Extrait du livre médecine tibétaine.doc


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  • 8/12/2019 Extrait du livre mdecine tibtaine.doc


    8. Arnebia benthamii ( Wall.ex G.Don)

    Family: Boraginaceae.Common name: Oxtongue/Benthams arnebiaHindi name: Ratanjot !ajari.

    Tibetan name: -GTibetan Phonetic: Dee"mog (Bri Mog)Description: It is an erect robust perennial herbaceous plant with stout rootstock coere! b" age!la"ers o# lea# bases an! !eep re!$ It is %& to '& c tall with woo!" seeral stes arising #ro therootstock$ *he leaes are light green narrow an! bristl" haire!$ *he +owers are re!-purple soetiespink-purple$ *he +owers turn blackish-purple when #ull" blooe! an! !roop !own !ue to oerloa! b"petals an! sepals$ *he #ruits are like long nutlets$Parts used:,oot$Taste & Power: weet to bitter tastes. cooling an! light /ualities$Medicinal uses:It treats bronchitis arious lung !iseases rapture o# capillaries !ue to the #oring o#pus or thickening o# bloo! stops oiting o# bloo! blee!ing #ro nose an! it helps to puri#" bloo! an!preents loss o# hair$Additional remarks0 *ibetans use it in ritual rites an! to ake cakes whilst per#oring religiouscereonies$ *he local inhabitants in high altitu!e areas use a re! !"e #ro the root to colour sweets an!#or cosetic purposes like lipstick 1 re!!ening o# the cheeks$

    Reason or red list inclusion: (223 1 *,433I5 In!ia) 5,- criticall" en!angere!$ (*M) 67- uni/ue1 nee!e!$

    !eo"raphic distribution0 *ibet bor!ers o# *ibet an! In!ia 8a!akh 4#ghanistan 9akistan 7epalan! 8ahual 1 piti o# :iachal 9ra!esh an! col! !r" !esert o# *rans-:iala"an belts$#atural Habitat:*he herb is coonl" #oun! in ero!e! areas a#ter snow has elte!$ It has a!apte!to ari! areas gorges liestone an! slates$ It grows in graell" groun! aongst !war# shrubs on openslopes #acing south$ *he root stock is strong enough to thrie in !r" regions$ It pre#ers growing in rock"slopes boul!ers rock le!ges an! !r" ari! areas$$ocations: 5ol! !eserts teperate regions$

    Altitudinal Ran"e:*he herb is #oun! at eleation in between ; at the en! o# autun$ :oweer the root withthick boar!e! la"ers o# brownish bark an! re! insi!e reains un!ergroun! een in harsh winter$%proutin" time: *he plant begins to sprout late spring an! earl" suer a#ter elting the snow athigh alpine altitu!es an! gets oist #or see! an! roots$Ri"ht time o "rowin": uer (?une to 4ugust)

    Flowerin" & Fruitin": Mi! ?ul" - epteber$'ptimal har(est time: *he ,oot is collecte! between 4ugust to epteber$ It ust be washe!properl" an! the outers reoe! then choppe! into pieces an! !rie! in the cool an! sha!e$Collection time o seed: *he see! is collecte! in autun a#ter +owering$

    Propa"ation: It is can be propagate! both b" see! an! egetatie etho!s$

    Tolerances:%alinity)*he herb is !oesn@t thrie in high salinit" areas$Heat)*he herb can tolerate the heat !espite growing in col! !r" ari! areas$Cold)*he root is strong an! tough an! reains un!ergroun! in col! winter but aerial parts o# the planta" be a>ecte! b" the col!$Acid soil)*he" are #airl" tolerant to aci! soil$Alkali soil)*he" also re/uire the alkaline soils #or their growth$


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    Rocky soil)*he plant !islikes rock" soil$ It grows in rock" cerices on the e!ge o# cli>s rock" le!ges an!ero!e! or weathering rocks$Hi"h altitude)*he herb #oun! in between ; er !ue to globalwaring an! ibalance in ecolog"$

    Disease) 7o !ata is aailable$

    %u""estion ormat or e-perimental plantin":$ocation) 4lpine !esert region 1 alpine ari! col! !esert regions$ ( 8a!kah 8ahul 1 piti alle")Climate) 4lpine ari! cliates.nitial Format:!reenhouse) ,eport suggests that see!s shoul! be sown in the spring in a greenhouse$ Gerinationusuall" takes place within

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    Description:*his plant is #oun! in the northern part o# 4ssa In!ia$ 4 herbaceous perennial plant withstrong rhioatous it is horiontall" growing with gol!en "ellow woo!" un!ergroun! rhioe bearingan" Jbrous threa!s an! when cut it is ilk"-white on the insi!e$ *he seeral stalks grow solitar" +owersat their tip$ *he leaes are !eep lobe! with oate-lanceolate$ *he +ower is sall in sie with a white-"ellowish tinge$ 3ruits hae an" see!e! #ollicles$Parts used: ,oots or rhioes$

    Taste & Power: Bitter to astringent tastes cooling /ualities$Medicinal uses: It treats against the !iarrhoea coon col!s contagious #eer in+aation o# theintestine an! poisoning$ It helps to with!raw out the serous +ui! #ro libs an! Koints an! to healwoun!s$

    Reason or red list inclusion: (223 1 *,433I5 In!ia) 5,- criticall" en!angere!$ (*M) 6,- uni/ue 1rare$

