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Chapter 14

Definitional and Application


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S!pport for the socioc!lt!ral %odel of disorders co%es

fro% %edical anthropologists and psychologists &ho

ha$e identified a n!%ber of '''''''''', fol( illnesses

characteri)ed by alterations in beha$ior#

1# phobic disorders

2# c!lt!re*bo!nd syndro%es

+# borderline personality disorders

4# f!g!e states

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S!pport for the socioc!lt!ral %odel of disorders co%es

fro% %edical anthropologists and psychologists &ho

ha$e identified a n!%ber of '''''''''', fol( illnesses

characteri)ed by alterations in beha$ior#

1# phobic disorders

2. culture-bound syndromes .p# 542/

+# borderline personality disorders

4# f!g!e states

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hich of the follo&ing is a s!fficient criterion for !dging

beha$ioral abnor%ality

1# 3he beha$ior is not co%%on statistically#

2# 3he beha$ior goes against social nor%s#+# 3he beha$ior ca!ses s!becti$e disco%fort#

4# 3he beha$ior ca!ses an inability to f!nction fro%

day to day#

5# 3he beha$ior ca!ses e%otional distress#

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hich of the follo&ing is a s!fficient criterion for !dging

beha$ioral abnor%ality

1# 3he beha$ior is not co%%on statistically#

2# 3he beha$ior goes against social nor%s#+# 3he beha$ior ca!ses s!becti$e disco%fort#

4. The behavior causes an inability to function

from day to day. .p# 541/

5# 3he beha$ior ca!ses e%otional distress#

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 A friend belie$es that a relati$es %ental disorder &as

bro!ght abo!t and has contin!ed beca!se of his specificlife e6periences# 3his $ie& is %ost consistent &ith a

 '''''''''' %odel of %ental disorders#

1# psychoanalytic

2# psychological

+# socioc!lt!ral

4# %edical

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 A friend belie$es that a relati$es %ental disorder &as

bro!ght abo!t and has contin!ed beca!se of his specificlife e6periences# 3his $ie& is %ost consistent &ith a

 '''''''''' %odel of %ental disorders#

1# psychoanalytic

2. psychological .p# 541/

+# socioc!lt!ral

4# %edical

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9iological %odels for e6plaining psychological disorders

%ay in$estigate all the follo&ing factors :CP3;

1# <enetics#

2# "%balances of certain ne!rotrans%itters#

+# 9rain da%age#

4# ffects of to6ins .e#g#, lead/ on brain de$elop%ent and

psychological f!nctioning#

5# Parenting styles and their effects on the psychologicalde$elop%ent of children#

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9iological %odels for e6plaining psychological disorders

%ay in$estigate all the follo&ing factors :CP3;

1# <enetics#

2# "%balances of certain ne!rotrans%itters#

+# 9rain da%age#

4# ffects of to6ins .e#g#, lead/ on brain de$elop%ent and

psychological f!nctioning#

5. Parenting styles and their effects on thepsychological development of children. .p# 541/

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3his %an!al pro$ides a co%prehensi$e list of %ore than

250 %ental disorders gro!ped into se$enteen broad

categories# "t is (no&n by &hat abbre$iation

1# APA

2# >>P"*2

+# DS>*5

4# 200*17

- 14#+

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3his %an!al pro$ides a co%prehensi$e list of %ore than

250 %ental disorders gro!ped into se$enteen broad

categories# "t is (no&n by &hat abbre$iation

1# APA

2# >>P"*2

3. DS-5 .p# 54+/

4# 200*17

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-ne %orning, a st!dent s!ddenly feels an intense r!sh of

an6iety, di))iness, heart palpitations, shortness of breath,and a fear of going cra)y that is acco%panied by a sense

of detach%ent fro% her body# 3his episode lasts abo!t

fifteen %in!tes and is follo&ed by e6ha!stion# ?o!r

diagnosis sho!ld be;

1# Panic disorder#

2# <enerali)ed an6iety disorder#

+# -bsessi$e*co%p!lsi$e disorder#4# Phobic disorder#

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-ne %orning, a st!dent s!ddenly feels an intense r!sh of

an6iety, di))iness, heart palpitations, shortness of breath,and a fear of going cra)y that is acco%panied by a sense

of detach%ent fro% her body# 3his episode lasts abo!t

fifteen %in!tes and is follo&ed by e6ha!stion# ?o!r

diagnosis sho!ld be;

