Nouvelles acquisitions Décembre 2011 ________________________________________________________________________________ Colloques L’Afrique noire et l’Europe face à face : dialogue d’Africains et d’Européens sur la présente crise mondiale de civilisation, Paris, Présence africaine, 1971, G 3-3778 CHANTEREAU, BILLON, L’expérience du ministère de l’Environnement et du Cadre de vie, 1978-1981 : actes de la journée d’études du 15 février 2007, Paris-La Défense, Comité d’histoire, Ministère de l’Ecologie, du Développement et de l’Aménagement durable, 2007, G 3-3383 DAPPER, Morgan de, Ol' man river : geo-archaeological aspects of rivers and river plains : colloquium, Ghent, Academia Press, 2009, G 3 DÖLEMEYER, ZIMMER, TETZLAFF, Risk and planet Earth : natural hazards, vulnerability, integrated adaptation strategies : papers from the Conference «Risk and Planet Earth» on the occasion of the 600th anniversary of the University of Leipzig, Germany, Stuttgart, Schweizerbart, 2010, G 9-8570 KERFOOT, Mackenzie Delta area monograph, St. Catharines, Ont., Brock University, 1972, G 3-3384 MAZUREK, Gobernabilidad y gobernanza de los territorios en América Latina, Lima ; La Paz ; Cochabamba, Instituto francés de estudios andinos ; Instituto de investigación para el desarrollo (IRD) ; Centro de estudios superiores universitarios, CESU-UMSS, 2009, G 3-3381 MVENG, Perspectives nouvelles sur l’histoire africaine : comptes rendus du Congrès international d’historiens de l’Afrique, University college, Dar es Salaam, octobre 1965, Paris, Présence africaine, 1971, G 3-3379 POUPEAU, GONZÁLEZ ANDRICAÍN, Modelos de gestión del agua en los Andes, Lima, Instituto francés de estudios andinos, 2010, G 3-3380 RAIBAUD, Comment la musique vient aux territoires : colloque, Bordeaux, 12 mars 2007, Pessac, Maison des sciences de l’homme d’Aquitaine, 2009, G 9-8563 VIDAL, European ICT spatial policies : does a political European information society model exist ?, Montpellier, NETCOM, 2007, G 3-3382 Bibliothèque de géographie, Paris. Inscrivez-vous à la lettre d'information !

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Décembre 2011________________________________________________________________________________


L’Afrique noire et l’Europe face à face : dialogue d’Africains et d’Européens sur la présente crise mondiale de civilisation, Paris, Présence africaine, 1971, G 3-3778

CHANTEREAU, BILLON, L’expérience du ministère de l’Environnement et du Cadre de vie, 1978-1981 : actes de la journée d’études du 15 février 2007, Paris-La Défense, Comité d’histoire, Ministère de l’Ecologie, du Développement et de l’Aménagement durable, 2007, G 3-3383

DAPPER, Morgan de, Ol' man river : geo-archaeological aspects of rivers and river plains : colloquium, Ghent, Academia Press, 2009, G 3

DÖLEMEYER, ZIMMER, TETZLAFF, Risk and planet Earth : natural hazards, vulnerability, integrated adaptation strategies : papers from the Conference «Risk and Planet Earth» on the occasion of the 600th anniversary of the University of Leipzig, Germany, Stuttgart, Schweizerbart, 2010, G 9-8570

KERFOOT, Mackenzie Delta area monograph, St. Catharines, Ont., Brock University, 1972,

G 3-3384

MAZUREK, Gobernabilidad y gobernanza de los territorios en América Latina, Lima ; La Paz ; Cochabamba, Instituto francés de estudios andinos ; Instituto de investigación para el desarrollo (IRD) ; Centro de estudios superiores universitarios, CESU-UMSS, 2009, G 3-3381

MVENG, Perspectives nouvelles sur l’histoire africaine : comptes rendus du Congrès international d’historiens de l’Afrique, University college, Dar es Salaam, octobre 1965, Paris, Présence africaine, 1971, G 3-3379

POUPEAU, GONZÁLEZ ANDRICAÍN, Modelos de gestión del agua en los Andes, Lima, Instituto francés de estudios andinos, 2010, G 3-3380

RAIBAUD, Comment la musique vient aux territoires : colloque, Bordeaux, 12 mars 2007, Pessac, Maison des sciences de l’homme d’Aquitaine, 2009, G 9-8563

VIDAL, European ICT spatial policies : does a political European information society model exist ?, Montpellier, NETCOM, 2007, G 3-3382

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Généralités (histoire, épistémologie, méthode, cartographie)

Des Africanistes russes parlent de l’Afrique, Paris, Présence africaine, 1960, G 5-2356

BAKER, BILLINGE, Period and place, research methods in historical geography, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1982, G 5-2350

BLOCH, A quoi sert le savoir : 72 intellectuels d’aujourd’hui, 72 textes pour penser et agir, Paris, PUF, 2011, G 5-2355

DAUPHINÉ, André, Géographie fractale : fractals auto-similaire et auto-affine, Paris, Hermes Science Publications ; Lavoisier, 2011, G 5-2353

LAZARUS, GROULEZ, JAQUET, Penser le postcolonial : une introduction critique, Paris, Ed. Amsterdam, 2006, G 5-2357

LE DEUFF, Olivier, La formation aux cultures numériques : une nouvelle pédagogie pour une culture de l’ information à l’ heure du numérique, Limoges, Fyp éditions, 2011, G 5-2359

MILLOT, Gaël, Comprendre et réaliser les tests statistiques à l’aide de R : manuel de biostatistique, Bruxelles, De Boeck, 2011, G 5-2358

Natural capital : theory & practice of mapping ecosystem services, New York, Oxford University Press, 2011, G 5-2348

Nous enseignons... apprennent-ils ? : guide de l’enseignant, Louvain, UCL, Presses universitaires de Louvain, 2007, G 5-2360

PICKLES, John, Phenomenology, science, and geography : spatiality and the human sciences, Cambridge ; New York, Cambridge University Press, 1985, G 5-2351

ROBETTE, Nicolas, Explorer et décrire les parcours de vie : les typologies de trajectoires, Paris, CEPED, 2011, G 5-2361

STAEHELI, KOFMAN, PEAKE, Mapping women, making politics : feminist perspectives on political geography, New York, Routledge, 2004, G 5-2349



FIRKOWSKI, SPOSITO, Indústria, ordenamento do território e transportes : a contribuição de André Fischer, São Paulo, Expressão Popular, 2008, G 6-370

HARTOG, La Caraïbe, un espace pluriel en questions : au marqueur d’archipels, hommage au professeur Maurice Burac, Paris, Karthala, 2011, G 6-369


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Géographie humaine

BESSOLES, Philippe, Introduction à une géopolitique clinique interculturelle : suivie du glossaire, Paris, MJW Fédition, 2011, G 9-8571

BOURDARIAS, HOURS, LE PALEC, Les ONG : médiations politiques et globalisation, Paris, AFA-MSH, 2003, G 9-8578

BRONFENBRENNER, Kate, Global unions : challenging transnational capital through cross-border campaigns, Ithaca, ILR Press ; Cornell University Press, 2007, G 9-8556

BUTLER, PARR, Mind and body spaces : geographies of illness, impairment, and disability, London ; New York, Routledge, 1999, G 9-8557

COLLINGE, GIBNEY, MABEY, Leadership and place, New York ; London, Routledge, 2011,

G 9-8559

DARBY, MAC GINTY, Contemporary peacemaking : conflict, peace processes and post-war reconstruction, Basingstoke ; New York, Palgrave MacMillan, 2008, G 9-8548

DAVIDSON, Joyce, Phobic Geographies : the phenomenology and spatiality of identity, London, Ashgate, 2003, G

Der Desertec-Atlas : Weltatlas zu den erneuerbaren Energien, Leipzig, CEP Europäische Verlagsanstalt, 2011, G 9-8566

FLEMES, Regional leadership in the global system : ideas, interests and strategies of regional powers, Farnham, Ashgate, 2010, G 9-8547

HOFFMANN-MARTINOT, SELLERS, Politique et métropole : une comparaison internationale, Paris, CNRS, 2007, G 9-8564

IRWIN, Robert, Camel, London, Reaktion Books, 2010, G 9-8569

LONGHURST, Robyn, Maternities : gender, bodies and space, London, Routledge, 2008,

G 9-8558

MORAN, Albert, New Flows in Global TV, Chicago, Chicago University Press, 2009, G 9-8567

NEWMAN, Peter, Resilient cities : responding to peak oil and climate change, Washington ; Covelo ; London, Island Press, 2009, G 9-8546

OLIVA I CASAS, Josep, La confusió de l’urbanisme : ciutat pública versus ciutat domèstica, Barcelona, Pòrtic, 2001, G 9-8560

PERRATON, Le cinéma : imaginaire de la ville : «du cinéma et des restes urbains», prise 2, Montréal, Groupe d’études et de recherches en sémiotique des espaces, Université du Québec à Montréal, 2001, G 9-8565

Ruée sur les minerais stratégiques, Paris, Choiseul, 2011, G

SONG, Haiyan, Tourism supply chain management, Abingdon, Routledge, 2012, G 9-8561

SWANSTON, Alexander, Atlas mondial des combats aériens, Antony, ETAI, 2011, G 9-8552

VICTOR, Jean-Christophe, Le dessous des cartes : itinéraires géopolitiques, Paris, Arte éditions ; Tallandier, 2011, G 9-8553

YNGVESSON, Barbara, Belonging in an adopted world : race, identity, and transnational adoption, Chicago ; London, The University of Chicago Press, 2010, G 9-8568

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L’aménagement commercial dans les SCoT : retour d’expériences et pistes de réflexion, Lyon, Certu, 2010, G

Aménager avec le végétal : pour des espaces verts durables, Lyon, CERTU, 2011, G

AUBELLE, Vincent, Intercommunalités : des projets aux pratiques, Paris, Berger-Levrault, 2011,

G 10-6619

BECK, François, Atlas régional des consommations de produits psychoactifs des jeunes français : exploitation régionale de l’enquête ESCAPAD 2002/2003, Saint-Denis, OFDT, 2005, G 10-6612

DER MADIROSSIAN, VAUTRIN, Aménager durablement les petites communes : écoquartiers en milieu rural ?, Lyon, Éd. du Certu, 2011, G 10-6613

GARNER, Alice, A shifting shore : locals, outsiders, and the transformation of a French fishing town, 1823-2000, Ithaca (N.Y.) ; London, Cornell University Press, 2005, G 10-6611

GEOFFROY, GUERRINI, Les plans départementaux de l’habitat : retour sur la conduite de premières démarches, Lyon, Éd. du Certu, 2011, G

Guide de la France merveilleuse : Auvergne, Languedoc-Roussillon, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, Corse, Paris, Payot, 2011, G 10-6614

Guide de la France merveilleuse : Bretagne, Pays de Loire, Normandie, Picardie, Paris, Payot, 2011, G 10-6617

Guide de la France merveilleuse : Paris, Île-de-France, Centre, Bourgogne, Franche-Comté, Alsace, Paris, Payot, 2011, G 10-6616

Guide de la France merveilleuse : Poitou-Charente, Limousin, Aquitaine, Midi-Pyrénées, Pyrénées, Paris, Payot, 2011, G 10-6615

MARTIN, Clément, La garrigue et ses hommes : une société traditionnelle, Prades-le-Lez, Éd. Écologistes de l’Euzière, 2011, G 10-6622

De nouveaux éléments pour des territoires intelligents, durables et inclusifs : Premier rapport de synthèse du programme ESPON-ORATE 2013 : Résultats disponibles à l'été 2010, Paris, RIATE, 2011, G

Points de vue sur la garrigue : 30 panoramas du Gard et de l’Hérault, Prades-le-Lez, les Écologistes de l’Euzière, 2006, G 10-6623

RÉGENT, Adrien, Le golfe du Morbihan : de la rivière d’Auray à la presqu’île de Rhuys en passant par Belle-Île-en-Mer et Quiberon, La Rochelle, La Découvrance, 2011, G 10-6624

SAINDRENAN, Guy, La vigne et le vin en Bretagne : chronique des vignobles armoricains : origines, activité, disparitions et réussites, du Finistère au Pays nantais, Spézet, Coop Breizh, 2011, G 10-6618

TACQUARD, Dossier de concertation préalable aux propositions patrimoniales et paysagères du site classé de la Plaine de Versailles : document de travail provisoire, Cachan, DIREN Île-de-France, 2010, G 10-6621

VILLANOVA, DEBOULET, Belleville, quartier populaire ?, Paris, Créaphis, 2011, G 10-6620

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20 ans, 20 textes : innover ensemble dans les territoires, Paris, Sol et civilisation, 2011, G 10-6625



DE VRIES, Joh, Hoogovens Ijmuiden, 1918-1968 : ontstaan en groei van een basisindustrie, Amsterdam, Koninklijke Nederlandsche Hoogovens en Staalfabrieken N.V., 1968, G 15-6689

DUFLOT, Jean, BELL, Rosarno : terminus d’un euromirage, Villeurbanne, Golias, 2011,

G 15-6680

HEALEY, Land use planning and the mediation of urban change : the British planning system in practice, New York, Cambridge University Press, 2009, G 15-6677

HEFFERNAN, Michael J, The European geographical imagination : Hettner-Lecture 2006, Stuttgart, F. Steiner Verl., 2007, G 15-6684

JOHNSTON, Ronald John, Putting voters in their place : geography and elections in Great Britain, London ; New York, Oxford University Press, 2006, G 15-6685

LANZINGER, SAURER, Ungleichheit an der Grenze : historisch-anthropologische Spurensuche im alpinen Raum : Tret und St. Felix, Bozen, Raetia, 2010, G 15-6681

MCDONOGH, Gary Wray, Iberian worlds, New York, Routledge, 2009, G 15-6678

NAIMARK, Norman M, Fires of hatred : ethnic cleansing in twentieth-century Europe, Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 2001, G 15-6682

PEARSALL, Geographers’ Master atlas of Greater London, Sevenoaks, Geographers Map Co., 1967, G 15-6688

RITCHOT, Gilles, La morphogenèse de Rome : de la discontinuité première au débordement actuel, Paris, L’Harmattan, 2011, G 15-6687

SELLIER, André, SELLIER, Jean, Atlas des peuples d’Europe occidentale, Paris, La Découverte, 2011, G 15-6683

SMYTH, Hedley, Property companies and the construction industry in Britain, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2009, G 15-6676

VINCENT, Collectionner ? Territoires, objets, destins, Paris, Créaphis, 2011, G 15-6686


Asie, Océanie

AMELOT, Laurent, Les mutations d’une violence sans visage : l’instabilité dans les provinces du sud profond de la Thaïlande, Mons-en-Montois ; Paris, Le Fantascope ; Éditions de l’EMS, 2011,

G 17-3022

BAYLISS-SMITH, Islands, islanders, and the world : the colonial and post-colonial experience of eastern Fiji, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2006, G 17-3007

Bōsai hakusho, Tokyo, Kokudochō, 1990, G 17-3014

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Chihō chukaku toshi noshakai byori Kochi-shi o teisho toshite, Kochi, Kochi-shi, 1981, G 17-3019

Chiho zaizei no jōkyō, Tokyo, Jichisho, 1982, G 17-3013

DOMRÖS, Manfred, Sri Lanka : die Tropeninsel Ceylon, Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgeselschaft, 1976, G 17-3010

HUSA, NISSEL, WOHLSCHLÄGL, Südost- und Südasien : demographische, soziale und regionale Transformationen, Wien, Inst. für Geographie und Regionalforschung, 2011, G 17-3021

KAMAZAKI, Kōiki chihō toshi, Tokyo, Taimedo, 1988, G 17-3011

Kankyō hakusho, Tokyo, Kankyōchō, 1990, G 17-3016

KITAMURA, TERASAKI, Ryūtsū jōhō no chiiki kōzō, Tōkyō, Taimeidō, 1979, G 17-3018

Kokudo riyo hakushu, Tokyo, Kokudochō, 1981, G 17-3012

PARK, HILL, SAITO, Locating neoliberalism in East Asia : neoliberalizing spaces in developmental states, Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011, G 17-3009

Tochi hakusho, Tokyo, Kokudochō, 1990, G 17-3015

Un’yu hakusho, Tokyo, Un’yushō, 1993, G 17-3017

VATTHANA PHOLSENA, Laos : un pays en mutation, Paris, Belin ; La Documentation française, 2011, G 17-3020



DUMAS, LISETTE, Le RDA et le Tchad : histoire d’une décolonisation, Paris ; Abidjan, Présence africaine ; Nouv. éd. africaines, 1986, G 19-3732

FUJII, Lee Ann, Killing neighbors : webs of violence in Rwanda, Ithaca ; London, Cornell University Press, 2009, G 19-3729

LY, Abdonlaye, L’État et la production paysanne ou l’Etat et la révolution au Sénégal 1957-1958, Paris, Présence Africaine, 1958, G 19-3734

MAQUET, Emma, Histoire de l’Afrique centrale : à l’usage des lycées et collèges, Paris, Présence africaine, 1971, G 19-3730

NIANE, Djibril Tamsir, Le Soudan occidental au temps des grands empires : XIe-XVIe siècle, Paris, Présence africaine, 1975, G 19-3731

SY, Cheikh Tidiane, La confrérie sénégalaise des mourides : un essai sur l’Islam au Sénégal, Paris, Présence Africaine, 1969, G 19-3733


Amérique du nord, Arctique

Book of the United States : an illustrated atlas of today’s world, Chicago ; New York ; San Francisco, Rand McNally & Company, 1962, G 20-1851

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BRODY, Samuel David, Rising waters : the causes and consequences of flooding in the United States, Cambridge ; New York, Cambridge University Press, 2011, G 20-1843

CARLE, David, Introduction to fire in California, Berkeley, University of California Press, 2008,

G 20-1845

CHASE, John, Glitter stucco & dumpster diving : reflections on building production in the vernacular city, Londres, Verso, 2004, G 20-1846

CLARK, David, Post-industrial America : a geographical perspective, London, Routledge, 2010,