    !eo"raphic distribution0 *ibet (Lastern part o# *ibet +aul sa Ri an% &on ,ul) thebor!er o# *ibet an! In!ia- this plant is natie to the 7orthern #rontier o# 4ssa In!ia$#atural Habitat:*he plant grows in the sha!e an! on hill" slopes with !ap an! oist places$$ocations: 4lpine hill" regions b" the bor!er o# *ibet an! 4ssaAltitudinal Ran"e: *he herb is #oun! in between at the en! o# autun an! rhioes creepun!ergroun!$%proutin" time: *he egetatie begins to sprout in springtie$Ri"ht time o "rowin": uer 1 rain" season (Ma" - 4ugust)Flowerin" & Fruitin": Ma"-?ul"'ptimal har(est time:*he root is collecte! in the onths o# ?ul" an! 4ugust$ 4#ter proper washing theroot is choppe! into pieces an! the bark reoe! an! !rie!$Collection time o seed: *he #ruit or see! is collecte! when it is #ull" ature! or late autun$Propa"ation: It can be propagate! both b" see!s 1 egetatie etho!s$

    Tolerances:%alinity)*he plant is not #oun! in areas o# high salinit"$Heat)*his plant pre#ers sha!e an! grows in the !ap$Cold)*he herb grows in cool teperate regions an! it tolerates the col!$Acid soil)*he" are tolerant to aci! soil$Alkali soil) 6nknownRocky soil) 2hilst the herb grows on rocks it resists rock" soil$Hi"h altitude)*he herb is tolerates the range in -between ect b" insect or icro-bacteria$%u""estion ormat or e-perimental plantin":


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    $ocation)*eperate an! tropical with high rain#all areas (4ssa 4runachal 9ra!esh)Climate)*eperate as well as *ropical cliates.nitial Format:!reenhouse)*he report suggeste! that the see!s are best sown in a greenhouse as soon as it is ripe inan ericaceous copost$ eal the pot in a pol"thene bag until gerination takes place which is usuall"within N-O onths$ tore! see!s shoul! be sown as earl" in the "ear as possible$ 3our weeks col!

    stratiJcation a" be beneJcial$ 9rick out each see!ling into in!ii!ual pots or pol"thene bags when the"are large enough to han!le an! grow on in a sha!" part o# the greenhouse #or at least their Jrst winter$9lant the out in i!-4utun or in pring$%hadehouse) Curing the egetatie process in the nurser" the plant re/uires the partial sha!e$

    Protected "rowth strate"ies:+alled "arden) 2hilst keeping the nurser" be!s an! pol"-bags care shoul! be taken to aoi!!isturbances b" trespassers 1 anials$0ehind windbreaks) *he plante! shoots shoul! be place! behin! a win!break #or increase!protection$.n association with other plants)*his plant is er" uch associate! with #orest plants an! growsun!er trees an! aongst shrubs$

    .rri"ate or non)irri"ated: Both irrigate! an! non-irrigate! can appl"$

    1nd %ta"e FormatFlat areas)*he plant thries best in !ap #orests an! in wet an! +at alle"s$Rock "ardens)*he plant also nee!s rock gar!ens since it is #oun! aongst rocks in the #orests$Terraces) It is not #airl" a!apte! to terraces since it is not #oun! in terrace areas$Return to #ati(e)*he plant has "et to return its natie habitat$ 4ccor!ing to 223 1 *,433I5 In!iastatus it has becoe erge o# etinction$ It is #ortunate that the herb is plante! an! consere! in thenorth-east o# In!ia b" the local inhabitants an! 7GP$

    10. Dactlorhi-a hatagirea

    Family: Prchi!aceaeCommon name: :iala"an Marsh Prchi! Marsh Prchi!$otte% heath orchi%.Hindi name:i0as *anch Oule or alam *anja.

    Tibetan name: h9-QGTibetan Phonetic: Wang lug (%Bang"lag)Description: 4 herbaceous plant with N inches height natie to the terrestrial :iala"as$ *he orchi!has a curious pal-like tube$ Its *ibetan nae is 0ang lug so calle! because it resebles a huanhan! with Je tuberous$ *he present o# nuber o# tuberous shows the /ualit" o# the e!icine i$e$ onetwo to Je tubers the higher the nuber the better it is$*he robust lea#" ste@s leaes sheathing erectoblong-lanceolate$ 3lowers are spotte! ros"-purple an! ake up a !ense c"lin!rical terinal spike$ 3ruitsare elongate! capsules with innuerable pow!er-like see!s$ It is wi!el" cultiate! b" local people in hillso# piti 1 8ahual$Parts used: ,oot or tubers$Taste & Power:weet to astringent tastes war hea" an! oil" /ualities$Medicinal uses: It helps to strengthen the bo!" increase one@s li#espan clears sense organsreKuenates the lungsan! iproes #ertilit"$ It also acts as a tonic an! increases sper count$Reason or red list inclusion: (223 1 *,433I5 In!ia) 5,- criticall" en!angere!. (*M) 6,7-uni/ue rare 1 nee!e!$

    !eo"raphic distribution0 *ibet bor!ers 7epal ikki Bhutan Rashir 8a!akh 8ahual1 pitiGarwhal Roaon an! 6tta kashi lower regions o# the *rans-:iala"an belt$#atural Habitat:*he plant grows in the tiberline o# oist alpine an! sub-alpine regions in highaltitu!e areas an! grows in open slope ea!ows an! arshes aongst !war# plants where there is rich

    water an! pools streas an! springs$ oeties it is #oun! un!erneath a ,ho!o!en!ron sp$ on rocksan! shrubberies an! in !eep alle"s with rich loa soils an! pasture lan!s$$ocations: 4lpine an! sub-alpine teperate regions an! tiberlines$


