Page 1: Recent Improvements in Pneumatic Aerial Spraying

Pour augmenter la rentabilitd des adronefs agricoles, et notamment des h6li- copt&res, il convient de diminuer le volume/ha dpandu, ce qui n'est possible, B effi- cacitd dgale, que si la pulvdrisation utilisde est de plus grande finesse sans d d p e r toutefois une limite au-deli de laquelle les pertes de produit par ddrive deviennent excessives.

A l'exception de deux ou trois dispositifs de pulvdrisation centrifuge dont la qualitd de travail est essentiellement variable sur hdlicopdre, aucun appareil valable n'existait pour les hdlicoptl.res avant la r&lisation, sous les auspices de 1'ENSA de Montpellier et de l'ITV B Paris, d'une rampe de pulvdrisation pneumatique Pintagram. Alimentde en air par un compresseur rotatif et dotde de 20 buses pneumatiques B arret de jet, cette rampe d'une envergure de 9 m est capable de traiter B des volumes/ha de 10 ?L 15 1 une bande de 13 B 15 m de largeur, B la vitesse de 60 B 80 km/h et B raison de 30 h 60 ha/h. La finesse et l'homogdnditd de la pulvdrisation utilisde sont plus satisfaisantes que celles des appareils de pulvdrisation B pression (terrestres ou adriens) .

Comparde B celle d'un pulvdrisateur terrestre B pression B jet port4 traitant B 200 l/ha et B celle d'un pulvdrisateur B pression travaillant sur hdlicoptlre B 50 l/ha, l'efficacitd de la rampe pneumatique Pintagram s'est rdvdlde ldg&rement infd- rieure B celle du pulvdrisateur terrestre, mais s&isante pour etre comparable B celle de l'hdlicoptlre dquip6 d'une rampe de pulvdrisation ?L pression et avec un rendement accru de 30 96 au moins.

OEPP/EPPO Bull. No 2 : 37-43 (1971)

Recent Improvements in Pneumatic Aerial Spraying

by M. AUDIBERT Ecole Nationale Sup6rieure Agronomique. Montpellier (France)

ABSTRACT In experimental treatments of vineyards against downy mildew, a Pintagram

pneumatic sprayer on a Bell G helicopter using 10-15 &./ha. was compared with pressure spraying with ground equipment (200 &./ha.) or from a helicopter (50 &./ha.). The efficacy of the Pintagram was slightly less than that of the ground sprayer but was comparable to the conventionally equipped helicopter and allowed the profitability of treatments to be raised by some 30 96.

The spray equipment currently used in agricultural aviation, except when fitted with mechanical centrifugal devices, gives rather big droplets of various sizes. For low volume applications, however, smaller droplets are needed to obtain good coverage and penetration, especially when directed against fungi; finer sprays are


Page 2: Recent Improvements in Pneumatic Aerial Spraying

also required when attempts are made to increase the area that can be treated in a given time. On the other hand, if the droplets are too small there is an increased risk of drifting and loss of product, especially when they are emitted at a high speed under hot and dry conditions. Therefore, homogeneous sprays with a droplet size which is the compromise between good coverage and minimum drift are needed if pesticide treatments at 10 to 15 lit./ha. are to be successful; the formulation and characteristics of the chemicals are, of course, also important.

In order to be able to spray vineyards against downy mildew at a rate of 12.5 lit./ha., a Bell G 2 helicopter was fitted with a prototype Pintagram pneumatic sprayer. It consists of a 9 m. boom, air-fed by a rotary compressor and fitted with 20 pneumatic nozzles; a 13 to 15 m. swath can be treated at 10 to 15 lit./ha at a speed of 60 to 80 km./hr, thus covering 30 to 60 ha./hr. Afterwards, helicopters were also fitted with mechanical rotary devices (Micronair, Minispin, Turbaero). The performance of the Pintagram sprayer on Bell G2 was compared in 10 treatments against vine mildew with a mechanical ground sprayer under the conditions given in table 1. An organic copper fungicide was used; the results of the analysis of the copper residue on the leaves and on glass slides (set horizontally at a height of 70 cm. at 2 m. intervals and perpendicularly to the flight direction) are given in y/un2 in tables 2 and 3, respectively. The optical analysis of the droplets collected on the glass slides after spraying with a product in oil suspension is shown in table 4.

The efficacy of the treatments with Pintagram equipment using either Cuprosan Super D or Schlofog C.Z. was equal to that obtained by mechanical spraying from the same helicopter at a rate of 50 lit./ha. since a certain loss of fine droplets was compensated for by a better distribution between leaves and rows. However, the Pintagram method &wed for increasing the profitability of the treatments by about 30 %. Table 5 shows the hourly performance in various plots. The Pintagram sprayer has also been used on Djinn Sud-Aviation helicopters and 269 A. Hugues in Italy, Yugoslavia, Spain and Argentina; vineyards, potatoes, rape, flax, and apple, plum, pear, peach and olive trees have so far been treated either experimentally or commercially and usually with good results.


AUDIBERT, M. et ul. (1960-1969). Compte rendu d'exfirimentation des Centres Techniques Expd rimentaux de Viticulture et d'Equipe4ent Viti-Vinicole de I'Institut Technique du vin B Nhes et Montpellier. 1960 : 97-113. 1961 : 36-64, 71-75. 1962 : 32-49, 71-77. 1963 : 30-51, 68-77. 1964 : 38-57, 77-79. 1965 : 1-18. 1966 : 7-21. 1967 : rapp. No 2, 4, 5, 6. 1968 : rapp. N" 17, 18, 20. 1969: rapp. No 17, 18, 19.