G 20-1850

GREEN, Milford B., Mergers and acquisitions : geographical and spatial perspectives, London, Routledge, 2010, G 20-1848

GRIGGS, Gary B., Living with the changing California Coast, Berkeley, University of California Press, 2005, G 20-1844

HU-DEHART, Across the Pacific : Asian Americans and globalization, New York ; Philadelphia, Asia Society ; Temple University Press, 1999, G 20-1842

MCGRATH, SEBERT, Mapping a Northern land : the survey of Canada, 1947-1994, Montreal ; Kingston ; London, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1999, G 20-1847

SCHAETZL, DARDEN, BRANDT, Michigan geography and geology, New York, Custom Publishing, 2009, G 20-1849

SOJA, Edward W., Postmodern geographies: the reassertion of space in critical social theory, VERSO, January 2011, G

VENKATESH, Sudhir Alladi, American project : the rise and fall of a modern ghetto, Cambridge (Mass.) ; London, Harvard University Press, 2002, G

VENKATESH, Sudhir Alladi, Off the books : the underground economy of the urban poor, Cambridge (Mass.) ; London, Harvard University Press, 2006, G


Amérique latine, Antarctique

CARRIÓN, La recherche urbaine dans les pays d’Amérique andine : un état de la question, Talence, CEGET Centre d’études de géographie tropicale, 1989, G 21-1824

FEUILLARD, Michel, La Soufrière de la Guadeloupe : un volcan et un peuple, Pointe-à-Pitre, Jasor, 2011, G 21-1825


Monde arabe

ĀYATĪ, BENNOUR, Irak : construction ou déconstruction ?, Paris, L’Harmattan, 2011, G 24-556

CADÈNE, Philippe, Atlas des pays du Golfe, Paris, PUPS : RFI, 2011, G 24-555

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SKIBA, KRZEMIEŃ, Contemporary evolution of the natural environment of the region between Antiatlas and Sahara (Morocco), Cracow, Institute of Geography and Spatial Management Jagiellonian University, 2008, G 24

ZADEH, Travis, Mapping frontiers across medieval Islam : geography, translation and the Abbasid empire, London ; New York, I. B. Tauris, 2011, G 24-554


Atlas et cartes

Allemagne, Benelux, Autriche, Suisse, République Tchèque : atlas routier et touristique, Paris, Manufacture française des pneumatiques Michelin, 2011, A 15.2 52

BARIDON, Laurent, Un atlas imaginaire : cartes allégoriques et satiriques, Paris, Citadelles & Mazenod, 2011, AQ 1646

Californie, Munich, Berlitz, 2011, 26.a.13

Europe : atlas routier et touristique, Paris, Manufacture française des pneumatiques Michelin, 2011, A 15.0 129

Espagne & Portugal 2011 : atlas routier et touristique, Paris, Michelin, 2011, A 15.3 59

Italie 2011 : atlas routier et touristique, Clermont-Ferrand, Manufacture française des pneumatiques Michelin, 2011, A 15.3 60

Lisboa : planta e índice, Paris, Michelin, 2011, 11.l.2

Milano : pianta e índice, Paris, Michelin, 2011, 12.l.29

NAG, Geography of Indian Ocean, Kolkata, National Atlas & Thematic Mapping Organisation, 2007, AQ 1647

Portugal - Algarve, Munich, Berlitz, 2011, 11.a.7

Roma : pianta e índice, Paris, Michelin, 2011, 12.l.30



AZAÏS, STECK, Les territoires de l’informel, Toulouse, Erès, 2010, P 3388-143

Les Bassins Sahariens, Alger, Ministère de l’Energie et des Mines, Agence Nationale de la Géologie et du Contrôle Minier, 2011, P 4294/A-18

BRÉCHON, Les partis politiques français, Paris, La Documentation française, 2011, P 797-5342Changing economic geographies of Asia : special issue, Dordrecht, Springer, 2011, P 3794-76-6

La Chine à la croisée des chemins, Paris, Institut international d’études stratégiques, 2011,

P 4610-33

DELBAERE, POUSIN, Paysage et environnement, Toulouse, Erès, 2011, P 3388-146

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France, état des lieux : dossier, Paris, Les Publications d’architecture et d’urbanisme, 2011,

P 431-381

HARBI, A., Les principaux séismes du Nord-Est de l’Algérie, Alger, Service géologique national, 2009, P 4294/A-16

LESPEZ, Géoarchéologie dans l’Ouest de la France, Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2011, P 1167-220

LÉVY, EMELIANOFF, Quelle ville durable ?, Toulouse, Erès, 2011, P 3388-147

SCHMINK, JOUVE-MARTÍN, Contemporary debates on ecology, society, and culture in Latin America : special issue, Pittsburgh, Latin American Studies Association, 2011, P 3296-46

Storytelling & tourisme, Paris, Éd. touristiques européennes, 2011, P 3270-298

Tropicality-in-motion : performing tropical spatialities : special theme section, Oxford ; Singapore, Wiley-Blackwell ; Department of Geography, National University, 2011, P 3774-32-3

UNDERTHUN, KRISTOFFERSEN, Petroleum-related regional development in Norway : special issue, Oslo, Taylor & Francis, 2011, P 111-65-4



BAULIG, Le Sud-Est du Massif Central : excursion A 2, Paris, A. Colin, 1931, B 132

Le développement économique de la France : l’agriculture, l’industrie métallurgique, les industries textiles : trois conférences, Paris, A. Rousseau, 1912, B

FLESZAROWA, En ville : excursion C 4, Varsovie, Kasa Im. Mianowskiego, 1934, B 130

GAMBIER, Henri, Notices sur le bureau hydrographique du Magistrato alle acque, et sur quelques-unes des principales systémations fluviales en cours dans la Vénétie, Venezia, C. Ferrari, 1913, B 126

KILIAN, Wilfrid, Notice sur la vie et les travaux de Marcel Bertrand (1847-1907), Grenoble, Allier frères, 1908, B

MARTONNE, Emmanuel de, La cartographie à l’exposition coloniale de Vincennes : congrès international de géographie, Paris, 1931, Paris, A. Colin, 1931, B 127

PEER Behavioural Research : Authors and Users vis-à-vis Journals and Repositories : Final Report, Loughborough, LISU, 2008, B

Programme provisoire des travaux du Congrès, Varsovie, Comité exécutif du congrès, 1934, B 129

SMOLEŃSKI, ORMICKI, La Silésie polonaise : Excursion B 3 2, Varsovie, Kasa Im. Mianowskiego, 1934, B 134

ZABORSKI, La partie nord-ouest du plateau de Lublin : excursion C 3, Varsovie, Kasa Im. Mianowskiego, 1934, B 131


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Bibliographies et documentation

Le LATTS à travers 100 ouvrages, 1988-2003, Champ-sur-Marne, LATTS, 2003, G 1-883

OGÉ, Frédéric, Éléments pour servir à l’histoire et à la géographie industrielles de la région Alsace : du début du XIXe siècle à nos jours, Paris, PRODIG UMR 8586 CNRS, 2011, G 1-881

OGÉ, Frédéric, Éléments pour servir à l’histoire et à la géographie industrielles de la région Nord-Pas-de-Calais : du début du XIXe siècle à nos jours, Paris, PRODIG UMR 8586 CNRS, 2011,

G 1-880

OGÉ, Frédéric, Éléments pour servir à l’histoire et à la géographie industrielles de la région Picardie : du début du XIXe siècle à nos jours, Paris, PRODIG UMR 8586 CNRS, 2011, G 1-882


Ressources électroniques

SIBBALD, George, Notes and observations on the pine lands of Georgia : shewing the advantages they possess, particularly in the culture of cotton : addressed to persons emigrating, and those disposed to encourage migration to this State : together with a plan of emigration, for their immediate settlement : to which is added a geographical sketch of the state of Georgia, with a comparative view of the population of 1791, and 1801, and the exports of the years 1791 & 1800, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

MACQUEEN, James, A geographical and commercial view of Northern Central Africa : containing a particular account of the course and termination of the great River Niger in the Atlantic Ocean, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

HENDERSON, James, A history of the Brazil : comprising its geography, commerce, colonization, aboriginal inhabitants, &c. &c. &c. : illustrated with twenty-eight plates and two maps, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

ASHE, Thomas, A commercial view, and geographical sketch, of the Brasils in South America, and of the Island of Madeira : being a description of the Portuguese colonies ... : serving as a guide to the commercial world, and pointing out to the manufacturing towns ... new sources of wealth and springs of industry, by directing their attention to the formation of such goods as are consumed in the New World, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

DEMIAN, Johann Andreas, Geographisch-statistische Darstellung der deutschen Rheinlande : nach dem Bestande vom 1. August 1820, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

MEUSEL, Johann Georg, Lehrbuch der Statistik, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

CHEVALIER, Michel, L’Isthme de Panama : examen historique et géographique des différentes directions suivant lesquelles on pourrait le percer et des moyens a y employer : suivi d’un aperçu sur l’Isthme de Suez, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

LENGLET DUFRESNOY, Nicolas, Geography for children : or a short and easy method of teaching and learning geography: designed principally for the use of schools. ... with a new general map of the world, ... Translated from the French of Abbot Lenglet du Fresnoy, and now greatly augmented ... The nineteenth edition. To which is prefixed, a method of learning geography without a master, ... And a table of the latitude and longitude of the ... places mentioned, [Farmington Hills,

Bibliothèque de géographie, Paris. Inscrivez-vous à la lettre d'information !

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Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

KITCHEN, Thomas, Geographia Scotiæ : being new and correct maps of all the counties and islands in the kingdom of Scotland. Containing the universities, cities, ... With a general map of the whole kingdom, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

Geography made familiar and easy : to young gentlemen and ladies. Being the sixth volume of the Circle of the sciences, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

BROOKES, R., The general gazetteer : or, compendious geographical dictionary. Containing a description of all the empires, kingdoms, states, republics, provinces, cities, ... in the known world: ... Embellished with maps. Originally compiled by R. Brookes, M.D. Revised, corrected, and greatly improved by W. Guthrie, and E. Jones, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

Geographia classica : the geography of the ancients, so far describ’d as it is contain’d in the Greek and Latin classicks. In twenty nine maps of the Old World, ... To which is added, a map of the places mention’d in the Old and New Testaments. A collection long wanted, and now publish’d for the use of schools, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

Geographia classica : the geography of the ancients so far describ’d as it is contain’d in the Greek and Latin classicks, in twenty-nine maps of the Old World ... To which is added, a map of the places mention’d in the Old and New Testaments. A collection long wanted, and now publish’d for the use of schools, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

Geographia Magnæ Britanniæ : Or, correct maps of all the counties in England, Scotland, and Wales; ... together with tables of the high and cross roads, market days, &c, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

Geographia classica : the geography of the ancients so far describ’d as it is contain’d in the Greek and Latin classicks, in twenty-nine maps of the Old World, ... To which is added, a map of the places mention’d in the Old and New Testaments. A collection long wanted, and now publish’d for the use of scools [sic], [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

PETTY, William, A geographical description of the kingdom of Ireland : newly corrected & improv’d by actual observations. Containing one general map of the whole kingdom with 4 provincial and 32 county maps, ... The whole being laid down from the best maps vizt. Sr. Wm: Petty’s, Mr. Pratt’s, &c. with a description of each county collected from the best accounts extant, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

Political geography. Introduction to the statistical tables of the principal empires, kingdoms and states in Europe, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

LENGLET DU FRESNOY, Nicolas, The geography of children : or, a short and easy method of teaching or learning geography. ... Divided into lessons, by way of question and answer. With a small neat map of the world prefix’d, ... Translated from the French of Abbot Lenglet Dufresnoy, just published in Paris ; with the addition of a more particular account of Great Britain and Ireland, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

GORDON, Patrick, Geography anatomiz’d : or, the geographical grammar. Being a short and exact analysis of the whole body of modern geography, after a new and curious method. Comprehending I. A general view of the terraqueous globe. ... II. A particular view of the terraqueous globe. ... Collected from the best authors, ... The ninth edition, corrected, and somewhat enlarg’d. And a set of new maps. By Mr. Senex. By Pat Gordon, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

Geographia sacra illustrata : or sacred geography illustrated. Containing, a view of many things belonging to ye Jews & their worship, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

Bibliothèque de géographie, Paris. Inscrivez-vous à la lettre d'information !

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PEER Behavioural Research : Authors and Users vis-à-vis Journals and Repositories : Final Report, Loughborough, LISU, 2008, E 0

VIVIAN, Robert, GABBERO, Fiches des glaciers français, Lyon, c[diffusion] Persée, 20XX?, E 0

VINCENT, William, The Commerce and navigation of the ancients in the Indian Ocean, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

DEMIAN, Johann Andreas, Tableau geographique et politique des royaumes de Hongrie, d’Esclavonie, de Croatie, et de la grande principauté de Transilvanie, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

PEUCHET, Jacques, Undersökning om handels historiens märkeligaste epoker : öfversättning ifrån Dictionaire universel de la géographie commer cante, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

HENRI, Angel Antonio, Dirección general de cartas de España á sus Indias : no solo según el orden geográfico, sino por el particular que rige en el ramo de correos de unas administraciones a otras, y caxas de la Américas a que deber remitirse, como también a canarias y a Filipinas, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

KINNEIR, John Macdonald, A geographical memoir of the Persian empire : accompanied by a map, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

SERRES, Marcel de, Voyage en Autriche, ou, Essai statistique et géographique sur cet empire, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

AURRECOECHEA, José María de, Memoria geográfico-económico política del departamento de Venezuela, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

VAYSSE DE VILLIERS, Jean, Description routière et géographique de l’Empire français : divisé en quatre régions, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

SKINNER, The present state of Peru : comprising its geography, topography, natural history, mineralogy, commerce, the customs and manners of its inhabitants, the state of literature, philosophy, and the arts, the modern travels of the missionaries in the heretofore unexplored mountainous territories, &c. &c, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

TUCKEY, James Hingston, Maritime geography and statistics, or, A description of the ocean and its coasts, maritime commerce, navigation ..., [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

CATTEAU-CALLEVILLE, Jean-Pierre, Tableau de la mer Baltique : considérée sous les rapports physiques, géographiques, historiques et commerciaux, avec une carte, et des notices détaillées sur le mouvement général du commerce, sur les ports les plus importans, sur les monnaies, poids et mesures, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

COXE, William, Account of the Russian discoveries between Asia and America : to which are added, The conquest of Siberia, and The history of the transactions and commerce between Russia and China, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

MELISH, John, A statistical view of the United States : containing a geographical description of the United States, and of each state and territory : with topical tables of the counties, towns, population, &c, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

PERCIVAL, Robert, Voyage a l’île de Ceylon, fait dans les années 1797 à 1800 : contenant l’histoire, la géographie et la description des mœurs des habitans, ainsi que celle des productions naturelles duy pays, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

WALKER, Alexander, Colombia : being a geographical, statistical, agricultural, commercial, and political account of that country, adapted for the general reader, the merchant, and the colonist,

Bibliothèque de géographie, Paris. Inscrivez-vous à la lettre d'information !

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[Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

ZIMMERMANN, Eberhard August Wilhelm von, Die Erde und ihre Bewohner nach den neuesten Entdekkungen : ein Lesebuch für Geographie, Völkerkunde Produktenlehre und den Handel, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

MACQUEEN, James, RUSSELL, A geographical survey of Africa : its rivers, lakes, mountains, productions, states, populations, &c. : with a map on an entirely new construction : to which is prefixed a letter to Lord John Russell, regarding the slave trade, and the improvement of Africa, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

PARISH, Woodbine, Buenos Ayres, and the provinces of the Rio de la Plata : their present state, trade, and debt : with some account from original documents of the progress of geographical discovery in those parts of South America during the last sixty years, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

F. G. T, A map of Society Island : situate in the ocean of injustice, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

REPETTI, Emanuele, Dizionario geografico, fisico, storico della Toscana : contenente la descrizione di tutti i luoghi del granducato, ducato di Lucca, Garfagnana e Lunigiana, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

MELLADO, Francisco de Paula, España geográfica, histórica, estadística y pintoresca : descripción de los pueblos mas notables del reino é islas adyacentes, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

LEUTHY, Johann Jakob, Nachträge und Berichtigungen zu dem Geographisch-statistischen Handlexikon des Schweizerlandes, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

GESNER, Abraham, The industrial resources of Nova Scotia : comprehending the physical geography, topography, geology, agriculture, fisheries, mines, forests, wild lands, lumbering, manufactories, navigation, commerce, emigration, improvements, industry, contemplated railways, natural history and resources, of the province, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

GIRAULT DE SAINT-FARGEAU, Dictionnaire géographique, historique, industriel et commercial de toutes les communes de la France et de plus de 20,000 hameaux en dépendant, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

VAN BERGEN, Arnoldus, DAPPER, OGILBY, Atlas Chinensis : being a second part of A relation of remarkable passages in two embassies from the East-India Company of the United Provinces to the vice-roy Singlamong and General Taising Lipovi and to Konchi, Emperor of China and East-Tartary : with a relation of the Netherlanders assisting the Tartar against Coxinga and the Chinese fleet, who till then were masters of the sea : and a more exact geographical description than formerly both of the whole empire of China in general and in particular of every of the fifteen provinces, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

RENNEVILLE, René-Auguste-Constantin de, Recueil des voiages qui ont servi à l’établissement & aux progrès de la Compagnie des Indes Orientales, formée dans les Provinces-Unies des Païs-Bas, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

Tabago, or, A geographical description, natural and civil history : together with a full representation of the produce, and other advantages arising from the fertility, excellent harbours, and happy situation of that famous island : in which is comprehended whatever is to be met with in Spanish, Dutch, French or English writers relating thereto ... and clearly shewing the sovereignty thereof ever was, and now is in the crown of Great Britain, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

Bibliothèque de géographie, Paris. Inscrivez-vous à la lettre d'information !

