Page 1: Charge Ordering and Spin Dynamics in NaV2O5

VOLUME 86, NUMBER 26 P H Y S I C A L R E V I E W L E T T E R S 25 JUNE 2001

Charge Ordering and Spin Dynamics in NaV2O5

B. Grenier,1 O. Cepas,2 L. P. Regnault,1 J. E. Lorenzo,3 T. Ziman,2 J. P. Boucher,4 A. Hiess,2 T. Chatterji,2

J. Jegoudez,5 and A. Revcolevschi51Département de Recherche Fondamentale sur la Matière Condensée, SPSMS, Laboratoire de Magnétisme

et de Diffraction Neutronique, CEA-Grenoble, F-38054 Grenoble cedex 9, France2Institut Laue Langevin, BP 156, F-38042 Grenoble cedex 9, France

3Laboratoire de Cristallographie, CNRS, BP 166, F-38042 Grenoble cedex 9, France4Laboratoire de Spectrométrie Physique, Université J. Fourier Grenoble I, BP 87, F-38402 Saint Martin d’Hères cedex, France

5Laboratoire de Physico-Chimie de l’Etat Solide, Université Paris-Sud, Bât 414, F-91405 Orsay cedex, France(Received 23 June 2000)

We report high-resolution neutron inelastic scattering experiments on the spin excitations of NaV2O5.Below Tc, two branches with distinct energy gaps are identified. From the dispersion and intensity ofthe spin excitation modes, we deduce the precise zigzag charge distribution on the ladder rungs and thecorresponding charge order: Dc � 0.6. We argue that the spin gaps observed in the low-T phase of thiscompound are primarily due to the charge transfer.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.86.5966 PACS numbers: 71.45.Lr, 75.10.Jm, 75.40.Gb

The low dimensional inorganic compound NaV2O5 un-dergoes a phase transition at Tc � 34 K [1] associatedwith both a lattice distortion [2] and the opening of anenergy gap to the lowest triplet spin excitations [3]. Whilethe nature of the low-T phase in NaV2O5 is not fully un-derstood it is clear that, unlike CuGeO3, the spin-Peierlsmodel does not apply simply to this compound [4]. Thespin gap may result from charge order (CO) rather than thelattice distortion [5]. Indeed, NMR measurements indicatetwo inequivalent vanadium sites below Tc, while there ex-ists only one site above [6]. There has been no direct evi-dence for the connection between CO and a spin gap, norto distinguish various conjectured spatial distributions ofcharge [5,7]. In this Letter, we present new results of neu-tron inelastic scattering (NIS) on the spin excitations in thelow-T phase that can now resolve these issues.

In NaV2O5, the vanadium ions have a formal valenceof 4.51. Initially, this was proposed to correspond to analternation of V41 ions, with a spin value S � 1�2, andV51 ions with S � 0 [8]. At room temperature, NaV2O5is well described by a quarter-filled two-leg ladder system,with only one type of vanadium site V4.51. From calcu-lations of electronic structure [9,10], the strongest orbitaloverlaps are on the ladder rungs. One expects that theS � 1�2 spins are carried by the V-O-V molecular bond-ing orbitals, with charge fully delocalized on two sites. Asthe energy of the antibonding orbital is much higher, it canbe projected out, and above Tc, these spins, as they interactin the leg direction (k b axis), form an effective uniformquantum Heisenberg spin chain with interactions betweenchains that are both weaker and frustrated.

At low temperatures, NMR shows this can no longer beso. On each rung, a charge transfer Dc may occur. Takingthe average charge on vanadium sites to be 1�2, the chargeson the two vanadium sites on a rung are defined throughn6 � �1 6 Dc��2. Two forms of CO can be considered[5], the in line, with the same charge transfer on each rung,

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and the zigzag with alternation in the charge along the lad-ders as shown in Fig. 1b. Recent x-ray diffraction mea-surements [11] established that the lattice structure belowTc consists of a succession of distorted and nondistortedladders of vanadium ions (see Fig. 1a). Neglecting inter-ladder diagonal couplings J�, the ladders would behavemagnetically as independent spin chains. For one ladder(chain 2 in Fig. 1a) distortions in the exchange paths bothwithin the ladder and via neighboring ladders result in analternation of the effective exchange coupling in the b di-rections, Jb1 and Jb2. The ladders in which the rungs aredistorted (chains 1 and 3), however, remain magneticallyuniform as a mirror plane passes through each rung. Aminimum magnetic model without CO would be a succes-sion of alternating and uniform chains. An energy gap(expected to be small as it results primarily from the alter-nation in J�) would characterize the excitation branch of




(1) (2) (3)











(2)(1) (3)












FIG. 1. (a) Simplified representation of distorted and nondis-torted chains, chain 1 (or 3) and 2, respectively, with the J�

bond alternation between chains 1 and 2; (b) proposed chargeorder (large and small lobes represent large and small aver-age charges) leading to a spin gap. The elementary translation(a, b) of this CO agrees with the observed periodicity of spinexcitations.

