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Blackstock , Beau quinquagnaire , solide la calvitie naissante mais harmonieuse/lgante , tait l'un de ces heureux lus , que le destin avait sorti de * la misre la plus noir en Pologne sous domination sovitique pour lui offrir tous les avantages concrets (matrielles) les plus spectaculaire que pouvait apporter la russite aux USA. C'tait un dandy dont la garde-robe regorgeait de gilets brods et de cravates large , c'tait un homme loquent ( grand orateur ) dou dans l'art de raconter des plaisanteries , il semblait port par un optimisme et une bonne humeur tellement dbordant qu'il semblait man de lui une vritable aura. C'tait un homme plein de charme , il accomplissait pour ses patients , Sophie ou quiconque voulait bien regarder , des petits tours de magie et de passe passe astucieux. Au yeux de Sophie , * sa joie de vivre inpuisable , et ses plaisanterie cules/dsutes traduisaient une tel envie infantile d'tre aim qu'elle ne pouvait rellement s'en offusquer/ qu'elle ne pouvait en prendre ombrage. Et puis , malgr son humour un peu gros , c'tait la premire personne depuis des annes qui avait su la faire rire de bon coeur. Quant sa fortune , il n'y allait pas par quatre chemins.

* expression stony-broke = tre fauch comme les bls* high spirit = joie de vivre corny : pas trs original


Clotilde turned to the doctor : " Are you going to pull her through ?" the doctor dodged answering : " We'll soon be at the hospital ! We're nearly there."Was the ambulance , charging headlong into the night quicker/ faster than death ? In front of the emergency entrance , stretcher-bearers who had been alerted/warned , were waiting for the injured/wounded woman who they carried away at full speed , accompanied by the doctor running beside them. Clotilde had to fill in some documents , some forms , to complete her mother's admission ; she was kept waiting in the corridor. Adam arrive forty minutes later , he quickly inquired of the duty nurses how things , he gave his credit card to the cashier-officer then find himself in the corridor. He was wondering how he would be able to / could to run away/get away from paris on the following day/ as early as the next day. The situation was becoming critical , he was in the midst (middle of) a family dispute/ quarrel , kept on leash/on lead by a woman who had no qualms about seaking death in order to keep him. A nurse with rings under her eyes pass by/ went by and when asked a question refused to give any information. They had to wait for the doctors. he sat down next to clotilde , he had nothing to say to her / to tell her about so he fell back on small talk/ conventional formulairs.

beside + N besides duty nurses = infirmire de permanence as early as = ds (on peut mettre GN alors que as soon as on ne peut pas)who had no qualms about + v-ing
