;6:277-286


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Gut 2010;59:381-86



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Elsa Solà, Pere Ginès. Renal and circulatory dysfunction in cirrhosis: Current management and future perspectives. Journal of Hepatology 2010 vol. 53 :1135–1145

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Transplantation hépatique

Elsa Solà, Pere Ginès. Renal and circulatory dysfunction in cirrhosis: Current management and future perspectives. Journal of Hepatology 2010 vol. 53 : 1135–1145

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Recovery from Hepatorenal Syndrome after Orthotopic Liver Transplantation.

Shunzaburo Iwatsuki, M.D., Mordecai M. Popovtzer, M.D., Jacques L. Corman, M.D., Makoto Ishikawa, M.D., Charles W. Putnam, M.D., Fred H. Katz, M.D., and Thomas E. Starzl, M.D., Ph.D.

ABSTRACT: Three patients with progressive renal failure and advanced hepatic insufficiency due to cirrhosis of the liver underwent orthotopic liver transplantation. All three patients had immediate improvement in hepatic function and within two weeks after liver replacement regained nearly normal kidney function. However, the renal recovery was delayed in each case, and its course was not uniform. Plasma renin activity was high, and renin substrate was low before transplantation in one case in which these measurements were obtained; both returned to normal soon after liver replacement.

N Engl J Med 1973; 289:1155-1159

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Transplant:No transplant

with HRS reversal:No transplant with

no HRS reversal:

35 34 34

17 10 8

47 4 2

97% 65%

3 ans


47% 0%

p< 0,001

p< 0,001

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Greffe combinée: foie+rein

Charlton MR et al. Report of the first International Liver Transplantation Society Expert Panel Consensus Conference on renal insufficiency in liver transplantation. Liver Transpl 2009;15:S1–S34.

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SHR: Prévention• Paracentèses (>2L): perfusion albumine humaine 8g/L

• Hémorragie digestive: antibioprophylaxie

• Péritonite bactérienne spontanée : Albumine +ATB

• Rechercher une insuffisance surrénalienne

• Eviter d’être néphrotoxique: - AINS, Aminosides , - Produits de contraste iodé, - IEC, sartans, diurétiques à bon escient

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GASTROENTEROLOGY 2000;119:1637–1648

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Cadre de travailDésordres hépatorénaux:

IRA, MRC et IRC chez patients cirrhotiques

Nadim et al. Hepatorenal syndrome: the 8th international consensus conference of the Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative (ADQI) Group. Critical Care 2012, 16:R23

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Conclusion• Syndrome Hépato-Rénal: - Situation grave - Diagnostic d’élimination - Traitement médical : passerelle vers - Transplantation hépatique: traitement radical

• Meilleure connaissance des mécanismes physiopathologiques: ↓Prévalence

• Nécessité d’une collaboration multidisciplinaire

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