Le projet de loi sur la modernisation des municipalités (fusions)

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  • 7/29/2019 Le projet de loi sur la modernisation des municipalits (fusions)


    Bill 33 Government Bill Projet de loi 33 Projet de loi du gouvernement

    2nd Session, 40th Legislature,Manitoba,

    62 Elizabeth II, 2013

    2e session, 40e lgislature,Manitoba,

    62 Elizabeth II, 2013




    Honourable Mr. Lemieux M. le ministre Lemieux

    First Reading / Premire lecture :

    Second Reading / Deuxime lecture :

    Committee / Comit :

    Concurrence and Third Reading / Approbation et troisime lecture :

    Royal Assent / Date de sanction :

  • 7/29/2019 Le projet de loi sur la modernisation des municipalits (fusions)



    This Bill enables the Lieutenant Governor in Council, on

    recommendation of the minister, to make regulationsamalgamating municipalities.

    Le prsent projet de loi permett rai t au

    lieutenant-gouverneur en conseil, sur recommandation duministre, de prendre des rglements portant fusion demunicipalits.

    The minister may recommend that a municipality beamalgamated if it has a population of fewer than 1,000residents.

    Ainsi, le ministre pourrait notamment recommander lafusion de toute municipalit dont la population estinfrieure 1 000 rsidents.

    The Bill provides that those municipalities are to identifytheir amalgamation partners, and requires the partners,working cooperatively, to submit a plan to the ministerfor amalgamation effective January 1, 2015.The amalgamation plan is to be submitted byDecember 1, 2013.

    De plus, le projet de loi prvoirait que les municipalitsdterminent leurs partenaires de fusion et que l'ensembledes municipalits concernes collaborent en vue dedposer un plan de fusion auprs du ministre au plus tardle 1er dcembre 2013. Les fusions prendraient effet le 1er

    janvier 2015.

    The minister may extend the deadline for submitting planswhere significant complexities exist. The effective date ofan amalgamation may also be extended, but must be nolater than January 1, 2019.

    Le ministre serait toutefois habilit reporter la date dudpt en cas de complications importantes. La fusion

    pourrait alors prendre effet au plus tard le 1erjanvier 2019.

    Municipalities with populations of at least 1,000 residentsmay also request that the minister recommend to theLieutenant Governor in Council that they be amalgamated.

    Pour leur part, les municipalits comptant une populationd'au moins 1 000 rsidents pourraient galement demanderau ministre qu'il recommande leur fusion aulieutenant-gouverneur en conseil.

    The minister may ask The Municipal Board to provide areport on a matter related to amalgamation.

    Le ministre pourrait demander la Commission municipalede dresser un rapport portant sur une question lie unefusion.

    A planning district may be altered by the amalgamation ofits member municipalities. Provisions are included thataddress the impacts of those alterations.

    En outre, les limites des districts d'amnagement duterritoire pourraient tre modifies en raison de la fusionde leurs municipalits participantes. Certaines dispositionstraiteraient de l'effet de ces modifications.

    Amendments are also made to The Municipal Actand ThePolice Services Act. As a result of the amendments to TheMunicipal Act, the general election presently scheduled tooccur in July 2014 in Dunnottar, Victoria Beach andWinnipeg Beach will occur in October 2014 instead which is the same time as general elections in the rest ofthe province. The amendments to The Police Services Act

    provide a mechanism for addressing situations where anamalgamation results in two police services operatingwithin the same municipality.

    Enfin, des modifications seraient galement apportes laLoi sur les municipalits et la Loi sur les services depolice . Les changements proposs la Loi sur lesmunicipalits feraient en sorte que les lections gnralesqui sont actuellement prvues pour juillet 2014 Dunnottar, Victoria Beach et Winnipeg Beach auraient

    plutt lieu en en octobre 2014, soit en mme tempsqu'ailleurs dans la province. Quant eux, les changementsapports laLoi sur les services de police nonceraient lesmesures suivre lorsqu'une fusion fait en sorte que deuxservices de police uvrent sur le territoire d'une mmemunicipalit.

