Le peuple vous emmerde.doc


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  • 7/29/2019 Le peuple vous emmerde.doc


    1/ Morsi na pas t lu dmocratiquement.

    1a / Son parti, et la confrrie islamique ont falsifi les listes lectorales, et les lecteurs de leur

    partis avaient plusieurs bulletin de vote, le cas le plus surprenant tait un lecteur qui a dispos de 60bulletins diffrents, utilisables dans des bureaux de vote diffrents.

    Cest pour permettre ces fraudeurs de voter partout que les lections ont t tales sur plusieursjours. La justice a t saisie de cette affaire de fraude avant que Morsi ne soit dpos.

    1b / Une autre affaire de fraude concerne limprimerie nationale qui a mis plusieurs centaines demilliers bulletin de vote qui ont t remis aux partisans de Morsi pour bourrer les urnes.

    1c/ Les anti-Morsi et surtout les chrtiens ont t interdits de vote. Parfois sous la menace de brlerleurs maisons ou leurs commerces et de tuer leurs enfants.

    1d / En Egypte, les bureaux de vote sont superviss par un magistrat (Cest la loi) La magistrature arefus de superviser les bureaux de vote, parce que les frres musulmans sattroupaient en massedans les bureaux de vote pour intimider les votants et les obliger voter pour Morsi.

    1e / En plus des gros bras prsents dans les bureaux de vote, les pro-Morsi organisaient des files

    dattente interminables devant les bureaux de vote. Ces files dattente ne bougeaient presque pas, et nevotaient que trs lentement. Ce qui fait que les autres votants se lassaient dattendre et finissaient parrentrer chez eux.

    1f / Il est tabli JUDICIAIREMENT, ET AVANT LA DESTITUTION DE MORSI, que cest legnral Chafiq qui avait remport les lections prsidentielles. Mais les frres musulmans ont menacde mettre le pays feu et sang si Morsi ntait pas dclar vainqueur. Larme a fini par cder parcrainte dun bain de sang.

    1g / Le vote de lassemble nationale a t annul en justice, et lassemble nationale dissoute, causedes fraudes mentionnes plus haut.

    1e / Le jour o la Haute Cour Constitutionnelle devait rendre sa dcision sur la validit du vote sur la

    constitution, des hordes payes par les islamistes ont assig le btiment de la Cour et empch lesmagistrats de se runir.

    Voil comment Morsi et sa mafia criminelle sont venus au pouvoir.

    Alors, de grce, renseignez-vous sur les faits avant de donner des leons de dmocratie la terreentire.

    Depuis son lection, des dputs de lassemble nationale dissoute ont propos les textes de loissuivants :

    1/ Une loi supprimant lge minimal du mariage, pour permettre le mariage des filles mineures etmme enfant. Au motif que le Prophte a pous Aicha alors quelle avait neuf ans.

    2/ Une loi supprimant la scolarit obligatoire des enfants et la gratuit de lenseignement primaire.

    Au motif quon na pas besoin dcoles, puisque le prophte lui-mme tait illettr.

    3/ Labolition de la loi actuelle qui considre lexcision des filles comme un crime

    Depuis que Morsi a t lu , les chrtiens taient accuss dtre des croiss ennemis de lEgypteet de lIslam, alors que lEgypte est leur pays depuis toujours.

    De nombreuse glises ont t incendies, et de nombreux chrtiens assassins. Le gouvernement en

    place na mme pas condamn ces actes odieux.

  • 7/29/2019 Le peuple vous emmerde.doc


    Des centaines de filles et de jeunes femmes chrtiennes sont la cible des islamistes les plus radicaux.Enleves, elles sont ensuite converties et maries de force.

    En plus des chrtiens, il y a eu en mai 2013 un vritable pogrom o les islamistes ont assassindautres musulmans chiites qui priaient. Le but est de fomenter une guerre civile et confessionnelle.

    Morsi et sa mafia ont dlibrment laiss des djihadistes de AQMI et de HAMAS investir le Sinai,pour servir de force de soutient si il devait tre renvers, et puis de permettre une solution du conflitIsrael/Palestine en installant les palestiniens dans les Sinai.

    A cet effet, ils ont introduit dans la constitution (aujourdhui abolie) un article permettant au prsidentde VENDRE tel partie du territoire national quil voudra qui il voudra, y compris une puissancetrangre engrois, un article lgalisant la haute trahison.