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    Altitudinal Ran"e: *he herb can be #oun! at a range o#

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    *e"etati(e propa"ation:Tegetatie propagation through tuber !iision is /uitesuccess#ul$ all slices o# tuber een o# % sie with eristeatic tissues arereporte! to !eelop plantlets when plante! at =- c !epth N=N= c apart$ *he plantsraise! #ro tuber cuttings gie about %-' c tall plants with well-establishe! tubers an!roots a#ter one "ear$%hadehouse)Curing the egetatie process the nurser" a" nee! to be in the partial

    sha!e to ai! growth$Direct seedin")It can be propagate! b" !irect see!lings$

    Protected "rowth strate"ies:+all "arden)it is necessar" to set up the wall whilst the plant is kept in the nurser" toprotect it #ro anials an! trespassers$0ehind windbreaks) 2hilst in the nurser" it shoul! be behin! a win!break$.n association with other plants)*he orchi! is er" uch associate! with grasslan!an! !war# plants in high altitu!es$

    .rri"ate or non)irri"ated: Both irrigate! an! non-irrigate! can appl"$

    1nd %ta"e FormatFlat areas) It is well a!apte! to +at areas in !eep alpine alle"s high altitu!es areas inpiti alle"s an! cultiate! +at areas$Rock "ardens)*he plant is well associate! with rock soils an! especiall" pebbles an!san! with suScient oistures$Terraces) *he plant can be cultiate! on terraces with well-!raine! soils an! slopp"areas$Return to #ati(e)*he plant has not "et been returne! to its natie habitat$ :oweeraccor!ing to 223 1 *,433I5 In!ia status it has becoe on erge o# etinction an! localpeople in high altitu!es areas beliee this plant is !ecreasing in nuber an! it is er"iportant to consere an! cultiate it an! it is not too late to !o so$


    11) 'ar%ostachs jatamansi C5$

    Family: TalerianaceaeCommon name:?ataansi pikenar! Musk ,oot In!ian 7ar! In!ian pikenar!$Hindi name:?ataansi

    Tibetan name: Ut9-UtHTibetan Phonetic:$ang $os (s*ang"s*os)Description: 4n herbaceous perennial plant with strong rootstock$ *he rhioes hae athick coer a bun!le re!!ish brown Jbers with a strong #ragrant$ *hese Jbrous roots arerolle! into a plaite! ass #or which hae a pleasant o!our$ *he leaes are ii! lightgreen elliptic-lanceolate spathulate at stalk or collar o# the root$ *he +ower is rose-purpleor pinkish white to whitish in !ense hea!s borne in terinal clusters$ *he plant is one o#the ost attractie alpine plants in the :iala"an belt$Parts used: 2hole plant$Taste & Power:Bitter taste. cooling coarse an! light /ualities$Medicinal uses: It treats #or chronic #eer poison associate! with hot !isor!er spleen!isor!er pathogenic !iseases an! anti-swellings$

    Reason or red list inclusion: (223 1 *,433I5 In!ia) 5,- criticall" en!angere!$ (*M)6,7- uni/ue rare 1 nee!e!$

    !eo"raphic distribution: *he species is en!eic to :iala"an ountains o# *ibetbor!ers o# *ibet an! In!ia 7epal Bhutan ikki Rashir 6ttra Rarshi an! GarwhalRuoan Chaula!har ranges :iachal 9ra!esh o# 8ahul 1piti an! lower wet *rans-

    :iala"ans belts$#atural Habitat: *he herb is #oun! in open slopes with relatie hui! areas o# highalpines aong rock" ountains rock le!ges tro!!en rock cli>s banks o# streas in


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    high ountains aongst grass" lan! an! hills o# rich pasture ea!ows an! grainggroun!s o# alpine rich bushes an! rich ea!ow" regions$$ocations: 4lpine cool teperate regions$Altitudinal Ran"e:*he herb #oun! at eleation o# ;=&& to =&&&$a$s$l$

    Propa"ation and mana"ement

    %oil:*his aroa plant pre#ers rich huus (hea") loa (e!iu) an! san! (light) in highteperate regions with relatie hui! an! oisture leels$ It pre#ers the sha!e an! thenorthern slopes o# ountains$Climatic reuirements: 4lpine cool cliates$%easonality: 9erennial herb$ *he aerial parts o# the plant !ie in earl" winter an! therootstocks reain un!ergroun! !uring winter #or net "ear egetation$%proutin" time: It begins to sprout in late spring or suer a#ter snow has elte! inthe high altitu!es$Ri"ht time o "rowin": uer to Monsoon (Ma" to 4ugust)Flowerin" & Fruitin":?ul" 1 4ugust. epteber'ptimal har(est time: *he entire herb is collecte! in the onths o# 4ugust an!epteber$ 4#ter washing an! clearing o> the stick" resinous Jbrous an! bear!e! roots itis then !rie! in a sha!e! an! cool place$

    Collection time o seed:*he see!s are er" tin" an! are collecte! a#ter #ull" ature!an! ripene!$

    Propa"ation: It can be propagate! both b" see!s an! egetatie etho!s$

    Tolerances:%alinity) Mansi is not grown in areas o# high salinit" since it pre#ers rich oistures an!well-!raine! soil$Heat) It is not tolerant to heat$Iit is coonl" #oun! in cool areas o# sha!e whereountain eposure is to the north$Cold)*he herb is resistant to the col! since it grows in alpine cool areas$Acid soil) 6nknownAlkali soil) 7o !ata is aailable to resistant alkali soil$Rocky soil) "es it grows on rock" areas as long as there is suScient oistureHi"h altitude)*his herb is tolerant to a range o# ;=&& to =&&&$a$s$l$Dryness)*he herb is not resistant to !r"ness an! re/uires oisture an! wetness in itshabitats$Humidity)*he herb is tolerant to relatie hui!it" in col! teperate regions$Hi"h calcium boron or iron) 7o !ata is aailable to its resistance o# calciu boron oriron$ :oweer it contains olatile essential oil sugar resin starch an! gu in itscheical constituents$