  • 7/29/2019 Le projet de loi sur la modernisation des municipalits (fusions)





    Section Article


    1 Definitions2 Determining population


    1 Dfinitions2 Dtermination de la population


    3 Amalgamation plan to be prepared by

    partners4 Amalgamation partners5 Minister may recommend amalgamation6 Amalgamations where population

    exceeds 1,0007 Minister may refer matters to the board8 Amalgamation regulation made by

    LG in C9 Exclusion

    10 Meaning of "planning district"11 Conflict


    3 Plan de fusion tabli par les partenaires

    4 Partenaires de fusion5 Fusions recommandation possible duministre

    6 Fusion de municipalits d'aumoins 1 000 rsidents

    7 Renvoi d'une question la Commissionpar le ministre

    8 Rglement portant fusion pris par lelieutenant-gouverneur en conseil

    9 Exclusion10 Dfinition de district d'amnagement

    du territoire 11 Incompatibilit


    12 C.C.S.M. c. M225 amended13 C.C.S.M. c. P94.5 amended


    12 Modification du c. M225 de la C.P.L.M.13 Modification du c. P94.5 de la C.P.L.M.



    14 Transition general elections in July15 C.C.S.M. reference16 Coming into force



    14 Disposition transitoire lectionsgnrales de juillet

    15 Codification permanente16 Entre en vigueur


  • 7/29/2019 Le projet de loi sur la modernisation des municipalits (fusions)




    (Assented to ) (Date de sanction : )

    WHEREAS municipal boundaries were first establishedmore than 100 years ago;

    AND WHEREAS the boundaries no longer reflectwhere people live, work and do business;

    AND WHEREAS municipalities need to have adequate

    populations to provide essential infrastructure andservices to their citizens;

    Attendu :

    que les limites des municipalits ont d'abord ttablies il y a plus de 100 ans;

    que ces limites ne correspondent plus la faon dontles gens vivent, travaillent et font des affaires;

    que les municipalits doivent tre suffisammentpeuples pour offrir les infrastructures et les servicesessentiels leurs citoyens,

    THEREFORE HER MAJESTY, by and with the adviceand consent of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba,enacts as follows:

    SA MAJEST, sur l'avis et avec le consentement del'Assemble lgislative du Manitoba, dicte :



    Definitions1(1) The following definitions apply in this Act.

    "minister" means the minister appointed by theLieutenant Governor in Council to administer thisAct. ( ministre )

    Dfinitions1(1) Les dfinitions qui suivent s'appliquent la

    prsente loi.

    ministre Le ministre charg par lelieutenant-gouverneur en conseil de l'application dela prsente loi. ("minister")


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    "newly amalgamated municipality" means amunicipality established by a regulation made undersection 8. ( municipalit nouvellement fusionne )

    m u n i c i p a l i t n o u v e l l e m e n tfusionne Municipalit tablie par un rglement

    pris en vertu de l'article 8. ("newly amalgamatedmunicipality")

    Meaning of words and expressions1(2) Except as otherwise provided in this Act,words and expressions used in this Act and not definedin this Act have the meaning given to them in TheMunicipal Act.

    Disposition interprtative1(2) Les termes utiliss mais non dfinis dans la

    prsente loi ont le sens qui leur est attribu dans laLoisur les municipalits.

    Determining population2 In this Act, the population of a municipalityis to be determined by reference to the census of

    population taken by Statistics Canada in the year 2011.

    Dtermination de la population2 Pour l'application de la prsente loi, la

    population des municipalits est dtermine l'aide desdonnes du recensement de la population effectuen 2011 par Statistique Canada.


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    Amalgamation plan to be prepared by partners3(1) A municipality that consists of an area withfewer than 1,000 residents must acting jointly withits amalgamation partner or partners as identified undersection 4 prepare an amalgamation plan respectingthe amalgamation of the municipality and its partner or

    partners effective January 1, 2015.

    Plan de fusion tabli par les partenaires3(1) Toute municipalit dont le territoire comptemoins de 1 000 rsidents tablit conjointement avecson ou ses partenaires de fusion, lesquels sontdtermins conformment l'article 4 un plan

    portant sur sa fusion avec son ou ses partenaires prenanteffet le 1er janvier 2015.

    Form and content of amalgamation plan3(2) An amalgamation plan must be in the form

    approved by the minister and must address the mattersthat are set out under subsection 8(2).

    Forme et contenu du plan de fusion3(2) Le plan de fusion revt la forme qu'approuve

    le ministre et traite des questions prvues auparagraphe 8(2).

    Public to be consulted3(3) In developing their amalgamation plan, themunicipalities must provide a reasonable opportunityfor members of the public to comment on the content ofthe proposed plan.

    Consultation du public3(3) La municipalit qui tablit un plan de fusion

    permet au public de prsenter ses observations sur leplan propos.

    Deadline for amalgamation plan3(4) An amalgamation plan must be submitted tothe minister no later than December 1, 2013.

    Date limite3(4) Le plan de fusion est dpos au plus tardle 1erdcembre 2013.