    Ajoutons cela que depuis la prise de fonction de Morsi, les Islamistes faisaient rgner la terreur : uncouple de jeunes amoureux assassins en pleine rue, parce que la charia interdit des jeunes de sortirensemble, une gamine en cole primaire, sans voile tondue en classe pas la matresse dcole, et tousles jours des incident de ce genre.

    Morsi a nomm comme gouverneur de la rgion touristique de Louxor un membre dune associationterroriste qui avait assassin 75 touristes devant le temple de Hatshepsout.

    Pour manipuler les mdias, Morsi a envoy ses nervis assiger les studios des chanes de tlvision et

    menac les journalistes.

    Il y a eu, en une seule anne, plus de journalistes inquits par le procureur servile des islamistes quetous les journalistes convoqus en justice depuis que le journalisme existe en Egypte.

    Pour que la Haute Cour Constitutionnelle ne puisse pas statuer sur la lgalit du mandat que Morsi aobtenu par la fraude, il a encore envoy ses nervis assiger la Cour, et fait passer une loi abaissantlge de la retraite des juges, pour se dbarrasser des juges de cette cour.

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    Cest ce moment que les divergences clatent au grand jour. Libraux, rvolutionnaires,gauche et Eglises dEgypte dcident de se rebeller en boycottant la constituante. Mais au lieude marquer une pause et de chercher le compromis, lAssemble acclre ses travaux. Laconstituante, dj dissoute une premire fois par la justice, est menace dinvalidation par laHaute Cour constitutionnelle le 2 dcembre. Pour prvenir une telle dcision, Mohamed

    Morsi, qui a dj vu son Assemble du peuple invalide par la mme Cour, dcide le coup deforce. Le 22 novembre il annonce un dcret constitutionnel rendant la constituante et leSnat, domin plus de 80% par les islamistes, intouchables par toute dcision de justice. Il

    profite du dcret pour nommer un nouveau procureur gnral, immuniser toutes ses dcisions,passes et venir, contre la justice et soctroyer de trs larges pouvoirs lui permettantdadopter toute mesure ncessaire sil estime la nation menace.

    La confrontation est maintenant ouverte et les forces non islamistes slvent contre le diktat.Le prsident justifie sa dcision par une nbuleuse conspiration qui serait ourdie contre larvolution de janvier par les moubarakiens et leurs allis de lopposition. Une manifestationmonstre place Tahrir ne semblent pas limpressionner puisquil va encore plus loin. Il fait

    voter les 234 articles du projet de Constitution en moins 24 heures. Il rajoute mme enaddenda la loi lectorale pour les prochaines lgislatives.

    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fin de citation

    Morsi a nomm un ministre de la culture qui, ds sa prise de fonction, ferm lOpra du Caire, interditla danse et impos des sries tlvises sans actrices .

    Chute du tourisme,

    Assassinat de la culture,

    Lconomie ce nest pas mieux : Les rserves de devises sont tombes au-dessous du minimumcritique, et le gouverneur de la banque centrale a donn sa dmission.

    Le chmage a augment de 30% en une anne.

    Les prix ont augment de 40%

    Le cours de la livre gyptienne est pass de 1Euro pour 7 Livres un Euro pour 13 Livres.

    Le peuple, qui est la source de la lgitimit dmocratique na pas accept de vivre 3 ans de plus sousce rgime criminel pour respecter une chance lectorale qui serait videmment truque et falsifiecomme la prcdente.

    Alors, le peuple a impos sa volont.

    Aux mcontents et autres donneurs de leons, je leur rpondrai en paraphrasant Aim Csaire Lepeuple Egyptien, il vous emmerde

  • 7/29/2019 Le peuple vous emmerde.doc


    Morsi avait perdu sa lgitimit pour dautres raisons encore :Cest un vad de prison. Evad avec laide dune organisation trangre.

    Cest un parjure qui na pas respect son serment de protger et respect la constitution

    Cest linstigateur des crimes dassassinat des jeunes Port Said, et ailleurs en Egypte

    Cest la couverture des bandits qui ont agress et tu des chrtiens la cathdrale du Caire

    Cest un dictateur sanguinaire, qui a menac le peuple en disant cest moi o la guerre civile.

    Sawsan AbdellatifCes faits et ces actes criminels documentes qui condamnentcategoriquement le regne de Morsi et le dictat de la confrerie des "Freres musulmans" enEgypte - regne qui n'aura dure qu' a peine une annee - devrait etre porte a la connaissance du

    president francais Francois Hollande, le Senat et l'Assemblee Nationale, le Conseil des Droitsde l'Homme, l'Union Europeenne, la presse, les medias ainsi que tout organisme influentayant formule un avis ou susceptible de s'interesser aux raisons ayant amene au changementde Regime des derniers jours afin que les dirigeants et le public se rendent compte de combienla situation devenait gravissime au point de pousser 33 millions d'egyptiens dans les rues pour

    manifester leur colere et destituer le gouvernement de l'infamie en Egypte de ses pouvoirs.