    *ulnerabilities:Frost)*he rootstocks reain un!ergroun! in winter but the aerial parts a" be a>ecte!b" #rost$

    %un)*he herb is not ulnerable to sun but it pre#ers sha!e "et it nee!s suScient sun #orits growth$+ind) 7o !ata is aailable but it a" be a>ecte! b" strong win!s$+ildlie) Cata reports that soe wil! li#e has been #oun! eating this plant !ue to itssweetness an! its #ragrance$Drou"ht)*his herb su>ers in !rought areas$Too much rain)*his herb nee!s rain in alpine teperate regions$,nseasonable weather e(ents) 7o !ata is aailable in this regar! howeer it a" be!ue to global waring 1 shrinking o# ecos"stes$

    %u""estion ormat or e-perimental plantin":$ocation) 4lpine cool teperate areas (,othang Marhi Rull alle"s an! Chaula!harountains)

    Climate) 4lpine cool teperate cliates$.nitial Format:


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    %owin" method: ee! are best sown in a col! #rae as soon as it is ripens$ *he see!sre/uire light #or gerination$!reenhouse) 9rick out the see!ling into in!ii!ual po!s or be!s when the" are largeenough to han!le an! grow the in the greenhouse #or the Jrst winter plant out in latespring or earl" suer$%hadehouse)*he herb pre#ers the sha!e an! cool an! it a" re/uire the sha!ehouse

    be#ore transplantation to the Jel!s$

    Protected "rowth strate"ies:+all "arden) 2hilst in the nurser" the !elicate parts o# plant are care! #or b" installing a wall to protectit #ro trespasser 1 wil!li#e$0ehind windbreaks)*he herb nee!s its shoots an! !elicate parts protecte! #ro torrential win!s$.n association with other plants) It is coonl" associate! with grass" pastures rich pastureea!ow areas rununculaceae #ail" an! !war# plants$.rri"ate or non)irri"ated: It can be both irrigate! an! non-irrigate!$ *he plant thries in !r" an! ari!lan!$

    1nd %ta"e FormatFlat areas)*he herb pre#ers to grow in the +at areas o# hill" alle"s an! banks o# streas an! rierbe!sin alpine areas$Rock "ardens) It also thries aongst sall stones an! pebbles in arsh" areas$Terraces)*he herb pre#ers to grow in the open slopes o# ountains with the suppl" o# oisture in soils$Return to #ati(e)*he herb has not "et been returne! to its natie habitat$ 4ccor!ing to 223 1*,433I5 In!ia status it is on the erge o# etinction$ 8ocal inhabitants hae eperience! a !ecline inthe nuber o# plant species$ It is uch a!ise! to consere it in the wil!$


    12. aussurea costus/la$$a 5$B$ 5larke

    Family: 4steraceae

    Common name: 3uth costus.Hindi name: 3uth 3ur.

    Tibetan name: WX-!HTibetan Honetic: Ru a (Ru"ra)Description: *his is a robust erect herbaceous perennial plant with a stout an! thick+esh" root$ It has a brownish bark an! a white interior an! an annual stalk height o#

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    an! oist areas because the plant re/uires hui!it"$ *he roots are tough an! strong an!thrie een in etreel" low teperatures an! #rost$ *he plant pre#ers rich loa soil witha light aount o# san! but a inute salt contents$ *he high rain#all is har#ul to thegrowth o# plants$ 9reiousl" local inhabitants in 8ahul 1 piti cultiate! etensiel"howeer in recent "ears the" cultiate ore cash crops instea! o# Ru a !ue to !ean!#ro the cities$

    $ocations: 4lpine cool teperate regionsAltitudinal Ran"e:*his herb is #oun! at eleations o#

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    $ocation) 4lpine cool teperate areas (8a!akh 8ahul 1 piti Rullu alle"s CarKeelingan! west Gharts )Climate) 5ool 1 alpine teperate cliates$.nitial Format:%owin" methods: ee!s are best sown in a col! #rae as soon as it is ripens$ *he see!are sown in earl" spring in the #orat o# rows in pol"houses pol"thene bags an! see!

    tra"s proi!es suScient water$!reenhouse) 9rick out the see!ling into in!ii!ual pots be! an! tra"s an! grow the inthe greenhouse be#ore transplant in Jel!s$%hadehouse) *he sha!ehouse helps its growth b" blocking it #ro har#ul ra!iationsthus increasing gerination$Direct seedin") Cirect see!ing can be !one$Protected "rowth strate"ies:+all "arden)*he plant pre#ers to grow in alle"s an! a walle! gar!en assists to protectthe trespassers an! entering o# wil! anials$0ehind windbreaks) win!breaks shoul! be establishe! to protect it #ro stor" win!s$.n association with other plants)*his herb is associate! with sall shrubs an! !war#plants$