    Extension of deadline for plan3(5) The minister may, by written order, extendthe deadline under subsection (4) if he or she is satisfiedthat a municipality's amalgamation presents significantcomplexities which cannot be adequately consideredand addressed by the deadline. An extension may bemade subject to the terms and conditions specified bythe minister.

    Report de la date limite3(5) Le ministre peut, au moyen d'un arrt crit,reporter la date limite prvue au paragraphe (4) s'il estconvaincu que la fusion d'une municipalit prsente descomplications importantes qui ne peuvent tre traitesconvenablement avant cette date. Le report peut treassujetti aux modalits que prvoit le ministre.

    Extension of effective date of amalgamation3(6) For certainty, an order made undersubsection (5) may extend the effective date of anamalgamation to a date no later than January 1, 2019.

    Report de la date de prise d'effet de la fusion3(6) La nouvelle date limite qu'tablit l'arrt visau paragraphe (5) quant la prise d'effet de la fusion ne

    peut tre ultrieure au 1er janvier 2019.

    Plan to be submitted by deadline in order3(7) A municipality and its partner or partnersthat are granted an extension must submit theiramalgamation plan to the minister by the deadlinespecified in the order.

    Date limite du dpt du plan prcis dans l'arrt3(7) Toute municipalit ainsi que son ou sespartenaires qui se voient accorder un report de la datelimite dposent leur plan de fusion auprs du ministreau plus tard la date que prvoit l'arrt.


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    Amalgamation partners4(1) To determine the amalgamation partneror partners of a municipality that consists of anarea with fewer than 1,000 residents (in this sectioncalled "A") the neighbouring municipalities must work

    cooperatively with A, and with each other, inidentifying which of them is to act as A's amalgamationpartner or partners.

    Partenaires de fusion4(1) Toute municipalit dont le territoire comptemoins de 1 000 rsidents appele A dans le

    prsent article dtermine son ou ses partenaires defusion en collaboration avec les municipalits


    Preference re community of interest4(2) In identifying A's amalgamation partner or

    partners, preference is to be given to the municipality ormunicipalities that have the strongest community ofinterest with A.

    Intrts communs4(2) Dans le cadre de la dtermination des

    partenaires de fusion, la prfrence est accorde auxmunicipalits qui partagent les intrts communs les

    plus forts avec A.

    Guidelines4(3) The minister may issue guidelines to assistmunicipalities in determining the relative strength of the

    community of interest that exists among them, includingguidelines that emphasize the importance ofmunicipalities continuing to deliver programs andservices to Manitoba's francophone population andother linguistic minorities.

    Lignes directrices4(3) Le ministre peut tablir les lignes directrices

    permettant aux municipalits de dterminer le poids

    relatif de leurs intrts communs. Ces lignes directricespeuvent notamment souligner l'importance pour lesmunicipalits de continuer offrir des programmes etdes services la population francophone et aux autresminorits linguistiques du Manitoba.


    Minister may recommend amalgamation5(1) The minister may recommend to theLieutenant Governor in Council that a municipality that

    consists of an area with fewer than 1,000 residents beamalgamated with one or more of its neighbouringmunicipalities.

    Fusions recommandation possible du ministre5(1) Le ministre peut recommander aulieutenant-gouverneur en conseil qu'une municipalit

    dont le territoire compte moins de 1 000 rsidents soitfusionne une ou plusieurs de ses municipalitsvoisines.

    Considerations5(2) In making a recommendation, the ministeris to have regard for

    (a) the amalgamation plan submitted by themunicipalities in accordance with section 3, if any,including the public comments obtained in the

    preparation of the plan; and

    (b) the relative strength of the community of interestthat exists among the municipalities.

    Facteurs devant tre pris en compte5(2) Dans l'laboration de ses recommandations,le ministre tient compte :

    a) du plan de fusion que les municipalits ontdpos conformment l'article 3, le cas chant, etdes observations formules par le public au momentde son laboration;

    b) du poids relatif des intrts communs quepartagent les municipalits.

    Amalgamations where population exceeds 1,0006(1) Two or more municipalities, each of whichconsists of an area with at least 1,000 residents, may

    jointly submit an amalgamation plan to the minister bythe deadline in subsection 3(4).

    Fusion de municipalits d'au moins 1 000 rsidents6(1) Deux municipalits ou plus comptantchacune au moins 1 000 rsidents peuvent dposerconjointement un plan de fusion auprs du ministre au

    plus tard la date prvue au paragraphe 3(4).


