Page 1: Numerical investigation of photon creation in a three-dimensional resonantly vibrating cavity: Transverse electric modes

Numerical investigation of photon creation in a three-dimensional resonantly vibrating cavity:Transverse electric modes

Marcus Ruser*Département de Physique Théorique, Université de Genève, 24 quai E. Ansermet, CH-1211 Genève 4, Switzerland

�Received 20 September 2005; revised manuscript received 28 November 2005; published 21 April 2006�

The creation of TE-mode photons in a three-dimensional perfectly conducting cavity with one resonantlyvibrating wall is studied numerically. We show that the creation of TE-mode photons in a rectangular cavity isrelated to the production of massive scalar particles on a time-dependent interval. The equations of motion aresolved numerically which allows us to take into account the intermode coupling. We compare the numericalresults with analytical predictions and discuss the effects of the intermode coupling in detail. The numericalsimulations reveal that photon creation in a three-dimensional resonantly vibrating cavity can be maximized byarranging the size of the cavity such that certain conditions are realized. In particular, the creation of TE-modephotons in the lowest-frequency mode �1,1 ,1� is most efficient in a noncubic cavity where the size of thenondynamical dimensions is roughly 11 times larger than the size of the dynamical dimension. We discuss thiseffect and its relation to the intermode coupling in detail.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.73.043811 PACS number�s�: 42.50.Lc, 03.65.�w, 03.70.�k, 12.20.Ds


In 1948 Casimir �1� predicted an attractive force betweentwo perfectly conducting plates �ideal mirrors�. This so-called Casimir effect �2–5� caused by the change of the zero-point energy of the quantized electromagnetic field in thepresence of boundaries has been verified experimentally withhigh accuracy �6–10�. The existence of the Casimir force�11� acting on macroscopic bodies confirms the reality ofquantum-vacuum fluctuations and their potential influenceeven on macroscopic scales.

Besides the change of the zero-point energy of the quan-tum vacuum provoked by static boundary conditions a sec-ond and even more fascinating feature of the quantumvacuum appears when considering dynamical—i.e., time-dependent—boundary conditions. The quantum vacuum re-sponds to time-varying boundaries with the creation of realparticles �photons� out of virtual quantum-vacuum fluctua-tions. This effect, usually referred to as the dynamical ornonstationary Casimir effect �12�, has gained growing inter-est during recent years.

A scenario of particular interest is a so-called vibratingcavity �13� where the distance between two parallel mirrorschanges periodically in time. The possibility of resonanceeffects between the mechanical motion of the mirror and thequantum vacuum leading to an even exponential growth ofthe particle occupation numbers for the resonance modesmakes this configuration the most promising candidate for anexperimental verification of the dynamical Casimir effect.

For a one-dimensional vibrating cavity this effect hasbeen studied in numerous works �14–31�, showing that thetotal energy inside a resonantly vibrating cavity increasesexponentially in time.

The more realistic case of a three-dimensional cavity isstudied in �32–39�. The important difference between one-

and higher-dimensional cavities is that the frequency spec-trum in only one spatial dimension is equidistant while it isin general nonequidistant for more spatial dimensions. Anequidistant spectrum yields strong intermode couplingwhereas in the case of a nonequidistant spectrum only a fewor even no modes may be coupled, allowing for exponentialphoton creation in a resonantly vibrating three-dimensionalcavity �15,33,37�. Without intermode coupling the equationsof motion for the field modes reduce to harmonic oscillatorswith time-dependent frequency. Particle creation can then beinvestigated by using an approach based on Schrödingerscattering theory �40�. Even though for higher-dimensionalcavities the problem can be reduced to a single harmonicoscillator in some special cases �15�, the intermode couplingcannot be neglected in general �33,36�. �See also the discus-sion of Ref. �40� in Sec. IX of �15�.�

Field quantization inside cavities with nonperfect bound-ary conditions has been studied in, e.g., �41,42� and correc-tions due to finite-temperature effects are treated in �43–45�.The interaction between the quantum vacuum and the �clas-sical� dynamics of the cavity has been investigated in�22,46–48�, and an approach to the dynamical Casimir effectbased on stationary walls but time-dependent conductivityproperties is discussed in �49�.

The electromagnetic field inside a dynamical cavity canbe decomposed into components corresponding to the elec-tric field parallel or perpendicular to the moving mirror. It isthen possible to introduce vector potentials for each polariza-tion, transverse electric �TE� and transverse magnetic �TM��32,50,51�. The equations of motion for TE modes in a dy-namical rectangular cavity are equivalent to the equations ofmotion for a scalar field with �time-dependent� Dirichletboundary conditions �33,37�. More complicated boundaryconditions, so-called generalized Neumann boundary condi-tions, emerge when studying TM modes �32,50�. In most ofthe works cited above only TE polarizations are treated. Forrecent work dealing also with TM polarizations see �37,52�.

The aim of the present work is to study photon creation ina vibrating three-dimensional cavity, fully numerically taking*Electronic address: [email protected]

PHYSICAL REVIEW A 73, 043811 �2006�

1050-2947/2006/73�4�/043811�13�/$23.00 ©2006 The American Physical Society043811-1

Page 2: Numerical investigation of photon creation in a three-dimensional resonantly vibrating cavity: Transverse electric modes

the intermode coupling into account. We show that the equa-tions of motion describing the dynamics of the transverseelectric modes in a dynamical rectangular cavity correspondto the equations of motion for a massive scalar field on atime-dependent interval �one-dimensional cavity�. Therebythe wave number of the TE modes associated with the non-dynamical cavity dimensions is identified with the mass ofthe scalar field. Creation of TE-polarized photons can then bestudied with a formalism presented and tested for a masslessscalar field in a one-dimensional cavity in �53,54�. Eventhough the method of �53,54� is valid for a variety of bound-ary conditions, it is not directly applicable to generalizedNeumann boundary conditions which involve a time deriva-tive appearing when studying TM modes. For other recentnumerical work see also �55–57�.

This paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II we presentthe equations of motion for TE modes in a three-dimensionalrectangular cavity and show that they correspond to theequations of motion for a massive scalar field in a one-dimensional cavity. The formalism for studying the dynami-cal Casimir effect for a massive scalar field on a time-dependent interval numerically is reviewed in Sec. III. Someanalytical results obtained for TE-mode photons are summa-rized in Sec. IV. We present and interpret the numerical re-sults in Sec. V and discuss their consequences for photoncreation in three-dimensional vibrating cavities in Sec. VI.We conclude in Sec. VII and discuss some details about thenumerics in the Appendix.


