Collection Mémoires et thèses électroniques Accueil À propos Nous joindre Wood modifications for valued-added applications using nanotechnology-based approaches Wood modifications for valued-added applications using nanotechnology-based approaches Cai, Xiaolin Philosophiæ doctor (Ph.D.) Université Laval Doctorat en sciences du bois Directeur(trice) de recherche : Riedl, Bernard Co directeur(trice) de recherche : Wan, Hui Co directeur(trice) de recherche : Zhang, S.Y. Tony 2007-11 © Xiaolin Cai, 2007 Table des matières Résumé Abstract Avant-Propos Acknowledgements List of Abreviations Chapter 1 Wood Quality Improvement Methods and Technologies, and Polymer/Layered Silicate Nanocomposites: General Introduction and Literature Review 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Literature Review of Wood Quality Improvement Methods and Technologies 1.2.1 Feasibility of Wood Quality Improvement 1.2.2 Technical Processes 1.2.3 Polymers Used for Wood Quality Improvement 1.2.4 Polymer Location in the Wood 1.2.5 Curing Methods for Wood Polymer Composites (WPC) Preparation 1.2.6 Wood-Hardening Process 1.2.7 Effect of Wood Permeability on Properties of WPC 1.2.8 Summary of Wood Quality Improvement Methods and Technologies 1.3 Literature Review on Polymer/Layered Silicate Nanocomposites 1.3.1 Clay Structure and the Challenge of Processing 1.3.2 Structure and Properties of Organically Modified Layered Silicate 1.3.3 Techniques Used for the Characterization of Nanocomposites 1.3.4 Synthesis and Properties of Polymer-clay Nanocomposites 1.3.5 Summary of Polymer/Layered Silicate Nanocomposites 1.4 Motivation for the Study Chapter 2 Experimental and Methodology 2.1 Survey of Experimental Design 2.2 Wood Sample Preparation 2.2.1 Wood Cutting Design 2.2.2 Lumber Drying and Sample Preparation 2.3 Synthesis of Low Viscosity Melamine-Urea-Formaldehyde (MUF) Resin and Mix of Nanoclay and MUF Resin 2.3.1 Synthesis of Low Viscosity Melamine-Urea-Formaldehyde (MUF) Resin 2.3.2 Mixture of MUF Resin and Nanoclay 2.3.3 Characterization Ball Mill Ground Layered Aluminium Silicate Nanoclays 2.3.4 Characterizing Nanoparticles of MUF/Nanoclay System 2.4 Color Measurement 2.5 Characterizing the Interphase and Morphology of Wood – MUF – Nanoclay with Electron Probe Micro-Analysis (EPMA) Element Distribution Chapter 3 Effects of Aluminium Silicate Clays on the Morphology and Curing Behaviour of Melamine-Urea-Formaldehyde Resin Résumé Abstract 3.1 Introduction 3.2 EXPERIMENTAL Wood modifications for valued-added applications using nanotechnolog... http://theses.ulaval.ca/archimede/fichiers/24888/24888.html 08-Aug-15 00:13

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Collection Mmoires et thses lectroniquesAccueil propos Nous joindreWood modifications for valued-added applications using nanotechnology-based approachesWood modifications for valued-added applications usingnanotechnology-based approachesCai, XiaolinPhilosophi doctor (Ph.D.)Universit LavalDoctorat en sciences du boisDirecteurtrice! de recherche : iedl! "ernardCo directeurtrice! de recherche : #an! $uiCo directeurtrice! de recherche : %han&! '.(. )on*+,,-.//0 1iaolin 2ai! +,,-"able des matires su3AbstractAvant.ProposAc4no5led&e3entsList o6 Abreviations2hapter /#ood7ualit*83prove3ent 9ethodsand)echnolo&ies! andPol*3er:La*ered'ilicateNanoco3posites: ;eneral8ntroduction and Literature evie5/./ 8ntroduction/.+ Literature evie5 o6 #ood 7ualit* 83prove3ent 9ethods and )echnolo&ies/.+./ Pol*3er Location in the #ood/.+.? 2urin& 9ethods 6or #ood Pol*3er 2o3posites (#P2) Preparation/.+.@ #ood.$ardenin& Process/.+.- A66ect o6 #ood Per3eabilit* on Properties o6 #P2/.+.B 'u33ar* o6 #ood 7ualit* 83prove3ent 9ethods and )echnolo&ies/.= Literature evie5 on Pol*3er:La*ered 'ilicate Nanoco3posites/.