Page 1: Apprendre l'apprentissage automatisé

Apprendre l’apprentissage automatisé

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Web à Québec4 avril, 2017

Page 2: Apprendre l'apprentissage automatisé


JOEL LORDÀ propos de moi

• Adorateur de Javascript• Bidouilleur• Enthousiaste des


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• Intelligence articifielle vs Apprentissage automatisé• Big Data et apprentissage profond• Les algo de base

• Naïve Bayes Classifier• Sentiment Analysis• Genetic Algorithm

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• Intelligence articifielle vs Apprentissage automatisé• Big Data et apprentissage profond• Les algo de base

• Naïve Bayes Classifier• Sentiment Analysis• Genetic Algorithm

• Le tout parsemé de démos

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Intelligence Articielle et Apprentissage automatisé


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Intelligence artificielleQU’EST CE QUI EN EST

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L'intelligence artificielle (IA) estl'intelligence fournie par les machines. Eninformatique, le domaine de la recherchesur l'IA se définit comme l'étude des «agents intelligents»: tout dispositif qui perçoit son environnement et prend des mesures qui maximisent ses chances de succès à un but.

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Intelligence ArtificielleEXEMPLES CONCRETS

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Intelligence ArtificielleEXEMPLES CONCRETES

• Filtres de pouriels

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Intelligence ArtificielleEXEMPLES CONCRETES

• Filtres de polluriels• Prévention de la fraude

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Intelligence ArtificielleEXEMPLES CONCRETES

• Filtres de polluriels• Prévention de la fraude• Reconnaissance faciale

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L'apprentissage automatisé est le sous-domaine de l'informatique qui donne aux «ordinateurs la possibilité d'apprendresans être explicitement programmés».

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Apprentissage automatiséEXEMPLES CONCRETS

• Thermostats intelligents

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Apprentissage automatiséEXEMPLES CONCRETS

• Thermostats intelligents• Cortana, Siri et Ok Google

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Apprentissage automatiséEXEMPLES CONCRETS

• Thermostats intelligents• Cortana, Siri et Ok Google• Chat Bots

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Apprentissage automatiséEXEMPLES CONCRETS

• Thermostats intelligents• Cortana, Siri et Ok Google• Chat Bots

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Apprentissage automatiséEXEMPLES CONCRETS

• Thermostats intelligents• Cortana, Siri et Ok Google• Chat Bots

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Apprentissage automatiséEXEMPLES CONCRETS

• Thermostats intelligents• Cortana, Siri et Ok Google• Chat Bots

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Apprentissage automatiséEXEMPLES CONCRETS

• Thermostats intelligents• Cortana, Siri et Ok Google• Chat Bots

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Apprentissage automatiséEXEMPLES CONCRETS

• Thermostats intelligents• Cortana, Siri et Ok Google• Chat Bots

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Apprentissage automatiséEXEMPLES CONCRETS

• Thermostats intelligents• Cortana, Siri et Ok Google• Chat Bots

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Big Data et apprentissageprofond


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• Croissanceexponentielle des données digitales

• Trop complexe à traiterde façon traditionnelle

• Principalement utiliséepour de la prédictionou analyse des comportements des utilisateurs

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Apprentissage profonD (Deep learning)QU’EST-CE QUE C’EST

• Utilise des réseaux neuronaux pour traiter les données• Idéal pour des classsificateurs complexes• Un moyen de traiter le big data

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Réseaux NeuronauxEUH…. WHAT?

• Une collection de couches d’opérations

• Déconstruction d’uneproblème complexe entâches plus simples

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Supervisé vs non-superviséUNE DERNIÈRE PETITE CHOSE…

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Apprentissage superviséQU’EST-CE QUE C’EST

• Requiert une rétroaction• Débute avec aucune connaissance et augmente sa compréhension• Inutile lorsque les données sont de mauvaise qualité• Cas pratiques

• Classification

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Apprentissage non-superviséCONTRAIRE DE SUPERVISÉ?

