CE 428 Wastewater Grit Sedi (1)

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  • 8/13/2019 CE 428 Wastewater Grit Sedi (1)


    CE 428 Water and Wastewater Design

    Grit Chambers   ©Dr. S.K. Ong

    Grit Removal

    Characteristics of grit

    - sand, gravel, cinders, eggshells, bone chips, seeds, coffee grounds and other heavy materials- predominantly inert, composition variable

    - moisture content 13 - !", volatile organic content - 1 - !"

    - specific gravity - clean grit particles - #.!, for material $ith substantial organic material

    attached to inerts - appro%. 1.3

    - bul& density in the range of 1'' &g(m3

    - most grits are retained on a )o. 1'' mesh sieve *'.1! mm or larger+- typical settling velocity for 1'' mesh grit is 1.3 cm(s or #. ft(min

    urpose of rit removal

    - to protect mechanical euipment from abrasion and abnormal $ear 

    - to reduce conduit clogging caused by deposition of grit particles in pipes and channels

    - to prevent loading the treatment plant $ith inert matter that might interfere $ith the operation of

    treatment units such as siltation of anaerobic digester and aeration tan&s

    /ype of rit 0emoval - horiontal flo$ *suare or rectangular configuration+

    - aerated *rectangular+- vorte%-type

    2oriontal flo$ type

    - open channels $ith sufficient detention time to allo$ particles to settle and to maintain constant

    velocity to scour organics

    - the velocity of flo$ controlled by

    *i+ dimensions of unit

    *ii+ special influent distribution gates*iii+ special $eir sections at the effluent end *proportional $eir+

    - designed to remove grit '.#1 mm dia. to as lo$ as '.1! mm dia.

    - grit removal is accomplished by a conveyor $ith a scraper, buc&ets or plo$s- may reuire grit $ashing euipment to remove organics

    /ypical Design 4nformation for 2oriontal rit 0emoval

    arameters 0ange /ypical

    Detention time *s+ 5! - 6' '2oriontal 7elocity *ft(s+ '.8 - 1.3 1.' - 1.#!

    2eadloss in a control section

    as percent of depth in channel 3' - 5'" 3"

    9llo$ance for inlet and outlet

    turbulence #Dm - '.! : *at least !'" increase in theoretical length is

    recommended, Dm - ma%. depth, : - length+

    rit uantities '.''5 - '.'3; m3(1''' m3


    Aerated Grit Chambers

    - popularity of aerated grit chamber 

    - less $ear on grit-handling euipment

    - in many cases, no need for separate grit $ashing euipment

    - normally designed to remove particles ! mesh *'.# mm+ or larger 

    - velocity of roll or agitation governs the sie of particles of a given specific gravity to be removed

  • 8/13/2019 CE 428 Wastewater Grit Sedi (1)


    - uantity of air is ad1 - !>1 1.! > 1

    :ength-$idth ratio 3>1 - !>1 5>19ir supply *ft3(min(ft of length+ # - !

    rit uantities *ft3(mgal+ '.! - #; #.'


    Vortex-tye Grit Chambers

    - vorte% created

    - grit move to the outside of the unit and collected

    - air scour to remove organics- grit removed by air lift pump or by bottom drain

    - typically designed to remove 6!" of 1'' micron *1!' mesh+ grit- head reuired to achieve this removal is a fe$ meters, for e%ample, 6!" removal of #! micron -

    head reuirement - ! - ; m

    - typical units can handle pea& flo$s up to '.31 m3(s *; mgd+

    /ypical Design 4nformation for 7orte% rit Chambers

    0ange /ypical

    Detention time *s+ 3'

    Dimensions Diameter *ft+ 5 - #5?pper

    :o$er 3 -

    height *ft+ 6 - 10emoval 0ates "

    !' mesh *'.3 mm+ 6!@

    ;' mesh *'.#5 mm+ 8!@

    1'' mesh *'.1! mm+ !@


    Design Examle !or hori"ontal aerated grit #hamber

    Design an aerated grit chamber $ith an average flo$ of 11.5 mgd *'.! m3(s+ $ith a pea&ing factor of #.;!

