Absurdité des emballages non-biodégradables


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The Naturschutzwacht: A Unique Environmental Corps

by M A X S T R E I B L *

The basic aim of the Bavarian Nature Protection Act is to protect, preserve and shape nature and natural scenery as a vital resource. The Act is directed not only to government and society at large but specifically to individual citizens who, in essence, are charged with the active protection of nature. Every individual is expected to par- ticipate in the preservation of natural resources and vital habitats for fauna and flora.

The value of environmental regula- tion, of course, turns upon enforce- ment. Under its Nature Protection Act, Bavaria has created a vohmteer corps of Nature Protection Wardens, as its unique "task force". The first members of the corps will be appointed this year. These wardens will generally assist nature protection authorities and police by doing outdoor patrol services. One of their duties consists of locating and preventing violations of measures relat- ing to the protection and maintenance of natural scenery and outdoor recre- ation areas. They are also vested with certain enforcement powers and are authorized to (1) stop a person for identification; (2) escort persons to the police whenever identity cannot be ascertained on the spot; (3) temporarily order a person out of or prohibit him from entering into a certain area; (4) seize property unlawfully taken or property used or intended to be used in committing a violation.

Beyond such police functions, the nature protection authorities may em- ploy such wardens for inspection and supervision rof natural scenery. For instance, they will insure that regula- tions imposed by these authorities are being complied with, or will otherwise supervise natural parks and wildlife reserves. Thus, the wardens will report to the authorities any changes planned or already initiated in the natural scenery, enabling them to take appro- priate action. The nature protection

*Bavarian Minister for Land Development Planning and Environment, Munich, l:ederal Republic of Germany Environmental Policy and Law, 2 (19761

wardens, in this way, give the interior service a true picture of the situation in the field, including protected regions; natural monuments and the like.

Police powers notwithstanding, the point of emphasis for the nature pro- tection wardens' activities should be on- site surveillance. It has been repeatedly shown that, in lieu of criminal statutes or civil sanctions, it is far preferable to educate the public on the real mean- ing of nature - punitive sanctions are no more than a last resort. Therefore, the nature protection wardens shall survey and then transmit information about potential threats to nature and its scenery, and about the interdepen- dent elements figuring in the balance of nature.

The performance of these duties by the wardens, of course, requires careful selection and training. A suffi- cient knowledge of law and expertise in the fields of nature protection and nat- ural scenery preservation, and related sec- tors, are among the requirements. The wardens are trained at the Bavarian Academy for the Protection of Nature, opened in July, 1976 and unique in the FRG.

The Naturschutzwacht is but one way of preserving and restoring the natural Bavarian setting in its manifold splendor. The traditional concept of set- ting aside reserves is no longer sufficient in itself. Future emphasis will be placed on systematically planning the natural scenery and insuring interface with other special planning procedures of environmental significance. In this respect, Bavaria has already made sub- stantial progress. Its current "Natural Scenery Framework Program" sets up mandatory standards for all future projects which may affect the configu- ration of its land. Regional planning in this regard concretizes such prin- ciples, specifically determining which regions can no longer bear development pressure and which regions are suitable for further development. In environ- mental matters, as elsewhere, an ounce of prevention is certainly worth a pound of cure. []

Absurdit~ des emballages non-biod~gradables

Chaque europden utilise en moyenne 35 fi 85 Kg. de produits fi emballage non-biodegradable, et il est indeniable que l'emballage non consign6 est devenu trbs populaire. Le manque de legislation dans tous les pays fi ce sujet rend le probleme d'autant plus grave. Le ser- vice Environnement et Protection des Consommateurs de la Commission des Communaut~s europeennes a fait faire une etude technique, 6conomique et juridique des probl+mes poses par la collecte, l'dlimination et le recyclage des emballages non-biodegradables des produits de consommation. Le but de cette ~tude etait de determiner si pos- sible l'~tendue du probl~me, la l~gisla- tion en vigueur et en preparation dans les pays membres et les solutions en- visageables. Aucune directive n'a ce- pendant et6 preparee par la Commission

la suite de cette etude en vue de r& glementer le marche actuel et futur de l'emballage europeen. I1 est vrai que les structures de production, les choix et les pressions des industriels ont cr66 des priorites diffdrentes et particuli~res dans chaque pays. Si les structures de production et de consommation des pays membres dtaient harmonisees pour ces produits, il serait plus facile de concevoir des actions communes et de definir un ensemble de mesures pouvant satisfaire chacun des pays.

Dans son programme environnement 1977-1981 la Commission intensifie sa lutte contre le gaspillage. La directive du Conseil du 15 juillet 1975 relative aux dechets prevoyait 6galement "que les Etats membres.., informent la Com- mission.., de tout projet de reglementa- tion concemant: a) l'emploi des produits qui seraient source de diffi- cultes techniques d'61imination ou en- gendreraient des coots excessifs d'eli- mination; b) l 'encouragement de la di- minution des quantites de certains dechets ....

ll semble cependant que le probleme des emballages non-bioddgradables est assez important pour justifier ~ lui seul une directive visant fi trouver la solution ideale pour les Communaut~s europeennes. []

RT 137