!. Panic disorder. .p# 548/

2# <enerali)ed an6iety disorder#

+# -bsessi$e*co%p!lsi$e disorder#4# Phobic disorder#

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 An6iety that see%s to ha$e no real so!rce, consists of

e6cessi$e &orrying, and is associated &ith other 

sy%pto%s s!ch as diffic!lty concentrating, irritability, and

sleeping proble%s is called;

1# Panic disorder#

2# -bsessi$e co%p!lsi$e disorder#

+# Phobia#

4# Agoraphobia#5# <enerali)ed an6iety disorder#

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 An6iety that see%s to ha$e no real so!rce, consists of

e6cessi$e &orrying, and is associated &ith other 

sy%pto%s s!ch as diffic!lty concentrating, irritability, and

sleeping proble%s is called;

1# Panic disorder#

2# -bsessi$e co%p!lsi$e disorder#

+# Phobia#

4# Agoraphobia#5. "enerali#ed an$iety disorder. .p# 54=/

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3he intr!sion into conscio!sness of persistent, often

dist!rbing tho!ghts, is (no&n as a.n/;

1# Co%p!lsion#

2# An6iety attac(#

+# -bsession#

4# Phobia#

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3he intr!sion into conscio!sness of persistent, often

dist!rbing tho!ghts, is (no&n as a.n/;

1# Co%p!lsion#

2# An6iety attac(#

3. %bsession. .p# 54=/

4# Phobia#

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Shortly after (illing a child &hile dri$ing !nder the infl!ence

of alcohol, @i%%y !ne6pectedly &andered a&ay fro%ho%e# e &as fo!nd se$eral to&ns fro% his residence,

&as %alno!rished, and ta(en to a local hospital# hen

the doctors as(ed his na%e, @i%%y did not (no& it# "t is

li(ely that @i%%y has &hat type of disorder

1# Betrograde a%nesia

2# Depersonali)ation

+# Dissociati$e a%nesia4# Dissociati$e identity disorder 

5# Dissociati$e f!g!e

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Shortly after (illing a child &hile dri$ing !nder the infl!ence

of alcohol, @i%%y !ne6pectedly &andered a&ay fro%ho%e# e &as fo!nd se$eral to&ns fro% his residence,

&as %alno!rished, and ta(en to a local hospital# hen

the doctors as(ed his na%e, @i%%y did not (no& it# "t is

li(ely that @i%%y has &hat type of disorder

1# Betrograde a%nesia

2# Depersonali)ation

+# Dissociati$e a%nesia4# Dissociati$e identity disorder 

5. Dissociative fugue .p# 55=/

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 A &o%an belie$es that she is being controlled by o!tside

forces, s!ch as the de$il# She is li(ely to be s!ffering fro%;

1# Del!sions of reference#

2# Del!sions of infl!ence#+# Del!sions of persec!tion#

4# Del!sions of grande!r#

5# Del!sions of ealo!sy#

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 A &o%an belie$es that she is being controlled by o!tside

forces, s!ch as the de$il# She is li(ely to be s!ffering fro%;

1# Del!sions of reference#

2. Delusions of influence. .p# 52/+# Del!sions of persec!tion#

4# Del!sions of grande!r#

5# Del!sions of ealo!sy#

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3he stress $!lnerability %odel s!ggests that;

1# People &ho ha$e a genetic %ar(er for schi)ophrenia&ill not de$elop the disorder !nless they are e6posedto stress at critical ti%es in de$elop%ent#

2# People &ho ha$e a genetic %ar(er for schi)ophrenia

&ill not de$elop the disorder !nless they are e6posedto stress at any ti%e in their li$es#

+# arly childhood e6periences .e#g#, distant parents/%ay increase the ris( of schi)ophrenia#

4# "f an identical t&in has schi)ophrenia, chances areabo!t 100 that his t&in &ill de$elop the disorder#

5# "rrational tho!ght patterns lead to stress that leads toschi)ophrenia#

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3he stress $!lnerability %odel s!ggests that;

!. People &ho have a genetic mar'er forschi#ophrenia &ill not develop the disorder unlessthey are e$posed to stress at critical times indevelopment. .p# 55/

2# People &ho ha$e a genetic %ar(er for schi)ophrenia&ill not de$elop the disorder !nless they are e6posedto stress at any ti%e in their li$es#

+# arly childhood e6periences .e#g#, distant parents/%ay increase the ris( of schi)ophrenia#