The dynamics of the transverse electric modes �TEmodes� inside a rectangular ideal �i.e., perfectly conducting�cavity of dimensions ��0, lx� , �0, ly��0, lz�� is described by thewave �Klein-Gordon� equation1

��t2 − ����t,x� = 0, �1�

with the massless scalar field ��t ,x� subject to Dirichletboundary conditions at all walls of the cavity �33,37�.

The x dimension of the cavity is assumed to be dynamicalwith the right wall following a prescribed trajectory l�t�� lx�t�. At any moment in time the field can be expanded as

��t,x� = �n

qn�t��n�t,x� , �2�

with canonical variables qn�t� and functions

�n�t,x� = 2







lzz� �3�

ensuring Dirichlet boundary conditions at the positions of thecavity walls �33�. The functions �n�t ,x� form an orthonor-

mal and complete set of instantaneous eigenfunctions of theLaplacian � with time-dependent eigenvalues

�n�t� = �� nx

l�t� 2

+ �ny

ly 2

+ �nz

lz 2

. �4�

Each field mode is labeled by three integers nx ,ny ,nz=1,2 , . . . for which we use the abbreviation n= �nx ,ny ,nz�.

Inserting the expansion �2� into the field equation �1�,multiplying it by �m�t ,x�, and integrating over the spatialdimensions leads to the equation of motion for the canonicalvariables qn�t� �33�:

qn�t� + �n2�t�qn�t� + 2�


+ �m

�Mmn�t� − Nnm�t��qm�t� = 0. �5�

The time-dependent coupling matrices Mnm�t� and Nnm�t�are given by �33�

Mnm = �0



=l�t�l�t���− 1�nx+mx


mx2 − nx


if nx � mx,

0 if nx = mx,�



Nnm = �k

MnkMmk. �7�

During the dynamics of the mirror the time evolution of afield mode n may be coupled to �even infinite many� othermodes m via the time-dependent coupling matrix Mnm�t�. InEq. �5� for a given mode �nx ,ny ,nz� the coupling matrix �6�yields couplings of q�nx,ny,nz�

to q�mx,ny,nz�and q�mx,ny,nz�

; i.e.,only summations over mx appear. Modes with different quan-tum numbers in the y and z directions are not coupled, andthe quantum numbers corresponding to the nondynamical di-mensions enter the equations of motion only globally. There-fore we can identify qn�t��q�nx,ny,nz�

�t� and

�n�t� � ��nx,ny,nz��t� = n�


+ k�2 �8�

with n�nx and the wave number

k� = ��ny

ly 2

+ �nz

lz 2

, �9�

associated with the nondynamical cavity dimensions.Because all summations over m= �mx ,my ,mz� involving

the coupling matrix �6� reduce to summations over a singlequantum number m, Eq. �5� is equivalent to the differentialequation describing a real massive scalar field on a time-dependent interval �0, l�t�� �one-dimensional cavity� when k�is identified with the mass of the field �54�. As pointed out in�37� the number of created TE-mode photons equals the1We are using units with =c=1.



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number of created Dirichlet scalar particles in a three-dimensional cavity. Consequently, the number of TE-modephotons created in a three-dimensional cavity equals thenumber of scalar particles of “mass” k� created in a one-dimensional cavity �0, l�t��. Photon production in TE modesin a three-dimensional cavity can therefore be studied nu-merically with the formalism presented in �53,54�.


Quantization is achieved by replacing the set of classicalcanonical variables �qn , pm� with the corresponding operators�qn , pm� and demanding the usual equal-time commutationrelations. Furthermore, the Heisenberg picture is adoptedfrom now on. The relation between the canonical variable qnand the canonical momentum is given by pn= qn+�mqmMmn. Assuming that the cavity is at rest for times t�0 the coupling matrix vanishes and Eq. �5� reduces to theequation of a harmonic oscillator with constant frequency,�n

0��n�t�0�. Consequently,

qn�t � 0� =1


0t + an†ei�n

0t� , �10�

with frequency

�n0 =



�n��2 + M2, �11�

where l0= l�0� and we have introduced the dimensionless“mass parameter” M = l0k��. The time-independent annihila-tion and creation operators an and an

† associated with theparticle notion for t�0 are subject to the commutation rela-tions

�an, am� = �an†, am

† � = 0, �an, am† � = nm. �12�

The initial vacuum state �0, t�0� is defined by

an�0,t � 0� = 0 " n . �13�

When the cavity dynamics is switched on at t=0 and the wallfollows the prescribed trajectory l�t� field modes are coupleddue to the nonvanishing coupling matrix Mnm. To account forthe coupling, the operator qn may be expanded as �54�

qn�t � 0� = �m



�am n�m��t� + am

† n�m�*

�t�� , �14�

with complex functions n�m��t� satisfying Eq. �5�. If the mo-

tion ceases and the wall is at rest again for t� t1, the operatorqn�t� t1� takes the form2

qn�t � t1� =1


1�t−t1� + An†ei�n

1�t−t1�� , �15�

with �n1��n�t� t1� and annihilation and creation operators

An and An† corresponding to the particle notion for t� t1. The

final vacuum state �0, t� t1� is defined by

An�0,t � t1� = 0 " n . �16�

The initial-state particle operators an and an† are linked to the

final-state particle operators An and An† by the Bogoliubov


An = �m

�Amn�t1�am + Bmn* �t1�am

† � , �17�

and the number of particles �photons� created in a mode nduring the motion of the wall is given by the expectation

value of the number operator An†An associated with the par-

ticle notion for t� t1 with respect to the initial vacuum state�0, t�0�:

Nn�t1� = �0,t � 0�An†An�0,t � 0� = �


�Bmn�t1��2. �18�

The total number of created particles as the sum of Nn�t1�over all quantum numbers n,

N�t1� = �n

Nn�t1� = �n


�Bmn�t1��2, �19�

is in general ill defined and requires appropriate regulariza-tion. This can be done most easily by introducing an explicitfrequency cutoff which also simulates nonideal boundaryconditions for high-frequency modes �14�. Such a frequencycutoff will be used in the numerical simulations.

