Contrôle de la pression artérielle : ce que nous apportent ... HTA nouvea… ·...


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Contrôle de la pression

artérielle : ce que nous

apportent les essais récents

Pr Xavier Girerd

Pôle Cœur Métabolisme

Unité de Prévention des Maladies Cardiovasculaires

Groupe Hospitalier Universitaire Pitié-Salpêtrière

Agadir, 21 mai 2016

Les essais récents avec une

baisse de la pression


published on November 9, 2015, at


published on November 9, 2015, at

Participants were required to meet all the following criteria: an age

of at least 50 years, a systolic blood pressure of 130 to 180 mm Hg,

and an increased risk of cardiovascular events.

Blood pressure characteristics

published on November 9, 2015, at

Efficacy on SBP in the intensive treatment group is obtained

with the addition of 1 antihypertensive drug on the drug list

The SPRINT Research Group* published on November 9, 2015, at



Cardiovascular prevention is demonstrated

after 1 year in favor of intensive treatment

The SPRINT Research Group* published on November 9, 2015, at

Heart failure and death from any cause is

prevented in intensive treatment group

The numbers needed to treat to prevent a primary outcome event, death from any

cause, and death from cardiovascular causes during the median 3.26 years of the trial

were 61, 90, and 172, respectively.

The SPRINT Research Group* published on November 9, 2015, at

Stroke is not significantly prevented in

intensive treatment group

The SPRINT Research Group* published on November 9, 2015, at

At 1 year, the mean SBP was 121.4 mm Hg in the intensive-treatment group and

136.2 mm Hg in the standard-treatment group, for an average difference of 14.8 mm

Hg. The mean DBP at 1 year was 68.7 mm Hg in the intensive- treatment group and

76.3 mm Hg in the standard-treatment group for an average difference of 7.6 mm Hg.

J Hypertens 25:959–964 Q 2007

-1.8 per 1000

-20 mmHg

Chaque mmHg compte !

J Hypertens 25:959–964 Q 2007

-0.5 per 1000

-20 mmHg

Chaque mmHg pour une PA basse

compte moins!












SBP change (mmHg) DBP change (mmHg) Stroke prevention (%)

Blood pressure and stroke prevention in











PRoFESS NEJM 2008;359. SPRINT Nov 9, 2015 PROGRESS Lancet 2001;284:465-471.

Intensive treatment contained tri-therapies

or more for 56% of patients

The SPRINT Research Group* published on November 9, 2015, at



« Lorsque vous avez à la consultation un

hypertendu âgé de plus de 50 ans (et pouvant

avoir plus de 75 ans), traité par une bithérapie, et

dont la PAS est à 140 mmHg (moyenne de 3

mesures obtenues avec un tensiomètre

électronique après 5 minutes de repos en position

assise), vous pouvez ajouter un médicament

antihypertenseur à votre prescription.»

«Traiter plus intensément 90 hypertendus

pendant 3,2 ans évite 1 décès».

Ce que SPRINT nous enseigne

The SPRINT Research Group* published on November 9, 2015, at

Causes of Death

The SPRINT Research Group* published on November 9, 2015, at

Serious adverse events of hypotension, syncope, electrolyte

abnormalities, and acute kidney injury or acute

renal failure, but not injurious falls or bradycardia,

occurred more frequently in the intensive treatment group

The SPRINT Research Group* published on November 9, 2015, at

April 2, 2016, at

Blood-Pressure Lowering in Intermediate Risk

Persons without Cardiovascular Disease (HOPE 3)

April 2, 2016, at

Blood-Pressure Lowering in Intermediate Risk

Persons without Cardiovascular Disease (HOPE 3)

April 2, 2016, at

Blood-Pressure Lowering in Intermediate Risk

Persons without Cardiovascular Disease (HOPE 3)

April 2, 2016, at

Blood-Pressure Lowering in Intermediate Risk

Persons without Cardiovascular Disease (HOPE 3)

April 2, 2016, at

Blood-Pressure Lowering in Intermediate Risk

Persons without Cardiovascular Disease (HOPE 3)

April 2, 2016, at

Blood-Pressure Lowering in Intermediate Risk

Persons without Cardiovascular Disease (HOPE 3)

April 2, 2016, at

La méta-analyse de Zanchetti

apporte une aide à la

compréhension du bénéfice

d’une baisse supplémentaire

de la pression artérielle

1. Overview, meta-analyses, and meta-regression analyses of randomized trials. J Hypertension 2014, 32:2285–2295

2. Effects at different baseline and achieved blood pressure levels - overview and meta-analyses of randomized trials.

J Hypertension 2014, 32:2296–2304

3. Effects in patients at different levels of cardiovascular risk - overview and meta-analyses of randomized trials.

J Hypertension 2014, 32:2305–2314

4. Effects of various classes of antihypertensive drugs - overview and meta-analyses. J Hypertension 2015, 33:195–


5 Effects of various classes of antihypertensive drugs – head to head comparisons of various classes of

antihypertensives drugs. J Hypertension 2015, 33:1321–1341

6. Effects of blood pressure-lowering treatment. Prevention of heart failure and new-onset heart failure – meta-

analyses of randomized trials. J Hypertension 2016, 34: 373-384

7. Effects of blood pressure lowering on outcome incidence in hypertension: Effects of more vs. less intensive blood

pressure lowering and different achieved blood pressure levels – updated overview and meta-analyses of randomized

trials. J Hypertension 2016, 34:613-22.

Effects of blood pressure lowering on outcome

incidence in hypertension Costas Thomopoulos, Gianfranco Parati, Alberto Zanchetti

Characteristics of the patients in the trials of more vs. less

intense blood pressure lowering included in the meta-analysis

J Hypertension 2016, 34:613-22.

Effects of more vs. less intense BP-lowering on stroke, heart

failure and cardiovascular death calculated as SBP reductions

from baseline -17mmHg for less and -25mmHg for more

intense lowering

J Hypertension 2016, 34:613-22.

Relative and absolute risk reduction of various outcomes in

trials comparing more intense with less intense BP lowering

J Hypertension 2016, 34:613-22.

Effects of BP lowering in trials of active treatment vs. placebo and more vs. less

intense treatment (considered together), stratified in three strata with mean SBP

achieved by active or more intense treatment vs. mean SBP achieved in the

placebo or less intense treatment

J Hypertension 2016, 34:613-22.

Les visites au cabinet médical doivent être mensuelles,

jusqu'à l'obtention de l'objectif tensionnel.

L'objectif tensionnel est d'obtenir une PAS comprise entre

130 et 139 mm Hg et une PAD < 90 mm Hg, y compris chez

les diabétiques et les patients avec maladies rénales.

L'objectif tensionnel sera confirmé par une mesure de la PA

en dehors du cabinet médical.

Après 80 ans, l’objectif est d’obtenir une PAS < 150 mm Hg,

sans hypotension orthostatique.

Presse Med. 2013;42(5):819–25.
