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  • Bottom up

    Wittgi, un cubi a-t-il des dents?

    D'abord dissiper les certitudes et par diffrents agencements interroger les

    notions de savoirs, de correspondances et de . Blender, cinma 4D. Les tuyaux dnent/couchent avec les matelas. Bash Matsuo danse sur John Hassel. Il est tard, les verres se brisent en silence numrique. Des paysages de crent, des arrangements, des correspon-dances, des rponses. Mais aussi le texte. Derrire, dedans, autour, partout, le texte; agencement - linaire ou non indiffremment compos de mots ou de coordonnes X,Y, Z.

    A Rose has Teeth cre des agencements alatoires de ce qui est conce-vable, de ce qui ne l'est pas et du reste. SURTOUT LE RESTE ! Car il ne faut pas oublier qu'une certaine logique s'impose et avec elle les noncs reconnus comme de savoirs...

    .... link to [context]

    .... trying

    .... trying

    .... trying



    .... didn't find [context] would you mean [recursivity]

    Eggs and fog; d'abord dissiper les certi-tudes et par diffrents agen-

    cements trouver les moyens de traduire ce quils cherchent, les uns inventer, les autres apprendre. TRYING TRYING TRYING TRYING >> BOTTOM UP. A plusieurs, dvelopper des organisa-tions capables de crer les modles toujours plus conformes/exactes nos besoins.>>> savoir-faire,, savoir-vivre,, savoir-penser,, savoir-voir, buvons la premire bire d'exposition et comprenons-nous bien(!) on parle d'une proposition en mouvement, dune possibilit, d'un bout du cercle qu'il faut maintenant envisager. Finally, three gees in gang bang.

    [Notre utilisation du langage est mauvaise.][Le sens n'est pas une proprit objective.]

    bagage communcommon ground

  • Bottom up

    Wittgi, does a BiB have teeth?



    .... link to [context]

    .... trying

    .... trying

    .... trying



    .... didn't find [context] would you mean [recursivity]

    [Our use of language is bad.][Meaning is not an objective property.]

    First dispel all certainties, and through different organizations interrogate the notions of knowledge, correspondences and common ground.Blender, Cinema 4D. The pipes are dining/sleeping with the mattresses. Bash Matsuo dances on John Hassel. It's late, glasses are breaking in the digital silence. Landscapes are formed, arrangements, correspondences, answers too. But also the text. Behind, within, around, everywhere there is text; layouts -linear or not- indifferently composed of words or coordinates X,Y, Z.

    A rose has teeth creates random organizations of everything that is concei-vable, of what isn't and of all the rest. ESPECIALLY THE REST! Because one should not forget that a certain logic settles, and with it all of the knowledge wordings.

    Eggs and fog:First dispel all certainties, and through different organi-

    zations find out a way to translate what they are looking for,the ones who invent, the others who learn. TRYING TRYING TRYING TRYING >> BOTTOM UP. Together, develop systems capable of creating models always more in accordance with our needs.>>> savoir-faire,, savoir-vivre,, savoir-penser,, savoir-voir, let's drink our first exhibition beer and let's be understood (!), we're talking about a shifting proposition, a possibility, the piece of a circle one has to envisage. Finally, three gees in gang bang.