    .rri"ate or non)irri"ated: It can be both irrigate! an! non-irrigate!$

    1nd %ta"e FormatFlat areas)*he herb is better a!apte! to +at areas in !eep hill" alle"s an! slopesRock "ardens)*he plant re/uires the iture o# rocks an! loa #or its egetationprocess$Terraces) *he herb is er" coonl" #oun! in terraces in the hill" regions an! theseproi!e !rainage #or the soil an! a constant suppl" o# waters an! oistures$Return to #ati(e)*his herb has not "et been returne! to the natie howeer accor!ingto 223 1 *,433I5 In!ia status it has becoe on the erge o# etinction$ *he plant nee!sto be consere! an! cultiate! in the wil!$

    VVV14. Acorus calamus 8$

    Family: 4raceaeCommon name: weet- 3lag calaus sweet rootHindi name:Bach Gorbach Tacha

    Tibetan name: YZ-hG-G-/HTibetan Phonetic: hu %an nag $o(hu"Dag 'ag *o)Description: *his is a sei-a/uatic perennial herbaceous plant with a strong "ellowcreeping rootstock or rhioatous an! a strong aroa$ *he rhioes creep an! !i>useun!ergroun!$ Puter rootstocks are light brown an! white an! spong" on the insi!e$8eaes are bright green ascen!ing an! erect an! are swor! shape! with an acute aperesebling rice$ 3lowers are pale green an! !ensel" packe! in sessile c"lin!rical raceesin+orescence$ 3ruits are oblong with enclose! +esh" capsules$Parts used: ,oots or ,hioes$Taste & Power: 9ungent to hot taste war light an! coarse /ualities$Medicinal uses: It is beneJcial to the treatent o# poor !igestie heat o# stoachin!igestion treats #or in#ectious !ue to swelling hoarseness or in#ectious o# throat !ue toswelling (Ciphtheria) swelling an! coa !ue to s'ing "r!ung(heart !isor!er relate! withr8ung) an! #ainting$

    Reason or red list inclusion:( 223 1 *,433I5 In!ia) 5,- 5riticall" en!angere!$ (*M)67-uni/ue 1 nee!e!$


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    !eo"raphic distribution0 *ibet lower an! thick #orests o# *ibet Bhutan ikki 7epalRashir Ruoan Grawhal :iachal 9ra!esh lower ountains o# Chaula!har an! the#oothills o# *rans-:iala"an belts$#atural Habitat: *he plant grows on the si!e o# sall lakes or pon!s #oothills o# trans-:iala"ans arsh" oist place ostl" #oun! in u!!" an! swap" areas an! it is asei-a/uatic herb an! re/uires ore u!!" soils$ *he rhioes ostl" thrie in water

    bo!ies in ea!ows with pools an! pon!s but it can also surie the harsh winter o# the*rans-:iala"ans$$ocations: 4lpine regions with o!erate cliate$Altitudinal Ran"e: *he herb is #oun! at an eleation o#

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    pieces an! plante!$ *he separate rhioe pieces are plante! at a spacing o# ;&;&c an! a !epth o#%c in the onth o# ?ul" an! 4ugust$!reenhouse) ,eports suggest that see!s are best sown in a col! #rae as soon as it is ripe$ tan! thepot in about ;c o# water$ 9ot up "oung see!lings as soon as the" are large enough to han!le keepthe wet b" stan!ing the pots in shallow water an! keep the oer winter o# the Jrst "ear in agreenhouse or col! #rae$

    %hadehouse) the plant is sei-a/uatic an! pre#ers to grow in the sha!e$ *here#ore a sha!ehouse isnee!e! #or its growth$

    Protected "rowth strate"ies:+all "arden)*he "oung shoots an! rhioes hae to be care! #or while in nurser" an! the" nee! tobe protecte! #ro anials an! huans$0ehind windbreaks)*he win!break assists "oung shoots b" protecting the #ro strong win! an!terrestrial an! win!" stors$.n association with other plants)*he plant is ostl" associate! with grass that grows in pools an!water bo!ies an! it er" uch associate! with a/uatic plants$

    .rri"ate or non)irri"ated: It can be both irrigate! an! non-irrigate!$

    1nd %ta"e FormatFlat areas) pre#ers to be in sei-a/uatic places an! ostl" grows in +at areas water bo!ies an! u!an! swap" areas$ It also re/uires pools an! pon!s$Rock "ardens) It also likes rock gar!ens which has abun!ant water sources$Terraces)*he plant is not grown on terraces since it is unable to retain the water an! nee!s #re/uentoisture$Return to #ati(e) *he plant has not "et to returne! to the naties howeer accor!ing to 223 1*,433I5 In!ia the plant is criticall" en!angere!$ Curing Jel! ecursions we #oun! that it is abun!ant inan" parts o# the #oothills o# *rans-:iala"a an! is well a!apte! to the wil!$

    N%$Gentiana algi%a pall

    Family: GentiianaceaeCommon name: ierra alpine gentian

    Tibetan name: Ut9-MHTibetan Phonetic:$ang " ga (s*ang rGan)Description: 4 perennial sall herbaceous plant with thin roots$ It has a sall an! shorterect ste with green leaes$ 3lowers grow solitaril"- the" are white bell-shape! with Jesepal petals which enclose the staens an! pistils o# oaries$ 3ruits contain tin" #ragilesee!s$Parts used: 3lowers or entire$Taste & Power: Bitter. cooling /ualities$Medicinal uses: It is e>ectie against poison associate! with hot !isor!er epi!eicrelates with hot throat in#ectious bronchitis or in#ectious o# lungs clear blockage o# oiceor hoarseness o# the throat coughing an! #re/uent an! ecess sputu$

    Reason or red list inclusion:( 223 1 *,433I5 In!ia) 5,- criticall" en!angere!$ (*M)6,7- uni/ue rare 1 nee!e!$