=./ 2la* 'tructure and the 2hallen&e o6 Processin&/.=.+ 'tructure and Properties o6 Cr&anicall* 9odi6ied La*ered 'ilicate/.=.= )echniDues Used 6or the 2haracteriEation o6 Nanoco3posites/.=.> '*nthesis and Properties o6 Pol*3er.cla* Nanoco3posites/.=.? 'u33ar* o6 Pol*3er:La*ered 'ilicate Nanoco3posites/.> 9otivation 6or the 'tud*2hapter + AFperi3ental and 9ethodolo&*+./ 'urve* o6 AFperi3ental Desi&n+.+ #ood 'a3ple Preparation+.+./ #ood 2uttin& Desi&n+.+.+ Lu3ber Dr*in& and 'a3ple Preparation+.= '*nthesis o6 Lo5 Giscosit* 9ela3ine.Urea. D*na3ical 9echanical Properties 9easure3ents=.= A'UL)' AND D8'2U''8CN=.=./ A66ect o6 "all.3illin& on 'ur6ace Properties o6 La*ered 'ilicate Nano6illers=.=.+ A66ect o6 Nano6illers on the 2urin& "ehaviour o6 9U< esin 6ro3 )her3al Anal*sis=.=.= A66ect o6 Nano6illers on the Net5or4 Properties o6 9U< esin=.> 2onclusionsAc4no5led&3ents2hapter > .+.+ 83pre&nation Process>.+.= Ph*sical and 9echanical Properties 9easure3ents>.+.> )her3o&ravi3etric Anal*sis ();A)>.+.? 'tatistical Anal*sis>.= esults and discussion>.=./ Pol*3er etention>.=.+ 'ur6ace $ardness>.=.= 'tatic "endin& (9CA:9C) Anal*sis>.=.> #ear esistance>.> 2onclusionsAc4no5led&3ents2hapter ? A66ects o6 Nano6illers on #ater esistance andDi3ensional 'tabilit* o6 'olid#ood9odi6iedb* 9ela3ine.Urea. Anti.'5ellin&.A66icienc* 9easure3ents?.+.? 'cannin& Alectron 9icroscop* ('A9) 3easure3ent?.+.@ Alectron Probe 9icro.Anal*sis (AP9A)?.+.- 2olor 9easure3ent?.= esults and Discussion?.=./ 9icroscop* 8nvesti&ations?.=.+ 9oisture Absorption?.=.= #ater Absorption?.=.> Di3ensional 'tabilit*?.=.? 2olor Gariations?.> 2onclusionsAc4no5led&3ents2hapter @ 83pact o6 the nature o6 nano6illers on the Per6or3ances o6 #ood Pol*3er Nanoco3positessu3Abstract@./ 8ntroduction@.+ AFperi3ent@.+./ 9aterials@.+.+ #ater Absorption@.+.= 9icroscopic Anal*sis o6 the #P2s@.+.> )her3o&ravi3etric and D*na3ical 9echanical Properties 9easure3ents@.= esults and Discussion@.=./ "all.3illin& )reat3ent o6 Nano6illers@.=.+ Anhanced Properties o6 the #P2 2o3posites@.=.= 83prove3ent in #ater Absorption@.=.> 9icroscop* investi&ations@.=.? D*na3ic 9echanical Propert* 8nvesti&ations@.> 2onclusionsAc4no5led&e3ents2hapter - 9ont3orillonite Nanoparticles Distribution and 9orpholo&* in 9ela3ine.Urea. Photo&raphs o6 A. @loc:a#e of t!ese reactive sites wit! some reactive c!emicals orplu##in# t!e pores wit! a polymer could not only ma:e t!e wood more resistant to c!an#es in moisture content9 %ut improve itsdimensional sta%ility and p!ysical and %iode#radation properties as well.&eople !ave made #reat efforts to reinforce solid wood wit! polymers in t!e past decades. @ot! t!ermoplastic and t!ermosettin#systems !ave %een used . It s!ould %e possi%le to compensatet!e matri; fle;i%ili8ation of a t!ermoset via matri; reinforcement usin# or#anop!ilic layered silicates. &olymer/clay nanocompositeswere first reported in t!e literature as early as 1=.1 . &olymer5layered silicate nanocomposites were first used inindustrial materials %y researc!ers from "oyota %ased on t!e t!ermoplastic polyamide . .@arrier properties9 fire resistance and mec!anical properties are of #reat importance for t!e application of a wood product. It would %eattractive to prepare a W&+ product usin# nano tec!ni7ue and to improve t!e a%ove properties of W&+ products. Little wor:9 !owever9!as %een done to prepare a wood polymer composite t!rou#! nano tec!nolo#y. "!is led us to investi#ate t!e feasi%ility to prepare awood polymer nanocomposite usin# nano tec!ni7ue approac!.1.2 Literature Review of Wood Quality Improvement Methods and Technologies1.2.1 Feasibility of Wood Quality ImprovementBimensional c!an#e and %iolo#ical de#radation of wood !ave #reatly %een ascri%ed to t!e presence of numerous !ydro;yl #roups inwood components and various cavities in t!e wood