In order to calculate Bmn�t1� we introduce auxiliary func-tions �n

�m��t� and �n�m��t� via �54�

�n�m��t� = n

�m��t� +i

�n0 n

�m��t� + �k

Mkn�t� k�m��t�� , �20�

�n�m��t� = n

�m��t� −i

�n0 n

�m��t� + �k

Mkn�t� k�m��t�� . �21�

Using the second-order differential equation �5� for n�m��t� it

is easily shown that those functions satisfy the followingsystem of coupled first-order differential equations �54�:

�n�m��t� = − i�ann

+ �t��n�m��t� − ann

− �t��n�m��t��

− �k

�cnk− �t��k

�m��t� + cnk+ �t��k

�m��t�� , �22�

�n�m��t� = − i�ann

− �t��n�m��t� − ann

+ �t��n�m��t��

− �k

�cnk+ �t��k

�m��t� + cnk− �t��k

�m��t�� , �23�


ann± �t� =


2 �1 ± �n�t��n

0 �2� , �24�

cnk± �t� =


2Mkn�t� ±


�n0 Mnk�t�� . �25�

For the coupling matrix �6� one finds, in particular,

2Here l�t1�= l1 is assumed to be arbitrary. For an oscillating cavity,however, it is natural to consider times t1 after which the dynamicalwall has returned to its initial position.



Page 4: Numerical investigation of photon creation in a three-dimensional resonantly vibrating cavity: Transverse electric modes

cnk± �t� = −


�− 1�k+n nk

k2 − n21 ��k


�n0� �26�

if n�k and cnn± �t�=0. The advantage of this system of first-

order differential equations relies on the fact that, besides thetime-dependent frequency �n�t�, only the coupling matrix

Mnk enters but neither Nnk nor the time derivative Mnk.By matching Eq. �14� with Eq. �15� for qn�t� and the

corresponding expressions for pn�t� at t= t1 one finds the re-lations �54�

Amn�t1� =1



�m0 ��n

+�t1��n�m��t1� + �n

−�t1��n�m��t1�� ,


Bmn�t1� =1



�m0 ��n

−�t1��n�m��t1� + �n

+�t1��n�m��t1�� ,



�n±�t� =


21 ±


�n�t�� . �29�

Demanding that the field be in its vacuum state �0, t�0�as long as the mirror is at rest implies Amn�0�=mn andBmn�0�=0. Accordingly the initial conditions for �n

�m��t� and�n

�m��t� read

�n�m��0� = 2mn, �n

�m��0� = 0. �30�

By means of Eq. �28� the number of created massive scalarparticles, or equivalently the number of created TE-modephotons, at time t= t1 can now be calculated by solving thesystem of differential equations formed by Eqs. �22� and �23�numerically using standard numerics. For this we truncatethe infinite sums by introducing a cutoff quantum numberkmax to make the system of differential equations suitable fornumerical treatment. The system is evolved up to a final timetmax, and the particle number �18� is calculated for severaltimes in between; i.e., we interpret t1 as a continuous vari-able such that the particle number �18� becomes a continuousfunction of time.3 Consequently, the stability of the numeri-cal results has to be guaranteed which means that for thelowest modes n the numerical values for Nn�t� remain prac-tically unchanged under variation of kmax. More details re-garding the numerics are collected in the Appendix.


In what follows, we consider the periodic trajectory

l�t� = l0�1 + sin��t��, � 1, �31�

for which it was found in �33� that two modes l and k arecoupled whenever one of the conditions given by

� = ��l0 ± �k

0� �32�

is satisfied.4 In a resonantly vibrating cavity �=2�n0 with not

one of those conditions fulfilled the number of TE-modephotons created in the resonant mode n increases exponen-tially in time �33�:

Nn�t� = sinh2�n�n t� with �n =n


l0 2

. �33�

By means of multiple-scale analysis the authors of �33� alsostudied the resonance case �=2�n

0 with two coupled modesn and k satisfying

3�n0 = �k

0. �34�

For the particular case n=1 and k=5 analytical expressionsfor the number of TE-mode photons are derived in �33�.Given a mode n we can couple it to a particular mode k bytuning the mass M �or equivalently k�� such that the condi-tion �34� is fulfilled. It is important to note that couplingbetween modes does occur even if Eq. �32� is detuned—i.e.,if Eq. �32� is satisfied by the frequencies �k

0 and �l0 only

approximately. The particular case of two modes n and ksatisfying

�3 + ���n0 = �k

0 �35�

without additional couplings to higher modes was studied in�36�. For sufficiently small � �i.e., �� � the two modes nand k are still resonantly coupled and the number of particlesproduced in both modes increases exponentially with time.


A. Preliminary remarks

In �53,54� we have employed the same formalism to studythe creation of massless scalar particles in a one-dimensionalvibrating cavity numerically. In this case the numerical re-sults agree with analytical predictions obtained under the as-sumption �1, demonstrating the reliability of the numerics.The extension to massive scalar fields is straightforward. Weset l0=1; i.e., all physical quantities with dimensions aremeasured with respect to the length scale l0 and dimension-less quantities are used throughout. The amplitude of theoscillations is fixed to =0.001, guaranteeing accordance be-tween the numerical results and the analytical predictions inthe massless case �53,54�.

As mentioned before, we calculate the particle number forarbitrary times even though the analytical expressions we arecomparing the numerical results with are valid only for timesafter which the dynamical wall has returned to its initial po-

3Potential problems inherent in this procedure like the appearanceof discontinuities in the velocity of the mirror motion occurring

when calculating the particle number for times t for which l�t��0are discussed in �54� in detail. We come back to this in Sec. V.

4Here and in the following we have translated the results for three-dimensional cavities to the case of massive scalar particles accord-ing to Eq. �8�.