    !eo"raphic distribution0 *ibet 7epal an! ikki an! inner step o# 8a!akh an! *rans-:iala"an belts$#atural Habitat:*his sall alpine herb grows in lines between snow an! ea!ow lan!o# high ountains$ 4#ter snow has elte! the egetation o# this herb is er" short an! itgrows in the late season$ *he tra!itional *ibetan herbalist sa"ing g,a" mo" thang is $lanteans the whole egetation o# alpine plants !ies o> when s*ang rGanbegins to sprout$*he s*ang rGan grows in cool teperate regions o# ea!ows aong the tin" grasses

    an! graels which are rich in loa an! lie soils with watere! ea!ows$ *his planttolerates harsh cool an! low teperature cliates$$ocations: 4lpine 1 teperate region$


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    Altitudinal Ran"e: *he herb #oun! at eleation o# % %&& to = !uring autun

    an! roots reain un!ergroun! in wintertie$%proutin" time: In high altitu!es this plant begins to sprout at suer a#ter the snowas in between snow be!s an! ea!ow$Ri"ht time o "rowin": uer an! earl" autun$ (Ln! o# 4ugust an! earl"epteber)$Flowerin" & Fruitin": Ln! o# epteber$'ptimal har(est time:*he 3lowers are collecte! !uring the onths o# ?ul" an! 4ugust$*he" are cleane! b" reoing the !irt an! grass an! then !rie! in cool places$ oetie both ste an! +ower are collecte! an! ashe! roughl" an! !rie!$Collection time o seed: ee!s are collecte! !uring the autun though this is a!iSlcut task since the see!s are er" sall$Propa"ation: It can be propagate! both b" see!ling 1 egetatie etho!s$

    Tolerances:%alinity)*he herb !oes not like areas o# high salinit"Heat)*his plant has a short egetation perio! in the wil! an! it pre#ers to grow in areaso# o!erate sun an! heat intensit"$Cold)*he herb tolerates the col!$Acid soil)It tolerates aci! since it grows in rich lie soil$Alkali soil) 7o !ata is aailableRocky soil)*he herb is #oun! in rock" soil an! lie but it resists rock soils$Hi"h altitude)*he herb is tolerant o# a range o# eleation o# %%&& to =;&& $a$s$lDryness)*he herb coul!n@t tolerate !r"ness an! it re/uires a rich suppl" o# water$Humidity)*he herb !oes not grow in hui! areas$Hi"h calcium boron or iron) 7o !ata is aailable$

    *ulnerabilities:Frost)*he herb thries in the cool an! is not ulnerable to #rost$%un)It nee!s optial sun but it ight be ulnerable to the strong intensit" o# the sun@sra!iations$+ind)*he stor" win!s a" a>ect ten!er aerial parts$+ildlie) 7o !ata is aailableDrou"ht):erb is er" uch a>ecte! b" !rought$Too much rain)*he herb grows in lower rain#all an! too uch rain a" a>ect it$,nseasonable weather e(ents) Global waring a" a>ect its growth$

    %u""estion ormat or e-perimental plantin":$ocation) 4lpine cool teperate areas (aboe ,othang an! Marhi passes col! teperate

    regions)Climate) 5ool alpine teperate cliate.nitial Format:%owin" methods:ee!s are best sown in a col! #rae$!reenhouse) *he see!lings shoul! be in in!ii!ual pots in the greenhouse #or bettergrowth o# plants$ 4#ter the" hae !eelope! the" shoul! be trans#erre! to Jel!s$%hadehouse)*he herb pre#ers to grow in the sha!e$Protected "rowth strate"ies:+all "arden)3or better growth the plant re/uires walle! gar!ens to protect it #rotrespassers an! anials$0ehind windbreaks)2hile in the nurser" the plant shoul! be protecte! #ro win!s.n association with other plants)*he herb is er" uch associate! with sall pasturegrasses 1 ea!ow" grass$

    .rri"ate or non)irri"ated:It can be both irrigate! an! non-irrigate!$


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    1nd %ta"e FormatFlat areas)*he herb grows on the +at to proi!e it with rich water an! well-!raine! soilsbut it is also o#ten #oun! in slope areas$Rock "ardens) It grows aongst sall pebbles$Terraces)*he herb is ostl" #oun! in terrace! sitesReturn to #ati(e) *he herb has not "et returne! to the natie howeer the ww#

    strateg" sa"s it is a critical an! en!angere! plant$ 4lso accor!ing to *ibetan e!icaliews it is on the erge o# etinction an! a conseration an! cultiation strateg" shoul!be initiate! be#ore it gets etinct #ro the wil!$

    15. *re-0als5ia tangutica. Mai$

    Family: SolanaceaeCommon name:

    Tibetan name: #9-"-h.W-/HTibetan Phonetic: hang tom 5ar $o (hang "*hrom %3ar"*o)Description: 4 perennial herbaceous plant with a large thick an! so#t +esh" root$ It has seeral erect

    stes branche! an! arising #ro the root$ *he leaes are thick !ark green$ 4 solitar" aillar" rises #rothe collar o# the root an! is a "ellowish green with !ark tinge an! has Je petals$ 3ruits are in a sack-likethick capsule with a nuber o# wrinkle! ri!ges on the outer sur#aces$Parts used: ,oot 1 ee!$Taste & Power: weet to bitter. cooling. coarse an! sharp /ualities$Medicinal uses: In general it@s e>ectie against the in#ectious !iseases cause! b" pathogens as wellas hoarseness or swelling o# throat$ It is also e>ectie against pathogenic sinusitis (2hite or blackama)an! it treats #or arious ring an! hook wors o# stoach an! intestine$ It also Jghts against !entalan! testicular !isor!er an! ipotenc"$