    Mursi lost legitimacy VPL be elected where he prisoner runaway and lost legitimacy while CDP andKhuff promise and reneged department and lost legitimacy while Adb Brotherhood sitters Balathadbhand lost legitimacy when he was killed killed in Port Said and the rest of the republic and has

    legitimacy when attacked by thugs Brotherhood cathedral andthe legitimacy while tribute to terrorizeand intimidate both had intended to go down to protest on June 30 and lost legitimacy, while the voiceof 33 million Egyptians dismiss Morsi final and was deposed by the military

    1 / Morsi was not democratically elected.1a / His party, the Islamic brotherhood and falsified voters and voters of their parties had severalballot, the most surprising event was an elector who has prepared 60 different newsletters, used inoffices of different voting .This is to allow these fraudsters to vote all the elections were spread over several days. The court wasseized of the matter of fraud before Morsi is filed.1b / Another fraud case for the national printing company that has issued several hundred thousandballots that were given to supporters of Morsi to stuff the ballot box.

  • 7/29/2019 Le peuple vous emmerde.doc


    1c / Anti-Morsi and especially the Christians were allowed to vote. Sometimes the threat to burn theirhouses or shops and kill their children.1d / In Egypt, the polls are supervised by a magistrate (This is the law) the judiciary refused to overseethe polls, because "Muslim brothers" flocked en masse to the polls to intimidate voters and force themto vote for Morsi.First / In addition to the big arms present in the polling stations, pro-Morsi organized in long queues infront of polling stations. These queues almost did not move, and voted very slowly. So that othervoters tired of waiting and ended up going home.1f / It is established JUDICIALLY AND BEFORE THE REMOVAL OF MORSI, it is the generalShafiq who won the presidential elections. But the Muslim Brotherhood has threatened to bring thecountry to fire and sword if Morsi was not declared the winner. The army relented for fear ofbloodshed.1g / The vote of the National Assembly was canceled justice, and dissolved because of fraudmentioned above National Assembly.1st / The Day the High Constitutional Court to make its decision on the validity of the vote on theconstitution, hordes paid by Islamists besieged the Court building and prevented judges to meet.

    Here's how Morsi and criminal mafia came to power.So, please, check the facts before giving lessons in democracy to the whole world.

    Since his election, the "deputies" of the dissolved National Assembly proposed the following pieces oflegislation:1 / A law abolishing the minimum age of marriage for marriage of underage girls and even children.Because the Prophet married Aisha when she was nine.2 / A law abolishing compulsory education for children and free primary education.On the grounds that we do not need schools, as the prophet himself was illiterate.3 / The abolition of the current law that considers female circumcision as a crime

    Since Morsi was "elected" the Christians were accused of being "crossed" enemies of Egypt and

    Islam, while Egypt is their country forever.Countless churches were burned, and many Christians killed. The government does not evencondemned the heinous acts.

    Hundreds of girls and young Christian women are the target of the most radical Islamists. Removed,they are then converted and forcibly married.In addition to the Christians there were in May 2013 a pogrom where Islamists have murdered otherShiite Muslims praying. The goal is to foment a civil and sectarian war.

    Morsi and his mafia have deliberately left jihadists AQIM and HAMAS invest Sinai to serve assupports force if he had to be overthrown, and then allowing the solution of the conflict Israel /

    Palestine by installing the Palestinians in the Sinai.

    To this end, they introduced in the constitution (now abolished) an article allowing the presidentSALE as part of the country he wants to whom he wants, including a foreign power ... engrois anarticle legalizing high treason.

    Add to this that since the inauguration of Morsi, the Islamists were terrorized: a couple of younglovers murdered in the street, because Sharia prohibits youth dating a girl in elementary school,unveiled mowed not in class school teacher, and everyday incident of this kind.

    Morsi appointed as governor of the tourist area of Luxor a member of a terrorist organization that hadkilled 75 tourists at the Temple of Hatshepsut.

    Morsi appointed a minister of culture, since taking office, closed the Cairo Opera House, banned

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    dancing and imposed television series "without actresses."

    Drop in tourism,Assassination of culture,The economy is not better: Foreign exchange reserves fell below the critical minimum, and thegovernor of the central bank resigned.Unemployment has increased by 30% in one year.Prices have increased by 40%The course of the Egyptian pound is spent 1Euro Books for 7 to 13 Euro for books.