Page 5: Numerical investigation of photon creation in a three-dimensional resonantly vibrating cavity: Transverse electric modes

sition. In �53� it is shown that �for a vibrating cavity� thisleads to oscillations in the particle number which are of neg-ligibly small amplitude when the amplitude of the cavityoscillations itself is small � �1�. We will briefly come backto this question later on. Furthermore, when calculating the

particle number at times t for which l�t��0 the particle defi-nition used requires a matching of the solutions to expres-sions corresponding to a static cavity. Such discontinuities inthe velocity of the mirror trajectory may give rise to spuriouscontributions to the total particle number. The cutoff kmaxautomatically ensures that the total particle number remainsfinite because it effectively smoothes the motion. For a moredetailed discussion see �54� where it is shown that the influ-ence of such discontinuities is negligibly small in the case ofa cavity vibrating with sufficiently small amplitudes � =0.001�. �For a detailed discussion of how the initial discon-tinuity in the mirror motion �31� affects the particle creationsee also �53�.� The numerical results which are presented anddiscussed in the following are practically not affected by theabove-mentioned effects.

B. Main resonance �=2�10

In Fig. 1 the number N1�t� of particles created in the reso-nant mode k=1 is shown for masses M =0.2, 0.7, 2, and 3.5and compared to the analytical prediction, Eq. �33�.5 For M=0.7, 2, and 3.5 the numerical results are well described byEq. �33� which is valid provided that the resonant mode n=1 is not coupled to other modes. In the case of the massM =0.2 the numerical result for N1�t� disagrees with the ana-lytical prediction �33�. This will be discussed in the follow-ing in detail. Figure 2 shows the corresponding particle spec-tra at time t=6700. One infers that for M =3.5, 2, and 0.7 themode which becomes excited most is indeed the resonant

mode n=1. However, also higher modes become excited butthe corresponding particle numbers are several orders ofmagnitude smaller than the number of particles created in theresonant mode. For M =0.7, for example, the mode k=3 isclearly excited. Figure 3 shows the number of particles cre-ated in the modes k=1, 2, and 3 for the mass parameter M=0.7 in detail. The difference in the numerical values of N1and N3 is so large that the contribution of N3 to the totalparticle number is negligible such that N�N1. From Fig.3�a� one could conclude that N2—i.e., the number of par-ticles created in the mode k=2—behaves in the same way asN3 but shows superimposed oscillations. However, Figs. 3�b�and 3�c� provide a more detailed view of the time evolutionof Nk�t� for modes k=2 and 3. In Fig. 3�a� the resolution inwhich the numerical results are shown is not sufficient in

5In this section we use the general notion “particles” for massivescalar particles or, equivalently, TE-mode photons. Furthermore, wecall M the mass of the particle, having in mind that it corresponds tothe wave number k� for TE-mode photons.

FIG. 1. �Color online� Number of particles created in the reso-nant mode n=1 for mass parameters M =0.2, 0.7, 2, and 3.5 incomparison with the analytical prediction �33�.

FIG. 2. �Color online� Particle spectra for different mass param-eters M =3.5, 2, 0.7, and 0.2 at time t=6700 corresponding to Fig.1. The spectra are shown for kmax=10 �dots� and kmax=20 �squares�to demonstrate numerical stability.

FIG. 3. �Color online� �a� Number of particles created in themodes k=1, 2, and 3 for the mass parameter M =0.7 correspondingto the spectrum shown in Fig. 2. Part �b� shows N3�t� and part �c�N2�t� in each case for the two resolutions �t=0.01 �circles� and�t=0.005 �solid lines�. The particle numbers calculated for times atwhich the mirror has returned to its initial position are accented by“+” and the background motion is shown for comparison as well.



Page 6: Numerical investigation of photon creation in a three-dimensional resonantly vibrating cavity: Transverse electric modes

order to resolve the details which are visible in Figs. 3�b� and3�c�. These high-resolution pictures reveal that N3 increasesexponentially in time with oscillations superimposed on anaverage particle number whereas N2 itself oscillates stronglywith an amplitude negligibly small compared to N1.

The small-scale oscillations in the particle numbers arecorrelated with the periodic motion of the mirror which wehave depicted in Figs. 3�b� and 3�c� as well. One infers thatthe particle numbers show no oscillations when the expecta-tion value �18� is calculated for times which are a multiple ofthe period of the cavity vibrations. Therefore the oscillationsin the particle numbers can be traced back to the fact that inthe numerical simulations we calculate the particle numberfor arbitrary times which may be considered as unphysical.However, for the resonant modes, the amplitude of the par-ticle number oscillations is tiny compared to the particlenumber itself. Thus we can safely compare the numericalresults with the analytical prediction �33� at any time.

The observation that also higher modes become excited�even though they are very much suppressed� is explained bythe fact that two modes k and l are coupled even if Eq. �32�is not exactly satisfied by the two frequencies �k

0 and �l0. For

M =0.7 the equation 3�10=�k

0 has no solution for integer k.Thus taking Eq. �32� as an exact equation only the resonantmode should become excited and particle creation shouldtake place in the mode n=1 exclusively. Inserting M =0.7one finds the solution k�3.07 which is apparently closeenough to the integer value k=3 to excite that mode. Forsmaller values of M the solution of 3�1

0=�k0 approaches the

value k=3 and one has to expect that for sufficiently smallvalues of M the mode coupling becomes again so strong thatEq. �33� no longer describes the numerical results. This is thecase for M =0.2, yielding k�3.005, for which a strong cou-pling between the modes n=1 and k=3 occurs. Furthermore,from Eq. �32� and the coupling of n=1 and k=3 follows2�1


0 which has l�5.004 as a solution; i.e., themode k=3 is coupled to the mode l=5. In the same waymode 5 is coupled to mode 7. Thus interpreting Eq. �32� as����k

0±�l0� explains the numerically computed particle

spectrum �cf. Fig. 2� which shows similar features as thespectrum obtained for the massless case �cf. Fig. 4�b� of�53��. One observes that also even modes become excited�like also for M =0.7� which is not the case for M =0 �53�.These modes are dragged by the strongly excited modes �oddmodes� and the corresponding particle numbers, when calcu-lated for arbitrary times, show the same oscillating behaviorcorrelated with the periodic mirror motion as discussedabove. In Fig. 4 we show the number of particles created inthe modes k=1–5 for M =0.2 to illustrate the just stated.