    Reason or red list inclusion:( 223 1 *,433I5 In!ia) 5,- criticall" en!angere!$ (*M) 6- uni/ue$!eo"raphic distribution0 *ibet Rashir Bhutan ikki an! *rans-:iala"an regions$#atural Habitat:*he plant is coonl" #oun! near theruins o# houses cattle enclosures with rich

    natural #ertiliers near gar!ens e!ges o# Jel!s where there is rich o# anures$ It is particularl" coonin cattle-she!s an! steppe pastures$$ocations:*eperate regions$Altitudinal Ran"e:*he herb #oun! at eleation o# ;=&& to %=&& $a$s$l$

    Propa"ation and mana"ement%oils: *he herb pre#ers to grow in rich loa soil (hea") anures (copost or !eca" stu>s) an! itre/uires the pastoral lan!s an! #ertile areas with suScient oistures$Climatic reuirements:*eperate cliates$%easonality: 9erennial plant$ *his plant@s egetation perio! is short at about three onths$ 4erial parts!ie o> in autun an! root reains un!ergroun!$%proutin" time: It begins to sprout spring an! earl" suer in high altitu!es areas a#ter elting thesnow$Ri"ht time o "rowin": uer (?une to 4ugust)Flowerin" & Fruitin": uer 1 4utun$'ptimal har(est time:*he #ruits howeer are collecte! in 4ugust an! epteber when the see! is#ull" ripene!$ *he roots are collecte! between epteber an! Pctober the" are cleanl" washe! roughl"cut an! !rie! in the sun to aoi! !eca"ing$Collection time o seed: *he see!s are collecte! !uring earl" autun when the" are #ull" ripene!$

    Propa"ation: It can be propagate! through both b" see!ling 1 up rooting$

    Tolerances:%alinity)*he plant !oes not tolerate high salinit" leels$Heat)*he plant !oes not tolerate the heat an! it grows aongst pasture an! cattle she!s which proi!e

    the oisture$Cold) It resists the col! since its root is strong an! it grows in high altitu!es$Acid soil) 7o !ata is aailable$


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    Alkali soil) 6nknown$Rocky soil) It can be tolerates rock soil an! it grows in aongst rocks an! san!$Hi"h altitude)*he herb is tolerant o# a range o# ;=&& to %=&& $a$s$l$Dryness)*he plant !oes not tolerate !r"ness$Humidity) It grows in er" low hui! areas$Hi"h calcium boron or iron) 7o !ata is aailable$

    *ulnerabilities:Frost)*he plant is not ulnerable to #rost !ue to its strong roots$%un)*he plant nee!s optial sun+ind) a" be strong an! stor win!$+ildlie) oe !oestic anials such a goats enKo" eating this plant$Drou"ht)*he plant is ulnerable to !rought$Too much rain) the plant grows in !r" places an! not in habitats with hea" rain#all areas$,nseasonable weather e(ents) 7o !ata are aailable the plant is ulnerable b" weather eentshoweer the recent trenche! o# global waring an! cliate changes a" be ulnerable to plant$Disease) 7o !ata is aailable$

    %u""estion ormat or e-perimental plantin":

    $ocation) *eperate regions (8a!akh 1 ikki an! Rullu alle"s)$Climate) *eperate an! sub-tropical cliates$.nitial Format:%owin" methods: ee!s are best sown in a col! #rae an! as soon as it is ripe it shoul! receieanure$!reenhouse) 3or the better growth o# plant it nee!s to be protecte! an! so a greenhouse is a!isable$%hadehouse)*he plant a" re/uire a sha!ehouse$Direct seedlin") Criect see!ing can be !one but in a greenhouse the plant will grow #aster an! sa#er$Protected "rowth strate"ies:+all "arden)*he "oung shoot o# the plant nee!s to be taken care an! a wall gar!en is a goo! wa" toprotect it #ro trespassers an! anials$0ehind windbreaks)*he strong win! an! uneen weather a" a>ect the plant$.n association with other plants)*he plant is associate! with rich pasture grasses$

    .rri"ate or non)irri"ated: It can be both irrigate! an! non-irrigate!$

    1nd %ta"e FormatFlat areas) *he plant pre#ers to grow in +at high altitu!e areas with rich loa soilsRock "ardens) 5oonl" #oun! aong rocks an! san!" places an! it re/uires the rock gar!en$Terraces) It can be grown in terracesReturn to #ati(e) *he plant has not "et returne! to the natie but accor!ing to 223 the plant iscriticall" en!angere! an! this plant shoul! be consere! an! presere! in the wil!$

    16. 7rittillaria rolei

    Family: 8iliaceae

    Common name: :iala"an 3ritillar" [he bei uHindi name: Rakoli

    Tibetan name: \-]^-_ -h-/HTibetan Phonetic:Ah "bi "5ha (A"Bhi"3ha)Description: 4 perennial herbaceous plant which has strong bulb roots with ariousla"ers an! bear!e! rootlets in its base$ It is soetie #oun! in watere! screes aongstsall shrubs$ It has an erect an! straight brownish ste with hollow insi!e tin" black!ots coes #ro base o# bulb roots$ 8eaes are green long narrow linear-lancelike o#tenlong-pointe! opposite the ste resebling Ra" nne.*he +ower has Je petals an!contains staens an! pistils$ 3ruits resebleA"Ru rahaing +esh" parts$Parts used: ,oot lea# an! #ruit$Taste & Power: weet to slightl" bitter cooling /ualities$Medicinal uses:

