Zusatz des Herausgebers


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93 3894 94

2 2 48.1 I 2 1 0 8.0

2 24 50-9 2 3 2 '3.7

2 47 0 0 0.4971

2 'I 2 8 9 0.4974

2 39 36.9 ,

2 1 juillet. A 9h45mf a pass6 par le m. c. une autre

24 juillet. Passage par le m. c. de la tache de Rarnard, tache blanche assez apparente de la mCme zone.

A I 25". Observation rapide, faite dans une 6claircic.

3350 3343 3331 333' 3325 332' 33'6

28 juillet. A I 15", passage de la tache de Bar- nard. Elle est tres affaiblie, m&me difficile. Comme premiere approximation, sa rotation resulte A &re 6gale A roh38m4.

r. Comas Sol&. __ ___ __ - Barcelone, 30 juillet I 903.

Kote on cornet 1903 c. Photographs of the region of Borrelly's comet 1903 c

were taken at the Harvard College Observatory on May 28, 1903 at 1 9 ~ 48m Gr. M. T. and May 30 at r g h 52"' Gr. M. T. about three weeks before its discovery. The positions of the comet at these times were for 1855, RA. 2 i h 49" 27',

Decl. -19O6:1 and RA. 2 1 ~ 5 0 ~ 1 5 ~ , Decl. -18'33:2 ac- cording to the ephemeris of Fayet, A.N. 162.291. In both cases, the position of the comet was near the edge of the plate.

An object closely resembling the comet was found on the first plate in KA. 2 48m43s Decl. - 19? 16:8 and of about the magnitude of the stars - 1906 I 93 and - I 9?6 I 98.

l h e s e stars appeared on the second plate, but no image of the comet was found in the corresponding position. Its computed brightness on these dates should have been about one sixth of that at the time of discovery. I t was therefore probably too faint to appear on these plates but that cannot be determined with certainty until more accurate elements have been computed.

Plates covering the region of the' comet were also ob- tained at Arequipa on May 14 and May 29 and probably on May 4, 1903, but they have not yet been received in Cambridge.

Harvard College Observatory, I 903 July 2 I . E. C. Pickering.

Zneatz des Herausgebere. Herr M. Ebdf findet aus seinen Elementen in A. N. 3883 fur Mai 28 1 9 ~ 48"' M. Z. Gr. den Ort des Kometen z u : 2 I 4grn I Es ist hiernach wohl als sicher anzunehmcn, dafi das in der Helligkeit eines Sterns 8m8 in betrachtlicher Entfernung vom Ephemeridenorte aufgefundene Objekt dem Kometen nicht angehort; der letztere wird, wie auch Prof. Pickering schon vermutet, in der

- I 8" 55r6 ( I 855.0), theoretische Helligkeit ca. I 2. GroDe.

damaligen Zeit fur die photographische Aufnahme noch zu schwach gewesen sein. K Y .


Elerriente und Epheaieridc des Planeten (318) Magdalena. Die folgenden Elemente sind mit Beriicksichtiguog der Storungen durch Jupiter und Saturn berechnet.

Epoche und Oskulation 1903 Sept. 26.0 M. Z. Berlin.

sp = 3O36' 171'53 p = 616~10115 a = 162 41 28.92 '1900.0

M = 294O49' 55:53 (D = 273 41 40.89

loga = 0.506903 i = 10 33 34.54 I

E p h e m e r i d e f u r l z h M. 2. Ber l in .

Sept. 14 ' 5 16 1 7 18 19 2 0

2 1

2 2

23 24 '5

a aPP.

Oh35" 8f32 34 33.36 33 57.76 33 21.55 32 44.78 32 7.48 3 ' 29.70 30 51.48 30 12.86 29 3339 28 54.61 28 1 5 . 0 7

1 903

Sept. 26 2 7 2 8

29 30

Okt. I

3 4 5 6 7




26 15.32 26 55.38

2 5 35.18

23 34.68 2 2 54.64

24 54.99 24 14.81

2 2 14.14 2 1 35.02 2 0 55.52 2 0 16.28

8 0 19 37.35

6 aPP.

3 2 3 42.6 3 30 5 7 3 3 38 10.4 3 45 2 0 . 1

3 5 2 26.4 3 59 28.9

. __ -3'16' 251'1

4 6 21.4 4 13 21.6 4 2 0 11.0

4 33 34.4 -4 40 1.7

4 26 55.4

Aberr..Zeit: Sept. 14 18'"2', Sept. 26 17 ' "4~ ' , Okt. 8 1 7 ~ 5 2 " . Opposition in RA. 1903 Sept. 30. GroDe = 13.1.

.. . Gorlitz, I 903 Juli 26.

logy j logd



0.496 I


H. Mader.

0.3305 3 304 3303 3 303 3303 3304 3306 3 308 33' I

3314 33'8 3323