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    Recommendation populations over 1,0006(2) If, no later than December 1, 2013, anamalgamation plan is submitted under subsection (1),the minister may recommend to the LieutenantGovernor in Council that the municipalities be


    Recommandations municipalits d'aumoins 1 000 rsidents6(2) Le ministre peut recommander aulieutenant-gouverneur en conseil la fusiondes municipalits qui dposent un plan de fusion auprs

    de lui en vertu du paragraphe (1) au plus tardle 1erdcembre 2013.


    Minister may refer matters to the board7(1) The minister may refer any matterrespecting the amalgamation of a municipality to TheMunicipal Board, and the board must give the ministera written report of its findings and recommendations in

    accordance with any terms of reference the minister hasspecified.

    Renvoi d'une question la Commission par leministre7(1) Le ministre peut renvoyer toute questionrelative la fusion d'une municipalit la Commissionmunicipale. Cette dernire avise le ministre par crit de

    ses conclusions et de ses recommandations en fonctiondu mandat que lui confie le ministre.

    Powers of board in formulating recommendations7(2) To assist the board in formulating itsrecommendations, the board

    (a) may request a municipality to provideinformation to the board, and the municipality must

    provide the requested information in the form andwithin the time period specified by the board; and

    (b) may, but is not required to, hold a publichearing.

    Pouvoirs de la Commission recommandations7(2) Au moment o elle formule sesrecommandations, la Commission :

    a) peut exiger qu'une municipalit lui fournisse desrenseignements revtant la forme et dans le dlaiqu'elle prvoit;

    b) peut tenir une audience publique, si elle l'estimeindiqu.

    Action by minister7(3) If the minister refers a matter respecting a

    particular municipality to The Municipal Board, theminister may not recommend that the municipality beamalgamated until he or she has received the board'sreport.

    Rapport obligatoire recommandation7(3) En cas de renvoi d'une question laCommission municipale au sujet d'une municipalit, leministre ne peut recommander sa fusion avant d'avoirreu le rapport de la Commission.


    Amalgamation regulation made by LG in C8(1) The Lieutenant Governor in Council, on therecommendation of the minister made under section 5or 6, may by regulation amalgamate two or moremunicipalities to establish a new municipality.

    Rglement portant fusion pris par lelieutenant-gouverneur en conseil8(1) Sur la recommandation du ministre faite envertu des articles 5 ou 6, le lieutenant-gouverneur enconseil peut, par rglement, fusionner deuxmunicipalits ou plus afin d'tablir une nouvellemunicipalit.


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    Content of regulation8(2) A regulation made under subsection (1)must

    (a) name the newly amalgamated municipality, in

    accordance with subsection 30(2) ofThe MunicipalAct, and describe its boundaries;

    (b) specify the status of the newly amalgamatedmunicipality as an urban municipality or a ruralmunicipality;

    (c) specify the effective date of the establishment ofthe newly amalgamated municipality, which mustnot be later than January 1, 2019;

    (d) prescribe the organization and composition ofthe council of the newly amalgamated municipality,including

    (i) establishing the number of members of thecouncil of the newly amalgamated municipality,

    (ii) establishing whether the members other thanthe head of council are to be elected by voters ofthe whole newly amalgamated municipality oron the basis of wards, and

    (iii) if members, other than the head of council,are to be elected on the basis of wards,establishing wards, describing their boundariesand specifying the number of members to be

    elected in each of the wards;(e) provide that

    (i) the members of the council of the newlyamalgamated municipality are to be elected atthe general election prior to the amalgamation,

    but their terms of office do not begin until thedate of the amalgamation, and

    (ii) the terms of office of the members of thecouncils of the municipalities from which thenewly amalgamated municipality is to beestablished are extended to the date of the

    amalgamation, without those members beingre-elected; and

    (f) designate a senior election official for the generalelection prior to the amalgamation, or specify themanner in which a senior election official is to bedesignated.

    Contenu du rglement8(2) Tout rglement pris en vertu du

    paragraphe (1) :

    a) nomme la municipalit nouvellement fusionne,

    conformment au paragraphe 30(2) de laLoi sur lesmunicipalits, et en dcrit les limites;

    b) prcise si la municipalit nouvellement fusionneconstitue une municipalit urbaine ou rurale;

    c) prcise la date de prise d'effet de l'tablissementde la municipalit nouvellement fusionne, cettedate ne pouvant tre ultrieure au 1er janvier 2019;

    d) prvoit l'organisation et la composition du conseilde la municipalit nouvellement fusionne,notamment :

    (i) en fixant le nombre de conseillers de lamunicipalit nouvellement fusionne,

    (ii) en tablissant si les conseillers, l'exceptiondu prsident du conseil, sont lus par scrutintenu parmi les lecteurs de l'ensemble de lamunicipalit nouvellement fusionne ou enfonction de quartiers,

