Stage 2A : Soutenance



Stage 2A : Soutenance. Le cadre du stage Le lieu L’entreprise Les objectifs Application de gestion des employés Pré -Etude La solution apportée Conclusion partielle Deploiement d’un site web Pré -Etude La solution apportée Conclusion partielle Conclusion. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Stage 2A : Soutenance

Soutenance du stage 2A24/11/08

Le cadre du stage Le lieu L’entreprise Les objectifs

Application de gestion des employés Pré-Etude La solution apportée Conclusion partielle

Deploiement d’un site web Pré-Etude La solution apportée Conclusion partielle


Le cadre du stage : Le lieu

Soutenance du stage 2A24/11/08

Stage obtenu dans le cadre de la réalisation du stage technique en 2° année

Stage effectué en Belgique : L’intérêt était La confrontation avec une nouvelle

culture Obtenir la mention “stage à l’étranger”

Le cadre du stage : Le lieu

Soutenance du stage 2A24/11/08

Le cadre du stage : L’entreprise

Soutenance du stage 2A24/11/08

Stage effectué à la résidence Chèvrefeuilles Maison de repos situé à Havré en belgique Stage trouvé par le biais du service

relation entreprise Les maîtres de stage

Propriétaire de la société : M. Yves Lenoir Encadrant technique : M. Grégory Lenoir Gérante de la société : Mme Renaut

25 employés pour 40 résidents

Le cadre du stage : Les objectifs

Soutenance du stage 2A24/11/08

Le sujet initial du stage : “developpement d’une application de gestion d’une maison de repos de la rédaction du cahier des charges au déploiement” Utilisation de PHP/MySQL et du framework

Symfony Gestion d’une base de données des

employés et des pensionnaires Gestion d’un journal des soins Génération des facturations des


Le cadre du stage : Les objectifs

Soutenance du stage 2A24/11/08

Définition d’un objectif supplémentaire selon l’avancement général Déploiement d’un site internet de

présentation de l’entreprise Utilisation d’un CMS (joomla!)

Application de gestion des employés : pré-Etude

Soutenance du stage 2A24/11/08

Définition d’un objectif supplémentaire selon l’avancement général Déploiement d’un site internet de

présentation de l’entreprise Utilisation d’un CMS (joomla!)


Redefining the project & Prevision

Methodology : how to


Reverse Engineering on the IPod's USB protocol06/11/08

Redefining the project Our project, like we think it, can be


“Reverse engineering on the Ipod USB protocol”

Reverse Engineering on the IPod's USB protocol06/11/08

Our Goals Reverse engineer the USB protocol

of the Ipod and understand clearly the way its functions work

Be able to give commands to the Ipod

Understand the answers it gives

Reverse Engineering on the IPod's USB protocol06/11/08

Our Goals Develop an application able to use

directly the discovered protocol

Find a good usage for the protocol

Develop the application itself

Reverse Engineering on the IPod's USB protocol06/11/08

Gantt chart



Scripting Development


Capture andFrames

Purify andProtocol

Analyse and




September October November December January

Reverse Engineering on the IPod's USB protocol06/11/08

Reverse Engineering on the IPod's USB protocol

How to do ?How to do ?

Using an UBS sniffer like USBSnoop (or SniffUSB) Interfacing between the application

and the USB driver Catching every USB frame Using it to make some logs


06/11/08Reverse Engineering on the IPod's USB


How to do ?How to do ?

06/11/08Reverse Engineering on the IPod's USB


How to do ?How to do ?

Use a script written in python in order to purify logs It will remove all information we don’t

need It will organize frames to be easier to


06/11/08Reverse Engineering on the IPod's USB


How to do ?How to do ?

Understand the protocol Analyse the behaviour of the protocol

while we use some functions of ITunes

Highlight the important part of the communication

Try to send some frames

06/11/08Reverse Engineering on the IPod's USB


USB in a nutshellUSB in a nutshell

Universal Serial Bus (USB) is a serial bus standard to interface devices to a host computer

In response of a data packect, we could have three basic responses : a ACK (data was successfully received) a NAK (data cannot be received at this time) a STALL (device has an error and never transfer

data until some corrective action is perfomed)


Bibliography Bibliography

Apple’s website & community Proprietary solutions Open Source community

Reverse Engineering on the IPod's USB protocol


Apple’s website & community

Reverse Engineering on the IPod's USB protocol


Apple’s website & community

Apple does not provide information on their website

Reverse Engineering on the IPod's USB protocol


Apple’s website & community The topic is not evoked in details in the

discussions on the Apple forums

Reverse Engineering on the IPod's USB protocol


Proprietary solutions

USBTrace USB Monitor Advanced USB Port Monitor USBlyzer

Reverse Engineering on the IPod's USB protocol


Open Source community

Projects related to the AAP (Apple Accessory Protocol)

Projects related to the iPhone Projects related to the iPod Touch NO projects about the USB protocol for

the iPod Nano

Reverse Engineering on the IPod's USB protocol

06/11/08Reverse Engineering on the IPod's USB


Reverse Engineering on the IPod's USB Reverse Engineering on the IPod's USB protocolprotocol

Thank you for your attention.If you have some questions.