© 2001 The American Physical Society

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VOLUME 86, NUMBER 26 P H Y S I C A L R E V I E W L E T T E R S 25 JUNE 2001

the alternating chains, and there would be no gap for theuniform chains. The initial NIS [3] found, however, twoexcitation branches, with the same gap at the antiferromag-netic (AF) point E1

g � E2g � 10 meV. To analyze these

results, a recent spin model [12] used an explicit relationbetween the spin excitations and the CO. This model as-sumed a single gap and, as it implies zero intensity of oneexcitation branch, must be extended to explain the NISdata. A more precise determination of excitations in thelow-T phase of NaV2O5 is therefore crucial. In the presentwork, using high resolution, the dispersion of the excita-tions is reexplored in a wider part of the reciprocal space.Moreover, the evaluation of the structure factor, i.e., the(energy-integrated) intensity of each excitation mode, al-lows us to determine the charge transfer Dc.

The single crystal (�8 3 5 3 2 mm3) was grownby a flux method. The NIS measurements were per-formed at T # 4.2 K, on two thermal neutron three-axesspectrometers — IN8 and CRG/CEA-IN22— at the InstitutLaue-Langevin (ILL). On IN8, vertically focusingmonochromator PG(002) and Cu(111) were used in con-junction with a vertically focusing analyzer PG(002) andhorizontal collimations 600-400-600. The final wave vectorwas kept fixed at kf � 4.1 Å21. IN22 was operated atkf � 2.662 Å21, with a PG(002) monochromator and aPG(002) analyzer used in a horizontal monochromaticfocusing condition [resulting wave-vector resolution:dq � 0.03 r.l.u. (reciprocal lattice units)] with no col-limation. The sample was installed in an “orange” ILLcryostat, with the scattering wave vector Q lying in thereciprocal (a�, b�) ladder plane.

The two branches characterizing the low-energy exci-tations in NaV2O5 have distinct energy gaps: E1

g fi E2g .

This important result will be established when we considerthe dispersions in the transverse a direction. First, how-ever, we determine the dispersion in the leg direction (baxis). Examples of constant-energy scans obtained on IN8as a function of Qb are displayed in Fig. 2a (wave-vectorcomponents are expressed in r.l.u.). Increasing the energy,one resolves the single peak seen at 10 meV into propagat-ing modes (dashed lines), whose peak position is shownin Fig. 2b. They describe the dispersion of the elementaryexcitations in the b direction, near the AF chain wave-vector component QAF

b �� Qb � 0.5� . They are comparedto a dispersion law characteristic of a gapped spin chain:

E�qb� �q

E2g 1 �E2

m 2 E2g� sin2�2pQb�, where Eg and

Em are the gap and maximum energies of the dispersion,respectively. For both Eg � E1

g , E2g (the solid and dashed

lines, respectively), we evaluate Em � 93 6 6 meV.Compared to the prediction for a uniform Heisenbergchain, Em � pJb�2, where Jb is the exchange in thechain, one obtains for the low-T phase, Jb � 60 meV.

Second, we consider the dispersions in the a� direction(i.e., along the rungs). A few examples of energy scansperformed on IN22 at constant Q are reported in Fig. 3.In general, two peaks are observed. At a few Qa val-ues, however, an extinction occurs. This extinction may

FIG. 2. IN8 data: (a) Constant-energy scans as a function ofQb . The full lines are the results of fits to the data, whichtake into account both the magnetic contributions (shown as thedashed lines) and the background (the dotted line); (b) energydispersion in the b direction. The lines correspond to the twobranches with gaps E1

g and E2g .