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GORDON, Patrick, Geography anatomiz’d : or, the geographical grammar. Being a short and exact analysis of the whole body of modern geography after a new and curious method. Comprehending, I. A general view of the terraqueous globe. ... II. A particular view of the terraqueous globe. ... Collected from the best authors, and illustrated with divers maps. The fifth edition, corrected, and somewhat enlarg’d. By Pat. Gordon, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

MAVOR, William Fordyce, The geographical magazine : or, a new, copious, compleat, and universal system of geography. ... By William Frederick Martyn, Esq, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

PSALMANAZAR, George, An historical and geographical description of Formosa : an island subject to the Emperor of Japan. ... To which is prefix’d, a preface in vindication of himself from the reflections of a Jesuit ... By George Psalmanaazaar, ... Illustrated with several cuts, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

HERON, Robert, Scotland delineated : or a geographical description of every shire in Scotland, ... The second edition, with considerable additions. Illustrated by a map, and outlines of eight counties, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

The geography of England: done in the manner of Gordon’s Geographical grammar, each couty being consider’d under the following heads: viz. the name, situation, air, soil, ... To each county is prefix’d a compleat mapp ... Also a separate mapp of England,, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

DILLON, John Talbot, Travels through Spain : with a view to illustrate the natural history and physical geography of that kingdom, in a series of letters. ... Adorned with copper-plates and a new map of Spain. ... Written ... by John Talbot Dillon, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

DEMARVILLE, Géographie: des jeunes demoiselles : ou abregé de la géographie moderne; ouvrage également utile aux jeunes gens, aux maa ıtres & aux maa ıtresses d’école; ornée de toutes les carfes & figures necessaries, [sic] ... Par Mr Demarville, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

The Chinese traveller : Containing a geographical, commercial, and political history of China. ... To which is prefixed, The life of Confucius, ... Collected from Du Halde, Le Compte, and other modern travellers. ... Adornded [sic] with a map of China and other curious copperplates, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

FENNING, Daniel, A new and easy guide to the use of the globes : and the rudiments of geography. ... In which are inserted four useful tables. ... To the whole are subjoined, I. An appendix; ... II. A supplement; ... By Daniel Fenning, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

RENNELL, James, The geographical system of Herodotus, examined : and explained, by a comparison with those of other ancient authors, and with modern geography. In the course of the work are introduced, dissertations on the itinerary stade of the Greeks, ... The whole explained by eleven maps, adapted to the different subjects; and accompanied with a complete index. By James Rennell, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

MORSE, Jedidiah, The American geography : or, a view of the present situation of the United States of America: ... By Jedidiah Morse, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

MORSE, Jedidiah, The American gazetteer : exhibiting, in alphabetical order, a much more full and accurate account, than has been given, of the states, provinces, counties, cities, towns, villages, rivers, bays, harbours, gulfs, sounds, capes, mountains, forts, Indian tribes, & new discoveries, on the American continent, also of the West-India Islands ... with a particular description of the

Bibliothèque de géographie, Paris. Inscrivez-vous à la lettre d'information !

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Georgia Western Territory ... The whole comprising upwards of seven thousand distinct articles. Collected and compiled from the best authorities, and arranged with great care, by, and under the direction of, Jedidiah Morse, D.D. Author of the American universal geography—Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences—and member of the Masssachusetts Historical Society. Illustrated with seven new and neat maps. Published according to act of Congress, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

LENGLET DU FRESNOY, Nicolas, Geography for children : or, a short and easy method of teaching and learning geography: designed principally for the use of schools. ... with a new general map of the world, and also a list of maps necessary for children. Translated from the French of Abbot Lenglet du Fresnoy, and now greatly augmented and improved ... The fifteenth edition. To which is prefixed, a method of learning geography without a master, ... and a table of the latitude and longitude of the most remarkable places mentioned in this work, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

JEFFERYS, Thomas, The West-India atlas : or, a compendious description of the West-Indies: consisting of a complete collection of accurate charts, ... Together with an historical account of the several countries and islands which compose that part of the world, their discovery, situation, extent, ... strength, government, religion, &c. By the late Thomas Jefferys, geographer to the King; ... Neatly engraved on eighty five-plates, which comprises sixty-one charts, maps and plans, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

STOCKDALE, John, Morse’s geography. This day is published, in one large volume octavo, illustrated with maps, a new edition,, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

FRISON-ROCHE, Marie-Anne, Droit et économie de la régulation. 1, Paris , [diffusion] Cairn.info, 2010, E 0

COLLINGE, GIBNEY, MABEY, Leadership and place, New York ; Taylor& francis, Routledge, 2010, E 0

DJURBERG, Daniel, Beskrifning om Svearike, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0 PONS, F. J. de, Voyage à la partie orientale de la terre-ferme, dans l’Amérique Méridionale, fait pendant les années 1801, 1802, 1803 et 1804œurs et usages des Espagnols et des Indiens sauvages et civilisés, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

PERCIVAL, Robert, An account of the island of Ceylon : containing its history, geography, natural history, with the manners and customs of its various inhabitants : to which is added, the journal of an embassy to the court of Candy, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

HERBERT, L., DUPONT, An actual survey and itinerary of the road from Calais to Paris : shewing the distance between each town and village, in miles and furlongs ... also, the post-houses ... whith [sic] an ample description of the most useful and interesting curiousities of Paris, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

RÖRDANSZ, C. W., LLOYD, European commerce, or, Complete mercantile guide to the continent of Europe ... : forming a complete code of commercial information, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

STEIN, Christ. Gottfr. Dan, Geographisch-statistisches Zeitungs- Post- und Comptoir- Lexicon : nach den neuesten Bestimmungen für Studierende, Zeitungsleser, Reisende und Geschäftsleute jeder Art, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

PLAYFAIR, James, A geographical and statistical description of Scotland : containing a general survey of that kingdom ... a description of every county ... a statistical account of every parish, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

Bibliothèque de géographie, Paris. Inscrivez-vous à la lettre d'information !

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CAREY, Henry Charles, LEA, The geography, history, and statistics, of America, and the West Indies : exhibiting a correct account of the discovery, settlement, and progress of the various kingdoms, states, and provinces of the western hemisphere, to the year 1822, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

MELISH, John, The traveller’s manual : and description of the United States : comprising geographical, historical, and statistical details of the union, and of each state : being a compendium of information, and a useful accompaniment to a map of this country, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

FOURIER, Charles, Mnémonique géographique, ou, Méthode pour apprendre en peu de leçons la géographie, la statistique et la politique, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

FRANKLIN, Francisco Nunes, Memoria para servir de indice dos foraes das terras do reino de Portugal e seus dominos, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

TERRISTORI, A Geographical, statistical and commercial account of the Russian ports of the Black Sea, the Sea of Asoph and the Danube : also an official report of the European commerce of Russia in 1835, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

BECHER, Siegfried, Handelsgeographie zum Gebrauche für Kaufleute, Frabrikanten, Geschäftsmänner und Handelsschulen, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

PARLBY, Samuel, Hints to emigrants : in which the climate, capabilities, and geographical position of the British colony of the Cape of Good Hope are submitted for examination and consideration, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

MIERS, John, Travels in Chile and La Plata : including accounts respecting the geography, geology, statistics, government, finances, agriculture, manners, and customs, and the mining operations in Chile, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

MCCULLOCH, J. R., A dictionary, geographical, statistical, and historical : of the various countries, places, and principal natural objects in the world, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

BALBI, Adriano, BALBI, Scritti geografici, statistici e vari pubblicati in diversi giornali d’Italia, di Francia e di Germania, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

Catalogue., [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

TANNER, Henry Schenck, A geographical, historical and statistical view of the central or middle United States : containing accounts of their early settlement, natural features, progress of improvement, form of government, civil divisions and internal improvements, of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, the District of Columbia and parts of New York and the other adjoining states : together with particular descriptions of the cities, towns, and villages ; public buildings ; objects of curiosity, literary, scientific, and other institutions, &c, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

BULGARIN, Faddeĭ, Russland in historischer, statistischer, geographischer und literarischer Beziehung : ein Handbuch für Gebildete jeden Standes : Geschichte, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

VIVES, Francisco Dionisio, Cuadro estadistico de la siempre fiel isla de Cuba correspondiente al año de 1827 : formado por una comision de gefes y ofićiales, de orden y bajo la direccion del escelentisimo señor capitan general don framcisco dionisio vives precidido de una descripcion historica, fisica, geografica, y acompañada de cuantas notas son conducentes para la ilustrcion del cuadro, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

RICHTER, K. S. A., Handelsgographie oder Lehrbuch der Erdbeschreibung mit besonderer

Bibliothèque de géographie, Paris. Inscrivez-vous à la lettre d'information !

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Rücksicht auf Naturprodukte, gewerbliche Cultur und Handel ..., [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

HEEREN, A. H. L., A manual of ancient history, particularly with regard to the constitutions, the commerce, and the colonies, of the states of antiquity, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

WATERSTON, William, MCCULLOCH, A cyclopædia of commerce, mercantile law, finance, commercial geography, and navigation, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

LEUTHY, Geographisch-statistisches Handlexikon des Schweizerlandes, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

BRADFORD, T. G., A comprehensive atlas, geographical, historical & commercial, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

AICARD, Patria : la France ancienne et moderne, morale et matérielle, ou, Collection encyclopédique et statistique de tous les faits relatifs à l’histoire physique et intellectuelle de la France et de ses colonies, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

JANKOWSKI, Katherine R. B., Das Russische Kaiserreich, seine Geographie, Statistik, Volks- und Regentengeschichte., [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

SKINNER, Tratado de geografia commercial, e alguns problemas para uso dos globos : reducções de cambios, com as principaes praças com as quaes Portugal tem cambio aberto, reducções de papel-moeda, tudo por methodo muito facil, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

MASQUERIER, Lewis, A scientific division and nomenclature of the earth : and particularly the territory of the United States into states, counties, townships, farms and lots ... while at the same time it constitutes a scientific geography of the earth : also a constitution for Nebrashevil or any other state, for the consideration of national reformers and other statesmen, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

NISCHWITZ, Adolph, Handels-Geographie und Handelsgeschichte : ein Handbuch für Handels-, Gewerbs- und polytechnische Schulen, sowie besonders auch für Kaufleute und Fabricanten, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

SCHOMBURGK, Robert H., The history of Barbados : comprising a geographical and statistical description of the island, a sketch of the historical events since the settlement and an account of its geology and natural productions, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

PSALMANAZAR, George, An historical and geographical description of Formosa : an island subject to the Emperor of Japan : giving an account of the religion, customs, manners, &c., of the inhabitants : together with a relation of what happen’d to the author in his travels ... : also the history and reasons of his conversion to Christianity, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

LAW, John, ZENNER, Aanmerkingen over den koophandel en het geldt, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

PETTY, William, A geographicall description of ye kingdom of Ireland, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

WINTERBOTHAM, William, An historical, geographical, commercial and philosophical view of the American United States and of the European settlements in America and the West-Indies, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

PRINCE, Thomas, The vade mecum for America, or, A companion for traders and travellers : containing I. An exact and useful table ... together with several other instructive tables in

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arithmetick, geography, &c. : to which is added, the names of the streets in Boston, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

SEWARD, William Wenman, The Hibernian gazetteer : being a description of the several provinces, counties, cities, towns, rivers, lakes, harbours, mountains, boggs, castles ... mines ... roads, market, post and fair towns, in Ireland : ... with a concise historical and geographical account of Ireland ... with several useful tables—and two new and accurate maps, neatly engraved : the whole collected from the best authorities and most accurate observations, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

ANDERSON, Adam, COMBE, Anderson’s historical and chronological deduction of the origin of commerce, from the earliest accounts containing an history of the great commercial interests of the British Empire : to which is prefixed, an introduction, exhibiting a view of the ancient and modern state of Europe ... the commerce, shipping, manufactures, fisheries, &c. of Great-Britain and Ireland ... with an appendix, containing the modern politico-commercial geography of the several countries of Europe, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

AIKIN, John, England delineated, or, A geographical description of every county in England and Wales : with a concise account of its most important products, natural and artificial : for the use of young persons, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

CATTEAU-CALLEVILLE, Jean-Pierre, A general view of Sweden : containing, besides a geographical description of the country, an account of its constitution, religion, civil and criminal laws ... : together with the manners and customs of its inhabitants, the present state of the arts and sciences in that kingdom, and the form of government established in 1772, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

VILLAS-BOAS, José Gomes, SEABRA DA SILVA, OLIVEIRA, Questões sobre geographia, povoaçaõ, agricultura, manufacturas, commercio, pescarias e outros objectos interessantes : propostas por bem do serviço de Sua Magestade e utilidade dos póvos, aos ministros, juizes, cameras e RR. parochos, da provincia d’Entre Douro e Minho, para com a materia das suas respostas e outras averiguações, se organizar huma descripçaõ geographica e economica da mesma provincia, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

Geographia Magnae Britanniae, or, Correct maps of all the counties in England, Scotland and Wales : with general ones of both kingdoms and of the several adjacent islands : each map expressing the cities, boroughs, market and presbytery towns, villages, roads and rivers : with the no. of members sent to Parliament : together with tables of the high and cross roads, market days, &c, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

HEYDT, Johann Wolfgang, Allerneuester geographisch- und topographischer Schau-Platz von Africa und Ost-Indien, oder, Ausführliche und wahrhafte Vorstellung und Beschreibung von den wichtigsten der Holländisch-Ost-Indischen Compagnie in Africa und Asia zugehörigen Ländere, Küsten und Insulen in accuraten See- und Land-Karten ..., [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

MARPERGER, Paul Jacob, Paul Jacob Marpergers ... Kurtzgefaste geographische, historische und mercatorische Beschreibung aller derjenigen Länder und Provintzien welche den königlich preussischen und chur-brandenburgischen Scepter in Deutschland unterworffen ...., [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

EXPILLY, Jean-Joseph d’, Le geographe manuel : contenant la description de tous les pays du monde ... leurs villes capitales, avec leurs distances de Paris & les routes qui y mènent ... les changes & les monnoies des principales places de l’Europe ... la manière de tenir les écritures de chaque nation, la réduction de toutes les espèces de l’Europe au pied courant de France &c, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

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CAREY, Henry Charles, LEA, The geography, history, and statistics of America and the West Indies : exhibiting a correct account of the discovery, settlement, and progress of the various kingdoms, states, and provinces of the western empire, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

ENGEL, Samuel, Herrn Samuel Engels, Raths der Republik Bern ... Geographische und kritische Nachrichten und Anmerkungen über die Lage der nördlichen Gegenden von Asien und Amerika : nach den allerneuesten Reisebeschreibungen, welchen noch ein Versuch über einen Weg durch Norden nach Indien ... beygefüget ist ... aus dem französischen Übersetzt von dem Herrn Verfasser selbst sorgfältig und genau durchgesehen, verbessert und mit vielen neuen Zusätzen bereichert, die sich in dem Originale nicht befinden, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

LOCKE, John, Histoire de la navigation : son commencement, son progrès & ses découvertes jusqu’à présent, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

COXE, William, Account of the Russian discoveries between Asia and America : to which are added, the conquest of Siberia, and the history of the transactions and commerce between Russia and China, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

COXE, William, Account of the Russian discoveries between Asia and America : to which are added, the conquest of Siberia, and the history of the transactions and commerce between Russia and China, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

HARRIS, John, Navigantium atque itinerantium bibliotheca, or, A complete collection of voyages and travels : consisting of above six hundred of the most authentic writers, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

The East-India trade : a true narration of divers ports in East-India, of the commodities and trade one kingdome holdeth with another, whereby it appeareth how much profit this nation is deprived by restraint of trade to those parts, which is farre greater then all the trade of Europe, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

ECHARD, Lawrence, The gazetteer’s, or, newsman’s interpreter ..., [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

MARUGÁN Y MARTÍN, José, BALBI, Descripcion geográfica, física, política, estadistica, literaria del reino de Portugal y de los Algarbes : comparado con los principales de Europa, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

HÜBNER, Johann, A new and easy introduction to the study of geography : by way of question and answer. Principally design’d for the use of schools: in two parts. ... Written originally in High Dutch by the late celebrated Mr. Hubner, and now faithfully translated with additions and improvements. The second edition, carefully revis’d and corrected by J. Cowley, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

FENNING, Daniel, A new and easy guide to the use of the globes : and the rudiments of geography. ... In which are inserted three useful tables. ... By Daniel Fenning, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

TURNER, R., A new and easy introduction to universal geography : in a series of letters to a youth at school: ... By the Rev. R. Turner, ... Illustrated with copper-plates, and a new set of maps, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

MIDDLETON, Charles Theodore, A new and complete system of geography : Containing a full, accurate, authentic and interesting account and description of Europe, Asia, Africa, and America; ... The whole embellished ... with copper plates. By Charles Theodore Middleton, Esq. assisted by several gentlemen, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

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A concise system of geography : wherein the first principles of the science are laid down in a plain and easy manner, suited to the capacities of youth, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

STRETZER, Thomas, A new description of Merryland : Containing, a topographical, geographical, and natural history of that country, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

GORDON, Patrick, Geography anatomiz’d : or, the geographical grammar. Being a short and exact analysis of the whole body of modern geography after a new and curious method. Comprehending, I. A general view of the terraqueous globe. ... II. A particular view of the terraqueous globe. ... Collected from the best authors, and illustrated with divers maps. The fourth edition corrected, and somewhat enlarg’d. By Pat. Gordon, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

ECHARD, Lawrence, The gazetteer’s: or newsman’s interpreter : Being a geographical index. Of all the considerable cities, patriachships, ... in Europe. ... The seventh edition, corrected and very much enlarged with the addition of a table of births, marriages, &c. of all kings, ... of Europe. By Lawrence Eachard, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

PARK, Mungo, Travels in the interior districts of Africa : performed under ... the African Association, in the years 1795, 1796, and 1797. By Mungo Park, ... With an appendix, containing geographical illustrations of Africa. By Major Rennell, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

Geography for youth : or, a plain and easy introduction to the science of geography, for the use of young gentlemen and ladies: ... To which are added, geographical questions, and a table of the longitude and latitude of ... remarkable places ... Illustrated by eight maps, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

GORDON, Patrick, Geography anatomiz’d : or, the geographical grammar. Being a short and exact analysis of the whole body of modern geography, after a new and curious method. Comprehending, I. A general view of the terraqueous globe. ... II. A particular view of the terraqueous globe. ... Collected from the best authors, ... By Pat. Gordon, M.A.F.R.S, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