    The people, that is the source of democratic legitimacy has not agreed to live three years longer undera criminal regime to respect one election which would obviously faked and falsified as the previousone.So the people have imposed their will.

    The disaffected and other lecturing, I will answer them paraphrasing Aim Csaire "The Egyptianpeople, you fuck"


    1 / Morsi was not democratically elected.1a / His party, the Islamic brotherhood and falsified voters and voters of their parties had severalballot, the most surprising event was an elector who has prepared 60 different newsletters, used in

    offices of different voting .This is to allow these fraudsters to vote all the elections were spread over several days. The court wasseized of the matter of fraud before Morsi is filed.1b / Another fraud case for the national printing company that has issued several hundred thousandballots that were given to supporters of Morsi to stuff the ballot box.1c / Anti-Morsi and especially the Christians were allowed to vote. Sometimes the threat to burn theirhouses or shops and kill their children.1d / In Egypt, the polls are supervised by a magistrate (This is the law) the judiciary refused to overseethe polls, because "Muslim brothers" flocked en masse to the polls to intimidate voters and force themto vote for Morsi.First / In addition to the big arms present in the polling stations, pro-Morsi organized in long queues infront of polling stations. These queues almost did not move, and voted very slowly. So that othervoters tired of waiting and ended up going home.1f / It is established JUDICIALLY AND BEFORE THE REMOVAL OF MORSI, it is the generalShafiq who won the presidential elections. But the Muslim Brotherhood has threatened to bring thecountry to fire and sword if Morsi was not declared the winner. The army relented for fear ofbloodshed.1g / The vote of the National Assembly was canceled justice, and dissolved because of fraudmentioned above National Assembly.1st / The Day the High Constitutional Court to make its decision on the validity of the vote on theconstitution, hordes paid by Islamists besieged the Court building and prevented judges to meet.

    Here's how Morsi and criminal mafia came to power.

    So, please, check the facts before giving lessons in democracy to the whole world.

    Since his election, the "deputies" of the dissolved National Assembly proposed the following pieces of

  • 7/29/2019 Le peuple vous emmerde.doc


    legislation:1 / A law abolishing the minimum age of marriage for marriage of underage girls and even children.Because the Prophet married Aisha when she was nine.2 / A law abolishing compulsory education for children and free primary education.On the grounds that we do not need schools, as the prophet himself was illiterate.3 / The abolition of the current law that considers female circumcision as a crime

    Since Morsi was "elected" the Christians were accused of being "crossed" enemies of Egypt andIslam, while Egypt is their country forever.Countless churches were burned, and many Christians killed. The government does not evencondemned the heinous acts.

    Hundreds of girls and young Christian women are the target of the most radical Islamists. Removed,they are then converted and forcibly married.In addition to the Christians there were in May 2013 a pogrom where Islamists have murdered otherShiite Muslims praying. The goal is to foment a civil and sectarian war.

    Morsi and his mafia have deliberately left jihadists AQIM and HAMAS invest Sinai to serve assupports force if he had to be overthrown, and then allowing the solution of the conflict Israel /Palestine by installing the Palestinians in the Sinai.

    To this end, they introduced in the constitution (now abolished) an article allowing the presidentSALE as part of the country he wants to whom he wants, including a foreign power ... engrois anarticle legalizing high treason.

    Add to this that since the inauguration of Morsi, the Islamists were terrorized: a couple of younglovers murdered in the street, because Sharia prohibits youth dating a girl in elementary school,unveiled mowed not in class school teacher, and everyday incident of this kind.

    Morsi appointed as governor of the tourist area of Luxor a member of a terrorist organization that hadkilled 75 tourists at the Temple of Hatshepsut.

    Morsi appointed a minister of culture, since taking office, closed the Cairo Opera House, banneddancing and imposed television series "without actresses."

    Drop in tourism,Assassination of culture,The economy is not better: Foreign exchange reserves fell below the critical minimum, and thegovernor of the central bank resigned.Unemployment has increased by 30% in one year.

    Prices have increased by 40%The course of the Egyptian pound is spent 1Euro Books for 7 to 13 Euro for books.

    The people, that is the source of democratic legitimacy has not agreed to live three years longer undera criminal regime to respect one election which would obviously faked and falsified as the previousone.So the people have imposed their will.

    The disaffected and other lecturing, I will answer them paraphrasing Aim Csaire "The Egyptianpeople, you fuck"