Page 1: VIIe Réunion européenne sur la transformation génétique


FEBS A d v a n c e d Course :

Structure and Dynamics of Membrane Lipids.

Utrecht, The Netherlands, 8-14 April 1984.

The course, for 30 participants, is orga- nized by A. J. Verkleij, J. de Gier and B. de Kruijff and will consist of a combi- nation of lectures, laboratory demonstra- tions and discussions. Topics : Lipid poly- morphism and the significance of non- bilayer lipid structures ; Molecular dyna- mics and order of lipids ; Membrane fusion ; Lipid-protein interactions and its functional consequences ; Regulation of lipid composition in membranes : Mem- brane lipid diversity and the molecular shape concept. Demonstrations: Lipid synthesis and purification by HPLC ; Pre- paration and use of model membranes such as monolayers, liposomes and vesicles ; High density DSC ; NMR ; Free- zefracture electron microscopy. In fo : Dr. Ben de Kruijff, Institute of Molecular Biology, State University of Utrecht, Tran- sitorium 3, Padualaan 8, 3584 CH Utrecht, The Netherlands.

Section 2 Education (Education Division) Chemical Education Research Laboratory Work: Assumptions and

Realisations Continuing Education in Chemistry

Changing Requirements for Manpower Skills (jointly with Industrial Division)

Section 3 Industrial (Industrial Division) -- Chemical Industry -- Year 2001

Future Basic Feedstocks Processes for the Future -- Invention

and Design The Environmental Challenge (jointly

with the Environment Group) International and Regional Factors Changing Requirements for Manpower

Skills (jointly with the Education Division)

Section 4 Inorganic (Dalton Division) Electrochemistry and Electron Transfer

in Inorganic and Bio-inorganic Chemistry

Chemistry of p-Block Elements Applications of New Techniques in Inor-

ganic Chemistry Metals in Chemotherapy and Radiation


Section5 Organic (Perkin Division) -- Organic Chemistry as a Life Science

Organic Synthesis and Biosynthesis Chemical Regulation of Biological

Mechanisms Computer Graphics and Drug Design Human and Animal Health Medicinals,

and Agrochemicals

Section 6 Organic (Perkin Division)/Histo- rical

Dyestuffs-Past, Present and Future

Section 7 Physical (Faraday Division) -- Advances in Physical and Theore- tical Chemistry

Dynamics of Chemical Reactions in the Gas Phase and in Solution Surface Science.

Micellar Systems

Further information about the Congress will be provided in due course in subse- quent circulars, the first of which will be available in March 1984 from

The Royal Society of Chemistry, Burlington House, London WIV OBN UK.

VI I e R6union europ6enne sur la t ransformat ion g6n6t ique

Paris, 2-6 septembre 1984.

Ces rBunions se tiennent tous/es deux ans clans un pays different. Elles rassem- blent des spBcialistes venant du monde entier. La France a BtB sollicitBe pour orga- niser ~ son tour celle de 1984.

Les thames abord6s sont tout d'abord les aspects mol6culaires de la transforma- tion chez les syst~mes bact6riens modules (pneumocoque, h~mophile, Bacillus sub- tilis) par I'ADN chromosomique, phagique

1 9 8 3 , 6 5 , n ° 11-12.

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et plasmidique : competence et pdndtra- tion, transport ~ travers la membrane cyto- plasmique, recombinaison et replication du materiel gdndtique introduit, expression de I ' in format ion g6ndtique nouvel lement acquise. A la difference des rdunions pr~- cddentes, celle de Paris consacrera deux s~ances aux travaux sur le ddveloppement de syst~mes de transformation chez les eucaryotes (/evures, v~g~taux sup&ieurs, cellules en culture de drosophiles et des mammif~res).

Comit~ d'organisation

C. A n a g n o s t o p o u l o s S. D. Ehrlich (secr~taire), P. Kourilsky, B. Niaudet, A. M. Sicard, N. Sicard.

(Pr~s iden t), R. Dedonder, P. Schaeffer,

Conf6renciers invitds :

R. Axel (New York), K. F. Bott (Chapel Hi l l ) , M. Fox (Cambr idge, Mass. ) , S. Goodgal (Phi ladelphie), W. Gui ld (Durham, N . C . ) , A. Hinnen (B~le), R. D. Ho tchk iss (A lbany) , S. Lacks (Upton), D. Morrison (Chicago), G. Rubin ( B e r k e l e y ) , J. S c h e l l ( C o l o g n e ) , H. O. Smi th (Bal t imore), N. Sueoka (Bou lde r ) , T. A. T rau tner (Ber l in ) , G. Venema (Groningen).

Patronage et subventions :

Cette rdunion est sous le patronage de la Socidtd de Chimie Biologique. Elle est sub- v e n t i o n n d e p a r la F . E . B . S . e t I'I.N.S.E.R.M.

Pour tous renseignements s'adresser & M. C. Anagnostopoulos, Centre de G~n~tique Mol~culaire, C.N.R.S., 91190 Gif-sur- Yvette, T~I. : 907. 78.28, poste 864, Telex : 691137 F.

F E B S A d v a n c e d C o u r s e n ° 8 4 / 0 6

Biomolecular Electron Microscopy.

University of UIm. April 5 to April 14, 1984.

Organized by : A. K. Kleinschmidtand G. Klotz

with H. Gruler, R. Martin, Ch. Pilgrim.

The course will be conducted at an advanced level combining theoretical ins- truction (Morning sessions, Evening lec- tures) and experimental laboratory work. Topics will be electron microscopy of nucleic acids, proteins, nucleoproteins, membranes and glycans.

Information on course fee, application and requirements for participation will be given in a separate circular and application form.

Deadline for application is February 1st, 1984.

Application forms are available from the Organizers, c/o

Dr. G. Klotz, Department of Virology, University of UIm, D-7900 UIm, Germany, Postfach 4066, Telefon (0731) 176 2686/2681.

Les X X e Rencontres Internationales de Chimie Th6rapeutique organis~es par la Soci~td Francaise de Chimie Thdrapeu- tique, se tiendront du 10 au 12 Juillet 1984

la Facult~ de Pharmacie de Ch~tenay- Malabry (Universit~ de Paris Sud). Les thames retenus sont les suivants :

1 °) Nouvelles strategies en thdrapeu- tique antitumorale.

2 ° ) A p p r o c h e s actue l les dans le domaine des antibactdriens.

3 °) Mddicamentetdouleur.

Pour tous renseignements, les per- sonnes intdressdes peuvent s'adresser au :

Secrdtariat des XX e Rencontres Internationales de Chimie Thdrapeutique,

1 9 8 3 , 6 5 , n ° 11-12.