LORIOT, L., A new short and easy method of geography, French and English : chiefly calculated for the use of schools, and such persons as are desirous to learn by themselves that useful science, after the maps lately published by M. Robert Wilkinson; ... By the Rev. L. Loriot, M.A, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

LLOYD, Evan, A plain system of geography : connected with a variety of astronomical observations, familiarly discussed in a conversation between a father and his son: ... By Evan Lloyd, schoolmaster. Illustrated with copperplates and maps, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

MACGREGORY, John, The geography and history of Tournay: or, a description of what is to be seen, and an account of what passes, in and about that town. ... By John Mack Gregory,, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

MACGREGORY, John, The geography and history of Lile: or, a description of what is to be seen, and an account of what passes in and about that town. ... By John Mack Gregory,, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

Atlas geographus : or, a compleat system of geography, ancient and modern. Containing what is of most use in Bleau, Verenius, Cellarius, Cluverius, Baudrand, Brietius, Sanson, &c. With the discoveries and improvements of the best modern authors to this time, [Farmington Hills, Mich],

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Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

PAYNE, John, Geographical extracts, forming a general view of earth and nature. In four parts: ... Illustrated with maps. By John Payne,, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

PAYNE, John, Universal geography formed into a new and entire system : describing Asia, Africa, Europe, and America; ... also giving a general account of ... the history of man, ... the state of arts, sciences, commerce, ... To which is added, a short view of astronomy, ... by John Payne, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

MACPHERSON, David, Geographical illustrations of Scottish history, containing the names of places mentioned in chronicles, histories, records, &c. with corrections of the corrupted names, ... by David Macpherson, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

MOLL, Herman, A system of geography: or, a new & accurate description of the earth in all its empires, kingdoms and states. Illustrated with history and topography, and maps of every country, fairly engraven on copper, according to the latest discoveries and corrections, by Herman Moll. To which are added alphabetical index’s of the names, ancient as well as modern, of all the places mention’d in the work. And a general index of remarkable things, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

HÜBNER, Johann, A new and easy introduction to the study of geography : by way of question and answer. Principally designed for the use of schools. In two parts. ... Written originally in High Dutch by ... Mr. Hubner, and now faithfully translated, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

HÜBNER, Johann, A new and easy introduction to the study of Geography : by way of question and answer. Principally designed for the use of schools: in two parts. ... Written originally in High Dutch by the late celebrated Mr. Hubner, and now faithfully translated, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

BÜSCHING, Anton Friedrich, A new system of geography : in which is given, a general account of the situation and limits, the manners, history, ... of the several kingdoms and states ... By A. F. Busching, ... Carefully translated from the last edition of the German original. ... Illustrated with thirty-six maps, ... In six volumes, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

FENNING, Daniel, COLLYER, A new system of geography : or, a general description of the world. ... Embellished with a new and accurate set of maps, ... and great variety of copper-plates, ... By D. Fenning, ... J. Collyer, ... and others, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

FENNING, Daniel, A new and easy guide to the use of the globes : and the rudiments of geography. ... In which are inserted three useful tables. ... To the whole is subjoined an appendix; ... By Daniel Fenning, ... The fourth edition. With large corrections and improvements, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

Geography for youth : or a plain and easy introduction to the science of geography for the use of young gentleman and ladies: ... to which are subjoined geographical questions and a table of the longitude and latitude of ... remarkable places ... illustrated by copper plates, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

Geography for youth : or, a plain and easy introduction to the science of geography, for the use of young gentlemen and ladies: ... To which are added, geographical questions, and a table of the longitude and latitude of ... remarkable places ... Illustrated by twelve maps, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

BLAIR, John, Fourteen maps of ancient and modern geography : for the illustration of the tables of chronology and history. To which is prefixed, a dissertation on the rise and progress of geography.

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By John Blair, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

MORSE, Jedidiah, The American geography : or, a view of the present situation of the United States of America: containing astronomical geography. - geographical definitions, discovery, and general description ... By Jedidiah Morse. Illustrated with two sheet maps -, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

MORSE, Jedidiah, The American geography : or, a view of the present situation of the United States of America: containing astronomical geography; geographical definitions, discovery, and general description ... By Jedidiah Morse, A.M, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

PSALMANAZAR, George, An historical and geographical description of Formosa : an island subject to the Emperor of Japan. ... To which is prefix’d, a preface in vindication of himself from the reflections of a Jesuit ... By George Psalmanaazaar, ... Illustrated with several cuts, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

PSALMANAZAR, George, An historical and geographical description of Formosa : an island subject to the Emperor of Japan. ... To which is prefix’d, a preface in vindication of himself from the reflections of a Jesuit ... By George Psalmanaazaar, ... The second edition corrected, ... Illustrated with several cuts. To which are added, a map, and the figure of an idol not in the former edition, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

ECHARD, Lawrence, A most compleat compendium of geography : general and special; describing all the empires, kingdoms, and dominions in the whole world. ... Together with an appendix of general rules for making a large geography, with the great uses of that science. ... Collected according to the latest discoveries, and agreeing with the choicest and newest maps. The seventh edition, ... By Laurence Echard, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

GUTHRIE, William, The atlas to Guthrie’s system of Geography., [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

GUTHRIE, William, The atlas to Guthrie’s system of geography : (The order in which the maps are to be placed by the bookbinder.), [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

GUTHRIE, William, A new system of modern geography : or, a geographical historical, and commercial grammar; and present state of the several kingdoms of the world. ... By William Guthrie, Esq. The astronomical part by James Ferguson, F.R.S. To which have been added, the late discoveries of Dr. Herschell, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

GUTHRIE, William, A new system of modern geography : or, a geographical historical, and commercial grammar; and present state of the several kingdoms of the world. ... By William Guthrie, Esq. The astronomical part by James Ferguson, F.R.S, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

RENNELL, James, Memoir of a map of Hindoostan : or the Mogul empire: with an introduction, illustrative of the geography and present division of that country: ... By James Rennell, ... To which is added, an appendix, containing an account of the Ganges and Burrampooter rivers, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

LA MOTTRAYE, Aubry de, A. de la Motraye’s travels through Europe, Asia, and into part of Africa : with proper cutts and maps. Containing a great variety of geographical, topographical, and political observations, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

DILLON, John Talbot, Travels through Spain : with a view to illustrate the natural history and physical geography of that Kingdom, in a series of letters. ... adorned with copper-plates and a new map of Spain. ... Written ... by John Talbot Dillon, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

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RENNELL, James, Memoir of a map of Hindoostan : or the mogul’s empire: with an examination of some positions in the former system of Indian geography; and some illustrations of the present one: and a complete index of names to the map. By James Rennell, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

CELLARIUS, Christoph, Geographia antiqua : being a complete set of maps of antient geography, beautifully engraved from Cellarius. On thirty-three copper plates, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

MOLL, Herman, Bowles’s Geographia classica : or, the geography of the ancients, as contained in the Greek and Latin classics: exhibited in thirty-two maps, ... By Herman Moll, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

Lessons in geography; with an introduction to the use of the globes, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

A new description of Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Cambridgshire, Cheshire, Cornwal, Cumberland, The Isle of Man, Derbyshire, Devonshire, Dorsetshire, Durham, Essex. Containing, I. A particular survey, both geographical and historical of each county. ... V. Of the eminent persons born, or who have resided in them,, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

A new geographical description of England and Wales : containing a distinct view of the air, soil, produce, ... giving an exact account of all the market and fair days, ... Together with authentic lists of the seats of the English nobility. To the whole is prefixed Kitchin’s ... map of the roads, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

VYSE, Charles, A new geographical grammar : containing a comprehensive system of modern geography, after a new and compendious method. ... To which is added an appendix, ... By Charles Vyse, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

HÜBNER, Johann, An introduction to geography : by way of question and answer. Particularly design’d for the use of schools: giving a general description of all remarkable countries in the world; ... To which is prefix’d, an explanation of the sphere, ... with the addition of a short dictionary ... Translated and improv’d from the last edition of Mr. Hubner’s Geography, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

PAYNE, John, Universal geography formed into a new and entire system : describing Asia, Africa, Europe, and America; ... Also giving a general account of ... the history of man, ... the state of arts, sciences, commerce, ... To which is added, a short view of astronomy, ... By John Payne. With a set of maps, ... and a great variety of copper-plates, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

FENNING, Daniel, COLLYER, A new system of geography : or, a general description of the world. ... Embellished with a new and accurate set of maps, ... and a great variety of copper-plates, ... By the late D. Fenning and J. Collyer. A new edition, revised, and supplied with the latest and most authentic particulars ... by Frederick Hervey, Esq; ... The account of North America corrected ... by Captain Oarver [sic], [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

ANVILLE, Jean Baptiste Bourgignon d’, A complete body of ancient geography : By Mons. d’Anville, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

Geographia classica : the geography of the ancients so far describ’d as it is contain’d in the Greek and Latin classicks, in twenty-nine maps of the Old World, ... To which is added, a map of the places mention’d in the Old and New Testaments. A collection long wanted, and now publish’d for the use of schools, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

BUTLER, William, Geographical and biographical exercises, designed for the use of young ladies :

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by William Butler, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

FREEMAN, James, Remarks on The American universal geography : By J.F, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

LE MERCIER, Andrew, A geographical and political account of the republick of Geneva : Containing an exact description of it’s scituation [sic], publick buildings, the lake and the river Rhone, it’s trade, academy, territorys, fortifications, interest, &c. Wherein the mistakes of a great many English and French authors are rectified. By the author of The church history of Geneva, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

MORSE, Jedidiah, Geography made easy : being an abridgment of the American universal geography. ... To which is added, an improved chronological table of remarkable events, from the creation to the present time. Illustrated with maps of the countries described. Calculated particularly for the use and improvement of schools and academies in the United States of America. By Jedidiah Morse, D.D. Minister of the congregation in Charlestown, near Boston. Published according to act of Congress. [Four lines of quotations], [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

MORSE, Jedidiah, Geography made easy : being an abridgment of the American universal geography. ... To which is added, an improved chronological table of remarkable events, from the creation to the present time. Illustrated with a map of the world, and a map of Nort America. Calculated particularly for the use and improvement of schools and academies in the United States of America. By Jedidiah Morse, D.D. Minister of the congregation in Charlestown, Massachusetts—Author of the American universal geography, and the American gazetteer. Published according to act of Congress. [Four lines of quotations], [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

GORDON, George, An introduction to geography, astronomy, and dialling : containing the most useful elements of the said sciences, adapted to the meanest capacity, by the description and uses of the terrestrial and cælestial globes: with an introduction to chronology. ... By George Gordon, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

KEITH, George, Geography and navigation compleated; being a new theory and method whereby the true longitude of any place in the world may be found: ... By George Keith,, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

GORDON, Patrick, Geography anatomiz’d : or, the geographical grammar. Being a short and exact analysis of the whole body of modern geography, after a new and curious method. ... Collected from the best authors, and illustrated with divers maps. The fifteenth edition, corrected, and somewhat enlarged ; and a set of new maps, by Mr. Senex. By Pat. Gordon, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

TELLES, Balthazar, The travels of the Jesuits in Ethiopia : containing I. The geographical description ... Illustrated with an exact map ... The whole collected, and historically digested by F. Balthazar Tellez, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

SCHULZE, Neues Englisch-geographisches und historisches Lesebuch : von I.M.F. Schulze. ... Mit einer Charte, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

DUBAR, Claude, La formation professionnelle continue, Paris , [diffusion] Cairn.info, 2011, E 0

LE GALL, Jean-Marc, La gestion des ressources humaines, Paris , [diffusion] Cairn.info, 2011, E 0

JAVEAU, Claude, Sociologie de la vie quotidienne, Paris , PUF, 2011, E 0

BACKOUCHE, Isabelle, Canaux et entrepôts : le rayonnement économique au XIXe, Saint-Denis La Plaine (Seine-Saint-Denis), Fondation Campus Condorcet , 2011, E 0

TACQUARD, Dossier de concertation préalable aux propositions patrimoniales et paysagères du

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site classé de la Plaine de Versailles, Noisy-le-Roy (Yvelines), Association Patrimoniale de la Plaine de Versailles et du Plateau des Alluets, 2010, E 0

AITCHISON, Thomas, The Edinburgh and Leith directory to July 1801 : containing an alphabetical arrangement of noblemen, private gentlemen, merchants, traders, and others, in the city and suburbs of Edinburgh and Leith &c. : with an elegant atlas of Scotland engraved for this work, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

WHITTINGTON, George Downing, Travels through Spain and part of Portugal : with commercial, statistical, and geographical details, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

BOURGOING, Jean François, Atlas pour servir au Tableau de l’Espagne moderne, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

MILBURN, William, Oriental commerce : containing a geographical description of the principal places in the East Indies, China, and Japan, with their produce, manufactures, and trade, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

DICKINSON, Rodolphus, A geographical and statistical view of Massachusetts proper, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

ADAMS, John Quincy, Letters on Silesia, written during a tour through that country in the years, 1800, 1801, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

BARLOW, Stephen, The history of Ireland, from the earliest period to the present time : embracing also a statistical and geographical account of that kingdom, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

General report of Scotland : statistical tables or result of the inquiries regarding the geographical, agricultural, and political state of Scotland, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

PERCIVAL, Robert, An account of the Cape of Good Hope : containing an historical view of its original settlement by the Dutch, its capture by the British in 1795, and the different policy pursued there by the Dutch and British governments : also a sketch of its geography, productions, the manners and customs of the inhabitants, &c. &c. : with a view of the political and commercial advantages which might be derived from its possession by Great Britain, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

PLAYFAIR, William, The commercial and political atlas : representing, by means of stained copper-plate charts, the progress of the commerce, revenues, expenditure, and debts of England, during the whole of the eighteenth century, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

MEUSEL, Johann Georg, Lehrbuch der Statistik, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

PERCIVAL, Robert, An account of the island of Ceylon : containing its history, geography, natural history, with the manners and customs of its various inhabitants : to which is added, the journal of an embassy to the court of Candy : illustrated by a map, charts, and engravings of some interesting scenes in the island, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

CHANLAIRE, Pierre Grégoire, Tableau général de la nouvelle division de la France : en départemens, arrondissemens communaux et justices de paix, d’après les lois des 28 pluviôse an 8 et 8 pluviôse an 9, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

MEUSEL, Johann Georg, Litteratur der statistik, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

EDWARDS, Bryan, M’KINNEN, The history, civil and commercial, of the British colonies in the West Indies, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

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GRAY, Thomas, Observations on a general iron rail-way : (with a geographical map of the plan,) showing its great superiority, by the general introduction of mechanic power, over all the present methods of conveyance by turnpike roads and canals, and claiming the particular attention of merchants, manufacturers, farmers, and, indeed, every class of society, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

LEE, Thomas, The right of every British merchant to trade within the geographical limits defined by the charter of the East India Company, vindicated : with important, authentic, and hitherto unpublished documents, peculiarly applicable to the question of a modified trade to China, uncontrouled [sic] by the company’s agents, factors, or servants, and affording a satisfactory reason why the tonnage to that country assigned by parliament has not been occupied, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

MELISH, John, The traveller’s directory through the United States : consisting of a geographical description of the United States, with topographical tables of the counties, towns, population, &c. and a description of the roads, compiled from the most authentic materials, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

MORSE, The American gazetteer : exhibiting a full account of the civil divisions, rivers, harbors, indian tribes, &c. of the American continent : also of the West-India and other appendant islands : with a particular description of Louisiana, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

LEMAUR, Carlos, Memoria presentada al Supremo Congreso Nacional, en 19 de Mayo de 1811 : proponiendo la formación del mapa geográfico de todo el reyno, con el examen de la posibilidad de comunicar por medio de canales de navegación y de riego, unas provincias con otras, y con la mares Océano y Mediterráneo : indicando las ventajas que resultarían de estos, y los conocimientos útiles y aun necesarios que se sacarán de aquel para la formación de la constitución del reyno, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

HUERNE DE POMMEUSE, Des canaux navigables., [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

MUZIO, Giovanni Francesco, Descrizione geografica mercantile di tutte le piazze di Europa, e loro stabilimenti e commercio in tutto il resto del mondo : opera a cui va unito un corso d’aritmetica pratica mercantile ed un trattato sull’ origine del cambio de sulle cambiali, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

CHANLAIRE, Pierre Grégoire, Tableaux de la division des six nouveaux departemens, en arrondissemens communaux et justices de paixposé de tableaux et d’un atlas en 102 cartes, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

SCHOOLCRAFT, Henry Rowe, A view of the lead mines of Missouri : including some observations on the mineralogy, geology, geography, antiquities, soil, climate, population, and productions of Missouri and Arkansaw [sic], and other sections of the western country, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

FORMALEONI, Vincenzo, Historia de la navegación, del comercio, y de las colonias de los pueblos antiguos en el Mar Negro, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

DUPIN, Charles, Voyages dans la Grande-Bretagne : entrepris relativement aux services publics de la guerre, de la marine, et des ponts et chaussees, au commerce et a l’industrie, de puis 1816, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

Catalogue général des livres composant les bibliothèques du Département de la marine et des colonies, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

PERESTRELLO DA CÂMARA, Paulo, Breve noticia sobre a ilha da Madeira, ou, Memorias

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sobre a sua geographia, historia, geologia, topographia, agricultura, commercio etc. etc. etc, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

STRICKLAND, GILL, CAMPBELL, Reports, specifications, and estimates of public works in the United States of America : comprising the Philadelphia gas works ; reservoir dam across the Swatara ; twin locks on the Schuylkill Canal ; Delaware Breakwater ; Philadelphia Water Works ; dam and lock on the Sandy and Beaver Canal ; dam on the James River and Kanawha Canal, Virginia ; locks of eight feet lift, on the same aqueducts across Rivanna River and Byrd Creek, on the same ; superstructure, etc., of farm bridges, on the same ; lock gates and mitre sills, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

NILES, John Milton, A view of South America and Mexico : comprising their history, the political condition, geography, agriculture, commerce, &c. of the Republics of Mexico, Guatemala, Colombia, Peru, the United Provinces of South America and Chili [sic], with a complete history of the revolution in each of these independent states, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