The fact that mode coupling occurs even if Eq. �32� is notsatisfied exactly is well known. We can rewrite the expres-sion 3�n

0��k0 to get �3+���n

0=�k0 �Eq. �35��. As mentioned

at the end of the former section it was shown for this case in�36� that for sufficiently small � the modes n and k are stillresonantly coupled, provided that no coupling to highermodes exists. However, the case of two detuned coupledmodes does not apply to the scenario discussed here. De-creasing the detuning—i.e., reducing the value of M—notonly strengthens the coupling between the modes n=1 andk=3 which would lead to an exponential growth of the par-

ticle number in both modes, but also enhances the couplingstrength to higher modes k=5,7 , . . . because the frequencyspectrum becomes equidistant as M→0 �cf. e.g., �15,53��.The convergence of the numerical results towards the ana-lytical expressions for the massless case is demonstrated be-low.

To study in more detail how the number of produced par-ticles depends on the mass we performed numerical simula-tions for a wide range of values for M. The results are sum-marized in Fig. 5 in a “mass spectrum” where the number ofparticles created in the resonant mode N1�t=2000� is plottedas a function of M and compared to the analytical prediction,Eq. �33�. Particular values of M for which Eq. �32�

FIG. 4. �Color online� �a� Number of particles created in themodes k=1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 for the mass parameter M =0.2 corre-sponding to the spectrum shown in Fig. 2. Part �b� shows N5�t� andpart �c� N2�t� in each case for the two resolutions �t=0.01 �circles�and �t=0.005 �solid lines�.

FIG. 5. �Color online� Number of particles created in the reso-nance mode n=1 at time t=2000 as a function of the mass param-eter M. The solid line shows the analytical prediction, Eq. �33�.Arrows pointing towards particular mass values of M mark massesfor which Eq. �33� is not valid because of exact intermode coupling.The coupled modes are given in brackets ��1,k��. No numericalresults are shown in the plot for those cases. Most of the numericalresults are shown for different values of the cutoff kmax to underlinestability.



Page 7: Numerical investigation of photon creation in a three-dimensional resonantly vibrating cavity: Transverse electric modes

gives integer solutions—i.e., exact �undetuned� intermodecoupling—are marked by arrows, and the values of M areindicated. Numerical results for these values are not includedin the spectrum. Cases with exact coupling will be discussedlater on.

The numerical values for N1 perfectly agree with the ana-lytical prediction �33� for values of M larger than roughlyM =0.6. For masses smaller than this threshold value thenumber of created particles is smaller compared to the ana-lytical prediction. The mass spectrum exhibits a maximum ataround M =0.4; i.e., particle production in the resonant modeis most efficient for this particular mass. When M �0.4 thenumber of created particles drops down and approaches theM =0 result. The appearance of a maximum in the massspectrum is clear from the above discussion. For the particu-lar value M =0.4 the equation 3�1

0=�k0 leads to a value k

�3.02 which is close enough to the integer solution k=3 tocouple this mode strongly to the resonant mode but on theother hand coupling to higher modes is still suppressed. Fig-ure 6 shows particle spectra obtained for M =0.4 for differenttimes, and in Fig. 7 the time evolution of the number ofparticles created in the modes k=1, 2, 3, and 4 is plotted. Thecoupling of the mode k=3 to the mode n=1 results in adamping of the resonant mode, and consequently the numberof particles produced in the mode n=1 is smaller than thevalue predicted by Eq. �33�.

For increasing masses larger than M =0.4 the excitation ofhigher modes becomes more and more suppressed �cf. Fig.2�. Accordingly the numerical results match the analyticalexpression �33� predicting that the number of created par-ticles decreases with increasing mass. Decreasing the massbelow M =0.4 enhances the strength of the intermode cou-pling which results in a damping of the resonant mode n=1. Consequently the number of particles produced in themode n=1 �and also the total particle number� is smallerthan predicted analytically. When studying the limit M→0the numerical results should converge towards the well-known results for the massless case where all odd modes arecoupled �15,53�. This is demonstrated in Fig. 8 where the

total particle number and the number of particles created inthe resonant mode n=1 are depicted for M =0.2, 0.15, 0.1,and 0.05 up to t=500 and compared with the analytical pre-dictions for M =0 �15� �see also Figs. 4�a� and 4�b� of �53��.While for M =0.2 the total particle number N�t� is stillmainly given by N1�t� a divergency between N�t� and N1�t�starts to become visible for M =0.15; i.e., the influence of theintermode coupling gains importance. For M =0.1 the nu-merical results are close to the analytical M =0 results andare practically identical to them for M =0.05.

We now turn to cases with exact coupling between twomodes. As already mentioned above exact coupling of modestakes place if the conditional equation �32� has integer solu-tions. In particular, exact coupling between two modes n andk occurs if Eq. �34� is satisfied. In �33� the authors derived

FIG. 6. �Color online� Particle spectra for mass parameter M=0.4 at times t=1500, 3000, 4500, and 6700. Each spectrum isshown for values kmax=10 �dots� and kmax=20 �squares� to indicatenumerical stability.

FIG. 7. �Color online� �a� Number of particles created in themodes k=1, 2, 3, and 4 for the mass parameter M =0.4 correspond-ing to the spectra shown in Fig. 6. Part �b� shows N3�t� and part �c�N2�t� in each case for the two resolutions �t=0.01 �circles� and�t=0.005 �solid lines�.

FIG. 8. �Color online� Total particle number N �circles� andnumber of particles created in the mode k=1 N1 �squares� for massparameters M =0.2, 0.15, 0.1, and 0.05 together with the analyticalpredictions for the massless case, Eq. �6.5� �dashed line� and Eq.�6.10� �solid line�, of �15� to demonstrate the convergence of thesolutions towards the M =0 case �see also Fig. 4 of �53��. The cutoffparameter kmax=30 was used in the simulations.