• Besoin d’aucun feedback• Pratique lorsqu’il n’y a pas de bonne ou mauvais réponse• Aide à trouver des patterns ou structures de données• Cas pratiques

• “Vous pourriez aussi être intéressé par…”• Grouper des clients selon leur comportement

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Classification naïve bayésienneDÉFINITION

• Algorithme supervisé• Un simple moyen de classifier et identifier l’information

var classifier = new Classifier();classifier.classify("J'adore le Javascript", POSITIVE);classifier.classify('WebStorm est génial', POSITIVE);classifier.classify('Non, Javascript est mauvais', NEGATIVE);classifier.classify("Je n'aime pas le brocoli", NEGATIVE);

console.log(classifier.categorize("Javascript est génial"));// "positive"

console.log(classifier.categorize("J'aime WebStorm"));// undefined

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Classification naïve bayésienneDÉFINITION

• Algorithme supervisé• Un simple moyen de classifier et identifier l’information• Mathématiquement exprimé par la fonction suivante

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Classification naïve bayésienneDÉFINITION DE LA STRUCTURE

var Classifier = function() {this.dictionaries = {};};

Classifier.prototype.classify = function(text, group) {


Classifier.prototype.categorize = function(text) {


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Classification naïve bayésienneCRÉATION DE LA CLASSIFICATION

Classifier.prototype.classify = function(text, group) {var words = text.split(" ");this.dictionaries[group] ? "" : this.dictionaries[group] = {};

var self = this; => {if (self.dictionaries[group][w]) {self.dictionaries[group][w]++;} else {self.dictionaries[group][w] = 1;}});};

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Classification naïve bayésienneET LE RESTE…Classifier.prototype.categorize = function(text) {var self = this;var probabilities = {};var groups = [];var finals = {};//Find the groupsfor (var k in this.dictionaries) {groups.push(k);}var sums = {};var probs = {};//Loop through the groups to calculate the sums of found textfor (var j = 0; j < groups.length; j++) {if (!sums[text]) sums[text] = 0;if (!this.dictionaries[groups[j]][text]) this.dictionaries[groups[j]][text] = 0;sums[text] += this.dictionaries[groups[j]][text];probs[groups[j]] = (this.dictionaries[groups[j]][text]) ? this.dictionaries[groups[j]][text] : 0;}// Perform calculationsfor (var j = 0; j < groups.length; j++) {(!probabilities[text]) ? probabilities[text] = {} : "";(!probs[groups[j]]) ? probabilities[text][groups[j]] = 0 : probabilities[text][groups[j]] =

probs[groups[j]]/sums[text];}//Average out the probabilities

for (var j = 0; j < groups.length; j++) {if (!finals[groups[j]]) finals[groups[j]] = [];finals[groups[j]].push(probabilities[text][groups[j]]);}for (var i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) {finals[groups[i]] = average(finals[groups[i]]);}//Find the largest probabilityvar highestGroup = "";var highestValue = 0;for (var group in finals) {if (finals[group] > highestValue) {highestGroup = group;highestValue = finals[group];}}

return highestGroup;};

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Classification naïve bayésienneCATÉGORISATION

Classifier.prototype.categorize = function(text) {var self = this;var probabilities = {};var groups = [];var finals = {};


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Classification naïve bayésienneCATÉGORISATION

Classifier.prototype.categorize = function(text) {…//Find the groupsfor (var k in this.dictionaries) {groups.push(k);}var sums = {};var probs = {};


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Classification naïve bayésienneCATÉGORISATION

Classifier.prototype.categorize = function(text) {…//Loop through the groups to calculate the sums of found textfor (var j = 0; j < groups.length; j++) {if (!sums[text]) sums[text] = 0;if (!this.dictionaries[groups[j]][text]) this.dictionaries[groups[j]][text]

= 0;sums[text] += this.dictionaries[groups[j]][text];probs[groups[j]] = (this.dictionaries[groups[j]][text]) ?