ROBERT, Arnault, Atlas historique et statistique de la Révolution française : contenant la série chronologique des événemens politiques, militaires et scientifiques depuis la Première Assemblée des notables jusqu’a l’an 1833 : complété chaque année par un tableau annuaire publié le 15 Janvier, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

MARANHÃO, Francisco dos Prazeres, Taboa geografico-estatistica luzitana, ou, Diccionario abbreviado de todas as cidades, villas e freguezias de Portugal : com sua população, legoas de distancia, correios, e feiras principaes, e juntamente de seus rios, montanhas, cabos, portos, &c. : com o appendix d’uma breve noticia das actuaes possessoens de Portugal no ultramar, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

MELDOLA, A., Der Comptorist : mit besonderer Hinsicht auf Hamburg, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

COBBETT, William, A geographical dictionary of England and Wales : containing the names, in alphabetical order, of all the counties, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

FORRY, Samuel, The climate of the United States and its endemic influences : based chiefly on the records of the Medical Department and Adjutant General’s Office, United States Army, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

WAPPÄUS, Johann Eduard, Untersuchungen über die geographischen Entdeckungen der Portugiesen unter Heinrich dem Seefahrer : : ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Seehandels und der Geographie im Mittelalter, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

SCHOMBURGK, Robert Hermann, A description of British Guiana, geographical and statistical : exhibiting its resources and capabilities, together with the present and future condition and prospects of the colony, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

HOFFMANN, Wilhelm, Die Geschichte des Handels, der Erdkunde und Schifffahrt aller Völker und Staaten : von der frühesten Zeit bis auf die Gegenwart : mit Rücksicht auf die politischen Verhältnisse, die Zustände der Kultur, Industrie, des Gewerbewesens und der Landwirthschaft : nebst statistischen Uebersichten und vier Tabellen : nach den vorzüglichsten Quellen für Kaufleute, Fabrikanten, Staatsmänner, alle Freunde des Fortschrittes, so wie zum Gebrauch in den Handels-, Industrie-, Gewerbe- und Realschulen, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

HENDSCHEL, U., Eisenbahn-Atlas von Deutschland, Belgien, und dem Elsass : mit allen Fahrplänen, Tarifen, Betriebs-Verordnungen und sonst dahin gehörigen Nachweisungen sowie den speciellen Karten der bedeutenderen bis jetzt vollendeten Eisenbahnen : ein Handbugh für Reisende und für alle, welche sich dieses grossartigen Transport-Mittels bedienen : nach officiellen

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Quellen bearbeitet, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

MCCULLOCH, John Ramsay, HASKEL, M’Culloch’s universal gazetteer : a dictionary, geographical, statistical, and historical, of the various countries, places, and principal natural objects in the world, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

The Parliamentary gazetteer of England and Wales : adapted to the new poor-law, franchise, municipal and ecclesiastical arrangements, and compiled with a special reference to the lines of railroad and canal communication, as existing at the close of the year 1839, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

BIANCHI, Matteo, Geografia politica dell’Italia., [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

MACGREGOR, John, The progress of America, from the discovery by Columbus to the year 1846, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

FOSTER, The Gold regions of California : being a succinct description of the geography, history, topography and general features of California : including a carefully prepared account of the gold regions of that fortunate country, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

VAN BERGEN, Arnoldus, OGILBY, Atlas Japannensis : being remarkable addresses by way of embassy from the East-India Company of the United Provinces to the Emperor of Japan, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

BOTERO, Giovanni, An historicall description of the most famous kingdomes and common-weales in the worlde : relating their scituations, manners, customes, civill government, and other memorable matters, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

ROBERTS, Lewes, MARIUS, MUN, The merchants map of commerce : wherein the universal manner and matter relating to trade and merchandize are fully treated of, the standard and current coins of most princes and republicks observ’d, the real and imaginary coins of accounts and exchanges express’d ; the natural products and artificial commodities and manufactures for transportation declar’d ; the weights and measures of all eminent cities and towns of traffick in the universe, collected one into another; and all re-traffick in the universe, collected one into another; and all reduc’d to the meridian of commerce practis’d in the famous city of London, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

BLOME, Richard, SANSON, A geographical description of the four parts of the world taken from the notes and workes of the famous Monsieur Sanson, geographer to the French king, and other eminent travellers and authors : to which are added the commodities, coyns, weights, and measures of the chief places of traffick in the world; compared with those of England, (or London) as to the trade thereof. Also, a treatise of travel, and another of traffick, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

JACOB, Giles, Great Britain’s vade mecum : containing I. a concise geographical description of the world ... II. the several counties of England and Wales particularly described ... III. a short view of trade in general ... IV. a description of the cities of London and Westminster ... V. of the courts of judicature ... VI. a compleat and useful table shewing the value of any quantity of goods or merchandize ... VII. directions for taking up and entring goods at the custom-house ... VIII. the best instructions for gauging and measuring ... IX. rates of post letters ... X. the rates and orders of coachmen ... XI. an account of the roads to London, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

PTOLÉMÉE, Claude, MAGINI, CERNOTI, Geografia, cioè, Descrittione vnivesale della terra : partita in due volumi, nel primo de’quali si contengono gli otto libri della geografia, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

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LEO, PORY, A geographical historie of Africa, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0 PLAYFAIR, William, The commercial and political atlas : representing, by means of stained copper-plate charts, the exports, imports, and general trade of England, at a single view, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

WACKER, Johann Friedrich, Joannis Friderici Wackeri Geographia numismatica, seu, Numorum veterum populorum et urbium a[gamma]tonom[omega]n geographico : ac regum chronologico ordine digestorum conspectus : una cum metalli, moduli et raritatis notis, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

DU HALDE, LECOMTE, The Chinese traveller : containing a geographical, commercial, and political history of China, with a particular account of their customs, manners, religion ... &c. : to which is prefixed, the life of Confucius, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

CHAPPE D’AUTEROCHE, Jean, A journey into Siberia : made by order of the King of France, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

GUIOT, L’arpenteur forestier, ou, Methode nouvelle de mesurer, calculer & construire toutes sortes de figures : suivant les principes géométriques & trigonométriques, avec un traité d’arpentage appliqué à la réformation des forêts, très-utile tant aux arpenteurs & géographes, qu’aux marchands & propriétaires des bois, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

HARRIS, John, CAMPBELL, Navigantium atque itinerantium bibilotheca, or, A complete collection of voyages and travels : consisting of above six hundred of the most authentic writers, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

BRINDLEY, James, BRIDGEWATER, STAFFORD, The history of inland navigation : particularly those of the Duke of Bridgewater, in Lancashire and Cheshire, and the intended one promoted by Earl Gower and other persons of distinction in Staffordshire, Cheshire, and Derbyshire : part the second : containing the different essays which have been lately wrote, some to establish, others to prevent, a navigable canal being made from Witton Bridge to Knutsford, Macclesfield, Stockport, and Manchester : illustrated with a whole sheet geographical plan, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

RENNELL, James, A Bengal atlas : containing maps of the theatre of war and commerce on that side of Hindostan : compiled from the original surveys, and published by order of the Honourable the Court of Directors for the affairs of the East India Company, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

BRÜCKMANN, Franz Ernst, Magnalia Dei in locis svbterraneis, oder, Unterirdische Schatz-Cammer aller Königreiche und Länder in ausführlicher Beschreibung aller, mehr als MDC. Bergwercke durch alle vier Welt-Theile ... : nebst Anmerckung aller derjenigen Länder und Oerter wo Edelgesteine zu finden in geographischer Ordnung und einigen Kupffer-Figuren zu besichtigen, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

JUSTI, Johann Heinrich Gottlob von, Physicalische und politische Betrachtungen über die Erzeugung des Menschen und Bevölkerung der Länder, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

ESTRADA, Juan Antonio de, Poblacion general de España : sus reynos y provincias, ciudades, villas y pueblos, islas adjacentes, y presidios de Africa, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

SCALE, Bernard, An Hibernian atlas, or, General description of the kingdom of Ireland : divided into provinces with its sub-divisions of counties, baronies, &c. : shewing their boundaries, extent, soil, produce, contents, measure, members of Parliament, and number of inhabitants : also the

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cities, boroughs, villages, mountains, bogs, lakes, rivers and natural curiosities : together with the great and bye post roads : the whole taken from actual surveys and observations, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

DURRET, Voyage de Marseille à Lima, et dans les autres lieux des Indes occidentales : avec une exacte description de ce qu’il y a de plus remarquable tant pour la geographie, que pour les moeurs, les couu tumes, le commerce, le gouvernement & la religion des peuples, avec des notes & des figures en taille-douce, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

TEMPLEMAN, Thomas, A new survey of the globe, or, An accurate mensuration of all the empires, kingdoms, countries, states, principal provinces, counties, & islands in the world ... : with notes explanatory & political, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

STAEHLIN, Jakob von, LE ROY, An account of the new northern archipelago : lately discovered by the Russians in the seas of Kamtschatka and Anadir, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

BÜSCHING, Anton Friedrich, Introduction à la géographie, la politique, le commerce et les finances des etats de l’Europe, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

LE CLERC, Nicolas-Gabriel, Atlas du commerce : dédié au Roi, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

SARAVALLE, Isacco, Compendio geografico di commercio ..., [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

BUCKINGHAM, James Silk, Tableau pittoresque de l’Inde, ou, Description géographique, statistique, commerciale, moral et politique de l’Indostan, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

MILBURN, William, THORNTON, Oriental commerce, or, The East India trader’s complete guide : containing a geographical and nautical description of the maritime parts of India, China, Japan, and neighbouring countries ... with an account of their respective commerce, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

CRÜGER, Carl, Carl Crüger’s Handelsgeographie, oder, Beschreibung der Erde, was sie für den Kaufmann ist, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

MARSHALL, John, A digest of all the accounts relating to the population, productions, revenues, financial operations, manufactures, shipping, colonies, commerce, &c. &c., of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Irelande year, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

MACGREGOR, John, The resources and statistics of nations, exhibiting the geographical position and natural resources ... the political statistics ... of all countries, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

HOFFMANN, W., DUESBERG, Histoire du commerce, de la géographie, et de la navigation chez tous les peuples et dans tous les états, depuis les premiers ages jusqu’aux temps modernes : à l’usage des négociants, fabricants, hommes d’État, de tous les amis du progrès, ainsi que des Écoles de commerce et d’industrie, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

TAYLOR, Richard C., Statistics of coal : the geographical and geological distribution of mineral combustibles or fossil fuel, including, also, notices and localities of the various mineral bituminous substances employed in arts and manufactures ... embracing, from official reports of the great coal-producing countries, the respective amounts of their production, consumption and commercial distribution, in all parts of the world, together with their prices, tariffs, duties and international regulations ... with incidental statements of the statistics of iron manufactures, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

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HARRIS, SENEX, WILSON, HALLEY, DEFOE, CUTLER, Atlas maritimus & commercialis, or, A general view of the world, so far as relates to trade and navigation : describing all the coasts, ports, harbours, and noted rivers ... : to which are added sailing directions for all the known coasts and islands on the globe ... : to which are subjoin’d two large hemispheres on the plane of the equinoctial, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

MOLL, A View of the coasts, countries and islands within the limits of the South-Sea-Company : containing an account of the discoveries, settlements, progress, and present state ... : from the river Aranoca to Terra del Fuego ... : to which is added an account of former projects in England for a settlement and the accomplishment of the last in the establishing the new company, with a list of the commissioners names appointed by Her Majesty to take the subscriptions : as also some useful observations on the several voyages that have been hitherto publish’d, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

OGILBY, John, Britannia. : by a geographical and historical description of the principal roads thereof, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

RENNEVILLE, A collection of voyages undertaken by the Dutch East-India Company : for the improvement of trade and navigation ... : together with an historical introduction, giving an account of the rise, establishment and progress of that great body, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

ROBERTS, Lewes, The merchants map of commerce : wherein the universal manner and matter of trade is compendiously handled, the standard and current coins of sundry princes observed, the real and imaginary coins of accompts and exchanges expressed, the natural and artificial commodities of all countreys for transportation declared, the weights and measures of all eminent cities and towns of traffick collected and reduced one into another, and all to the meridian of commerce practised in the famous city of London, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

SOUSA, Manuel de Faria e, The Portuguese Asia, or, The history of the discovery and conquest of India by the Portugues : containing all their discoveries from the coast of Africk, to the farthest parts of China and Japan, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

BOSMAN, Willem, A new and accurate description of the coast of Guinea : divided into the Gold, the Slave, and the Ivory Coasts : containing a geographical, political, and natural history of the kingdoms and countries : with a particular account ... of all the European settlements upon that coast, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

MORSE, Jedidiah, The American geography, or, A view of the present situation of the United States of America : containing astronomical geography, geographical definitions, discovery, and general description of America and the United States ... with a particular description of Kentucky, the Western territory, and Vermont ... to which is added, an abridgement of the geography of the British, Spanish, French and Dutch dominions in America and the West Indies, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

PLAYFAIR, William, CORRY, The commercial and political atlas : representing, by means of stained copper-plate charts, the exports, imports, and general trade of England : the national debt, and other public accounts, with observations and remarks, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

PLAYFAIR, William, CORRY, The commercial and political atlas : which represents at a single view, by means of copper plate charts, the most important public accounts of revenues, expenditures, debts, and commerce of England, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0 DU HALDE, LECOMTE, The Chinese traveller : containing a geographical, commercial, and

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political history of China : with a particular account of their customs, manners, religion ... & c : to which is prefixed, The life of Confucius, the celebrated Chinese philosopher, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

PLAYFAIR, William, Tableaux d’arithmetique lineaire, du commerce, des finances, et de la dette nationale de l’Angleterre, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

Introduction to the statistical tables of the principal empires, kingdoms and states in Europe, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

ROBERTSON, William, An historical disquisition concerning the knowledge which the ancients had of India : and the progress of trade with that country prior to the discovery of the passage to it by the Cape of Good Hope : with an appendix, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

CARY, John, CARY, Cary’s Traveller’s companion, or, A delineation of the turnpike roads of England and Wales : shewing ... on a new set of county maps, to which is added, an alphabetical list of all the market towns, with the days on which they are held, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

PEUCHET, Jacques, MORELLET, Dictionnaire universel de la géographie commerçante ..., [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

LECOMTE, Louis, Memoirs and remarks geographical, historical, topographical, physical, natural, astronomical, mechanical, military, mercantile, political, and ecclesiastical, made in above ten years travels through the empire of China : particularly upon their pottery and varnishing silk and other manufactures, pearl-fishing, the history of plants and animals, with a description of their cities and publick works, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

An Account of Denmark, ancient and modern : containing its history, from Swain, the first Christian king, to the present time : including a particular narrative of the great revolution in the Danish government in 1660 ... also, the geography of Denmark, including ... an account of His Danish Majesty’s revenues, coin, royal navy and army : treaties with foreign powers, particularly with Great Britain, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

BRINDLEY, James, The history of inland navigations : particularly those of the Duke of Bridgwater, in Lancashire and Cheshire, and the intended one promoted by Earl Gower and other persons of distinction in Staffordshire, Cheshire, and Derbyshire : illustrated with geographical plans, shewing the counties, townships, and villages through which these navigations are carried, or are intended to be : the whole shewing the utility and importance of inland navigations, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

SAVARY, Claude Etienne, Lettres sur l’Egypte : où l’on offre le parallele des moeurs anciennes et modernes de ses habitans, où l’on décrit l’état, le commerce, l’agriculture, le gouvernement du pays, & la descente de S. Louis à Damiette, tirée de Joinville & des auteurs Arabes : avec des cartes géographiques, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

RENNEVILLE, Constantin de, Recueil des voyages qui ont servi à l’établissement et aux progrez de la Compagnie des Indes Orientales, formée dans les Provinces-Unies des Païs-Bas, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

BRINDLEY, James, BRIDGEWATER, STAFFORD, The history of inland navigations : particularly those of the Duke of Bridgwater, in Lancashire and Cheshire : and the intended one promoted by Earl Gower and other persons of distinction in Staffordshire, Cheshire, and Derbyshire : illustrated with geographical plans, shewing the counties, townships, and villages through which these navigations are carried, or are intended to be : the whole shewing the utility and importance of inland navigations, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

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BECHER, Siegfried, Handelsgeographie zum Gebrauche für Kaufleute, Frabrikanten, Geschäftsmänner und Handelsschulen, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

BUSSAC, A. T., Moyens de conserver et d’améliorer les forêts nationales : et d’en accroître le produit pour toutes les especès de services particuliers et publics, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

GORDON, Patrick, Geography anatomiz’d : or, the geographical grammar. Being a short and exact analysis of the whole body of modern geography, after a new and curious method. Comprehending I. A general view of the terraqueous globe, ... II. A particular view of the terraqueous globe, ... The seventeenth edition, corrected, and somewhat enlarged; and a set of new maps, by Mr. Senex. By Pat. Gordon, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

BULLEN, Henry St. John, Elements of geography : expressly designed for the use of schools. By the Rev. Henry St. John Bullen, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

MOLL, Herman, Geographia classica : or, the geography of the antients, as contained in the Greek and Latin classics: exhibited in thirty-two maps, ... By Herman Moll, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

GORDON, Patrick, Geography anatomiz’d : or, the geographical grammar. Being a short and exact analysis of the whole body of modern geography, after a new and curious method. Comprehending, I. A general view of the terraqueous globe. ... II. A particular view of the terraqueous globe. ... Collected from the best authors, and illustrated with divers maps. The sixth edition, corrected, and somewhat enlarg’d. By Pat. Gordon, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

An historical and geographical account of the ancient kingdom of Hungary : and provinces adjoining to it, viz. Croatia, Sclavonia, Transilvania, Moldavia, Walachia, Servia, and Bulgaria, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

An historical, geographical, and philosophical view of the Chinese empire : ... By W. Winterbotham. To which is added, a copious account of Lord Macartney’s embassy, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

WINTERBOTHAM, William, An historical geographical, commercial, and philosophical view of the American United States : and of the European settlements in America and the West-Indies. By W. Winterbotham. In four volumes. With numerous engravings, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

