Atelier "journée de la société civile" - PGO


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OGP Summit: Le CSO Day

Paris | April 20, 2016

Civil society is at the core of OGP

The role of OGP Summits & Events

OGP events always have a CSO Day

Le CSO Day, Paris 2016

•Objectives• What are some objectives you’d like to walk away with from this platform/space?

•Formats• What would allow for the most inclusive, effective interaction?• How structured should it be to organize the large group into smaller units according to

thematic interest, sectors, regions, etc.

•Topics• What themes would you like to discuss with fellow CSOs from France and other parts of

the world?• What are some topics that cut across sectors and geographies?

Your role in the overall OGP Summit

•Must-have topics

•Must-have speakers•Ensuring a balance in the programme

Mail: | Twitter: @maassenpaul | Skype: maassenpaul