4# "f an identical t&in has schi)ophrenia, chances areabo!t 100 that his t&in &ill de$elop the disorder#

5# "rrational tho!ght patterns lead to stress that leads toschi)ophrenia#

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3he personality disorder associated &ith the tendency to

o$erreact and !se e6cessi$e e%otions to dra& attention

fro% and %anip!late others is called;

1# Schi)otypal#2# 9orderline#

+# istrionic#

4# Dependent#

5# A$oidant#

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3he personality disorder associated &ith the tendency to

o$erreact and !se e6cessi$e e%otions to dra& attention

fro% and %anip!late others is called;

1# Schi)otypal#2# 9orderline#

3. (istrionic. .p# 5/

4# Dependent#

5# A$oidant#

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ach of the follo&ing are sy%pto%s of %ost people

&ith antisocial personality :CP3;

1# Persistent lying#

2# ac( of conscience#+# S!perficial char%#

4# "%p!lsi$eness#

5# illing other people &itho!t feeling any g!ilt#

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ach of the follo&ing are sy%pto%s of %ost people

&ith antisocial personality :CP3;

1# Persistent lying#

2# ac( of conscience#+# S!perficial char%#

4# "%p!lsi$eness#

5. )illing other people &ithout feeling any guilt.

.p# 5/

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hich of the follo&ing %ood disorders is %ost closely

associated &ith disr!ptions in the circadian cloc(

1# 9ipolar disorder 

2# Seasonal affecti$e disorder+# >aor depression

4# Dysthy%ia

5# >ania

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hich of the follo&ing %ood disorders is %ost closely

associated &ith disr!ptions in the circadian cloc(

1# 9ipolar disorder 

2. Seasonal affective disorder .p# 55+/+# >aor depression

4# Dysthy%ia

5# >ania

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Critical 3hin(ing E St!dent

-pinion Slides

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hich is correct

Schi)ophrenia is the sa%e as Fsplit personalityG#

 A# 3r!e

9# Halse 

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hich is correct

Schi)ophrenia is the sa%e as Fsplit personalityG#

 A# 3r!e

*. +alse 

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hich is correct

Iot all psychopaths are $iolent#

 A# 3r!e

9# Halse

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hich is correct

Iot all psychopaths are $iolent#

,. True 

9# Halse

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hich is correct

"ndi$id!als &ith one psychological diagnosis

freJ!ently ha$e %ore than one diagnosis#

 A# 3r!e

9# Halse

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hich is correct

"ndi$id!als &ith one psychological diagnosis

freJ!ently ha$e %ore than one diagnosis#

,. True 

9# Halse

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hat is yo!r e6perience

 A# " ha$e been diagnosed &ith a psychological


9# " ha$e not been diagnosed &ith a psychological

disorder, b!t " s!spect that " %ay ha$e one#

C# " ha$e not been diagnosed, nor do " s!spect

that " ha$e a disorder#

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hat is yo!r e6perience

 A# ither " ha$e a psychological disorder, or a

fa%ily %e%ber has one#

9# " do not ha$e a psychological disorder, nor does

anyone in %y fa%ily ha$e one#

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hat is yo!r e6perience

 A# ither " ha$e a disorder, a fa%ily %e%ber has a

disorder, or a friend  has a disorder#

9# " do not ha$e a disorder, nor does anyone in %y

fa%ily ha$e a disorder, nor do any of my friends.

+=Copyright ©2015, 2012, 2008 by Pearson d!cation, "nc#

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hat is yo!r e6perience

 A# " (no& of so%eone &ho has a disorder

.incl!ding %yself, fa%ily, friends, st!dents in

classes, co&or(ers, dor%*%ates, etc#/#

9# " do not (no& of anyone &ho has a disorder

.incl!ding %yself, fa%ily, friends, st!dents in

classes, co&or(ers, dor%*%ates, etc#/#

40Copyright ©2015, 2012, 2008 by Pearson d!cation, "nc#

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h t d thi (

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hat do yo! thin( A st!dent in the early 1==0s &as e6pelled for

plagiaris% at the Kni$ersity of "llinois at Krbana*

Cha%paign# e clai%ed that he had %!ltiple

personalities, and one of the other personalities

plagiari)ed &itho!t hi% .the do%inant personality/

(no&ing abo!t it#e sho!ld be reinstated#

 A# " strongly agree

9# " agreeC# " a% ne!tral

D# " disagree

" l di 41