SALMON, Thomas, A new geographical and historical grammar : wherein the geographical part is truly modern; and the present state of the several kingdoms of the world is so interspersed, as to render the study of geography both entertaining and instructive. ... By Mr. Salmon. Illustrated with a set of twenty-two new maps, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

SALMON, Thomas, A new geographical and historical grammar : wherein the geographical part is truly modern; and the present state of the several kingdoms of the world is so interspersed, as to render the study of geography both entertaining and instructive. ... By Mr. Salmon. Illustrated with a set of twenty-three new maps, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

SALMON, Thomas, A new geographical and historical grammar : wherein the geographical part is truly modern; and the present state of the several kingdoms of the world is so interspersed, as to render the study of geography both entertaining and instructive. ... By Mr. Salmon. Illustrated with a set of twenty-three new maps, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

MOLL, Herman, A set of thirty six new and correct maps of Scotland : ... All, except two, composed and done by Herman Moll, geographer, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

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CARY, John, Cary’s Traveller’s companion : or, a delineation of the turnpike roads of England and Wales; shewing the immediate rout [sic] to every market and borough town throughout the kingdom. Laid down from the best authorities, on a new set of county maps. To which is added, an alphabetical list of all the market towns, with the days on which they are held, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

VINT, J., A concise system of modern geography : or, a description of the terraqueous globe, ... Throughout the whole is interspersed a rich apparatus of maps and synoptical schemes. ... By J. Vint, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

MORSE, Jedidiah, The American geography : or, a view of the present situation of the United States of America. Containing astronomical geography; geographical definitions, discovery, and general description ... By Jedidiah Morse, A.M, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

POSTLETHWAYT, Malachy, The history of America containing the geographical, political, and commerical [sic] state of that continent : in which is given a succinct account of the trade, customs and policy of the French nation, and the foundation they have laid for obtaining the sole dominion in those colonies. Translated from the French of Mons. du Bosque ... In two volumes, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

STRETZER, Thomas, A new description of Merryland : Containing, a topographical, geographical, and natural history of that country, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

ARMSTRONG, Mostyn John, A Scotch atlas; or description of the kingdom of Scotland : divided into counties, with the subdivisions of sherifdoms; shewing their respective boundaries and extent, soil, produce, ... also their cities, chief towns, seaports, mountains, ... by Mostyn John Armstrong, ... engraved on 30 copper plates by H: Ashby. Published as the Act directs 1. Octr. 1777, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

Lessons in geography, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

KITCHEN, Thomas, A general atlas, describing the whole universe : Being a complete and new collection of the most approved maps extant; ... augmented from the latest discoveries, down to 1782. The whole being an improvement of the maps of D’Anville and Robert. Engraved in the best manner on sixty-two copper plates, by Thomas Kitchen, senior, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

FENNING, Daniel, COLLYER, A new system of geography : or, a general description of the world. .. Embellished with a new and accurate set of maps ... and a great variety of copper-plates, ... By the late D. Fenning and J. Collyer, and others. Vol. I, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

LENGLET DU FRESNOY, Nicolas, Geography for children : or, a short and easy method of teaching and learning geography: designed principally for the use of schools. ... With a new general map of the world, the spheres, and also a list of maps necessary for children. Translated from the French of Abbot Lenglet du Fresnoy, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

RENNELL, James, Memoir of a map of Hindoostan : or the Mogul Empire: with an introduction, illustrative of the geography ... and a map of the countries situated between the heads of the Indian rivers, and the Caspian Sea. By James Rennell, ... To which is added, an appendix, ... The second edition. With very considerable additions, and many corrections: and a supplementary map, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

CRUTTWELL, Clement, A new geographical gazetteer : On Saturday, the 18th of March, will be published, in 8vo. ... No 1 of the New universal gazetteer; or, Geographical dictionary. ... By the Rev. Clement Cruttwell, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

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ECHARD, Lawrence, The classical geographical dictionary : ... Revised, with a recommendatory preface, by Laurence Echard, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

A compendious geographical dictionary, containing, a concise description of the most remarkable places, ancient and modern, in Europe, Asia, Africa, & America,, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

ANVILLE, Jean-Baptiste Bourguignon d’, Compendium of ancient geography, by Monsieur d’Anville, ... Translated from the French., [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

MACBEAN, Alexander, A dictionary of ancient geography : explaining the local appellations in sacred, Grecian, and Roman history, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

The history of inland navigations : Particularly those of the Duke of Bridgwater, in Lancashire and Cheshire; ... Illustrated with geographical plans, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

GONZALEZ CARRANZA, Domingo, A geographical description of the coasts, harbours, and sea ports of the Spanish West-Indies; ... Translated from a ... manuscript, written in Spanish by Domingo Gonzales Carranza, ... 1718. To which is added, an appendix, ... With an index,, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

The geography and history of England: done in the manner of Gordon’s and Salmon’s geographical and historical grammars. In two parts., [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

ADAM, Alexander, A summary of geography and history, both ancient and modern : ... With an abridgement of the fabulous history or mythology of the Greeks. ... By Alexander Adam, ... The second edition, corrected, To which is added, a geographical index, containing the Latin names of the principal countries, cities, ... Illustrated with maps, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

MOLL, Herman, A view of the coasts, countries and islands within the limits of the South-Sea-Company : ... The whole collected from the best authors, as well manuscripts as printed. Illustrated with a general map, and particular draughts of the most important places; by Herman Moll, geographer, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

MOLL, Herman, A view of the coasts, countrys & islands within the limits of the South-Sea Company : ... Illustrated with a general map,and particular draughts of the most important places, by Herman Moll, geographer. The whole collected from the best authors, as well manuscript as printed, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

LEMPRIÈRE, William, A tour from Gibraltar to Tangier : Sallee, Mogodore, Santa Cruz, Tarudant; and thence, over Mount Atlas, to Morocco: including a particular account of the royal harem, &c. By William Lempriere, surgeon, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

SMOLLETT, Tobias George, The present state of all nations : Containing a geographical, natural, commercial, and political history of all the countries in the known world. ... By T. Smollett, M.D, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

England illustrated, or, a compendium of the natural history, geography, topography, and antiquities ecclesiastical and civil, of England and Wales. With maps of the several counties, and engravings ... In two volumes., [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

RICHARDSON, John, A key to geography, or, a complete guide to the use of the globes. To which are prefixed, an easy introduction to decimal arithmetic, and the extraction of roots. ... By John Richardson, ... Illustrated with an elegant frontispiece,, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

The Chinese traveller : Containing a geographical, commercial, and political history of China. ...

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To which is prefixed the life of Confucius, ... Adorned with a map of China and other curious Coperplates, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

TURNER, R., A view of the earth : as far as it was known to the ancients. Being a short but comprehensive system of classical geography. ... By R. Turner, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

The young lady’s geography : containing, an accurate description of the several parts of the known world; ... Compiled from the writings of the most eminent authors, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

TURNER, R., A view of the earth : being a short but comprehensive system of modern geography. ... To which is added, a description of the terrestrial globe: ... By the Reverend R. Turner, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

DAMETO, Juan Bautista, MUT, The ancient and modern history of the Balearick Islands : or of the Kingdom of Majorca: which comprehends the islands of Majorca, Minorca, Yuiça, Formentera and others. With their natural and geographical description. Translated from the original Spanish, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

TURNER, R., A new and easy introduction to universal geography : In a series of letters to a youth at school; ... By the Rev. R. Turner, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

A description of the geographical clock: which contains the names and situations of the most remarkable places in the world;, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

TYTLER, James, A new and concise system of geography : containing a particular account of the empires, kingdoms, ... in the known world. In which is included a comprehensive history of remarkable and interesting events. ... By the author of the continuation of Salmon’s geographical grammar, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

FAIRMAN, William, A treatise on geography, use of the globes, and astronomy; in the order which the mutual connection and dependence of the several parts require, towards a perfect understanding of the whole. By William Fairman,, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

PERKS, William, The youth’s general introduction to geography : Containing a description of the several empires, kingdoms, and states in the world, accompanied with twenty-eight maps on a new plan, comprising a complete pocket atlas: ... By Wm. Perks, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

PERKS, William, The youth’s general introduction to Guthrie’s geography : Being a complete pocket atlas: containing a description of the several empires, kingdoms, and states, in the world, ... To which are prefixed, elementary chronology and astronomy: ... By W. Perks, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

SALMON, Thomas, A new geographical and historical grammar : wherein the geographical part is truly modern; and the present state of the several kingdoms of the world is so interspersed, as to render the study of geography both entertaining and instructive. ... By Mr. Salmon, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

SALMON, Thomas, A new geographical and historical grammar : wherein the geographical part is truly modern; and the present state of the several kingdoms of the world is so interspersed, as to render the study of geography both entertaining and instructive. ... By Mr. Salmon. ... The sixth edition, with very great additions and improvements, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

SALMON, Thomas, A new geographical and historical grammar : wherein the geographical part

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is truly modern; and the present state of the several Kingdoms of the world is so interspersed, as to render the study of geography both entertaining and instructive, ... By Mr Salmon. ... A new edition, with large additions, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

SALMON, Thomas, A new geographical and historical grammar : wherein the geographical part is truly modern; and the present state of the several kingdoms of the world is so interspersed as to render the study of geography both entertaining and instructive. ... By Mr. Salmon. ... The eleventh edition, with very great additions and improvements brought down to the present times, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

SALMON, Thomas, A new geographical and historical grammar : containing the true astronomical and geographical knowledge of the terraqueous globe: and also the modern state of the several kingdoms of the world; ... By Mr. Salmon. The twelfth edition, with great amendments and improvements, by Mr. Robertson, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

SALMON, Thomas, The new universal geographical grammar : wherein the situation and extent of the several countries are laid down according to the most exact geographical observations, and the history of all the different kingdoms of the world, is interspersed in such a manner, as to render the study of geography both useful and entertaining. ... The whole being an improvement and continuation of Mr. Salmon’s grammar. Brought down to the present time by J. Tytler, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

SALMON, Thomas, Salmon’s geographical and astronomical grammar, including the ancient and present state of the world; ... The thirteenth edition; with considerable corrections and additions, in which the history of the various countries in every quarter of the globe is continued to the year 1785,, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

FENNING, Daniel, A new and easy guide to the use of the globes : and the rudiments of geography. ... To which is annex’d, three useful tables. ... By Daniel Fenning, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

PASCHOUD, Historico-political geography : or, a description of the names, limits, capitals, divisions, descriptions of particular provinces, ... Collected from the best authors. ... By the Reverend Mr. Paschoud, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

DRUMMOND, Gawin, A short treatise of geography general & special : to which are added tables of the principal coins in Europe and Asia; ... Collected from the best authors upon that subject, for the use of schools. By M.G.D, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

Lessons in geography: designed for the use of schools, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

MAVOR, William Fordyce, The geographical magazine : or, a new, copious, compleat, and universal system of geography. ... By William Frederick Martyn, Esq, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

GORDON, George, An introduction to geography, astronomy, and dialling : Containing the most useful elements of the said sciences, adapted to the meanest capacity, by the description and uses of the terrestrial and celestial globes. With an introduction to chronology, by George Gordon, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

GORDON, George, An introduction to geography, astronomy, and dialling : containing the most useful elements of the said sciences, adapted to the meanest capacity, by the description and uses of the terrestrial and cœlestial globes: with an introduction to chronology. The second edition. ... By George Gordon, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

RANDALL, Joseph, A system of geography; or, a dissertation on the creation and various

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phœnomena of the terraqueous globe: ... To which is prefixed, an introduction to those parts of the mathematics, necessary to a thorough knowledge of the subject of geography; ... By Joseph Randall, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

MIRABEAU, Atlas de la monarchie prussienne, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

HERON, Robert, Scotland delineated : or a geographical description of every shire in Scotland, ... For the use of young persons, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

AIKIN, John, England delineated; or, a geographical description of every county in England and Wales: with a concise account of its most important products, natural and artificial., [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

AIKIN, John, England delineated; or, a geographical description of every county in England and Wales: with a concise account of its most important products, natural and artificial., [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

AIKIN, John, England delineated; or, a geographical description of every county in England and Wales: with a concise account of its most important products, natural and artificial., [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

AIKIN, John, England delineated; or, a geographical description of every county in England and Wales: with a concise account of its most important products, natural and artificial., [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

HOLMES, John, The grammarian’s geography and astronomy ancient and modern, exemplified in the use of the globes terraqueous and cælestial. ... In two parts. ... The geographical part comprehending the ancient and modern names, ... The astronomical part containing a description of the laws, ... By John Holmes,, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

Geography for youth : or a plain and easy introduction to the science of geography for the use of young gentlemen and ladies: ... illustrated by copper plates, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

ADAM, Alexander, A geographical index, containing the Latin names of the principal countries, cities, rivers, and mountains mentioned in the Greek and Roman classics; ... Being a supplement to the Summary of ancient and modern geography. By Alexander Adam,, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

ADAM, Alexander, A summary of geography and history, both ancient and modern : containing, an account of the political state, and principal revolutions of the most illustrious nations in ancient and modern times; ... Designed chiefly to connect the study of classical learning with that of general knowledge. By Alexander Adam, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

ANDREWS, John, Historical atlas of England : physical, political, astronomical, civil and ecclesiastical, ... Interspersed with geographical notes and dates ... and explanations to each map, ... By John Andrews, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

A brief account of the roads of Italy for the use of gentlemen who travel with the post : with a full description of the cities, towns, villages, and rivers, and an explination [sic] of the views for some milles [sic] on each side of the road in twenty-three geographical maps, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

FREE, John, Tyrocinium geographicum Londinense : or, the London geography: consisting of Dr. Free’s short lectures, compiled for the use of his younger pupils. ... To which is added, by the editor, ... The periegesis of Dionysius, the geographer, from the edition of Dr. Wells, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

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FREE, John, Tyrocinium geographicum Londinense : or the London geography, consisting of Dr. Free’s, short lectures, compiled for the use of his younger pupils, ... To which is added, by the editor, ... The periegesis of Dionysius, the geographer, from the edition of Dr. Wells, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

LA MOTTE, Philémon de, Several voyages to Barbary : Containing an historical and geographical account of the country. ... With a journal of the late siege and surrender of Oran. To which are added. The maps of Barbary, ... by Captain Henry Boyde, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

PALAIRET, Jean, Nouvelle introduction à la géographie moderne, en deux parties: la premiére contient un abrégé d’astronomie, & un traité de l’usage des globes; la seconde, une connoissance succinte de toutes les parties de la terre & de l’eau; ... Par J. Palairet,, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

The American military pocket atlas; being an approved collection of correct maps, both general and particular, of the British colonies; especially those which now are, or probably may be the theatre of war: taken principally from ... De Brahm and Romans; Cook, Jackson, and Collet; Maj. Holland, and other officers,, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

MOLL, Herman, Thirty two new and accurate maps of the geography of the ancients : as contained in the Greek and Latin classicks. ... By Herman Moll, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

THOMPSON, Charles, Travels through Turkey in Asia : the Holy Land, Arabia, Egypt, and other parts of the world ... By Charles Thompson, Esq. Interspersed with the remarks of several other modern travellers; illustrated with notes, historical, geographical, and miscellaneous, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

THOMPSON, Charles, Travels through Turkey in Asia : the Holy Land, Arabia, Egypt, and other parts of the world: giving a particular and faithful account of what is most remarkable in the manners, religion polity, antiquities, and natural history of those countries: ... By Charles Thompson, ... illustrated with notes, historical, geographical, and miscellaneous, by the editor; and adorn’d with maps and prints, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

LEMPRIÈRE, William, A tour from Gibraltar to Tangier : Sallee, Mogodore, Santa Cruz, Tarudant; and thence, over Mount Atlas, to Morocco: including a particular account of the royal harem, & c. By William Lempriere, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

STRAHLENBERG, Phillip Johann von, An histori-geographical description of the north and eastern part of Europe and Asia; but more particularly of Russia, Siberia, and Great Tartary; ... Together with an entire new polyglot-table of the dialects of 32 tartarian nations: and a vocabulary of the Kalmuck - Mungalian tongue. As also, a large and accurate map of those countries; and variety of cuts, ... Written originally in High German. By Mr. Philip John von Strahtenberg,, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

A geographical history of Nova Scotia : Containing an account of the situation, extent and limits thereof, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

Histoire géographique de la Nouvelle Écosse : contenant le détail de sa situation, de son étendue & de ses limites, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

An account of Denmark, ancient and modern : Containing its history, from Swain, the first Christian King, to the present time; ... Also, the geography of Denmark, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

Tabago: or, a geographical description, natural and civil history,, [Farmington Hills, Mich],

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Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

Tabago: or, a geographical description, natural and civil history,, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

GORDON, Patrick, Geography anatomiz’d : or, the geographical grammar. Being a short and exact analysis of the whole body of modern geography, after a new and curious method. Comprehending I. A general view of the terraqueous globe. ... II. A particular view of the terraqueous globe. ... Collected from the best authors, ... The thirteenth edition, corrected, and somewhat enlarged; and a set of new maps, by Mr. Senex. By Pat. Gordon, M.A. F.R.S, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

SALMON, Thomas, A new geographical and historical grammar : wherein the geographical part is truly modern; and the present state of the several kingdoms of the world is so interspersed as to render the study of geography both entertaining and instructive. ... By Mr. Salmon. Illustrated with a set of twenty-three new maps, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

SALMON, Thomas, A new geographical and historical grammar : Wherein the geographical part is truly modern; and the present state of the several kingdoms of the world is so interspersed, as to render the study of geography both entertaining and instructive. ... By Mr. Salmon. Illustrated with a set of twenty-three new maps, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

COX, Thomas, Magna Britannia et Hibernia : antiqua & nova. Or, a new survey of Great Britain, ... Collected and composed by an impartial hand, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

OUISEAU, J., Practical geography, with the description and use of the celestial and terrestrial globes. By J. Ouiseau,, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

BIANCHI, Vendramino, An account of Switzerland, and the Grisons : ... containing the geographical, and present political estate of all those places. By Signior Vendramino Bianchi, ... Made English from the Italian original, printed at Venice, in 1708, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