this.dictionaries[groups[j]][text] : 0;}};

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Classification naïve bayésienneCATÉGORISATION

Classifier.prototype.categorize = function(text) {…// Perform calculationsfor (var j = 0; j < groups.length; j++) {(!probabilities[text]) ? probabilities[text] = {} : "";(!probs[groups[j]]) ? probabilities[text][groups[j]] = 0 :

probabilities[text][groups[j]] = probs[groups[j]]/sums[text];}};

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Classification naïve bayésienneCATÉGORISATION

Classifier.prototype.categorize = function(text) {…

//Average out the probabilities

for (var j = 0; j < groups.length; j++) {if (!finals[groups[j]]) finals[groups[j]] = [];finals[groups[j]].push(probabilities[text][groups[j]]);

}for (var i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) {finals[groups[i]] = average(finals[groups[i]]);


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Classification naïve bayésienneCATÉGORISATION

Classifier.prototype.categorize = function(text) {…//Find the largest probabilityvar highestGroup = "";var highestValue = 0;for (var group in finals) {if (finals[group] > highestValue) {highestGroup = group;highestValue = finals[group];


return highestGroup;};

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Classification naïve bayésienneSOMMAIREClassifier.prototype.categorize = function(text) {var self = this;var probabilities = {};var groups = [];var finals = {};//Find the groupsfor (var k in this.dictionaries) {groups.push(k);}var sums = {};var probs = {};//Loop through the groups to calculate the sums of found textfor (var j = 0; j < groups.length; j++) {if (!sums[text]) sums[text] = 0;if (!this.dictionaries[groups[j]][text]) this.dictionaries[groups[j]][text] = 0;sums[text] += this.dictionaries[groups[j]][text];probs[groups[j]] = (this.dictionaries[groups[j]][text]) ? this.dictionaries[groups[j]][text] : 0;}// Perform calculationsfor (var j = 0; j < groups.length; j++) {(!probabilities[text]) ? probabilities[text] = {} : "";(!probs[groups[j]]) ? probabilities[text][groups[j]] = 0 : probabilities[text][groups[j]] =

probs[groups[j]]/sums[text];}//Average out the probabilities

for (var j = 0; j < groups.length; j++) {if (!finals[groups[j]]) finals[groups[j]] = [];finals[groups[j]].push(probabilities[text][groups[j]]);}for (var i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) {finals[groups[i]] = average(finals[groups[i]]);}//Find the largest probabilityvar highestGroup = "";var highestValue = 0;for (var group in finals) {if (finals[group] > highestValue) {highestGroup = group;highestValue = finals[group];}}

return highestGroup;};

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Analyse de sentimentsCOMMENT ÇA FONCTIONNE

• Approche similaire aux classificateurs• Utilise une liste de mots (AFINN-165) et parfois les emoticons pour

donner un score.

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Analyse de sentimentsEXEMPLE DE CODE

var twit = require("twit");var sentiment = require("sentiment");

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Analyse de sentimentsEXEMPLE DE CODE

var keyword = "#waq17";var t = new twit(require("./credentials"));var stream1 ="statuses/filter", {track: keyword});

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Analyse de sentimentsEXEMPLE DE CODE

stream1.on("tweet", function (tweet) {


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Analyse de sentimentsEXEMPLE DE CODE

var score = sentiment(tweet.text);console.log("--- \n New Tweet\n" + tweet.text + "\n" + (score > 0 ?

"Positive" : "Negative"));

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Analyse de sentimentsEXEMPLE DE CODE

var twit = require("twit");var sentiment = require("sentiment");var keyword = "#waq17";var t = new twit(require("./credentials"));var stream1 ="statuses/filter", {track: keyword});stream1.on("tweet", function (tweet) {var score = sentiment(tweet.text);console.log("--- \n New Tweet\n" + tweet.text + "\n" + (score > 0 ?