    *he entire herb is e>ectie #or healing #ractures o# the crania an! it isalso e>ectie against anti-!ote! to poison$ 9articularl" leaes can be use! as treatent#or chu ser(l"phatic !isor!er) an! #ruits reliee hea!aches$


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    Reason or red list inclusion:(223 1 *,433I5 In!ia) 5,- criticall" en!angere!$ (*M)not that uch use$

    !eo"raphic distribution0 *ibet 9akistan 7epal Bhutan ikki$ Ruoa Grawhal:iachal 9ra!esh an! *rans-:iala"an regions$

    #atural Habitat: *his herb grows aongst rocks screes ea!ows rich pasture lan!an! graing groun!s$ It is also a!apte! to arsh" ea!ow" places open slopeountains aong shrubs an! coonl" #oun! in rock" areas with watere! regions o#alpines an! in the sall Jel!s ai!st o# potentilla sp an! ,o!o!en!ron sp$ an! openalpine ountain an! hill" alle"s$$ocations: ub-4lpine to 4lpine *eperate regions$Altitudinal Ran"e: *he herb is #oun! at eleations o# in earl" autun an! bulbous roots reain un!ergroun!$%proutin" time:*his plant begins to sprout in spring or earl" suer a#ter eltingsnow in sub-alpine an! alpine regions$Ri"ht time o "rowin": uer 1 Monsoon (?une to 4ugust)Flowerin" & Fruitin":?une to ?ul". 4ugust to epteber$'ptimal har(est time: *he whole plant is collecte! !uring the onths o# ?ul" an!epteber cleane! an! washe! an! then !rie!$Collection time o seed: *he see!s are collecte! in autun or when the #ruits hae#ull" ature! an! then the see!s are collecte! in the wil!$

    Propa"ation: It can be propagate! both b" see!ling an! egetatie etho!s$

    Tolerances:%alinity)*he plant !islikes high leels o# salinit"$Heat)*he egetation perio! o# this herb is er" short an! heat a" a>ect the herb$ Itpre#ers the sei-sha!e an! woo!lan!$Cold)*he plant tolerates the col!Acid soil)*he plant tolerates aci! soil$Alkali soil) *he plant grows in basic alkali soil- scientiJc ei!ence an! !ata reportssuggest that the plant contains alkaloi!s$Rocky soil)*he plant likes rock" soil$Hi"h altitude)*he herb tolerates a range o# ecte! b" !r"ness$Humidity)*he herb is resistant to relatie hui!it"$

    Hi"h calcium boron or iron) 7o !ata is aailable*ulnerabilities:Frost )*he aerial parts o# the plant !o not tolerate #rost an! re/uire protection #ro #rostan! particularl" the see!s$ *he root reains un!ergroun! een in harsh winter in alpineregions$%un)*he strong intensit" o# the sun a>ects #ragile parts o# the plant$+ind) trong win!s a" a>ect its growth$+ildlie) oe reports suggest that wil! #auna woul! attack the plant !ue to its#ragrance$Drou"ht) It pre#ers sei-oist soil- it is ulnerable to !rought$Too much rain)*he plant !oes not grow in areas o# hea" rain#all$,nseasonable weather e(ents) 7o !ata is aailable

    Disease) 7o !ata is aailable

    %u""estion ormat or e-perimental plantin":


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    $ocation) 4lpine cool teperate regions (8ower -*rans-:iala"ans Rull alle"s ikkian! 6ttra 9ra!eshi in Ruoan areas)Climate) 5ool teperate cliate$.nitial Format:%owin" method:ee! - best sown as soon as is ripe in a col! #rae an! it shoul!gerinate in the spring$ 9rotect #ro #rost$ tore! see! shoul! be sown as soon as

    possible an! it can take a "ear or ore to gerinate$ ow the see! /uite thinl" to aoi!the nee! to prick out the see!lings$ *he !ata reports that once the" hae gerinate!gie the an occasional li/ui! #ee! to ensure that the" !o not su>er ineral !eJcienc"$Pnce the" !ie !own at the en! o# their secon! growing season !ii!e up the sall bulbsplanting < - ; in each 'c !eep pot$!reenhouse),eports suggest that one shoul! grow the #or at least another "ear inlight sha!e in the greenhouse be#ore planting the out whilst !orant$ Ciision o# o>setsin 4ugust$ *he larger bulbs can be plante! out !irect into their peranent positions but itis best to pot up the saller bulbs an! grow the on in a col! #rae #or a "ear be#oreplanting the out in the autun$%hadehouse)4 sha!e house woul! ai! growth$Direct seedlin")*he !irect see!ling is possible$

    Protected "rowth strate"ies:+all "arden)*he wall gar!en helps protect the plant$0ehind windbreaks) 2in!breaks are use#ul in assisting the plant with growing since ito>ers it protection #ro strong win!$.n association with other plants) *his herb is coonl" associate! with,ho!o!en!ron spp an! 9otentilla spp an! ,anunculaceae #ailies$.rri"ate or non)irri"ated: It can be both irrigate! an! non-irrigate!$

    1nd %ta"e FormatFlat areas) *he herb pre#ers +at ea!ows an! rich pasture areas in alpine area nearpools an! water bo!ies$Rock "ardens) It re/uires rock gar!ens$

    Terraces)*he herb can also grow in terraces$Return to #ati(e)*his plant has not "et to returne! to the natie$ :oweer accor!ingto 223 1 *,433I5 In!ia the herb is criticall" en!angere! an! care shoul! be taken #orconseration in the wil!$