CATTEAU-CALLEVILLE, J.-P., A general view of Sweden : containing, besides a geographical description of the country, an account of its constitution, religion, ... Together with the manners and customs of its inhabitants, ... Translated from the French of Mr. Catteau, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

BÜSCHING, Anton Friedrich, An introduction to the Study of geography : or, a general survey of Europe. By A.F. Busching, ... Translated from the second German edition, with improvements, by R. Wynne, A.M, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

Geography made easy for children : improved from the Circle of the sciences, containing the new discoveries, &c, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

ANVILLE, Jean-Baptiste Bourguignon d’, A geographical illustration of the map of India, translated from the French of Monr. D’Anville, ... with some explanatory notes and remarks, by William Herbert, hydrographer, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

SEALLY, John, A complete geographical dictionary, or universal gazetteer : of ancient and modern geography: containing a full, particular, and accurate description of the known world; ... Illustrated with correct maps and beautiful views of the principal cities, &c. ... The geographical parts by John Seally, ... the astronomical parts from the papers of the late Mr. Israel Lyons, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

GORDON, Patrick, Geography anatomiz’d : or, the geographical grammar. Being a short and exact analysis of the whole body of modern geography, ... The sixteenth edition, corrected, and

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somewhat enlarged; and a set of new maps, by Mr. Senex. By Pat. Gordon, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

FENNING, Daniel, A new and easy guide to the use of the globes : and the rudiments of geography. ... To which are annexed, three useful tables. ... By Daniel Fenning, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

GORDON, Patrick, Geography anatomiz’d : or, the geographical grammar. Being a short and exact analysis of the whole body of modern geography, ... By Pat. Gordon, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

GORDON, Patrick, Geography anatomiz’d : or, the geographical grammar. Being a short and exact analysis of the whole body of modern geography, ... Collected from the best authors, ... The fourteenth edition, corrected, and somewhat enlarged; and a set of new maps, by Mr. Senex. By Pat. Gordon, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

An introduction to geography : to which is added a short explanation of the use of the artificial terrestrial globe and of the astronomical system. For the use of schools, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

RIVETT, John, An introduction to geography, astronomy, and the use of the globes : To which are added a chronological table of remarkable events, discoveries and inventions from the creation to the year 1794; and a large collection of questions, designed for the use of young persons. By John Rivett, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

BROOKES, R., Brookes’ general gazetteer abridged : Containing a geographical description of the countries, cities, towns, forts, seas, rivers, lakes, mountains, capes, &c. in the known world; ... Illustrated by maps, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

SHARMAN, John, An introduction to astronomy, geography, and the use of the globes : The second edition, considerably enlarged and improved. By John Sharman, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

POVOLERI, Giovanni, New geographical tables : Exhibiting at one view all the empires, kingdoms, states, ... in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America: ... To which are prefixed, I. Directions for the use of the globes, ... II. Chronological tables of the sovereigns ... By John Povoleri, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

VARENIUS, Bernhard, A compleat system of general geography : explaining the nature and properties of the earth; ... Originally written in Latin by Bernhard Varenius, M.D. since improved and illustrated by Sir Isaac Newton and Dr Jurin; and now translated into English; with additional notes, copper-plates, ... By Mr Dugdale. The whole revised and corrected by Peter Shaw, M.D. In two volumes, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

BLAIR, John, The history of the rise and progress of geography : By the Rev. John Blair, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

DAVIDSON, Robert, Geography epitomised; or a tour round the world : being a short but comprehensive description of the terraqueous globe: attempted in verse, ... By an American, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

DAVIDSON, Robert, The elements of geography : short and plain. Designed as an easy introduction to the system of geography in verse, by Robert Davidson, ... With or without seven copper plates, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

GARNIER, James, Geography made easy : or, that valuable science fully comprehended in a compendious treatise, ... To which is added an appendix, containing, a short view of astronomy. ... The whole by way of question and answer, in French and English. ... By ... James Garnier,

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[Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

VARENIUS, Bernhard, A compleat system of general geography : explaining the nature and properties of the earth; ... Originally written in Latin by Bernhard Varenius, M.D. Since improved and illustrated by Sir Isaac Newton and Dr Jurin; and now translated into English; ... By Mr. Dugdale. The whole revised and corrected by Peter Shaw, M.D. The third edition, with large additions. In two volumes, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

The compleat geographer : or, the chorography and topography of all the known parts of the earth. To which is premis’d an introduction to geography, and a natural history of the earth and the elements. ... To which are added maps of every country, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

GADESBY, Richard, A new and easy introduction to geography : by way of question and answer, divided into lessons. ... Containing ... several useful problems on the terrestrial globe, ... To which is now added, a new geographical table. By Richard Gadesby, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

BROOKES, R., The general gazetteer : or, compendious geographical dictionary. ... With the government, customs, manners, and religion of the inhabitants; ... Illustrated by maps. Originally written by R. Brookes, M.D, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

The compleat geographer : or, the chorography and topography of all the known parts of the earth. ... To which are added maps of every country, ... The fourth edition. Wherein the descriptions of Asia, Africa and America are compos’d a-new, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

GADESBY, Richard, A new and easy introduction to geography : by way of question and answers, divided into lessons. Principally designed for the use of schools. ... By Richard Gadesby, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

T. H, A short way to know the world : or the rudiments of geography: being a new familiar method of teaching youth the knowledge of the globe, ... By T.H, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

G. J, Geography epitomiz’d: or, the London gazetteer : Being a geographical and historical treatise of Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. ... To which are added, an introduction to geography, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

VARENIUS, Bernhard, A compleat system of general geography : explaining the nature and properties of the earth; ... Originally written in Latin by Bernhard Varenius, M.D. Since improved and illustrated by Sir Isaac Newton and Dr Jurin; and now translated into English; ... By Mr Dugdale. The whole revised and corrected by Peter Shaw, M.D. The second edition, with large additions. In two volumes, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

CLEGG, John, Elements of geography : or an easy introduction to the use of the globes and maps; consisting of a concise treatise ... a blank atlas, and a large collection of geographical questions ... with the answers printed separately. By John Clegg, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

Geography reformed : A new system of general geography, according to an accurate analysis of the science, ... In four parts. ... The whole illustrated with notes, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

JONES, Evan, The young geographer and astronomer’s best companion : ... By E. Jones, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

TURNER, R., A view of the earth : being a short, but comprehensive system of modern

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geography. ... To which is added, a description of the terrestrial globe ; ... By the Reverend Mr. Turner, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

A small sketch of geography, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

GADESBY, Richard, A new and easy introduction to geography : by way of question and answer, ... Likewise several useful problems on the terrestrial globe, ... To which is now added, a new geographical table. By Richard Gadesby, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

Geographical questions and answers : with a brief chronology of the Kings of England, from the invasion of Julius Cæsar, ... To which is prefix’d a general statement of the different powers of Europe, at one view, ... For the instruction of young minds, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

An abridgement of geography : Adorned with cuts representing the dress of each country, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

VARENIUS, Bernhard, Bernhardi Varenii Geographia generalis : in qua affectiones generales telluris explicantur. Adjecta est appendix, ... a Jacobo Jurin, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

ADAMS, Michael, The new royal geographical magazine : or, a modern, complete, authentic, and copious system of universal geography : containing a complete, ... history and description of all the several parts of the whole world; ... To which will be added, a new and easy guide to geography and astronomy, ... Carefully written and compiled from the late journals of the voyages and travels of Captains Phillips, King, Ball, Hunter, White, ... &c. By Michael Adams, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

DRUMMOND, Gawin, A short treatise of geography, general and special : The third edition. To which is added, a brief introduction to chronology, with tables of the principal coins ... Collected from the best authors ... for the use of schools. By Gawin Drummond, M.A, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

The young gentleman and lady’s geography : ... Compiled from the writings of the most eminent authors, ... explained in so concise a manner, as to render the whole perfectly easy to be attained without the assistance of a teacher, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

SYMSON, Matthias, Geography compendiz’d : or, the world survey’d: being a system of geography, ... Volumn [sic] I. ... Collected from the most approv’d writers ... By M. S. M.A, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

WALKER, John, Elements of geography : and of natural and civil history. ... By John Walker, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

GREGORY, J., A manual of modern geography : containing a short, but comprehensive and entertaining account of all the known world; ... With an alphabetical index. The fourth edition is corrected, and enlarged, ... By J. Gregory. Whereunto is added, a table of the latitudes and longitudes ... By Emanuel Bowen, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

PICTET, SAINT QUENTIN, Cours complet de géographie : adaptée à la méthode de Monsieur l’Abbé Gaultier, ... Tome II. Géographie de l’Angleterre. Partie I. Par Messrs. Pictet et St. Quentin. Les differentes cartes ... publieés par Mr. Dudley Adams, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

KEITH, Thomas, A short and easy introduction to the science of geography : ... Designed for the use of schools and private tuition. Illustrated with the necessary engravings, and an accurate map of the world, ... By Thomas Keith, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

MAIR, John, A brief survey of the terraqueous globe : containing, I. The description and use of the

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globes. ... III. Geography ; ... Exhibiting, 1. The description of the solar system, ... 6. A view of antient geography, ... Written originally by John Mair, A.M. and now republished, with great additions, amendments, and improvements by an able hand. And illustrated with maps of the antient and modern worlds, engraved by T. Kitchen, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

MACINTOSH, William, Voyages en Europe : en Asie et en Afrique, ... par M. Makintosh; ... Traduits de l’anglois, & accompagnés de notes ...& de cartes géographiques, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

DU HALDE, J.-B., The general history of China : Containing a geographical, historical, chronological, political and physical description of the Empire of China, ... adorn’d with curious maps, and ... copper plates. Done from the French of P. du Halde. ... The third edition corrected, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

PERKINS, Richard, Geographiæ antiquæ principa : or the elements of ancient geography. By Richard Perkins, Jun, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

BROOKES, R., The modern gazetteer : or compendious geographical dictionary. Containing a description of all the empires, kingdoms, states, ... cities, ... in the known world ; ... The third edition, carefully corrected. With a collection of modern maps: also an appendix ; ... By R. Brookes, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

WALKER, John, Elements of geography : with the principles of natural philosophy, and sketches of general history. Containing I. The figure of the earth, ... VI. VII. VIII. IX. Descriptions of the different quarters of the world, ... Illustrated with ten copperplates. By John Walker, ... Being principally the substance of a course of lectures addressed to his pupils, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

BROOKES, R., The general gazetteer : or, compendious geographical dictionary. Containing a description of all the empires, kingdoms, ... and promontories in the known world; together with the government, policy, customs, manners, and religion of the inhabitants; ... Embellished with nine maps. By R. Brookes, M.D, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

A new geographical dictionary: containing a brief description of the countries, empires ... of the world. ... Translated from the French ; with great improvements ... To which is now added the latitude and longitude of the most considerable cities ... omitted in the first publication of this dictionary,, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

TURNER, R., A new and easy introduction to universal geography : In a series of letters to a youth at school; ... By the Rev. R. Turner, ... Illustrated with copper-plates, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

GORDON, James, Terraquea : or, a new system of geography and modern history. By the Rev. James Gordon, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

GORDON, James, Terraquea : or, a new system of geography and modern history. By the Rev. James Gordon, ... Volume 1, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

MIDDLETON, Charles Theodore, A new and complete system of geography : Containing a full, accurate, authentic and interesting account and description of Europe, Asia, Africa, and America ; ... By Charles Theodore Middleton, Esq. assisted by several gentlemen, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

The gazetteer’s or newsman’s interpreter : Being a geographical index of all the empires, kingdoms, ... in Asia, Africa and America. Shewing, the division and boundary of every country, to whom now subject: ... The second part, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

ECHARD, Laurence, The gazetteer’s; or, newsman’s interpreter : Being a geographical index of all

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the considerable provinces, cities, ... in Europe. ... The thirteenth edition, corrected and very much enlarged ... By Laurence Echard, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

Geography and astronomy familiarized : For youth of both sexes, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

GORDON, Patrick, Geography anatomized : or, the geographical grammar. ... Collected from the best authors, and illustrated with divers maps. The sixteenth edition, corrected and somewhat enlarged; and a set of new maps, by Mr. Senex. By Pat. Gordon, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

A new moral system of geography : ... Adorned with the dresses of each country, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

FER, Nicolas de, A short and easy method to understand geography : Wherein are describ’d, the form of government of each country, ... Made English by a gentleman of Cambridge, from the French of Mr. A. D. Fer, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

A new historical and commercial system of geography : containing a comprehensive history and description of the present state of all the Kingdoms of the world: ... To which are added, a new and copious geographical index, ... and a genealogical table of all the sovereigns of the world. ... embellished with maps, and superb engravings, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

A new moral system of geography : containing an account of the different nations ancient and modern: ... including, a description of each country, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

BOYLE, P., The general London guide : or, tradesman’s directory for the year 1794. With a general index to trades. Containing a separate arrangement of all the merchants, manufactures, and principal traders ... Also a complete list of the market towns ... A complete list of all the magistrates and police officers ... A short sketch of the political geography of Europe, ... A correct tide table, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

MIDDLETON, Charles Theodore, A new and complete system of geography : Containing a full, accurate, authentic and interesting account and description of Europe, Asia, Africa, and America; ... By Charles Theodore Middleton, Esq. assisted by several gentlemen, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

FENNING, Daniel, A new and easy guide to the use of the globes : and the rudiments of geography. ... To which is annex’d, three useful tables. ... By Daniel Fenning, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

FENNING, Daniel, COLLYER, A new system of geography : or, a general description of the world. ... Embellished with a new and accurate set of maps, ... and a great variety of copper-plates, ... By the late D. Fenning and J. Collyer. A new edition, revised, enlarged, and improved, by Frederick Hervey, Esq; ... The account of North America corrected ... by Captain Carver, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

FENNING, Daniel, COLLYER, A new system of geography : or a general description of the world. ... Embellished with a new and accurate set of maps, ... and great variety of copper-plates, ... By D. Fenning, ... and J. Collyer, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

OLDMIXON, The British Empire in America : containing the history of the discovery, settlement, progress and present state of all the British colonies, on the continent and islands of America. In two volumes. ... With curious maps of the several places, done from the newest surveys. By Herman Moll, Geographer, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

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GUTHRIE, William, A new geographical, historical, and commercial grammar : and present state of the several Kingdoms of the World. ... To which are added, I. A geographical index, ... By William Guthrie, ... Illustrated with a correct set of maps, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

ECHARD, Laurence, A most compleat compendium of geography : general and special; describing all the empires, kingdoms, and dominions, in the whole world. ... Together with an appendix of general rules for making a large geography, with the great uses of that science. ... Collected according to the latest discoveries, and agreeing with the choicest and newest maps. The sixth edition, ... By Laurence Echard, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

ECHARD, Laurence, A most compleat compendium of geography : general and special; describing all the empires, kingdoms, and dominions, in the whole world. ... Together with an appendix of general rules for making a large geography, with the great uses of that science. ... Collected according to the latest discoveries, and agreeing with the choicest and newest maps. The eighth edition ... By Laurence Echard, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

STRETZER, Thomas, A new description of Merryland : Containing, a topographical, geographical, and natural history of that country, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

LENGLET DUFRESNOY, Nicolas, Geographia antiqua et nova : or a system of antient and modern geography, with ... maps engraven from Cellarius’s. ... Translated from the French of Mr. L’Abbe’ du Fresnoy, with great additions and improvements, ... To which is added a large index, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

LENGLET DU FRESNOY, Nicolas, Geography for children : or, a short and easy method of teaching and learning geography: designed principally for the use of schools. ... With a new general map of the world, ... Translated from the French of Abbé Lenglet du Fresnoy, and now greatly augmented ... The twenty-second edition. To which is prefixed, a method of learning geography without a master, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

VARENIUS, Bernhard, SHAW, A complete system of general geography : ... Originally written in Latin by Bernhard Varenius, M.D. Since improved and illustrated. By Sir Isaac Newton and Dr. Jurin; and now translated into English; with additional notes, ... By Mr. Dugdale. The whole revised and corrected by Peter Shaw, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

BROOKES, R., The general gazetteer : or, compendious geographical dictionary. Containing a description of all the empires, ... chief towns, ... harbours, ... and promontories in the known world; together with the government, policy, ... of the inhabitants; ... Embellished with nine maps. By R. Brookes, M.D, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

CELLARIUS, Christoph, Christophori Cellarii Smalcaldensis geographia antiqua : recognita denuo, ... Huic demum sextæ editioni tot chartas ... duplicemque indicem, ... addidit, totam recensuit, ... Samuel Patrick, LL.D, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

RENNELL, James, A Bengal atlas : containing maps of the theatre of war and commerce on that side of Hindoostan. Compiled from the original surveys; and published by order of ... the East India-Company. By James Rennell, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

CELLARIUS, Christoph, Notitia orbis antiqui : sive geographia plenior, ... Christophorus Cellarius ex vetustis probatisque monimentis collegit, et novis tabulis geographicis, ... illustravit. Adjectus est index copiosissimus locorum & aliarum rerum geographicarum, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

CELLARIUS, Christoph, Christophori Cellarii Smalcaldensis geographia antiqua : recognita denuo, ... Huic demum sextæ editioni tot chartas .. duplicemque indicem, ... addidit, ... Samuel

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Patrick, L.L.D, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

CELLARIUS, Christoph, Christophori Cellarii Smalcaldensis geographia antiqua : recognita denuo, ... Huic demum sextæ editioni tot chartas ... duplicemque indicem, ... addidit, totam recensuit, ... Samuel Patrick, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

CELLARIUS, Christoph, Christophori Cellarii Smalcaldensis geographia antiqua : recognita denuo, ... Huic demum sextæ editioni tot chartas ... duplicemque indicem, ... addidit, ... Samuel Patrick L.L.D, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

CELLARIUS, Christoph, Christophori Cellarii Smalcaldensis geographia antiqua : recognita denuo, ... Huic demum sextæ editioni tot chartas ... duplicemque indicem, ... addidit, ... Samuel Patrick, L.L.D, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

CELLARIUS, Christoph, Christophori Cellarii Smalcaldensis geographia antiqua : recognita denuo, ... Huic demum sextæ editioni tot chartas ... duplicemque indicem, ... addidit, ... Samuel Patrick, L.L.D, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