Page 8: Numerical investigation of photon creation in a three-dimensional resonantly vibrating cavity: Transverse electric modes

analytical expressions �Eqs. �54� and �55� of �33�� for thecase that the TE mode ��1,1,1�

0 �resonant mode� is coupled tothe mode ��5,1,1�

0 ; i.e., 3��1,1,1�0 =��5,1,1�

0 is fulfilled. This par-ticular case is equivalent to the coupling of the massivemodes n=1 and k=5 if M =2� �l0=1�. Figure 9 shows thenumerically obtained particle spectrum at four differenttimes. The cutoff parameter kmax=20 guarantees stability ofthe numerical results. The numerical simulations confirm theprediction that practically only the modes n=1 and k=5 be-come excited and particles are produced exclusively in thetwo coupled modes. Thereby the rate of particle creation isequal for the two modes. In Fig. 10 we show the numericalresults for N1�t� and N5�t� and compare them with the ana-lytical expressions, Eqs. �54� and �55� of �33�, derived viamultiple-scale analysis �MSA�. Whereas the numerical re-sults agree quite well with the analytical prediction of �33�for long times, one observes a discrepancy between the nu-merical results and the analytical predictions for “shorter

times” up to t=3000 � �t=3��. For long times, the analyti-cal predictions nicely reproduce the large-scale oscillationsin the exponentially increasing particle numbers. For timesup to t�500, the numerically calculated particle numbersgrow with a much smaller rate than predicted by Eqs. �54�and �55� of �33�. Furthermore, the analytical expressions pre-dict that for “short times” N1 and N5 increase with the samerate whereas from the numerical simulations we find thatproduction of particles in the mode k=5 sets in after theproduction of particles in the n=1 mode. Apart from thedifferences for short times the numerical results are well de-scribed by the analytical predictions of �33�. The discrepancybetween the analytical predictions and the numerical resultsfor short times is due to the fact that the MSA in �33� onlyconsiders the resonant coupled modes, but for short enoughtimes all modes should be treated on an equal footing �58�.

As a second example of an exact coupling between twomodes we show in Figs. 11 and 12 the numerical resultsobtained for M =7/8� for which the mode n=1 is coupledto the mode k=4.

FIG. 9. �Color online� Particle spectra for �=2�10 and mass

parameter M =2� yielding exact coupling between the modes n=1 and k=5. Dots correspond to kmax=10 and squares to kmax=20.

FIG. 10. �Color online� Number of particles created in themodes n=1 and k=5 for �=2�1

0 and M =2� corresponding to theparticle spectra depicted in Fig. 9. The numerical results are com-pared to the analytical predictions, Eq. �54� �solid line� and Eq. �55��dashed line� of �33�. The numerical results shown correspond tothe cutoff parameter kmax=20 which guarantees stability.

FIG. 11. �Color online� Particle spectra for �=2�10 and mass

parameter M =7/8� yielding exact coupling between the modesn=1 and k=4. Dots correspond to kmax=10 and squares to kmax


FIG. 12. �Color online� Number of particles created in themodes n=1 and k=4 for �=2�1

0 and mass parameter M =7/8�corresponding to the particle spectra depicted in Fig. 11.



Page 9: Numerical investigation of photon creation in a three-dimensional resonantly vibrating cavity: Transverse electric modes

Let us discuss another case with exact coupling of twomodes which impressively demonstrates that strong couplingbetween modes k and l occurs even if Eq. �32� is satisfiedonly approximately. For M =5�, Eq. �32� predicts that themode n=1 is exactly coupled to the mode k=7 �i.e., k=7 isan integer solution of 3�1

0=�k0�. The equation 2�1


−�70 is not satisfied by an integer l but has the solution

l�12.04 which is close to the integer l=12. Thus we canexpect a coupling of the mode k=7 to the mode l=12. Inaddition one finds that the equation 2�1

0=�m0 −�12

0 has solu-tion m�16.96 and hence l=12 is coupled to m=17. In thesame way the equation 2�1

0=� j0−�17

0 which is solved by j�21.93 leads to a coupling between the modes m=17 andj=22. Hence from the numerical simulations we expect tofind a particle spectrum showing that particle creation takesplace in the modes k=1, 7, 12, 17, and 22. This is demon-strated in Fig. 13 where the numerically evaluated particlespectrum is depicted for times t=500, 1000, 1500, and 2000.The cutoff parameter kmax=50 ensures numerical stability inthe integration range considered.6 The number of createdparticles, Nk�t�, is shown in Fig. 14 for the modes k=1,7,and 17.

Without having done a detailed analysis we find, as areasonable approximation, that a mode l is �strongly� coupled

to a given mode k whenever the ratio �l− l � / l with l denotingthe solution of 2�n

0= ��l


0� is of the order of or smallerthan 10−3—i.e., of the order of or smaller than used in thesimulations.

C. Higher resonance �=2�20

Now we briefly discuss results obtained for the cavityfrequency �=2�2

0. In Fig. 15 we show a numerically calcu-lated mass spectrum similar to the one depicted in Fig. 5.The qualitative behavior is the same as discussed for themain resonance case. As in Fig. 5 results for values of themass parameter M for which modes are exactly coupled arenot included in the spectrum but marked by arrows with thecorresponding coupled modes given in brackets. The numeri-cal results again perfectly agree with the analytical prediction�33� for values of M larger than a threshold value which isroughly 1.3. The maximum in the particle spectrum appearsnow for M �0.8, and the interpretation of the shape of themass spectrum is equivalent to the one given for the case�=2�1

0.In Figs. 16 and 17 we finally show numerical results for

the two mass parameters M =13/8� and M =7/2�, yield-ing exact coupling between the modes 2, 7 and 2, 8, respec-tively.


The analogy between massive scalar particles and trans-verse electric photons in a three-dimensional rectangular

cavity outlined in Sec. II allows us to interpret the presentednumerical results as follows: Consider a three-dimensionalrectangular cavity with equally sized nondynamical dimen-sions ly = lz� l�. We parametrize the size of l� in terms of theinitial size of the dynamical dimension l0= lx�0� by introduc-ing �= l� / l0. If we restrict ourselves for simplicity to the caseny =nz�n�, the dimensionless mass parameter M reads

M = l0k� = 2�n��

� . �36�

Therefore, for fixed n�, any value of M corresponds to aparticular realization—i.e., size �—of the nondynamical cav-ity dimensions. We have found that for a particular value Mthe production of massive scalar particles in the resonantmode is maximal. Consequently it is possible to maximizethe production of TE photons in a three-dimensional rectan-gular cavity by tuning the size � of the nondynamical cavitydimensions.

6From Fig. 13 one observes that also the mode l=27 is weaklycoupled. The equation 2�1


0 has the solution l�26.92which explains the excitation of the mode l=27.

FIG. 13. �Color online� Particle spectra for �=2�10 and mass

parameter M =5�. Dots correspond to kmax=40 and squares tokmax=50.

FIG. 14. �Color online� Number of particles created in themodes n=1, k=7, and l=17 for �=2�1

0 and mass parameter M=5� corresponding to the particle spectra depicted in Fig. 13.