"Positive" : "Negative"));});

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Algorithmes génétiquesÇA MANGE QUOI EN HIVER

• Moyen de trouver une solution idéaleen utilisant des solutions aléatoires

• Cas pratiques• Moteurs d’avion• Hackrod

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Algorithmes génétiquesCOMMENT ÇA FONCTIONNE

• On crée une population d’individus aléatoires• On garde les plus proches de la solution• On garde des individus aléatoires• On introduit des mutations aléatores• On crée aléatoirement des “enfants”• On arrive magiquement à une solution!

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Algorithmes génétiquesCOMMENT ÇA FONCTIONNE

• On crée une population d’individus aléatoires• On garde les plus proches de la solution• On garde des individus aléatoires• On introduit des mutations aléatores• On crée aléatoirement des “enfants”• On arrive magiquement à une solution!

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Algorithmes génétiquesL’IMPORTANCE DES MUTATIONS

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Algorithmes génétiquesEXEMPLE DE CODE

var population = [];const TARGET = 200;const MIN = 0;const MAX = TARGET - 1;const IND_COUNT = 4;const POP_SIZE = 100;const CLOSE_ENOUGH = 0.001;var RETAIN = 0.02;var RANDOM_SELECTION = 0.05;var MUTATION_PROBABILITY = 0.01;

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Algorithmes génétiquesEXEMPLE DE CODE

//Declare Consts

function randomInt(min, max) {return Math.round(random(min, max));


function random(min, max) {if (max == undefined) { max = min; min = 0; }if (max == undefined) { max = 100; }return (Math.random()*(max-min)) + min;


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Algorithmes génétiquesEXEMPLE DE CODE

//Declare Constsfunction randomInt(min, max) {…}function random(min, max) {…}

function fitness(individual) {sum = individual.reduce((a,b) => a + b, 0);return Math.abs(TARGET - sum);


function sortByFitness(population) {population.sort((a, b) => {var fitA = fitness(a); var fitB = fitness(b);return fitA > fitB ? 1 : -1;

});return population;


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Algorithmes génétiquesEXEMPLE DE CODE

//Declare Constsfunction randomInt(min, max) {…}function random(min, max) {…}function fitness(individual) {…}function sortByFitness(population) {…}

function randomIndividual() {var individual = [];for (var i = 0; i < IND_COUNT; i++) {individual.push(random(MIN, MAX));

}return individual;


function randomPopulation(size) {var population = [];for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) {population.push(randomIndividual());

}return population;


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Algorithmes génétiquesEXEMPLE DE CODE

//Declare Constsfunction randomInt(min, max) {…}function random(min, max) {…}function fitness(individual) {…}function sortByFitness(population) {…}function randomIndividual() {…}function randomPopulation(size) {…}

function mutate(population) {for (var i=0; i < population.length; i++) {if (MUTATION_PROBABILITY > Math.random()) {var index = randomInt(population[i].length);population[i][index] = random(MIN, MAX);

}}return population;


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Algorithmes génétiquesEXEMPLE DE CODE

//Declare Constsfunction randomInt(min, max) {…}function random(min, max) {…}function fitness(individual) {…}function sortByFitness(population) {…}function randomIndividual() {…}function randomPopulation(size) {…}function mutate(population) {…}

function reproduce(father, mother) {var half = father.length / 2;var child = [];child = child.concat(father.slice(0, half), mother.slice(half,

mother.length));return child;


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Algorithmes génétiquesEXEMPLE DE CODE

//Declare Constsfunction randomInt(min, max) {…}function random(min, max) {…}function fitness(individual) {…}function sortByFitness(population) {…}function randomIndividual() {…}function randomPopulation(size) {…}function mutate(population) {…}function reproduce(father, mother) {…}

function evolve(population) {var parents = [];//Keep the best solutionsparents=sortByFitness(population).slice(0,Math.round(POP_SIZE*RETAIN));//Randomly add new elementsfor (var i = parents.length; i < POP_SIZE - parents.length; i++) {if (RANDOM_SELECTION > Math.random()) {parents.push(randomIndividual());