BELLEGARDE, A general history of all voyages and travels throughout the old and new world, from the first ages to this present time : Illustrating both the ancient and modern geography. ... By Monsr. Du Perier of the Royal Academy. Made English from the Paris edition. Adorn’d with cuts, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

A new description of England and Wales : with the adjacent islands. ... To which is added, a new and correct set of maps of each County ... By Herman Moll, geographer, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

DIONYSIUS, Tēs palai kai tēs nyn oikoumenēs periēgēsis : Sive Dionysii geographia emendata & locupletata, additione scil. geographiæ hodiernæ Græco carmine pariter donatæ: cum 16 tabulis geographicis. Ab Edv. Wells, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

DIONYSIUS, Tēs palai kai tēs nyn oikoumenēs periēgēsis : sive Dionysii geographia emendata & locupletat, additione scil. geographiæ hodiernæ Græco carmine pariter donatæ: cum XVI tabulis geographicis. Ab Edv. Wells, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

DILLON, John Talbot, Travels through Spain : with a view to illustrate the natural history and physical geography of that Kingdom, in a series of letters. ... Adorned with copper-plates and a new map of Spain. ... Written ... by John Talbot Dillon, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

SCHEFFER, Johannes, The history of Lapland : containing a geographical description, and a natural history of that country; with an account of the inhabitants, their original, religion, customs, habits, marriages, conjurations, employments, &c. Written by John Scheffer, ... translated from ... Latin, and illustrated with many curious copper-cutts. ... Also a journey into Lapland, Finland, &c. Written by Dr. Olof Rudbeck in the year 1701, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

BOWEN, Emanuel, KITCHEN, The large English atlas : or, a new set of maps of all the counties in England and Wales, drawn from the several surveys which have been hitherto published. ... By Emanuel Bowen, ... Thomas Kitchen, and others, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

BOWEN, Emanuel, A complete atlas, or distinct view of the known world : exhibited in sixty-eight maps: ... By Emanuel Bowen, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

PALAIRET, Jean, Atlas méthodique : composé pour l’usage de Son Altesse ... le prince d’Orange et de Nassau, ... par Jean Palairet, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

JOHANSEN, Andrew, A geographical and historical account of the island of Bulama : ... and an account of the formation and progress of the Bulam Association and of the colony itself: ... By

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Andrew Johansen, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

SYMSON, Matthias, Eucheiridion geographicum : Or, a manual of geography. Being a description of all the empires, kingdoms, and dominions of the earth. ... By M. S, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

I.S.TAKHR-I, Ibr-ah-im ibn Mu.hammad, IBN .HAWQAL, Kitāb Masālik wa-mamālik tasnīf ibn Hawqal = The oriental geography of Ebn Haukal, an Arabian traveller of the tenth century. Translated from a manuscript in his own possession, ... by Sir William Ouseley,, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

WYNDHAM, Neville, Travels through Europe : Containing a geographical, historical, and topographical description of all the empires, kingdoms, ... Drawn from unerring sources of information. ... The whole digested into one uniform narrative, ... Interspersed with the editor’s observations and improvements ... By Neville Wyndham, Esq. of Ash-Hall, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

GORDON, William, A new geographical grammar : and complete gazetteer; ... To which are added, the elements of chronology. ... By William Gordon, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

CRUTTWELL, Clement, The new universal gazetteer : or, geographical dictionary: containing a description of all the empires, kingdoms, ... in the known world; ... Together with an atlas, containing twenty-six whole-sheet maps. By the Rev. Clement Cruttwell, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

CELLARIUS, Christoph, Christophori Cellarii Smalcaldensis geographia antiqua : recognita denuo, ... Huic demum sextæ editioni tot chartas ... duplicemque indicem, ... addidit, totam recensuit, ... Samuel Patrick, LL.D, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

SALMON, Thomas, A new geographical and historical grammar : wherein the geographical part is truly modern; and the present state of the several kingdoms of the world is so interspersed, as to render the study of geography both entertaining and instructive. ... By Mr. Salmon. Illustrated with a set of twenty-three new maps, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

TURNER, R., A new and easy introduction to universal geography : in a series of letters to a youth at school: ... By the Rev. R. Turner, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

WELLS, Edward, A treatise of antient and present geography : Together with a sett of maps, both of antient and present geography, design’d for the use of young students in the universities. By Edward Wells, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

WELLS, Edward, A treatise of antient and present geography : Together with A sett of maps, both of antient and present geography, design’d for the use of young students in the universities. By Edward Wells, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

LA MOTTE, Philémon de, Several voyages to Barbary : Containing an historical and geographical account of the country. ... With a journal of the late siege and surrender of Oran. To which are added, the maps of Barbary, ... by Captain Henry Boyde, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

RENNELL, James, On the rate of travelling as performed by camels : and its application, as a scale, to the purposes of geography. By James Rennell, Esq. F.R.S. From the philosophical transactions, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

Geographia classica : the geography of the ancients so far describ’d as is contain’d in the Greek and Latin classicks, in the maps of the Old World, ... To which is added, a map of the places mention’d in the Old and New Testaments. A collection long wanted, and now publish’d for the use

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of schools, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

WELLS, Edward, A treatise of antient and present geography : together with A sett of maps, design’d for the use of young students in the universities. By Edward Wells, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

ARMSTRONG, Mostyn John, A Scotch atlas; or description of the kingdom of Scotland : divided into counties, with the subdivisions of sherifdoms; shewing their respective boundaries and extent, soil, produce, ... also their cities, chief towns, seaports, mountains, ... by Mostyn John Armstrong, ... engraved on 30 copper plates by H: Ashby, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

FENNING, Daniel, A new and easy guide to the use of the globes : and the rudiments of geography. ... In which are inserted four useful tables. ... To the whole are subjoined I. An appendix; ... II. A supplement; ... By Daniel Fenning, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

FENNING, Daniel, On Saturday the 20th of September, 1766, will be published, price six-pence, to be continued weekly, ... Number I. of A new system of geography; or, a general description of the world. ... Embellished with a new and accurate set of maps, ... and great variety of copper-plates, ... By D. Fenning, ... J. Collyer, ... and others, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

STACKHOUSE, Thomas, An universal atlas : consisting of a complete set of maps, peculiarly adapted to illustrate and explain ancient and modern geography: ... By T. Stackhouse, A.M, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

WELLS, Edward, A new sett of maps both of antient and present geography : ... By Edward Wells, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

The young gentleman and lady’s geography : ... Compiled from the writings of the most eminent authors, ... explained in so concise a manner, as to render the whole perfectly easy to be attained without the assistance of a teacher, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

THOMSON, Eliza, A synopsis of the planisphere of the earth : and of the map of Europe, in which the situation and extent of the primary divisions of the globe, and the empires, kingdoms, ... are obtained by inspection; together with the description and use of the globes. Intended, by the author, as a useful appendix to her introduction to geography and astronomy. By Eliza Thomson, (late Cumyns,), [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

FENNING, Daniel, COLLYER, A new system of geography : or, a general description of the world. .. Embellished with a new and accurate set of maps, ... and a great variety of copper-plates, ... By the late D. Fenning and J. Collyer. Vol. II, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

KITCHIN, Thomas, A general atlas, describing the whole universe : being a complete collection of the most approved maps extant; ... The whole being an improvement of the maps of D’Anville and Robert. Engraved in the best manner on sixty-two copperplates, by Thomas Kitchen, senior, and others, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

CARY, John, Cary’s Traveller’s companion : or, a delineation of the turnpike roads of England and Wales; shewing the immediate rout [sic] to every market and borough town throughout the kingdom. Laid down from the best authorities, on a new set of county maps. To which is added, an alphabetical list of all the market towns, with the days on which they are held, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

CHURCHMAN, John, The magnetic atlas, or Variation charts of the whole terraqueous globe : comprising a system of the variation & dip of the needle by which the observations being truly made, the longitude may be ascertained. By John Churchman, Fellow of the Russian Imperial Academy, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

LEMPRIÈRE, William, A tour from Gibraltar to Tangier, Sallee, Mogodore, Santa Cruz, and

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Tarudant; and thence over Mount Atlas to Morocco : Including a particular account of the royal harem, &c. By William Lempriere, surgeon, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

MORSE, Jedidiah, Geography made easy : being an abridgement of the American geography. ... To which is added, a geographical account of the European settlements in America; and of Europe, Asia and Africa. Illustrated with eight neat maps and cuts. Calculated particularly for the use and improvement of schools in the United States. By Jedidiah Morse, A.M. Minister of the congregation in Charlestown, near Boston, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

LENGLET DUFRESNOY, Nicolas, Geography for children : or, a short and easy method of teaching and learning geography: designed principally for the use of schools. ... With a new general map of the world, ... Translated from the French of Abbot Lenglet du Fresnoy, and now greatl augmented ... The twelfth edition. To which is prefixed, a method of learning geography without a master, ... And to this edition is now added, a table of the latitude and longitude of the ... places mentioned, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

LENGLET DU FRESNOY, Nicolas, Geography for children : or, a short and easy method of teaching and learning geography: designed principally for the use of schools. ... with a new general map of the world, ... Translated from the French of Abbot Lenglet du Fresnoy, and now greatl augmented ... The fourteenth edition. To which is prefixed, a method of learning geography without a master, ... And to this edition is now added, a table of the latitude and longitude of the ... places mentioned, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

SALMON, Thomas, The new universal geographical grammar: wherein the situation and extent of the several countries are laid down according to the most exact geographical observations, and the history of all the different kingdoms of the world, is interspersed in such a manner, as to render the study of geography both useful and entertaining. ... The second edition, with large additions. ... The whole being an improvement and continuation of Mr. Salmon’s grammar. Brought down to the present time by J. Tytler, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

PARK, Mungo, Travels in the interior districts of Africa : performed under ... the African Association, in the years 1795, 1796, and 1797. By Mungo Park, ... With an appendix, containing geographical illustrations of Africa. By Major Rennell, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

The history of inland navigations : particularly that of the Duke of Bridgwater. Illustrated with geographical plans, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

PLAYFAIR, William, The commercial and political atlas : which represents at a single view, by means of copper plate charts, the most important public accounts of revenues, expenditures, debts, and commerce of England. By William Playfair, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

COX, Thomas, Magna Britannia antiqua & nova: or, a new, exact, and comprehensive survey of the ancient and present state of Great-Britain. ... Collected and compiled from the antiquities and histories ... of each county. ... communicated by several judicious hands., [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

PLAYFAIR, William, CORRY, The commercial and political atlas : representing, by means of stained copper-plate charts, the exports, imports, and general trade of England; the national debt, ... by William Playfair, ... To which are added, Charts of the revenue and debts of Ireland, ... by James Corry, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

MATHER, Cotton, CHAMBERLAYNE, The world alarm’d : A surprizing relation, of a new burning-island lately raised out of the sea, near Tercera; with a geographical and theological improvement of so astonishing an occurrence. And a brief history of the other ignivomous

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mountains at this day flaming in the world. In a letter to an Honourable fellow of the Royal Society at London. From a member of the same society, at Boston, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

EDWARDS, Samuel, A new compendium of geography : or an attempt to make that science more entertaining: and consequently to adapt it better to the intention of instructing the youth of both sexes; particularly in the schools. By S. Edwards, school-master, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

MARTIN, Benjamin, An essay on the nature and superior use of globes : in conveying the first principles of geography and astronomy to the minds of youth; also a candid examination of the construction and use of planispheres, ... and the nature and use of the globular projection, ... By Benjamin Martin, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

WRIGHT, Gabriel, The description and use of both the globes : the armillary sphere, and orrery, exemplified in a large variety of problems in astronomy, geography, dialling, &c. Carefully selected from the late Messrs. Martin, Ferguson, ... By G. Wright. The whole illustrated by a variety of copper plate figures, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

WRIGHT, Gabriel, The description and use of both the globes : the armillary sphere, and orrery, exemplified in a large variety of problems in astronomy, geography, dialling, &c. Carefully selected from the late Messrs. Martin, Ferguson, ... By G. Wright. The whole illustrated by a variety of copper plate figures, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

CHURCHMAN, John, The magnetic atlas, or variation charts of the whole terraqueous globe : ... By John Churchman, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

ADAMS , George , Astronomical and geographical essays : containing, I. A comprehensive view of the general principles of astronomy. II. The use of the celestial and terrestrial globes, ... III. The description and use of the armillary sphere, planetarium, ... IV. An introduction to practical astronomy; ... By George Adams, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

The use of the globes : containing definitions, and propositions, geographical and astronomical, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

ADAMS, George, Astronomical and geographical essays : containing, I. A full and comprehensive view, on a new plan, of the general principles of astronomy. II. The use of the celestial and terrestrial globes, ... III. The description and use of the ... planetarium, ... IV. An introduction to practical astronomy. Third edition. By George Adams, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

BRANSBY, John, The use of the globes : containing, an introduction to astronomy and geography; a description of globes and maps; and a variety of problems performed by the globes, and by calculation; ... By John Bransby, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

SPAVENS, William, The seaman’s narrative : containing an account of a great variety of such incidents as the author met with in the sea service. Also a descriptive account of the discipline, allowance, and customs of His Majesty’s Navy, the East India Company, ... To which is added, a short and plain introduction to astronomy and geography; ... And an explanation of nautical terms. ... By William Spavens, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

A compendium of geography, &c : exhibiting at one view the chief heads of the science; ... The whole revised and the astronomical part composed by John Walker, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

MARTIN, Benjamin, Physico-geology : or, a new system of philosophical geography. Containing a new and general description of the terraqueous globe. ... The natural history of the products ... in

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every country, ... with a new and accurate set of maps ... Engraved by E. Bowen, ... By B. Martin, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

CHURCHMAN, John, An explanation of the magnetic atlas, or variation chart, hereunto annexed : projected on a plan entirely new, by which the magnetic variation on any part of the globe may be precisely determined, for any time, past, present, or future: and the variation and latitude being accurately known, the longitude is of consequence truly determined. By John Churchman, late land surveyor for the district of the counties of Delaware and Chester, and for part of Lancaster and Berks, Pennsylvania, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

BROOKES, Richard, COLLYER, A dictionary of the world : or, a geographical description of the Earth; with an historical and biographical account of its principal inhabitants, ... The goegraphical part by R. Brookes, M.D. and the historical and biographical part by Joseph Collyer, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

STRETZER, Thomas, A new description of Merryland : Containing, a topographical, geographical, and natural history of that country, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

STRETZER, Thomas, A new description of Merryland : Containing, a topographical, geographical, and natural history of that country, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

TURNER, R., A new and easy introduction to universal geography : in a series of letters to a youth at School: ... By the Rev. R. Turner, Jun. ... Illustrated with copper-plates, and a new set of maps, ... The fourth edition, improved and considerably enlarged by the author. To this edition is now first added, a large map of the world, on which are delineated the different tracts of Captain Cook’s ships in his three voyages, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

MAIR, John, A compendious geographical and historical grammar : exhibiting a brief survey of the terraqueous globe; ... Embellished with maps, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

WALKER, John, Elements of geography : and of natural and civil history. ... By John Walker, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

SALMON, Thomas, A new geographical and historical grammar : wherein the geographical part is truly modern; ... By Mr. Salmon, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

ANVILLE, Jean-Baptiste Bourguignon d’, The preface and introduction to the analysis of Italy: ... By Monsieur d’Anville, ... translated from the French, [Farmington Hills, Mich], Thomson Gale, 2005, E 0

FREKSA, Christian, HABEL, WENDER, Spatial Cognition : An Interdisciplinary Approach to Representing and Processing Spatial Knowledge, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg : Springer e-books, 1998, E 0

VČKOVSKI, Andrej, BRASSEL, SCHEK, Interoperating Geographic Information Systems : Second International Conference, INTEROP 99, Zurich, Switzerland, March 10-12, 1999. Proceedings, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg : Springer e-books, 1999, E 0

RODDICK, John F., HORNSBY, Temporal, Spatial, and Spatio-Temporal Data Mining : First International Workshop, TSDM 2000 Lyon, France, September 12, 2000 Revised Papers, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg : Springer e-books, 2001, E 0

WESTORT, Caroline Y., Digital Earth Moving : First International Symposium, DEM 2001 Manno, Switzerland, September 5 7, 2001 Proceedings, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg : Springer e-books, 2001, E 0

AGOURIS, Peggy, STEFANIDIS, Integrated Spatial Databases : Digital Images and GIS

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International Workshop ISD 99 Portland, ME, USA, June 14 16, 1999 Selected Papers, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg : Springer e-books, 1999, E 0

BREUNIG, Martin, Integration of Spatial Information for Geo-Information Systems, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag : Springer e-books, 1996, E 0

GROTEN, Erwin, STRAUß, GPS-Techniques Applied to Geodesy and Surveying : Proceedings of the International GPS-Workshop Darmstadt, April 10 to 13, 1988, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag : Springer e-books, 1988, E 0

EGENHOFER, MARK, Geographic Information Science : Second International Conference, GIScience 2002 Boulder, CO, USA, September 25 28, 2002 Proceedings, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg : Springer e-books, 2002, E 0

DERMANIS, Athanasios, GRÜN, SANSÒ, Geomatic Method for the Analysis of Data in the Earth Sciences, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg : Springer e-books, 2000, E 0

GARDOU, Charles, Le handicap au risque des cultures, Paris , [diffusion] Cairn.info, 2011, E 0

CARRA, Cécile, Les violences à l’école, Paris , [diffusion] Cairn.info, 2011, E 0

TISSERON, Serge, La résilience, Paris , [diffusion] Cairn.info, 2011, E 0

SKIBA, KRZEMIEŃ, Contemporary evolution of the natural environment of the region between Antiatlas and Sahara (Morocco), Cracovie (Pologne), nstitute of Geography and Spatial Management Jagiellonian University, 2008, E 0

SWAN, Sharing knowledge: open access and preservation in Europe : Conclusions of a strategic workshop - Brussels, 25-26 November 2010, Luxembourg, Publications Office of the European Union, 2011, E 0

SWAN, Priority Sector Report: Creative and Cultural Industries, Luxembourg, Publications Office of the European Union, 2011, E 0


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