concern one of the two modes, or the two modes simulta-neously. The left and right panels report data obtained forQAF

b � 0.5 and Qb � 1 (equivalent to the zone center ofthe AF chains QZC

b ). As examples, we show for QAFb that

the smallest energy difference between the two observedpeaks is obtained for integer Qa values (here, Qa � 3), thelargest one for half-integer values (Qa � 2.5), and an ex-tinction of the two modes occurs at Qa � 1.75 (identicalresults have been obtained for Qb � 1.5). Surprisingly, atthe chain zone center QZC

b we found a small but nonzerointensity for the two excitation branches. The smallest en-ergy difference between the two peaks is now obtained forhalf-integer values (here, Qa � 1.5). Extinction of one ofthe two modes is observed at Qa � 1 (on the high-energymode) and at Qa � 2 (on the low-energy mode). For allthe spectra recorded on IN22, the background (the dottedlines in Fig. 3) was carefully determined. Several pro-cedures have been used involving data recorded at lowand high temperatures (i.e., above Tc). In Fig. 3a, for in-stance, the open dots used to define the background are ob-tained from measurements performed at 40 K [13] while

FIG. 3. IN12 data: Constant-Q scans as functions of energy.(a) At Qb � QAF

b ; (b) at Qb � QZCb . The two arrows point to

the positions expected for the two missing peaks. Curves aredescribed in text.


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VOLUME 86, NUMBER 26 P H Y S I C A L R E V I E W L E T T E R S 25 JUNE 2001

in Fig. 1b, it is determined from Qb scans performed atlow temperature for different energies.

For the analysis, we assume the two observed peaksto belong to two distinct contributions. Their unsym-metrical line shape is characteristic of gapped excitationsundergoing a rapid energy dispersion (as established inFig. 2b). In such a case, a dynamical response function(shown by the dashed lines in Fig. 3) is well suited tofitting, conveniently defined with only three parameters:the peak energy E1�E2� , an intensity factor A1�A2�,and an energy damping G [14]. As G is mainly fixedby the resolution conditions, it is assumed to be the samefor the two contributions (G � 0.4 0.8 meV). Togetherwith the background, the agreement with the experiments,shown by the solid lines, is good. The values obtainedfor E6 as a function of Qa are shown in Fig. 4. We es-tablish several new features. At both QAF

b (open sym-bols) and QZC

b (solid symbols), the transverse dispersionconsists of two distinct excitation branches which nevercross. This justifies our previous statement, namely, thatthere are two distinct energy gaps, E1

g and E2g . In each

branch, the periodicity is 2pQa: this is twice that previ-ously determined. The two dispersions have the same am-plitude, dJ � 1 meV but, remarkably, the upper and lowerbranches are out of phase, and there is phase inversionbetween branches at QZC

b and QAFb . For each excitation

branch, the corresponding structure factors, SAFb6�Qa� and

SZCb6�Qa� are evaluated by integrating the fitted dynami-

cal response functions over a wide energy range (from 0up to E � 300G). We estimate systematic error for vary-ing the upper cutoff alters the results by at most 5%. Theresulting values (dots and squares) are reported in Figs. 5aand 5b. The sums SAF

b �Qa� � SAFb1�Qa� 1 SAF

b2�Qa� andSZC

b �Qa� � SZCb1�Qa� 1 SZC

b2�Qa� are shown as the stars.The interpretation of these results is developed in three

steps. First, the charge order: each spin is associated withan electronic wave function on the two sites of a rungthat depends on n6. The structure factors for the in-line

FIG. 4. Dispersion of the two excitation branches in the adirection at QAF

b and QZCb . The curves are theoretical predictions

fitted to the data (see text).


and zigzag models are SQb �Qa, v� � cos2�pQar� 3

S̃�Qa, Qb , v� 1 D2c sin2�pQar�S̃�Qa 1

12 , Qb , v� and

SQb �Qa, v� � cos2�pQar�S̃�Qa, Qb , v� 1 D2c sin2�p 3

Qar�S̃�Qa 112 , Qb 1

12 , v�, respectively, with

v � E�h̄ and where r � l�a � 0.304 (l, rung lengthand a, lattice parameter), and S̃�Qa, Qb , v� is the struc-ture factor for spins localized on the center of each rung[15]. From the ratios of intensities for different values ofmomentum, one can extract the charge transfer Dc inde-pendent of the form of S̃. In particular, we verify that theorder cannot be in line but predictions agree with a zigzagorder with D2

c � 0.35, i.e., Dc � 0.6. The agreement isparticularly good for the sums SAF

b �Qa� and SZCb �Qa�.

For the absolute intensities, we need an explicit formfor S̃ which we take from the strongly dimerized limit(SDL), in which the wave function is simply a product ofsinglets on the stronger bonds. For the in-line model, forexample, the SDL would give zero intensity at QZC

b incontradiction with the observation (the data in Fig. 5b).The in-line model can be ruled out. In Figs. 5a and 5b,the predictions provided by the zigzag model (solid lines)are compared with the experimental total structure factorsSAF

b �Qa� and SZCb �Qa� (solid and open stars). In Fig. 5a,

the agreement is obtained with no adjustable parameterexcept for an overall amplitude factor. Once this factor isdetermined, the results in Fig. 5b depend only on D2

c. Ascan be seen, a good agreement is obtained for D2

c � 0.35.The low-T phase of NaV2O5 is very well described by thezigzag model, with a rather large charge transfer.