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Algorithmes génétiquesEXEMPLE DE CODE

//Declare Constsfunction randomInt(min, max) {…}function random(min, max) {…}function fitness(individual) {…}function sortByFitness(population) {…}function randomIndividual() {…}function randomPopulation(size) {…}function mutate(population) {…}function reproduce(father, mother) {…}

function evolve(population) {//Random Stuffparents = mutate(parents);var rndMax = parents.length - 1;while (parents.length < POP_SIZE) {var father = randomInt(rndMax);var mother = randomInt(rndMax);if (father != mother) {father = parents[father]; mother = parents[mother];parents.push(reproduce(father, mother));

}}return parents;


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Algorithmes génétiquesEXEMPLE DE CODE

//Declare Constsfunction randomInt(min, max) {…}function random(min, max) {…}function fitness(individual) {…}function sortByFitness(population) {…}function randomIndividual() {…}function randomPopulation(size) {…}function mutate(population) {…}function reproduce(father, mother) {…}function evolve(population) {…}

function findSolution() {var population = randomPopulation(POP_SIZE);var generation = 0;while (fitness(population[0]) > CLOSE_ENOUGH) {generation++;population = evolve(population);

}return {solution: population[0], generations: generation};


var sol = findSolution();

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Algorithmes génétiquesEXEMPLE DE CODE

var population = [];const TARGET = 200;const MIN = 0;const MAX = TARGET - 1;const IND_COUNT = 4;const POP_SIZE = 100;const CLOSE_ENOUGH = 0.001;var RETAIN = 0.02;var RANDOM_SELECTION = 0.05;var MUTATION_PROBABILITY = 0.01;

function randomInt(min, max) {return Math.round(random(min, max));


function random(min, max) {if (max == undefined) { max = min; min = 0; }if (max == undefined) { max = 100; }return (Math.random()*(max-min)) + min;


function fitness(individual) {sum = individual.reduce((a,b) => a + b, 0);return Math.abs(TARGET - sum);


function sortByFitness(population) {population.sort((a, b) => {var fitA = fitness(a); var fitB = fitness(b);return fitA > fitB ? 1 : -1;

});return population;


function randomIndividual() {var individual = [];for (var i = 0; i < IND_COUNT; i++) {individual.push(random(MIN, MAX));

}return individual;


function randomPopulation(size) {var population = [];for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) {population.push(randomIndividual());

}return population;


function mutate(population) {for (var i=0; i < population.length; i++) {if (MUTATION_PROBABILITY > Math.random()) {var index = randomInt(population[i].length);population[i][index] = random(MIN, MAX);

}}return population;


function reproduce(father, mother) {var half = father.length / 2;var child = [];child = child.concat(father.slice(0, half), mother.slice(half, mother.length));return child;


function evolve(population) {var parents = [];//Keep the best solutionsparents = sortByFitness(population).slice(0, Math.round(POP_SIZE*RETAIN));//Randomly add new elementsfor (var i = parents.length; i < POP_SIZE - parents.length; i++) {if (RANDOM_SELECTION > Math.random()) {parents.push(randomIndividual());

}}//Mutate elementsparents = mutate(parents);var rndMax = parents.length - 1;while (parents.length < POP_SIZE) {var father = randomInt(rndMax);var mother = randomInt(rndMax);if (father != mother) {father = parents[father];mother = parents[mother];parents.push(reproduce(father, mother));

}}return parents;


function findSolution() {var population = randomPopulation(POP_SIZE);var generation = 0;while (fitness(population[0]) > CLOSE_ENOUGH) {generation++;population = evolve(population);

}return {solution: population[0], generations: generation};


var sol = findSolution();console.log("Found solution in " + sol.generations + " generations.", sol.solution);

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Faut le voir pour le croireALGORITHMES GÉNÉTIQUES

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That’s all folks !Questions?

JOEL LORDApril 4th, 2017


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