    (iii) en fixant les limites des quartiers, le caschant, et en prcisant le nombre de conseillers

    l'exception des prsidents de conseil devant tre lus dans chacun d'eux;

    e) prvoit :

    (i) que les conseillers de la municipalitnouvellement fusionne sont lus aux lectionsgnrales qui prcdent la fusion, leur mandatne commenant toutefois qu' la date de prised'effet de cette fusion,

    (ii) que le mandat des conseillers desmunicipalits qui constituent la municipalitnouvellement fusionne est prorog jusqu' ladate de prise d'effet de la fusion, sans ncessitde rlection;

    f) dsigne un fonctionnaire lectoral principal auxfins des lections gnrales qui prcdent la fusionou prcise son mode de dsignation.


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    Timing of amalgamations re general election8(3) Clauses (2)(d) to (f) apply only if the date ofan amalgamation is within three months after a generalelection. In other circumstances, a regulation undersubsection (1) must

    (a) dissolve one or more of the councils of themunicipalities that are amalgamated; and

    (b) provide for an interim council.

    lections gnrales prise d'effet des fusions8(3) Les alinas (2)d) f) ne s'appliquent que sila fusion prend effet au plus trois mois aprs leslections gnrales. Dans toute autre circonstance, lesrglements pris en vertu du paragraphe (1) :

    a) dissolvent un ou plusieurs des conseils desmunicipalits fusionnes;

    b) crent un conseil intrimaire.

    Local urban districts may be established8(4) A regulation made under subsection (1) mayinclude provisions forming a local urban district in thenewly amalgamated municipality, including

    (a) prescribing the name of the district and its area;and

    (b) dealing with one or more of the following:

    (i) any matter required to properly deal with theformation, amendment or dissolution of thelocal urban district, whether transitional orotherwise,

    (ii) the application, addition, change orsubstitution of a provision ofThe Municipal Actor any regulation under that Act.

    Constitution possible de districts urbains locaux8(4) Les rglements pris en vertu du

    paragraphe (1) peuvent contenir des dispositionsconstituant un district urbain local dans la municipalitnouvellement fusionne et prvoyant, notamment :

    a) le nom et le territoire du district;

    b) une ou plusieurs des modalits suivantes :

    (i) toute mesure, transitoire ou non, relative laconstitution, la modification ou ladissolution du district,

    (ii) l'application, l'ajout, la modification ou leremplacement d'une disposition de laLoi sur lesmunicipalits ou de ses rglements.

    Additional matters general8(5) A regulation made under subsection (1)

    may, in relation to a newly amalgamated municipality,contain provisions dealing with one or more of thefollowing:

    (a) assessment and taxation, which may include

    (i) phasing in increases or decreases in taxesthat are directly attributable to theamalgamation, and

    (ii) setting different rates of taxation for areaswithin the municipality based on their access toservices provided by the municipality;

    (b) property;

    (c) employees;

    (d) any matter required to properly deal with theamalgamation, whether transitional or otherwise;

    Questions supplmentaires8(5) Les rglements pris en application du

    paragraphe (1) peuvent en outre contenir, relativementaux municipalits nouvellement fusionnes, desdispositions portant sur l'une ou plusieurs des questionssuivantes :

    a) l'valuation et l'imposition, les mesures cetgard pouvant comprendre :

    (i) l'augmentation ou la diminution progressivede taxes directement attribuable la fusion enquestion,

    (ii) l'tablissement de diffrents tauxd'imposition pour les secteurs de lamunicipalit, compte tenu de leur accs auxservices qu'elle offre;

    b) les biens;

    c) les employs;

    d) toute autre question, transitoire ou non, relative la fusion;


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    (e) the application, addition, change or substitutionof an Act of the Legislature or any regulation underan Act of the Legislature to give effect to theregulation.

    e) l'application, l'ajout, la modification ou leremplacement d'une loi de l'Assemble lgislative,ou d'un rglement pris sous le rgime d'une telle loi,afin qu'il soit donn effet au rglement.

    Extent of regulation-making under subsection (5)8(6) The provisions referred to in subsection (5)may deal with rights, obligations, liabilities, assets andany other thing that the Lieutenant Governor in Councilconsiders appropriate to be dealt with in the regulation.

    Porte du rglement paragraphe (5)8(6) Les dispositions vises au paragraphe (5)

    peuvent toucher les droits, les obligations, l'actif, lepass i f e t l es autres questions que lelieutenant-gouverneur en conseil juge indiques.