FIG. 5. Structure factors SAFb6�Qa� and SZC

b6 �Qa� for the twomagnetic branches in the a direction: (a) at QAF

b ; (b) at QZCb .

The solid and open stars represent the sums SAFb �Qa� and

SZCb �Qa�. The data are corrected from the V41 atomic form

factor fV 41 , being all normalized at Qb � 0.5. The dot-dashedline gives the Qa dependence of fV 41 . The other curves aretheoretical predictions compared to the experiments (see text).

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Second, we consider the transverse dispersions. Later,we explain that the gap is induced by the CO. Infact, there are two distinct gaps because of the struc-tural distortions (implying distinct couplings JA

b1,2 andJB

b1,2 as shown in Fig. 1b). Because of the CO, fourdifferent interchain exchange integrals must be consid-ered, J 0

1, J 02, J 0

3, and J 04. The two branches (associated

with the gaps E1g and E2

g ) acquire a transverse dis-persion, described at QAF

b and QZCb by EAF

b6 � �E1g 1

E2g ��2 6


g 2 E2g �2�4 1 dJ2 sin2�pQa� and EZC

b6 �

�E1g 1 E2

g ��2 6q

�E1g 2 E2

g �2�4 1 dJ2 cos2�pQa�, re-

spectively, with dJ � J 01 2 J 0

2 1 J 03 2 J 0

4 [15]. In Fig. 4,these predictions (solid and dashed lines) are comparedto the data. Again, a very good agreement is obtainedyielding the following evaluation E1

g � 10.1 6 0.1,E2

g � 9.1 6 0.1 and dJ � 1.2 6 0.1 meV. The dis-persion gives directly the alternation in the interladderdiagonal bonds dJ. If we assume it is dominated by theCO, we can also estimate the average from dJ � J�D2

c[12] giving J� � 2.4 meV.

The structure factors can be calculated for each branch.Within the SDL approach, one obtains the contributionsSAF

b6�Qa� and SZCb6�Qa� [16] shown by the dotted and

dashed lines in Fig. 5. In Fig. 5b, the agreement withthe data is rather good. In particular, the extinctionphenomenon observed for each branch is well reproduced.In Fig. 5a, while the sum SAF

b �Qa� is well described, wenote a discrepancy between the SDL predictions and theindividual structure factors SAF

b1�Qa� and SAFb2�Qa�. This

difficulty could be explained as follows. As shown inFig. 1b, two successive chains are not identical. A chargetransfer giving different average valence on the chains willmix intensities at QAF

b without affecting the fluctuationsat QZC

b in qualitative agreement with the observation [17].Experimental supports for such a charge transfer wouldbe useful. Our proposition for the charge ordering, i.e.,the zigzag model sketched in Fig. 1a, and our estimateDc � 0.6 are based on the total intensities.

Finally, we consider the origin of the gap. As discussedin the introduction, the lattice distortion alone, in isolatedladders, cannot explain the presence of two energy gapsand their size. To analyze the effects of the diagonalcouplings J�, we refer to Fig. 1b. Each ladder is seento be a succession of two distinct clusters (shown byovals in the figure). By exact diagonalization of eachcluster, using the effective parameters of a t-J model [10]and adding a potential imposing a charge transfer, weevaluated Jb1 and Jb2 as a function of Dc and the bondalternation d � jJb1 2 Jb2j��Jb1 1 Jb2�. For Dc � 0.6,the couplings underestimate the experimental value bya factor of about 2, but as the parameters calculated onthe high temperature structure [10] and as such clustercalculations are rather crude, the agreement is satisfac-

tory. The value obtained for the bond alternation canbe considered as reasonable: d � 0.025 0.030. Then,using the experimental value Jb � 60 meV, one findsan energy gap Eg � 6 8 meV. This is in fairly goodagreement with the experimental value Eg � 10 meV.This simple analysis supports the view that, in NaV2O5,the gaps are primarily due to the CO [18]. The latticedistortion plays a secondary role, explaining why twodistinct branches are observed experimentally, and theirseparation. In our picture, the magnetic anisotropies areunnecessary [7].

In conclusion, the CO in NaV2O5 is quantitatively deter-mined by the present NIS measurements [19]. It explainsalso the energy gaps observed in the low-T phase of thiscompound.

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