Page 10: Numerical investigation of photon creation in a three-dimensional resonantly vibrating cavity: Transverse electric modes

For instance, for �=2�10 the creation of massive scalar

particles in the resonant mode n=1 is most efficient for M�0.4 �cf. Fig. 5�. This corresponds to the three-dimensionalcase with �=2��1,1,1�

0 and ��11. Hence by designing thethree-dimensional cavity such that l��11l0 the production ofTE-mode photons in the resonant mode �1,1 ,1� can bemaximized. In order to maximize the creation of TE photonsin the mode �1,2 ,2� when �=2��1,2,2�

0 the size l� of thenondynamical dimensions has to be doubled—i.e., l��22l0.For �=2�2

0 we have found that the maximum in the massspectrum is at M �0.8 �cf. Fig. 15�. Accordingly, the produc-tion of TE photons of frequency��2,1,1�

0 under resonance con-ditions is maximal in a cavity of dimensions l��5.6l0. Thestrong-coupling case �=2�1

0 with M =0.2 where the analyti-cal prediction �33� does not describe the numerical resultsdue to enhanced intermode coupling �cf. Figs. 1 and 2� cor-responds to the lowest TE mode �1,1 ,1� in a cavity of sizel��22l0.

Similarly one can arrange the size of the cavity such thatparticular modes are exactly coupled—i.e., such that Eq. �32�is satisfied. For instance, resonant coupling of the TE modes�1,1 ,1� and �4,1 ,1� corresponds to �=2�1

0 with M=7/8� �cf. Figs. 11 and 12� and is therefore realized in acavity of size l��1.5l0. Finally, choosing l��0.63l0—i.e.,M =5�—couples the TE modes �1,1 ,1�, �7,1 ,1�,�12,1 ,1�, �17,1 ,1�, and �22,1 ,1� in the resonance case �=2��1,1,1�

0 �cf. Figs. 13 and 14�.In summary, the mass spectrum, Fig. 5, can be interpreted

in the following way if we set n�=1 and �=2��1,1,1�0 : For

l�= l0—i.e., cubic cavity—the modes �1,1 ,1� and �5,1 ,1�are resonantly coupled �cf. Figs. 9 and 10�. Enlarging l� withrespect to l0 increases the production of resonance-modephotons �1,1 ,1� until l��1.5l0 �M =7/8�� is approachedwhere the modes �1,1 ,1� and �4,1 ,1� are exactly coupled�cf. Figs. 11 and 12�. When increasing l� further photon cre-ation in the TE mode �1,1 ,1� becomes more and more effi-cient and is perfectly described by Eq. �33�. Reachingl��7.4l0 �M �0.6, the threshold� the intermode couplingstarts to become noticeable, causing slight deviations of thenumerical results from the analytical prediction. For l��11l0 �M �0.4� the production of TE-mode photons is mostefficient. The number of photons created in the mode�1,1 ,1� is smaller than the analytical prediction, Eq. �33�,because of the coupling of the modes �1,1 ,1� and �3,1 ,1�.When increasing l� beyond 11l0 the strength of the intermodecoupling is enhanced drastically and consequently the num-ber of produced TE-mode photons decreases rapidly. For l��22l0 �M �0.2�, for instance, the mode �1,1 ,1� is�strongly� coupled to the modes �3,1 ,1� and �5,1 ,1� �cf.Fig. 2�. Reducing l� with respect to l0 �i.e., going to massesM �2�� lowers the efficiency of photon creation in theresonant mode. The mass spectrum, Fig. 15, owns an equiva-lent interpretation.


The production of massive scalar particles in a one-dimensional cavity, or analogously the creation of TE-mode

FIG. 15. �Color online� Number of particles created in the reso-nance mode n=2 as function of the mass parameter M. The solidline corresponds to the analytical prediction �33�. Note that the firstthree values in the spectrum are not numerically stable due to aninsufficient kmax.

FIG. 16. �Color online� Particle spectra for �=2�20 and mass

parameters M =13/8� and M =7/2�.

FIG. 17. �Color online� Number of particles created in themodes k=2 and 7 for M =13/8� and k=2 and 8 for M =7/2�,respectively, corresponding to the particle spectra shown in Fig. 16.



Page 11: Numerical investigation of photon creation in a three-dimensional resonantly vibrating cavity: Transverse electric modes

photons in a three-dimensional rectangular cavity, has beenstudied numerically for resonant wall oscillations.

We have found perfect agreement between the numericalresults and analytical predictions of �33� in the case that nomodes are �strongly� coupled. When two modes are exactlycoupled—i.e., when Eq. �34� possesses integer solutions forn and k—the numerical results agree with the analytical pre-dictions of �33� for sufficiently long times but disagree forshort times. The discrepancy for short times is ascribed toproperties of the multiple-scale analysis used in �33�.

The effect of the intermode coupling has been studied indetail which is only possible by means of numerical simula-tions. As a main result we have found that a particular massexists for which the production of massive scalar particles ismost efficient. The appearance of a maximum in the massspectrum—i.e., the number of created particles after a giventime as function of mass—is explained by the increasingstrength of the intermode coupling when decreasing the massbelow a certain threshold value.

The analogy between massive scalar particles in a one-dimensional cavity and TE-mode photons in a three-dimensional cavity allows the conclusion that the efficiencyof TE-mode photon production from vacuum in a resonantlyvibrating rectangular cavity can be controlled �and maxi-mized� by tuning the size of the cavity when keeping thequantum numbers ny and nz corresponding to the nondy-namical cavity dimensions fixed.

The main resonance case �=2��1,1,1�0 has been discussed

for a cavity with equally sized nondynamical dimensions l�= ly = lz in detail in Sec. VI. We have shown that photon cre-ation in the resonant mode �1,1 ,1� is most efficient if thesize l� of the nondynamical cavity dimensions is roughly 11times larger than the dynamical cavity dimension. The exis-tence of a certain cavity size which maximizes photon cre-ation is among other things explained by the fact that inter-mode coupling takes place even if Eq. �32� is satisfied onlyapproximately. If l� is larger than this value, the intermodecoupling is so strong that higher-frequency modes like�3,1 ,1� and �5,1 ,1� couple to the resonant mode �1,1 ,1�and strongly damp its evolution. Furthermore, the couplingof particular field modes by tuning the size of the cavity hasbeen studied.

