President's banquet


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President’s Banquet

XExos, the Greek word for stranger, is also the word for friend. Westerners and travelers from afar, basking in the atmosphere of friendship and majestic scenery, paid tribute to a vital and effective force in the specialty of orthodontics when Dr. and Mrs. William Roy Humphrey were honored by members of Dr. Humphrey’s profession at the annual dinner-dance held in the grand ballroom of the Denver Hilton.

I)r. Humphrey, as guest of honor, replied to the toast to guests and to Dr. George Anderson’s presentation of the past-president’s key in the enthusiastic manner that pervaded the entire fifty-seventh annual meeting of the A. A. 0.

L. ,I. Willinms.

Golden Anniversary Luncheon THE ninth Golden Anniversary Luncheon was held in the Junior Ballroom of t,he Denver Hilton Hotel on April 17, 1961. The following members of the (+olden Anniversary Group attended the luncheon :

Clharles R. Baker John R. McCoy Hugh T. Berkey Oren A. Oliver JIax E. Ernst II. C. Pollock William E. Flesher William E. Stoft Henry F. Hoftman R. H. IV. Strang Andrew F. Jackson I\‘. Frank Wilson

The Golden Anniversary Group now consists of fifty-three members, of whom thirty-one are still in the active practice of orthodontics. Three new members, who began their practices in 1911, were added to the group this year :

Albert C. Holzman, Boston, Massachusetts Joseph E. Johnson, Louisville, Kentucky John Rush McCoy, Los Angeles, California

Drs. Holzman and Johnson were unable to be present at the luncheon, but Dr. McCoy was there and received his fifty-year lapel button in person.