    Council to assume responsibility for organizationand composition8(7) The provisions of a regulation referred to inclause (2)(d) are repealed on the earlier of thefollowing:

    (a) the date prescribed in the regulation;

    (b) the day the council of the newly amalgamatedmunicipality passes a by-law under section 79(number of councillors) or section 87 (election on

    basis of wards) ofThe Municipal Act.

    Responsabilit du conseil organisation etcomposition8(7) Les dispositions d'un rglement qui serapportent aux questions mentionnes l'alina (2)d)sont abroges la plus rapproche des dates suivantes :

    a) la date prvue par le rglement en cause;

    b) la date o le conseil de la municipalitnouvellement fusionne adopte un rglement envertu des articles 79 ou 87 de la Loi sur lesmunicipalits.

    Effect of amalgamation8(8) On the effective date of the establishment ofa newly amalgamated municipality,

    (a) all the rights and property of the municipalitiesthat are amalgamated become the rights and propertyof the newly amalgamated municipality;

    (b) all the debts, obligations and liabilities of themunicipalities that are amalgamated become thedebts, obligations and liabilities of the newlyamalgamated municipality;

    (c) an existing cause of action, claim or liability toprosecution is unaffected;

    (d) an action or proceeding pending by or againstthe municipalities that are amalgamated may becontinued by or against the newly amalgamatedmunicipality;

    (e) a ruling, order or judgment in favour of oragainst the municipalities that are amalgamated may

    be enforced by or against the newly amalgamatedmunicipality; and

    (f) by-laws and resolutions of the municipalities thatare amalgamated continue to apply to the newlyamalgamated municipality until repealed or othersare made in their place by the newly amalgamatedmunicipality.

    Effet de la fusion8(8) la date de la prise d'effet del'tablissement d'une municipalit nouvellementfusionne :

    a) la municipalit nouvellement fusionne acquiertl'actif et les droits des municipalits fusionnantes;

    b) la municipalit nouvellement fusionne prend encharge le passif des municipalits fusionnantes;

    c) aucune atteinte n'est porte aux causes d'actiondj nes en matire civile ou pnale;

    d) la municipalit nouvellement fusionne remplaceles municipalits fusionnantes l'gard des

    poursuites engages par ou contre celles-ci;

    e) toute dcision, judiciaire ou quasi-judiciaire,rendue en faveur des municipalits fusionnantes oucontre elles est excutoire l'gard de lamunicipalit nouvellement fusionne;

    f) les rglements et les rsolutions des municipalitsfusionnantes continuent de s'appliquer lamunicipalit nouvellement fusionne jusqu' ce quecelle-ci les abroge ou les remplace.


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    Retroactivity8(9) An amendment to a regulation (in thissection called the "original" regulation) made undersubsection (1) may be retroactive and be deemed tocome into force on or after the day that the original

    regulation came into force.

    Rtroactivit8(9) Les modifications un rglement pris envertu du paragraphe (1) peuvent comporter un effetrtroactif les rendant applicables au plus tt compterde la date d'entre en vigueur du rglement.

    Validity of recommendation and regulation8(10) For certainty, a recommendation undersection 5 or a regulation made under this section is notinvalid by reason only that

    (a) an amalgamation plan was not submitted asrequired under section 3; or

    (b) the regulation varies or does not give effect to anamalgamation plan.

    Validit recommandation et rglement8(10) Les faits suivants ne portent pas atteinte lavalidit des recommandations formules en vertu del'article 5 ou des rglements pris en vertu du prsentarticle :

    a) le plan de fusion n'a pas t dpos contrairement ce que prvoit l'article 3;

    b) le rglement modifie le plan de fusion ou n'ydonne pas effet.

    Exclusion9 A municipality that is surrounded by landthat is not part of the area of any municipality is notsubject to this Act.

    Exclusion9 Les municipalits qui sont entoures deterritoires ne faisant partie d'aucune municipalit nesont pas assujetties la prsente loi.




    Meaning of "planning district"

    10(1) In this section, "planning district" meansa planning district established underThe Planning Act.

    Dfinition de district d'amnagement du

    territoire 10(1) Dans le prsent article, districtd'amnagement du territoire s'entend au sens de laLoi sur l'amnagement du territoire.

    Amalgamation of all members10(2) If, as a result of a regulation made undersection 8, a planning district consists of only onemunicipality, then

    (a) the planning district is deemed to be dissolved;and

    (b) all the rights, property, debts, obligations,liabilities, and employees of the planning district aretransferred to and vest in and belong to the newlyamalgamated municipality.