Our findings demonstrate that the intermode coupling indynamical cavities plays an important role. Even if analyticalresults are known, numerical simulations are a very usefuland indeed necessary tool because only they can completelytake into account the intermode coupling. In order to studythe photon creation associated with the full electromagneticfield in a dynamical cavity also the contribution of the trans-verse magnetic modes to the photon production has to beconsidered. Studying TM modes numerically represents amore demanding task because of the more complicated so-called generalized Neumann boundary condition thesemodes are subject to. This will be addressed in a future work.


The author is grateful to Ruth Durrer and Cyril Cartier forvaluable discussions, careful reading of the manuscript, and

useful comments. He would also like to thank RalfSchützhold and Günter Plunien for discussions and com-ments on the manuscript. Furthermore, the author is muchobliged to Diego Dalvit and Emil Mottola for enlighteningand interesting discussions as well as their kind hospitalityduring his visit to the Los Alamos National Laboratory, June2005. Finally, the author would like to thank Paulo MaiaNeto and Francisco Mazzitelli for discussions and commentsduring the Seventh Workshop on Quantum Field Theory un-der the Influence of External Conditions, Barcelona, Spain,2005. Financial support from the Swiss National ScienceFoundation is gratefully acknowledged.


To solve the system of differential equations formed byEqs. �22� and �23� numerically we decompose �n

�m��t� and�n

�m��t� into their real and imaginary parts:

�n�m� = un

�m� + ivn�m�, �n

�m� = xn�m� + iyn

�m�. �A1�

The resulting coupled system of first-order differential equa-tions can then be written in the form

X�m��t� = W�t�X�m��t� , �A2�

with real vectors X�m��t� and matrix W�t�. Choosing the rep-resentation

X�m� = �u1�m�

¯ uK�m�x1

�m�¯ xK


¯ vK�m�y1

�m�¯ yK



where we have truncated the infinite system via introducingthe cutoff parameter K�kmax, the 4K�4K matrix W�t� be-comes

W�t� = − �C−�t� C+�t� − A+�t� A−�t�C+�t� C−�t� − A−�t� A+�t�A+�t� − A−�t� C−�t� C+�t�A−�t� − A+�t� C+�t� C−�t�

� , �A4�

with the K�K matrices C±�t�= �cnk± �t��, 1�n ,k�K, and di-

agonal matrices A±�t�= �ann± �t�� where ann

± �t� and cnk± �t� are

defined in Eqs. �24� and �25�, respectively. The number ofparticles �18� created in a mode n at t= t1 may now be ex-pressed in terms of the real functions:

Nn�t1� =1

4 �m=1



�m0 ���n

−�t1�un�m��t1� + �n


+ ��n−�t1�vn

�m��t1� + �n+�t1�yn

�m��t1��2� , �A5�

which in the particular case t1=NT with T the period of thecavity oscillations and integer N reduces to

Nn�NT� =1

4 �m=1



�m0 ��xn

�m��NT��2 + �yn�m��NT��2� . �A6�

In order to calculate Eq. �A5� the system �A2� has to beevolved numerically K times �m is running from 1 to K=kmax� up to t= t1 with initial conditions



Page 12: Numerical investigation of photon creation in a three-dimensional resonantly vibrating cavity: Transverse electric modes

vn�m��0� = xn

�m��0� = yn�m��0� = 0 �A7�


un�m��0� = 2nm. �A8�

Besides investigating the stability of the numerical solutionsin dependence on the cutoff K the quality of the numericalsolutions can be assessed by checking the validity of theBogoliubov relations


�Amn�t1�Amk* �t1� − Bmn

* �t1�Bmk�t1�� = nk, �A9�


�Amn�t1�Bmk* �t1� − Bmn

* �t1�Amk�t1�� = 0. �A10�

In order to solve the system �A2� numerically we appliedintegration routines based on different standard solvers.Mainly employed were the Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg methodRKF45 and the Runge-Kutta Prince-Dormand method RK8PD.Source codes provided by the GNU Scientific Library �GSL��59� as well as the MATPACK Library �60� were used.

In the following we discuss the accuracy of the numericalsimulations by considering the quantity

dk�t� = 1 − �m

��Amk�t��2 − �Bmk�t��2� , �A11�

indicating to what accuracy the diagonal part of the relation�A9� is satisfied by the numerical solutions. Generic ex-amples for dk�t� are shown in Fig. 18. Panels �a� and �b�correspond to the exact coupling case M =2� �cf. Figs. 9and 10� with the absolute and relative errors �err� for theRunge-Kutta Prince-Dormand method �RK8PD� �59� preset to10−8 �a� and 10−12 �b�. Thereby two “bands” are shown. Theupper one corresponds to k=1–5 whereas the lower one cor-responds to k=16 to kmax=20. The deviation from zero islarger for higher k because these modes are more affected bythe truncation of the infinite system through the cutoff kmax.Comparing the absolute value of the maximal deviation ofdk�t=8000� from zero which is �3.5�10−4

for err�10−8 and �1.5�10−8 for err�10−12 with the num-ber of particles created in the resonantly excited modes,N1�t=8000��350 and N5�t=8000��400, demonstrates that

the numerical simulations guarantee a good accuracy.In panels �c� and �d� of Fig. 18 we show dk�t� for the case

M =0.4 �cf. Figs. 6 and 7� for the cutoff values kmax=30 �c�and kmax=50 �d�. The numerical simulations have been per-formed with err=10−8, and again two bands are shown cor-responding to the first five �upper band� and last five �lowerband� values of k. For kmax=50 the deviation of the absolutevalue of dk from zero for the last values k=46, . . . ,50 �panel�d�� is slightly larger compared to the deviation for the lastfive modes for kmax=30. But the deviation of dk�t� from zerofor the first modes k=1, . . . ,5 is smaller for kmax=50 than forkmax=30; i.e., the accuracy for the first modes improveswhen increasing kmax as is expected. Comparing �dk�t=2000� � �3�10−4 for kmax=50 with the number of createdparticles N1�t=2000��124 demonstrates again the accuracyof the numerical simulations. The remaining Bogoliubov re-lations are satisfied with the same accuracy.

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