    1. ea& hourly flo$ rate for design A 11.5 % #.;! A 31.3! mgd

    #. rit chamber volume

    9ssume #.' minutes for pea& hourly flo$9ssume t$o chambers in use all the time

  • 8/13/2019 CE 428 Wastewater Grit Sedi (1)








    hr #5+*






    5. Dimensions

    ?se $idth to depth ratio of 1.1>1 and a depth of 8 ft

    =idth A 1.1 % 8 A 8.8 ft

    :ength A #,61' ft#(*8 % 8.8+ A 51.3 ft ?se 51 ft.

    !. Chec& horiontal velocity

















    h   ==

    *on the lo$ side, but acceptable+

    . 9ir supply use ! ft3(m. ft of length

    air reuired A 51 ft % ! ft3(m. ft of length A #'! ft3(min

    ;. 9verage grit removal assume ; ft3(mgd

    volume of grit A 11.5 mgd % ; ft3(mgd

    A ;6.8 ft3(day

    $rimary %edimentation

    • purpose B to remove settable organic solids and to reduce the solids load on the biological treatment unit

    • primary sedimentation or clarification is achieved in large basins under relatively uiescent conditions

    /$o types of design available> horiontal flo$ and circular 

    Design Criteria

    • overflo$ rate *gpm(ft# or m3(m#(d+

    • $eir overflo$ rate *gpm(ft or m3(m(d+

    • detention time *hours+

    • solids loading rate *lbs(ft#(d or &g(m#(d+ *more important for secondary sedimentation tan&s+

    Design Data 0ange /ypicalOverflo$ rates

    9verage flo$ *gal(ft#(d+ 8'' B 1#''

    *m3(m#(d+ 3# B 58

    ea& hourly flo$ *gal(ft#(d+ #,''' B 3,''' #,!''

    *m3(m#(d+ 8' B 1#' 1''

  • 8/13/2019 CE 428 Wastewater Grit Sedi (1)


    =eir overflo$ rate

    ea& hourly flo$ *gal(ft#(d+ 1',''' B 5',''' #','''

    *m3(m#(d+ 1#! B !'' #!'

    Detention time *hrs+ *average flo$+ 1.! - #.! #.'

    /ypical dimensions


    Depth *ft+ 1' B 1! 1#

    :ength *ft+ !' B 3'' 8' B 13'=idth *ft+ 1' B 8' 1 B 3#

    ottom slope 1 B #"

    Speed of scraper *ft(min+ # B 5 3


    Depth *ft+ 1' B 1! 1#

    Diameter *ft+ 1' B #'' 5' B 1!'

    ottom slope *in(ft+ - #


    F%pected OD and suspended solids removal bet$een 3' B 5'" and !' B ;'", respectively *see Gigure

    1#- 5, may be different for different $aste$ater+.

    Design examle&

    Design a sedimentation tan& for a municipal $aste$ater $ith an average flo$ of !.''' m3(day and a

     pea& hourly flo$ A 1#,!'' m3(day?se Gigure, assume '" SS removal, overflo$ rate A 3! m3(m#(day

    1. 0euired surface area A !,'''(3! A 153 m#

    #. Circular tan& diameter d A *5% 153(3.15#+1(# A 13.! m

    *have to select sie appropriate for circular scraper+

    3. 9ssume 1! m diameter *to fit a 1! m diameter scraper+surface area needed A 3.15# *1!+#(5 A 1;.; m#

    5. 9ssume side $all depth A 3 m 7olume of tan& A 1;.; % 3 A !3'.1 m3

    !. Detention time A !3'.1(!''' A '.1' days A #.!5 hrs *o&+

    . Gor pea& hourly flo$ reuirements, find overflo$ rate A 1#,!''(1;.; A ;'.; m3(m#(d *o&+

    ;. Chec& $eir overflo$ rate

    A 1#,!''(*3.15# % 1!+ A #! m3(m#(day *o&+

    8. SS removal at pea& flo$ rate   ≈ 5'"