    Fusion de toutes les municipalits participantes10(2) Si, en raison de l'application d'un rglement

    pris en vertu de l'article 8, un district d'amnagement duterritoire ne comprend qu'une seule municipalit :

    a) le district est rput tre dissous;

    b) l'actif, le passif et les droits du district sont

    transfrs et appartiennent la municipalitnouvellement fusionne et ses employs y sontmuts.


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    Amalgamation of member and non-member10(3) Subject to subsection (2), if, as a result of aregulation made under section 8, a municipality that isa member of a planning district is amalgamated with amunicipality that is not a member of the same planning

    district, then

    (a) the newly amalgamated municipality is deemednot to be a member of the planning district;

    (b) the boundaries of the planning district aredeemed to be changed so as to remove the area ofthe newly amalgamated municipality from the

    planning district; and

    (c) the minister may determine the manner in whichthe rights, property, debts, obligations, liabilities andemployees of the planning district are to bedistributed or allocated between the district and thenewly amalgamated municipality.

    Fusion de municipalits participantes et nonparticipantes10(3) Sous rserve du paragraphe (2), si, en raisonde l'application d'un rglement pris en vertu del'article 8, une municipalit participante d'un district

    d'amnagement du territoire fusionne avec unemunicipalit non participante :

    a) la municipalit nouvellement fusionne estrpute ne pas tre une municipalit participante dudistrict;

    b) les limites du district sont rputes tre modifiesde manire soustraire du district le territoire de lamunicipalit nouvellement fusionne;

    c) le ministre peut fixer la rpartition de l'actif, dupassif, des droits et des employs entre le district etla municipalit nouvellement fusionne.


    Conflict11 If there is a conflict between a provision ofthis Part or a regulation made under this Part and TheMunicipal ActorThe Planning Act, the provision of thisPart or the regulation prevails.

    Incompatibilit11 Les dispositions de la prsente partie ou desrglements pris en vertu de celle-ci l'emportent sur lesdispositions incompatibles de la Loi sur lesmunicipalits ou de la Loi sur l'amnagement duterritoire.


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    C.C.S.M. c. M225 amended12(1) The Municipal Act is amended by thissection.

    Modification du c. M225 de la C.P.L.M.12(1) Le prsent article modifie la Loi sur lesmunicipalits.

    12(2) The following is added after section 46: 12(2) Il est ajout, aprs l'article 46, ce qui suit :

    Amalgamation policing services46.1 If, prior to it being amalgamated, amunicipality (in this section called the "oldmunicipality") included in its operating budget anamount for policing services, the amalgamatedmunicipality

    (a) must

    (i) include in its operating budget a comparableamount, or the amount determined in acomparable manner, and

    (ii) expend the amount to pay or defray the costsof policing services in the old municipality; and

    (b) may levy an additional tax against the propertyin the old municipality to meet the obligations underclause (a).

    Fusion services policiers46.1 Lorsqu'une municipalit (appele dans le

    prsent article l' ancienne municipalit ) prvoyaitdans son budget de fonctionnement, avant sa fusion, desfonds pour les services policiers :

    a) la municipalit fusionne :(i) inclut dans son budget de fonctionnementdes fonds d'ampleur comparable ou dterminsde manire comparable,

    (ii) affecte les fonds en question au paiementdes frais lis aux services policiers dans leterritoire de l'ancienne municipalit;

    b) la municipalit fusionne peut lever une taxesupplmentaire sur les biens situs dans le territoirede l'ancienne municipalit afin de remplir sesobligations prvues l'alina a).

    12(3) Subsection 86(3) is repealed. 12(3) Le paragraphe 86(3) est abrog.

    12(4) The definition "campaign period" insubsection 93.1(1) is amended by replacing clause (a)with the following:

    (a) in a general election, the period

    (i) in the case of a candidate for head of council,beginning on May 1 in the year of the election

    and ending on March 31 of the year after theelection, and

    (ii) in the case of other candidates, beginning onJune 30 in the year of the election and ending onMarch 31 of the year after the election; and

    12(4) La dfinition de priode de campagnelectorale figurant au paragraphe 93.1(1) estmodifie par substitution, l'alina a), de ce qui suit :

    a) lors d'lections gnrales :

    (i) dans le cas d'un candidat au poste deprsident du conseil, commence le 1er mai

    de l'anne lectorale et se termine le 31mars de l'anne suivante,

    (ii) dans les autres cas, commence le 30 juinde l'anne lectorale et se terminele 31 mars de l'anne suivante;


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    12(5) The following is ad de d a ft er subsection 168(2):

    12(5) Il est ajout, aprs le paragraphe 168(2), cequi suit :

    Use of reserve funds after amalgamation168(3) A council of a municipality that is formed

    as a result of the amalgamation of two or moremunicipalities (in this subsection called the "oldmunicipalities") may, by by-law, require that a reservefund established by an old municipality be used only inrelation to expenditures that primarily benefit the areaof the old municipality.

