MPA Campaign Vote 2016 Candidate Questionnaire



The 2016 candidate questionnaire for the left-leaning Maine People's Alliance.

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MPA Campaign Vote! Candidate Questionnaire

565 Congress St. Suite 200, Portland, ME 04101

Questions: (207) 797-0967

All responses to questions on policy positions may be made public. All questions refer to state-level policy.

Name: Running For: House/Senate District: Party:

Street Address: Town

Best Phone Number: Best Email Address:

Our Vision No Unsure Yes

1. Do you support the current citizen’s initiative to incrementally raise the minimum wage to $12/hr by 2020, index it to cost of living, and gradually increase the minimum wage for tipped workers until there is one fair minimum wage for all workers?

2. Do you support making health care a human right through a single-payer healthcare system?

3. Do you support fully funding pre-K through 12 public education by establishing a 3% surcharge on income over $200,000?

4. Do you support debt-free higher education at our public colleges and universities?

5. Do you support universal paid family and medical leave?

6. Do you support universal childcare and homecare for seniors and people with disabilities by removing the loophole that exempts income over $118,500 from Social Security payroll taxes?

7. Do you support accepting federal funds to provide MaineCare to over 70,000 people, especially to address substance use disorder?

8. Do you support investing in solar energy, through policies like LD 1649 considered this year?

9. Do you support investments in Maine's local foods economy, such as for food hubs and other infrastructure?

10. Do you support state funding for municipal immigrant integration centers?

11. Do you support ranked choice voting?

12. Do you support fully funding the 2015 Clean Elections reform passed by voters?

13. Do you support closing loopholes that let corporations hide income in off-shore tax havens?

14. Do you support expanding the HOME fund by increasing the real-estate transaction tax on properties worth more than a million dollars?

15. Do you support access to safe, legal abortions through public insurance programs like MaineCare?

16. Do you support legislation that prevents employers from inquiring about applicants’ criminal records if the crime is not relevant to the position?

17. Do you support requiring insurers to cover transition-related health care for Mainers who are transgender?

18. Do you support General Assistance for asylum seekers?

19. Do you support eliminating a legal status requirement for driver’s licenses?

20. Do you support taking legislative action to undo the administrative changes Gov. LePage made to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program that caused Mainers to lose food assistance?

Previous public offices held and when: Clean Election Candidate? Y / N Maine People’s Alliance Member? Y / N Campaign Website:

Even when people share values, they can disagree. How can we work together, even when disagreements arise?

What do you consider to be the role of government in society, and why do you want to be a part of it?

What is the single most important challenge facing individuals and families in Maine?

Is there anything else you’d like to tell us?