    Utilisation du fonds de rserve aprs la fusion168(3) Le conseil d'une municipalit qui rsulte de

    la fusion de deux municipalits ou plus peut, parrglement, prvoir que les fonds de rserve tablis parles municipalits fusionnantes doivent servir auxdpenses profitant de manire principale leursterritoires respectifs.

    C.C.S.M. c. P94.5 amended13 The Police Services Act is amended byadding the following after section 14:

    Modification du c. P94.5 de la C.P.L.M.13 Le prsent article modifie la Loi sur lesservices de police par adjonction , aprs l'article 14, dece qui suit :

    Policing in amalgamated municipalities14.1(1) If a municipality that has its own policeservice or that receives policing services from another

    police service amalgamates with another municipalitythat has its own police service or that receives policingservices from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, each

    policing entity may despite any provision of this Act continue to operate within the area where the entityprovided policing services before the amalgamation,subject to the application of subsection (3).

    Municipalits fusionnes14.1(1) Si une municipalit qui possde son propreservice de police ou qui reoit des services de maintiende l'ordre d'un autre service de police fusionne avec unemunicipalit qui possde son propre service de policeou qui reoit des services de maintien de l'ordre de la

    part de la Gendarmerie royale du Canada, chaque corpsde police peut malgr toute autre disposition de la

    prsente loi continuer uvrer dans la zone o ilavait comptence avant la fusion, sous rserve du

    paragraphe (3).

    Decision on single policing provider14.1(2) An amalgamated municipality referred to in

    subsection (1) must make arrangements to have a singlepolicing entity provide policing services in themunicipality in accordance with section 13 or 14, as thecase may be, no later than three years afteramalgamation.

    Service offert par une seule entit14.1(2) Les municipalits fusionnes vises au

    paragraphe (1) prennent les mesures ncessaires afinqu'un seul corps de police offre des services de maintiende l'ordre sur leur territoire en application desarticles 13 ou 14, selon le cas, au plus tard trois ansaprs leur fusion.

    Consequences of failure to meet deadline14.1(3) If an amalgamated municipality fails tomake policing arrangements as required bysubsection (2) within three years after amalgamation,

    policing services in the municipality after that deadlineare to be provided by the Royal Canadian MountedPolice under an agreement entered into under

    section 18. If the amalgamated municipality is an urbanmunicipality, the municipality is responsible for allcosts associated with the provision of such policingservices.

    Non-respect du dlai consquences14.1(3) Si une municipalit fusionne omet derespecter le dlai de trois ans tabli au paragraphe (2),la Gendarmerie royale du Canada se charge d'y offrir lesservices de maintien de l'ordre en conformit avec unaccord conclu en vertu de l'article 18. Dans le cas desmunicipalits urbaines, l'ensemble des frais lis la

    prestation de ces services leur est imputable.


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    Transition general elections in July14 Subject to a regulation made undersection 8, the terms of office of the members of councilsof the municipalities listed in subsection 86(3) ofThe

    Municipal Act, as that provision read immediatelybefore the coming into force of this section, areextended to 12 noon on the day following theOctober 22, 2014 general election, without themembers being re-elected.

    Disposition transitoire lections gnrales de juillet14 Sous rserve des rglements pris en vertu del'article 8, le mandat des conseillers des municipalitsnumres au paragraphe 86(3) de la Loi sur lesmunicipalits, tel qu'il tait libell immdiatementavant l'entre en vigueur du prsent article, estprolong jusqu' midi le lendemain des lectionsgnrales du 22 octobre 2014, sans ncessit derlection.

    C.C.S.M. reference

    15 This Act may be cited as The MunicipalAmalgamations Actand referred to as chapter M235 ofthe Continuing Consolidation of the Statutes ofManitoba.

    Codification permanente

    15 La prsente loi peut tre cite sous le titre :Loi sur la fusion des municipalits. Elle constitue lechapitre M235 de la Codification permanente des loisdu Manitoba.

    Coming into force16 This Act comes into force on the day itreceives royal assent.

    Entre en vigueur16 La prsente loi entre en vigueur le jour de sasanction.

    The Queen's Printerfor the Province of Manitoba

    L'Imprimeur de la Reinedu Manitoba
